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Teacher Name Date Class Length Page

Ms. Nhi & Ms. Rawan 03/06 87 90 mins

Learning objectives To introduce yourself, speak about yourself, write about yourself

Stage 1

Stage Stage Name Stage Aim

1 WARM-UP  To learn how to introduce yourself
Timeframe Lesson Procedure Interaction
15 mins 1. Revision: T – SS
- Activity: Ask Ss to stand up and take away one seat. When Ss hear the signals from the teacher, SS – SS
they quickly move and find a seat. The one who is left standing will need to answer a question S–S
about Subjects and Days of the week (What is your favourite day in a week/subjects? In which SS – T
subject do we learn numbers and caculation? Which day comes after Tuesday?....)
2. Warm-up activity:
- Draw Ss’ attention to the title of the lesson First day and have ss share their first days at school
and predict what will be covered in the lesson
- Ask ss to look at the picture at the top of page 10 and ask questions: Where are they? What are
they doing?
- Choose two Ss to read the dialogue.
- Ask Ss to tell you what kind of relationship Bob and Susan have
- Ss act out dialogues in closed pairs using their own names. To help Ss, draw the following
diagram on the board and elicit appropriate phrases Ss can use. Write them on the board. Ss can
refer to the diagram while doing the task.
Stage 2

Stage Stage Name Stage Aim

To read and listen for gist
2 READING To read for specific information
Timeframe Lesson Procedure Interaction
20 mins A. PRE READING T – SS
1. Pre-Text Discussion/Task SS – SS
- To introduce the text and encourage Ss to predict/think about content of the text and give them S–S
a reason to read the text SS – T
 Ask Ss to look at the reading part in page 10 and ask them: What can you see? (a conversation
between two people)
 Ask ss to guess the relationship between them
2. Pre-teach Lexis (if necessary)
- To pre-teach/unblock key lexis (3 – 4 words) needed to help students understand the text/the
next task
1. Reading for Gist
 To encourage Ss to To read for gist (Ex 2.a, page 10)
- Play the recording and ask Ss to follow as they listen, check their previous prediction.
- Ask Ss to read the dialogue again, give ss enough time to answer the questions.
- Check Ss’ answers
2. Read for specific information (Ex 2.b, page 10)
- Instruct learners to find answers while reading
- Set a time limit for reading
- Peer check then full class feedback.
- Use feedback to clarify comprehension problems. Have the answers highlighted in Ss’
copy of the text to help with comprehension issues.
 Read the sentences 1-4 aloud
 Do one example with Ss. Give Ss enough time to answer the questions (3 mins).
Advise Ss to underline, circle, and/or highlight the key words in the dialogue
which helped them answer the questions.
 T gives Ss 1 minute to check their answers in pairs. T monitors and takes notes of
which questions most Ss get wrong.
 T checks answers. Ask Ss to correct the false statements

3. Post-Text Discussion/Task
 To allow an opportunity to react to the text and to provide an opportunity to personalise
the topic
 Set discussion questions for Ss to comment on what they have read: Have you ever been in
the same situation before? Do you think that is a good way to get to know each other?
 Provide feedback to Ss’ answers
 Further activity: Teacher asks Ss to imagine some similar situations and have ss act out the
same dialogues
Stage 3

Stage Stage Name Stage Aim

3 SPEAKING To practice speaking about yourself
Timeframe Lesson Procedure Interaction
10 mins 1. Lead in T – SS
- Have ss list out some questions they may ask when they meet a new friend SS – SS
2. Practice S–S
- Ask Ss to look at the questions. SS – T
- Ask a pair of Ss to read the example.
- Ss ask and answer the questions in pairs
- Have some pairs perform in front of the whole class
- Give feedback on their performance

Stage 4

Stage Stage Name Stage Aim

4 WRITING To practice language and grammar presented in this unit
Timeframe Lesson Procedure Interaction
15 mins 1. Lead in T – SS
- Ask ss to list out some information to cover when writing about themselves SS – SS
- Encourage ss to add more information to make a full paragraph introducing themselves S–S
- Peer check: Have ss check their work in pairs SS – T
- Teacher checks their work and give comments

Note: Grammatical points would be covered in another grammar lesson taught by Vietnamese teacher

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