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Life Orientation September 2021 MG Eng

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MARKS: 100

These marking guidelines consist of 21 pages.

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Life Orientation 2 DBE/September 2021
NSC – Common Assessment Task – Marking Guidelines



1.1 1.1.1 C ()

1.1.2 D ()
1.1.3 B ()
1.1.4 D ()
1.1.5 A ()

1.2 1.2.1 Dehydration ()

1.2.2 Cyber/'Tech' savvy ()
1.2.3 Balance () (3)

1.3 1.3.1 State TWO examples of possible gender inequality practices in

the work place.

Marks should be awarded as follows:

ONE mark () for each of the TWO responses

Possible answers could include:

 Unequal pay for equal work being done ()
 Objectifying women and young girls ()
 Certain genders mostly doing the unpaid labour ()
 Labeling/stereotyping based on gender ()
 Unequal gender representation ()
 Discrimination based on gender/disability/race/class/age ()
 Barriers to leadership positions based on gender ()
 Treating women/male/other genders as one homogenous
group ()
 Considering women as the weaker sex who are unable to
cope with work pressure ()
 Expectations placed on a specific gender that may negatively
impact on them ()
 Choosing a specific gender for a job based on confidence
instead of competence ()
 Owing to affirmative action, men may be overlooked for
certain positions ()
 Any TWO of the above responses for ONE mark each. (2x1) (2)

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Life Orientation 3 DBE/September 2021
NSC – Common Assessment Task – Marking Guidelines

Explain why smoking of cigarettes may have a negative effect
on your physical appearance.

Marks should be awarded as follows:

TWO marks () for ONE well-explained response.

Smoking may …
 result in a lack of oxygen in the blood vessels () which could
cause…(any one of the following qualifiers) ()
- discoloration of the skin.
- uneven skin tone/spots on the skin.
- bad breath.
- yellow eyes.
- stains on nails/fingers.
- damages to/discoloration of gums and teeth.
 lead to a high concentration of chemicals in the body ()
which may cause...(any one of the following qualifiers) ()
- sagging/losing elasticity of the skin.
- deeper wrinkles on the face.
 disrupt the natural process of hair growth () which may
result in hair thinning/loss/baldness in some people. ()
 cause a drop in appetite () which may result in unnatural
weight loss. () (2)
 Any ONE of the above responses for TWO marks. (1x2)
Why do you think municipalities should amend bylaws on a
regular basis?

Marks should be awarded as follows:

ONE mark () for each response.

Bylaws should be amended because…

 the living environment of a community changes from time to
time. ()
 out-dated bylaws may compromise the health and safety of a
community. ()
Bylaws should be amended to ensure that…
 it remains relevant to the ever-changing needs of the
community. ()
 the procedures/methods/practices used to regulate the
protection of all community members are effective. ()
 the constitutional right to a safe environment is upheld at all
times.() (2)
 Any TWO of the above responses for ONE mark each. (2x1)

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Life Orientation 4 DBE/September 2021
NSC – Common Assessment Task – Marking Guidelines

1.3.4 Discuss the importance of setting achievable health and fitness


Marks should be awarded as follows:

TWO marks () for a well-explained response.

It is important so that it may…

 make it easier for you to keep yourself on pace () which may
encourage you to stay accountable to yourself. ()
 help you to be specific about your goals () and this may give
you a clear idea of the type of actions you need to take to
reach your goals. ()
 increase your chances of successfully completing your
goals() which may motivate you to set bigger goals as you
progress. ()
 prevent you from being discouraged by unrealistic goals()
which may help you to stay motivated throughout your
mission. ()
 ensure that you enjoy what you have to do to reach your
goals () which may prevent you from getting frustrated/that
you are not tempted to give up on your goals. ()
 make it easier for you to monitor your progress () which may
help you to remain focused on your goals. ()
 Any ONE of the above responses for TWO marks. (1x2) (2)

1.4 1.4.1 Explain why entrepreneurs should be risk-takers.

Marks should be awarded as follows:

TWO marks () for a well-explained response.

