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Module 1 Teaching and Learning With Technology

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Catiningan, Socorro, Oriental Mindoro




Module Outcomes

 Identified the competency standards of ICT for teaching and learning in pre-service
teacher education;
 Unpacked the basic concepts of ICT to provide common understanding for teachers
and learners; and
 Valued the use of ICT in the teaching and learning processes.

If there is one thing that changed the world so fast, it is TECHNOLOGY. While there
exists technology in the past as non-digital technology, the current digital technology has
been a factor that shrunk the world and made it flat. It has provided a new environment for
learning, new ways teachers teach and also the new ways of how learners learn. In the
beginning, it has created a divide between the digital natives and the digital immigrants.
However, as the years go by, such divide has become narrower and even blurred. This has led
to the new educational revolution in teaching and learning which has been triggered by
technology and resulted fo better learning outcomes in the 21st century.

LESSON 1: ICT Competency Standards for Philippine Pre-service Teacher Education

Lesson Outcomes

 Identified the competency standards of ICT for teaching and learning in pre-service
teacher education; and
 Familiarized with the ISTE National Education Technology Standards for Teachers

What are the competency standards? What are the ICT standards for teaching and
learning in the Philippines pre-service teacher education?
Look at the two teachers in the pictures below. What does picture A show of the
teacher? What about picture B?
Catiningan, Socorro, Oriental Mindoro

Picture A Picture B

Teacher with Traditional Technology Teacher with Digital Technology

Who is better equipped to handle the 21st century learners? Teacher A or Teacher B?
Why? Which of the two teachers would you like to become when you graduate?
Give reasons for choosing Picture A:
Give reasons for choosing Picture B:

ICT Competency Standards (CHED-UNESCO) as provided in the 2017, Policy,
Standards and Guidelines (PSG) for Pre-service Teacher Education
The program outcomes for teacher education degrees clearly state that every future
teacher: "demonstrate proficiency in the development and utilization of Information,
Communication and Technology (ICT) resources in promoting quality teaching-learning
To ensure that the program outcomes related to ICT shall be achieved, competencies
were identified to be developed by every pre-service teacher (CHED - UNESCO, Bangkok,
The ICT Competency Standards is made up of seven domains. Each domain has a set
of competencies. The competencies are expressed in desired learning outcomes. Becoming
proficient in the different competencies will enable you to handle learners or the 21'srmt
century in your future classroom.
These domains and corresponding competencies are found in the Table below:
Table 1: ICT Competency Standards for Pre-service Teachers
Domain 1: Understanding ICT in Education
1.1 Demonstrate awareness of policies affecting ICT in education
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1.2 Comply with ICT policies as they affect teaching-learning

1.3 Contextualize ICT policies to the learning environment
Domain 2: Curriculum and Assessment
2.1 Demonstrate understanding of concepts, principles and theories of ICT Systems
as they apply to teaching-learning
2.2 Evaluate digital and non-digital learning resources in response to student's
diverse needs
2.3 Develop digital learning resources to enhance teaching-learning
2.4 Use ICT tools to develop 21H century skills: information media and technology
skills, learning and innovation skills, career skills and effective communication skills
Domain 3: Pedagogy
3.1 Apply relevant technology tools for classroom activities
3.2 Use ICT knowledge to solve complex problems and support student collaborative
3.3 Model collaborative knowledge construction in face to face and virtual
Domain 4: Technology Tools
4.1 Demonstrate competence in the technical operations of technology tools and
systems as they apply to teaching and learning
4.2 Use technology tools to create new learning opportunities to support community
of learners
4.3 Demonstrate proficiency in the use of technology tools to support teaching and
Domain 5: Organization and Administration
5.1 Manage technology-assisted instruction in an inclusive classroom environment
5.2 Exhibit leadership in shared decision-making using technology tools
Domain 6: Teacher Professional Learning
6.1 Explore existing and emerging technology to acquire additional content and
pedagogical knowledge
6.2 Utilize technology tools in creating communities of practice
6.3 Collaborate with peers, colleagues and stakeholders to access information in
support of professional learning
Domain 7: Teacher Disposition
7.1 Demonstrate social, ethical, and legal responsibility in the use of technology tools
and resources
7.2 Show positive attitude towards the use of technology tools

Likewise, the Department of Education issued Department of Education Order 42, s.

