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Lesson Plan Grad 1 Class 3

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Lesson Plan

School: coala Gimnazial I. Gh. Duca Tiganesti

Teacher: Zalana Romelia
Date: the 13rd of October 2016
Form: 3rd Grade
Level: Beginners
Module 1, Unit 2
Lesson1: Time for school!
TOPIC: Indefinite article
Whats this?
Type of lesson: mixed type
Text book: Fairyland 3
Time: 50 min
By the end of the lesson students will be able to:

assimilate new grammatical rules
help students improve their grammar using different types of exercises
improve pupils pronunciation and their ability of speaking in English freely
read correctly the lesson and vocabulary taught.
create interest in the topic;
stimulate their imagination;
be confident in them when speaking a foreign language.
pupils may not be familiar with certain words
Approaches: Communicative and Discovery Approach
conversation, explanation
grammar exercises
pair work , brainstorming, oral Drill Activities ,anticipation

Materials: Textbook, Blackboard, Flashcards; Laptop,

Fairyland 3 Students Book, Express Publishing

Stage of Teachers activity Students Interac Skill Tim Purpose
lesson activity tion e
Teacher greets the students and calls - Students T-SS Speaking 1 - to check if all
I. the roll. answer. min students are
Warm-up present;
Teacher begins the lesson with a small - Students T-SS Speaking 1 - to create a
talk and asks ss if they are ready for answer. min pleasant
the lesson. atmosphere in the
II. - Students SS-T Speaking 3 - to check if they
Homework Teacher checks homework answer and SS-SS Listening min all know the
correct their Writing previous taught
homework material;
Crossword school objects. -SS give T-SS Speaking 5 - to provide a
III. To review the vocabulary from the correct Writing min context for the
Lead-in previous lesson the teacher provides a answers SS-SS Reading lesson
Pupils are introduced to the topic of Students T-SS Speaking 2 - to activate ss
listen and Listening min interest in the
the new lesson. Teacher writes the title
write the title lesson;
of the lesson on the blackboard and in their
presents the main activities of the
T ask SS
lesson, i.e. discussing some grammar questions
issues. about school

Time for school! objects: ex.
Indefinite article Whats this?
Whats this? This is a
IV. Teacher offers feed-back and - SS listen T-SS Listening 1 - to let ss know
Feed-back encourages students to participate. min how well they
Teacher asks students to write the - SS and T-SS Listening 5 - to make sure ss
V. answer on the blackboard. write down Writing min have the content
Introducing The teacher draws them the attention the sentences SS-T on their
new about the use of the article. and grammar notebooks
material The teacher asks one pupil to read the rules.
short conversation from the course
VI. Then, she explains to them when the
Practice article a, respectively an are used.
They have to write down the sentences
into their notebooks and the grammar
rules, too.
Teacher allows time for students to - SS write SS-SS Writing 2 - to make sure ss
finish writing all the content from the min have the content
blackboard into their notebooks. on their
Teacher invites students to open their - SS listen T-SS Listening 5 - to provide a

books at page 12 and listen to the and repeat min context for the
lesson. after the T lesson

Teacher invites students to read the - SS read the SS-SS Speaking 5 - to make sure ss
lesson playing roles. lesson SS-T min consolidate
The teacher draws them the attention reading skills
about the use of the article.

Teacher gives Ss a worksheet and - SS complete SS-T Writing 10 - to check reading

explains new words and asks students the task min comprehension
to start filling in the blanks with the
right indefinite article a/ an
Contest - SS choose T-SS Speaking 5 - to check if they
Students are divided into three groups. the correct SS-SS Reading min all know the new
T also shares to each group one answer vocabulary
envelope. They have to put the words
into the right order to make sentences.
-to make sure ss
use the new
VII. Teacher rewards the winner team and - SS listen T-SS Listening 1 - to let ss know
Feed-back offers feedback . min how well they
Teacher gives the pupils an exercise - SS write T-SS Writing 1 - to let ss know
VIII. which deals with the topic discussed down the min what they have to
Homework during the lesson: a worksheet. homework prepare for the

next lesson

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