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US 2005O197421A1

(19) United States

(12) Patent Application Publication (10) Pub. No.: US 2005/0197421 A1
L00mis (43) Pub. Date: Sep. 8, 2005
(54) PROCESS FOR PREPARATION OF Publication Classification
(51) Int. Cl." ....................................................... C08G 2700
(76) Inventor: Gary L. Loomis, Rancho Santa Fe, CA (52) U.S. Cl. .............................................................. 522/178
Correspondence Address:
Gary L. Loomis Processes for modifying the viscosity of medically useful
990 Highland Drive, Suite Q cyanoacrylate compositions are described. The processes are
Solana Beach, CA 92075 (US) carried out by providing to a fluid composition comprising
a polymerizable monomer a controlled dose of high-energy
(21) Appl. No.: 10/793,123 radiation Sufficient to effect a Viscosity increase to a precise
predetermined value. Compositions produced via these pro
(22) Filed: Mar. 3, 2004 ceSS are also disclosed.
US 2005/O197421 A1 Sep. 8, 2005

PROCESS FOR PREPARATION OF thickening agents employed include a partial polymer of the
CYANOACRYLATE COMPOSITIONS alkyl cyanoacrylate, poly methylmethacrylate (PMMA), or
other preformed polymerS Soluble in the alkylcyanoacrylate
0001. This invention relates generally to processes for the 0006 U.S. Pat. No. 3,722,599 discloses compositions
formation of polymerizable cyanoacrylate compositions that combine a polymerization inhibitor, a thickener, and a
useful in medical applications and to the compositions plasticizer with a fluoroalkyl cyanoacrylate for use as Suture
obtained from these processes. replacements or as hemostats.
BACKGROUND OF RELATED ART 0007 U.S. Pat. No. 6,538,026, U.S. Pat. No. 6,476,069
and U.S. Pat. No. 6,476,070 disclose cyanoacrylate compo
0002 Compositions based on polymerizable alkyl sitions that employ low levels of purified polymers of alkyl
cyanoacrylates useful for both industrial and medical appli cyanoacrylates as Viscosity modifying agents.
cations are well-known in the art. Medical applications for 0008 U.S. Pat. No. 4,038,345 to O'Sullivan, et al.
alkyl cyanoacrylate compositions include uses in topical describes a proceSS for producing enhanced Viscosity 2-cy
application as described in U.S. Pat. No. 5,306,490 and U.S. anoacrylate adhesives by the addition of thickening agents.
Pat. No. 5,403,591. Other suggested medical applications The thickeners used in these compositions are thermally
include a use for inhibiting irritation arising from prosthetic treated polyacrylate polymers and the process involves
devices as described in U.S. patent application Ser. No. heating the polyacrylate thickener to a temperature between
08/200,953 as well as a use for inhibiting skin irritation and 140°-180° C. for 30 to 180 minutes and subsequently
infection due to incontinence as described in U.S. patent dissolving the heat-treated thickener in the 2-cyanoacrylate
application Ser. No. 08/299,935. The uses of alkyl composition.
cyanoacrylate compositions in the management of Small
wounds is described in U.S. Pat. No. 5,417,352. U.S. Pat. 0009. A thickened allyl cynoacrylate dental adhesive
No. 6,538,026 and U.S. Pat. No. 6,476,070 describe composition is described in U.S. Pat. No. 4,136,138 to
cyanoacrylate compositions useful for filling an existing Dombroski, et al. The thickener is added to impart desired
Space in a mammalian body, e.g., the lumen of a blood flow properties of the composition on the tooth and to reduce
vessel, the Sac of a vascular aneurysm, a Space created by a the polymerization Shrinkage. The thickeners are present in
transiently placed external device, a space created by a quantities from 3 to 15 parts by weight and the preferred
Surgical procedure, or a Space created by a implantation of thickeners are those Selected from a variety of polymers,
an object such as a stent or similar device. U.S. Pat. No. copolymers, and terpolymerS Selected from Such groups as
6,335,384 describes methods for embolizing blood vessels polyesters, polyolefins, and polyvinyls having thickening
utilizing biocompatible prepolymers including, cyanoacry characteristics Suitable for this application. Specific
lates, hydroxyethyl methacrylate, Silicon prepolymers, and examples of these thickeners are poly(methyl methacrylate),
the like. While U.S. Pat. No. 6,476,069 provides a poly(methyl acrylate-co-acrylonitrile) (60/40 weight per
cyanoacrylate composition useful as an embolic agent that cent), poly(ethylacrylate), poly(butyl acrylate), and poly
Selectively creates a total or partial blockage in the lumen of (ethyl acrylate-co-butyl acrylate).
