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Physical Characteristics of Wheat Grains: Soliman N. S. Abd El Maksoud, M.A., Gamea, G.R and Qaid, Y.A

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Misr J. Ag. Eng.

, 26(4): 1855- 1877 PROCESS ENGINEERING

Soliman N. S.1 Abd El Maksoud, M.A.2 , Gamea,G.R2
And Qaid,Y.A3

Physical characteristics of wheat grains of three varieties, Giza-168,
Sakha-93 (white wheat) and Banisuife-1 (durum) at different levels of
moisture contents (% w.b) were investigated.
Physical characteristics included dimensions, spherisity, weight of one
thousand grains, particle and bulk density, porosity, angle of repose and
static coefficient of friction on four different surfaces (plywood,
galvanized iron, stainless-steel and rubber-sheet) at four different levels
of moisture content ranged from (9 to 18% w.b). Each of major
dimensions, spherisity, weight of one thousand grains, dynamic angle of
repose and static coefficient of friction appeared a linear increasing with
increasing the moisture content, while both bulk and particle densities
decreased linearly in the studied range. As for porosity of wheat grains
of Giza-168 and Banisuife-1, it increased linearly with increasing grains
moisture content while the porosity of Sakha-93 variety showed a
negative relationship.

heat is classified according to properties of resulting flour to
hard red spring, durum, hard red winter, soft red winter and
soft white wheat. Hard red spring wheat and hard red winter
wheat are preferred for making bread; durum wheat is preferred for
making the various types of pasta, while soft red winter wheat and soft
white wheat are preferred to making the biscuits and cakes (Ismail 2001).
Egypt produce yearly about 7.2 million ton from wheat. The total
cultivated area of wheat grains in Egypt is about 2.6 million
Feddan, and the average yield rate is about 2.755 ton/ Fed. (Agric.
stat. Winter crops, 2004).
1-Prof. of Agriculture Engineering Faculty Of Agriculture, Alexandria University
2- Assoc.Prof. of Agriculture Engineering Faculty Of Agriculture, Menoufiya
3-Graduate Student, Agr.Engineering Dep. Fac. Of Agriculture, Menoufiya University.

Misr J. Ag. Eng., October 2009 1855

Data on physical properties of agro-food materials are valuable because:
they are needed an input to models predicting the quality and behavior of
produce in pre-harvest, harvest, and post-harvest situations; and aid the
understanding of food processing.(Nesvadba, et. al. 2004 ) Physical
characteristics of the material such as shape, size, volume, density ,
surface area and coefficient of friction are important and essential
engineering data in design of machine, structures, and controls; in
analyzing and determining the efficiency of a machine or an operation;
and in evaluating and retaining the quality of the final
product(Mohsenin, 1986) Generally, the physical properties of grains
are essential for the design of equipment for handling, harvesting,
aeration, drying, storing, dehulling and processing. These properties are
affected by numerous factors such as size, form, superficial
characteristics and moisture content of the grain (Baumler, E.,
The aim of this investigation was establishing a database on the physical
characteristics related to handling and milling as a function of moisture
content for three new varieties of Egyptian wheat grains including Giza-
168, Sakha-93 and Banisuif-1.
Seeds Samples :
Three varieties of wheat grains were selected based on their higher recent
coverage area and production rate according to Ministry of Agriculture
yearly Agricultural Statistics of 2004. These varieties were Giza-168,
Sakha-93(white wheat) and Banisuif-1 (durum). All varieties were
obtained directly after harvesting by combine machine of the 2006 crop.
The samples of Giza-168 and Sakha-93 varieties were 100kg each of
variety; they were procured from the experimental farm of Sakha
Research Center at Kafer El Sheikh Governorate. While, sample of
Banisuif-1 variety (100kg) was procured from the experimental farm of
Sids Agricultural Research Center at Bani-Suif Governorate.
The wheat seeds samples were cleaned to remove all foreign materials
and each variety was divided into four samples each of 25 kilograms
randomly in order to obtain four different levels of moisture content. The
seeds desired moisture content levels were achieved by natural drying on

