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Solar Energy Quality Infrastructure in India

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Solar Energy Quality Infrastructure in India



Solar Energy Quality Infrastructure In India 1


Solar Energy Quality Infrastructure In India 2


Executive Summary
This report is about the quality of infrastructure (QI) used development of cheap and sub-standard plants thereby
in renewable energy installations, pertaining specifically echoing the need for quality norms across the value
to solar PV and solar thermal. The study is first of its kind chain to rule out perilous and inefficient systems. Quality
in India relating to quality improvement of the processes assurance provides credibility and builds in investor
and components involved in a project installation at confidence towards new and developing technologies by
different levels in the Indian renewable energy market acting like an instrument of verification for optimal
along its entire value chain including manufacturing, performance of such technologies. However, the
logistics, testing, and certification, execution of the establishment of a Quality Assurance framework
projects and operation & maintenance. requires an institutional infrastructure.

This study highlights the essential concepts, along with Quality Infrastructure refers to a system comprising of
the benefits of developing and implementing QI, and initiatives, organizations, activities and people who
lends guidance on how to progressively foster QI to collectively contribute to governmental policy
uphold national renewable energy technology markets. objectives, implement quality standards and at the same
The report predominantly targets solar PV and solar time ensure the compliance of these standards. This
thermal among other renewable energy technologies, by report encompasses the status, established targets,
studying the gaps and challenges existing in the market existing standards, testing, certifications and quality
and providing suitable recommendations for developing management systems required for solar thermal and
Quality Infrastructure to improve the effectiveness and solar PV technologies.
efficiency of the installed systems.
In this report, we have covered the Renewable Energy
Quality assertion is imperative to ensure development of overview of the country along with its value chain
efficient renewable energy systems. Renewable Energy including the investments made in sector as well as the
sector in India is at an inflection point as the capacity potent
addition plans and emphasis on low tariffs lead to
ial of investments to be made by FY 2022. A linear decline total with 480 GWth solar thermal technologies installed
has been observed in the investments owing to the lower in the world. The noteworthy point here is that solar
dollar-denominated costs and timing of the projects. The energy is primarily utilized in the country on a larger
ambitious target of 175 GW installations in RE sector can scale to generate electricity, but meeting processing
only be achieved with the combination of funding from heat requirements for industrial procedures through CST
commercial banks, NBFCs as well as from multilaterals applications still accounts for less than 1% of global solar
and bilateral funding agencies. thermal capacity. Further, we have shifted our complete
focus on solar thermal (heating and cooling), working
We have then narrowed down the sector to solar
principles involved, comparative analysis of different
thermal and solar PV segments, discussing the
solar thermal technologies such as Imaging, Non-
manufacturing landscape of solar PV and solar thermal
Imaging, Line focus and Point focus, its cost components,
in the country and the challenges faced by the concerned
the suitability of the type of technology based on the
stakeholders., Analyzing the historical trends, It can be
temperatures, its industrial applications along with the
easily ascertained that the imports of solar modules and
status and expected growth in this technology.
PV cells since the current manufacturing capacity in India
has been unable to accommodate the pace of Quality Infrastructure for Solar Photovoltaics & Thermal
installations along with their quarterly price trends. technologies depends on comprehensive improvement
of ecosystem via development & modification of
The overview of solar thermal growth in the country is
standards, laboratories and workshops to enable the
then discussed in contrast with some of the most
complete value chain transition towards delivering high
promising solar thermal markets in the world. Solar
quality products. With regard to certification of
thermal market in India is still in its emerging phase but
equipment, design qualification is based on type testing
flourishing at a rapid pace in alignment with the
according to IEC, EN or other national standards. The
ambitious target of 20 million square meter of collector
importance of quality and its applications begin right
area by FY 2022, as envisaged under National Solar
from the raw material procurement stage and extends
Mission. Currently, India just accounts for 1.5% of the

Solar Energy Quality Infrastructure In India 3


up to the consumer applications. Quality assurance to a successful usage of solar water heating and
needs to be maintained during all the phases of the subsequently increase consumer confidence in the
project execution including manufacturing, technology. Currently there are eight regional centers for
development and operations & maintenance. We have testing of flat plate water heating systems, evacuated
further stated the standards, currently specified by BIS tube collectors, box and dish type solar cookers and
and the methodology to identify the gaps in QI and REQI apart from that, there are two regional test centers for
framework for its improvement. testing concentrated technology. These are further
discussed in detail in the respective sections of the
Standard(s) is defined as a specification which sets the
report. Additionally, it is suggested that there is a need
benchmark for system design and serves as a guideline
of building an off-site and on-site testing facility to
during evaluation/inspection. In this report. We have
evaluate the impact of different parameters on thermal
discussed about the relevant minimum technical
output of the CSTs under quasi-stable state.
requirements, quality standards and specifications for
grid-connected rooftop solar PV Systems component For CST, appropriate standards & laboratories for
wise and the infrastructure requirement for renewable gauging performance are not available, however, the
energy quality testing. Certification and testing are other MNRE-UNDP-GEF project has helped set up testing
two major tools of quality assurance and are necessary centers on stationary & mobile platforms in the country.
to ensure an efficient system design thereby improving This results in assisting manufacturers & organizations
the power plant performance. Certification of standards enhance the efficiency of their products, improve
is issued as a result of substantiation with benchmark participation & promote investments in developing CST
criteria as point of reference. Thus, it becomes market.
imperative to benchmark the quality of installed
The report concludes with the Gap Analysis and the key
components with our internally developed metrics and
findings for improvement in the Quality Infrastructure
the audit experience taking account of local conditions.
for both the solar PV and solar thermal technologies. The
Verification contributes to a synopsis of system
requirement to revamp the quality of the infrastructure
performance and aids in curtailing losses.
installed and improve the efficiency along with
The report also focusses on the regulatory guidelines and performance ratio of the plants makes it crucial to
the technical requirements for grid connected ground identify the gaps and suggest the means to bridge these
mounted and rooftop PV plants (including all the gaps. Applicable IS and/or IEC standards are imperative
components, sub-system, performance monitoring and for ascertaining the performance of the installed system.
even the disposal of exhausted plants). Theoretically, all
Finally, we have tried to narrow down the
the quality assured technical requirements are
recommendations specifically to CST since it is literally in
mentioned for all the equipment of a solar plant such
its embryonic stages of installations in the country and
that the efficiency can be maximized and the overall
with an ambitious target (20 million square meter of
performance of the plant can be optimally improved.
collector area) to be achieved by 2022, it requires
The report also analyses the status of solar PV and primary focus and customized solutions for the
thermal domestic manufacturing value chain, involving customers.
component wise pros and cons pertaining to raw
material availability, capacity to manufacture, incentives
and investments, bottlenecks to scale and trade,
including assessment of indigenous component costs
and global positioning in terms of performance and

The report encompasses the solar thermal value chain

analysis covering raw material suppliers, component
manufacturer, solar thermal developers and the end
user. As solar thermal technologies become more
acceptable and techno-commercially viable, the need to
implement and further develop product and
performance standards for solar thermal will eventually
increase. Certification and quality assurance contribute

Solar Energy Quality Infrastructure In India 4


Table of Contents

1 Executive Summary 3
2 Renewable Energy In India 8

3 Quality In Renewable Energy Infrastructure 14

4 Standards and Testing Assessment 23

5 Regulatory Guidelines 35

6 Testing, standardization and quality control in solar thermal value chain 45

7 Gap Analysis 62
8 Survey Analysis 77

Solar Energy Quality Infrastructure In India 5

List of Figures
Figure 14: Quality Infrastructure along the solar value
Figure 1: Installed Power Generation Capacity in India . 8 chain, Source: Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt
Figure 2: Solar Energy Projection in India ...................... 8 Report .......................................................................... 27
Figure 3: Growth Projections for installed capacity ....... 9 Figure 15: Product Certification stages ........................ 29
Figure 4: Value chain in Renewable Energy Technologies Figure 16: IEC Standards for Inverters (Source: IEC and
....................................................................................... 2 SECI) ............................................................................. 32
Figure 5: Renewable Energy Investment in India (USD Figure 17: Information requirement on RFID tag ........ 33
Billion), Source: REN21 .................................................. 2 Figure 18: Major components of a Solar PV plant ....... 34
Figure 6: Global RE Investments, Source: REN 21_2019 Figure 19: Phases in a PV plant: ................................... 35
Report .......................................................................... 11 Figure 20: Quality gaps along the phases of a Solar PV 61
Figure 7: Projected investments .................................. 12 Figure 21: Benefits of performance monitoring for CST
Figure 8: Requirement of REQI across the project phases projects ........................................................................ 64
..................................................................................... 14 Figure 22: Improving QI Elements of REQI ................... 66
Figure 9: Quality across solar PV value chain ................. 2 Figure 23: Skill requirements across solar energy value
Figure 10: Issues during solar PV installation ................. 2 chain............................................................................. 69
Figure 11: Quality across RE value chain...................... 13 Figure 24: Quality Assurance during Installation and
Figure 12: Solar Plant Value Chain ............................... 14 Commissioning phases ................................................. 71
Figure 13: Testing facilities in India .............................. 21

List of Tables
Table 1: Renewable Energy Potential in India ................8 Table 17: Minimum specifications required for solar
Table 2: Standards for major PV plant components thermal components (Source: UNIDO and BIS) ............38
(Source: BIS) ..................................................................14 Table 18: Performance Testing charges for solar thermal
Table 3: Standardization bodies at different levels technologies (Source: NISE and UoP)............................44
(Source: ISO and IEC) ....................................................20 Table 19: Status of testing procedures for different CST:
Table 4:Testing standards of ERDA (Source: ERDA) ......22 (Source: UNIDO Newsletter) ........................................44
Table 5: Testing standards of UL ...................................22 Table 20: Concentrator Specifications as per MNRE ....44
Table 6: Quality standards for Module testing .............24 Table 21: Paraboloid Dish Specifications (Source:
Table 7: Quality standards for Battery testing ..............25 MNRE/BIS/UNDP) .........................................................46
Table 8: Quality standards for Inverter testing .............25 Table 22: Scheffler Dish Specifications-((Source:
Table 9: Quality standards for Power plant testing and MNRE/BIS) ....................................................................47
commissioning (Source: IEC nad IS) ..............................25 Table 23: Non-imaging concentrator Specifications-
Table 10: BIS Guidelines ................................................26 (Source: BIS) ..................................................................49
Table 11: Technical features of Power conditioning Table 24: Solar parabolic trough collector (PTC) -
unit ................................................................................34 (Source: BIS) ..................................................................50
Table 12: Standard requirements in a PV Electrical Table 25: Parabolic Minimum technical specifications
system (Source: BIS)......................................................35 for qualification .............................................................51
Table 13: Standard requirements in a Power Table 26: Concentrated Solar Thermal Test Methods as
Transmission system (Source: BIS) ................................36 per BIS test procedures-(Source: BIS) ...........................53
Table 14: Standard requirements in Power Conductors Table 27: Specifications for box and dish type type solar
(Source: BIS) ..................................................................36 cooker ...........................................................................59
Table 15: Standard requirements in Transformers Table 28: Domestic manufacturing and
(Source: BIS) ..................................................................37 recommendations .........................................................64
Table 16: Standard requirements in Circuit Breakers
(Source: BIS) ..................................................................37

Solar Energy Quality Infrastructure In India 6

Solar Energy Quality Infrastructure In India 7
1. Renewable Energy in India
1.1. Introduction to Renewable Energy in India
India is on the cusp of transition from conventional
energy to clean, sustainable and affordable form of
energy. Renewable energy being an important
component in India’s energy infrastructure planning,
dates back to as early as FY 2000 for grid scale adoption.
New age technologies in renewable energy have seen
rapid expansion in different segments of energy sector
viz. power generation, heating and cooling, transport
and rural and off-grid energy usage applications.
Figure 1: Installed Power Generation Capacity in India
India’s energy consumption has been rapidly increasing
as a result of economic growth in the last decade; installed capacity, potential available and deployment
however, India still has one of the lowest per capita targets are shown below:
consumption of electricity in the world and worryingly
majority don’t have round the clock uninterrupted
power supply. As of June 2019, India’s power sector
stands at a total capacity of 357.8GW1 with Coal-fired
plants accounting for the lion’s share of 194.4 GW of this
installed capacity, followed by renewables that come in
at over 79.3 GW. Hydropower projects, gas-based,
nuclear and diesel projects make up the remaining
capacity in decreasing order of installed capacity.

India has made fast strides in renewable energy

deployment with the installed capacity increasing from
Figure 2: Solar Energy Projection in India
3.5 GW in 2002 to approximately 80.4 GW2 (excluding
large hydro3) in June 2019. The government has Table 1: Renewable Energy Potential in India
formulated various policies at the state as well as
national levels to foster investments in the sector. Installed
Private sector investments, primarily driven by Capacity Deployment
Technology available
(June’ 2019) target (GW)
government incentives such as fiscal incentives, direct (GW)
and indirect tax benefits, depreciation allowances and
100% FDI allowance have been the major drivers of the Solar 29.5 748.99 100
renewable sector in India. The growth of renewable Wind 36.3 302.2 60
energy over the years has been depicted in the figure.
Bio-Power 9.8 22.5 10
Though wind energy has predominantly been the largest Small
4.6 19.7 5
contributor of installed RE capacity, with its contribution Hydro
a little below 50%, the share of solar has increased
Total 80.4 1096 175
onsiderably from almost 1% to 38% during the last 6
(Source: MOSTI Energy Statistics and MNRE)
years. In an attempt to increase the percentage of
renewables in the electricity mix of India, the nation has Electricity demand in the country is increasing rapidly
currently established a target for the implementation of and expected to grow in the near future. According to
175 GW renewable energy by 2022. This target includes UN Environment Program's (UNEP) 'Global Trends in
100 GW solar energy, 60 GW wind, 10 GW biomass and Renewable Energy Investment 2016' report ranks India
5 GW small hydropower projects. Technology-wise among the top 10 countries in the world investing in
renewable energy. India has attracted FDI 4 of $ 7.8

1 3Indian Government may include large hydro power projects under the scope of renewable energy. At present, only hydro power projects
alled_capacity-06.pdf with a maximum capacity of 25 MW are considered renewable. As on
2 31st March 2017, large hydro installed capacity was 44.47 GW.

Solar Energy Quality Infrastructure In India 8

billion in non-conventional energy segment from April is depicted in figure 3, which also signifies the split of
2000 to March 2019, with $3.7 billion inflow in the form fossil vs non-fossil-based resources.
of equity5. Additionally, as per consolidated FDI 2017
With India looking to boost the share of clean energy
policy, 100 percent FDI is allowed for the renewable
mix to 40% by 2030 as per NDC commitments, global
power generation projects and furthermore distributed
business are strategizing to capture a slice of the
subject to provisions of the Electricity Act, 2003.
market and reap the benefits. The country’s ambitious
As per the 3rd National electricity plan, the draft of plan of 175 GW of renewable power installations by
which was released by CEA Electric Power Survey report 2022, with a strong commitment to cut carbon
emissions by 35% by 2030 over 2005 levels offers global
released by CEA, India’s installed capacity of generation
players in renewable energy technologies and other
in 2022 will be 523 GW and will increase to 640 GW by
equipment manufacturers a major business
2027. This assumes that India will achieve 175 GW of opportunity. The need of the hour for India is to adopt
installed renewable capacity by March 2022 and large scale renewable energy measures, overcoming
subsequently 100 GW of renewable capacity will be not only the technical and regulatory side challenges
added by March 2027. The entire growth curve for this but at the same time implement quality standards in
renewable energy space, ensuring greater uptake

Growth Projections for installed capacity

400000 60%
Installed Capacity (MW)

% of capacity as non-fossil
0 0%
Mar-17 Mar-22 Mar-27
Time Period

Fossil Non-Fossil capacity Percentage of non-fossil

Figure 3: Growth Projections for installed capacity

1.2. Renewable Energy Value Chain in India

Renewable energy has grown by leaps and bound in options of solar PV parks at GW scale and at MW scale
India, which has opened up plethora of opportunities in solar PV rooftop segment. Within the solar thermal
for businesses ranging from manufacturing to servicing technology sector specifically, residential segment has
in various stages of the value chain from raw materials been dominated by flat plate collector technologies for
to products manufacturing and system integration. The domestic hot water consumption. On the other hand,
Indian RE market is primarily dominated by wind and concentrator technologies such as parabolic and Arun
solar PV technologies, offering an array of services and dishes (with double axis tracking) and Scheffler dishes
products pertaining to these energy resources. Many (with single axis tracking) are increasingly finding
emerging and existing players wants to tap these applications at commercial and industrial segments to
opportunities and reap the benefits of growing meet the right quantum of heat energy at the right
renewable energy market. time.

The key elements of renewable energy value chain As aforementioned, the country also has a large
framework includes generation resources and their untapped wind resource potential and the states
products along with the raw material used to themselves in partnership with NIWE, have been
manufacture, research and development conducted leading the charge for conducting wind resource
during the design and integration phase, engineering assessment (WRA) studies in their respective areas. In
and equipment manufacturing processes involved, this regard, the states of Gujarat, Tamil Nadu, A.P. and
selection of right EPC contractor, operation and
maintenance, multi-stake holder engagements,
electrical utilities, testing and quality assurance.

Generation of electricity & heat is possible in the form

of solar energy. The country has also explored the


Solar Energy Quality Infrastructure In India 9

Maharashtra offer some of the most lucrative sites for
setting up wind plants in the country. To create an
investor friendly landscape, India has an off shore and a
number of onshore policies at state level, entitling the
investor to a number of incentives. Wind turbines are
typically available in different technologies like
synchronous machines, double fed induction
generators, and DC generators equipped with yaw and
pitch control.

India has an estimated potential of 19.75 GW of small

hydro projects, out of which ~25% has already been
realized. Most of the potential is in the Himalayan
region in the form of river based projects and in other
states as irrigation canals. Potential sites are either
developed by the state or allotted to private developers
for setting up of projects. Typical run-off-river hydro
plants are equipped with water storage, penstock and
turbines to generate power.

The figure below depicts the value chain steps in

Figure 4: Value chain in Renewable Energy Technologies
renewable energy infrastructure.

1.3. RE investments
Solar tariffs are constantly falling (with the lowest-ever Renewable investments in India crossed USD 15 billion
solar tariff of INR 2.44/unit being achieved recently) in mark.
the country however the investments in the sector has
Investments in almost all the geographies including US,
ceased to decline and it is expected that around $7.4
Middle East Asia & South America saw a decline but
trillion will be infused towards the installation of new
stood constant in Europe and increase in India. The
renewable energy plants by 2040 in India alone – which
renewable energy investment continued to be
accounts for 72% of the total $10.2 trillion that is
dominated by just two sectors – solar and wind.
projected to be spent on new power generation
However, both these sectors suffered a marginal
worldwide. Investment in India’s renewable industry
increment in net investment in 2018 as compared to
increased by a whopping 38% in 2016 compared to the
previous year but it declined by almost 20% in 2017 to
reach $11 bn6 when compared to 2016. In 2018

RE Investment in India (In USD Billion)

15 13.8 13.7
9 9.9
10 8.1 8.5
6.4 6.8
5.4 5.8
5 2.6 3.2

2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018
Figure 5: Renewable Energy Investment in India (USD Billion), Source: REN21

Solar Energy Quality Infrastructure In India 10

Solar installations constitute $2.8 trillion of the total investments and time when the actual cost of solar
investments in the renewable energy sector and is generation will fall below or will be at par with thermal
expected to see a jump of almost fourteen times in the (coal) power.
installed capacity by 2040. The levelized cost of
Global investment in renewable energy in 2018 totaled
electricity from solar PV, which is now almost a quarter
USD 288.9 billion (USD 304.9 billion including large
of what it was just in 2009, is set to drop by another 66%
hydropower plants) which was an 11% decrease from
by 2040. The levelized cost of electricity
the previous year (largely as a result of a significant fall
from solar PV will become cheaper than coal in India in China) but the fifth year in a row that investment
along with the international economies such as China, exceeded the USD 230 billion figure. Developing and
Mexico, United Kingdom and Brazil by 2021. But if we emerging economies accounted for 53% of total
count the price of solar power and storage together, it is renewable energy investment, with China alone
far higher than thermal (coal) power, so it still requires accounting for 32% of the total.7

India 6th largest by RE investment in 2018

100 91.2 ($ Billion)
60 48.5
40 23.4
14.6 15.4 15
20 3.3
China USA Europe Japan Germany India Brazil Africa and
Middle east

Figure 6: Global RE Investments, Source: REN 21_2019 Report

There is another issue due to which an underlying

slowdown did set in, in some key markets, during the
course of 2018. In particular, the Chinese solar market
decelerated sharply, after a hectic first half that saw 22
GW solar installations compared to a second half in which
 There were lower dollar-denominated costs in only 8 GW of solar was installed. However, the Renewable
2018 as compared to 2017. energy market in India defied this global trend of
 The average capital cost for PV projects slowdown and continued to rise. India witnessed a growth
starting construction in 2018 was 13% lower of approximately 36% in investments in 2018 compared to
than in 2017. the previous year. India stood sixth in terms of amount
 A lot of projects in wind and solar that were invested in the RE sector globally in 2018 and the total
financed in late 2017, only got commissioned investments amounted to about $15.4 billion. Almost all
in 2018
the funding in the Renewable sector in India came through
 Chinese and Japanese solar markets
Asset financing. This trend of steady growth in India can be
decelerated sharply in 2018
attributed to the government’s commitment towards
installations of 175 GW in renewable energy generation by
2022 and have renewable energy account for 40% of
installed capacity by 2040. India was ranked third on last
year’s renewable energy country attractiveness index
(RECAI) only behind

7 GSR REN21 2019

Solar Energy Quality Infrastructure In India 11

the US and China. This year, India has moved up to second position owing to the combination of strong government support
and increasingly attractive economics in the sector. To achieve the 175 GW target, an investment of approximately $140
billion is required in the sector that can only be achieved with the combination of financing from commercial banks, NBFCs
as well as from multilaterals and bilateral funding agencies.

