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AISE No7 Ladle Hooks 1991

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Specifications For Ladle Hooks

AISE Technical Report No. 7

May 1991


Page 4
Section 7.3 SHANK and
Section 7.4 EYE should read
" ... and be determined by Eq 8 or Eq 9,
whichever is lower."

Specifications For Ladle Hooks

AISE Technical Report No.7
May 1991

Published by
Three Gateway Center, Suite 2350, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15222-1097 U.S.A.
This report has been prepared by a committee of steel company representatives and the Association
of Iron and Steel Engineers, and others, who considered the technology available at the time of
preparation. This report does not represent either minimum acceptable standards or mandatory
specifications. In addition, this report is subject to compatibility with all governmental
The Association of Iron and Steel Engineers in no way mandates or is responsible for use of this
report, whether voluntary or pursuant to a mandate of others. The Association of Iron and Steel
Engineers and the committee assume and strongly recommend that parties who intend to use this
report will examine it thoroughly and will utilize appropriate professional guidance in adapting
this report to each particular project.
The use of language in this report that might be construed as mandatory is intended only to preserve
the integrity of the report as the committee views it. It is not intended to require strict compliance
where not necessitated by safety or operational needs.

Increasingly sophisticated analytical tools have become readily accessible to the designer since
the 1976 revision of this Report.
To prevent the loss of potentially superior design through over-regulation, the intent of the Report
has changed. For example, a reliable empirical method of calculating stresses at various sections
of the hook is still specified. However, the design engineer is now given the option of substituting
other appropriate techniques. Similarly, the selection of materials is now left to the designer,
although the Report does note some restrictions and gives examples of materials commonly used
for each component to provide guidance.

Association of Iron and Steel Engineers
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15222

Printed in United States of America

All rights reserved. This book, or any part thereof,
may not be reproduced in any form
without permission of the publishers.