Misr J. Ag. Eng., October 2009 1856

the benches in laboratory room or by moistening the seeds using a
calculated amount of distilled water and mixed together to achieve the
desired higher moisture content level. The moistening of grains is a very
sensitive and must be done under control, the rabid moistening cause
grains cracks. For that, the process of moistening of several samples of
wheat grains was done in steps each step rise the grain moisture content
in the range of 1 % daily. The sample of wheat grains was packaging in
double plastic bags and stored in cold room at 5 ± 1 Cº (Nelson,1980 and
Sacilik,2003). Before each test or measurement, the required sample of
seeds was taken out from the cold room and kept sealed in the laboratory
room and was allowed to warm up to the room temperature. The moisture
content of each sample was determined again before each experiment.
The moisture content of seeds was determined using the standard
method, (ASAE Standards,1992).
Dimensional Characteristics:
Randomly samples of one hundred seeds were taken out from each
variety for each level of moisture content. The three major dimensions
length (L), breadth (B), and thickness (T) of each seed in the sample were
measured using the digital caliber YATO model No.YT203 with an
accuracy 0.01mm.
The equivalent diameter (De) and sphericity (S) of seed were calculated
by using the following relations (Sahay and Singh, 1994)
De= (L x B x T) 1/3 . S=
Weight of one thousand grains:
A randomly sample of one thousand seeds were taken by seed counter
and weighed by an electric digital balance METTLER-AE200 with
maximum capacity 200 g and accuracy 0.001g. The weight of each test
was repeated ten replicates. (Karababa, 2005)
Bulk density:
The bulk density was determined by filling a graduated cylinder of 500
ml with the seeds from a height of 15cm at constant rate, and the base of
the cylinder was tapped a dozen times on a table (Boumans,1985). Then,
the cylinder was refilled again to its maximum reading (500 ml), the

Misr J. Ag. Eng., October 2009 1857

sample was weighed and the bulk density was calculated (kg/m3). Each
test was done in ten replicates.
Particle density:
The particle density was determined by measuring the actual volume of a
known weight of a random seeds sample. The actual volume of the seeds
was determined using the toluene displacement technique (Matouk,et,al,
2004). The particle density for each wheat variety at each level of
moisture content was including ten replicate
Angle of repose:
The angle of repose of the wheat grains was measured using the
apparatus developed by Soliman (1994) and fabricated locally. The
dynamic angle of repose was the measured angle between the horizontal
and the natural slope of the seeds heap. The height of the heap was
measured and the dynamic angle of repose was calculated by the
following relationship
⎛ 2H ⎞
θ = tan −1 ⎜⎜ ⎟⎟ ,
⎝ Dp ⎠
Where : θ = dynamic angle of repose, degree.
H = heap height, cm and
Dp = platform diameter, cm.
The dynamic angle of repose for each level of moisture content of each
wheat variety was including ten replicates.
3.7.Static Friction Coefficient:

A static friction coefficient measuring apparatus as described by

Soliman, N. S. 1983 was designed and fabricated as shown in figure (2)
with the box dimensions 26 x 21 x 9 cm to measure the angle of static
friction for grains at each moisture content level of wheat varieties on
four different materialsurfaces namely plywood sheet, galvanized iron
sheet, stainless steel sheet and rubber sheet. The angle of inclination (α)
was recorded and the static coefficient
of friction (µ) was calculated by the
following equation µ=tan α. The angle of friction (α) was measured ten
times for each selected materials, each level of moisture content and for
each wheat varieties

Misr J. Ag. Eng., October 2009 1858

Figure (1): Angle of repose measurement apparatus
A- Platform B - Container C- Glass window
D- Discharge Funnel E - Sliding Gate F- Receiving Container
G- Measuring Scale H - Water Level indicator I - Level Screw

Figure (2): Static friction coefficient

measurement apparatus.

Misr J. Ag. Eng., October 2009 1859

Firstly technological characteristics and chemical analysis of the three
wheat grains varieties under study were conducted in Banisuif governorate,
Sidse station, cereal technology laboratory as an average of five replicates
as shown in table (1):
Table (1) :Chemical analysis and technological characteristics of
wheat varieties.
Items Giza -168 Sakha - Banisuif-1
Transparency 7 0 41
Total Extraction 68.00 77.10
Semolina Extraction ___ ___ 69.0
Protein % 12.57 11.81
Ash % 2.00 1.50 1.28
Fiber % 2.30 1.60 1.35
Gluten Wet % 19.47 19.67
Gluten Dry % 6.86 5.70 6.85
Water absorption% 60.82 57.6 315
Consistency, minute 2