175 GW RE plan entails investment of Approx. $ 140 billion

(Rs. 8,50,000 Crore)  Commercial
Debt (70%) Equity (30%)  Multilateral and
$ 42 Billion (Rs. 2,50,000  NBFCs
$ 98 Billion (Rs. 6,00,000 Crore)

India needs an investment in the range of approximately $ 0.14 trillion in renewable energy sector to realize the ambitious
target of 175 GW by 2022. The graph below depicts the projected annual investments required in the sector till 2022
covering all the technologies of renewable sector including small hydro, biomass, wind and solar.

Figure 7: Projected investments

Solar Energy Quality Infrastructure In India 12

Solar Energy Quality Infrastructure In India 13
2. Quality in Renewable Energy Infrastructure
Quality assertion is imperative to ensure development of Quality Infrastructure refers to a system comprising of
efficient renewable energy systems. Renewable Energy initiatives, organizations, activities and people who
sector in India is at an inflection point as the capacity collectively contribute to governmental policy
addition plans and emphasis on low tariffs lead to objectives, implement quality standards and at the same
development of cheap and sub-standard plants thereby time ensure the compliance of these standards.
echoing the need for quality norms across the value Developers/Independent Power Producers have slowly
chain to rule out perilous and inefficient systems. QA started realizing the impact of poor quality plants and
consists of activities which makes sure that a product or are already issuing Quality Control Procedures (QCPs) in
service meet the expectations of consumers, investors addition to the standards set by relevant bodies thereby
and other stakeholders. Quality Infrastructure of any trying to reducing to probability of installing sub-
country is guided by the regulations applicable over standard components. However, this activity is solely on
there. the onus of developer and many may choose to relax
norms if push comes to shove. So it is critical for the
In the context of renewable energy, QA enables the
tendering authority to incorporate stringent quality
quality control of products and services used in
norms and make it a part of evaluation rather than just
installation of renewable power plants. Quality
focusing on cost.
assurance provides credibility and builds in investor
confidence towards new and developing technologies by In India, the quality is predominantly focused on the
acting like an instrument of verification for optimal components certification and less on the design and
performance of such technologies. This also helps in engineering of the solar energy plants, which has led to
mitigating the risks and build up market trust to scale up accelerated degradation of solar PV projects. Quality
its deployment. However, the establishment of a Quality infrastructure should focus on the overall value chain to
Assurance framework requires an institutional have a sustainable operation and long term growth of
infrastructure. the solar energy.

Figure 8: Requirement of REQI across the project phases

2.1. Quality Process in Solar PV and Thermal Value chain

Renewable energy products often used to produce The solar industry has experienced incredibly fast
electricity and heat and sometimes both. The transformation after year 2000 as a result of
functionality of the products depends on the extraordinary technology breakthrough, from material
configuration of the products integrated into one level up to large-scale manufacturing. With the solar PV
system. It is necessary to understand the quality process and Thermal industry expected to grow consistently in
standardized by IEC and UL globally which are followed the coming years, two main questions are capturing the

and implemented from cradle to gate of the product life attention among market operators:
cycle. There are various quality assurance standards,
tests and certifications right from the products
manufacturing, shipments, integration and installation,
operation and maintenance and reliability testing.
Solar Energy Quality Infrastructure In India 14
In the certification field, design qualification is based on quality checks are meant to be performed across the
type testing according to IEC, EN or other national value chain at each stage of project development
standards. When type testing is combined with periodic starting from site development to Operations &

Figure 9: Quality across solar PV value chain

factory inspections by a certification body constitutes maintenance.

the basis for the certificates issued by that certification
All the failures of modules are not because of the
body (thus bearing their particular mark/logo).
quality issues, but also because of the commissioning
The trend in the recent times can be outlined by the and lack of proper operation & maintenance. There are
reliability and longevity etc. of the solar PV and thermal few sites identified in India where faulty electrical joints
products, solar PV panels bearing the center part of the and delamination were observed. Defects like these
could be avoided before and during production of the
system that will greatly contribute to the achievement of
PV modules. PV modules were observed at all sites with
low carbon society.
cracked cells that were likely caused during transport,
The importance of quality and its application will begin installation and maintenance. These defects could have
right from the raw material procurement to consumer been prevented if the PV modules were handled
applications. Globally, quality process is being followed proficiently.
right from the production of PV/Thermal products and There are few sites identified in India where faulty
also during and post production. Once the products are electrical joints and delamination were observed.
manufactured, it is important to test the performance in Defects like these could be avoided before and during
terms of electrical, mechanical and other environment production of the PV modules. PV modules were
impact parameters to have robust operating life cycle. observed at all sites with cracked cells that were likely
caused during transport, installation and maintenance.
The end user and the manufacturing unit are located at These defects could have been prevented if the PV
different geographic locations, it is necessary to impart modules were handled proficiently.
shipment quality process and standards to avoid the risk
of damage during shipment. Batch selection and random In most regions, PV projects are primarily affected by a
checks are followed globally to detect the damaged few climatic stress factors, such as salt in the air, high
UV radiation, high humidity, heat, sand or strong winds.
components before supplying it to the end user.
In several areas of India PV Projects often face a large
The Indian solar market is always facing price pressures number of these factors at the same time. Example:
that leads to little attention to PV module quality. India Rajasthan faces problems due to the high level of solar
expects diverse climatic conditions in different regions radiation leading to damaging of solar PV modules
and hence the performance varies due to not only because of climatic stress factors. India has some of the
quality issues of modules, but also the design highest solar irradiation rates in the world but that can
framework and the Operations & Maintenance (O&M) also lead to faster component degradation. The report
techniques used at project site. Various stages involved by PI Photovoltaik-Institut Berlin AG (PI Berlin) studied
with construction of solar plant are Feasibility study, six PV plants in India to conduct a pilot study on quality
site development, detailed design, installation, aspects of PV power plants in India. The report
commissioning and operations & maintenance. The highlighted that apart from quality defects there were

Solar Energy Quality Infrastructure In India 15

other reasons for improper functioning of PV plant. The
issues identified are classified as : pre installation issues,
during installation and post installation issues.

All the above defects arise not due to the quality issues,
but improper handling, installation and non – monitoring
at the project sites. There is a need for design and  Design is based on standard codes. However,
installation framework for proper monitoring of site, skill there are concerns while designing for high
development of workers at site, improving the quality of corrosive areas like Radhanesdha/Dholera.
manpower, having insurance of modules & equipment, Annual degradation values can be interpreted
etc. in more than one way and hence lead to defects
and quality concerns.

Figure 10: Issues during solar PV installation

 Structure fabrication is an area of concern. For  PID chances are higher for floating solar as we
example, structures do not have uniform are opting for framed modules. Double glass or
material thickness i.e. negative tolerance is
high quality back sheet can be a solution.
allowed and hence the reduction in overall
Recommendation: Specifications need to be
narrowed down for floating solar instead of
following existing specs.

Solar Energy Quality Infrastructure In India 16

Figure 11: Quality across RE value chain

Solar Energy Quality Infrastructure In India 17

2.2. Requirement of Quality Infrastructure for Renewables
With the ambitious target of 100 GW solar installation in I. Manufacturing of components such as
India by 2022, there has been an abrupt growth in this modules, inverters, cables, mounting structure
sector and a lot of new players have entered the market etc.
in a very short span of time. The tariffs are falling
II. Project Execution – It consists of three stages:
continuously with every passing bid (a historic low of INR
2.44/ KWh was achieved for Bhadla Solar Park). Thus, in a) Development – Site selection, leasing,
order to realize a significant return on their investments, purchasing of the site, permitting
the developers will certainly compromise on the quality
of the products and services required for the installation b) Engineering, procurement and
of solar power plants. Hence, in order to safeguard construction – Plant design, electrical
quality assurance of these solar power plants, it is critical and civil engineering works,
on the part of MNRE to ensure performance testing and construction,
standardization of the equipment installed, to maintain c) Financing – Financial due diligence,
a certain quality, reliability and life of the power plant. sale to investors
There are three phases in the execution of a solar power III. Operations & Maintenance - Monitoring,
plant: insurance, regular maintenance

Manufacturing Project Execution Power Sale

Solar Panels
Procurement Operations &
& Development Financing
& Maintenance

Requirement of REQI along the entire Value Chain

Figure 12: Solar Plant Value Chain

2.3. Current status of Quality Infrastructure for Solar Energy

MNRE & institutions have acknowledged the importance years. Some of these standards as applicable on various
of Quality Infrastructure and have started addressing the equipment at a solar facility are depicted in the table
concerns raised by stakeholders across the value chain. below:8
Notifications with respect to compulsory BIS certification
Table 2: Standards for major PV plant components
for components have been issued and simultaneously
(Source: BIS)
establishment of testing labs in underway keeping in
mind the renewable energy targets. As of now Indian S. Product Indian Title of
Standards are being considered as reference for No. Standard Indian
renewable energy systems & relevant international No. Standard
standards are considered wherever there is gap. The 1. Crystalline IS 14286 Crystalline
current infrastructure is not enough considering our Silicon Silicon
target & vision to be a global leader in Renewable Terrestrial Terrestrial
Photovoltaic Photovoltaic
Energy, however, on a positive note, we have started
(PV) modules (PV) modules -
taking necessary steps and hope to improve in coming

Solar Energy Quality Infrastructure In India 18

(Si wafer Design 6. Storage IS 16270 Secondary
based) Qualification battery Cells and
and Type Batteries for
Approval Solar
2. Thin-Film IS 16077 Thin-Film Photovoltaic
Terrestrial Terrestrial Application
Photovoltaic Photovoltaic General -
(PV) Modules (PV) Modules - Requirements
(a-Si, CiGs and Design and Methods
CdTe) Qualification of Test
and Type
Approval With a target of 100 GW solar to be installed by 2022,
3. PV Module (Si IS/IEC Photovoltaic MNRE has issued a “National Lab Policy” to enhance
wafer and thin 61730 (PV) Module reliability & quality of renewable energy projects
film) (Part 1) Safety developed in India. The National Lab Policy intends to
Qualification design a potent & productive system for testing,
IS/IEC Part 1
regularizing & certification for the renewable energy
61730 Requirements
for sector. These technical regulations will guide the quality
(Part 2)
Construction infrastructure in the sector, hence making
Photovoltaic standardization of all goods mandatory and maintain
(PV) quality to protect investments, energy security & safety
of human beings.
Module Safety
Qualification All equipment of the solar power plant shall conform to
Part 2 international standards including IEEE (Institute of
Requirements Electrical and Electronics Engineers) for design and
for Testing installation of grid connected PV system. The standards
4. Power IS 16221 Safety of
cover various aspects such as PV modules, cable types
converters for (Part 1) Power
and selection, temperature considerations, voltage
use in Converters for
photovoltaic IS 16221 use in ratings, BOS wiring, inverter wiring, blocking diodes,
power system (Part 2) Photovoltaic bypass diodes, disconnect devices, grounding
Power Systems requirements, surge and transient suppression, load
Part 1- General center, power qualities, protection features and safety
Requirements regulations. These standards are already well recognized
but due to lack of regulations, it is difficult to assess
Safety of
whether quality of the installations is meeting these
Converters for standards.
Use in
The following codes and standards are followed during
construction of the power plant:
Power Systems
Part 2-  Indian Electricity Rules for electrical work
amended from time to time9
for Inverters  National Fire Protection Association (NFPA)
5. Utility – IS 16169 Test Procedure
70-1990(USA) or equivalent national
Interconnected of Islanding
Photovoltaic Prevention standard10
inverters Measures for
Utility -  National Electrical Safety Code ANSI C2 -
Interconnected 1990(USA) or equivalent national standard11

9 11
10 services/nesc/index.html

Solar Energy Quality Infrastructure In India 19

 IEEE 928 - 1986: Recommended criteria for  Inspection of absorbers and internal thermal
terrestrial PV Power Systems12 shock test

 IEEE 929 – 1988: Recommended practice for  Inspection of standardized systems

utility interface or residential and Performance and quality testing based on
intermediate PV systems13 European standard EN 12976, for example,
for integrated storage collectors and thermo-
 IEC 61646: Standard for PV Modules14 siphon systems

There are various tests that are done to ensure Solar  Inspection of customer-specific systems
Thermal quality standard, which are as follows: Testing of collectors, regulators, and storage
systems with component testing system
 Collector testing on flat and vacuum tube
simulation (CTSS) based on the European
collectors that comply with European
pre-standard ENV 12977
standard EN 12975 and SRCC standard 100

 Performance testing of warm water storage

in compliance with European standard EN

2.4. Implementation of Quality Assurance for Renewable Energy

With the amount of influx of Renewable energy in the inspection bodies, calibration laboratories, standards
Indian Power sector in recent years and the ambitious body, manufacturers and suppliers and RETs, consumers.
target of taking the installed Renewable capacity to 175
These elements are co-related and are administered by
GW by 2022 (of which 100 GW is solar), it becomes
the organizations that define these standards, following
imperative that the processes and the equipment
the consensus-based approach of all the stakeholders.
deployed are reliable, certified and of designated
standards which is possible with the implementation of Hence, to implement quality assurance for renewables
quality assurance instruments. and for the development of quality control and

Value Chain Quality Infrastructure
•Manufacturers and Suppliers •Certification bodies •ISO
•Installation •Test laboratories •OIML
•Generation, Transmission & •Accreditation body •BIPM
Distribution •Standards bodies •IAF
•Consumers •Inspection bodies •ILAC
•Metrology institue •IEC

Thus, in order to implement quality assurance standards, all the elements of REQI need to work in close
instruments, it is required to first establish a Quality cooperation. There is a need to bridge the gap and
Infrastructure (QI). A quality infrastructure for enable a proper channel for communication between all
Renewable energy consists of various elements such as: the stakeholders involved in quality assurance and
renewable energy space. Regulatory authorities,
Regulatory Authorities, Accreditation bodies, Metrology
industry and quality infrastructure institutions
institute, certification bodies, test laboratories,

12 14

Solar Energy Quality Infrastructure In India 20

specifically need to work in cognizance for effective of measures but how to deliver quality projects with
establishment of a Quality Infrastructure (QI). reliable and a much improved infrastructure.

Methodology – This will not only improve the financial status of the
company by reducing overall expenses and costs, but
Proposed methodology that has been developed also develop the brand image of the company along with
consists of three key steps: trust of the customers.

1) Assessment of key situational components Aside from mentioned progress, renewable energy
sector is beleaguered by numerous concerns like poor
2) Determination of the level of REQI financial performance of DISCOMs, low ceiling tariffs,
3) Formulation of recommendations for transitioning to Insufficient evacuation infrastructure, etc.
the next level of REQI GoI along with stakeholders need to be take appropriate
measures to address these concerns and progress
towards achieving the goals and create a sustainable
The integration of quality infrastructure for Renewable environment for future generations. The availability of
energy with focus on reduction of energy costs and capital remains a concern which can be tackled easily
demonstration of energy efficiency forms the core of with the help of support from the government through
developing business models for Energy sector in current fiscal incentives. Additionally, it can ease rules around
scenario. With the continuous reduction in prices of solar tapping of foreign debt which will definitely help in
installation equipment such as solar modules, inverters, boosting the investments, along with addressing the
BOS etc., the focus is not only on the cost effective challenge of land acquisition. These ratifications will
certainly go a long way in meeting the 175 GW target.

Solar Energy Quality Infrastructure In India 21

Solar Energy Quality Infrastructure In India 22
3. Standards and Testing Assessment
Standard(s) is defined as a specification which sets the to meet its specific needs constitute Organization’s
benchmark for system design and serves as a guideline standards.
during evaluation/inspection. Certification and testing
Standards are also an effective tool for protection of
are other two major tools of quality assurance and are
consumer rights beyond the existing policies of the
necessary to ensure an efficient system design thereby
government. Developing economies like India has to
improving the power plant performance. Certification of
stress on the importance of quality standards to make
standards is issued as a result of substantiation with
sure people are having access to products & services
benchmark criteria as point of reference. Thus, it
conforming to standards which help in improving the
becomes imperative to benchmark the quality of
ecosystem. The consumers can be entrusted and
installed components with our internally developed
provided confidence in using these renewable energy
metrics and the audit experience taking account of local
products by standardizing them such that they operate
conditions. Verification contributes to a synopsis of
safely, efficiently and reliably.
system performance and aids in curtailing losses.
Formation of standards is a complex and tedious process
Standards are not just developed by standardization
but must always be formed in alignment with
bodies such as IEC, ISO or BIS. Any organization can
regulations, policies and legislations of the applicable
develop standards to meet their desired requirements.
These tailored standards developed by an organization

3.1. Standards making bodies

Standards are not just developed by standardization 3.1.2. Regional Standards:
bodies such as IEC, ISO or BIS. Any organization can Regional standards are developed keeping in mind that
develop standards to meet their desired requirements. local/regional requirements and adhere to legislations
However, to cater to a large industry which involves and regulations of that region. For e.g. there will be
multiple stakeholders across the globe, such standards different standards for the same set of renewable energy
need to be from a globally credible organization. They products in Asia than in Europe or Americas or Africa.
are classified into four categories and are shown
alongside. 3.1.3. National Standards:
National standardization bodies play a pivotal role in
3.1.1. International Standards: making sure development of renewable energy projects
For development of renewable energy systems, the are in line with national grid regulations and safety
industry relies on the following organizations for norms. In India, standards issued by Bureau of Indian
standards: Standards are followed to ensure compliance. Standards
issued by National bodies are predominantly in line with
 International Organization for Standardization
international standards with specific provisions based on
local conditions. That’s why irrespective of technical
 International Electro-technical Commission
soundness, National standards are given priority
whenever there is a conflict between National &
International bodies.
Both these organizations cover different technologies
but work in a coordinated manner with agreement over
various issues. These organizations issue standards 3.1.4. Organization’s Standards:
primarily by tracking the advancements in technologies, The objective is to issue tailor made or customized
best practices followed by the industry and stakeholder standards depending on the requirement of each
consultations. Their goal is to develop standards which organization and is vetted by experts within organization
can be followed across the globe with provisions for or external advisors for smoother implementation.
changes based on local grid norms and help uptake of Various level of standardization bodies along with
renewable energy systems. geographies are tabulated for better understanding.