2017 mandating the use of the Philippine Professional Standard for Teachers (PPST) to start
with the Beginning Teachers who are the fresh graduates from the teacher education program.
The document includes: Show skills in the positive use of ICT to facilitate teaching and
learning and Show skills in the selection, development and use of the variety of teaching
learning resources including ICT to address learning goals.
These competency standards to learn and master will assure the 21'st century learners
in your class of a more enjoyable, creative, innovative ways in teaching and learning.
Catiningan, Socorro, Oriental Mindoro

With the use of Table 1 above, can you identify the domain to which each given
course learning outcome belong?
Course Learning Outcomes
1. Explain ICT policies and safety issues as they impact on the teaching-learning
2. Integrate media and technology in various content areas.
3. Apply learning theories and principles in the design and development of lessons
through appropriate media and technologies for teaching learning.
4. Formulate teaching-learning experiences and assessment tasks using appropriate
and innovative technologies.
5. Demonstrate social, ethical, and legal responsibility in the use of technology tools
and resources.


With your group, search from the CHED website any of the following: CMO 74, or
CMO 75.
ISTE National Educational Technology Standards for Teachers (NETS* T)
An international organization for educational technology called International Society for
Technology in Education (ISTE), established standards for both teachers and students. These
standards were also referred to in the development of the Philippine ICT Competency
standards which include the following:
Standard 1: Technology Operations and Concepts
This means that teachers demonstrate a sound understanding of technology operations
and concepts.
Standard 2: Planning and Designing Learning Environment and Experiences
This standard implies that teachers utilize the use of technology to plan and design
effective learning environments and experiences.
Standard 3: Teaching, Learning and Curriculum
Teachers should be mindful that in the implementation of curriculum plan, they have
to include strategies tor applying technology to maximize student learning.
Standard 4: Assessment and Evaluation
Teachers apply technology to facilitate a variety of effective assessment and
evaluation strategies to collect and analyze data, interpret results, and communicate
findings to improve instructional practice and maximize student learning.
Standard 5: Productivity and Professional Practice
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Teachers use technology to engage in on-going professional development and lifelong

learning in support of student learning, increase productivity and to build community
of learners.
Standard 6: Social, Ethical, Legal and Human Issues
Teachers understand the social, ethical, legal and human issues surrounding the use of
technology in support of student learning who come from diverse background, affirm
diversity, promote safe and healthy use of technology resources and facilitate access
to technology resources for all students.
Likewise, ISTE also developed standards needed for students. These standards will be
used as a guide by teachers to plan technology-based activities in which students achieve
success in learning, communication and life skills.

ISTE National Educational Technology Standards for Students (NETS* S)

From how technology teachers facilitate learners, outcomes of student learning
should indicate that the following standards have been complied with.
Standard 1: Creativity and Innovation
This standard will produce students who demonstrate creative thinking, construct
knowledge, develop innovative products and processes using technology from
existing knowledge.
Standard 2: Communication and Collaboration
This standard requires students to use digital media and environments to communicate
and work collaboratively to support individual learning and contribute to the learning
of others. This includes the use of variety of media and formats for global awareness
with learners from other cultures.
Standard 3: Research and Information Fluency
Students are expected to apply digital tools to gather, evaluate and use information
and plan strategies for inquiry. This standard expects the student to locate, organize,
analyze, evaluate, synthesize and ethically use information from a variety of sources
and media.
Standard 4: Critical Thinking, Problem-Solving and Decision Making
This standard expects the students to use critical thinking skills to plan and conduct
research, manage projects, solve problems and make informed decisions using
appropriate digital tools.
Standard 5: Digital Citizenship
It is required by this standard that every technology student becomes a digital citizen
who demonstrates ethical and legal behavior, exemplified by the practice of safe, legal
Catiningan, Socorro, Oriental Mindoro

