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Dbms Assignment 1

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Prge No.


Assignmenl 1.
QueteAine the Potowing
oadlussified de
1. TmPonaroutíon aganized eceiveu
Lfoznation is
voles Pon the
which has Some necuming
h pnocess cd on cohich
Tmfozmuionís the
decisíons amdQuolíoms Cne

2. Datelbese colteotion o 1eelahed date

is o
A date buse
iHerm 8to ned oLt one place.
mfoÜnallon obout shoemt,
Ex college deuko sBo subjeBs
teouchens cluss es,
thing but set of dote huving
A Date baise iois mo
he letion belaseem bem.


collec Hiom
A Dateibse mamegement system is a
Prog>cIm 6.
o inten -nelu ted dete emd oet of
moni pulate thase dee.
D8s. pote bese + gel o Progrems
soPkwane syslemm that helps in the
Pocess af de fining, Constucing,manipulating the
doutes boe.
4. Meludolu -
Mekesaite is dlty oabout olut.
Dute such as tenble mame, lolumn nume, odede ty Pe.,
eutho sizd ClleaS
teuble is called mekeycluute PoPoy
Puivileges Pon em

|s. Dotes ditiono) azu -

Date dictomuy is am inlomation aeposilo ss twhich
Comteims meBe deute.
I! is Usualty pat of he syslemm culkulog.
Q. Date wanehouse :
Dotea Wone house
which sBosned de tet.
is am
inkomalion onepositony
I is desigm to fucili lele nep0nting cmd
syslemm Couteulogi
5ysBem cutalbg- i5 g coteakion ot teubles in a
dukeibase cwhich ane usel by the D8M3 Pon
descaibingthsstuch1sne of she daila base. system.
couteslog is Coreated oulonahicully whemeuean Q dotekase
is Coueate. ayslem ceuleulogs com also be actass edl.
hy the usens ol the doule base.

8. Field -
AAField is a chunuchon on g.maup
gznoup ot chazoctems
thast hNe a specifio meLming.
IH iss gls0 Culled o dutes iteam, TE is me pnesen ed
in the datteybage bya qvalue.
Foon Example customen id, eme Sociky amd eity
al Pielos Po eug kermes Dokel.

9. Da:
The c,. cmd Fgumes that Cun be neconded in
syslem md thut have 6ome speaial meuning ussigmed
to-t 's callod 13 derte.
Ex. Date o a CusBomen like nme, telephone mumben, cddneSS,
oleake. the onm bcsed ee
ete dutadeute las tebu
hta. ideus, Language suchasslsuchne A
mfenences. Ideus, letes numben
the fozrmatiom
is Tnmoleual. SLo) is ate
meming Cuny docs't
Cciay Jntomaion
must - Datel
eciAc. Inbmehion
is SPeciMc. mot is Dete
deLte. Infereulig.
In alepend
on does'nt Dat
depends islion fosna
onmalion Puots
Tn umpn0(esse is Daty
cesseal is
cate. the o! 5ystem. Compulen
In os used isDatu
tput is
the fomation
nonaneahon: ound DeBe betweemnOenemtiate -9. Que
Cid, Pos Cosd 1e
ciy ,5ociey neme Cuslomes.
Poom fields. Colleotion
of xamples e Fos
oflion Ccllec a 1ec03d
is A
led snela logically Necoyd-
No. Tage |