Dimensional Characteristics:
The measurements of length (L), breadth (B) and thickness (T) in (mm)
of hundred grains randomly selected from each moisture level samples
for the investigated grains varieties were conducted. The sphericity (S,
%) of each grain were calculated.
Regression statistical analyses were conducted to clarify the relationship
between each item of physical dimensions and actual moisture content.
The regression appeared a linearly dependent on the moisture content.
For Giza-168 variety:
L = 5 .6050 + 0.0439 Mc ……………. R2 = 0.985

Misr J. Ag. Eng., October 2009 1860

B = 2.9833 + 0.0419 Mc ……………. R2 = 0.962
T = 2.4899 + 0.0318 Mc ……………. R2 = 0.835
S = 61.2786 + 0.1774 Mc ……………. R2 = 0.891
For Sakha-93 variety:
L = 5.8051 + 0.0796 Mc ……………. R2 = 0.857
B = 2.8127 + 0.0592 Mc ……………. R2 = 0.803
T = 2.6002 + 0.0401 Mc ……………. R2 = 0.744
S = 59.6025 + 0.1177 Mc ……………. R2 = 0.662
For Banisuif-1 variety:
L = 7.0744 + 0.0473 Mc ……………. R2 = 0.965
B = 3.1595 + 0.0293 Mc ……………. R2 = 0.836
T = 2.9230 + 0.0262 Mc ……………. R2 = 0.820
S = 56.1853 + 0.0730 Mc ……………. R2 = 0.765

The above equations showed that the dimensional characteristics for the
studied grains increased as the moisture content was increased at the
studied range.
The dimensions for Sakha-93 variety showed the highest values of
change. The length changed from 6.60 to 7.20 mm, breadth changed from
3.43 to 3.80 mm and thickness changed from 3.01 to 3.31 mm for
increasing grain moisture content from 9.89 to17.51% (w.b). While,
Banisuif-1 variety showed the lowest values of change. The length
changed from 7.46 to 7.86mm, width changed from3.41 to 3.66mm and
thickness changed from3.15 to 3.37mm for increasing grain moisture
content from 8.70 to 17.42% (w.b).
The results showed that the relationship between dimensional
characteristics and moisture content of the studied wheat grains were
suggested in trend with the results of Matouk, 2004 which work on
different cereals as parlay, rice, wheat and corn, Al-Mahasneh and
Rababah 2006 which worked on green wheat, Soliman 1994 which
measured the dimensions of different paddy rice varieties and its
products and Karababa, E. 2005 which worked on popcorn.
The results indicated that Banisuif-1 variety have the highest dimensions
(L, B and T) followed by Sakha-93 and the lowest dimensions was of
Giza-168. While, Giza-168 variety showed the highest sphericity
followed by Sakha-93 and the lowest sphericity was of Banisuif-1

Misr J. Ag. Eng., October 2009 1861

Weight of 1000 grains:
The measurements of weight of one thousand grains of different wheat
varieties under study were conducted in ten replicates for each moisture
level. The dry matter weight of 1000 grains for wheat variety Giza-168,
Sakha-93 and Bani-Suif-1 were 41.706 ±1.05, 49.406±2.15 and
55.919±1.88 g respectively. As shown in figure (3); the weight of 1000
grains appeared to be linearly dependent on the moisture content. The
following linear regression equations described the relationship between
weight of one thousand grains (W1000- g) and their moisture contents in
percent (w.b):
For Giza-168 variety:
W1000 = 40.1525 + 0.6035 Mc ……………. R2 = 0.883
For Sakha-93 variety:
W1000 = 41.3420 + 1.1808 Mc ……………. R2 = 0.957
For Banisuif-1 variety:
W1000 = 51.2248 + 1.0119 Mc ……………. R2 = 0.946