a blood vessel, duct, fistula or other body passageway. 0010 U.S. Pat. No. 6,386,203 to Hammerslag describes
0003. The preferred viscosity for alkyl cyanoacrylate alkyl cyanoacrylate compositions with controlled Viscosity
compositions depends largely on the intended application of achieved by the use of fumed Silica as a thickening agent.
the Specific composition. For example, relatively low vis However, disadvantages arise from the difficulty of produc
cosities are often preferred for adhesives where the appli ing an even dispersion of the particulate Silica in the com
cation is to be made to a large Surface area. Contrarily, where position and in the maintenance of Such a dispersion. In fact,
the application of a cyanoacrylate adhesive composition is to a practical disadvantage of most known techniques for
be made to a Specific location on the Skin, higher Viscosity producing Viscosity modified cyanoacrylate compositions
materials are preferred to prevent running of the material to for medical applications is the requirement that the thick
unintended locations. ening agent be accurately metered and then dissolved or
dispersed into the cyanoacrylate, Since Such processes are
0004. A variety of viscosity modifiers have been likely to introduce contamination.
described for use with various 2-cyanoacrylate composi
tions. For example, U.S. Pat. No. 3,527.841 to Wicker et al. 0011. It is know that many vinyl monomers can be
discloses 2-cyanoacrylate adhesive compositions for both induced to polymerize under the influence of high energy
general and Surgical uses containing a poly(lactic acid) radiation and there are cyanoacrylate compositions Specifi
Viscosity modifier that is Soluble, after heating, in a wide cally formulated to polymerize upon exposure to UV light
range of 2-cyanoacrylates. After addition of the poly(lactic and such compositions are described in U.S. Pat. No.
acid), the composition is Sterilized at temperatures up to 6,433,036.
150 C. and the resulting compositions undergo a decrease 0012 U.S. Pat. No. 3,527,224 to Rabinowitz describes
in Viscosity, presumably due to degradation of the thickener adhesive compositions comprising monomeric and poly
during the thermal Sterilization process. meric n-pentyl cyanoacrylateS prepared by Subjecting the
0005 U.S. Pat. No. 5,665,817 to Greff et al. discloses composition to a lengthy exposure to a UV light Source.
alkyl cyanoacrylate compositions Suitable for topical appli Such lengthy exposures are likely to effect undesirable side
cation to human skin. These compositions may comprise a reactions Such as crosslinking and decomposition. By con
Suitable amount of a thickening agent to provide a compo trast, in C. Kutal, P. A. Grutsch and D. B. Yang, “A Novel
sitional viscosity of from about 2 to 50,000 cps at 20°C. The Strategy for Photoinitiated Anionic Polymerization”, Mac
US 2005/O197421 A1 Sep. 8, 2005

romolecules, 24,6872-73 (1991), the authors state that ethyl of the detailed description of the invention which follows
cyanoacrylate is “unaffected by prolonged (24-h) irradiation and the examples presented thereafter for illustrative pur
with light of wavelength >350 nm'. Such disparities dem pOSes.
onstrate the need for controlled processes.
0013 Therefore, a need exists for the production of INVENTION
Viscosity-enhanced alkyl cyanoacrylates compositions in a
fast, reproducible process that eliminates or minimizes side 0020. The present invention provides processes for
reactions. Move Specifically, a need exists for processes for enhancing the Viscosity of fluid compositions comprising at
the production of medically useful cyanoacrylate composi least one polymerizable monomer by Subjecting the fluid
tions with controlled Viscosity. Such processes should compositions to a radiation dose Sufficient to effect a vis
negate the need for the addition of Viscosity modifying cosity increase to a precise predetermined value. Such
additives. Furthermore, a need exists for improved cost compositions are useful for medical applications as well as
efficient cyanoacrylate processes for the production of Such other applications. In certain medical applicatiopns that
compositions. Finally, a need exists for a simple process to require that the composition be delivered through a micro
Simultaneously thicken and Sterilize Such compositions for catheter, it is desirable that the compositions exhibit shear
medical applications without affecting performance of the thinning rheological behavior. Such rheological behavior is
composition. The present invention is directed to meeting also referred to as pseudoplastic behavior. In an ideal fluid,
these and other needs.
