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SCIENCE 7 Q3 Week 2

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Module 2


Most Essential Learning Competency

⚫ Describe the motion of an object in terms of distance or displacement, speed or
velocity, and acceleration. (S7FE-IIIa-1)

To the Learners
This module was made to help you understand lesson regarding motion. For you to

be able to achieve the goals of this module, you should take note of the following guides:
1. Find a special place in your home that will make you comfortable while doing this
2. Read and understand all the instructions in this module.
3. Jot down the key ideas that you encounter in this module in your notebook.
4. Follow the directions in the activities diligently.
5. Answer all the questions and complete the tasks that are included in the activities.
6. Approach your parents or guardians to guide you in doing the activities.
7. Enjoy while learning.
The Writer
After doing this module, you are expected to:
1. Define acceleration.
2. Describe motion in terms of acceleration.
3. Calculate the acceleration of the moving object

Direction: Read and understand the questions carefully. Write the letter of the best
answer on the space provided before each number.

_______ 1. How can you say that the moving object is accelerating?
A. When its speed is changing
B. When its direction is changing
C. When both speed and direction is changing
D. All of the above
________ 2. Which of the following situation shows that there is acceleration?
A. A stalled car.
B. A man jogging in place.
C. A car with decreasing speed and come to stop.
D. A train moving at constant speed toward North.
_________ 3. What is the SI unit of acceleration?
A. m B. s C. m/s D. m/s2
__________ 4. A car is accelerating at the rate of 5 m/s/s, what does it mean?
A. The car travels at constant speed of 5 m/s.
B. The car is covering 5m distance in every second.
C. The speed of the car increases by 5 m/s in every second.
D. The speed of the car decreases by 5 m/s in every second.
_________ 5. What is the acceleration of the car whose speed increases from 20 m/s to
50 m/s in 5 seconds?
A. 6 m/s2 B. 30 m/s2 C. 70 m/s2 D. 75 m/s2

Looking Back
Direction: Match Column A to the Column B. Write the letter of your answer on
the space provided before each number.

_____ 1. The change in position with respect to a A. displacement

reference point.

_____ 2. The length of path travelled by the object. B. distance

_____ 3. The shortest distance from the initial position to C. speed

the final position of the object.

_____ 4. The distance covered by the object per unit time. D. motion

_____ 5. The speed in a given direction. E. velocity

Brief Introduction

Have you experienced riding a car? How do you describe the usual motion of it
during your trip? Does the car travel at constant speed? Does the car move in only one
direction? An object in motion usually has changing speed even if it is moving along a
fixed direction. Its speed increases at the start and decreases when about to stop. The
direction of motion is also changing, since a car needs to change lane, go on the curve
path or turn right or left. Whenever the speed, direction, or both speed and direction
change, the velocity of the car also changes. This change in velocity with the
corresponding change in time is known as acceleration.

Change in velocity
Change in time

a= ΔV_ = vf – vi
Δt tf - ti

where Δv is change in velocity which is equal to the difference between the final velocity
(vf ) and initial velocity(vi); and Δt is the change in time which is equal to the difference
between final time(t f ) and initial time(ti).

The unit of acceleration is the unit of velocity divided by the unit of time. If the Δv is in
m/s and Δt is in seconds, then the unit for acceleration is
s = m/s/s = m/s2 .

The acceleration is in meters per second squared.

Suppose that a car starting from rest gains a velocity of 5 meters per second at
the end of first second, and then 10 meters per second at the end of 2 seconds, and 15
meters per second after 3 seconds. From the equation of acceleration, the average
acceleration during the first three seconds is

vf – vi = 15 m/s – 0 15 m/s
a = = = 5m/s/s or 5 m/s2 .
tf - ti ( 3-0 )s 3s

The result tells that the velocity of the car increases at the rate of 5 m/s every
second. You should be careful about the difference between the unit of velocity and the
unit of acceleration. If the change in velocity is in km/hr and the unit in time is in
seconds, the unit of acceleration is km/hr/s which is also equivalent to km/hr.s.

Acceleration applies not only in increase of velocity but also in decrease of

velocity. Suppose that a car initially moving at 40 kilometer per hour come to stop after
2 seconds. In this situation the velocity of the car decreases from 40 km/hr to 0, thus
the car accelerated but this time it is a negative acceleration or known as deceleration.
The acceleration of the car is

vf – vi –40 km/hr
a= or vf – vi = 0 – 40km/hr =
tf - ti t 2s 2s

= -20km/hr/s or - 20 km/hr.s.
This means that the velocity of the car decreases by 20 km/hr for every second.

