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Social Hierarchies, Prejudice and Discrimination

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Digital Comprehensive Summaries of Uppsala Dissertations
from the Faculty of Social Sciences 32
Social Hierarchies, Prejudice, and
ISSN 1652-9030
ISBN 978-91-554-7013-5
Dissertation presented at Uppsala University to be publicly examined in sal X,
universitetshuset, Friday, December 7, 2007 at 13:00 Ior the degree oI Doctor oI Philosophy.
The examination will be conducted in Swedish.

Snellman, A. 2007. Social Hierarchies, Preiudice, and Discrimination. Acta Universitatis

Upsaliensis. Digital Comprehensive Summaries of Uppsala Dissertations from the Facultv of
Social Sciences 32. 54 pp. Uppsala. ISBN 978-91-554-7013-5.
This thesis is based on three papers where I examine some aspects oI ethnic and gender-based
preiudice and discrimination in hierarchical situations. In Paper I, the existence oI ethnic
hierarchies in Sweden is explored. Both immigrant and ethnic Swedes were asked to report
their social distance to a number oI ethnic groups represented in their geographical area. The
results showed that hierarchies exist in Swedish environments and that they are connected
with both ethnic preiudice and participants` tendency to promote and support hierarchies, as
expressed in their scores on social dominance orientation (SDO). In Paper II, based on
Weiner`s attribution theory, ethnic and gender discrimination in social sanctions (help and
punishment) were examined together with SDO in two studies. The results showed that
discrimination in line with societal discrimination oI subordinated groups was also displayed
in the present experimental groups and that participant`s SDO is a Iactor behind the tendency
to discriminate subordinate groups. Paper III examined sex diIIerences in SDO in two studies.
One oI the strongest Iactors behind SDO is participant`s sex. Gender identiIication was tested
as a mediator oI the eIIect oI sex on SDO. The results Irom two studies showed that the sex
diIIerence in SDO was partially or completely mediated by gender identiIication. The
inIluence oI SDO on Iormation oI hierarchies and discrimination as well as its sex and gender
aspects are Iurther discussed.
Kevworas. Social Psychology, Social dominance orientation, Preiudice, Discrimination,
Ethnicity, Gender
Alexanara Snellman. Department of Psvchologv. Box 1225. Uppsala Universitv. SE-75142
Uppsala. Sweaen
Alexandra Snellman 2007
ISSN 1652-9030
ISBN 978-91-554-7013-5
urn:nbn:se:uu:diva-8282 (
List of Papers
This thesis is based on the following papers, which in the following will be
referred to by their roman numerals.

I Snellman, A., & Ekehammar, B. (2005). Ethnic hierarchies, ethnic
prejudice, and social dominance orientation. Journal of Community
and Applied Social Psychology, 15, 1-12.
II Snellman, A., & Ekehammar, B. (2006). The influence of social
dominance orientation on punishment and help. Manuscript submit-
ted for publication.
III Snellman, A., Ekehammar, B., & Akrami, N. (in press). The role of
gender identification in social dominance orientation: Mediating or
moderating the effect of sex? Journal of Applied Social Psychology.


A brief background.....................................................................................7
Social hierarchies .......................................................................................7
Prejudice and stereotyping .........................................................................8
Social dominance .....................................................................................11
Why social hierarchies are of interest when studying prejudice and
Why social dominance orientation is of interest when studying prejudice
and discrimination....................................................................................13
Major aims and research questions ...............................................................14
General aim..............................................................................................14
Specific aims ............................................................................................14
Measuring ethnic hierarchies....................................................................16
Ethnic prejudice........................................................................................17
The social dominance orientation (SDO) scale........................................18
Discrimination measure based on Weiners model of social conduct......18
The Bem Sex Role Inventory (BSRI).......................................................19
Gender identification................................................................................19
Statistical issues........................................................................................20
Empirical studies...........................................................................................22
Paper 1 .................................................................................................22
Paper II .....................................................................................................26
Study 2.................................................................................................26
Study 3.................................................................................................29
Paper III....................................................................................................32
Study 4.................................................................................................32
Study 5.................................................................................................36
General Discussion .......................................................................................40
Major findings ..........................................................................................40

Issues related to the studies ......................................................................42
Methodological issues ..............................................................................45
Further research........................................................................................46