1.1 Intended Coverage. 2.5 Wear Plates (Bumper Plates).
This Technical Report covers new laminated ladle hooks Wear plate material shall be selected on the basis of impact
which are rectangular in cross-section, and are used resistance, to withstand service impacts between the hook
primarily for lifting hot metal ladles. Hooks rigidly at- and the trunnion.
tached to a spreader beam are not discussed in this
Technical Report (see the Commentary).
1.2 General.
The primary concern in the design of a ladle hook is that a 3.1 Lamination Plates.
sudden, complete failure should not occur. Hooks conforming to this specification will normally have
Use of laminated construction, where the hook is made four or more laminations. The recommended thickness of
up of a number of separate steel plates, is the most impor- laminated plates is 3/4 in. to 11/4 in. Plates used for making
tant factor in insuring that such a mode of failure does not the hook laminations shall be rolled within the thickness,
occur. flatness, size and surface finish specified in ASTM A 6,
"General Requirements for Rolled Steel Plates, Shapes,
Sheet Piling and Bars for Structural Use."
2 MATERIALS. If straightening is necessary, it can be done by mechani-
cal means or by the application of a limited amount of
2.1 Hook Lamination Plates. localized heat. The temperature of the heated area, as
Various materials have been used for hook lamination measured by approved methods, shall not exceed the lesser
plates, ranging from plain carbon steel to high-strength, of 50° F below the tempering temperature, or 1100° F.
quenched and tempered steel. Any of these materials may
3.2 Cutting to Size.
be used successfully, provided that the required design
parameters are given proper consideration. Listed below Within the limitations listed below, lamination plates shall
are examples of typical steel with their minimum ultimate be cut to the design contour using a machine guided cutting
tensile strengths at room temperature. device. Finishing of plates will not be required unless
ASTM A 516 Gr. 55 55,000 psi specifically called for on the drawing or included in a
stipulated edge preparation f~r welding.
ASTM A 516 Gr. 60 60,000 psi
ASTM A 516 Gr. 65 65,000 psi The underside of the cut plate shall be free of slag and
the cut surface shall be smooth and square with the plate
ASTM A 516 Gr. 70 70,000 psi
surface. Comer imperfections can be removed by grinding,
ASTM A 514 Gr. F 110,000 psi
provided the ground corners are smooth and free from
For hooks that are to be used under very low temperature stress raisers and do not create more than a 1;8 in. bevel or
conditions (below O°F), avoid using plates such as ASTM comer radius. Burnt surface imperfections, if they occur,
A 515, which are crack-sensitive at these temperatures. shall be immediately corrected. Imperfect cut surfaces shall
2.2 Rivets. be conditioned by grinding to render the surface free from
injurious gouges or serrations. Deep gouges (deeper than
Typical grades are:
1;8 in.) or blow holes shall be corrected as follows:
ASTM A 31, Grade A
(1) Remove all slag, oxide, dirt and impurities to
form a prequalified joint configuration.
2.3 Eye Bushing. (2) Check area of repair by magnetic particle
The most common practice is to use steel (either hardened inspection to insure freedom from cracks or
or not hardened) for the eye bushing. other defects.
2.4 Trunnion Seat Wear Plate. (3) Preheat the repair area according to the proper
Material for the trunnion wear plate shall be selected ac- temperature dictated by the material and the
cording to the design and the desired life of the trunnion thickness of the repaired lamination plate.
and/or trunnion wear sleeve. Typical materials are: (4) Fill the repair area with a low hydrogen filler
Cast Bronze metal, compatible with and no less in strength
than the hook lamination plate material. The
Cu 88%; Sn 10%; Pb 2%
welding process shall result in a fine-grain
Steel deposited weld metal.
AISI 1045 - Flame hardened (5) Grind the weld flush to the surface.
ASTM A 514 - Quenched and tempered (6) Check weld with magnetic particle inspection to
ASTM A 668 K and L - Quenched and tempered insure freedom from cracks.
3.3 Riveting. of the hook, it is preferred not to locate rivets above a
The purpose of riveting is: to hold the laminations together, horizontal line whose distance below the centerline of the
to distribute the load to all laminations so that each of the supporting pin is 11;2 times the diameter of the machined
cross-sections of the hook and the shank work as an in- support-pin hole in the hook, as shown in Fig. 1. NOTE:
tegrated section, and to insure the resistance to longitudinal Any welding on the hook laminations above this line shall
shear between the laminations. be made using low hydrogen electrodes. Transverse welds
shall not be used. Riveting shall normally be completed
3.3.1 General. The most common practice is to use prior to any welding of the hook laminations.
hot rivets as follows: Holes for rivets shall be 1f16 in. greater 3. 4 Welding.
in diameter than the nominal diameter of the rivet.
The workmanship and quality of welds shall be in accord-
Laminations shall be clamped rigidly and then stack- ance with AWS D1.1 Section 9.25. )
drilled to simplify alignment of the rivet holes. Care shall
be taken to clamp the laminations so that the two outside )
surfaces of the stack are flat.
All parts of riveted members shall be aligned and rigidly o
held together while riveting.
The rivet length shall be properly selected to avoid
over-forming or under-forming of the rivet head. MINIMUM r=d+o
Hot-driven rivets shall be heated uniformly to a tempera-
ture not exceeding 19500 F; they shall not be driven after
their temperature has fallen below 10000 F. ABOVE THIS LINE.

Alternate methods of holding the laminations together

are acceptable provided that:
• The hook cross-section will still function as an
integral unit.
• The design does not provide a path for a crack to THIS AREA b = 23C
propagate from one plate (lamination) to another. UP TO MAXIMUM OF 6"

• Stitch welds and tack welds not incorporated into

final weld are not allowed.
3.3.2 Gaps Between Laminations. The gaps be- Lf--++l-BIGHT
tween laminations shall be minimal for proper riveting. It
is good practice to clamp the laminations in locations
adjacent to the hole in which a rivet is to be driven. The
gaps between laminations of a new hook in the vicinity of
a rivet shall not exceed 0.002 in., nor shall the gaps between
laminations of a new hook at the pitch center between two
rivets exceed 0.020 in.
3.3.3 Types of Rivets Used. Wherever possible,
countersunk rivets shall be used. The head of the driven ACROSS CRITICAL SECTION OF
rivet shall fill the countersunk hole and shall be flush with, HOOK DUE TO VERTICAL BENDING. )
or no higher than lA1 in. above, the surface of the outer
lamination. Buttonhead rivets are not normally used be- )
cause of the possibility of shearing the rivet heads on the Fig. 1 - Nomenclature for Stress Formulae and
ladle. Limiting Dimensions for Ladle Hooks

