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The Flight From Conversation

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Name: Zyra Nichole S.


Section: BSA 1-Y2-1

“The Flight from Conversation”

a. Identify the main idea of the essay.

The article written by Sherry Turkle emphasizes the idea on how modern
day technologies have profoundly affects the individuals’ life in terms of
conversing with one another, negatively. The disadvantages mislead people
in involving that being connected is enough, but the reality is that it is just
prohibiting people from taking the chances of being involved in real
conversation with one another personally. Although technology has given us
many forms of communication and make thing easier, however face-to-face
is collapsing slowly. This condition limits our growth as human being and
disconnected us from the real world.

b. How does the writer support the main idea? Enumerate the
examples provided.

The author used many real life examples to support her claim that
technology has inhibited face-to-face communication. Turkle says that we
use conversation with other to converse with ourselves and lack of
conversation diminishes the chances of learning the skill of self-reflection.
Just take for example, the 16-year-old boy who relies on texting for almost
everything says almost wistfully, “Someday, someday, but certainly not now,
I’d like to learn how to have a conversation.” She also states that even at the
workplace, young people who have grown up fearing conversation show up
on the job wearing earphones. Walking through a college library or the
campus of a high-tech start-up, one sees the same thing: we are together,
but each of us is in our own bubble, furiously connected to keyboards and
tiny touch screens. The examples given by the writer made me realized that

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each one of us is slowly losing their abilities to have a meaningful

c. According to the writer, what is the difference between

“conversation and connection?” What does face-to-face
conversation teach us? How?

“Conversation” is participation, expression, and interaction with other

people in the outside world. Having a conversation lessens the pain and
suffering and multiplies the enjoyment that enriches our experiences in life.
While “Connection” expresses but does not solve an underlying problem. It is
just a temporary interaction and limits a person from going beyond the
boundaries of their own bubble. Honestly, we are actually more connected
with the use of technology and the word connection is one thing that we
don’t want to lose in our everyday lives. I learned a crucial lesson after
making a particular mistake. I do send messages that have been
misunderstood when in fact I was making a joke about something. I thought
my humor was unmistakeable, but without face-to-face contact that part of
the communication was not realized as expected. I must say that
communication in person provides better interaction and full understanding.
Face-to-face conversation is still the most effective way of communicating
because we can see and feel the sincerity of the person we talk the way they
handle eye contact.

d. What does “being alone together mean”? Cite specific


Today, we have gone so deep into the use of technology that every one of
us is busy glued to various technologies and devices. “Being alone together”
means that we are isolated in the internet; we are connected to social media
but not in the real life conversations. A very good example is our cell phones,
no matter where you go, you will find people busy focused on their phones
even when it is not safe for them to do so like while walking on the road,

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driving a car, or even operating heavy machinery at work. The thing that
matters most to individuals is control over where they put their attention. We
slip into thinking that always being connected is going to make us feel less
alone but we are at risk because it is the opposite thing. Therefore, we are
getting used to a new way of being alone together.

e. Explain the title. What does the “flight from conversation” do

to us?

The title “The Flight from Conversation” inferred on how technology has
changed the way people communicate over the past years. The word flight
pertains to evading the conversation, which the article wants to convey. The
writing was supported by the points discussed, which are all about how
technological advancements paved a way for the sacrifice of real-life
conversation for mere connection. Flight from conversation hinders us to
from showing our true selves and from understanding each other. It makes
us dependent on the comfort brought by digital friendship which does not
substitute for genuine relationships.

f. Explain the following lines:

1. “We expect more from technology and less from one another”

We cannot deny the fact that technology helps us to have an illusion

camaraderie, to make our survival easier such us sending messages to
different locations in just a seconds. It is distinct that people allows
themselves to be influenced by devices or gadgets to change our method of
communication. We are evident that technology is useful to us modern
people, but we need to control our time and attention on internet
connectivity. We have to open our eyes to see the real companions on the
outside world that can understand our feelings. Someone who can give us a
genuine advice since we all want to experience the feeling of belongingness
that an Artificial Intelligence can’t provide. We should put our gadgets aside

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for us to have a real conversation with the people around us. Truly, there is
nothing happier than a lively world.

2. “I share, therefore I am”

In today’s generation, our gadgets are connected to our lives. The saying
simply means that technology becomes a mirror into which you post images,
and it allows us to look at ourselves and edit the reflection in order to
become the desirable you. We are hiding ourselves behind a mask. A mask
that makes us feel that we are connected to the world and you have a lot of
so called friends in social media, but in reality we are lonely. Indeed,
technology has started us to make feel like certain thoughts and emotions
based on what we share, influencing the alteration of the truth.

g. What does the writer suggest we do so we can make room

from conversations?

Sherry suggested creating sacred spaces at home such as on the kitchen,

the dining room or evening in cars a “device-free zones.” She also said that
we should demonstrate the value of conversation to everyone especially to
the children. We must learn to listen to one another, even to the boring bits,
because it is often in unedited moments, moments in which we hesitate and
stutter and go silent, that we reveal ourselves to one another. The author
wants us to be aware of what is happening around us and the will to keep the
endless distractions that the internet can provide under control and focus.
These all matters because we are setting ourselves up for trouble in how we
bond to each other but also on how we bond to ourselves.

1. Do you agree with the writer? Explain your answer.

I agree with the article written by Sherry Turkle, that technology keeps
us away from a face-to-face conversation because nowadays people are
engage in using technology, in checking their social media accounts,
updating what they do, and posting their daily pictures. We cannot sit at a

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table with family or friend without texting or being on the phone. I would
define it as we are becoming rude without noticing it. We ignore others
because we are doing something with technology. As technology evolves, we
also become more dependent and dedicate most of our time on the latest
communication devices and moving away from talking face-to-face.

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