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PAS I Bhs Inggris IX

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Alamat : Jl. Raya yang kamu mau, Lebak-Banten Kode Pos. 42393



Hari, Tanggal : ………., … Desember 2021

Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris
Kelas/Semester : IX/1 (Ganjil)
Waktu : 120 menit

1. Isikan identitas anda dalam format lembar jawaban dengan teliti dan benar
2. Tersedia waktu 90 menit untuk mengerjakan paket soal ini
3. Periksalah naskah soal yang anda terima, apabila halamannya tidak lengkap minta ganti pada pengawas ruang ujian
4. Baca dan pahamilah dengan baik pernyataan atau soal sebelum anda menjawab
5. Periksalah pekerjaan anda sebelum diserahkan Kepada pengawas ujian

I. Pilihlah salah satu jawaban yang paling tepat pada pilihan A, B, C dan D di bawah ini!
1. Teacher : “Siti please prepare your best for the A. I agree
competition, will you? ......... Good luck!” B. I don't agree
Siti : “I hope so too, Ma’am. Yes, I’ll do my C. They should watch TV after school
best” D. They may watch TV whenever they want
A. of course
B. I hope you don't join the competition Quation to 5-7!
D. I hope you win the first prize too
Wanted for Big Restaurant. Applicants must be:
Quation to 2-3!  Friendly
ENGLISH OLYMPIAD 2019  Age 16 – 20
 Experience unnecessary.
Your best friend,
Benk Stiaji All applications must reach to our office no later than
two weeks. Apply in writing to: SEAFOOD REST
2. Who was the card sent to? AURANT Jl. Gajah Mada 108, Yogyakarta Yogya Post /
A. Benk Stiaji 3rd March 2011.
B. Stiaji's friend
C. An olympic athlete 5. Which qualification must the applicants have?
D. The speech committee A. Unfriendly
3. Why did the writer send the card? B. Experienced
A. to make her friend happy C. More than 20 years old
B. to encourage her friend D. Fluent English
C. to congratulate his friend
D. to join the English contest 6. How can we apply the job?
A. By mail C. By e-mail
4. Dafa : What do you think if children watch TV B. By phone D. On line
before they go to school?
Dhio : ........ Children must not watch TV before 7. The word “unnecessary” is similar in meaning to ...
they go to school. A. very urgent C. not important

Copyright © 2021 | Lengkap Administrasi Guru SD/MI, SMP/MTs, SMA/MA, SMK/MAK dan Soal-Soal
B. not perfect D. uneasy 12. How many times do we have to fold the paper?
A. 6 C. 5
Quation to 8-11! B. 4 D. 3
13. What is the third step in making a paper boat?
Friday, October 28, is The Youth Pledge Day. To A. Fold the paper in half the long way
celebrate it, each class must present a couple of boy and B. Fold the points downs to the middle
girl. They have to wear and perform the traditional C. Fold the sides up to the middle crease
costumes. Also, there will be an English Speech D. Fold the corners down to the middle
competition. Each class can present a boy or a girl. The
categories for judging will be: Best of performance, 14. How many steps should we follow to make a good
Message and Creativity. Winners will receive prizes at paper boat or hat as mentioned in the text?
02.00 pm at the school hall. For more information, A. 4 C. 6
please confirm your class counselor B. 5 D. 7

Committee Chairman, 15. The underlined word could be best replaced with the
Budiman word ...
A. have C. create
8. How many contests are there in the text?
B. design D. perform
A. 1 C. 3
B. 2 D. 4
16. Arrange the following text into a good paragraph
9. The prizes will be given .... 1. Some famous landmarks are the Harbour
A. in the morning C. in the evening Bridge, the Opera House and Uluru (Ayers
B. at night D. in the afternoon Rock).
2. The population of Australia is about 20 million.
10. Also, there will be an English Speech competition. 3. Australia is a large continent.
The synonym of the underlined word is ... 4. There are many plants and animals that are only
A. contest C. match found in Australia, e.g. kangaroos, platypuses,
B. game D. show gumtrees and Waratahs.
5. The capital city of Australia is Canberra.
11. “They have to wear and perform the traditional A. 5-4-3-2-1 C. 2-1-4-5-3
costumes”. The underlined word refers to ... B. 5-2-5-4-1 D. 3-5-2-4-1
A. winners of the contest
B. prizes 17. Arrange the following sentences to make a good
C. traditional costumes procedure of charging your handphone.
D. a couple of boy and girl 1. Remove the charger by pulling out from your
hand phone.
Quation to 12-15! 2. Wait until the battery icon appears on the
How to Make a Paper Boat or Hat screen.
3. Connect the charger to your hand phone, the
Things you need : flash symbol on the charger plug must face
A half page of newspaper upward.
4. Charge the battery approximately 5 hours or
What to do: until the battery icon indicates that the battery is
First, fold the paper in half the long way, crease and fully charged.
unfold. A. 3-2-4-1 C. 1-2-3-4
Second, fold the sides up to the middle crease, keep B. 3-4-1-2 D. 4-3-2-1
Next, fold the corners down to the middle. 18. Halimah : I will give my father a new trousers as a
After that, fold the corners down to the middle again. gift.
Then, fold the points downs to the middle. Fia : ... I think it’s better if you buy him a suit.
Finally, open the middle and turn it inside out to make a A. I disagree with you
boat, or flip it over and wear it as a hat. B. I agree