usually referred to as a Newtonian fluid, the viscosity is
independent of the Shear rate. However for a Shear thinning
fluid at lower Shear rates the Shear thinning fluid is more
0.014. The present invention meets the desires expressed Viscous than the Newtonian fluid and at higher shear rates it
above by providing Simple, well-controlled processes to is leSS Viscous.
produce Viscosity enhanced compositions which include a 0021 Polymerizable monomers useful in embodiments
polymerizable cyanoacrylate monomer component. Desir of the processes and compositions obtained by the processes
ably, the compositions produced by processes of the present of the present invention include 1,1-disubstituted ethylene
invention retain the benefits and advantages of Viscosity monomers of the formula (I):
enhanced cyanoacrylate compositions produced by other
processes known in the art. An important aspect of the of the RHC=CXY (I)
present invention is to provide processes that reduce or 0022 wherein X and Y are each strongly electron with
eliminates undesired or uncontrolled Side reactions by drawing groups, and R is H, -CH=CH2; or, a C to C
employing process times significantly shorter than those of alkyl group, provided that X and Y are each cyano groups.
the processes described in the art.
0.015. In one embodiment of the present invention, there 0023 Examples of polymerizable monomers within the
is provided a method of enhancing the Viscosity of a Scope of formula (I) include 2-cyanoacrylates, vinylidene
medically useful cyanoacrylate composition by providing to cyanides, C1-C4 alkyl homologues of vinylidene cyanides,
a quantity of the composition a precisely controlled radiation dialkyl methylene malonates, acylacrylonitriles, vinyl Sulfi
dose Sufficient to effect a Viscosity increase to a precise nates and vinyl sulfonates of the formula (II):
predetermined value. CH2=CXY (II)
0016. In another embodiment of the present invention, 0024 wherein X is -SOR' or -SOR" and Y is-CN,
there is provided a method of enhancing the Viscosity of a -COOR', -COCH, -SOR' or -SOR', and R' is H or
medically useful cyanoacrylate composition by exposing to hydrocarbyl.
an ultraViolet radiation Source an initial cyanoacrylate com
position containing a photsensitizer, wherein the photsensi 0025 Examples of specific polymerizable monomers of
tizer has an absorbance maximum at or near the emission formula (I) for use in the present invention are 2-cyanoacry
maximum of the ultraViolet radiation Source. lates of formula (III):
0.017. In another embodiment of the present invention,
there is provided a method of Simultaneously thickening and (III)
Sterilizing medically useful cyanoacrylate compositions by
providing an amount of the cyanoacrylate composition to a
precise radiation dose Sufficient to Simultaneously effect the
desired Viscosity increase and the requisite Sterility.
0.018. In another embodiment of the present invention,
there is provided a proceSS in which a completely formulated
and packaged cyanoacrylate composition is simultaneously 0026 wherein R' is a straight-chain hydrocarbyl, a
Viscosity modified and terminally Sterilized in a Single-step branched-chain hydrocarbyl, a cyclohydrocarbyl, a halohy
by exposing Said packaged cyanoacrylate composition to a drocarbyl moiety, or a Substituted hydrocarbyl moiety; a
precise dose of high energy radiation Such as ultraViolet light group having the formula -R-O-R-O-R" wherein
under carefully controlled conditions of temperature and R is a 1,2-alkylene group having 2 to 10 carbon atoms, R
is an alkylene group having 2 to 10 carbon atoms, and R' is
0019. The present invention will be more readily appre an alkyl group having 1 to 10 carbon atoms, or a group
ciated by those perSons of skill in the art based on a reading having the following formula:
US 2005/O197421 A1 Sep. 8, 2005

0034) wherein Rand R8 are hydrogen or methyl and R'

is an organic radical. The preparation of Such cyanoacrylates
are described in U.S. Pat. No. 3,995,641 the disclosures of
which is incorporated herein by reference in its entirety.
