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Online Grading System

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Technology was the one that controlled the business industries

today; it could make human work easy and efficient. The different

system was made for different purposes. Having a system to an

organization is one way to have innovation. It is the start of having

efficient work for every employee and client. We as students

conducted a study at our school on how we can help the student and

the teacher to have an efficient output in having a grade of a student

online and generating reports of the students and instructor, and help

the instructor put grades of the student of Mangaldan National High

School online.

They want an innovation that could benefit both students and

school. Humans were never content with technology, and other

services. Nowadays companies are always formulating some ideas and

techniques to fulfill the needs and wants of the people. We also as a

student’s we are never content, we always want improvement

especially in services. Improvement that could benefit our own school.

And as an information system student, the developers gather

information and formulate ideas and propose the Student Stats for

Mangaldan National High School. This system was proposed because

it will be effective in a way.

That the faculties are able to encode the grades through this

system. This system is one way of helping the registrar to work more
efficiently and it is one way of helping the Students to have a web

based grading inquiry.

Much of the software used in erstwhile student information

systems and school administration worked on an outdated code base

and had a curious mix of presentation, business sense, and data

accessibility. It was impossible and often expensive to modify these

systems to cater to future demands.

Some of the early initiative software programs such as WebCT,

SCT Campus Pipeline, Jetspeed, and Blackboard merely enabled

interactions between students and teachers for academic purposes

and served only as a student information system. The advantage of

having a student management system was missing as it was not

possible to integrate any of the campus-based activities within these

systems. Most often, student data were kept strewn in multiple

locations, making it difficult to construe and project.

Educational institutions were looking for a web-based solution

such as a student information management system or an intelligent

student information system with an inbuilt mechanism to meet the

requirements of student-related information management as well as to

serve the purpose of a school management system. Furthermore, they

were looking forward to a complete package on student information

management system from a single vendor.

The most wrecking part of any institution can be

recruitment. The purpose of the student management system

doesn’t stop with engaging students. It exceeds their service

expectations by guiding them throughout the recruitment and

enrollment processes. One of the biggest features of the student

management system is a streamlined student recruiting and

enrollment that helps in many ways. With students come oodles

of data and information. It can be overwhelming for the school

administrators to handle student registration, attendance, and to

analyze academic progress manually. If only you could do all of

this in a few clicks, you would end up saving complex procedures

and time of your institution. Going paperless is now easy with an

efficient student information system. With an SIS you can input

data, organize, analyze & compare information, in a single go.

Keeping track of all student activities across the years in one

place, maintaining course information and grade book is super

easy. Additionally, the school information management system

boosts productivity by even troubleshooting the most complex

grading errors.

This is another important benefit of student management

system-student portal. An SIS is a single source of information for

students to track schedules, attendance, courses,

invoices/payment dues. With the student portal, students can

keep a trail of their day-to-day activities, check topics for

discussion, schedules, grades, etc. The demands set by students

is high in recent years. They expose a shift in attitudes about

education and expect greater flexibility in achieving their goals.

Intentional interactions by advisors are sure to assess students’

progress toward your educational objective. The feature of a good

student information system has advisors assessing student

profiles with precision. They then guide thriving students toward

their goals and get at-risk students back on track. With an online

student management system, the entire process of an institute

gets automated. A lot of manpower and resources’ time is saved

from an admin’s perspective. On the other hand, the resources

can be utilized for a better process that drives students’ progress

and outcomes. In short, a student information system makes the

job stress free and easy for every stakeholder.

The educational technology (EdTech) space has become more

crowded, with increasingly overlapping products across different

educational needs. For instance, school management and student

management systems are often conflated and have many overlapping

capabilities. However, there are some important distinctions to be

aware of.

Student management systems focus on managing students’

data, and base their data structures on the individual student level.

This is distinct from school management, which is more all-

encompassing of factors like facilities management, cafeteria

procurement processes, and more school-specific accounting


Some EdTech vendors have leaned into the “all-in-one”

approach to school management that includes student management

as well as all other aspects of school administration and data

management. However, these platform offerings may be overkill for

some organizations, and may not offer the best capabilities in specific

areas. These tradeoffs make standalone student management systems

appealing to organizations that need best-of-breed student

management capabilities and portals specifically tailored to student


Mangaldan National High School needs a new and updated way

to manage and record the students’ data and the developers are here

to help by utilizing the current technology capabilities and making a

student management system for the school itself. With the proposed

system, the developers hope for a good use from it.

The developers propose the study because they think the school

needs a helping hand with the handling of the school data and other

things without the fear of it being submerged in water in case a flood

came in and stormed everything off. It would also cause a bright

future to the future students of the school knowing their grades and

standings are updated in realtime.


The developers used the Input – Process – Output paradigm.