A brief background
Prejudice and discrimination based on ethnicity and gender influence the
every day lives of people all over the world. They affect our thinking about
other people and ourselves, which in turn may give us different opportunities
and different behaviours. Prejudice can be shown as an intergroup phenome-
non that inhibits contacts between different social groups. Intergroup con-
tacts and prejudice will also have different effects if the groups are equal in
social and economic status or if they are on different levels in a social hier-
archy. This is because social hierarchies make discrimination of subordi-
nated groups possible. Hierarchies and prejudice may have various shapes
and effects in different cultures but psychologically they share the same un-
derlying mechanisms and they shape our every day reality.
Social hierarchies
The social hierarchies examined in this thesis are group based. A group-
based social hierarchy can be defined as a social construction that influences
the intergroup contacts, individual behaviours and the self constructs of its
members (Pepels & Hagendoorn, 2000). Membership of a specific social
group is a fundamental aspect of the definition of the self, and can orient
peoples perceptions and conducts in the social arena (Tajfel, 1981). The
main psychological factors behind the tendency to form a social hierarchy
are cognitive biases, like stereotyping and ethnocentrism (Pepels & Hagen-
doorn, 2000), status-based social constructions like those explained in social
identity theory (SIT; Tajfel, 1981), and personality-related factors like au-
thoritarianism and social dominance orientation (see page 12).
In modern societies, some of the most common social hierarchies are based
on ethnicity, gender or economic status. This is accepted and upheld by soci-
ety members all over the world. History shows that when a societal hierarchy
ceases to be accepted by its members, the hierarchical system is not put out.
Instead, people tend to replace the old hierarchy with a different one (Mc
Kay, Hill, & Buckler, 1993). In short, in established social hierarchies the
super- and subordination of groups is socially shared by the members of the
groups involved.
Ethnic hierarchies often show intergroup consensus (Hagendoorn, Dro-
gendijk, Tumanov, & Hraba, 1998; Pepels & Hagendoorn, 2000), that is,
members of the groups involved in the hierarchy agree on the status order
between the groups. This can not be explained solely by theories like realis-
tic conflict theory or social identity theory (Haagendoorn, 1995). The accep-
tance of a subordinated position in an ethnic hierarchy may be justified by
status concerns and the need for a positive view of the in-group. A group
may accept a position at a middle level of a hierarchy because it is better
than a position at the lowest levels (Haagendorn, 1995). No further explana-
tions of this consensus about the hierarchies have been presented but it may
correspond to a similar acceptance of the gender hierarchy. Thus, women
who accept and act in line with the role of the female gender may get a few
advantages and they may therefore chose not to lessen their social position
further by being both deviant and women (Glick & Fiske, 2001). My point
here is that accepting an ethnic hierarchy may give a few advantages that
being in opposition to it would not give. Another factor behind the tendency
to accept a social hierarchy, like the ethnic hierarchy, may be modelling.
Bussey and Bandura (1999) have shown that by learning how to act like our
role models we also learn how to act in line with their gender hierarchy. This
is probably the case with other social hierarchies as well.
Prejudice and stereotyping
Prejudice can be defined as a negative (or positive) attitude against other
people based on beliefs about their social category membership (e.g., Ak-
rami & Ekehammar, 2006). Prejudice is an affective attitude (e.g., Akrami &
Ekehammar, 2006; Allport, 1954) and it can be directed towards any social
group or human category. Also, Allport (1954) noted that prejudice is a uni-
versal phenomenon.
The cognitive component in prejudice, stereotyping, is a part of the categori-
zation function we need to store and retrieve the multitude of social informa-
tion we meet every day (Macrae, Stangor, & Milne, 1994). Stereotypes mir-
ror the cultural context of the individual but they are also based on personal
beliefs. Therefore, a single individual may not share all the common stereo-
types of his or her culture, and he or she may even have few personal stereo-
types. As an automatic cognitive function, stereotypes work swiftly and
partly outside our span of awareness (Akrami, Ekehammar, & Araya, 2006;
Chen & Bargh, 1997; Macrae, Bodenhausen, Milne, & Jetten, 1994). Fortu-
nately, just having stereotypes does not automatically lead to prejudice, in-
tergroup hostility or discrimination. People seem to be able to control their
prejudice when they have strong reasons to do so (Macrae et al., 1994).
Prejudice also varies for a number of reasons, like personal factors, such as
gender (Ekehammar, Akrami, & Araya, 2003), personality (Ekehammar &
Akrami, 2007), and social dominance orientation (e.g., Akrami & Ekeham-
mar, 2006; Ekehammar, Akrami, Gylje, & Zakrisson, 2004) as well as situ-
ational factors (Blair, 2002; Guimond & Dambrun, 2002).
Antagonism between groups is often promoted by competition for resources
and it is not just loosing resources to another group that increases the stereo-
typing winning resources seem to have an even stronger effect (Guimond
& Dambrun, 2002). In an experiment by Guimond and Dambrun (2002), the
effects of relative deprivation and relative gratification were measured on
stereotyping against North Africans. The highest increase in stereotyping
against North Africans was found among participants experiencing relative
gratification for the French in-group.
The role of stereotypes and prejudice has been extensively studied in social
psychological research, and prejudice seems to have stronger links to behav-
iour than stereotypes (Fiske, 1998). Prejudice may take an extreme and emo-
tional form in situations of perceived group threat and high individual levels
of authoritarian attitudes.
An important aspect of stereotyping and prejudice is that they lead to self-
fulfilling prophecies. Stereotypes about ones own social group affect the
way one will develop behaviour and skills (Bussey & Bandura, 1999). The
mere knowledge that out-group members have stereotypes towards the indi-
viduals in-group can impair or improve performance. A clear example of
this is the experiments on stereotype threat by Steele (1997). Advanced math
students in a gender-mixed group were casually reminded of that women are
regarded to have less ability in math compared to men. The results of a fol-
lowing math test showed that the female students performed worse than the
male students and also worse than the non-primed female students in the
control group. On the other hand, the male students performed better than
the female students and also better than the non-primed male students in the
control group. When a similar experiment was made on advanced African
American and European American students in English the stereotype men-
tioned was about African Americans lower skills in the English language. In
the test that followed, the primed African American students had lower
scores in English than the European American and also lower than the non-
primed African American students (Steele, 1997).
Whereas prejudice is an attitude, discrimination has to do with overt situ-
ational behaviour. Social discrimination occurs when someone gets a better
or harsher treatment than others because of her or his social group member-
ship. An example of discrimination is the landlord who chooses to ignore
applications from people of a certain ethnic group. Social psychologists have
usually examined discriminatory behaviour in connection with studies of its
psychological background, like stereotypes (Fiske, 1998). This research has
often been carried out in social systems where discriminatory behaviour may
take place, like the justice system (Albonetti, 2002; Stoltzenberg &
DAlessio, 2004).
Discrimination takes different forms depending on the source of the dis-
crimination. It can be institutional, aggregate and individual. Discrimination
of social groups can be institutional and societal when the lives of certain
groups are surrounded by special laws that limit their lifestyles or human
rights. In western democracies this is officially not accepted but the legal
construction of the societies sometimes leads to effects that create difficul-
ties for social groups who do not fit into the majority norm. This is called an
aggregate situation and is not the same phenomenon as discrimination made
by individual choice (Weitzer, 1996).
One example of an aggregate situation is that, until recently, applicants for
police education in Sweden had to be above a certain body height. This rule
was created when policing was an all male job and the population in Sweden
was mainly Scandinavian. However, it became discriminating in todays
multiethnic and more gender-equal society. The body height rule made many
otherwise physically and mentally fit women and ethnic non-Scandinavians
When there is an additive effect of social group membership, like ethnicity,
poverty and local beliefs, an aggregate situation together with individual
choices to discriminate certain groups can lead to strong effects. As an ex-
ample, Lindgren and Cronsell (2003) found that 30% of Roma living in
Sweden report that they have been refused when trying to rent or buy a
house or apartment. No analysis was made of the processes behind this hous-
ing discrimination but my presumption is that this is both the effect of ag-
gregate and individual discrimination. The aggregate situation is likely to be
assumed, because this group is less integrated and wealthy than many other
ethnic groups, and landlords look out for good economic and social status of
all their applicants. Individual discrimination is also likely to be assumed as
there are negative stereotypes and prejudiced beliefs about this group. An-
other example is the ethnic imbalance of the prison population in the U.S.A.
which in the 1990s had a four times as high percentage of African Ameri-
cans inside the prisons as the percentage of African Americans in the popu-
lation outside prison. This situation has been further analysed and found to
be the result of a combination of aggregate and individual discrimination
(Weitzer, 1996).
In this thesis, the focus is on individual discrimination. The ecological valid-
ity of discrimination is supported by frequency reports from the legal and
social system, but the tendency to create hierarchies and to discriminate is
tested in experimental conditions.
Social dominance
Social dominance theory
One common feature of the studies in this thesis is comparisons and analyses
based on social dominance orientation, which is an individual difference
variable linked to social dominance theory (SDT; Pratto, Sidanius, Stall-
worth, & Malle, 1994). SDT explains human hierarchy formation and main-
tenance. Therefore, it provides a useful theoretical input when examining
hierarchies and discrimination. This theory has drawn a lot of attention and
research since 1999, when it was presented by Sidanius and Pratto. The the-
ory in short says that there are three main types of hierarchies: gender hierar-
chies, age hierarchies, and arbitrary hierarchies. The last type is shaped by
cultural beliefs about status (Sidanius & Pratto, 1999). These social hierar-
chies are a universal feature in human societies. And they all have the same
psychological background, which involves factors like ethnocentrism,
stereotyping, and promotion of the in-group in order to gain reproductive
advantages (Pratto et al., 1994; Sidanius & Pratto, 1999; Sidanius, Pratto, &
Bobo, 1994).
Social dominance orientation
The tendency to accept and maintain social hierarchies can be measured
through social dominance orientation (SDO), and this tendency is explained
as both personality-based and socially shaped (Ekehammar et al., 2004;
Pratto et al., 1994: Sidanius & Pratto, 1999). A social factor behind peoples
SDO scores is their position in the social hierarchy. Thus, SDO scores tend
to be higher in people who have superordinate hierarchy positions compared
to those who have subordinate positions, especially in hierarchy-enhancing
environments (Sidanius & Pratto, 1999). This concerns both hierarchies that,
according to SDT, are expected to be formed by situational factors and gen-
der hierarchies that are said to be formed by mainly biological factors (Pratto
et al., 1994; Sidanius et al., 1994; Sidanius, Levin, Liu, & Pratto, 2000).
SDO is promoted by socially shared myths about the groups involved
(Levin, Federico, Sidanius, & Rabinowitz, 2002).
Some previous research has examined the causal relations of SDO with per-
sonality and prejudice, using structural equation models ((Bckstrm &
Bjrklund, 2007; Duriez & Soenens, 2006; Ekehammar et al., 2004) or
cross-lagged correlations based on longitudinal data (Sibley & Duckitt,
2007). All these studies have indicated that personality seems to causally
affect SDO, which in turn affects prejudice. Thus, one might conclude that
SDO is a construct that is causally prior to prejudice and which mediates the
effects of personality on prejudice.
Why social hierarchies are of interest when studying
prejudice and discrimination
The human tendency to build and maintain hierarchies among individuals
and groups is constantly influencing the life of people in complex societies
all over the world (Hagendoorn et al., 1998; Kleinpenning, 1993; Sidanius &
Pratto, 1999; Wood & Eagly, 2002). This may be seen as a mere result of
group interest or as a social and political phenomenon, evolved from histori-
cal reasons or differences in economic status and education. But there are a
number of psychological factors involved in the prejudice and status think-
ing that lies behind the construction and maintenance of social hierarchies.
These factors are cognitive (Chen & Bargh, 1997; Kleinpenning, 1993; Mac-
rae et al., 1994), social psychological (Hagendoorn et al., 1998; Eagly,
Diekman, Johannesen-Schmidt, & Koenig, 2004; Tajfel, 1981), and person-
ality-based (Akrami & Ekehammar, 2006; Ekehammar et al., 2004; Lippa &
Arad, 1999).
A social hierarchy is also a social situation that will either enhance or dimin-
ish prejudice and discrimination among the people involved (Sidanius &
Pratto, 1999). In this thesis, two central hierarchies are examined the hier-
archies of ethnicity and gender. They are universally found all over the
world (Hagendoorn, 1993, 1995; Johannesen-Schmidt & Eagly, 2002; Wood
& Eagly, 2002; Pepels & Hagendoorn, 2000) and they are in many ways
central for shaping opportunities, behaviours, social life, and personal ex-
periences for both groups and individuals. I do not impose that other inter-
group aspects, like the hierarchy of social class, is of less interest but the
