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Arc Hydro - Stormwater Processing

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January, 2019

Arc Hydro: Stormwater

Preprocessing and Analyses
Table of Contents
Section Title Page
1.0 Executive Summary ................................................................................... 1
1.1 Document history ............................................................................................... 2
2.0 Data review and organization ................................................................... 3
3.0 Data evaluation and cleanup..................................................................... 5
3.1 Initial database organization .............................................................................. 7
3.2 Data cleanup ...................................................................................................... 8
3.2.1 Checking for glaring issues in linear features ....................................................................... 8
3.2.2 Review and remove all inlets that are not connected to a pipe .......................................... 18
3.2.3 Add inlets to all head pipes that do not already have an inlet ............................................. 19
3.2.4 Create stream outlets and add them to HydroJunction....................................................... 24
3.2.5 Check all inlets that are close to a stream or another inlet ................................................. 26
3.2.6 Check all explicit outlets that are not connected to a pipe .................................................. 28
3.2.7 Create surface outlets at all pipe outlets that do not already have an outlet ...................... 30

3.3 Final thoughts on data evaluation and cleanup ................................................ 31

4.0 Data preprocessing .................................................................................. 32
4.1 Processing data organization ........................................................................... 32
4.2 Create sink structures representing inlets ........................................................ 33
4.2.1 Create draft sink polygons .................................................................................................. 33
4.2.2 Create sink structures ......................................................................................................... 35
4.2.3 Sink point review #1 ............................................................................................................ 36

4.3 Create drainage line structures representing open channels ........................... 36

4.3.1 Sink point review #2 ............................................................................................................ 37

4.4 Adjusting DEM to enforce initial flow direction.................................................. 38

4.5 Establishing flow direction ................................................................................ 40
4.6 Create connected linear system ....................................................................... 41
4.7 Create drainage area elements ........................................................................ 43
4.8 Build stormwater system .................................................................................. 45
5.0 Application configuration .............................. Error! Bookmark not defined.
5.1 Stormwater delineation .................................................................................... 47

5.2 Downstream trace ............................................................................................ 52
5.3 Create network connectivity ............................................................................. 54
6.0 Tools and process automation ............................................................... 56
6.1 Stormwater data development tools ................................................................. 56
6.2 Stormwater analysis tools ................................................................................ 58
7.0 Database design ....................................................................................... 60
7.1 Raster data structures ...................................................................................... 61
7.2 Vector data structures/network/relationship ..................................................... 62
7.3 Tabular data structures .................................................................................... 64
Appendix 1. Stormwater preprocessing automation results ........................ 65

1.0 Executive Summary

Arc Hydro concept and base data model have supported stormwater analyses from the inception
in 2002. Stormwater representation is combination of surface drainage and connectivity defined
by built infrastructure that often redirects and alters surface drainage. Early development of Arc
Hydro tools in cooperation with Southwest Florida Water Management District focused on
detailed representation of such complex drainage systems based on availability of high-quality
DEMs and asset inventory with ultimate goal of supporting detailed integrated hydrologic and
hydraulic models operating on such systems.

The biggest problem with stormwater implementation was historically the level of detail that is
needed to capture the intricacies in stormwater flow, both for the overland and built flow
patterns. For a reasonable representation, high quality DEM and stormwater asset inventory is
needed. Without both, attempts to build a viable stormwater system representation are not

Availability of high resolution DEMs (1m cell size or better) and better quality of stormwater
infrastructure assets make automation and analysis more viable. The Arc Hydro team has
supported several efforts in the past few years focusing on stormwater representation within Arc
Hydro context focusing on representation of general flow patterns as opposed to detailed flow
modeling. In a nutshell, the focus is on establishing the stormwater system representation that
allows the user to perform basic upstream (watershed area) and downstream (flow path) analysis
from any point in the landscape based on minimal stormwater and terrain informational content.

This document describes the implementation of stormwater representation within Arc Hydro
framework based on these more general requirements and additional Arc Hydro tools and
workflows that have been developed to handle stormwater special cases.

Document is organized around a normal processing workflow:

1. Data review and organization. In this step, the local data are organized into a consistent
database structure containing only the pertinent data for the analyses.
2. Data evaluation and cleanup. Problems in original analytical data are identified and fixed
(automatically and/or manually).
3. Data preprocessing. Establishing the necessary Arc Hydro analytical vector and raster
4. Analyses. Running two specific stormwater tools.
5. Tools and process automation. Location of the tools and workflow overview.
6. Database design. Basic description of layers created during data preprocessing.

Arc Hydro: Stormwater Preprocessing and Analyses 1 1/11/2019

The initial version of Arc Hydro software with all the stormwater tools implemented and
documented here are versions past 1/4/2018 build (initially;;

1.1 Document history

Table 1. Document Revision History

Version Description Date

1 First Version (CD) 10/03/2017
2 Additional review step after Create Sink Structure (CD) 11/10/2017
Complete update and rewrite (DD & CD). Inclusion of latest
3 1/11/2019
tools and updated workflows.

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2.0 Data review and organization

When establishing initial stormwater analytical dataset (network), the key is to identify
stormwater infrastructure that participates in the water collection and conveyance. This includes:
1. Stormwater inlets that allow the surface water to enter the pipe system.
2. Pipe system that conveys water but does not collect it.
3. Open channel system that both collects and conveys water.
Often, stormwater infrastructure is not organized from this perspective. For example, a typical
manhole feature class can include both manholes that are completely covered and do not allow
water to enter the stormwater system as well as manholes with grated cover that do allow entry
of the surface water. Similarly, inlet features that allow water to enter the system can be stored
in multiple feature classes.

One of the first steps in building the representative Arc Hydro stormwater infrastructure is to
identify which feature types play the three identified roles in Arc Hydro and organize those
features into the three specific feature classes (part of the same feature dataset) for further use.
This is performed to streamline the use of the tools and clearly separate data roles. The original
infrastructure data will also be augmented during the terrain processing, so keeping the original
infrastructure data separated from the “analysis” data is an important design consideration. It is
important to note that this “duplicates” some of the infrastructure data, so appropriate data
maintenance workflows need to put in place so that the data are in “sync” (through well-defined
data editing and update procedures).

Initial infrastructure data are organized into three feature classes (and one optional one):
1. HydroJunction – combined inlet features.
2. Pipe – combined closed conveyance features.
3. StreamOrig – combined open conveyance features.
4. PipeOutlet (optional) – known structures that let water onto the surface

Note that at this point a single database design (attribute) structure was not enforced for these
three feature classes – the attributes from individual contributing feature classes can be
“combined” when the features are merged. This generates an inefficient data model that can be
streamlined later. Once the improved data model is established, when moving original
infrastructure data into this model a proper attribute transformation/population should be
performed. The most important aspect of this attribute transformation is inclusion of key
identifier that allows for linking of the data between the original infrastructure database and the
Arc Hydro analytical geodatabase.