3.3.4 Rivet Spacing. For design purposes, the total

cross-sectional area of the rivets shall be sufficient to take
the full rated hook load in shear. Shear stress is not to
exceed 12,000 psi. No rivets shall be closer than one-third The inner surface of the hook that comes in contact with
of the width of the plate (or 6 in. if the width exceeds 18 the ladle trunnion and outside tip of the hook may be
in.) to the inside surface of the wear plate at the point of protected by a steel wearing plate not less than 3/4 in. thick.
maximum stress, as shown in Fig. 1, Area b. The edge The trunnion seat wearing plates shall be made of material
distance for rivets, other than those at the critical sections specified in Section 2.4, machined to fit the laminations
in the bight, shall be not less than 21,1 in. from the center and secured in place by bolting, riveting or welding. The
of the rivet hole to the edge of the hook. In the eye section edges of the trunnion seat wear plate and bumper plates

shall, in the case of welded design, be joined to the outer KtMc (Eq 2)
hook plates by continuous welds. Wearing plates attached Sb = - [ -
by welds in the bight area shall be continuous through the
high stress area of the bight of the hook. No transverse Where:
welds shall be used on the laminations. Values for Kt for a rectangular section are given in
If so specified by the purchaser, the wearing plates may Table 1.
be omitted. In this case, the designer will clearly define for
K = 2 - a (Ric - 1) (Eq 3)
the owner the limits of wear and damage that are acceptable
t 3 (R alc - 2) (Ric - 1)
in these areas before the hook has to be replaced. The
designer will insure that these hooks comply with the rivet Where:
) spacing limitations specified in Section 3.3.4 and the
design stresses in Sections 6 and 7 until the agreed wear a = loge (Ric + 1)
) (Ric - 1)
allowances are exceeded.
R = Distance of centroidal axis of section to
line of application of load, in. (See Fig. 1)
c = Distance from centroidal axis to extreme
fiber of the surface of the beam at the inside
5.1 Fitting. of the hook, in.
The eye end of laminated hooks shall be provided with a [ = Static moment of inertia of the
steel bushing. A press fit shall be used to insert the bushing cross-sectional area about the centroidal
. . 4
into the eye of the hook. If the bushing is welded, the welds axIS, m.
shall be continuous to the outer laminations.
M = Applied bending moment about centroidal
5.2 Minimum Thickness. axis, in.-Ib
The bushing thickness shall be one-eighth of the pin = Bending stress due to moment about short
diameter, but must not be less than l;2 in. and need not centroidal axis, psi
exceed 1 in. in thickness.


6.1 load Combinations. Curved Beam Correction Factor
For Rectangular Sections
Hooks shall be designed for the sum of the stresses due to
the loads as discussed in Sections 6.l.l, 6.l.2 and 6.1.3. Ric Kt Ric Kt
Areas, moments of inertia and other applicable values will
correspond to the section for which the stress is being 1.2 2.89 1.8 1.63
computed. 1.3 2.39 1.9 1.57
1.4 2.10 2.0 1.52
6.1.1 Direct Load (Vertical). 1.5 1.92 2.1 1.48
(Eq 1) 1.6 1.79 2.2 1.45
1.7 1.70 2.3 1.42
) Where:
A = Net cross-sectional area at section being
considered (square inches). The net
cross-sectional area at each section is the
gross area minus the area of the rivet holes. 6.1.3 Maximum Stress Due to Lateral or Sideways
P = Vertical load on hook, lb Bending About the Long Axis of the Hook. This will be
computed from the simple beam formula, with the rated load
Sd = Direct stress on the hook in the bight area, applied 1 in. from the outside edge of the hook (see the
psi Commentary).

6.1.2 Maximum Stress Due to Bending in the Plane (Eq 4)
of the Hook About the Major Axis. This will occur at the
inside fiber of the bight section. It will be computed from Sz = ---''---=-[z----'=--
the Winkler-Bach theory for curved beams.

---------------- --

Where: by the method of elastic analysis of the hook. These stresses

I, = The lateral moment of inertia of the cross- are based on the use of materials that meet the requirements
sectional area about the long centroidal of this Technical Report. Also see the Commentary.
. . 4
aXIS, m.

= Thickness of hook, in.