Copyright © 2021 | Lengkap Administrasi Guru SD/MI, SMP/MTs, SMA/MA, SMK/MAK dan Soal-Soal
C. I don’t know 24. Now I know that reading novels is Siti’s hobby.
D. I completely understand When I saw her in the canteen, she was reading a
novel, now she is reading a novel. And, I’m sure
19. Rinto : I don’t feel well. I’m having a headache. when I meet her next time, she ... a novel, too.
Saisya : You should go to the doctor. A. will be reading C. must read
Anton : I don’t think that’s a good idea. Just take a B. shall read D. may read
good rest and drink a lot of water, Rinto.
25. The thief broke in when everyone was sleeping very
The underlined sentence expresses.... soundly. Unfortunately, he tripped over something
A. sympathy C. agreement and bumped his head on the big cupboard, so my
B. possibility D. disagreement mom and dad woke up. With my mom’s help, he
could catch him while he was trying to get up. When
20. Edo : What time did you finish your homework, I woke up because of the noise, I was surprised. My
Tia? father was tyingthe thief tothe chair, and my mother
Tia : I don’t remember what time I finished my is calling the police. I’m very proud my brave
homework. Maybe at five. I remember that parents.
when my dad got home around 4 pm, I was
still ... on my homework. One of the sentences above is wrong in pattern or
A. work C. working structure that is....
B. works D. to work A. The thief broke in when everyone was sleeping
very soundly
21. While I ... in my room, my sister left home B. He could catch him while he was trying to get
A. study C. have studied up
B. studying D. was studying C. My father was tying the thief tothe chair
D. And my mother is calling the police
22. Situation :
Fadel is going to participate in the story telling 26. When I was child, I ..................... the books all the
competition. Dara shows her hope that Fadel will get time
a prize. A. read C. am reading
B. was reading D. was read
The conversation:
Fadel : “Dara, wish me luck. I will take part in the 27. 1) Ok, I hope they let you go. The party would not
story telling competition.” merry without you.
Dara : “_________________. I hope you will win 2) I’m waiting.
the competition.” 3) Din, will you come to my birthday party this
A. Thank you very much evening? I have a small party to celebrate it.
B. I hope so 4) I hope so. I’ll call you later.
C. I’m sorry 5 ) That would be great! But I have to ask for
D. Sure, Good luck permission first to my parent.

23. Situation : The correct arrangement of the dialog above is....

Rania has justmade a very beautiful handycraft from A. 3–5–2–4–1 C. 3–5–1–4–2
coconut leaf. Chandra praises her craft and hope that B. 3–5–1–2–4 D. 3–4–1–5–2
she will win the national competition.
Chandra : “________________. I’m sure you will 28. I know that the sun usually shines brightly in
win the national competition.” Ambon. But when I went there for a short tour last
Rania : “Thank you. I hope so too.” December, the sun was not shining at all. It was
A. That’s a very beautiful handycraft cloudy everyday. It was raining again and again.
B. What is that
C. I’m glad to hear that From the text, we know that....
D. You are the winner A. The sun was shining went the writer went to

Copyright © 2021 | Lengkap Administrasi Guru SD/MI, SMP/MTs, SMA/MA, SMK/MAK dan Soal-Soal
B. When the writer went to Ambon, there was no
C. The writer went to Ambon when it was raining
and cloudy
D. There was no sun shining in Ambon
The notice means that people are not allowed to…
29. Andi : What if we walk to the hill for exercise next A. Step in children’s play area
Sunday morning ................. to be healthy”. B. Eat in the children’s play area
Alena : Ok, but you pick me up at 7 a.m. ok! C. Bring their children to animal’s area
A. We should have enough exercise D. Bring their animal to children’s play area
B. We should conquer the hill
C. You must come with me 34. Look at the following picture!
D. You should see the beauty of the hill

