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IT Objectives

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SYBMS IT Internal Objectives

Q.1: Information system that monitor the elementary activities and transactions of the
organizations are______________________
a) Management-level system c) Knowledge-level system
b) Operational-level system d) Strategic level system

Q.2: in MIS “S” stands for

a) Social c) Study
b) System d) None of them

Q.3: Projections and responses to queries are information output characteristics

associated with a (n)
a) DSS c) ESS
b) MIS d) TPS

Q.4: Summary transaction data, high-volume data, and simple models are information
inputs characteristic of a (n):
a) DSS c) ESS
b) MIS d) TPS

Q.5: Which of the following individuals typically have less formal, advanced educational
degrees and tend to process rather than create information? ________________
a) Knowledge workers c) System analysts
b) Executives d) Data workers

Q.6: Management information systems usually: _________________

a) Serve managers interested in weekly, monthly, and yearly results, not day-to-day
b) Help managers make decisions that are unique, rapidly changing, and not easily
specified in advance.
c) Provide mangers with a generalized computing and telecommunications capacity that
can be applied to a changing array of problems.
d) Perform and record the daily routine transactions necessary to the conduct of

Q.7: Decision support systems usually:

a) Serve managers interested in weekly, monthly, and yearly results, not day-to-day
b) Help managers make decisions that are unique, rapidly changing, and not easily
specified in advance.
c) Provide managers with a generalized computing and telecommunications capacity
that can be applied to a changing array of problems.
d) Perform and record the daily routine transactions necessary to the conduct of

Q.8: Identifying customers and markets using data on demographics, markets,

consumer behavior, and trends is an example of a (n):
a) Operational-level sales and marketing information system.
b) Knowledge-level sales and marketing information system.
c) Management-level sales and marketing information system.
d) Strategic-level sales and marketing information system.

Q.9: Deciding where to locate new production facilities is a(n) example of a

manufacturing and production information system operating at the:
a) Operational level c) Management level
b) Strategic Operational level d) Knowledge level

Q.10: Preparing short-term budgets is an example of a finance and accounting

information system operating at the:
a) Operational level c) Knowledge level
b) Management level d) Strategic level

Q.11: Tracking employee training, skills, and performance appraisals is an example of a

human resource information system operating at the:
a) Operational level c) Knowledge level
b) Management level d) Strategic level

Q.12: Assembling a product, identifying customers and hiring employees are:

a) Transactions c) Business processes
b) Phases d) Business functions

Q.13: Which of the following is NOT an objective of MIS?

a) Facilitate the decisions-making process
b) Provide requisite information at each level of management
c) Support decision-making
d) recruit people for system

Q.14: In MIS system design, the sources of information may be categorized as … and ..
a) Internal, external c) useful, unuseful
b) personal, organizational d) constructive, destructive
Q.15: The back bone of any organization is
a) Information
b) employee
c) management
d) capital

Q.16: The basic component(s) of DSS is (are)

a) Database
b) Model base
c) DSS software system
d) All of the above
Q.17: The most important reason for failure of MIS is
a) Use of improper tools for design
b) Non-involvement of end-user
c) Improper specification
d) None of the above

Q.18: __________Which one of the following is not an important characteristic of useful

and effective information?
a) Accuracy c) Completeness
b) Timeliness d) Economy

Q.19: Top level Managers use

a) Strategic information c) Operational information
b) Tactical information d) None of these

Q.20: ___________ System is an important factor of MIS. There are various types of
systems. Which one of the following is not a system?
a) Physical system c) Open system
b) Integrated system d) Probabilistic system

Q.21: Which one of the following is not an approach for development of MIS?
a) Hierarchical approach c) Modular approach
b) Integrative approach d) Elective approach

Q.22: In management information system which is the correct order of the reference of
activities that the manager processes?
a) Planning, organizing, staffing, coordinating, directing, controlling
b) Planning, staffing, coordinating, organizing, directing, controlling
c) Planning, organizing, staffing, coordinating, controlling, directing
d) Planning, directing, organizing, staffing, coordinating, controlling

