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Imperial Administrative Records, Part I

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E M. Fales and J. N.


Palace and Tbmple Administratİon



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Edited. by

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@ 1992 by the Neo-Assyrian Text Coryus Project
and the Helsinki University Press
All Rights Reserved
Printed in Finland

Publication of this volume was made possible in part by a grant

from the Research Council for the Humanities of
the Academy of Finland

Set in Times
Typogaphy and layout by Teemu Lipasti
The Assyriaı Royat seal emblem dIawı by Dominique Collon from original
Seventh Century B.C. impressions (BM 84672 and 84677) in the Bdtish Museum
Ventura Püblisher format by RobeIt M, whiting
Custom fonts desigüed and developed by Timo Kiippa and Robert M. whiting
Blectronic pasteup by Laüa Kataja, Raija Mattila aıd Robert M. whiting

Helsinki University Press

Vuorikatu 3 A 2, sF_00l00 H€lsiıki, Finland
Tet.358-0-701 9077, Tfx. 358-0-r75 368

ISBN 95f-570-001-9 (Whole Series, Paperback)

ISBN 95 1 -570-002-7 (Whole Series, Hardbound)
ISBN 95 1-570- I r 1-2 (Volume 7, Paperback)
ISBN 951-570-112-0 (Volume 7, Hardbound)
Published by the Neo-Assyrian Text colpuş Ploject
of the Academy of Finland
in co-operation with
Deutsche Orient-GeseUschaft

Editor in Chief
Simo Parpola

Managing Editor
Robert M. Whiting

Editorial Committee
Frederick Mario Fales, Simo Paıpola, Nicholas Postgate,
Julian Reade, Robert M. Whiting

F. M. Fales and J. N. Postgate
Palace and Temple Administration



The basic manuscıipt of this volume was prepared by J. N. Postgate and F.

M. Fales. The specific contributions of the individual editors are set foıth in
the Introduction. We wish to express our appreciation to the editors for
embarking on the task of prepadng an edition of this important corpus which
has not bein pıesented in either transliteration or tıanslation since the copies
became avaiiable almost a century ago. We are particularly grateful to
Nicholas Postgatö who shouldered the bulden of most of the editorial work
and thoroughly recollated all the texts included in the volume. This was
particularly impoıtant for this volume because it is lhe editio princeps foı İhe
vast majority of the texts included in it.
our tIıanks ale due to the Trustees of the Bdtish Museum for permission
to publish illustrative material in their keeping and to the British Museum
photogıaphic department fol its prompt and professional service. Again we
ihart ı. ı. Finkel of the Depafiment of Western Asiatic Antiquities of the
British Museum for last-minute collations.
We thank the Olivetti (Finland) Corporation for continuing technical sup-
port and the Finnish Ministry of Education for subsidies to help offset the
losts ofpublication, and we express our gratitude to the Academy of Finland
for continuing financial support for the Project.
The Projeci wishes especially to acknowledge the support provided by the
University of Helsinki in the form of a substantial grant fıom its research

Helsinki, Maıch |992 Robert M. Whiting


The volume editors first wish to thank Simo Parpola and Robert Whiting
for many new insights, corrections and observations contributed in the course
of the preparation of this volume, over and above their substantial routine
editorial work on its production. The detailed distribution of ırork between
the volume and the series editors is noted below, pp. XXXVII-XL.
Tuviah Kwasman had worked on the ADD II mateıial before we stalted to
collate it foı our edition. He had made several joins, and communicated to us
a list of similar fragments identified by him among the high K numbers. We
are very grateful to him for his generous collaboration.
As with all SAA volumes, a considerable debt is owed to the staff of the
Department of Westem Asiatic Antiquities of the British Museum: for their
hospitable and efficient service in the Students' Room, and for their help in
selecting and producing photographs, for both the illustrations and the Plates
of tablets. To them, and to the Trustees of the museum, we are indebted for
permission to publish these illustrations and the copies of hitherto unpub-
lished fıagments. We have also been very fortunate to receive help from
fellow denizens of the students'Room: A. R. Geoıge, S. Herbordt, and W. G.
We would like to thank most warmly Mrs. R. Maxwell-Hyslop and Prof.
Dr. B. Hrouda, both of whom have allowed us to use drawings from a book
of theirs. Sincere thanks also go to Dr. G. Herımann and P. Dorrell, for help
with the illustrations, and to Tıinity College, Cambıidge, which has given
much material assistance towards the expenses of the edition, notably by
meeting the editors' travelling costs on more than one occasion.

Janlıary |992 J. N. Postgate F. M. Fales


Adminisıration of PersonneI xvl
Inventories, Receipts and Disbuısements......... xxII
Accounts of Food and Drink ......................... xxx
On the Presen( Edition ....... . XXXVII
Abbreviaıions and Symbols.. XLI
Administration of Personnel 1

1. Lists of Court Personnel (1-7)....... 3

2. Lists of Lodgings for Officials (8-12) .......... 15
3. Lists of Professional Groups (13-22) ............ .1,5

4. Lists of Female Personnel (23-26) ...... ....... . 31

5. Lists of Debts (27-40) 37
6. Various Financial Memoranda (41-48) 51

Inventories, Receipts and Disbursements 59

7. Tablets and Writing Boaıds (49-56) 61
8. Metals and Stones \57 -92) ............ 71
57-81 Precious Metals .. .. 72
82-86 Precious Stones.... .. 97
87-92 Miscellaneous Metals ...... 101
9. Textiles (93- I l6) ....... 107
9-3- t06 Textile Labels .......... 108
10. Miscellaneous Commodities (117 -129) r27
Accounts of Food and Drink... 1,37

11. Food Contributions from Officiais (130-136) \39

12. Various Accounts of Food, Drink and Aromatics (1,37 -1,47) .. 1.45
i37-145 Food and Drink....... t46
146-147 Aromatics................. 151
13. Accounts of Banquets (148-157) . 153
148-154 Ceremonial Banquets. ... 154
155-157 Related Texts.... 161
14. Miscellaneous Temple Offerings (158-181) 165
15. offerings for the Aö5ur Temple (L82-219).................. i8i
Logogıams and Their Readings... . 205
Glossaıy 208
Index of 229

i :, 1i.,j :i itr Ii; i '" ; ,. - . ., : I ; j :j,t ! :", t

Personal Names 229

Place Names 23s
God, Star and Temple Names 237
Subject Index 238
List of Text Headings .. ... . 247
Index of Texts 249
By Publication Number.......... ...... 249
By Museum Number...................... 250
Previously Unpublished Texts .... 252
List of Joins ................. ..... 252
List of Illustrations...... 253
COLLATIONS ,.,,.., 254

PLATES,.,,,., 26r


This is the first of two volumes of İhe State Archives of Assyrid devoted to
the administrative archives. It includes exclusively texts from Nineveh, the
great majority of which weıe published originally by C.H.w. Johns in his
Assyrian Deeds and Documents. This volume contains texts deriving from
the internal administration of the palaces on Kuyunjik, as well as a large
group conceıned with temple offerings. Few of the texts have been edited
before, and the following intloductory comments may be useful in giving a
broad conspectus of their nature.

The Documents

Untike the letters which will comprise the bulk of this series, the tablels
with administrative texts aıe very varied in their format. Without doubt much
of the administration of the Neo-Assyrian empire was written on waxed
wooden writing boards in cuneiform or on materials such as leather or
papyrus in Aramaic. These have of course perished, and what we have here
is therefore only a very partial record. But even within the clay tablets there
is great variety: some aıe well-prepaıed, excellently written and many-col-
umned tablets, while others aıe scrappy notes on poor clay with coalse script.
Even within gıoups of obviously Ielated material there are considerable
variations in the quality of clay, the size and shape of the tablet, the disposi-
tion of the text (in the layout of its lines and columns), and the tidiness and
size of the script. Johns' original copies in ADD make no attempt to convey
any of this information, noı could even the best copyist substitute for a
photograph. We have therefore tried to illustrate the degree of variation in
the Plates at the end of the volume.


Few of these documents aıe dated. Two of üese belong in the reign of
Sargon (nos. 34 and79), and others can certainly or probably be assigned to


his reign on inteınal criteria (nos. 45' 57 79 and 86). one textile docket is
dated to Esarhaddon (no. 94), and six pieces to Assurbanipal (nos.49, 51, 59,
61' 93' 118). The single post-canonical date comes from the Nabü Temple
(no. 81). In other cases Parpola has shown that in general texts fıom the refun
of Sargon were stored and found separately from those of Esarhaddon and his
son (see below). In so far as they represent royal archives, there is a presump-
tion that they would not have been written at Nineveh before the tıansfer of
the capital there at the accession of Sennacherib. The pıesence of texts from
Sargon's reign must be expiained in the same \ray as that of the many letters
from his ıeign (cf. the comments of Parpola in CRRAI 30 (1986), 233 wirh
noİe 52). Among the undated texts in this volume there are none which stand
out as earlier, either from their sign forms or from the geneıal size and quality
of the tablets and script. Admittedly, there are few pre-Sargon tablers for
comparison, but provisionally we may peıhaps assume that the accession of
Sargon in 72L is the upper limit. As for the lower limit, although the latest
datable tablet is from 648 8.C., there is no reason why the occasional text
should not be considelably later, and it is theıefore impossible to suggest a
certain terminus before 612 B.C. when the walls of Nineveh were bteached
by the eastem hordes.
It is probable that the majority of the texts in this volume come from the
ıeign ofEsarhaddon and the early years ofAssurbanipal. Although few can be
definitely attributed to a specific yeaı, there are seveıal groups of texts which
obviously belong together, both from their format and content, and fıom the
occasional prosopographical corınection. Until the remainder of the Nineveh
letters and administrative teİts is presented in lateı volumes of this seıies, it
would be prematufe to attempt any more detailed prosopographical study, so
that we may merely emphasise that the external evidence mentioned in the next
paragraph for the provenance of texts numbered 83-1-18 supports the intemal
indications that many of them belong together as an archival group.


These tablets are almost all from those brought to the Bdtish Museum by
Layaıd and his successors flom the palace mound of Kuyunjik. of the tablets
excavated by King and Thompson, nos. 20 and 81 aıe known to have been
found in the Nabff Temple excavations. Otherwise nothing is known of the
detailed pıovenance of individual tablets within the mound, but foı the
archives as a whole the situation has recently impıoved. The present state of
knowledge is set out in the complementary articles of Reade, "Aıchaeology
and the Kuyunjik archives," CRRAI 30 (1986), 2l3ff., and Parpola, "The
royal aıchives of Nineveh," ibid. 2z3ff. For our present purposes, we may
quote Reade's comment that "The South-West Palace also produced a wide
range of official documents and pdvate archives .... We can be sure, from
their dates of excavation, that many of these were found, not in the area of
Rooms XL-XLI but in rooms well to the south. Layard also noted many
sealings from Room LXI" (p. 220). This may be compared with Parpola's
demonstration that the collection 83-1-18, which includes many of our ad-


F]iG,1, Plan of Sennacherib's P alace. The adıninistratiye drchives İound in the ]880's mostıy came
from the region of Room LIV.

ministfative texts, though not those fıom the reigı of Sargon, should be
attributed to the SW Palace (pp.227-23O).It is gratifying to find that indeed
Reade is able to be more precise: "An unpublished report from H. Rassam
suggests that most of the 83-i-18 Nineveh tablets were found in the area of
Room LIV in the South-West Palace" (pp. 213-4).
As for the texts from Saıgon's reign, Parpola has concluded, from a study
of the Rm 2 collection, that the majority of the archival texts from the reign
of Sargon would have been stored in the North palace (pp.23O-232).

Nature of the Texts

It might seem surprising that hundreds of documents apparently constitut-

ing part of the imperial archives of Assyria should be ıeceiving an edition
here for the first time, ninety yeaıs after theil publication by Johns in
cuneiform hand-copies. There are three main reasons for this, of which the
reader should be awaıe. one is that these are intrinsically difficult texts,
abounding wiü bureaucratic shorthand and technical terms. Much of the


grammar of the Neo-Assydan dialect has only been properly understood since
the 1960's, and some no doubt remains to be elicited.
A second reason is that although Johns was an experienced ıeader of
cuneiform texts, and frequently deciphered difficult passages, by modern
standards his copies were inadequate, in ADD Vol. II especially. This was
not only beca 'se ofthose specific cases where lines were omitted (easily done
in administrative texts), and signs badly miscopied, but in general because
the format in which the copies were presented did not convey the format of
the original documents. This withheld from the reader the tablet,s layout in
the form ofcolumns, spaces, and rulings, and so deprived us ofvaluable clues
to the scribes' intentions.
Thirdly there is the condition of the tablets themselves. Except for the final
group of A55ur Temple offerings, only a handful of tablets in this volume aıe
intact, and a great many pieces are small fragments from large texts in several
columns. Many joins were made within this material by Johns himself and
otheı eally Assyriologists, and some joins have been added ıecently by Dr.
T. Kwasman and the editors, but only ıarely does this lead to a significant
improvement. This is primarily because a real understanding of administra-
tive documents is heavily dependent on having the introductory and closing
statements which tell us what the text is about; and these ale usually on the
most vulnerable pafts of the tablet, the top or bottom ends and corners.
In summaıy, it is only fair to acknowledge that the texts in this volume fall
far short of the standards set by Maıi or Ebla. They are not however as
valueless as their century of academic neglect might suggest. Repeated
collation and the improved understanding of Neo_Assyıian as a whole have
so]Ved many of the obscurities of the old ADD II, and the thematic gıouping
of the mateıia] has also enabled considerable advances in characterizing what
we have. In this introduclory chapter we have sought to give a broad view of
the natule of each group of texts, but this iS no substitute for fuıther detailed
studies: the prosopography of the Nineveh couıt has to be examined in the
light of all the lettels and legal and administrative texts, once fıeshly edited,
and there is undoubtedly progress to be made on the technical aspects of
textiles and precious metals, to mention only the two biggest groups.


Administration of Personnel

Lists of Court Personnel and Their Lodgings (Nos. 1-12)

Like almost every group of texts in this voiume, when attempting to define
theiı purpose we are hampered not only by their broken state, but also by the
general reluctance of the Neo-Assyrian scribes to give explanatory headings
or colophons to their administrative documents. Our first group (nos. 1-7)
includes texts with a similar folmat, that is, lists of names wiü or without
professional designations. Some of them were (untypically) dated and were
very close in time (cf. 16th Kanun for no. 3, 17th Kanun for no. 1; no. 5 was
also datöd). They give little indication of theiı puıpose; but the numerous
cases where the same peıson recurs in these texts and in the following group
(nos. 8- 12) suggests that they derive from the same administrative office, and
perhaps refer 1o the same occasion.
In fact, it may well be that their purpose is also similar to that of those texts
listing lodgings (müİubu).In no. 1, which is unique in its content and unusual
in being viıtually intact, the Glossenschrift notations GAğAN (i.e. "(to the
house of the) Lady,") and cüs ("(to the) Left (Palace)") taken with the
phrases "to the Crown Prince" and "to the house of the Lady [of the House]"
inno. 4 r.1.'7' and 12'point in this direction. Nos. 3 and 4 are very similar,
both texts having a left-hand column of "1"s befoıe the PN, but no. 4 wlites
NAM lather than (ıü.)EN.NA.I\,ü; the two texts list many of the same goveInors
in the same order, but are not duplicates. No. 5 probably belongs with these
because it too was dated (by day and presumably month; although now lost,
the date could also have been 16th Kanun). This is a straightforward list of
peısonal names with profession, in no order discernible to us; they are
members ofthe royal guard, ofthe staffof the crown prince, the queen mother
and of the chief eunuch, and probably therefore plesent within the palace.
Nos. 6 and 7 are veıy similar to no. 5, giving just a personal name and
profession in each line, and that they belong here is clear from some of the
peısons mentioned.
In ouı second group (nos. 7-12) officials in mixed gıoups of militaıy,
civilian and domestic staff, and listed by their name and pıofessional desig-
nation, are assigned to lodgings. one might be inclined to undeıstand the
word muİubu in a less concrete sense as "administıative post" or "position";
but when we look at no.9, in which the varioüs different lodgings are
described (e.g.) "central," "of the scribes," "the governor," "the brewer(s),"
the only satisfactory interpretation seems to be that these are strictly "topo-


TABLE I. Individuals Recurring in Nos. 5-12

(not all homonymous individuals included)

Individual Position 5 6 8 911 t2

Adad-le'i ğaknu
Adallal mar qati ğa rab ğa reği
Gada' İa KEpi
ğa qurbuti
t.. .1
Gulusu İaknu ltu' ayu
IğtaI-na'id ğa qurbuti
İa qurbuti ummi İarri
t. ..1
Mannu-ki-Ağğur mukiı apPati
ğa qurbuıi
Mannu-ki-ğarri mukal dppA
Marduk-eriba rab kişri rab İa reİi
Muğezib-Ağğur ruuk,ı appqti
ğa rğği
İa qurbıti
Nabu-killanıi mukll appAti
Nabu-Ğarru-uşur rab kişri (İa) mar İarri
ğa qurbuıi
Natıu-ğumu-iddina ğa pattuati
Nu5ku-5amı-uşur İaniu İa İaqİ ummi İarri
rab ağlaki ğa ummi ğarri
Qurdi-Assur ğaknu mal ğarri
Remanni-Adad mukIl appaıi
ğq qurbuti
Remanni-Issar bel mugerri
Sin-bel-ğumati ğq bğt ğumeli
ğamağ-ğallim İaniu rab [...|
ğarru-nuri bel mugerri
ğulmu-beli İa Kepi
ğaniu rab kari ğa ummi ğarri
ğulmu_beliJağme nuhatimmu
Tabalayu ğe qurbuti
Tarhundapi İaknu (Hallatayu)
Ubru-ahhe rab kisri (rab İa roİi)

graphical" lists of temporary "hotel rooms" for people, perhaps on the

occasion of some major and populous ceremony at Nineveh. Perhaps we
should think of "early 672, when Esarhaddon assembled 'all Assyria' to take
the oath of loyalty at the treaty ceremonies by which he ıegulated his
succession" (Mattila, SAAB 4 t19901 15, d propos the banquet text edited as
no. 150 below).


This does not conflict with various indications pointing to the reign of
Esarhaddon or of Assuıbanipal for the date of this group and nos. 1-7. For
instance, Marduk-Sumu_uşul LÜ.GAL-HAL in no. 7 is well hıown as a diviner
(LAS 115-19; cf. LAS II 460-63), with a career slretching from 674 to 650 (pp.
469,477). He was already chief haruspex in 672, leaving open the possibility of
dating this gloup to late Esarhaddon. A more pıecise dating may become
possible, but cannot yet be proven, although Parpola has suggested a date for no.
1 of c. 650 B.C. (LAS II, 456). Nos. 3 and 4 must also belong in this time range
for prosopographical reasons, such as the mention of the govemors of Upumu
and Kullimmeri, provinces croated by Esarhaddon no earlier than 673 B.C.
Before leavinğ this group it is worth underlining its ephemeral naiure: all
the indications are that the lists ofofficials are drawn up, sometimes hastily,
for a specific and transient purpose. Despite the temptation to see them as
replesentative of some regular structure within the bureaucıacy, and hence
as providing a real insight into the hierarchy of Assyıian administration, they
should not be viewed in this light.

Lists of Professional Groups (Nos. 13-22)

Most of the texts included here list people in separate groups without
professional designations for the individual members of the group. They are
by no means uniform, in content or format: they inclııde İelappayu aıd scribes
(no. 13), and a variety of craftsmen (nos. 14, 19). Nos. 16 and 17 belong
together although non-joining, and seem, like no. 15, to be concerned with
military peısonnel. No. 18 includes royal charioteers, but also Marduk-eriba,
the palace scribe, and a governor of Pumu (cf. no. 3:8'); a connection with
nos. 1-12 seems quite likely here.
Nos. 20 to 22 (and perhaps also no. 19) list groups by their pıofessional
designations wiüout giving their names. It is impossible to say whethel these
texts are in any way related to the previous ones, although they could be. Of
particular intelest are nos. 21 and 22: İhese are near duplicates, evidently
ıefeıring to the same bodies of people, with the numbers involved so high
that one might guess that if they refer to the personnel (ratheı than some
commodity, which seems unlikely) these final totals relate to the entire body
of militaıy, administrative or domestic personnel at Nineveh at the time.

Lists of Female Personnel (Nos.23-26)

In gıoup 4, no. 24 lists female personnel in large numbers, and nos. 25 and
26 are small fragments possibly related. Finally no. 23 is unique and its
purpose uncertain; the two faces are certainly written at different times and
perhaps by diffeıent scribes. As with gloup 3, it seems well possible that
some, at least, of the tablets in this group are lists prepared for the same event
as nos. 1- 12.


40), anotheı from Commagene (no. 31) and probably a village inspectoı from
the province of Lahiru (no. 35). The whole text of no. 28 seems to relate to
the plovince of Si'imme.
To sum up, this group appears to list a very miscellaneous range of debts
owed either to the central administration ("the palace"?) itself, or to members
of it individually, or even to persons not directly part of it. Given that our
only firm dates ale the years 715 and7l3 mentioned in no. 34, it is reasonable
to suppose that the circumstances surrounding the record of these debts
belong in the middle of Sargon's reign, and it would be perverse not to guess
that it has something to do with Sargon's financial arangements for the
construction of Dur-ğarruken. which is known to have involved the suspen-
sion of debts owed to Assyrian citizens (cf. ABL 1442 = SAA 1 159). It is
worlh noting that of the 18 fragments which compose nos.2'7-40 only one
(paıt ofno.29) comes from the 83- 1- 18 gıoup which, as we explained above,
is generally attributable to the reigns of Esarhaddon and Assurbanipal.
Nos. 41-48 form a less homogeneous group although they probably all
concern debts. A number of them are what we have called "Memoranda": this
is a class of tablets which tend to include rather more circumstantial com-
ments than the usual administrative text, often including statements in the 1st
person by some of the parties concerned, introduced by the particle m4 (nos.
43-47). Mostly they are single-column vertical tablets, often ruled into sec-
tions; two of them (nos. 45 and 48) began with a two line introductory heading
(unfoltunately broken), and otheıs whose beginning is lost may of course have
been similaı. No. 47 is an exception in having t',vo columns on each face, but
similar in other respects. In general the debts and obligations listed in this
group do not resemble those of group 5; they may paıtly however belong to
Sargon's reign too, since there is a clear connection between no. 45 and the
Sargon letters about the Qappateans (SAA 1 238-39), which are also concerned
with work at Dur-Sarruken. None of them comes from the 83- 1- 18 collection.

FlG.2. Putting on a torc (rcign of Assurbani'pal). Cİ. p. xn
BM 124955.


Inventories, Receipts and Disbursements

'fexİs 49-129 are all lists of things: tabiets, precious metals, precious
stones, miscellaneous metals, textiles, and texts with a vadety of com-
modities. Except for üe library recoıds (nos. 49-56)' the groups into which
we have divided them cannot be rigid: precious metals and stones are often
listed together, and some of the miscellaneous texts include precious items
or textiles, or even both, so that it is quite possible that a smaller fragment
on which only precious items or textiles are mentioned (and which is accord-
ingly placed in an earlieı group), was in fact part of a larger listing of
miscellaneous items. Nevertheless, it is most convenient to discuss the texts
in accoıdance with the groups in which they aıe placed.

Tablets and Writing Boards (Nos.49-56)

These fragmentary lists from the reign of Assurbanipal were fully edited
and discussed by Parpola in his article "Assyrian library records" (JNES 42
t1983] 1-29). They are inciuded heıe for the sake of completeness with only
minor collations (note particularly no. 49 r.i.6') and the addition of no. 56, a
further piece identified and edited by W.G. Lambefi.

Inventories of Metals and Stones (Nos. 57-92)

As wi1h other gıoups, neither the external appearance of these texts nor
their internal structure and contents permit us to reconsffuct a methodical
series. A few texts are cleaıly unique compilations for a single occasion,
others bear clear affinities to each other; but their broken state usually
prevents us from identifying theh specific puıpose excepl by guesswork.
In the ciıumstances, we have placed first the flagments from multi-column
tablets dealing with silver and gold, which may perhaps reflect the activities
of an administrative "office" within 1he palace, ıesponsible for documenting
the receipt and/or disbursement of precious materials. The shorter memo-
ıanda and notes (Nos.71-81) follow, while Nos.82-86 are conceıned with
pıecious (or rather semi-precious) stones, which weıe probably handled by
the same "office," since they are occasionally listed togetheı with silver and


gold. Nos. 87 -92 deal with other, base, metals, mostly copper, and may well
be unassociated with each other and with the precious metal texts.
Of the texts which can be dated, one probably (no. 58) and two certainly
(nos. 57 and 79) belong to the ıeign of Sargon. No. 60 pıobably and nos. 59
and 61 certainly date to the reign of Assurbanipal; no.77 may also. These
texts therefore mirror the chronological disffibution of the Neo-Assyrian
letters, belonging eitheı befoıe or after the reign of Sennacherib (pace Zadok'
whose reasons for dating no. 58 to his reign do not seem to us compelling).
This justifies a mild a priori assumption that the majority of the undated texts
in this group will belong to one of these two reigns.
Although the Neo-Assyrian administration seems (at least to judge from its
cuneiform output on ciay) to have been much less bureaucratic than some of
its pıedecessors, it is only to be expected that meticulous accounts of gold
and silver were kept. Equally it is no surprise to find such aıchives in the
royal palace (rather than the akal mdğdrti oİ some such establishment, where
we might well expect mole texts referring to üe baser metals than we have
here): incoming valuables would have tended to be items presented to the
king himself, the king or those in his immediate entourage ırould tend to
authorize disbursement of valuable elite items, and finally it is likely that the
intrinsic and symbolic value of the silver and gold would have led to its
ıemaining under direct royal supervision. Thus it is not too suryrising that,
like the correspondence of Sargon, some of the documents relating to
precious metals were retained in the palace chancery and eventually reached
Nineveh, no doubt via the same loute.
The only official we can identify with responsibility for the precious metals
is Keni, who is responsible in no. 79 (mentioning 71 1 B.C.) for the remarkable
quantity of nearly 5 talents of gold, and probably also figuıes in no. 86, which
deals with pıecious stones. It is surely the same Keni who issues silver in ND
2650 (Iraq 23 Pl. XXI, probably dated to 713 B.C.), and it seems quite
possible that his son is mentioned in a letter from Saıgon's treasurel con_
ierned with gold and silver (ABL 1458 = SAA 1 52, perhaps after the death
of Keni himself?). Unfortunately, in none of these instances do we learn his
official position; it is impossible to say whether the Keni of ABL 90 = SAA
1 76, who is designated LÜ.A.BA-6.fu], was the same person. Nor is it clear
if no. 79 derives from his own "department" or from anothel doing business
with him.
Be that as it may, we may fai y assume for the moment that nos. 57 and
58, which belong to the same period, a"lıd ale externally similaı to each other,
also belonged archivally with the same department. No. 58 is a list of
disbursements of gold and silver rings, etc. to visiting delegations at different
times and places. Most of these gifts were perhaps made in the royal palace
at Calah or Dur-Sarıuken (if the attribution to Salgon is correct), but in at
least two cases the delegations ale said to have bıought their horses or tlibute
to Arbil, and this presumably means that the king was there en route to or
from a campaign. This is the accountant's record of events \üe find in the
royal annals described in terms like this (cİ. Fig. 2 on p. XXI): "I clothed
(them) with coloured garment(s), I bound their wrists with toıcs of gold, and
I stationed them before me'' (lubuki birme ulabbiğ HAp.ME* KUG.GI urakkisa
rifieİun ina mahrİya ulzissunutii stleck Asb. p.20 1i-93f.; see NARGD pp.


!l-a fy similar passages in the annals and in a royal land-gıant; and, for
Sennacherib. Luckenbiil Senn.45 and 89).
No. 103, like no. 58, has thıee narıow columns on each face and is of almost
identical width, although more carefully written. It partly lists ıeceipts of
silver, including 1,1 12 items fıom the Governor of Qui on the 2gİh of iyyaı,
but then goes on (in a section intıoduced by za'uzzi' the NA equivalenl oi
ğ to record-out-3ayments to-visiting delegations from tıie receipts,
including one in Dur-Saıruken on the 9th of Sivin and another in the sime
month at a place whose name is lost. In other words, this account tablet
confirms that, dudng Sargon's reign at least, documentation of both receipts
and disbursements of these precious metals was handled by a single depatt_
m€nt closely attached to the royal palace. It seems likely thjt the fiist coıumn
of the tablet lists gifts made to the king by some of his high state officials,
but the breaks, especially of the beginning of the heading in i.1, mean thai
we cannot be suıe that they gave' ralher than received.
No oüeı pieces in this gıoup celtainly belong with the Salgon archives
(although nos. 73 and 86 could well do so), and ouı ensuinğ discussion
assumes that the remainder, with the exception of no. 60, which is from the
reign of Esarhaadon, belong broadly to the reign of Assuıbanipal. The short
noİe no.77 is linked through its mention of Abda,, the governor of Rasappa,
to the lists of high officiais nos. 3 and 4, which date to the reign of Assuı_
banipal. In this gıoup too a few pieces have a clearly secular context: no.59
is a 6 year summary of receipts, referring to such well known secular
categories as iğkaru and maddattui and no. 78 is a store-room inventory of
items, like hunüeds of silver bowls and ingots, best known as components
in tribute deliveıies.
The range ofprecious items recorded in these evidently secular contexts is
usually quite restricted. This is hardty surprising: the texts themselves make
it clear that they are listing the regular currency of elite exchange between
the royal palace and its clients and high-ranking dependants in ind outside
the country. There is a limited range of conventionaf,,gifts',: commonest are
heavy rings or toıcs (HAR = ğabirru,the Assyıian form o} oB İewirum). These
are sometimes specified as for the "arm" (durd'i) or,,wrist" (ritte), but more
often weighed: from no' 58 we leaın that they may weigh as much as 1 mina,
with smaller ones of a half, a third or a quarter of a mina, and the smallest
are simply qualified as "thin" (sıc = qatnu?). other ornaments weıe also
distributed in this text, including the obscııre kurinarc (no' 58: also in no. 73),
and the type of ring called, qudasu (no.58). These items are usually going out
from the royal treasury. others are coming in: the ,,fish,, of no. 57 are ğuite
obscuıe, but the silvel bowls (kappu) which may be given the speiific
description "tribute bowls" (tdpp i maddatte) and sometimes at least ;ighed
i mina each, are readily recognized on the reliefs in the hands of tıibute-
In contrast, seveıal of the multi-column tablets listing a different, and
rather exotic, range of items have clear connections with the temples. Most
explicit (because best pıeserved) are nos. 60 and 62. No. 60 ]ists iiems from
Akkad retuıned fıom Elam, and is probably to be connected with the incident
mentioned in the Esarhaddon Chronicle for 674/3 B.C. when Iğtar and the
other gods of Akkad were returned to Babylonia by Urtaku (Grayson


Chronicles, p. 126; this dating suppoıted by the mention of Nikkal-iddin, the

governor of Uruk during Esarhaddon's reign). No. 62 enumerates a series of
similar assemblages of precious goods - gold, silver, and various other items
presumably given or assigned to different deities. This second list also
-includes valuable textiles, but is mainly composed of paired items written As
and zAc upni: we have no convincing explanation for these terms (which
recur in no. 81), but have ren deİed ZAG upni as "prayer bowl" on the unproven
assumption that it is Io be read putupni and connected with the phrase upnu
petf.,"to opon the fist, i.e. to pray." This is no more than a convenience, and
the reader is asked not to take such renderings as a firm proposal on our paJt.
The other multi-coiumn tablets (nos. 61-71) and no.72list a greater variety
of items, but here too there are signs that temple furnishings or property are
involved, though not all as explicit as the reference to a shrine (aımunu) aİ
Nineveh in no. 75 r.25f oı a temple in no. 63 r. i'.4'. None of these lists is
sufficiently pıeserved at beginning or end to reveal its purposes or identity
(only no. 71 ıetains a clear heading (KuG.uD pa-hur-tum), b|ıl the meaning
of this is obscure). Mostly they do not however seem to be mere inventories:
no. 64 is perhaps the most informative: it includes sections summarized as
"the responsibility of'' Qıiqit) PN, items said to be "at the disposal of'' (ina
pan) PN (one of the same individuals), and a summary referring to 12 minas
27 shekels of gold "an assay in the domestic quarters not weighed." Individual
sections refer to items being made from a quantity of gold, and the final lines
of the text describe 4 minas of silver as the "audience-gift of Milkilssar."
This clearly constitutes a departmental account over some period of time, but
even these hints aıe insufficient to convey a clear piclure of who is recording
what. No. 63 is a "departmental memorandum" (using the 1st person plural
in places), which tellingly comments at one point "when they brought Isome-
thingl to us from the palace."
The list of treasure recovered fıom Elam (no. 60) includes a miscellany of
vessels and pieces of temple furniture, but most of these tablets give detailed
technical descriptions of a rather limited range of elaborately ornamented
items. These are principally ıhe qullu (a band or clasp of some kind?), the
looking-glass (?: .ğ4-IGI.DUs), the dappastu, a textile often of red woo1, and
an enigmatic item nAN.oı. usually preceded by the leatheI detelminative ruğ.
Passages ofas many as 10lines may be devoted to descıibing a single one of
these: for instance in no. 66 r. i' the description of the dappastu mentions
hundreds of gold ornaments the weight of which is presumably summarised
at the end of the section. This is clearly one of the "golden gaıments of the
gods" to which Oppenheim devoted an article in JNES I (1949) 172-193.
Neo-Babylonian administrative texts quoted by him there list textiles
(muŞİptu) wilh"561 rosettes and 56o tenİia'' of gold, or, in aıother case, "468
rosettes and 469 tenğia'' of gold. Although oppenheim could illustrate the
practice of adorning divine costumes with hundreds of gold applique orna-
ments from the Assyrian reliefs, he was not able to cite comparable Neo-As-
syrian textual evidence, but it is now clear that this is what we have heıe.
From nos. 64,66 and 68 we see that the Assyrian dappastu may have up to
400 golden ornaments which come in pairs like their Neo-Babylonian
counterparts: fol the Babylonian aydru ("rosette") and tenğia (meaning un-
known), we have Assyrian tdkkusat ("tube''?; or cf. ıakulathu2) and


blputru|...] (completely obscure

- a connection with zAG upni woııld be
The Assyrian word represented by (KUğ.)BAN.DA is unknown, but it was
an elaborately decorated item. It seems to have comprised a "cauldron"
(ruqqu), a setting or chain (şibtu), and abelt or baıd (meşiru). The decorations
included "columns" (timmu), falcons' heads, doves, stars, cowries, and pome-
granates, mostly of gold but also in ivory and precious stones. The multi-col-
umn tablets give detailed descriptions of individual sAN.ol's, and no. 72 lists
34 of them with less detail. No convincing identification of this evidently
important item occurs to us at present, but Parpola has suggested that it may
have been a chain oı necklace, BAN.DA (.ğerlrJ) being a pun for (İer)İerrutu
(AHw. 12i8a).