0035) Other polymerizable monomers useful in certain
embodiments of the invention are 3-(acryloyloxy)sulfolanes
and 3-(methacryloyloxy)sulfolanes of formula (IV):
0027 wherein R is
R10 O

-C(CH3)2-, --
t or -(CH2) lo
|| R

R13 R12
0028) and wherein R is an organic moiety.
0029 Specific examples of polymerizable monomers
useful in the process and compositions of the present inven (.0036) wherein R" is H or CH; and wherein R', R',
tion are alkyl 2-cyanoacrylates including ethyl 2-cyanoacry Rare either H or organic moieties
late; n-butyl cyanoacrylate; iso-butyl 2-cyanoacrylate;
n-hexyl cyanoacrylate, 2-hexyl 2-cyanoacrylate; n-octyl 0037 Still other polymerizable monomers useful other
2-cyanoacrylate, 2-octyl-2-cyanoacrylate, 2-ethylhexyl embodiments of the present invention are 3-(acryloylox
2-cyanoacrylate, 3-methoxybutyl 2-cyanoacrylate, 2-bu y)sulfolanes of the formula (V)
toxyethyl cyanoacrylate, 2-isopropoxyethyl 2-cyanoacry
late; and 1-methoxy-2-propyl 2-cyanoacrylate. Most pre
ferred 2-cyanoacrylates useful in the compositions and (V)
processes of the present invention are n-butyl-2-cyanoacry X O
late, 2-hexyl-2-cyanoacrylate, 2-ethylhexyl 2-cyanoacrylate
and 2-octyl-2-cyanoacrylate. M
0.030. Also useful in certain embodiments of the present
invention are polymerizable 2-cyanoacrylates monomers of
formula (III) wherein R' is a poly(alkylene) oxide. Such
poly(alkylene) oxides can include, for example, poly(ethyl
ene) oxide, poly(propylene) oxide, poly(butylene oxide),
and mixtures and copolymers thereof.
0038 wherein X is -CN, -Cl, -Br, -, -COCH,
0031) The 2-cyanoacrylates of formula (III) can be pre -COOR" and R' is H or hydrocarbyl.
pared according to methods known in the art. For example,
U.S. Pat. Nos.3.591676; 3,667,472; 3,995,641; 4,035,334; 0039. In certain embodiments of the present invention the
and 4,650,826 the disclosures of which are each incorpo initial fluid composition is rendered essentially oxygen-free.
rated herein by reference in their entirety. Removal of dissolved oxygen from the initial fluid compo
Sition may be accomplished in various ways known to those
0.032 For example, the 2-cyanoacrylates can be prepared skilled in the art. A common method to remove dissolved
by reacting an alkyl cyanoacetate with formaldehyde in a oxygen is by Sparging the fluid composition with an inert gas
non-aqueous organic Solvent and in the presence of a basic Such as nitrogen or argon. In another common method
catalyst, followed by pyrolysis of the obtained intermediate dissolved oxygen is removed by Subjecting the fluid com
polymer in the presence of a polymerization inhibitor. The position to repetitive freeze-pump-thaw cycles. Utilizing
2-cyanoacrylates monomers prepared with low moisture either method allows the reaction to be carried out in
content and essentially free of impurities are preferred for oxygen-free environment thereby ensuring an element of
biomedical use. process control. In a particularly useful embodiment the
0.033 Also useful in the present invention are polymer initial fluid composition is rendered essentially oxygen-free
izable 2-cyanoacrylates of formula (III) wherein R is a and the process is thereafter carried out in a closed System
group having the following formula: with an atmosphere of inert gas Such as nitrogen or argon
maintained throughout the process.
0040. The term high-energy radiation as used in the
R7 O present invention is to be construed broadly to include any
form of radiation conventionally used to initiate chemical
reactions. Such radiation-induced chemical reactions
R8 include free-radical reactions, ion-radical reactions, anionic
reactions, cationic reactions and concerted photochemical
reactions. Non-limiting examples of Such high-energy radia
US 2005/O197421 A1 Sep. 8, 2005

tion include ultraviolet (UVA, 320-400 nm: UVB, 290-320 pholino propan-1-one, 2-benzyl-2-N,N-dimethylamino-1-
nm, and UVC, 220-290 nm); electron-beam radiation; (4-morpholinophenyl)-1-butanone, 2-benzyl-2-(dimethy
gamma-radiation; and X-ray. lamino)-4'-morpholinobutyrobenzophenone; 2,4,6-
trimethyl-benzoyldiphenylphosphine Oxide;
0041 Ultraviolet radiation can be provided by any appro bisacylphosphine oxide; bis-(2,6-dimethoxybenzoyl)-2,4,4-
priate Source able to generate the desired radiation, Such as trimethylpentylphosphine oxide; bis(2,4,6-trimethyl ben
high pressure, medium pressure or low pressure mercury arc Zoyl)phenyl phosphine oxide. Any of these may be used
lamps, longwave UV lamps, He-Ne lasers, argon ion Singly or in combination of two or more.