Q.23: Who plays an important role in the success of products and services and in
increasing the marketing share of the firm in business?
a) Functional level Managers c) Business level Managers
b) Corporate level Managers d) All of the above

Q.24: DSS stands for: ____________

a) Dynamic Support System c) Dynamic Support System
b) Decision Service System d) Decision Support System

Q.25: Which is not a component of MIS?

a) Hardware b) Malware
c) Firmware d) Software

Q.26: Which is not an application of MIS

a) Financial c) Manufacturing
b) Marketing d) Redevelopment

Q.27: Which one is the disadvantage of MIS?

a) Expensive to set up c) Risk of fraud
b) Reliance on technology d) All of the above

Q.28: Which one is not an objective of MIS?

a) Capturing data c) Processing data
b) Removing data d) Summarizing data

Q.29: Provide access to a series of decision-oriented databases and small models

a) Analysis Information system c) File drawer system
b) Data analysis system d) None of these

Q.30: Emphasizes access to and manipulation of a time-scries of internal company data

and real-time data
a) Communication driven DSS c) Data driven DSS
b) Document driven DSS d) Knowledge driven DSS

Q.31: What are the two types of decisions in DSS?

a) Programmed and Non programmed c) Dynamic and Static
b) Procedural and Non procedural d) None of the above

Q.32: Characteristic of DSS are

a) Support for decision makers c) Adaptive over time
b) Support for variety of decision d) All of the above
processes and style

Q.33: Oriented DSS follows certain procedures adopted as rules

a) Database c) Rules
b) Text d) Compound

Q.34: DBMS stands for

a) Database Management Secure c) Data Basic Management System
b) Database Management System d) Data Basic Management Secure

Q.35: Which is not a type of Entity Relationship

a) One to Many b) Many to Many
c) One to One d) One to Two

Q.36: In ACID I stands for

a) Integration c) Independent
b) Integrity d) Isolation

Q.37: In Three tier architecture middle layer represents

a) Database c) User
b) Application d) System

Q.38: In ER model every attribute is defined by set of values called as

a) Entity attributes c) Relationship
b) Domain d) Database

Q.39: Which one is not a rule of E.F. Codd:

a) Integrity independence c) View Updation rule
b) Physical Data independence d) None of the above

Q.40: Database schema is

a) Represent logical view of entire c) Represent the values of database
database d) None of the above
b) Physical view of database

Q.41: Primary key

a) Set of attributes collectively define an c) A minimal super key
entity d) All of the above
b) One of the candidate key

Q.42: Foreign Key

a) Private key d) Primary key of one table available In
b) Public key the second table
c) Primary key

IT External Exam Reference MCQ’s

Q.1: DSS stands for:

a) Dynamic Support System
b) Decision Service System
c) Dynamic Service System
d) Decision Support System

Q.2: Which is not a component of MIS:

a) Hardware
b) Malware
c) Firmware
d) Software

Q.3: Which is not an application of MIS:

a) Financial
b) Marketing
c) Manufacturing
d) Redevelopment

Q.4: Which one is the disadvantage of MIS:

a) Expensive to set up
b) Reliance on technology
c) Risk of fraud
d) All of the above

Q.5: Which one is not an objective of MIS:

a) Capturing data
b) Removing data
c) Processing data
d) Summarizing data
Q.6: Provide access to a series of decision-oriented databases and small models:
a) Analysis Information system
b) Data analysis system
c) File drawer system
d) None of these

Q.7: Emphasizes access to and manipulation of a time-series of internal company:

a) Communication driven DSS
b) Document driven DSS
c) Data driven DSS
d) Knowledge driven DSS

Q.8: What are the two types of decisions in DSS?

a) Programmed and Non programmed
b) Procedural and Non procedural
c) Dynamic and Static
d) None of the above