Nos. 93- 106 form a remarkable group of iabels bearing lists of textiles, and
generally showing both stamp seal impressions and traces of the Stıing to
which the iabels were affixed. As may be seen from Plaıes V-VI, they are not
all of the same type. The only compietely preserved labels are nos. 93 and
94, each inscribed horizontally and bearing a centıally placed stamp seal
impression on one or both faces. Both are dated, one to 681 B.C., the other
to 658 B.C., and they evidently refer to small transactions within the admin-
istration: no. 93 names one person responsible, Ağğuı-killanni, and another
from whom the textiles seem to have come. No. 94 just lists the textiles and
gives a date. One can only presume that each of these labels was attached to
the textiles it mentions.
The remainder of this group probably all come from much laıger labels;
many fragments also show one or more stamp seal impıessions, and there are
string holes in some. Others can only be identified as parts of labels by their
shape, tapering in one or two directions. The best example of these larger
labels is no. 95; like all the other larger pieces, it is inscribed vertically, that
is to say with the lines parallel to the short axis of the label, from the short,
straight, top edge down towards the naırower end. The size of these labels
evidently reflects the amount of information the scribes wished to put on
them. They give us long lists of different kinds of textile, recorded in precise
detail. The individual entries are not huge (45 gulenu in no. 96; 77 textiles in
no. 101;60 maqaİi inno. 104), and totals are in the hundreds, not thousands
(100 plus in no. 96; 300 plus in no. 101; 700 plus in no. 104). Neveıtheless,
these are quantities which could not have been contained in a bundle secured
by a single sealing; it seems probable therefore that the labels come from
either lalge chests or sealed ıooms.
It is difficult to be precise about the nature of the textiles listed. Some are
certainly pieces of clothing, others rugs or blankets. Details are given of their
shape, material and colour, but they are telegraphic and many terms remain
obscure. For an attempt to classify them see below. Frustratingly, none of
these pieces is preserved at the end of the text where one might expect to be
told of the nature of the consignment; we can only speculate that they relate
to tribute (maddattu\, audience gifts (ndmurtu) ot similar contributions to the


palace which could be expected to include a wide variety of items in relatively

small numbers.
The last of the label fragments (no. 106) also includes information about
the weight of the individual pieces, and this feature associates it with the
following texts, nos. 107-109, which are probably all from the same hand.
These aıe fıagments fIom tablets with several columns, densely inscribed and
listing textiles of the same kind as the larger labels. The scribe has made
extensive use of the ditto sign, occasionally using as many as four in succes-
sion. Given the repetitive nature of the data he was listing, this is an under-
standable attempt 10 save time and space, but it is less convenient for us today
because the words to which the ditto signs refer have often been broken away.
Nevertheless, it is helpful to know that the information similar to that on the
labels was also committed to regular tablets by the palace administration.

The Terminology of the Textiles

The bald accountants' formulation of these texts conceals a potential

wealth of information about the textile industry in the later Assyrian empire.
We give here a rapid survey of the evidence to enable the reader to appreciate
the content ofthese texts and the associated problems. Many individual terms
and questions have to be passed over, but it is hoped to study the whole subject
of Neo-Assyıian textiles in more detail in a forthcoming article.
A line like 1T(Jç.na-Şa-bat bir zAG SA. KAR is difficult to disentangle at
first sight, but the compadson of different texts and contexts can shed some
Iight. In most texts the scribes use the terms which provide the technical
description of the textiles in a fairly constant order, and for ease of reference
we have found it helpful to classify these terms (in seven Groups, A to G)
according to their rank in the sequence. Group A are the basic words for the
textile or garment, such as "coat" or "blanket." There are more than 20 of
these, discussed below under Types of Textile. The othe( groups are:
Group B (type oI purpose): This includes (textiles for) "a bed" (GIğ.NA),
and "a chair'' (GIğ.GU.ZA). Theıe is one occasion each of crğ.rrun.MEğ ("for
drawings"?) and nakbassi; but much the commonest teım in this group is
b6ıe. This usually qualifies maqalu (also once each hulldnu(?) and sa-
suppdte), and although never written 6, it seems probable that it means simply
"house," and refers to a garment used indoors.
Group C (material): Two common terms are used here, birğe, otten abbte-
viated to öjı, which probably refers to a coalse woollen fabıic, and Gı.ıA =
kittı':linen.'' Raıely we also meet tabrfuu (wıiltenH6.MED); this features more
often in its own right in lists ofwool (e.g. nos. 110 and 115), and is only
certainly attested fol the SI.LUH textile (see below) aıd for dappastu in the
precious metal lists. Where no material is specified, we are probably entitled
to assume that it would have been self-evident 10 the scribes from the type of
textile. No doubt most were wool, but clearly we caınot take this as ceıtain.
Group D (details): This is the most difficult category to interpret. There are
only two terms in frequent use: zAG and LAGAB, and neither their Akkadian
readings nor their meanings are known. Without rehearsing all the arguments
- none of which is decisive
- we will propose the following solutions. Each

term should refer to a part of the textile which is usually different from the
main body of it, and is further described by its colour or otheı quality under
Group E' For zAG the Akkadian patu and lhe meaning "front'' is pıobable,
although not apparently otherwise attested in connection with clothing. Inter-
preting the multivalent LAGAB sign is more difficult, but the best option seems
to be NlciN = liwıtu, ınNeo-Assyrian probably /ib'r, (unless it were the word
libu, atİesİed inMiddle Assyrian, cf. Assur 2/iv |l979l6; Donbaz, Festschrift
Gaıelli [Paris 1991]"79). This is likewise unattested for clothing, but can
easily be taken to refer either to a decorative feature, such as an encircling
"band" or a strip of "edging," which would appropriately be in a different
colour. In one case (no. 109) the doubled sign NIGIN is used; since the entries
on this tablet differ from the usual it is hard to say whether NIGIN is the same
as NIGiN, but it is at least possible.
Group E (colouı): The simple colour terms in use aıe clear: "white''
(BABBAR = paş(i)u)' "black" (clu = şalmu), "red" (sa,, usually written with
one less vertical than sI+A, and probably to be ıead sdmu |NA form?]). We
also have cüN(.l) = birmu "multi-coloured." Each of these colours may give
the colour of the main garment or textile, but black and especially red are
often referring to the Group D details, the "front" or "band." sA, is often
furtheı qualified by one of the terms KAR oI KUR, which can be seen fıom no.
105 or no. 120 to be alternatives. For KAR it is certain from ND 2307:14-15
SİG.SA, ka-a-ri that we have the word karu "porİ''; this is peıhaps therefore
"commercial ıed," while KUR might be "country'' (matu) or perhaps "moun-
tain" (ğadi)' hence "natural red." There does also appear to be a "limestone
ıed'' (sı' pu-li; nos. 107 and 108), which might be associated wi1h sA, NA.
"stone ıed" in nos. 96 and 105. Evidently a Valiety of red dyes was in use,
which weıe sufficiently distinctive to be ıeadily differentiated by the admin-
istrative officials. These distinctions apply only to "red,'' as may be told fıom
the cases where the scıibes have omitted the colour, merely wıiting r,ln.
Group F (miscellaneous details): Towards the end of the sequence of
designations there are many terms which remain enigmatic or completely
obscure, sııch as melir1u ("worn, rubbed''?), KA (= appu "fıinge''?), Nu
(probably denoting the absence of a featuıe), gubli ("of Byblos''?), etc., etc.
They no doubt refer to atlributes of various kinds.
Group G (size): In a few instances the scribe simply adds "big'' (GAL.MEğ)
or "small" (qAı-). More frequent are indications of the weight, found at the
end of the sequence in nos. 106-109. The weights range from 3l4 ıo | 2/3
minas (a mina being roughly 1 lb. or 0.45 kg.). What these entıies mean is
clear from no. 108 i.10'-12': here we have an entry of 18 textiles, ending with
"l l/2 minas," followed by 59 textiles classed as "I 1/3 mina" and 5 as "1
l/4 mina"; both the variation in the number of textiles and the descending
order of the weights show that the final entıies refer to the weight of each
individual textile in the group.

Tlpes of Textile

A numbeı of the textiles in ouı lists recur in military contexts, where they
presumably refer to various garments worn or items used by soldiers: ADD


1095 lists the following: ğupalıfu halluptu ("reinforced? lower-garment''), a

gulenu ("tınic''), a sAGsU ("hat"), a şipirtu, an urnutu, and a sagu ("lo\n-
iloth"). All these recur in our lists, some very frequently. Other entries which
seem likely to lefer to clothing, since they have a "front" (ZAG) are maqdİu,
maluklalu, qirimu, raddidu, naşab(at)tu ınd sasuppu. The items ğdharrate
ale a plurale tantum and probably come in paiıs: they aIe associated with the
king's feet in a Middle Assyrian texİ (Assur 2liv [ 1979] 6), and hence perhaps
"soiks'' or "leggings." Also items of clothing must be: elir (TÜG.AN.TA),
hulldnu ('ItG.Gt.LA), kusıtu and glkuzippu.
Some items are not clothing but rugs, blankets etc. Commonest of these is
dappastu, more than once associated with a bed, and used in the cult. Other
candidates aİe qardru and gammid'u; a şipirtu is associated with a chaiI. The
logogram SI.LUH has no known reading; it is associated with a bed, and
decorated, so perhaps a "pillow.'' Foı the remaining terms, including,İa cıı,
,İa._ıĞ ("dust garment"?), zanuf...l and huzunu we have no real clues, al-
though if GIğ.HUR.MEğ is correctly understood as "drawings," ğa-crr- could
be a containeı for "(sc)rolls.''

Mi sc ellane ous C ommoditie s

Texts I 18- 129 are lists or inventories which could not be classified in one
of the preceding groups because they include a variety of items. In no. 118
with iti stones, horses, and workdays in three separate sections, this associ-
ation seems merely to reflect totally unconnected matters jotted down for
convenience on a single tablet, bu1 in the majority of texts there seems to be
a ıepetitive association of food (including animals), wine, textiles, shoes and
othar leather items, and occasional other things, which cannot be coinciden-
tal. As with the precious metal texts, we have placed first the fragments of
multi-column tablets (nos. I2O-123), several of them very small. In their
broken state, they offer few clues to the administrative context of the lists.
More revealing, because more nearly complete, are some of the single-col-
umn texts. No. 127 is the most explicit: textiles, shoes and precious metals
given to the Urarlian ambassadors, followed with a note of silver tribute
bowls and a silveı ring. Here we are clearly in the same environment as the
precious metal texts from the reign of Sargon (nos. 57 and 58). The character
of this "package" of items, issued to distinguished visitors, pıovides a
possible explanation for similar, less explicit, texts. Thus no. 126 mentions
packages which include precious metals and stones, textiles, a horse, chariot
and arrows, in association with a number of Assyrian officials; but it does not
tell us whether they are the ıecipients or the givers. The same doubt could
afflict us with the laconic note no. 128, and virtually all the fragments of
longer account tablets. Nevertheless, where food and drink ale combined with
items of personal attire like shoes and hats, it is clear these assemblages are
very much associated with the individual persons involved, and one is force-
fulfu reminded of the sandals and other supplies issued to envoys in the Mari
texti. we need not be surprised to find these texts in our aıchive, if they
reflect palace hospitality for visiting dignitaries and high officials.


Accounts of Food and Drink

Food Contributions from Officials

At ffust sight nos. 130-i36 are similar to the previous group, but they are
almost exclusively concerned with food and drink. That these payments also
have some formal-significance is suggested in paıticular by the numbeıs of
animals listed: "1 ox and 10 sheep" found in nos. 133, 134, and, a recurrent
listing of I sisalhu and 2 or 3 sheep in the 'Sammeltext' no. 136. That most
of these contributions are made by, rather than to, the persons named is
explicitly suggested by nos. 130 (with no. 131 which closely resembles it)
and 132, with their concluding remarks "to the Lady of the House" and "to
the Queen." No. 131 is important since it mentions anofficial of ğamağ-metu-
uballiç, one of Esarhaddon's sons (foı whom see LAS II, p' 118). By com-
parison with these, it is reasonable to guess that no. 136 also lists receipts,
from a variety of provincial officials. As for the reason for these contribu-
tions, the obvious category would be "audience glfİS'' (nfunurtu), since these
are known to have been made to highly placed persons in addition to the king
himself, and we can only tegret that the broken state of the texts has probably
deprived us of certainty on this point.

Various Accounts of Food, Drink and Aromatics

Somewhat different appear to be some fragments of genuine accounts,

listing beer, wine, and sometimes bread. The tabulated format of nos. 137- 139
clearly derives from an institutional context, and nos. 140-142 look more like
distributions of rations to employees. On the other hand the "has come in"
(etarba) of no. 143 suggests a record of ıeceipts by the institution. with the
smaller fıagments, there is the further danger of confusion with texts listing
offerings to shrines - since the gods tended to receive exactly the same kind
of contribution as secular dignitaries. This is very appaıent with no. 144: in
itself it gives no clues to its context, but it is placed here with no. 143 which
it much resembles, and which lists daily amounts of bread summarized as
"funerary offering (sic?: kispu),bıead,' the Syrian ladies."
In three of our account texts (nos. 137, 139, and 157) there is a possibility
that bread and wine issues are accompanied by "resin'' (BE(.MEğ) interpreted
as dam?, "(cedar) blood"). This is far from certain, brrt nos. 146 aıd |47 aıe


two texts definitely concerned with aromatics. They are here because Johns
included them in ADD, but in theiı present condition it is impossible to know
if they are really administıative. on the other hand, we have omitted flom
this Volume ADD 1042 and l7l1 which aıe medical prescriptions and cer-
tainly do not belong.

Accounts of Banquets (Nos. 148-157)

Nos. 148-157 have been grouped together because each text lists a simiiar
varied group of mostly edible items associated with the names or professions
of people. The 7 pieces (nos. 148-154), which have been edited in the form
of a composite text by Mattila in SAAB 4 (1990) 1-22, ııder the title
"Balancing the accounts of the royal New Year's reception," belong veıy
closely togetheı and may be considered fiIst. It is probable that, as indicated
by Mattila, each of these pieces derived from a tablet with 4 columns on each
face, and that they can be mutually ıestored to yield very similaı continuous
texts as she has done. It must be noted, though, that the tablets themselves do
not form a matching set, differing as they do in their physical appearance (see
Plates VIII-IX), and that in some cases the entries differ in their amounts,
making it certain that they are not strictly duplicates - something which
would in any case be suıprising in an administrative context. Hence one must
agree with Mattila that the seven texts probably "refer to seven different
occasions," or to be more cautious, "periods." In the following discussion we
make use of her line numbering of the composite text, and the reader will
need to consult her article foı discussion of many detailed problems.

Composition of the Text

Following Mattila, we should see the composite text as divided into a first
half (18-176) which lists "amounts of edible commodities defined either by
person/place or by a qualifying adjective," and a second half on the reverse
of each tablet which gives "official titles, military, administrative, priestly
and scholarly, each preceded by a figure."
The arrangement of the first section is partly by the type of food. From
67-90 the only meat specified is beef; from 96-112 rhey are sheep, from
116-131 birds, Iodents and fish. That the oıganization into sections was
deliberate is evident from the sub-totals in 71,94, and especially 108 and 112,
which deserve a more detailed comment. In 108 (= no. 754 |.13') "65 sheep,
the meal" is the total for the preceding 7 lines; the previous entries, although
not fully understood, aıe likely to include or imply some similar statement as
to the origin or purpose of the sheep, as well as their culinary details.
Similarly in 110 the "scholars (and) brick-masons" are mentioned, while in
112 we probably have a summation for the complete section 96-1 11, which
tells us that these were the "sheep - consumption." In other words, this


section may be expected, unless there is compelling evidence to the contrary,

to list all the sheep consumed at this occasion or period.
Before attempting an interpretation of the texts as a whole, we must look
at the last group of entries suıviving flom the obveıse of the tablets. Here
221-222 read"Total: 160 tables, consumption," and must represent a summa-
tion of a long preceding passage, which could reach back past the break as
faı as 180- 190. The parallelism with the sheep in 1 12 must indicate that these
"tables" are another element in the menu, and one may pıovisionally suggest
that they included bread and fruit, which are regular components of the Ağğur
Temple and other offeıings texts but do not otherwise feature in these lists.
Evidently the next section of the menu was liquid, to judge from 224, and we
may therefore recognize the following components:
tables (of blead and fıuit?)
beer [and ıvine?].
The second section of the text, apparently restricted 10 the reverse of the
tablets, is even more difficult to assess. It is pıesumably right to take the
numerals which begin each line as referring to some commodity, as they do
foı instance in 180-190; that is "3 [somethings], bodygualds" Iather than just
"3 bodyguards." The problem is that we have no clue as to what these
somethings might be, or even whether they are the same in each column. If
ıre are still dealing with edible commodities, the two broad possibilities aıe
(a) that this is just a continuation of the list on the obveıse, and these are items
consumed (akiltu) in the same way, or (b) that the obverse was concerned
with the "consumption" but this section listed the redistribution of the same
items, something which would have been called za'uzzu. If this were so, we
would perhaps have, as Mattila's title implies, a "balanced account"; but the
accounting teıminology is somewhat surprising, since in fact akiltu (like
za'uzzu) would normally belong on the debit side of an account, ıeferring to
outgoings, ıınllke irbu and ummu which could represent the "income'' and
"credit balance."

Interpretation of the Text

The range and order of foodstuffs in the first sections is so similar to those
in texts which ceıtainly list offerings, that the plesent editors agree with
Mattila that they probably are dedved from temple offeıings. However, firm
evidence for this is difficult to find, since secu}aı e]ite meals were doubtless
little different from those of the gods, and the order in which they are listed
need be no more than a scribal habit.
Similarly, the identity of the persons and officials named does not help: we
could equally well assume either that persons connected with the court were
expected to make conüibutions, or that they were recipients.



With the other details we seem to have two choices: either the subsidiaıy
comments refel to the desıinaıion of the sheep, and their origin is the same
in each case, or their destination may be supposed to be the same, and their
origins different. At first sight it is not self-evident which of these is correct,
but if we are to understand the texts at all the issue will need to be resolved.

Historical Context

Paipola's suggestion that these are "accounts of food and possibly gifts
distributed at the royal New Year's reception" (quoted by Mattila, SAAB 4,
16) is undoubtedly seductive, but hardly susceptible of pıoof. If each text
were separated by a year, or 6 months (if we assume such a ceremony took
place twice a year), it could explain the physical diffeıences between the
tablets, in spite of their textual similarity; but in that case it is a little
surprising that they should have remained together sufficiently to be reunited
as a gloup, given the generally fıagmented nature of the Iest ofthe collection.
As obseıved by Mattila, the names of Esarhaddon's children at the beginning
of the text pıesumably date it to his reign, and we would not reject as
implausible the Suggestion that "the exceptionally high figuıes in A may
reflect .... early 672, when Esarhaddon assembled "all Assyria" to take the
oath ofloyalty..." (SAAB 4, 16 footnote 5).

Related Texts (Nos. 155-157)

Three tablets (nos. 155, 156 and 157) aıe closely related to the group but
not strictly part of it. No. 156 has names listed against commodities, most of
which are familiar from nos. 148-154, but which include at least some fruit
(duqdi). The size of the tablet is not known, but it was unusually thin and is
unlikely to have held four columns peı face. No. 155 is almost celtainly a
small, single-column vertical tablet, the headline of which may be understood
to say "Second(?) meal of the pal[ace]," after which it records a number
against a succession ofhigh personages, beginning with the queen, the crown
prince and the chief sukkallu. This reminds us of the early part of the
composite text, but there is nothing more to substantiate the connection.
Finally no. 157 is a little more revealing. The obverse is divided into
sections listing shekels (presumably of silver) against personal names (one
of which is again Esarhaddon's son Samağ-metu-uballi1). The end of the
reverse lists persons identified either by name or by (usually military) pro-
fession, with two figuıes against each name which refer to "tables'' and beer,
if we may judge from the colophon which immediately follows. This states
"Total: 74 tables, 51(+) bowls (of beeı), 2 ..., distribu1ion." The two broken
lines which follow aıe probably to be understood as "[The ...]s consumed in
the [...] house; [the remain]der of the tables were distıibuted to the palace
(or: house) personnel [...]." If only this text were a little better preserved, it
might well have supplied important clues to the rest of the group. For one
thing, it hints that seculaı palace employees were ıeceiving food and drink


originating from temple offerings, as has been suggested for nos. 148-154;
and for another, the colophon does not seem to take account of the shekels
listed on the obverse, suggesting that like the composite text, it ıvas an
account in two halves, and that the obverse listed payments into, the reverse
distributions fıom the same administrative office. However, at present this
can be no more than speculation.

M i s c e llane ou s Te mpl e Offering s ( N o s. I 58 -I 8I )

The texts in this section are frequently similar to some ofnos. I3o-|44'bıır
in each case there is, or we suspect, a connection with the temples. The
majority list foods, often the same commodities as in the preceding secular
banquets. Nos. 159 and 160 are valuable in that their concluding lines tell us
that they are listing "sacıifices of the Chief Eunuch/the Commander-in-
Chief' foı a particular day. As in the large group of A5Ğul Temple offering
lists, the tablets are often dated by day, and no doubt this reflects the fact that
the offerings were destined for paıticular meals on specified days, and
punctual delivery was essential. The texts which follow (nos. 161-163) are
physically veıy similar to one anoüer and pıobably come from the same hand.
They list standardized bundles of contributions (animais, bıead, vegetables
etc.) flom vaıious provinces and officials: there is no formal proof that these
are in fact offerings (rather than secular contributions), but they are included
here in the light of the galirişdte bread which we also find in no. 159.
Some of these miscellaneous listings include items other than food. Nos.
166 and |67 are both headed' ğazbussu, a technical term in need of some
elucidation. Apart from etymology (zEi S), which entitles us to expect a
meaning like "delivery," the best evidence comes from the correspondence:
heıe officials wfiting to the king make it quite clear that it refers to contribu-
tions organized by the administration for some of its employees.In ABL 546
these deliveries go to cavahymen and include, apparently, the means of
establishing a househo_ld (including pigs and basic furniture), no doubt as part
ofthe creation of Dur-Sarruken. The context here seems to be entirely secular.
On the other hand ABL 167, now SAA 1 128, is concerned with deliveries of
the "additional regular offerings" of bread and beer for the Nabü Temple at
Dur-ğarruken. and whether the authoI of the letter or another official should
make pıovision for this. Evidently these contributions were measuıed by the
number of altars (Gl.DUs = patıru) supplied; likewise no. 77 4:9'ff . gives us a
list of the individual components of an "equipped table'' (paİİüru tallulu).In
ABL 558 also the correspondent is concerned about the failure of one of two
pıovincial governors to supply a ğazbussu delivery requested by a royal
officer, although it is not clear whether the "work" (dullu) for which these
deliveries are needed is of a secular oı cultic character. We have guessed that
both no. 166 and no. 167 relate to temple offerings. No such guesswork is
needed with no. 175, since it has preserved its summary as "supplementaıy
o fferings ol the Queen."
Quite why texts recording offeıings to temples were found in the palace is
hard to explain convincingly, but the same problem affects the A5Ğur Temple


texts (see below). From the gods in no. 175 = Bel, Nabü, ğarrat-samme and
(Li)sikkutu (this last perhaps a deified piece of temple equipment)
- we
cannot determine the temple concerned, or whether it was within the palace
precincts or a more public shrine. Of the other pieces mentioning deities by
name no. 158, with Ağğur, Mullissu and Iğtar could belong with the final
group, while to make an attribution of no. 171 we would really requiıe more
than the end of its list of gods.

The AğğurTemple offering Lists (Nos. 182-219)

These tablets all derive fıom a single archive which appears to replesent
lists of offelings presented in the Temple of Ağğur. The archive has been
discussed in detail by van Driel in his Appendix to 7lı e Cult of Aİİur (Leiden
1969), and his conclusions may serve as the basis for a summary description
here (note that we have also included ADD 1025 as no. 187 and 1031 as no.
202, and three pieces not then published, nos. 200, 210 and 219). Although
definitely discovered on Kuyunjik (as the provenance of nos. I92 and 191
shows, see van Driel p. 206), the texts mention offerings to the god A55ur
himself, to his spouse Mullissu, and to Dagan; these shıines must have been
in the Ağğuı Temple at AssuI itself, and this location is furtheI suppolted by
the mention of the "mausoleum" (kimahhu). Why these tablets should have
been found at Nineveh remains obscuıe, but part of the explanation must be
that the contributions come from members of the royal household.
Each tablet gives an inventory "of commodities present on a certain day in
a certain department ofthe temple" (p. 207). These commodities are tabulated
by van Driel in the chart at the end of his book, and although joins and
collations peımit some corıections of detail (e.g. the addition oİ lipİati and
bandillu to the varieties of meat offering), the broad picture remains valid.
Our order differs from his, as we have stafied from the extemal format of the
tablet: nos. 184-188 are horizontal tablets, all with short texts evidently
referring to a single consignment. Nos. 189-208 are relatively smail vertical
tablets, but often with more than one section, while nos. 2o9-22I aıe largeı
vertical tablets in small, densely written script (see the photographs on Plates
X-XI). Some of the ionger texts are divided into more than one section, and
it seems likely that they may include details taken from two or more smaller
tablets, although no direct borrowing can be proved. The sections in question
tend to follow a regular oıder, as observed by van Driel (p. 210f):
1. offerings for the Chapel of Dagan;
2. "remnants" (rchati) "which were before A55uı";
3. offeıings for the "wedding ıighı'' (qurİu) of Mullissu;
4. "new regular offerings" (ginfi eİİu); and
5. special cases, which include the enigmatic takpu "before Bel"
(takpu İa IGI dEN, no. 189 r.13 and no. |96 r.I2ğ.
There is also one instance of offeıings before Iğtar (no. 195).
The people mentioned in these texts fall into donors and administrators,
For the donors see van Driel's list on p. 190 note 77: the queen, the crown
pıince, the (chief) steward (masennu) or his household (no. 208), İhe turtanu


(commander-in-chief), the chief cupbeaıer, the goveınoı of Assuı province.

For the administrators, under whose authority (ğU.2) the offerings seem to
have been organized,, see his list on p. 209: most frequently involved are
Nabü-ğaıru-uŞur and Turi, the others (Sakilja' the blewer; Lu-ğakin; Adad-
ila'i and Amuı-ilut-Ağğur the confectioner) are found once each, as are
ğamağ-ibni and Ağğur-ahhe-eriba who may now be added to his list. The role
of Bel-ahhe-eriba, who is mentioned as making offerings in nos. 189, 191 and
202, is not clear. Unfoıtunately, the professional designation of some of these
people does not tell us whether they were temple or palace officials, and none
ofthem can be definitely identified with persons known from other contexts.
The name Nabü-Sarru-uşuı is too common, and the other names have no
holders who could convincingly be put foıward as the same person.
Where preserved, each text is dated 10 the day, but never to the month or
yeaı. The days do not suggest any special ıegularity about the time of month,
and the dating of the archive of the whole is very difficult. The on1y histoıical
reference is in no. 212 "5 litres of dates from the first-fruits which the king
imposed on Akkad," and this does not point clearly to any one king.


On the Present Edition

This volume includes all the cuneiform documents thought to have been
found on the acropolis at Nineveh dea]ing with the internal administıation of
the palaces, and associated subjects. The great bulk of this material was first
published in Johns, Assyrian Deeds and Documen s, mostly in Vol. II (1901)
but some already in Vol. I (1898), nevertheless this is the first serious attempt
at an edition of most of these texts. In addition, we aıe able to include a few
pieces excavated subsequently by the two Bıitish Museum expeditions of
1904-5 and 1929, a single tablet from a pfvate collection (no. 210), and other
usually small fragments recently identified in the Kuyunjik collection. A
number ofjoins have been made within the material since Johns prepared his
copies, both by Johns himself and by others; of the recent joins the majority
have been made by Dr. T. Kwasman (cf. SAAB 4, 77-78). Copies offragments
not previously published in copy have been prepared by Postgate and appeaı
at the end of the volume.

Selection a.nd Arrdngement of Texts

one or two of these texts could equally well have been reserved foı the
second volume of documenıs dealing with provincial and military adminis_
tration (e.g. nos' I27 and 128). Similaıly, we may well have left fol that
volume pieces which couldjust as well have been included here. The cıiterion
for inclusion heıe was little more than an intuition that a tablet was concerned
with internal palace administration, or that it showed some similarity to such
a tablet and so belonged with it. Texts concemed with temple offerings claim
their place here because the largest group (of A55ur Temple offerings) seems
to be closely associated with the royal family, and the other offerings texts
have been included accordingly.
There is no right way of arranging texts of this sort, especially when they
include small fragments. In some groups the few dated pieces have been
placed first, and on the whole large, multi-column, tablets or fragments of
them have preceded single column pieces. But neitheı of these criteıia gives
sufficient guidance for the detailed ordering, and again we have simply tried
as much as possible to put like with like and not wony too much.



Both üe age of Johns' copies and the technical difficulty of the texts
themselves have necessitated unusually heavy collation. Some of the texts
were collated by Postgate in the 1970's for his editions in TCAE; more than
half of the remaining texts in the volume were collated by S. Parpola in 1982.
The results of both were incorpolatöd in the Helsinki alchive which forms
the basis of the transliterations. For the current edition each text was collated
again by Postgate: that is to say, the entire text was matched to the translite-
rations, not just passages which seemed doubtful. This is essential, if only
because the ADD copies have not infrequently omitted whole lines oı even
sections of a text. However, a first collation is often insufficient, and bİoken
oı difficult passages have often been checked two or three times. We do not
however imagine that these are definitive: every further collation yields fresh
results. A number of passages were collated by Parpola from the photographs
provided for the plates and are so marked in the cıitical apparatus.

The Text Editions

An ideal would have been to ıecopy every piece. This would have been
especially valuable in this case because the format of administrative texts,
with theil columns and ıulings, often implicitly conveys information not
present in the words alone, and the ADD copies do not usually transmit this.
We must crave indulgence for shirking this massive commitment of time and
effoıt, but the photographs on Plates I_XI may help the reader to gain a
geneıal idea of the appearance of the texts in the diffeıent groups.
Results of collation aıe indicated with exclamation marks. Single exclama-
tion marks indicate corrections to published copies, double exclamation
marks, scıibal erors. Question marks indicate uncertain or questionable
ıeadings. Broken poltions of text and all restorations are enclosed within
square brackets. Parentheses enclose items omitted by ancient scribes or
explanatory material inserted by the editors. An asterisk (*) after the figure
4 (and occasionally other figuıes) means that the figule is written with
horizontal, rather than the usual vertical wedges.
The transliterations were in principle established by Postgate, and the
translations by Fales, in each case with frequent input from the other editor
and from the editorial staff in Helsinki. The Introduction is laıgely the work
of Postgate. In the translations rather than leave a row of dots or repeat the
Akkadian word, we have adopted a conventional English equivalent foı
certain frequently recuffing technical terms, while marking their uncertainty
by italicizing the words in question: readers aıe asked not to take such
renderings as a firm proposal on our part.
Uncertain or conjectural translations are indicated by italics. Interpretative
additions to the translation are enclosed within parentheses. Al1 restorations
aıe enclosed within square brackets. UntIanSlatable passages aıe indicated by



dots. FoI the Ağğur Temple offerings, a score of all the texts was created by
Parpola which made the proper reconstructions obvious in almost all cases.
Month names are rendered by theiı Hebrew equivalents, followed by a
Roman numeral (in parentheses) indicating the place of the month within the
lunaı year. Personal, divine and geographical names are rendered by English
or Biblical equivalents if a well-established equivalent exists (e.g., Esarhad-
don, Nineveh); otherwise, they are given in tıanscription with length marks
deleted. The normalization of West-Semitic names generally follows the
conventions of Zadok West Semites. West Semitic phonemes not expressed
by the writing system (/o/ etc.) have generally not been restituted in the
normalizations, and the sibilant system follows the NA orthography.
The rendering of professions is a compromise between the use of accurate
but impractical Assyrian terms and inaccurate but practical modem or classi-
cal equivalents. For the numerous vessels and containers that occur in the
texts,;n attempt has been made to translate each with a sepaıate term. Again,
it is not asseIted that this terminology is coırect or that it corresponds to
modern usage.

Critical Apparatus

The primary purpose ofthe critical apparatus is to support the ıeadings and
translations established in the edition, and it consists largely of ıefelences to
collations of questionable passages, scribal mistakes corrected in the trans-
literation, and alternative interpretations or restorations of ambiguous
passages. Restorations based on easily verifiable evidence (e.g., parallel
passages found in the text itself) are generally not explained in the appara-
tus; conjectural restorations only if their conjectural nature is not apparent
from italics in the translation.
Collations given in copy at the end of the volume are referred to briefly as
"see coll."
The critical apparatus does contain some additional infomation relevant to
the interpretation of the texts, but it is not a commentary. Comments are kept
to a minimum, and are mainly devoted to problems in the text, elucidation of
lexical items or Akkadian expressions necessarily left untranslated. The his-
toıical information contained in the texts is generally not commented upon.

Glossary and Indices

The glossary and indices, electronically genelated, geneıally follow the

pattern of the previous volumes. The glossary contains all lexically identifi-
able words occurring in the texts with the exception of suffixless numbers
1-99. The references to professions attached to the index of personal names
have been provided by a computer programme written by Simo Parpola; it is
hoped that these will be helpful in the prosopographical analysis ofthe texts,


but it should be noted that the program omits certain deficiently written
professions and the references are accordingly not absolutely complete.
Logograms without a known Akkadian equivalent are included in alphabe-
tical order in the glossary written in small capitals. The glossaıy and indices
were prepared by Parpola and checked by the editors.