lasers, and diode pumped crystal laserS Such as Nd:YAG,
Nd:YVO4 or Nd:YLF. 0047. In another embodiment of the present invention the
initial fluid composition contains a photosensitizer that is
0042. In another embodiment the radiation source pro chemically bound to a non-reactive, insoluble polymer. Such
vides ultraviolet light in the range of 200 nm-600 nm. a polymer-bound photoSensitizerr is conveniently provided
Preferably in the range 220 nm-400 nm and more preferably in the form of particles such as insoluble beads which may
in the range 220 nm-300 nm. Convenient sources of suitable be conveniently removed from the reaction medium via
ultraviolet radiation are commercially available 100 to 1200 Simple processes Such as filtration, centrifugation and the
watt medium pressure, quartz, mercury-vapor lamps Such as like.
those obtainable from Hanovia Corporation, Union, N.J.
Ranges of wavelength output from wide-band Sources Such 0048. An important aspect of embodiments of the present
as mercury vapor lamps may be conveniently controlled by invention is the provision of shortened process time in order
the use of filters placed between the Source and the compo to reduce or eliminate undesired or uncontrolled Side reac
Sitions to be irradiated. tions and to allow for a minimum quantity of photosensitizer
compound to be used.
0043. The most common sources of gamma-radiation are
'Co and '7Cs. Electron-beam irradiation involves the use 0049. In another embodiment of the present invention the
of high energy electrons generated by an RF linear accel photosensitizer is chosen Such that the wavelengths at or
erator. Electron-beam irradiation with energies typically near the absorption maximum of the photoSensitizer are
ranging from 3 to 10 MeV and power ranging from 1 to 50 matched to the wavelenghts at or near the emmision maxi
kW is readily available. mum of the ultraViolet radiation. That is, the photosensitizer
is chosen Such that the Strong absorption bands of the
0044) Certain embodiments of the present invention photosensitizer are matched to the emmision spectrum of the
present processes for enhancing the Viscosity of polymeriz radiation Source. By way of example, a medium preSSure
able compositions wherein the initial fluid compositions mercury arc lamp has strong UV emmisions between 310
further comprise one or more photoSensitizers. The terms 320 nm while the photsensitizer 2-benzyl-2-(dimethy
photoSensitizer, photoinitiator, and photoactivator are often lamino)-4'-morpholinobutyro-benzophenone has strong UV
used interchangeably in the art, therefore, in the context of absorption between 300 and 340 nm. Therefore, where a
the present invention the term photoSensitizer is to be medium pressure mercury arc lamp is used as the Source of
understood to encompass materials described elsewhere as radiation 2-benzyl-2-(dimethylamino)-4'-morpholinobuty
photoinitiators or photoactivators. AS components of the robenzophenone is added to the composition as a photosen
compositions described in the present invention, photosen Sitizer. Other Such combinations of photoSensitizers and
Sitizers are compounds that convert absorbed radiation into radiation Sources will be apparent to those skilled in the art.
chemical energy in the form of initiating Species that
enhances the rates of the reactions which occur when the 0050. In other embodiments the initial solution presented
compositions as a whole are exposed to electromagnetic is substantially free of free-radical inhibitors. Such inhibi
radiation Such as ultraViolet light. tors, which are often present in commerical polymerizable
Vinyl monomerS Such as alkyl cyanoacrylates, are conve
0.045 Photosensitizers useful in the present invention niently reduced in concentration or are removed completely
may be exemplified by benzoyl compounds, coumarin com by treating the polymerizabe vinyl monomer with a Selective
pounds; phenyl ketones Such as acetophenone, benzophe adsorbent. Such selective adsorbents for free-radical inhibi
none and appropriately Substituted derivatives thereof; alkyl tor removal are readily available from Sigma-Aldrich, Inc.,
pyruvates, Such as methyl, ethyl, propyl, and butyl pyruvates St. Louis, Mo.