Q.9: Characteristics of DSS are:

a) Support for decision makers
b) Support for variety of decision processes and style
c) Adaptive over time
d) All of the above

Q.10: ______ oriented DSS follows certain procedures adopted as rules:

a) Database
b) Text
c) Rules
d) Compound

Q.11: ERP stands for:

a) Entrepreneurship Resource planning
b) Entrepreneurship Research planning
c) Enterprise Resource planning
d) Enterprise Research planning

Q.12: Which is not a phase of ERP Life Cycle:

a) Acquire phase
b) Adoption phase
c) Implementation phase
d) Evolution phase

Q.13: Allowing for two different ERP systems operating separately:

a) One tier architecture of ERP
b) Three tier architecture of ERP
c) Two tier architecture of ERP
d) All of the above

Q.14: ODBC stands for:

a) Open Data Base Connectivity
b) Open Data Base Connection
c) Open Data Base Computer
d) Object Data Base Computer

Q.15: In ____ phase a new ERP system is examined:

a) Acquisition
b) Adoption
c) Implementation
d) Evolution

Q.16: SAP stands for:

a) System Application Products
b) Service Application Products
c) System Analysis Products
d) Service Analysis Products

Q.17: Which of the following is an example of Cross application component of SAP:

b) Classification
c) Product Management
d) None of these

Q.18: Which of the following are features of E-CRM:

a) Account Management
b) Case Management
c) Report and analysis
d) All of the above

Q.19: Benefit of E-CRM includes:

a) Service level improvements
b) Revenue growth
c) Productivity
d) All of the above

Q.20: Data Mining is:

a) Sophisticated data search that uses statistical algorithm
b) Sophisticated data search that uses plain text data
c) Data search that uses images and videos
d) All of the above

Q.21: Data mining includes following classes of tasks:

a) Clustering and Regression
b) Separation and Regression
c) Clustering and Separation
d) None of the above

Q.22: Which is not a component of SCM:

a) Replenishment System
b) E procurement
c) None of the above
d) All of the above

Q.23: SCM flows is divided into ___ categories:

a) One
b) Two
c) Three
d) Four

Q.24: SCM is:

a) Software engineering discipline consisting of standard process
b) Define a mechanism to deal with different difficulty of project plan
c) Software tools to execute supply chain transaction
d) All of the above

Q.25: E-procurement is:

a) Related to B2B
b) Set the policies governing procurement of material
c) Establish relationship with suppliers
d) All of the above

Q.26: SCM goals are defined to be The____ Rights:

a) Three
b) Five
c) Seven
d) Nine

Q.27: DBMS stands for:

a) Database Management Secure
b) Database Management System
c) Data Basic Management System
d) Data Basic Management Secure

Q.28: Which is not a type of Entity Relationship:

a) One to Many
b) Many to Many
c) One to One
d) One to Two
Q.29: In ACID I stands for:
a) Integration
b) Integrity
c) Independent
d) Isolation

Q.30: In Three tier architecture middle layer represents:

a) Database
b) Application
c) User
d) System

Q.31: In ER model every attribute is defined by set of values called as:

a) Entity attributes
b) Domain
c) Relationship
d) Database

Q.32: Which one is not a rule of E.F. Codd:

a) Integrity independence
b) Physical Data independence
c) View Updation rule
d) None of the above

Q.33: Database schema is:

a) Represent logical view of entire database
b) Physical view of database
c) Represent the values of database
d) None of the above

Q.34: Primary Key:

a) Set of attributes collectively define an entity
b) One of the candidate key
c) A minimal super key
d) All of the above

Q.35: Which of the following are data warehouse tools and utilities:
a) Data extraction and Data Cleaning
b) Data Loading
c) Refreshing
d) All of the above

Q.36: Metadata is defined as:

a) Data about data warehouse
b) Data about data
c) Data about real systems
d) None of the above

Q.37: ____ contains sub set of organization-wide data that is valuable to specific group
of people:
a) Data cube
b) Data repository
c) Data mart
d) Data warehouse

