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Soal Olimpiade Bahasa Inggris Siswa SMP

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Science Competition Expo

Soal Olimpiade Siswa Bahasa Inggris SMP/MTs Se Sumatera Bagian Utara

Waktu : 80 Menit
Jumlah Soal : 40 Butir Soal

PART 1 10. May I leave now?

Questions 1 – 5 A. When we’ve finished.
Read the sentences about cooking a meal. Choose B. Until tomorrow.
the best word (A, B or C) for each space.
C. I don’t agree.

Complete the conversation. What does Tom say to
1. She …………… all of them to dinner at her house
the receptionist? For questions 11 – 15
on Saturday evening.
A. phone B. invited C. said
Receptionist: I’m afraid all our single rooms are full.
How long do you want to stay?
2. Louise wrote the things she needed to but for the
Tom: 11 ……………………………..……..
meal on a ……… of paper
A. piece B. slice C. part
Receptionist: I have a double room for £60.
Tom: 12 ……………………………..……..
3. She was ………. on Saturday morning so she
went shopping in the afternoon.
Receptionist: I’m sure they’re full too. There are a lot
A. full B. busy C. difficult
of tourists in town at the moment.
Tom: 13 ……………………………..……..
4. Louise ……… two hours cooking the meal.
A. waited B. spent C. passed
Receptionist: I’m afraid the restaurant is closed.
Breakfast starts at 7 tomorrow.
5. When the meal was …….., everyone sat down to
Tom: 14 ……………………………..……..
A. right B. sure C. ready
Receptionist: Your room must be empty by 12 o’clock.
But you can put your luggage at
Questions 6 – 10
Tom: 15 ……………………………..……..
Complete the five conversations. For questions 6 –
10 mark A, B or C on your answer sheet.
A. I see. Can I get something to eat in this hotel?
B. I’m looking for a single room.
6. Are you sure the match starts at two?
C. If I stay here, can I leave my suitcase in my
A. It started well C. I think so
room tomorrow afternoon?
B. It’s all right
D. Just for one night.
E. OK. I’ll take the room.
7. I saw the new Spielberg film last night.
A. Did I go? C. Was it good?
B. Has he come?

8. How did the accident happen?

A. I can’t go there
B. I didn’t see it
C. I don’t know how to

9. Hello, I’d like to speak to Mr. Green, please.

A. Sorry, can you say that again?
B. I’m sorry, I’ll call again later
C. I’m afraid I don’t know

Soal Dibuat & Ditanggungjawabi

Oleh Briton International English School
( Halaman -1-
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Science Competition Expo


22. It cost Bill a lot of money to travel around
England for Six weeks.
A. Right B. Wrong C. Doesn’t say

Questions 23 – 30. Read the article about
crocodiles. Choose the best word (A, B or C) for
Bill Bryson each space.
I was born in the United States but I have written
several travel books about England. I lived there with CROCODILES
my wife and four children for 20 years, but for the last
three years we have lived in the United States. Our We can find crocodiles in tropical parts of the world,
children are now learning about life in the United for example Africa, South America and Northern
States. I’m sure they will be happier because they have Australia.
lived in two countries. I like Britain and I want to
return, but my daughter, Felicity, is going to start They spend most of the time (23) ……… slow-
college here soon, so it won’t be for another four years. moving water but they (24) ………… move fast
I have just been to England for six weeks to work on a through the water and on land.
radio programme about the English language and also
to talk about the book I’ve just written. Most writers You often see crocodiles together in large groups.
don’t like doing this; they don’t like travelling around They (25) ...…… everything they catch, (26)
the country, selling their book. I don’t mind it. I like ………… fish, birds and small animals. And
visiting new places and meeting lots of people. It’s sometimes they make a meal of large animals or even
very different from the life I have in the United States people.
when I’m writing. In England, people drove me around
in big cars and I stayed in expensive hotels. It was There are (27) ……… than ten types of crocodile.
good because I didn’t have to pay any bills. Everyone They all have very sharp teeth. They often lose (28)
was kind to me and it was fun. …………… teeth, but soon get new ones.

16. Bill returned to the United States after living in Crocodiles are usually about 3.5 meters long, but some
England for a long time. much (29) ………… Crocodiles live (30)
A. Right B. Wrong C. Doesn’t say ……………… a long time. The oldest one kept in a
zoo was 66 years old.
17. Bill thinks it will be good for his children to live
in more than one country. 23. A. In B. On C. At
A. Right B. Wrong C. Doesn’t say
24. A. Are B. Can C. Have
18. Bill’s daughters didn’t want to go to college in
England. 25. A. Eats B. Eat C. Ate
A. Right B. Wrong C. Doesn’t say
26. A. By B. Like C. To
19. Bill has just visited England to finish writing his
new book. 27. A. More B. Most C. Many
A. Right B. Wrong C. Doesn’t say
28. A. This B. That C. These
20. Bill is happy with the things he has to do to sell
his books. 29. A. Bigger B. Big C. Biggest
A. Right B. Wrong C. Doesn’t say
30. A. For B. Since C. During
21. Bill has travelled to many different places in the
United States.
A. Right B. Wrong C. Doesn’t say

Soal Dibuat & Ditanggungjawabi

Oleh Briton International English School
( Halaman -2-
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Science Competition Expo

B. If D. As
PART 6 38. A. Went C. Was
Questions 31 – 40. Read the descriptions of some B. Did D. Are
things you can read. What is the word for each
one? 39. A. Love C. Need
B. Rather D. Go
31. If you don’t understand a word, you can look in
this 40. A. Last C. Every
B. Each D. Next
32. You can buy this every week and read about many
interesting subjects in it

33. If you write about your daily life in this, you may
not want anyone to read it

34. You write this for your mother when you answer
the phone for her

35. People buy this every morning to read about what

has happened in the world

A. magazine
B. message
C. newspaper
D. dictionary
E. diary

Questions 36 – 40. Complete the letter. Find ONE
word for each space.

Dear Maria

It’s good to be back home in my country but I still

think (36) …………….. all friends I made in our
English class, especially you. I cried (37)
…………….. I left England because my visit (38)
………..too short. I would (39) ……… return to
England but (40) ……….. time I will stay in a
different city.
I have started English classes again here. I learnt a lot
of things in England but I know I have to study even
How about you? Are you still looking for a job? I hope
you find it soon.



36. A. On C. To
B. About D. From

37. A. Where C. That

Soal Dibuat & Ditanggungjawabi

Oleh Briton International English School
( Halaman -3-
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