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Department of Information Technology

Mcqs on Management information system


1) In an information system which one is not a technology driver for an

information system?
A. knowledge asset management
B. networks and the Internet
C. object technologies
D. enterprise applications

Ans ) A

1) Who have concerned with tactical (short-term) operational problems and

decision making?
A. supervisors
B. mobile managers
C. middle managers
D. executive managers
2) Management information systems (MIS)
A. Development and share documents that support day-today office activities.
B. process business transactions (e.g., time cards, payments, orders, ecapture and
reproduce the knowledge of an expert problem solver
C. use the transaction data to produce information needed by managers to run
the business
D. none of the above


3) In which phase of the system development process specifications for a solution

that fulfills the business requirements is undertaken and the technical blueprint
is developed
A. feasibility analysis
B. system design
C. system implementation
D. system initiation


4) Using a business performance management software to monitor performance

A. reduces costs.
B. adds value.
C. manages risks
D. create a new opportunity.

5) _________ is the general transformation cycle for information?

A. data to information to knowledge.
B. data to knowledge to information.
C. knowledge to data to information.
D. information to data to knowledge


6) ____ is a part of a static view of information?

A. Metadata
B. Logical data model
C. Data flow model
D. Information process model

8) -----------Information systems that monitor the elementary activities and
transactions of organization are

a) Manage level system c) operation level system

b) Knowledge level d) strategic level
Ans) c
9) Projections and responses to queries are information about characteristics
Associated with-----------------
10) Prototype is a -----------------
a) Working model of existing system c) mini model of processing system
b) Mini model of existing system d) None
11) System development is a-----------------------
a) Development of SRS of a system c) both A and B
b) Process of successive changes of a system from new and changed requirement

12) The most creative and challenging phase of a system life cycle is ----
a) Design c) maintenance
b) Feasibility d) None of these

Ans) A

13) The …. is defined as a set of activities performed across the organization creating
as output of value to the customer.

A) development process C) quality process

B) business process D) customer focus

Answer: B

14) Which of the following is NOT an objective of MIS?

A) Facilitate the decisions-making process
B) Provide requisite information at each level of management
C) Support decision-making
D) recruit people for system
Answer: D

15) In MIS system design, the sources of information may be categorized as … and ..
A) internal, external
B) personal, organizational
C) useful, unuseful
D) constructive, destructive

Answer:  A

16) Which of the following models are developed on the principles of business
management, accounting and econometrics?

A) Behavioral model
B) Management science models
C) Operations research models
D) Policy making models

Answer: B

17) The information of MIS comes from the

a. Internal source
b. External source
c. Both internal and external source
d. None of the above

Ans) c

18) Inventory is also referred to as:

A. stock

B. warehouse capacity

C. materials

D. materials in hand
Ans) A

19) The _____ is a business-oriented data-processing association which publishes a

monthly journal, Data Management.


Ans) A

20) A systems theory of organization sees the firm as a

A. network of resource flows

B. system transforming inputs into outputs

C. physical system managed by a manager using a conceptual system

D. All of the above


21) _____ decisions concern the execution of specific tasks to assure that they are.
carried out efficiently and effectively.
A. tactical

B. strategic

C. operational

D. management
Answer: Option C

22) Average inventory level is reduced by

A. decreasing the vendor lead time

B. increasing the usage rate

C. decreasing the order quantity

D. lowering the reorder point


23) A _____ is a brief message to an operator that describes what data are to be entered.
A. prompt

B. passwords


D. Tactical

24) The online, softcopy display of a customer's charge account to respond to an inquiry
is an example of a(n):
A. regularly scheduled report

B. on-demand report

C. exception report

D. forecasting report

25) The most important reason for failure of MIS is

a) Use of improper tools for design c) improper specification

b) Non involvement of end user

Ans) b

26) Which one of the following is not an approach for development of an MIS?

a)hierarchical c) modular
b) Integrative d) elective

ans) b

27) Internal information for MIS may come from any one of the following department.
a. Customers care department
b. HR department
c. Marketing department
d. Production department

Ans: a

28) MIS normally found in a manufacturing organization will not be suitable in the
a. Service sector
b. Banking sector
c. Agriculture sector
d. All of the above

(Ans: a)

29) basic component(s) of DSS is (are)

a. Database
b. Model base
c. DSS software system
d. All of the above

(Ans: d)
30) Decision trees could be represented in different ways such as
a. Bottom to top
b. Left to right
c. Top to bottom
d. All of the above

(Ans: d)

31) The information contained in the data dictionary is

a) Name of data item. C) Keyword
b) Source of data d) all of the above.
Ans) d

32) Information helps organizations to enhance quality of

a) Operations. C) all the above
b) products and services d) none of the above
ans) c

33) Dialogue management components of DSS program is a set of programs that

manages user interface
a) true b) false
ans) A

34) Information systems can facilitate supply chain management by ____________

A. tracking the status of orders.

B. know the employee history.
C. profit and loss predictions.
D. stock verification.

Ans) A.

35) ______________ system will monitor and control the industrial processing activities.

A. Process control.
B. Process decision.
C. Process cleaning.
D. Process updating.

Ans) A

36) RFP stands for ______________.