Abbreviations and Symbols

B ibli o grap hic al Ab b rev iati on s

ABL R. F. Harpeı, As syrian and Babylonian Letıers (London and Chicago

ADD C. H. W. Johns, Assyrian Deeds and. Documents (Cambridge 1898-
AHw W. von Soden, Akkadisches Handwörterbuch (Wiesbaden 1957-81)
APN K. L. Tallqvist, Assyrian Personal Names (Helsinki 1914)
BM tablets in the collections of the Bfitish Museum
BSA Bulleıin on Sumerian Agriculture
Bu tablets in the collections of the Bfitish Museum
CAD The Assyrian Dictionary of the Oriental Institute of the University of
Chicago (Chicago 1956-)
Cat. C. Bezold, Catalogue of the Cuneiform Tablets in the Kouyuniik
Collection I-V (London 1889- 1899)
CRRAI Rencontre assyriologique intemationale, comptes rendus
CTN Cuneiform Texts from Nimrud
DT tablets in the collections of the British Museum
Festschrift D. Charpin and F. Joannös (eds.)' Marchands' diplomates et emper-
Garelli eurs: Etudes sur la civilisation mğsopotamienne offerts d Paul Garel-
/' (Editions Recherche suı les Civilisations, Paris 1991)
Grayson A. K. Grayson, Assyrian and Babylonian Chronicles (Texts from
Chronicles Cuneiform Sources 5, Glückstadt 1975)
JNES Journal of Near Eastern Studies
K tablets in the collections of the British Museum
Ki tablets in the collections of the Bdtish Museum
Landsberger B. Landsberger, The Date Palm and its By-Products according to the
Date Palm Cuneiform Sources (Archiv für Orientforschung, Beiheft l7' Graz
LAS S. Parpola, Letters from Assyrian Scholars to the Kings Esarhaddon
and Assurbanipal l, ll (Alter Orient und Altes Testament 5/1-2,
Neukirchen-Vluyn 1 970, I 983)
Luckenbill D. D. Luckenbill, The Annals of Sennacherib (Oriental Institute
Senn. Publications 2, Chicago 1924)
M6langes M. Lebeau and Ph. Talon (eds.), Refleıs des Deux Fleuves: Volume
Finet de mdlanges offert d Andrd Finet (Akkadica, Supplementum VI,
Leuven 1989)


Menzel B. Menzel, Assyrische Tempel (Siııdia Pohl, Series Maior 10, Rome
Tempel 1981)
NARGD J. N. Postgate, Neo-Assyrian Royal Grants and Decrees (Studia Pohl,
Series Maior 1, Rome 1969)
ND field numbers of tablets excavated at Nimıud
PKTA E. Ebeling, Parfümrezepte und kultische Texte aus Assır (Rome
PSBA Proceedings of the Society of Biblical Aıchaeology
R H. C. Rawlinson, The Cuneiform Inscriptions of Western Asia (Lon-
don 1861-1884)
RA Revue d'Assyıiologie
Rm tablets in the collections of the British Museum
SAA State Archives of Assyria
SAAB State Archives of Assyria Bulletin
Sm tablets in the collections of the Bdtish Museum
Streck Asb. M. Streck, Asszrbanipal I-Ill (Vorderasiatische Bibliothek 7, Leipzig
TCAE J. N. Postgate, Taxation and Conscription in ıhe Assyrian Empire
(Studia Pohl, Series Maior 3, Rome 1974)
Toponyms S. Parpola, Neo-Assyrian Toponyms (Alter Orient und Altes Testa-
ment 6, Neukirchen-Vluyn 1970)
Th tablets in the collections of the British Museum
van Driel G. van Driel, The Cult of Aİİur (Assen 1969)
VS Voıderasiatische Schriftdenkmaler der Staatlichen Museen zu Berlin
wo Die Welt des Orients
ZA Zeitschıift füı Assyriolo gie
Zadok West R. Zadok, On West Semites in Babylonian during the Chaldean and
Semites Achaemenid Periods. An onomdstic Study (Jenısalem 1977)


Other Abbreviations and Symbols

NA Neo-Assyrian
DN divine name
GN geographical name
PN personal name
RN royal name
syr. Syriac
obv. obverse
r., rev. reverse
rs. ıight side
s. (left) side
co11. collated, collation
mng. meaning
unpub. unpublished
var. variant
! collation
t! emendation
1 uncertain reading
cuneiform division marks
graphic vaıiants (see p. XXXV I and LAS I p. XX)
0 uninscribed space oı nonexistent sign
x broken or undeciphered sign
o supplied word or sign
(( )) sign erroneously added by scribe
tt ll erasure

t...l minor break (one or two missing words)
major bıeak
untıanslatable word
untranslatable passage
see also
+ joined to

)<L I
1. Lists of Court Personnel

FIG. 3. Layafd's excayaıions in Sennacherib's

palace. Painting by F. coopel. cİ. LAY ARD, Niııe'eh
and Babylon,p.66.

1. List of Experts at Court

K T27 6 ADD 851

I1 r.r 15 MU
[APr]N-eJ i 1 Issar-ğumu-ereğ;
2 r.lAğLPAB.I,IEs , Nadin-ahhe;
3 t^1ba-la-su Balassu;
4 |^o,Ü1-na-a-a Bunaya;
5 ['*]ışir_dPA [K]isir-Nabü;
6 |^]r e1|ıel-pu Etel-pu;
7 ['E]N!-KAR-ir lBell-etir;
8 IPAB 7 A.BA] UD AN BE [total, 7 as1]rologers.

9 9
INab0l -nadin-5umi;
10 10
11 11
[... ]aya;
t2 12
[... b]u';
t3 I3
I4 14 Nabü-sakip;
15 15
to l6 Bel-uİezib;
17 [.]dPA_NuNtJZ cIğ t7 Nabü-per'u-le5ir;
18 PAB 9! MAS.MAS.MEğ total, 9 exorcists.

tr1 ^a-qar-cı-l6lı iir Aqaraya;

2 ^ba-ni-i 2 Bani;
3 Yi-zi-i 3 Zizii
4 dSü uaşI paı a Marduk-Saıru-uşur;
5 dPA-suM-A s Nabi-nadin-ap1i;
6 PAB 5 IIAL.MEğ 6 total,5 diviners.

7 -qur-di arba-İl 7
8 dPA.-u-a 8 Nab0'a;
9 dPA-PAB.IGğ ]I 9 Nabü-ahhe-ballit;
10 fuuıış|-bal-livsu t0 Inuıta-ballissu;
11 ^rort -qu-du t1 Asqudu;
t2 M3OMAN PAB 12 Sin-Saıru-uşur;
13 dPA MU AS 13 Nabü-5umu-iddina;
14 ^pu-ug-ıu 14 Puglu;
15 ^şi-hu-ru 15
16 PAB 9 A.z[Ul.IvEğ 16 total, 9 physicians.

I 1 dPA-NUMUN-Ağ| .'i ı Nabü_zeru-iddina;

1 Photo Pl. I. Vertical tablet, 2 columns each face, script shallow especially on Rev. Small 'Glossenschrift'
additions have been made la[er in the space between columns. These ale noted in üe apparatus qiticls; if r'AB and
cAsAN weİe coİİec|l} deciphered, these could conceivab|y be notes about ıheir lodğings (cI. no.3tt.)' PaIpola
considers thjs ıableı is in lhe same hand as nos. 49-5l (see JNEs 42 lff.). coll' sP l982. ia' Co||. trom phoıo (sP)'
i13 ,,d (so sP); JIiIP caıirot İüle out, by compalisotr with the na ini.4. i-18 Coll. ftom photo (sP).
ii.5 small.Nu ("not'') between columns. ii.8 Itlegible siğn between columns' ii.13 small KAB ("ieft-hand"?)
between colurnns. ii.I4 small sign, possibly GAğAN ("misEess"?), between columns. sP saw pelhaps TE = 4,J).rrl


2 ^za-kı-ru Zakiıui
3 '3G_TI-ş.,_E Sin-balassu-iqbi;
4 'dPA MAN-4-ı2, Nab0_ğarrani;
5 'dPA_EN_MU.Iffiğ Nabi-bel-Sumate;
6 ^mar-duk Marduk;
7 PAB 6 US.KU.MES total, 6 lamentation priests.

8 dIGI.DU-Dü_PAB.l',Dğ 8 Palil-bani-ahhe;
9 ^iz-bu-te e lzbute;
10 -sUHUğ dr5 1o Ubru-Issar;
11 PAB 3 dd-gil-MUSEN 11 total, 3 augurs.

12 r^al -gür| -İi-i ı, [... ]gurğl;

13 6lra1 -a' -Si-ı 13 Ra'si;
n I 6tsil_hu_u 14 sihü;
2 PAB 3 har-ti-bı 15 total, 3 Egyptian scholars.

3 ^hu-u-ra
3 HUrU,
4 l^lni-mur-a-u a Nimmurau;
5 |^hu]r! -u-a-şu
5 [Hu]ruaşu;
6 IPAB 3] A.BA. [Eğ 6 ltotal, 3] Egyptian scribes.
7 |ın|u-şur-a-a

blank space of 2 lines

8 m.AB uD-t7r-KiM 8 Month of Kanun (X), 17th day
rest uninsğibed

2. List of Experts

Sm 471 (Cat. IV 1416) Sm 471

3 PAB 2 Lü.MAS .MAğ.Ifiğ 3 total,2 exorcists.

4 frıleğ ınq-sı a Ninurta-ballissu;

5e ^şi-i-hur-ru 5 Şihuru;
ı.1 "l sin-ğaffu-uşul;
2 Puglu;
2 'pıl-il8-lü (erasues)
3 PAB 4I-r]_A.nI.MRğ 3 İotal' 4 physicians

rest uninscribed

snall NU ("not") between columns. Li.l2 Illegible sign betı'een colurnns; traces of üe top ofthe fi6t sign of
thePN resemble rjüir.
2 Photo Pl. L Neo-Babylonian script (cuıeiform irı Bezold, cat. IV, 1416); edition: LAs lI,457 ıo.26a' 4
Same man no. l ii.lo. 5 same maıı no. 1 ii.15. ı1 same man no. l ii.lz. L2 same man no. l ii't4.


3. List of Govemors and Other High Officials

K9921 ADD 853

I beginning (at least 8 lines) broken away (Beginning destroyed)
1' lxxxxltxxx1 iı [1, ...J...;
2' ,4J_ğ r/|_sU cIJR Lü.IGI.DUB z [1' Aö5]ur-gimilli-tirri, treasurer;

.PAB DI}[GR-4-4 LÜ.EN.NAM ı 1, Ahi-ila'i, governor of Nineveh;
4' uRU.NrNA.Kr
5' I 'dpA-MAN pAB EN.NAM uRU.NrNA.Kr 5 Nabü-öarru-uşur, govemor of Nineveh
6' tişir 'd30 PAB.MEğ sU GB 6 the new corps of Sennacherib;
7 -1, Misu, governor of Aıbela;
7' 1 '/ıxııs, EN.NAM URu.arbalı
8' 1 EN.NAM URU pu-ınu 8 1, Marduk-eriba, governor of (U)pumu;
9' 1'EN_Ağ AM URu.kul-me-r4
EN.N e l, Bel-iddina, governor of Kulimmeri:
10' 1 '4D-d4-a' LÜ.EN.N[AM] 10 1, Abda', goverlnor] of Raşappa;
|l' |Jı.u.ra-Şa-Pa
|2' 1
ndJ-^ğ&r-DU IGI Lü.EN.NAM r, 1, Ağğur-a1ik-pani, govemor of Barhalza;
14' u ']ü-rıia Lü.EN.N[AM] 14 [1], Etriya, govem[or of...];
15' |uı.]u| .| hal| -x1-[x x x] (Break)
rcst broken away
tr beginning broken away
blank space ofca. 6 lines
L' | ^LUGAL_Z1-J'AG EN.NAM| URu|.t|uİ-hq- ii ı 1, ğ111rr-1rr1i, govemor of T[uĞhan];
one line blank
2' | -Şi|Ja-a-a |x x x]| z 1' Şillaya' [...],
3' LrI.EN.NAM kr.{l 3 governor of [...];
tbıee lines blank; rest broken away (Break)
I beginning broken away
\', | ^dxlx x xf '.i
ı 1, N[N];
z', 1'!A Dı [İ'J] , 1, N[N], [...];
-l L]J.lx x. xl
4', 1
odu.crJR-MAN-[PAB] a 1, Nergal-öarru-[uşur];
one Iine erased (Eraşures)
6', ı ^dİıi-maİ |x x x| o 1, Samağ-[..., ... ];
7', Lt.xlx x x)
8' I frmiı-ki-|x x x] 8 1, Milki-[...], chie[f...];
9'. Lü.GA[L]-ü lll
10' 1
dPA sU'[İ J r] ıo 1, Nab0-gimilli_[...]'
two erased lines (Eıasures)
t3' | -dd-ri-Luc1J, [x. x xJ ı3 1, Dari-ğarru, [. .. ];
t4' u']4,ğ-.ğür_KALAG-in-[an- nil la [ 1], Ağğul-da"inlanni];
traces only (Break)
rcst brokeı away
tr beginning broken away
|r(ı|.İıi!1_[x x x\
blank space of ca. 10 lines
z', mI.AB UD-ı6l_KAM ..ii 2
Month of Kanun (X), 16th day
blank space to break (Rest uninscribed or broken away)

3 Cenffal pofiion of 2 column tablel Closely rclated to no. 4. ı1 Cf. no4i 15'. JNP İeads [x x xL]I'.tarla'nu;
howevel, collation by Finke] (see coll.) indicates that this is impossible' i.ı4 Presumably salne mar. as fra-tar-a-a
inno.4i.12', siüce eachis preceded by the same gotemoI ofBaIha]za' ii.2 şj (Iather than sü) is cefiain. r.i.? The
sign after Lü is perhaps.ğ[a; it is definitely not c[AL. r.ii.I socoll. sP; Lü.GAR I is ofcourse anoüel possibility.
r.ii.2 one day beforc no. 1, presumably in üe same yeaj'


4. List of Govemors and oüer High officials

83-1-t8,347 ADD 854
I beginning (at least 5 lines) broken away (Beginning destroyed)
l' 11 x x (x)l-tnit L(Jt.[x x x]
tr [1,...]ni, [.. ];
2' ll x x xlx Lt.t turl -tla-nul , [1, NN], comman[der-in-chiefl;

3' [1 -DUMU.US-4]-7 Lü.6oo E.GA[L] 3 [1, Aplay]a, the palace herald;

blaık space of one line
4' |l^x x]x-a-qLÜ.GAL rsAcl 4 [1, ._..]aya, chief eunuch;
5' [l^ğd] tdıPA .ğr-, s [1, Sa]-Nab0-İü;
6' [ı.aJ-Jrl S]U GUR Lü.IGI.DUB o [1, A55ur-gimil]li-tiri, treasurer;
blank space of one Line
7' u.dPA]_MAN_PABLü.EN.NAMURU.Ntr,IAo! 7 [1, Nabü]-ğalru-uşur, govemor ofNineveh
8' I ki]-şir ğa^ıo_PAB.MEğ sU GBtr- 8 [- the n]ew corps of Sennacherib;
9' 1^1rpy -i-'u URU.arb4-,7 , [1], Misu, governor of Arbela;
10' |l ^a]b|-&La Lt"ü.NAM
'NAMKUR.rq-Şap-pa 1o [1, A]bda, govemor of Rasappa;
11' [1]'!a.ğ-.ğrr-_DU_IGILü.NANlKuR.baf-hal-za 1 [ 1 ] , Ağğur-alik-pani, govemor of Barhalza;

12' ^a-tqr-cı-L L(J.NAMi. KUR.[k J]]

|1.|1 |2 [, AıaIiya. governor of [... ];
13' t -U.GIJR-MAN PAB Lü'NAM [URUİ. [[.ü]] 13 1, Nergal-ğarru-uşuı' governoı of [...];
14' I"]PAB im-me-e Uj.NAIM KlT..&irl,-daıı ] ra 1, Ahu-imm6, govemo[r of Hindana];
15' 1 LÜ.IGI.DUB lk (J .İ)] t5 1, fcliefl treasurer;
16' [1] r'!dUTU!I_MAN_PAB Lü.rGAL! SAG ı6 [1], Samağ-ğafru-uşur, chief eunuch of
DIJMU_LUGALI the crown prince;
blank space of two lines; traces of one line (Break)
rest broken away
II completely broken away
I' completely boken away
If beginning broken away
1' rr mdi|-rr-MAN L|3.ğd_U|cU?_x] l'ii 1, Daxi-ğarlu, overseer of [...];
blank space of one line
2' | ^s1LNl-dıd-qu-mu rt.cır-ıil|-li| , 1, Silim-Taqumu , chief of the equipment;
3' | -ğıi-ği-i Lt.GAL-bat-qi 3 1, Saği, chief of the rePlacements;
4' ı -gab-bu''ıı-mılr rlü|l.GAı| SUM.MNDA a 1, Gabbu-amur, chief confectioner;
5' | ^qur-di rs Lt.cAL MG.SD [o] 5 1, Qurdi-Issar, chief of the accounts.
blank space of two lines
6' PAB 49! Lü.GAr GAL.MEğ DIJMU_LUGAL 0 In all, 49 higher-ranking magnates of the
blank space of oııe line crown pnnce.
7', PAB 4-lı4 DUMU_LUGAL [0] z All (assigned) to the crown prince.
8', 1 'dğü_MAN_PAB rLü.sAGn DUMU- a 1, Marduk-Ğarru-uşur, [eunuch] of the
LUGAL crown pnnce;
9', I dPA re-su-u-a ILü.GAL!_Tüd.UD!I [0] e 1, Nabü-reşu'a, chief fuller;
10' I ^man ki uRU .KASKAL Lü.GAL!-r6!l 10 1 , Man-ki-Harıan, major-domo;
I1' 1'rü-ri-i LÜ*.GAL-URU!.hfis-n,l ı1 1 , Tuti, village manager.
blank space of two lines
12', [PAB] Q-rıa 6 GAğAN_[E] ı, [All] (assigned) to the household of the
rest b(oken away Lady of [the House].
(Rest destroyed)

4 Left palt only of tablet with 2 or Possibly more columıs. FoI the persons lisıed in col. i, cf. no. 3.

-5. List of Officials at Court

K 1359 +K 13197 ADD 857

I l fxxxxxxxl-ni i i 1......1ni;
2 fxxxxxxx olts 2 1......_balnii
lG11 lines broken away (Break)
14 t^tx1 lxxxxxxxl ,4 N[N, ...1;
15 ^dfa-xxxxxxl t5
16 rcfu.2-[xxxxxx] t6 sep-[...,...];
l7 ^aİ-İur-|xx xxxr](s?.:. t7 Ağğur-[... ], ditto;
18 fuPA_,PAB,?
KA[M| -eğ o] L|3.GAR-nu l8 Nabi-alıü-eIIeğ], pIefect;
19 NUMUN_[İ "T] LÜ.4rrr-ZAG 19 Nabü-zeru-l...], royal bodyguard;
20 ^mu-İe-zib---aK-İu|r Lü.DI]B_PA.MES 20 Muğezib-Ağğu[r, chario]t driver;
2t ^rdm-a-ni-tot frtl;.| 21 Remanni-Adad, ditto;
22'U!.U!_iq_bi[Lü].sAG 22 Dadi-iqbi, [eu]nuch;
23 ^dqn-nu U.GUR |Lt ,İal--ch..2 23 Dannu-Nergal, [.la] .lepi guardsman;
24 -pi-la-dn-za-zu LIIJ r (x)-nli1 24 Pi|aızazı, |...l:
25 fuIEs_İ[İ x Lü.GAR] -zıl 25
\(arüık-[..., prevecti
26 'drmj_x[ı"r] ıÜ.[d 26 SamaB-[...,...];
27 -rd*ENl-PAB-(IJ)]Lü.EN CIS.GIGR 27 Bel_zasjr-[(...)], chariot owneı;
28 [mE]N| J['.ü] Lü.SUKKAL 28 Be1-[...], vizier;
29 ^xlx xl'aLt.cAR-nu 29
[... ] i, prefect;
30 d|x x| rı3.:. i-tu:u 30
[NN], ditto of the Itu'aeans;
3I dlx xlxL(J.qur-zAG 3l
[NN], royal bodyguard;
32 ^aİ-ğur-x|x (x x)] Lü.SAG AMA_MAN 32 Ağğur-[...], eunuch of the queen
33 'oÜ-ık (ı).r]x ıÜ.GAR-lııl DUMU-MAN 33 Ibni-[...], prefect of the crown prince;
34 ^rlm-Ia-ni-DrlNcrR :. t. 3a Remlannıi]lu, ditto ditto;
35 ,PAB-[(') .I]"T LÜ.IGI.DUB! AMA MAN 3s Ahu-[...], treasurer of the queen
36 dvı x|x x]x t(ı.İıi_ıct KUR :. 36 Nabi-[...], palace superintendent ditto;
37 ^KA.DtNlGtrtlr al -& LtJ.qur-7AG 37 Babilayu, royal bodyguard;
38 -mu- ğe -|zib ağ-{Jur Lt.SAG :t MuğeIzib-Ağğ]ur, eunuch;
39 ^İıl-la-nı|ğl-r glı Lt.GAR-nu 39 sa-la-mağc, prefect;
40 ^Sa-'|i1l-lru\1 |L](J| 3-İü ao Sa.'lilru, 'third man';
41 '[İJr]J rDB?l.BA a' [NN], scriDe;
42 ^lx x xl Lt.qur-zAc AMA-MAN a, [NN], bodyguard of the queen mother;
43 'ıı_r [r-]Ü.:. :.! lı Issar-na'id, ditto ditto;
44 ^ab-diJi-mu L|3.GAL +i-lŞir1 4 Abdi-Limu, cohort commander;
45 'EN-AD-PAB Lü.3|Jİü|l xIx xl 45 Bel-abu-uşur, 'third man'of [...];
46 PA-BAD_PAB Lü.SAG A[MA!_MAN] . a6 Nabi-dulu-uşur, eunuch of the qu[een
47 'dPA PAB-AS LÜ.3-J, DUMU rMANll aı Nab0-ahu-iddina, 'thiId man' of the
crown prince;
48 msUHUğ U.GIJR LÜ.GAL-&ısir GAL sAG a8 Ubru-Nergal, cohort commander of the
chief eunuch;
49 .sılim DnlGR LÜ.:. DUMU-MAN a' SiIim-iIi. ditıo of the crown princel
50 ^dP{-mu-ğe-şi L|j.2-ll GAL A.ıBAI 50 Nab0-muğeşi, dePuty of the chief
51 LÜ.Uğ.KU 5ı UIad-Ea, lamentation-piest.
5 Photo Pl. I. Bezold, PSBA 11 (1889), Pls. IV-V (after p. 289) is in some respects betto than the ADD copy.
Long vertical 2-column tablet, lscking top left-hand comeI and rcconstituıed from sevelal fragments. one fİagment
in Obv. i is perhaps slightly misplaced (i.41-44); its exact position cannot be confirmed without breaking the whole,
but a ploba6le toaadoriona line higher is used in the translileration. some of the enffies coincide wiü no. 6 and no.
9 (see Intİoduction). i.18 FoI sign after BE see coll'i.26 sign after UTU begins with two horizontals, perhaps o[AB.
i.31 Final sign of PN rcsembles P]A of D]I. i.32 sign aJteI dj'-jır begins like r .
i33 For tla€es after Dü see coll.
i.40-44 Signs in the middle of these lines come from a small fiagment whose position is not wholly cefiain; see above.
i41 CaIeiuI inspection of the traces suggests that the sign preceding BA is not the A üat might have been expected;
see photo. i.43 Coll. from photo (SP). i45 Perhaps DUIMU-MAN] at end.

tr 1 'U.[crR NUM]uN oü r-Ü.4ır_z,ı.c iit Nlergal-ze]ru-ibni, royal bodyguard;

2 -xk x-PlABr Lrj.3-J.i DUMU MAN 2 |...-u]şur, 'üiıd man' of the cıown
3 |^1[x x x|x' rt.qur-[zı]c 3 royal bodyguard;
4 |^x x]-nu Lt.Gİ\R-zıı ıaA!.ou.ı,ırğ . [NN],
[...]nu, prefect of the boatmen;
5 l^x xl--PAB L(J.qur-z,AG s [...]-uşur, royal bodyguaıd;
6 1'1r36_gşl_yr.MFJLÜ..ğa_6_KAB! 6 ls]in-bel-ğumate, man of the 'Left'
7 l^ğö_lla-mıİ-e rLÜı.
[GAL_/çiş]i GAL-
7 [SaJ]a-ma5ö, co[hoıt comman]deı ofthe
SAG chief eunuch;
8 8 [Ub]ru-Issar, man of the house of the
['SU]HUğ_I5 LÜ.ja_E'|-_{AR-ıırl.MEs
9 e Urad-NanA. royal bodyguard;
10 |^]ha-nu-nu Lt.cAL ki-şir GAL sAG 10 Hanunu, cohort commander of the chief
11 l^lguJu-su Lt.cA&-nu i-tu)u i1 Gullusu, prefect of the Itu'aeans;
12 [']rarn-4-ni_15Lü.EN_GIğ.GIGR 12 Remaıni-Issaı. chaıiot owner;
13 [-]Gh.2 10 LÜ.3-Ji 13 ğep-Adad, 'thiid man';
14 ['] tğdbr -ri-DnIGR Lü.:. 14 Kabti-ili, ditto;
15 nt sal -Udlm!-MANt-iq-bi It.1 15
Şalam-5aııi-iqbi, ditto;
16 'IGI!_["I İ J r] L[ü|.S]AG! AMA-rt"{,ıı'Iİ 16 Pan-1...1, eunuch ofthe queen mother;

17 dlx xl u3.qur-z\G DUMU-MAN 17

[NN l. bodyguard of the crown princel
ı8 se[p-... ]. ditto ditto;
18 rcllR.2 ül]:.:. ıo Şi1-[...J, royal bodyguard;
19 ^Siı-|x x] Lt.qur-ZAG ,0 Ad[ad-...], prefect of the Gur[ra]eans;
20 dı[:v|-r xl ı-ü.c,+n-nu gu|r-r|i zı N[abfr-...l' cohort commandef of the
crown prince;
22 ^Se-|e'1 ja1-m)u L(J.quİ-ZAc 22 Sef'-qam]g' ıoyal bodyguard;
23 ^ha-am-|x]x-su rü.EN_GIğ.GIGIR 23 Ham[...]su, chariot owner;
24 -k}r İ[.r "r]r Lü.i.DUs zn [NN], gate-guaıd;
25 [-lq-da|Jk1]l| Lü.DUMU_SU.2 'ğ4 Lü*. zs Adal[a]I, edjatant of the chief eunuch;
26 r.dlPA MAN PAB Lü..ğ4 ciR.2 26 Nabü_ğarru-uşur, İa İepİ gııard;'
27 .[sU]HUs PAB.MEğ [Lü.G]AL ği-sirGAL ,7 lub]ru-ahhe, cohort corımander of the
SAG chief eunuch;
28 ^td3ot14AB-irLl(J.kaflJap qur-bu ,8 Sin-naşir, pelsonal |kalllqPu;
29 tuPA-sqJimL[t3.qlur-zAc ,e Nabfi-salim, royal bodyguard;
30 ^Sa-lam-q-nu LIt.GAL]-ğışir AMA MAN 30 Salamanu, cohort lcommander] of the
queen mother;
31 -a.i-.irrr MAN-PAB L[ü.GIS.GIGıR? DUMU :ı Ağğur-ğarru-usul, Icharioı-horse traınfer
MAN of the crown prince;
32 ^mu-ak-kil''ağ-ğur L[t.qur-ZAJG| AMA 3, Mutakkil_Ağğur, lbodygua]rd of the
MAN queen mother;
33 ngardntl-a' LUSl.qur-7.Ac 33 Gada', royal bodyguard;
34 ^man-nu_|kli PAB.MEsLü.GAR-rzrül 3a Mannu- [k]i-ahhe, prefect;
35 'suHUS-d3o ıs Ubru-Sin:
36 ^Dl-nxu_Eİ.İ-la1iğ-nxe L(J'MU :o ğulmu-beli-lağme,cook;
37 'd30_MAN-DINGR..MEğ :u Sin-ğar-ilani;
38 ^nr-hu-ın-d*-pi-i rt.GAR-nu hal-ıaJa-d 38 Tarhundapi, prefect of the Hallateans;
39 ^dq-ni-i tLt].Al.BA 3e Dani, scribe;
40 ^mu-ğe-zib |d1!x (x) LI3.M]u a0 Muğezib_[.., coo]k;
41' ^arba-ıı-a'|au3.qur-7-\]G 41 Arbailayu, [royal bodygua]rd;
42 ^td1fx xlx-zi_ga
a2 l...lzigai
43 [fu]PA-MAN-PABLü.GAL--GEğTIN a3 Nabi-5aııu-uşur, wine manager;
44 nllal--qe-puLti.qur-zAc aa [La]qepu, royal bodyguard;

ii.ı4 Not jı (coll.). ii.23 The sign before sıü ends wirh 2 or more velticals. ii.25 Coll. sP' confirmed; fol the
IestoIatioı see no. 6 i.4'. ll'ıo = no.9 iii'30. ij'42 The sign berore zi ends wiü J ob]ique wedges Iike ZlB.


45 .[d]MEFMAN-PAB LÜ.:. DIJMU MAN a5 Marduk-ğarIu-uşur, ditto of the crown

46 '[ın ır]-ğe-z,'ö-DINGIR rt.ıııı-ki-su a6 Muğezib-ili, butchel;
47 ^h.a-di-duL(J.qur-z\G
a7 Hadidu, royal bodyguard;
48 ^buJu-Zak-ru Lü.1AG a8 Bulu-zakru, eunuch;
49 -ar-ba-a-qL(J.ü1.NAM 4e Arbayu, govemor;
50 ^PAB B]\DLIS.C'AL da-ni-bale 50 Ahu-duri, grain-purveyor;
51 'PAB BAD Lü.GAL-ği_şir DUMU_MAN 51 Ahu-duri, cohort commander of the
crown prince;
I 1 ,'[İ J Lü].GAL ti-şi GAL sAG .-i ı N[N, co]hort commander of the chief
2 n\dtMt-fx x Llt.qur-ZAG DIJMU-MAN z Adad-[...], bodyguard of the crown
5 ^ziz[ü L](J .l.DuB 3 Zizli, galte-gruard;
4 ıi- p q q (ü_|x x] L(J.G A'R- ra a ], prefect;
s Upaqa-l...
5 rcİR.2-1[5? L]Ü.MU Sep-1s[sar, c]ook;
6 ^ ğıi- bu-
lu| [(r) L]ü.İ.DUs 6 Sabulu, gate-guard;
7 ['E]N! PAB!.Iffiğ-.ili [ı-Ü].r:ı-3ro'o-r*' 7 [Be]l_ahheğu' 'third man' of the queen
8 l^x x xl Lt.qur-zAc DUMU-MAN 8 lNNl. bodyguard of the crown prince:
9 [''rlJ] LÜ.SAG [0]! s [NN], eunuch;
10 |dx da]-mİ-iq :. to 1.. .-dqmlmiq, diltoi
LT ['x xı]-gj ı-ü.cın-z4 N]M.MA_o-o ıı 1...]gi, prefect of the Elamites;
t2 ['.r xı]-.iir,. :. ız 1...]ğir, ditto ditto;
13 |^x x x1s7s'' Lü.rr.İ (')r [s]AG? t3 l...fru,1... of the eulnuch;
two lines broken away (Break)
16 |^x x]x x|ıc ıt x x x]
t7 ^txx1 lxxxxl
18 ,dPA-MAN P[AB LÜ.' AM]A MAN 18 Nabo-ğarru-uş[ur, of the queeln
t9 frdPA kil-l a1 -|ni LI3 .DIB_P]A.MEğ ıs Nab0-killalnni' chariot dri]Ver;
20 p u- çi - İfi| -ri rı3.m]u| - ş ur- a - a ,0 PuIiğ [iri, Eg]yptian;
2l ^t5-\t1 Lt3.qur-zAc
uı Issar-na'id, royal bodyguard;
22 e\ -t(t-lx (x) xlx L(J .|.DUB 22 Eta[--.1, gate-guard;
23 ^|x x]x Lt .GAL_| ki1 -şır
,3 [NN], cohort commander;
24 ['U].U-r,'l [LÜ].GIğ.GIGIR-DUs.MEğ ,4 [D]adi, horse trainer of the open cha-
25 tulxlx-AD-u-a L(J;. t. riotry;
26 25 [...] -abu,a, dirto dirto;
'IDI]NGIRI daJd-d LI1.:. :.
27 [.E]N!_DÜ-'J Lü. r:.!1 ,6 [I]l-dala, diuo ditto;
28 [''l Mu--cn{-iıı Lü.İ.DU8
ı [Be]l-epuğ, ditto [ditto];
29 F m]u| - ğe -zib--Dfr-İGlR LÜ.2_ıı GAJ--[U]ğ!_ ,8 |...'|-ğumu-ukin. gate-guard;
kib-si zo 1M]u5ezib-ilu' deputy ofüe chieftrackel;
30 I-x-rlu2 -su Lt .quİ-ZAG 30 [...r]usu, royal bodyguard;
31 [^qur|-di-ığ-ğur Lü.GAR-n, [DU]MU 31 [Qur]diAğğur, prefect of the crown
MAN pnnce,
3, [sul]mu-beli, İ(1 ğepi gvardi
32 'IDi -ın ü-EN Lü.,ğ4--clR.2
33 ^man-nu-ki-15
tz1Jl L(J.t. 33 Mannu-ki-Issarle'i, ditto;
34 .PIA]BI BAD LÜ..ğa-E_KAB ol 3a Ahu-duri, man of the 'Left' House;
35 ['İ .r -ü] LÜ.EN--GIS.GIGIR 35 [NN], chariot owner;
36 I-x x]x-ağ-ğar L|3.|cAL sıPAl.Iffiğ 36 [... ] -AğğuI' chief of the shepherds;
37 ['I "r]"T_dtr\4 Lü.BN CIS.GIGE 37 [... ] -Adad, chaiot owner;
38 rcD{-o-ni_l5 LÜ.GAL_tişir DUMU-MAN 38 Kinanni-Issar, cohoıt commander of the
crown prince;
39 ^man-nu_ki_ ağ-ğur Lü.DIB_PA.üü,Eğ 39 Mannu-ki-Ağğur, chariot driver;
40 -LUGAL_rur-riLÜ.EN--GIğ.GIGIR +o ğarru-nuri, charibt owner;
4l "\As-bu-uLO:. 4ı Ahabü, ditto;

r.i.l? For traces see coll. r.i.22 The fiIst sign ofthe name couldbe d, butis certainly not ia.