Input Process

encountered in
the processes involved in
grade computation at Extreme
Mangaldan National High Programming (XP)
Functional requirements Planning
of the Students Stats.
requirements of the Release
Usability of the developed

Figure 1.1 Research Paradigm of the Grading System

In the input, it will identify the problems encountered in the

processes involved in grade computation at Mangaldan National High

School, the functional requirements of the Students Stats, the non-

functional requirements of the system and test the usability of the

Student Stats System.

In the process, the developers used the Agile Software

Development framework, specifically the extreme programming, as a

tool in the system prototyping and design. It is guided by the following

phases: Pair Programming, Unit Test, Pair Programming, and Code.

These phases are necessary in the design and development of the


Lastly, the output will be the Online Grading System for

Mangaldan National High School.


The general objective of this study is to develop Students Stats

for Mangaldan National High School.

Specifically, it aimed to achieve the following objectives:

1. To identify the problems encountered in the processes involved

in grade computation at Mangaldan National High School.

2. To determine the functional requirements of the Students Stats.

3. To identify the non-functional requirements of the system.

4. To test the usability of the developed system.


Everything that the developers created has its significance and

importance. The developers created an online grading system for

Mangaldan National High School only for faculty, teacher, registrar

and students only.

The study will benefit as follows:

Mangaldan National High School – the school could also

benefit from this system in a way that they can help them in

accreditation of the school. This will allow the school to undergo the

first step towards the modern grading system.

Faculty – They have access to the system because they can

record the prelim, midterm and final grades of the students online.

This will help the faculty gain easy access to the students’ and

teachers’ records.

Registrar – it will lessen their work on the time of realizing the

grades, and only a small number of the students will get their grades

on that day, and the admin could generate the report. The system will

help the registrar to be easily managed by a web-hosted server.

Students – The students will be able to view their grades online

and hassle-free through the system, since it will be launched online.

This will allow the students to monitor their performance and cope for

missing activities and if the need for remediation arises.


The study focuses on the development of Online Grading

Systems. The Senior High School will serve as pilot of the study. The

features of the system are that administrators, students, faculty, and

teachers can easily access the student’s reports and grades, teachers

and the faculty member or the teacher will have lesser time to find

each student’s data because the system will have a search function,

and Mangaldan National High School can monitor student ’s


The system cannot be applicable for use in other schools, as it

was designed only for Mangaldan National High School. The system’s

scope is as follows: The system will be accessible anytime and

anywhere, features that have been announced in Mangaldan National

High School and the system has a good UI (user interface). The

system’s limitations are as follows: The system can’t be accessed

without proper internet connection, the system must be only for the

students, faculty and staff of Mangaldan National High School.


In order to have a better understanding on how the content

should be analyzed, the following terminologies are defined.

Coding – is often referred to as programming in the developers’

current track.

CRM – means Customer Relationship Management. It is referred to as

a process in which the organization uses its users’ data to further

improve their products.

Developer – they are the ones that make the system from bare code to

usable website.

DSL – means Digital Subscriber Line. It is a family of technologies that

used to transmit data through telephone lines.

Framework – the framework is the basic structure of a thing. For this

study, the framework is the basic structure of a website.

SDLC – means Software Development Life Cycle. It is usually divided

into 6-8 steps: Planning, requirements, design, build, document, test,

deploy and maintain. It is used to optimally develop a great system

SIS - Student Information System supports the management of all

student-related information including admissions, timetable

schedules, course enrollment, grades, records, transcripts and

student self-service, etc. It is the main focus of the study and will be

made ready for the students and teachers.

Stats - short for Statistics; Statistics will be used in this study to

further improve the system and its benefits to both teachers and


Telecommunication – it is the exchange of information between two

devices through a medium like the internet or in texts like the cell

towers scattered around the world.

User Interface – commonly referred to as UI. User Interface is the

things you see that appears on the system.



In this chapter discuss the related study of the local and foreign

literature that used the same system. We gathered this information

from sites that they are using nowadays for their own school or



According to the United States Environmental Protection Agency

(2010), an electronic record-keeping system must be able to: collect,

organize, and categorize records; and facilitate the preservation,

retrieval, use, and disposition of records. On integrity, the system

must ensure the integrity of the records it manages and be able to:

minimize the risk of unauthorized alteration or erasure of the records,

allow only authorized personnel access to the records in the system,

allow only authorized personnel to perform administrative functions

such as creating or deleting directories, altering the parameters of

metadata fields, and assigning access rights. On retrieval of records,

the system must retrieve records and be able to: permit easy retrieval

in a timely fashion; ensure that records are accessible by individuals

who have a business need for information in the records; provide a

method for all authorized users of the system to retrieve desired

documents, such as an indexing or text search system; and permit

retrieval of both individual records and files or other groupings of

related records.
As stated by Dr. Catlin Tucker, they turn in all of their

assignments and manage their time well. These students typically

receive top marks for their effort. However, effort is not the same as

mastering skills. I felt uncomfortable about this reality for years. I had

students who received as on their report cards because they did

everything I asked them to do, but I knew that some of those students

were not actually A-level students in terms of their English skills. In

fact, I’ve had several tough conversations with students this year

about their skill levels. I have students who have always received As

and expected to continue doing so in my class. When we look through

their body of work during our grade conversations, they have

everything submitted but their scores hover between 2.5-3 on most

skills. They don’t like hearing that they are not receiving an A because

they have not demonstrated mastery of those skills. Even though

these conversations are hard, they motivate kids to keep practicing

and working. Students seek me out for strategies about how to

develop their research and analytical skills. They are aware that my

focus is on their development as learners and not on the

accumulation of points. As another year winds down and many of us

are gearing up to send home final grades, I think it’s healthy to

question how we approach grading. Do students know what their

grades will be? Have they been asked to set academic goals and reflect

on their learning? Are their grades a reflection of their skills?

According to Unicheck, the traditional grading scale in learning,

as we know it, is facing an existential crisis. Universities and colleges

have now moved most of their activities online and are currently

engaged in distance learning. As with most things in life, the reality is

that education technologies  come with their fair share of pros and

cons. Unfortunately, some students are finding it harder to gain an

education under these circumstances. Some face technological

problems, like when students don’t have equal access to computers or

reliable internet connections at home. As governments enforce

lockdowns, students are suddenly restricted to home environments

that might not be conducive to their learning. Some are forced to

balance their education with providing care for younger siblings or

ageing parents. All the while, many suffer from the lack of strict

schedules that once gave them stability. As a result, teachers find

themselves unable to define their students’ levels of engagement

which makes it tough for them to assess students fairly. So, teachers

and institutions alike are forced to ask themselves, “Is the traditional

grading system detrimental to students?”

As stated by Jeff Lisciandrello, tensions in the room were running

high. I sat with the chair of the English Department and the mother of

a struggling student. At issue was one question: Did my grading

system offer a fair reflection of this young man’s work? “What do you

have against him!? This is his junior year! His future is at stake? Why

are you ruining his life!” The meeting was like a trial. I presented my

evidence and explained each artifact. The department chair nodded in

agreement, confirming to the distraught mother that everything was in

order. At the time, I felt vindicated. What this mother didn’t know was

that his grade, a C+, was close to the class average. In fact, if I were to

raise his grade, I would have to lower someone else’s. You see, he was

in “regular” English, not the “honors'” class. School policy stated that

class averages should be 90% for honors and 80% for regular classes.

In a traditional grading system a ‘C’ — around 75% — is supposed to

be average. But as in Lake Wobegon, all the children are above

average…at least according to their parents. So teachers are

pressured to increase grades. C’s become B’s and B’s become A’s.

Eventually, the grades become meaningless. The ‘80% average’ policy

had been put in place by the school to combat such “grade inflation.”

Of course, we weren’t allowed to tell parents we were using this

system. So rather than confronting the harsh reality that her son’s

work was slightly behind his peers, she confronted the person

responsible for recording the grade. And no evidence I presented

would convince her that she had a ‘C+ child.’

According to Lynn Suzanne Gay’s research paper, assessments are

a necessity in the field of education, and the grading of these

assessments often feels very personal to both teachers and students.

Students regularly express the desire to gain a few more partial credit

points, and we as educators balance our attempt to fairly grade

students across multiple sections and classes with our desire to see

our students become as successful as possible. Standards-based

grading has become a popular topic recently, and many school

districts are making the change to this new system from traditional

grading systems. Having used both methodologies to assess students,

I see that each has their merits and deficits. That led me to ask the

question: if assessments are graded using a standards-based scale,

does that have an impact on the overall grade a student achieves?

More specifically, what can one learn by measuring assessments in

two ways: traditional grading scale versus standards-based grading


The effect of the traditional grading system makes it harder for the

students to learn and do their projects for the classroom while the

teacher has to guess if the student really did something amazing or

something mediocre.


Functional requirements, according to try to focus on the intended

behavior of the system or what the system will do. Accordingly, the

tasks that the project will do are listed as follows (Student): (1) The

system shall authenticate before accessing the system, (2) the system

shall display Notice, (3) the system shall allow students to view their

academic status/grades, (4) the system should allow students to view

the notice information, (5) the system shall display student’s detail.