A. Request for Proposal

B. Request for Process
C. Request for Product
D. Request for Prediction

Ans) A
37) ______________ information system uses the information technology to develop all
features in the products.
A. Structure.
B. Strategic.
C. Systematic.
D. Statistical

Ans) A

38) The operating decisions resulting actions usually cover ______________ periods.

A. Medium.
B. short time.
C. over an year.
D. long time.

Ans) B

39) CRM stands for

A. Consumer Relation Management

B. Customer Relationship Management
C. Customer Report Managemnet
D. None

Ans) B

40) _________ keeps tracks of data concerning purchase from and payments to

A. Inventory control
B. Accounts payable
C. Payroll
D. Accounts receivable

Ans) B

41) To become an effective MIS department must state its ______________.

A. goals.
B. objective.
C. profit.
D. mission.

Ans) D

42) In overall business side the MIS planning initiates from business ______________.

A. Task.
B. Event.
C. Planning.
D. Operations.

Ans) C
Mid 2
1)  Which of the following is included in the Office automation systems?
i) Word processing ii) Electronic mail iii) Voice mail iv) Electronic calendaring
v) Audio conferencing
2) A) i, ii, iii and v only
3) B) i, ii, iii and iv only
4) C) i, ii, iv and v only
5) D) All i, ii, iii, iv and v

Answer: D

2) In a typical ……………. network, application processing is shared between clients

and one more servers.

A) client server computing

B) cloud computing
C) mobile computing
D) data computing

Answer: A

3) With the ______________ form of data processing, each transaction is processed


B. batch processing
C. active processing
D. automated transaction processing

ans) A

4) Using ______________ a decision maker can make hypothetical changes to problem

data and observe the impact on the results

A. Simulation
B. What-if analysis
C. Optimization
D. Goal-seeking analysis

Ans) B.

6) ______________ involves the investigation of new approaches to existing 5)


A. Systems analysis
B. Creative analysis
C. Critical analysis
D. Organizational analysis
Ans) B

7) The first stage in the problem-solving process is called the ______________ stage.
During this stage, potential problems or opportunities are identified and defined.

A. Choice
B. Design
C. Monitoring
D. Intelligence

Ans) c

8) The component of a decision support system that provides decision makers

access to a variety of models and assists them in decision making is called the

A. Model base
B. model management software
C. database
D. dialogue manager

ans) c

9) ______________ is a form of transaction processing in which all transactions are

collected into a group and processed together.

A. Accumulation processing
B. Batch processing
C. Data collection
D. Data collection

Ans) B.

10) The current major stage in the business use of IS is oriented towards

A. Cost reduction and productivity

B. Gaining competitive advantage
C. Strategic advantage and costs
D. Improved customer relationship management

Ans) B

11) _____________ gives the computer the ability to make suggestions and act like
an expert in a particular field.

A. Decision support systems

B. Virtual reality systems
C. Management information systems
D. Expert systems

Ans) D
12) The value of information is directly linked to ______________ .

A. its accuracy and completeness

B. its verifiability
C. its simplicity and security
D. how it helps decision makers achieve organizational goals

ans) A

13) In companies can develop ______________ information system to gain a

competitive edge.

A. Structural.
B. Strategic.
C. Procedural.
D. Physical.


14) _____________ models to analysis a problem and provides possible solution for
management evaluation

A. Decision.
B. Standard.
C. Structural.
D. Periodic.


15) _____________ is a prominent attribute of management information procured

through MIS of an organization.

A. Explicitness.
B. Completeness.
C. Accuracy.
D. Exception based.


16) ______________ will produce the periodic financial statements and reports of the

A. Cash ledger
B. Final Account
C. Trail Balance
D. General Ledger


17) Maintenance refers to changes in

A) Hardware & Software c) software
B) Hardware d) none of the above
Ans) A
MIS need not be compatible with the organizations structure and culture
a) True
b) false

Ans) false

18) Under the________strategy both the current system and the proposed system are
run simultaneously till the correctness and accuracy are tested and assured
a) parallel c) none of the above
b) direct

19) Information System specialists also called as ______________.

A. user consultant.
B. user friendly.
C. user expert.
D. user manager.

Ans) A

20) What is system analysis?

A. Collecting facts and information

B. Interpreting facts
C. Identifying the problems
D. All of the mentioned above

Ans) D

21) What is the major goal of a System Analysis and Design?

A. Instructions
B. Improve organizational systems
C. Communication
D. None of the above mentioned

Answer: B)

22) System analysis is a process which is done on the existing model or the newly
created model.

A. True
B. False

Answer: A)

23) The model base cannot be prepared until

(A) The computer has been selected
(B) The MIS staff has been acquired and organized
(C) The preparation of physical facilities
(D) Both (a) and (b)

Ans) D

24) Which of the following is a function of the process step of data


(A) Protect

(B) Index

(C) Retrieval

(D) Update

Answer: Option C

25) A graphic representation of an information system is called

(A) Flow chart

(B) Pictogram

(C) Data flow diagram

(D) Histogram

Correct Answer

Answer: Option C

26) Data dictionary contains detail of

(A) Data structures

(B) Data flows

(C) Data stores

(D) All of the above

Correct Answer

Answer: Option D

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