42 fuMAğ_DD,IGI[R-4-4] Lt.qux-zAc AMA_ rz Inurta-ila'i, bodyguard of the queen

MAN mother;
43 ^mar-duk-fx (x)] L(ı.EN--GIS.GIGIR a3 Mardu k[ayal. chariot owner;
44 ^cı-ği[P(''a Ltl.lGAL?-sUM?l.NINDA 44 Aği[pa, chie|f confectioner;
45 '["r -r.ü LÜ.İ]"r
rAMA*MAI'II +s 1NN, ...1 of the queen mother;
46 ['J J 'x] LÜ.SAG AMA_MAN
a6 [NN], eunuch of the queen mother;
47 ["I] t_ülrl Lü.GAL-MG.SID DUMU MAN 4? [NN], chief accountant of the croıvn
]J | -man-nu ti LUCAL Lü.DB PA.I\Gğ l.ii l Mannu-ki-ğarri, charioı driver;
2 fuPA MU As Lü.CIS.CICR DUs.MEs , Nabü-ğumu-iddina, horse trainer of the
3 'MAN- 1r._ da-ri Lü.DlB PA.[aEĞ 3 Samı-lu-dari, chaliot dIiVeI;
4 frPA DI.KıD Lü.GAL_ki-Sir a Nab0-dayyan, cohort commander;
5 ^bir-ia-ma-ar(ı.DIB_PA.MEğAMA-MAN 5 Bir-yami, chaıiot driver of the queen
6 ^pal-hu ıi-İe-zib Lü.k İ].MEğ Palhu-uğezib. |... of the ...]s:
7 'en1eo1_raıpo LÜ.GAL-tışir DUMU 7" Urad-Nabü, cohort commandel of the
MAN crown prince;
8 ^ha-r nitl -si-ku rt 3-J, DIIMU-MAN 8 Hanisiku, 'third man' of the crown
9 'dPA MAN PAB LÜ.GAL tısir DUMU_ 9 Nabü-ğaffu-uşul, cohort commander of
MAN the crown prince;
1 0 ^il-ta-d-0-a-a L|3 'DIB--PA.MEğ AMA-MAN 10 Iltadayu, chaliot drivel of üe queen
11 dAMAIı.UTU_SU Lü.GAL_,tısıi GAL 11 Marduk-eriba, cohort commander ofthe
sA[c] chief eunuch;
12 'rb_bıl-t Lü.:. DUMU tMANr |' Ubbuku. diıto of the crown prince;
13 ^mar-cli-i Lt.:. [x] 13
{ardi, ditto [ditro];
14 ^|dulTu-İIaı-nim L(J.2-u G?J'-x|x x] ı+ [Şa]maö-5[all]im, deputy of the chief
15 ^fx x x] Lt .GA\t--| ü|1 -|raıf ı5 [NN, team] commander;
16 '"U.cuR ııJbaF J[it X x x]
OEN MAN PAB KT"TJ' '6 Nergal-ubal[i1 ...];
17 Bel-Ğarru-uşur, [...];
18 nAlı cls L[ÜJ J r J.I] ı8 AbiJeğir, [...];
blank space of about 23 ünes
[rtIJ UD-İ+] 4!-K-4M le lMonth of ..., the x+]4th [day].
rest broken away (Rest destroyed)

6. List of Officials at Court
K 7387 + K 12843 + 82-3-23,99 (ADD 858) ADD 840+
I I beginıing broken away (Beginning destroyed)
1, ^tdllxxxxxx] iı N[N, ...];
2, nı7gı-|x x x Lt.qur-z]AG| 2 Zaf ...' ıoy a\ body]guard;
3' ^mu-|x x x] rı3|.:. 3 Mu[...], ditto;
4' fra-d[d|-rJdı| Uj.rDUMUl_ğU.2 a Ad[all]al, adjutaııti
5' ^qur-di---aİ-İur LÜ.GAR-lır, A MAN J Qurdi-AİĞuı, prefect of the croııvn
6' ndPA lıxat'|-kiı Lt GAL rıJir o Nab0-natkil, cohort commander;
7' 'DüG tr!,I dPA Lü.DIB PA.MES 7 fab-Sar-Nabü, chariot driver;
8' ^dpı ğe-zib Lü.GAL_SUM.NINDA AMA_ s Nabü-ğezib, chief confectioner of the
MAN queen mother;

!.i.42 -DINcr[R-0-a so coll. SP, confirmed. t.i.a3 nmarduk-ld-te or -[ia both attested. r'i.4? See coll. for traces of
üe PN. r.ii.6 slight traces ofüe bloken sigıŞ exclude restolation of [DIB-PA]. l.ii'9 Line omitted in ADD.
6 Photo Pl. I. Central section from 2-column vertical tablet. ıa = no. 5 ii.25; no. 9 r.i.1.

ıil" LJ" l1
ğ}i;ilıİr.ı4'r ij.], ji;" i; ii l ij ı'tl i,iiı** ı

9' ^qğ-ğur-za-qipLÜ.GAR-Z ı AöĞur-zaqip, prefect;

10' dıır.ı-zu ıü.:. ro Adadle'i, dirto;
||' [.]
rd 3o-B}{_MU.I,ES Lü..ğd 6_15[o]| lı Sin-bel-ğumate, man of the 'Left'

L2' [.rx x xx] (blaık) [o] (Break)

rest broken away
tr begirıııriıg broken away
1' [.]
rd|ıMAs_rDU IGI! LI3|'|.Ix x x] ü t Inurta-ahk-pani, 1...1;,
2' 'ARAD!-1o! Lü!. k ,l , Urad-Adad, [...];
3' .rı5ı_sUM_PAB.I\,ffis LIi.E[N? l] : Issar-nadin-ahhe, [...];
4' mdMAğ.MAğ MAN PAB Lü. k r] a Nerga1-Sarru-uşur, [...];
5. ,dPA MAN PAB LIj JIx x x] 5 Nab0-Saıru-uşur, [... ];
6' 'ıu-qu-nu KAM-?[ğ rLül.[,rk 6 Tuqunu-ereİ' [... ];
? Marduk-ğalIim. roya| bodyguaıd:
7''IU_.ğal-lim rt.qur-zıc
8' ,MAN IGI.HI-q-ni Lü.3-.ğri A_MAN 8 Sarru-emuranni. 'third man' of the
crown prince;
9' frta-baı-a-aL|3.qur-ZAc 9 Tabalayu, ıoyal bodyguard;
|0' "ınan-nu ki <ığ-ğur ı-ı3.: ' 10 Mannu-ki-Ağğur, ditto;
| 1' fu|PJA4il-la-a-l,i Lü.DB-PA.Nfi [ğ] tl [Na]bü-killanni, chariot driveI;
L2' l^x-bld -q-a L(J.ha-zq-nu \2 lArblay:u, mayor [of the I]nner City
|3' [0? ğ4 U]RU.ğA-URU
14' ['; .ü r]-tdtr\,t L(I.DrB-PA.I\,ffiS la [... ] -Adad, chariot ddver;
15' |xx x x xx| lı(ı|1.:. 15 [NN], ditto;
rest broken away (Break)
I beginning broken away
l' ^tdlfxxxxxxxx] ..i I N[N, ... ];
Z, ".PAB-ta1_lxxxxxxxl u Ahu'a-[...,...];
rcst broken away (Rest destroyed or too broken for transla-
tr beginning broken aııvay tion)
l' ^lxxxxxxxxx]
2' ^lxxxxxxxxx]
3' ^lxxxxxxxxx]
5' ^xlxxxxxxxxx]
6' ^xlxxxxxxxxx]
7' ^lxxxxxxxxxl
rcst broken away

7. List of Officials at Court

83- 1- 18,596 . ADD 833

Y beginning broken away destroyed)
\', [" r -r-d]IM Lri.DIB-PA.MES chariot driver;
2', Px x X]LL(J.GAL ki-Şir cohort commander;
J f^x x x xlx LrJ .cAR-nu prefect;
4' l^x xxlx rsLr3.t. ditto;
5', l^x x xl LrS.qur-z,Ac royal bodyguaıd;
6', |^x x x x LIj 'GAL-kil|-Şir INN, cohort-commanlder;
rest broken away (Break)
If beginning broken away
ü'1l = no. 5 r.i.19; no. 9 i.18,.
7 Fragment from cenüe of a lalge, thick tablet wiü 2 oI moİe colüfuıs. Uncertain which face is obv.


2' xxxxxx xl
3', xxxxxx xl
rest broken away
I' beginning broken away
l' ^lxxxxxxxf
3' dlxxxxxxxl
4' ..i 4 Apladad-l.. t;
^ (Break)
rest b(oken away
tr 1 ['J .I J J Lü] .GAR-rır,
I [NN, p]refect;
2 ['J İ J] LÜ.SAG [NN], eunuch;
3 l^x xl-d Lt .qur-zAc DUMU!-MANI
4 ['İ İ]-LUGAL LÜ.Jd-6lR.2
5 |^x-x]---rğ-ğur LÜ.DB -PA.MES
6 [, MA]N?-PAB LtS.qur-zAc
8 ['qr] MAN-PAB L(J.cAR-na , prefect;
9 ['JJ.T.rkLü.EN--GIS!.GIGIR! chariot owner;
rest broken away

2. Lists of Lodgings for Officials

FlG. ..Ninevite oİfıciaıs at a pubıic Spectacle (reıgn

of Assirbanipal).
BM t24862.

8. List of Lodgings for Officials

81-2-4,4s7 ADD 839

1 |^ g d ] - di- a L(J.ğ d-a\R.2 1 |Ga|d\a, İa İcpi gııard'1,
2 [^(x) x ,ı7a|-ta-&, L(J3^ğli x lr.-ylata', 'third man';
3 [^Dl- muEN]J q- E ğ - me rı3.ıyıu : [Sulmu-beli]JaSme,cook;
4 |^xxxx]r(ı.z-u a [NN], deputy;
5 ['llİLü].SUM.MI\DA 5 [NN], confectioner;
rest broken away (Break)
Rev. beginning broken aıray
t' ['I "I "T LÜ.EN-_GIğ]. rGIGRl ..ı [\N]' chariot lownerl',
blank space of two lines z [in all, x: the ' resid'ences' l beneath ıhe
z', fx x x x|x İa1 -paln ap| -ti

9. List of Lodgings for Officials

K 8143 + 80-7- 19,105 ADD 860

I beginning broken aıvay (Beginning destroyed)
l' lxxxxxxxxlx i i [......]

2' |^x' x x]-I\ıı [rı3] .DD_PA.MEj [... ] -Adad, chariot driver;

3' ['l l] _a-a Lü.EN.NAM [Arb]ayu, governor;
4' [dr] MAN_PAB Lü.SAG [...]-Ğarru-uşur, eunuch;
5' [dx]-su rü.:. [...]-eriba, ditto;
6' l^xl-bi-i L(J.rcLDrrB AMA MAN [Gaö]bi, treasureı of the queen mother;
7' |-x x x x|tü.c* ki-şir:. [NNl, cohort commandeı ditto;
8' |^x x x x xı(ı].mu-ğdr-kis lNNl, recruitment officer:
9' |^x x x x xı]ı3.DIB-PA.MEğ tNN], chariot ddver;
10' fx x x x x xtt.c]ın|-nu 10
tNN, prelfect;
11' x ü r Lü.B{--GI]S|.GIGR.
.T "r ıı [NN], chariot [owzer]
12' lxxxxxxxxlx
one or two lines completely desfoyed
L5' lxxxxxx]txxxl
16' I PAB] mu-ğe-bi qa-ba-Su-İe
14| 16 lin all], 14: the central 'residences.
t7' [.]
rdl PA-MU-PAB Lü.i.DUs ıı Nab0-5umu-uşur, gate-guald;
18', Idlpı ki l - lı - a -ni ru.DB PA.MEs ıı Nab0-killanni, chariot driver;
t9' |^t]ar-[h]u-un- da-pi-i Lü.GAR-ı,.l 1ı Tarhundapi, prefect;
20' PAB 3 mu-İeJbi\ [L]ü.A.BA.MEğ 20 in all,3: the 'residences' of the scribes.

21' ^drıui--zu! t(ı.ceg-nu 2ı Adad-le'i, prefect;

8 ADD has incoffect museum number, Fragment from top right-hand comer; unceffain whether tablet had more
üan one co]umn. The face heIe designated Rev. is in fact flattel and may irl fact be obv. 2 ia is some\'hat distofied
but fairly ceItain- rl Eiaher Lü.EN- ' . ' "chariot owtrel'' or Lü. .. . "chaliot_horse-trainer. " a2 se€ coll. By compari-
son with no. 9I.ii.3 we are probably right ro restoİe ğaPaI aPıi.
9 Photo Pl. II. Lng vertical 2 column ıablet tacking uppq thild oI quartel. i.ll see note on no. 8 I.l. i.l5
For traces at end see coll.



22' fr ğör-'zN'Ac ı-Ü.ı[N1-r615ı.1oro1* zz ğer-nuri, chariot owner;

,3 Dilil-Issar, ditto;
23', ^di'ııı d15 L(J.|'
24' dPA..T(JG_MAN PAB LÜ.2-i ,4 Nuğku-ğarru-uşur, deputy of the queen
25' Lü.(Ağ.LLLAMA MAN moüer's cupbearer;
26' ^man-nu-ki_ı,y-,ğılr LÜ.DIB_PA.ü\ffiğ ,6 Mannu_ki-Ağğur, chariot dıiver;
27' 'PAB -cls LÜ.EN CIğ.GIGIR ,7 Ahi-leğir, chariot owner;
28' PAB 6 mu-ğe-bi LÜ.EN|.NAM z8 in all,6: t}ıe 'residences' ofthe govemors.

tr beginning broken away

1' lx x x x x x xl-a lx x x1
, 1......]a, [...J;
2' [^x (x) x-m]a! -a r(ı.|x' ıc x] [...]ma, the [. .. ];
3 [... ] -apli, cupbearer;
4' rmPAB|.lffiğn_j'4l-lim r(ı.q|url-zıc a Ahhe-ğallim, royal bodyguard;
s in all, 5: the 'residences' of the brervers.
5' PAB 5 mu-ğe-bi Lü.ğIM,[(,)]
6' ^ağ-ğur-As L(J.qur-7Ac
6 Ağğul-iddina, royal bodyguard;
7' ^ta-bdı-d-a L(J.|.
7 Tabalayu, ditto;
ı Ağğur-nadin-ühe, lchariot] ownel;
8''4.i-ğ,rr--suM PAB.ı',EğLÜ.EN aIIS.GIGIR]
9' PAB 3 ınu-ğe-bi URU.ğE_'Jk r] s in all, 3: the 'residences' of the village
of [NN].

10' fuıs_ı,ru-lS ıÜ_x[ı.r ıo Issar-ğumu-iddina, [. .. ];

t1' frPA re-eh-ıf|_PAB LÜ."x]k AM]A!_MAN ıı Nabi-reh1u-uşuı, [...] of the queen
12' 'dn4_PAB.I€ğ-sLn4 Lü.DIIB PA.M]Eğ ı, Adad-ahhe-ğallim, chaı[iot dri]ver;
6D|NG|R-mu-ğe-zib 13 llu-muğezib, horse trainer lof open cha-
13' Lü.GIS.GIGR [DUs.
M]FJ riotlry;
ı4 Sakkuku, [ditto];
14', ^sa-ku-ku Lt.l:.1 ı5 Pulu. ditto;
t5' ^pu-uJuri.t:.1 ı6 summa-ussezib, ditıo;
t6' - İıim-ma_ü-se-zi b L(] .:
ı? Nabi-ğumu-iddina, ditto;
T7' fupı_ı,ıu_.lğ ıü.:.
18 Muğezib-Ağğur, royal bodyguard;
18', ^mu- İe -zib---aK - İur rı3.qur-zıc
19 in all, 9: the 'reŞidences' of the Huhq-
\9', PAB 9\ mu-ğe-bi hu-h[d|-ma-a-a

20' x]lx x1 [-T] hr GALI-IDAMı.[GAR] ,0 [NN], chief ın €r[crıan

2t' .4/ıı -b4r-rl Lü.EN--GIğ.GIGIR
| '];
21 Ambattu, chariot owner;
22 Muğezib-Ağğur, eunuch;
22', ^lı1u- ğ e - z ıb
ağ - ğur L(J.S AG
z.t .EN_BAD Lü.,ğ.i--ch.2 23 Bel_duri, ğa ğopı glaİdi
PAB a mu-ğe-bi Lt.ıqh-hi-ni za in all,4'. the 'residences' of the steward.

25' ^rğm-a-na-dxı|L(J.qur-ZAc
25 Remanni-Adad, royal bodyguard;
26' PAB | ınu-ğe-bi LÜ.NAR.GAL 26 in all, 1: the 'ıesidence(s)' of the chief

27'. fuU.GUR_MAN-4-ni Lü. J] 27 Nergal-ğarrani. |...I of Birılul;

28' L'RU.HAL. [ŞU 0]
,, Qurdi-AğğuI' [...];
29', ^qur-di- -aİ-İur |x x x]
30' rcıR.[2 'ağ-.ğ,.r [İ.r J] 30 ğe[p-Ağ]ğur, [... ];
3ı Milki-[..., ...];
31' ^mil-ki-xfx x. xl :z Issar-na'id, [...];
32', ^ls-llx x xl
JJ x] 33 Tabal[ayu,...];
^ta-bal-fa-a x ıc
34', PAB 6 mu-ğe-|bi )c x x] 3a in all,6: the 'residen[ces' of ...]

ii.s Brcakase at the end of üe sisn makes it uncertain whetheI the sclibe .ü/rote sIM, SIM*A oİ ğIM,NI\IDA. ii'lo For
lrace after İu see coll ii. ı 9 Po$ibly zd fo' İ[d ol -ıla fot -ma| fo:. |^ck of a place deteminative (e'g. URU) see I.i.24.
ii.31 sign aftel *i begins wiü 2 or 3 horizontals.


I | ^a-dül-Ilil L|3.DU[MU ğU.2] r.i ı Adallal, adj|utanıl;
2 ^man-nu4i lııN ıı3.|x xf ı Mannu-ki-Sarri, [...];
3'AN.GAL Dü-r.ğLü.[rr] ı Issaıan-epuİ. ... |:
4 PAB 3 mu-ğeJb{ ı-[(ı1ı x]
+ in all,3: the 'residences' of the [...].

'sUH[U]s_d?.BI Lü.DA[M?.GAR] 5 Ubru-Sebetti, merlchentli

I.]dAMAR.UTU-SU Lü.c AL-ki -|S i r] e Marduk-eıiba' cohort command[er] of
GAL SAG OI the chief eunuch;
trPA MAN PAB Lü.qurzAG x|x1 8 Nabü-5arru-uşur' bodyguard ...
-r6m-a-na 15 Lü.EN G[IS.GIGIR]
, Remanni-Issar, [chariot] owner;
'ARAD PAB.MBğ-.ğ, Lt3-ğü qlur|-bıll lo Urad-ahhe5u, peIrs onall 'third man'1

^man-nu ki-MAN Lt .cAR-fnu) I I

Mannu-ki-ğarri, plef[ect] ;
PAB 6 mu-ğe-bi Lt.G[AL1_x| 72 iıall, 6: the 'residences' of İhe chie|f ...l

t3 ^Şiı {"ğ - ğul L|3*.GAL-|X x] 13

şil-Ağğur, chief [.. . ];
t4 frvİU _ğ a l - lim L(J. x|x x] ı+ Samağ-ğallim, [. . .l;
15 PAB 2 mu-ğe-bi L(J* .Ix x x]x ıs in all, 2: the 'residences' of the [...].

16 ['İ] - f, DDIGRr Lü. k ,f] ı6 [...]-ili, [. .. ];

77 lxxxxxxxxl ız 1NN, ...J;
18 lxxx;cxxxx] ıo 1NN, ...J;
t9 |rıı ı] lınu|-İe! -bill fx x] re 1i1 all,3l: the 'residences' [of...].

20 .dMAğ.MAs Gtr I-PAB Lü.EN--GIS.GIGIR 20 Nergal-mukin-ahi, chadot owner;

21, dPA MAN-PAB Lü.GAL_rışır A] MAN 2ı Nabü-ğarru-uşur, cohort commander of
22 ^ti-q-zq-ruLt.qur-ZAcAMA MAN the crown prince;
23 ^qu- qi -i t(ı.rag - g i- mu zz Wazaru, bodyguaıd of tlıe queen mother;
blank space of one line ,3 Quqi, prophet;
24 o1 PAB 4 mu-ğe-bi di-kı-ni-a-a 'a iı a|l, 4: the 'residences' of the Dika-

25 -gu-ıu-Şu L(J.GAR-nu 25 Gullusu, prefect;

26 -gq-da-a Lo.ğı14iR.2 za Gad6ı, İa İepi gııard:.
27 ^DI-mu BN LI3.2-ü 27 Sulmu-beli, deputy of the chief of ıhe
28 LÜ.GAL KAR Jd AMA_},[\N quays of the queen motheı;
29 |^x]-ma-nu| r(ı .z-İrt ı_uıN ,9 [-.]manu. 'üfud man'ofıhe crown prhce:
30 |*D1- m1u--jİıl-'l a-d ğ - me L(J.MU
30 [Sulm]u-beli-lağme, cook;
31 |^x x x]-bu Lü .GAL'4a-a-aJi
31 [...]bu, chief of the scouts;
|^x x x x] tıj.ğö_x|x x]
ız tNN], ...[...]
rest (3-5 lines) broken away (Break)
tr1 ^
har - ğ e - ğ u rı3.c ıp.- nu ..ii 1 Harğeğu, prefect of the Hallateans;
2 Lü.hal||-ıa-a-a
blank space of two lines 3 [in all, x]: the 'residences' beneath the
IPAB xJ mu-İe-bi KL.'IA ap-ıi| Window.

4 x x]-meI ı'(ı .\.ou" a 1..-lme, gate-guard;

IPAB l mu-{]qb Lü.GAL-SIAG?I 5 lin all 1: 'resi]dence of the chief

6 kİ URU.ş]i!-ld !l-nr-a-a
.ır 6 [... S]idonian(s) lwho ealt 1...1.
7 lx x x-kall?-u-ni

ii.25. r.i.3-5 omitted in ADD. ıi8 Last sign unclear; see coıl. r.i.15
'.i.r Restoİation of pIofession after no. 5r.i32
Final tlace is on dght edge; see coll. see coll. fol end of line. r.n.2 Alüough üe ADD copy is accurate,
close collation Ieveals the signbefore,d tobe aİal wrilten ovel a vertical wedge;cf. no' 5 ii.38. r.ii.3'.
Cf. no. 10 for otheI instaıces of ılı,r_,Iaü. oüer Iestolations thatr s[AG] possible at end. r.ii.6-? Translation
follows a suggestion of SP.



blank space of two lines

8 lhx x x L(Jl.qur-zAc A-MAN
8 [NN, b]odyguard of the crown prince;
9 |x x x x] uRu .Şi-du-nq-a-a
e [NN], Sidonian;
10 FrrLÜ].3_.ğiA_MAN l0 lNN l. 'third man' o[ ıhe crown prince:
11 [ı -ı _r ı x]ı.vıS (Break)
about six lines broken away ıa [NN, ... of the] crown prince;
l8 [x.r .r ı .r ı x] re uANl ıe [NN, ... of the] queen mother;
t9 [ı.r.r ı .r ı]ı em ıııaN ,20
INN l. bodyguard of the crown prince:
20 I^ )c x x x L(JI. qur -z AG A-MAN zı fin all, x.'. the'residences' of the] mag-
21, k .r .r.ü.t L]Ü|.GAL.MES nates.

22 [x ııx.rx]ıe ıaeN zz [NN, ... of the] crown prince;

,3 [......
lx xxxxxxslAl{ ]
rest broken away (Rest destroyed)


FIG. 5. Two stdff-bearers drinking (reign of Sargoı II).

BoTTA AND FLANDIN, Monument de Niniıe I, 66.


10. List of Lodgings for Officials

83-1- 18,594 ADD 850

I beginning b'roken away (Beginning destroyed)
1' [^x x x]-İe-zib |Lt1'mu1-x xl ı 1... ] -ğezib, [...l...;
2' 1x1rsn-ri-6u 71 1

3' [dPlAt-su Lt .2-u 3 lNa]bü-eriba, deputy of the team com-

4' |
ğa|1 L(J .GAL-rt-rqt mander;
5' [']dMAs.MAS!-MAN_PAB Lt.GİJ-+i-şir 5 Nergal-ğaru_uşur' cohort commandel;
6' pz]ıl-ar-zu|-arza| Lü.:.| 6 fz|uaİzj.I'aİZa, dittoi
7' |PAB 3 m]u-İab Lü.GAL.MES 7 [total, 3: the 're]sidence' of the mag-

8', [d,]_MAN_PAB LÜ.GAL-ği_şir 0! 8 [... ] _ğarlu_usur, coholt commander;

9' I^x x x]x Lt.quİ-ZAG
s [NN], royal bodyguard;
10' l^xxxxxxlx ıo 1NN, ...J...;
rest broken away (Break)
tr beginning broken away
I' IPAB| mu|l-|ğab L|3.x xl iiI total, the'resi[dence' ...];
2' ot uP.u.ti-lu-lli1 x xl a the city of Tilu[/i ...];
3', o! PAB 6 [.I İ.I] 3 total: the house of [...1.

4', o|^Si-ıım |xxxl a Silim-[...], 'third man' [...];

5', rı3.z-İrtfuxx]
6', ot^PABJta?-murf 6 Ahıı-lafmur|, royal body[guard];
7', Lt.qulrt-zAcl
8', o!
tuIM-[r.' r] 8 Adad-[...], [... ];
g', rftt.x x x x] (Bıeak)
rest broken away
I' beginning broken away
|' |PAB x] mu-İ|ab x x xl '.i
1 ltotal, x]: the'resid[ence' ...]

2' lxx xl-sa-al'-x x xl , [...]sa[,...];

3' |x x x ı-](ı 'aır-|x x x] : 1]ıt\, c]hief [... ]
rest broken away (Rest destroyed)

11. List of Lodgings for Officials

8t-2-4,501, ADD 841

beginning broken away (Beginning destroyed)
1' fulx.x.[xxxxxx] 1 [NN, ...];
2' ^man-nu-ki-fxxxxxf u Mannu-ki-[..., ...]i
3' -lsla-di-lx x x x xl ı Gadi[..., ...];
4' 'sU PAB.MES lxxü.rl a Riba-ahhe, [. .. ];
5 ^iz-bu-ıilxxxxx] s lzbuıi, [. .. ];
6' \ucAL-nu-ri lx x x xl o Sarru-nuıi, l. . .l;

l0 Photo Pt. II. Fragment probably from near top left-hand comeİ of tablet originally wiü 2 or 3 columns. The
Iast three Iines in the ADD copy are in fact from a small unbroken area in the centre of the Rev. and Johns' Rev. i is
the second colümn pIeseİved on obv.
i4 .{a partially eıased. i9 hobably ]-i.
11 Fragment from bottom(?) left-hand corner; numberofcolümns, ifany, unceıtain. sPcoll. suggests ftansposing
Obv. and Rev.. but ADD'S Obv. is somewhat flatter than Rev. and this order has been retained.


7' PAB 7 ğa [mu-ğe-bil 7 iı a1|,7, of the ['residences'] of the

8' .ğ4 Lü.EN-N[AM? J J J] g ovle r nor(s)l -

r.1 'dPA-MU cAR-Irrr?l [İ r.r.I .r] .1 Nabü-öumu-i5kun, [.. ];

, Tarhundap[i], prefect of the Ha[la-

2 ^tar-hu-un-dıı_pIf-i]
3 L(J.GAR-nuhIal-ıq-a-a] teansl;
4 PAB 2| ğa mu-ğe-fbi ıc x x' x] a in all,2, of the 'residen[ces' of ...].
5 ^gq-d'a-la' fıc:cxx ıcx] 5 Gada', [.. . ];
6 lxxxfulxxxxxxxl (Rest destroyed)
rest broken away

12. List ofLodgings for Officials

8t-2-4,490 ADD 866

beginning broken arvay (Beginning destuoyed)
1' [ııı x mu]sğ6b|rı31'|x xxx] ı [in all, x: 're] sidence' of the [...].
2' ['JJ_P]A3.I,ESL|3.c1J' kı-Şı|rJ , [...]-ahhe, cohort commander;
3' ['dPA.T]üG_MAN_PAB Lü.GAL_TüG!.[UD] 3 [Nuğ]ku-ğaffu-usur' chief ful[ler] of the
4', [0] .ğ4 AM[A_MAN] queen mother;
5' IPAB 2 m]u-ğab Lü.EN-[İ s |in a|1,2: the 'ıe]sidence' of the [goı-
'] ernor(s)1.

6' Ituxl- aJik -pa-ni Llt.x x] 6 [...]-alik-pani, [...] of the lqueen]

7', [o Ja] AMA-IMAN] mother;
8' lx x xl-niLtS.lxl 8 [...]ni, [. .. ];
9' |xxxxx]rı3'|xx1 [NN], [.. .];
rest brcken away (Rest destroyed)
Rev. completely broken away

.2 Final trace see coll. Hardly -p[', alüough this would be expected in üe lighr of no. 5 ii.38. r.4_5 Assuming that
üe scribe lefı out üe dividing line after üis section; otheIwise, mr,-İe-[bi ol fuqa-da-la'l [...] "the 'Iesidenlces]' of
Gada' I...1" GMW).
12 Fragment flom cenüe of tablet. surlace flat, so probably obv. Externa.lly similaI to no. 7.


13. List of "Architects" and Scribes

K975 ADD 769

1 'o.ğ-.İr,r-DÜ PAB.IIGĞ Aİ5uı-bani-ahhe;
2 tuPA-sAG i-Ji Nabü-reğu_iğği;
3 ^kaı-bu Kalbu;
4 ^ba-ni-ni Banini;
5 .sr.sA-drM Mu5eöir-Adad;
6 ^ur-du Urdu;
7 lrııü aı'3*.
ı " - ro -oo' o-o [toİal],6 architectS-
8 l^xl-a-a "
[... ] ayu;
9 f^x-klu? -su [...k]usu;
r.1 .dPA_MAN-PAB.MEs-.ği Nabü-ğar-ahheğu;
2 fuPA-_rnu-İe-şi , Nabi-muğeşi;
.,) 'a.İ-,ğu r MU-AS ı Ağğur-ğumu-iddina;
4 .DUMU_15 a Mar-Issar;
blank space of two lines
5 PAB 6 LÜ*.A.BA.MEğ 5 total, 6 scribes.

14. List of Various Craftsmen

K 13086 ADD 770

1 rm!ın4n-)a-Q IDINGIR?I I Ma' a-il;
2 ^to a-bi
z Adda-abi;
3 ^ro id.-ri
3 Adda-idri;
4 ^DrNctt-lip-hur
5 PAB 4 Lü.str\4UG-A[N?.BARl 5 total, 4 [iron ]smiths.

6 "Dr-mlu xxxl o ğulm[u-..., ... ];

1 tt.xlxxxxxl
two lines brcken away (Break)
Rev. one line b'roken away
2 ^fxxxxxf .:
3 PAB st[Lt.x)cx] total, 5 [... ]

4 tulip-lx.x xl x.
4 Liplhur-...11
5 ^bq-zq-zlu 0l
s Bazazlü, ...Ji
6 -büsl 6 Uarlbisl;
7 PAB 3 LÜ*.DUG! .e[Ar.B]uRl 7 total, 3 potters.

13 Photo Plate II. small vertical tablet. 5 The reading is completely clear. 9 Reading _i]ı.ç,. also
possible. A variety of names could be restored.
14 Photo Plaae II. Top left-hand comer of small vertical tablet. ! Reading of this Iine very uncertaiD, but the
firsı syllable of ıhe name'i\ no| li. Final 6ign perhaps -ıli.
5 UIRUDU "copperismiü)" would also agree wi|h the
lfaces al ıhe end ol lhe line. i6 For.j[r? see col|.; certainly noı Ei.


15. Note of Foreign Govemors(?) and Others

K 1531 ADD 867

beginning broken away (Beginning destroyed or too broken for
five almosl completely unreadable lines translation)
6' tuu_bur_tiqI_x x (x)1 6 Ubur-yal...l;
7' PAB 3 ina! KvR! l[üı-r (ı x)] 7 tota7,3, in the Land ofthe [...] Official;
8' ^ih-ni-aı-klq-x] 8lhniatkla...1:
9' ^ni-tat -a-a-ha-ti? Iol 9 Nıtayahati,
lO' ^at-kaJa-an-ni lol |0 A ıkalanni;
Il' ^su-aJı-i b] ı1 Su'ali;
12' PAB 4 Lü.EN.NAM.MES 12total 4 - the governors;
13' nl i|1-ü-i'l [KUs].PA.ItrJ 13Iti, chariot driver;
14' [fur]_ıucer ııı ıÜ. rı x -r x' 14 [...]-ğalru-uşuI' [...];
rest broken away (Rest destroyed or too broken for tuansla-
Rev. destroyed except for 3 lines from top tion)

16. List of People

82-3-23,136 ADD 845

possibly one or more columns lost (Beginning destroyed or too broken for
I begiıuıing bloken away translation)
T' lxxxxxxx)-a
z', |xxxxxx.ıı.]rS
4', lxxxxxxxxl
If beginıing broken away
1', Pf\B5lxxxxxl ii I total, 5 [...].

z', ^bu-da-la?l Budd;

3', ^r0 ra-hi-lxl Adda-rahi[.
4', ^ağ-ğuİ z[uzl AğğurJIe' j]
5' ndpA rSU?l Nabi-eriba:'
6' Ynan-nu kli-x xl Mannu-kli-...1
7' 'DÜG.GA [İ-l'] z Jab-[..
rest broken away (Break)
I' bmken except for one sign
tr' beginning broken away
l' da-a rfa? -mel t.ü,1 Aya-rlqmel.
2' 'HE.NUN-4-4 2 Nuh5aya;
3' ^ADja-mu 3 Abi-qamu;
4, ,dPA PAB AS + Nabü-ahu-iddina;
5' nzu pa-İir! s Le'ü-pağir;
6' ^arba-İl-a-a 6 Arbailayu;
7' lxl tx x1 lx x xl (Rest destroyed)
rest broken away
m' broken except for one sign

15 Vertical tablet, from its shape and general appearance perhaps a letter. Much of sudace badly abraded. 6
looks epigraphically defensible is unlikely in üe light of Iioe 7' following. 9 ,4: so coll. sP, confırmed as possible
by coll. JNP; at end possibly dUTIU in place of ıj.
16 Fragment from centTe of large tablet with 3 or more columns. Resembles no. 17, but not necessarily same
tableı. ii.2 For resıoration cf. no. 18 i.7' (sP). r.ii.I Final sign see coll.; JNP notes "not ra, I üiık.''