and appropriately Substituted derivatives thereof, aryl pyru
Vates, Such as phenyl and benzyl pyruvates and appropri 0051. Another embodiment of the process further com
ately substituted derivatives thereof; benzoin ether com prises the Step of adding one or more Stabilizers to the
pounds Such as isobutylbenzoin ether and appropriately resulting fluid composition. Such Stabilizers may be anionic
Substituted derivatives thereof, ketal compounds Such as Stabilizers or free-radical Stabilizers. Examples of useful
acetophenone diethyl ketal and appropriately Substituted anionic Stabilizers include but are not limited to mineral
derivatives thereof, aryl phosphine oxides and appropriately acids Such as phosphoric acids and Sulfonic acids, organic
Substituted derivatives thereof, and thioxanthone com acids Such as acetic acid, citric acid, and lewis acids Such as
pounds. Sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxides. Examples of useful
free-radical stabilizers include but are not limited to hydro
0.046 Examples of photosensitizers particularly useful in quinone, hydroquinone monomethyl ether, catechol, pyro
the present invention include, but are not limited to, 1-hy gallol, bisphenol-A, bisphenol-S, 2,6-di-tert-butylphenol,
droxycyclohexyl phenyl ketone, 1-(4-isopropylphenyl)-2- 2,6-di-tert-butylcresol, 2,2'-methylene-bis(4-methyl-6-tert
hydroxy-2-methylpropan-1-one; 2-hydroxy-2-methyl-1- butylphenol), 4,4'-butylidene-bis(3-methyl-6-tert-butylphe
phenyl-propan-1-one, 2,2-dimethoxy-2-phenyl nol), 4,4'-thiobis(3-methyl-6-tert-butylphenol), 2-hydroxy
acetophenone, 2-methyl-1-4-(methylthio)phenyl)-2-mor benzophenone, phenylsalicylic acid, 1,3,5-trimethyl-2,4,6-
US 2005/O197421 A1 Sep. 8, 2005

tris(3,5-di-tert-butyl-4-hydroxybenzyl) benzene, buytlated an allyl, Vinyl, or acrylate group, that is capable of increas
hydroxytoluene, butylated hydroxanisole and the like. The ing the rate of a photochemical or free radical reaction.
free-radical Stabilizer can also be Selected from among Suitable accelerators include, but are not limited to, N-vinyl
known antioxidants, including, but not limited to, Vitamin E pyrrolidinone, 2-Vinyl pyridine, 1-vinyl imidazole, 9-Vinyl
(including alpha-tocopherol, beta-tocopherol, gamma-toco carbazone, acrylic acid, and 2-allyl-2-methyl-1,3-cyclopen
pherol, delta-tocopherol, Vitamin K (including but not lim tane dione.
ited to Vitamin K chromanol and Vitamin K chromenol), 0056. The compositions of the present invention may
phylloquinone, menaquinone, menadione, Vitamin C, pen additionally contain one or more radiopaque contrast agents
tamethyl chromanol, non-phenolic antioxidants, octyl gal So that a practitioner can visualize delivery of the liquid
late, pentamethylbenzofuranol and derivitives thereof. composition to the desired Site via X-ray techniqueS Such as
0.052 In other embodiments the initial fluid composition fluoroscopy. Visualization is particularly necessary when
may also include one or more agents known to produce using catheter delivery techniques in order to ensure both
free-radicals when Suitably irradiated. Such agents are that the composition is being delivered to the intended
widely known as free-radical initiators or free-radical cata vascular site and that the requisite amount of composition is
lysts and can include, by way of example, azo compounds delivered. Additionally, the use of contrast agents is benefi
and organic peroxides. Suitable azo compounds include but cial during post-treatment procedures to visualize the embo
are not limited to 2,2'-azobis(2-methylpropionitrile), 1,1'- lized mass during, for example, Surgery or to monitor the
aZobis(cyclohexanecarbonitrile) and 2,2'-azobis(2-methyl disease condition for re-treatment purposes.