Solar Energy Quality Infrastructure In India 23

Table 3: Standardization bodies at different levels (Source: ISO and IEC)

Level Geographic Standards making organizations involved in Renewable Energy and Energy
coverage Efficiency
International Global ISO – International Organization for Standardization (Members = 163)
IEC – International Electro-technical Commission (IEC Family: 82 Members + 81
Regional Europe CEN – European Committee for Standardization (National Members = 31)
CENELEC – European Committee for Electro-technical standardization (National
Members = 32 plus 11 National Committees)
Africa ARSO – African Organisation for Standardisation (Members = 29)
SADCSTAN – Southern African Development Community Cooperation in
Standardization (Members = 15)
AFSEC – African Electro-technical Standardization Commission (Members = 18)
AFRAC – African Accreditation Cooperation (Members = 8)
Asia Pacific PASC – Pacific Area Standards Congress
ASEAN – Consultative Committee for Standards and Quality
Eurasia EuroAsian Interstate Council for Standardization, Metrology and Certification
Americas COPANT – Pan American Standards Commission
AMN – Asociación Mercosur De Normalización
CROSQ – CARICOM Regional Organization for Standards and Quality
CANENA – Council for Harmonization of Electro-technical Standards in the
Nations of the Americas
Middle East Regional Center for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency (RCREEE)
National National standards 164 NSBs globally are members of ISO and listed on ISO website
bodies 82 National Committees Members of the IEC and 81 Affiliate Countries are
listed on IEC website

Solar Energy Quality Infrastructure In India 24

3.2. Solar PV Testing
According to IRENA’s Renewable Capacity Statistics 2019 These processes & procedures are based on standards
report, installed capacity of solar PV by end of 2018 issued by ISO and/or IEC. There are a large volume of
stood at 480 GW of which India had an installed capacity standards that cover the design, manufacture and
of approximately 27 GW. These capacities and upcoming testing (laboratory and in the field), installation and
ones are assumed to function efficiently for at least 25 commissioning of products. Majority of the standards in
years and as these projects are exposed to conditions & the renewable energy field have been developed for the
deteriorate over time it is imperative that they are testing, sampling and analysis of products and systems,
subjected to regular testing & maintenance to help them and the majority of these are in the solar PV field.
perform better. To cater to such massive installations &
As PV systems now cover a range of applications from
avoid excessive commissioning timelines/loss of
standard panel modules for electricity generation to
revenue, adequate testing infrastructure needs to be
building integrated PV (BIPV), the requirement for more
established with state of the art technology & institutes
testing methods is likely to grow. New testing methods
need roll out skill development programs for avoiding
would enable manufacturers to substantiate their claims
any mismatch. There are a number of testing facilities in
and will also ensure their manufacturing processes are
India which are involved in the testing of solar
not compromised.
photovoltaic modules, inverters and related products
like solar home lighting systems, solar street lighting The testing facilities in India are private as well as
system & solar lantern, solar battery, solar charge government and are guided by the regulations as per
controller etc. as per IS & IEC standards and directed by Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) and are accredited by
MNRE specifications. Such facilities would require National Accreditation Board for Testing & Calibration to
specific environment and equipment, which needs to be add credibility. The figure below illustrates different
provided. Below is the list of accredited test centers in testing facilities in India.

India for MNRE Off-Grid Programme.15Accredited

Test Centers by MNRE (Attached in Annexure).

Figure 13: Testing facilities in India

Electrical Research & Development Association (ERDA) is and its testing facilities and capabilities are recognized by
one of the premier testing laboratory in the country a number of national and international bodies. Testing
accredited by the National Accreditation Board for capabilities of ERDA are shown in the table below.16
Testing & Calibration Laboratories (NABL), Govt. of India

Test-centers-for-MNRE-Off-Grid-Programme.pdf; 16

Solar Energy Quality Infrastructure In India 25

Table 4:Testing standards of ERDA (Source: ERDA)

S. No. Product IS Standard IEC Standard

1 Crystalline Silicon Terrestrial Photovoltaic (PV) Modules IS 14286 : 2010 IEC 61215 : 2005
2 Thin-film terrestrial Photovoltaic (PV) Modules - IEC 61646 : 2008
3 Solar Home Lighting System As per MNRE -
4 Solar Street Lighting System As per MNRE -
5 Solar Lantern As per MNRE -
6 CFL based Luminaire IS 10322 : 2012 IEC 60598 : 2008
7 LED based Luminaire IS 16107 (Pt-2/Sec-1) : IES LM-79-08
2012 IS 16106 : 2012
8 Stationary Lead Acid Battery Associated with Solar Panel IS 1651 : 1991 IEC 60896-11 :
9 Stationary VRLA GEL type Battery Associated with Solar IS 15549 : 2005 -
10 Stationary Lead Acid Battery in Mono Block Container IS 13369 : 1992 -
Associated with Solar Panel
11 Solar Inverter Associated with Solar Panel - IEC 61683: 1999
12 Charge Controller Associated with Solar Panel - IEC 62093 : 2005

UL provides testing facilities in almost all the fields with

advancements and innovation across various categories
UL India Pvt. Ltd. is one of the private leading testing
such as electromagnetic compatibility, product
facility in the country and is one of the accredited testing
performance, transaction security and equipment
center by MNRE for testing, certification and
testing. Testing standards by UL for PV modules and
standardization of modules, inverters and other related
inverters are shown in the table below.
components such as solar pumps, solar lanterns, solar
street lighting etc.

Table 5: Testing standards of UL

Time Required for

S. No. Component Standards
1 PV Modules IEC 61215 /61646 /61730 - 350 Wp 10 weeks

IEC 61701 Ed 2 SL1 - 350 Wp 4 weeks

2 PV Inverters IEC / IS 61683 - 50 KVA 1 week

IEC 60068 - 250 KVA 4 weeks

IEC 62116 - 50 KVA 2 weeks

IEC 61000 - 1 MW 1 week

state-of-the art infrastructure and expertise and has

made significant contributions to the power sector in the
Central Power Research Institute (CPRI) is a centre for
country for improved planning, operation and control of
applied research serving as an independent authority for
power systems. Solar PV modules are not tested in CPRI
testing and certification of power equipment. It has

Solar Energy Quality Infrastructure In India 26

but it has a perfect lab accredited by NABL and MNRE for  Other Tests:
testing of inverters. Other components such as solar
Apart from tests identified above the other
lanterns, pumps and home lighting systems are also tests include: STC Performance Measurements
tested in CPRI. (Flash Test); Electroluminescence and UV-
Fluorescence test
The facilities of the Institute are accredited as
per ISO/IEC 17025 quality norms and the Institute has
acquired international accreditations like Short Circuit
Testing Liaison for its global acceptance. Certifications Photovoltaic Balance of System Component Testing
and Certification
provided by CPRI are widely accepted in the countries of
Middle East, Africa and South East Asia. All the components according to BOM are tested
according to the IEC standards like:18
As highlighted in earlier section, labs need to have state
of the art capability and shall easily adapt to
 PV inverters are tested in accordance with IEC
advancements in technology. Skilled workforce also 62109
plays a crucial role in making sure the established  PV mounting systems are tested in accordance
infrastructure doesn’t act as a roadblock/bottleneck for with PPP 59029
renewable energy projects.  PV batteries and energy storage systems (ESS)
are tested according to IEC 62619 and IEC
3.3. Indian Test Methods for Photovoltaic Systems  PV trackers and storage systems are tested
according to a combination of IEC standards
The Indian test methods for PV systems defined the test
methods and best practices to be followed during the
To determine the corrosion resistance & durability of
quality inspection of PV modules: The steps are:17
components, performance & safety testing is also
 Visual Inspection: conducted in addition to above.

Procedure: The modules are integrated in the

service workflow through scanner Construction Monitoring

Result: EVA browning, broken glass, The test method includes the procedure and steps to be
delamination, etc followed during construction of the plant. The steps
 Insulation Test According to IEC61215:
 Monitoring of overall quality of work during
Procedure: The modules are placed in a water construction
bath and 1,000 volts direct current is passed  Time Schedule Monitoring
Result: Quality modules that can uphold a  Inspection of site before material dispatch and
resistance for 2 minutes pass the insulation verification of material/equipment with
test available BOM
 Components shall be chosen as per Quality
 Infra-Red Tests under Load: control plan & approved vendor list issued by
Procedure: The modules are powered developer
backwards during the infra-red test to identify
possible weak spots in the cell area, The sample flow chart highlighting test under IEC
connectors and above all the junction box by 61215 is depicted below. 19
means of thermal imaging and infra-red

17 18
content/services/products/1091-tuv-rheinland-photovoltaic- power/photovoltaic-balance-of-system-component-testing-
modules/t%C3%BCv-rheinland_brochure_pv-modules.pdf and-certification

Solar Energy Quality Infrastructure In India 27

under standard test conditions. Testing is allowed only in
NABL accredited labs.

Detailed technical requirements and the relevant

standards to be adhered for each component in ground
3.3.1. Quality Standards, Specifications mounted and rooftop PV power plants are mentioned in
Section 5 below. For rooftop solar PV systems, the
for Solar PV Systems requirements are highlighted below:20
According to MNRE quality norms, solar plant
components need to be certified (self/lab as per norms)
Table 6: Quality standards for Module testing

Standard Name Title

Photovoltaic devices - Part 1: Measurements of photovoltaic Current-voltage
IEC 60904-1/ IS 12763
IEC 60904-3:/IS Photovoltaic devices - Part 3: Measurements principles for terrestrial
12762:Part3 Photovoltaic (PV) solar devices with reference spectral irradiance data
Procedures for temperature and irradiance corrections to measured I-V
IEC 60891
Characteristics of crystalline silicon IEC photovoltaic devices
IS/IEC 61730 (Part 1,2) Solar photovoltaic Safety qualification testing

IEC 61215/IS 14286 Design qualification test for Crystalline Silicon terrestrial photovoltaic module

IEC 61646/IS16077 Design qualification and type approval of thin film module

IEC 61804 PID test

A. Solar Module Testing should not be less than 90% at the end of 10 years and
80% at the end of 25 years.
PV modules used in solar power plants must be
warranted for their output peak watt capacity, which B. Battery Testing


Solar Energy Quality Infrastructure In India 28

Table 7: Quality standards for Battery testing

Standard Name Title

IEC 61427 Battery Life Cycle endurance test

IS /BIS:15539 VRLA battery(2V/12V) Stationary valve regulated lead acid Battery

Stationary lead-acid batteries – Vented types – General requirements and
IS/BIS 13369
methods of test (2V,12V) batteries
IS 1651 GEL Type battery testing

Table 8: Quality standards for Inverter testing

Standard Name Title

Procedure for measuring efficiency (Performance evaluation testing of Solar PV
IEC 61683
Power Conditioning Unit)
Utility-interconnected photovoltaic inverters - Test procedure of islanding
IEC 62116
prevention measures
IEC 61727 Parallel operation of inverter

EN 50530- Measuring the efficiency of MPPT algorithm of charge controller

IEC 60068-2 Environmental tests of inverters

Battery charge controllers for photovoltaic systems - Performance and
IEC 62509
IEC 62109-2 Safety of Power Converters for Use in Photovoltaic Power Systems

C. Power plant testing and commissioning

Table 9: Quality standards for Power plant testing and commissioning (Source: IEC nad IS)

Standard Name Title

IEC 62548: Ed 1 Installation and Safety Requirements for Photovoltaic (PV) Generators
IEC 61194: 1992 Ed 1, /IS
Characteristic parameters of stand-alone photovoltaic (PV) systems
Grid connected photovoltaic systems -Minimum requirements for system
IEC 62446: 2009
documentation, commissioning tests and inspection
Crystalline silicon photovoltaic (PV) array - On-site measurement of l-V
IS/IEC 61829
IEC 61725 Analytical expression of solar daily profiles

IEC 62446 Requirements For System Documentation, Commissioning Tests Inspection

3.3.2. BIS Guidelines

In July 2018, MNRE issued guidelines to facilitate
labs/manufacturers in formation of series of products
for approval of product family including change in
design, materials, etc. for performance testing of SPV
Modules in test labs for compulsory registration with

Solar Energy Quality Infrastructure In India 29

BIS for implementation of the Solar Photovoltaics
Systems, Devices and Component Goods. 21

Table 10: BIS Guidelines

IS Codes Type Sampling Details

IS 14286: Design Eight modules All the modules should contain the following clear and indelible
2010, IS Qualification and shall be taken marking laminated inside the glass as per IS/IEC 61730-1.
16077:2013 type approval of at random from The label should specify:
crystalline silicon a production i. Name, monogram or symbol of manufacturer
(including bifacial) batch or ii. Model number
and Thin Film batches iii. Unique serial number
terrestrial PV iv. Nominal wattage
modules v. Year and country of origin
vi. Brand name if applicable

In case of thin film modules information should be provided as per

IS/IEC 61730-1 at an appropriate place with clear and indelible

Apart from this, information should also be provided for:

i. Polarity of terminals
ii. Maximum system voltage for which the module is suitable
IS/IEC 61730- PV module safety 7 Nos. of PV All the modules should fulfill the requirement as per IS 14286: 2010
2: 2004 qualification and; modules (6 and IS 16077:2013
Requirement for Nos. normal
testing modules and
one laminate)
shall be taken
for testing
IS/IEC 61730- PV module safety - -
1: 2004 qualification and;
Requirement for
IS 14286 and Pass criteria - Pass criteria for module should be as per the clause number 6 of IS
IS 16077 14286 and IS 16077
- Fire Test For conducting fire test, the requirement of number of fire tests
samples will depend on the size of the PV panel and fire safety class
declared by the manufacturer and for this additional 3 nos. modules
are required to be submitted tohe test lab


Solar Energy Quality Infrastructure In India 30

3.4. Infrastructure requirement for Solar Energy Quality Testing
The concept mentioned above is from the report investments to reach 175GW target by 2022. The figure
published by Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt, above depicts the international standards and
which depicts the quality infrastructure for solar PV conformity assessment schemes which can be mapped
value chain in Indian context. In view of long term into Indian renewable energy value chain.
operations of assets & reliable generation of electricity,
Globally the RE quality infrastructure follows ISO and IEC
infrastructure needs to be adequate in a country. It is
standards above that regional and national standard are
important to assess the country’s quality testing
also in place to better suit the in country performance
infrastructure capacity and geographic footprint to
parameters. Following standards to be followed to
mitigate technical risk, attract FDIs in renewable energy
confirm long term reliability.
sector and public acceptance, and meet all the key
stakeholder expectations to foster billion dollars

Figure 14: Quality Infrastructure along the solar value chain, Source: Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt Report

Solar Energy Quality Infrastructure In India 31

3.4.1. New component testing 3.4.3. Transportation
Application evaluated by technical committee. In line Logistics for sample testing is crucial and any damage
with requirements & norms, testing will be done at during transit or improper handling occurs very often.
minimum 3 labs based on procedure & sampling. If To ascertain the damages during transit, EL test is
output is in line with acceptable tolerance/uncertainty, conducted. It is imperative to keep a check on logistics
the same procedure shall be adopted by other labs for especially while importing components.
performance testing. In case of any fault, MNRE will take
the final decision post consulting with all stakeholders
3.4.4. Infrastructure
involved. assessment and
availability factor of
3.4.2. Sample Collection testing facilities in India
Collection of samples shall be in 3 levels across the life Qualification shall happen at factory level, at site level.
cycle. If sample performance is in line with norms the Necessary tests need to be conducted at each level and
product is cleared certification. It was found from site certifications need to be in place before installation.
visits and stakeholder discussions that there is no Stakeholders (Developer/Manufacturer/Contractor)
standards for sample collection procedure. Eight need to take responsibility. BIS or MNRE or any
random components are selected by manufacturer for authorized representative shall have the right to pick a
each lot and transported to testing facility for sample at different level and test it to check compliance.

3.5. Certification and Auditing

Certification and auditing play a crucial role in certification can be performed in the same as accredited
ascertaining whether the issued standard is followed are ones. However, accredited labs give the extra credibility
not. Organizations can choose to conduct internal or factor and boosts confidence.
external audits. IEC prescribes norms for this process and
Product certification involves Gap Analysis to focus on
BIS has adopted the same. The objective is to ensure
the specific areas that might require attention, Pre
across all laboratories, the procedures & formats are
assessment of the product and Type testing of the
uniform. Predominantly certifications are issued
product design against the standard specification
considering two types of tests i.e qualification &
involving actual examination of a sample as well as
benchmark. There are three labs available in the country
performance in tests. It is also desirable that technical
as per IS17025. Private companies like Mahindra &
support is provided by the trained and competent
Sterling & Wilson have deployed mobile testing labs. As
experts during the certification process. It is necessary
per government plan, two more labs considered for
that the certified product meets qualification criteria
establishment. With only 5 fully equipped testing labs, it
stipulated in contracts and regulations.
would be challenging to meet timelines and targets set
by government.

Recommendation: Policy/framework to develop new

infrastructure, skilled manpower, etc. A certified product
must include the following information:

 The specific product or type of product certified

 The qualification standard that the product is
expected to meet
 The date of certification and expiration of the

Certification schemes are typically written to include

both the performance test methods that the product
must be tested to, as well as the criteria that the product
must meet to become certified. It is evident from the
above figure that accreditation is not essential and

Solar Energy Quality Infrastructure In India 32

3.5.1. Stages in Product Certification
There are four stages in product certification which are the product is done in order to rectify any qualification
Application, Evaluation, Decision and Surveillance and criteria that does not match with the test data.
are explained in the illustration below. These stages
ensure that the product meets the designated standards
and criteria listed in the certification scheme, a review of

Figure 15: Product Certification stages

3.5.2. Requirements of PV plant Audit

The objective of PV plant audit is to ensure grid safety An analysis of the design documents allow the auditors
and improve the power plant performance. The auditing to validate the design process according to the best
of a PV power plant identifies the root causes of the practices available and as per the designated industry
losses occurring in the system and help to maximize its standards. Bill of material audit is also a critical step in
performance. A simple PV audit starts with the data ensuring PV plant durability and reliability. This involves
analysis process with in-depth analysis of the available benchmarking the quality of installed components with
wind, temperature, irradiation, DC power output and AC our internally developed metrics and PV audit
power output data. This allows the auditors to experience.
understand the system behavior and conduct the audit
PV power plant audit is necessary in the following
in a systematic manner.

Solar Energy Quality Infrastructure In India 33

When Performance Ratio is below the mutually agreed percentage

When there is drop in output due to reasons unknown

To monitor module output performance

As a part of preventive maintenance

3.5.3. Compulsory registration under BIS act for solar PV modules and its
To avoid installation sub-standard assets and save the
economy from NPA, MNRE issued notification for
compulsory BIS certification. Self-certification was allowed for Modules till March
Manufacturers have to follow 2019. For inverters, deadline is September 2019. There
necessary procedures make sure has been delay due to lack of clarity on process,
they are certified before the unavailability of labs, lack of testing facilities and skilled
deadline. The notification also man power.
mentions about proper disposing of Recommendation: Infrastructure is very important for
defective modules. These smooth implementation of quality control policy. Need
regulations help in boosting confidence of investors & clear roadmap for increasing facilities and improving
lenders. The industry touched a record low tariff of the process.
2.44/kWh in 2017 and over the last couple of years has
sustained around 2.6/kWh due to ceiling tariff imposed
by tendering authorities.
labs. Since PV module manufacturing at large scale is
still not possible, the government needs to take
In order to develop project, developers may relax on necessary measures to plug quality concerns across
quality norms to better their returns. More than 80% of other value chains.
modules installed till dated have been imported and has Construction of plants is another area of concern which
been a growing concern for the government with the government has to look into. The fall in tariffs
respect to the quality of plants being installed. predominantly leads to negotiation of EPC price.
There is hope that the PV industry will improve from Beyond a point, contractors either cut corners or back
such regulations and result in low tariff without out from the project, both scenarios affect the industry
compromising quality. and will in turn affect the economy. Emphasis on quality
project execution will safeguard the interest of all
As discussed in earlier sections, infrastructure adequacy stakeholders and economy.
will play a crucial role when implementation takes
place. Government needs to conduct workshops and
attract private players for setting up state of the art test

Solar Energy Quality Infrastructure In India 34

Solar Energy Quality Infrastructure In India 35
4. Regulatory Guidelines
conform to these specifications to make sure that quality
4.1. Solar PV
infrastructure is being deployed. The specifications are a
The solar PV Crystalline Silicon Solar Cell part of all tenders issued by SECI and they are as
modules must Modules - IEC 61215
adhere to IEC Thin Film Modules - IEC
or equivalent
BIS standards
61646 Solar PV Modules
Concentrated PV modules -
IEC 62108
In addition, the PV modules must qualify to IEC 61730
4.1.1. Technical specifications for Solar standard for safety qualification testing at 1000V DC or
PV Power Plants connected to higher and for highly corrosive atmosphere the modules
must qualify to IEC 61701 standard.
Ministry of Power to develop high quality solar PV plants
has laid down technical specifications in line with BIS & The power conditioning units must adhere to the latest
IEC standards as a part of standard bidding documents. version of IEC/equivalent standards specified as follows:
These specifications mentioned by the ministry are
applicable to PV modules, inverters and other sub
systems and it is imperative for the power plants to

Electromagnetic Anti-Islanding
Compatibility Protection IEEE
Efficiency Environmental Electrical safety
(EMC) IEC 61000- 1547/IEC
Measurements Testing IEC 60068 IEC 62103/ IEC
6-2, IEC 61000-6-4 62116/UL 1741 or
IEC 61683 -2/IEC 62093 62109-1&2
& other relevant equivalent BIS
parts of IEC 61000 Standards

Figure 16: IEC Standards for Inverters23 (Source: IEC and PV module output warranty for 25 years at the end of 10
SECI) years shall not be less than 90% and at the end of 25
years shall be less than 80%. Year on year degradation of
modules shall be as per module technology and data
Other Sub systems
sheet. In addition to power output warranty, modules
Other components such as cables & connectors, junction
must have 10 years material defect.
boxes, surge protection devices, etc. shall mandatorily
comply with relevant international/national standards. Minimum 5 years warranty for balance of plant and
overall workmanship.
Authorized Test Centers
Necessary test certificates from NABL centres in line with Recommendation: BNEF/ALMM list of manufacturers
IEC/BIS standards are mandatory before installation of can be considered. Insurance products need to be
components. Developers, contractors and available in the country. Currently only few commercial
manufacturers shall keep this in mind during vendor banks are offering insurance and even these do not cover
qualification process. If NABL test centres do have the complete useful life. All tenders must emphasis on
necessary infrastructure to test new type of product (eg Insurance requirements as this can have repercussions,
thin film module), then certificates issued by ILAC labs especially in the CPSU programs.
shall be accepted.