number of research questions and methods limited the number of hierarchies
examined in this thesis.
Why social dominance orientation is of interest when
studying prejudice and discrimination
Discriminatory behaviours are better explained by prejudice than by stereo-
types and the links between prejudice and discrimination need to be further
examined (Fiske, 1998). As prejudice has shown strong links to social domi-
nance orientation, this personality variable will be examined together with
both behavioural discrimination and hierarchy formation in this thesis.
Peoples degree of SDO correlates with, for example, traditional and modern
racism (e.g., Akrami, Ekehammar, & Araya, 2000; Sidanius & Pratto, 1999),
political conservatism (Sidanius & Pratto, 1999; Van Hiel & Mervielde,
2002), and negative views on feminist politics (Bates & Heaven, 2001; Si-
danius et al., 2000). Path analyses indicate that SDO precedes prejudice in a
casual sequence (see above) but how, and why, SDO generates prejudice has
not yet been fully explained.
Guimond, Dambrun, Michinov, and Duarte (2003) distinguish and test three
conceptualizations of the way SDO operates in the explanation of prejudice:
a personality model, a person situation model, and a group socialisation
model. They claimed that they found stronger support for the group sociali-
sation model than the other models but a closer look at their results gives a
more ambiguous answer because socialization per se was not tested. On the
other hand, Lippa and Arad (1999) found strong support for the person
situation model as well as the personality model.
Recent research shows that SDO displays strong negative correlations with
the Big-Five personality traits openness to experience and agreeableness
(Akrami & Ekehammar, 2006; Ekehammar et al., 2004). Whereas SDT con-
cerns social psychological phenomena, the variable used to measure it
(SDO) can be convincingly explained by personality! The ongoing debate
about the nature of SDT and its individual difference variable SDO does not
make the findings less interesting (as an example, see Sidanius & Pratto,
2003). The connection between SDO and behaviour is so far an unexplored
area (Guimond et al., 2003). SDO is closely connected with prejudice, and
one of the main aims in this thesis was to find out if SDO also shows corre-
lations with hierarchy perception and discriminatory behaviour.
SDO is also of interest in gender issues. Men usually show a higher level of
SDO than women (e.g., Sidanius & Pratto, 1999) and this difference has
caused some debate. On one side there are researchers who claim this differ-
ence to be socially caused as a result of the gender hierarchy (e.g., Eagly et
al., 2004; Wilson & Liu, 2003a) and on the other side there are researchers
who claim that this difference is innate and caused by evolution (Sidanius et
al., 2000). To interpret those differences we need to examine how they are
interrelated. Therefore, this is also an important aspect when studying hier-
archies and discrimination in ethnicity and gender.
Major aims and research questions
General aim
The general aim of this thesis is to examine how SDO influences prejudice
and discrimination in ethnicity and gender hierarchies, and how SDO is in-
fluenced by gender. SDO has been shown to be an important causal variable
in prejudice and intergroup relations. Therefore I want to examine SDO
within the hierarchal conditions that the theory (SDT) describes as essential.
If SDO relates to behaviours, like discrimination and the formation of hier-
archies, this can indicate that SDO not only influences attitudes, like preju-
dice (Study 1, 2, and 3). Further, examining the relation between SDO and
gender identification (Study 4 and 5) might provide more information about
the construct SDO itself. By studying SDO together with measures of a so-
cial psychological nature, like gender identification, as well as biological
sex, I hope to disclose the relations between these constructs. The findings
would ease interpretations of studies containing both SDO and gender issues.
Specific aims
The present thesis is built on three papers, which are based on five empirical
studies. To avoid redundancy, the specific aims of each study will be given
in the presentation of that study and, here, the aims will be presented in a
concise form only.
In Study 1 (Paper I), the aim was to examine if ethnic hierarchies were
formed in a geographical environment that rather recently has received im-
migrants. Another aim was to examine whether formation of ethnic hier-
archies was related to SDO and ethnic prejudice. The formation of
ethnic hierarchies has not been studied to the same extent as the con-
tents of these hierarchies.
In Study 2 (Paper II), we used a model of attribution (Weiner, 1980) to ex-
amine the effect of SDO on help. Study 3 (Paper II) used the same model as
in Study 2 to study the effect of SDO on punishment.
Study 4 (Paper III) attempted to examine the relationship of sex and gender
identification (masculinity and femininity) with SDO. Finally, Study 5 (Pa-
per III) was conducted as a replication of Study 4 using a different gender
identification measure.
Measuring ethnic hierarchies
The content of the ethnic hierarchy
To assess ethnic hierarchies, a questionnaire was constructed where the par-
ticipant reported his or her social distance towards six different ethnic
groups. The six ethnic target groups in the questionnaire were chosen from a
pilot study of ten locally represented ethnic groups (Snellman, 2000) whose
presence had made an impact on the local community both in numbers and
social life. The community investigated is in an industry region, and there-
fore the ethnic groups do not represent the immigration patterns in Sweden
as a whole.
The distance was measured in three specific domains: neighbourhood,
school of eventual children, and work. The domains chosen were based on
the findings of Hagendoorn (1993) that social distance is more important in
domains where cooperation between different group members is necessary.
To avoid that the questionnaire would force the participants to rank the eth-
nic target groups, the participant was instructed to rate his or her social dis-
tance perception of each target group instead of choosing between them. The
items came as statements in the following manner: If I had many neighbours
who were X-ians, I would like it. This kind of statement was repeated for
every target group and domain. The participant was asked to express his or
her social distance to each target on a four-step scale ranging from 1
strongly agree to 4strongly disagree. The three statements were repeated
for each target group and the procedure was in line with that of Hagendoorn
et al. (1998) and Hraba et al. (1989).
The summed scores that the ethnic target groups received across the three
domains of social contact (work, school, and neighbourhood) formed reliable
scales with Cronbach Alphas varying between .78 and .86 for the various
target groups. (The scale was used for the first time in this study so there
were no previous data on reliability). The summed scores indicated the par-
ticipants overall social distance to the groups, the higher the score the larger
the social distance.
The tendency to form ethnic hierarchies
An index for the individual tendency to rank the ethnic groups was created
by measuring the standard deviation in social distance scores across the eth-
nic target groups in each domain of social contact (work, school, and
neighbours), respectively for each participant. A high standard deviation in
the social distance scores indicates a high variation in the social distances
reported for different ethnic groups whereas a low standard deviation indi-
cates a low variation in the social distances reported for different ethnic
groups. The mean of the three standard deviations formed a reliable variable
named Inclination to Ethnic Ranking with a Cronbach Alpha of .88. (The
scale was used for the first time in this study so there were no previous data
on reliability). The index made it possible to compare the different partici-
pant groups in their tendency to rank and to compare if the tendency to rank
ethnic groups was related to their scores on ethnic prejudice and SDO.
Ethnic prejudice
Classical racism
Classical racism (or traditional racism) is a pre World War II version of eth-
nic prejudice. The roots of classical racism lie in the colonial era. Classical
racism is based on beliefs of biological differences causing variability in
intelligence and behaviour among ethnic groups. Northern Europeans are
seen as superior and fit to rule the other ethnic groups and representatives of
other ethnic groups are seen as a biological and genetic threat to the human
race. Race is a term for classification of groups within species that show
larger physical differences than ethnic groups of humans do. Therefore the
expression classical ethnic prejudice is also used in this thesis.
Modern racism
The tendency to express modern and classical prejudice was measured by
scales that have been constructed by Akrami, Ekehammar, and Araya
(2000). (Item example for the classical scale: Immigrants do not keep their
homes tidy; item example for the modern scale: Discrimination against im-
migrants is no longer a problem in Sweden).The internal consistency reli-
abilities in their study was satisfactory ( = .73) for the classical scale and (
= .80) for the modern scale. The average inter-item correlation was .31 for
the classical scale and .36 for the modern scale (Akrami et al., 2000). In
Study 1 the items were answered on a four-step scale.
The social dominance orientation (SDO) scale
To measure the social dominance orientation that a person displays, the pre-
sent thesis employed a Swedish translation of the constructs operational
measure, the social dominance orientation scale. The SDO
scale, used in all
the studies in this thesis, was originally constructed by Pratto et al. (1994)
and consists of 16 items. This version of the scale seems to be the most
commonly used and therefore it is easy to compare the results with other
studies on SDO. Here are some item examples: Some groups of people are
just inferior to others (approving suggests high social dominance orienta-
tion), We would have fewer social problems if we treated all groups equally
(approving suggests low social dominance orientation). When the SDO
scale was initially tested, on 14 different samples, the Cronbach Alphas var-
ied between .66 and .92 (Sidanius & Pratto, 1999). In Study 1, the items
were answered on a four-step scale and in Study 2 to 5, a seven-step scale
was used.
Discrimination measure based on Weiners model of
social conduct
Weiners model (1980) of social conduct has previously provided reliable
and valid results (Cobb & De Chabert, 2002; Greitemeyer, Rudolph, &
Weiner, 2003; Weiner, 2001, 2003). The method that is commonly used to
test this model was employed in the present studies as well. What was dif-
ferent from Weiners work (e.g., Weiner, 2001) in the present studies was
that ethnicity and gender were added as variables for the target persons in the
The participants were asked to report their reactions to a written scenario
about a target person who either is in need of help or has committed a social
transgression. To avoid socially desirable answers we used a between-groups
design, giving each participant only one scenario to rate. The reactions com-
prised amount of responsibility attributed to the target person, emotional
reaction (sympathy or anger), and degree of social sanction (punishment or
help). The goal of Study 2 and 3 was to examine a possible ethnicity or gen-
der effect on attributions of responsibility and social sanctions. This was
obtained by varying the ethnicity or gender of the target person. We assumed
that the reactions to the scenarios would vary, and that this could work as a
measure of possible discrimination towards targets of certain groups.
In Study 2, manipulation of target ethnicity was done by briefly mentioning
in the scenario text that the male target person had moved into town from the
Swedish countryside or by mentioning that he had moved into town from the
Middle East. The ethnic and gender manipulation in Study 3 was done by
giving the target person a name that could be connected with the ethnic
group and gender we wanted the target to have.
The reactions to the scenarios were measured in the same way in both Study
2 and 3 with respect to the different social sanctions that was examined. The
participants were asked to rate the degree of attributed responsibility, sympa-
thy, anger, rehabilitation, and punishment or help on lines marked from 0%
to 100%.
The Bem Sex Role Inventory (BSRI)
The BSRI was initially (Bem, 1974) composed of 60 items describing differ-
ent personality characteristics related to femininity and masculinity, respec-
tively, and was constructed in the beginning of the 1970s. Since then societal
changes have caused many of the original items to become sex-neutral
(Hoffman & Borders, 2001). Thus, instead of using Bems (1974) original
scale, we used a shortened and translated version adapted to a contemporary
Swedish context by Marongiu and Ekehammar (1999). (Item example for the
femininity scale: I am cooperative; item example for the masculinity scale: I
am competitive).
The internal consistency reliabilities reported by Marongiu and Ekehammar
were satisfactory for the femininity ( = .79) and the masculinity scale ( =
.85). Both scales comprised 12 items. In Study 4, the items were answered
on a seven-step scale.
Gender identification
The gender identification scale by Wilson and Liu (2003a) is bipolar and the
items addresses attitudes, priorities in daily life, relations, life experience,
occupational choice, interests, and gender identity. The participant is not
asked to report whether he or she is acting in line with the cultural concepts
of masculinity or femininity. Instead the scale addresses the participants
personal experience of identification with men or women in relation to the
We translated and presented the items used by Wilson and Liu (2003a) as
visual analogue scales. Thus, we asked participants to mark (on a 10 cm line)
whether they felt closer to women or men on the seven different items (atti-
tudes, priorities in daily life, relations, life experience, occupational choice,
interests, and gender identity). The left side of each line was anchored
Women and the right side Men. The responses of each participant to each
item were, using a ruler, assigned a number (0-10) with a higher score indi-
cating more closeness to men. For each participant, we computed the mean
across the seven items to arrive at a final gender identification score.
When this scale was initially tested by Wilson and Liu (2003a), the
internal consistency reliability was satisfactory ( = .68), and the average
inter-item correlation was .35.
Statistical issues
In Study 2 to 5, regression analysis was used to enhance the statistical
power. The alternative would have been to dichotomise the variables in or-
der to conduct an ANOVA, and risk misleading results (Cohen, 1983).

