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Republic of the Philippines

Cebu Normal University

Osmeña Blvd., Cebu City, 6000, Philippines

College of Nursing
Telephone No.: (+63 32) 254 4837

Patient’s Initials: B.T. Date of Admission: November 2, 2021 Diagnosis: Subarachnoid hemorrhage secondary to ruptured aneurysm
Age: 49 y.o. Height: 5’5 ft. Weight: 74 kg Clinical Intervention: Surgical Clipping of ruptured aneurysm_________
Sex: Female Ward: Neuro ____ Bed No: 6 Name of Physician: Dr. Al Garay
Mechanism of
Drug Information Classification Indication Contraindication Side Effects Nursing Responsibilities
Generic Name: Therapeutic Pharmacodynamics General Indications Contraindications: CNS: headache. Before:
Esomeprazole Classification: or Mechanism of  GERD/erosive  Hypersensitivity  Check doctor’s order
antiulcer agents Action: esophagitis. to esomeprazole Derm: cutaneous  Assess routinely for epigastric or
Trade Name: Binds to an enzyme  Reduction in or related drugs lupus abdominal pain and frank or occult
Nexium Pharmacological on gastric parietal risk of (benzimidazoles) erythematosus. blood in the stool, emesis, or gastric
Classification: cells in the presence rebleeding  Hypersensitivity aspirate.
Minimum Dose: proton-pump of acidic gastric pH, following GI: Clostridium  Explain the right dosage, route, full
20 mg once daily inhibitors preventing the final therapeutic Precautions: difficile-associated course of medication, use of drug
transport of hydrogen endoscopy for  Severe hepatic diarrhea (CDAD), and side effects
Maximum Dose: Pregnancy Risk ions into the gastric acute bleeding impairment; abdominal pain,  May cause hypomagnesemia.
40 mg once daily Classification: lumen. gastric or  Patients using constipation, Monitor serum magnesium prior to
Patient’s dose: C duodenal ulcers high-doses for >1 diarrhea, dry and periodically during therapy
40 mg IV OD Therapeutic Effect:  Hypersecretory mouth, flatulence,
year (↑ risk of hip,
Diminished conditions, nausea. During:
wrist, or spine
Route: accumulation of acid including  Verify the patient’s identity.
IV in the gastric lumen fractures) F and E:  IV: reconstitute each vial with 5 mL
with lessened  Patients using hypomagnesemia
syndrome of 0.9% NaCl, LR or D5W. Do not
Availability: gastroesophageal therapy for >3 yr (especially if
 With amoxicillin administer solutions that are
Delayed-release reflux. Healing of and (↑ risk of vitamin treatment duration
discolored or contain a precipitate.
capsules: 20 mg, duodenal ulcers. clarithromycin B12 deficiency) ≥3 mo). Stable at room temperature for up to
40 mg Decreased incidence to eradicate  OB, Lactation: 12 hr.

Certification Date: 1 February 2021

Recertification due date: 24 January 2024

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Registration No. 52Q18778 check and type the registration number)

Republic of the Philippines
Cebu Normal University
Osmeña Blvd., Cebu City, 6000, Philippines