Bani-Suif-1 variety recorded the highest weight of one thousand grains

which varied from 60.175 to 69.125 at moisture content changed from
8.7 to 17.42 % (w.b). Sakha-93 variety recorded the medium values of
weight of one thousand grains which varied from 53.13 to 62.14g for
increasing grains moisture content from 9.89 to 17.51% (w.b). While,
Giza-168 variety showed the lowest weight of one thousand grains which
varied from 45.71 to 50.48 g for increasing grain moisture content from
9.39 to 17.25% (w.b). The results showed that the highest weight of one
thousand grains was for Banisuif-1 variety followed by Sakha-93 and the
lowest weight of one thousand grains was for Giza-168.
The results which obtained in this study agreed with experimental data of
(Matouk, et, al 2004) for some Egyptian wheat varieties, (Al-Mahasneh
and Rababah 2006) for green wheat kernels,(Baryeh, E.A. 2002)for
millet, (Amin et al 2004)for lintel seeds,(Altuntas 2005) for fenugreek
and (Karababa 2005) for popcorn.

Misr J. Ag. Eng., October 2009 1862


Weight of1000grain,g60


8 10 12 14 16 18

Weight of 1000grain,g



8 10 12 14 16 18


Weight of 1000grain,g


8 10 12 14 16 18

Figure (3): Effect of moisture content on weight of one thousand grains.

For Banisuif-1 variety:
ρb = 976.074 - 8.6950 Mc ……………. R2 = 0.957
ρp = 1425.678 - 2.8256 Mc ……………. R2 = 0.625
P = 31.372 + 0.5001 Mc ……………. R2 = 0.987

Misr J. Ag. Eng., October 2009 1863

Bulk Density , Particle density and Porosity:
Bulk density, particle density and porosity were measured for wheat
grains of the investigated varieties in ten replicate. The results as shown
in figures (4, 5 and 6) were found to be dependent on moisture content.
The following linear regression equations described the relationship
between each of bulk density (ρb, kg/m3), particle density (ρp, kg/m3) and
porosity (P, %) and the moisture content in percent (w.b):
For Giza-168 Variety:
ρb = 891.8705 - 4.8727 Mc ……………. R2 = 0.866
ρp = 1568.327 - 15.7885 Mc ……………. R2 = 0.848
P = 43.7525 - 0.35227 Mc ……………. R2 = 0.836
For Sakha-93 Variety:
ρb = 908.1072 - 4.2161 Mc ……………. R2 = 0.756
ρp = 1431.787 - 4.8628 Mc ……………. R2 = 0.802
P = 36.5576 + 0.08307 Mc ……………. R2 = 0.855
For Sakha-93 variety:
ρb = 891.8705 - 4.8727 Mc ……………. R2 = 0.866
ρp = 1568.327 - 15.7885 Mc ……………. R2 = 0.848
P = 43.7525 - 0.35227 Mc ……………. R2 = 0.836
These equations showed that each of bulk density and particle density for
wheat grains for the studied varieties decreased as moisture content was
increased at the studied range. The porosity of Sakha-93 wheat variety
has the same trend but the porosity of Giza-168 and Banisuif-1 were
direct proportion with moisture content.
Banisuif-1 variety recorded the highest values of change for bulk density.
It decreased from 897.40kg/m3 to 821.20 kg/m3 with the increasing of
grains moisture content from 8.70 to 17.42%(w.b).While, Giza-168
variety showed the lowest values of change for bulk density. It decreased
from 863.40kg/m3 to 828.20 kg/m3 with increasing of grain moisture
content from 9.39 to 17.25% (w.b).
Sakha-93 variety recorded the highest values of change for particle
density. It decreased from1401.10kg/m3 to 1293.60kg/m3 with the
increasing of grain moisture content from 9.89 to 17.51% (w.b).While,
Banisuif-1 variety recorded the lowest values of change for particle
density. It decreased from 1399.50kg/m3 to 1375.30kg/m3 with
increasing of grains moisture content from 8.70 to 17.42% (w.b). Similar
results reported for some Egyptian wheat varieties (Matouk et al 2004),
hard red winter wheat (Nelson 1980) and green wheat kernels (Al-
Mahasneh and Rababah,2006).

Misr J. Ag. Eng., October 2009 1864


Bulk density,kg/m3 900


8 10 12 14 16 18

Bulk density,kg/m3


8 10 12 14 16 18

Bulk density,kg/m3


8 10 12 14 16 18

Figure (4): Effect of moisture content on bulk density of wheat grains

Misr J. Ag. Eng., October 2009 1865


Particle density,kg/m3 1340


8 10 12 14 16 18

Particle density,kg/m3



8 10 12 14 16 18
Particle density,kg/m3



8 10 12 14 16 18

Figure (5): Effect of moisture content on particle density of wheat grains

Misr J. Ag. Eng., October 2009 1866


Porosity,% 40



8 10 12 14 16 18
M.C.(w.b), %





8 10 12 14 16 18





8 10 12 14 16 18

Figure (6): Effect of Moisture Content on Porosity of Wheat Grains.