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Naming of input and output layers (as presented in this document) is not critical – user can use
their own naming conventions and specify those names when running the tools as long they are
used consistently. Maintaining consistent and default names helps though with process quality
control and tool use (as you do not have to explicitly specify inputs and outputs but just accept
defaults when they are provided).

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3.0 Data evaluation and cleanup

This section presents basic discussion of data quality requirements and some of the methods and
tools for their evaluation and adjustments. While the requirements are not complicated, getting
the typical data to conform to those requirements will represent the bulk of the effort in
stormwater implementation and will require an iterative data development and review process.
Experiences from this exercise should be incorporated in the data maintenance and collection
workflows so that new data comply with the requirements and do not require additional

Note that significant effort can go into snapping and orienting open channels, pipes, and inlets
into a topologically “clean” dataset that can be used for tracing after the initial data are imported
into the three basic stormwater feature classes. Even larger effort might be needed if complete
infrastructure data are missing and fieldwork must be performed to collect them. The level of
effort will also be end goal driven. For example, if the end requirement is to establish drainage
areas draining to outfalls from 48” pipes or higher as opposed to hydraulic modeling of the full
system for design purposes, a different data content design/evaluation/augmentation strategy can
be implemented.

There are three key elements that must be correctly represented in the final stormwater system:
1. Feature content. Line and point features representing built infrastructure need to be in
proper places (fill in the gap in missing features).
2. Connectivity.
a. Inlets need to be snapped on the from node of a pipe.
b. Pipes and streams need to be snapped onto each other.
3. Directionality. Pipes and streams need to be oriented “downstream” (for predominant
flow direction in the system – disregard potential surcharging of the system).

Figure 1 presents some of the issues with the typical dataset. Thin black lines represent lateral
pipes, thick black lines represent main pipes, blue lines represent open channels/streams, points
represent inlets, and arrows are placed at the downstream end of the linear features indicating the
direction of “flow”.

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1. Potential lack of connectivity. Lateral is not connected to anything. This is not
necessarily a problem if the pipe outlet is emerging onto the surface but is a problem if
this is a completely underground pipe.
2. Incorrect direction of flow in the pipe.
3. Inlet placed at the outlet of the pipe.
4. Potentially misaligned pipe and open channel feature.
5. Simple connectivity not maintained between linear features (blue line should be split at
the location of the confluence).
6. Potential lack of inlet at the top of the pipe. This is not necessarily a problem if the pipe
inlet is at the surface but is a problem if this is a completely underground pipe.

Any standard data evaluation and editing tools can be used to build a topologically clean dataset.
Ideally, these requirements would be introduced early in the data development cycle, so that the
asset data brought into this system do not have “problems”. Following is a summary of types of
issues addressed in this document (a 1m cell size DEM is assumed to be available to support the
analysis, but this is not a “hard” requirement).
1. Remove all inlets that are not connected to a pipe (unless the inlet represents a know
terrain sink).
2. Add inlets to all head pipes that do not already have an inlet.

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3. Create outlets at stream ends and add them to inlets (they will be modeled as sinks). If
disconnected streams are to be connected to the rest of the network by overland
connectors, do not add the created stream outlets to inlets.
4. Create surface outlets at all pipe outlets (NDID = -1) that do not already have an outlet
(isolated pipes will be connected to the network by overland connectors).
5. Check all inlets that are 3m from a stream. Manually adjust if necessary (no manual
adjustment was done in the example).
6. Checks all inlets that are 3m from other inlets. Manually adjust if necessary (no manual
adjustment was done in the example).
7. Delete all explicit outlets that are not connected to a pipe.
8. Build a network from pipes and streams and check for glaring gaps in connectivity and
directionality. Note that additional connectivity will be established later on by creating
the overland connectors that will be added as “streams”.

3.1 Initial database organization

Standard Arc Hydro database/project organization is used.
1. Select projection system to use in the project (usually based on DEM). Do not use
unprojected coordinate system. Both raster and vector data must be in the same
coordinate system, so if the original data are not (or are unprojected), decide which
system to use based on broader project requirements.
2. A new folder is created to store the project data and mxd (project folder).
3. A subfolder “Layers” is created in the project folder. This will be used to store all the
raster data.
4. A new geodatabase is created in the project folder. A feature dataset called “Layers” is
created using selected spatial reference. The following data are imported from the
original infrastructure geodatabase into the feature dataset:
a. Original open channel/surface drainage layers are consolidated and named
b. Original pipe layers are consolidated and named “Pipe”.
c. Original inlet layers are consolidated and named “HydroJunction”.
5. DEM is clipped to rough outline (watershed) around the vector data and is named
“DEMAOI”. It is stored in Esri GRID format and stored in the “Layers” folder under the
parent folder. If necessary, it is projected in the project’s projection and if later used for
landscape characterization, vertical units are adjusted to match the horizontal units.
6. A new ArcMap map is opened. The project DEM is added to it first, BEFORE any other
layer (or base map).
7. The project is saved with the same name given to the geodatabase (without gdb
8. Additional vector and base data can be added, and the project saved.

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3.2 Data cleanup

A document focusing on typical stormwater data issues and fixes will be presented separately.
This section presents a general overview of the process.

3.2.1 Checking for glaring issues in linear features

This is a quality control step that should be performed early on when the data are received, and
their quality is uncertain. The final geometric network representing full stormwater system will
be built later on after the overland connectors are built (if necessary), so this is performed here to
do a “coarse” check on the stream and pipe data before detailed processing is started. Build a QC network

Note that building geometric network using snapping and simple features will modify geometry
of the underlying input data. These changes CANNOT be reversed. It is strongly suggested that
this operation is performed on the copy of the data until all the quality issues are resolved.

To build a good geometric network, initial data screening should be performed to eliminate
known issues before building the network. Some of the more glaring issues include:
1. 0 (or very short) length features.
2. Multipart features.
3. Coincident/overlapping/duplicate features.

These issues should be reviewed and fixed using any editing means. The following steps are
presented here as an example of what typical operations might include but are not exhaustive by
any means and do not include any manual editing that might be required in a production
situation. They include a mix of standard and Arc Hydro geoprocessing tools.
1. Multipart to singlepart conversion.
2. Removing of pseudonodes.
3. Splitting and connecting pipes and streams.

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After running this tool, it is possible that fewer but longer stream segments remain. 0.1m
snapping tolerance will be used when building the network to accommodate potential lack of
enabled snapping when features were originally created. If snapping was enabled, network
snapping tolerance can be skipped (0 by default).

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Review the network build error table. Build error (ErrorType) 16 indicates that some junctions
were not snapped to edges. That is an expected error that will be handled later.

