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NSIC B2B Information

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National Small Industry Corporation (NSIC) is set to launch a B2B IT portal for the small and medium enterprises

(SMEs), this October, reports PTI. NSIC will charge an annual listing fee of Rs 5,000, from the enterprises, which will give them access to a database of 2,50,000 potential customers. According to NSIC, the portal will feature hit counters for individual members that list themselves on the site, virtual buyer-seller meets, in addition to facilitating requests for quotations for business orders. It will offer details about the enterprises including detailed product catalogues and pictures. Meanwhile Alibaba is expecting a growth of 50% in terms of the number of registered SMEs in India which would take the total number of registered accounts to 3 million. The company launched its India office in August 2010 and has been conducting various events including offline Trade Fairs to expand its presence in the country. Also, another b2b marketplace portal, IndiaMart recently collaborated with Korea Trade Investment Promotion Agency (KOTRA) to offer a dedicated Korean Products Pavilion section on its website to enable Korean Small and Medium businesses to host microsites or product catalogue pages on IndiaMart and generate leads from Indian buyers. When it comes to implementing the announcements that it makes, the Government, it seems likes doing things at a leisurely pace, after files travel inter-department, and recommendations are made by different committees. Medianama readers would recall that the Indian Government had announced the launch of a job portal in the Union Budget 2009-2010 which has still not seen the light of the day. How to Register with NSIC B2B Portal Membership Charge :USD 100 or Rs. 5000 The Infomediary Services can be availed on membership basis. Mambership fee is to be paid by Demand Draft in favour of "NSIC Ltd" payable at the city of your nearest NSIC office. Keeping in mind the information needs of small industries NSIC has launched "NSIC Infomediary", a one-stop-place to help provide information to micro, small and medium enterprise. Potential beneficiaries would be entrepreneurs-both existing and aspiring, SME seeking business collaboration and co-production opportunities, joint ventures, exporters and imprters, and those looking for global online business. NSIC Infomediary Gold Members are verified Members, empowered with specialized online business tools for an effective and easier Business communication. Their sincerity in making business interaction is undoubtedly visible. Gold Members pass through a verification process before getting into any agreement with us. All Members who avail of our Paid Services are Gold Members. Benefits Get easy access to Global Buyers.
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Click here for online Registraion

Have own website/product catalog. Gets Priority Listing in Professional display of Product Catalogs. Can Post Trade Leads from anywhere, anytime.

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Can Add/Modify/Delete Company, Product and Lead information. Receives more Business Enquiries than Free Members.

Additional Benefits for NSIC Members

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Tender Information in your e-mail box and web based browsing. Banner display on NSIC's website (Payment Based). Access to a wide range of technologies from India and abroad. Access to national and international business leads, JV opportunities and trade information. Information on Trade and events. Comprehensive information on Government policies, rules and regulations, schemes and incentives. Access to industrial databases and members' directory. Access to NSIC's Business Centre with facilities such as conference hall, fax, telephone, photocopy and A/V aids etc. Access to a wide range of assistance for participation in business delegations, exhibitions/fairs. Availability of a wide range of escort services, e.g., product design, credit and support rating, developing catalogues and product literature, energy and environment audit, introduction of information technology (IT) solution in Business operations. Skill up gradation Training, mentoring services, common facility at NSIC Technical Services Centre(s), banners display on websites and market studies. Concessions on Apollo Hospitals Medical Facilities. Concessions on hotel reservation in select hotels.

For further information on membership benefits, banners advertisements on NSIC Infomediary site, contact: INTERNATIONAL TRADING National Small Industries Corporation The National Small Industries Corporation (NSIC) through its export development programme is playing a vital role to promote the SSI sector in exporting their products/projects in international, markets by providing following assistance to the small enterprises. Marketing and Promotion -Organising International Exhibitions - Organising and participation in Buyers-Sellers meet - Sponsoring delegation from different SSI sectors to various countries - Providing information related to sales opportunities available in international market - Product specific catalogue preparation - Advertising and publicity in various countries through Indian High - Commissions, Offices abroad and Internet - Publication of Exporters Directory - Participating in Global Tenders - Providing assistance in deemed exports - Organisation of Seminars and Workshops to upgrade and update SSI with regard to international developments.