30. Siti : Rian, I got a scholarship.

Rian : Congratulations, Siti. You deserve it. Your
mom and dad must be proud of you.
Siti : Yes, thanks. It will help my parents a lot. Who is celebrating birthday?....
A. Lavina C. Jenie and Jose
Proud means ................. because you got something B. Mr. James D. Mrs. Ana James
A. feeling unwell and contentment 35. Jessica : Will you have lunch with me?
B. feeling pleasure and satisfaction Samantha : I’d love to, but I am still full. I… my
C. feeling happy and dissatisfaction lunch.
D. feeling joy and willing to give somebody A. have C. will have
B. have had D. am having
31. Look at the following picture!
36. My House
I am Putri. I live in Sukabumi. My house is at no.25
Jl.Pemuda North Sukabumi. It’s not a big house. It’s
medium. It’s painted grey. It has two floors. I like it
What does the text mean?
anyway. It has a small garden and a palm and a
A. Students should cross the street carefully
mango tree in front of the house. It looks green and
B. We should cross the street carefully
C. We should not cross the street because many
students cross the street
My house has four bedroom, two living rooms, a
D. We should be careful while driving because
dining room, a kitchen and two bathrooms. My
there are many students cross the street
bedroom is in the front part of the house, next to the
living room. My parents’ room is in the middle part
32. Look at the following picture!
of the house next to the dining room. The kitchen
and the bathroom are at the back part of the house. I
love my house very much.

Where is putri’s bedroom?

A. In front of the garden
B. In front of her parents room
What is the text about? C. Next to the living room
A. Opening of a new shop D. Next to the kitchen
B. Description of a new home
C. Advertisement on a new restaurant 37. My Favorite Animal
D. Congratulation to someone on moving to a new My favorite animal is rabbit. Rabbit has two long
house ears. Its eyes are big and black, but when it is dark
its eyes are red. It has two long teeth. Its nose is
33. Look at the following picture! small and soft pink.

Copyright © 2021 | Lengkap Administrasi Guru SD/MI, SMP/MTs, SMA/MA, SMK/MAK dan Soal-Soal
 1 cup sugar
Its tail is soft, round and small like a cotton ball. Its
legs are small. It doesn’t walk, it jumps. It is Directions:
vegetarian and its favorite food are carrots. Rabbits 1. Combine flour and baking powder, set aside
are very cute. 2. Beat eggs, sugar and vanilla extract in a mixing
bowl until light coloured
How many ears does the rabbit have? 3. Stir in the flour and baking powder mixture
A. Two ears C. Three ears 4. Drop the batter by tea spoonfuls about 2 inches
B. Four ears D. Five ears apart into a greased and floured baking sheets.
Set aside in a room temperature for 6 hours.
38. Dilan : Where did you go? I couldn’t find you. 5. Bake at 350°F for 6 minutes
Milea : I’m sorry, I went home to put our pictures 6. Remove from baking sheets to a wire rack to
….. the wall cool.
A. Above C. In
B. On D. At a. What should we do after combining flour and
baking powder?
39. What do the people say on other people's success, b. How long do you need to bake the cookies?
achievements, good fortune? c. What is the purpose of the text?
A. I hope and wish
B. Congratulations 42. Complete the conversation below with the suitable
C. I don't agree with you expression!
D. Amazing Tina : Look! Our class is dirty and messy. We must
clean it before the teacher come to the class.
40. Look at the following picture! Lina : . . . Let’s clean it now.
Tina : Ok!
43. Arrange these words into good sentences!
1. Injection – syringe – the – a – doctor – using –
gave – by
2. Hospital – is – the – my – now – in –
44. Write two sentences using the two words bellow in
What does the text above tell us about? present perfect tense form!
A. Making meatball soup 1. Stayed
B. Making fried meatball 2. Moved
C. How to make meatballs 45. Rearrange the sentences below to make a good
D. How to make the soup paragraph!
1) It weights 150 pounds or more.
II. Esay! 2) It lives in the scrub and woodland of a few
41. Vanilla Drops Cookies Indonesian islands.
Ingredients: 3) This lizard is called komodo.
 1 1/2 cups all purpose flour 4) The largest komodo even weighs 366 pounds
 1/4 tea spoons baking powder (166 kg)
 1/4 tea spoons vanilla extract 5) Do you know what is the largest lizard?
 2 eggs 6) Komodo dragon is the world's heaviest lizard.

Copyright © 2021 | Lengkap Administrasi Guru SD/MI, SMP/MTs, SMA/MA, SMK/MAK dan Soal-Soal

JAWABAN 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
A √ √ √
B √ √ √ √ √
C √ √ √ √ √
D √ √ √ √ √ √ √

JAWABAN 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40
A √ √ √ √ √
B √ √ √ √
C √ √ √ √ √
D √ √ √ √ √ √

41. a. Beat eggs, sugar and vanilla extract in a mixing bow l until light colored.
b. 6 minutes.
c. To tell the readers how is the way to make vanilla drop cookies.

42. I agree with you. (any other expression og agreements are possible)

43. 1. The doctor gave injection by using a sryinge.

2. My grandmother is in the hospital now.

44. 1. I have stayed in Bandung since 2012. 2. My mom has moved from Cianjur.

45. 5–2-3–6–1–4

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