Figure 1. Three models of mediation

The tests of mediation in Study 4 and 5 were conducted using the Sobel
(1982) test, which is suggested by Kenny (2006), among others. The idea of
moderation is that some (moderating) variables contribute to the size of the
effect together with other variables, whereas the idea of mediation is that
some (mediating) variables are necessary for the effect of other variables to
occur. In Figure 1, three different conditions of mediation are displayed.
Consider a variable X (the initial variable) that is assumed to affect variable
Y (the outcome variable). The unmediated model is illustrated to the left in
Figure 1 the total effect on Y derives from variable X. The right part of
Figure 1 illustrates the opposite condition, a complete mediation there
would be no effect at all of X on Y without the variable Z. In many cases it
is not this easy to untangle the relations between variables as the mediation
is partial. Partial mediation is illustrated in the middle of Figure 1 the path
from X to Y is reduced in absolute size but is still different from zero when
the mediator Z is controlled for (MacKinnon, Lockwood, Hoffman, West, &
Sheets, 2002).
By using the Sobel (1982) test, the overall significance of the mediation
effect is tested. In the example of the partial mediation model in Figure 1,
the test takes into consideration both the link from to as well as the link
from to .

Empirical studies
Paper 1
Previous research on multicultural societies has shown that people tend to
create and maintain ethnic hierarchies based on social distance to the coun-
trys primary ethnic group (Hagendoorn et al., 1998). There is a higher de-
gree of discrimination against non-European than European immigrants in
Sweden (Lange, 2000; Kardell, 2006; Pettersson, 2006).
Contact between social groups does not necessarily reduce bias or conflicts.
According to the contact hypothesis, the contact situation between groups
must contain conditions like equal status between the groups, cooperative
inter-group interactions, opportunities for personal acquaintance between
out-group members and supportive egalitarian norms (Allport, 1954; Emes-
sik & Mackie, 1989; Hubbert, Gudykunst, & Guerro, 1999).
When immigration of new ethnic groups to a society takes place, equal status
between immigrants and native groups is seldom the case. If we leave aside
curious individuals or economically strong groups who establish themselves
in order to exploit business opportunities, migration often comes out of ne-
cessity (Lund & Ohlsson, 1994). And whether the migration is caused by
work market reasons or a refugee situation, the arrival in the new country
often has to start with a search for basic things like housing and work. This
search may often be obstructed by language difficulties, lack of social con-
tacts and cultural differences. Therefore the immigrants do not meet the eth-
nic groups living in the country on status-equal terms.
Groups and individuals differ in their ability to adapt to the new culture and
its system (Pepels & Hagendoorn, 2000). In multicultural societies there can
be groups who after hundreds of years still have not reached a status-equal
position whereas other groups reach the position in less than a generation.
Some social factors behind the speed of this adaptation process are cultural
distance to the new countrys primary group. An immigrant group that
shares the primary groups cultural values has a larger tendency to blend in
fast (Hagendoorn, 1995). Group characteristics are also crucial when groups
start to form stereotypes about each other. The stereotypes and the prejudice
they may adopt will form the primary groups willingness to take the new
group into the society (Hagendoorn, 1993).
Peoples beliefs in their cultural superiority, their ethnocentrism (Emessik &
Mackie, 1989; Hagendoorn, 1995) and stereotypes may lead to a ranking of
the out-groups closer or further away from the in-group depending on how
socially desirable the out-group is perceived by the in-group (e.g., Hraba,
Hagendoorn, & Hagendoorn, 1989; Hagendoorn et al., 1998). This is in line
with Tajfels (1981) notion that the in-groups status affects the members
personal status, and therefore the in-group status has to be protected by so-
cial and cognitive constructions.
A study of the ranking of ethnic groups can show to what extent out-groups
are stereotyped as culturally deviant. Societies differ in economy, social
development, historical background and multicultural migration patterns.
Those differences seem to affect the way ethnic prejudice is expressed.
Therefore, one can not presume that the research on prejudice and discrimi-
nation in Sweden and for example the USA always will have similar out-
comes. Immigration to Sweden in large numbers is quite a new phenomenon
(Lund & Olsson, 1994). There have been other groups present like Smi,
Finns and Travellers, and since medieval time, Roma and later on, Jews. The
ethnically Swedish population has merely coexisted with these groups and
blending in has never been an option for these groups. The ethnic prejudice
of the participants in this study was considered to be of interest. The connec-
tion with SDO and ethnic hierarchies (EH) had not yet been tested. By ex-
ploring and connecting EH to concepts like modern and classical racism and
SDO it is possible to take the concept of EH further into a theoretical
framework on prejudice and discrimination.
Questionnaires containing items about social distance towards six target
groups, scales for SDO and classical and modern racism/ethnic prejudice
(see Akrami et al., 2000) were constructed in two versions. The question-
naire for Swedish participants had the wording of the items unchanged from
the original scales whereas the questionnaire for immigrants had items with
the word immigrants changed into new immigrants, defined as groups
who arrived to Sweden after your group. The Cronbach Alpha reliabilities
were .88 for the Social Dominance Orientation Scale, .66 for the Modern
Prejudice Scale, and .61 for the Classical Prejudice Scale.
The target groups were Italian, Somalian, Swedish, Syrian, Iranian and
South American. (The last group was referred to as South American in-
stead of using the different nationalities of its members as they seemed to be
perceived as a fairly homogenous group by the community).

The participants were a convenience sample of 150 non-psychology stu-
dents, ranging from 18 to 57 years in age. They were recruited at an adult
industrial centre, an adult high-school centre, and Mlardalen University.
Their educational level ranged from high-school (or just below) to univer-
sity. The participants also varied in ethnic background, 29 different countries
were represented. The levels of education were evenly spread across the
different ethnic backgrounds. In-group favouritism was not to be measured
so there was no need for a match between the target and participant groups.
The high percent of immigrants was essential because a comparison between
ethnic Swedes and immigrants was part of the research question. The par-
ticipants formed four mutually exclusive subgroups on the basis of gender
and ethnic origin: Swedish women (n = 46), Swedish men (n = 48), immi-
grant women (n = 25), and immigrant men (n = 31).
The participants were approached at their campuses. After asking for ethnic
origin they were either given the questionnaire for Swedish participants or
they were given the questionnaire for immigrants. The questionnaires were
handed back and the participants were debriefed and thanked directly after
the questionnaires had been filled in.
Results and Comments
Ethnic hierarchies. The mean social distance score of each target group was
computed for all participants and for each of the four subgroups. The results
showed that the social distance scores of the six target groups were very
similar across subgroups of participants. The similarity among the subgroups
was further analysed by computing pair-wise product-moment correlation
coefficients between the subgroups mean social distance scores across the
six target groups. The correlation coefficients ranged from .95 to .99.

Table 1
Mean Social Distance Scores (SDs in Parentheses) of the Six Ethnic Target
Groups for All Participants Combined
Swedish Italian South
Somalian Iranian Syrian

Note. The mean scores were based on participants social distance scores
across target groups in each domain.