(Registrar): (1) The system shall require login before providing any

function for the registrar, (2) the system shall allow the registrar to
change his /her account information, (3) the system should allow

registrar to view the notice information, (4) the system shall calculate

cumulative GPA for any student, (5) the system shall search any

student detailed information. (Instructor): (1) The system shall require

login before providing any function for any instructor, (2) the system

shall allow uploading notice, (3) the system shall display lists courses

that are taken by students to instructors, (4) the system shall take

attendance of students from the instructor, (5) the system shall import

the academic grade of students from the instructor. (Administrator):

(1) The system shall require login before providing any function for the

administrator, (2) the system shall allow the user to control the overall

activities in the system, (3) the system shall allow administrator to

change his /her account information, (4) the system shall remove

wrong entries from the system, (5) the system shall view reports in

different operations in the system, (6) the system shall ensure that the

information entered is of the correct format.


Non-functional requirements or system qualities capture required

properties of the system, such as performance, security,

maintainability, etc. in other words, how well some behavioural or

structural aspect of the system should be accomplished. The non-

functional requirements of the system are described as follows.

Security - security requirements are very important in this project,

including privacy. The administrator (including course admin and

system admin) should provide a high security interface for users and

protect their personal data. In order to achieve this requirement, the

project team should set up some standards such as security policy,

system management handbook. In addition, using software and

hardware to prevent, detect and correct the system, such as firewall,

anti-virus software, will reduce the risk of security. The external

security should be provided by given the login authentication. There

should be proper security regarding the accessing of data by

unauthorized users. Performance - the system shall minimize errors

and clear error messages should be displayed that guide users to

handle it. The performance of the functions and every module should

be good. Improve performance by using computers or laptops that

have high processor speed and RAM. Usability - by training users to

become familiar with the system and by designing a user -friendly

interface, the end users are able to place an order within a few

response times. Availability - the system will be available to its users

with or without internet connection because users can have access to

it using the local intranet from within the campus. Correctness - the

results of the function should be pure and accurate by validating or

testing the system. Portability - the software shall be deployed at any

machine. Reliability - increasing the performance of the software will

improve the reliability of the software. Storing backup data can

increase the reliability of the software. Re-usability - the data and

record that are saved shall be reused if needed that’s stored in

backup. Design Constraints - the system shall replace the existing

system by providing more features in SIMS. Documentation -

documentation will help the project team to make knowledge

management. Therefore, it is a necessary requirement. The

documentation includes proposals, project reports, and so on. Quality

Control - the system quality control is also an important requirement.

The system should be fast and efficient service to all users.

Adaptability, availability, flexibility, and reliability are the key issues

of this requirement. Using suitable software and hardware to develop

the system, will enable us to achieve this requirement.


From the University of Wisconsin Madison’s released paper back

in 2011, Student Record’s main purpose was to ensure the following:

established record keeping requirements, protect the University’s

liability, provide institutional accountability, and safeguard the

academic interests of students, to insure that records are retained for

a sufficient period of time in order to meet administrative, audit, legal,

research, and historical needs , to establish uniform retention and

disposition of student records, to promote cost effective and efficient

management of records and information, and to provide campus

offices with the legal authorization to dispose of records on a routine

basis. The creation, maintenance, retention and disposition of

student academic information is a core function within higher

educational institutions. Student records identify the academic

institution’s official student body, document their progress through a

course of study, show degrees and certifications earned, support

applications to other institutions, support job applications, and

frequently are referenced as historical records. Student records and

record keeping supports and /or documents all the administrative

activities relating to the admission, attendance, advising and

counselling, completion of coursework and requirements, and

ultimately graduation and the attainment of a degree.

As stated by the article published by Robet Gordon’s College,

the advantages of automated systems are the following: Speed – they

can process information much more quickly than humans; Repetition

– Automated systems can do the same task over and over again

without getting bored, needing breaks or making mistakes; Accuracy –

They can do very detailed work and follow precise instructions without

error; and Efficiency – the quality of the work done is always of the

same standard being materials are not wasted due to human error.

From Cheng Y.M., information quality, service quality, system

quality, and instructor quality, as the antecedents of e ‐learning

acceptance can provide detailed accounts of the key forces

underpinning employees' perception with regard to their beliefs (i.e.

perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, and perceived enjoyment),

and this situation can further enhance employees' usage intention of

the e‐learning system.

Laforet and Li (2005) investigated the barriers to Chinese

consumer adoption of online banking. They indicated that security

was the most important factor that motivates adoption. Also, they
indicated perception of risks, computer and technological skills, lack

of awareness and understanding of the benefits, and Chinese

traditional cash-carry banking culture as the main barriers to


Suoranta and Mattila (2004) indicated that demographics,

perceived risk and attributes pertaining to innovation diffusion such

as relative advantage, complexity, compatibility and trialability affect

the adoption of mobile banking in Finland.

Even in the early days of the modern internet, online learning or

e-learning was already accepted in the major parts of the world.

Applying it today won’t be that much of a problem since the internet

world has been established very well on the major parts of the earth.