It may…
 push them to reach their business goals () which may help
to ensure the success of their businesses. ()
 open up new opportunities () which may rescue the
business from possible closure/lead to business growth. ()
 help them to accept failure as part of taking risks () which
may allow them to see failure as an opportunity to
learn/improve. ()
 spark innovative ideas to deliver new products/services ()
which may ensure that they meet the changing demands of
customers/attract new customers. ()
 help them to overcome the fear of failure () which may boost
their confidence to face new challenges. ()
 help them to discover their strengths and weaknesses ()
which may motivate them to learn new skills and build on
existing ones. ()
 Any ONE of the above responses for TWO marks. (1x2) (2)

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Life Orientation 5 DBE/September 2021
NSC – Common Assessment Task – Marking Guidelines

1.4.2 Recommend ONE way in which a potential entrepreneur could

determine if a business opportunity will be financially viable.
Motivate your answer.

Marks should be awarded as follows:

TWO marks () for a well-explained response.

A potential entrepreneur could …

 check whether there is a demand/need for the
products/service he/she wants to sell/render () to determine
if the product is marketable/if there is a sustainable client
base for such a service. ()
 identify an appropriate location for the business () to ensure
that potential clients have easy access to the business. ()
 research the competition () to prevent running losses due to
an oversaturated market. ()
 identify the niche market/a particular or small target group in
the market () in order to provide a specialised
product/service as required by these consumers. ()
 determine what the running cost of the business would be
(e.g. electricity, phone, rent, transport) () to ensure a
balance between income and expenses. ()
 test the business idea beforehand () to determine whether
the idea would be profitable. ()
 research how to market the product/service () to ensure
that the business would succeed. ()
 Any ONE of the above responses for TWO marks. (1x2) (2)


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Life Orientation 6 DBE/September 2021
NSC – Common Assessment Task – Marking Guidelines

1. In this section, candidates' answers must be written in full sentences as far as
possible. Hence, within a 3- or 4-mark question, candidates could and should
be awarded 4, 3, 2 and 1 or a 0 (zero) depending on the level of answers
2. It must be noted that in each category of the candidates' efforts, a distinction
must be made between excellent, good, satisfactory and poor responses.
2.1 Give a definition of the term personality.

Marks should be awarded as follows:

TWO marks () for a well-explained response.

Personality is…
 a combination of characteristics or qualities () that form an individual's
distinctive character. ()
 the characteristic patterns of thoughts, feelings and behaviours () that
make a person unique. ()
 a set of emotional qualities, behaviour and attitudes () that makes one
person different from another. ()
 includes behavioural characteristics both inherent and acquired, () that
distinguishes one person from another. ()
 involves the moods, attitudes and opinions of a person () which are
most clearly expressed in interactions with other people. ()
 Any ONE of the above responses for TWO marks. (1x2) (2)

2.2 State TWO factors that may have contributed to a young person
developing positive personality traits during childhood.

Marks should be awarded as follows:

ONE mark () for each of the TWO responses.

Factors could include:

 Consistent disciplinary measures by parents/siblings/teachers/
caregivers ()
 Disciplinary measures that may have guided a child in how to respond
to a situation appropriately ()
 Parents who dealt with a situation/crisis unitedly ()
 Emotional support from parents/siblings/extended family/peers ()
 Parents/caregivers who dealt appropriately with their own
problems/challenges ()
 Being influenced by people with positive outlooks on life ()
 Having grown up in a loving, well-nurtured environment ()
 Being guided by cultural belief systems/religious beliefs ()
 Any TWO of the above responses for ONE mark each. (2x1) (2)

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Life Orientation 7 DBE/September 2021
NSC – Common Assessment Task – Marking Guidelines

2.3 Explain how a negative attitude towards life could affect your
communication with others.

Marks should be awarded as follows:

TWO marks () for a well-explained response.

It may cause you to…

 be judgmental of others () which may make you to always find fault in
others when communicating with them. ()
 be abrupt/curt/blunt in your communication with people () which may
limit all forms of communication/interaction/cause miscommunication
with others.()
 constantly complain about everything () which may make people avoid
communicating/initiating conversations with you. ()
 always dismiss/disregard what others say () which may result in
people not wanting to share information/ideas/concerns with you .()
 exaggerate/make things seem worse than what it is () which may
create anxiety/fear in others when communicating with them.()
 Any ONE of the above responses for TWO marks. (1x2) (2)

2.4 Discuss why avoiding conflict is not healthy for any relationship.

Marks should be awarded as follows:

TWO marks () for each well-explained response.