to D8M.
Cle suolern Com fame
discdemteges oa P:le
Que -3 Explein isadurmkegea file ne inde pomdent o esich
Ans.-Duplicate due t eAs i n mo ng thom
othe, so, du plicuta doitomay be Present
be pnesmt
Ome Piles.
eAyns diAenent copies gf
Lm Comsistency: Im consls Bemcy be
Sume ate hat eise mot amatehing Date may
inconsislent n ile pnocessimg syslem.
integtty :- Dato integ zuity nefens o the
Poom dukey Comsislunty
oll CompleBemess, cccunaly emd Poog date
dute But in pnocessing system
inBegnily allem destors.
Dotesisoluled ond 8e puacaledt ilesso. f if is.
5e Po:moked in Vomious
Dote iÙ ditenemt iles. i will
Poom 9
meeds to ex tonoot date which pamts cf eachat the
be aeguinedto dele Biles Ane melaBed t one
piles QIe nesded ond
amathe dependent Om ile fonmutst
APplicaBion Pogmcxms nÃ
yslem, the physicul Pasmeutsot
Tm Paotessing eippliculian Priogum Ahat
Pile ane enteea in ein the ile oomat nesultE
Process the files.
chang is timg
amd a chaange. which
in Pnognamomdupdates
e1ON porone.
poon daBe seAA sally ile Ceuaing the
Dateis 6oed in ditenent
Sed siy pobleams.
Mepresent Com plexeh'ecti
bitical to
may be o Vaiable
dete ohject
paoduct dittioulky in
length ouhich migb
nePesem tetom
in iles.

a4 GIysta!

Due -4 Explaim
Explain Advanleges
Adventeges ef D8MS oven Pile noragomen t
-thene se SeveMal advcun texges of Dote manigemnen+
2 ile ayolem.
aystem ovei
NoRedumteimt dale - Redumdoncy iemoyed by dat
Dat1 Consís temcy end To teamik -daBo nomulization
teulkes. Lccess
Secuse- taoh hus ditemermt set of
Paniva cå - Limt led CICcesS.

Eusy QLccess to date

Easy etovey
Due-sahat is DBMS 1_ ExPlauin ditfenente belween DEMs Q
ROBMs. List ond explein the Cuppliceitions of DBMS.
Datubase anagement yslem is cL Collehion o
in ten- nelu tedl dote Cmd Set
nnipu loate. those dauke.


These is high date! Thene is locu odautel

edundg. nedundomy
Povides Com pastively. - Puovides mosne selunihy
less secuouily fo31 deuke
D0ficalt to mediky-dauka Ecusiesn to modily olake.

Tukes moe ime Takes less tine +0. CLccess

Ql CCess dote. dote

No key s cmd tn dexes. Has keys md indexes

ACeessibne. -mssoL, My sol O1acle,
oPtice, dacse s0ite

The appliculions o
Aialines smd Ratlaoays:
Ailines ond neilways USe, Online doten beiseg
AValán, and Pom displaging the scheoule.

2. Bemk ing
Banksuse deteL based Pon customes inquiny
eucco unts locna. emd othen tnainget kions
Schools amd colleuges uae dote boses bon Counse
SLegislliom, mesult end othen ntoma hen.

4. snedtt Cousd tonanguchions1

Dete lne uSed Pom keeplng kouc k\e punchases
in Ondesn to geme yuted nntly
s telements.

S. Health cOLIe Tnlomulion sys lem cmd olettnomic Patiemt

Dostey beses aIe used Fan muinBu iming the putiemt heulth
ae deleils n hospilalS.
|Tage No.

Q. Digtkal ibrenies Gmd diaikal pblishing

Date bese an amanogenent omd deliveny
done used
OF lang e. bodiesg af teà hualmd mulimedie doikd

Dote bese used to 6toze Poduet eustomen
Qumd taomsacliozn dedoils.
8. Humum esountet
se detes based Pon_stoning intoamaiod
OagojnizetHon use teutes, emd on
about thein employee, Sala nies.,
genema king 3aluny cheehs.
duties) o
Oue & Descuibe. hinelians Cesponsiblihy, nale omd
BA to homodle oBng
adminisoatonls oluies mdlude:
Date bas e
6chema deftntHon. detiniion.
staucune Qmd actess metho
Scheng omd phy siceul on9
anizhiom mdibi cuqi
lcless the
Gncmting (omdphyr Cutho nihy
doi teubase.
specifying integaity_Constaalnts
PosmaMCe and IesPonding to chomges im
nonitoming pen
Neq uiements.
40the date base..
Authonizing use.
Coonine ting amd moniBoning its ewane
So Ptcwene omd hand
need ed.

