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The Simple Present1

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The Simple Present

The form: Subject + verb + Object

They speak German. They don’t speak German. Do thhey speak German?
 We add ‘’s’’ in the third person singular (he, she, it) form:
Examples: Jack loves his job - My wife visits her parents every weekend.
(It) - My cat likes ice-cream.

 When a verb ends with s, ch, sh, x, o, y , we add the letter es to it

ss ch sh x o y
Kiss Watch Brush Mix Do Study
He kisses He watches He brushes He mixes He does He studies

The use of the simple present:

1- To talk about habits and routines.
He drinks tea at breakfast. They watch television at night.
I watch TV in the evening. I drink tea at breafast
I go to the gym three times a week. I play on my phone when I am free
o You can express repeated actions with Adverbs of frequency:
always – never - often – sometimes – rarely/seldom – every - frequently - usually.
I usually meet my friends after school My mother tells me a short story every night.
I sometimes go for a wak in the park. We often do sport on the weekend.
2- Use 2: To talk about facts or general world truths.
London is a large city Water freezes at zero degrees.
Magnet attracts iron. The sun rises in the east.
I live in Morocco. She speaks three languages
3- Use 3: To talk about fixed arrangments.
We have an exam next Monday. Christmas Eve is on a Tuesday this year.
Our holiday starts on the 26th March What time is your flight?
The last plane to Rome leaves at 22:30 His father retires in two years.
Exercises about the Present Simple
Exercise1: Turn the sentences into negative and interrogative form:
 Make negative sentences.
My father makes breakfast. → ........................
They are eleven. → ........................
She writes a letter. → ........................
I speak Italian. → ........................
We phone our family on Sundays. → ........................
 Make interrogative sentences.
you / to speak / English → ........................
when / he / to go / home → ........................
they / to clean / the bathroom → ........................
where / she / to ride / her bike → ........................
Billy / to work / in the supermarket → ........................

Exercise 2: Rewrite the sentences and correct the mistakes:

1. He go to bed very early. ........................
2. Does they live in Canada? ........................
3. I am usually cook dinner for my family. ........................
4. Are they have a meeting every week? ........................
5. She don’t like tennis. ........................
6. Does John has enough money? ........................
7. He know the answer. ........................
8. Robert playes baseball on the weekend. ........................
9. They has lots of free time. ........................
10. Do they usually driving to work? ........................
11. Jenny is not work at a restaurant. ........................
12. She worries too much about the exams. ........................
13. My father wants to travels to Spain. ........................
14. Why you study English? ........................
15. He doesn’t drinks tea. ........................
16. They are start class in the morning. ........................

Exercise 3: Rewrite the sentences with the present simple.

1. (he / drive to work every day) ........................
2. (I / not / think you're right) ........................
3. (we / have enough time)? ........................
4. (where / I / come on Mondays)? ........................
5. (they / write e-mails every day)? ........................
6. (you / watch a lot of TV) ........................
7. (he / not / read the newspaper) ........................
8. (she / dance often)? ........................
9. (what / you / do at the weekend)? ........................
10.(how / he / travel to work)? ........................
Exercise 4: Fill in with the present simple form:
1. You ............... (play) basketball once a week.
2. My brother ....................... (do) homework every night before going to bed.
3. ........................ (study / Rachid) English in an English center?
4. My phone ........................ (work / not) anymore.
5. My little sister ........................ (fancy) playing with toys.
6. Amine ......................... (brush) his teeth before going to bed.
7. The body of your car .......................... (to be) wonderful
8. Hassan usually ...................... (miss) the bus because of waking up late.
9. He always ......................... (tell) us funny stories.
10. ........................ (like / ahmed) coffee in the morning?
11. Amina usually ....................... (watch) TV at night.
12. I ...................... (do) sport every Sunday with some friends.
13. Ahmed ...................... (go / not) to school by bus.
14. My children ........................ (to be / not) very active.
15. ......................... (stay up / you) late?
16. My uncle is a mechanic. He ..................... (fix) and repairs cars very well.
17. Kamal sometimes ...................... (play) with his friends outside.
18. They ......................(go) to the cinema on Saturdays.
19. ......................... (do / your mother) the housework at home?
20. Ahmed and Kamal ....................... (to be) my best friends.
21. My father ..................... (catch) fish for living.
22. Hassan ...................... (to be / not) a doctor.
23. She never .....................(help) me with the homework!
24. I ....................... (fancy / not) listening to music.
25. ......................... (like / cats) milk?
26. When kamal comes home from work, he ................ (relax) in his bedroom.
27. She never .......................... (copy) lessons from the board.
28. Amina .......................(go / not) shopping alone.
29. It rarely ........................ (rain) in this city.
30. ...................... (to be / she) French?

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