and responsible use of information. Further, the student exhibits positive attitude
towards the support of technology for collaboration, learning and productivity as a
digital citizen.
Standard 6: Technology Operations and Concepts
Sound understanding of technology concepts, systems and operation is a standard that
students should comply with. They too, are expected to further transfer current
knowledge to learning of new technologies.
As pre-service teacher education students now, you will have to master the knowledge
and skills (Learning to Know) for the standards for students. However, since you will become
teachers in the future, you should harness the same knowledge and skills to become
(Learning to Become) future teachers.
1. Technology Operations and Concepts 1) Creativity and Innovation
1. Planning and Designing Learning 2. Communication and Collaboration
Environment and Experiences
3. Teaching, Learning and Curriculum 3. Research and Information Fluency
4. Assessment and Evaluation 4. Critical Thinking, Problem-Solving &
Decision Making
5. Productivity and Professional Practice 5. Digital Citizenship
6. Social, Ethical, Legal and Human Issues 6. Technology Operations and Concepts

Locate Annex C in CMO 74 or 75 s. 2017. Review the Competencies and read the
corresponding Performance Indicators under each of the 7 Domains. With your group,
identify one Performance Indicator for each cluster that you consider as most important and
that you are excited to do. Identify also one Performance Indicator that you consider least
important and that you are not excited to do. Place your answer on the matrix below:
ICT Domain Performance Indicator Most Important Performance Indicator Least Important
for Us to Do for Us to Do
Domain 1
Domain 2
Domain 3
Domain 4
Domain 5
Domain 6
Domain 7

EXPERIENCE (Guided experiential learning by the Teacher)

1. Form group of at most five members.
Catiningan, Socorro, Oriental Mindoro

2. Use the survey instrument on the Use of ICT in the Classroom found below.
3. Ask permission from the school head or principal that you will conduct a
4. With your group, conduct a survey of at least 20 elementary teachers for those
who will teach from K to Grade 6 or 20 high school teachers for those who
will be teaching from Grades 7 to Grade 12.
The Survey on the Use of ICT in the Teaching and Learning for Teachers
Dear Teachers, please mark check your answer to the following questions Yes No
found below.
1) Do you use technology in your teaching?
2) Are you aware of policies that guide you in the use of ICT?
3) Do you use non-digital learning resources in your teaching?
4) Do you develop digital resources for your learners?
5) Do you use technology tools for classroom activities?
6) Are you expert in the use of technology tools for teaching?
7) Do you have facilities to use the technology tools in your classes?
8) Are you aware of the ethical and legal responsibilities in the use of ICT
9) Are your students learning better with the use of technology tools?
10) Do you enjoy using ICT tools in your teaching?

5. Consolidate your data.

1. How many answered Yes or No for each item? What percent is Yes? No?
2. Which of the 10 item/s has more YES than NO answers? Rank the items with
more YES and rank the items with more NO.
3. __________________________________________________________________
4. What meaning can you derive from your results?

Bring to class and share your report for Task 1 and 2.
A. In this lesson,
1. I learned that... (Knowledge)
Catiningan, Socorro, Oriental Mindoro

2. I felt that... (Value/Attitude)

3. I developed... (Skill)

B. Choose the best answer from the options given:

1. The ICT competency standards for teachers include all the following EXCEPT one.
Which one?
a. digital and non-digital technology
b. enhance financial literacy skills
c. ethical issues on the use of ICT
d. use of technology tools
2. All teachers in the 21st century should be
a. digital citizens
b. digital natives
c. digital immigrant
d. digital police
3. The use of technology will enhance the 21'st century skills along
I. development of tools
II. critical thinking and problem solving
III. designing learning environment and spaces
IV. all of the above
a. I only
b. II only
c. I, II and III
d. IV only
4. A universal standard in the use of ICT in teaching and learning in the classroom
requires all teachers to EXCEPT one.
a. use gadgets when teaching
b. understands the 1ssues and safety policies
c. utilizes the tools available in the environment
d. buys an expensive computer
5. One of the constraints in the application of ICT for the enhancement of standards
among teachers and students is
a. training of technology teachers
b. connectivity of the school
c. availability of qualified teachers
Catiningan, Socorro, Oriental Mindoro