College of Nursing
Telephone No.: (+63 32) 254 4837

Delayed-release of gastric ulcer Helicobacter use only if GU: acute  Rate: Administer over at least 3 min.
tablets: 20 mg during continuous pylori in potential benefit interstitial nephritis.  Monitor patient’s reaction to
Delayed-release NSAID therapy. duodenal ulcer outweighs medication
oral suspension disease or potential risk Hemat: vitamin B12  Maintain aseptic technique.
packets: 2.5 history of deficiency.
mg/pkt, 5 mg/pkt, Pharmacokinetics: duodenal ulcer After:
10mg/pkt, 20 Absorption: 90% disease Drug Interactions: MS: bone fracture.  Always flush I.V. line with normal
mg/pkt, 40 mg/pkt absorbed following  Decrease risk  May ↓ levels of saline solution injection, lactated
Powder for oral administration; of gastric ulcer atazanavir and Misc: systemic Ringer’s injection, or 5% dextrose
injection (requires food ↓ absorption during nelfinavir; avoid lupus injection before and after giving
reconstitution Distribution: continuous concurrent use erythematosus esomeprazole intravenously.
and further unknown NSAID therapy. with either of  Discontinue if hypersensitivity
dilution): 20 Metabolism:  Heartburn these reaction occurs
mg/vial, 40 mg/vial Extensively occurring  Monitor bowel function. Diarrhea,
metabolized in the ≥twice/wk. abdominal cramping, fever, and
Content: liver.  May ↑ levels and
risk of toxicity of bloody stools should be reported
NEXIUM I.V. for Excretion: <1% Patient’s promptly as a sign of C. difficile-
Injection contains excreted unchanged Indications: saquinavir (may
associated diarrhea (CDAD)
esomeprazole in urine Stress ulcer need to ↓ dose of
 Caution to avoid doing activities
sodium 21.3 mg prophylaxis for saquinavir).
requiring alertness and until
or 42.5 mg Onset: critically-ill patients  May ↓ absorption response to medication is known.
equivalent to PO – rapid following of drugs requiring May cause occasional dizziness
esomeprazole 20 IV – rapid neurologic injury acid pH,  Advise patient to avoid alcohol,
mg or 40 mg, for the prevention including products containing aspirin or
edetate disodium Peak: of clinically ketoconazole, NSAIDs, and foods that may cause
1.5 mg and sodium PO – 1.6 hr important stress- itraconazole, an increase in GI irritation.
hydroxide q.s. for IV – end of infusion related
pH adjustment. ampicillin  Advise to report onset of black, tarry
Duration: esters, iron stools; diarrhea; abdominal pain; or
bleeding (CIB)
PO – 24 hr salts, erlotinib, persistent headache promptly

Certification Date: 1 February 2021

Recertification due date: 24 January 2024

For verification of the certificate please

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Registration No. 52Q18778 check and type the registration number)

Republic of the Philippines
Cebu Normal University
Osmeña Blvd., Cebu City, 6000, Philippines

College of Nursing
Telephone No.: (+63 32) 254 4837

IV – 24 hr and  Instruct to notify if fever and

mycophenolate diarrhea develop, especially if stool
Drug half-life: mofetil. contains blood, pus, or mucus.
Children (1– 11 yrs):  May ↑ levels of Advise not to treat diarrhea without
0.42– 0.88 hr digoxin and consultation.
Adults: 1.0– 1.5 hr.  Advise patient to notify health care
professional if signs of
 May ↑ risk of
hypomagnesemia (seizures,
bleeding with
dizziness, abnormal or fast
warfarin heartbeat, jitteriness, jerking
(monitor INR and movements or shaking, muscle
PT). weakness, spasms of the hands
 Voriconazole and feet, cramps or muscle aches,
may ↑ levels. spasm of the voice box) occur.
 May ↓ the  Document the procedure.
effects of
avoid concurrent
 May ↑ levels
consider ↓ dose
of cilostazol
from 100 mg
twice daily to 50
mg twice daily.
 Rifampin may ↓

Certification Date: 1 February 2021

Recertification due date: 24 January 2024

For verification of the certificate please

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Registration No. 52Q18778 check and type the registration number)

Republic of the Philippines
Cebu Normal University
Osmeña Blvd., Cebu City, 6000, Philippines

College of Nursing
Telephone No.: (+63 32) 254 4837

levels and may ↓

response (avoid
concurrent use).
 Hypomagnesemi
a ↑ risk of
digoxin toxicity.
 May ↑ levels of

 St. John’s wort
may ↓ levels and
may decrease
response; avoid
concurrent use

 Kizior, R. J., & Hodgson, K. J. (2019). Saunders Nursing Drug Handbook 2019. Elsevier.