17. List of People and Their Superiors

K 12977 + K 12980 ADD 879

I' begiıuıing broken away (Beginning destloyed oı too broken for
1' lxxxxxxxltxxl translation)
2' |xxxxıcxxfuxx
3' |x x x ıc xx x]-u-a
4' lxxxxxxxl-ga
rest broken away
II beginning broken away
1' 'KAR-rrr k r.rJl ü 1 Etir-1...1.
2' ^lu-ıe-rik
uıN-s|u7] 2 Lu-telik-ğaIIus[su];
3' (J İ) 3 Nabo_[...];
4' PAB 8! -LUGAL-k (rr)l a in all, 8: Sarru-[...l.

5', tuPAjt-su ilq-bil Nabü-balassu-iqIbi];

6', ^mu-qur1 ol Muqur(u);
7', -zq-bi[nu] ZabiInul;
8', 'dğü-MAN_P[AB?] Marduk-5arru-ı[şar]
9', x]
^in-x|ıc In[... ];
10' ı0 Adad-1...1
Test trmken away (Rest destroyed)
Rev. completely broken away

18. List of People of Various Professions

Bıı 89-4-26'124 ADD 832

I beginning broken away (Beginning destroyed)
I' lxx x x xl-d i r [...]4;
2' |xxxıcx|-a [... ]a;
3' [PAB l LÜ.T].MEğ 3 ltotal, x ... ]s.

4' |^xx ıc x]-ni a [...]ni, lchariot driv]er


6', ['; "ü

(İ)]_sU [...]-eriba;
7', ^lblu-dlal -q B Iud]6;
8', '4ğ-.İür-DINGIR-4-4 Ağğur-ila'i;
9', ^suk-ka-a-a Sukkaya;
10' ^
qğ - ğur1AB.MEğ bal - l i| ıo Ağğur-ahhe-ballil;
tt' PAB 5 LÜ.GIS.GIGIR MAN ı1 total, 5 holse trainers of the king's cha-

t2' ^gır-Sa-Pu-nu
12 Gir-Şapunu, his colleague
t3' İı1: is-si-ğii

14' dsü sU Lü.A.BA la Marduk-eriba, the scribe of the palace.

15' 6.cAL
II blankr

17 Fngment ftom right side of large tablet with 2 of moIe co1umns. Cf. no. 16. ii.9 For sign after jıı see coll.
ii.ıo -Kl[N also possible.
18 Vertical 2 column tablet, wit}ü the fight_hand column on each face ütheI narrower and ütinscibed 7 Cf.
no. 16 ii.2.



I blankl
II 1 Lüı.NAM KrJR.put-ut-me ii I The govemor of (U)pumu;

2 LÜ.INAM ısıu.kul]-m|e|l-ri 2 the lgovernor of Kulilmmeri.

3 x|ıtıcxxxl (Rest destroyed)

rest broken away

19. List of Various Craftsmen

K 1965 ADD 868

begiruring broken away (Beginning destroyed)
1' kJ J Lü.SIMU]G.KUG.GI ı [... gold]smith
2' [, .r .r Lü.GAR] .U.U| .I,Eğ 2 [... stone]-borers
3' k.r.r Lü.B]LB.!.GUL! 3 [... st]one-carver
4' klJ Lü.K]AB!.SAR a [.. . en]graver
5' [.ü l .r Lü].SMUG-URUDU 5 [...] coppersmith
6' fx x x r(ı.{1eJap-a-a 6 f... arlchitect
7' fxxxxxf tx1 (Rest destroyed)
rest brcken away
Rev. broken away

20. List of Various Professions

Th r929-t0-r2,90 (BM r21094) lıaq 32 24

I beginning broken away (Beginning destroyed)
1' k] Lü.Jd IGI 6.GA[L 0] r [...] the palace overse[er]
at least one colurm bıoken away (Break)
ReV. at least one column bıoken away
I' 1 ['] 4 Lü.NU.GIğ.S[AR.I,IEğ] t.t 1...1, 4 garden[ers];
2 k] 3 Lü.ğtr\4'A.[I!Gğ] , [...],3 brewerls];
3 k] LÜ.TUG.KA.[KEğ] 3 [... ], tailor;
4 k] 2 Lü.NAGAR.N-Gğ [0]
a [...],2 carpenters;
5 |x] rı|u o]
6 [İ] Lü.İ.DUs Ki k (J)]
6 [... ], gate-guard ... [...];
7 [ı r]ü?.N.qn [.x (.x ı)] 1 1...1, singer 1...1;
remainder broken away (Rest destroyed)

r.ii.l 2 Foı the two place names logether cf. no. 3 i.8f.
19 Fragment from left edge of a small vertical tablet.
20 Botlom left hand comer of multıcolümn tablet.


21. Survey of Palace Officials

82-5-22,112 ADD 835

beginning broken (Beginning destloyed)
|' |x-me r]t|.qur-zı[c|l l [x hundred, the b]odyguards;
2' |x-me rt*.cıS.GIGI]R DUs.MEs z [x hundred, the hoise train]eıs of the
open chariotry;
3' [x-ırıe tı3*.a]la|-nu|.\Bİ ma-'a-si 3 [x hundred, the p]refects of the royal
4' |x-me r]ı3 .ı sıc' a [x hundred, the ch]adot fighters;
5' |ı1-mel rı-]Ül..ia 6 ciı 5 [J00], the mule-house-men;
6' r5-me-m11 tf*t.cAr CAL.MES 6 520, the high officials;
7' ı-me rıj*.ğa-t_z-e 7 300, the domestics;
8' 3-me U3*.ka-Şir 8 300, the tailor(s);
9' z-me-mLt3*.KASt.L'.IiLo! e 220, the cupbearer(s);
10' 4-me Lt* .MU .\BS ro 400, the cooks;
r.1 4-m [e L]ü.SUM.NNDA.MEğ '.1 40[0, lbe] confectioners;
2 2-me |L|3*].A.BA.\tsİ , 200, [the s]cribes;
blaıık space of one liıe
3 ı-|lim z-me] rE!ı GAğAN 6 3 1,[2001, the hotsehold of the Lady of the
blank space of one line House.
4 r8?l_[me Lü*].GAr sAG 4 8100, the| chief eunuch;
blank space of one line
5 [' .ıPAB BAD 5 [x hundred, A]hu-duri;
'] space of oııe line
6 fx x ^ğe? -nu tı-rnur 6 [x hundred, De]nu-amur;
space of ca, 3 ünes
7 [ıı x.x ı] ııııt?
rest broken away (Rest destroyed)

22.Pafüal duplicate of No. 21

83 - 1- 18,399 ADD 836

beginning broken away destroyed)
l' 3-me |U3*1.LİE_$-{IRJ the
z', 5-me LÜ*.GAL-rGALİ_MRğ| 500, the high
J 3-me L[t .ğıi]_f''2-e 300, the domestics;
4' ı-me rft.k|a|-şir 400, the [tai]lors
5', 2-me -2o I L|3* !1'K Ağ.LuL 220, the cupbearer(s).
r.1 4-ı?ıe Lü*.M[U].MEğ| 400, üe [co]oks;
2 4-me Lü*.s[UM!.MNDA.NE]s 400, the conlfectioners];
J z-me Lt*.A'B[A.M]Bğ 200, the scribes;
space of one line
4 1-liıı7 2!-me! E GA1AN E a i,200, the household of the Lady of the
space of one line House;
-5 k]_m€ ILü+.GAL!l_-s[AG] 5 [8]00, the chief eunuch;
rest broken away (Rest destroyed)

2l Lower half of small vefiical tablet. Closely associated with no. 22. Itremains uncetain whether the IlumbeIs
jn ahese texts rcfer to the persoDnel listed, or just to nu'$bers of items associated in some way with tlıem. 7-8
T.ansposed by ADD. .3 Number restored after no.22r.4.
22 IrweI half of small veİtical tablet' Cf. no.2t. l Restoled afteI no. 2l:5'. r'2 Restomtion surely corect,
though space very cramped.


4. Lists of Female Personnel

Fl.G,8.. Femaıe on the queen: behind the

^ttendants garden scene.
throne in Assurbanipal's
BM t24920.

23. Survey of Harem Govemesses and Weavers

K 829 ADD 950

1 M[.GAR.r,cs Harem governesses
2 Mt Rt]B4 L'RU zi-zı, -4 Nineveh Central City;
3 KI]R ırıa_Jor-re NINA.I<I Review Palace of Nineveh;
4 KuF.---rna-ğ4,r- te ki- sir GIBIL Revieıv Palace of the New Contingent;
5 IJRU .na-şib-na Nasibina:
6 IJRU .İi-ba-ni-ba ğluinlta;
7 URU.E-OIOI ZU Bit-AdadJe'i;
8 URu.ğu-u-du Sudu;
9 URu .ıe-e'-di Te'di;
10 uF.U.ka-hat Kahat;
11 2 uRu .su-ni-e 2, Sun6;
t2 vRU.tup-ha-en Tuphan;
13 6 GASAN_ğ ı3 the household ofthe Lady ofthe House.
e.14 PAB 13 [N,d.GAR.L{Eğ] ıa Total, 13 fharem goveınesses].
r.1 25 GAL-KA[Sr.LULI ,.t 25, (the land of) the chief cupb[earer];
2 m ra-ŞaP-p|a] , 20, Rasappa;
3 10 600 KUR 3 10, the palace heıald;
4 |0 ur-zu-hi-ıuL a 10, Urzuhina;
5 5 ma-za-mu-& 5 5, Mazamua;
6 25 drrdp-ha 6 25, Aııapha;
7 30kar---ağ-ğur ? 30, Kar-Ağğur;
8 m la-hi-ru 8 20, Lüiru;
9 PAB l-me-45 e Total, 145 weavers.
10 Uğ.BAR.I/fis

24. Survey of Female Singers, etc.

K 1473 + K 10447 (ADD 914) (+) K t944a ADD 827+

(ADD 113s)
1 |
dr ı|a- a J ql -ft el
3\ 61 ı 36 Aram[ean women];

2 rst ku-sa-a-a-tle x xf .I5 Kushite women [...];

J '7 aİ-ğur-q|-a-te GBMff. x x) 3 7 Assyıian women, m[aids of theirs];
4 ı İi-ihJu xfx x x] a 4 replacementfs .. .f;
5 |x'+]ı ui. ş ur| r a -fa - a - t el s [x+]3 Tyıian wom[en ...];
6 |x M1l.| klİ1 -ğE-|a-a-ıel 6 [x] Kass[ite women];
break of 4 or more lines (Break)
1,L hM]İ.KUR.GAR.RIA.IffiS] " [x fem] ale Cory[bantes];

Small verticat tablet. The subject matter ofthe two faces does not seem to closely connected, and the depth
lhe wedges suggesls üaı our Re!. may in fact have been wTi|Len firsl.
24 PhoıoPl.ll.Verticalrableı'ADD827aItdADD9l4join.|oformüelowerhalf:ADDl1J5isüe|opleft.hand
corner of lhe same tab|eı. but does no| join. Vaıy erasurei. z or possibly 16. a The -r betore üe bre'ak may be
the figure Io. l I Thjs designatjon, which recurs in 24, has been attributed tö üe word *&ıgalj.ı (CAD K 559) wiüich
wou|d noı be out ofp]ace arnong singeıs; foı the NA atteştadons cf. Menzel Tempel I, 24lT. No name IiuıSu is

32 .


t2 |31 ı1r-pad-dfa-a-q-tel i2 3 women from Arpa[d];

13 l ği-ih-|ıu x x' x] ıı 1 replace|menı...l;
t4 ı ld .as|-d[u1 -di-tü] 14 1 woman from Ashd[od];
15 2 hq-et-t0-qJa-ıe fr.x1-lx x x] ı5 2 Hittite women, ...t......].
16 PAB 94 [["T]] 4?6 GEl\fi.MBğ-lği!-ndlr [0] ı0 In all, 94 (women and) 46 maids of
17 PAB| .i4 AD-i, i4 A-MAN pAB l-me-40 l7 ı01al. of the fatheı of ıhe crown prince;
in all, 140.

18 Ml.ği'ti tab|-ni 2! GEl\fr,.MDğ | ls The woman Siti-tabni, 2 maids, diıto;

19 Mi.a-mat
--mu-ni 3 t:.1 19 the womaı Amat-Emuni, 3 ditto.

20 8 \d.NAR!.GAL 20 8 female chief musicians;

2l 3 \fr.dr-mı-&-a-ıe 2ı 3 Aramean women;
22 l|! l[,i. hdt - ta - a -l a - ı e|1 ,2 11 Hittite women;
13 Mi'Şur-ra-|q-a-tel ,3 13 Tyrian wo[men];
13 Mİ.KUR.GAR.R[A.MEs] 2a 13 fema.le Corylbantes];
25 ı
o 16.5a11ı- p .ı (.ı)] zs 4 women from Saft[...];
e.26 g ırt]Qiğ-ğıi-|a-a-te] zo 9 Kassite women;
27 PAB 61 Mi.NA[R.ı.Gğ] 21 in all, 61. female musicians.
r.1 s lıi.lıih-hi-nat [(x x)] .1 6 temple stewardesses [...];
2 6 Mi.A.BA.Iffiğ dr-.r[.T "r (l r)] 2 6 female ...[...] scribes;
3 tttl Mldn-dar-i-tti 3 1 woman-...;
4 4 fr.du-ra-a-a-te a 4 women from Dor;
5 15 Mİ.SIMUG.MES Mf .GAR.U.U.MES 5 15 female smiths and stone-borers;
6 1 Mf.Sur.I PAB 33 6 1 female barber; in all, 33.
7 PAB 1-me-94 llx]l s?2 GEI\,6.I\4ES ? Grand total: 194 (women) and 52 maids;
8 l| ııi. mu-raq| - qt - tıi o| 8 (also) 1 female spice-bread baker; her 7
9 2 GEü.E.I/Es-,ğd maids;
t0 P!\B l-me-5t6 fx x xl ıo in all' 156.

break, then uninscribed (Rest destroyed or uninscribed)

25. Survey of Female Personnel

K',I3218 ADD 901

I' hace only (Beginning destroyed)
If begiıuıing broken away
i' B! M]İ!.I4E[Sı] iit 23 fwo]men [...];
rs DUMU.\d.M[ES] , 15 daughters [.. ];
PAB a3 Mf.[MFj] 3 in all,43 wolmen ... ].
4' fı]ıe7 ı|-m|e| xxxf a lcrland totıı' 100 t...J.
rest broken away
Rev. completely broken away (Rest destroyed)

12 or 16l' 15 See coll. 16 Erasules afteI94, cf. üe erasüre in the parallel context r. 7; in each case the sğibe may
have intended a "colon" (:); the fot|owing figure is eitheı:o or 46, foi +o see on l. 17,. Ai end see coll. l? The bt;l
lsclearlyl4olsince94iscleaIinthepfeviousline.ıhedoubüulfiAuretheremusl be46. |8 The :' sign at üe end of
this line is in fact wriıten beneath üi VPs. 11 is noı cleaI lo what'it coüld refer. üPefhaPg best emend;d to -jd|| a. in
İ.9 tRMw]') 25 sıx- oı rıı give too many opdons for a definite Iestoration. l'.2 dr-mla'a-a-te is of coiulse
expected (cf. obv. 1), but ıhe traces do not agr;e; see coll. ı7 see on l. 16'. .8 At the end the scribe has eIased

25 small flagment from centre of a tablet wiü mole than one colulrur.



26. Survey of Female Personnel

82-3-23,9 ADD 828

beginıing, about one half, broken away
'l.' ım|i7ıxxıcxx\
2' M.KAğ.LUL.MES 1 ğAB rKAğr.hffiğ] bee[ı];
3, || lŞd| ni|1 U]r? Mİ.MNDA.}ffi(ğ)? i4-4
4' Mr.dNlN.lcAıl-a-ınq, the woman Nikkal-amat.
5' 7 N4I.IGI.DUB.IVEğ 7, the female treasurers;
6' ı ıl1.| hu1-mq|-ta-a-te 1, the woman Humatate.
7' ı0 a-lx4 MI.NAR.MES 10, for the female singeıs;
8' 1Mi.dNtrI.GAı_MAN-4, 1. the woman Nikkal-ğarrat.
Rev. uninscribed

26 Lower half of vertical tablet' 1 Altematively ı s[AB. 3 Jd also possibly ,li. The sign aftel NINDA does not
jd_a on the edge ofüe tablet ale cleal,
rcsemble ]VGl elsewherc inthe tablet, and is wriften oieİ an eIasure. The signs
but conceivably Iemain fİom üe signs the scribe intended to emse. a check malk As in left margi[
5 Elasure
after DUB. 6 Before ma therc is damage. 8 GAL clear.

5. Lists of Debts

flG. fi. Assyrıan eaf-rings.

MAXWELL-HYSLoP, "Iew e lle ry p. 237,

27 . Lisİ of Miscellaneous Debts

DT 2r7 + K 3782 (ADD 929) ADD 925+

1 1 MA 10 Gn,I 4*-ırt^x|x x x x x} 1 l mina 10 1/4 shekels, NlN...l,
2 f. \na-ni-ni k'ıü ^|x x x x] 2 tlıe house of Manini; in lieu of N|N]
3 z ı,ıe zı cftı ı-su |x x x xf 3 2 minas 23 1/3 shekels, [NN],
4 kunP!-fx xl
x a in lieu of Nabtı-[-. -l-
5 m GiN ^l'a|-arq -lxklx ıc x] 5 20 shekeıs, LaI[...];
6 ı2 GiN .EN_MAN-[PA]B? 0 12 shekels, Bel-ğarru-[zşz]r.
7 PAB 4MA34ciN 6-tsut x xx xl ı In all, 4 minas 34 l/6 shekels, ....
8 |x+f4! G|]İ
8 [x+]4 shekels' Garuşu;
ı [x+]1 shekel of [si]lver, Bel-ğarru-uşur;
9 [.r+]
lıl ciNn [K]UG!.UD -rEN!I-I!',{N_PAB 0|
10 GiN 3 4*|.[I\,Eğ ^ARAD1-dn|(İ -nüü-a ı0 [x+] l J/4 shekel, IUrad-Nlani:
['+] 1 0|
11 [x+l2l GlN ^Şuk-|ka]-| al-a| 11+] 21 shekels, Suk[ka]ya;
12 [x] GlN
^mlu|-x x x]x ız |xl |[6 shekels, M[u...];
13 |x] ^ğe-muJu A-|x x x1x
ı3 [...] samulu, son o/[NN];
14 |x x]-su İa kam-na-a-ıe fıc x|ıcJu-qu
ta 1...1... of sweetcakes 1...1:
15 [İ J].f, ğU.2 'dPA MU_rGAR?I
ır [... I care oI NabO-ğumu- j.ğiız: ...
16 lxxxxfxtxl (Break)
rest broken away
Rev beginning bıoken away
1', [İ -T "ü ']ARA.D-dı 5 ..1 Urad-Issar;
z', [_rİ _ü+] 1 GlN fuPA-MAN-PAB 7
[... x+]1 shekel(s), Nabü-Earru-uşur;
3', |x x] ^suk-ka-a-a ı^hn|-an-çu 3
[...] Sukkaya, son of HanJu;
4', [ıan ı+]ı vı:+? ciN K[UG.UD? İ s]El.PAD- ltotal, x]+1 minas, 34 shekels of s[ilver
ut-ıu ...l barley.
r.5' lx x. x x xJx ta-din lol s [......] given;
6', lxxxxxxl 6 [......],
7', lxx x x cilr{ re-e-lhell o! 7 1... shelkels, remainilngl;
8', lx x x xl tq-din [o]
8 [...] given;
9', [x x ı
x Ğ]u? 'ııir-3[ıi /]a? sUM|-'?iI 9 |... carJe o/Naıg[i' n]ot given],
10' or 20 MA.NA 3 GDJ m rdx k .x -rl ı0 20 minas 3 sheke1s, N[N];
tt' IPAIB 25 MA.NA T GfN [(r r)] ıl [tot]al,25 minas 23 shekels remaining,
12 at the disposal ofNabü-[...], the scribe.
t2' |o| re-e-he iın IGldPA*xfx x x]
t3' [0] Lü*.A.BA|
I4e [o P]AB 2 GÜ.UN [0]
ı4 In all, 2 talents.

27 Uppelpartofa vertical1ablet (ioin T' Kwasman). 2.4 İ,. presumably foI İıızr(rJ). 3_6 The ADD copy has
herc traces no longe. visible. 5 See coll. for end ofline. ? For traces atend ofline see colli last 2 signs possibly
rKıJc.( Dr' 14 Lası 4 signs very cleaI but their meaning obscure. ,.5 ADD ha( ki M-din. |.a sjgns al ıhe end
wrong]y assigned to r.7'in ADD' r.]2 see coll. foI final sign. r'13 omitted by ADD; the final sigı does have a
second vertical, thereby resembliıg zU, but collation suggests üat it was accidental'


I 28. List of Debts in Si'immö Province


47 61. ADD 8I4
r.rnu.Sı3ı- [ı ıcxxx] I The village of Qu[...],
URU.ğE_i0- [.ü ıcx:cx] , the village of Ha[...],
3 unu.Sı_'!şil-[x .t ı "r ı] 3 the Viuage of Şil-[...],
4 a-nagi-ın[ir-ti-İıh-nu] a iı |theirl entir[ety],
5 4-diGIS.SAR.M|Bğ|-ğü-nu] 5 including ftheirl gardens,
6,n4IGI@GAsAN_Jaın-me-DIİ,I|olR|-a-af 6 at the disposal of Sarıat-samme-il[a'i]

7 t1*T ct I MA^man-nu-ki-i-lx xl 7 1 talent 1 mina, Mannu-ki-[...], chief of

8 Lü.GAL MA.DU.DU.Iffiğ [0] the sailors.

9 [xM]A^pa^di-iGAr-*NAGAR.[MBS] e [x mi]nas, Padi, chief of the carpenter[s]

10 [ı+] ı GÜ fuMEs-sU GAR-rrü 10 [x+]1 talents, Marduk-eriba, prefect of

11 Lü.PA.MEğ the Sıafİ-bearers.

12 k+]10 MA -d30_MAN_PAB Lü.ARAD 12 [x+]10 minas, Sin_İarru-uşur, servant of

l3 [j]d -dPA_MAN-PAB Lü.EN.NAM Nabü-5arru-uşur, govemol.

["r+]2! Gü -DNGIR_zqb-bqd-d1, A.BA.

1,4 Ia [x+]2 taıents, Ili-zabada, scribe of the
15 ğdLt.ha-Za-ni uRu.NnİA mayor of Nineveh.

16 PA3 '.şi!-rı e!_DINGR -q'! Lt.2-i 16 Total: Sime-i1a', deputy.

17 or 20 MA -pd-di-i cAr-r,R[u?].MBS 17 20 minas, Padİ' village-manager, of the

18 x xl [x]
tf. estate [...... ];
19 I MA^l,c x tc x xl 'ı9 8 minas, tNN ......].
21 t *lr Gü 10 [MA'J "r .' -t] 21 1 talent i0 [minas, NN, ......]
22 |tı3|1'x|xxxxxx] (Break)
rest brcken away
tr blaıık space of 14lines

1 -lx x x xl )c ii ı The town of Silal...]'

2 ^kü|-K(_sLd|-tar 0] 2 Klbabıı-sfatarl, village manag[er ......]
3 GAL-URU.MIEğ .ü.ü İ İ]
4 txl lxxxx.xxxxl (Break)
rest (7 or more lines) broken away
Itr totally broken away
I' broken away
II beginning (at least 22lines) broken away
1' ı|xx'x'xxxx]
bıeak of 3 lines
5' 3 txxxl lxxxx]
III' beginning broken away
1' fx x]x. xlx x x xl
2' 1o1
ıan -6--n1me x x x x] t.111 z 4,4100 ...1,

28 Top lefr-hand quarter ofa large tablet, ofat least 3 andpossibly 4 columns. The rcverse (trot copied in ADD)
is very poolly wlitten and badly pleselved. i.7. I0 BefoIe cü this scibe seems to use a "correct" hofizontal wedge
for I (here and in i.21) and "i[correct" vertical wedges for 2.
i.l8 See coll.


3' [0?]
r9?l URU?. rlfiğl k İ 9 towns 1...1,
4' r3r9NU?.[GIs.sAR?.ıtGğ?]' '] 39 garfdenersl,
5, r5ı-rug-g4ı ral |x x xf s941...1,
6' 8-meJt41 xfx xl 814 t.. .l,
7' a lLUı.A.[BA1] I scrilbel,
8' [0]
r4o?r ERIM?. rI\Gğı 40 men,
9' {3n -linx-2-me-2n A.SA. 3,220 (measures) of comland,
10' k] Gü 19 MA KUG.UD [x] talents 19 minas of silver
1|' [PAB]URu.sı'i-ftıe_s ltotall: the city of Si'immo.

blank space of 2 lines

29. List of Debts

83-1-18,593 + 8I-2-4,403 (ADD 987) ADD 924+

\' 1 lx x x xl^tPAB-la-mur
i I Ix minas of silver|, Ahı-lamuı',
2 [İ-r
dd_PAB.ı,Dğ--cI , [..., ... ]-ahhe-ğallim.

3 lx;c^x-xf se-e' 3 lx minas, . ..l-Se'l

4 [ı* ı x].ıımS!_rın a 1..., ...-ahhle-etjr;
5 |xx x x x]_ığ1 5 1..., ...1-iddin.

6Ix x^x x xfx 6 [ı ıninas, NN, ...],

7lx x ı x].ı tGıı sAd 7 Iof İhe] chief eunuch.

8 [.r .' 'E]N!'ba-ııi 8 fx nıinas, Be]l-bani;

9 !x^x-xf-a? L(J.A.BA e [..., ... ]a, scribe
10 Iğıi? L(J 'cA]L+iS-Si-te
|0 Loİ the chief of the] fodder supplies.

11 x ^x-xlx-ra-du |\ |x minas .. '|ıadıı,

12 lthef may' oİ
t2 |x ıc x rf(ı1 .ha-za-nu '

13 lx x ^xl-bu-tlu ^MAN-lu-di-ri t3 fx minas,...lbunu, SarruJu-dari,

t4 |x x x| lKdT ^Yeı-bu-u
ıa [...] o/Ahab0.

15 lxxxxxxxlx (Break)
rest broken away
tr1 2MA.nxlx x x xl ii ı 2 minas, NtN ...],
2 lx. :c x x]
3 6 MA [-.r J., J] ı 6 minas, [NN ...],
4 lxxxxxl 4 [...];
5 I cI3 [^x x İ' x] 1 ralent, INN ...],
6 [...]
6 fxxxxl (Break)
two lines destuoyed
9 4TlxxxxxxxJ e 4 lminas ...1
10 İdI x|xxxxxx] to of 1...1;
11 5MfAtxxxxxxl ıı 5 milnas, NN]
12 ı, the [...]
rest broken away (Rest destroyed)

r'iii4 one collation suggested ANsE!instead ofNU; no certain reading is possible here.
29 Trvo recently jo-ined fragmenıs from üe cenftal upper part of a multicolur r tablet' Physically aıd by their
content they could fom paİt of no. 28; if so they would ei[heI belong to the top of Col. iii and iv on the obve$e, or
to the top of the rcveIse. i.r, 3. 8 Instead of "minas" also "talents" could be reslorcd. i.ll See coll.

40 1

30. List of Various Debts

K 8103 + K 8774 (ADD 986) + K 13209 ADD 815+

(ADD 900)
I entirely broken away (Beginning destroyed)
tr beginning bıoken away
|' |x x x x^Sa|Jal!ı-r,'-DlNGIR
ii 1..., Sa]ltiili, fma]yor of Nineveh.
2' l(x x x x) rtl.hq-za-nuNtNA.KJ.

3' k+]r5!r MAKUG.UD^tna7 -dint1 Lt*.A,BA 3 5 minas of silver, Nadin, scribe of lhe
4' İ& L\j.GAL_u- trarll.IrGğ! team commander.

5' lo MA^(ıS| - ı ar_g&d:-di LÜ.CAI_NAR s 10 minas, Astar-gaddi, chief musician.

6', 2|-me UDU.MBğ ğd ^d'd-rı j0,AN 6 200 sheep of Dari-ğarru, deputy of the
7', LI3 '2-u ğE LIj .G{'_ki-sir cohort commander.

8' PAB 7 Gü.ı]N 12 MA KUG.UD 8 Total, 7 talents 12 minas of silver, lxl

9' ["r]J GESTD{.I',IEğ 2-me |JDU'I\Bğ hq-bul (homers) of wine, 200 sheep
- debts (on) the
10' l(x) el-gir!-a-te la-bir-a-te old [dolcuments.

1l', [' r].I-r, 90 ANğE GEğTtr I.M[ES] rr [...] 90 homers of wine, [o]f Nashir-ili,
1z', [.Fld 'MGIN_DnIGIR L[üJ, "r] t... t.

1 3/ 20 MA| n!EI{! MAN-[.ü .r J ,] 13 20 minas, Bel-Sarıu-[..., ... ]

14' |ıd1 uııİı1^|xxxxxx] ra 10 minas, of N[N, ...]

one line blant

rest (at least 7 lines) broken aıray (Break)

III beginning broken away
1.' lxMl|^xlx x xxxx xl iii ı [x milnas [NNl, sonof A[......l.
2' A^a-xlxxxxxxxl
3' 20 MA'Dtr,rGIR gdlt-xfxxxxxf 3 20 minas, Ilu-qall..., ...].

4' I Gt ^Si-ıim-|x xxxx] a 1 talent, Silim-t..., ...l.

5' 1 Gü -MAN_MU_Ik "r.T d 5 1 talent, Sarru-.(umı-[...], son of [NN].

6' tA1
7' |l GI31 10? IMA.'ı.Il] 7 I İalefi ]0 lminas' NN ...]
8' lxxxxxxxl
9' 2nM{^xlxxxxxxl e 20 minas, [NN], the merfchant].
10' Lüı.DAMı.GIAR(İlü)]
t1' 2 Gü 15! [M]A! ^td1lx x x xl 1r 2 talents 15 minas, N[N, ...] of the town
12', rURU1.[.ü.T r .rl t. ..t.

13' tl lxxxxxxxxx] (Break)

rest broken away
ry completely desüoyed

30 Three joining fragments from the centre of a large, 4 column tablet. The probable alate ai the end of r.iv
suggests that obverse and Ieverse aIe corecdy assigned. ii.4 see coll.
ii']l Not KU]G.UD, buı possibly [o be
emended to ((UG.)UD. ii.14 or ]4 c[n{' iiı3 The final sign looks like m[a.


I beginning broken away
1.' ulRulxxxxxxxxf t.i 1 The tfown
2' 5t21f+x. x x x x x x x] 2 521+x......1i
3' ulnulJexxxxxx] 3 the tofwn ..-
rest broken away
tr beginning broken a'ıay (Breat)
1' 7|ıcxxxxxxxx] ı 7 [......] in the estate [of NN, ...].
2' inat rE\ lxxxxxxxx]

18a-|rıtxxxxxxx] ı 18 shi[eld (bearer)s . . . .. . ] in the estate of

4' inaf^fxxxxxxl tNN,...l.
s', 16 | nsuM-nla-x x x x xl 5 16 diuo, Iddinla-......1.

6', tlltl (r-rit in& lclt ^fx x x xl o 11 shield (bearer)s, at the disposal of
7', [ttl.cır-|x ıc ıc x x' x x]' NlNl, chief [...].
break of about 9 lines (Break)
t7' fxlx ral-rit!1 lx x x x x xl '7 lxl shield(beareı)s [. ..l,
1s', -dıo hu-uf Jni lx x x x] ıe Adad-hutni, [. . .l.

19' 17 GIS.BAN iı,4 IGI ''dlPA?l--sU! GAR-n,, t9 17 bow(men), at the disposal oİ Nabrt-
20' A-MAN eriba. prefecı o[ ıhe crown prince.

2|', |l7T ğd BAD|-HAL| 1| GIğ'BAN URU.SE ,4- 2l ]7 cavalİy,1 bow(man) the village of
nö-e Hanc, at the disposal of Silim-Ağğur, vizier.
22', inq |G\ ^Si-ıinı_ağ-ğur SUKKAI-

23' I
t5T 23 15 corral-men, at the disposal of Ku-
24' inq |G| *ku-Sa-q-(ı DIB_PA.MEğ GAR.KIJ'R sayu' chaıiot driver of the Prefect of the

25' ııı a|-di a-x|x x x] 25 The town Agganu, including lits ...],
26' lx xl
t^si-fl-lx x x x xl zr 1. ..1 Se'_[...l
rest broken away (Break)
III beginning broken away
l' txl
lxxxxxxxxxl ..iii ı [...... ].
2' Y|ıı? x xx x]x.ınİ 2 to[ta|,......1s.

3' 2szttl inauRut,tu!-a-a-bi ı 26 persons in the 1own of Tu'a-abi, at the

4' iL,4!IGI! 'A!.\o-sPa-a PAB-ğü disposal of Apladad-si'a, the brother of
5' İa ^siJim_ııİ-İur Silim_Ağğur.