22 23
data/docs/tenders/RfS%20UP%20Solar%20Park%20275%20M 61000-6-2.pdf

Solar Energy Quality Infrastructure In India 36

Identification and Traceability  Data needs to be submitted for the entire PPA
For ease of tracing all modules must have radio tenure i.e 25 years
frequency identification (RFID) tags containing the
 SCADA must be OPC compliant, TCP/IP protocol
following information. Developers must have access to
and shall transfer real time data to SECI/MNRE
the data along with IDs.

Manufacturing date for module &

Manufacturer name - Module Manufacturer name - Cells

Manufacture location - cells I-V curve for the module at Standard Test Wattage, Im, Vm and FF for the
& modules Condition (1000 W/m2, AM 1.5, 250C) module

Unique Serial No. Details of lab

Any other information as per ISO
and Model No. of IEC certification date which issued the
the module certificate

 MCR & inverter rooms must have fibre optic

ethernet network
Figure 17: Information requirement on RFID tag
 Web based monitoring with option to download
Performance Monitoring report from remote location
Performance monitoring involves the following

 Module IDs along with above data and Safe disposal of PV modules
performance for each module to be At the end of their life, modules shall be disposed in line
maintained. The list shall be submitted to with e-waste policy, 2011 and subsequent revisions.
Based on discussion with developers, the rules make no
 Weather monitoring stations shall be installed mention of solar PV waste. All central bids rest the
by developers and the data shall be submitted responsibility of handling and disposing on the
to SECI/MNRE developers. Recycling facilities need to be available and
hence there is a need for solar waste management and
 For ease of data transfer, developers shall give manufacturing standards.
access to SECI/MNRE for installing additional
monitoring systems Robust policy to develop the market and make recycling
commercial viable. Europe Eco value can be considered
as an example for adopting safe disposal of PV modules.

4.1.2. Technical Specifications for Grid Connected Rooftop PV Power Plants

Ministry of Power to develop high quality solar PV other sub systems and it is imperative for the power
plants has laid down technical specifications in line with plants to conform to these specifications to make sure
BIS & IEC standards as a part of standard bidding that quality infrastructure is being deployed. The
documents. These specifications mentioned by the specifications are a part of all tenders issued by SECI
ministry are applicable to PV modules, inverters and and they are as follows:

Solar Energy Quality Infrastructure In India 37

Solar PV Plant

Solar PV Mounting Inverters and DC/AC MCBs/JCB Testing and
PVC cables,
modules Structures SCADA protection /ACDC CBs Commissionin
pipes and

Figure 18: Major components of a Solar PV plant

In order to facilitate the usage of quality infrastructure in  IEC 60068-2/ IEC 62093 – Environmental testing
the installation of any rooftop solar PV plant, SECI has Typical technical features of the power conditioning unit
specified the technical guidelines for all the components shall be as follows.
(individually), to be followed during the erection of the
Table 11: Technical features of Power conditioning unit
PV plant which are detailed below. It is imperative to
adhere to these guidelines as non-compliance will lead
Properties Specifications
to the cancellation of the subsidy provided by SECI and
might even lead to disqualification of the PPA.24 Switching devices IGBT/MOSFET

Solar PV Modules Control Microprocessor /DSP

The solar PV modules should adhere to the latest
Nominal AC output 415V, 3 Phase, 50 Hz
edition of BIS standards as highlighted below: voltage and frequency

1. IEC 61215/IS 14286 – Crystalline silicon Design Grid Frequency + 3 Hz or more

& Type Approval Synchronization range
2. IEC 61701 – Salt mist corrosion testing Ambient temperature - 200 C to 50o C
3. IEC 61853 – part 1/IS 16170: Part 1 – Module considered
performance testing & energy rating IP-20 (minimum) for indoor
4. IEC 62716 – Ammonia corrosion testing Protection of enclosure and IP-65 (minimum) for
5. IEC 61730 – 1,2 – Module safety qualification outdoor

Mounting Structures Ambient temperature - 200 C to 50o C

1. The mounting structures should adhere to considered

latest version of BIS IS 2062/ IS 4759 Humidity 95 % non-condensing

2. The support structure and the foundation shall
Grid Frequency + 3 or more
be designed to withstand wind speed of up to Tolerance range
200 kmph.
Grid Voltage tolerance - 20% & + 15 %
Power Conditioning Unit
Following standards need to be complied for inverters: No-load losses Less than 1% of rated power

 IEC 62109-1, IEC 62109-2 – Safety & general Minimum inverter >93% ( for 10 kW and above )
efficiency and >90% (for less than 10 kW)
 IEC/IS 61683 – Efficiency measurement THD and Power Factor < 3%, > 0.9
 IEC 62116/UL 1741/IEEE 1547 – Islanding
prevention measures

 IEC 60255-27 – Safety requirement


Solar Energy Quality Infrastructure In India 38

Other sub-systems particulars and requirement of equipment are as under
Other components such as cables & connectors, – 25
junction boxes, surge protection devices, etc. shall
mandatorily comply with relevant Table 12: Standard requirements in a PV Electrical
international/national standards. system (Source: BIS)

Installation, Testing and

The installation of the PV arrays, Inverters and
other components should be as per the IEC 61173,
IEC 62548, IEC 61140 and IEC 62109-1 & 2

After completion of installation works, the solar Commissioning

power plant shall be on trial run for a period of 8 - Testing
10 clear sunny days to test smooth functioning of
power plant in every aspect. Only after satisfactory Installation
inspection the power plant shall be deemed
Figure 19: Phases in a PV plant:
A.C. Metal – enclosed and control gear
Data Monitoring IEC-298 for rated voltages above 1KV and
including 72.5 KV
1. The plant parameters shall be measured by
using SCADA or an equivalent system to A.C. Metal – enclosed and control gear
IS-3427 for rated voltages above 1KV and
monitor, maintain, and control the plant and including 52 KV
also to study the plant performance. The
Specification for Low Voltage
system should meet IEC 61724 standard for this IS-8623
Switchgear and Control gear assemblies
IS-13118/ IEC- Specification for High Voltage AC Circuit
2. The plant monitoring parameters shall include: 56 Breakers

 As per DISCOM requirements: Smart meter IEC-529 Degrees of Protection

(1&2 class) Making and arrangement for
IS-5578 &
switchgear bus bar main connections
 Solar Irradiance: Pyranometer or 11353
and auxiliary wiring
irradiation sensor in cell along with sensor
Specification for 3 Phase Induction
on array IS-325

 Temperature Probes: Recording panel IS-2629

Recommended practice for hot dip
temperature and also ambient galvanizing of iron and steel
temperature IEC-137 Bushing for AC Voltages

IS-3347 Porcelain Transformer Bushings

Solar Photovoltaic Power Plant
IS-5561 Terminal Connectors
Electrical System
The technical requirements of design, engineering, IS-3156 Voltage Transformers
procurement, construction, testing & commissioning of
IS-2705 Current Transformers
all electrical equipments required for the Solar PV plant
shall be in line with relevant IS standards. The brief IS-3231 Electric relays for power protection.


Solar Energy Quality Infrastructure In India 39

IS-13010 Watt hour meters IS:5358 Hot dip Galvanized coatings on fasteners

IS-13779 Static Energy Meters Specification for heavy washers for steel
IS-8686 Static Protection Relays
IS:12427 Hexagonal bolts for steel structures
IS-1248 Electrical measuring instruments
Methods of determination of weight of
IS-2099 High Voltage Porcelain Bushings IS:6745 zinc coating of zinc coated iron and steel
Minimum clearances for Outdoor articles
Switchgear Code of practice for Design Part I & II
Common Clauses for High Voltage IS:5613 Installation & Maintenance of Section of
IEC-694 Overhead Power Line
Switchgear and Control gear

IEC-60255 & Structural Steel Micro Alloyed (medium

Numerical Relays IS:8500
IEC- 61330 and high strength quality)

Hot dip zinc coating on structural steel

and other allied products, plain and
Power Transmission system IS: 4759
heavy washers, spring washers Electro
The technical requirements of design, engineering, galvanization.
procurement, construction, testing & commissioning of
power transmission system required for the Solar PV
plant shall be in line with relevant IS standards. The brief Power Conductors
particulars and requirement of equipment are as under 26 Standards for design, manufacturing, testing, inspection,
packing and delivery of Steel Cored Aluminium
Conductors are specified in the table below for their
Table 13: Standard requirements in a Power
satisfactory operation. The conductors shall be in line
Transmission system (Source: BIS)
with relevant IS standards.27
Title Table 14: Standard requirements in Power Conductors
as per BIS
(Source: BIS)
IS:209 Specification for Zinc

IS:2062 Structural steel (standard quality) Standard Title

Mild steel and medium tensile bars and IS:209 -1990 Specification for Zinc
IS:432 hard drawn steel wire for concrete
IS:398 Part I to Specification for Aluminium Conductors
Part V for overhead Transmission purpose
Code of practice for use of structural
IS:1778 Reels and drums for Bare wires
steel in Overhead transmission line
IS:1521 Method of Tensile Testing of Steel wire
IS:802 Part I : Loads and permissible Stresses
Recommended practice for Hot Dip
IS:2629 -1990
galvanizing Iron and Steel
Part II : Fabrication, Galvanizing,
Inspection & Packing Method of Testing Uniformity of Zinc
IS:2633 -1990
coating of Zinc coated Articles.
IS:1367 Supply conditions for threaded fasteners
IS:4826 Galvanized coating on Round Steel wire
IS:2016 Plain washers
Method of Determination of weight of
IS:2551 Danger Notice Plates IS:6745 -1990 Zinc coating of zinc coated Iron and Steel
Recommended practice for hot dip Articles
galvanizing of iron and steel. IS:8263 Method of Radio Interference Tests
Method of testing uniformity of casting EC Grade Aluminium Rod produced by
IS:2633 IS:1841
of zinc coated articles rolling
Single coil rectangular section spring EC grade Aluminium Rod produced by
IS:3063 IS:5484
washers for bolt nuts, screws continuous casting and rolling

26 27
shed/subcommtt?depid=NjU%3D shed/subcommtt?depid=NjU%3D

Solar Energy Quality Infrastructure In India 40

IS: 2141 -1990 Method of Elongation test of steel wire Hollow Insulators for use in electrical
IS: 5621

IS: 5556 Serrated lock washers – specification

The technical requirements of design, engineering,
procurement, construction, testing & commissioning of Circuit Breakers
all transformers required for the Solar PV plant shall be The technical requirements of design, engineering,
in line with relevant IS standards. The brief particulars procurement, construction, testing & commissioning of
and requirement of equipment are as under28 all circuit breakers required for the Solar PV plant shall
be in line with relevant IS standards. The brief particulars
Table 15: Standard requirements in Transformers and requirement of equipment are as under29
(Source: BIS)
Table 16: Standard requirements in Circuit Breakers
Standard Specification (Source: BIS)
IS: 2026 (Part 1
Specification for Power Transformer Standard Specification
to 4)

Bushings for alternating voltage above IS- General requirements for Circuit breakers
IS: 2099
1000 V 13118/1991 for voltage above 1000 V

Fittings and accessories for power IS-

IS: 3639 Current Transformers
transformer 2705/1992

IEC: 60076 (Part IS- Bushings for alternating voltages above

Specifications for Power Transformer
1 to 5) 2099/1986 1000 V

Alternating currents dis connectors ISS- Methods of testing uniformity of coating

IS: 9921 Part 1
(isolators) and earthing switches rating, 2633/1964 of zinc coated articles
to 5
design, construction, tests etc.
IS- Electrical relays for power system
IS: 2705 Part 1 3231/1986 protection
Current transformer
to 4 & IEC: 185
Specification for Ammeters & Voltmeters
IS: 3156 Part 1 1248/1983
Voltage Transformer
to 4
New insulating oils Electrical IEC 71 (For
IS: 3070 part 1 oils in CTs) Clearances
Lightning arrestors
to 3
Degree of protection provided by
Porcelain insulators for system above enclosures for low voltage switchgear &
IS: 2544 2147/1962
1000 V control gear

Part III – post insulator units for

IS: 5350
systems greater than 1000V

4.2. Solar Thermal

4.2.1. Minimum specifications required developing stage and the applications are customized
as per the user demand. Although, there are no
for solar thermal technologies performance standards in place, MNRE stipulate
MNRE stipulates minimum technical requirements for
minimum technical requirements for the components
solar thermal technologies as per IS standards. Solar
used to generate solar thermal based steam and heat
water heaters and cooking application based
through concentrated and non-concentrated
technologies like flat plate collector, evacuated tube
technologies. The required IS standards for different
and box and dish type cookers are quite common for
technologies is discussed in the testing and certification
domestic applications and have standards in place for
section of this report. The table below stipulates the
components and performance of the products
minimum technical specifications required for different
Whereas, solar CST based technologies are still in the
components used in solar thermal technologies.

28 29
shed/standards?commttid=MjUw shed/standards?commttid=MjQx

Solar Energy Quality Infrastructure In India 41

Table 17: Minimum specifications required for solar thermal components 30 (Source: UNIDO and BIS)

Parameter Current Specifications

Shape and make of Of any shape fixed to a supporting frame/structure
each concentrator
Aperture area 10 m^2 (for Scheffler Dishes, it will be π/4* lengths of major and minor axis
Reflecting mirrors
a) Material o High quality glass mirrors for outdoor use with protective layers of coating on black surface
b) Reflectivity and side to protect from exterior weathering effect or any other reflecting material of similar
c) Mirror Fixing reflectivity and durability. For coastal and colder regions, special protections to be made
o 90% minimum with a maximum degradation of 10% over its life span. Warranty/guarantee
provided for a period of 5 years. To be replaced immediately by the supplier if found
deteriorating during this period
o With positive locking or sticking by industry proven outdoor-rated adhesives. Due protection
of mirror coatings be taken while fixing the mirrors. Tying of wires is not acceptable. For high
wind areas, special protection to be made

For newer upcoming technologies, reflectors other than glass mirrors will also be acceptable
subject to fulfillment of above requirement
Tracking  Any reliable automatic tracking mechanism with motorized reverse in evening & park at
Arrangement morning position including safe position in case of abnormal operating conditions.
 Made of standard components; to be protected from rain, dust & outside
 Tracking accuracy : +/- 0.5 degree (to be ensured using field-calibrated inclinometer)
Heat Receivers and  Tested working fluid pressure: 1.5 times of designed pressure
piping o Receivers : Of boiler/ standard industry quality to sustain required temperature and
o Header material and piping : Designed & manufactured as per IBR/ standard industry quality
Insulation  All working fluid piping to be insulated with minimum thickness of 50 mm of PUF or rock
wool. Headers or water-steam tank, insulated sides of receiver etc. to have minimum
insulation of 75 mm. For colder regions facing sub zero temperatures, minimum thickness will
be 100 mm and 150 mm respectively. In such regions cold water pipe lines including valves
etc. will also be insulated. Insulation on receivers should withstand a minimum temperature
of 600c.
 All insulated components to have Al sheet or powder coated steel sheet cladding
Frames and  Strong enough to avoid any deformation of any reflector dish during manhandling/
supporting tracking/under wind pressure of 200 km/hr
structure  Of mild steel/ any other strong material with epoxy/anti-rust coating
Instrumentation  Complete with all instrumentation such as pressure gauge, temperature indicator, fluid
and Control level indicators, safety valves, fluid meter etc. Data acquisition and control system with
online monitoring to be installed for automatic monitoring, control and record of all
important process parameters in installations above 500 sq. m. of dish area.
Other  System with Scheffler dishes having single axis automatic tracking arrangement will not be
Requirements installed with more than 30 dishes at a place. For bigger systems, the dishes have to be of 2
axis automatic tracking mechanism
 All parts/components will be of weather resistant design/specifications to withstand natural
weathering outdoors under local climatic conditions, for a minimum period of 15 years.
Warranty for a minimum period of 5 years will be provided by the supplier. Necessary
spares will also be provided so that the user do not face any problem atleast during the
warranty period.
 The steel structures provided to support various components of the system will be
fabricated in such a way that they are able to take load (both wind load and static dead
load) of the whole system. In case the terrace where the system is to be installed is not
strong enough to bear the loads, these should be transferred into columns and beams and


Solar Energy Quality Infrastructure In India 42

the proposed load arrangement must be discussed with the concerned civil engineering
department and their approval obtained.
 The personnel of the buyer/user institution will be trained by the supplier in the operation
and maintenance of the system and its back-up system. Proper manuals will be prepared
and provided to the user. Log book will also be supplied to the and user so that proper
documentation is maintained.
 The other important features of system will be i) it will have easy access to the user and
proper walkway and platforms will be supplied for easy operation and maintenance of the
system wherever necessary

Solar Energy Quality Infrastructure In India 43

Solar Energy Quality Infrastructure In India 44
5. Testing, standardization and quality control in
solar thermal value chain
The solar thermal value chain broadly consists of raw such, it should be seen as an explicit part of awareness
material suppliers, component manufacturer, Solar campaigns and all other incentives to stimulate the
thermal finished, developers and end user. The below market and gain public acceptance.
diagram depicts the key stakeholders and their areas of
view and operation. A quality control scheme typically consists of:
 Product standards looking at safety,
As solar thermal technologies become more widespread, performance and durability of the system
the need to implement and further develop product and components (such as collectors, tanks etc.)
performance standards for solar thermal has increased.  Methodology for testing; and
Certification and quality assurance contribute to a  Certification procedure (basically a surveillance
trouble free use of solar water heating and subsequently system that guarantees constant quality).
increase consumer confidence in the technology. As

Developer and Manufacturer

Supply chain Infrastructure

•Reflectors •Reflector stands •Manufacturing parks

•Receiver tubes •Solar grade mirrors •Dedicated solar thermal parks
•Vaccum tubes •Steam equipment •Testing and certifications labs
•Solar steam turbines •Controllers •Policy and regulatory
•Thermal energy storage •Pressure and Temperature institutions
devices sensors
•Reflector coatings •Valves and fittings
•Absorber coatings •Sun Trackers
•Support Structure

5.1. Overview of standards and quality assurance in India

In India, MNRE is tasked with overseeing the National To meet ambitious targets of off-grid/heating
Standards Infrastructure under the guidance of Bureau application through solar thermal set by government of
of Indian Standards. MNRE is also tasked with managing India, the country needs a holistic framework to
the country's participation in international standards supplement heating requirements for various
development activities. Therefore solar thermal applications. Quality infrastructure must be established
technology related standards and certification program to enchance the quality and reliability of solar thermal
in India will be spearheaded by MNRE, Government of components. Awareness workshops and technical skill
India. It is advisable that the government makes quality development must be rolled out on a regular basis to
control of solar thermal systems mandatory. The drive the market.
responsibility for the certification will be laid upon Although there are various applications which can be
representatives of the supply side of the market, which utilized from the heat that generates from solar energy.
would need to submit their products for independent MNRE has identified the below technologies and
applications31 which are adopted through government
testing before they can label their products.
programs in India.


