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Possible causes leading to the accident:

1. Drinking and Driving
2. Possesion
3. Emotional distress
4. Frighten by an animal or an entity

Note: Current being scared by an animal or an entity is most likely


Date of death: 22 May 2023

Estimated time of death: 10:40 pm
Cause of death: A car accident (No other vehicles were involved)

I am conflicted to state an excat date as the information reached me around

midnight on 23 however the death may have occured far ealier.
I would have to confrim with the victim's family memebers or friends close to them.

This is the information I am sure about how my friend's father died.

I do not have the analysis report about the injuries as they may have kept it
private for respect of the family
There are many ways I could investigate this mysterious case further tho, I do not
have the authority to ask certain people in power.
One of many ways is which I could ask the victim's son about his knowledge pior to
the situation.
As the victim's son is fourtunely my friend I could ask him directly with little
details hidden from me.
I understand that even if I found out how he died the dead cannot come back to life
as of now.
However I want to understand the situations presents for this tragic event to

As far as I know there were reports of dead animals present on the crash site.
The dead animals have been specifically packed into black plastics bags from what I
have observed from the pictures.
The dead animals found on the site have either been cut and maliciouly placed on
the street (to be exact the road drainage).
Dying of natural causes are questionable for the animals on the street as they have
been placed into black plastic bags, human intervention is most likely.

If we were to dive into culture and religious ascpects of the ascpects. Here I
would refer to Buddism specifically Thervada Buddism as this is the main religion
in Myanmar and the religion of the victim and its family. If we were to further
look into the background of the victim, to put it in simple terms the vicitm has a
middle rank in the Millitary. The victim is an engeneer however it does not relate
with the warefare aspect of the Millitary. According to this information we can
limit the possibilites of the causes and situaions that may have led to the

We could say they may have been some millicous attempts to take the person's life
by using some sorts of black magic. However this seems unlikely in today's world
and not very plausible in an scientific manner. The victim was also know to be
believe and be scared of the enities in Buddism and may have mistake an animal for
these enities, thus may have panicked and drive in an manner to outran or avoid the
animal causing the car to crash at hight speeds. Which is what can be infered to
had happen.

However these have not been confirmed and are possiblities and theories I have
heard been disccused by the friends and family of the victim.

There were many cases of possesion around the family members and friends.
It is a bit hard to translate burmese to english on the go so they may be some

I am hearing the conversation dicussing the events of the accident and aftermath of
It is in a native burmese langugae therefore I cannot quickly dichper or remeber
the dialouge.
I could record the conversations and then translate it to English ,however it is
not ethical or from a moral standpoint.

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