Oue-1Explain mupping.
The pono ceGs ot etn Tnems toming iequests emd
Mapping: mapping
Iesulks belween the level í5is culting

Thene lwo ty Pes o maippng'

Types of mapeimg
H Extemul mupping
aImieanal muppimg.
1Extenal maupping
1 telutes esk exteanl Schemo with ontepkual
defimes Cozmespondemce belweem a panicaulua
ealemal Vieu ond Comcepkuol schemu.
I! the stauchume of Comcep hual scheme is chaunged..
shem erlemmal Corncephl nupping must be ahonged
eucco.gdingls omd extesnnul schema cum menmaun ínuuntelnt
Thene Could be 5eveal mappíngs betecn ealenna
trnd ContePhical levels.

2.Tatesamaul Maipping:
TÊI 1elaBes Concephuel scheme, coith inteornal hua! schem
I detines Coamnespondene between the com cep
omd the cdaukey bese alozned in physical devíces.
I speriies hou) Comcepal etoda cmd BioldsPreds qne
Pnesented at the jnteunl level.
I! he olauctune of sto1ed clukey base is ohnged, then
Corncephuallinteunul mapping must be chunged lCCodingty
md Concepkial scheme JnOmain inveslemt
Thene could be mappiny beBween concephual amd
jnlenel levels.

a4 Crysta!
Tage No.

Oue-what i
ol Date
s Datu Tnde.pendlente . Explain dilement types
Tmdependente,is the
Date idepenoleme.
theit mutes type ot due tcmspnency
Pom_oCemtono lized DBMo
A outebuse syslem
in momally Conteins lot ot olto
Usens' dote

Níeo Level Logiceal TndePendeunee

Logieanl IeNel
Physicaul level Physieul Tnde pendarme

LogicalDuta Lmdepercente. t.
Logical dak inde pondamts ndiautes shat the contep hual.
3chema Cum be chamged eoihout afecting the ekailing
exlenmalschennu &. Thechngee0ould ba onbson bed by
Ihe mapping belween the exteonnal and Comcep hal levels.
Loaícel dote
dake is dete about detabase. thet is il stomes.
infomeion obout how ola te is mamag ed inside.. Fo.
example, a teible sBoned n the dateu base ond ot i
Consluints, epplied on 1hat elalicn.

8.Logicoal dota independence is a kind derkeo mechunism,

ohjch libao lizes itsel! POam ouchul
I! ve do ome chamga
S0me teable
he disk:
shoula not ohemga the cakes mesiding n tha disk

phyicul Dale Tmde pondecneei

rhysical dake Tndepandence indicales that the phystal
sBonuge stauctue On dev'tes Could be chng ed
without alteaingCancephual schena. The chamge
ueoould bs cbsonbed by he napp ing belueen the
Comceptual Qond jntennal level.
AlL the schemas me logical, aind the auchual dake s
slo.nel in bit bosmut onom he disk. physicul daka.
Tndepemdence is he pouPowen to ehmge the physicul
dote ilhout fm pacling he scheme d.n logicul oeuke
Fom' exAmp le , in cuse ewe cocnt to chenge gm upgroole.
the sBancga Syslem ikself - 3uppose e ctemt o mepluue
hasnd- diska cujth ssit should not hove Cmy inpact
orn thelogiconl data On shemes.
Exom ple :

Newsle. tten- ney S

Fanat nRume lust-me ameil

Ameumdo Roggio. @lxmnda@meuilo

2. Bomo Vox bonan. Com
Bill Gutes bill scl Com
5Beve Johs steve epple com
Laay ElliSom
Tuge No.

Oue-q Fxeluin ditte memt

dutebuse use
usens lne ditesnentiated by the ceocy they ekpect
to intesoot Gotth the syale.
1. Applicotion Pmognemnen8
Imlezact ih sysenn thaaugh oDML coLll.