butyronitrile). Suitable organic peroxides include but are not 0057 Particularly useful in the present invention are
limited to benzoyl peroxide; cumene hydroperoxide, di-tert insoluble contrast agents in particulate form. Examples of
amyl peroxide; dicumyl peroxide; lauroyl peroxide; tert Such insoluble, particulate contrast agents include but are
amyl peroxybenzoate; tert-amylperoxy 2-ethylhexylcarbon not limited to tantalum, tantalum oxide and barium Sulfate as
ate, tert-butyl peracetate, tert-butyl perbenzoate, 1,1- well as nobel metals. Such as gold, palladium and platinum
bis(tert-butylperoxy)cyclohexane; 1,1-bis(tert as well as mixtures and alloys thereof. Insoluble metal
amylperoxy)cyclohexane, 2,5-bis(tert-butylperoxy)-2,5- cation Salts of anionic polymer Such as those described in
dimethylhexane, 1,1-bis(tert-butylperoxy)-3,3,5- U.S. Pat. No. 5,702,682 are also useful in certain embodi
trimethylcyclohexane, 2,4-pentanedione peroxide; bis(tert ments of the present invention.
butylperoxyisopropyl)benzene, ethyl 3,3-bis(tert
amylperoxy)butyrate; tert-butylperoxy 2-ethylhexyl 0058. In another embodiment the temperature of the
carbonate and tert-butylperoxy isopropyl carbonate. reaction medium is carefully controlled throughout the
course of the proceSS. This temperature control is conve
0053. In other embodiments of the present invention the niently achieved by use of a water-jacketed photochemical
initial fluid compositions further comprise one or more reaction vessel through which is circulated a thermostati
plasticizers. The term plasticizer in the context of the present cally controlled fluid. A Suitable photochemical apparatus to
invention is to be construed as any material which is Soluble effect Such temperature control is commercially available
or dispersible in a polymerizable composition, and which from Ace Glass Inc., Vineland, N.J.
increases the flexibility of the polymer obtained from poly
merization of Said polymerizable composition. Such plasti 0059 Yet another embodiment provides a continuous
cizers should be biocompatible to the extent required for the process by the use of a thin film photochemical reactor Such
intended application. For example, a plasticizer used in a as the apparatus commercially available from Ace Glass
coating on the skin Surface should be compatible with the Inc., Vineland, N.J.
skin as measured by the lack of skin irritation and a 0060. The following examples are presented to illustrate
plasticizer used for an implant in the body should be embodiments of the invention, and shall not be viewed as
non-toxic or of a toxicity sufficiently low as to be tolerated limiting the Scope of the invention.
by the body. Suitable plasticizers are well known in the art
and include those disclosed in U.S. Pat. Nos. 2,784,127 and EXAMPLES
4,444,933 the disclosures of both of which are incorporated
herein by reference in their entirety. 0061 The examples shown below utilize a commercial
photochemical reactor assembly (available as Catalog Num
0.054 A list of plasticizers useful in the present invention ber 7862-245 from Ace Glass Company, Vinland, N.J.)
includes, but is not limited to, fatty acid esters, citrate esters, consisting of a 250 ml cylindrical, 3-neck, flat-bottomed,
phthalate esters, benzoate esters, and certain aromatic phoS water-jacketed reaction vessel; a circulating water chiller; a
phate esters. By way of example, Such useful plasticizers quartz immersion well into which is inserted a 450 watt
include butyl benzyl phthalate, dibutyl phthalate, diethyl medium preSSure, quartz, mercury-vapor lamp; a fluo
phthalate, dimethyl phthalate, dioctyl phthalate, 2-ethyl ropolymer-coated magnetic Stir bar and a magnetic Stirrer.
