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Lcfaith Research Based Paper

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Presented to the Theology Department

De La Salle University - Manila

Term 1, A.Y. 2021-2022

In partial fulfillment
of the course
In Faith Worth Living (LC FAITH NO1)

Research-Based Paper on Mental Health

Submitted by:
Jomar Antolin
Arianne Mae M. Teves
Carmela Lepatan

Submitted to:
Prof. Dr. Rito Baring

February 4, 2022

God offers everyone trials and tribulations in life to put our faith to the test and relationship
with Him. While encountering difficulties and impediments is a natural part of life, they have a
unique effect on every one of us. Certain issues may seem trivial and insignificant to others, while
others lose hope and see them as unresolvable.
The faith and confidence in God that we have will really assist us in navigating our daily
lives and overcoming certain obstacles, for with God, everything is possible. However, there are
individuals who are imprisoned in darkness. Certain individuals are afraid to express their
emotions. The majority of persons who suffer from a certain mental health illness keep it to
themselves and do not disclose their condition to others. The societal stigma associated with mental
health is still very much alive and impacts the vast majority of people who are now afflicted with
this condition. While the majority of people see it as a flaw or an excuse, it is a serious condition
that requires treatment and strict monitoring. Certain unresolved mental health illnesses may
impair a person's life or, in the worst-case scenario, result in suicide.
Around 76–85% of persons suffering from mental health illnesses get no help or treatment.
Depression, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, and other mental illnesses and developmental
problems are all classified as mental health disorders. Depression is the most prevalent of all of
these issues and is a leading cause of disability globally (World Health Organization, 2019). While
facing sadness and anxiety is natural, particularly when confronted with certain pressures in daily
life, it becomes a disease when the sensation or emotion of worry never leaves our thoughts and
relentlessly stalks us.
We should abandon the notion that mental health issues are only an excuse used by weak-
willed individuals, as they are surely something to be addressed seriously, as many lives are at
stake when these sorts of problems exist.
Individuals should be more conscious of the critical nature of mental health since it has an
impact on our everyday lives, relationships, and physical health (Felman, 2020). Certain illnesses,
such as stress, sadness, and anxiety, may have a substantial impact on an individual's mental health
and how he or she behaves and performs in everyday life. Gaining a better understanding of mental
health may assist ourselves, as well as others, in keeping their well-being and pleasure of life.
Mental and behavioral diseases account for up to 14% of worldwide illness burden,
affecting about 450 million people. The continuing epidemic has contributed to the worldwide rise
in mental health-related disorders (Department of Health, 2020). Millions of people's well-being
and mental health are at danger, however we must all learn that there are excellent prevention and
treatment techniques available. There are several health care and social services available to assist
everyone in times of need, and using them is the first step toward gradually improving the life of
someone suffering from a mental health issue.


According to CDC (2021), the recent pandemic caused a lot of people to feel fear and worry this
time. With the economic and health aspect of this event, the mental health of everyone is
decelerating. Aside from the alarming cases of COVID, it can also be from the social isolation that
everybody experiences. Since our world adjusts in a different kind of setting where we are forced
to be at home, their relationships we have for people are changed. All of the interactions are
replaced by electronic communication. From our school, friends and even dating as well. It
certainly affected people’s mechanism and grew anxiety in the presence of the internet and social
media. The impact of our mental health in this generation, commonly arises to young adults.
According to Mental Health Org (2021), social media has become part of our lives and the impact
of this, affected how we think and act. We are in a constant state of wanting everything to be
perfect or having anxiety to miss out. Since most of these platforms perceive perfection, it forces
us to do so as well. It is easy to get jealous of other people’s lives and that has turned into an
addiction already. Since we use it all the time, as described with the same site we cannot help but
to cave in to instant gratification. If we post new shoes or bags, “likes” we earned on the platform
makes us feel better. Aside from addiction, social media would also damage our sleep patterns due
to the constant usage.