Q.spohisticuked Pnom
Ysems hegueste in duke base. quey
These nclude buainess emelysis. sa'entists. emgimens.
othens thonughiy Ramiliam wih the sysfem cupabilites.
Muny Use tools n tha bom ot soflcvans pal<oges
thot elosely stoed deteu bas8.
8.Speojaliz ed seMS -
wmile specica liz ed dlaukeibass aLpplico hions thut
do mot Pit into the Aonediional dlute Pno cessing
Baame cU0k.
4. Naive
These USes dlne uN 3ophistieuted usens who
have vey less knoeoleges af dutubs6 Syskmn.
these usens inteeict with the sys kem by
using ol the pplicahian progms that huve beer
CU it len Pneviouay
Ex. beml lellens, eleszical seutt eke.

5. slemd- olone ;
Mostly main leuim pensonal dete bes eustng
- to-use palkaged Qupplicetion.
Am kemple is a telx PogrAm ySeN thelt Coneohe
|Tuge Ne.

its dcom inlemneil olude borse.

Anothe) ekcimmple sser lhot main feuirns em
addness boot.

ACtess keo the dokey betse lon quenging, updaling.

Omd gone sr0kng neponts.
CCusual emd

OeGeuaionoly QLCcesS the deke bease.

Need ditenen t infenmestion eouch time
leam anls á feo Aeucili ties hat hay mauy
mmcy use nefeakeldy
Use a sophislicauled data base queylimguaga to
speciky heim neguesBs. 0n ohe
Ty picaullymiddle- oon high leuel mcinagens
Due-lo Dilenemtiante the DA omd DBA


The dutes adanimistaorBoa - The dakecbase. aidministnadom

is a PenSam in the o1gniztin
Ozngunizotion who e0ndnols cuho eonknals 1he desigm_ omd
Hhe oatey of the dater base. he use ot the deter bese.

DA dele Imines ewhat dottey DBA Pnouides me(esslny

to be 6Bomed jn dotes bese, techmie) SupPont fo
On 1equinememts ot the. im plementing
Ongumizellin deLkes beuse
’ Oue-L

Oanganizeution haOmalysis,
undestemd mone
bene dubei kmd 0nganizeilisnal
DA wilh neguisnémenta
gatheing.the DA
Talennl DBms diagsam
ExplainExplan lechnology
catbaseei Penson, teahnalg
does es is_
but imvolveod
sipchuly Schemas adaBe1base
Date knocw
businessicieny. Penaon.
mot pec md
gchema dedail. bae moehelshe lage need 4o design
bu daBe. mome
nd syslern about about
be lo
yslem Pocused phuse.
at levels
Ihmee : shouldPenon. emy be
model. the 9lie heumdengkend Kna DBA - edhe
Jnlemal Anchilectune.netetively.
buse ness
bugi PuncBioknouledge busimofess DBA
nalmoneCam beilyahuut involD8vAedlis
archilectune does_ is deaigm,
to but Penson. mot o a Date |PageNo.
Aeohmiczly lechnical
piculty leuelto
"y adonimislen manG he o dola developmam
euilh lohe beme but need buse pheSe.
abautshoulhe kiciasy
d. Ongunizadio emy to Pes0n
Aocused kind a
a havn

ConcefBuel hem al the Conteph.ol level 4.

descibe the stauchune. nd Cormglanatlnts Pom the cohole.
deike base fom
Concepkual Connumih
lmplememltalin dule model.
Exlesnal_schemcig ot the eleal 4o des ézaihe the
Naious use Niews Usatly Uses Ahe Suma sate
model eus the Comcep hual Jeel.
Date buse AschileaBume t

End ses

txlemnol Exenmal Exleanna l.