Solar Energy Quality Infrastructure In India 45

Box type solar Dish type solar Flat plate
Evacauted tube CST
coker cooker collector
•IS 13429 (part 1 •MNRE specfied •IS 12933( part 1 •IS 16543 : 2016 •Specifications
to part 3): 2000 minimum part 5): 2003 •IS 16544 : 2016 drafted by
technical • IS 16542:2016 MNRE for
specifications different
for components technlogies
used in Dish •testing prtocols
type need to be

organic and inorganic materials. Phase changing material

(PCM) and inorganic salts are widely adopted in many
Indian standards are available for domestic water countries to store the heat and utilize it has a backup
heating and cooking applications viz. flat plate collector, source to generates steam. Currently, there are no
evacuated tube and solar cookers. Test procedures are standards available for thermal energy storage
there for parabolic dish concentrating cookers and for applications in India.
parabolic concentrators for fixed and tracking type
industrial process heat applications. The technology To meet the standards and quality assurance it is vital to
evolved in terms of material science related to reflectors have necessary infrastructure for performance and

reflectivity and absorbers absorptivity crossing more component testing, qualification and certification for the
than 90 percent. The benchmarks and standards needs products to have a level playing field. It is pre-requisite
to modify and should update accordingly. The standards to have all the testing facilities are adhered ISO/BIS
and testing procedures for the key components such as standards and quality management process. Currently
glass covers, absorber tubes, insulation thickness there are eight regional centers for testing of flat plate
optimization, fins and receivers etc. should be water heating systems, evacuated tube collectors, box
established. and dish type solar cookers and apart from that there are
two regional test centers for testing concentrated
Thermal energy storage plays a vital role in solar thermal
technology. The picture below depicts the list of test
applications, the thermal energy storage depends on the
centers currently active in India. 32
applications and the temperature range. There are
various technologies available to store the heat through


Solar Energy Quality Infrastructure In India 46

spectroscopy on the reflector and receiver
material samples.
Few salient features of CST testing facility at University
of Pune Thermal output of CST involves various parameters and
testing them under quasi stable state is important
The facility has two different immobile testing facility instead of stable conditions. Under quasi stable state,
test setups: one is based on steam/pressurized water one can evaluate the dependence of solar radiation,
and the other based on thermic fluid. inlet temperature, and ambient temperature on the
thermal output of the system. This test is applicable for
5.2. Immobile test setup facility all types of CSTs including:
(off-site testing)  Manually tracked Dish solar cooker.
 Fixed focus E-W automatically tracked dishes
 Testing temperature range is 100-200 0C and for direct indoor cooking, steam generation for
both the systems can withstand temperature the purpose of community cooking, laundry,
up to 300 0C space cooling etc. popularly known as Scheffler
 Various CST technologies, Scheffler, LFTR, PTC, Concentrator.
paraboloid Fresnel Dish etc. can be tested.  Reflecting Fresnel Dish Type Solar
 The test center is working on the impact of Concentrator (Dish Dual axis fully tracked
azimuth angle on design for different locations Fresnel dish type solar concentrator for
for single and double axis tacking technologies. process heat, cooling, laundry application etc.)
And, also to develop testing protocols for  Parabolic Trough Collector.
different technologies.
 New technologies such as paraboloid dish and
 Passive tests, reflectivity, absorption, emission, linear Fresnel reflectors.
characterizing reflectors and receiver are also
performed indoors using UV visible-IR

5.3. Mobile testing facility (on-site testing)

For few applications the systems are customized and  Intensity of solar radiations (DNI)
shipped and installed directly to the user premises. The  Ambient temp
prescribed equipment would be fitted by the customer  Wind velocity
in the system before the testing and multiple sensors  Inlet and outlet temperature of the fluid going
will furnish data to measure flow rate of fluid, through the receiver
temperature & weather parameter. The manufacturer  Flow rate of heat extracting fluid
or beneficiary of the system must ensure appropriate  Data collection during the starting time of the
arrangements to incorporate all the sensors complying system to the end time and on the clean days
with recommended pipe dimensions and lengths for (No cloud coverage) all data is to be recorded
faithful indication of measured parameters. using a data logger having data logging facility
Measurements to carry out on various parameters to to log the data at a minimum 1 minute time
determine the thermal performance of the system interval
installed in the field are as below:

5.4. Testing and certification of solar thermal systems in India

 The sequence to be adopted in India to qualify  In the second stage the products or the
and certify a component or solar thermal components has to qualify for benchmarking
product to ensure long term reliability and tests
efficient field operation:  In the last stage an authorized third party has to
 In the first stage, during the design or prototype do the surveillance tests, with random samples
stage the manufacturer has to make sure all the as per the benchmark and Qualification tests.
qualifications certifications has to get through,
As covered in earlier sections, QI requires heavy
even though the components or products are
investment and constant upgradation as technology
keeps advancing. This underlines the importance of R&D
and skill development as these will help us in

Solar Energy Quality Infrastructure In India 47

transitioning towards such advancements with each. solar thermal products operation is studied at stable
Onsite field testing infrastructure should be developed condition, to reach the final temperature the overall
with required sensors and equipment to understand the circulation time to heat the HTF is approximately 60-90
impact of different ambient parameters, it allows minutes which is time consuming. The labs should be
independent, flexible and traceable performance developed with necessary infrastructure to emulate the
assessment of the products as performance of collectors stable conditions to understand the performance of the
is predominantly influenced by micro climate and heat products.
generation is reliant on direct solar radiation. Most of the
Table 18: Performance Testing charges for solar thermal technologies (Source: NISE and UoP)

S.No Product/technology Testing Fee in INR

1 Flat plate collector (FPC) Capacity Amount
Upto100LPD 15000
100to200LPD 18000
200to500LPD 20000
2 Evacuated Tube Collector (ETC) based hot Upto100LPD 20000
water system 100to200LPD 23000
200to500LPD 25000
3 Box type solar cooker 8000
4 Dish type solar cooker Capacity Amount
Upto1.4sq.m. 10000
Above1.4sq.m 10,000/-plus 2,000/-
5 Concentrated Solar Technologies Testing at test center Testing at site (mobile
(Immobile testing testing)
35000 35000

5.5. CST Testing and Certification

For CST, appropriate standards & laboratories for This results in assisting manufacturers & organizations
gauging performance are not available, however, the enhance the efficiency of their products, improve
MNRE-UNDP-GEF project has helped set up testing participation & promote investments in developing CST
centres on stationary & mobile platforms in the country. market

Table 19: Status of testing procedures for different CST: (Source: UNIDO Newsletter)

Technology Status of test protocol

Parabolic Dish Developed
Arun Dish Developed
Parabolic trough Rotating platform required for tracking sun
Scheffler Dish Year around data required to develop test protocols
Fresnel Reflector Year around data required to develop test protocols
Central Tower Year around data required to develop test protocols
Compound Parabolic Collector Developed
Receiver tube Testing Developed

Table 20: Concentrator Specifications as per MNRE33

Parameter Current Specifications

Shape and make of Of any shape fixed to a supporting frame/structure
each concentrator


Solar Energy Quality Infrastructure In India 48

Aperture area 10 m^2 (for Scheffler Dishes, it will be π/4* lengths of major and minor axis
Reflecting mirrors
a) Material o High quality glass mirrors for outdoor use with protective layers of coating on black surface
b) Reflectivity and side to protect from exterior weathering effect or any other reflecting material of
c) Mirror Fixing similar reflectivity and durability. For coastal and colder regions, special protections to be
o 90% minimum with a maximum degradation of 10% over its life span. Warranty/guarantee
provided for a period of 5 years. To be replaced immediately by the supplier if found
deteriorating during this period
o With positive locking or sticking by industry proven outdoor-rated adhesives. Due
protection of mirror coatings be taken while fixing the mirrors. Tying of wires is not
acceptable. For high wind areas, special protection to be made

For newer upcoming technologies, reflectors other than glass mirrors will also be acceptable
subject to fulfillment of above requirement
Tracking  Any reliable automatic tracking mechanism with motorized reverse in evening & park at
Arrangement morning position including safe position in case of abnormal operating conditions.
 Made of standard components; to be protected from rain, dust & outside
 Tracking accuracy : +/- 0.5 degree (to be ensured using field-calibrated inclinometer)
Heat Receivers and  Tested working fluid pressure: 1.5 times of designed pressure
piping o Receivers : Of boiler/ standard industry quality to sustain required temperature and
o Header material and piping : Designed & manufactured as per IBR/ standard industry
Insulation  All working fluid piping to be insulated with minimum thickness of 50 mm of PUF or rock
wool. Headers or water-steam tank, insulated sides of receiver etc. to have minimum
insulation of 75 mm. For colder regions facing sub zero temperatures, minimum thickness
will be 100 mm and 150 mm respectively. In such regions cold water pipe lines including
valves etc. will also be insulated. Insulation on receivers should withstand a minimum
temperature of 600c.
 All insulated components to have Al sheet or powder coated steel sheet cladding
Frames and  Strong enough to avoid any deformation of any reflector dish during manhandling/
supporting structure tracking/under wind pressure of 200 km/hr
 Of mild steel/ any other strong material with epoxy/anti-rust coating
Instrumentation and  Complete with all instrumentation such as pressure gauge, temperature indicator,
Control fluid level indicators, safety valves, fluid meter etc. Data acquisition and control system
with online monitoring to be installed for automatic monitoring, control and record of all
important process parameters in installations above 500 sq. m. of dish area.

Solar Energy Quality Infrastructure In India 49

Other Requirements  System with Scheffler dishes having single axis automatic tracking arrangement will not be
installed with more than 30 dishes at a place. For bigger systems, the dishes have to be of
2 axis automatic tracking mechanism
 All parts/components will be of weather resistant design/specifications to withstand
natural weathering outdoors under local climatic conditions, for a minimum period of 15
years. Warranty for a minimum period of 5 years will be provided by the supplier.
Necessary spares will also be provided so that the user do not face any problem atleast
during the warranty period.
 The steel structures provided to support various components of the system will be
fabricated in such a way that they are able to take load (both wind load and static dead
load) of the whole system. In case the terrace where the system is to be installed is not
strong enough to bear the loads, these should be transferred into columns and beams and
the proposed load arrangement must be discussed with the concerned civil engineering
department and their approval obtained.
 The personnel of the buyer/user institution will be trained by the supplier in the operation
and maintenance of the system and its back-up system. Proper manuals will be prepared
and provided to the user. Log book will also be supplied to the and user so that proper
documentation is maintained.
 The other important features of system will be i) it will have easy access to the user and
proper walkway and platforms will be supplied for easy operation and maintenance of the
system wherever necessary ii) safety features such as safety valves etc will be
incorporated in the system so that system does not explode under pressure and iii) proper
instrumentation as mentioned above will be provided so that user could see the status of
system and take precautions corrective steps if the system does not behave as expected.

5.6. Concentrated solar thermal technologies

Although MNRE mandates minimum technical table below highlights the minimum technical
specifications for concentrated thermal technologies, specifications for CST based thermal technologies
the recent draft lab policy stipulated detailed released by BIS for comments from different
specifications to be adhered to maintain quality stakeholders
assurance in concentrated thermal technologies. The

Table 21: Paraboloid Dish Specifications (Source: MNRE/BIS34/UNDP)

Scope This draft standard specifies requirements of paraboloid dish concentrator for process heating and
steam generation for temperature range of 60 OC to 350 OC. The paraboloid dish shall be useful for
steam generation, high pressure hot water and thermic fluid systems in the above mentioned
temperature range.
Reflector Aluminum reflector
 Specular reflectance shall be minimum 88 percent (The specimen of reflector shall be tested
as per ASTM E 903. Measurement of spectral reflectance near normal conical reflectance is
made over the spectral range from approximately 300 to 2 500 nm with an integrating
sphere spectrophotometer having a small conical solid angle of incident flux on sample)
 Durability shall be minimum10 years (The mirror specimen shall be subjected to the neutral
salt spray test as per IS 9844 or equivalent standards)
 Thickness shall be 0.3 mm minimum in order to get paraboloid shape, if required.
Glass Mirrors

 Specular Reflectance shall be minimum 90 percent. (The specimen of reflector shall be

tested as per ASTM E 903. Measurement of spectral near normal conical, hemispherical
transmittance (or reflectance) is made over the spectral range from approximately 300 mm
to 2 500 nm with an integrating sphere spectrophotometer having a small conical solid
angle of incident flux on sample.)


Solar Energy Quality Infrastructure In India 50

 Shall be durable for minimum 10 years. (The mirror specimen shall be subjected to the
neutral salt spray test as per IS 9844 or equivalent standards)
 Thickness shall be 2 mm to 3 mm. The shape can be paraboloid or flat for fresnel
Reflector Material shall be polyester, acrylic, epoxy acrylic coated with silver/ aluminum to get reflective coat.
films Silver reflective film shall be backed by aluminum or any suitable substrate. Edges should to seal
using tape or any suitable material.

 Specular Reflectance shall be minimum 94 percent. (The specimen of mirror shall be tested
as per ASTM E 903. Measurement of spectral near normal conical, hemispherical
transmittance (or reflectance) is made over the spectral range from approximately 300 mm
to 2 500 nm with an integrating sphere spectrophotometer having a small conical solid
angle of incident flux on sample.)
 Durability shall be minimum 10 years. (The mirror specimen shall be subjected to the
neutral salt spray test as per IS 9844 or equivalent standards.)
 Thickness of substrate shall be 0.38 to 0.5 mm and thickness of reflective film shall be 0.10
to 0.12 mm.
Receiver  Absorber coating for absorber surface temperatures less than 200 OC shall be black chrome,
Assembly paint or selective coating [AS(C2-80)]. Minimum absorptivity of 0.9 in optical range of
wavelength (300 to 2 500 nm) and emmisivity less than 0.2 in IR range of wavelength. The
durability of absorber coating shall be minimum 10 years. The absorber sample shall be
subjected to the neutral salt spray test as per IS 9844 or equivalent standards. The exposed
sample should not have any blisters, degradation of back coating after exposure of 250 hrs.
 No coating to be applied for absorber surface temperatures more than 200 OC for cavity
type receivers. The glass cover shall be optional on the receiver mouth. Transmittance of
glass shall be minimum 95 percent.
 The absorber shall be made of boiler grade alloy steel or stainless steel as per IBR with
thickness suitable to stand the design pressure and temperature with corrosion margin as
per IBR.
Collector The basic framework of the paraboloid dish and support shall be standard structural steel or
and aluminum. The collector is made of aluminum or steel structure for mounting reflectors. The
support collector along with mirror is put on support structure along with tracking mechanism.
structure  Structure design considering wind speed of 47 m/s under stow conditions & 10 m/s under
with civil operating condition and in line IS 875 (Part 2) and IS 875
foundation  Collector structure and support in line with IS 2062, and corrosion protection by suitable
means (galvanization, paint, etc). Design life shall be 20 years

Tracking Maximum generation by tracking the moment of sun. Tracking shall include motors, gearbox or any
system similar mechanism using relevant IS standards and control system.
 Accuracy requirement shall be decided for the specific manufacturer’s design which shall be
based on Concentration ratio.
 Tracking Motor shall be Servo/Stepper/Induction as per IS 9815-1, IS 13079, IS 12615
respectively suitable for the load for taking in stow position at full speed.
 Electrical system in line with IS 732 & control panel and electronic components shall be in
line IS/IEC 60529

Acceptance Criteria:

Paraboloid dish should have, ηo = 0.55 (minimum), a1 = (maximum), leading to overall thermal efficiency, η =
0.8 W/m2K (maximum) and a2= 0.001 W/m2K 4 0.4 (minimum)

Table 22: Scheffler Dish Specifications-((Source: MNRE/BIS35)

Scope This standard specifies the requirements for Scheffler dish and various components, for process
heating and steam generation, for the temperature range between 100 OC to 175 OC.
Reflector Aluminum reflector


Solar Energy Quality Infrastructure In India 51

 Specular reflectance shall be minimum 88 percent (The specimen of reflector shall be
tested as per ASTM E 903. Measurement of spectral reflectance near normal conical
reflectance is made over the spectral range from approximately 300 to 2500 nm with an
integrating sphere spectrophotometer having a small conical solid angle of incident flux
on sample)
 Durability shall be minimum10 years (The mirror specimen shall be subjected to the
neutral salt spray test as per IS 9844 or equivalent standards)
 Thickness shall be 0.3 mm minimum in order to get paraboloid shape, if required.
Glass Mirrors

 Specular Reflectance shall be minimum 90 percent. (The specimen of reflector shall be

tested as per ASTM E 903. Measurement of spectral near normal conical, hemispherical
transmittance (or reflectance) is made over the spectral range from approximately 300
mm to 2 500 nm with an integrating sphere spectrophotometer having a small conical
solid angle of incident flux on sample.)
 Durability shall be minimum 10 years. (The mirror specimen shall be subjected to the
neutral salt spray test as per IS 9844 or equivalent standards)
 Thickness shall be 2 mm to 3 mm. The shape can be paraboloid or flat for fresnel
Reflector Material shall be polyester, acrylic, epoxy acrylic coated with silver/ aluminum to get reflective
films coat. Silver reflective film shall be backed by aluminum or any suitable substrate. Edges should to
seal using tape or any suitable material.

 Specular Reflectance shall be minimum 94 percent. (The specimen of mirror shall be

tested as per ASTM E 903. Measurement of spectral near normal conical, hemispherical
transmittance (or reflectance) is made over the spectral range from approximately 300
mm to 2 500 nm with an integrating sphere spectrophotometer having a small conical
solid angle of incident flux on sample.)
 Durability shall be minimum 10 years. (The mirror specimen shall be subjected to the
neutral salt spray test as per IS 9844 or equivalent standards.)
 Thickness of substrate shall be 0.38 to 0.5 mm and thickness of reflective film shall be
0.10 to 0.12 mm.
Receiver  Absorber coating for absorber surface temperatures less than 200 OC shall be black
Assembly chrome, paint or selective coating [AS(C2-80)]. Absorptivity shall be minimum 0.9 in
optical range of wavelength (300 to 2 500 nm) and emmisivity less than 0.2 in IR range of
wavelength. The durability of absorber coating shall be minimum 10 years. The absorber
sample shall be subjected to the neutral salt spray test as per IS 9844 or equivalent
standards. The exposed sample should not have any blisters, degradation of back coating
after exposure of 250 hrs.
 No coating to be applied for absorber surface temperatures more than 200 OC for cavity
type receivers. The glass cover shall be optional on the receiver mouth. Transmittance of
glass shall be minimum 95 percent.
 The absorber shall be made of boiler grade alloy steel or stainless steel as per IBR with
thickness suitable to stand the design pressure and temperature with corrosion margin as
per IBR.
Collector The basic framework of the paraboloid dish and support shall be standard structural steel or
and aluminum. The collector is made of aluminum or steel structure for mounting reflectors. The
support collector along with mirror is put on support structure along with tracking mechanism.
structure  The structure shall be designed to withstand wind speed of 47 m/s under stow condition
with civil and 10 m/s under operating condition. Structure design shall be as per IS 875 (Part 2) and
foundation IS 875
 Material of collector structure and support shall be as per IS 2062, and shall be protected
from corrosion with suitable process such as galvanization, cathode electrode deposition
(CED) or any suitable painting process. The design shall be suitable for life span 20 years.

Tracking Enables to remain focused towards the sun so as to capture maximum possible direct radiation
system during the day. Tracking shall include motors, gearbox or any similar mechanism using relevant IS
standards and control system.

Solar Energy Quality Infrastructure In India 52

 Accuracy requirement shall be decided for the specific manufacturer’s design which shall
be based on Concentration ratio.
 Tracking Motor shall be Servo/Stepper/Induction as per IS 9815-1, IS 13079, IS 12615
respectively suitable for the load for taking in stow position at full speed.
 Electrical system such as wiring, connections shall be as per IS 732
 Electronic and control system mounted outdoor shall get exposed to all types of weather
conditions. In view of the same, the control panel and electronic components shall be
protected as per IS/IEC 60529

Table 23: Non-imaging concentrator Specifications- (Source: BIS36)

Scope This standard specifies requirements of non-imaging concentrator (NIC) for process heating
and steam generation for range 60 OC to 120 OC. The NIC shall be useful for low to medium
process heat application.
Reflector Material of reflector shall be Aluminum sheet with protective coatings for performance
enhancement and durability.

 The reflector sheet shall have thickness in the range of 0.3 to 0.8 mm, suitable for
forming a parabola.
 Reflectivity shall be minimum 90 percent. The specimen of mirror shall be tested as
per ASTM E 903. Measurement of spectral near normal cone hemispherical
transmittance (or reflectance) are made over the spectral range from approximately
300 to 2 500 nm with an integrating sphere spectrophotometer having a small coal
solid angle of incident flux on sample. The solar transmittance, reflectance, or
absorptance is obtained by calculating a weighted average over wavelength with a
standard solar spectral irradiance as the weighting function by either the weighted or
selected ordinate method.
 Durability shall be minimum 10 years. The reflector specimen shall be subjected to the
neutral salt spray test as per IS 9844 and IS 3438. The specimen shall not have any
blisters, degradation of back coating after exposure of 250 hours.

Receiver Receiver assembly shall be made of an evacuated glass tube, U shaped tube to remove
Assembly absorbed heat & fins to transfer heat to the tube.
 Evacuated Tube shall be as per IS 16543 suitable for stagnation temp of 300 OC
 Absorption of coating shall be minimum 90 percent
 Glass transmission of outer glass shall be minimum 92 percent.
 Emissivity of absorber coating shall be maximum 10 percent.
 The inner absorber tube shall be selectively coated with aluminum nitride based
material or any equivalent.
 Vacuum durability: 50 percent maximum as per IS 16543.
 Test for vacuum performance in line with IS 16543
 U-tube shall be manufactured using copper & stainless steel. Thickness as per IBR
code. Tube thickness & diameter as per manufacturer’s standards
 Aluminium or copper can be used for metal fins. The thickness of fins shall be decided
by manufacturer with tolerances

Collector and  The back cover shall be made of aluminum or Galvanized Iron sheet fixed on aluminum
support or steel frame. For fixing tube on module can be done with brackets and fasteners
structure  Design in line with IS 800/IS 875 (Part 3), IS 875 (Part 2) & IS 875 (Part 3)
with civil  Civil foundation in line with IS 456

Acceptance Criteria:


Solar Energy Quality Infrastructure In India 53

The optical efficiency should be 60 percent minimum.
The system efficiency shall be minimum 45 percent
efficient at 90O C.