It may…
 prevent people from resolving the conflict () which could only worsen
the situation. ()
 result in you becoming withdrawn/introverted () which may lead to
irreconcilable differences in relationships. ()
 intensify the problem () which could lead to more/other issues in the
long run. ()
 add to the existing emotional stress of the people involved () which
could increase the rift between the parties. ()
 compromise an individual's true feelings () which could lead to
frustration/anger, affecting that person's health negatively.()
 harm intimacy/closeness in relationships () because all honest
communication with the other person may be compromised/cut off. ()
 cause a breakdown in communication/strained feelings () as trust and
honesty may be lost in the relationship. ()
 Any TWO of the above responses for TWO marks each. (2 x 2) (4)

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Life Orientation 8 DBE/September 2021
NSC – Common Assessment Task – Marking Guidelines

2.5 Why do you think compromising may not always be considered as the
most ideal method to resolve disagreements?

Marks should be awarded as follows:

TWO marks () for each well-explained response.

Possible answers could include:

 Since compromising requires both sides to give up something in order
to reach an agreement () it may result in neither party being truly
satisfied. ()
 When someone uses compromising as a hidden agenda/takes
advantage of the other person's willingness to compromise () then
over time, a pattern can develop where one individual may always
manage to get their way/may manipulate the other person into getting
their way. ()
 Sometimes a compromise may be perceived as a weakness () which
may cause people to feel powerless/defenceless in the situation. ()
 Some people may outwardly “compromise” when, in fact, they may feel
totally different about the situation () which may lead to resentment
between the parties. ()
 A compromise may be viewed as always satisfying the other party ()
and these could breed feelings of bitterness towards the other party. ()
 Any TWO of the above responses for TWO marks each. (2 x 2) (4)

2.6 How would you improve your way of coping with changes in any
relationship? In each answer, also indicate how improving these coping
skills could help you to accept the changes in your relationships.

Marks should be awarded as follows:

THREE marks () for each well-explained response.

You could …
 assess how much control you have over a situation in a relationship ()
by determining what you can take responsibility for () and in this way
you may be able to accept the things that you are unable to change in
the relationship. ()
 accept that experiencing changes in life is inevitable () which may
enable you to deal better with sudden/unexpected disappointment in a
relationship () and this may help you to cope better with the
challenges in the relationship. ()
 make a conscious decision to not postpone taking the necessary
actions in a particular situation of that relationship () so that you may
not become overwhelmed by the unavoidable () and this may help you
to make peace with your new situation. ()
 practice better self-care when experiencing any form of loss (death of a
loved one/end of a relationship) () which may enable you to deal
better with any feelings of sorrow you may experience () and this may
lower the risk of anxiety about your changed circumstances. ()

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Life Orientation 9 DBE/September 2021
NSC – Common Assessment Task – Marking Guidelines

 be more mindful of your thought patterns () so that you may be able to
assess how rational/irrational your thinking is () and this may help you
to not feel doomed by assuming the worst outcomes in the
 envision/put yourself in the future of these changed circumstances()
which may enable you to be more hopeful about the future () and this
may help you to feel more positive about what lies ahead. ()
 remind yourself about transitions/challenges you successfully navigated
in past relationships () so that you may consider which traits/actions
might see you through your current challenges in a relationship () and
this may help you to realise your strengths when having to deal with any
change in a relationship. ()
 see change as an opportunity for growth in your relationship () which
may help you to focus on what you could learn from these new
developments () and this may allow you to determine your priorities
going forward in the relationship. ()
 make yourself aware of the fact that a change in a relationship could
also be positive () which may help you to be more adaptive to any
new/unexpected change in circumstances () and this may allow you to
experience these changes in a relationship as a pleasant transition. ()
 Any TWO of the above responses for THREE marks each. (2x3) (6)


3.1 Give a definition of the term study skills.

Marks should be awarded as follows:

TWO marks () for a well-explained response.

*NOTE TO TEACHER: No marks should be awarded for examples of

study methods, strategies or techniques.

Study skills refer to…

 the ability to concentrate/perceive information correctly/accurately ()
to remember what has been studied. ()
 an acquired ability to apply the strategies/methods/techniques
learned() to achieve one's study goals/study effectively. ()
 the ability to recall/retain information/new knowledge successfully()
producing it in a logical way. ()
 Any ONE of the above responses for TWO marks. (1x2) (2)

3.2 Differentiate between the following action words as used in an

examination paper:
 Illustrate
 Identify

Marks should be awarded as follows:

TWO marks () for a well-explained response.