Misr J. Ag. Eng., October 2009 1867

Angle of Repose:
Dynamic angle of repose for wheat grains of the investigated varieties as
shown in figure (7) showed linear relationship with the grains moisture
content. The following linear regression equations described the
relationships between the dynamic repose angle (θ) in degree and
moisture content in percent (w.b):
For Giza-168 variety:
θ = 24.1174 + 0.3090 Mc ……………. R2=0.7069
For Sakha-93 variety:
θ = 18.1124 + 0.6247 Mc ……………. R2=0.8247
For Banisuif-1 variety:
θ = 23.1585 + 0.2191 Mc ……………. R2=0.8981
The above equations showed that the dynamic angle of repose increased
as moisture content was increased at the studied range.
Sakha-93 variety recorded the highest values of change for the dynamic
repose angle. It increased from 24.45˚ to 29.17˚ with the increasing of
grains moisture content from 9.89 to 17.51% (w.b). While, Banisuif-1
variety showed the lowest values of change for dynamic repose angle. It
increased from 25.10˚ to 27.01˚ with increasing of grains moisture
content from 8.70 to 17.42% (w.b).
The results which obtained in this study similar to experimental data of
(soliman1994) for paddy rice, brown rice and white rice, (Dutta et al
1988) for gram grains, (Amin et al 2004) for lentil seeds and (Altunuts et
al 2005) for fenugreek seeds.

Static Friction Coefficient:

The static coefficient of friction for wheat grains of the investigated
varieties on the selected materials surfaces including rubber, plywood,
galvanized and stainless steel as shown in figures (8 to 10) appeared to be
linearly dependent on the moisture content. The relationship between
moisture content (w.b) and static coefficient of friction on rubber (µr),
plywood (µp), galvanized iron (µg) and stainless steel(µs) can be
represented by the following linear regression equations:

Misr J. Ag. Eng., October 2009 1868

For giza-168 variety:

µr = 0.3362 + 0.0092 Mc ……………. R2=0.905

µp = 0.3410 + 0.0078 Mc ……………. R2=0.8468
µg = 0.2693 + 0.0098 Mc ……………. R2=0.9492
µs = 0.2705 + 0.0085 Mc ……………. R2=0.8476

For Sakha-93 variety:

µr = 0.3365 + 0.0088 Mc ……………. R2=0.7310

µp = 0.3266 + 0.0085 Mc ……………. R2=0.8083
µg = 0.2783 + 0.0095 Mc ……………. R2=0.749
µs = 0.2626 + 0.0100 Mc ……………. R2=0.7914

For Banisuif-1 variety:

µr = 0.3587 + 0.0053 Mc ……………. R2 = 0.873
µp = 0.2887 + 0.0086 Mc ……………. R2 = 0.941
µg = 0.3116 + 0.0064 Mc ……………. R2 = 0.909
µs = 0.2923 + 0.0067 Mc ……………. R2 = 0.892

The equations showed that the static coefficient of friction for wheat
grains of the studied varieties increased with increasing the moisture
content at the studied range on each of the four materials surfaces.
At all moisture content levels for each of the three varieties, the highest
values of static coefficient of friction were on rubber followed by
plywood, galvanized iron and the lowest on stainless steel.
Similar results were found by other researchers (Helmy 1995) for some
Egyptian wheat varieties, (Lawton 1980) for wheat and barley grains,
(Amin et al 2004) for lentil seeds, (Ozarsland 2002) for cotton seeds and
(Karababa Ersan 2005) for popcorn kernels.