Table 24: Solar parabolic trough collector (PTC) -(Source: BIS37)

Scope This standard specifies requirements of solar parabolic trough collector (PTC) for process
heating and steam generation for range 60 OC to 250 OC. The PTC shall be useful for steam
generation, high pressure hot water and thermic fluid systems in the above mentioned
temperature range
Reflector Aluminum reflector
 Specular reflectance shall be minimum 88 percent (The specimen of reflector shall be
tested as per ASTM E 903. Measurement of spectral reflectance near normal conical
reflectance is made over the spectral range from approximately 300 to 2 500 nm with an
integrating sphere spectrophotometer having a small conical solid angle of incident flux
on sample)
 Durability shall be minimum10 years (The mirror specimen shall be subjected to the
neutral salt spray test as per IS 9844 or equivalent standards)
 Thickness shall be 0.3 mm minimum in order to get paraboloid shape, if required.
Glass Mirrors

 Specular Reflectance shall be minimum 90 percent. (The specimen of reflector shall be

tested as per ASTM E 903. Measurement of spectral near normal conical, hemispherical
transmittance (or reflectance) is made over the spectral range from approximately 300
mm to 2 500 nm with an integrating sphere spectrophotometer having a small conical
solid angle of incident flux on sample.)
 Durability shall be minimum 10 years. (The mirror specimen shall be subjected to the
neutral salt spray test as per IS 9844 or equivalent standards)
 Thickness shall be 2 mm to 3 mm with parabolic shape
Reflector Material shall be polyester, acrylic, epoxy acrylic coated with silver/ aluminum to get reflective
films coat. Silver reflective film shall be backed by aluminum or any suitable substrate. Edges should to
seal using tape or any suitable material.

 Specular Reflectance shall be minimum 94 percent. (The specimen of mirror shall be

tested as per ASTM E 903. Measurement of spectral near normal conical, hemispherical
transmittance (or reflectance) is made over the spectral range from approximately 300
mm to 2 500 nm with an integrating sphere spectrophotometer having a small conical
solid angle of incident flux on sample.)
 Durability shall be minimum 10 years. (The mirror specimen shall be subjected to the
neutral salt spray test as per IS 9844 or equivalent standards.)
 Thickness of substrate shall be 0.38 to 0.5 mm to get parabolic shape
Receiver  Receiver assemble shall be of absorber tube generally made from suitable material as
Assembly per IBR code, with glass cover either with evacuated or air jacket and optionally with
secondary reflectors
 Absorber coating shall be black chrome, paint or selective coating [AS(C2-80)].
Absorptivity shall be minimum 0.9 and emissivity shall be less than 0.2. Transmittance of
glass shall be minimum 95 percent.
 The absorber tube shall be made with thickness suitable to stand the design pressure
and temperature as per IBR code.
 The absorber coating durability shall be minimum 10 years.
 The absorber tube and glass cover specimen should be subjected to the neutral salt
spray test as per IS 9844 or equivalent standards. The exposed should not have any
blisters, degradation of back coating after exposure of 250 hours of the specimen
 Glass Cover : The absorber tube shall be covered with glass having transmissivity 95
percent minimum with thickness of minimum 2 mm and diameter suitable for the
absorber tube.


Solar Energy Quality Infrastructure In India 54

Collector The basic framework of the paraboloid dish and support shall be standard structural steel or
and aluminum. The collector is made of aluminum or steel structure for mounting reflectors. The
support collector along with mirror is put on support structure along with tracking mechanism.
structure  The structure shall be designed to withstand wind speed of 47 m/s under stow condition
with civil and 10 m/s under operating condition. Structure design shall be as per IS 875 (Part 2)
foundation and IS 875
 Material of collector structure and support shall be as per IS 2062, and shall be protected
from corrosion with suitable process such as galvanization, cathode electrode deposition
(CED) or any suitable painting process. The design shall be suitable for life span 20 years.

Tracking Enables to remain focused towards the sun so as to capture maximum possible direct radiation
system during the day. Tracking shall include motors, gearbox or any similar mechanism using relevant IS
standards and control system.
 Accuracy requirement shall be decided for the specific manufacturer’s design which shall
be based on Concentration ratio.
 Tracking Motor shall be Servo/Stepper/Induction as per IS 9815-1, IS 13079, IS 12615
respectively suitable for the load for taking in stow position at full speed.
 Electrical system such as wiring, connections shall be as per IS 732
 Electronic and control system mounted outdoor shall get exposed to all types of weather
conditions. In view of the same, the control panel and electronic components shall be
protected as per IS/IEC 60529

Acceptance Criteria:

PTC should have efficiency of 0.6 (minimum), a1= 1.5

(maximum) and a2 = 0.07 (maximum)

Table 25: Parabolic Minimum technical specifications for qualification 38

Type Specification
Glass mirror Material–Tempered and Toughened Solar Grade Glass tested for scratches and durability.

Shape – Parabolic


Reflective Coating – Silver Back Coating

Specular Reflectivity– more than 93%

Protective Coating–Edge Sealing coat on all sides of mirrors cut in different sizes after rubbing and
cleaning them properly. Special weather protection coat to be made for mirrors to be used in coastal and
colder regions.

Strength and Durability–Applicable standards ISO 6270-2:2005, ISO9227:2012

Silver Material–Painted Polyester, acrylics / epoxy Polyester paints on Aluminum substrate.
Film backed Substrate Thickness-0.38 to 0.5mm.
Aluminum Shape: Parabolic.

Reflective Coating – Solar Grade Silver Film 0.1 to 0.12mm thickness.


Solar Energy Quality Infrastructure In India 55

Edge Sealing –Use of Edge Tape/Caulk.

Specular Reflectivity– more than94%.

Strength and Durability–Applicable standards

Support Structure
Design Space frame or torque tube structure with Arrangements to fix mirrors so as to have an accurate focus on
line receiver
Material Standard Structural steel as per IS42062
Shape Parabolic
Protection Cathode Electrode Deposition (CED) painting Process or Galvanization as per relevant code or epoxy
from coating/PU (polyurethane) paints
Strength & Designed as per IS800/IS 875 and allied/ applied Codes considering a life span of 25years
Fixing of On the base structure with the help of Aluminum channels and standard fasteners
Sub Specification

Absorber Design –Line around tube Material–Stainless Steel 304 grade Thickness–1-2mm Diameter 25-35 mm
Durability –Minimum 10 years
Absorber Material–Black Chrome/ Solar grade absorber paint/ Selective Coating (AS(C2-80)) Absorptivity – 0.90 –
Coating 0.95 Emissivity–0.09-0.15
Glass Cover Design -Linear round tube Material- Borosilicate glass Transmitivity–At least 95% Thickness–2-3mm
Diameter–50-80 mm Durability –Minimum 10 years
Absorber- Glass to Metal sealing methods– Matched thermal expansion seal and unmatched thermal expansion seal
Glass fixing
Receiver A receiver is fixed on to a mirror support structure with the help of standard steel sections/ angles
Civil Foundation

Parameter Specification
Design Designed to rest on soil of sufficient strength or To suit the prevalent soil condition
Material Cement and concrete
Coating Coating of paint on exterior surface
Strength & Designed as per IS456 and allied/ applied codes considering a life span of 25 years.
Structure Steel Foundation
Design Structural steel frame
Material Standard structural steel as per IS 2062
Protection Cathode Electrode Deposition(CED) painting Process or Galvanization as per relevant code or epoxy
from coating/ PU paints
Strength & Designed as per IS800/ IS 875 and allied / applied codes considering a life span of 25 years.
Tracking system
Parameter Specification
Mechanism Microprocessor/ timer based single axis tracking system i.e. moves East- West
Control- Sun position sensors based tracking with feedback mechanism or Solar algorithm (preprogramed ) based
Logic tracking
Weather Cable channel for electric cables, Aluminum sheet cover on motors, Box casing for micro-processor based
Protection electronics

Solar Energy Quality Infrastructure In India 56

of outdoor
Design Electric Resistance Welded (ERW) pipe or seamless pipe
Material Galvanized Iron/Mild Steel/Stainless Steel
Size Diameter of pipe depends on the flowrate of fluid Thickness is based on the pressure required in the
Working Hot Water /Steam/Pressurized Hot water /ThermicFluid.
Strength & As per IBR5/ASME6andallied/ applied standards
Type Thick insulation layer with cladding over the pipe
Material Insulation Material- Mineral wool or Glass wool or Light Resin Bonded (LRB) mattresses Cladding
Material–Aluminum/Stainless Steel/ Galvanized Iron sheets
Support Structure
Design Structural Steel Structure fixed on to RCC column
Material Standard structural steel as per IS 2062, Cement-concrete or civil structure
Coating Cathode Electrode Deposition (CED) painting processor Galvanization as per relevant code or epoxy
Protection coating/ PU paints. Coating of paint on exterior surface of Civil structure
Strength & Designed as per IS800/IS875/IS456 and allied/ applied codes considering a life span of 25years
Heat Storage Tank
Type Cylindrical tank.
Material Generally MS, other material as per application
Size Hot water/ Pressurized hot water/Hot oil
Strength Designed as per ASME codes and allied/ applied codes

Table 26: Concentrated Solar Thermal Test Methods as per BIS test procedures-(Source: BIS)

Scope Thermal performance of tracking concentrating solar collectors and non-tracking non
imaging concentrator
Applicability This test method applies to one or two-axis tracking reflecting concentrating collectors
and non-imaging concentrator ( NIC) in which the fluid enters the collector through a
single inlet and leaves the collector through a single outlet, multiple collectors in series
having single inlet and outlet may also be used.
Test method Outdoor testing only, under clear sky, quasi-steady state conditions.
Outcome Focuses on alignment, preconditioning & calculation of efficiency and analysis of data
generated to give efficiency equation.
Out of scope Not applicable for durability or the reliability of any collector or component and safety
concerns, if any associated with its use.
Test method Thermal performance is the rate of heat gain of a collector relative to the incident solar
procedure power. This test method contains procedures to measure the thermal performance of a
collector for certain well-defined test conditions. The procedures determine the response
of the collector for various angles of incidence of solar radiation, and the thermal
performance of the collector at various operating temperatures. These quantities
determine the rate of heat gain, for the solar irradiance condition encountered. The solar
power incident on the collector is determined by the collector area, its angle relative to
the sun, and the irradiance measured during the test.

Solar Energy Quality Infrastructure In India 57

Measuring  Solar radiation: Class I Pyranometer, equipped with shading rings
instruments  Temperature measurement: Three temperature sensors for solar collector testing
required  Flow rate: Flow sensors (Volumetric flow)( standard uncertainty of the liquid flow
rate measurement shall be within ± 1 percent of the measured value, in mass per
unit time)
 Pressure sensors
 Wind speed sensors

Measurements  Collector aperture area

 Global solar irradiance
 Diffused solar irradiance at the collector aperture
 Direct Normal Irradiance (DNI)
 Surrounding wind speed
 Surrounding air temperature
 Temperature of heat transfer fluid at the receiver inlet
 Temperature of heat transfer fluid at the receiver outlet
 Mass flow rate of the heat transfer fluid
 Pressure of fluid in receiver

empaneled partners and applicable to only non-

5.7. Evacuated glass tube and flat
concentrating, direct, vented solar collector systems that
plate collectors convert solar radiation to thermal energy based on
Evacuated glass in glass tube and flat plate based thermos symphonic principle. All the auxiliary water
collector solar water heating systems are predominantly heater integrated systems will be switched off during the
used for domestic water heating applications in India. testing procedure. Components of Evacuated glass tube
The standards are mandated by MNRE for all the collector solar thermal system and standards.39

•Material conforming to ISO 3585

Evacuated glass tubes
•The absorptivity of solar selective coating shall be minimum 0.92 at AM 1.5

Flat plate collector •Solar flat plate collector shall conform to IS 12933

•Inner tank- IS 6911 or ASTM grade 304,304L,316, Mild steel sheet conforming to IS
1079 with anti-corrosive coating.
Storage water tank •Cladding- pre-painted galvanized steel conforming to IS 14246
•Insulation- Pre-injected PUF of minimum thickness 50mm. The free rise density of
PUF shall be minimum 26 kg/m3 and moulded density shall be minimum 36 kg/m3
•Diffuse flat plate reflector if provided shall be bright aluminium/stainless steel sheet
Diffuse flat plate reflector
of suitable thickness.

Tube resting caps •UV stabilized ABS/Nylon/PP plastic material

•Mild steel conforming to IS 2062 with hot dip galvanized or powder coated
•Galvanized steel sheet conforming to IS 277 with/without powder coating
Supporting frame stand
•Stainless steel.
•Aluminium with anodized coating
•IS 6392:1971 Steel pipe flanges
Pipe and fittings
• IS 6911: 1992 Stainless steel plate, sheet and strip


Solar Energy Quality Infrastructure In India 58

European Standards

Apart from the components adhering to different IS

 EN 12975-1. Thermal solar systems and
standards, the solar thermal products which are formed components - Solar collectors - Part 1: General
by integrating different components has to qualify the Requirements.44
following outdoor and indoor tests and equipment’s  EN ISO 9806. Solar Energy - Solar thermal collectors
required to meet the performance standards: - Test methods.45
 EN 12976-1. Thermal solar systems and
components - Factory made systems - Part 1:
General requirements.
The above all individual component standards are the
sub section of the IS standards tabulated in the table  EN 12976-2. Thermal solar systems and
below: components - Factory made systems - Part 2: Test
Evacuated Tube Collectors Indian Standards  EN 12977-1 Thermal solar systems and
Type components - Custom built systems - Part 1:
General requirements for solar water heaters and
All Glass Evacuated Solar IS 16543 : 2016 combi systems46
Collector Tubes-  EN 12977-2 Thermal solar systems and
Specification components - Custom built systems - Test methods
for solar water heaters and combi systems
All Glass Evacuated Tubes IS 16544 : 2016  EN 12977-3 Thermal solar systems and
Solar Water Heating System. components - Custom built systems - Part 3:
Performance test methods for solar water heater
Direct Insertion Type IS 16542:2016 stores47
Storage Water Tank for All
Glass Evacuated Tubes Solar Standards and Testing guidelines
Collector Specification
The pioneer work in developing standards for solar  Standards and Tests to be carried out for glass
thermal was done by the International Organization for
Standardization that developed ISO-IEC standards and IS/ISO 9488:1999 Solar Energy – Vocabulary
European Standardization Organization that developed
ISO 3585:1998 Borosilicate glass 3.3
European Standards (ENs) for this sector.
The following tests shall be performed on sample of all
ISO Standards glass evacuated solar collector tube:

 ISO 9806:2013 - Solar energy -- Solar thermal 1. Dimensions - Shall conform to the
collectors -- Test methods40 requirements
 ISO/DIS 9806-Solar energy -- Solar thermal 2. Visual Appearance– Shall conform to the
collectors -- Test methods41 requirements
3. Stagnation performance parameter test
 ISO 9808:1990 - Solar water heaters -- Elastomeric
4. Stagnation solar irradiance test
materials for absorbers, connecting pipes and
fittings -- Method of assessment42
 ISO 22975-1:2016-Solar energy -- Collector
components and materials -- Part 1: Evacuated
tubes -- Durability and performance43

40 45
41 46
43 0341232
44 47 2018?product_id=2012348

Solar Energy Quality Infrastructure In India 59

5.8. Solar Thermal Cookers testing and certification
Solar cookers performance is evaluated by different different manufacturers and establish the criteria
parameters such as efficiency, cooking power, figures of required for selection of a cooker which can accomplish
merit etc. In the absence of an interrelation between cooking successfully and satisfactorily. The table below
the different performance parameters it is very difficult reviews some of the performance parameters and
to compare the cookers’ performance reported by related test procedures.

Box type solar cooker IS 13429 (Part 1 to Part3) : 2000

Table 27: Specifications for box and dish type type solar cooker48

Parabolic dish made of single/ multiple reflectors fixed firmly to a rigid frame. The size and shape of the reflectors is
such when joined/fixed they automatically form non parabolic dish
Dish area 1 sq. m minimum
Reflecting mirrors
Bright anodized aluminum sheets/glass mirrors/ polymer film/any other better and
i) Material durable material with protective layers of coating on back surface and sides to protect
from exterior weathering effect. For coastal and colder regions, special protections to be

90%minimum with a maximum degradation of10%over its life span. Warranty/guaranty to

ii) be provided fora period of five years. To be replaced immediately if found deteriorating
Reflectivity during this period.

With positive locking or sticking by good quality adhesives. Due protection of mirror
iii)Mirror coatings to be taken while fixing the mirrors. Tying of mirrors with wires not acceptable.
fixing For high wind areas special protection to be made.
Concentration ratio Over 80
Bowl Supporting frame The supporting frame for the reflecting bowl will be made of MS rings supported by MS
Strips or FRP material/thick MS wire-mesh structure. It will be rigid enough to avoid any
deformation of the bowl shape during manual/handling or under wind pressure. The MS
structure will have epoxy/ ant-rust coating.
Bowl stand  Of mild steel epoxy/ powder coated.
 With arrangement to hold cooking vessels of different sizes.
 With suitable provision for securing the cooker to the ground.
Tracking Mechanism  Manual or automatic
 Designed to enable unrestricted 3600 rotation to parabolic dish around its horizontal
axis passing through its focal point and center of gravity and also around its vertical
axis, for adjustment of the cooker in the direction of the sun. With simple locking
arrangement to hold/ fix the bowl at a particular position
 With pointer/ other arrangement to facilitate users positioning of the bowl exactly in
the direction of the sun
Cooking Vessel  ISI mark pressure cooker of suitable capacity. Resistant black powder coated bottom.


Solar Energy Quality Infrastructure In India 60

Solar Energy Quality Infrastructure In India 61
6. Gap Analysis
Indian renewable energy market is still in its nascent norms of quality control for the infrastructure and the
stages having realized just a miniscule percentage of the norms that were available lagged execution and weren’t
vast available potential of renewables (especially solar) followed diligently. The effect of this leniency in the
in the country. A lot of solar plants have been installed in quality infrastructure of renewable equipment will be
the recent years and majority of these solar plants have seen in the long run, when the efficiency of the plants
only completed about 4-5 years or just about 20% of will be bargained ultimately marginalizing their life cycle.
their life cycle and a lot of development is still expected Hence, it is essential to identify the gaps in the quality of
in the sector. The solar plants installed till now have been the infrastructure installed and rectify them.
compromised on quality as there were very limited
6.1. Quality concerns and safety gaps in a PV plant
Quality infrastructure is a basic fundamental in ensuring creating a favorable policy environment for the
that the power plant works effectively, efficiently, is renewables as well as a sharp drop in the prices of
devoid of repetitive faults and has a high utilization modules, inverters and BoS. However, among all this, the
factor throughout its entire life cycle. A lot of quality and quality assurance of the power plants got neglected and
safety issues can arise along the entire solar PV value substandard equipment were installed in a haste.
chain upon installation of unreliable equipment that are
not standardized as per the designated standards. This
will degrade the quality of the PV plant, efficiency will be
reduced and ultimately the plant will get shut down
before completing its entire life.

These issues range from the uncertainty in the quality of
the components installed in the power plants to non-
availability of reliable site data. The equipment must
have suitable IS or IEC standards (as applicable) obtained
from the designated bodies. Errors can also get
generated due to inadequate wiring or cabling during the
installation process and hence a proper monitoring is
required. Operation and maintenance needs to be timely
and consistent once the power plant has been According to TUV Rheinland,
commissioned leaving no scope for prolonged and 30% of all the Solar PV plants
unnecessary downtime for the plant. The grid connected worldwide have serious
solar PV plants can become unstable and get shut down installation defects
in case of under drawl or over drawl of power from the Recently, TUV Rheinland (a testing, certification and
plant. Hence, it is mandatory to keep a regular check on auditing company) claimed that 30% of all the Solar PV
the consumption pattern from a specific plant and plants installed worldwide have serious installation
maintain the Grid stability. defects. With the policy support in the renewable sector
from the government, the installation of solar power
India has an ambitious target of taking the renewable
plants has shot up abruptly without a proper focus on the
energy capacity to 175 GW by 2022. Renewable energy
quality assurance of the infrastructure that are being
capacity addition saw a significant growth worldwide in
installed. Several requirements regarding quality control
the recent years and India did not lag behind, adding a
are being circumvented which need to be curbed or else
record 5.5 GW of solar power itself in the last financial
this will lead to the decline in the life of these plants.
year owing to the support from the government by

Solar Energy Quality Infrastructure In India 62

Quality Gaps Corresponding Phase

Manufacturing of equipment
Uncertainty in quality of the equipment
Lack of reliable site data

Installation/Cabling Errors
Operation & Maintenance

Maintenance problems
Transmission & Distribution

Grid instability Over loading and Under loading

during Consumption

Figure 20: Quality gaps along the phases of a Solar PV

6.2. Gaps in Quality Infrastructure in the PV Value chain

In the last decade India’s Renewable energy segment has India needs to have a stipulated framework for onsite
grown from strength to strength in terms of technology testing since many systems are not satisfactorily
adoption but the maturity of Quality infrastructure is still evaluated prior to being placed into service and once
far-fetched. Developers and EPC companies in India are installed it is necessary that they be tested to verify
more focused on high Performance Ratios (PR’s) rather performance and to evaluate the condition of the wiring
than adopting the best practices for quality installations systems and equipment in order to maintain their
and design of the components used. India vastly lags in efficiency and safeguard them from long term defects.
accelerated reliability testing and hence the PV This makes it quite significant to have a safety check for
installations are unable to withstand stress conditions as the sites in order to create more focus on reliability and
they are subjected to extreme environmental conditions performance of the project sites along with that on the
and deteriorating effects occur to the elements over components.
their lifetime.

