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BSBOPS601 Assessment Task 3

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Task 3
Develop and implement
business plans

Student Declaration
To be filled out and submitted with assessment responses
◻ I declare that this task and any attached document related to the task is all my own work and
I have not cheated or plagiarised the work or colluded with any other student(s)
◻ I understand that if I am found to have plagiarised, cheated or colluded, action will be taken
against me according to the process explained to me
◻ I have correctly referenced all resources and reference texts throughout these assessment
◻ I have read and understood the assessment requirements for this unit
◻ I understand the rights to re-assessment
◻ I understand the right to appeal the decisions made in the assessment

Unit Title
Unit Code
Student ID
Student Date

Task Number

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For Trainer and Assessor to complete:

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◻ Student requested reasonable adjustment for the assessment

Marking Sheet Comments

Completed successfully
The student has satisfactorily ☐ ☐ ☐
completed and submitted the

• Communication Strategy in Task

• Skilled Labour Strategy in
Task 3.1B
• Monitoring Strategy in Task 3.1C
• Training Strategy in Task 3.1D
• Email to CEO in Task 3.1E
• Review of monitoring activities in
Task 3.2.1
• Impact and management
of scenarios in Task 3.2.2
• Changes and refinements to the
business plan and monitoring
systems in Task 3.2.3
• Evaluation of Target Vs Actual in
Task 3.2.4
• Training Program in Task 3.2.5
• Email to the Sales Group in Task
• Email to the Board of Directors in
Task 3.2.6
• Meeting Agenda in Task 3.2.7
Demonstrated ability to: ☐ ☐ ☐
• Communicate business plan to all
relevant stakeholders
• Prepare reports on key aspects of
the business

This is evidenced by:

• Communication Strategy in Task
Demonstrated ability to: ☐ ☐ ☐
• Confirm skilled labour is available
to implement plan

This is evidenced by:

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Marking Sheet Comments


Completed successfully
• Skilled Labour Strategy in
Task 3.1B
• Training Strategy in Task 3.1D
• Email to CEO in Task 3.1E
Demonstrated ability to: ☐ ☐ ☐
• Test performance measurement
systems and refine, where
• Prepare reports on key aspects of
the business
• Report system failures, product
and service failures and
variances to the business plan as
they occur
• Analyse performance reports
against planned objectives
• Review performance indicators
and refine, where required
• Establish ongoing
review processes

This is evidenced by:

• Communication Strategy in Task
• Monitoring Strategy in Task 3.1C
• Review of monitoring activities in
Task 3.2.1
• Impact and management
of scenarios in Task 3.2.2
• Changes and refinements to the
business plan and monitoring
systems in Task 3.2.3
• Evaluation of Target Vs Actual in
Task 3.2.4
• Email to the Board of Directors in
Task 3.2.6
• Meeting Agenda in Task 3.2.7
Demonstrated ability to: ☐ ☐ ☐
• Identify and coach
underperforming staff

This is evidenced by:

• Training Program in Task 3.2.5
• Email to the Sales Group in Task

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Marking Sheet Comments


Completed successfully
Task Outcome: Satisfactory ☐ Not Yet Satisfactory ☐

Student Name:

Assessor Name:

Assessor Signature:


Table of Content

Student Declaration..........................................................................................................................2
Task 3 – Monitor and review the implementation of the business plan..........6
Task 3.1 Implementation...........................................................................................................8
Task 3.2 Case Study..................................................................................................................11

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Task 3 – Monitor and review the implementation of
the business plan

Task summary and instructions

What is this You are a Business Development Manager, recently

assessment task employed by ABC Contact Services Pty Ltd (Refer to
about? Appendix 1).

The Managing CEO of the company asked you to:

• Review the current business operations
• Conduct an internal and external business analysis
• Develop a draft business plan and consult with
stakeholders before you finalise it
• Review the implementation of the business plan

This Task will focus on monitoring and reviewing the

implementation of the business plan developed in Task 2.

This Task builds on Task 2.