6' 6 Lü.GIS.BAN ilı a URIJ.DU6 ra-h4|JIi1'| -a 6 6 bowmen

- the town of Til-rahawa, at
7' inür|G|d&-a_iq-ba-bq the disposal ofAya-yababa, the prefect of the
8' LrJ_GAR-n,l .ğ/i L(,_PA.MRğ staff-bearers.

9' 3 Lü.ENGAR! UR|J.ğE sa-qa-ma-nu 0 3 farmers ıhe village o[ Saqamanu.

- at
10' inür| IG| ^MAN_ıu_dl-ri A^a-i-hi üe disposal of Sarrulu-dari. son of Arihi.
1T' [r] Lü..ğd BAD-IiAL 1ı [x] cavahymen, [at üe disposal of
t2' |x x]ıe x\ -ha-an-zaluJu
I |x1
lhanzalulu, [...]
I3' lxxxltxxxl lx x xxl (Bıeak)
break of about 6 lines
20' lxxxxlxxlxxxxxxl

r.ii.23 Pethaps nther t8 in place of 15. '.ii.24 Or

jl (UR "of the palace"? r.ii25 For final taces see coll.; perhaps
a-di a-ğib-b|u'...?



21' l
i|m| |G|| nlqcır-h'q-a rt.| x x1 |xx] 2ı [at the disposal ofJ QarhA' [...]

22' r Lü.ENGARURU.AH-dı-at-saJmd-x1 22 1 farmer the lown of Al,dat-Samal,.,1,

23' inalclfuağ-ğur AG MANGAL_tisir at the disposal of Ağğur-ra'im- ğaıIi, cohort

24' 2 Lt.İa3AD-HAL ind lcl^ğd_ıE-rna-ğe-e 2a 2 cavalıymen, at the disposal of Sa-la-

25' J4 6 Lü.GAL--SAG mağe, of the estate of the chief eunuch.

26' 1 Lü.PAURU]|.SE URU.I8ğ 26 1 staff-bearer of the village of ıhe gods,

27' liııa ıcr] ı.ı şrru*- u-ti L(J 'G{'_ki-Şir [at the disposal of] ZaflJti, cohort comman-

28' k Lü.P]A.MES URU. ha-mu-na 28 [x staflf-bearers of the town Hamuna,

29' fx x x x]x-a'| L(J.GAL ki-Şir [at the disposal of ...]a', cohort commander
30' [(ı ı) x ı .r ı-]ü.ıa.ı,ıeS lin charge o/ stafJf-bearers.
31' lxxxxxxxlkal-pa?-ri (Break)
Iest (at least 3 lines) bıoken away
ry beginning (at least 3 lines) bıoken away
T' lxxxxlxlxx)(xxl r. iv r [. .. ... ].

2' lx x x )c+]|3 zJ.'l'ıIEğ | inq |G| , ltotal, x+]13 persons, ditto, at the dispo-
3' lx ı.r]-ıaı ıü.Naıı! sal of I. . .l-ahi, the governor [...... ]nuluzi.
4' [x x x xl:c-nu-lu-zi

5' l;e x x x] l2B n.\Eğ o| 5 |... totaıl,23 persons, |at the disposal of
6', I;c x x x x L]t.G{-4i-Şir ..., co]hort commander [......],
7', Iıc xxxxxx]x|ıcxx]

bıeak of about 15 lines (Break)

23' lxx:cxxxxxxl
lx xxxxx rlgLKAM 24 [......] 9th fdayl, leponym year of
25', lx xJcxxx .r}ı_MU! ... ...]-İumi.
rest broken away (Rest destroyed)

31. Probable List of Debts

82-3-23,t3 ADD 816

I beginning broken away (Beginning destroyed)
1' fxxxxxlx-e i ı [...]....

2' b('MA ğıi^x XL(J].A.BA 2 [x minas of NN, s clribe [in charge ofthe]
3' [ ğd |cI pil-qit-ıa-İe appointments.

4' k MA ğ.i .]dPA_EN-PAB a [x minas ofl Nab0-belu-uşur' [... of thel

5' Ix xlx E Lt .G1,J,4-rat house of the team commander

6' 3 MA ğd ^ku-re-e DUMU_6.GAL 6 3 minas of Kurö, palace olficial.

..iii'26 uRU.MEs is tentatively taken to staıd foI (spoken) ela'i "gods'' (şuggestion sP). ıiv.3 Tlaces rcsembling HA]-
before N^M aIe pİobably elased.
31 Flagment flom cenral left side of a mütti-column tablet' much Iesembling nos. 29 and 30, üough no joiıs.
Not knoren ifthe surviving face is obverse. i3 For restoration cf. no. 32,ll' .

7' 2 MA ğE ^iz-Zi-a KIJR|.kaJum|-mu|1 fo7l 7 2 minas of Izzia, of Kummu.

8' zMAğE| |xxxxxxx| 8 2 minas of [NN, ...]

9' t2o?1
|xıtxıtxxxxıtx] g 20 l. ..1
rest broken away (Bıeak)
tr beginning broken away
'1.' 7 MAfx x. x. x. x x, x. xl ii I 7 minas, [..., ...].
2' lx x. x. x. xl

40 AN[ğE! .x .ü _İ İ _r İ] 3 40 hefcıares......], the to[wn of ...].

4' URIU|J rİ.rx]
5', lrDMAfx)tx)cxxl s 1U2mina,[......]
6', xfıtxxxxl (Rest destroyed)
rest broken away
Rev completely broken away

32. Probable List of Debts

K 9669 ADD 922

beginning broken a'ıay (Beginning destroyed)
["r M]A!
'dl["I "T .ü] i 1 [x min]as of silveı, of N[N].

2' [r] MA KUG.UD ğd^da-x|x x] z [x] minas of silver of Da[...]

3' Ix x] 1/41 |KuG.U)D|ğüi^ha-ni-iro.|x(x)] 3 |x.]+1l4 of silveı, of Hani, [... ofl the

4' [.ğd] Lü.IEN.NAfıı ğıiupu.ha-u-riJna1 [gove]moı of Haurina.

5' [,M]AKUG.LD ğıi'^Dft:ıG1RJ,dl-aL(J.2-e 5 [x mi]nas of silver of Il-dal6, deputy of

6' Io| ğ.i UP.u.ha-ü-ri-nq Hauıina.

7' Ix] MA KUG.UD .İ.i *Zqb-ba-q-nu uR|J. z [x] minas of silver, Zabbanu of Harran.

8' [r] MA KUG.LD .ld

.dIM-Dü Lü.SANGA 8 [x] minas of silver of Adad-ibni, priest
9' .iz dNTN.GAL of Nikkal.

10' k M]Al KUG.UD ğd 'DINGR-iĞri LÜ. 10 [x mi]nas of silver, of Ilu-idri, the mer-
DAM.GAR chant.

ll' lxxx.xxxxftxxlJi 11 [......]

l2' lxxxxxxIlxxxı (Break)
rest brokdn away
l completely b,roken away, save ffaces of
thee lines

i7 Kummuh is not usually written wiü a doubled m in archival texts, making Kummu (on the Ura4ian fİoıtiel)
likelier here.
32 F.agment from centfal ]eft side of a üick tablel, probably wilh 4 coluırms on each face. The obverse is Ilat,
reverse distinctly convex' Cf. no' 33. iı
Possibly mda_d[r-. ı3 V4 w tten as 4 horizontal wedges (TA]B.TAB).


( completely broken away, save traces of
two lines

beginning broken away

t' lx x x x]Jkı 'Ix x ,c xl
z', lx x x xl as lx (x)l
fuPA MAN_PAB [0] 3 [...] Nabü-ğa u-uşur
[(-I) x
'.M]Eğ [0] a [...] of Nabi-ahhe-ğa11im.
4'. [I.x] ,{d 'dPA-PAB.I/8ğ-DI
5' [(x) .t ı].ıvmS
jıi 'I-UGAL_ZL4G s [...]s of Sarru-kettu-iram, eunuch.
6' Lü.SAG

7' [.r r+]13! MA.NA KUG.UD ? [x+]13 minas of silver, [Han]da-asiıi,

8' l^ha-anl-da 'a-siri [1he gover]nor of Habruıi.
9' I LÜ.EN].NAM İduRu.hab-ru-ri
10' [, ("I) sE.P]AD.ltrJ .ğa 'ARAD_dls ı0 [x (homers) of baı]ley, of Utad-Issar,
11', I iül ,ı .se sa ıcı pi-qitta-ıe
. [the] scribe in chaıge of the appointments .

T2' [r (.İ)] 60! ğE.PAD.Ifiğ x ğd^ur-du

ız [x] 60 (homers) of barley, of Urdu,
IJ ["T.İ]
.st[IUğ_d?.BI 13 [. . . I Ubru-Sebetti.

14', k İ].rNDğ!l j'd ndPA PAB.ıGİ ı[ı (x) ,4 [.. barlley, of Nabff-ahhe-[...], chief
15', [ (r)] lLÜ.GALl-J[.r r] .. t.
resl broken away (Rest destroyed)

r.ii.ı2 signbeforcjZis written over, oIisi$elf, alr eIasure, perhaps a ditto sigı, oI.ll. r.ii'15 FoI final trağe see coll.

Frc. lt.Tray ofjewellery.

MALLOWAN, Nimrud alü iıs Remains I,Pl.47


33. Probable List of Debts

82-3-23,73 ADD I I23

I' beginning broken aııvay (Beginning destroyed)
|' |xx^xxxcN--ki]-şir i. 1
lx minas, NN, cohort colmmander of
2' |(x x x x)lt(l.İd--eın|.z| the İa İEpi guardsmen.

3' x (x x) ^hlat-ni-i 3 fx minas, Ha]nl, [... ofJ Hauıina.

|(x ıc x) uıu].ha-rt-ri-na

5', |x x ^ınfu? -qal-li_|D|M s |x minas, Mlııqal1i(l)-kabti, eunuch.

6', [(.T r r)] Lü.SAG

7', lx x xfu-x.-i ı |xminas,...]...ri, [go]vernor of Harran.

8', [0? Lü] .NAM I-rRU.KASKAL

9', lx x ^xl-a1 -na 9 |xminqs,...]ana, [... ofl Sa-Nabü-İü

10' fr(ıx x x ^|İd_dıı_İu! -u

11,' lxxxxxx\-na r,[...]na

rest broken away (Break)
tr' begiırning broken away
l' xlxxxxxxl
2' rl(:-x x xx xl ii l [x ıııinas NN, ...]
3' 2MAl^xxxxl : 2 minas [NN, ...
4' t|ıj|:xxxxxxf (Rest destroyed)

rest brcken away

Rev. destroyed

34. List of Debts from the Reign of Sargon

Sm 736 ADD 926

_. beginning broken away (Beginning destroyed)
!'. llxxxl ruDl [xxa] , I.-l ... t...1, tefonyml year of Takl[a-k-
2' |Iim-m]u^ıdk-l[ae-'ana_*ı] ana-Beu (715 B.C.).
3', 7 MA.NA KUG.UD [r4löıll'] ı 7 minas of s1lver fdebt] of Ebi[...], üe
4', ğrı ^e-bi-x|x (x)] Babylonia[n],
6', l im- mu ^ aİ - İur-b a -|ni] 6 eponym yeal ofAğğur_ba[ni] (713 B.C.).

7' PAB 2-me-5 MA.NA K[UG!.IJDI 1 Total,205 minas of [silver],

8' thal1-bu_llit xxxl 8 delbts ...1
one 1ine blaıü
9' [(ı) ı]ı frun?ı. ı1r| -z|i? -zu1l , [...] o/üe towtry of ArZfiZu].
rest blank

33 Flake fİom cenffe of a multi-column tablet; on extemal criteIia possibly same tablet as no. 32. Uncefiain if
surviving face is obvelse. i'3f i-1 Eilhel x]İ-İe-ri oI;l-Pab_;i seem admissible.
34 Central fragment flom one face of a mu|tj-column tatıet; slighi öonvexity suggests plobably reverse. 4
-Trace afler bi i5 a separaıe sign (nol N[L:). e See coll.l possibly fla iun.ıir.



35. List of Debts


K 5823 ADD 923

l I 1k KUG.UD ğı1-m6]n-nu ki BR1M |o] i l [...] silvef, of Mannu-ki-şab6, ızerce-

2 fol']|tt*!1.rak-sü.i.i GAL-6,ğd GAL!--.SA[G|] rıary ofthe major-domo ofthe chiefeunu[ch].

3 |o]PABha-bulcAL üRu.}ağ-ı?i [0]

3 Total, debt of the village manager [o]f
4 |ğ]a|
|uı |0] Albaga loİ the Province of La|hiru.
5 [.ğa? NAM? URUI .Aa1-|hli-ri

6 |xxıcxxxxxx]x (Rest destroyed)

rest broken away
Rev. broken away

36. Possible List of Debts

K1 4247 ADD 821

Y broken away (Beginning destıoyed)
tr beginning bıoken aııvay

\', 16?l MA.NA KUG!.[.I.r J., İ ii ı 6 minas of sfilver --.l'

z', İa*rN-x|xxx:cxx] '] , of Bel-[...]
3', 23!ANISE!İ.rJ rJ r] 3 23 homlers ... ]
4', inattbil-fxxxxxxl I in...[...]
s', tliml -mu11
lxxxxxxl 5 eponym year oİ |...l
rest broken away (Rest destroyed)

37. Possible List of Debts

K1 3033 K 13033
lx ı ı *] Sı.ıaı.wğ

fx x x x xlx-a-a
,' [...] barley,
[... ]-aya

3 |xx x x) İaf'tADl-DD{GlR-a-a 3 [...] of Bit-Abu-ila'i,

4 |ıc x ıc x^]iz-bu 4 [...] Izbu.

5 fxxxx] lağ-ğurI1 uR|J-qa-nu-u-nu1 5 [...]-AJjür, the town Qanunu,

6 [...]-aPli.
6 [.İJrr] DUMU.US [0]
7 [' İ -r -T ğ]E.PAD.[MES 0?] [... b]arley
Rev. uninscribed

35 Top right-hand corner of a'r unusually well-written tablet of more üan one column. Uncertaiı! if surviving
face is obverse.
36 small fIagment flom ceDffe of mülti-column tablet. Uncertain if suİviving face iş obverse. ı Possibly r?r
in Dlace ol'6 . a The irıa is wri|ıen ove' an erased sign. perhaps E.
il7 Right-hand part of a coarse]y writtetr tablet; ndcoliımns, and possibly horizontal. Placed here on glounds of
fomat, bui no cleafevidence of a corurection with debts. Copy p. 256.


38. Possible List of Debts

K 1416 ADD 1044

begiıuring broken away (Beginning destroyed)
1,', Sn.ıao.[mS xı xxl ı barle[y ..'];
z', ntfxxxxxxxl '27 1......1:
3' ı-me|xxxxxxx] 3 100 [......];
4', ıaıan-ni-fuxxxxx] a all thils ....

s', [(x) ı cü].rıı, 10[+İ MA İ x] 5 [x tal]ents, 10[+x minas ...]

Iest broken away (Break)
Rev beginning broken away
l', S0Ixxxxxx.x.xf 80 l;
2'. t5o!1 xfxxxxxxxl 50. ..1

3' 3 t2/311 lxxxxxxxl 3 a 1la I ..l;

4' ıı vıe.Nı! 10| [GiNJ.TJrJ] a 11 minas 10 [shekels ...];
5' 74trt lxxxxxxxl 5r I
rest broken away (Rest destroyed)

39. Possible List of Debts

K 14237 ADD 822

I' begiıning broken away (Beginning destroyed)
1' lxxxxftrtt.fxxxxxl t I [NN], rhe [...].
z'. lx .t MA.NA KUG.UD k İ.ü .T] 2 [x] minas of silver, [NN, ...] governor of
[.r İ 'İ]' Lü.NAM MNA.[KI] Nineveh.
4', [İ.T Jr M]A.NA KUG.UD ^ra-ga|-|x\ a [x mi]nas of silver Ragal...,...] mer-
5', [rı x x x] rü.oaı,ı.cAn chant.

6', fxx "T "r KUG.U]D? 50 ğE.PAD 6 [x minas of silv]eı, 50 (homers) of bar_
7', lxx x x]-bf N ıcın-mu- gir ley, [... ]bi, chariot-builder.
8' |xx x x x x x]x^me-nı-hi-m|u] ı [...], Menahim[u, ...l merchant.

i0' fx x x x x x xfufx] (Rest destroyed)

rest broken away
Ir comnletelv broken awav
Rev. comiletely broken away

of tablet, unceltain \rhich face is obveIse. .3 Possibly rathü 1516r. r.4 or K[Uc Iather
.-_39_ ,Central fragment of multi-column tablel U-ncerrain if surviving lace is obvelse. i4 Final sign has [ı.ace of
lower dlagonal. and can hardly be -n çrace APN t86b).




40. Possible List of Debts

Ki 1904-10-9,259 zA73 6
I' beginning broken away (Beginning destroyed)
I' lxxxxxl-tnit1
-UIRU|.arba-İı-a-o 2 [x minas ditto], Arbailayu, [...] of the
2', |x MA |.
J I x x| ğdEU3*.Mu kitrhen.

4', [(-T) J M]A! :. ,id 'ARAD-l5 3-.ği a [x mi]nas ditto of Urad-Issar third

5' t0l zııı| :' ğıi ^ab-di-sa-am-si 5 2 minas ditto of Abdi-Samsi, Tyrian
6', t uR|İl.Şur-ra-a-a r
(.. . )t.

rMA :.l fua-ra-meİ-iq-bi [x] minas ditto, ArameĞ-iqbi, chief of the

7', [(J) J] ' works.
8', I rı3l.cN'_pil-ka-ni public

Edge uninscribed (Rest destroyed)

Rev. entircly broken away

40 Frasment ftom bottom rieht_hand comer ofmulıicolurm tablet. Uncertain if surviving face is obvelse. CoPy
and edirjon; Fales, ZA 7J ( 1983)-238 and 250: no. 6. Possibly \ame tablet as no. J2.

+ H 6

2 3 5

@ @
ffi ffi
@ ffi
W \-7

ffi Eıı
7 8 9 10 12

am o n
ffi ffi

M W,, W

13 1+ ı5

9V" 20 21 z2 14, z+ 25 26

29 30
27 28 5ı 32

6. Various Financial Memoranda

ti. r

'ı;iljiijiiY'IÇ ir ii ı";;ii tnnaı!mrı

Frc, tz. Assyrian eor-rings.

MAXWELL-HYSLOP,,Iewellery p. 236.

41. Note of Silver Amounts

K 4771 ADD 1106

begirıııing broken away destroyed)
l' tltl lx)exxxxxxxx]
2' r uzMlA.NA x x x x x xl mIinas ,.. ...1
3' lo Il2 rMA.Nc KUG.UD ğd ^1P!AB1 -x x x]
10 1/2 minas of silver of A[lıı-...]
4' r tD.MA..NAlxxxxxxl 1 1/2 minas [...]
5' a-rn 15 MA.NA 112 lx x x x xl foı 15 minas-1/2 [...]
6' 10 MA.NA .ğ, |JIU-IL x x x x] 10 minas of SamaĞ-[...]
7' PAB ı02 (sic!) MA.N[A 'I.r-I.I J] in 4ll. 102 min[as ...]
8' ğd UTu ü-bafl-liçxxxxx] of Samağ-uba|llit ...]
9' ğö |'|a1 xxxxxx] ofNinev[eh...].
10' t1! tl21 MA.INAxxxxxxl ıo 1 1/2 min[as ...]
rest broken away (Break)
Rev. beginning broken away
1' lolxxxxxxxxxxxl ..ı 10 [......
2' \ts||xxxıcxxxxxxx| , ... [......]

rest uninsğibed to bleak (Rest destroyed or uninscribed)

42. Note of Silver Amounts

K 4295 ADD 813

beginning bıoken (Beginning destroyed)
1' [-x İ MA?.N]A?
jd f,Se-e> ma-l'a!-diI1 ı minlas, of- Se'-ma'adi;
2' fx x xfu Sı,doı-mn-nu MAğ 3-suMALA
, |x
[...].... o/ Sulmanu-ağared. l/3 mjna
3' ı] 'm.rnı-a-a -tliMA.NA 3 [...] Ululaya, 1/4 mina ditto;
[ı.r |'
4' [.ü.I ğa 4*.Ifiğ 0ı :.
4 3 4 [... o]f 4 314 dittoi
5' [xx]l,,ıı? ^sal-mu 4-trtMALA 5 Ix] minq(S), Şalmu, 1/4 mina lacking;
6' lxMlAl ^PA,B ke-nu IDMA i. 6 lx nLilna(s), Ahu-kenu, 1/2 mina ditto;
7', |LM]AI^ağ-ğur MAN_PAB 3-sr, MA:. 7 |x milna(s), A5Ğur_5arru-uşur, 1/3 mina
8' IXM]AI ^hd-rime-i ılzvıı,. 8 lx milna(s), Harimi, UZ mina ditto;
9' lx x xl'3o-MAI\ -PAB 3-sr.. MA :.
9 |x mina(S)], Sin-5arru-uşur' |l3 mina
10' [.r x ^x|x-ıq|-K[-ni 3-Su MA |' ro L.. ...1-tqqqin, i/3 mina ditto;
tt' lx x'^x] İe-zib-an-ni :. :. 11 [... ...]-ğezibanni, dilto, ditto;
t2' [-r x ^x x x-slu ol 1' [... ... ]

41 Fragment from left side of a mediün-sized tablet, peIhaps wiü 2 columns each face. Unce aiı which face
is obverse. Reveıse(?) Dot given in ADD. 7l02iswrjttenDIs'2o*2G2!
42 F.agment of wide, coalsely written vertical tablet. 2 SE is written over elasure. The previous sign ends in
a vefical;peIhaps 6BA]N ("6 seahs"). 4 oI betteI .ğ]a? NiNDA "ofbread," or ğ]a?_cAR, üeend ofaPN? This has an
advanIage in üatall orher su ms aIe only offlactions ofa mina. 5_8 None ofüe MlA signs indicated at üe beginning
of lhese ]ines is cenainly MA. In the tight of 2' and 4' perhaps these initial entries ale not amounts of silver, büt other
commodities. ı0 sign befole does not appeal to be MU; ADD'S li[e l 1 iş non-existent.


13' lx x x xl-a! 13 [... ] . ..

14' [ı.t ıı].vıö ciN:. + M [...1..., 4 shekels ditto;
15' k.rff MIA!.rNAlr [K]uc!.ruDn 1s fTotq.l,... milnas of [sil]ver.
rest broken away (Rest destroyed or uninscribed)
ReV. uniıscribed as far as preseıved

43. Memorandum re Prefects' Silver Payments

Rm 959 ADD 686

upper part broken away (Beginning destroyed)
1' fx x x]x ız? x|xxxx]
ı [...] 1_' [...]
2' IPAB 2tI MA.NA 1?[+J
"r "r]
x total,21. minas [.. ]. .

3' PAB 1 Gü.UN KUG.U[D] 3 In all, 1 talent of silver

4', an-nu-ti L(J*.GAR-n[a.wĞ? Ja (ı ı)] a These are the prefects [who] have not yet
5' ıi'di-na la |id-din-u-ni] Ipaid ...l:
6', I MA.NA -dP[A? r.r (r r)] 6 1 mina, Nalbi-...1i
7', 1 MA.NA fuDUMUJ[İ l (, İ)] 7 1. miıJ.a, Mdr-1...1:
Edge uninscribed
r.l 12 GIN 'DüG.GA_I[M_J r] .1 12 shekels, Tab-ğ[ar-... ];
2 22 GiN .KAD-k .ü (-r İ)] , 22 shekels-...
3 V2 MA.NA .MAN /[& , r] ıU2 mina, Sarrul[u-...];
[. .. ];

4 1 MA.NA'EN_MAN PAB .ğaC)[.ü .ı (.I .r)] a 1 mina, Bel-öaııu-uşur of [...];

5 10ciN 'dPA-k r (r .r)l 5 10 shekels, Nabü- [...];
6 PAB 7 Lü.GAR-na.[ııgğ? (ıı)l 6 total, 7 prefect[s];
7 PAB 7 r2 MA.N A. xlx x (x x)] ı tolal7 1l2 minas [...].
8 +? cİN fuı[x .ı ı "r]
ı 4 shekels, N[N]

9 lx xlxlx:c x x. xl (Rest destroyed)

remainder broken away

44. Memorandum re Peculations in the Temple

82-3 -23,63 ADD 1069

I lx x (x) fla1 vo-me fol t.. . olf the day.
2 [x x (x)]
r-l SUHUğ-dPA
[o] t.. .l llbru-Nabt
3 lx x (x)1 UDU.MEğ E.KUR [0] t.. .l sheep of the temple
4 [x x (x)] ,ğa GUD [0] t.. .l of the oxen
5 V2 [MA.N]A! ,ğa KAğ.LL.L [0] 112 lminla of the cupbearer
6 114İ GiN ,ğa GAR-k J r] 14 shekels of ... [...]
7 r2r ciN İaxfxxxx| 12 shekels of [...]
8 3r ciN ğfaxxxx| 3 shekels olf ...1
9 6|[+x cilı xxxxxl 6[+x shekels . . ....1
rest broken away (Break)

t5 This line probably gave a total.

43 Boftom left-hand comel of a single column tableı' ADD'S obverse and revelse must be exchanged (see note
on r.6). r.6 This total refers to the pIeceding 7 liıes, and shows that I'1 follows on directly from the obverse;
however, it is difficult to see how the suüs listed could amount to 7 1/2 minas, aIıd the total in r.7 mustinclude entries
flom further up üe obvelse. .8 The diline name begins with a win}elhaken.
44 Upperpaİt ofa slendel, vertical tablei. There is a veltical ruling to delimit the nümeIical entries on the obverse.


Rev. beginning broken away

1' PAB!3! rMA|.NAlr [İ'J] .ı In all.3 minas |...l,
2' KuG.UD ğaE x|x x x] ı silver o[ ıhe house of |...'].
space of one line
3' pir-ku u la ket-tu [o] 3 ITheyl hlave reŞtitutedl the iniquity and
4' şar-tu u İar!-qu-ni| fo] injustice, the crime and theft of Bubi [t]o the
5, ğdflbu-bu-u| Io] [...]ean [. . .1.
6' la?-nld r(st.lx xl (Rest destroyed)
7' l(x) x xlxJaT -sa-a-a uLs-x xl

45. Memorandum re Qappata's Debts

K 12985 + K 14286 (unpub.) ADD 1139+

t hi-bi-la-l(a)-tel ı Debts of the Qappa[teans]:
2 İq \IRU .qa-pq-|tq-a-a]

3 tJim-3-me lx x x xl 3 1,300 [. .. ];
4 l-limTtc.ğa|d-din7 xxx] a 1,000 to[Bqs ...]i
5 zJimxfxxxxxl 5 2,000 [... ];
6 lt-mefxxxxxl 6 100 [... ];
7 10 MA.NA K[uc?.uD rr] ? 10 minas oİ sillver ...l;
8 60 GUD J x.ü] [_ü _İ
8 60 oxen [.. . ];
9 oo! aN5n!| [ı.ı ı ı] e 60 horses [... ].
10 ma!-a| ıın an-ni-|u (x xx)| 10 They say: "All thi[s is ...] that the de-
11 ğa tfi* .z-i |ıc x (x' x)] puty [...], Bel-kabti-a|hheğu], owes to us.''
12 .EN_IDM_S[ES?.MEğ-.ğ,']
13 ih-bilu-na|-ğ|i1 -ni o|
14 ma-a ı-lim-e|-me |x x| 14 '1,600 [...] is our i/tı-service' which
15 il-ki-int-ni fx x] ııve give year afteı year,''
16 ğa| MU a-na MU Io]
17 ni-idt-dan-lu-nil
r.1 ma||-me-soUD|J.trIFİ ..ı "[We] have already giv[en] 150 sheep,
2 20 GI]D.MEğ [0] 20 oxen and 2 horses. as audience gift of the
2 ANSB!|.KUR.RA.I\,Eğ [0] town D[ur-Sarruken]."
4 a-na nı-mur-te |of (Rest too broken for translation)
5 [ğ]4! URU.B [AD!-MAN Cn{]
6 lnil-it-tli-din'1l
thıee lines broken
10 lx x xl nil fx x]
11 I@) xl din xlx xl
T2 [(l) ,].ü DnIGIR.ü[İ .r]
13e l(x) xJx me ni lx xl
line erased

r.2 Perhaps E.I<[UR or 6 cA[sAN. !.3 pjı is wIitten urLlike UD elsewhele in the tablet; see coll. i7 Possibly
45 VeItical tab]et, lacking fight side; K 14286 joined by Kıqasman. 2 For Qap(p)ata, see sAA l 238-39. a
Fof ğaddünu i.n a similaj Context see possibly no. 59 ii.10'. 9,..3 ANSE is written in both cases without its iıitial
horizonlal. Io. r.I ma-a and ma in |hese l\'o ]ines aIe wrjılin on lbe ]e[ı edee. evidentlv added as an afıerüouqht.
] | This line over erasures. l'5 Restoraıion of Dur-ğarruken in üe ]ight of sAA l 238-39' .ö The tiDa| p'eseived
sign begins with a single horizontal.


46. Memorandum re Payments

K7385 ADD 1062

beginning broken away (Beginning destroyed)

' ıae.ıvı ı ı] mina [..

2' the city of
1 r .r "r "r 1 ];
["r .

uıu'kal-h|i1 xxxxx] Callah ...h

3' 3 MA.NA K[uc?.rJD x x xx xf 3 3 minas of si|ver ...l;
4' zıııSa|xxxxxx| a 2 homers 1...1.

5' |xxxxxx]
2 GfN!.IüEs! s 2 shekels [...1
6' 'rA*tit-fxxxxxx] e from...[...];
7', 79! [ANğEll rJİ J] 7 79 [homers . ..1
e.8', 13r M[A?.NA KUG.UD (.rr r)] 8 |3 m|inas oİ siıverl

9' matast-lxxxxxx]
e They say: "... [...]
rı*| ı-|o|ıe x x xf ıo fıom the [...]
r.1 i-baI-(xxxxxxl .' ... [...]
2 i9 ANSEIIxxxx] 2 79 homers [...]
3 13 MA.NA K[uc.uD? xxxxx] 3 13 minas of silfver ..1
4 İaur-ki|xxxxxx] a ırhich after [...]
5 nu!-İıi-li-mfu|-u-ni x x xx] 5 we paid in fufi ...]
6 e-gir-tetfxxxxxxl e üe document [...]"
7 ıi?-fxxxxxxxxf (Break)
8 cı51.|xxxxxxxx]
rest broken awav
s.1 ıııa| la| ni|-|xxİxxxf "r They say: "We did not [... ...]
2 ııı|.ı.ınS! .![ı ı ı.r ı "r]
2 the people of N[N ... ]

47. Memorandum re Activities of a Eunuch, etc.

K t577 ADD 1076

I I ma-a ^d,d-ri-MAN Lü*.SAG ı He said: "Dari-Sarru, Kushite eunuch,
2 ku-sa-a inaucu de-ni came up for an emer?ency conceırıing the
3 ğı''TAB Sa| -pd KuR.ku-muh-a case of Ahu-sapa of Kummuh and received 1
4 a-na ddn-nu-te e-ıe-ıi-q talent of silver from me."
5 1 Gü KUG.UD iı-tqh-ra-an!-ni
6 ııı z-i unu.ra-şap-pa 6 Total of the deputy of Raşappa.

7 na-d ^di-ri-MAN t. 7 He said: "Dari-ğarru, ditto, took 2 minas

8 2 MA KUG.UD d.I-an- qf - te of silverby force (and) wrole 5 minas in the
9 ir-rı,İi 5 MA.NA debt-note."
10 inü, ğA e-glr4e is-sd-ıar
11 Pr'B 2-ı ld-hi-ri 11 Total of the deputy of Lahiru.

T2 ma-di-ri MAN :. 12He said: "Dari-ğarru, ditto,4 minas,

13 4 MA SAG.DU KUG.UD-JU capital of his silver [......]."
I4 lxxx]txx.xx1 (Break)
rest (about half) broken away

46 Bottom left-hand colfieI ofa small vefiical tablet. 7l cf.İ.2-3. t.| ö4? ovel elasurc; possibly mther rJUr'
ndl may be better.
"2 Coll. JNP suggests iş_şa
47 ToP half of a wetl-formed, well-writıen, and well_preserved vertical tablet with 2 coiumns on each face. To
judge from conlent, texr may be a continuation flom anothel tablet' i.14 The traces ür'ould p e\ritl l İ-Sal-lum1 (from
ğallumu "to İaPay ii flıll"; see coll.


tr1 ına ^ki-Sir_d15 ii 1 He said' "Kişir-Issar, the lim9stone-

2 ı-ıj* .ğıi-pu'li-ğrt| provider. entered (inio service) underğulmu-
-t ina ğd-pal *DI-mu ]]Mü'N Saıri, the Kushite eunuch; Sulmu-ğarri sent a
4 Lü*.sAG KUR.rıı-Ja-4_4 royal bodyguard over to me, and he ıeceived
5 e-ta-rab "'DI-%1-MAN from me 20 minas of silver by force."
6 Lt* .qur-zAc ina Ucu-hı-ıd
7 is-sap-ra 20 MA KUG.UD
8 dn-an-at-ıe
9 it-tah-ra-an-ni
10 Pl\B 2-i ra-Şa-pa ı0 Total of the deputy of Raşappa.