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Life Orientation 10 DBE/September 2021
NSC – Common Assessment Task – Marking Guidelines

Possible answers could include:

 When illustrating you would give an example by clearly showing what
you mean () whereas identifying means to find/name/mention
something. ()
 Illustrating means to explain something in ways that clearly demonstrate
what needs to be understood () while identifying involves the ability to
choose something from a range of factors. ()
 To illustrate means to explain something by visual representations, e.g.
using a graph/figure/diagram () whereas identifying would mean to
pinpoint/briefly describe the main points. ()
 When illustrating something you could use comparisons () while
identifying would mean to simply recognise and point out something. ()
 Any ONE of the above responses for TWO marks. (1x2) (2)

3.3 Explain ONE benefit of planning your responses when writing an


Marks should be awarded as follow:

TWO marks () for a well-explained response.

It may enable you to …

 focus on what is actually required from a question () so that you may
be able to formulate/develop your responses according to the core
instruction of a question. ()
 effect changes to your answers before compiling the final answer ()
thereby ensuring that your responses are clear/relevant to the
 focus only on the main aspects of the question () so that you may not
waste time on non-essential information. ()
 choose the questions you know well () which may help you to recall
the necessary information with ease. ()
 be precise in answering a question () thereby ensuring that you give
the required detail. ()
 organise your thoughts to prioritize the information you present () so
that you may be able to present your facts in a logical/coherent way.()
 Any ONE of the above responses for TWO marks. (1x2) (2)

3.4 Discuss TWO ways in which you could deal effectively with anxiety
during an examination session.

Marks should be awarded as follows:

TWO marks () for each well-explained response.

You could…
 take a few moments to do some breathing exercises () which may help
you to calm your nerves/get rid of any feelings of worry. ()
 assure yourself that you have studied adequately for that particular
examination paper () which may change your negative thought
patterns/help you to dismiss any fear of failure. ()
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Life Orientation 11 DBE/September 2021
NSC – Common Assessment Task – Marking Guidelines

 first focus on the questions that you feel confident about/you know
well() which may help you to set aside any insecurities you may have
about answering other questions. ()
 remind yourself about your future aspirations/why you wish to complete
your examination successfully () which may inspire you to write the
examination with the necessary strength of mind. ()
 acknowledge your successes in previous examinations () which may
eliminate any feelings of worthlessness/boost your confidence/calm you
down/help you to focus on doing your best in the current examination
sitting. ()
 embrace the fact that exam stress is normal for everybody () which
may counter your nervousness at that moment. ()
 accept the challenges that are common with writing an examination ()
which may help you to take better control/stay in control of your
situation. ()
 familiarise yourself with your exam environment () which may help
you to settle down faster, focusing your attention on the task at
 Any TWO of the above responses for TWO marks each. (2x2) (4)

3.5 Assess how time management skills could assist you to perform
effectively in your Grade 12 assessments.

Marks should be awarded as follows:

TWO marks () for each well-explained response.

It could enable you to …

 prioritise your deliverables () and this may assist you to meet
deadlines/targets for assessment tasks with more ease. ()
 do proper scheduling/planning of tasks/projects () and this may ensure
timeous completion of all work-related activities. ()
 monitor that the time spent on each task is valid () and this may
ensure that you do not spend too much time on one task at the expense
of another. ()
 set realistic goals to complete tasks () and this may help you to reach
the outcomes for a day/specific period of time. ()
 distribute your workload in a systematic way () and this may help you
to stay well organised/manage your amount of work effortlessly. ()
 not take on too many tasks within a given timeframe () and this may
enable you to complete assessments more efficiently. ()
 set up your work environment in a way that would eliminate any possible
distractors () which may ensure that your time is not taken up by less
important activities when having to complete assessments. ()
 Any TWO of the above responses for TWO marks each. (2x2) (4)

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Life Orientation 12 DBE/September 2021
NSC – Common Assessment Task – Marking Guidelines

3.6 How would you adapt your reading skills to respond effectively to
examination questions? In each answer, also indicate how that could
improve your ability to gain maximum marks in a question.

Marks should be awarded as follows:

THREE marks () for each well-explained response.