Review location of default junctions (QC_Net_Junctions). You will notice that they are placed
at the ends of all the lines, but not at their intersections, indicating that the pipes are not splitting
(connecting to) the streams.

You can verify that by tracing.

Place the network flag at the most downstream stream segment and trace upstream.

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Only the main stem of the stream is highlighted (red) indicating that the pipes are not connected
to the stream. This is because we built the network using simple edges that require the features
to be directly snapped at end nodes before the trace will go through them.

Zoom out to the full extent of the data.

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Review the report and fix any additional problems that might be reported. In order to intersect
the two line feature classes that make the network, perform the following steps:
1. Add to the map the “Editor” toolbar.
2. Open the “Geometric Network Editing” toolbar (Editor –> Editor -> More Editing
3. Start editing.
4. Select ALL features that participate in the GN.
5. Run the “Connect” tool from the Geometric Network Editing toolbar. This tool could run
for several minutes depending on the number of features in the network.
6. Review the results. You will notice a significant number of new streams and pipes.
Notice that this can also introduce undesired splits – for example, if the pipe is going over
or under the stream, it should not be split as that will indicate that it flows into the stream.
If there are places like that, the edits should be done locally and not globally. Also, note
that if there is not a vertex on the two lines to intersect/split, they will not be split and
connected, so the results of automated “Connect” vary greatly depending on the
underlying data structure. While the most tedious, the best approach would be to review
each case of missing connection individually and perform the edits manually.
7. Save edits.
8. Stop editing.
9. Unselect everything.
10. Rerun flow direction assignment on the network (for newly created features).

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Arc Hydro: Stormwater Preprocessing and Analyses 16 1/11/2019 Use network for testing

Place a network “flag” on points of interest and trace upstream. This can be done interactively
using the Utility Network Analyst toolbar or through geometric network GP tools. Typical
points of interest should include major outfalls. Lack of connectivity indicates “missing”
elements in the system (missing pipe/stream segment, elements not properly snapped, and wrong
digitized direction). After the above fixes to the data, the same outlet point shows much larger
connectivity and includes many pipe sub-systems contributing to the open channel flow.

Note that later in the process we will generate “overland flow connectors” that will connect
isolated subsystems into a connected system based on DEM-derived connectivity.

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Once the initial network analyses are done, you can delete the geometric network. Note that will
also delete the default junction feature class (end points of pipes and streams), so you should
copy them into a different feature class (before deleting the GN) in case you think you might
need those features later. In our workflow, they are not needed and are not saved.

In the further processing, the edited linear features will be used.

3.2.2 Review and remove all inlets that are not connected to a pipe

Unconnected inlets will generate “sinks” that are not connected to anything and as a consequence
that will exclude area contributing to those features to contribute anywhere in the system. That
IS possible, so such inlets should not be deleted. In most cases though, these indicate missing
pipe information.

In a typical data scenario, several inlet features might not be connected to a pipe. Note that some
of the inlets are probably in a right place, but the connection pipes are missing. These instances
should be investigated and fixed.

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3.2.3 Add inlets to all head pipes that do not already have an inlet

This is a data augmentation step – if not performed, these pipes will not carry any flow (which
might be correct, but makes them redundant in the analytical system). Characterize pipes

Assigning HydroID is needed only if not already performed as part of other data processing.

Arc Hydro: Stormwater Preprocessing and Analyses 19 1/11/2019 Select head pipes

Arc Hydro: Stormwater Preprocessing and Analyses 20 1/11/2019 Create synthetic inlets

It is possible to generate coincident inlet features, so they will be deleted. These are cases where
two pipes have the same origination point. In a normal data QC workflow, these cases should be
identified (you can use tool “Find Identical” for that), reviewed, and edited manually if

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Synthetic inlet points can already have inlet structures associated with them and are thus not
needed. They will be deleted.

Arc Hydro: Stormwater Preprocessing and Analyses 22 1/11/2019 Append synthetic inlets to HydroJunction

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3.2.4 Create stream outlets and add them to HydroJunction

Stream outlets (end points of streams not connected to other streams) can happen in three
1. Error in data – the connecting element is missing. If that is the case, it should be noted
during initial quality control of linear features and fixed by digitizing the connector (see
option for automated fixing discussion later on).
2. The stream segment actually ends in a sink (depression) and does not flow further
3. The stream segment ends in a pipe structure (e.g. culvert). In this case, the end of the
stream is the beginning of a pipe, and those are modeled as sinks, so effectively, this is
the same as case #2.
In this exercise, we will work under the assumption that these locations are represented as sinks
in the system (case #2 or #3). See text inserts if case #1 is to be implemented.

Several stream “outlets” are identified. They are at expected places. Few might require addition
of overland paths but in this example, they will be treated as “real” sinks.

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Do not do this if following case #1 (do not perform the next two steps).

Select stream outlets that are not represented in the HydroJunction feature class and add them to

In this case none of the outlets coincide with pipe inlets and all will be added to the
HydroJunction feature class.

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3.2.5 Check all inlets that are close to a stream or another inlet

Inlets in the current data processing workflow are modeled as sinks (to “attract” water to flow
into them). Sinks are defined as polygons and constructed using a ~2-cell buffer around the inlet
point. Proximity of inlets to a stream thus can generate unexpected behavior. The inlet that is
in/too close to the stream will be treated as if the inlet defines a pipe divergence that is in the
stream. The consequence will be that the “sink watershed” for that inlet will include upstream

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surface area that is drained by the stream the inlet is in. If that is not the desired behavior, move
the inlet point more than 2 cells away from the stream.

Similar issue exists when two inlets are close to each other since they will be collapsed into a
single sink polygon.

Note that in the following example, the optional search distance is set to 10m to limit the
operation time but also look at few more features than just the ones within the sink polygon
buffer distance. This can be controlled based on QC requirements.

The result provides the fields with measurement of distance (NEAR_DIST) and proximity match
layer name (NEAR_FC). Distance field will contain the distance to the closest stream or inlet
feature (value of -1 indicates that the point is NOT within a search distance from any feature).
Note that the distance is in layer units (e.g. feet), not in the “query” units (e.g. meters).

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Many inlets are selected based on proximity of 3 m. The results should be reviewed, and
appropriate data editing performed to resolve any inlet distance issues.

3.2.6 Check all explicit outlets that are not connected to a pipe

This is just a quality control step to identify if the pipes that are supposed to end at those outlet
locations are potentially missing. It is possible that the pipe outlet features are not explicitly
known (pipe outlets is an optional feature class), so this check might not be possible to perform.

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In this example, many discharge points are not connected to the pipes. Two are highlighted in
the figure below. In this example, no additional pipes have been added based on this review.