Is it possible that the car accelerates without any change in its speed? Yes, cars
accelerate when the direction changes, for example, if the car is moving at constant
speed but around a curve path. Although in this case there would be no change in
speed, but there would be a change in direction and therefore there is a change in
velocity. This change in velocity is acceleration.

Thus, an object is said to be accelerating when it is moving with (a) changing

speed; or (b) constant speed but changing direction; or (c) changing both speed and

Activity 1. Accelerating or not?

Direction: Draw happy face if the picture shows acceleration and sad face
if it is not on the space provided.

1. Cars slowing down before coming to stop. 6. Earth revolving around the sun.

____________________________________ ___________________________________
2. Cars moving in a curved path at constant 7. An apple falling from the tree.
___________________________________________ _____________________________________
3.A train maintaining constant speed and direction. 8. Stalled car

4. A boulder rolling down the hill. 9. Car driving uphill.

___________________________________________ ___________________________________

5. A truck speeding up in express way. 10. Children on the merry go round.
___________________________________________ ____________________________________

Activity 2. How’s the Motion?

Direction: Study the given data and answer the question ask.

A. The velocity of the car per unit time is shown in the table below.

Velocity(m/s) 0 15 15 40 60 0
Time (s) 0 1 2 3 4 5

1. What is the lowest velocity of the car?

2. What is the highest velocity attained by the car?
3. At what time interval when the car’s velocity is the same? When the car’s
velocity does not change what is the acceleration?
4. Is the acceleration of the car during the time intervals 0-1 s and 0-4 s the
same? Explain your answer.
5. Between 0-1 s and 3-4 s, in what time interval does the car has greater
acceleration? Explain your answer.

6. At what time interval does the car reach the highest acceleration?
7. What is the highest acceleration of the car?
8. What is the lowest acceleration of the car?
9. At what time interval did the car attains the lowest acceleration?
10. Based on the given data, how do you describe the motion of the car in the
whole trip?

Activity 3. Solve!
A. Direction. Compute for the acceleration given following data.

Initial Final Time Acceleration

velocity velocity

1. 0 m/s 15 m/s 3s

2. 20 m/s 70 m/s 10 s

3. 30 m/s 110 m/s 20 s

4. 110 m/s 70 m/s 2s

5. 25 km/hr 55 km/hr 30 s

B. Direction: Solve the given problem below. Show your solution.

1. A car accelerates from rest to 60 m/s in 12 seconds. What is its


2. A motorcycle increases its speed from 12 m/s to 30 m/s in 9 seconds. What

is the acceleration?

3. The roller coaster accelerates as it goes down from 25 m/s to 75 m/s in 2

seconds. What is the acceleration?

4. In 2.5 seconds a train decreases its speed from 50 km/hr to 40 km/hr.
What is the acceleration?

5. The car starting from rest accelerate at 2m/s2, what is its speed after 10

• Acceleration is the rate of change in velocity of an object.
• The acceleration equation is

Vf – vi
a = Δv =
Δt tf - ti

Δv is the change in velocity vi is the initial velocity vf is the final
Δt is the change in time ti is the initial time tf is the final time

• The unit for acceleration is m/s/s or m/s2

• An object is said to be accelerating when it is moving with
a. changing speed
b. constant speed but changing direction
c. changing speed as well as changing direction.

Check Your Understanding

Now it’s time to see what you have learned from the lesson.

Direction. Identify the part/s that serves as accelerator or makes the bicycle to
accelerate. Give your reason.






Direction: Read and understand the questions carefully. Write the letter of the
best answer on the space provided before each number.

________ 1. In which of the following situations is the object accelerating?

I. A truck turning left.

II. A motorcycle slowing down in a street.
III. A rolling ball moving with constant speed.

A. I B. II C. I and II D. all of the above

_______ 2. The toy when whirled around has a constant speed and moved in a circular
path. Which of the following assumption(s) is/are TRUE?

I. The toy has constant velocity.

II. The toy is accelerating.

A. I B. II C. both I and II D. neither I and II

_____ 3. Which of the following is not a unit of acceleration?

A. m/s B. m/s/s C. m/s2 D. km/hr.s

______ 4. In which of the following cases does the object have negative acceleration.
A. when the velocity increases C. when the velocity does not change
B. when the velocity decreases D. Insufficient data

_______ 5. What is the acceleration of the truck that changes its velocity from 30 m/s
to 45 m/s in 6 seconds?
A. 15 m/s2 B. 10 m/s2 C. 5 m/s2 D. 2.5 m/s2


Direction: Write the things that you know before and after studying the module about


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