11 ma ^DI-mu MAN t. ıı He said: "ğulmu_ğarri, ditto, gave 3

12 3 MAKUG.UD it-ti-din minas of silver to the chief of replacements
13 fxf
tL(J*t.GN,! batt -qf1 t......t."
rest (about hal0 broken away (Bıeak)
Rev. upper half broken away
I 1' IPAB 2 Gü.UN [-T İ d r-i ı Total,2 talents [...].

blank space of thıee lines

2, PAB-,,/,.I 3 G(] 2 MA KUG.UD 2 Grand total, 3 talents 2 minas of silver
3' 1Lü.TtjR 0! orıe boy '
rest uninscıibed
II uninscribed

48. Silver Payments to do with the Queen Mother

K 1493 ADD 1075

I KUG.ulDxxxxxxl ı Silvel [...] of the queen lmoüer ...]
2 .ğ4 AMA_[MAN J ,I r]

3 2 ||2 MA.NA ina ĞA [ı; x -r] 1 2 1l2 m\nas among [...] for the Ağğur
4 |o1a-naf| ağ'-İıır| x|x x (x x)] temple [.. . ];
5 [ı] cbı jıa | [MA]! ağ'ğur-|a-a (x x)l s [x] shekels by the Assyrian [mina];
6 [(-r)., K]uR.rc-man-a-a fx x x xl 6 [... Ilonian t.. t;
7 |l'7|1 GiN iruı l-et!
fx xx x|
? 17 shekels, in one [...];
8 [(.r) -t ı]ü?.nnnı| Z KUG|.[U]D! .I[.I ("r
a lx defportees, sil[v]er, [...];
9 [(ı);l GİN a-na xfx x xx x| ')] ı [1] şhekels for [...]
rest broken away (Break)
Rev. beginning bıoken away
l' I{JaEl lxxxxl r.ı [o]f the ho[use ... ]; in all, 7 mina[s' ...].
2' ıısıııı||xxxx]
3' 2MA.NA. a|Ina x x )c xl : 2 minas fo[r ...];
4' [2oclN]llxxxxxl (line erased)
5' 1 MA.NA .T[.r .T.ı, .ü -r] 5 1 mina, [...l; Dai-|İarru ...]; for the
6' ^dd-ri-lMAN? xxxxl t. .. t.
'7, a_nqLt3*.lxxxxxl

8', txl pi xlx xxxxl 8 [...]...t...1;

g'. zq|cft.İ|xxxxx] s 24 shekels [...] which are at the disposal
10' İd| ina| ıcı| |x x x x x] of [.. . ];
17', 16 GiN ir?a 5 KUIğ J ., r] 11 16 shekels in 5 leaü[er ...];

ii.ı3 Correct Ieading (rar4j oLirqj) remains ünresolved'

48 Top left-hand corner of a large andprobably multi-columned tablet. ADD has obverse and rcverse exchanged,
but i.l-2is clearly aheading. 7 Cf.İ.1l'. r.3 oI2[' l.5 Possiblyf[. .8 Possibly [ğldP'İ(J'Joti)ior^pi I11q'|'

56 :


flG, B, Nubian ("Kushite'' ) pfisoners of war (reigıı of Assulbdnip1l).

BM 124928.

12', 24| DUMU!.Mİ!_M[AN! .r .I "r.T] t2 24, the daughter of the kling ...],
13e TA* KUG.UD| ğa xlx x xf 13 from the silveı which [...] retumed to
14e is-hur-an-fni x. x x, x xl me [...];
15e 15lxxxxxJtxl 15 15 [...... ]
s.1 5 Gftİ h|-na| x x x1 |x x x] "r 5 shekels, for...[...].




7. Tablets and Writing Boards

FIG. 14, wliting boards , view oİ the ıntefıor unfolded.

MAr J,oN LN, Nimrud dnd its Remains 1, FiE. 90
(ND 3557).

49. Inventory of Tablets and Writing Boards

8O-7 -1,9,144 (ADD 944) (+) 80-'1-t9,262 ADD 943+

I beginning broken away
I' t ilz-bu x]
2' zNıo.rısı1ı1 rhdı-fii, 2
3' 1UD-ırü Dtr{GIR URU
4' ı kam-ma-a-ni 3 esoteric compositions,
5' 1GIğ.GIGR''B-zıı-ı;D 1 (tablet o0 "The Chariot of NN,"
6' ı is-hur ma-a-da I (ofl Ishur mad.a,
7' 16S.GAR sI-Dü 1 (of) the sI.Dü series,
8' ı LtrN dGIğ.GiN.MAs 1 (of) the GilgameĞ series,
9' tqd e-gir-a1-te 40 one-column tablets
10' lxx x xfx (Bıeak)
break of about 4 lines
L5' lxx x xlx

16', [İ UD'_AN]_dBEI t6 [x polyptychs of Enuma Anu] Enlil,

17'. lxHALl-u-hi ı7 [x of the exti]spicy corpus,
18', [1 GIğ.ZU]
rı2 GIğ.IG 18 [1 polyptych] of 12leaves,
t9' fu U]ğ|.KUJ, ıe [x of lam]entations,
20' ı |sl kak-ku-sak-lğl| ,0 1 (of) 3 (leaves of) kakku şakku'
2t' I t61 bul-ti ,t 1 (o0 6, medical recipes,
22' PAB 6 GIğ.ZU.MES zz in all 6 complete polyptychs, 4 leaves,
23', ğal-mu-u-ıe (Break)
tr beginning (about 5 lines) broken away
t' xfx x x. :c xf
2', lxx.x.xxl
3', lxltxxi lxJ
4' z mu-kaltJimt-[ni) 4 2 (tablets o0 commentaries,
5', PAB 4-me-35t [DUB.I!Cj] 5 in all 435 [tablets],
6' d tPA!ı_ı[x ı ı] 6 Nab0-[...].

brcak of about 3 lines (Break)

fx x xl
10' tx1
t1' 6 a-İi-pu-tıiı ll 6 (tablets o0 exorcists' lore,
t2' 2 iz-bu 12 2 (of) |zbıı,
13' PAB 28 DUB.MES 13 in a1l 28
14', 'duru su HAL 14 SamaĞ-eriba, diviner.

L5' 1 DI,B PI ü_ri 15 1 tablet of

i6' 'A-a-q MAS.MAğ 16 Aplaya, an exorcist of Nippur
17' nN.rir.rı-a-a
.19' 35 DUB.[^,tsS] ı8 3 tablets,
lel-|gır-a-tel te 5 one-[column tablets] (of) Enu[ma Anu
20' ulD-AN dBEl Enlill
49 Two non-joirıing fragmmts ffom middle and lowü pafis of a 3-column tablet. Edition: Parpola, JNES 42
l2ff'. wiü photos p' l3 (Fie. 2a-dl.


21' tx1
lxxx] (Break)
Itr beginning (about 13 lines) broken away
iii ı
2 (tablets oo lamentations,
1' l2|1 ka|-ıu-ffii||
, (oo the Dream seıies,
2' l| |f,ğ|1.G}ıR.| za|-ki|-qu| 1
3 in all 185 tablets,
3' PAB 1-me-8!5 DUB|.İVG[ğ!]
a AıIabu, an exoıcist of Nippul.
4' -ar-ra-bu|MAğ!.MAğİ
5' 0iEN.[Lllfi-.[[K]lI-4-4

6' r DUB [r] 6 1 tablet,

7 tt1 e-gilr-tuJ ? 1 one-co1u[mn tablet]
rest (about 6 lines) broken away (Break)
beginning (about 6 lines) broken away
|ı1 lx x1 .i r 1 [......',],
l'. fx x] fx]
PAB 4urr-AN dBE z in all 4 (of) Enuma Anu En1il,
3', 1 2 SAG.ME.GAR
dğrIL.P[A.ğ.A] . r I (polyptych oO 2 (leaves). Sagmegar =
4' z ı-a-a iz-bu ı 2 (of) 3 (leaves) each, Izbu,
5' | 5 NA4.K|ğ|B hal-hi 5 1 (of) 5, Sea| of haltu stoıe,
6' [rr (r)] ALAM!.oiut-mut-lul 6 [x (o0] physiognomic omens,
rest (about 14 lines) broken away (Break)
Il 1 lx x xlx xlx]
2 3 3|-q-q buı|-|ıIJ r'ii
' 3 (polyptychs of) 3 (leaves) each,
medical recipes,
., 1 3 AB!.ğE!.G[E|.DA] 1 (of) 3, favourable (days);
4 PABI 10 GIs.zU.M[Esı] in all 10 polyptychs;
5 45 DUB.MES 45 tablers,
6 s e- gir-a-tlel 5 one-column tablets,
7 4 a-sqr-ril 4
8 [PA]B UD-AN ldnlnu (sic) Anu Enlil;
9 |x x buı-İ]i medical relcipes,
break of about 5 lines
15 2lxxxxl
L7 37 U[RU?-rnd ']SIJKTJD -GAR] 17 37 (tablets of) "(I0 a cilty is set on a
18 a mu-k|al-liın-ıı[ı| hiıl],"
19 PAB 3-me-42 [DUB.MES] t8 6 (of) comm[entaries],
ı9 in all 342 [tablets],
20 'dPA| A As [-ü .T]
2I A -SUH[US! dt ,o Nabü-apal-iddin [...], son of Ub[ru-
rest (about 3 lines) broken away DN],
m fxxxxl (Break)
2 4lxxxxl
3 PAB 1-lıı [e-l DUB.ME]s !.iii 3
in all 100[+x table]ts,
a [NlN.
4 ^fdx xlx-BB

5 [-I -r UD-AN] tdlBE t.. ., Enuma Aı]u Enlil,

6 |xHAL-ua]ü t.. ., extispilcy corpus,
7 k] IURU iıx4-sUKUHARl t.. .1, "(I0 a city is set on a hi1l,"
8 lxl iz-bu t.. .1, Izbu,
9 |x (x)l q| a-ği-puıü lx (polyptychs of)l 4 (leaves), exorcists'
10 [x (polyptyÇhs ofl] 4 (leaves), medical
10 Ix (x)l q! bult-lil
11 lxxltxxxl reclpes
break of about 2 lines
blank space of 3 lines

iii3 Note cor.ected figule. ..i.l FoI traces see coll. ı'i'6 This reading ofthe line, conüa JNES 42, is cetain. Liii'1
It is not cefiain if this line existed. r'iii4 Rather thar PAB, BE (howeveritis to be understood) seems certain.


14 rrr.ziz uDj-KAM la Month of Shebat (XI), lst day, eponym

15 lim-mu pN-ğıi-nu year of Belğunu' govelnor of Hindana (648
16 LtJ NAM KuR.hi-in-dan B.C.).
blank space of one line
17 k J].T ıLUGAL?I \7 1......1 king
rest (about 3 lines) broken away (Rest destroyed)

50. Inventory of Tablets and Writing Boards

K 4753 + K 57 ll + 8l-2-4,268 ADD 869+

beginning (about eight lines) broken aııvay (Beginn ing deştroyed )
I 1' lx ALAM.DIIM-%rr i I [x, physiognomic ] omens.
2' MAs.MA]ğ'i 2 [x. exorcisıs'l lore,

|PAB x. )c x]x-eğ A.BA 3 lin all, x, N]N, scribe, [... son of N]N.
4' lx x. A^x xlx-a-ni

5' lx. e-glir-q-te UD-AN-BE i5 [x one-co]lumn tablets, Enuma Anu

6' [x] iq-qur ııü-uİ 6 Iqqur ipuİ,
7' [.ı] GIS.ZU.MEğ 7 polyptychs,
8' [r]UD AN dBE 8 Enuma Anu Enlil,
9' Lx]URu_iııa_sUKI]HAR 9 "(If) a city is set on a hill,"
10' lxl N,AM.tDfurl -lmu-ul t0
,physiognomic [omens],
11' [r] sA.crlc.r,csl t1
, symptoms,
1,2' [.r] DUB.MES 17 tablets,
13' lxl ki-is-pi 13 funerary offerings,
14' [r] MAS.MAS-r,' t4 exorcistŞ'lole,
15' |B|1 ağ.GAR Zg-ki-qu t5 Dream series,
16' 6 bul-ti t6 6, medical recipes,
17' PAB 1-me-88 t7 in all i88,
18' .dPA-suM A HAL t8 Nabi-nadin-apli, diviner, [son] oflssar-
19' [eJ r'ıar, duri.
tr beginning (about two lines) broken away (Break)
1' [ı ki-isl-pu. iit [1, funerary offe]ring,
2' [' MA]s.MAğ-r' 2 [x, exor]cists'lore,
3' lxESl.cAn za-ki-qu 3 [x], Dream series,
4' IPAB xl-me-37 + [in all, x+]37,
5' r'ldPA_cAR Jrül-me HAL 5 Nabi-ğakin-ğulmi, diviner

6' I e-gir-tü uğr,.BüR.DA.ı,ES 6 1 one-column tablet, anti-witchcraft,

7' ^mu-ğe-zib-dpA A
.dPA-MU_6AR u Muğezib_Nab0, son of Nabi-Sum-iSkun'
8' A.BA ^ğ4
MAN K{.DINGIR.RA the scribe of the king of Babylon.
g', l DluBrrr(-r) i]q:qurl-[oü-uğ 9 1 tab[let ...l lqqur [İpufl,
10' [[6]l PAB 1
d["r xxxl ıo in all' 1, [NN].
1l' 6 URU i Iru-SUKUHAR] lt 6 (tablets o0 "(IO a city lis ser on a
12' 2 UD.NG[S DüG.GA.Iffiğ] t2 Z (oD [auspicious] days,
13' -bul
z ilzl ı3 2 (o0 Ifzbu]
one line broken away (Break)
m beginning (about niıe lines) broken away

50 Lowerhalfofa3_columntablet.Edition:Parpola,JNES4216ff.,wiüphotosofobv.andRev.onp'17..]
this line, JNES 42 23). i.4 For the sign immediaıely after the breai see co]l.
APdN-e.ğ also poŞsible (see note on
ii.9 The üaces do not seem to e_E'Jl here.



1' [AdJ M]U_k (xİ)] iii 1 [son of...-ğu]mu-[...]

2', [ı] DUB [' z [] tablet, [...J,

3' I e-gir-tlul 3 1 one-column tablet, exorcists'lore,
4' MAğ.MAğ-ri
s', PAB 2^tab-|nı-i A.IBA] s in all 2. Tabni, scrlibel of the chief eu-
6' .fd cAL-sAG? A-MAINI nuch of the crown prince.

7', 1 MIJL.SAG.MU ı 1, The New Yeal Star,

8', 1 UD.IGğ DÜG.GA.NEğ 8 1, auspicious days,
t iz-bu
g \,Izbı,
10' 1fİ.cAR za-kı-qu ro 1, Dream series,
1l', 9 J['].MF,ğ 119 [...],
12', ı ki-is-pu ız1, funerary offering,
13', MAğ.MAğ', 13 [ 1], exorcists' lore,
t4' IPAB 1]s
.dPA MU-I' ıa [in all 1']5, Nabü-ğum-.. lphysilcian,
I5' [A.z]u x (x)] son of Su[...].
\6' lx x xlx xIx x xl (Break)
rest (about four lines) boken away
I beginning (about two lines) broken away
1' [PAB r+]2 DUB.[MEğ]
'.i [in all x+]2 tablet[s],
2' ["6pA.l ıl-sw_iq-bi [Nabü] -balassu-iqbi, lson of Na]bi,
3' [A'dP]A?-A-Ağ LÜ.SANGA
d[.'] apal-iddin, priest of [DN].

4', |xxxxxxxlıc (Break)

Iest (about 22 ünes) bıoken aıvay

iii.l The DU alıer MU, if preliously presenl, js now lost. iii'll |n JNES ıhe sign l is given as UDU?. alıhough üe
commentan, noles one coiıld also ıieihaos more iustifiably) Iead tB; neither seems perfect. as ıhe sign shows no injıial
ve'ıical and ıhree horizontals (\ee'coll.i' Afier il üere is a shiny patch of clay which may simpl} have been b]ank.
iil.|4 The tinal siqn Iesembles VEor [ılcJ ralherlhan As. iii.l5 For lhe r€bıoratjon ofzlı, rand not. fbr insıance. BlA)
*ee rNes +z z: ia loc' At üe end ;f the |ift 6s -Ila-a-a] in fact looks more plobable than -m[a-, but oüer signs'
woüld be possible.

FIG. 15..w riting boafd İrom N imrud: froat pdnel, with library inscr iptioı of Sarqon identiİying it as T he Series
Enuma Anu Enlil.
MALLow AN ' N i-mrud. a.nd its Reınains I, FiE. 93.


tr 4 UD AN dIBEI ü t 4 (tablets) Enuma Anu [Enlil],

2 6 URU-,za-SIrKIUMARI 2 6,'(If) a city [is set] on a hill,"
I ilz? -bul 3 1,Ilzbul,
4 2 [xxx] 4 2, 1...1
rest (about 24 lines) broken away (Break)
m 1 MAğ.MAğ_rı..r-ıl iii 1 exorcists' lore,
2 PAB 8 md[r] MU-rcISr z in all 8, [...]-İumuJe5iı, son of Mar-
3 A.DUMU ıd1[ı5] A.BA [Issar], a scribe of the chief ... of the crown
4 GAr rt4f-ldpx A-MAN prince.

5 1 GIğ.ZU 8 G[ğ.IG.MES] 5. 1 polyptych of 8 (leaves), medical

6 bul-|İi x x] recrpes,
7 r8l D[UB.I\ffiğ] 7 8 talblets ...],
8 r31
lxxxf 8 3 [......]
rest (about 21 ünes) broken away (Rest destroyed)

5 1. Inventory of Tablets and Writing Boards

82-s-22,533 ADD 1053

I begiıuıing (about thlee lines or more) (Beginning destıoyed)
broken away
l' 2 610l iı 2 (polyptychs ofl) 6 (leaves),
2' 2s 2 2(oD5,
3' 24 3 2 (of) 4,
4' 33 a 3 (o03,
5' 12 s 1(ofl2,
6' PAB 14 GIğ.ZU.NGs o in all 14 polyptychs,
7' 2 GIğ.IG.I\,8S r 2 leaves, convolutions (of the intes-
8' ti-ra-L-ni tines),
9' PAB HAL-u-tıi e all extispicy.
10' r 5 [(r r) to 1 (polyptych o0 5 (leaves),
11' I 3 [0] 11 1 (o0 3,
12, 1r2r [o] 11 1 (of) 2,
13' PAB [3 crS.zu.MES] ıı in all [3 polyptychs],
e.14' ]ı? [Cls.lC.NEğl ıa 11 [leaves] of extispicy.
15' ğa tııı'-u-ni (Break)
tr beginning (about four lines) broken away
1' ı0 GIğl!.rzul.M[Es] ii I 10 polyptychs, all extispicy.
2' PAB HAL-u-tti
blank space of one line
3' PAB TA* f-*i-b[a-a] ı All from Bit-Ib[a].

4' l Şar-rat-/İ.ı-e a 1 (tablet o0 Rope of Heaven,

5' 2 iq-qur--DİJ 5 2 (ofl lqqur ipuK,
6' 6 a-ği-pu-tli o 6 (of) exorcists' lore,
7' r5?l 6ğ.GAR HAR-ra 7 5 (o0 the HAR-ra seıies,
8' [4 M]AS.rr.r.{ 8 [4l @f) Mağtil&'
9' [PAB 1]8 DUB.LES e [in all 1]8 tablets.
I I PAB ^ağ-ğur-mu-kın-BAL-id l'i ı All of Ağğur-mukin-pale'a.
rest uninscribed

riii a Th€ reading follows JNES 42 (see note p. 23); collatio[ suggesls üat cAL rLü.sAGr
may be p.efelable.
. 5ı loweI part of a vertical, 2-colurİın tablet. Edition: Parpola' JNES 42 20, with photo Fig.Za-b. iiı GIs, if
the correct reading. musı be wrill,en over an erasüTe (see coll')"



n blank space of about 10 lines

ITI.SE IJD- r29ı -KAM ii t Month of Adar (XID, 29th day, epo-
2 lim-mu^EN-ğiı-nu nym yeaı of Bel5unu (648 B.C.).
rest uninscdbed

52. Fragment of Tablet Inventory

K13280+K138i8 JNES 42 24
1 [.' uD] AN-dEN.LiL r [x, Enuma] Anu Enlil,
Z lxxlBB iz-bu 2 [x'], Summa Izbu,
3 lx gafr-rum trut-hi-rum
3 fx, Gulrrum = mahirum,
4 [.' BE IJD]U.NrA 14.2 kur-ri 4 [x, "If a she]ep's ear is shoıt,"
5 [x BE_UDUI.\rA im-ba-a iı-sı 5 [x, "If a she]ep cries baa,"
6 |x x mlu-kaı-lim-ıü 6 [x, c]ommentary,
7 ["r NA]M.BüR.BI ,Z-bi 7 [x]. anomaly apotropaion,
I [x.xxlBB iz-bu 8 lxl, Summa Izbu.

I lt-mel-r2 t LA l URU-i.?l SUKUD-e--CAR , |ll12' 1 missing, "Iİ a city is set on a

10 [r+]37 ES.GAR ALAMl.|M-ma-u ıo [x+]37, physiognomic omen series,
ll [o] Z_aı ıen.ııBğMG.DiM-D1M-lnu-u 1ı including uncanonical nigdimdimmi
12 k K]A.TA.DUG4.GA-ıI |2 |...' k)aıaduqqfı.

13 lx ils-hur ma-[a-dq]
|3 |...l, Ishur ına|dal
14 lx xl txt
lx ri xl (Rest destroyed or too broken for transla-
15 lx x xlxlx xl taion)
rest broken away
Rev. broken away, save ftaces of signs in the end
of eight ünes

53. Fragment of Tablet Inventory

K 6962 JNES 42 26
beginning broken away (Beginning desffoyed)
|' |xxxxx].ırrİ
2' |x x, x x]sş41-ıi1
3' Ix x] lx x1-ti-ğli ana d6m pa-qa-di 3 [...] ..., "To consign to the Anunnaki,'
4' |x x] a-di şa-a-ti-ğü 4 [... ] , including its explanations,
5' [ü MU.ME]S BAR.}fis 5 [...] uncanonical fomens, including] its
6' |a-dü şa-aıi-ği explanations.

7' [rrr] rdu.cuR 7 [......] Nergal,

8' [rrr] raM[ASl 8 [......] Nilnurta],
9' lx x x xlx na dulx xl 'q t...1...t...1,
10' [ıxxı]ı E.SA[ı.n-q] '0 [...] Eğalffa]

52 Top right-handcomer ofcarefully written tablet with flat surfa.e, closely resembling nos. 53 and 56. Edition:
Parpola, JNEs 42,24_25 wiü copy Pig.5a-b.
53 Fragment from righFhaoi! sida of tablet, considered by Parpola to be Part of no. 52, q.v. Edition: Pa.pola,
JNES 42, 26, with copy Fig. 6.
2 ]-rl'r_' also possible. 3 Collation JNP does not favour the restoütion of4]-rdi
şar_,ıjl;s proposed'iiı JIfus +z; sie coıı. 8 'Thele is the head of a vertical wedge directly beneath the u.GUR of
line 7'. making'it p.obable lhaı we should read here dMlAs| '\inuna" lcoll. JNP).


1v lxxxxxlxlxxxl (Rest destroyed)

rest broken away
Rev completely brcken away

54. Fragment of Tablet Inventory

K 5184 ADD 1107

I' beginning broken away (Beginning destroyed or too broken for
t' lxxxxx-bli transiation)
2' çxxx x-eln
3' cxxx DI].DI
4' cxxx DrIRI?.DRI
5' cxxx slA-bt
6', r.r r xl UMUN.MU
7', x x xPnJlL-tirn
8', x,t x g|w-ıim
9', xx xl ta1-naBB,
10' x x x] t71 :.6 :.

t1' x x x] t41 :.4:.4 :.

1z', x x x] t21 :. tl2t1
fx xl
rest broken away
Tf beginning broken away
I' sfxxxxxl
2' ı|xxxxx]
3' 6[s.GiR .r ü]
8 .I ii 3 8, [...] serlies]
4' 'ı di-x|x x x x] 4 7, [...1,
5' ı dı N[a.ı .ı.r] 5 7, Anu [...].

6', 26 NA{.Gü.KUG.I,E[ğ] o 26, Holy Neckstones.

7', 30 TU.RA. lKtr-iB'BA.IvDğ] t 30, Turalkilibbfrl.

8', 33txx1 lxxxxxl 8 33,...[......].

rest broken away (Rest destroyed)

Rev. completely broken away

55. Fragment of Tablet Inventory

K t2722 JNES 42 17
I' beginniıg (about2lines) broken away (Beginning destroyed)
1' k GIğ.ZU.Iffiğ i]q-q|ur_oi| ti 1 [x polyptychs ofl lqqfur ıpuğ,
2' lx e-glir-a-te uD-1.İ:1-tdt[BE1 , [x one-col]umn tablets, Enuma Anu
3' [2]s DUB.T,GS ro e-girrLl-ftel 3 [2]8 tablets, 10 one-column tablets,
4' uD AN d[BE] Enuma Anu [Enlil],

54 Flake from centre ofwell wIitten multicolümned tablet. see Paryola, JNES 42 27 (no.6; with photo, Fig' 7).
ii.8 See photo for traces.
55 Fragment from cenüe'of a mu]ticolumn labıet. copy Parpola, JNES 42 |7' Fig.3c. Edited ibid.' in
combination wiü no' 50. bul on inspecaion of the originals i[ does not seem certain üat it folms pafi of the same
rablet (boü from genelal asPect and flom the widü of column), and it şeems safer to present it separately here.


5' DDUB.MEğ 7 e-gır-r&t |o1 5 22 İablgts,7 one-column tablets, "(If) a
6', URU-ird SUKUD-[GAR] city [is set] on a hill,"
7, 15? DUBI.MEğ 85le1-gı|r-a-te| 7 5 tablets,85 one-[column tablets],
rest broken away (Rest destroyed)

56. Fragment of Tablet Inventory

K 10182 + K 197 57 M6l. Fin. 98

I beginning broken away (Beginning destroyed)
l' | (x) x xlx txl [x. x. xl
2' I kil -n]a-as a1-Iıu (x x)l 2 [Reglular Riıes |.-.l'
3' I U]D.Iffi.DA rrD.s[Ü.UD.DA] 3 l"Whenever in dist]ant days,"
4' mar-şa-a-ti İıilcl i-x[x x] a "Troubles which ... [...],"
5' LuGN- q-na di-nim |la i-qüfl 5 "If a king ldoes not heed] iustice,"
6' i-te-züz lx x] 6 "[...] became aıgly,"
7' NAM.Z.rAR.[RA] 7 Namzitar[ra].
blank line
8', ı : di-na-q-ni ğE ha-aın-m|u_ra-bİ ğ 8 1 ditto, Laws of Hamm[urabi],
g', iro m.AB.BA.[i (İ .r)] s In the month Abba['e ...],
10' iıı4 rü.MAs. [DA.Kü (, J)] ı0 in the monü Mağ[daku ...],
t1' e be tni\ xf:c x x] (Rest destroyed or too broken for transla-
!2', 1|İuxfxxxxxx] tion)
t3' l txlxxxxxxxxJ
14' l:fxxxxxxxx]
remaindeı broken away

56 PIagment ftom left-hand side of well-wfitten tablet. Edition: Lambeİİ'Mdlanges Finet 95-6, with copy, P.98.
Po$ihlv from same tablet as no. 53 andlor no. 54.

8. Metals and Stones

prc- \6: Head of Assutbanipal, showing earrings and

BM 124867.

57. Account of Precious Items, Reign of Sargon

K4783+K10451 ADD 928

I 1 ['ü -r]' KUG.UD t ı [...] of silveI.
2 [İ D]rMU MAN lxl , the crown prince;
3 k L]ü.SUKKAI lxl, the vizier;
4 lx Llt.tur-tan zAc lxl, the commander-in-chief of the right;
5 |x L]t.tur-ıan KAB| lxl, the commander-in-chief of the left;
6 [-T']a,i-,ğ,Jr_MAN PAB lxl, A55ur-5arru-uşur;
7 r] \UMUN Dü lxl, Zeru-ibni;
8 [] Lü*.IGI.DUB lxl, the treasurer;
9 r| uıu.arrap-ha [x], Arrapha;
10 ç1 lupıs1 .di-rnağ-qa to [x],_Damascus;
11 r'MAN-IGII.LAL-4,x-,?i 1r [x, Sarru-emu]ranni;
t2 r KA.DIN]crRr.RA.Kr r, [x, Bab]ylon;
t3 İ MlA KI.I-AL 13 [total, x m]inas in weight.
l4 x x]-aİ-İur ı4 [......]-AğğuI;
15 x ı 5]A?-ö[İ? r] \s l--l therein 1...1
rest broken away (Break)
Il 1 'n1 lxxxxl ü t 7l [......1.
2 }ol+x MA.l Kt.L1J,l , 20[(+x) minas] in weight.
3 e-|gtr-a|ıi 3 AUll d.elbt-notles.
4 galb-blul

5 KU6.I"GS KUG.UD s Fish of silver:

6 2-me-|6^[dğ-ğlırr|-MAN-PAB 6 216, [Ağğ]ur-ğaIru-uşur;

7 l-me-44 fx x1x KI.LAL 7 144 [minas] in weight.

8 iap-pli KUGl.uD 8 Sil[ver b]owls:

9 l-liııı [,'4.ğ-.ğur_MAN-P]AB! 9 1,000[+x AĞİur-Ğarıu-u]şuı;
10 l-me-lol+x ^x x-bli ro i 10[+x......];
11 3-mefxxxsfrcs ıı 300' [N]N;
L2 5otlxxxxxDll 1' 50 [......]...
13 2lx x x x-L)N: t3 2l---...1...
14 [r r r.r] HAR (Break)
l5 [_ııııl.ııı.ğ
rest broken away
m beginning (3 lines) broken away
l', ir,a URU.BIAD-'MAN]--GN iii ı p1g1-ğ 1rr1k9ıl.
z', l J irn ğ q ^ q İ - ğ ur-M?J]-P1\B1 1,000, of Ağğur-Ğarıu_uşur;

-l 50 J4 Lü*.ARAD.IVES-,iıi 3 50, of his servants;

4', 62TA* s^ İa LI3*.ma-'a-ba-a-a 4 62, out of that of the Moabites;

57 Photo Pl. ru. Upper part of tablet with 3 columns on each face. In format and general appealance üe tablet
strongly.esembles no' 58 (though üey arc not the same tablet). The script on the reverse is noticeably shallow (tablet
&ying oüt)l cf. no. 58' i.I Peıhaps ıestore ruc.c]I (UG.UD. ii.a see coll.' ,]rl! at the end of line coll. from photo
(SP)r tine spaced out. ji.7 See coll. r.ii.2 The two signs after na- co\fldtte mah ta or similar. .-iii.l See coll.


s lotal, 1,112 the 29th of Iyyar (II).


s'. PAB l - ıi In- | - ln e - 12 ITI.GUD UD-29

6', zqt-'u-uzt -zu o Divided up (as follows):
7', lo 4-lı4 'EN_DÜ LÜ* .SA.T[AM] z 10, ıo Bel_ibni, the prel[ate];
8', 20 a-na lo PAB.l.,|Fğ-ğü,İa 'E[N!_DÜ] I 20, to ten brothers of B[el-ibni];
g', PAB 30 m.src4 uD-g-KlAMl P In all, 3Q the 9th of Sivan (III),
10' ,ıı 4 URU.BAD_-MAN--G[IN] ı0 in Dul-Sarruke[n].
t1' s ^pu! -ti-i lx x xl It 5, Puti, [...] the chief lamentation
t2' Lü*.GAL-Uğ!.IKU.IEsl Ipriest]:
t3' rrr.slc4 uDr-k-KdMl 13 month of Sivan ([I), [xth] day,
t4' inauı|u.xxxxx| ra in the city of [.. . ... t;
t5' PAB 35 b( x)( )( xl ıs Total, 35 [...... ]
t6' İa|L(J*|.|xxxxx] ıo of the [......].
rest broken away (Break)
I completely broken away
tr beginning broken away
1' HAR.MES KUG.G[I! .ü İl r.ii r rings of golld ...]

z' 2^ın-|x x1-ğe1-ia|-öf t Na....ğeiağ,

3' z^a-bi-eğ-ıa-am-ba| t Abieğtamba,
4' 2 ^iİ'-t(11 -ki-par| -rı1 Iğtakipari, commander of pack-ani-
5', GrJ-_q-şqp-pı mals
6' PAB6txxxl lx x] s total, 6 [...]
fxxxxxl (Break)
rest (about 2-3 lines) broken away iii [......l İromthe te|qmsl
Itr beginning broken arvay
T' [ı.ı ı ı x] ıA ANSE!!.z!- Iı xl

z', lx İ -r.ME]ğ KUG.GI .ğ4 8_4-re! , [......] s of gold, "of eighths";

3', lx x x x]-pu-hu|-ıe 3 [......]...

4'. [x xxl
tr rr 2-nıe-31 ERM.trEğ-rx,'_MAN 4 1......1 231 king's men;
5', lx xxl rHARr.I\,ffiS KUG.tctn s [x] golldl rings
6', l;c xtcxx]txx1 (Rest destroyed)
rest (about 3-4 lines) broken away

58. Precious Items Issued to Visiting Delegations

K 8787+ ADD 11 10+

I at least 30 lines broken away (Beginning destroyed)
1', lxxxxxxl:.! i ı [...... ] ditto;
z', lxxxxxlx-ki
3' YAB ant - qar-lru-nla- a-a 3 total, the men from Ekron.

4', 2! HAR GI sIG a 2 ıiıgs, gold, small, Padü-il, from Biç

5', ^pa-du-ti-DftlctR Ammon;
6', 6' ıım-man-a-a 7 per each man a silver ring, one quarter
7' .ğ4! ı Lü IIAR UD 4*.Iffiğ (mina);
slc 8 per each ditto ditto, small;
8', .ğd 1 :. :.
58 Photo of rev. Pl. I. U[usüally long vertical tablet, 3 columns on each face, rcconstituted from numerous
1r12)+K13216(ADD1113)+K13223(ADD1l14)+Kı4305+K20414(unpub.); 2 other fragments ceItainly
belong but do not physically join: K 18983 and K 19090 (copies see p. 256 with K 20414). The format of the tablet
resemb]es no.57, and the scriptis immediately distiıctive by its 6loping and veİy shallow *edges, partly due to drying
clay. The sections are, unusuaily, separated by double horizontal rulings. Previous edition: TCAE 33?-342; - R.
Zadok,wo 9 (1971' 35-37. i.7,erc. we remain üıalecialed whethel4.MEs is an abbIeviation of 3 4.ıGs "üree-quaI-
ters" or mea[s "one-quarter."


a- na İ\RAD.\[Fs - ğ ü ğa lq- ğ ü
e for his servants (and) his associates
10' PAB KrJR.b-am-mqn-d-q 1o total, the men from Bit-Ammon.

tr about 30 lines broken away (Break)

l' lxxlxfxxxxx]
2' |o|ıi-xlxxxxx]
3' |rleı gu-x|x x x x] ii 3 toltall, the fmen from] Bylblasl

4' 2HARUD tD IMA-4-al + 2 silver r\ngs, l/2 [mina each], Ba'il-

5' ^ba-il-Ix xlx [... ]:
6' ııı a|r-qfa7-a-a 5 tota1, the men fıom A|rqa|.