There are a lot of negative effects that social media can contribute to our mental health. The anxiety
of missing out and the depression of not having it all. It gave a false perception of what reality is.
I think the danger of the constant isolation of people due to COVID is the susceptibility to these
mental health illnesses. In 2013, a study was conducted and amongst 19,700 respondents in the
Philippines. 8.9 percent experienced severe depression and 10 percent of that comprises females.
It is said that the general reason for it is the fear of missing out on things and loneliness that comes
with it. There is also interesting data that adds to this, less educated people and residents in urban
areas experienced severe depression. In line with the current situation, we can expect that the
percentage is higher now. It targets the people residing in NCR and people who don’t have the
financial means to formal education.

The National Mental Health Policy was enacted in 2001 and in the operations, only three to five
percent focuses on mental health that is specifically spent on operation and maintenance of
psychiatric hospitals (WHO and Department of Health, 2006). It is mainly focused in Manila and
since there are a lot of cities and towns included in the Philippines, this is not enough to combat
mental health illnesses.

The mental health act No. 11036 approved in 2018, strengthens the purpose of mental health law
in the Philippines. It focuses on mental health awareness and strengthening facilities for patients.
It also advocates treatments and services in the country. For years, a minor country like us has not
had a mental health law and until 3 years ago, this was approved. It is another step to continuously
progress mental health awareness. “It mandates for the provision of psychiatric, psychosocial and
neurological services in all hospitals, and basic mental health services in community settings.”
Unlike the 2001 Bill, it only focuses on psychiatric hospitals in Metro Manila.


As of today’s situation, the economy has been negatively influenced by the pandemic. Thus, this
factor mentally affects families that belong to lower social class. This is a struggle for a lot of
Filipinos who lost their jobs recently and with the little support that our country has given to the
people who are going through this, reflects the stigma that is still growing. The financial aspect of
accepting treatment is almost irrelevant to a lot of people. A lot of families would still think that
their kids are lonely thus, it is a phase that they need to go through. With that struggle, some of
them committing suicide and even experiencing addiction eventually.


With the recently passed bill which is now a law, this is a big step to combat the stigma to mental
health illnesses. With the prevalence of this condition at this time, it is important that there is a law
that protects the people who experience this.
The provision includes people to have a
right to freedom
right to protection from torture, cruel, inhumane, and degrading treatment
right to aftercare and rehabilitation
right to be adequately informed about psychosocial and clinical assessments
right to participate in the treatment plan to be implemented
right to evidence-based or informed consent
right to confidentiality
right to counsel, among others


Despite of the growing issue, the numbers of people committing suicide and people coping with
mental health illnesses untreated remain high. This is because of the stigma and society’s negative
connotation to mental health. Before, people referred to you as “baliw” if you experienced the
symptoms. People are still afraid to speak up and accept treatment. Even parents would not want
to treat their kids because of this cruel bias against the issue.
Theological Reflection:

A lot of references in the scripture talks about mental health including Book two of Timothy
Chapter 1 verse 7,

“For God gave us a spirit not of fear but of power and love and self-control.” This verse reminds
Christians that go through illnesses. The Lord’s comfort throughout their fears and disorders had
been seen by the Lord Jesus Christ. There are a lot of references from the book of Nehemiah talking
about mental health illness as a grieve, and the rock is the Lord. From Isiah, defines God as the
source of light in spite of fear.

According to Pope Francis, his experiences with mental health illness when he was younger is
helped through a psychiatrist. This explains that even the Pope himself encourages people that
going to a doctor for your mental health is normal. It is not something that needs to be afraid of.
We are all humans that experience hardships in life and coping is different.

As we can see the bible teachings often tell people that relying on God alone would be a good
source of light to people who have mental illnesses. The Lord’s comfort would always be present,
but it does not mean it is the only solution we need to uphold. People go through challenges and
hardships. It is true that the Bible emphasizes that the Lord would always be there for us. It also
reminds us that it is okay to seek help amidst the crisis. It is evident in Matthew 9:12: “It is not the
healthy who need a doctor, but the sick.” The teachings of the church not only focus on maintaining
the strong relationship with God in these times, but also, encouraging humans to seek a
professional to prevent a damaging result.
In all areas of the world, mental problems are prevalent. High levels of discrimination and human
rights violations are usually associated with these individuals. For mhGAP, collaboration is
essential in order to boost investments in services for those who do not have any.