d. lack of awareness about the use of technology

Lesson 2: Understanding the Basic Concepts in ICT

"I think we need to be careful not to get too specific (i.e. technology computers) while
at the same time not getting so broad that our definition of technology includes
everything from pencil and paper to lasers and computers. I'd like to see us define-
technology in a manner that looks at electronic tools we use to enhance teaching and
learning. Sally, grade teacher from Joy Egbert (2009).
Lesson Outcomes

 Defined conceptually or operationally terms that are basic to the understanding of

ICT; and
 Used the concepts and terms in communicating with peers for further understanding.

Which word are you familiar with? Mark the word with an X. How many have you
identified? Compare your performance with your classmate.


Which word are you familiar with? Mark the word with n X. How many have you
identified? Compare your performance with your classmate.
Let us explore various resources to have a clear understanding of this lesson. Let us
unpack some concepts and terms related to technology for teaching and learning. You can
further find more explanation in this book as you go along with your lessons or in other
references in the library or in the web.
Here are some terms and concepts that you need to know and understand.
 Technology refers to a mix of process and product used in the application of
knowledge. It includes tools from pencil and paper to the latest electronic gadgets and
tools for practical tasks.
 Information and Communication Technology Literacy or 1CT Literacy is the use of
digital technology, communication tools and/or networks to access, manage, integrate,
Catiningan, Socorro, Oriental Mindoro

evaluate, create and communicate information in order to function in a knowledge

society (Guro 21, 2011).
 Educational Technology refers to the use of technology in teaching and learning.
Educational technology includes both the non-digital (flip charts, pictures, models,
realias, etc.) and digital (electronic tools: hardware, software and connections, etc.).
 Digital Literacy is the ability to find, evaluate, utilize, share and create contents using
information technologies and the Internet (Cornell University). According to
American Library Association (2018), digital literacy is the ability to use information
and communication, requiring both cognitive and technical skills (hptts://
downloaded 06-03-18.
 Digital learning is any type of learning that is accompanied by technology or by
instructional practice that makes effective use of technology. It encompasses the
application of a wide spectrum of practices which included blended or virtual
learning. It can come as online or off-line which utilizes digital technology.
 On-line digital tools and apps use an Internet connection to access the information
needed. A common example is Skype. It is a telecommunication application software
product that specializes in providing video chat and voice calls between computers,
tablets, mobile devices via Internet and to regular telephones.
 Off-line digital tools and apps can still be used even if there is no internet access.
Among these are Canary Learning, Pocket, Evertone, iBook, KA LITE (Gupta,
Prinyaka, 2017) downloaded in edtech review July 03, 2017).
 Instructional technology is the theory and practice of design, development, utilization,
management, and evaluation of the processes and resources for learning (Association
for Educational Communications and Technology, Seels, B.B. & Richey, P. C. 1994).
 Software refers to program control instructions and accompanying documentation,
stored on disks or tapes when not being used in the computer. By extension, the term
refers to any audiovisual materials (Smaldino, 2005).
 Multimedia is a sequential or simultaneous use of a variety of media formats in a
given presentation or self-study program (Smaldino, 2005).
 Internet is a massive network of networks, a networking infrastructure. It connects
millions of computers together globally, forming a network in which any computer
can communicate with any other computer as long as they are connected to the
Internet. It is generally defined as a global network connecting millions of computers
 World Wide Web (www) is also called the Web which is a graphical environment on
computer networks that allows you to access, view and maintain documentations that
can include text, data, sound and videos. (Smaldin0, 2005). It is a way or accessing
information over the medium of the Internet. It is an information sharing model that is
built on top of the Internet.
 Web access is the ability of the learner to access the Internet at any point during the
lesson in order to take advantage of the array of available education resources.
 Web quest is an inquiry-oriented lesson format in which most or all information that
learners work with comes from the web. These can be created using various
programs, including simple word processing documents that include links to websites.
Catiningan, Socorro, Oriental Mindoro

