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My Note 2

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Loy -Krathong

Enjoy Avoid Practice Keep Imagine Worth Risk

Admit Deny Mind Miss Consider Finish Complete Delay

Recall Resist Resent Recommend Endure Defer

Appreciate Suggest Dislike Detest Excuse Escape

Fancy Feel like Postpone

Can’t stand Can’t bear Busy

Appreciated Quit Understand

Tolerate Mention Discuss

Auxiliary Verb

Can Must
Will Used to
May Need to
Ought to
Dare ......


Sing a Song
So do I / Neither do I

Sara : I don’t have money. Me: Neither do I.

Tom: My wife would like to watch GOT7’s concert.
Me: So would I.
Pin: I go to school at 7 o’clock Me: So do I.

1. So บอกเล่า Neither ปฏิเสธ

2.ตามด้วย V. ช่วย
3. ไม่มี Vช่วย เอา do,does /

1. Nanny : Catherine is English. Me:.............................

2. Robert : I can’t play the piano. Me:.............................

3. Laura : I use a lot of money per day. Me : ........................

1. Jane: I don’t have any brothers or sisters. Me:.....................

2. May: Lucy will come early tomorrow. Me:.....................

3. Johnny: I have been to Mexico. Me:.....................

4. Nanny: I would like a cup of coffee. Me:.....................

5. June: John went to the lecture yesterday. Me:.....................

6. Tony: I didn’t pass the exam. Me:.....................

7. Lucy: I won’t have a cake just now. Me:.....................

8. Sarah: I love chocolate. Me:.....................

9. Robert: Emma can speak French. Me:....................

sing a song

Active and Passive Voice

ก็ Passive voice ก็ คือ ประธานนั้นถูกกระทำใช่ไหม
This song is sung by me เพลงนี้ถูกร้องโดยฉันไง
โครงสร้างประโยคคือ be + V.3 ไม่ยากเลย
ถ้ามองซ้าย คือ be ตรงกลาง Verb three และอาจตามด้วย by
This song is sung by me เพลงนี้ถูก ร้องโดยฉันไง
โครงสร้างประโยคคือ be + V.3 และอาจตาม ด้วยคำว่า by
Is passive voice... Is passive voice... Is passive voice

Active ..........................................................................

The hunter shoots two tigers.

He taught Thai students.

Passive Voice ...............................................................

Two tigers are shot by the hunter.

Thai students were taught by him.

Most internet users sent E-mails.

Travellers search for accommodation.

A poor family builds a simple small house .

1. They understand Spanish. .............................................................................

2. My friend bought a new car. ........................................................................

3. Josh cleaned the bathroom. ..........................................................................

4. The teacher closes the window. ....................................................................

5. Our dog didn’t bite the cat. ..........................................................................

6. The mechanic repairs cars. ..........................................................................

1. Coffee is sold by Maria. .......................................................................

2. The exercise is completed by the teacher. .........................................

3. Football is played by the children. .....................................................

4. The president was elected by the people. .........................................

5. The child was hit by a car. ....................................................................

6. This book was written by an Irishman. .........................................

Sing a song
If you leave me , I will cry.
If you left me, I would die.
If you had left , my sweet heart,
I would have cried and died.


Type 2

1st Conditional

If you study hard , you will pass the test.

2nd Conditional

If I won the lottery, I would buy a house.

3rd Conditional

If I had studied harder, I would have passed the exam.

1. If you (have) ............................. time at the weekend, they will come to
see us.

2. We (arrive) ....................... earlier if we had not missed the bus.

3. If I didn’t have a mobile phone, my life (not, be)....................... complete.

4. If I (tell) ..................... you a secret, you would be sure to leak it.

5. Okey, I (get) ......................... the popcorn if you buy the drinks.

6. If we (know) ........................... about your problem, we would have

helped you.
Exercise: put in the correct verb forms.

1. If the weather had been better, we ............................... (come) by bike.

2. If you were older , you .......................... (go) to the party.

3. If Alice ............................ (have) more money, she would go to Africa.

4. John’s mother ............................. (have) more time for him if he does

the washing up.

5. If Steven had taken his camera, he ......................... (take) nice picture.

6. They will stay longer in Paris if they ......................(find) a cheap hotel.

7. If Brain ................................ (like) horses, he could ride well.

8. If Sarah .................................(not/eat) so much Junk food, she could

have been in the school hockey team.

9. He can write good stories if he .................................(feel) like it.

10. If you listened carefully, you ................................(know) about it.

Suffix - Nouns

น้อง -ance -ant

อยาก -ence (-ense) ติด

เป็น econom-ist นักเศรษฐศาสตร์

เป็น doct -or (-er, -ure) ก็เข้าทาง

หรือ actr-ess นักแสดง

นั่ง -ship ไป Admiss -ion

memo -ry ทุกวัน จำไม่ไหว

ข้อสอบ difficul -ty ไง

-ment ยังไงก็ไม่ทัน

King-dom ก็อยากดู โอ้โน้ว -sis ช่วย -ance ที

Suffix- verbs

-en ได้หน้า ก็ลืมหลัง เป็น -ate ยัง ก็ไม่รู้

โดนด่า -ify เต็มหู เอา -ise (-ize) ถูดูก็ไม่หาย

ข่าว -press อยากทำ re - port เอารถมาจอด ตรงป้าย - sign

นั่ง -sist -mit ชิด อับอาย คนมากมาย -pose ประจาน

อยาก -prove พิสูจน์ตนเอง แต่ใจนักเลง con -fuse สับสน

คาดหวัง ex -pect ให้คน re -ceive ตน pre -fer สักวัน

Suffix - Adjective

-ic -al -ous -ive

มีความหมายว่า “เกี่ยวกับ”
อ่ะ จำเด้ จำเด้
-ble สามารถ ทำได้อ่ะ
-ble สามารถ ทำได้
แต่ถ้าเจอ -ful ที่ไหน

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