Solar Energy Quality Infrastructure In India 63

6.3. Operations and maintenance: A key driver to enhanced quality
In India, O&M segment has become a standalone specific standards deployed to yield optimal results.
segment within the solar industry and is widely Operating and maintaining a PV power plant requires
acknowledged by stakeholders that high quality O&M is certain degree of skills and exposure to state of the art
absolutely vital for high levels of technical and equipment and technology, with focus on determining
subsequently economic performance over time. It KPIs for further analysis. For a given solar plant,
forms an essential component in the solar value chain, following are the important KPIs for measurement and
which cannot be compromised in terms of quality and tracking purposes.

Reference Yield Specific Yield Performance Ratio

Temperature corrected PR Expected Yield Energy Performance Index

Uptime Availability Energy Based Availability

The following is a list of raw data measurements that

can be used to calculate KPis:

AC Power produced (kW)

AC Energy produced (kWh)

AC Energy metered (kWh)

Reactive Power (kVar)

Irradiation (reference for the plant or the sub plants) (W/sqm)

Air and module temperature

Alarm and status code and duration, outages

Additionally, there are certain important guidelines for ensure that quality is maintained throughout the scope
measuring the performance of O&M contractor to of contract. These include the following

Solar Energy Quality Infrastructure In India 64

6.4. Gaps in Solar Thermal Value Chain
6.4.1. Lack of performance standards Since most of the applications are tailor made by the
manufacturers as per the user demand, the quality
and testing protocols assurance on overall system are not followed, rather
CST in India is majorly attributed to commercial and
there are globally acceptable standards available
industrial applications and limited to hybrid
component wise. Performance of CST is dependent on
applications, where fossil fuel and CST are used in
ambient conditions- the losses like convection (top
tandem to deliver the required heat and steam at
losses from the receiver tube), conduction losses and
specific temperature and pressure. The performance of
radiation losses are purely dependent on the ambient
CST are purely relied upon efficiency and the reliability
temperature and micro climate surrounding the overall
of operation honored by EPC players and
system. In India, there are only two mobile testing
facilities available to test the components and their
performance at project locations.

6.4.2. Performance Monitoring

It is important to track the operational parameters of significant role on the heat delivered by the system.
CST to understand the performance of technology Having the backdrop of performance and parameters
under intermittent and stable conditions. The key on hourly basis for a year will fine-tune the testing
parameters under consideration to evaluate the protocols and schedule the operation and maintenance
performance of CST are DNI (Direct Normal Irradiance), in advance to reduce the overall downtime of the
diffused radiation, wind speed and ambient system.
temperature. These four key parameters will play a
Key benefits of performance monitoring are highlighted in the figure below:

Solar Energy Quality Infrastructure In India 65

Policy makers

•Technical data to amend policies

•Updation of standards and testing procedures
•Database for resource assessment and technology evaluation
•Benchmarking the technology performance


•To valdidate new designs and improve efficiency.

•To optimally size and design new installations
•fine-tuning the design to optimise the location specifc performance

End user

•Continious track of data to improve the thermal output

•Operation and maintenance management

Figure 21: Benefits of performance monitoring for CST projects

6.4.3. Lack of skilled manpower 6.4.4. Lack of domestic manufacturing

Due to increase in awareness of solar PV and global The market and ecosystem for solar flat plate and
price drop due to technology advancements, solar PV evacuated tube based collector system is matured and
overshadowed solar CST technologies in the recent have standards and quality assurance in place in India.
times. With this backdrop, skill development programs For concentrated technologies like Parabolic and central
in India were inclined towards solar PV and the pan tower there are no standards and quality assurance
India program Suryamitra launched by MNRE was more practices that are being followed in India. During our
focused towards solar PV. India can leverage existing discussions with CST EPCs and technology providers the
strong base of related industries in manufacturing in following challenges are identified with
developing skilled manpower and expertise to boost recommendations highlighted in the table below
sola thermal adoption.

Table 28: Domestic manufacturing and recommendations

Compone Manufact Applications and Challenges Recommended actions

nt uring
Receivers Low Critical component for the 1. Promote research and development for sealing
for performance of the solar the metal glass and selective coatings on receiver
Parabolic collectors with most of the tubes
Trough thermal and optical losses 2. JVs and technology transfer with global players
type originate. Receivers with 3. Application specific selective coatings need to
selective coating and having be standardized
efficient thermal and optical
properties at operating
Technical know-how for selective
coating and anti-reflective
Lack of expertise for metal glass
Receivers Low Lack of good quality receivers 1. Enhance R&D in the areas of volumetric flow,
for Central capable of catering to this need HTF and durable receivers

Solar Energy Quality Infrastructure In India 66

Mirrors Medium CSP mirrors are different from 1. In India majority of the manufacturers of CST
for PTCs traditional mirrors in terms of import solar grade mirrors, due to lack of
optical properties and durability. availability of raw material and competitive
prices offered by global players.
Technology gap for some of the 2. The country has to explore for sources of iron
players (bending and mirroring) sand, which is the key component for in
Testing facility and Industry manufacturing solar grade mirrors
standards are currently absent in 3. Should encourage local manufacturing by
India providing incentives like zero customs to
import iron sand.
4. Installation of mirrors and their placement
has to be standardized to reduce the
degradation rate,, due to ambient conditions.
5. The minimum reflectivity of mirrors has to be
capped at 95 percent from the current 90

Tracking Low Trackers enable reflectors to Currently the accuracy level of trackers are in the
Systems track the sun path and convert range of 98-99%. Although, there are no specific
the solar energy into thermal standards available in the market expect for the
form. torque and power consumption standards
The key components include In CST, the selection of tracker depends differs
hydraulic power pack, cylinder, from application to application. The power
sensors and electronic consumption and torque guidelines are not in
controllers, expect the hydraulic place as of now- which are highly recommended
power pack the other to improve the overall system efficiency.
components are imported by The tracker and the electronics are exposed to
tracker manufacturers high temperature conditions, the imported
Know-how of sensors and components should be reliable enough to
controllers operate under high temperature conditions.

Heat Medium Due to lack of demand for HTF Should promote R&D in HTFs to increase high
Transferri the manufacturing sector is weak heat density, stability, thermal conductivity, and
ng Fluid in India (ethylene and propylene latent heat capable of integrating with thermal
(HTFs) crude) that are used to produce energy storage.
There are many NABL accredited Currently synthetic oil with flashing point in the
laboratories to test and certify range of 120-220 Celsius is used for most of the
the oil properties in India. applications in India, which is again application
Lack of quality and specification Few manufacturers globally trying to test the
standards for HTFs fluids with Nano particles with different ratio of
mixtures to improve conductivity to achieve
higher efficiency at optimal fluid rates.

Solar Energy Quality Infrastructure In India 67

Figure 22: Improving QI Elements of REQI

6.5. Addressing issues in Solar Thermal

The solar thermal sector in India is still in its nascent  Improving quality of materials: Solar grade mirrors
stages and is actually evolving, with the industrial sector should be made compulsory. All other mirrors
anticipated to latch on this sector. For major including aluminium based should be stopped. If
advancements to take place in India, it is essential to not, there must be higher subsidy for CSTs with
move from an ‘only collector driven’ approach to an solar grade mirrors and lower subsidy for other
actual performance driven outlook. This involves options. Technology and vendor neutral tender
needs to be finalized for installation of various
improving the quality aspect of the equipment such as
types of CST based systems for different
glass tubes, collectors, reflectors, receiver assembly etc.
applications and provided to nodal agencies &
involved in the projects. It will not only promote a
other bodies for seeking bids from suppliers.
healthy competitive landscape for domestic players, but
also ensure that more impetus is being provided to R&D  Improving data collection: Moreover, on the data
efforts, which are currently lacking. Some of the collection front, things need to improve with every
prominent issues that needs to be addressed with beneficiary providing regular updates on data
regards to implementation of solar thermal projects points regarding performance of the system
include the following: through ‘online remote monitoring’ feature. Such
performance monitoring will come a long way in
 Addressing infrastructural gaps: Testing developing improved dedicated standards for CST
Infrastructure is the biggest roadblock in this systems/equipment in terms of quality.
context, with not enough research facilities in the
countries. Only 2 research centers, at present,  Capacity building for performance testing: Best
perform validation of the CST systems in terms of practice guidelines/ training manuals for
output, efficiency, heat delivery and other related installation and integration of various CST based
parameters: Pune University and NISE. systems along with conventional systems should be
developed on priority basis and followed by all
suppliers. Training programmes for installers of

Solar Energy Quality Infrastructure In India 68

various manufacturers should be organized by As discussed with NISE officials, the testing for solar
NISE/ other designated centers with training thermal equipment takes a minimum of 15 days. The
certificates provided to them based on the test output is a thermal report which provides collector
conducted for them at the end of each programme. efficiency at varying temperatures. The break-up of 15
Only certified trained installers should be allowed days is as follows: DNI Radiation requirement of 5 days,
to install the systems of various suppliers. Even 5 days are required for analysis of the collected data
developers don’t have a proper understanding and further 5 days for generation of the thermal report.
about diverse solar thermal technologies and which
technology must be preferred for different NISE yet does not provide NABL accreditation as all the
temperature requirements. It becomes obligatory sensors need to be calibrated and also BIS standards
to conduct training and educational programmes to have been released recently. As per the discussions, it is
impart technical knowledge regarding the same. planning to start providing NABL accreditation in the
near future. All the sensors will be calibrated by IMD
 Promoting domestic manufacturing: Introducing (Indian Metrological Institute) or any NABL accredited
special provisions for domestic manufacturing labs and will then be installed.
through subsidy mechanism will definitely provide
the required essence to upscale quality and There are various issues with designing of thermal
stimulate indigenous manufacturing. It is a well- plants and requires meticulous planning and industrious
known fact that Indian manufacturers of dish calculations to find out optimal design and appropriate
collectors have been highly dependent on mirror technology for a specific site having a particular solar
imports for high temperature applications. (ARS radiation. The 1 MW solar thermal plant installed at
Glass Tech Pvt Ltd. is the sole company which NISE campus was designed for higher radiation but it
produces a broad range of glass types/solar grade has never run on rated capacity and has never achieved
mirrors including light transmission, solar control, performance efficiency equivalent of a 1 MW plant.
weather resistance, safety, security and year-round Hence, it is mandatory to develop a Performance and
energy efficiency). Hence, special incentives can be Financial simulation tool for solar thermal
provided for domestically manufactured concentrators which can perform backhand calculation
equipment. and can determine the selection of appropriate
technology for a specific site.

6.6. Key findings

Renewable energy quality infrastructure should be in risk to quality assurance, performance and durability of
line with the government’s policies and market the components.
development. India is striding to new heights in terms of
In the last decade, investments in renewable energy
renewable energy capacity addition and ensuring quality
surpassed $ 330 billion in 2018. India alone accounting
and adoption of quality management practices play a
for $ 15.4 billion investments in renewable energy and
vital role for sustainable development of the overall
this trend is expected to continue as the markets expand.
renewable energy ecosystem. India has domestic
The Solar PV and thermal systems are becoming more
experience of manufacturing various renewable
competitive for electricity production and heating
technologies and has the expertise to leap frog globally
options, with billions of Indian rupees at stake. The need
in terms of capacity additions and manufacturing
of the hour is to ensure concrete policy and
indigenous products and component for various
infrastructure for quality to ensure robust reliability and
renewable energy based power plants.
deliver as per the expected outcomes throughout their
By the end of July 2018, India’s solar Installed capacity of lifetime. Thus, in order to lay the foundation for
solar PV and thermal has reached more than 23 GW, sustainable market growth, credibility on the technology
solar PV catering to electricity production and solar must be enhanced, and the risk for investors, policy
thermal catering to domestic and commercial heating makers and consumers alike must be reduced through
applications. The upward trend of this growth will surely ensuring quality assurance across the solar value chain.
continue in the future, with the backdrop of
Solar Projects and products observe a failure rate with a
government’s ambitious plan to reach 175GW
‘bath-tub’ curve pattern. Failure rates are higher at the
renewable addition by 2022.
early stages due to technology infancy failures, as are
The decrease in solar LCOE over the past decade has end-of-life stages due to wear and tear. At the
been driven substantially by component cost reduction construction or early stages of product lifecycle, the high
and the costs are expected to plunge posing a substantial risk of product failure is borne by EPCs and project
developers. EPC contracts are only liable to few years

Solar Energy Quality Infrastructure In India 69

post commissioning of the projects and the focus will be and thermal components it has been found that there
on short term quality technology failures. are no relevant standards for sampling and safe
transportation of the products from factory to site. In
Quality assurance plays a crucial role in order to reduce
case of PV modules and solar grade mirrors, due to
the delivered price of energy (Electricity and heat) and
conventional and unsafe transportation and handling
further contribute to ensure stability for the investors
leading to micro cracks which are invisible to human
and other stakeholders and it is an essential instrument
eyes. These micro cracks are leading to hotspots in solar
to protect and accelerate future investments in solar PV
PV modules and impacting the optical efficiency of solar
and thermal technologies deployment. Quality
grade mirrors. It is recommended to adopt international
assurance helps to reduce the risk by providing the
standards for logistics handling, sampling and
confidence that a product or service will meet the
expectations, which in turn lower capital costs, raises
performance, increases lifespan of the products and also 6.6.4. Lack of domestic manufacturing
lowers LCOE.
and testing infrastructure
6.6.1. Focus is on short-term Although the country has moved from experimental
phase to matured market in terms of technology
performance adoption, installation, manufacturing and skill
Due to lack of enforcement from the government
development. Testing infrastructure and in country
agencies (MNRE, BIS etc.) in terms of quality assurance,
certification plays an important role in level playing field
manufacturers are focused on short term performance
with in the country and also exporting the clean energy
rather than long term reliable performance which
generating equipment and systems to other countries. It
depends on adopting testing protocols and adhering to
is evident that the testing infrastructure in the country is
quality management practices. Looking at the tenders
focused on solar PV modules and its BOS and domestic
released by various organizations, it is evident that the
water heating based solar thermal products and their
design is based on the performance or output energy
from the system for which the EPCs are designed and
installed. The operational parameters indicates that Solar grade mirror are the crux of the concentrated solar
there is significant degradation in the performance thermal systems and local manufacturers are not able to
during the course of the plant life cycle. This is due to lack certify their performance and optical properties of
of quality management practices adopted during the indigenous solar grade mirrors and relied upon other
operation and maintenance stage and also during the countries for testing and certifications. Key areas which
installation period. Although there are quality standards dampens the demand for mirrors are certainty of
for components and partial testing protocols for CST demand, availability of low-iron sand, and incremental
performance parameters, but the focus is on short term capex costs of investments. To boost local manufacturing
performance rather than the long term reliability. government should provide incentives in terms of import
duties and customs on low iron sand and the
6.6.2. Performance monitoring is components required for manufacturing and bending.
requisite to develop robust The current infrastructure for solar PV testing is
quality standards sufficient to meet the yearly targets installations
To understand the performance of the CST and CSP envisaged by ministry. Government should rollout a
systems on long term basis and the factors impeding the policy for onsite testing facilities or mobile testing labs to
output it is imperative to have performance monitoring scan the faulty components during the installation stage.
systems to design a robust framework ensuring quality
standards in place during installation and operation and The recent draft on renewable energy lab policy released
maintenance period. Developers often complained by MNRE highlights the framework to be adopted to
about the performance of the overall system in the long establish lab infrastructure and the methodology to test
run post performance guarantee period on the new products followed by certification. The draft policy
availability of skilled manpower and maintenance also encourages entrepreneurs to implement testing
scheduling. infrastructure mobile and immobile to reap the benefits
of rising demand for compulsory testing of solar PV and
6.6.3. Lack of standards for logistics thermal components mandated by the government of
India. (3.5.3.)
and sampling
Our discussions with stakeholders from testing
laboratories, manufacturers and installers of solar PV

Solar Energy Quality Infrastructure In India 70

6.6.5. Lack of awareness on quality
The ministry is working hard on the harmonization of
quality infrastructure which requires the development of
testing laboratories and certification bodies, along with
support organization and agencies for certification,
surveillance, skill development and comprehensive
standards development. To meet international and
national standards it is a pre-requisite to develop
awareness among all the stakeholders across the value
chain and highlight the tangible and intangible benefits
of quality assurance during the project lifetime.
Emerging markets like India need to implement quality
assurance mechanisms to prevent low quality products
from ruining the image of solar thermal value chain and
its investments.

UNDP-GEF-CSH, publications of sun focus magazine

played a key role and efforts to install high quality
components have culminated in installations of more
than 42000 m2 of CST systems for various applications in
India. Figure 23: Skill requirements across solar energy value
6.6.6. Limited skilled manpower Similarly, the objectivity of the accreditation and
An effective renewable energy infrastructure and the conformity assessment processes largely depends on
quality of testing and certification is directly dependent the quality of the technical staff. Assessment teams
on the quality of human capital. In the recent times solar must have sufficient collective scientific and technical
PV has overshadowed solar thermal due to economics of skills to understand the testing and calibration activities
cost and technology availability and the focus on skill of laboratories and the management systems of
development was shifted towards solar PV. In more certification bodies relevant to solar PV and thermal
technical areas of solar thermal, such as metrology, technologies. In the area of laboratory accreditation,
specialized human capital is needed to increase capacity technical expertise requires assessors with knowledge
in the country and guarantee precise measurements and of the latest technologies and scientific practices.
a supply of reliable services. Accurate measurement Training personnel who will manage the system’s
depends on well-equipped laboratories which can quality services must develop adequate human capital.
precisely measure and record solar PV and thermal In order to achieve the 100 GW solar energy target by
performance characteristics which are relied upon 2022, India requires 6.5 lakh trained professionals in the
ambience parameters (Temperature, AMI and macro sector.
climate) as well as on the presence of competent staff to
conduct. A single project requires the contribution of people from
a range of backgrounds and skillsets, from planners and
project managers to engineers, business development
professionals to equipment operators etc. Large-scale
deployment of solar energy projects would require lakhs
of technically trained work force. It is also necessary to
make sure that the trainings imparted must be
qualitative in nature and adequate skills, both technical
and commercial are imparted to the concerned

6.6.7. Traceability and Surveillance

Traceability is the capacity to identify and track the type
of certification, certifying agency, date of testing, tests
conducted and test results of the product. It should also
cover the whole supply chain tests of product has gone

Solar Energy Quality Infrastructure In India 71

through before installing at the site. Traceability is a The glass of solar panels and concentrators is highly
solution for the consumer protection, but also an sensitive and can develop hotspots and minute cracks
instrument of control and delineation of responsibility. It (not visible to the naked eye), if suitable handling is not
is requisite to have a central monitoring portal to cross done during their transportation. This will significantly
check the testing certificates provided by the reduce their efficiency and hamper overall performance
manufactures to ensure quality standards and also of the plants over their life cycle, making the project
improve consumer confidence. Surveillance tests should unviable for the investors. But, India does not have any
be organised by BIS or MNRE or their authorised such guidelines or standards to certify efficient
representative. Under this the samples can be picked up transportation of the equipment to be installed. Hence,
from the manufacturing site or field supply site and the it is necessary to provide specific guidelines by MNRE or
sample is tested as per bench mark test or qualification BIS to the developers and EPC contractors regarding the
tests. handling and transportation of equipment and it must
be made sure that these guidelines are strictly adhered
6.6.8. Absence of NABL accreditation to.
for CST
The testing facilities in India are private as well as 6.6.10. Lack of guidelines for proper
government and are guided by the regulations as per cabling
Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS). These testing facilities Cabling is one of the most significant activity for
are accredited by the National Accreditation Board for implementation of any solar energy project. It is
Testing & Calibration Laboratories (NABL), Government necessary to provide comprehensive cable
of India. The components used in solar energy management for solar projects. Cables must be routed
installations should conform to the IEC / equivalent BIS through the solar plants in a robust and efficient way.
standards for design qualification and performance Effective and proper cabling ensures reliable and
testing at standard test conditions and need to be effective performance and high efficiency over the life
approved by one of the MNRE/ NABL accredited testing cycle of the plant. This in turn will considerably save the
laboratories. operations and maintenance costs improving the
monetary benefits for investors.
But, when it comes to Solar Thermal, India does not have
NABL accredited testing laboratories to certify the It is imperative to choose the right cables depending
components and make them qualitatively exhaustive. upon the loading of power plants. The workforce must
Hence, it is imperative to put in place NABL accredited be skilled enough to distinguish between the string
labs for testing and certification of Solar Thermal cabling and DC/AC connection cabling. Correct sizing of
components to check their adherence to the specified solar cables ensures no overheating and very little loss
standards. In discussion with NISE officials, they stated of energy. Using an undersized cable poses a potential
that their labs are yet not NABL accredited but will apply for causing a fire due to overheating and using and
for NABL Accreditation approval in the near future. oversized cable amounts to unwarranted loss of energy.
Moreover, it must be made mandatory that only the Even with such critical importance in installation of a
NABL accredited components are being installed. power plant, there are no specific guidelines to
guarantee accurate cabling. Hence, it is recommended
6.6.9. Requirement of guidelines for to adopt best practices and provide suitable standards
transportation of equipment for cabling in the solar projects.
A renewable energy project will only perform
effectively and efficiently over its life cycle if the design, 6.6.11. Lack of installation and
installation and maintenance are of the highest quality. commissioning benchmarks
The quality of a solar project is directly proportional to Reliability and performance of any power plant depends
the quality of installation and materials used. With an on the installation and commissioning of
upsurge in solar installations in recent times in order to instrumentation, control and electrical equipment. The
achieve the ambitious target of 100 GW by 2022, it is installation and commissioning is generally performed
imperative that only superior equipment (devoid of any by a contractor specifically appointed to perform this
defects) are installed having quality standards. It is task. The responsibility of the installers also includes
necessary to make sure that not only the installed specified field engineering activities, procurement of
equipment are appropriately standardized but proper materials for installation, control of materials and
care is also warranted during the transportation of equipment during the installation process, first line
these materials. inspection and after-installation testing of equipment.
After completion of the installation process and
Solar Energy Quality Infrastructure In India 72
specified after-installation testing, the equipment is
turned over to the commissioning group for pre-
operation and startup testing. One of the major issues
that arise during installation phase is alignment of
modules. It is imperative that all modules are aligned at
the same tilt angle. This can be ensured by providing
adequate certification to design of the project.

