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ADA Learning Diary

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Mohd Hamza BFT/21/391

Session 1
• In this session we learnt various aspects of aesthetics and beauty.
• Aesthetics - Aesthetics comes from the word “esthetics”
• Aesthetics is the study of beauty or philosophy of
• Art.
• Beauty – The perception of someone for something can be termed as
• Beauty has two concepts -
• Formal- look based
• Content- reality based. Beauty in different ages and civilizations.
• Elements & principle of fashion.
Session 2 and Session 3

• In these sessions we learnt Definition of beauty and various

aspects of beauty at different places.
• Africa – lip plates
• Mauritania - Forced feeding.
• Philippines – Inking of arms.
• China- Small feet (Iron shoes made to control foot growth).
• Thailand- Neck rings.
• There has been a drastic change in design according to the
Session 4

• In these sessions we learnt about Tribal beauty of Karen

Padang, Thailand, where women wear multiple brass rings
around their neck from clavicle up to the chin as a sign of
beauty and status.
• Tribal beauty in Mauritania, Africa. Girls are subjected to
leblouh which is a force feeding fattening process.
• Tribal beauty in Philippines, here the art of tattooing all over
the body is seen as symbol of beauty, maturity, rank &
Session 5
• Beginning of improvement.
• The cave paintings were probably a part of communication at that time.
• They began worshipping the mother goddess.
• How humans were subjected to form civilizations as they needed knew
• Main sites of civilizations such as Lascaux, Altamira, Bhimbetka &
• Pachmari.
• Pre-historic Europe.
• Puch-Marle cave paintings.
• Example- Bhimbetka (Bhopal).
• They had ancestor worshipping
Session 6
• In this session we observed various images from Altamira cave
and the paintings engraved inside.
• Humans skulls with restored features from Jericho, Israel made by
• skulls, shells and plaster.
• We all got a brief information about Stonehenge in Wiltshire, one
• the famous ancient sites of the world. Settlements.
• Land --- Farming---Growth.
• Beliefs---superstitions---Rituals---religions.
Session 7

In this session we were • Mesopotamia - Tigris and Euphrates

introduced to the
following : • Harrapan - Indus valley
• China – Yellow River valley
• Egypt – River Nile
• Present day; - Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Syria,
Turkey, Iran and Iraq.
• Groups which ruled Mesopotamia:
• 1.Sumerian
• 2.Akkadian
• 3.Babylon
Session 8
• We learnt about composite animals heterogeneous forms, how body parts
from different animals can be be all combined as a single being.
• Lamassu (winged human headed bull) from the citadel of Sargon II,
• is a famous sculpture of a horse, human head and bird wings all
• combined in one.
• We also learned about;
• Ziggurat- Mud brick constructions.
• Red limestone was used for paintings.
• Lamassu- Human headed bulls (mythological sculptures)
• Babylon- Most advanced city of that time.
• Cuneiform writing- Their own style to write partially 3d scripts on mud bricks.
The writings were always a little raised.
Session 9
• In this session we learned about INDUS VALLEY CIVILIZATION.
• Very impressive town planning which included drainage systems,
pottery etc.
• Sculptures like dancing girl, male head.
• Grain storages, great baths and burial pottery are some other
important aspects of Indus valley civilization.
• Neolithic China and Yellow River valley.
• Painted pottery – unique designs can be seen by this period, mostly
having inscriptions of the dragon.
• Pots had animal shapes like the pig jar and dragon pin.
• Ancestral worship was given importance.
Wheel made pottery was invented.
• Status differential burials were given importance.
• Bronze was widely used in pottery and dragon dolls.
Session 10

• In this session we studied about the Egyptian Civilization and observ ed

the map around the places where it took place.
• Here also the relief structure of art can be seen in Palette of King
• Narmer from Hierakonpolis.
• Pyramids- constructions of different types of pyramids took place in
different dynasties, they made perfectly huge pyramids by the 3rd
dynasty like the pyramid of Gizeh and great sphinx Gizeh.
• In Egypt whichever king ascended the throne had to shave their
• head and body hair to wear a wig and braided beard. This can be
• seen in the sculpture of Khafre from Gizeh.
Session 11- 12
• Pharaoh statues – They also built huge statues of their kings.
• Mummification – They stored the dead bodies of kings and
queens by wrapping them with layers of fabric and glues which
helped to store dead bodies, some dead bodies are preserved till
date. Click to add text

• Hieroglyphics – They had this inscription format to write and draw.