In Table 1, the target groups are presented in the same order as they were
ranked by the combined sample. The Swedish target group was ranked first,
the Italian as second, and the South American as third. Further, the Somalian
was ranked as fourth, the Iranian as fifth, and the Syrian as sixth.
The combined sample was further analysed using repeated measures ANOVA
to test if there were statistical differences in the social distance mean scores
among the six target groups. The results disclosed a highly significant over-
all difference (p = .001) between the target groups. A post-hoc test showed
that the Swedish target group differed significantly (p = .001) from all other
target groups whereas the Italian and South American did not differ signifi-
cantly (p = .08) from each other but from all other groups (ps = .001). Fi-
nally, the Somalian, Iranian, and Syrian groups did not differ significantly
from each other (ps varying from .22 to .60) but from the other three target
groups (ps = .001). Thus, a hierarchical order was shown among the six eth-
nic target groups, with the Swedish ranked first, the Italian and South
American ranked second, and the Somalian, Iranian, and Syrian ranked third.
As stated by Hagendoorn and Hraba (1987), cultural similarity and time
spent in the country seem to be two of the most important factors when plac-
ing a group in the local ethnic hierarchy. The participants placed the target
groups Italians and South Americans in the second place after the Swedes.
The Italians are the immigrant group that had spent the longest time in the
present local community. With their European background they are the
group most likely to share a common culture with the Swedes. Their immi-
gration started when there was a high need for workforce in Sweden and
they were soon a part of the local community. The South American immi-
grant group started their immigration in the 1970s and in spite of descending
from another continent they have important cultural similarities with the
Swedes, like degree of secularisation.
As in Hagendoorns (1993) study, the three ethnic target groups ranked at
the third level in the hierarchy represent African and Middle-East countries
and they had spent the shortest time in the local community and in Sweden
overall. The primary group usually has a longer social distance to groups that
are perceived to be strongly united and to have a patriarchal lifestyle
(Hagendoorn & Hraba, 1987; Kleinpfenning, 1993), which probably con-
tributed to their ranking at the third level.
Inclination to ethnic ranking. A majority (85%) of participants showed an
inclination to rank the ethnic target groups. (The non-ranking participants
used the lowest social distance score for all target groups.) For each partici-
pant, the mean standard deviation of the social distance scores across the
three domains was used as an overall index of participants degree of ethnic
A 2 (participant gender) 2 (participant ethnicity: Swede, immigrant)
ANOVA of the scores on inclination to ethnic ranking displayed no signifi-
cant effects of gender or ethnicity and no significant interaction effect. Fur-
ther, a 2 2 ANOVA of the scores on each of the other variables (modern
and classical ethnic prejudice and SDO) displayed no main or interaction
effects of gender or ethnicity. The similarity among subgroups on inclination
to ethnic ranking is in line with earlier studies (Hagendoorn & Hraba, 1987)
but the high similarity between the subgroups in modern and classical ethnic
prejudice and SDO is not (e.g., Ekehammar et al., 2003). This result might
depend on a high level of integration of the immigrant participants (they had
spent enough time in the Swedish culture to attend an education held in
Swedish). The lack of difference between men and women in the sample
might depend on that the female participants had been assimilated to a
mainly male culture because most participants were recruited from educa-
tions in typically male areas.
Ethnic ranking and SDO. The final expectation was that inclination to ethnic
ranking would display a higher correlation with SDO than with ethnic preju-
dice because both SDO and inclination to ethnic ranking express the per-
sons inclination to perceive relations among social groups as hierarchical.
A product-moment correlation analysis on the combined sample disclosed
that inclination to ethnic ranking showed the highest correlation with modern
ethnic prejudice (r = .29, p = .001), followed by classical ethnic prejudice (r
= .25, p = .002), and SDO (r = .23, p = .004). However, the differences in
magnitude between these correlation coefficients were not statistically sig-
nificant. Thus, there was a correlation between SDO and inclination to ethnic
ranking as predicted. However, the hypothesis that this correlation would
differ in magnitude from that for the relation between ethnic prejudice and
inclination to ethnic ranking was not supported.
Paper II
Study 2
Social sanctions like punishment and help are often based on attributions
about how much responsibility for the situation the individual who is the
target of the sanction has (Weiner, 2001). The tendency to make attributions
of responsibility is, according to Weiner (2001), based on a social conduct
norm. The norm is that people are supposed to do their best and to avoid
becoming a burden to the rest of the society. When someone needs help or is
guilty of a social transgression he or she may be forgiven and treated with
sympathy if it was not their fault (Weiner, 1980, 2001). Weiners model of
social conduct has proven to be reliable across several conditions (Cobb &
De Chabert, 2002; Greitemeyer, Rudolph, & Weiner, 2003; Weiner, 1980,
2001, 2003). So from a social cognition view it made sense using situations
of punishment and help when testing discrimination.
In this study, the social sanction was help and the possibility that it would
differ between Swedes and immigrants. At the homepage for DO (the au-
thority handling complaints on ethnic discrimination in Sweden) a search of
the period January 2000 to March 2006 showed that there were 173 com-
plaints reported about social welfare, and there were 274 complaints about
the juridical system. But as many citizens do not know that they can com-
plain to DO, it is difficult to get a picture of the size of eventual discrimina-
tion. The juridical system has been examined to a larger extent and discrimi-
nation within the system clearly occurs (Pettersson, 2006).
The experiment in Study 2 examined if discrimination of immigrants would
show up in experiments about help in a welfare situation. The social domi-
nance orientation (SDO) of the participants was measured in this study in
order to explore the possibility that SDO is a factor behind discrimination.
SDO has earlier shown correlations with ethnic prejudice (Akrami et al.,
2000; Ekehammar et al., 2004; Lippa & Arad, 1999; Pratto & Lemieux,
2001; Sidanius & Pratto, 1999). The connection between SDO and discrimi-
nation has to the best of my knowledge so far only been tested by Guimond,
et al. (2003). An important difference between this study and the one by
Guimond et al. (2003) is that in this study, using a between-groups design,
the participant only had to report their reactions about one type of target
not choose between the targets, as in Guimond et al. (2003). Eventual dis-
crimination will therefore not be an artefact of the present design.
The experiment was carried out using questionnaires containing a scenario
and the SDO scale. The scenario described a person who was an applicant of
social welfare. The manipulation of the target ethnicity was done by briefly
mentioning that he had moved into town from the Swedish countryside or by
mentioning that he had moved into town from the Middle East. The scenario
had a low-responsibility version and a high-responsibility version. In the
first, the target person had accidentally ended up in his situation and in the
second, the target had actively caused it. The reactions to the scenario were
asked for by items like: How responsible do you think X is for his situation?
Do you feel anger towards X? Do you feel sympathy towards X? This was
followed by the SDO scale. The questionnaires were collected directly after
they were filled in and the participants were debriefed.
There were 80 participants, 27 men and 53 women, 19 to 61years of age (M
= 36.0 years). They were students at the Department of Law and the De-
partment of Economics, Uppsala University, and students in adult education
held by the local employment office in Uppsala. We used a sample of ethnic
Swedes, as the study dealt with possible discrimination towards a subordi-
nated ethnic group.
The participants reported their reactions to a written scenario that had four
different versions. We used a 2 (Target Ethnicity: Swedish, Middle East) 2
(Target Responsibility: high, low) factorial between-groups experimental
design with random assignment. The gender of the target person was male in
all versions. Participants received the questionnaire from their teacher at the
different educational programs they attended and the questionnaires were
handed in directly after they had been filled out. The four versions of the
questionnaire were randomly distributed on participants and no information
about the other versions was given until debriefing. There were 20 partici-
pants in each combination of target ethnicity and target responsibility.
In this study, discrimination was tested by asking participants to rate the
degree of help they would recommend to a target person. The target person
could be either of Swedish ethnicity (from the top of the ethnic hierarchy in
Study 1) or Middle East ethnicity (from the bottom of the ethnic hierarchy in
Study 1) and the participant encountered only one of the ethnicity condi-
tions. The between-groups design was used to avoid answers shaped by the
social taboo to express ethnic prejudice. The procedure went: Participant
read a scenario of a hypothetical case rated the degree of target persons
responsibility rated his or her emotional reaction rated the degree of
help he or she recommended for the target person answered the scale for
measuring his or her SDO. The Cronbach Alpha reliability of the SDO scale
was .81.
Results and Comments
The experimental manipulation of responsibility (manipulated responsibility)
was tested by computing a point-biserial correlation coefficient between
manipulated responsibility in the vignette (low = 0, high = 1) and the partici-
pants attributed responsibility (the higher the score the higher the responsi-
bility). The resulting coefficient was r = .41, p = .001, which indicates that
the experimental manipulation of the target persons responsibility was suc-
cessful. Thus, Weiners model seemed to work also when targets were of
two different ethnicities, and the manipulated level of responsibility affected
the level of responsibility that the participants attributed to the target.
To test if participants SDO has a general and negative effect on help behav-
iour, we performed a hierarchal multiple regression analysis on the com-
bined sample with help as the dependent variable. In step 1 we introduced
SDO, in step 2 ethnicity, and in step 3 the SDO Ethnicity interaction. The
results showed that the effect of SDO on help was significant, r = -.25, p =
.03, but the interaction did not contribute significantly to the regression. This
indicates that the correlation between SDO and Help was not significantly
different for the Middle-East (r = -.38, p = .02) and the Swedish (r = -.14, p
= .39) targets. One explanation for the result is that ethnicity is not important
in a situation of help. Another explanation could be that the choice of target
persons economic status was wrong. The perceived status difference be-
tween the students in the participant group and the social welfare applicants
in the target groups might have been so large that ethnicity became less im-
portant. In support for this explanation is the fact that participants SDO
showed a general and negative effect on help behaviour.
Another hierarchical regression was performed, this time to test if partici-
pants SDO had a general effect on her or his attributions of responsibility
(this would be reflected in a positive correlation between SDO and attributed
responsibility). Also, we tested if the correlations between attributed respon-
sibility and SDO are more pronounced for the Middle East target group
compared to the Swedish target group (this would show up as an interaction
effect of SDO and ethnicity). The hierarchical regression was performed in
the same manner as above but with attributed responsibility as the dependent
variable. The results showed that the general effect of SDO on attributed
responsibility was non-significant (r = .10, p = .36) and the SDO Ethnicity
interaction did not contribute significantly to the regression.
In sum the results above show that SDO influenced the degree of help but
not attributions of responsibility. It seems like SDO is not involved in the
process of attributing responsibility but that it is a factor behind the degree of
help a participant decides to give. The absence of an interaction effect means
that SDO affects help and responsibility in the same way for both high- and
low-status ethnic groups. Finally, we found Weiners model to be an inter-
esting tool for further research on how SDO influences social sanctions like
help and punishment.
Study 3
The results of Study 2 showed that it was possible to go further with the
social conduct model (Weiner, 1980) to examine the possibility of discrimi-
nation in punishment behaviours. As far as ecological validity goes there are
many reports of discrimination in the legal system towards subordinated
ethnic groups (e.g., Albonetti, 2002; Sommers & Ellsworth, 2000; Talley,
Rajack-Talley, & Tewksbury, 2004; Weitzer, 1996), and in Sweden immi-
grants often get longer sentences than ethnically Swedish defendants
(Kardell, 2006; Pettersson, 2006). Study 3 was a conceptual replication of
Study 2. As Study 2 had shown that Weiners model of social conduct
worked also when the ethnicities of the target persons varied, the two levels
of responsibility used in Study 2 were left out. We added gender to this study
because it is a strong factor behind length of sentences and likelihood of
arrest (Albonetti, 2002; Stoltzenberg & DAlessio, 2004). The status differ-
ence seems to work differently for gender than ethnicity. Thus, ethnic groups
on the lower levels of the ethnic hierarchies are treated harsher than ethnic
groups with higher status (Talley et al., 2004), but the gender group with the
higher status (men) are subjected to a harsher treatment than the gender
group with the lower status (women) (Albonetti, 2002).
The scenario described a case where a poor person shoplifted food and the
alternative social sanctions against the target person were punishment and
rehabilitation. The manipulation of ethnicity and gender was done by giving
the target person a name. By using statistics from the homepage of the
Swedish Central Bureau of Statistics and two pilot studies, the names Elin (a
Swedish female name), Martin (a Swedish male name), Samira (a Middle-
East female name), and Ali (a Middle-East male name) were chosen. These
names were fairly common and, according to a pilot study, did not give any
noticeable class or other social associations. The participants were asked to
rate the degree of attributed responsibility, sympathy, anger, rehabilitation,
and punishment on lines marked from 0% to 100%. Finally the SDO scale
The 153 participants were recruited at university grounds and at the local
agency for employment. The goal was to have a native Swedish sample so
23 questionnaires had to be removed. By using a native Swedish sample, we
aimed at obtaining different ethnic status between participant and Middle-
East target person. The final sample consisted of 130 persons, 61 men and 69
women. The number of participants in each combination of target ethnicity
and target gender was as follows: Middle-East woman (n = 35), Swedish
woman (n = 34), Middle-East man (n = 32), and Swedish man (n = 29).
The procedure was the same as in Study 2. We used a factorial 2 (Target
Ethnicity: Swedish, Middle East) 2 (Target Gender: male, female) be-
tween-groups experimental design with random assignment. After this ex-
perimental part the SDO scale followed. The questionnaires were handed out
and collected directly after they were filled in and the participants were de-
briefed. The Cronbach Alpha reliability of the SDO scale was .85.
Results and Comments
A series of hierarchical multiple regression analyses were performed in order
to examine an eventual effect of SDO on punishment, rehabilitation, attrib-
uted responsibility, sympathy and anger. The order in which the independent
variables were introduced was the same for all analyses: SDO in step 1, eth-
nicity in step 2, gender in step 3, the SDO Gender interaction and the SDO
Ethnicity interaction in step 4, and finally the SDO Ethnicity Gender
interaction in step 5.
The results showed that the effect of SDO on punishment was significant (r
= .22, p = .01). Further, the SDO Ethnicity interaction provided a signifi-
cant contribution (p = .03) whereas the other interactions were non-
significant. This implies that the correlation between SDO and punishment
differed for Swedish (r = -.07) and Middle-East (r = .38) targets. Significant
effects of SDO were also shown on attributed responsibility (r = .18, p =
.04), sympathy (r = -.24, p = .01) and anger (r = .22, p = .01) whereas all
interactions were non-significant. Thus, participants SDO was shown to
correlate with a harsher reaction towards all targets. The participants SDO
affected both the discriminatory behaviour towards Middle-East target per-
sons and the reactions to the target. Finally, for rehabilitation, there were no
significant effects of SDO at all (ps varying between .14 and .94).