This Task comprises of the following assessment methods:

o Product-based ☒
o Direct observation of Role-Play ☐
o Case Study ☒
o Other (specify) ☐

It has been designed to evaluate your ability to/competency


• Communicate business plan to all relevant stakeholders

• Confirm skilled labour is available to implement plan
• Test performance measurement systems and refine,
where required
• Prepare reports on key aspects of the business
• Report system failures, product and service failures and
variances to the business plan as they occur
• Analyse performance reports against planned objectives
• Review performance indicators and refine, where required
• Identify and coach under-performing staff
• Establish ongoing review processes

You are required to address the following:

• Task 3.1 Implementation
o Develop the following strategies to support the

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Task summary and instructions

implementation of the business plan:

▪ Communication
▪ Skilled labour
▪ Monitoring
▪ Training
• Task 3.2 Case Study
o Address the Case Study as instructed
What do I need to • submit the completed assessment tasks, according to
do to complete this instructions,
task satisfactorily? • complete the tasks with sufficient detail and present them
in a professional manner,
• use your own words and reference sources appropriately,
• meet the word count where required,
• use the scenario provided,
• use the templates provided where required,
• for your performance to be deemed satisfactory in this
assessment task you must satisfactorily address all of the
assessment criteria,
• if part of this task is not satisfactorily completed you will
be asked to complete further assessment to demonstrate
satisfactory performance.

Specifications You must deliver/participate in:

• NA

You must submit to GOALS

• Communication Strategy
• Skilled Labour Strategy
• Monitoring Strategy
• Training Strategy
• Email to CEO
• Review of monitoring activities
• Impact and management of scenarios
• Changes and refinements to the business plan and
monitoring systems
• Evaluation of Target Vs Actual
• Training Program
• Email to the Sales Group
• Email to the Board of Directors
• Meeting Agenda
Resources and • Computer with Internet access
equipment • Access to Microsoft Office suites or similar software
• Learning material
• Scenario for assessment as provided

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Task summary and instructions

• Appendices as provided
• Relevant policies and procedures as provided
• Templates as provided

Re-submission You will be provided feedback on your performance by the

opportunities Assessor. The feedback will indicate if you have satisfactorily
addressed the requirements of each part of this task. If any
parts of the task are not satisfactorily completed, the
assessor will explain why, and provide you written feedback
along with guidance on what you must undertake to
demonstrate satisfactory performance. Re-assessment
attempt(s) will be arranged at a later time and date. You
have the right to appeal the outcome of assessment
decisions if you feel that you have been dealt with unfairly or
have other appropriate grounds for an appeal. You are
encouraged to consult with the assessor prior to attempting
this task if you do not understand any part of this task or if
you have any learning issues or needs that may hinder you
when attempting any part of the assessment.

Complete the following activities:

Review your work in Task 2.

Task 3.1 Implementation

A. Communication Strategy
Develop a communication strategy to ensure that all relevant parties are effectively
informed of the implementation of the business plan:
• Plan for six stakeholder groups and/or individuals
• Identify the preferred communication strategy for each stakeholder to include
communication needs (for example, a financial institution, providing you with financial
resources, would be interested in detailed financial data rather than just a summary)
• In your strategy, specify the preferred communication tool (example: emails, face to
face presentation, newsletter etc.)
Document the strategy in the table below.

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Stakeholder Role in the Communicati Communication Strategy
business on Needs
(Individual or (20-30 words for each stakeholder)
Example: Board of Consult on strategic Formal reports; Present the business plan in a meeting for
Directors objectives, provide include data about approval;
approval for the achievements of
business plan, KPIs; risks, and Provide fortnightly report on progress during
reporting on the issues to be implementation;
implementation of communicated
Send ad-hoc reports to inform of risks and
the plan promptly.

Board of Directors Consult on strategic Formal reports; Present the business plan in a
objectives, provide include data about meeting for approval;
approval for the achievements of
business plan, KPIs; risks and Provide fortnightly report on
reporting on the issues to be progress during implementation;
implementation of communicated Send ad-hoc reports to inform of risks
the plan promptly. and issues.

Sales & Marketing Strategic marketing Formal re- Discuss the business plan for
Manager management, ports; include sharing ideas about sales &
external data about mar- keting;
communications achievements
management, graphic of KPIs; risks Provide weekly report on progress
design, social media and issues to during implementation;
management and be communi- Send ad-hoc reports to inform of risks,
content creation, cated issues, mitigation
market research and promptly.
public relations Meetings, reports,
emails, memos
HR Manager Strategic HR Formal re- Discuss the business plan for
planning, ports; include sharing ideas about Human
recruitment and data about re- sources;
selection, achievements
compensation and of KPIs; risks Provide weekly report on progress
benefits, employee and issues to during implementation;
relations and be communi- Send ad-hoc reports to inform of risks,
support, training and cated
issues, mitigation
development, promptly.