Misr J. Ag. Eng., October 2009 1869


Repose angle,deg




8 10 12 14 16 18
Repose angle,deg





8 10 12 14 16 18
Repose angle,deg





8 10 12 14 16 18
Figure (7): Effect of moisture content on dynamic angle of repose of
wheat grains

Misr J. Ag. Eng., October 2009 1870

Figure (8): Effect of moisture content on the friction coefficient of Giza-
168 wheat grains with the four materials

Figure (9): Effect of moisture content on the friction coefficient of

Sakha93 wheat grains with the four materials

Misr J. Ag. Eng., October 2009 1871

Figure (10): Effect of moisture content on the friction coefficient
Banisuife -1 0f wheat grains with the four materials

The obtained results can be summarized as follows:
1. Each of physical characteristics changed with the changing of grains
moisture content for the three studied varieties.
2. Grain dimensions (length, width and thickness) for the three studied
varieties were increased with increasing of moisture content at the
studied range. Sakha-93 variety showed the highest increase values of
grain dimensions. While, Banisuif-1 variety recorded the lowest increase
values. Banisuif-1 variety was had the highest dimensions and the lowest
dimensions was of Giza-168 variety.
3. Weight of one thousand grains for the three studied varieties was
increased linearly with increasing of moisture content. Sakha-93 variety
showed the highest increase values, while, Giza-168 recorded the lowest

Misr J. Ag. Eng., October 2009 1872

increase values. The highest weight of one thousand grains was of
Banisuif-1 variety and the lowest was of Giza-168 variety.
4. Each of bulk density and particle density were decreased linearly
with increasing of moisture content in the studied range for the three
studied varieties. Banisuif-1 variety recorded the highest decrease values
in bulk density, while, Giza-168 showed the lowest values. Sakha-93
variety showed the highest decrease values in particle density and
Banisuif-1 variety recorded the lowest decrease values.
5. Dynamic angle of repose was increased linearly with increasing of
moisture content at studied range for the three studied varieties. Sakha-93
variety recorded the highest increase values in dynamic angle of repose.
While, Banisuif-1 variety showed the lowest increase values.
6. The static coefficient of friction was increased linearly with
increasing of moisture content for the three studied varieties on each of
the four selected materials surfaces (rubber, plywood, galvanized iron
and stainless steel). At al studied moisture content levels for each of the
three varieties, the highest values of static coefficient of friction was with
rubber followed with plywood, galvanized iron and the lowest values was
with stainless steel.

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‫إسماعيل ‪ ،‬فريال عبد العزيز )‪ ،(٢٠٠١‬تكنولوجيا الحبوب ‪ ،‬مكتبة المعارف الحديثة ‪ -‬سابا باشا‬
‫–اإلسكندرية ‪ -‬جمھورية مصر العربية‪.‬‬
‫الملخص العربي‬
‫الخصائص الطبيعية لحبوب القمح‬
‫سليمان نصيف سليمان‪ –١‬محمد عبد الفتاح عبد المقصود ‪ –٢‬جمال رشا د جامع‬
‫يحى عبد الجليل قا ئد‬
‫زاد االھتمام بدراسة الخصائص الطبيعية للمنتجات الزراعية في الس نوات األخي رة والت ي تس اعد‬
‫في اختيار أفضل التصميمات لألجھزة والمعدات في مراحل التداول والطحن والتصنيع )عملي ات‬
‫ما بعد الحصاد( وذلك بھدف تقليل فاقد اإلنتاج وتحسين جودة المنتج‪.‬‬
‫تھ دف ھ ذه الدراس ة إل ى ت وفير قاع دة معلوم ات للخص ائص الطبيعي ة لحب وب القم ح وعالقتھ ا‬
‫بالمحتوى الرطوبي لثالثة أصناف جديدة من القمح المصرية وھي جيزة‪ ، ١٦٨‬سخا‪ ، ٩٣-‬بن ي‬
‫سويف‪ ١-‬عند أربعة مستويات رطوبية مختلفة)حوالي ‪ %٩‬و ‪ %١٢‬و ‪ %١٤‬و ‪.(%١٨‬‬
‫‪ -١‬استاذ ھندسة التصنيع الزراعي بكلية الزراعة جامعة اإلسكندرية‪.‬‬
‫‪ -٢‬استاذ مساعد الھندسة الزراعية بكلية الزراعة جامعة المنوفية ‪ -‬شبين الكوم‪.‬‬
‫‪ -٣‬مھندس بقسم الھندسة الزراعية بكلية الزراعة جامعة المنوفية ‪ -‬شبين الكوم‪.‬‬

