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Part 2 Who + Where

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Chapter 1

Questions with Who

● Overview
● Question Structures
● Practice – Questions with Who (1), (2)
● Common Vocabulary in Part 2 (1)
● Practice with Possible Questions
● Practice with TOEIC Actual Questions
The question word Who is used to ask about somebody who is doing an action or somebody who
is the object of an action.
● Most of correct answers will mention a person’s name, title, position, or his/her company’s
name. The most important thing when listening to responses to a question with Who is to
think of some proper noun. The proper noun may be a person’s name, or a geographical
name. Besides, the correct responses may mention a person’s title or position. So, you
should learn vocabulary about professions, positions, and titles.
● Sometimes, questions with the word Who may have correct responses indicating a
location place.
Who has the copy of the budget report?
🡺 It’s on your desk.
● When the listener is not sure about the response, he/she can say I have no idea./I’m not
sure./ I don’t know./ Why are you asking?
● For information questions with question words, it is absolutely wrong if you choose the
response starting with Yes/No.
● Some responses which contain similar sounding words or words of the same form
but different parts of speech are often used as distractors. You need to full understand
the questions to be able to choose the appropriate responses.
Example: Listen and choose the best response to the question. (2-1-01)
Who will replace Mr. Freeman when he leaves?
A. Mr. Washington will
B. Yes, it’s a beautiful area.
C. I’m not sure where he lives.
Even if you only hear the phrase Who will, you can easily choose (A) because it refers to a
person’s name. Response (B) is absolutely wrong because it starts with Yes. Response (C)
entraps you by using the word lives which sounds similar to leaves in the question.
Always remember that repeated words or similar sounding words like those in the questions are
often the distractors.
Practice – Questions with Who (1)
Listen to the questions and responses below and choose the correct response to each question.
Then, listen again and fill in the missing words in the gapped questions and responses. (2-1-05)
Practice Practice
1. Who is the woman? 1. Who organize the reception ?
(A) She is my new secretary . (A) The reception is well organize .
(B) She is taking with her client. (B) Mr. Robinson and
secretary did.
2. Who organized the reception? 2. Who is supposed to pay the bill
(A) That would be the general director .
(A) Please it me.
(B) The organization is complicated.
organized reception complicated
(B) My office is the .

3. Who is supposed to pay the bill? 3. Who is the Woman ?

(A) The office building is. Down town (A) She is the marketing manager.
(B) The Maintenance Department is (B) She is taking _ her
…..advance it. .
bill Maintenance Department

4. Who will organize the annual meeting? 4. Who organize the annual meeting ?
(A) I have no idea . (A) once a man .
(B) once a year . (B) The Planning Department is responsible
annual meeting for it.

5. Who has a copy of the contract? 5. Who is going to …. the copy

(A) I’m on vacation .
(A) A technician _ it tomorrow.
(B) I gave it to your manager .
copy contract (B) At the host across the street.

6. Who is going to repair the copy machine? 6. Who are a copy of the contract?
(A) At the coffee shop cross the street. (A) I’m free now.
(B) A Steven in _ the (B) Mr. Smith has it.
maintenance office.
repair copy machine
Practice – Questions with Who (2)
Listen to the questions and responses below and choose the correct response to each question.
Then, listen again and fill in the missing words in the gapped questions and responses. (2-1-09)
Practice Practice
1. Who is driving you to the train station? 1. Who is in of the
(A) It 10 minutes. Department?
(B) I a taxi. (A) be Ms. Elliot.
drive A to B (B) I so.

2. Who should I contact to confirm 2. Who does this handbag ?

the reservation? (A) It’s Jane’s.
(A) the receptionist. (B) It’s very .
(B) I a for this weekend.
contact confirm reservation receptionist

3. Who does this handbag belong to? 3. Who should I _ confirm

(A) It would . the reservation?
(B) I am not . (A) I reserved a .
belong to (B) this .

4. Who is in charge of the 4. Who is the tonight?

Planning Department? (A) The in the
(A) Mr. Kent is that. Marketing Department
(B) I so. (B) The at 10.
5.Who is responsible for hiring salespeople? 5. Who is you to the ?
(A) You any higher. (A) It will .
(B) Mr. Conner usually _ that. (B) Johnson will with .
hire salespeople

6. Who is coming to the party tonight? 6. Who is for salespeople?

(A) Some from my college. (A) You be there.
(B) It is a party. (B) would be the personnel .
college personnel
Common Vocabulary in Part 2 (1)
First, listen to the words in the box. Then, listen and fill the missing words in the gapped
questions and responses below. (2-1-10)
● address ● handle
● ask for ● lead
● assign ● organize
● attend ● present
● authorize ● repair
● conduct ● review
● design ● revise
● give ● take
up 1] 5.
1. A: Who
A: Who should I
will to? B: To the
B: My sales
team will manager.