 RxList. (2021, June 3). Nexium I.V. (Esomeprazole Sodium): Uses, Dosage, Side Effects, Interactions, Warning.

 Vallerand, A., & Sanoski, C. (2019). Davis's Drug Guide for Nurses (16th ed.). F.A. Davis Company.

Certification Date: 1 February 2021

Recertification due date: 24 January 2024

For verification of the certificate please

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Registration No. 52Q18778 check and type the registration number)

Republic of the Philippines
Cebu Normal University
Osmeña Blvd., Cebu City, 6000, Philippines

College of Nursing
Telephone No.: (+63 32) 254 4837


Student Name: Rosales, Gwyn A. Year/Section: BSN – 4B Date: _____________ Score: ___/30

Directions: Please select the appropriate rating using the following descriptions.

Element Very Satisfactory Satisfactory Needs Improvement Comments

Drug ☐ Accurately presented all of the patient and drug information ☐ Accurately presented most of the patient and drug ☐ Accurately presented some of the patient and drug information
Information (name [brand & generic], dosage [patient’s dose; min. & max], information related to the case. 1 missing information or error related to the case. 2 or more missing information or errors noted.
(10%) frequency, route, availability, contents) related to the case. [3] noted. [2] [1]
Classification ☐ Accurately presented the classification (therapeutic and ☐ Accurately presented the classification related to the drug ☐ Inaccurately presented the classification related to the drug.
(10%) pharmacologic) related to the drug. [3] but with 1 irrelevant information or error noted. [2] Classification is not relevant to the drug. [1]

Indication ☐ Accurately presented the indication/s (general & patient- ☐ Accurately presented the indication/s related to the drug but ☐ Inaccurately presented the indication/s related to the drug.
specific) related to the drug. [3] with 1 irrelevant information or error noted. [2] Indication is not relevant to the drug. [1]
Mechanism of ☐ Accurately presented the mechanism of action ☐ Accurately presented the mechanism of action of the drug ☐ Inaccurately presented the mechanism of action of the drug.
Action (10%) (pharmacokinetics, pharmacodynamics) of the drug. [3] but with 1 irrelevant information or error noted. [2] Mechanism of action is not relevant to the drug. [1]
☐ Accurately presented all of the common contraindications ☐ Accurately presented most of the common contraindications ☐ Accurately presented some of the common contraindications
Contraindication related to the drug. [3] related to the drug. 1 missing information or error noted. [2] related to the drug. 2 or more missing information or errors noted.
(10%) [1]
Side Effects ☐ Accurately presented all of the common side effects related to ☐ Accurately presented most of the common side effects ☐ Accurately presented some of the common side effects related
(10%) the drug. [3] related to the drug. 1-2 missing information or errors noted. [2] to the drug. 3 or more missing information or errors noted. [1]
Nursing ☐ Accurately presented all of the common nursing ☐ Accurately presented most of the common nursing ☐ Accurately presented some of the common nursing
Responsibilities responsibilities (before, during, and after) related to the drug. [9] responsibilities related to the drug. 1-2 missing information or responsibilities related to the drug. 3 or more missing information
(30%) errors noted. [7] or errors noted. [3]
☐ Presented at least 2 sources that are updated (within 5 years), ☐ Presented only one source that is updated (within 5 years), ☐ No source was presented. Sources are not updated (more than 5
relevant, and credible. [3] relevant, and credible. Other sources are not updated, credible years), relevant, and credible. [1]
or relevant. [2]
Sub-score = ____ = ____ = ____

Evaluated by:

Certification Date: 1 February 2021

Recertification due date: 24 January 2024

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Registration No. 52Q18778 check and type the registration number)

Republic of the Philippines
Cebu Normal University
Osmeña Blvd., Cebu City, 6000, Philippines

College of Nursing
Telephone No.: (+63 32) 254 4837

Signature over Printed Name of Clinical Instructor

Certification Date: 1 February 2021

Recertification due date: 24 January 2024

For verification of the certificate please

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