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Navamsa Dasa

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Posted on September 20, 2016 by Shubham Alock

Introduction – there are two types of dasa’s 1. Phalit Dasa used to predict general results and
outcomes and 2. Ayur dasa used to predict death and other things like accidents. Also there are
another two type of dasa’s – 1. Nakshatra Dasa based on constellations and 2. Rashi Dasa based
on zodiac signs and some dasa’s like Kaal Chakra Dasa are a mixture of both Nakshatra and Rasi
dasa because it is computed based on nakshatras and runs in Rashi’s. Also there is 1. Normal
dasa’s applicable in all charts and 2. Conditional dasa’s applicable in those charts where some
conditions are satisfied.  And based on these things further classifications in dasa’s can be done.

My approach to learning – have always been to take a classic and buy its all available versions.
And the same method I do apply for any other topic like Navamsa. Take all books available on
navamsa and then study them one by one. While I was reading Upadesha Sutra I came across a
dasa named Navamsa Dasa and it fascinates me a lot. It is mentioned in “Jaimini Sutram”
“chapter – 2 Pada – 3” it is an Ayur Dasa. Then I thought to check it in all other editions. So
interestingly in my library I found books dealing with this and when I read all of them. I got to
know that authors have given different views. And an idea came to my mind that I should write
an article on this and then try to find which method is working.

Jaimini have given two shlokas for this dasa and which he says “Vishame Tadadirnavamsah -1”
& “Anyadha Adarsadihi -2”

Four methods – in Jaimini Sutram of Dr. Suresh Chandra Mishra he says dasa will start from
lagna and in case of odd lagna will go zodiacally and in even lagna will go reverse. And will
have 9 years of each dasa.  In Pandit Sanjay Rath Edition he says in odd ascendant dasa will start
from ascendant and in even ascendant dasa will start from “Adrasha Rashi” which is another sign
occupied by the same planet except Leo and Cancer. For Leo Adrasha is Capricorn and for
Cancer Adrasha is Aquarius and each sign will have dasa of 9 years. Mahamahopadhyaya
Iranganti Rangacharya says the same as Pandit Sanjay Rath but he says for male horoscope it is
accepted whereas for female horoscope if even sign is rising then dasa will be from ascendant
and if odd sign is rising then dasa will commence from Adrasha rashi and each sign will have 9
years dasa. Mr. P.S.Shastri Says Adrasha means mirror and it is the sign which is arrived when
we place mirror in front of sign that will be Aries-Aries, Taurus-Pisces, Gemini-Aquarius,
Cancer-Capricorn, Leo-Sagittarius, Virgo-Scorpio, and Libra-Libra. Whereas Dr. Narayan Dutt
Shrimali in his “Janm Patrika Darpan” mentions a dasa in name of navamsa dasa and says “if
ascendant is odd then start from navamsa lagna if ascendant is even then start from 7th house of
navamsa Kundali. Each dasa will be of 9 years. Find remaining dasa years of first dasa using the
way it is found in vimshottari dasa. Another book was of Sachin Malhotra in which he also
applied dasa over navamsa and calculated it like char dasa of K.N.Rao being student of BVB I
am not discussing that part because it have a separate book written on the subject named
“Predicting Through Jaimini Navamsa Dasa” but we will be watching its calculation in 7th part of
this article.
So let we use all these methods and then try to find out which method is working fine. We will
treat this as an Ayur dasa except for the case of Shrimali method. Because all other authors have
admitted it to be Ayur dasa whereas Shrimali Ji haven’t said anything on that part.

So there will be 7 articles in this series:-

1. Navamsa Dasa – Dr. Suresh Chandra Mishra Method

2. Navamsa Dasa – Pandit Sanjay Rath Method
3. Navamsa Dasa – Mahamahopadhyaya Irangnati Rangacharya Method
4. Navamsa Dasa – Shri P. S. Shastri Method
5. Navamsa Dasa – Narayan Dutt Shrimali Method in Normal Navamsa
6. Navamsa Dasa – Narayan Dutt Shrimali Method in Rangacharya/Krishna Mishra
7. Navamsa Dasa – Sachin Malhotra Method in Rangacharya/Krishna Mishra Navamsa

In this article let we work with Method provided by Dr. Suresh Chandra Mishra

Calculation is simple in odd ascendant it is zodiacal and in even ascendant it is reverse. And each
sign have dasa of 9 years and we will use 4 examples for these 2 male and 2 female charts. With
one odd and one even ascendant.