Related concept (Local Related Concept)

The enrolment and registration System (ERS) is a system

developed by the University Information Technology Centre (UITC) to

computerize the enrolment processes in the University.

Terms and Conditions

The use of this application is intended only to help students or

faculty members in viewing their grades or their grading sheets,

respectively. The official records for rating slips and grading sheets

can only be issued by the Registrar’s office.

Local Related Concept (Online Inquiry)

This leads students to the flowchart viewer, grades viewer,

registration, and subject offering viewer.

Foreign Related literature

What is the class base?

Class base is an online education database providing

information on education systems and academic institutions around

the world.

Class base rankings are calculated using web services such as

Alexa, Bing, and Google. These services use proprietary algorithms to

determine the importance of a specific institution's online presence,

which means we have no direct influence over the rankings. Our

methodology is tailored toward anyone looking for a quick overview of

the academic institutions in different countries.

The Lovely Professional University (2011) promotes a culture of

paperless University. The day to day administration and most of the

University procedures are carried out online. The University

Management System (UMS), an online portal of University, is one such

innovative step of the University to provide vital information regarding

academics and other University logistics for assisting the University

students, their parents and the staff.

According to Wikipedia (2014), in the past, universities and

large school districts in particular have created their own bespoke

student record system. One such example is the Repository of Student

Information (ROSI) system at University of Toronto. With growing

complexity in the business of educational establishments, most

organizations now choose to buy customizable software, and

increasing numbers are buying software as a service (SAAS). Most

student information systems in use today are server-based, with the

application residing on a central computer server, and being accessed

by client application at various places within and even outside the

school. (“Class based University Ranking,” n.d.)



According to Pantaleon’s study, the user requirements consist

of the ID number and password of the authorized personnel such as

the Guidance Center. The system will run in an Operating system that

must be Windows XP or higher, XAMPP version 5.2x or higher and a

web browser (Mozilla Firefox, Internet Explorer, or Google Chrome).

The problem identification, data gathering, design and procedure,

design development, testing and evaluation and system


Shaw and Shaw (2006) mentioned that the software

components include the firmware, software (operating system) on the

hardware platform, the implementation (source code etc) and the

algorithm (theoretical methods). Of these, the hardware, firmware and

software platform may be outside the developer’s control, the

algorithms specified and only the implementation and test are

accessible. Testing is necessary to verify that the design meets the


In a study in Grading system, (2009) the manual grading and

documenting routine service, including repair, inspection, and testing

of computer hardware. grading may also include service orders,

maintenance agreements, and certificates of performance compliance

and accreditation of equipment.

A study mentioned in Online Grading System Requirements into

Financial Management Information Systems (2006) the system must

assign a security classification code to the record. The system must

provide a reliable storage repository that meets the records’

requirements for file formats, storage volume, and retrieval time.

The system must provide backup and disaster recovery

functionality for the record and records metadata storage repository.

The system must provide adequate security features to prevent

unauthorized alteration or deletion of records or records metadata in

the storage repository.

Walker (n.d.) mentioned that the Hardware Documentation, Records

documenting the use, operation, and maintenance of the school's data

processing equipment including operating manuals,

hardware/operating system requirements, hardware configurations,

and equipment control systems.

The literature above serves as a guide for the developers to

identify the software, hardware requirements for the system and

proper maintenance of the system which are important in the

development of the system in order to ensure that the system will

work properly. This includes having the right equipment, proper

maintenance, and the right amount of storage.



This chapter presents the research method used, the sources of data,

instruments and data collection and the tools for the analysis of data



The developers used the descriptive-developmental type of

research methodology. It was paired with the Agile Software

development framework.

A descriptive research design can use a wide variety of research

methods to investigate one or more variables. Unlike in experimental

research, the researcher does not control or manipulate any of the

variables, but only observes and measures them. (McCombes, 2020).

Developmental research, as opposed to simple instructional

development, has been defined as the systematic study of designing,

developing, and evaluating instructional programs, processes, and

products that must meet criteria of internal consistency and

effectiveness. (Richey, R., n.d).

The Agile project management framework gives numerous

benefits to users in both efficiency and effectiveness. The greatest

benefit it offers to agile project management is the quick ability to

change the direction of the project in order to meet the changing

demands of the project.

In traditional project management methodology, there are just

too many processes, and incorporating changes is hard. Agile project

management principles give complete freedom to the team members

and prioritize customer demands over other factors. (APM Framework,


Figure 3.1 Phases of Agile Project Management

Envision: This is the first phase of the APM Framework and

corresponds with the Initiation phase of PMBOK. In this phase, a

product is conceptualized and all the project stakeholders are

identified. The possible objectives of the project and the identification

of the customer’s needs are also a part of this phase. (APM

Framework, n.d)

Speculate: This is similar to the planning phase of the PMBOK’s

version. It deals with creating a features list of the final product and

how the team would work to achieve it. (The speculation phase

normally revolves around two key activities: Breaking down the project

into a series of high-level milestones and deciding the expected project

timeline. Coming up with the initial understanding of the critical tasks

of the project. Priority to a certain class of tasks is given over others in

this phase and the team members decide on the way to maintain the

quality of the final project deliverable. (5 Phases of an Agile Project

Management Framework, 2017)

Explore: This phase is parallel to the project execution phase and

team members explore the various alternatives to fulfill all the

requirements of the project while staying within the given constraints.