‫‪Misr J. Ag. Eng., October 2009‬‬ ‫‪1875‬‬

‫وتعتبر ھذه األصناف من أكثر أصناف القمح المزروعة في مصر مساحة وأعالھا إنتاجي ة وذل ك‬
‫ع ام ‪ ٢٠٠٤‬ويس تخدم أص ناف القم ح )جي زة‪،١٦٨-‬س خا‪ (٩٣-‬ف ي ص ناعة الخب ز والبس كويت‬
‫وصنف )بني سويف‪ (١-‬قمح الديورم في صناعة المكرونة أما الخص ائص الطبيعي ة المدروس ة‬
‫فكان ت الخص ائص البعدي ة وتش مل ط ول وع رض وس مك الحب ة و الكثاف ة الكمي ة و كثاف ة الحب ة‬
‫كيلوجرام‪/‬متر‪ ٣‬و وزن األلف حبة و زاوية المكوث ومعام ل االحتك اك االس تاتيكي للحب وب عل ي‬
‫أربعة أسطح مختلفة وھي المطاط والخشب والحديد المجلفن والصلب‪.‬‬
‫ويمكن تلخيص النتائج التي توصل إليھا البحث فيما يلي‪:‬‬
‫‪ -١‬الخصائص البعدية‪:‬‬
‫حبوب القم ح ص نف بن ي س ويف‪ ١-‬س جلت أعل ى متوس طات لق يم أبع اد الحب وب )الط ول‬ ‫‪-‬‬
‫والعرض والسمك( في حين كانت أقصر األبعاد لحبوب صنف جيزة‪.١٦٨-‬‬
‫أظھر تحليل االرتباط الخطي للنتائج أن أبع اد الحب ة ي زداد بزي ادة المحت وى الرط وبي وأن‬ ‫‪-‬‬
‫العالقة بين كل من طول وعرض وسمك الحبة مع المحتوى الرطوبي عالقة خطية‪.‬‬
‫أظھر صنف سخا‪ -٩٣‬أعلى المقادير في متوسط الزي ادة ف ي أبع اد الحب ة حي ث تراوح ت الزي ادة‬
‫م ن ‪ ٦,٦٠‬إل ى ‪ ٧,٢٠‬وم ن ‪ ٣,٤٣‬ال ى‪ ٣,٨٠‬وم ن‪ ٣,٠١‬ال ى‪ ٣,٣١‬ملليمت ر لك ل م ن الط ول‬
‫والعرض والسمك على التوالي بزيادة المحت وى الرط وبي م ن ‪ ٩,٨٩‬إل ى ‪ . %١٧,٥١‬ف ي ح ين‬
‫سجل صنف بني سويف‪ ١-‬أقل تغيير في متوسط أبعاد الحبة والتي‬
‫تراوح ت م ا ب ين ‪ ٧,٤٦‬إل ى ‪ ٧,٨٦‬للط ول‪ ،‬و‪ ٣,٤١‬إل ى ‪ ٣,٦٦‬للع رض‪ ،‬و‪ ٣,١٥‬إل ى ‪٣,٣٧‬‬
‫ملليمتر للسمك بزيادة المحتوى الرطوبي للحبوب من‪ ٨,٧٠‬إلى ‪ %١٧,٤٢‬أساس رطب‪.‬‬
‫‪ -٢‬وزن األلف حبة‪:‬‬
‫‪ -‬حب وب القم ح ص نف بن ي س ويف‪ ١-‬أظھ رت أعل ى الق يم ف ي وزن األل ف حب ة تالھ ا‬
‫صنف سخا‪ -٩٣‬وكان أقلھا لصنف جيزة‪.١٦٨-‬‬
‫تحليل االرتباط الخطي للنتائج أظھر وجود عالق ة ط ر دي ة خطي ة ب ين المحت وى الرط وبي‬ ‫‪-‬‬
‫للحبوب ووزن األلف حبة لألصناف الثالثة المدروسة‪.‬‬
‫صنف سخا‪ -٩٣‬سجل أعلى زيادة ف ي وزن األل ف حب ة )‪ ٦٢,١٤-٥٣,١٣‬ج م(‪ ،‬ف ي ح ين‬ ‫‪-‬‬
‫أظھر صنف جيزة‪ ١٦٨-‬أقل زيادة )‪ ٥٠,٤٨-٤٥,٧١‬جم(‪.‬‬
‫‪ - ٣‬الكثافة الكمية‪:‬‬
‫‪ -‬أظھ ر تحلي ل االرتب اط الخط ي للنت ائج وج ود عالق ة عكس ية خطي ة ب ين الكثاف ة‬
‫الكمية لحبوب أصناف القمح المدروسة ومحتواھا الرطوبي‪.‬‬
‫‪ -‬سجل صنف بن ي س ويف‪ ١‬أكب ر تغيي ر ف ي الكثاف ة الكمي ة )‪ ٨٢١,٢٠- ٨٩٧,٤٠‬كج م‪/‬م (‬
‫بزيادة المحتوى الرطوبي من ‪ ٨.٧‬الى ‪ %١٧.٤٢‬بينما أظھر صنف جي زة‪ ١٦٨-‬أق ل تغي ر ف ي‬
‫الكثاف ة الكمي ة )‪ ٨٢٨.٢٠- ٨٦٣.٤٠‬كج م‪/‬م‪ (٣‬بزي ادة المحت وى الرط وبي م ن‪ ٩,٣٩‬إل ى‬
‫‪ -٤‬كثافة الحبة‪:‬‬
‫‪ -‬أظھ ر تحلي ل النت ائج وج ود عالق ة عكس ية خطي ة ب ين كثاف ة الحب ة لألص ناف المدروس ة‬
‫والمحتوى الرطوبي‪.‬‬