In all Ayur Dasa Dwara and Bhaya is very important to be seen. They need to be carefully
checked Dwara is the dasa sign and Bhaya is the same number of sign from Dasa sign as it is
from ascendant.

Native 1 – Jawaharlal Nehru – 14th November 1889, 11:30PM, Allahabad.

Cancer Ascendant Reverse Count

Sign Start year End Year

Cancer 1889 1898

Gemini 1898 1907

Taurus 1907 1916

Aries 1916 1925

Pisces 1925 1934

Aquarius 1934 1943

Capricorn 1943 1952

Sagittarius 1952 1961

Scorpio 1961 1970

Libra 1970 1979

Virgo 1979 1988

Leo 1988 1997

In Scorpio dasa at 27 May 1964 at age 74 he died. We will not go into antardasha that work I am
leaving for readers.

Scorpio Dasa – it is 5th sign trine from ascendant having a malefic sun. Who is Marak by being
lord of 2nd house. Lord of Dwara sign Mars is in his enemy’s sign Virgo in 3rd house aspected by
Rahu from 12thhouse and Ketu and Jupiter from 6th house. Another lord of the sign Ketu in
6th house aspected by Rahu from 12th house and with Jupiter who is MK along with being lord of
Bhaya Rashi he is also afflicted by being under aspect of Malefic Mars, Rahu and conjunction
with Ketu. In Navamsa Mars is in ashtamamsa (8th navamsa) Bhaya Sign have A7 (Arudh of
7th house that can be Marak) and Dwara Sign have A2 (Arudh of another marak house).
Longevity Estimation – off course we can’t predict death like this first we need to estimate

Jaimini Method – Saturn + Moon = Middle Life. Lagna + Hora Lagna = Long Life. Lagnesha +
8th lord in this case Jupiter because according to Vriddhas method (Vriddhakarika) for cancer
ascendant Sagittarius is 8th house = Short life. When all 3 give different results then we found
that moon is in ascendant and longevity provided by Saturn and Moon pair shall dominate giving
Middle life.

Parashara Method – ascendant lord is in ascendant aspected by luminous planet sun is strong.
10th lord Mars is in Aapokilm house is weak but being in own navamsa is strong. 8th house have
two lords Saturn and Rahu. Between them Rahu is powerful being in exaltation and also being
8th lord and being strong it indicates middle life.

Jagannath Trine Method – 8th lord Saturn being between 1st to 5th houses shows death in last
portion of middle life. Thus his longevity can be said between 40-80 years. Thus he died in
Scorpio Dasa.

Native 2 – Rajiv Gandhi – 20th August 1944 – 08:11AM – Mumbai

Leo Ascendant Direct Count

Sign Start Year End Year

Leo 1944 1953

Virgo 1953 1962

Libra 1962 1971

Scorpio 1971 1980

Sagittarius 1980 1989

Capricorn 1989 1998

Aquarius 1998 2007

Pisces 2007 2016

Aries 2016 2025

Taurus 2025 2034

Gemini 2034 2043

Cancer 2043 2052

Longevity estimation – Jaimini Method – Saturn + Moon = Long Life. Lagna +Hora Lagna =
Short Life. Ascendant + 8th lord = short life.

Parashara Rule – ascendant lord in ascendant, 10th lord in Panapahar in enemy sign (Virgo) but
exalted in navamsa that too in 6th house. 8th lord Jupiter in ascendant and in 12th house in navamsa
being exalted. Lagna being in Paap Kartari makes it very weak and with only Mars really
powerful it indicates at short life.

Jagannath Trine – 8th lord in ascendant death in last part of short life. AK+PK connected
Raajyoga in ascendant?