You could practice the skill to…

 do reflective reading (skim and scan) () in order to…
- get an overall meaning of the question and/or related texts/
stimuli () (or)
- relate the information to prior knowledge/experiences () and this
may already give you an indication of the format/length of answers
required. ()
 develop your reading speed () which may help you to…
- read a question and/or related texts/stimuli more fluently () (or)
- absorb information faster () (or)
- promote concentration () (or)
- capture the different instructions in one question () and this may
ensure that you may answer each part of the question
 read actively () whereby you may learn to…
- also consider the titles/subheadings/charts/graphs/captions () (or)
- determine what you understand or do not understand about the
question and/or stimuli () (or)
- to identify the key aspects of a question () (or)
- evaluate the relevance of the information () and this may assist
you to formulate meaningful/substantial responses. ()
 read strategically () which may enable you to…
- improve the way you decode/make sense of information () (or)
- extract efficient information from a question/source () (or)
- construct meaningful information from a question/source () and in
this way you may respond within the correct context of the
 read with understanding () which may ensure that you answer to the
depth/extent of answers required () and in this way you may be able to
provide the most suitable answers to gain full marks. ()
 Any TWO of the above responses for THREE marks each. (2x3)


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Life Orientation 13 DBE/September 2021
NSC – Common Assessment Task – Marking Guidelines


1. Candidates must answer any TWO (2) questions in this section. Should the
candidate answer all three questions, only the first TWO will be marked. The
remaining question should be struck out and the following abbreviation should
be written 'ENQR' (Exceeded Number of Questions Required).

2. Candidates' responses must be in the form of PARAGRAPHS. Marks will

only be awarded for responses written in full sentences.

 In this question, candidates' answers must be written in full sentences as
far as possible. Hence, within the 4-mark question, candidates could and
should be awarded 4, 3, 2 and 1 or a 0 (zero) depending on the level of
answers given.
 To be awarded the full FOUR marks for an EVALUATION question,
candidates must give a statement, () qualify the statement () a second
statement, () qualify the second statement. ()

Mention FOUR benefits for a person who detects a disease early enough.

Marks should be awarded as follows:

ONE mark () for each response.

Possible answers could include:

 The chances for someone making a full recovery is better. ()
 Unnecessary death/fatalities may be prevented/the odds of surviving are
 Treatment could be more effective. ()
 A person's quality of life may not be affected as severely. ()
 Restoring/maintaining good health may not be so costly. ()
 The condition could be managed/controlled instead of worsening. ()
 Appropriate lifestyle interventions could be done, leading to a longer, healthier
 Harm to other organs in the body may be prevented/your overall health may be
protected. ()
 It may prevent a disease from fully developing. ()
 The chances of a long-term cure are much better than if the disease has
 Any FOUR of the above responses for ONE mark each. (4x1) (4)

Analyse the negative effect of people's personal views about infectious diseases
on the health and safety of people.

Marks should be awarded as follows:

FOUR marks () for each well-explained response.

NOTE: To be awarded the full FOUR marks, candidates must give a statement,
() elaborate on the statement, () qualify it () and give an outcome. ()

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Life Orientation 14 DBE/September 2021
NSC – Common Assessment Task – Marking Guidelines

If people should…
 form their own theories about the disease/virus () it may influence others to
believe those opinions () which may lead to the spread of fake news () and
this may cause confusion among people about whether they should comply with
safety regulations or not. ()
 misuse what may seem to be normal social and economic activity () and
become complacent with the crisis situation () it may cause them to engage
carelessly with others () and this may put themselves and others at a higher
risk of contracting the disease/virus. ()
 choose to deny the reality of such a disease () as their own way of coping with
such a health crisis () it may make them to ignore the devastating effects of
such a disease () and this may cause them to unintentionally spread the
disease/ virus.()
 argue that it is their right to not disclose their health status, () knowing well that
they may infect others () they may thereby only consider their own interest ()
and this may deprive others of their right to be safe and stay healthy. ()
 prefer to not trust the scientific evidence of how the disease/virus is contracted/
spread () they may believe that the disease is merely a political conspiracy()
and they may then refuse to comply with compulsory safety precautions ()
leading them to disregard the seriousness of the disease. ()
 put their faith entirely in religious/traditional practices () they may believe that
they will not contract the disease/virus by doing so () which may cause them to
not trust in any other form of prevention/treatment () and this may lead to (8)
unnecessary illness/untimely deaths. ()
 Any TWO of the above responses for FOUR marks each. (2x4)

Evaluate the impact of a crisis such as the global COVID-19 pandemic on the
current trends in the job market.

Marks should be awarded as follows:

FOUR marks () for each well-explained response.

