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DLP Mira Week-7-D4

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Quarter / Week /

Grade Level Grade 8 Q1 W7 Day 4

Learning Area English Checked: RAYSIE T. SEIDEL
Teaching Dates October 13, 2022

The learner demonstrates communicative competence through his/ her understanding of
A. Content
Afro-Asian Literature and other texts types for a deeper appreciation of Philippine Culture
and those of other countries.
B. Performance The learners will be able to use a range of verbs, adjectives, and adverbs to convey
Standards emotional response or reaction to an issue to persuade.
Use a range of verbs, adjectives, and adverbs to convey emotional response or reaction to
an issue to persuade.
C. Learning 1.identify the appropriate verbs, adjectives, and adverbs used in conveying emotions and
Competencies/ opinions for persuasion;
Objectives 2.use appropriate verbs, adjectives, and adverbs in expressing emotions and opinions for
Write the LC persuasion;
code for each 3.appreciate the importance of conveying emotional response or reaction to an issue for
persuasion; and
4.write a persuasive paragraph using verbs, adjectives, and adverbs
II. CONTENT Using Verbs to Express Emotional Responses
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide
2. Learner’s
Materials pages
3. Textbook pages
Quarter 1 – Module 5: Expressing Emotional Response and Reactions to Persuade Using a
Range of Verbs, Adjectives, and Adverbs
4. Additional
Materials from Arielle Jezzette Caldito, Arielle Jezzette. "Using Modals". Deped LR Portal, 2019.
Resource (LR)
"BEAM Accurate Statements". Deped LR Portal, 2014.
B. Other Learning
PowerPoint Presentation

Let the students to arrange the letters below to form the transition signal that fits each
1. Technology helps connect people; _________, we must use it responsibly. Hint: V O W E
2. Staying at home prevents us from getting and spreading the virus. _________, it gives
A. Reviewing previous us more quality time with our family. Hint: S O L A
lesson or presenting
the new lesson 3. We have an important role to stop the health crisis. _________, we must obey the
health and security measures set by the government. Hint: E O R F E T H E R
4. We must eat nutritious food and do exercise _____________ our bodies can fight
against diseases. Hint: O S H A T T
5. Young people could make use of their time by doing activities while staying indoors
_________ making crafts and doing household chores. Hint: H U S C S A
Ask the students the following questions:
What have you noticed with the sentences?
B. Establishing a Have you observed that they also express feelings and ideas?
purpose for the lesson
Tell them that they will learn other words, aside from transition signals, that can be used
to express their feelings and ideas.
C. Presenting Let the students read the dialogue between Noel and Nanay. Notice the underlined
examples/instances of
the new lesson

Emphasize to the students that the underlined words are used to highlight emotions and
opinions. These words are called verbs. There are different types of verbs that can be used
in expressing opinions and emotions to persuade or convince. They are classified as

Present to the students the different types of verbs that can express opinions and
emotions to persuade or convince.
1. Linking Verbs -This verb links or connects the subject to its predicate. The predicate
states or tells information about the subject which could be an emotion or a
D. Discussing new
concepts and
practicing new skills

2. Modal Verbs- These are verbs that express suggestion or recommendation which is
an effective way to convince or persuade.

Since Modal Verbs was discuss to the students last meeting, ask them the different modal
verbs that can be use to convince and persuade.

Present a game to the student. Tell them that the game is entitled, “Tanong ko, Sagot
E. Discussing new mo.” The class will be divided into two groups and each group will choose a
concepts and representative to answer the following questions. The first student that can press the
practicing new skills buzzer will give his/her answer. Each correct answer is equivalent to 1 point. The first
group that will gain 5 points will be the winner.

Pick the Verbs

Let the students pick out the verbs used in each sentence.
For items 1 – 2, pick out the linking verbs in each item.
1. I am happy to help the frontliners by simply staying indoors.
F. Developing mastery 2. I disagree that parents should not limit their children’s use of gadgets.
(leads to Formative
Assessment 3) For items 3 – 5, pick out the modal verbs.
3. You are stressed with your work. You should take a break.
4. To instill sense of responsibility, children must be taught to do household chores.
5. To maintain good health, experts recommend that you ought to eat the right kinds and
amount of food.
G. Finding practical
applications of Before moving on to the evaluation part, ask the students about how linking and modal
concepts and skills in verbs can help them in communicating to others.
daily living
Let the students complete the following statement below:
H. Making
generalizations and
abstractions about the
1.After accomplishing the different tasks, I learned that verbs ___________________.
lesson 2.I realized that verbs are important in expressing emotional responses
I. Evaluating learning Let the student read the text below and do what is asked.

Health Awareness
Tom, a grade 8 student, loves to read books and newspapers. He feels that it is
important for him to be aware of the present issues. One day, he read an article in a
newspaper about the importance of handwashing. He learned that frequent and proper
hand washing prevents diseases even COVID-19. From then on, he habitually washes
his hands.

Do this Task: If you were Tom, how would you convince a friend on the importance of
handwashing? Answer this question by writing a paragraph. Use different verbs in writing
your stand. Also, a rubric is given as your guide in writing.

J. Additional activities
for application or


Section Name Section Name Section Name Section Name
A. No. of learners who earned 80% in the evaluation
B. No. of learners who require additional activities for
C. Did the remedial lessons work? No. of learners
who have caught up with the lesson
D. No. of learners who continue to require
E. Which of my teaching strategies worked well?
Why did these work?
F. What difficulties did I encounter which my
principal or supervisor can help me solve?
G. What innovation or localized materials did I
use/discover which I wish to share with other

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