Q.38: The view over an operational data warehouse is known as ____:

a) Physical warehouse
b) Logical warehouse
c) Real warehouse
d) Virtual warehouse

Q.39: DMQL stands for:

a) Data migration query language
b) Data mining query language
c) Data migration quantity language
d) Data mining quantity language

Q.40: Backup is taken from the database when it is completely shut down is called as:
a) Partial backup
b) Hot backup
c) Cold backup
d) Complete backup

Q.41: Which is a correct method of deleting a cell:

a) Click on Formula bar
b) Double click on the cell
c) Press F2 in a cell
d) All of the above

Q.42: Which software is made for helping the systems?

a) Application
b) System
c) Firewall
d) None of the above
Q.43: EDI stands for:
a) Electronic Data Information
b) Electronic Device Interchange
c) Electronic Data Interchange
d) Electronic Data Information

Q.44: OLX is a good example of:

a) B2B
b) B2C
c) C2B
d) C2C

Q.45: The _____ system deals with the planning and use of resources used in the
a) CRM
b) SCM
c) ERP
d) All of the above

Q.46: The ____ provides a support system in the transaction processing, updating, and
reporting across the functions:
a) SCM
b) ERP
c) CRM
d) All of the above

Q.47: The ____ architecture is like client-server application:

a) 3-Tier
b) 2-Tier
c) 1-Tier
d) All of the above

Q.48: ____ architecture typically comprises of a presentation tier, a business or data

across tier, and a data tier:
a) 3-Tier
b) 2-Tier
c) 1-Tier
d) All of the above

Q.49: The ____ makes requests to the web server who will be serving the request by
either returning static content:
a) Data tier
b) Business tier
c) Server tier
d) Client tier

Q.50: ____ contains the business logic and the business data:
a) Data tier
b) Business tier
c) Server tier
d) Client tier

Q.51: ____ layer is the external resource such as a database, ERP system, Mainframe
system etc. responsible for storing the data:
a) Data tier
b) Business tier
c) Server tier
d) Client tier

Q.52: ____ provides an integrated quantity and value flow and allows the mapping of
uniform processes across the entire supply chain:
a) DSS
b) MIS
c) ERP
d) All of the above

Q.53: In ____ architectures, the database and application functions are separated:
a) 3-Tier
b) 2-Tier
c) 1-Tier
d) All of the above

Q.54: _____ is performed to analyze the current situation of the organization and its
future position as needed:
A) Training
b) Testing
c) Project Planning
d) GAP analysis

Q.55: _____ is an important step and is carried out so that the errors can be found and
resolved before the actual application process:
a) Training
b) Testing
c) Project Planning
d) GAP analysis
Q.56: ____ of employees starts with the implementation process in the life cycle of the
ERP implementation:
a) Training
b) Testing
c) Project Planning
d) GAP analysis

Q.57: ____ concerns all forms of managing relationships with customers making use of
Information Technology:
a) DSS
b) MIS
c) ERP
d) E-CRM

Q.58: A supply chain is a network of suppliers, factories, warehouses, distribution

centers and retailers:
a) DSS
b) MIS
c) SCM
d) ERP

Q.59: A database is an organized collection of _____:

a) Information
b) Data
c) Data Warehousing
d) Data Mining

Q.60: _____ server is closed to physical storage of ____:

a) Database
b) Data
c) Data Warehousing
d) Application

Q.61: _____ server is also called as the data model:

a) Database
b) Data
c) Data Warehousing
d) Application

Q.62: ____ is representation of the entire content of the database:

a) Database
b) Data
c) Data Warehousing
d) Application

Q.63: A ____ is a database management system based on relational model introduced

by E.F Codd:
a) Database
d) Application

Q.64: A single entry in a table is called a _____:

a) Row
b) Column
c) Table
d) Attribute
Q.65: In a database management system an ____ refers to a database component:
a) Row
b) Column
c) Table
d) Attribute