A: Who is
going to
B: Mr.
Kent will
do it.

A: Who was
marketing team?
B: I have no idea.
A: Who is supposed to the
sales pitch at the staff meeting? B: We
have not decided yet.


sales pitch
Titles / Positions / Departments
● president ● Public Relations Department
● chief executive officer (CEO) ● Customer Service Department
● executive officer ● Marketing Division
● director ● Accounting Department
● manager ● Sales Department
● assistant manager ● Personnel Department
● supervisor ● Human Resources
● secretary
● Shipping Department

[Check-up 2]
A: Who is in charge of the
B: The former , Mr.
Johnson. 2.
A: Who will be attending the
meeting? B: Some of the
A: Who should I send this file to?
B: Mr. Gomez in the
A: Who is giving a presentation at tomorrow’s
meeting? B: Our , Mr. Watson.

5. give a presentation
A: Who handles complaints regarding
deliveries? B: The ,I
complaint regarding delivery
Practice with Possible Questions
Listen and choose the correct response to each of the question. (2-1-11)
1. (A) (B)
2. (A) (B)
3. (A) (B)
4. (A) (B)
5. (A) (B)
6. (A) (B)
7. (A) (B)
8. (A) (B)
9. (A) (B)
1 (A) (B)
Practice with TOEIC Actual Questions
Listen and choose the best response to each of the questions. (2-1-12)
1. (A) (B)
2. (A) (B)
3. (A) (B)
4. (A) (B)
5. (A) (B)
6. (A) (B)
7. (A) (B)
8. (A) (B)
9. (A) (B)
1 (A) (B)
1 (A) (B)
1 (A) (B)
1 (A) (B)
1 (A) (B)
1 (A) (B)
Chapter 2
Questions with Where

● Overview
● Question Structures
● Practice – Questions with Where (1), (2)
● Common Vocabulary in Part 2 (2)
● Practice with Possible Questions
● Practice with TOEIC Actual Questions
The question word Where is used to ask about the location, place, or direction of people or
Most correct responses have the structure preposition + noun/noun phrase of location/place.
Below are common prepositions used in responses to the questions with Where.
In the desk
in + area/place drawer. In the
storage room. In
At the conference
at + building/place
center. At the corner of
the street.
On the second
on + (building) floor /furniture/ street floor. On Ms.
Smith’s desk. On
Main Street.
to + destination To the head
from + source From the supply
Next to the grocery
next to / near + location
store. Near the park.
across + street Right across the street.

in front of + building In front of the bank.

Sometimes, the correct response does not mention a specific location, but it indicates a person
who has a certain object.
Where is the monthly sales report?
🡺 Mr. Jackson has it.

Example: Listen and choose the best response to the question. (2-2-01)
Where is your new office building?
(A) At the end of King Street.
(B) Yes, that’s my job.
(C) I worked for five years.
It is impossible to choose a response starting with Yes/No for a question with the question word
Where. Therefore, response (B) is wrong. Response (C) entraps you by using the word work
which has a connection with office while the meaning of the whole statement is irrelevant to the
question. Only response (A) mentions a specific street name, which corresponds to the question.
Practice – Questions with Where (1)
Listen to the questions and responses below and choose the correct response to each question.
Then, listen again and fill in the missing words in the gapped questions and responses. (2-2-05)
Practice Practice
1. Where is the copy machine? 1. Where are the documents ?
(A) On the . (A) The store is .
(B) I need . (B) Sharon.
copy machine
2. Where are the documents stored? 2. Where is your ?
(A) The store is on . (A) , is in L.A
(B) the drawer of my . (B) to the convention .
document drawer store

3. Where can I submit my application? 3. Where is the ?

(A) You can it . (A) Michael’s office.
(B) I it. (B) I need copies.

4. Where is the closest supermarket around here? 4. Where can I my _ ?

(A) I will some . (A) Please go to the .
(B) Next to the . (B) He it.

5. Where is the guest list for Friday’s reception? 5. Where is the ?

(A) Mr. Smith knows. (A) I will cheese.
(B) It will be the banquet hall. (B) Just the .
guest reception banquet hall

6. Where is your new office located? 6. Where is the for Friday’s ?

(A) Yes, his office is New York. (A) The has it.
(B) In the . (B) It will at the Hilton Hotel.
Practice – Questions with Where (2)
Listen to the questions and responses below and choose the correct response to each question.
Then, listen again and fill in the missing words in the gapped questions and responses. (2-2-09)
Practice Practice
1. Where did you hear the news? 1. Where will the be ?
(A) A of mine me. (A) To show .
(B) He will be here _. (B) At the .

