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Drug Study Levofloxacin

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Mindanao State University – Iligan Institute of Technology Student: ___Dannah S.

COLLEGE OF NURSING Section:_____B______


Brand Name: Levaquin ___________________ Generic Name: Levofloxacin ________________ Drug Classification: FLUOROQUINOLONES or QUINOLONES

Dosage, Route & Frequency Adverse

Drug-Drug & Drug- Side Effects
Prescri Drug Action Indications Contraindications Reactions (By
Recommended Food Interactions (By System)
bed System)
Infections 500mg Inhibits bacterial DNA Drug: Magnesium or Treatment of Hypersensitivity to CNS: ELEVATED (≥1%) CNS:
Adult: PO 500mg q24h x 10days IVTT synthesis by inhibiting DNA aluminum-containing maxillary sinusitis, levofloxacin and INTRACRANIAL PRESSURE headache, insomnia,
IV 500mg infused over 60 min OD gyrase enzyme. Therapeutic antacids, sucralfate, iron, acute exacerbations quinolone antibiotics; (including pseudotumor dizziness GI:
q24h x 7-14 days of bacterial tendon pain, cerebri), SEIZURES, Nausea, diarrhea,
Effects: Death of susceptible zinc may decrease
Community-Acquired bronchitis, inflammation or rupture; agitation, anxiety, confusion, constipation,
Pneumonia Adult: PO/IV 750mg bacteria. levofloxacin absorption, community-acquired syphilis; viral infections; depression, dizziness, vomiting, abdominal
q24h x 5days Absorption: Well absorbed NSAIDs may increase pneumonia, phototoxicity; suicidal drowsiness, hallucinations, pain, dyspepsia.
Uncomplicated UTI (99%) after oral risk of CNS reactions uncomplicated ideation; psychotic headache, insomnia, Skin: Rash, pruritis.
Adult: PO/IV 250mg q24h x 14 administration; IV including hypoglycemia in skin/skin structure manifestations; nightmares, paranoia, tremor. Special Sense:
days Complicated UTI, administration results in patients on Oral infections, UTI, manifestations of CV: TORSADE DE POINTES, Decreased vision,
Pyelonephritis Adult: PO/IV complete bioavailability. hypoglycemic agents acute pyelonephritis peripheral neuropathy; QT interval prolongation. GI: foreign body
250mg q24h x 10 days caused by hypoglycemic reaction HEPATOTOXICITY, sensation, transient
Distribution: Widely
Acute Bacterial Sinusitis susceptible bacteria; to drug; WT PSEUDOMEMBRANOUS ocular burning, ocular
Adult: PO/IV 750mg q24h x 5 distributed. High tissue and acute bacterial prolongation, COLITIS, nausea, abdominal pain, photophobia
days Chronic Bacterial urinary levels are achieved. sinusitis; chronic hypokalemia; lactation. pain, diarrhea, vomiting. GU: Urogenital: Vaginitis
Prostatitis Appears to cross the placenta. bacterial prostatitis Safety and efficacy in vaginitis. Derm: STEVENS- Body as a whole:
Adult: PO/IV 500 mg q24h x 28 Protein Binding: 24– 38% bacterial infants younger than 6 JOHNSON SYNDROME, Injection site pain or
days Metabolism and Excretion: conjunctivitis months are not photosensitivity, rash. Endo: inflammation, chest
Skin and Skin Structure 87% excreted unchanged in established. hyperglycemia, hypoglycemia. or back pain, fever,
Infections Adult: PO 750mg Local: phlebitis at IV site. pharyngitis. Other:
urine, small amounts
q24h x 14 days Neuro: peripheral neuropathy. Cartilage erosion
Infant/Child (Older than 6 months metabolized MS: arthralgia, tendinitis,
and weight less than 50kg): IV Half-Life: 6-8h tendon rupture. Misc:
8mg/kg q12h(no more than hypersensitivity reactions
250mg/dose) including ANAPHYLAXIS.

Responsibilities in the Nursing Process (ADPIE) Responsibilities in the Nursing Process (ADPIE)
Assessment: Potential Nursing Diagnoses:
● Assess for infection (vital signs; appearance of wound, sputum, urine, and stool; WBC; urinalysis; ● Risk for infection (Patient/Family Teaching)
frequency and urgency of urination; cloudy or foul-smelling urine) at beginning of and during therapy.
● Obtain specimens for culture and sensitivity before initiating therapy. First dose may be given before Implementation
receiving results. ● Do not confuse levofloxacin with levetiracetam.
● Observe patient for signs and symptoms of anaphylaxis (rash, pruritus, laryngeal edema, wheezing). ● PO: May be administered without regard to meals. Products or foods containing calcium, magnesium,
Discontinue drug and notify physician or other health care professional immediately if these problems aluminum, iron, zinc should not be ingested for 4 hr before and 2 hr after administration.
occur. Evaluation/Desired Outcomes:
● Monitor bowel function. Diarrhea, abdominal cramping, fever, and bloody stools should be reported to ● Resolution of the signs and symptoms of bacterial infection. Time for complete resolution depends on
health care professional promptly as a sign of pseudomembranous colitis. May begin up to several weeks organism and site of infection.
following cessation of therapy. ● Avoidance of signs and symptoms of inhalational anthrax (postexposure treatment).
● Assess for rash periodically during therapy. May cause Stevens-Johnson syndrome. Discontinue therapy ● Prevention and treatment of plague
if severe or if accompanied with fever, general malaise, fatigue, muscle or joint aches, blisters, oral lesions,
conjunctivitis, hepatitis and/or eosinophilia.
● Assess for signs and symptoms of peripheral neuropathy (pain, burning, tingling, numbness, and/or
weakness or other alterations of sensation including light touch, pain, temperature, position sense, and
vibratory sensation) periodically during therapy. Symptoms may be irreversible; discontinue levofloxacin if
symptoms occur.

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