The main focus is on creating value and maintaining the quality of the

final deliverable. Similar to almost all Agile methodologies, teams work

by focusing on a single milestone and iterate until perfection is

achieved. This phase works parallelly with the Adapt phase because

teams may have to change their plan and execution-style if a

customer demands it or if the feedback is not as expected. (Parziale,


Adapt: This is perhaps the most distinguishing phase of this

framework. The ability to adapt to different circumstances allows the

team to be prepared for anything that gets thrown towards them.

By constantly taking feedback from customers and ensuring that each

aspect of the project is up to the end user’s requirements, teams can

significantly increase their efficiency and effectiveness. (Phases of

Agile Project Management, n.d)

Close: This is the final phase. Teams ensure that the project gets

completed in an orderly manner without any hitch. The final

deliverable is checked against the updated requirements of the

customers and teams ponder over their mistakes in order to avoid

them in the future (5 Agile Project Management Model Phases, 2019)


In order for the developers to identify the contents and features

to be integrated in the Students Information System, data were

gathered through two sources; the primary sources of data. The

primary source of data was gathered through giving survey

questionnaires to the students because they are the one who will be

using the system the most.

The Sources of secondary data includes books, personal

sources, journal, newspaper, website, government record etc.


Different techniques were used to define the requirements in the

development of the system. These techniques are important in

gathering the data requirements of the system that were essential for

the success of the system.


Online forms are a modern and effective way to conduct

surveys. Unlike written surveys, which are static, the questions

presented in online forms can change according to how someone

responds. (Ainsworth, 2020).

Online Written Interview

An online survey is a questionnaire that the target audience can

complete over the internet. Online surveys are usually created as web

forms with a database to store the answers and statistical software to

provide analytics. Sometimes, answering online surveys gives people a

chance to earn money or even win a prize if the survey indeed comes

from a legitimate company and not some made up survey out there to

steal your private data and personal information. Online surveys or

questionnaires are actually very easy to create. (Online Questionnaire,


The developers also gathered information through survey

questionnaires. Preliminary questions were asked to elicit pertinent

information and specifications needed in the system development.


The researchers used different tools in analyzing gathered data.

These include:

Wireframe. A wireframe is a low-fidelity design layout that

serves three simple but exact purposes: It presents the information

that will be displayed on the page. It gives an outline of the structure

and layout of the page. It conveys the overall direction and description

of the user interface. (Fanguy,2019).

The developers used wireframe to represent the skeletal

framework of the user interface and also used in arranging elements

to accomplish particular purposes.

Data-Flow Diagram. A data-flow diagram is a way of

representing a flow of data through a process or a system (usually an

information system). The DFD also provides information about the

outputs and inputs of each entity and the process itself. A data-flow

diagram has no control flow, there are no decision rules and no loops.

Specific operations based on the data can be represented by a

flowchart. (Data-flow diagram,n.d)

The developers used a data flow diagram because it is a simple

way to comprehend the flow of the data through the system. It is a

guide to identifying the related processes and detailed information

that passes through the system.

Visual Table of Contents. The developers used the visual table

of contents to identify the various systems functions and their

relationships can be observed, discussed, and better understood.

Likert Scale. A Likert Scale is a type of rating scale used to

measure attitudes or opinions. With this scale, respondents are asked

to rate items on a level of agreement. (Levine, D. 2014).

The developers used Likert Scale to measure the opinions of the

respondents and to identify when they strongly agree to strongly



This chapter showcases the significant results of the study. It


I Problems confronting the traditional grading system

Mangaldan National High School uses a manual system in

managing student's grades. The current system used in the school

has several complications as identified by the respondents and the

developers. As a result, the following problems were found.

The developers interviewed both students and teachers.

According to them, the traditional grading system is a hassle and time

consuming to manage, especially when managing the entire school's

system. Using the traditional grading system management is prone to

have human errors, a staff may incorrectly input a student's grades,

spill liquids on the paper cards and overall makes it very unsafe for

the cards.

Natural disasters like floods, typhoons, earthquakes and more

might also damage the cards and other paper documents such as

grading sheets and student cards.

II Features of the Student Stats System

This section presents the data flow diagram and wireframes of

the designed system.