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3.2.7 Create surface outlets at all pipe outlets that do not already have an outlet

Note that in this example we will not really review which end of pipes have and do not have an
outlet structure. We will work under the assumption that any pipe outlet needs to be connected
to the stream, either by already being on the stream or by creating an overland stream connector.
In a normal QC process, a more thorough investigation and possibly manual editing should be

The resulting feature class will have an attribute called “OnStream” where value 0 indicates that
the outlet point is not on the stream and 1 indicates that it is. To ensure that the stream segments
are split on the connection points with pipes (to ensure the consistency of the geometric
network), the streams will be split at the connector points. In case you performed manual editing
of the linear network elements, and you used “Connect” tool in geometric editing tools to “snap”
stream and pipe network elements, the following two steps are not needed since the GN editing
process will split the streams at pipe ends. Performing these two steps though will not do any
“damage” so it does not hurt to include them into the process regardless of the previous editing

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Since in our case we did manual “connect” of pipes and streams, the return feature class does not
have any additional streams split.

3.3 Final thoughts on data evaluation and cleanup

Steps presented in this chapter were just some of the possible techniques for data review,
cleanup, and augmentation. They were presented here not as something that MUST be
performed or the ONLY way of performing these activities, but rather as some of the viable
options to perform them and to highlight Arc Hydro tools that were developed to support these
activities. The actual work that will need to be performed on the data will vary greatly
depending on the provenance of the data and the robustness of the data editing workflows used to
develop them. Each local dataset is unique and specific steps will have to be developed to
accommodate nuances of the specific dataset.

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4.0 Data preprocessing

This section identifies individual terrain processing steps after the initial data QC, editing, and
creating has been performed. The following layers are used in the process:
# Description QC process result name Preprocessing workflow name
1 DEM demaoi
2 Pipes PipeQC Pipe
3 Streams StreamQC3 StreamInit
4 Inlets HydroJunction HydroJunction
5 Outlets SyntheticPipeOutlet PipeOutlet
Column “QC process result name” are names of the layers if you followed steps described in
chapter 3. Column “Preprocessing workflow name” has the layer names that will be used as
initial inputs in this chapter.

4.1 Processing data organization

To ensure consistency of the layer naming in the next steps, current layers that do not match
“workflow name” in the table above will be renamed into it. While not necessary, a new folder
and geodatabase is created that contains only the relevant renamed layers. To make this as
generic as possible, there is not assumption that any previous Arc Hydro processing has been
done with the data (so the layers do not need to have HydroID, etc.). Since no specific attributes,
besides the ones generated during the process are used, all current attributes on the four feature
classes can be deleted if desired. As discussed before, it is suggested that the original unique
identifiers of the data elements are preserved to enable link back to the original feature if need

The initial processing folder/data structure is as follows:

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4.2 Create sink structures representing inlets

This step is used to generate artificial sinks at inlet locations to “force” the terrain to flow into
the inlets.

4.2.1 Create draft sink polygons

There are several ways to generate “sink polygons” associated with inlets. A buffer approach is
presented here. A buffer of 1.5 the cell size around the inlet is used (in this case 1.5m). The
presented buffer distance is a minimum that can be used. It is possible that such a small buffer
will not generate a “sink” big enough to resolve DEM inaccuracies around inlets and a larger
buffer might be appropriate. This can be evaluated once the sink watersheds are established. It
is possible to have a point-specific buffer distance that varies throughout the system. In that
case, establish a field in the HydroJunction feature class and populate it with the buffer distance
to be used in the buffer function. Then use that field to define distance value in the “Buffer”

Assign HydroID to HydroJunction FC if necessary (if not performed somewhere earlier in the
data development process).

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4.2.2 Create sink structures

This step generates sink representations (vector and raster) matching underlying DEM resolution
that will be used in the processing.

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4.2.3 Sink point review #1

Notice that several points fall into a single sink polygon (the tool message will identify if
multiple points fall within a single sink polygon and how many in total were deleted). This
happens due to the point proximity with respect to the DEM cell size and buffer distance being
used to generate sink polys. The tool will select one of the points within sink polygon and ignore
the others. While not necessarily an error, this might generate unexpected results (e.g. one inlet
collects all the water from the sink) and a detailed QC of those points is suggested (but not
needed if the end results are acceptable).

4.3 Create drainage line structures representing open channels

This step generates stream representations (vector and raster) matching underlying DEM
resolution that will be used in the processing.

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Note that:
1. HydroID field will be created and populated by the tool if one does not already exist.
2. Use of non-standard output names for some of the layers (“Init”).

4.3.1 Sink point review #2

The following section deals with evaluating the possibility that a sink point resides on a stream.

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Review field “StrLnkInit” in the SinkPoint feature class. In this case, there are 12 points with a
value. This indicates that an inlet point (sink) is located on a stream cell. By reviewing these
points, three categories can be identified:
1. End of stream sinks. 9 of them. These were introduced on purpose and are correct.
2. Cross-pipe (divergence - inlet at the from node of the pipe). 1 of them. These are most
likely data errors and need to be reviewed. Can potentially introduce unexpected
behavior in the flow pattern.
3. Confluence (confluence – inlet at the to node of the pipe). 2 of them. No significant
impact. Can potentially introduce unexpected behavior in the flow pattern.

Upon review, if data need to be fixed (e.g. remove the inlet point or stream), they should be
fixed, and previous steps re-run. How many steps need to be re-run will depend on the changes
made. In this example, no fixes were made.

4.4 Adjusting DEM to enforce initial flow direction

Note that “Input Stream Raster” is a result of the “Create Drainage Line Structure” function.

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4.5 Establishing flow direction

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4.6 Create connected linear system

The following function is used to generate “missing” overland flow connectors (usually ends of
pipes discharging onto a surface) and connect them to the existing stream features and/or
downstream inlets/sinks.

Arc Hydro: Stormwater Preprocessing and Analyses 41 1/11/2019

Arc Hydro: Stormwater Preprocessing and Analyses 42 1/11/2019
4.7 Create drainage area elements

Sink watersheds represent total directly contributing surface contributing area to a sink. They
will be the same as the sink catchment unless there is a stream draining directly into the sink.

Arc Hydro: Stormwater Preprocessing and Analyses 43 1/11/2019

The following step is performed to ensure performance of the watershed delineation tool (even
when processing inland areas). It is not needed if the DEM is clipped exactly along the major
watershed boundary that defines AOI.

Arc Hydro: Stormwater Preprocessing and Analyses 44 1/11/2019

4.8 Build stormwater system

This section presents several steps for completing the stormwater system (building final
connected network) and generating supplemental layers to facilitate stormwater delineation.

The following two steps are performed to establish a flow accumulation raster and a snap stream
raster (to facilitate precise placement of points of interest when performing watershed
delineation). These are optional steps but are recommended.