2. Where should I put my suitcase? 2. Where are they going to _ a new factory?
(A) The handbag suits . (A) Yes, they in the .
(B) In the closet in the . (B) Several options are being .
suitcase suit closet option

3. Where are they travelling next summer? 3. Where did you the .
(A) I haven’t . (A) Everyone it.
(B) the Bahamas! (B) He will be .

4. Where will the trade show be held? 4. Where should I my ?

(A) some new clothing lines. (A) The you well.
(B) Chicago. (B) You can .
trade show be held clothing line

5. Where are they going to build a new factory? 5. Where did Samantha _ the ?
(A) On the outskirts . (A) She left ago.
(B) Is the ? (B) I have no .
factory outskirts

6. Where did Samantha leave the application 6. Where are you next summer?
form? (A) Hawaii.
(A) She left an . (B) Hong Kong.
(B) In the .
Common Vocabulary in Part 2 (2)
First, listen to the words in the box. Then, listen and fill in the missing words in the gapped
questions and responses below. (2-2-10)

● buy ● park
● file ● purchas
● find
● put
● get
● stay
● go on vacation
● store
● hold
● submit
● keep
● try
● locate
[Check-up 1]
A. Where can I the file
B: the stationery store stationery
down the road.

A: Where is the press
conference going to be? B: At
the Hamilton Hotel.

A: Where are you planning to

this year? B: I haven’t

decided yet.
A: Where did you

purse? B: You
left it on my desk
A: Where should I
the contracts? B: In the
cabinet next to my desk. contract
● shelf ● head quarters (=head office)
● cabinet ● branch office
● drawer ● warehouse
● closet ● storage room
● floor ● dining room
● office supplies ● meeting room
● cashier ● conference room
● theater ● fitting room
● library (In American English, the place where people
● post office change their clothes at sports centers is called
locker room. In British English, it is known as
[Check-up 2] extra envelopes? B: In the
1. top of my
A: Where is the key to desk.
? B: I left it on the 5.
. A: Where did Mr.
2. Gonzalez go? B:
A: Where should I To our new
put my coat? B: In

by the cabinet. 3.
A: Where is the women’s
shoes section? B: It’s on
the third .

A: Where do you keep

Practice with Possible Questions
Listen and choose the correct response to each of the question. (2-2-11)
1. (A) (B)
2. (A) (B)
3. (A) (B)
4. (A) (B)
5. (A) (B)
6. (A) (B)
7. (A) (B)
8. (A) (B)
9. (A) (B)
1 (A) (B)
Practice with TOEIC Actual Questions
Listen and choose the best response to each of the questions. (2-2-12)
1. (A) (B)
2. (A) (B)
3. (A) (B)
4. (A) (B)
5. (A) (B)
6. (A) (B)
7. (A) (B)
8. (A) (B)
9. (A) (B)
1 (A) (B)
1 (A) (B)
1 (A) (B)
1 (A) (B)
1 (A) (B)
1 (A) (B)
● application ● passport
● appointment ● plant (=
● board meeting
● proposal
● contract
● renovation
● deadline
● result
● exhibition
● shipment
● flight
● warranty
[Check-up 2] B.
1. L
A. When is your scheduled at
to depart?
A. When are you going to turn in
m your
. ?
B. Sorry. I’m still working on it.
. 5.
A. When did you submit your job A. When is the budget report due?
? B. The is Thursday.
B. Three days ago.

A. When can I get of my
physical examination?

turn in

budget due
Practice with Possible Questions
Listen and choose the correct response to each of the question. (2-3-12)
1. (A) (B)
2. (A) (B)
3. (A) (B)
4. (A) (B)
5. (A) (B)
6. (A) (B)
7. (A) (B)
8. (A) (B)
9. (A) (B)
1 (A) (B)
Practice with TOEIC Actual Questions
Listen and choose the best response to each of the questions. (2-3-12)
1. (A) (B)
2. (A) (B)
3. (A) (B)
4. (A) (B)
5. (A) (B)
6. (A) (B)
7. (A) (B)
8. (A) (B)
9. (A) (B)
1 (A) (B)
1 (A) (B)
1 (A) (B)
1 (A) (B)
1 (A) (B)
1 (A) (B)

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