‫‪Misr J. Ag. Eng., October 2009‬‬ ‫‪1876‬‬

‫ص نف س خا‪ ٩٣-‬أظھ ر أكب ر مق ادير انخف اض ف ي كثاف ة الحب ة )‪-١٤٠١,١٠‬‬ ‫‪-‬‬
‫‪١٢٩٣,٦‬كجم‪/‬م ( بزيادة المحتوى الرطوبي من‪ ٩,٨٩‬إلى ‪ ،%١٧,٥١‬في حين أظھر صنف بني‬
‫س ويف‪ ١-‬أق ل انخف اض ف ي كثاف ة الحب ة)‪١٣٧٥,٣٠ – ١٣٩٩,٥٠‬كج م‪/‬م‪ (٣‬بزي ادة المحت وى‬
‫الرطوبي من‪ ٨,٧٠‬إلى ‪.% ١٧,٤٢‬‬
‫‪ -٥‬زاوية المكوث الطبيعي‪:‬‬
‫م ن تحلي ل النت ائج تب ين أن ه توج د عالق ة ط ر دي ة خطي ة ب ين زاوي ة المك وث الطبيع ي‬ ‫‪-‬‬
‫الديناميكية للحبوب والمحتوى الرطوبي للحبوب لألصناف المدروسة‪.‬‬
‫ص نف س خا‪ ٩٣-‬س جل أعل ى زي ادة ف ي زاوي ة المك وث الطبيع ي االس تاتيكية )‪-٢٤,٤٥‬‬ ‫‪-‬‬
‫‪ (˚٢٩,١٧‬بزيادة المحتوى الرطوبي من‪ ٩,٨٩‬إلى ‪ ،%١٧,٥١‬وأظھ ر ص نف بن ي س ويف‪١-‬أق ل‬
‫زيادة ف ي زاوي ة المك وث)‪ (˚٢٧,٠١-٢٥,١٠‬بزي ادة المحت وى الرط وبي للحب وب م ن ‪ ٨,٧٠‬إل ى‬
‫‪ -٦‬معامل االحتكاك االستاتيكي‪:‬‬
‫أعل ى معام ل احتك اك اس تاتيكي لألص ناف الثالث ة المدروس ة عن د المس تويات الرطوبي ة‬ ‫‪-‬‬
‫األربعة كان مع المطاط يليه الخشب ثم الحديد المجلفن وأقلھا مع الحديد الصلب‪.‬‬
‫أظھر تحليل االرتباط الخطي للنتائج أن العالق ة ب ين معام ل االحتك اك االس تاتيكي للحب وب‬ ‫‪-‬‬
‫مع األسطح األربعة والمحتوى الرطوبي للحبوب عالقة طر دية خطية‪.‬‬

‫‪Misr J. Ag. Eng., October 2009‬‬ ‫‪1877‬‬

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