NOTE: To be awarded the full FOUR marks for the EVALUATION, candidates
must give a statement, () qualify the statement, () give a second statement,
() qualify the second statement. ()

Possible answers could include:

 There has been an extreme downturn in economic activity as a result of this
global crisis () which had an even more severe impact on youth employment
possibilities;() however, this situation has created an opportunity for many
young people to become entrepreneurs/to come up with innovative
entrepreneurial ideas() which eventually has become long-term/sustainable
employment options for many of them. ()
 The economic restrictions that the global pandemic brought about has caused a
massive decline in work-based learning opportunities () which has amplified
the difficulties that young jobseekers already experienced prior to the pandemic;
() however, many virtual platforms have since been created () affording
people alternative access to different learning opportunities. ()

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Life Orientation 15 DBE/September 2021
NSC – Common Assessment Task – Marking Guidelines

 An even greater percentage of young people now have to compete for one job
() which has mainly advantaged the best skilled young workers;() thus
forcing others to identify/acknowledge their shortcomings, () resulting in
opportunities for them to gain new skills to survive in the current job-hunting
climate. ()
 Many people lost their jobs/had to take a cut in salary/had a disruption in their
careers() which means that they now have to compete with a new cohort
joining the labour force; () spurring many people to unlock other
talents/entrepreneurial skills () opening up a completely new working world to
 There has been a shift in job skills demands, () forcing many workers to
rapidly adapt and learn new technological skills; () resulting in a higher
demand for technical courses/online crash courses in technology () so that
people could meet the demands of remote working at a national/international
level. ()
 Many companies had to change their business strategies in order to survive in
this recession period () to stay relevant in this sudden changing business
environment;() resulting in them having to come up with innovative ways to
market their business () thereby creating new job opportunities for others. ()
 Face to face recruitment processes could no longer be done because of
international lockdown regulations () which caused serious delays in people
being appointed to available positions; () in turn, companies had to adapt to
online recruitment processes/virtual platforms () which has become an
easier/faster way to connect with candidates/retrieve any necessary
documentation/information from candidates. ()
 Most companies had to work from home () so that they could still deliver
services/keep their clientele/make business; () however, working from home
has caused some workers to feel isolated () as they no longer have colleagues
around them to depend on for assistance. ()
 Many companies have retrenched workers () since they realized that the
company could do without people in certain positions; () whereas other
companies have used this situation as an opportunity to monitor/evaluate the
work of employees more closely () thereby holding more people accountable
for their productivity/deliverables. ()
 Many people, especially those who were mainly office based, had to adapt to
working from home () forcing them to learn new ways of working and
managing their household responsibilities at the same time () (any one of the
- resulting in some people appreciating it as an opportunity to spend more
time with their families () thereby preferring to work as digital nomads. ()
- resulting in others missing the interaction with other colleagues/work
environment () thereby still preferring to work from the office. () (8)
 Any TWO of the above responses for FOUR marks each. (2x4)

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Life Orientation 16 DBE/September 2021
NSC – Common Assessment Task – Marking Guidelines


 In this question, candidates' answers must be written in full sentences as
far as possible. Hence, within the 4-mark question, candidates could and
should be awarded 4, 3, 2 and 1 or a 0 (zero) depending on the level of
answers given.

Mention FOUR ways in which the media could ensure access of information to all

Marks should be awarded as follows:

ONE mark () for each response.

The media could…

 ensure that all print media/subscription to electronic media is affordable. ()
 accommodate the different language needs of all communities (including braille).
 liaise with the government telecommunication department to help in the provision
of infrastructure/towers for broadcasting. ()
 increase radio/TV broadcasting by helping to establish more radio/TV
broadcasting stations/channels. ()
 encourage communities to have their own local newspapers/magazines/radio
stations. ()
 advertise important local/international news/events on billboards/pamphlets/at
community events/via mobile stations. ()
 use bulk messaging systems to keep all communities informed of any important
news. ()
 introduce new types of newspapers such as tabloids, free news sheets, etc. ()
 provide more efficient delivery/distribution systems to reach more readers. ()
 Any FOUR of the above responses for ONE mark each. (4x1) (4)

Analyse how limitations to the right to freedom of expression of the media may
assist in promoting public safety.

Marks should be awarded as follow:

FOUR marks () for each well-explained response.

