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Software Defined Radio: Basic Principles and Applications

Article  in  Revista Facultad de Ingeniería · January 2015

DOI: 10.19053/01211129.3160


31 11,418

1 author:

José Raúl Machado Fernández

Universidad Tecnológica de la Habana, José Antonio Echeverría


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José Raúl Machado-Fernández

ISSN 0121-1129
eISSN 2357-5328

Software Defined Radio: Basic Principles and


Software Defined Radio: Principios y aplicaciones básicas

Software Defined Radio: Princípios e Aplicações básicas

Fecha de Recepción: 29 de Septiembre de 2014 José Raúl Machado-Fernández*

Fecha de Aceptación: 15 de Noviembre de 2014

The author makes a review of the SDR (Software Defined Radio) technology, including hardware schemes
and application fields. A low performance device is presented and several tests are executed with it using free
software. With the acquired experience, SDR employment opportunities are identified for low-cost solutions
that can solve significant problems. In addition, a list of the most important frameworks related to the technology
developed in the last years is offered, recommending the use of three of them.

Keywords: Software Defined Radio (SDR), radiofrequencies receiver, radiofrequencies transmitter, radio
development frameworks, superheterodyne receiver, SDR hardware devices, SDR-Sharp, RTLSDR-Scanner.

El autor realiza una revisión de la tecnología Radio Definido por Software (SDR, Software Defined Radio)
incluyendo esquemas de hardware y campos de aplicación. Un dispositivo de desempeño modesto es presentado
y varias pruebas son ejecutadas con él usando software de distribución gratuita. Con la experiencia adquirida,
son identificadas oportunidades de empleo de SDR en soluciones de bajo costo que pueden resolver problemas
significativos. Además, se ofrece una lista de las librerías más importantes relacionadas con la tecnología en los
últimos años, recomendando el uso de tres de ellas.

Palabras Clave: Software Defined Radio (SDR), receptor de radiofrecuencias, transmisor de radio frecuencias,
librerías de desarrollo de radio, receptor superheterodino, dispositivos de hardware SDR, SDR-Sharp, RTLSDR-

* Instituto Superior Politécnico José Antonio Echevarría (ISPJAE) (La Habana, Cuba).

Revista Facultad de Ingeniería (Fac. Ing.), Enero-Abril 2015, Vol. 24. No. 38. pp. 79-96 79

. pp. 79-96
Software Defined Radio: Basic Principles and Applications

O autor realiza uma revisão da tecnologia Rádio Definido por Software (SDR, Software Defined Radio) incluindo
esquemas de hardware e campos de aplicação. Um dispositivo de desempenho modesto é apresentado e várias
provas são executadas com ele usando software de distribuição gratuita. Com a experiência adquirida, são
identificadas oportunidades de emprego de SDR em soluções de baixo custo que possam resolver problemas
significativos. Ademais, se oferece uma lista das bibliotecas mais importantes relacionadas com a tecnologia nos
últimos anos, sendo recomendado o uso de três delas.

Palavras Chave: Software Defined Radio (SDR), receptor de radiofrequências, transmissor de radiofrequências,
bibliotecas de desenvolvimento de rádio, receptor super-heteródino, dispositivos de hardware SDR, SDR-Sharp,

