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Systems Implementation Assurance Sia April 2020

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Systems Implementation

Assurance (SIA)

comfort over key
outcomes. Are you confident that business benefits
will be appropriately identified and realized?

Do you have confidence that your projects

April 2020
will be completed on-time, on budget and
to the required quality?

Have you identified how you can enhance

your internal control environment to
more effectively and efficiently meet your
operational, regulatory and financial
reporting requirements?
Systems Implementation Assurance (SIA)

Overview Defining project success Managing project risks

Today’s business environment is Delivery of a successful project Organizations implementing

continually changing. Markets are no requires that expectations and projects face countless risks which
longer constrained by geographic or desired outcomes of all key could prevent the desired outcomes
legal boundaries, enabling companies stakeholders be considered, from being achieved. These risks
to expand globally and to collaborate including: could include:
within and across organizations.
In this new environment, agility • Business outcomes: the • Business and benefit risks:
has emerged as a key driver for expected business outcomes lack of accountability, poorly
enhancing shareholder value and and benefits should be clearly defined metrics, invalid
ensuring sustainability. identified, accountability business case assumptions
established and realization • Project risks: insufficient
To achieve agility, organizations are monitored. resources, scope changes,
engaged in complex initiatives that • Project outcomes: appropriate poor communication
are expected to efficiently deliver project management discipline
strategic and tactical business • Control risks: Unfamiliar
should be applied to ensure technology, misunderstood
benefits to multiple stakeholders the solution will be delivered on
without compromising the integrity of objectives, lack of end-to-end
time, on budget and will satisfy understanding, poor data
the existing environment or violating the stated requirements and the
compliance requirements. quality, incompatible interfaces
organization will be adequately
These factors, along with the greater
demand for accountability and • Controls outcomes: the design
transparency in the market have and implementation of controls
raised the stakes for project success. should satisfy operational,
regulatory and financial
Successful delivery of strategic reporting requirements in an
initiatives can significantly impact an efficient and effective manner.
organization’s efficiency, reputation
and market value.
Project Outcomes
Business Outcomes Project Management:
are project resources, costs and timelines being
Business Case: Project effectively managed?
is the technology change Management
aligned with the company Business
Case Organizational Readiness:
strategy and does it solve
Organisational have changes been effectively
a business issue with
measurable outcomes? Pr Readiness communicated and understood by the
oj organization?

tO Functional
Benefits Realization
Benefits ut Readiness Functional Readiness:

Plan: co
Realization have effective mechanisms for

is an appropriate plan in
Plan m

es establishing and developing
place that clearly defines Technical requirements been established?
proposed benefits? sin Readiness
Project Structure: Implementation Technical Readiness:

have processes been put in place to

is ownership at a
high-enough level to
Methodology translate requirements into effective
enact change; and are Project software and hardware solutions?
tasks aligned to realize Governance
benefits? Project Governance:
has the project received the appropriate
level of management support?

Controls Outcomes Data

Controls Outcomes Processes Data Quality:
has the data been successfully migrated
Interfaces such that it is accurate, robust and in a
Business Processes:
ITGCs usable format?
has management evaluated the
optimum mix of manual and automated
controls necessary to completely and
ITGCs: has management implemented appropriate
accurately capture and validate data
does the technical infrastructure and processes to flowdata from one system to
manual IT processessupport the new the next to ensure data integrity?
environment technical infrastructure?

Delivering value through SIA SIA approach

PwC provides comfort that outcomes will be achieved by helping you Each project is unique. Key components of the SIA approach
understand the key outcomes that will determine project success and are the up-front assessment of the stakeholder’s expectations
helping you manage the risks that may prevent these outcomes from and the project risk assessment. This risk assessment
being achieved. Our SIA approach provides tangible value to your is utilized to tailor the extent of detailed reviews to be
project and organization, including: performed as part of the SIA assessment, allowing us to
leverage work of the project team and focus our reviews on
• A clear view of the expectations of the various project key risk areas.
• Alignment of project, benefit and control activities with stakeholder We recognize that risks evolve as the project progresses
expectations, enabling increased focus and efficiencies. through its life-cycle. In SIA, relevant implementation risks
are evaluated throughout the project life-cycle to provide
• A unique and independent perspective on relevant risks at each management with a clear view of the most relevant risks
phase in your project, presenting an understandable view of the at that point in the project life-cycle. As such, it provides
road blocks that could potentially prevent you from achieving continuous feedback to project sponsors and management,
project success. enabling them to proactively identify and address potential
• Continuous feedback to project sponsors and project managers project risks before they impact performance.

enabling them to proactively identify and address potential The library of project risks and tools utilized in executing a
implementation risks before they significantly impact the company. SIA engagement are based on PwC’s cumulative experience
• Transfer of knowledge, enhancing your organization’s capabilities in evaluating implementation related risks on projects. The
to successfully deliver future projects. globally proven methodology enables PwC engagement
teams around the world to consistently identify, plan and
execute reviews in the most efficient and effective manner.
SIA team

Increasing comfort requires the right team. The collective

knowledge and experience of our people helps ensure
success by providing:

• Industry experience: the ability to provide diverse human capital

with years of experience across a number of industry sectors, who
have the right mix of project, process, and business knowledge.
• Technology experience: a deep knowledge of industry specific
ERPs, applications and other technology platforms utilized by our
world class client base in both the public and private sectors.
• Project implementation experience: the ability to provide proven
knowledge of business, project and controls outcomes, while also
providing knowledge of issues typically encountered, and having
insight in to practical solutions to help resolve them.
• Global network and coordination: a network of international
resources and knowledge that can be deployed globally, that
clearly understands our clients people, culture and business
environment and can work together to identify the key risks
related to providing while providing sound independent and
objective guidance.

1 project Define Design Deliver Production

Stakeholder expectations and outcomes validation

2 approach
Risk assessment
Tailored reviews

Control outcomes
3 comfort or Project outcomes
assurance Business outcomes and benefits

Constantinos Taliotis Sophie Solomonidou PwC Cyprus

Partner Director
Assurance Risk Assurance PwC Central, 43 Demostheni Severi Avenue,
T: +357 - 22 555 522 CY-1080 Nicosia, Cyprus
c.taliotis@pwc.comm T: +357 - 22 555 150 P O Box 21612, CY-1591 Nicosia, Cyprus
Tel: +357 - 22 555 000
Demos Demou Constantinos Koumides
Senior Manager Manager
Risk Assurance Risk Assurance
T: +357 - 22 555 056 T: +357 - 22 555 216

This content is for general information purposes only, and should not be used as a substitute for consultation with professional advisors.

© 2020 PricewaterhouseCoopers Ltd. All rights reserved. PwC refers to the Cyprus member firm, and may sometimes refer to the PwC
network. Each member firm is a separate legal entity. Please see for further details.

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