A threshold of 10,000 cells (10,000 m2) was used here. This can be changed to get more or less
dense (bigger threshold) snap density.

Arc Hydro: Stormwater Preprocessing and Analyses 45 1/11/2019

Arc Hydro: Stormwater Preprocessing and Analyses 46 1/11/2019
5.0 Analyses

Once the stormwater system is built, it can be used to support different analyses. Two specific
tools are built to leverage the stormwater system data representation.

5.1 Stormwater delineation

This tool allows watershed delineation along the stormwater system. Three types of watershed
delineation are possible: full delineation, direct surface contribution, and simulated inlet location
(check tool help for detailed discussion on how each delineation type operates). To use the tool:
1. Open the “Stormwater Delineation” tool.

Arc Hydro: Stormwater Preprocessing and Analyses 47 1/11/2019

2. Check inputs and outputs. If you used standard naming conventions as presented in this
document, default values will work, and you do not have to specify any of the input
layers. If you created optional snap stream raster, set “Input Snap Stream Raster” to it. It

Arc Hydro: Stormwater Preprocessing and Analyses 48 1/11/2019

is suggested that you select non-default output names (e.g. in the example above, “SW”
was placed before default output names). Note that each time a tool is run, new feature
classes are generated. If the output feature classes already exist, they will be overwritten.
a. Make sure you select the right type of delineation (“Input Delineation Type”).
3. Click on the point of interest in the map. Tool will place a point at the selected location.
You can repeat this many times and generate several points before executing the tool.
This can be used to run the tool as an interactive “batch” processor.

4. Click on “OK” in the tool interface. The tool will run and delineate the watershed.
During the run, tool will generate an extensive log (message) on what it is doing. Review
it to get the familiarity with the activities and processing times during delineation
process. Process scales well, so if you pass multiple points, each point will take roughly
the same time to delineate.

Arc Hydro: Stormwater Preprocessing and Analyses 49 1/11/2019

Executing: StormwaterDelineation "Feature Set" "50 Meters" fdr strlnk Str10k Catchment
AdjointCatchment Pipe Stream SinkWatershed HydroJunction "Full Delineation"
Start Time: Thu Jan 10 20:30:05 2019
Running script StormwaterDelineation...
1 feature(s) to process.
Finding network 0.58 seconds.
After finding network 1.09 seconds.
After copyfeatures 3.30 seconds.
After delete fields 5.46 seconds.
Starting loop 8.18 seconds.
Processing point 1: oid = 1
Number of Stream feature(s) within snapping distance: 1.
Distance to Stream: 0.000316052525144
Number of Pipe feature(s) within snapping distance: 0.
After distance checks 9.84 seconds.
Performing local watershed delineation...
Using stream raster strlnk as snap raster.
snapdist 0
Distance snapped: -1
Number of intersecting catchment(s): 1
Delineating watershed
Appending Adjoint Catchment...
After local delineation 23.06 seconds.
Performing network trace...
275 junction(s) traced.
Storing results 24.96 seconds.
Copying new watershed
Copying new watershed point
updating batchdone
After storing results 34.03 seconds.
Results are stored in:
e:\public\stormwater\docproc2018\docproc2018.gdb\Layers\SWWatershed and
GetWatershedViaNetTrace completed in 34.03 seconds.
Completed script StormwaterDelineation...
Succeeded at Thu Jan 10 20:30:41 2019 (Elapsed Time: 36.54 seconds)

Arc Hydro: Stormwater Preprocessing and Analyses 50 1/11/2019

Green dot is the point of interest while the green-ish polygon is the total upstream contributing
stormwater watershed. Tool generates three output layers:
1. Outlet point (WatershedPoint).
2. Watershed draining to the point (Watershed). This is the total area draining to the outlet
3. Stormwater drainage areas created in the process (Watershed_SWDA). This includes
three types of areas:
a. Total drainage area draining into the point (identified by “Total Upstream” value
in the WshdType field). This is the polygon that is also stored in the watershed
feature class.

Arc Hydro: Stormwater Preprocessing and Analyses 51 1/11/2019

b. Local drainage area draining into the point (identified by “Local Upstream” value
in the WshdType field). This is directly connected overland contribution to the
point (does not include contribution through pipe system).
c. Local area (within the catchment) downstream from the point (identified by
“Local Downstream” value in the WshdType field). This area might be of use in
specialized applications.
The features in the three feature classes are tied together through HydroID->DrainID (where
DrainID is the HydroID of the watershed that other features are related to) relationship. Note
that the key drainage area is the total watershed (its HydroID is used to tie all the pieces

5.2 Downstream trace

A custom tool is not developed for this functionality. Standard geometric network tracing can be
easily used to identify downstream path from a point of interest. Follow this procedure:
1. Turn on “Utility Network Analyst” toolbar if necessary. The “AHStormwater” network
should already be active.

Arc Hydro: Stormwater Preprocessing and Analyses 52 1/11/2019

2. Select type of the trace to perform (“Trace Downstream” in this case, but other traces can
be run as well).
3. Place junction or edge flag on the point of interest. A green square will appear and the
”Solve” button will become enabled.
4. Click on the “Solve” button to execute the analysis.
5. Graphics showing the result of the trace will appear.
6. If you want to get selected set as a return, change analysis options (“Analysis -> Options
…” from the Utility Network Analyst toolbar) and rerun the solver.

7. Use other tracing options and general ArcMap capabilities if needed, depending on your
end requirements.
8. You can also use “Trace Geometric Network” gp tool to perform the trace.

Arc Hydro: Stormwater Preprocessing and Analyses 53 1/11/2019

5.3 Create network connectivity

This tool establishes network element connectivity in tabular form that can be useful for specific
custom applications that need simpler connectivity representation. This form is also easy to
export to formats that can be used by different network solvers operating outside of ArcGIS

Tool creates three outputs:

1. Nodes in the network (Node).
2. Connectors in the network (Link).
3. Drainage areas associated with the nodes in the network (CatchmentConn).

Arc Hydro: Stormwater Preprocessing and Analyses 54 1/11/2019

The following attributes are used to connect the three feature sets:
• NodeID – unique identifier of a node.
• FeatureID – pointer to the HydroID of the feature that generated that network element.
• FType – type of the feature that generated that network element.
• From_Node – NodeID of the from node of the link.
• To_Node – NodeID of the to node of the link.

Arc Hydro: Stormwater Preprocessing and Analyses 55 1/11/2019

6.0 Tools and process automation

This section provides a list of tools used in the Arc Hydro stormwater data development and use
workflow. Most of the tools used in the stormwater workflows have been part of Arc Hydro
toolset for many years. The recent, stormwater specific tools are highlighted here.