80 Revista Facultad de Ingeniería (Fac. Ing.), Enero-Abril 2015, Vol. 24, No. 38
José Raúl Machado-Fernández

I. Introduction minimal, at least regarding radio functions. This lack

of flexibility is disturbing in the sense that if an error
From the first wireless transmissions around 1890 occurs in the hardware, firmware, or software then
[1-3], radio transmission techniques have continually generally there is no reasonable way to correct the
evolved, providing users the possibility to stay problem: the built-in vulnerabilities are not easy to
connected with increasing transmission rates [4]. The remove. In fact, these devices are commonly limited
triumphant radio era came first, in the mid-1930, at a in their functionality to the hardware components
time when limited band widths were used for analog and cannot be reconfigured to perform other wireless
voice communications. Then, came the golden protocols beyond what the hardware itself provides
era of broadcast transmission in the 50s [5] with [11]. Precisely, the Software Defined Radio, subject
analogic television broadcasts that consumed more of this article, aims to provide a solution to many
bandwidth but provided a rich customer experience. of the problems described along with many other
As computers became smaller and more powerful, benefits.
reaching the 60s, they began to be useful as a
communication media for long distances, using both A. Software Defined Radio
wired connectivity via ARPANET[6] (which became
later the Internet) and wireless satellite ALOHANET The Software Defined Radio (SDR) is a design
[7]. paradigm for wireless communications devices.
Its creator, Joseph Mitola, defined the term in the
Cell phones also emerged around this time[8], allowing early90s as an identifier of a class of radios that
users to establish wireless voice communications could be reprogrammed and reconfigured through
from any public place or vehicle, although the software[12]. Mitola envisioned an ideal Software
original mobiles were hard to operate and to travel Defined Radio, whose physical components were
with, given their volume and weight. Many modern only an antenna and an Analog Digital Converter
phones are now almost portable computers, providing (ADC) on the receiver side. Likewise, the transmitter
access to both cellular networks and the Internet, and would have a Digital Analog Converter (DAC) and a
achieving wireless communications at speeds that transmitting antenna. The rest of the functions would
were unimaginable a generation ago. be handled by reprogrammable processors.

To the continuous progress in communications, it As the idea conceived in the 90sis still not
follows the advent of WLAN (Wireless Local Area achievable, and a sit will not be likely for some time,
Networks) that were originated in 1985 controlled the term SDR is used to describe a viable device
by the United States Federal Communications that is primarily defined by software, but includes
Commission (FCC). The organization put together significant hardware components. Even with these
the not licensed spectrum in three different regions components, the SDR receiver is quite different from
to be used in the following applications: Industry a traditional receiver.
(902-928 MHz), Science (2400-2483.5 MHz)
and Medicine (5725-5850 MHz)[9]. However, B. Motivation and Objectives
the original IEEE standard for WLANs was not
published until 1997[10]. Taking advantage of these SDR has evolved, like most technologies, from
freedoms in the spectrum, protocols such as WiFi and military to civilian environments. The first
Bluetooth proliferated and are now a vital part of any operational SDR, known as Speakeasy [13] was
corporative network. developed by the United States’ Navy between 1991
and 1995.Unfortunately, the application could not
Despite the growth achieved by multiple technologies, be used with other than the hardware for which it
an interesting and potentially problematic issue was conceived. Also, another negative issue was the
common to all mentioned devices is that their radios fact that the device fully occupied the backside of a
and protocols are mostly hardware based. Therefore, transport vehicle. His younger brother, Speakeasy II
reprogramming or reconfiguration options are [14], achieved much greater success mainly due to

Revista Facultad de Ingeniería (Fac. Ing.), Enero-Abril 2015, Vol. 24, No. 38 81
Software Defined Radio: Basic Principles and Applications

advances in electronics, wireless communications

circuits, and reusable and modular programming

A long way has been traveled from that first moment

to the present. Today, both SDR software [14, 15] and
hardware [16] are available at very low prices (in fact,
most software implementations are free), which invites
to consider the introduction of the paradigm in radio
solutions. Thus, the author establishes as the article’s Fig. 1. Superheterodyne Receiver’s Internal Blocks.
objective to make a review of SDR technology,
In the previous scheme, after the signal enters through
including hardware designs and application fields.
the antenna, it is typically amplified by an RF stage
In addition, he will show the operation of a software
that operates only in the frequencies of interest region.
defined radio device, identifying employment
Then, the signal is passed to the mixer which receives
opportunities at very low cost solutions that can solve
the local oscillator contribution by its other input. The
latent problems in common radio environments.
local oscillator’s frequency is set by the radio’s tuning
control [18]. The mixer is in charge of translating the
II. SDR Hardware signal to the Intermediate Frequency (IF).