 Productivity tools refer to any type of software associated with computers and related
technologies that can be used as tools for personal, professional or classroom
productivity. Examples: Microsoft Office, Apple works word processing, grade and
record keeping, web page production, presentation) (KFIT-Unesco 2016).
 Technology Tool is an instrument used for doing work. It can be anything that help
you accomplish your goal with the use of technology. These technology tools can be
classified as:
(a) Data/Calculation tools. Examples: spreadsheets, Excels, Sketchpads, probability
(b) Design tools. These are used to make models and designs, creating and building.
Included here are Family Tree Maker, GollyGee, and Crazy Machines among others.
(c) Discussion tools. There are 4 different approaches that utilize discussion and
interaction in the Internet. These are threaded discussion forum, Blogging, Live chat and
Video Teleconferencing, Netiquette and Safety on the Net.
(d) Email tools. Emails are great communication tools for sending messages,
photographs, videos and other files. It allows you to reach out to others around the world.
Examples are google mail, Ymail, Yahoo mail and many more.
(e) Handheld devices. Handheld devices have become popular among learners. These
include Personal Digital Assistants, global positioning system, (GPS) and geographic
information system (GIS) in the classroom, Portable electronic keyboards, Digital
Cameras, Mobile phones, Palm, Handheld computers.
 Web quest is a teacher structured research experience for the students that is primarily
based on use of the World Wide Web and typically takes one or more instructional
periods (Bender & Waller, 2011).
 Blog is an online journal where posted information from both teachers and students
are arranged. There are three kinds of blogs: blogs used for communication, blogs
used for instruction, and blogs used for both (Ferriter & Garry, 2010).
 Wiki, an editable website usually with limited access, allows students to
collaboratively create and post written work or digital files, such as digital photos or
videos. Wikipedia is one of the most widely recognized of all the wikis (Watters,
 Flipped classroom utilizes a reverse instructional delivery, where the teacher is
required to use the web resources as homework or out of class activity as initial
instruction of the lesson which will be discussed during class time.
 Podcast is a video or audio multi-media clip about a single topic typically in the
format of the radio talk show. The two basic functions of podcast are to retrieve
information and to disseminate information (Esh, 2006).
 Google Apps is a cloud-based teaching tool which is stored in the Google server and
is available for students both at home and in school. It includes the Gmail, a free-
email for all; Google calendar a tool used for organizational purposes; Google sites
that provide options for developing blogs and wikis; and Google docs is used for
Catiningan, Socorro, Oriental Mindoro

sophisticated word processing and editing of the document. Vlog is a video blog
where each entry is posted as a video instead of the text.
 Facebook is a popular social networking site used by students and adults Worldwide
to present information on themselves and to the world.
 VOIP (voice over internet protocol) is a category of hardware and software that
enables people to use the Internet as transmission medium for telephone calls by
sending voice data in packets using IP rather than traditional circuit transmission.


1) These are only few of the many terms found in our word cloud. With your partner,
explore in the web or reference book how other terms are defined and understood.
You can also go over the Module and discover that there are many terms that we have
not included in the list.
2) Make a glossary of terms of at least 20 ICT-related terms with each having a
conceptual or operational definition or description. Cite the source of your definition.

1) Each team shall develop a game-show using the words found in the wordle. Create a
game for the whole class. The purpose is to become more familiar with the words and
to have a deeper understanding of them. Write the procedure and submit to your
faculty for review. Try the game out in your class when you are ready.

Word Game Show Title:

I. Procedure:

II. No. of Teams Playing

III. Game Master:

IV. Scoring

V. Prepared by:
Catiningan, Socorro, Oriental Mindoro

With an ICT gadget, find a friend in the FB, Twitter or Instagram who is also a
college student. Preference should be given to a pre-service teacher from the Philippines or
abroad. Choose at least 3 important concepts that you can discuss with him/her. Record your
thoughts in the discussion and also your friend's thoughts. Are they similar or different? If
they differ, why?

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