Because of the problem mentioned by the students and

teachers, the developers decided to design and develop a system that

helps the students and teachers when it comes to viewing and editing

grades. As tools used for design and development of the Student Stats

System, the following models are presented.

Context Data Flow Diagram. It generalizes the function of the

entire system in relation to external entities.

Figure 4.1 Context DFD of the Student Stats System

Visual Table of Contents. Visual Table of Contents (VTOC)

diagram and it is used to develop a top-down hierarchical structure

through which systems functions and their relations can be observed,

discussed, and better understood.

Wireframe. Wireframes are essential in the process of coding

the interface of the system since it serves as a guide to the developer

on how to employ text and other graphic contents of the web page.

The following are the major wireframes from Figure 4.2 to 4.4.

Figure 4.2 Wireframe of the Login Page

The design in figure 4.2 shows the login page of the system. It

also contains three labels that consist of username, password, login

and two input fields. Each button is programmed to do something if

clicked. The login (if the username and password input is correct) will
redirect the user to their respectful pages.

Figure 4.3 Wireframe of the System’s Home Page

The design in 4.3 shows the system's Home Page. It contains

the name of the system, dropdown account menu, home dashboard,

master list, records, reports, users and maintenance.

Figure 4.4 Wireframe of the System’s Add Student Page.

The design in figure 4.4 shows the Add Student Page. It

contains the title of the page, adds a new entry button, records per

page dropdown menu, search and the students list.

By clicking the "Login" button at the login page, it will bring you

to the homepage of the student stats system Figure figure it out later.

There, the number of students and other functions will be displayed.

The Home Page is just a page with the words “MNHS Student

Management System" and on the sidebar, there are functions like:

Dashboard, Master List, Records, Reports and Users. The Master List

consists of a Students List, Subjects List, and Curriculum List. The

Records holds the Academic Record, Promote Candidates and

Candidates List. The Reports consist of Form 137, Students List and

Candidates Report. And the Users.

Figure 4.5 Home Page of the Student Stats System.

Figure 4.6 Students List Page of the Student Stats System.

III Hardware and Software Requirements of the Student Stats


System Requirements. This section presents the minimum

hardware and software requirements needed for the system to

function properly.

Table 4.1 System Minimum Hardware Requirements

Requirements Specifications

Processor Intel Core 2 Duo or higher

Memory 2 GB

Hard Disk 120 GB

Screen Resolution 640 x 480

Peripherals Mouse, keyboard, monitor and


Table 4.2 System Minimum Software Requirements

Requirements Specifications

Operating System Microsoft Windows XP and Higher

Software System Support XAMPP

Web Browser Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox,

Opera and other modern web

IV Acceptability of the Student Stats System

The following tables discuss the summary and results of each

tables, that were derived from the survey questionnaire results:

Table 4.3 Likert Scale in terms of User-Friendliness

User-Friendliness AW Descriptive

M Equivalent

1. I will use the system more

4.2 Agree

2. I have no trouble using the system. 3.4 Neutral

3. The system has a clear purpose. 4.6 Strongly Agree

4. I always feel I knew what I wanted to

3.2 Neutral
do next.

5. The system is well-suited for both

4.6 Strongly Agree
students and teachers.

Average 4.0 Agree

The table above presents the Likert Scale in terms of User-

Friendliness. Most of the respondents answered Strongly Agree, right

after Strongly Agree the option "agree" is the 2nd most answer. The

lowest average that we got in the table is 3.2. The general average of

the table User-Friendliness is 4.00 which is considered in terms of

Likert scale is Agree.

Table 4.4 Likert Scale in terms of Usability

Usability AW Descriptive

M Equivalent

1. Overall, I am satisfied with how easy it is

4.6 Agree
to use the system.

2. It was simple to use this system. 4.4 Neutral

3. I am able to complete my work

4.0 Strongly Agree
quickly using this system.

4. I found the various functions in this

4.4 Neutral
system are well integrated.

5. I thought there is consistency in the

4.8 Strongly Agree

6. I believe I became productive using

4.4 Strongly Agree
the system.

7. I felt very confident using this

4.0 Agree

Average 4.37 Strongly Agree

The table above presents the Likert Scale in terms of Usability.

Most of the respondents answered Strongly Agree, but the highest

average weighted mean is 4.8, strongly agree is the 2nd most

answered. The lowest average we've got in the table of usability is 4.0

on the question "I am able to complete my work quickly using this

system." and "I felt very confident using this system." which is

considered Agree. The overall average is 4.37 which is strongly agreed

in terms of Likert scale.