In this section, a theoretical review of hardware Typically, the oscillator’s frequency is set to a value
differences between traditional and SDR receivers is that ensures that its difference from the desired
performed at first, explaining also how the software signal’s frequency is equal to the IF. For example,
defined transmission takes place. Finally, a SDR if someone would like to receive a FM station at
device is shown setting the ground for the discussion 100.7MHz and the IF were 10.7MHz, the local
of the technology’s applications in section 3. oscillator should be placed at 90MHz.The operation
is known as downconversion.
A. Traditional Receiver
The next stage is a bandpass filter that attenuates
A traditional or typical receiver, besides the classic every signal except a specific portion of the
demodulation, performs three other operations: (1) spectrum. The bandwidth of this stage limits the band
carrier frequency tuning to select the desired signal, width of the signal that’s being received. Common
(2) filter to separate it from others received, and (3) center frequencies for the IF stage are 455 kHz and
amplification to compensate transmission losses. 10.7 MHz for commercial AM and FM respectively.
Moreover, an amplification step is commonly placed Likewise, for commercial FM, the bandwidth is
before the demodulation block to carry the signal approximately 100 kHz and for AM is above 5 kHz,
to an acceptable level for the demodulator circuitry consistent with the channel spacing that’s 200kHz for
[17]. AM and 10 kHz for FM [19].

Most traditional receivers have used conventional At the end, the demodulator recovers the original
heterodyne schemes for almost a century. The modulating signal from the IF amplifier’s output
superheterodyne internals blocks are shown in employing one of several alternatives. For example,
Fig. 1 [18]. A basic understanding of the structure for AM an envelope detector is used, and for FM a
is necessary to distinguish this conception from the frequencies discriminator [20]. Further processing
new SDR receiver. of the signal depends on the purpose for which the
receiver is intended. In a common home radio, the
demodulated output is passed to an audio amplifier
that is connected to a speaker.

82 Revista Facultad de Ingeniería (Fac. Ing.), Enero-Abril 2015, Vol. 24, No. 38
José Raúl Machado-Fernández

B. SDR Receiver IF, performing the same operation that the first three
blocks of the superheterodyne receiver. Up to this
Fig. 2 shows the block diagram of a SDR receiver. point the two schemes converge [21].
At first, the RF tuner converts the analog signal to

Fig. 2. Block Diagram of the SDR Receiver.

Next, the IF signal is passed to the ADC converter Another procedure, known as decimation, is
in charge of changing the signal’s domain, offering commonly performed for reducing the sampling
digital samples at its output. The samples are feed frequency or sample rate. Thus, the new sampling
to the following stage’s input which is a Digital frequency in baseband results from the division
Down Converter (DDC). The DDC is commonly a of the original sampling frequency by an N factor,
monolithic chip and it stands as the key part of the called decimation factor. The final sample rate can
SDR system. It consists of three main components: be as little as twice the highest frequency component
(1) a digital mixer, (2) a digital local oscillator, and of the useful signal, as proposed by the well-known
(3) a Finite Impulse Response (FIR) low-pass filter. Nyquist theorem [22]. Furthermore, practical
approaches have shown that reduction can be applied
The components operation is similar to their analog up to an extra 20% without significantly affecting
counterparts. The digital mixer and the local oscillator the quality of the result [19]. This can be expressed
shift the IF digital samples to baseband, while the FIR numerically as is done in equation 1.
low-pass filter limits the bandwidth of the final signal
[21]. For the implementation of each of its parts, the fb2=0.8fb=fs/N (1)
DDC includes a high number of multipliers, adders
and shift registers. Where fb is the frequency at baseband, fs is the
sampling frequency, N is the decimator factor and fb2
Observe that the signals are transferred to their is the new calculated baseband frequency after the
baseband equivalent at the digital mixer’s output decimation is applied.
by the disintegration into the I and Q counter phase
components [20]. If the tuning of the digital local Finally, the baseband samples are passed to the
oscillator is modified, the desired signal can be Digital Signal Processing (DSP) block, where task
shifted away or towards the point where it reaches such as demodulating and decoding are performed,
0Hz. This variation, together with the bandwidth among others.
adjustment of the low-pass filter, defines which part
of the reception is treated as a useful signal.