Level Vie

Exlenmal/Concep kul
CoNceplucul schemu

Tnlenel SCeme

STomed Date bQSe

Gae -19. what is the Rolo ol Dotetbase Adminislaate?
Datubcs e administno teon's dulies incuode
Schemo definition
Stoige slnuc tuoe omd euctess mehod delinikion.
Schema omd physicl Osganizellen modihication.
us e ou thonity to ectess
inleganiy conslseuinks
the duter base

Momi tozurng Penfonmanee amd sies pondng to changes in

loondina fing emd
to the dute bause.
moniBoming its Y6e.
Acquining softuwune cmd humdei1e e Sounces sDeeded

ue-13.Explain the Advenmteges o using the Tota beseAppnoch.

Contnolling aelundemoy im date slonage omd in
development nd
. shasimg of deuta main lemomte eons.
8. Qmong muliple. useTS.
Reslanickng umauthonizedl eLCCess to duta
Prouding ensiskent stosage Pon Prog
Paouiding bdckup cmd ne zem objecks.
Psno uiding sloige CoNey Sevices
Quemy slucBunes Ce.g. indexes) Pa
1. Paoviding
uSens mulliple inlenfeces to ditenemt
g. cloaess al
9. Repnesen
ting Conplex
10. Enloncng
Daaoimg inlog-nily Comslonain. onameng date
inlenenes end cuclians the datebase.
11. using deducliye amd aclive, Pnom the sto ned dute
Polential Pom enlo onles.
This sehimg
Cucial Pos he. SuceSS
s temdamda:
46 datel im large
ilen mame, OnguniPoms,
dis play zahon. slenoe ola neen

shauet nes. melei- do te ote.

Q. Redluee. app licu kom
olevelopmont time:
lime teo_ lold ech meo
Öpplic1hicn is
18. Flexibility o chumge detea s.ouchie
" Detebaise suchine, mag evoJolve
lve as me) Jeguinement
lne dehned.
4. ANailubili iom poatemt o on- Hime toemsechion syslem
Such us olisline, halel, cu
Economies ofScole:
eSausntemd pensocnal
Cun be auoiden by Comsolidading olate amd opplicouion
Queyyhioh qme
ane the Doter bese,omguoLge in DBMs ekpluim.
in bniep
To conike nConeeule date bcIDE,
bose memageonmant syskem
Use doBe base omguuge.
They Qneo Foune kypes:
1. Dedee oalinilion lumguoge Coo)
9. Dateu Mumipulukon Lungucg e Com)
8. Tnam sacliomal onkonol (angucge CIc)
4. Doute Conlnol Comguag e C9c)
1. DML (Qate:Memipu loslien lamgugeg) i
DML 0s
abbse.Via liom of Dote Mumipy ltion
lsmege. TI is Used to eBjeNe, sBome., madily
delele. insent Cmd updete dulea im cutebeLse- DML is
manipulale dete
Oganizod by appaoporioute darke
SElet, Imsem.. Updoule. delele. Menge. call.
FApl aimplum . Lock ,"tuble.
2.DoL CDoHei Delinalim lnguuge)Dcteu Deimilion lunguge
DDL is abbe. viation ot
stnuchune o
is used to Couetile. omd modiu tha
olerte basedhicck in dueu base. These Cononds ame not
nonmelly used hy o gentaal se. they ame mogmally
used by the DBA to o limiled extent. a dutebase destgmen
Oa applicukion devlopez
CReute. ALlen i Draf. Truncate. Camnent.
Dcl CDate Conlouo l cngugge)
lmgucug o. TÌ
Del is abbmiviakon o beiteu Con tnol nelenmhia!
is used to Caeu te soles, Pesmissiomns. cmd
Jell i is 5ed to Conral ectess to
indegaity a
data beuse by seuning i!
Gurmt. Revoke.
Tcl CTuonsaclional Conlnel longcge)
Tcl is abbnivuion of Trem Secliono) lonval
snguge T! i'ss sed to amnage di kenont
Jounstions wilhin a dateibase.
Rouback, Comnit, Save T nSacHion
Set Tsemjacliom,

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