There were significant effects of target gender on punishment, partialling out
the effect of ethnicity (partial r = -.20, p = .02), attributed responsibility (par-
tial r = -.22, p = .01), sympathy (partial r = .23, p = .01), and anger (partial r
= -.21, p = .02). This implies that regardless of their ethnicity, women were
attributed with less responsibility than men and they also evoked less anger,
more sympathy and received less punishment than men. This is in line with
previous findings (Stoltzenberg & DAlessio. 2004). However, because there
was no SDO Gender interaction, participants SDO did not significantly
contribute to this difference in reactions towards male and female targets.
SDO has earlier been found to correlate with sexism (Bates & Heaven, 2001)
but it does not seem to have any correlation with benevolent sexism (Glick
& Fiske, 2001) that may lie behind a more sympathetic treatment of female
compared to male social transgressors.
In conclusion, participants with high SDO scores showed a tendency to dis-
criminate subordinated ethnic groups. This is partly in line with Pratto and
Lemieux (2001), who found that ambiguity of immigration policies, was
more convincingly explained by SDO rather than by ethnic prejudice. The
tendency to discriminate ethnic groups who are placed further down on the
ethnic hierarchy (Kardell, 2006; Pettersson, 2006) seems not just to be a
result of an aggregate situation or disparity of the crimes.
Paper III
Study 4
The biological impact on human behaviour can not be denied, but its size is
often exaggerated. An explanation for this is the difficulty to draw a line
between social impact and biological impact. In the case of social dominance
which is both a personality variable as well as a social one this is at least
partly possible. Research on SDO usually shows a small but significant gen-
der difference in SDO, men score higher on the SDO scale than women (Si-
danius et al., 1994; Sidanius, & Pratto, 1999; Sidanius et al., 2000).
Is this gender difference an important feature of SDO? According to the
founders of the theory it is, and it is expressed in the invariance hypothesis
(Sidanius et al., 1994). The invariance hypothesis states that everything else
being equal men should significantly exceed women in SDO scores (Si-
danius & Pratto, 1999, p. 268). So, according to the invariance hypothesis
men will always have higher SDO than women when they belong to social
groups similar in status, like class or ethnicity (Levin et al., 2002; Sidanius
& Pratto, 1999).
The invariance hypothesis comes in two versions. In Sidanius et al. (1994)
the versions are described as the strong and the weak version. The strong
version implies that the SDO difference between men and women should be
essentially constant across cultural and situational factors, or both. The weak
version of the invariance hypothesis suggests that although sex might inter-
act with a number of cultural factors, this interaction will always be ordinal
and never disordinal. In a more recent paper by Sidanius et al. (2000), the
wording of the hypothesis is softer but the basic meaning is the same as they
state that the stability of gender differences in SDO will be substantially
greater than the SDO differences between dominant and subordinate arbi-
trary set groups. This is based on the assumption that reproduction strategies
lie behind the sex difference in SDO and that they are quite similar across
cultures, societies, historical epochs, and even species.
It has been argued that the sex difference in SDO scores probably is an arte-
fact of group status (Eagly et al., 2004). This socialization/situation explana-
tion receive some support in SDT itself because the theory states that higher
status is linked to higher SDO (Sidanius & Pratto, 1999). Because men usu-
ally have a higher status than women also within the social groups they
share, their SDO may become higher as a result of the gender hierarchy
(Eagly et al., 2004; Lippa & Arad, 1999).
The invariance hypothesis has been questioned and tested earlier with vary-
ing results. One conclusion these studies have in common is that the sex
difference remains but varies as a result of situation and personal interests
(Foels & Pappas, 2004; Lippa & Arad, 1999; Wilson & Liu, 2003a). To my
knowledge, the most successful studies in exploring the sex difference on
SDO are the ones by Lippa (1995) and Lippa and Arad (1999). These studies
do not, however, support a socialization/situation explanation of the sex dif-
ference in SDO, neither do they go for personality as the only explanatory
model. Lippa (1995) found that masculinity, measured by the gender diag-
nostic he developed, was significantly associated with mens authoritarian-
ism, SDO, and endorsement of gender inequality. Lippa argued that social
dominators masculinity may reflect their aggressiveness, dominance and
preference for hierarchy-enforcing roles. However, womens femininity was
not related to their SDO or their attitudes toward womens rights. In Lippa
and Arad (1999), the male participants with high SDO scores were judged to
be disagreeable and coarse. SDO has also been found to have a negative
correlation with agreeableness (Akrami & Ekehammar, 2006) and to be
highly correlated with prejudice (Ekehammar et al., 2004; Lippa & Arad,
1999; Sidanius & Pratto, 1999).
Lippa and Arad (1999) did not, however, address the question of mediation
or moderation from the socialisation variable, gender identification, on SDO
scores. Foels and Pappas (2004) and Dambrun, Duarte, and Guimond (2004)
did make an attempt, but this was done without testing a moderating effect.
In both studies the conclusion was that gender identification mediates the sex
difference in SDO. On the other hand, Wilson and Liu (2003a), without test-
ing a mediating effect, conclude (but on questionable ground) that gender
identification moderates the effect of sex on SDO.
The main reason for making another attempt to examining the sex difference
in SDO in this thesis is the theoretical notion from SDT that the gender hier-
archy enhances the other hierarchies in human societies (Sidanius & Pratto,
1999; Levin et al., 2002) and that the effect of sex on SDO has not been sat-
isfactory explored. By testing SDO together with gender identification and
further examine the question of mediation versus moderation, we can learn
more about the proportions of the nature and nurture factors supposed to lie
behind the sex difference of SDO. The aim was to examine the sex differ-
ence in SDO by examining the contribution of gender identification (as ex-
pressed through the Bem Sex Role Inventory BSRI). We tested if gender
identification had a mediating or moderating role for the relation between
sex and SDO but we did not take any a priori position on this question.
The data were collected through questionnaires containing the SDO
scale and a validated version of the BSRI. The Cronbach Alpha reliabil-
ity of the SDO scale in the present sample was .84, and for masculinity it
was .80 and for femininity.81.
There were 538 participants (296 women and 242 men). Their mean age was
25 years and they represented various academic disciplines. We recruited the
participants through advertisements at Uppsala University to take part in the
study for a free cinema ticket.
The questionnaires were distributed at various study centres and libraries.
The participants completed the questionnaire individually and were in-
structed not to talk to each other during completion. After having completed
the questionnaires the participants were thanked and debriefed. All partici-
pants were anonymous in the study and received cinema vouchers for their
Results and Comments
As shown in Table 2, the BSRI displayed high reliabilities but low correla-
tions with sex. The gender-related variables (sex, femininity, and masculin-
ity) showed small but statistically significant correlations with SDO that
varied between .12 and -.19 and were not statistically significant from each

Table 2
Means and Pearson Correlation Coefficients for the Relations among the
Main Variables in Study 4 (N = 538) and Cronbach Alpha Reliabilities in
the Main Diagonal
Correlations Variable M (SD)
1 2 3 4
1. SDO 1.79 (0.55) .84
2. Sex 0.45 (0.50) .12** 1.0
3. Femininity 3.96 (0.49) -.19** -.13** .81
4. Masculinity 3.41 (0.57) .12** .10* -.03 .80
*p < .05, **p < .01, Sex: woman = 0, man = 1.

other. The positive correlation between sex (woman = 0, man = 1) and SDO
means that men (M = 1.86) had higher scores on SDO than women (M =
1.73), and this correlation (r = .12) was low compared with those of previous
studies (e.g., Sidanius et al., 1994). The correlation between SDO and femi-
ninity was negative meaning that high femininity is linked to low SDO. The
correlation between SDO and masculinity was positive, which means that
high masculinity is linked to high SDO. Finally, and in line with the original
theory (Bem, 1974), masculinity and femininity showed no correlation.
A mediation analysis was conducted following the Baron and Kenny (1986)
steps. A partial regression analysis was performed using SDO as the out-
come variable to control for sex. The results showed that both masculinity
and femininity displayed significant partial regression coefficients. We per-
formed three mediation analyses, the first for masculinity and femininity
together (see Figure 2), the second for masculinity alone, and the third for
femininity alone. Finally, the direct effect of sex on SDO was calculated by
subtracting the indirect effect (through gender identification) from the total
effect. The standardized regression and partial regression (within parenthe-
ses) coefficients are presented in the figure to ease interpreta-

Figure 2. A causal model of sex (woman = 0, man = 1), femininity and mas-
culinity, and SDO showing standardized regression and partial regression
(within parentheses) coefficients (*p < .05; **p < .01).

A Sobel (1982) test (one-tailed) for the mediating effect using the unstan-
dardized coefficients (see e.g., MacKinnon et al., 2002) showed that this
indirect effect was statistically significant when using masculinity (p = .05)
and femininity (p = .01) together as mediators. At the same time, the direct
effect of sex on SDO was significant as well, p = .04 (see Figure 2). This
means that there is a situation with partial mediation where gender identifi-
cation (through femininity and masculinity) partially mediates the effect of
.12** (.09*)
.12** (.10**)
-.19** (-.17**)
sex on SDO. In other words, there is both a direct and an indirect effect of
sex on SDO. We conducted the same analysis as above using femininity and
masculinity separately in the tested model. The results showed that the me-
diation effect was significant for both femininity (p = .01) and masculinity (p
= .04) and the direct effect of sex on SDO remained significant as well (p =
.02, and p = .01 for femininity and masculinity, respectively). In conclusion,
the three analyses showed that gender identification mediated parts of the
total effect of sex on SDO.
Testing for a moderating effect (i.e., an interaction of sex and gender identi-
fication), we followed the Aiken and West (1991) procedure and performed
three hierarchical regression analyses, one with masculinity and femininity, a
second with masculinity alone, and a third with femininity alone as potential
moderators. SDO was the dependent variable in all analyses, and we entered
in the first analysis sex in step 1, masculinity and femininity in step 2, and
the two interaction components in step 3 (the product of sex and masculinity,
and the product of sex and femininity). The results showed that the interac-
tion effect was non-significant, p = .59. We repeated the same analysis as
above using masculinity and femininity as separate moderators. There was
no moderation effect in any of the cases. Thus, we could not get any support
for a moderating effect of gender identification in the present data.
The influence of gender identification on SDO was significant, which is in
line with Foels and Pappas (2004) and Dambrun et al. (2004). Gender identi-
fication partially mediated the effect of sex on SDO. As gender identification
and sex showed no interaction the results are also in line with the invariance
One could argue that the invariance hypothesis in fact is difficult to prove or
reject. As men are above women in the gender hierarchy, their higher SDO
scores can be explained by their gender-hierarchical position. Therefore,
when the invariance hypothesis states everything else being equal, it is
hard or even impossible to find such a condition.
The aim of this study was not to prove or reject the invariance hypothesis. It
was to examine the sex difference in SDO by examining the contribution of
gender identification (as expressed through the BSRI). The present result
showed that there was a contribution of gender identification on the already
small sex difference.
Study 5
Study 5 was a replication of Study 4 using another measure of gender identi-
fication. In this way the robustness of the results from Study 4 could be
tested. The gender identification scale used in Study 5 had been used in a
previous study on the invariance hypothesis (Wilson & Liu, 2003a). Thus,
Study 5 was an attempt to both replicate and go further with the results of
Study 4.
The data were collected through questionnaires containing the SDO scale
and the gender identification scale used by Wilson and Liu (2003a). The
Cronbach Alpha reliability of the SDO scale in the present sample was .84,
and for gender identification it was .82.
There were 182 university students (98 women and 84 men). Their mean age
was 23 years and they represented various academic disciplines (e.g., social
science, behavioural science, medicine, economics, technology, and den-
tistry). We recruited the participants through advertisements at Uppsala Uni-
versity to take part in the study for a free cinema ticket.
The questionnaires were distributed at various study centres and libraries for
studies in the social sciences, humanities and natural sciences. The partici-
pants completed the questionnaire individually and were instructed not to
talk to each other during completion. After having completed the question-
naires the participants were thanked and debriefed. All participants were
anonymous in the study and received cinema vouchers for their participation.
Results and Comments
Pearson correlation coefficients (see Table 3) showed that sex (woman = 0,
man = 1) and gender identification had low but statistically significant corre-
lations with SDO. These coefficients were not statistically significant from
each other. The positive correlation between sex and SDO means that men
(M = 2.02) had higher scores on SDO than women (M = 1.63), and this cor-
relation (r = .32) was significantly (p = .02) higher than that (r = .12) in
Study 4. The positive correlation between SDO and gender identification (r
= .35) means that the higher the identification with men the higher was the
score on SDO. Finally, the correlation between sex and gender identification
was high (r = .80) and not comparable to the low correlations obtained for
masculinity and femininity in Study 4.
We followed the Baron and Kenny (1986) steps in a mediation analysis. The
results above showed that sex was correlated with SDO (the total effect) and
that gender identification as a potential mediator was correlated with SDO as
well. Partial regression analysis controlling for sex a showed that gender
identification displayed a significant partial regression coefficient using
SDO as the outcome variable. The direct effect of sex on SDO was calcu-
lated by subtracting the indirect effect through gender identification from the
total effect. This is displayed in Figure 3, where we to ease interpretation
present the standardized regression and partial regression (within parenthe-
ses) coefficients.