In this session, we learned about various civilizations by various
videos. And also saw the process of mummification.
• I n these sessions , We got to learn about v arious aspects of Art and how different mediums are effective in display
of art.
• Use of different mediums for art such as pencils, pens, colors etc.
• Usage of v arious methods to represent different ideologies.
• Formal elements
• Personality of an artist
• I deology / Feelings
• I conography
• Subject matter
• Language
• Dance
• Literature
• Music
• Fashion
• Explanation of usage of methods and materials in Arts , Films and Fashion was giv en.
• Various aspects of cinematography were also giv en.
• Role of socio cultural conditions and religious condition w as further explained.
SESSIONS 19 – 21
• In these sessions , we learnt about early Roman empire.
• Division of Rome
• Rule of Constantine ( first Christian emperor)
• Spread of Christianity.
• Shift from realism to religious representation.
• Catacombs - Burial places for holy worships, Catacomb paintings
carved on walls of the chambers.
• We learnt about Christian Architecture.
• Sarcophagi technique of wall paintings.
• Early Medieval period ( period of religious beliefs )
• We were also introduced to Byzantine arts , tempera and
architectural concepts
SESSIONS 22 - 24
• In these sessions we were introduced to Renaissance.
• It was a period from the 14th - 17th century.
• The revival of Greek and Roman culture took place in this period.
• Various characteristics such as humanism , individualism ,Questioning
Attitude ,Interest in Secular, or non-religious worldly matters ,Rise of
the middle class ,Great achievements in the arts.
• People of this Era focused more on the learnings of the man ,rather
than just believing on the concept of life and death.
• Artists depicted 2D style of paintings.
• Paintings of Important Artists such as Leonardo Da
Vinci , Michelangelo, Raphael etc. were shown.
• Key features of Renaissance period such as symmetry, proportion and
geometry and regularity of parts were discussed.
SESSIONS 25 - 27
• In these sessions we saw different printing methods such as
Japanese wood carve method and Lithography etc.
• We were taught about relation between Art and science , that
how these both aspects are deeply inter-related.
• We got to learn that the Artists and Scientists could not
succeed in their respective fields if they were not interested in
each other's works.
• Later on , we learnt about French Revolution , This included the
introduction of Newspapers , Guillotine (head- cutting machine )
by Madame Tussaud and starting of Departmental stores.
SESSIONS 28 – 30
• In these sessions we learned about Modernism (1860s to 1970s) -how
painters started taking different aspects of human life. The artists
mentally grew and knew how to celebrate human life.
• Later in these sessions , we got to learn about Impressionism in which
nature was taken as the main subject for impressionist paintings.
• We also got to learn about various impressionists such
as Claude Monet , Edouard Monet ,Edgar Degas ,Pierre Renoir and
• Then we learned about post impressionism in which the artists
played with different aspects of paintings and took impressionism
to another direction. It included Artists such as Vincent Van Gaugh
• Then , Neo-Impressionism - Artists used points and shades
techniques .
• Then, Fauvism and Expressionism was discussed .
• Fauvism - Artists were more intellectual and used to work in groups.
SESSIONS 31 - 33
• In these sessions we were taught about the modern, post-modern art
and design movements in the time period of world war 1 to world war 2.
• 1851 - Prince Albert organized an exhibition gallery for hand-made and
machine made artifacts (crystal palace).
• Later, we learnt about Art Nouveu (period of extreme decoration)
• Then , about Art Deco - Which had Symmetrical , machine made and
angular works
• Later in the sessions we learnt about Realism , Proto , Analytic and
Synthetic Cubism.(multiple symmetry points ).
• Then we learnt about Dadaism .
• Then , about Surrealism ( Which had visual imagery that was not so
logically comprehensible.)
• Then we were introduced to Pop Art , this included the use of
mechanical means of presenting ideas in the mid to late 1950"s

• In these sessions we got to learn about

various handicrafts , belonging to different
regions of our country. We also saw different
pictures of those handicrafts like Phulkari ,
puppetry ,Sawant wadi, crafts and many more.
Later we discussed about the geographical
importance of those handicrafts and saw various
relatable videos as well.
• This was our last session In which we were taught about modern
culture and how we adapted various changes after the Industrial
• Firstly the modernist era ,Changes in clothing system and schedules.
• We were taught about the various types of architectures and how
they improved and depicted a meaning in each of them.
• Then Post-modernist Era in which people invested to
provide infrastructure to regional arts.
• Then we learnt about the evolving of our country during the 20th
century giving out new designs and ideas.
• Later in these sessions we were introduced to various aesthetic ways
of presenting art and ideologies in all times.
• Example of Pragati maidan , Delhi was given and works of various
other people of all times was also given.
Thank You Ma'am

Submitted to – Susmita ma'am

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