Q.66: A ____ is a combination of attribute that can be used to uniquely identify

database record:
a) Super key
b) Candidate Key
c) Primary Key
d) Composite Key

Q.67: A _____ is a special subset of super keys that do not have any extraneous
information in them:
a) Super Key
b) Candidate key
c) Primary Key
d) Composite Key

Q.68: Key that consist of two or more attributes that uniquely identify an entity
occurrence is called ____:
a) Super Key
b) Candidate Key
c) Primary Key
d) Composite key

Q.69: Database _____ is considered with the accuracy, correctness, and validity of data
in a database:
a) Integrity
b) Schema
c) Independence
d) All of the above

Q.70: A database ____ is the skeleton that represents the logical view of the entire
a) Integrity
b) Schema
c) Independence
d) All of the above

Q.71: ____ provides one consistent data store for reporting, forecasting, and analysis:
a) Data warehouse
b) Data Mining
c) Data Server
d) Database

Q.72: ____ is the delegation of an intensive business process to an outside service

provider who owns administers and manages it according to a defined set of metrics:
a) KPO
b) BPO
c) ITO
d) All of the above

Q.73: The ___ is typically associated with companies engaged in IT consulting and
services delivery business:
a) Global delivery model
b) The build-operate-transfer model
c) The global shared services model
d) Hybrid outsourcing

Q.74: ______ combines onsite and off shore services to deliver results at reduced cost:
a) Global deliver model
b) The build-operate-transfer model
c) The global shared services model
d) Hybrid outsourcing

Q.75: ____ is the practice of using multiple offshore business models and suppliers:
a) Global delivery model
b) Multi-sourcing model
c) The global shared services model
d) Hybrid outsourcing

Q.76: ___ also known as captive centers or offshore in sourcing are a combination of
onshore-shared services and offshore captive centers:
a) Global delivery model
b) The build-operate transfer model
c) The global shared services model
d) Hybrid outsourcing

Q.77: ____ is a company’s outsourcing of computer or internet related work such as

programming to other companies:
a) KPO
b) BPO
c) ITO
d) All of the above

Q.78: _____ describes the outsourcing of core information-related business activities:

a) KPO
b) BPO
c) ITO
d) All of the above

Q.79: The most important reason for failure of MIS is _________:

a) Use of improper tools for design
b) Non-involvement of end user
c) Improper specification
d) None of the above

Q.80: ____________ predicts future trends & behaviors, allowing business managers to
make proactive, knowledge-driven decisions:
a) Data warehouse
b) Data mining
c) Data marts
d) Metadata

Q.81: An information system that supports the planning and assessment needs of
executive management is __________________:
a) DSS
b) TPS
c) ERP
d) None of the above

Q.82: ERP system is built on a ____________ utilizing a common computing platform:

a) Centralized database
b) Individual databases
c) Modular databases
d) Central layout

Q.83: The full form of OLAP: 

a) Online Analytical Processing
b) Online Advance Processing
c) Online Analytical Performance
d) Online Advance Preparation

Q.84: The primary key having two or more attributes is called as____:
a) Super Key
b) Candidate Key
c) Composite Key
d) None of the above

Q.85: Who are the primary users of SCM systems?

a) Accounting, finance, logistics, and production
b) Customers, resellers, partners, suppliers, and distributors
c) Sales, marketing, customer service
d) All of the above

Q.86: KPO requires _____:

a) Advance analytical and technical skills
b) High degree of specialist expertise
c) Neither A or B
d) Both A or B

Q.87: Data cleaning is the process of ____:

a) Searching through consistent data
b) Editing / removing inconsistent data
c) Removing historical data
d) Editing past data

Q.88: In ______type of BPO, the customer has to carry out a significant part of the
process in-house:
a) Transactional BPO
b) Niche BPO
c) Comprehensive BPO
d) None of the above

Q.89: An information system that supports the planning and assessment needs of
executive management is ____:
a) DSS
b) TPS
c) ERP
d) None of the above

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