Table 3
Means and Pearson Correlation Coefficients for the Relations among the
Main Variables in Study 5 (N = 182) and Cronbach Alpha Reliabilities in
the Main Diagonal
Variable M (SD) Correlations
1 2 3

1. Social Dominance Orientation (SDO) 1.81 (0.61) .84
2. Sex (woman = 0, man = 1) 0.46 (0.50) .32 1.0
3. Gender Identification 4.96 (2.20) .35 .80 .92
Note. All coefficients are significant at p < .01, at least. Gender identification
scale scores vary between 0 and 10, with higher scores indicating identifica-
tion with men.

Applying the Sobel test (on the unstandardized coefficients) for the mediat-
ing effect showed that this indirect effect was statistically significant (p =
.02). However, the direct effect of sex on SDO was non-significant (p = .28;
see Figure 3). This means that there is a situation of complete mediation
where gender identification mediates the total effect of sex on SDO. In other
words, there is only an indirect effect of sex, through gender identification,
on SDO.

Figure 3. Causal model of sex (woman = 0, man = 1), gender identification,
and SDO showing standardized regression and partial regression (within
parentheses) coefficients (*p < .05, **p < .01).

Gender Identi-
.32** (.13ns)
.80** .35** (.25*)
To test for a moderation effect, we followed the procedure in Study 4. In a
hierarchical regression analysis with SDO as dependent variable, we entered
sex and gender identification in step 1 and 2, respectively, and the product of
sex and gender identification (the interaction component) in step 3. The re-
sult showed that the interaction effect was non-significant (p = .35). Thus,
there was no support for a moderating effect of gender identification on
SDO. The lack of a moderating effect is in line with Study 4 and the invari-
ance hypothesis (Sidanius & Pratto, 1999). What is not in line with the the-
ory behind the hypothesis is that the explanatory basis for the gender differ-
ence is social.
In both Study 4 and 5, gender identification mediated the effect of sex on
SDO. This mediation was partial in Study 4 and complete in Study 5. The
influence of gender identification on SDO was significant, which is in line
with Foels and Pappas (2004) and Dambrun et al. (2004). As sex and gender
identification did not show any interaction effect, the results are also in line
with the invariance hypothesis.
General Discussion
Major findings
Wherever there is a social hierarchy there is a risk that social discrimination
may occur. In this thesis I have explored the tendency to ethnic ranking and
forming ethnic hierarchies related to SDO and ethnic prejudice. The results
showed that SDO was related to this tendency. I also examined the tendency
to discrimination. The tendency to unfairly punish a subordinated ethnic
group was higher in participants who also had high scores on SDO. SDO and
its relation with sex and gender identification were further examined and the
conclusion could be drawn that the male gender role is essential for the sex
differences in SDO. Taken together, the studies underline the importance of
SDO in social hierarchies and the discrimination that may occur within
The main finding of Study 1 (Paper I) concerned the generality of the previ-
ous research on ethnic hierarchies. The results showed that people tend to
form ethnic hierarchies with the primary group ranked first also in a Swedish
context. The hierarchy found in Study 1 is in line with earlier findings. A
common pattern in ethnic ranking seems to be that North Europeans are
ranked at the top, followed by East and South Europeans, whereas African
and Middle-East groups are found at the bottom of the hierarchy (e.g.,
Hagendoorn, 1993; Hagendoorn et al., 1998; Hraba et al., 1989). Similar
patterns have, for example, been found in Sidanius and Prattos (1999) work
on social dominance in the USA.
Peoples formations of ethnic hierarchies seem to be more or less the same
regardless of their gender and ethnic origin. A consensus about ethnic hier-
archies was not explicitly tested on participants with the same ethnical back-
ground as the target groups. In Study 1, however, both the immigrant and the
Swedish participants shared the perception of differing social distances to-
wards the different target groups. There was also a consensus between male
and female participants and they had similar results in scores on the preju-
dice scales. Ethnic prejudice often shows differences in magnitude between
men and women but this does not seem to affect the ranking order in the
ethnic hierarchy (Hagendoorn et al., 1998; Hraba et al., 1989).
There are individual differences in the inclination to form ethnic hierarchies,
and a method to measure these differences was proposed and tested. The
method worked out well and can be used in further research. The differences
in peoples inclination to form ethnic hierarchies are meaningfully related to
their ethnic prejudice and social dominance orientation. This is of interest
when trying to understand the components of ethnic prejudice in local set-
The major finding of Study 2 (Paper II) is in the method. Weiners model
showed to work also when the target varied in ethnic group membership.
The participants reacted on the high/low responsibility manipulation in line
with Weiners (1980, 2001) findings of a harsher treatment to targets attrib-
uted with a high personal responsibility. This makes Weiners model a good
base for measures of discriminatory behaviours. This method also gives in-
formation about the cognitive process behind eventual discriminatory behav-
iour. The results of this study showed no sign of ethnic discrimination. On
the other hand, SDO had a negative effect on help behaviour (the higher the
SDO, the less help) but not on attribution behaviour. SDO affected help and
perceived responsibility in the same way for both high- and low-status ethnic
groups. The socioeconomic distance between the participants and the target
might have been so large that the status difference in ethnicity did not mat-
ter. Help behaviours are probably correlated with empathy and SDO has
shown a negative correlation with empathy (Bckstrm & Bjrklund, 2007).
In Study 3 (Paper II), the results showed signs of ethnic discrimination and
further it showed that this was connected to participants who scored high on
the SDO scale. This shows that there is a tendency to discrimination of sub-
ordinated ethnic groups also by people outside the justice system. It is not
just a result of an aggregate situation or disparity of the crimes. An effect of
target gender was also shown in this study. Thus, women were seen as less
responsible for their social transgression and the participants recommended
less punishment compared to men of both ethnic groups. This is in line with
the theory of benevolent sexism (Glick & Fiske, 2001). A methodological
finding was that issues like hierarchy-based discrimination are possible to
test quantitatively with crossed social categories, like gender and ethnicity.
Study 4 (Paper III) showed three things: a small sex difference in SDO, a
mediation effect of gender identification, and a lack of moderation effect
from gender identification. It was obvious that a major part of the sex differ-
ence could be explained by male or female gender identification and a lesser
part by the actual sex difference.
In Study 5 (Paper III), the findings were slightly different than those in
Study 4. This is probably a result of the gender identification measure em-
ployed. The gender identification scale used in Study 5 was bipolar, unlike
the BSRI scale in Study 4. Thus, masculinity and femininity were not meas-
ured as separate entities but were instead placed on opposite ends of the
scale. The sex difference in SDO was larger than in Study 4. In spite of what
might be expected from this larger difference, the mediation of gender iden-
tification was complete there was no direct effect of sex on SDO.
In other words, the results of Study 5 show that without being mediated by
the social variable of gender identification the impact of biological sex
would probably not show on SDO. The moderation test showed the same
result as in Study 4, a lack of moderation of SDO by gender identification.
This lack of moderation of gender identification on SDO is interesting as it is
congruent with the result in Study 4 and the notions of SDT (Sidanius &
Pratto, 1999). These results are hard to interpret using the standard explana-
tions (either nature or nurture) that still are typical in research concerning
sex and gender. The results do not impose a dismissal of either the biological
or the social explanations although the high impact of biology proposed by
Sidanius and Pratto (1999) has to be questioned. Male gender identification
is positively correlated with higher SDO in both men and women. This
might give reason for different conclusions when it is compared with basic
personality variables that have shown effects on SDO (Akrami & Ekeham-
mar, 2006).
Issues related to the studies
When studying social psychological behaviour the variable of local culture is
seldom measured but always present. According to research made for the
world value survey (Inglehart & Welzel, 2005), Sweden is on the brink of
being a statistical outlier in some of the central aspects of individual and
cultural values. These differences are shown as low commitment to religious
and traditional values, as well as high interpersonal trust and individuality.
This makes Sweden quite different, not just from the world as a whole, but
also from the rest of the western world. Sweden is also often described as a
country with no major interethnic conflicts, and it was ranked second from
the top as immigrant friendly in the migration policy groups comparison of
integration and immigrant inclusion policy of the EU 15 countries (2005). In
spite of this, ongoing discrimination has been reported from public areas,
like the health care (Ahlberg & Krantz, 2006) as well as the juridical
(Kardell, 2006; Pettersson, 2006) and educational system (Sawyer & Ka-
mali, 2006).
When the present findings of prejudice and discrimination in Sweden are
highlighted against this background of cultural exceptionality they might be
easier to understand. Then, it is at least partly explained why ethnic dis-
crimination and ethnic prejudice are not present to the same extent in every
In Study 1 (Paper I), the results show that in this local context, the tendency
to build hierarchies and ethnic prejudice were highly correlated, and this is
not the case in previous European studies on ethnic hierarchies (Hagendoorn
et al., 1998). In line with the results of, for example, Hraba et al. (1989), the
groups ranked lowest were those who are stereotyped with a higher religios-
ity and traditionalism than the groups higher up on the ranking scale. It is
likely that ethnic prejudice from the Swedish primary group is higher toward
groups that differ from the Swedish culture in these central areas. As a result
a correlation appears between ethnic prejudice and the inclination to ethnic
In Study 2 and 3, the behavioural tendency to discriminate was shown in
punishment situations but not in help situations. This could be connected to