Revista Facultad de Ingeniería (Fac. Ing.), Enero-Abril 2015, Vol. 24, No. 38 83
Software Defined Radio: Basic Principles and Applications

Fig. 3. Block Diagram of a SDR transmitter

The PDS block can be implemented in an FPGA if receivers typically exceeds 300 USD [23]. The SDR
the system is to be adapted to a specific application. transmitter’s structure is explained below.
However, PDS stages are commonly found within a
general purpose computer in the form of specialized SDR transmitters receive a baseband signal as an
software if versatility is to be added to the solution. input, typically generated by a DSP step as it is
shown in Fig. 3.
C. SDR Transmitter
The first block is a Digital Up Converter (DUC)
Although the most common SDR devices are which transfers the baseband signal to IF. The DAC
receivers, the technology also includes transmission that follows transform the samples to the analog
schemes. The price of a SDR receiver can be as low domain. Next, the RF converter shifts the signal
as 20 USD [16], while the cost of SDR transmitters/ towards higher frequencies. Finally, the signal is
amplified and directed to the antenna.

Table 1
Most relevant SDR Devices in the Market.
Band- Resolu-
Commercial Min. Max.
width tion of Transmit? Price
Name Freq. (MHz) Freq. (MHz)
the ADC
RTL-SDR 2831 24 1766 3,2 8 No 10-20
Funcube Pro 64 1700 0,096 16 No 150
Funcube Pro+ 410 2050 0,192 16 No 200
HackRF 30 600 20 8 Yes 300
BladeRF 300 3800 40 12 Yes 400-650
USRP 1 10 6000 64 12 Yes 700
MatchStiq 300 3800 28 12 Yes 4500

Within the DUC, the Interpolation Filter is responsible Then, the digital mixer and the local oscillator shift
for raising the baseband signal’s sample rate to the samples to IF, the shift being controlled by the
match the operating frequency of the components local oscillator.
that follow. Therefore, it performs the Decimator’s
opposite operation in the receiver’s architecture.

84 Revista Facultad de Ingeniería (Fac. Ing.), Enero-Abril 2015, Vol. 24, No. 38
José Raúl Machado-Fernández

D. RTL2831 Device

Once explained the structure of the SDR receiver

and transmitter, it’s now the turn to introduce a SDR
device. Later, in the section 3.3, some tests are carried
out exploiting its functionalities using free software.

As one of the cheapest offers in the market,

RTL2831SDR receiver from Teratec manufacturer
is an excellent choice for a first approach to the
technology. It operates in the VHF and UHF bands,
allowing the exploration of a considerable part of
the spectrum used for national broadcasts in various
applications. It delivers to the DSP stage a spectral
width of 3,2 MHz at real time operation. Fig. 4. RTL2831 SDR Device.

Although it comes equipped with a quite small A. SDR Frameworks

antenna (customizable from 9 to 32cm), the RTL2831
can be connected to other antennas with a better In order to operate a SDR device, from a personal
performance, adapted to the bands of intended computer or from an FPGA running Digital Signal
operation. Moreover, the device has an USB 2.0 port Processing, software is needed for enabling the
for communicating with the computer, consistent with interaction. However, before developing software,
the spectral width that it handles. Devices able to a framework must be created providing low-level
monitor higher band-widths are commonly connected interface functions. Several attempts have been made
through a traditional network cable. since1980. Most major efforts are listed below.

A small list of the most popular SDR devices in the • The Software Radio (1980-1985) [24]
market is offered as a valuable reference in table 1
[23]. Note that RTL2831 is the cheaper device. • National Instruments – LabVIEW (1986 -
present) [25]
III. SDR Software • US Military – SPEAKKeasy I (1992-1995) [13]
• Massachusetts Institute of Technology –
While the hardware components are essentials in
the SDR conception, the definition of the paradigm SpectrumWare (1994-1999) [26]
it-self points out the necessity of complementary • US Military – SPEAKeasy II (1995-1997) [27]
dedicated software. In this section, a description of
the main software tools that allows the SDR signal • US Military – Joint Tactical Radio System
manipulation is offered. (1997- present) [28]
• Trinity College – IRIS (1999 - present) [29]
• Vanu Software Radio (2001- present) [30]
• GNU Radio (2001 - present) [31]
• Flex-Radio SDR-1000 (2002-present) [11]
• Tsao, SDR Framework (2002) [32]
• Universidad de Kansas – Agile Radio (2003)