Most of the developers specified their concerns to

MNRE and emphasized on the requirement of having Degradation in solar projects is system phenomenon and
some installation and commissioning benchmarks to be is accounted for while estimating generation, however
provided by BIS or MNRE to ensure quality performance projects have been witnessed to have degradation
of the projects over their life cycle. Under this, the beyond anticipated numbers. For example, several
authorized representatives from MNRE and BIS can visit projects on thin film projects in Rajasthan have seen
the solar site and can authenticate that the plant is severe degradation and a few are on the verge of
being installed as per the specified guidelines The same shutting down. While the upside is limited as the tenders
representative can visit post installation for verification and the power purchase agreements allow only a
of the site and during commissioning phase to confirm maximum CUF to be quoted. For example, in case of SECI
that all the specified benchmarks are being followed by tenders, the developers declare annual CUF at the time
the installer. of commissioning and allowed to revise it in 1 year,
provided the declared CUF is more than 17%. For the first
10 years, the CUF has to be maintained within +10% and
-15% and has to be maintained within +10% and -20%
from 11th to 25th year of the life of the project. If the
projects is not capable to generate yield corresponding
to the lower limit of CUF, the shortfall is liable for
compensation under the power sale agreement.
Figure 24: Quality Assurance during Installation and
Commissioning phases Key benefits with this product are:

Stakeholder Impact without Benefits with

6.6.12. Requirement of Insurance for
s cover cover
solar Solar Plant  Hit on  Stabilizatio
Financial risk affects not only renewable energy operator operating n of future
producers, but also an ever increasing number of
performance, cash flows,
stakeholders throughout the value chain. Insurance for
cash flow impact of
Solar Resource Volatility offers a tailor-made innovative
fluctuates adverse
mechanism to manage earnings unpredictability and
 Potential weather
associated financial distress. These insurance schemes
payment conditions
are broadly defined below:
difficulties to on revenue
1. General Liability Insurance: This scheme covers cover is
the damage to property such as solar system operating minimized
installers, since the risk is high during the costs and  Good rating
installation stage investors’ can be
2. Property Risk Insurance: Theft and catastrophic compensatio maintained
hazards n  Improves
3. Environmental Risk Insurance: Risk due to  Declining investment
environmental damage investors’ planning,
4. Business Interruption Insurance: To ensure cash interest, secures
flow of the assets downgrade of profits
To tackle the risks associated, there is a need to insure
rating  Enables
the solar projects. All risks will be covered associated new project
with a solar project both pre commissioning and post financing
commissioning of the project. through
Solar Energy Quality Infrastructure In India 73
investment March 2019, MNRE has stipulated that the CST
security components (along with PV) need to comply with BIS
Developers/ Less demand for Can help standards, along with proper verification of
Installers solar secure performance of solar thermal installations. These
technology if demand for guidelines definitely call for a much needed roadmap to
generation solar energy- ramp up capacities to meet this growing demand for
becomes related infrastructural requirement. A tentative list of
volatile products infrastructural elements which can be targeted has
been highlighted in the adjacent figure.

An important component which is still missing in the

6.6.13. Lack of infrastructural roadmap existing quality framework is promotion of highly
While MNRE has been extremely proactive in coming up
efficient technologies like bifacial on the quality front.
with an ambitious renewable energy trajectory for the
As per discussion with one of leading solar PV NABL
country till FY 2022, with gradual scaling up of capacity
accredited testing lab in India, the existing testing
on an yearly basis, the vision has not been accompanied
infrastructure is not sufficient to cater to the
by appropriate supporting infrastructural development.
requirement of highly efficient technologies, both in
The rapid deployment of solar technology installations
terms of laboratory equipment as well in-house
entails brisk deployment of dedicated infrastructure in
technical competencies required. Also, the standards
terms of laboratories and associated skilled manpower
developed by BIS are lagging 5-10 years behind on the
for the ecosystem to grow in a mutually conducive
solar PV front with respect to IEC.
manner. It has been observed that the overall testing
infrastructure in the country has been growing steadily, Monitoring in terms of surveillance is also equally
with no clear cut trajectory or pathway for the future. important right from the procurement stage,
The situation somewhat resembles the fact that we installation, handling and transportation, project
have gone ahead with a clean energy roadmap, drafted implementation and post-commissioning, which is
solar targets and are now focusing on the aspect of currently not being conducted at in-depth levels.
quality infrastructure around the same, which ideally Quality standards entrusted at the procurement stage
should have gone hand-in-hand. need to be monitored and certified at the site level
itself, if they are complying with the requisite quality
Hence, there is a need to formulate an ‘infrastructure

6.6.14. Lack of customized web tool

Testing for performance evaluation
Certification and quality assurance contributes to a
trouble free use of solar thermal systems and
Monitoring subsequently increase in consumer confidence in the
Manpower technology. However, many manufacturers are
exploiting this fact and giving a bad name to the
industry, by selling solutions which are actually not
roadmap viable just for making profits. CST technology is a
highly customizable in nature and solution is wholly
governed by the requirements of the beneficiary.
Unskilled Research There are number of technology suppliers (Scheffler,
Manpower Agencies/R&D
PTC, Parabolic, CPC, LFR) providing these customized
solutions at varying costs. Past experiences of failure,
Certification geography, quantum and timing of heat delivery,
Agencies application, operating temperatures and pressures,
etc. are all critical in make a prudent choice of solar
thermal technology. However, for a novice investor in
roadmap’ which specifies on a yearly basis the number the sector, with not much information about solar
of labs and subsequent manpower which would be thermal, this may turn out to be a case of ‘blessing in
required to carry out the testing and certification disguise.’ Hence, there is a need to address this issue
procedures. In the recent MNRE order titled ‘Quality and develop a solar thermal tool which will serve as a
Control Order on Solar thermal systems/devices’ in guiding principle for investors, prior to making any

Solar Energy Quality Infrastructure In India 74

investment decision on solar thermal. Such a user
friendly platform would allow the beneficiary to enter
his details and specify his requirements in terms of
performance and the output can be a potential list of
manufacturers selling that particular solution and most Technical:
importantly at what costing. Such a calculator would Financial: Evaluation of
help investors for a preliminary check before actually Determining technology in
going ahead with their deployment plans. KPI's such as terms of energy
IRR, NPV, savings, energy
payback yield, CO2
Solar PV has been at forefront in this regard, with MNRE reduction etc
coming up with a customized solar rooftop PV
calculator helping investors making an informed
decision. In fact, many state Discoms like BESCOM have Risk: Assessing the
developed their own customized PV calculator possibility of default
providing technical as well as financial information to and devising risk
insurance measures
the customer. The same trend needs to replicated by
MNRE and SNAs for solar thermal technology to make
the ecosystem more investor friendly.
purposes, which would actually provide a third eye and
6.6.15. DPR evaluation vet all the technical design and calculations, thereby
DPR evaluation is of vital importance when it comes to helping in making an informed decision and selection of
availing subsidy from MNRE, which contains plethora of right choice of manufacturer. Globally, there have been
technical details pertaining to performance guarantee, number of evaluation models, standardized templates
outlay, performance measuring, fuel measuring and assessment methodologies available in the global
techniques, cost economics, project financing, details of domain, which help to curb the risks of the investor by
investment, etc., basis which the proposal is accepted evaluating the project on holistic grounds. TrustEE is
or rejected. Hence, the evaluation procedure itself one such platform. TrustEE (European project funded
needs to be expeditious and at the same time be by H2020) develops standardized templates for
rigorous in terms of technical, commercial and risk due- investors including financial institutions that can
diligence. In fact, the solar thermal market has number provide the right set of guidelines and methodology to
of technology solutions, along with cases of retrofitting be employed to mitigate risks. It is a collaborative
within the existing system and hence the due-diligence platform which standardizes project preparation and
associated with each proposal may become tedious and refinances RE projects including solar thermal. It uses 3
cumbersome. Therefore, it is suggested that during the major standardized requirements for assessing and
DPR evaluation stage, MNRE should take on board an evaluating projects, as presented in the adjacent figure.
empaneled consultant/NISE for technical due-diligence

6.6.16. Improved focus on O&M

The O&M segment in general has taken a back seat with
respect to both solar PV as well as thermal. However,
the O&M for clean energy technology is still in a
continuously evolving stage, with the sector players
innovating and investing a lot to improve customer
satisfaction. O&M practices are typically important
when it comes to ensure lower degradation of
materials, higher generation, maintenance of optimal
temperature and enhanced performance monitoring,
ensuring higher ROI. Consumers, whose main
businesses are not driven primarily by solar (supported
by conventional backup) have stopped paying too much
attention to finer details of O&M. In fact, basic O&M
activities like periodic cleaning of modules and CUF levels. The adjacent picture highlights this very fact.
inspection are not being performed, resulting in lower (A dusty solar rooftop panel on an MSME chemical

Solar Energy Quality Infrastructure In India 75

enterprise in Karnataka) There are several o Check receivers for black coating/ selective
international guidelines and frameworks which are coating and in case of fading of paint, paint it
available publically, when it comes to O&M of solar with the black paint provided by the
plants. There are numerous advancements going in manufacturers for Scheffler and Arun and
O&M space relating to engineering, technical asset replace with new receiver tube in case of PT and
management, spare part management in developed FLR
markets which can certainly be adopted in India to
o Check the receiver pipes , receivers and heat
improve overall quality and longevity of solar plant.
delivery pipes for scale formation periodically
For solar PV, some of best ongoing O&M practices and carrying out de-scaling of pipes with
include: descaling chemicals using descalar system
o Cleaning and rinsing the circulation pump as per
 Robot/Drone based cleaning relevant industry practices
 Minimizing temperature effect with grass below o Checking for screwed connections of piping and
solar PV modules containers and tighten if required
 PV Analyzer tool o Checking for leaks from circulation pipes and
 Nano-coating on solar modules repair or replace the leak as well as the
 Thermography camera-equipped drones for insulation on the pipe
inspection o Calibrating the temperature, pressure sensors
 IOT based conditional monitoring and flow meters and other gauges, etc. as per
 Module level power electronics (MLPE) technology design standards on a periodic basis
For solar thermal, some of best ongoing O&M
 Maintenance and Tracking:
practices include:
o Checking the sensors, tightening of connecting
 Remote monitoring of systems (IEA SHC Task 54): wires and replacing the sensors, in case are
The enhanced usage of digitization techniques like found nonfunctional
smart phones apps for monitoring is seen as one of o Measurements related to pyrometer need to be
techniques for system optimization. accurate
 Document management: Definition of maintenance o Lubricating all moving parts of the tracking drive
ranges, creation of maintenance plans, system periodically
implantation of computer aided systems o Checking the electrical connections of the drive
 System maintenance of important components motor
 Collectors: Cleaning and defect checking  .Undertaking structural painting to improve life
 Receivers and Circulation System span of the system

Solar Energy Quality Infrastructure In India 76

6.7. Survey Results

Solar Energy Quality Infrastructure In India 77

As part of the project exercise, a detailed survey certification requirements are highlighted in tenders as
assessment was carried out to assess the quality gaps in well to ensure quality in procedures. Making it
the existing framework for both solar PV and thermal mandatory for solar thermal players to get BIS
and whether the recent positive intent shown by certification prior to installation is definitely a good step
MNRE/BIS by coming up with mandatory guidelines forward, but the awareness levels with respect to these
would help in ensuring quality across different aspects guidelines in very low. More than 50% of the
of project development. Additionally, suggestive stakeholders didn’t have information about the release
opinions were also sought from the concerned of such guidelines from MNRE.

Subsidy to be linked with quality

Requirement of Quality

Compliance with
6.35% standards
3 17.65%
7.91% Compliance with
BIS Standards
Yes No
Periodic internal
stakeholders, across the supply chain to understand quality checks by
what the need of the hour is and what can realistically 28.38% top management
be implemented.
from certified
The survey comprised of 34 participants representing
NGOs, research institutes, testing agencies, 5.47%
manufacturers (system as well as individual Customer/benefi
ciary feedback
components), and beneficiaries from different
industries, including officials from state and central
Ministry. The questions were designed in a user friendly
manner without being loaded with too much technical
interpretations and expertise, but more intended
towards providing a generic perspective on quality. The In terms of quality defects, it is felt that the ‘post
key findings of the survey have been presented below. commissioning’ stage is the area which requires
immediate attention. This can be largely attributed to
To enhance quality measures, a number of stakeholders the lack of O&M support provided by the manufacturer
are of the perspective that quality somehow needs to for a sustained tenure and no clear guidelines/best
be factored in overall subsidy disbursal mechanism. practice manual from the Ministry on solar thermal.
Currently, no minimum quality guidelines or

Current Gaps in QI
18% 17%


Lack of requsiite Lack of skilled Lack of dedicated Presence of obselete Lack of requisite Low awareness
number of testing manpower policy framework standards number of levels pertaining to
labs certification/3rd standard adoption
party agencies

Solar Energy Quality Infrastructure In India 78

As per survey feedback from participants it was also
realized that some sort of compliances need to be
enforced for improving overall quality framework.
Procurement from certified vendors, compliance with
BIS and other recognized international standards are
pre-requisites which need to be implemented across
the country.

In terms of gaps in the existing QI framework in the

country, there is very low awareness level pertaining to
standard adoption and also insufficient number of
testing labs carrying out such work.

Finally, coming to the recommendations, most

participants suggested that having a dedicated
infrastructural roadmap is very much required to
approach quality issue along a defined well
documented pathway. Performance monitoring,
customized web tool for improved transparency and
imposition of BIS standards are all important steps
which need to be undertaken to tackle the issue in a
streamlined manner.

Solar Energy Quality Infrastructure In India 79

List of stakeholders interacted
S. No Name of the organization Type of Business
1 Megawatt Solutions Pvt. Ltd. Double axis tracked paraboloid dishes
2 Unisun Technologies Pvt. Ltd. Single axis tracked Scheffler dishes
3 Clique Solar Double axis tracked Fresnel Reflector based dishes
4 Taylormade Solar Solutions Pvt. Ltd Single axis tracked Scheffler dishes
5 Oorja Energy Engg. Services Hyd Pvt. Ltd Single axis parabolic trough collectors

6 ARS Glasstech Pvt. Ltd. Solar grade mirrors

7 Enersun Power Tech Pvt. Ltd. Curved Linear Fresnel Reflector
8 M/s Vcare Engineering Pvt. Ltd. Compound Parabolic Collector (CPC)
9 NISE Gurgaon Testing Lab
10 UL India Pvt. Ltd. Testing Lab
11 Mitsui Chemicals Testing Lab

List of referred Indian Standards for CST (Source: BIS)

IS No. Title
732 : 1989 Code of practice for electrical wiring installations (third revision)
800 : 2007 General construction in steel — Code of practice (third revision)
875 (Part 3) : 2015 Design loads (other than earthquake) for buildings and structures — Code of practice (Part 3) :
Wind loads (third revision)
2062 : 2011 Hot rolled medium and high tensile structural steel — Specification (seventh revision)

9815-1 : 1994 Servo-motor operated automatic line voltage correctors (Part 1) : Correctors for single-phase
applications — Specification (second revision)
9844 : 1961 Methods of testing corrosion resistance of electroplated and anodized aluminum coatings by
neutral salt spray test
12615:2011 Energy efficient induction motors — Three phase squirrel cage (second revision)
12933-5 : 2003 Solar flat plate collector — Specification (Part 5) : Test methods (second revision)
13079 : 1991 Stepping motors — Specification
IS/IEC 60529 : 2001 Degrees of protection provided by enclosures (IP Code)
Doc: MED 04 Concentrated Solar Thermal (Part 2) : Scheffler concentrator — Specification
Doc: MED 04 Concentrated Solar Thermal (Part 5) : Test methods
ASTM E903-12 Standard test method for solar absorptance, reflectance and transmittance of materials using
integrating spheres

Types of Testing for PV Modules in Germany

Type Details of tests involved
Electrical Tests of PV-  Power Determination at Standard Test Conditions
Modules  Determination of Temperature coefficients
 Electric Insulation Test (dry and wet)
 Impulse Voltage Test
 Bypass Diode Test

Solar Energy Quality Infrastructure In India 80

 Accessibility Test
 Measurement of Spectral Response
 Measurement of Angle-of-incidence effect
 Weak Light Measurements
 Reverse Current Overload Test
 Robustness of Terminations
 Ground Continuity Test
 Partial Discharge Test
Leakage Current Test
Mechanical Tests of  Mechanical and Dynamic Load Test
PV-Modules  Hail Impact Test (even Swiss Standard up to 75mm)
 Module Breakage Test
 Peel Test
 Cut Test
 Wiring Compartment Test and Terminal Knock-Out Test
 Strain Relief Test
 Terminal Torque Test
 Push Test
 Transport Test

Environmental  Temperature Test

Simulation Tests on  Humidity-Freeze-Climate Chamber Test
PV-Modules  Damp-Heat-Climate Chamber Test
 Thermal-Cycles-Climate Chamber Test
 Fire Test
 Hot-Spot Test and Risk Analysis
 Light Soaking Test
 UV – Test (Ultraviolet)
 TCO-Layer Corrosion Test (PID)
 PID – Test; Determination of sensitivity of Potential Induced Degradation
 LID – Test; Determination of sensitivity of Light Induced Degradation
 Determination of NOCT (NMOT)
 Water Spray Test
 Corrosive Gas Test (e.g. Ammonia)

Other Tests  Thermographic Analysis

 Electroluminescence Analysis
 Visual Inspection
 EVA Gel Content Determination / Cross linking
 Accelerated Aging Test
 Aging Tests at Real Conditions in Field
 Prototyping with own Laminator

SGS Germany has added three new types of a. PID Resistant – testing of PV modules
independent qualification tests to support PV modules’ for potential-induced degradation.
product bankability.

 Long Term Durability Tested – covering the

investigation of the long term reliability of PV
modules with the help of various types of
weathering tests and extreme climate simulations
 Sand Resistant – PV modules qualification for
various types of deserts and other extreme

Solar Energy Quality Infrastructure In India 81


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Solar Energy Quality Infrastructure In India 82

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