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Activity On Understanding - Ans

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Activity on Understanding Vulnerability

Learning Competency: Analyze disaster from the different perspective (physical, psychological, socio-
cultural, economic, political, and biological).
Disaster could come any time in our life when we are not ready to face the effects of hazard. There are several
perspectives that you could analyze before hazard strikes and be cautious to avoid disaster or at least lessen its
impact. It is imperative likewise to understand each perspective on how it contributes to the degree of disaster
after hazard. It will make us more confident in dealing with upcoming hazards whether it is natural or man-made.
Furthermore, analyzing the different perspectives of disaster will orient us on the role of each one in the community
in dealing with disasters. It will give us the idea on the importance of preparedness not only for yourself or for your
family but for the whole community in battling the effects of hazard which is the disaster.

Activity 1 Physically and Mentally Affected

Directions: Analyze the pictures shown below. Answer the questions that follow.*

1. What is the picture all about? _The picture is all about health and safety risk__

2. Describe the picture briefly. The environment in the picture is not in a livable condition, there
are a lot of garbage that could cause accidents and health problems, people living in the
environment are not taking care of the place, it looks dirty and can also be frail because of
it’s condition.
3. Do you think the picture is safe to live in? Why or why not? _No, It is not a safe place to live in,
the environment is a health and safety risk for all people and it can cause various accidents
and illnesses_.

4. What hazard could make the building vulnerable to disaster? Why? _It is an environmental hazard,
earthquakes can destroy the building easily_.

5. Who are probably living in the building? _Homeless or poor people seeking shelter_.
6. If the building will be exposed to earthquake, describe how the people living in the building would
react and feel. _The people in the building would be terrified if an earthquake were to occur,
they would likely be panicked as to building collapsing.
7. Recommend some tips for a safe building to live in When choosing a safe building to live in, the
building should be safe, clean and appropriate, it should be livable for you and for your

8. What can you suggest to the family or person living in the building? To live in a clean and
healthy place that are away from hazards and that could cause health issues, or to at least
clean and maintain their home, it is very important for us to live in healthy and safe
environment so as to not get sick.
Activity 2: A Place Like Home

Directions: Analyze the given pictures below and answer the questions that follow. Assume that both
pictures will be devastated by strong typhoon
Mountain Province Manila

How do people live in the area?

The people that live in a manila are living a much
The people in the Mountain province are living more advance way, since they have more
peacefully but with limited shops and supplies due to technologies.
the traveling distance

If there would be a strong typhoon, describe what could happen in both areas.
Manila can be affected with buildings; a lot of
If there was a strong typhoon, the mountain province machineries can also be affected and can also be
can be affected with big trees and water all over it, and the cause of more damages.
a lot of plants could be the cause of more damages

Which of the two area will be much better during rescue operations? Why?
Manila can be affected with buildings; a lot of
If there was a strong typhoon, the mountain province machineries can also be affected and can also be
can be affected with big trees and water all over it,
the cause of more damages.
and a lot of plants could be the cause of more

Why do you think people chose to stay and live in the area?
The province will be much harder to go through a Manila would be much more better during rescue
rescue operation due to the distance and the limited operations due to the technologies and how most
supplies. of the equipment and supplies are already based in
What could be affected most in the area during a typhoon that would lead to disaster?
Manila can be affected but rescue operations can be
The most affected would be the province due to the lack operating a little faster since it the supplies and
of supplies and even the possible delays of rescue operations are advance and are already based in
operations. Manila.

Activity 3: Lean on WHO?

Directions: Analyze the given pictures below and answer the questions that follow.

Describe what the picture is all about. Who or what are they?
The picture is at all about the governments having a The picture shows the tourism and the beauty of
meeting. nature in the Philippines.

In case of hazard, what could be the role of each picture for disaster?

In the picture, the role of the government is to assure the The nature in the Philippines can be affected by the
safety and the economic status of our country. natural disasters, and it can be destroyed because
of it.

How could each picture help you during disaster?

The Government oversees in disseminating the money
and supplies to the affected areas when disaster strikes The nature can help protect people from more
and are to make sure that is distributed evenly. damages from the disaster itself.

How could each picture harm you during disaster?

Nature can be broken down by the disaster and can
There are people in positions in the government that can also be a risky and especially if people are living
take advantage of the money that was supposed to be near them.
used for the people, and use it for themselves, instead of
using the money for the people affected by the disaster


• Physical perspectives – it describes observable objects in a building/infrastructure which include durability

of building, fire exits availability, and absence or presence of an important objects that would help or harm
you in any ways.

• Psychological perspectives – it pertains to the mental capacity and health of an individual to deal with
disasters. Age, perception, and self-capacity are some of the points of considerations.

• Socio-cultural perspectives – it involves people’s beliefs, religion, traditions, social status, and perceptions
within a community with respect to considering their response to disaster.

• Economic perspectives – it involves income, assets and liabilities, and economic class of an individual or a
community in the society.

• Political perspectives – it involves structure of the government, issues in diplomacy, etc. in dealing with

• Biological perspectives – it involves the role of flora (plants) and fauna (animals) in the environment,
diseases, health, etc.


Directions: Briefly describe the advantages and disadvantages of each perspective of disaster. Provide a one-liner
idea for an ideal perspective in dealing with a disaster.

Perspectives Advantage Disadvantage Ideal point of view in

of Disaster dealing with the disaster
Physical Infrastructures may be Some infrastructure may People can seek shelter in
durable enough to not be durable enough due durable infrastructures
withstand disasters. to it’s fragility and cannot during the disaster.
withstand the disaster

Psychological Some people can be in Some people may not be in People can have the
control of their emotions a right state of mind to act emotional stability to act
while acting during under during under pressure due under pressure.
pressure. to the sudden events.

Socio- Others may assert to Others may not believe in People’s beliefs can help
cultural religion, traditions, and scientific results and may strengthen their minds and
beliefs to find hope. not believe in such disasters can make up their own
may come. decisions while under
Economic People can be provided Lower class people may not The supplies and support
with supplies and support be able to receive equal must be divided equally to
during and after the supplies and support die to the others despite their
disaster. the status. social standing.

Political Government can utilize the The Government may not The government use funds
money and supplies needed be entirely using the budget to divide the support
for the disaster and to be for the supplies and support supplies and support
able to distribute it with the needed for the disaster. evenly to the people, and
people. people can get what they
Biological The plants and animals can The plants and animals can Plants and Animals can be
help with economic status also be heavily affected used as a source of food
by selling it for livestock during the disaster. and way to get money.

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