NOTE: To be awarded the full FOUR marks, candidates must give a statement,
() elaborate on the statement, () qualify () and give an outcome. ()

 limiting the overemphasis of criminal incidents/activities in their reporting () the
media may be able to control the careless use of shocking details in news
reports() thereby helping to keep the public calm () and in this way it may
prevent citizens from engaging in violent unrest/action/crime which could
endanger peoples' lives. ()

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Life Orientation 17 DBE/September 2021
NSC – Common Assessment Task – Marking Guidelines

 ensuring that news about local/provincial/national governments is truthful/

accurate() the government is portrayed in a positive light () thereby
encouraging citizens to respect/trust their government () and this may then
help to avoid public outrage/violent demonstrations over matters of public
interest. ()
 protecting the identity of children who are victims of abuse/exploitation/
convicted of juvenile offences () children's' safety may be taken into
consideration () thereby protecting them from any further exploitation by
offenders/paedophiles/criminals () and this may then help to secure their
personal welfare. ()
 restricting the broadcasting/publishing of upsetting interviews/disturbing
photographs of people who are in protective custody () they may then feel safe
() knowing that they can trust the justice system () and this may help
safeguard them from any further victimization/threats from offenders. ()
 regulating the publishing/distribution of unlawful illustrations of community
protests() they may be able to control outbreaks from spreading to other areas
() and this may ensure social order in these communities () thereby
protecting citizens from being harmed/property from being vandalized. ()
 controlling media reporting on issues of national security and public order ()
the media is obligated to be responsible in their broadcasting () thereby they
may be limited from publishing information that might compromise national
security () and this may protect citizens/the country from possible international
 Any TWO of the above responses for FOUR marks each. (2x4) (8)

Critically discuss the impact of the increasing ¹digital divide on different groups
in society, specifically the poorer communities.

Marks should be awarded as follow:

FOUR marks () for each well-explained response.

NOTE: To be awarded the full FOUR marks, candidates must give a statement,
() elaborate on the statement, () qualify it () and give an outcome. ()

Possible answers could include:

 The poorer communities are once again left behind in the constantly changing
technological developments () since these communities may not be provided
with the advanced technological infrastructure that they may need () in order to
also have unlimited access to modern information and communication
technology () and as a result, this may hamper the socio-economic
development/status in these communities even further. ()
 People living in deep rural/remote areas may not be able to apply for jobs that
are advertised on various digital networks/platforms () since they may not have
the necessary means/devices to access information provided via these
networks/platforms, () which may result in a constantly increasing
unemployment rate in these communities () and this may escalate the existing
social inequalities/further broaden the gap between the rich and the poor. ()

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Life Orientation 18 DBE/September 2021
NSC – Common Assessment Task – Marking Guidelines

 Disadvantaged communities may still have very limited exposure to

virtual/online/distance learning opportunities/educational programmes, () which
may result in these communities not getting the quality education they too
deserve () consequently, there could be an ever increasing rate in
illiterate/uneducated masses() and this may have a negative impact on their
chances to qualify for better jobs that may improve their socio-economic
circumstances. ()
 Inadequate e-communication may lead to increased remoteness of some groups
from civil society, () which may make them to feel more isolated () and this
may cause them to become progressively apathetic about important issues that
affect them directly () because they are being deprived of opportunities to
participate in the wider society.()
 Poorer communities may be deprived of access to digital information, further
emphasizing their powerlessness/vulnerability () thereby further intensifying
their inability to express their opinions () which could disempower them even
further () since they may not able to partake in/influence decision-making
processes that affect their lives. ()
 Not having free access to information limits the possibility of breaking the cycle
of poverty () since knowledge is power () and limiting information may
suppress citizens () instead it should be used as a tool to integrate all
communities into the broader society. ()
 Not all individuals may know how to use modern information and communication
tools, () therefore they may be unable to bridge these technological
communication gaps () and optimally utilize modern technology () hence the
economic status of people living in such communities, remain the same. ()
 The digital divide violates the civil rights of people in poorer communities () as
it causes these communities to lag further behind in modern information and
communication technology () which is a clear indicator that the interests and
concerns of these communities are not adequately attended to () and this may
further contribute to the existing poverty dilemmas in these excluded
 Any TWO of the above responses for FOUR marks each. (2x4) (8)

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Life Orientation 19 DBE/September 2021
NSC – Common Assessment Task – Marking Guidelines


 In this question, candidates' answers must be written in full sentences as
far as possible. Hence, within the 4-mark question, candidates could and
should be awarded 4, 3, 2 and 1 or a 0 (zero) depending on the level of
answers given.

Mention FOUR ways in which work could give you a sense of purpose in life.

Marks should be awarded as follows:

ONE mark () for each response.