Meetings, reports,
emails, memos
Contact Centre Manage calls, Formal re- Discuss the business plan for
Manager maintain ports; include sharing ideas about contact cen-
communication data about tre tasks;

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Stakeholder Role in the Communicati Communication Strategy
business on Needs
(Individual or (20-30 words for each stakeholder)
equipment reporting achievements Provide weekly report on progress
problems, achieve of KPIs; risks during implementation;
results due to the and issues to Send ad-hoc reports to inform of risks,
contract. be communi- issues, mitigation
Meetings, reports,
emails, memos
Finance Strategic financial Formal reports; Discuss the business plan for
Manager management, risk include data sharing ideas about finance
management, about achieve- and accounting
accounts receivable, ments of KPIs;
accounts payable, risks and is- Provide weekly report on progress
invoicing payroll, sues to be during implementation;
financial record communicated Send ad-hoc reports to inform of risks,
keeping and promptly. issues, mitigation
Meetings, reports,
preparation and
emails, memos
payment of
taxes/fees, cash
flow management,
external contract
management and all
elements of
financial and legal

Sales & Marketing generating Meetings, re- Be informed about the agreement
Team ports, emails, from the meeting and discussion
unique sales plans, memos
creating engaging Provide daily report on progress
advertisements, during implementation;
emails, and
Send ad-hoc reports to inform of
promotional risks, issues, mitigation
literature, developing
pricing strategies,
and meeting
marketing and s ales
human resource

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Stakeholder Role in the Communicati Communication Strategy
business on Needs
(Individual or (20-30 words for each stakeholder)
System & IT Officer Participating in Meetings, re- Be informed about the agreement
meetings and ports, emails, from the meeting and discussion
voicing concerns memos
and suggestions Provide daily report on progress
from improvement during implementation;
IT tasks
Send ad-hoc reports to inform of
risks, issues, mitigation

B. Skilled Labour strategy

Develop a strategy to ensure you can source the skilled labour necessary to implement
the business plan.
o This strategy should address the resource and competency needs that you
have identified in your business plan (3-4).
o The strategy should include the timelines to acquire skilled labour.
Document the strategy in the table below.

Human Resource Competency Strategy to acquire Timeline

Type the skilled labour
Example: Role, Type of Example: data entry, Example: outsourcing; cross- Example: indicate the
employment such as digital marketing, functional teams, secondment period or specific
contract/casual/temp/second project management from a different team, a date based on the
ment consultancy based, upskilling of business plan.
existing staff

Contract data entry, digital outsourcing; cross-functional 15 Oct

marketing, project teams, secondment from a
management. diferent team, a consultancy
based, upskilling of existing
Full time Communication, outsourcing; cross-functional 15 Oct
leadership time teams, secondment from a
management, diferent team, a consultancy
change based, upskilling of existing
management, staf.
problem solving.
Part time Communication, outsourcing; cross-functional 15 Oct
leadership time teams, secondment from a

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Human Resource Competency Strategy to acquire Timeline
Type the skilled labour
management, diferent team, a consultancy
change based, upskilling of existing
management, staf.
problem solving.
Temp Communication, outsourcing; cross-functional 15 Oct
teamwork, teams, secondment from a
collaboration, diferent team, a consultancy
decision making, based, upskilling of existing
stress management, staf.
time management.

C. Monitoring strategy
Develop a monitoring and control strategy to support the implementation of the business
plan. The strategy must include:
• Process/es to test the performance measures (3-4/KPI) that you have identified to
review the progress towards achieving your strategic objectives. Example: checklist,
observation, user testing.
• A reporting system to ensure that reports on critical aspects of the business (such as
finance, marketing, customer service, logistics and so forth, issues and progress
towards achievement of set goals are timely available to relevant stakeholders, and
they are user-friendly, up-to-date, and respect data integrity. Example: use of a
project management software, shared drives, shared calendars, email protocols,
version control.

• Timelines for reporting and key monitoring activities by business area as part of a
continuous improvement strategy
Document the strategy in the table below.