Revista Facultad de Ingeniería (Fac. Ing.), Enero-Abril 2015, Vol. 24, No. 38 85
Software Defined Radio: Basic Principles and Applications

• California Institute of Technology – CallRadio • P-HAL (2008 - present) [41]

(2005 - present) [34]
• Microsoft – SORA (2009 - present) [42]
• Rice – WARP (2006 - present) [35]
• Karlsruhe Institute of Technology – MATLAB /
• High Performance SDR (2006 - present) [36] Simulink/ USRP (2009) [43]
• Virginia Tech – Open Source SCA • MathWorks – MATLAB / Simulink / USRP
Implementation (2006 - present) [37] (2011 - present) [44]
• Lyrtech – Small Form Factor SDR (2007 - Though the above list is not complete, it illustrates
present) [38] the increasing popularity of the SDR technology.
Projects grouped by year are show in Fig. 5.
• Virginia Tech – Cognitive Engine (2007 -
Obviously, the number of emerging frameworks has
present) [39] increased since 2000.
• HYDRA (2007) [40]

Fig. 5. Amount of Frameworks implemented by year.

Among the published list, there are three libraries with GNURadio, MATLAB is the most used support
that stand out for its frequent use in a great amount in SDR investigations [48-50]. The Success of GNU
of the current research papers. The first of them Radio and MATLAB mainly reside in the fact that
appear in 2001 and it was designed exclusively they provide easy to handle tools for the manipulation
for Linux operative system, but its popularity [45- of signals.
47] has extended its usage also to Windows: GNU
Radio2001.The other two operate exclusively on The duration over time of the above mentioned
Windows and are based on MATLAB mathematical SDR frameworks is illustrated in Fig. 6. As it can be
software: Karlsruhe Institute of Technology- seen, there is a growing tendency to stability in new
MATLAB/Simulink/USRP2009 and MathWorks- projects.
MATLAB/Simulink/USRP2011. Precisely together

86 Revista Facultad de Ingeniería (Fac. Ing.), Enero-Abril 2015, Vol. 24, No. 38
José Raúl Machado-Fernández

Fig. 6. Time Duration of SDR framework projects.

B. SDR Uses of Driver Assistance [52], GPS signals’ Reception

[53], HF Propagation Analysis [54], Interpretation of
Once the SDR device is in communication with Cellular Technology Emissions [55-57] particularly
the personal computer, one can start looking for the OFDM modulation [58], and the Identification of
uses of the technology, offering specific solutions. Radio Frequency Emissions [59].
The concept of unified platform and the ability to
correct errors in real time are the classic applications In other visionary fields, SDR experiments have
of SDR. However, studies have identified other provided encouraging results that motivate to
significant applications, such as: Dynamic Spectrum continue the investigations. Potential applications
Positioning, Opportunity Driven Multiple Access are being found in areas as diverse as prototypes
(ODMA), Spectrum Regulation and Cost Reduction development [60], microscopic investigations of the
(some SDR implementations are more cheaper than strength of the magnetic resonance [61], aviation
its analog counterpart) [51]. tests [62], evaluation of multi-path communications
[40], broadcast transmissions in multi-media mobile
A little beyond its traditional applications, the environments [63], cooperative wireless networks
SDR philosophy begins to dawn on high-impact diversity [64], crossings prototypes between wireless
areas within telecommunications. This is the case networks layer, quantum optical communications and
particularly in cognitive radio research [65-68].