the culturally high individual trust. In a situation where someone needs help
this tendency is not challenged in the same way as it is in a situation where
someone has committed a social transgression. The discrimination of the
subordinated ethnic group in Study 3 may have been influenced by this.
Social change
Research on ethnic hierarchies shows that they do not have to be fixed they
may change over time (Hagendoorn, 1993). Therefore, an ethnic hierarchy
can also be a sign of a positive development, at least for some groups in a
multiethnic society, because ethnic groups have the possibility to climb from
their initially low positions. The findings in the research on ethnic hierar-
chies also show that a group may get a higher status when it starts to become
more like the societys primary group (Hagendoorn, 1993). An already es-
tablished group can appear to be more like the primary group in comparison
to other newer and more culturally different groups (Hagendoorn, 1993).
When different groups start to share a common in-group identity, their
boundaries between each other are weakened (Gaertner et al., 2000). In the
case of the groups placed higher up in the ethnic hierarchy of Study 1, the
common in-group identity may be based on the experience of a common
local history with the Swedish group from the 1950 to 1980 industrial era.
As found by Gaertner et al. (2000), it is possible to weaken the in-group
identification by widening the borders of the in-group. According to social
identity theory, group identities can be created and produce self enhancing
effects with very small means (Tajfel, 1981; Turner, Brown, & Tajfel, 1979).
The local ethnic hierarchy in Study 1 might have a temporary aspect in its
nature and at least a few of the groups involved might change their status
and be parts of a more inclusive group.
Discrimination as an obstacle for integration
A movement toward a more inclusive in-group can be affected by discrimi-
nation. Discrimination seems to be one of the factors that maintain inter-
group hostility. This in turn can keep subordinated groups outside society for
generations, like in the case of the Roma (Lindgren & Cronsell, 2003). The
workforce immigrants from the period after World War II do not report dis-
crimination to the same degree as other ethnic minority groups (Lange, 2000,
pp. 127-129).
The influence of SDO on discrimination
Discrimination is hard to prove and untangle from aggregate situations. The
studies of discrimination were therefore performed on participants outside
the areas where systematic discrimination may take place. Just like studies of
other social or cognitive phenomena, the tendency to discriminate is proba-
bly present in any sample of participants. Study 2 showed no significant
results of ethnic discrimination, and hopefully this is an at least partly correct
description of the world outside the experiment. On the other hand, it
showed that a high SDO is correlated with less help.
In Study 3, the tendency to punish was higher when the targets were immi-
grants and this tendency was observable in those participants who were high
on SDO. This finding may help understand the background for ethnic dis-
crimination in the legal system.
Individual differences in SDO may explain why research on ethnic discrimi-
nation sometimes show ambiguous results (Graham & Lowery, 2004;
Weitzer, 1996), just as they have explained ambiguous results in immigrant
policies (Pratto & Lemieux, 2001). In a study on discrimination of mock
jurors by Kemmelmeier (2005), a similar reasoning was made. It was sug-
gested that racial biases from white jurors only show in those participants
who also are high in SDO. In Study 3, discrimination was shown by partici-
pants high in SDO but not by participants low in SDO. In the discussions
and research on prejudice and discrimination, SDO and the effects of it have
to be put into more focus.
The benevolent sexist tendency in Study 3, where women were given less
punishment than men was not related to SDO. A conclusion of this is that
benevolent sexism has a partly different background than hostile sexism.
Attitudes supporting traditional gender roles have earlier been shown to cor-
relate with SDO (Bates & Heaven, 2001). This difference between ethnic
and gender discrimination, where the first one is correlated with SDO and
the latter one is not, calls for further research to be fully understood. One
factor that seems to be important is the difference between the stereotypes
we have for men and women (Bates & Heaven, 2001; Bussey & Bandura,
1999, Cooper-Thomson, 2000; Glick & Fiske, 2001), and the stereotypes we
have for different ethnic groups (Akrami, et al., 2000, Sidanius & Pratto,
1999). Women are, for example, often stereotyped as pleasant and friendly
independently of which ethnic group they belong to, whereas men from sub-
ordinated ethnic groups often are stereotyped to be criminal and antagonistic
(Taylor, Peplau, & Sears, 2000).
Sex and SDO an ongoing debate
Study 4 and 5 were done to further explore SDO. Ethnic and socioeconomic
hierarchies are according to SDT arbitrary, based on local social beliefs,
whereas gender and age hierarchies are biological (Sidanius & Pratto, 1999).
Although the theory leaves room for a social impact on the gender hierarchy,
the sex difference in SDO is referred to as a result of biological sex differ-
ences (Sidanius & Pratto, 1999).
The variable of gender identification has not until recently been tested to-
gether with SDO (Foels & Pappas, 2004; Lippa & Arad, 1999; Wilson &
Liu, 2003a). The invariance hypothesis states that everything else being
equal men should significantly exceed women in SDO scores (Sidanius &
Pratto, 1999, p. 268). This expectation is basically right very few findings
of neutral or contradictory results have been found (Wilson, & Liu, 2003b).
In the stronger versions of the invariance hypothesis it is expected that the
sex difference in SDO scores cannot be moderated by social variables, but
there have been doubts about the correctness of this expectation (Eagly et al.,
2004; Wilson & Liu, 2003a). Social variables, like type of job or education,
have not been found to influence the sex difference (Sidanius & Pratto 1999;
Sidanius, Sinclair, & Pratto, 2006). The results of Study 4 and 5 showed no
moderation effect, which is in line with previous studies, but the mediation
results do on the other hand raise new questions about the mechanisms be-
hind the sex difference in SDO, as well as sex differences found in related
topics, like ethnic prejudice.
The gender hierarchy is different in many aspects from the socioeconomic
and ethnic hierarchies. One of these differences lies in motivation: why we
accept hierarchical social roles, and why we identify with them. Living up to
the stereotypes about ones gender is a desired and rewarded behaviour in
most cultures, but living up to the stereotypes of ones ethnic and socioeco-
nomic group membership can sometimes be a social handicap. This question
of motivation is not considered in SDT. Therefore, further tests of gender
identification and SDO can be of interest.
Methodological issues
In Study 1, the questionnaire had the same question repeated for each ethnic
target group which made it quite boring to fill in. The target groups were
chosen with a contemporary and local perspective which will make replica-
tions from other parts of Sweden difficult if not local perspectives are taken
into account.
Study 2 and 3 were among the first tests of SDO as a factor behind discrimi-
nation using a between-groups design. To the best of my knowledge there
has only been one previous study using a similar design (Kemmelmeier,
2005). The reason for using a between-groups design in Study 2 and 3 was
that some experiments on ethnic biases have failed due to design issues.
Mitchell, Haw, and Pfeifer (2005) found in a meta-analytic review of defen-
dant treatment that when ethnic issues were salient, white participants in a
mock jury avoided to expressing ethnic biases. The difficulty with between-
groups designs is that the participants are divided into a number of different
subgroups, which calls for a higher number of participants in order to make
the analysis powerful.
Further research
Ethnic hierarchies are a result of cultural and status differences (Hagen-
doorn, 1993). In the case of Study 1, the results showed a larger social dis-
tance towards groups with a large cultural gap to the Swedes. Ethnic preju-
dice in Sweden is not politically correct but the result of Study 1 indicates
that ethnocentrism (a tendency to believe in the superiority of ones own
culture) is. To further develop this reasoning one would have to examine
ethnocentrism and its eventual links to discrimination.
One interesting aspect of ethnic hierarchies is how they change. At least a
few of the groups involved can change their position and move closer to the
societys primary group. There is need for a wider examination of the socie-
tal factors that may help such a development and stop the hierarchies from
being cemented into the society structure.
Discrimination is enhanced or diminished by multiple group membership of
the target. Research methods to examine more than one group membership
in social hierarchies should be further developed.
An important topic for further research is the impact of SDO on discrimina-
tion and other displays of intergroup hostility. The relationship between
SDO and discrimination is an important finding both practically and theo-
retically. The practical importance is because discrimination might maintain
group hostility (Lange, 2000). The theoretical importance lies in the explana-
tory field, because the findings can help explain why ethnic prejudice some-
times leads to ethnic discrimination and sometimes not. SDO is also a per-
sonality variable (Ekehammar et al., 2004) so SDO is linked both to dis-
crimination and personality.
Study 4 and 5 in combination teach us that using gender identification meas-
ures in research on social attitudes and group issues enhances the possibility
to correctly explain sex differences, especially if the aspects of mediation
and moderation are considered. The choice of scale for gender identification
measure is however important, and should be based on the attempt of the
research. Further research should also compare, validate and develop differ-
ent ethnic identification scales that can match and be used together with the
gender identification scales.
First of all I would like to thank my supervisors Professor Bo Ekehammar
and Doctor Nazar Akrami for generously sharing your skills and scientific
knowledge with me. Bo you were always there to help me and you always
cared. Thank you for pushing and inspiring me to go further in this work
than I thought I could do. Nazar thank you for all the friendly guidance and
Thank you all my friends and colleagues at University of Uppsala and
Mlardalens Hgskola for being there and sharing these hard and happy
times with me.
And thank you my family, Leif, Isolde, Leona, Beata and Andreas, for your
love and support. To me you are everything.
Alexandra Snellman
October 2007
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