Since there is a great discrepancy between the resources that are now available and those that are
desperately needed to address the huge influence of mental, neurological, and drug use disorders
on society, WHO developed the mental health gap action program (mhGAP) in 2018. With
mhGAP, WHO hopes to offer health planners, regulators, and funders a comprehensive collection
of services and projects for increasing access to treatment for illnesses of the brain and the nervous

The establishment of the mental health action program (mhGAP) demonstrates WHO's
commitment to bridging this gap through increased access to mental health and drug use disorder
services. The action program's primary objectives were identified as:

1. to reaffirm countries', international institutions', and other participants' commitments and

dedication to enhancing financial resources allocated to mental health and substance use
disorder treatment.
2. to significantly increase the accessibility of responses to needs in low and lower-middle-
income countries, which bear a disproportionate share of the overall impact of mental
3. By fulfilling these aims, the mhGAP provides factual information and support for
advancing toward the achievement of mental health action.

For this purpose, the mhGAP Project will aim to reduce risk factors, as well as the burdens,
associated with mental health disorders and focus on enhancing mental health in order to

● Improve governments' understanding and attentiveness to mental health concerns.

● Improve the efficacy and reliability of mental health care services.
● Reduce the discrimination associated with mental health issues. This will actually require
significant moves in the direction of a wide range of disorders that can be reduced in their
risk factors and impact.
● Improving the general public's state of mind. Last but not least, given the high rate of
suicides in the country, lawmakers should conduct an audit of the Mental Health Act to
find areas that could use reform and modification.

Moreover, educating families about mental health and illnesses is one of the steps in eradicating
prejudice and discrimination. In order for health policies and delivery standards to be developed,
individuals must engage in and submit their ideas. Family group conferencing skills should also
be taught and practiced as part of psychiatric instruction and skills.
In addition, considering mental problems typically begin in youth, a great deal of attention should
be provided to the mental health of children. A focus on youth suicide awareness, prevention,
preparedness, and response should be established.

Scientific and medical research data should be used as a foundation to round up the performance
and capacity of health care. Whereas an efficient and detailed mental health care network can be
constructed to meet the mental and social demands and necessities of the people, It's important for
members of the family to be part of the study, policy development, and promotion of mental health.

Last but not least, given the high rate of suicides and drug overdoses in the country, lawmakers
should conduct an audit of the Mental Health Act to identify areas that might use improvement.

As a result of these approaches, we expect that the Philippine Mental Health Act will have a
positive impact on the lives of those who suffer from mental health issues. These will benefit both
the individual and the other people around him or her. With improved mental well-being, the
country's economy, government, and productivity would all be revived under this new
management and approach.


Coping with Stress. (2021, July 22). Centers For Diseases Control Prevention.

Department of Health. (2020, October 10). YOUR MIND MATTERS: DOH CALLS FOR

Edmonds, R. (n.d.). Anxiety, loneliness and Fear of Missing Out: The impact of social media on
young people’s mental health.
Felman, A. (2020, April 14). What is mental health? Medical News Today.

Lally, J., Tully, J., & Samaneigo, R. (2019). Mental health legislation in the Philippines: Philippine
Mental Health Act. Mental Health Legislation: The Philippine Mental Health Act (Republic Act
No. 11036), 16(3), 65–67.

Maravilla, N. M. A. T., & Tan, M. J. T. (2021). Philippine Mental Health Act: Just an Act? A Call
to Look Into the Bi-directionality of Mental Health and Economy. Frontiers in Psychology, 12.

Mares, C. (2021, December 23). Pope Francis says seeing a psychiatrist helped him with anxiety.

Mental disorders. (2019, November 28). World Health Organization.

Mental Health Program | Department of Health website. (2016).

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