Revista Facultad de Ingeniería (Fac. Ing.), Enero-Abril 2015, Vol. 24, No. 38 87
Software Defined Radio: Basic Principles and Applications

Fig. 7. Real time spectrum visualization

C. Employment Opportunities The two lower windows are in charge of plotting the
selected bandwidth inside the full spectrum displayed
Many of the applications previously described are in the top window. To the left, the IF spectrum can be
only available to large corporations and universities perceived. To the right, the frequency distribution of
with high amounts of money dedicated to research. the voice demodulated signal is illustrated. In addition,
However, there are some low-cost solutions that can the transmission’s acoustic content can be heard if a
be achieved with the RTL2831 or another similar speaker is connected to the computer. Obviously, in
device using free software. In this section, several the example above, the demodulation scheme used
free downloaded softwares are presented, together a FM demodulator. In addition, the software allows
with some solutions that can be materialized or demodulation of the AM (Amplitude Modulation),
studied with them. Every one of the provided figures CW (Continuous Wave), USB (Upper Side Band),
was obtained by running the softwares on Windows LSB (Lower Side Band) and DSB (Double Side
7 and 8. Band) signals.

Understanding how SDR-Sharp works, some

1) SDR-Sharp
applications can be identified. They are shown below:
The first software is called SDR-Sharp [14] and
• Cheap Radio Receiver: A general purpose
displays in real time all the readings that is capable
to generate the SDR device, which it translates to 3.2 computer may become a cheap radio receiver
MHz in the case of the Teratec RTL2831. As shown if a SDR device is connected to it. SDR-Sharp
in Fig. 7, it offers of 4 main windows to the user. works well on single core 2GHz computers
The top one shows the spectrum displayed in real with at least 1GBof RAM. However, there are
time, in which three FM radio stations are visible in some operations that consume more resources.
the selected example. The next window, known as
waterfall chart, illustrates the signal´s time behavior
showing the most intense emissions in warmer colors.

88 Revista Facultad de Ingeniería (Fac. Ing.), Enero-Abril 2015, Vol. 24, No. 38
José Raúl Machado-Fernández

Fig. 8. Interference generated by an RF transmission.

• Interference Detection: Not all emissions

are kept within the frequency region Fig. 9. RF transmissions distinctive features.
specifically conceive for them. Some devices
• Checking Repeaters Systems: If the power
let escape signals, resulting from undesired
receiver from several repeaters is periodically
intermodulation, which can interfere with other
measured in a common geographic point,
radio users. As it is visible in Fig. 8, SDR-Sharp
damage, interference or disruptions can be
is a very useful tool when is necessary to detect
detected. Similarly, if a SDR transmitter was
an interference.
available, or a conventional radio device with a
• Spectrum Relocation: A SDR receiver allows similar functionality, low rate or probably down
exploring a wide range of frequencies so that sites availability could be checked. Furthermore,
not used or not assigned spaces can be found, with the employment of frameworks as the
as well as frequencies with very low access. mentioned above it’s possible to automate the
This type of studies allows for transmission process.
relocation, optimizing the consumed bandwidth.
• Spectrum Regulation and Automatic 2) RTLSDR Scanner
Transmission’s Identification: Unfortunately,
Another very useful software is RTLSDR Scanner [15]
radio users do not always maintain discipline.
which has the characteristic of being cross platform
Sometimes emissions occur in unauthorized
as it has been tested on Windows 7 and 8, Ubuntu
bands. Real time monitoring is achievable
12 and 13 and Macintosh Systems like Leopard and
trough SDR-Sharp. In addition, such a versatile
Mountain Lion. In short, the application is a spectrum
tool induces the implementation of Systems
analyzer that performs consecutive scans and allows
for Automatic Transmission’s Identification.
to gather data and to make comparisons. Unlike
Emissions can be distinguished not only by
SDR-Sharp, it does not operate at real time.
its bandwidth, but by its cyclic variation and
specific characteristics such as the tail’s shape of
Fig. 10 shows a measurement made with RTLSDR
the signal. Note that the automatic identification
Scanner. In it, the computation of the received
cannot be executed directly with SDR-Sharp.
power’s average after performing several scans over
New software needs to be created.
a1 MHz bandwidth is revealed. Note that a specific
area may be selected if the user wishes to obtain
numerical values ​​for the Maximum Power, Low
Power and Average Value.

Revista Facultad de Ingeniería (Fac. Ing.), Enero-Abril 2015, Vol. 24, No. 38 89
Software Defined Radio: Basic Principles and Applications

Fig. 10. Spectrum Analyzing with RTLSDR Scanner.