Financial Assistance - Pre and Post Shipment finance at concessional rate of interest - Financial assistance for procurement of indigenous and imported raw material - Financial assistance for upgradition and modernisation of SSI unit - Assisting in the process of claiming exports incentives Technical Assistance - Laboratory and Testing assistance for improving quality of products - Providing assistance in packaging - Providing assistance for obtaining, inspection documents - Conducting various programmes related to technology upgradation - Assisting SSI Sector in Technology assimilation - Imparting technical training Effecting product improvements NSIC has been instrumental in developing a large number of small scale units to export high quality products such as builders hardware, locks, light engineering products, giftware and novelties, readymade garments and textile products. Following activities are also undertaken by NSIC for Export Promotion through SSI - Study visit to various developed countries to identify the product range and their market demand. - Arrange visits of delegations consisting of representatives of small scale industries/Associations to different specialises exhibitions and buyers-sellers meets. - Collect samples during the above export promotion visits and to identify suitable small scale suppliers to develop counter samples. - NSIC has already opened two offices abroad at South Africa and Dubai, U.A.E. These offices will be utilised for generation of business for the small scale sector. - Publication of a directory of identified products and possible buyers for circulation to the small scale industries. For further details please visit Tender Marketing "Participation by NSIC in Bulk local/global tender on behalf of Small Scale Industries/Enterprises. It is aimed to assist SSIs with ability to manufacture quality products but which lack brand equity & credibility or have limited financial capabilities." Eligibility Small Scale Industries/Enterprises (should be registered with Directorate of Industries/ District Industries Centres) Benefits

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SSIs provided with all requisite financial support depending upon the units individual requirements like purchase of raw material and financing of sale bill. Enhanced business volume helps SSIs achieve maximum capacity utilization. SSIs exempted from depositing earnest money SSIs helped to participate in large & global tenders upto its capacity & capability. SSIs assisted technically for quality upgradation and new product development in addition to testing facility. Ensures fair margin to SSIs for their production Publicity to small industries products Production of quality products from the SSI sector

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To submit request on letter head to participate in tender alongwith fee towards NSICs processing charges. Photocopy of valid SSI Registration certificate. Latest income tax assessment orders or clearance certificate of the Proprietor/Partners/Directors in their individual capacity. Copy of Memorandum & Articles of Association. Specimen signatures of the authorised signatory of the applicant unit attested by the banker of the unit. If a Private/Public Limited Company, a copy of board resolution authorising the signatory to sign for and on behalf of the company. In case of partnership firm Power of Attorney in favour of signatory to deal with NSIC. Copies of tenders/orders executed, any other marketing arrangement, sale bills etc. Audited annual accounts for last 2 years with annual reports of applicant unit & associate firms. Inspection of the Units production set up An agreement is executed between NSIC & SSI on successful procurement of Tender. Acceptance of NSIC terms & conditions by SSI unit. Service charges @ 1% of tender value is charged from the SSI once the order is procured plus all actual expenses and damages. Additional Service charges @ 0.25% for first 30 days and thereafter 0.08% for every week subject to maximum of 1.5% of tender value is charged if the SSI desires to avail financial assistance under NSICs Raw Material Assistance (RMA) scheme or under Integrated Marketing Support Programme (IMSP)/Bill Financing Scheme. Interest as applicable under RMA/IMSP is charged on the value of financial assistance. Processing Charges of Rs 200/- for Tender Value less than Rs 5.00 lacs or 0.1% of the Tender Value if Tender above Rs 5.00 lacs.

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Screening of tenders where SSIs can contribute effectively Identification of SSIs capable of supplying short listed products Participation by NSIC in tender on behalf of associate SSIs Help to SSIs in procuring required raw material. Effects supply of products manufactured by SSI. Release of 80-85% payment to SSI on submission of Proof of dispatch of Release of balance 15-20% payment to SSI on receipt of payment from buyer.