Objective/KPI Process for Reporting Timeline

monitoring/testing/qual system
for reporting
ity assurance and/or
Example: Live Chat Example: regular testing at the Example: reports Example: before
implemented in the design and implementation phase; from web designer; launch 2 testing;
website by Dec 2021 user testing; feedback from clients feedback forms from after launch,
and staff clients and staff monthly testing for 6
months; monthly
feedback review.

Live Chat implemented regular testing at the design and reports from web monthly feedback
in the website by May implementation phase; user testing; designer; feedback review.
2021 feedback from clients and forms from clients

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Objective/KPI Process for Reporting Timeline
monitoring/testing/qual system
for reporting
ity assurance and/or
staff and staff
In-person fortnightly Regular tracking the progress and Meeting min- monthly feedback
meetings by Mar 2021 effectiveness of plan and its utes review.
strategies; feedback from clients
and staff
feedback forms
from clients and
Social media Regular tracking the Reports from social monthly feedback
implemented by Apr progress and effectiveness media team feedback review.
2021 of plan and its strategies; forms from clients
feedback from and staff

clients and staff

D. Training strategy
Develop a training strategy to address underperformance and skills gaps in groups and
individuals. The strategy will ensure skilled labour is available to implement the business
This can include formal and informal training.
(50-100 words)

Mentoring and coaching can be applied to increase productivity and efficacy. Efective
coaching revolves around inspiring someone to solve their own problems. Mentoring is
often about communicating mentor own experiences. Mentors use personal context to
help mentees learn what to do — how to solve a problem, how to change their habits,
etc. So, mentoring can translate to showing someone what to do and how to do it.
Conversely, coaching emphasizes showing someone why they should do something.

E. Skilled labour
Write an email (Template 1) to the CEO to confirm that skilled labour will be available to
implement the business plan based on your skilled labour and training strategy.

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The text of the email should be in grammatically correct English, written in an appropriate
(polite, business-like) style.

(50-100 words)

Template 1 -Email
Email to CEO
Subject: Skill labour – availability – business plan implementation
Date email is sent:

Dear CEO,

I would like to confirm through this email the availability regarding the skilled labour
once they are necessary to start our business plan implementation. Therefore, it is
crucial to have a starting date for this qualified staff team in time.

Please kindly confirm if there is a possibility to be starting at 15th of October 2021 as

per our business plan baselined expectations.

Any other further information please do not hesitate to contact me,

Operational Manager
John Thompson

Task 3.2 Case Study

You are implementing the business plan.

Assume that the following occurred (contextualise the scenarios based on your
business plan when required):
At 50% timeline
A A new direct competitor is running a very successful marketing campaign and
charging 10% less than your current prices.
This could erode your market share by 5% in the next 12 months.
B Covid 19 happens.

At 75% timeline
C While monitoring your performance objectives, you identify that one performance

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At 75% timeline
objective won't be achieved within the expected timeframe, and it will have an
impact on the successful implementation of the business plan.

Specify the performance objective based on your business plan:

□ To meet organisational plan, goals and objectives
□ To meet customer service standards
□ To meet health and safety standards
D Sales have been slower than expected in the past three months (minus 65%),
and this is affecting your cash flow negatively.

Address the following:

1. Outline what monitoring activities were implemented to identify the issues outlined
in the scenarios above.
Additionally, the performance indicators used to identify the issues.

Document your work in the table below.

Scenario Monitoring activities

A Observe change in market share measured by quarterly
B Observe local and global covid 19 situation
C Observe change in staff retention rate measured by quarterly
D Monitoring activities Always update the progress of sales performance by

2. Address the following:

• Describe how each scenario impacts the implementation of the business plan.
• Outline how each scenario is addressed/managed.

Document your work in the table below.

Scenario Impact How the scenario is managed

(30-50 words) (30-50 words)
50% Timeline
A A competitor succeeds in the business Conduct competitor analysis and study
through operating effective marketing what the marketing activities being used
activities which could erode market share by and effective for the business including
5% in the next 12 months, then impact regular track the competitor progress
to the strategic objectives to become a leader in and compare with the company
call centre business. activities and progress.
B Covid 19 is worldwide problems, not only Always update Covid 19 national and
in Australia. So, this situation impacts the international status which how much
strategic goals and the growth of business impact to the business operation and

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in increasing market share by 10-15% in personal living including determine the
two years. market trends and needs during
75% Timeline
C While monitoring performance objectives, one Discuss with underperformance staf and
performance objective won’t be achieved ofer them for assistance to improve their
within the expected timeframe, and it will performance also provide professional
have an impact on the successful development plan for follow up the action
implementation of the business plan. plan after discussion completed.
The review will be conducted 30 days
D Sales have been slower than expected in the Always update the sales performance on
past three months (minus 65%), and this is weekly basis with sales team and consult
afecting your cash flow negatively. As a with other related key stakeholders to find
result, this impacts to the strategic objectives out the solution to support strategic goals
to become a leader in call centre business following as business plan
and increasing market
share in call centre business

3. Determine the changes/refinements that will be made to the business plan and
the monitoring strategy and systems based on the scenarios.