The plotted results can be saved in different formats left is colored, which means that the maximum is
and comparisons can be performed over them to not constant but appears at intervals in this area.
analyze the measurements. One of the comparisons is By contrast, the peak to the extreme right is not
shown in Fig. 11 where data from consecutive scans colored, indicating that the local maximum hasn’t
is plotted. The colored area represents the signal’s fall throughout the all observation period.
variation. For example, the peak to the extreme

Fig. 11. Plotting the difference between consecutives scans.

Taking advantage of the benefits offered by RTLSDR result the possibility of making adjustments in
Scanner, some applications can be identified. They the propagation calculation methods.
are show below:
• Spectrum Intruders Identification: Scanning
• Measurement of the repeaters’ electrical silence zones, unauthorized transmissions can
parameters: RTLSDR Scanner allows checking be detected.
if the signal parameters offered by manufacturers
are actually implemented by their equipment. 3) SDR for Android
Transmitted power and frequency deviation can
One of the platforms for which SDR applications
be easily checked, as well as the appearance
have been developed is Android. The software SDR
of harmonics frequency bands near to the one
Touch turns the phone in to a SDR receiver whose
intended for the communication. range fluctuates between 50MHz and 2 GHz in AM,
• Noise Characterization by Bands: By exploring FM and SSB depending on the used hardware [69].
the spectrum, qualified personal may analyze There is also another software called Pocket HAM
the noise level of each band obtaining as a Bands Transceiver who allows the remote listening
of SDR receivers.

90 Revista Facultad de Ingeniería (Fac. Ing.), Enero-Abril 2015, Vol. 24, No. 38
José Raúl Machado-Fernández

• Place several SDR devices in a centralized

server so each remote may have access to a
different one. This can be made because of the
low prices of the SDR hardware available on
the market. However, note that the alternative
requires some centralized service that should
act as a judge and rule the access to various
devices connected.
• Establish a Linux server responsible for
handling requests to a single device. This
Fig. 12. SDR Touch Visual Interface. application already exists.

4) SDR in the Web Both options are viable, being the selection
conditioned by the necessities of each particular user.
SDR’s perspectives in the future are many and However, if the conditions are given, the second-one
varied, but its application is particularly important is recommended over the first.
when Internet connected systems are brought into
consideration. From this point of view, there are two Regarding the free access to foreigners SDR in
fundamental approaches: remote locations (approach 2), it needs to be let
clear that this alternative is equally or more valuable
1. Transmission over Internet of own SDR signals. than the previous. Worldwide, there are a lot of
SDR devices ruled by amateur users and nonprofit
2. Free access to foreigners SDR in remote
associations. The geographical location of all 79
stations is provided in Fig. 13 [70].
For the transmission of a local own signal (approach
1) the software rtl_tcp may be used. With two PCs, a As the reader may notice, the majority of the receivers
hub and SDR RTL 2831 the possibility to visualize are located in Europe, although there are stations in
data received through the network was verified. all continents. The operating bands and the signal’s
However, when a laptop was added as a third active quality offered by the deployed devices differ from
element, the disadvantage of the scheme became one location to another, understandable fact if the
evident: only one remote host can receive the signal at spontaneous nature of the network is considered.
a given time. There are two solutions to the problem: However, by accessing several terminals, multiple
bands can be covered, especially in high density

Revista Facultad de Ingeniería (Fac. Ing.), Enero-Abril 2015, Vol. 24, No. 38 91
Software Defined Radio: Basic Principles and Applications

Fig. 13. SDR Receivers around the world

The SDR Internet transmission possibilities shown

above leads to consider the following applications of
the technology:

• Estimation of Wireless Transmission Losses:

Providing centralized control of several SDR
devices deployed at strategic locations enables
the comparison of received signals, which
allows the estimation of path loss and the
validation of the coverage computations made​​
with specialized software like RadioMobile
• SDR as a service: The Corporation that achieves Fig. 14. Location of unknown transmitters from at least
deploying a large SDR network will be able to three different locations.
provide access to the receivers as a service to
third parties with specific interests.

92 Revista Facultad de Ingeniería (Fac. Ing.), Enero-Abril 2015, Vol. 24, No. 38
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