hexyl phthalate, benzoate esters of di- and poly-hydroxy
branched aliphatic compounds, tri(p-cresyl) phosphate, Example 1
alkyl myristates and the like. Plasticizers particularly useful
in this invention are acetyltriethyl citrate, acetyl tri-n-butyl 0062) To the reaction vessel is introduced 50.0 ml butyl
citrate, acetyl tri-n-hexyl citrate, n-butyryl tri-n-hexyl cit cyanoacrylate, rendered Substantially free of free-radical
rate, and ethyl myristate. stabilizers by passing through a 10"x34" column of absor
bent (Aldrich Chem Co.). The reaction vessel content is
0.055 An accelerator, which may be optionally included degassed via three freeze-pump-thaw cycles after which the
in certain embodiments of the present invention, is a mol vessel is maintained under an argon atmosphere. The circu
ecule containing a reactive carbon-carbon double bond Such lating water temperature is set and maintained at 20 C.,
US 2005/O197421 A1 Sep. 8, 2005

stirring is commenced and the UV lamp is ignited. After 10.0 I claim:

min. the UV lamp is extinguished and 100 ppm 4-methoxy 1. A proceSS comprising the Steps of:
phenol, 100 ppm hydroquinone and 25 ppm Sulfur dioxide
are immediately introduced into the reaction mixture. Vis i. providing a Substantially oxygen-free initial fluid com
cosities of the initial and final compositions are measured at position comprising at least one alkyl 2-cyanoacrylate
20 C. with a Brookfield cone and plate viscometer. Initial monomer, and
viscosity=4.0 cps and final viscosity=35.5 cps ii. Subjecting Said initial fluid composition to a dose of
Example 2 high-energy radiation Sufficient to afford a resulting
fluid composition with a Viscosity higher than that of
0.063) To the reaction vessel is introduced 95.0 ml 2-octyl Said initial fluid composition.
cyanoacrylate and 5.0 ml n-butyl acrylate, rendered Substan 2. The process of claim 1 wherein said initial fluid
tially free of free-radical Stabilizers by passing through a composition is free of Stabilizers.
10"x%" column of absorbent (Aldrich Chemical Co.). The 3. The process of claim 1 wherein Said high-energy
reaction vessel content is degassed via three freeze-pump radiation is ultraViolet radiation.
thaw cycles after which the vessel is maintained under an 4. The process of claim 2 wherein said ultraviolet radia
argon atmosphere. The circulating water temperature is Set tion has a wavelength between 220 nm and 600 nm.
and maintained at 10 C., stirring is commenced and the UV 5. The process of claim 3 wherein said initial fluid
lamp is ignited. After 10.0 min the UV lamp is extinguished composition further comprises photoSensitizer.
and 100 ppm 4-methoxyphenol, 100 ppm hydroquinone and 6. The process of claim 5 wherein said photosensitizer is
25 ppm Sulfur dioxide are immedialty introduced into the chosen Such that the wavelengths at absorption maximum of
reaction mixture. Viscosities of the initial and final compo Said photosensitizer are matched to the wavelengths at the
sitions are measured at 20° C. with a Brookfield cone and emission maximum of Said ultraViolet radiation.
plate Viscometer. Initial Viscosity=4.5 cpS and final ViscoS 7. The process of claim 1 further comprising the Step of
ity=56.0 cps.
adding a Stabilizer to Said resulting fluid composition.
Example 3 8. The process of claim 7 wherein said stabilizer is a
free-radical Stabilizer.
0064. The data presented in table I demonstrate the shear 9. The process of claim 7 wherein said stabilizer is an
thinning behavior of compositions comprising 2-hexyl anionic Stabilizer.
cyanoacrylate prepared by the process of examples 1 and 2
above. In the present example a Brookfield LVCP (cone and 10. The process of claim 1 wherein said initial fluid
plate) Viscometer equipped with a No. 40 Spindle is used. composition further comprises a free-radical initiator.
Since for a given composition, an increase in Spindle Speed 11. The process of claim 10 wherein said free-radical
relates to an increase in in Shear rate, these data readily initiator is an azo compound.
demonstrate that for each of the compositions A, B, and C 12. The process of claim 10 wherein said free-radical
apparent Viscosity is reduced as shear rate (spindle Speed) is initiator is an organic peroxide.
increased. 13. The process of claim 1 wherein said initial fluid
composition further comprises a plasticizer.
TABLE I 14. The process of claim 1 wherein said initial fluid
Spindle Apparent composition further comprises a radiopaque contrast agent.
Composition Speed (rpm) Viscosity (25° C) 15. The process of claim 14 wherein Said radiopaque
A. 1.OO 41
contrast agent is an insoluble contrast agent in particulate
7.00 39
B 0.75 70 16. The process of claim 1 wherein said resulting fluid
composition exhibits shear thinning rheology.
2.OO 141 17. The composition obtained by the process of claim 1.

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