Capricorn Dasa – having Ketu (emancipation significator) and A8. Lord of Capricorn Saturn in
11th house aspecting ascendant says if the person isn’t falling Dharma I will not provide him long
life and will punish. Bhaya Rashi has Saturn aspected by Mars (Saturn + Mars does it indicate
bomb blasts notice that Gulika and Maandi is in Sagittarius) (A4 in Pisces does it also shows
masses – 28 other people died too) death happened at 47th year but short life ends at 40 years why
so was it due to good karma?
Native 3 – Marilyn Monroe – 1st June 1926 – 09:30 – Los Angeles; California

Cancer ascendant Reverse counting

Sign Dasa Start Dasa Ends

Cancer 1926 1935

Gemini 1935 1944

Taurus 1944 1953

Aries 1953 1962

Pisces 1962 1971

Aquarius 1971 1980

Capricorn 1980 1989

Sagittarius 1989 1998

Scorpio 1998 2007

Libra 2007 2016

Virgo 2016 2025

Leo 2025 2034

Longevity Estimation – Jaimini Method – Saturn +Moon = Long Life. Ascendant +Hora Lagna =
Long Life. Lagna + 8th lord = Middle life. Kakshya Hrasha – Association of Saturn with Hora
Lagna, Saturn is also giving her Kakshya Vriddhi and in this case we see (As I have indicate
earlier that no longevity estimation is fool proof) the method isn’t working.

Parashar Rule – ascendant lord in Kendra aspecting ascendant. 10th lord in 8th. Both 8th lord
exalted have to give her middle life but this also isn’t the case.

Jagannath Trine – as Rahu is in Ayus Exaltation in D9 we take him as long and being in
12th house he shows death in first quarter. Now it seems to be matching with little bit

Pisces Dasa – Lord Jupiter is in 12th from dasa sign and is also DK (Death significator) and in
navamsa is in Scorpio (keeta sign) 8th from Dasa Rashi is having exalted Saturn that is also
retrograde (effects reversed – can it also be applied in longevity calculations?) Bhaya Rashi
having A2 (See Native 1) lord of Bhaya is Mars in 8th with DK and in Navamsa is in 6th house
(punishment) in Gemini (enemy) with Sun and Saturn (bitter enemies)

Native 4 – Grace Kelly –12th November 1929 – 05:31 – Philadelphia; Pennsylvania

Libra ascendant Direct Count

Sign Dasa Start Dasa End

Libra 1929 1938

Scorpio 1938 1947

Sagittarius 1947 1956

Capricorn 1956 1965

Aquarius 1965 1974

Pisces 1974 1983

Aries 1983 1992

Taurus 1992 2001

Gemini 2001 2010

Cancer 2010 2019

Leo 2019 2028

Virgo 2028 2037

Longevity Estimation – Jaimini Method – Lagna + Hora lagna = Short life. Lagnesha + 8th lord =
as Venus is 8th lord and is in ascendant we took 8th lord from Hora Lagna to be Rahu = Long Life.
Saturn + Moon = Long Life. 2 Kakshya Vriddhi and 1 Kakshya Hrasha rule applies showing that
method is not working.

Parashara Method – ascendant lord in ascendant. 10th lord in Panphar. 8th lord in lagna showing
long life.

Jagannath Trine – 8th lord in ascendant showing death in last portion of longevity compartment.
Pisces Dasa – having A8. 8th from dasa sign is having Me+Ke+Ve+Su = (3 malefic and 1
benefic) lord of Dasa sign is in 8th retrograde and in navamsa in exaltation with debilitated mars
who is also in MKS (Maran Karak Sthan) (Does it indicate death by Accident) Lord of Bhaya
Sign sun is debilitated in 8th from Dwara sign and in Amavasya Dosa in D9 in 6th house.

Is it working well in even ascendant or odd ascendant. We will use same 4 examples in next all
articles and will try to find out. We can be confident about Adrasha Sign being another sign
owned by same lord except Cancer and Leo because two stalwarts of Jaimini astrology have
same opinion here. But that needs to be tested too.

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