Document your work in the table below.

Changes @ 50% timeline Changes @ 75%

Business plan Review sales target to match Review HR managing plan to
with Covid-19 situation support improve
Monitoring strategy and Regular track sales performance Summarise internal and
systems progress weekly external feedback monthly

4. Based on the scenario's impact on the business plan, evaluate the achievements of
the business plan at the end of implementation (target Vs actual).
Document your work in the table below.

Strategic Performance KPIs Target Vs Actual

objective Objective
Example: Review product X to Augmented product Due to Covid 19, services to businesses dropped
add key new X to be ready within significantly in the first 6 months since the
Increase market features that make 6 months from R&D pandemic began.
share by 20% for X it more user friendly start date
product in the next for clients, with no Pricing strategy to
2 years variation in be met: zero
increase in The augmented product was developed and had
production cost.
production cost; no a stellar start in sales. However, sales were
R&D project to be
variation in sale affected in the second years since launch. Only
completed within 6

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Strategic Performance KPIs Target Vs Actual
objective Objective
months, with the price. increase in second-year sales was achieved.
launch of the 20% increase in
augmented product sales by 20%
to be delivered in
the first year.
Increase in sales
by 20% within the
end of the second
Increase market Review products and Augmented As of Covid 19, services to businesses dropped
share by 10-15% in services to add key product to be significantly since the pandemic began.
two years new features that ready within 6
meet more customer months from
needs without extra R&D start date The augmented product was developed and had a
costs, stellar start in sales. However, sales were afected in the
second years since introduced. Only 5% increase in
R&D project to be Pricing strategy to second-year sales was achieved.
completed within 6 be met: zero in-
months, with the crease in produc-
launch of the aug- tion cost; no varia-
mented product to tion in sale price.
be delivered in the
first year. 15% increase in
Increase in sales by
20% within the end
of the second year
Become a market Review products and Augmented As of Covid 19, services to businesses dropped
leader in Call Centre services to add key product to be significantly since the pandemic began.
new features that ready within 6
meet more customer months from
needs without extra R&D start date The augmented product was developed and had a
costs, stellar start in sales. However, sales were afected in the
second years since introduced. Only 5% increase in
R&D project to be Pricing strategy to second-year sales was achieved.
completed within 6 be met: zero in-
months, with the crease in produc-
launch of the aug- tion cost; no varia-
mented product to tion in sale price.
be delivered in the
first year. 15% increase in
Increase in sales by
20% within the end
of the second year.

5. You have identified that one of the issues with the drop in sales (Scenario D) is that
the sales group needs training in innovative sales practices.
i. Develop a training program (Template 2) to upskill the sales group. The training
program must include three (3) different training opportunities (options).

Template 2 -Training Program

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Training and Development Program
Team/Group: Sales team

Training Skills, Knowledge Training Budget and

Opportunity and Attributes Description Resources
addressed by the
training (summary) • Formal/Informal
• Brief description of
the content
• Type of training
• Location
• Timeframe

Mentor & Coach Dealing with customer Free of charge Mentor

complaint, problem solving,
communication and To improve tech- niques, Training policy and pro-
negotiation skills skills and knowledge cedure
when han- dling a Training materials and
customer com- plaint facilities
On-the-job train- ing
ABC Company
2 weeks
External training Conflict management, Formal $2 000
leadership skills, time
management To improve leadership and time Training policy and
management skills Face-to- procedure for external
face Training service training
provider 3 hours
Online/webinar Create networks, maintain Free of charge Training
positive relationship policy and procedure for
To develop new networks online training
Online course
Webinar group
30 minutes / session
Total Cost $2000
Budget and Manager Full Name: Juliet Jones
Resources approved
by: John Thompson Title: HR manager
Date: 06 Oct 2021

ii. Research one of the following topics:

• Storytelling and sales
• Active listening
• Objection handling
Write an email (Template 1) to the sales group to share some tips and best practice
about the topic you have researched.
When writing the email, think about coaching and write the email as an e-coaching
(80-150 words)

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Template 1 -Email
Email to the Sales Group
To: Sales group
Cc: CEO, Board of Directors
Subject: Tips and best practice of sales techniques
Date email is sent:
Dear all,

With this email, I would like to give you techniques for sales. There are three key techniques for
Storytelling and sales
Incorporating storytelling into sales presentations can make them far more engaging and en-
tertaining for prospects. Telling a story also gives you the opportunity to provide context to the
statistics and facts that you use to convince a prospect to make a purchase.
5 Tips for putting storytelling punch into your sales strategy
1. Get Your Storytelling Basics Down
2. Determine the Takeaway
3. Get Your Prospect’s Attention (and Hold It)
4. Personalize your sales story
5. Practice your story out loud
Active listening
Active Listening Helps Drive Sales. Rather than passively listening to the person talking (or
not listening at all), the active listener pays close attention to the other person's choice of
words, their tone of voice and their body language—which accounts for at least 80% of
commu- nication. Features of Active Listening

□ Neutral and nonjudgmental.

□ Patient (periods of silence are not "filled")
□ Verbal and nonverbal feedback to show signs of listening (e.g., smiling, eye contact, lean- ing in,
□ Asking questions.
□ Reflecting back what is said.
□ Asking for clarification.
□ Summarizing.
Objection handling
Objection handling is when a prospect presents a concern about the product/service a sales-
person is selling, and the salesperson responds in a way that alleviates those concerns and al-
lows the deal to move forward. Objections are generally around price, product fit, competitors,
and good old-fashioned brush ofs.
4 Steps to Overcoming Sales Objections
1. Listen fully to the objection. Your first reaction when you hear an
objection may be to jump right in and respond immediately.
Understand the objection completely. Many objections hide underlying issues that the

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buyer can't or isn't ready to articulate.
3. Respond properly. You should do your best to resolve their issue right away. The
more you can resolve issues in real time, the greater chance you have of moving the
sale forward.
4. Confirm you've satisfied the objection.

I hope this information may be useful for increasing your sales techniques, any questions are al-
ways welcome.

Thank you!
Best regards, John Thompson Operational manager

6. Write an email (Template 1) to the Board of Directors to inform them of the issues
experienced at 50% timeline.

The text of the email should be in grammatically correct English, written in an

appropriate (polite, business-like) style.
(100-150 words)

Template 1 -Email
Email to the Board of Directors
To: Board of Directors
Cc: All managers
Subject: Issues experienced at 50% timeline
Date email is sent:
Attachments: Issues experienced report
Dear sir,

I would like to inform you the issues experienced at 50% timeline. We face the two big
problems that impact to the meeting achievement of the strategic goals.
□ A new direct competitor is running a very successful marketing campaign
and charging 10% less than your current prices. This could erode your
mar- ket share
by 5% in the next 12 months.
□ Covid 19 happens.

Those two problems cause the behind strategic goals to increase market share and
become the leader of call centre business. However, the mitigation for those two prob-
lems are provided to find out the way to get back on track of achievement. The team
will always monitor our competitors including update information from the govern-
ment about Covid 19 situation and rules which impact to the business operation.

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Any questions are always welcome in relation to the business plan and these issues

Regards, John Thompson Operational manager

7. Develop a Meeting Agenda (Template 3) to inform the Board of Directors about the
issues experienced at 75% timeline.

Template 3 -Meeting Agenda

Meeting Agenda
Meeting Title Issues experienced at 75% timeline
Date and Time
Location Board Meeting room
Attendees The CEO, Board of Directors, Department managers
Items for discussion Presenter Duration
Welcome & Introduce The CEO 5 minutes
Inform the overall progress The CEO 10 minutes
Explain issues experienced at HR Manager 10 minutes
75% timeline: performance
objective won’t be achieved
within the expected timeframe
Explain issues experi- Sales & Marketing Manager 10 minutes
enced at 75% timeline:
Sales has been slower than
Review of Action Items from Operational Manager 10 minutes
the previous meeting
Proposals for the next Gather and prenasalise sales reviews 10 minutes
meeting agenda before next meeting – Project Manager

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