Possible answers could include:

 Each day of your life may be filled with daily goals to accomplish. ()
 You have a specific role to play at your work place. ()
 You may learn new skills and experience different things every day. ()
 You may experience a sense of companionship/camaraderie/that you are part
of/belong/fit in with your peers/colleagues. ()
 It may afford you opportunities to grow as a person in different facets of your
life/ explore alternative career paths. ()
 You are able to contribute to the economy and your community. ()
 It may instill feelings of self-worth/accomplishment/significance. ()
 You may be doing what you love/heeding your calling in life. ()
 You may feel that your life is valuable and rewarding to yourself and others. ()
 It could give you balance in life. ()
 It may offer you certainty/financial and/or emotional stability/direction in life. ()
 You could serve as a role model to other members of your community. ()
 Any FOUR of the above responses for ONE mark each. (4x1) (4)

Analyse why it is necessary for all workers to follow the required ethical
behaviour in the work place.

Marks should be awarded as follows:

FOUR marks () for each well-explained response.

NOTE: To be awarded the full FOUR marks, candidates must give a statement,
() elaborate on the statement, () qualify it () and give an outcome. ()

If all workers would…

 do their work with diligence () they would strive to continually perform at their
level best () which may greatly improve the overall productivity in the work
place () and this may assist in achieving the common goal of the company.
 commit to always function efficiently () it may lessen any possible frustration
among co-workers () which may create a sense of a joined work force () and
this may enable everyone to complete their work within the required time
limits. ()

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Life Orientation 20 DBE/September 2021
NSC – Common Assessment Task – Marking Guidelines

 take pride in their work () they would do their work with the necessary
enthusiasm() thereby ensuring outstanding service delivery at all times ()
and this may strengthen the integrity of every worker in the company.()
 honour the responsibilities assigned to them, () then each one would also
accept accountability for their own failures/successes () which may prevent
any possible hostility among workers () and this may enhance good working
relationships in the workplace. ()
 aim to be professional at all times () everyone could be encouraged to strictly
follow this conduct () which may help all workers to maintain the same working
standards () thereby ensuring that the principles of the company are upheld.
 treat each other with respect under all circumstances () it could inspire a
positive change to the manner in which they engage with one another () which
may foster an attitude of mindfulness () and this may secure an emotionally
safe working environment for everyone. ()
 show integrity in all that they do () they may refrain from engaging in dishonest
practices () which may prevent fraud/corruption in the workplace () and this
may ensure that everyone would strive to maintain high morals in the work
place. ()
 Any TWO of the above responses for FOUR marks each. (2x4) (8)

Critically discuss the importance of understanding your core values to ensure

that you may find meaning in your work.

Marks should be awarded as follows:

FOUR marks () for each well-explained response.

NOTE: To be awarded the full FOUR marks, candidates must give a statement,
() elaborate on the statement, () qualify it () and give an outcome. ()

Possible answers could include:

 Exploring your core values first, is an important step toward setting realistic
career goals () as you cannot set a goal for what you want if you do not know
what you are looking for () but being aware of your core values could give you
clarity about what you want from life () and this could put you in a better
position to pursue a job that would be meaningful to you. ()
 Identifying your core values is crucial in making important life decisions () as it
may enable you to prioritize these values () which may then guide you in
finding a job that would offer the values that you are looking for () and this may
help you to reflect if you are following the right career. ()
 Defining your core values is important when pursuing a job opportunity ()
since this may help you to determine whether your own values are in line with
the work values () and if not, whether you would be able to adapt otherwise,
() and this may help you to view job opportunities through the correct lens. ()
 Your core values could be the compass that leads you to a suitable career ()
so it is vital that you always revisit these values () to make sure that you do
not lose sight of what really matters in your life () and this may help you to
determine what career moves you should or should not make/whether you
should keep or leave a job. ()

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Life Orientation 21 DBE/November 2021
NSC – Common Assessment Task (Supplementary) – Marking Guidelines

 When you clearly outline your core values () it may help you to do reflection of
what is important for you in a job, () providing you with more guidance when
you have to consider the prospects of the job () and this may make it easier
for you to either accept or decline a particular job. ()
 Your core values could help you to determine the significance of a specific job
to you () and by following these values early in your career () may make it
easier to decide which job opportunities you could consider () and this may
help you to find the job that would offer you the satisfaction/contentment that
you are looking for in a job. ()
 Any TWO of the above responses for FOUR marks each. (2x4) (8)


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