7.2 Bight.
S, = Bending stress about the long centroidal The allowable stress in the bight shall not be exceeded by
axis, psi the sum of the primary general membrane (direct stress),
bending stress in the plane of the hook, and the lateral
6.2 Bight. bending stress. The allowable stress shall be determined by
The stresses in the bight will be the sum of the three stresses Eq 8 or Eq 9, whichever is lower.
from Eqs 1 through 4 or:
(Eq 8)
(Eq 5)

(Eq 9)
cray = Fi (SF)y

6.3 Shanks. Where:

The shank shall be designed for the sum of the stresses: = Allowable stress, based on minimum
ultimate strength, psi
(Eq 6)
= Allowable stress, based on minimum yield
P Me strength, psi
cru = Minimum ultimate strength at room
temperature, psi

6.4 Hook Eye Section. cry = Minimum yield strength at room

temperature, psi
The stress at the section through the eye shall be computed
as follows: Fi = Impact factor

P (i _1) i
2 2
(Eq 7) (SF)u
Safety factor against ultimate strength
Safety factor against yielding
S = A + I, In this Technical Report, the following values shall be
In the vertical plane, the section will have a minimum • Impact factor Fi = 1.2
height which is equal to one-half of the net section width • Safety factor against ultimate strength
across the eye plus one-fourth of the hole diameter. (SF)u = 3.15

• Safety factor against yielding (SF)y = 1.75

6.5 Hook Configuration.
To allow for clearance, the thickness of the hook shall be
11;2 in. less than the length of the trunnion pin bearing on 7.3 Shank.
the ladles between the flange and shoulder. See the Com- The allowable stress in the shank shall not be exceeded by
mentary for discussion on design stresses. the sum of the primary general membrane (direct stress),
bending stress in the plane of the hook, and the lateral
bending stress; and shall be determined by Eq 8.

7.4 Eye.
7.1 General. The allowable stress in the eye shall not be exceeded by the
The allowable stresses in various categories discussed in sum of peak membrane and the lateral bending stress; and
Sections 7.2 through 7.4 shall not be exceeded in the design shall be determined by Eq 8.


The purpose of this Commentary is to provide additional Analytical methods, such as finite element, may be sub-
information about topics addressed in the Technical stituted at the design engineer's discretion.
Section 6.1.3: The analysis assumes that the plates
Section 1.1: If the hooks are rigidly attached to a are held firmly together and may be considered as a single
spreader beam, consideration must be given to all of the body for lateral bending.
additional loadings that can be introduced into the hook at
that connection. Sources of these additional loadings in- Section 6.5: The design of the ladle hook should
clude: consider the hook and trunnion width with respect to trun-
nion and bearing surface wear. A 'thin' hook may be
• Deflection of the spreader beam due to the center subject to premature wear of the bearing surfaces, even
lines of the ladle hooks and the lower sheave though it is otherwise a successful design.
assemblies being offset.
• When the assembly is subjected to side loads, it will The trend to thinner hooks has become more obvious
tend to lozenge; there will be a moment at the rigid with the adoption of higher strength materials.
connection between the spreader beam and the
hook resisting this. Section 7.2: The previous revision to this Technical
Section 2.2: Riveted connections are used less fre- Report included a temperature derating factor to decrease
quently than in the past. Consequently, some of the rivet the allowable stress. Based on current information and
materials specified in previous editions of this Technical steelmaking practices, it was concluded that this factor is
Report are no longer generally available. The materials in no longer needed. It has been found that hook temperatures
this edition are examples of acceptable materials. Substitu- seldom exceed 200 0 F. No loss of strength will occur at this
tions may be made provided that they offer at least equal temperature. Higher surface temperatures can be reached
on the ladle side of the shank, but these do not significantly
physical properties.
affect the strength or stresses in the section.
Section 4: The design of the wear plates, and their Where hooks are to be used in an application that will
attachment to the hook, should recognize the owner's need lead to greater heating of the hooks, temperature derating
to be able to inspect the individual laminations as part of a factors appropriate for the hook material should be applied
preventative maintenance program. to the design.
Section 6.1.2: The Report calls for the use of the The application of heat shields has been deleted from
Winkler-Bach method of analysis for stresses in the curved this edition. If the owner or designer should opt to fit heat
section of the hook. This was considered to be the most shields, care must be taken to insure that the attachment to
appropriate of the empirically derived methods based on the hook body does not compromise the design by intro-
accuracy and ease of use. ducing uncompensated stress risers.


Laminated ladle hooks should be visually inspected weekly for any indication of cracked plates and
welds, for loose rivets, and for wear in wearing plates or bushings. Wear plates and bushings shall be
replaced before wear occurs on the laminated plates of the hook body. For hooks not fitted with wear
plates, it is the owner's responsibility to insure that wear and damage do not exceed the limits specified
by the designer. Alteration or rerating of a ladle hook shall not be made without consulting either the
supplier or other qualified person.

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