6.1 Stormwater data development tools

Sample time of tool execution is provided for relative reference only (comparison of tool
execution on a single dataset on a single computer). Actual time will vary depending on the
complexity of the data (mostly DEM size) and the hardware used for processing. For reference,
the sample dataset had:
1. DEM: 8,149 by 16,166 cells
2. Pipe: 8,721 features
3. StreamInit: 117 features
4. Stream: 1,333 features
5. HydroJunction: 5,515 features
6. PipeOutlet: 1,028 features

All of the tools used in the workflow are available in the Arc Hydro Tools Python toolbox
(highlighted in green are the stormwater specific tools). The following toolset abbreviation is
• TP: Terrain Preprocessing
• TP-DM: Terrain Preprocessing -> DEM Manipulation

Step Tool Toolset Sample

1 Create Sink Structures TP-DM 1’ 21”
2 Create Drainage Line Structures TP-DM 4’ 15”
3 DEM Reconditioning TP-DM 4’ 17”
4 Level DEM TP-DM 2’ 23”
5 Fill Sinks TP-DM 1’ 42”
6 Flow Direction TP 39”
7 Adjust Flow Direction in Sinks TP 53”
8 Adjust Flow Direction in Streams TP 28”
9 Create Overland Flow Connectors TP 4’ 19”

Arc Hydro: Stormwater Preprocessing and Analyses 56 1/11/2019

10 Combine Stream Link and Sink Link TP 21”
11 Catchment Grid Delineation TP 2’ 44”
12 Catchment Polygon Processing TP 14”
13 Adjoint Catchment Processing TP 44”
14 Sink Watershed Delineation TP 3’ 32”
15 Link Sink Watershed to TP 10”
16 Append Coastal Catchments TP 56”
17 Create Stormwater Network TP 14”
18 Flow Accumulation TP 15’ 49”
19 Stream Definition TP 17”

The 19-step workflow is captured in tool “Stormwater Processing” (in Terrain Preprocessing
Workflows -> Stormwater toolset). Output location (based on input data) and naming of all
oputput layers is controlled by the tool and not accessible to the user.

Results are presented in Appendix 1. Run took about 37 minutes.

Location of the preprocessing tools is as follows:

Arc Hydro: Stormwater Preprocessing and Analyses 57 1/11/2019

6.2 Stormwater analysis tools

Location of the stormwater analysis tools is as follows:

Arc Hydro: Stormwater Preprocessing and Analyses 58 1/11/2019

Arc Hydro: Stormwater Preprocessing and Analyses 59 1/11/2019
7.0 Database design

This section provides database structures generated during the process. It follows the standard
Arc Hydro data organization and naming conventions.

Arc Hydro: Stormwater Preprocessing and Analyses 60 1/11/2019

7.1 Raster data structures

Layer name Layer description Output Input to Used for

from Tool
Agreedem Reconditioned DEM with initial 3 4
streams burnt in.
Cat Catchment raster associated to final 11 12
Demaoi Input DEM. 1,2
Fac Flow accumulation raster based on 18 19
final flow direction
Fdr Final flow direction (adjusted for 8 9,11,14,18 Delineation
direction in streams and sinks)
Fdrinit Initial flow direction based on 6 7
reconditioned, leveled and filled
DEM (not extending into sink
Fdrsinkadj Initial flow direction adjusted to 7 8
extend into sink polygon.

Arc Hydro: Stormwater Preprocessing and Analyses 61 1/11/2019

Fdrstr Flow direction under input 2 8
streaminit to ensure water follows
the stream features.
Fil Reconditioned and leveled DEM 5 6
filled outside of the sinks
Leveldem Sink-leveled reconditioned filled 4 5
Link Link raster created by combining 10 11
final stream link and sink link and
used to delineate catchments.
Sinkpntgrd Sink point raster. 1 7,9,10,14
Sinkpolygrid Sink polygon raster. 1 7
Sinkwshgrid Sink watershed raster. 14
Str10k Cells draining at least 10k cells. 19 Delineation
Used for snapping. A different
threshold may be used if more
Strlnk Stream link raster created after 9 10 Delineation
splitting initial streams and adding
overland flow connectors
Strlnkinit Initial stream link raster created 2 3,9
based on the initial streams.

7.2 Vector data structures/network/relationship

Layer name Type Layer description Output Input Used for

from to
Tool Tool
AdjointCatchment Poly Adjoint catchments 13 Delineation
for final streams.
AHStormwater Network Arc Hydro 17
AHStormwater_Junc Point Default junctions 17
tions (Junction) for the geometric
network. Deleted if
the network is

Arc Hydro: Stormwater Preprocessing and Analyses 62 1/11/2019

Catchment Poly Catchments for 12 13,20 Delineation,
streams. Connectivity
DraftSinkPoly Poly Input draft sink 1
DrainageLine Line Final drainage lines 9 13 Delineation
after splitting
streams and adding
DrainageLineInit Line Drainage lines 2
created based on
initial streams.
EditPoint Point Stream vertex 2
points used to
enforce streams.
HydroJunction Point Input inlets to pipe 1,9,1 Delineation
or terrain. 5,17
HydroJunction_Sink Rel Relationship 15 Delineation
Watershed between
HydroID and
OverlandConnector Line Overland flow 9
PipeOutlet to
PipeOutlet or other
overland flow.
Pipe Line Input closed pipes 9,17 Delineation,
layer. Connectivity
PipeOutlet Point Input outlets from 9 Delineation,
pipes to surface Connectivity
SinkPoint Point Raster-snapped sink 1
SinkPolygon Poly Raster snapped sink 1 4,5

Arc Hydro: Stormwater Preprocessing and Analyses 63 1/11/2019

SinkWatershed Poly SinkWatershed 14 Delineation
associated to
Stream Line Final stream 2 17 Delineation
containing split
streams and
overland flow
StreamInit Line Draft stream 2,9
segments. input

7.3 Tabular data structures

Layer name Layer description Output Input to Used for

from Tool
APUNIQUEID HydroID dispenser Delineation
Catchment_FS Catchment flow split table storing 13 4 Delineation
flow split connectivity.
DrainageLine_FS Drainage line flow split table. 2
DrainageLineInit_FS Initial drainage line flow split 9 3
Pipe_FS Pipe flow split table.
LAYERKEYTABLE Not used. Related to HydroID