Table 4.5 Likert Scale in terms of Information

Information AW Descriptive

M Equivalent

1. Information is easy to read. 3.0 Agree

2. I am able to differentiate the different

4.0 Agree

3. The website content interests me. 3.8 Agree

4. The terminologies are clear and

3.8 Agree

5. The amount of explanation was

3.6 Agree
adequate for performing the task.

6. It was easy to learn using the system. 4.6 Strongly Agree

7. The information is relevant to my

4.2 Agree
professional needs.

8. The information is correct based on

3.8 Agree
the textbooks.

Average 3.85 Agree

The table above presents the Likert Scale in terms of

Information. Most of the guidance counselors say that they agree, but

the highest average weighted mean is 4.6. The lowest average we've

got in the table is 3.0 on the question "Information is easy to read."

which in terms of Likert Scale is neutral. The overall average of the

table above is 3.85 which in terms of Likert Scale is Agree.

Table 4.6 Likert Scale in terms of Design and Navigation

Design and Navigation AW Descriptive

M Equivalent

1. I found the system's interface (buttons,

icons, dialogue boxes) an easy way of 4.02 Agree

performing the system's functions.

2. I felt secure and comfortable in

4.12 Agree
interacting with the system.

3. I always knew where to access the

4.11 Agree
information I wanted.

4. Were the screen layouts helpful? 4.03 Agree

5. Were the arrangements of information

3.66 Agree
on the screen proper?

6. The balance of the graphics and text is

3.69 Agree

7. The menu screen is attractive. 3.85 Agree

8. I like using the interface of this system. 3.89 Agree

9. The interface of the system is pleasant. 4.04 Agree

10. The organization of information on the

3.84 Agree
system screens is clear.

11. It is easy to find the information I need. 3.64 Agree

12. It is fun to explore the system. 3.86 Agree

Average 3.90 Agree

The table above presents the Likert Scale in terms of Design and

Navigation. All of the teachers and students answered Agree; the

highest average weighted mean is 4.12. The lowest average weighted is

3.64 on the question "It is easy to find the information I need." which

is Agree in terms of Likert Scale.



This chapter discusses the summary of results, conclusions

that were derived from the results and its equivalent

recommendations from the researchers' point of view.

I Summary

This study focused on the development of the "Student Stats for

Mangaldan National High School". Specifically, it sought to achieve

the following objectives: (1) To identify problems confronting in the

existing traditional system; (2) To determine the features of the Online

Grading System; (3) To specify the hardware and software

requirements of the system; and (4) To test the acceptability of the


The developers used the agile software development framework,

specifically the extreme programming, as a tool in the system

prototyping and design. Data were gathered through interviews with

the teachers and students of the Mangaldan National High School to

examine the student stats system for Mangaldan National High

School. The developers also used library and internet research as tools

for gathering data. Data flow diagrams, flowchart and wireframes were

also used in analyzing pertinent data.

On the other hand, the major findings, as based on the

objectives presented, include:

First, the student stats system used in Mangaldan National

High School created some problems. These include: time-consuming,

human errors, might be damaged due to natural calamities like floods,

typhoons, and earthquakes.

Second, the system design is a user-friendly system, meaning

anyone can navigate the system without any difficulty. The system

contains the Login Page, Home Page and Add Student Page. The

system is mainly used for looking up and creating student's basic


Third, the system's minimum hardware requirements are:

Processor - Intel Core 2 Duo or Higher, Memory - 2 GB, Hard Disk -

120 GB, Screen Resolution - 640 x 480, Peripherals - Mouse,

keyboard, monitor and printer. The system's minimum software

requirements are: OS - Microsoft Windows XP and higher, Software

System Support - XAMPP, Web Browser - Google Chrome, Mozilla

Firefox, Opera and other modern web browsers.

Fourth, in the system's acceptability most answers agree. The

highest weighted average mean is 4.8 in category of Usability. The

lowest weighted average is 3.0 in the category of Information on the

question "Information is easy to read.". The overall averages are 4.0 in

user-friendliness, 4.37 in usability, 3.85 in information and 3.90 in

Design and Navigation.

II Conclusions

Based on the findings, the following are the conclusions of this

research study:
Traditional grading system is proven to be imperfect due to

problems like human error, natural calamity damages, a modernized

computer system was developed as an answer.

The features of the Student Stats system is based on the

following problems of the traditional grading system. The system is

designed to be more efficient and more reliable while working on the

student's information and grades.

The hardware and software requirements were recommended to

be available during the testing and deployment phase of the system

development. This is to ensure that the system will not encounter any

problem when used by the end-users.

In the system's acceptability most answers agree. Thus, the

system is acceptable to the end-users.

III Recommendations

The following are highly recommended:

1. The proposed system will be approved and implemented in

the school to make keeping records easier and less time consuming.

2. In order to meet the needs of the users, the system's

functionality will be developed over time.

3. To ensure that the system runs and functions smoothly, it

should meet all of the hardware and software requirements.

4. Through future investigations, further research should be

done to find the system's flaws and implant them as part of the


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