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Satellite Upgrade

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# subscribe

subscription-manager register

# subscribe using username and password in line and auto-attach pool

subscription-manager register --username <username> --password <password> --auto-

# Pull the latest subscription data from the server

subscription-manager refresh

# Set a role for your system.

subscription-manager role --set="Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server"

# List available subscriptions

subscription-manager list --available

# attach subscription automatically with availalbe pool

subscription-manager attach --auto

# Use the pool ID of the subscription to attach the pool to the system.
subscription-manager attach --pool=<subscription-pool-id>

# check consumed subscrptions

subscription-manager list --consumed

# Subscription details
subscription-manager identity
subscription-manager status

# listing repositories
subscription-manager repos --list

# enabling server repos

subscription-manager repos \
--enable=rhel-7-server-rpms \

# enabling ansible repo

subscription-manager repos \
--enable ansible-2-for-rhel-8-x86_64-rpms

# Unregistering a system
subscription-manager remove --all
subscription-manager unregister
subscription-manager clean

Redhat Satellite Capsules Upgrade

From yesterday I already updated few capsules, it was very funny!

The guidelines come from the documentation and from the upgrade helper

Actually the core is 6.6.3 release and I’m working on the remaining capsules. In my
case the procedure is very easy, we use capsules just for software distribution, we
don’t use features as baremetal provisioning. You need to:

Enable specific repositories

# subscription-manager repos \
--enable rhel-7-server-rpms \

--enable rhel-7-server-satellite-capsule-6.6-rpms \

--enable rhel-server-rhscl-7-rpms \

--enable rhel-7-server-satellite-tools-6.6-rpms \

--enable rhel-7-server-satellite-maintenance-6-rpms \

--enable rhel-7-server-ansible-2.8-rpms
Run yum update ( be careful if you use virt-who service, it must be updated as well
!! )
# yum update
Run the upgrade task
# satellite-installer --scenario capsule --upgrade
For more details you can read the documentation or you can ask to me 🙂

alessiodini 2:18 pm on September 27, 2021

Tags: redhat capsule ( 2 ), Redhat Satellite ( 6 ), redhat upgrade
Redhat Satellite Upgrade, finally it began!
1 Votes

After many months from the real planning ( in my company a lot happened and changed
) I was authorized to upgrade our Satellite infrastructure. I’m talking about:

1x core
9x remote capsules world wide distribuited

This was my firtst time working about a Satellite infrastructure upgrade, I was so
The initial version was 6.5 and the first target 6.6

I studied all the requirements from the documentation, I also opened a proactive
service request to the support.
In the end I took the instructions from the online upgrade helper

Following some command I collected ( you can take all of them from the
documentation ):

Checking from the core the running services:

# foreman-maintain service status --brief
Running Status Services
Get status of applicable services:
Displaying the following service(s):

rh-mongodb34-mongod, postgresql, qdrouterd, qpidd, squid, pulp_celerybeat,

pulp_resource_manager, pulp_streamer, pulp_workers, smart_proxy_dynflow_core,
tomcat, dynflowd, httpd, puppetserver, foreman-proxy
| displaying rh-mongodb34-mongod [OK]
| displaying postgresql [OK]
| displaying qdrouterd [OK]
| displaying qpidd [OK]
/ displaying squid [OK]
/ displaying pulp_celerybeat [OK]
/ displaying pulp_resource_manager [OK]
/ displaying pulp_streamer [OK]
/ displaying pulp_workers [OK]
/ displaying smart_proxy_dynflow_core [OK]
/ displaying tomcat [OK]
/ displaying dynflowd [OK]
/ displaying httpd [OK]
/ displaying puppetserver [OK]
/ displaying foreman-proxy [OK]
- All services are running [OK]
2) Checking the components for 6.6 release:

# satellite-maintain upgrade check --target-version 6.6

Checking for new version of satellite-maintain...
Nothing to update, can't find new version of satellite-maintain.
Running preparation steps required to run the next scenarios
Check whether system has any non Red Hat repositories (e.g.: EPEL) enabled:
\ Checking repositories enabled on the system [OK]

Running Checks before upgrading to Satellite 6.6

Check number of fact names in database: [OK]
Check whether all services are running: [OK]
Check whether all services are running using the ping call: [OK]
Check for paused tasks: [OK]
Check to verify no empty CA cert requests exist: [OK]
Check whether system is self-registered or not: [OK]
Check to make sure root(/) partition has enough space: [OK]
Check to validate candlepin database: [OK]
Check for running tasks: [OK]
Check for old tasks in paused/stopped state: [FAIL]
Found 306929 paused or stopped task(s) older than 30 days
Continue with step [Delete old tasks]?, [y(yes), n(no)] y
Delete tasks:
/ Backup dynflow_actions [running]
/ Backup dynflow_actions [running]
\ Deleting 306929 old tasks [running]
- Deleted old tasks: 306929 [OK]
Rerunning the check after fix procedure
Check for old tasks in paused/stopped state: [OK]
Check for pending tasks which are safe to delete: [OK]
Check for tasks in planning state: [OK]
Check to verify if any hotfix installed on system:
/ Checking for presence of hotfix(es). It may take some time to verify.
| Checking for presence of hotfix(es). It may take some time to verify.
\ Checking for presence of hotfix(es). It may take some time to verify.
Check whether system has any non Red Hat repositories (e.g.: EPEL) enabled:
| Checking repositories enabled on the system [OK]
Check if TMOUT environment variable is set: [OK]
Check if any upstream repositories are enabled on system:
/ Checking for presence of upstream repositories [OK]
Check for roles that have filters with multiple resources attached: [OK]
Check for duplicate permissions from database: [OK]
Check whether reports have correct associations: [OK]
Check to validate yum configuration before upgrade: [OK]
Validate availability of repositories:
| Validating availability of repositories for 6.6 [OK]
3) Running the upgrade

satellite-maintain upgrade run --target-version 6.6satellite-maintain upgrade run

--target-version 6.6
Tomorrow I will deal with the first capsule, let’s cross the fingers! 🙂
Today the upgrade was quite easy, more than I expected. In my experience,
unfortunately, upgrade a component means a deadly experience 😀

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