Arc Hydro: Stormwater Preprocessing and Analyses 64 1/11/2019

Appendix 1. Stormwater preprocessing automation results

Executing: Script demaoi HydroJunction PipeOutlet StreamInit Pipe

Start Time: Mon Dec 24 00:59:35 2018
Running script Script...
--Building sink structures...Mon Dec 24 00:59:35 2018
Defining sink polygons in raster space...
--Copying input deranged polygon into temporary FC...
--Getting HIDs...
--Populating field TmpFeatID and HydroID in temporary FC...
-------- Populating field TmpFeatID and HydroID in temporary FC completed in
0.78 seconds.
-------- Converting temporary deranged polygon to raster completed in 0.78
-------- Defining sink polygons in raster space completed in 13.36 seconds.
--Defining sink polygons in vector space...
-------- Calculating fields in sink polygons completed in 1.18 seconds.
-------- Defining sink polygons in vector space completed in 9.72 seconds.
Identifying sink points...
Identifying user defined sink points...
5515 sink point(s) identified.
Identifying all sink points...
Some of the sink polygons contain multiple sink points.
Deleting 84 duplicate sink point(s).
Identifying sink points completed in 32.72 seconds.
Defining sink points in raster space...
Defining sink points in raster space completed in 5.69 seconds.
Defining sink points in vector space...
-------- Raster to Point conversion completed in 3.71 seconds.
-------- Copy Features Management completed in 2.88 seconds.
-------- Calculate field completed in 1.34 seconds.
Defining sink points in vector space completed in 7.92 seconds.
Cleaning up temporary layers...
--Creating drainage line structures...Mon Dec 24 01:00:48 2018
--Creating drainage lines from input streams...
--Densifying lines using 2.46063 stepsize
117 record(s) updated on
.gdb\Layers\DrainageLineInit. The HydroID values ranged from 33104 to 33220.
Populating From_Node and To_Node fields...
Populating nextdownids...

Arc Hydro: Stormwater Preprocessing and Analyses 65 1/11/2019

Populating nextdownids completed.
--Adjusting Drainage Lines...
--Snapping vertices and removing points in the same cell...
Snapping vertices and removing points in same cell. 117 line(s) processed.
Points Processed:Removed=22567:0 TotalVertices=16.
--Snapping vertices and removing points in same cell completed.
Processing 126 confluences...
0 overlap(s) between lines successfully cleaned up.
--Cleaning overlapping lines completed.
--No zero length lines to cleanup.
--Fishnet: rows = 3, columns = 2
--Processing fishnet 1
3776 points created. Creating associated strlnk and strfdr grids. Iteration
Total points added: 3776
Points processed during iteration 3776 Total point processed 3776
--Processing fishnet 2
1531 points created. Creating associated strlnk and strfdr grids. Iteration
Total points added: 1531
Points processed during iteration 1531 Total point processed 5307
--Processing fishnet 3
6222 points created. Creating associated strlnk and strfdr grids. Iteration
Total points added: 6222
Points processed during iteration 6222 Total point processed 11529
--Processing fishnet 4
4741 points created. Creating associated strlnk and strfdr grids. Iteration
Total points added: 4741
Points processed during iteration 4741 Total point processed 16270
--Processing fishnet 5
3632 points created. Creating associated strlnk and strfdr grids. Iteration
Total points added: 3632
Points processed during iteration 3632 Total point processed 19902
--Processing fishnet 6
7136 points created. Creating associated strlnk and strfdr grids. Iteration
Total points added: 7136
Points processed during iteration 7136 Total point processed 27038
Total points added using fishnet cells: 7136
--Mosaicking stream link rasters...
--Mosaicking stream flow direction rasters...
--Defining projection for rasters...

Arc Hydro: Stormwater Preprocessing and Analyses 66 1/11/2019

--Building raster attribute tables...
--Cleaning up temporary layers...
--Burning streams into DEM...Mon Dec 24 01:03:26 2018
--Computing smooth drop/raise raster...
--Computing vector distance and allocation rasters...
--Computing elevation raster outside of the buffer...
--Computing buffer distance and allocation rasters...
--Computing sharp drop/raise raster...
--Leveling the DEM in sinks...Mon Dec 24 01:07:17 2018
Using zUnitFactor= 1
Elevation field not set.
Applying integer factor:1000.
Assigning Level Elevation to the lakes...
Identifying point inside...
Extracting values under points...
Calculating fields...
--Filling false sinks...Mon Dec 24 01:09:39 2018
--Identifying Deranged Polygons before filling...
--Filling the DEM...
--Updating the fill DEM with sink values of original DEM...
--Calculating flow direction...Mon Dec 24 01:11:28 2018
--Calculating Flow direction...
--Adjusting flow direction in sinks...Mon Dec 24 01:12:07 2018
--Adjusting flow direction in sinks...
--Adjusting flow direction in streams...Mon Dec 24 01:12:55 2018
--Create Flow Overland Connectors...Mon Dec 24 01:13:20 2018
---- Replacing flow direction in sinks with 0...
---- Generating cost paths for 928 outlets.
Completed: Generating cost paths for 928 outlets., dt=35.28s
---- Executing Stream to Feature
Completed: Executing Stream to Feature, dt=15.01s
---- Snapping lines to outlets
---- Snapping lines to inlets
---- Snapping lines to stream
Completed: Snapping lines to stream, dt=31.12s
---- Splitting streams at end point connectors and appending connectors.
Number of Split Point features: 92
Number of input lines: 117
Number of lines to split: 27
Number of lines not split: 90
Removing spatial index...
Adding spatial index...
1333 record(s) updated on
.gdb\Layers\Stream. The HydroID values ranged from 33221 to 34553.
Completed: Splitting streams at end point connectors and appending
connectors., dt=12.53s

Arc Hydro: Stormwater Preprocessing and Analyses 67 1/11/2019

---- Creating updated Stream Link.
---- Replacing flow direction in sinks with 0...
Executing Stream to Feature...
- Stream to Feature completed in 5.2 seconds.
Copying C:\Users\deand\Documents\ArcGIS\scratch\scratch.gdb\tmpdl into
feature dataset...
- Copying completed in 1.9 seconds.
Cleaning completed: 0 line(s) deleted.
- Cleanup completed in 0.5 seconds.
--Adding GridID as a field...
--Adding and assigning HydroID...
1304 record(s) updated on
.gdb\Layers\DrainageLine. The HydroID values ranged from 34554 to 35857.
- Adding and assigning HydroID completed in 1.0 seconds.
--Populating NextDownID...
- Populating NextDownID completed in 3.6 seconds.
Cleaning up...
Completed: Executing Drainage Line Processing, dt=24.03s
---- Cleaning up...
--Combine Stream Link and Sink Link...Mon Dec 24 01:16:55 2018
max_sink_val 27594.0
Min GridID in DrainageLine:3, Minimum value in streamlink: 0
Increment: 27594
--Updating GridID in drainage lines...
--Updating link grid with sink links...
--Delineating catchment grid...Mon Dec 24 01:17:12 2018
--Creating catchment polygons...Mon Dec 24 01:19:52 2018
--Converting raster to polygons...
- Conversion completed in 7.5 seconds.
Renaming field to GridID...
- Renaming field completed in 0.2 seconds.
Assigning HydroIDs...
6811 record(s) updated on
.gdb\Layers\Catchment. The HydroID values ranged from 35858 to 42668.
- Assigning HydroIDs completed in 2.5 seconds.
Adding attributes indices...
- Adding attributes indices completed in 1.1 seconds.
Cleaning up...
--Adjoint catchment processing...Mon Dec 24 01:20:05 2018