Note : All terms & Conditions are as on 30.10.98 and subject to revision. Contact Points: Head Office / Respective R.O.s / B.O.s

Consortia Marketing "A SSI unit in its individual capacity faces problem very often to procure & execute large orders, which inhibits and restricts the growth of SSIs. NSIC, accordingly adopted Consortia Approach and built groups/consortia of units manufacturing same products, thereby easing out marketing problem of SSIs." Eligibility SSI units having valid SSI registration certificate from Directorate of Industries/District Industries Centres and producing the same product. Benefits
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Participation and Procurement of Orders for bulk quantities SSIs capacity of participating in large tenders enhanced Support testing facility provided by NSIC Financial assistance for Raw Material, Bill discounting etc. provided by NSIC. Wherever required, equipment is also financed to the SSI on priority. Help in developing /designing of new products and quality enhancement of SSI products.

How To Apply Apply for assistance under NSIC Tender Marketing scheme to any NSIC B.O.s/R.O.s along with a prescribed processing fee of 0.1% of tender value and authority letter in favour of NSIC, authorising NSIC to act on behalf of the unit. A service charges 1% is charged once the order is procured. Documentation

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Service charges are also payable by the consortium members @ 0.25% for first 30 days and 0.08% per week subsequently, on the investment amount, till the deal is complete, if Bills are discounted through NSIC Refer documentation under Tender Marketing For financial assistance refer terms of Raw Material Assistance & Bill Financing

Note : All terms & conditions are as on 30.10.98 and subject to revision. Contact Points : Head Office/ Respective R.O/B.O Contact Point: NSIC Marketing Division

Single Point Registration Scheme(SPRS) for Government Purchase "SPRS is to assess the technical and commercial competence of bonafide SSI units for registration and participation in Govt. Purchases "

Objectives NSIC, through its SPRS acts as a nodal agency in implementing the Govt. Store Purchase programme. It facilitates in
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Extension of preferential purchase policy in respect of small scale industries to all Central/ State Govt. Depts. & PSEs. Identification of new products made in the SSI sector for purchase by Govt. Departments and PSEs. Enlarging the number of competent suppliers to Government Agencies. Encouraging participation by the SSIs in selling to the Government.

Eligibility Existing Small Scale Industries/Enterprises (registered as SSI with Industries/District Industries Centre) having been in production for a year. Who Can Benefit All SSIs which sell or intend to sell their products to Government Deptts/ Purchase, agencies and PSUs. Benefits
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Advance intimation of Tenders issued by DGS&D/others Issue of Tender Sets free of cost Exemption from payment of earnest money Waiver of Security deposit upto the monetary limit for which the unit is registered Issue of competency certificate in case the value of an order exceeds the monetary limit. Price preference upto 15% while competing with large scale units.

Procedure for Registration SSI Unit desirous of obtaining Registration should apply to their nearest Regional/ Branch Office of NSIC on the prescribed Application Form priced at Rs 25/-. The application form duly completed must be accompanied by the following (in triplicate) :1. Processing Fee : Rs 2500/- (Rs 1800/- Demand Draft in favour of NSIC Ltd and Rs 700/D/D in favour of concerned SISI) 2. Attested copies of valid / permanent SSI Registration Certificate 3. Declaration in the form of an Affidavit for Plant & Machinery Value/ Laboratory Testing Equipments, Performance Statement as prescribed in the application form. 4. Documents as mentioned in the form be attested by a 1st class Magistrate/ Notary Public. 5. NSIC on receipt of Application Form, upon scrutiny, forwards a copy of the Application Form alongwith processing fee of Rs 700/- to concerned SISI for capacity verification Report and on receipt of their satisfactory capacity Report issues Permanent Registration Certificate to the applicant SSI Unit. 6. The Performance of the registered SSI Unit under Single Point Registration Scheme is reviewed by NSIC every Three years. Note: All terms & conditions are as on 30.10.98 and subject to revision.

Spectrum of Products Manufactured by Units Registered Under SPRS * Food and Beverages * Electrical and Electrical Appliances * Footwear * Machine and Machine Tools * Leather and Leather Products * Wire, Cables and Conductors * Paper & Paper Products * Transport and Earth Moving Equipment * Plastic and Plastic Products * Telecom Equipment * Chemical and Chemical Products * Metal and Metal Products * Rubber and Rubber Products * Computer and Computer Peripherals * Office Furniture * Hardwares * Textile and Handloom Products Application Forms are available at the following Contact Points : Head Office/ Respective Regional / Branch Offices

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