Arc Hydro: Stormwater Preprocessing and Analyses 68 1/11/2019

Building dictionary to store connectivity...
Processing starts - reading 6811 records dt= 1.610 seconds.
Initial pass - identify head features and features having OmitUp=1...
Pass 1.1: Processed 1362 of 6811, 1362 records associated to head features
or having OmitUp=1.
Pass 1.2: Processed 2724 of 6811, 2724 records associated to head features
or having OmitUp=1.
Pass 1.3: Processed 4086 of 6811, 4086 records associated to head features
or having OmitUp=1.
Pass 1.4: Processed 5448 of 6811, 5448 records associated to head features
or having OmitUp=1.
Pass 1.5: Processed 6810 of 6811, 6280 records associated to head features
or having OmitUp=1.
Pass 1: 6811 of 6811 records are processed, with 6280 records associated to
head features or having OmitUp=1. dt= 7.906 seconds. dtTotal=9.516 seconds.
Pass 1 Done:NotDone=6280: 531 dt=7.906 seconds. dtTotal=9.516 seconds..
Head features assigned to 6280 feature(s).
Processing additional features...
Pass 2: 6583 features processed, 228 remaining. dt=5.863 seconds.
dtTotal=15.402 seconds..
Pass 3: 6640 features processed, 171 remaining. dt=2.572 seconds.
dtTotal=17.974 seconds..
Pass 4: 6669 features processed, 142 remaining. dt=1.450 seconds.
dtTotal=19.425 seconds..
Pass 5: 6687 features processed, 124 remaining. dt=0.722 seconds.
dtTotal=20.148 seconds..
Pass 6: 6703 features processed, 108 remaining. dt=0.798 seconds.
dtTotal=20.947 seconds..
Pass 7: 6715 features processed, 96 remaining. dt=0.976 seconds.
dtTotal=21.923 seconds..
Pass 8: 6760 features processed, 51 remaining. dt=2.274 seconds.
dtTotal=24.198 seconds..
Pass 9: 6773 features processed, 38 remaining. dt=1.090 seconds.
dtTotal=25.288 seconds..
Pass 10: 6785 features processed, 26 remaining. dt=1.626 seconds.
dtTotal=26.914 seconds..
Pass 11: 6789 features processed, 22 remaining. dt=0.520 seconds.
dtTotal=27.434 seconds..
Pass 12: 6791 features processed, 20 remaining. dt=0.145 seconds.
dtTotal=27.580 seconds..
Pass 13: 6792 features processed, 19 remaining. dt=0.031 seconds.
dtTotal=27.611 seconds..
Pass 14: 6793 features processed, 18 remaining. dt=0.046 seconds.
dtTotal=27.658 seconds..
Pass 15: 6794 features processed, 17 remaining. dt=0.032 seconds.
dtTotal=27.691 seconds..
Pass 16: 6795 features processed, 16 remaining. dt=0.032 seconds.
dtTotal=27.724 seconds..
Pass 17: 6796 features processed, 15 remaining. dt=0.032 seconds.
dtTotal=27.756 seconds..
Pass 18: 6797 features processed, 14 remaining. dt=0.033 seconds.
dtTotal=27.790 seconds..

Arc Hydro: Stormwater Preprocessing and Analyses 69 1/11/2019

Pass 19: 6799 features processed, 12 remaining. dt=0.067 seconds.
dtTotal=27.857 seconds..
Pass 20: 6800 features processed, 11 remaining. dt=0.035 seconds.
dtTotal=27.892 seconds..
Pass 21: 6801 features processed, 10 remaining. dt=0.043 seconds.
dtTotal=27.935 seconds..
Pass 22: 6802 features processed, 9 remaining. dt=0.035 seconds.
dtTotal=27.971 seconds..
Pass 23: 6806 features processed, 5 remaining. dt=0.148 seconds.
dtTotal=28.120 seconds..
Pass 24: 6808 features processed, 3 remaining. dt=0.080 seconds.
dtTotal=28.200 seconds..
Pass 25: 6810 features processed, 1 remaining. dt=0.113 seconds.
dtTotal=28.313 seconds..
Pass 26: 6811 features processed, 0 remaining. dt=0.045 seconds.
dtTotal=28.358 seconds..
Accumulate shapes completed successfully.

Number of features processed: 6811

Number of loops: 26
Traced Layer:
Number of source features not aggregated: 0
Total merge processing Time: 28.413 seconds. 0.00789246631207 hrs.
531 record(s) updated on
.gdb\Layers\AdjointCatchment. The HydroID values ranged from 42669 to 43199.
--Delineating sink watersheds...Mon Dec 24 01:20:43 2018
Delineating sink watersheds...
Delineating sink watersheds completed in 167.53 seconds.
Vectorizing sink watersheds and populating attributes...
5509 record(s) updated on
.gdb\Layers\SinkWatershed. The HydroID values ranged from 43200 to 48708.
Vectorizing sink watersheds and populating attributes completed in
28.22 seconds.
Cleaning up...
--Link Sink Watershed to HydroJunctions...Mon Dec 24 01:24:00 2018
Creating relationship class between SinkWatershed's JunctionID and
HydroJunction's HydroID...
Cleaning up...
--Appending coastal catchments...Mon Dec 24 01:24:04 2018
Identifying coastal catchments in raster space...
Defining land areas covered by existing catchments...

Arc Hydro: Stormwater Preprocessing and Analyses 70 1/11/2019

Defining coastal areas...
Defining coastal catchments in raster space...
Identifying coastal catchments in raster space completed in 35.68
Converting coastal catchment grid into polygons...
Populating attributes...
Merging coastal catchments into catchments...
40 record(s) updated on
.gdb\Layers\Catchment. The HydroID values ranged from 48709 to 48748.
Vectorizing coastal catchments and populating attributes completed in:
8.19 seconds.
Cleaning up...
--Create Stormwater Network...Mon Dec 24 01:24:49 2018
Creating geometric network...
Assigning flow direction to digitized direction...
Cleaning up...
--Calculating flow accumulation...Mon Dec 24 01:25:00 2018
Performing flow accumulation using INTEGER option.
Building raster attribute table.
--Calculating Stream Definition...Mon Dec 24 01:36:30 2018
Using threshold = 10000 cells.
---- Cleaning up...
Completed script Script...
Succeeded at Mon Dec 24 01:36:43 2018 (Elapsed Time: 37 minutes 7 seconds)

Arc Hydro: Stormwater Preprocessing and Analyses 71 1/11/2019

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