7' ['] HAR [ıJD] l|l211 MA|-a-a t [x silver] rings, l/2 mina each, [...]id'a:
8' Fx x x\-i.drql
9' |ııı şli7-mir-a-a 9 [total, the men from Ş]İmirra.

10' [.ü i{AR GI?] 11/21 MA-a-a 10

fr gold ıings|,I/2 mina each, fthe emis-
It' lx xl ta-bal-a-a Şqry I of Tabal;
12' HAR] cI sIG 12
[x rings], gold, small, [for his serv]ants;
13', [d-na? AR]AD.I{Es-
14', |xıcxxx]xJa-a1
15', f,xxxxx]31-su.ıreS
t6' üJ-rIH]ARGI
t7' xxxxx].vıı1
18', xxxxx]-Kıi1
t9' xxxxxnlil (Too broken for translation)
20' xxxxxl-at-a!
21.', xxxxxxfu
22'. xxx'ıcxx]
x x xxKlAMl
24', ıcxxxxxf
75', fi rl I sqrxl-lx x xJ
ğa xIx x]
27' PAB ğa 2 ERIM HAR GI [0] 27 total, for every two men, a ring of gold:
28', PAB tq-bal-a-a 28 total, the men from Tabal.

m firsı half broken away (Bıeak)

I [...] ... [...], when the rriblute ...1;
1.' IxxluDlxxxxl iii
2' ki-i ma-d|a-ıi x x] 3 and for every 3 |men a silver ringl, foı
3' üğa3Ixxxx] hi[s] serv[anıs] who [brought] the hoIse
4' q-na|'R|AD.IJEğ-ğüI telams ...] to Arb[ela]:
5' ğq /\İİsB.u-r|at x x]
6' iı14 ülR]u.arbd)U x xl
7' PAB 20ulRU1.x x x\ 7 total 20 , [the men from . . . ] .

8', 2 HAR Gu .ü -I.r .ı;] 8 2 rings, gol[d, ...], Da[......];

^dıı|-Ixxxxx] ı0 per each 3 men a sil[veı] ring, for his
10' Ja 3 ERn\4 HAR u[D! 0]
t1' a-rc ARAD.MEs-'ğ[, ol seryantIs];
T2' ü| ğüm-ını I[a 0] 12 and if he does n[ot] rom[e], per each 2
t3' iı-lak-|kn 0] me[n 1ring, ...] shall be seı lasideli
l4' ğd 2! fERM?l IHAR J]
t5' i-ğak-kIıı] -nu]

ii3 Signafter gı tıegins wiü be ı[r-, but ö[ü- is

2 slanting wedges.It can hardly'hence apossibility. ii6 The tİaces before
-a-a caınoı tĞ -a;ai. e\c|uding the rğstoraüon ot Arwad: probab|y d[r-ql;-a-a (cf. Toponyms p. 3l ). iilö
The second sign is l<A wi|h an inscribed sjgn: insıead ol EME üas in TCA€. referring to ıhe person's İole), one mighl
conqider KU ö-r ıcc treferring lo ıhe fuiction of üe vesse|). Thusi "for Il dino] l ja.'. Iof silver/gold] for
earing/&jn}ing." Uı.l 7 Mosaofüese ]ines aIe supplied by the newly joined flagment K 20414.



16', ü ki-i |0] t6 and when he came,

17' il-lik-an-lni ol
18' 2 nAR Gr 3 :. [uD o]
ı8 2 gold rings; 3, ditto, lof silver],
19' 2 ku-ri-nat Kluc.uDl te 2 neck-pieces of s[ilver] they set qside:
20' is-sa-akt-nu lol
21' pıı hu|-bu! -u| s|-ka-a-a] 21 total, the Hubuö[kians]

t ' ,t*or4*-7a-aJ 22 2 goldrings,l/4 each, Mania, [...];

23, ^ma_ni_at tu3*t1.fx xl
24' r.İal ııüuıfnıxıx] 2a per each man, a ring [of
25' lxxxxxxxxf 's [ . . . . . . , . . . . . .] .

26' lxxxxxxxxl
27' 2ülLAP.txxxxxxl 27 2 rilngs ...1
28' tlxxxxxxxl (Break)
29' lfxxxxxxxl
possibly one line broken aııvay
I .1.' about 5 lines broken away ..i12ditto[......].
2' PAB ğa|xxxxx] 2 total, of 1...l, for...[......], who came
3' a-na (sııp' ras.) x|x x x x x] ou[t] with thleml;
4' İa is-sisğıi1-nlu]
5' ıi-su-ni-|nil rHARı 6 total, for every 7 men a ring [of ...],
z 2 gold rings, small, Nabü-[...];
6' PAB ^ğd ? ER]M [.r J -r]
7' 2 HAR GI sIG tuPA k J "rl 8 2 ditto, ditto, 2 silver rings, of 1 mina
8' 2! :.r :.! 2 HAR uD 1r MA.NA-d-o each,
9' 2rtzlxxxxl e 2 d\tto, ditro, 2 f...,]
6 lines broken away (Break)
18' ıcı2 x|xxxxıcx] ı8 ... [......];
ı9 total, of 1he ci[ty
19' PAB U[RU?.-ü "T.I .x J]

z0' fxxxxxl
ğq3 20 for every 3 t...1
21' lxxxxxl
ğa2 21 for every z t...1
8 lines broken away (Break)
30' PABlxxxxxl ro total, [......]

3r 2 rings, t......, PNl, the [...]ean;

3.1.' 2IHAR lxxxxxl
32' rıl*.|xxxxx]
33' İafxx:cxxx] Jr perlcach man ......1to 1......1:
34' a-nlaxxxxl
35' vıı|xxxxx] 35 tolal, [......].

36', 2!EARxxxxxl 36 2 [rings ......]

about 8 lines broken away (Break)
tr about 9 lines broken away
,.ii I [x fings of go]ld, 1/3 shekel, [forthose
lx HAR G]I? 3-sıl.MEs
2' t a-na İa] KI'ğ1ı
whol brought the tuibute with him:
J t ma]-da-tü na-şa-ni a total, Ila-nasaka, üe [shei]kh of the Aıabs.
4' PAB [0 -]DtNclR.-a-m-sd-t4
5', t|(ı.na- sfl-ku ar-b a-a-a

6' 2 [HAR GIı slc o 2 lgold rings], small, [...]'a, son of [...];
7' tutx x xlJxl-q,'
8' DUMU? [x x x x-h]u1

iii.ı9 see no. 73:4 and CAD K s.v. İurjııı; hardly kü-tal-lat. iii.21 Form attested in ABL 441| |'7 .


9' İa z1 fxxxx] e for every 2 [men, ....], to [......], when

|0' a-na^1fx x ıcx] lhel calme ...1.
||' k-i |x x ıc x]
12' il-lik-an-nil
13' PAB^xlxxxxl ıı Total, N[N].

14' ,i[a?]eruu| rHARı UD 3_Jı la Fo[ı every] man a silver ring, 1/3 she-
15' a-[ıı]a MAH.MEğ kel, for the emissaries of the lady Yatlila,
L6' ğ[a] ıfr'ia-|t]i?-q when they brought the [horses] inlo Arlbella.
17' t[t]-iANS[E.KUR?].NGS
18' in|q ğ]}\ URu.(r[r-bq-İ]l
79' na-su-ni-ni

20' 2HARGI2BMA-a-a 20 2 go|d riıgs, 2l3 mina each, Hamme-

21' ^hq-am-me-dğ-tiJ ağti,ihe ennissary of [...l'
22' tMAfl1 xlxxxxxl
23' x x x]x.rı|-a-a zaI .l of the country of [...],
|x x x f]a is-si-ğrt| >4 I . his ass]oçiates.

25' HAR G]l sIG zs [x go]ld [rings], small, Teı-ila'i, [ch]ief

26' ['l -er*DnIGIR-4r-
re [d] of the pack-animals of the Arabs;
27' I cAlL at-sqp
28' |o\ğa a-ri-bi
29' [.T.ıi 't] HAR UD 4*.N,Eğ
29 [...l a silveı ıing, 1/4 shekel, [for his
30' |a-na flaKl-ğı aslsociates.

3t' [.T HAR] GI SIG ıı [x] gold [rings]' small, Yusiq-ili, son of
-72 [']ıu-ii-si-iq DD.IGIR Il0-rame, sheikh of Bit-[...],
-r -, DUMU ODtr.IGIR- T4-,?,E [O]
34' na-sik İa E|-|x|
35', |^]KUR. q q - a l| - q a - ı q| J &!l - |al
ıs Qalqalafyu], his Arab as[sociate].
36' |KlrJf ('- ru - bu ğa| |K|- ğ ü]

37' [-I J .ü] KUG.UD .ük .ü .ü]

37 [...] silver [...]
rcst (about 3 lines) broken away (Break)
Itr 1 k HARI cr s[c] ..iii ı [1] gold [rings], sma[ll] Ahu-
2 |^PlAB_ıi-d|i1 (x x)1 lid[i...], the man from Yasubu.
3 ia-su-bla-a-al

4 2 "Dft,ıGl.R_ba-q-[x' x| ı 2' I|ıı-ba'ld'i]' .....

5 [o] lx\ İi7 ^ba7-xfx x] (Break)
6 lines broken away
12 fxxxxxl-a-a
13 lx x x alr-zi-za-a-a |3 |... İhe man from AJrziAr
14 Ix x xf tx x )c1-sa-a-a 14 |... İhe man|
from ['..lsa
15 |xx x] ınvıı-a-a ıs [...] 1/2 minaeach,
|6 [0 4-z]4? MAH.MEğ 16 [t]o the emissaries [and] city ıu1ers
17 [i] EN-URU.IDS who broulght the ltrib]ute to Arbela.
18 |İa mı-ğa-tıi ina arba-İl
19 | na-şlu-ni-ni
20 I,HAR] GI sIG zo [x] gold [rings], small, [Nabü]-bel-
21 [odPA] EN MU.I\.mğ bi-rat-a-a ğumate from Birat.

r.ii.t8 Restolation a[/-Ea-i], epigraphically possible (coll.), alüough not this sclibe's usual oIthogIaphy. ı.ii.23 The
sign before KI looks like KAls(AL; see coll. r.ii.24ff Rutings coll. from photo (SP). r'ii.26, 35 CoIl from photo (SP).
Liti.a -ba-a_Ldilt


22 [İ HAR] GI sIG
,, [x] gold [rings], small, Saggil-dubbib,
23 l^lsqg - stl iit-ub-bi- ib [pre]late of Deı.
I S]A.ıeı,ı.Ia de|-e-ri
25 Total, 5 men a silver ring, 1/4 shekel,
25 [P]AB 5 BRIM HAR I,D 4* -
26 [ | a-na İarı-İıi for his associates.

2? [x] silverrings, 1 mina each, E1eru, preL-

27 [x] IIAR UD 1 MA-A-A
28 t ] 'e-ıa-rü sA|.TAM ate of Gannanati.
29 t {] a |JRv. g a-|n]a - ııa - t i
30 k HA]R'?U[D? Jü :o [x rilngs, sifiver ..1
rest broken away '] (Rest destroyed)

detached fragment A (K 19090) from left A = K 19090

side, i.e. Obv. i or Rev. iii.
upper paxt broken (Beginning destroyed)
1.' xlxxxxxl
2' x[xxxx]
3' ia 2 AR[AD.Ii{ES-,irl 3 for every 2 ser[vants of his],
4' Ja 3 ERrM [HAR r] a for every 3 me[n a ... ring], shall be se,
5' i-İak-|x x x| x' lasidel.
6' ııı ü fxxxx] o In all, 2 [......,].

7' 2HI1\Rxxxxl ı 2 ri[ngs ......]

remaindeı bıoken (Rest destroyed)

detached fragment B (K 18983). Probably B = K 18983

from upper part of Obv. ii.
upper paxt broken (Beginning destıoyed)
1' trt.x xl lx x x x. x] ı the [... ];
7' İarı-İü|xxxxxl z his associates [.. . ].

3' 1 HAR GI sI[G İJ; Jl 3 1 gold ring, smal[l, ...],

4' t21 qu-dn-siKulc x.x x xl a 2 earings of [......]
remainder broken (Rest destroyed)

59. Six Years' Receipts of Precious Items in the Reign of Assurbanipal

K 4773 ADD 927

x x x xl-dint -u-ni i I [who g]dve
2 xxxxxlx t.. ..1
-t J,x.x KA.DN,IGR.R]A.KI t.. B abyllon
4 xxxxxxxxl t.. ..1
5 :cxxxxxxxT t.. ..1
6 xxxxxxxl-til t.. t..
7 (x) x zAlc-up-nu t.. pralyer bowl
8 ; J.ü r.MElğ! GABA.Gü t.. I ...(-ornament)
9 xxxxğıi]-hı-t{ı| t.. jewlellery.

10 [ı İ-IJ, KU]R.URI.lGs 10 [... Ak\kadıan

11 lx xxxxxxx]-pqı (Break)

59 Uppel palt ofa verticaltablet with 2 columıs oneach face. i9 Probabiy a total: [Atl this (...)] jewellery,


l2 lxxxxxxxlx
13 lxxxxxxxxl
t4 5fx)txxxxxxfx
15 ?'01+xxxxxxxxx]
rest broken away
tr blank space of 2-3 lines
PAB ir-b, ,Td A-MAN ii I Total, the crown prince's revenues.

2 ir-bu İd lim-m[e| ^]UD-gab 2 Revenue from the eponym year of Sagab

3 a-dı lim-lıı.e| ^||dPA] MAN-PAB.IGS-J,, (651 B.C.) to the eponym year [ofNabü]-ğar-
4 .ğa 6MU.[AN.N]A.ü'Gğ ahheğu (646 B.C.), for 6 yleajrs, which they
5 İd ina ru]-Ih1m|-ti brought into the treasury:
6 ıi-ğe-r|i-bul-u-ni 7 11 talents, 20[+x minas of sil]ver, as
7 ll MA.(NA) KUG.U]D Eğ.GAR
GI3 2o|+x work-materials;
8 29| kap-[pı K]UG.UD maJdn|-tdı|1 8 29 silver tribute bowls, 25 minas in
9 2s MA.[(NA)] Kr.[LAL] weight.

10 ıo İad-din| |x x x x]
ıo 40 togas [...];
11 sı| |cı3|1 fx x x]x xfx x] ı1 51 talents [...]
rest bmken away (Rest destroyed)
Rev. as faı as preselved, uninscribed

60. List of Temple Treasures Sent to Elam

K 8247 +K 13182 ADD 930
I1 |an-ni-(t)ül a-nuırt i 1 [These are] the objects [of the god]s of
2 [ğa D}{GR.M]Eğ .ğa URU.d/.-ğad Akkad' [which ıve]nt lto'l Elam:
3 [ğ4 ın4 K]UR.MM.MA.KI
4 |nl^l -ku|-ıi-ni
5 lx xl a-a-ri sa-da-ni 5 [x] rosettes of gold alloy [ofl the Lady of
6 [.ğ4l
dGAğAN_URU .qk-k^d KUG.G| Akkad, in gold;

7 [İ -r] KUG.LD
15 7 [...]of silver, 15 minas in weight
8 ['t{ıN!.GAL srlM_rıo rıi lNik]kal-iddin, when he was in Elam, bor-
9 [ ,rxa KUR.NI]M.MA.rı ğu-tü-u-ni rowed it;
10 I ina plu-hi it-ıi-ği
11 |x] ğaP-Pe-e KUG-|-ID 11
[x] bowls of silver;
t2 |l1 ta|'| -ak-kül-si| KUG,UD t2 1 block of silver;
t3 3 tı-ri-ma1e KUc.UD t3 3 drinking-cups of silver;
t4 | ğq-Sq-I'L-'i Kuc.|JD t4 1 sprinkler of silver;
15 4 ki-su-ki Kuc .\JD 15 4 grates of silver;
t6 2 su-sul-lu KUc .uD t6 2 boxes of silver;
t7 l Sı- ib - k|a]-ru-u KUG.UD t7 1 bowl on a staıd of silvel;
18 r ma- s ap -plull t KU c.uDl 18 1 basket of silver;
r9 t3;cxx1 lxxxx] t9 3 ... [... ];
20 ltlxxxxxxf 20 1 t...1
rcst (about five lines) broken away (Break)
II1 PAB -7ı4 an-nu-tü I'AL| -| e| ii ı Al1 these are mfissing].

n.lo Alternative lestolation (UR [ıü]-lj, "holses (alld?) mules" seems less likely but is epigraphically possibte.
60 Photo Pl. IV. Upper half of a vefiical tablet, 2 columns on each face. i.2_4 The restoration and translation
follow Parpola based on the obse alion lhat üe folm of alaİku in l. 4 can only be the subjunctive, not the ventive, in
NA. Por üings "going" elsewhe-re see, e.g., LAs 3l7I'6 (Gis.aU.zA). Cf. also LAs 2?5:5. il1 FoI other examples
of.IaP-p€-? (KUC.UD) see CAD s/l p. 479; the broken numbeI muşt be higher üan 5 judging from the spacing ofthe
sıgns. l.'9 Nol z] (co|l.). irl Co|I. from pholo lsP)'


2 Lü.sANGA.MEs ı44[b!-Öırl] , The pdests say: "There i[s (some)] from

3 ma-a iba-dğ-ğ|i (x x)l out of it, (which) Bel-ibni has given away for
4 TA* si-bi -EN-ib-ı[i] gold."
5 ina KuG.Gl ıı-ti-din|
6 2/3 of a mina
6 2]3| MA.NA bat-qu ğa ki-gal-ıi - used for the repair of the
pedestal of the Lady of Akkad;
7 .ğc dceğeN_unu.ağ'kad -bit
s 12 shekels 1 added on to the old rirrSs
8 |2 GıN inqUGU! o! ğd-Öir KUG!.GI| -
of gold of Nanaya, (and) [made] new ones;
I la-bi-ru-tıi İa nı|-f77a]-ı ql|

10 ur-ta-ad-di eİ-İu! -t|e| e-ta-pa-dİ| tr 213 mina for 4 pure star-shaped oma-
11 2131 MA.NA a-na 4 kak-ka-lbalel -
ments of the Lady [of Akkad] which are on
b - b a ı e ğa ığ AN-IuRU. ak' kadI
t2 e

13 ğa UGU ku-ma-ri |x x (x)] the Shouıder |...l:

la 8 shekels, ma|de] into 2 ıinfgs of gold|
14 8 GlN &^na 2 İE-bi|r KuG.GlIl
15 İa doıswı_E ep-|İu1l of the god Mar-biti;
ıo 10 shekels, audience gift [which] they
16 lo GiN o| nq-mur-t|u ğq]
t7 4-rğ MAN KUR.NIM.MA.Ku] presented to the king of Elam;
18 uq!-1ar-ri-fbu-u-nil
19 .z!l G[İ.{! ı.ı ı ı x] ıs 2 sheklels ......]
rest (about 8-12lines) broken away (Break)
I beginning (about half the column) broken
l' mi-xfxxxxxx] , witlh them [...];
2' i-si-ğıi-nu|xxxxx] r.i
3 İotal' 2l minas [... ];
3' PAB 2| MA.NA [İ r J.I] -T

4' z xl )c
4 2 srates of silver I...1: the Pillataeans
5' irz KASKAL ğauRu.|ğid-df1_xlx (x)] losr tı,.-. on ıhe road oi'ıhe to*n ğioai-L...ll
6' L'3.KuRpil-ıd-ta-a-|a]
7' uh-tal-lit-qu \ol dIGI.DU e 8 minas of siLver of the god Palil ofOpis:
8' 8 MA.NA KUG.UD .ğ4
9' ğauRu.ü-pi-i 1added to the two old incense-burners of the
10' ir?4 UGU 2 MG.NA.I'4Eğ Lady of A[kk]ad, and made new ones.
11' la-bi-ru-uıi (Break)
12' .i4dGAğAN-URU.4[ft-İ]4d
13' ur-tq-ad-dlil
14' eğ-ğu-hie-ıd-Ipa-dğ
tr beginning (at least 12 lines) broken away
blank space of one or more lines

GoId (lnd siı|er |esseı flom Nimrud

F'IG. |7. - Heiqht
12.5 cm.
BM 132698 = ND 7845.

ii.8or"(he.' ii. ro The restoreaı woId €r'pas (cf. r.i. 14) is assumed to be \i/ritten -on 4-ght eqge of tablet. ii.13 For
klEımatu "shol'idel, edge" see LAs IIp' 93. r'i'5 Fina|(') sign perhaps rı. ııl+ Cf.ii.10.


FIc. 18. Tribute bowls, perhaps the sih'er ones

referred to by the texıs.
BoTTA AND FLANDIN, Monument de Ninive 1,37 .

1' KUG.GI I'İ4l {rJrİ] ii I The gold, which [...] Gilu'a [...] took
z', ^gi-lu-u-a lx x x (x. x)l [... ]:
3', iİ-ğu:fl -lni ıc x (x' x)|
4', 2 ğıi-bir K|uG| J x x] + 2 g[old] rings, 2 minas in weight;
5', K[I!.L]ALLrJıilr-[n&]
6', 4 kak-ka-blq! -tel t eb1-ba!-ltel 6 4 pure star-shaped ornaments, 2/3 mina
7', 2/3 MA.NA IKII.LAT.BII in weight;
8', l-e, su.cIJRr KUG.G[I] ı 1 gold finger-ring,4 shekels in weight;
g', 14ı rBlll
i0' Ix x]x tar|JŞull KUG.G| 10 [...] ... of gold, [x mi]nas in weight;
11', [ , MA] .NA KI.I.AL. IBII
t2' MA].NA KUG.GI 'ği-bır-rri
12 [x mi]nas of gold, fıagments of a ...;
t3' [ (x' x)l İa sa-bi-bi
ıa [total, x] minas 10 shekels of gold: [all
l4' [PAB .r] MA.NA 10 ciN
L5' IPAB flq ^gi-lu-u-a thlat Gilu'a [to]ok away.
t6' I ilğ-ğu-u-ni
rest uninscdbed

61. Record of hecious Items, Reign of Assurbanipal

Sm 469 ADD 818
Obv. completely broken away (Beginning destroyed)
I' beginning broken away
|' ı|xxxxxxxx]
2' zlxxxxxxxxf
3' |xıcıcxxxxxx]
If beginning broken away
1' ^fxxxxxxxl
2, !_tteI.t fxxXXxxx]
3' tct!.fxxxxxxxf
4' PAB na-mur-ıü fx x x] r.ii 4 Total, audience-gift(s) [...] oft......1.
5' |İa!1 |xxxxx]

6' n.DUL [uo]-ı lim-me fuPA_MAN-PAB. o Month ofTishri (VII),7ü [day], eponym
Icğ-.ğ, year of Nabff-5ar-ahheğu (646 B.C.).



62. Precious Items for(?) the Gods

K 47 50 + 83-1-18,597 (ADD 966) + Bu ADD 936+

9I-5-9,35 (ADD 1129) (+) 83-1-18,562
(ADD 965)
I beginning broken away (Beginning destroyed)
1' r zlAG! ulqt rnitl l.l i| 1 pra|yer bolwı ldilİoli
z', l lıt||-ıü| KUG'UD 2 1 cow of silver;
3', 7.AG up-ni I 3 | prayer bowl ditto,
4', kap-pi KUc.uD a 1 silver tribute bowl:
5', ma-da!-te
slight space
6', PAB daİ-ğur 6 total _ the god AĞĞur.
7', | Şa|-bar-u K|JG.GI 7 1 golden mountain goar, inlaid with
8', [0] ,dılı -/ü HASHUR!--GIğ.GI 'marsh-apple' (and) maısh reed of ivoly;
[0 G]I.AMBAR! Zü
10' kl IRUDU! KUR b rr
10 [...] copper o/ıhe country |...l
11', r], rKUG|.UD!ı lı a silvel [...];
ni-ip-hu Kuc .Gtl r, [1] gold disk;
ıgMgnlı URı.MAH! 13 Ul lion,s foot;
L3' [x] ra ll I royal statue. with Assyrian ir?rcrip-
t4' [ı] NU|_MAN sAR 4,ğ-.ğLı r-d-a
15' r1n 68 KUc.cI tıoni
16', zıc
ıs 1 coııv of gold;
17', AB KUG.UD
16 |1] prayer bowı diİİoi
ı? u] coıV of silveı;
18', |ııl zıc_up-ni ,.
tB lll prayer bowl ditto',
t9' [xlü'] IKUG.UDr
re [...] of silver
rest (about 6 liıes) bloken away
beginning broken away (Break)
ii 1 [.. . ...]:
t' lxxxxxx]-te
süght space
z', PAB dts f-kid-muJrf, total _ Iğtar of Bit-Kidmuri
1 AB KUG.GI cow of gold;
4' l zAG up-ni ,. prayer bowl ditto;
5', 1 .1.B KUG.IJD cow of silver;
6', t zAc-up-ni :. prayer bowl dirto:
slighı space
PAB drs 6 !-qi 7 loİal Iğtar of Bit-Eqi.
8', 1 AB KUG.GI 1 cow of gold;
9'. l ZAC-uP-ni I e 1 prayer bowl dittol
10' I AlBl rKUG1.[uD] 10 1 Çow of silYer;
TI l ZIAG]-hP-hı | \1 1 P[rqye]r bowı diİto:
1, [1] royal [statue] of silver on cauldron;
t2' [ı Nü]_MAN KUG.UD ucu ru-qi a
13 [1] silver tribute bowl;
13', |1k]dp-pıKuG.UD
14' üıa-d'01e
15', l T(JG.qat| -a-tıi a- dir-ıü ı5 1 dark, fine garment:
slight space
PAB dAMAR.UTU 16 total Marduk.
ız 1 coır- of gold;
t7' 1 AB KUG.GI
18', I z],c up-ni I 18 1 prayer bowı diİİo',
19', 4 AB KUG,UD ı9 4 cows of silver;

r.ii'10Possibly rather n ılJ-İaI-şı (coll.).

6lLeft comer of a [arge tableti üe date and total suggest this is the reverse, but this is not certain.
62Photo Pl, I. ADDğ36 (K4750)joins ADD 966(8a-1-18,597) to form üe loweI part of a veltic-al, 4 column,
tablet; ADD 965 (83-1-18,562) does not quite join physically but supp|ies most of th€ upper-part of-cols._i and ii on
the obveıse. This idition aisumes no compiete line misiing b6tween ADD 965 and 966 in coü. i.
i1 Colı. from photo
üsPü. i'2 /il wİitten over indented AB;cött. trom photo (sP). i'9 Perhaps[rGll.A-MBARzÜ? i'll Coll. from Photg
isij. l.ı.ı uven uncenain; forıheüacesseecol|' i'l5' omilıedbyAD_D. ii'l Reslore probab|y ma-da]'üe. li'|5
md iv.8 see CAD Q s.v.4@,'ır.


20' 47.AG up-ni I 20 4 pre.yer bowls dittoi

2t' |xx x x]x aİ'-pu-u
zı 1..'1jaspeı [...J
rcst brcken away (about 5 lines) (Break)
Itr beginning broken away
I' P!\B fx x )ü x x| iii ı total [. .. ].
z', ı iı.fı| x ıc x x] 1 co[ıı of...];
l zAlG-up-ni rl I pralyer bowl dittol
total - the Cod [. .. ].

6', tlxxxxxl
about 2 lines broken away (Break)
7', PIAB? xxxxl 7 tot[al ......].
8', 1 [AB KUG.UD]
8 1 lcow of silver];
9', 17,Alc-up-nli :.
e 1 pral:)er bowll ditto:
10' 1 NU-MAN KUG.LD UGU ru-qil r0 1 royal statue of silver on a cauldron;
t1.' I kıp-pi KuG-uD tr 1 silver tribute bowl:
t2' ma-dat-te
slght space
t3' PAB dMAğ
13 total Ninurta.
14 [1] cow of silver;
1,4', [1] AB KUG.UD!
15 |1 pra]yer bowl ditıo;,
15', ItzlAc-up-ni I ıo [a roy]al lstatues] of silver on a caul-
16', k NU MAIN KUG.TJD ucu ru-qil
slight space dron:
ı7 ltotal] Belet-balaçi.
t7' IPABdlbeJet.n
18', lx x1 duq-di
ı8 [...] of almond [o]n a base, in the
t9' [UG]U! sUHUs qab| _si-rıi
middla, a setting of gold.
20' MAS KUG.GI (Break)
IV beginning broken away iı | abutton...'
|' fpi-j-n1ı ki|-is|1-s|u]I z neck(-pieces) of double gold braid;
2' tit-l</it gi-dilKuc.ct
3' ğd-nu)i a 1 cow of gold;
4' r AB KUG.GT
5' tz\c-up-ni I 5 | prayer bowl diltoi
6' 1 N'U-MAN KUG.|JD uGU ru-qı| 6 1 royal statue of silver on a cauldron;
7' t kqp-piKIuc.ufD mq-dqt-te ı 1 si[lver] tribute bowl;
8' ı rucl.qaı|-a|-ıü| a|-dir-ni ceoı s 1 dark, fine garment of linen:
slight space
9' PAB dNtrI.Lf- e total
- Mullissu.
10, 1AB KUG.GI 1 cow of gold;
11' I ZAcfup-nı | ! prayer bowl ditto1'
12' r AB KUG.UD 1 coır of silver;
13' I z\c-up-ni l.l 1 prayer bowl fdittol;
14' l kaP-piKSG'|UD|I [ınQ-dq-te] 1 silver ltribute] bowl:
15' PAB d[İ J "T] total the god [. .. ].
I 1 ABrr []
11 t 1 cow [of gold];
Z tzAc-ulp-ni t.l 1 pra|yer bowı d\İtol:
3 I AB [KUG.UD] 1 cow [of silver];
4 | zAG up-ni l.l I prqyer bowl ldillol|
5 PABdqur-bu ni-iğJmu-ğıi|\ total - the goddess Qurbu-neğmo5a.
6 1 AB 1 coııv of go1d;
7 t z-\G-up-ni I 1 prayer bowl ditto;
8 ı AB KUG.UD 1 cow of silver;
9 ızıc_up-ni:. l prayer bowl d|ırto;
10 1 INUr-MAN! KUG.UD ucu ru-qil l royal sıaıue of silver on a cauldron:
slight space

Entire section omitted by ADD. iii.ı8 ol ıu| |i (a bowl' cİ. cAD L 257b). iii.ı9 Coll. from phoro (sP).
iv. see




FrG.19. Humbaba figurine of lapis lazuli.

BM 12882r.

11 PAB dIAR BAL-E rr total the goddess Parirdt-palC

12 1 AB KUG.GI ı2 1 cow of gold;
13 I tzAc-up1-ni ti.t1 t3 | prayer bowl ditto:
14 PAB dNrN!. k (r)l ra total
15 rl! iBrr [KUG.GI] 15 1 cow-Niz-[...].
lof gold];
rest broken away (Break)
tr [İ J Jk-şr, KUG.GI '.ii
I [...] ... ofgold
2 [("r) r.M]ES sAs [. .. ] red
J l(x) x buJf -ki
4 [, A]B! KU
5 |x x xk bu-Şu
6 lis-slu-uh-ra
7 [(I) .Lj?l -ğrr-ri NA. KUG.GI
8 tzrSn zA..GlN a-sa-par
9 ı| hum-ba-bar-i-ıü
10 N&.zA.ciN
11 lxl zİ'
ıı [x] ditto, of ivory;
12 '' r.r (*)l
[-r] ı|
ı, [x] ditto, ...
tuaces of 3 lines; rest (at least 11 lines) (Break)
broken away
Iu begiruıing (about 6 liıes) bloken away
T' md-daJtul r.iii I tribute.
z', ı qo-zAc i-DÜG.GA 2 1 beaker of sweet oil;
J l TtG .ğad-din bu-Şi| 3 1 toga of byssus;
4', ltxxxl 4 1 ... of the klingl of Elam:
5', .ğd LU[G]A[LI] KUR!.Ntr\4!. rKI|l
blank space of 1 line
IPAB dxl xl 6 total
rest broken away
fx x - the Cod [...].
(Rest destroyed)
rV bıoken away except fol some blank space

..ii.l İ is a sign ending wiü a single horizontal wedge; perhaps ,]r- (cf. I.ii.s) oI _ia]r- (cf. no. 60 r.ii.10')? ..ii.4
ıi]t-ku "lesl'' (cf.lJ.o.64I.ii.13) orj.]'/r'-t& "washing" (cf. no.63 iii.lox ''ii.8' 1ı It is uncertain how the logograln
KA should be read and undeIstood in these plecious metal texıs. In lraq 32' |5'7 üe question of Nü.z(J = Şarfü
("obsidian"?) was discussed; but without the NAa w€ aıso have to allo\ıı toİ zt = ğinnu as an abbfeViation foI "ivoIy,"
much commonel than obsidian in the artefacts known fIom Neo-Assydan times. r.iİ.5 Resbfation possible bul by

63. Record of Precious Items

K 8358 + K 11941 (ADD 820) ADD 819+

I'1 lx :c x x. x xl gi-dil r p......1 braid.,
2 [.xı ıı xl GAR!
3 x x1t<I.LN,
lx x x x in weight;
4 fx xxxxıtxl
5 [.xxxxxxfKrJc.ct gold,
6 [ı xxxxx]6t-sutrA 1/6 missing;
7 lxxxxxxrlA mrssrng;
8 lxxxxxxxl
9 lxxxxglidil brlaid
rest broken away
Ir 2 MUL.Iffis_re ğ4 sUIruğ ornaments of the base of
2 İq 2 iğ-pat two quivers, 10 shekels in weight;
3 10 GİN 5/6 BA KI'LAL
blank space of one line
4 PAB 1 MA 7 GN,[ 6-J,, KUG.GI 4 total, 1 miıa 7 1.16 shekels of gold on 2
5 ina UGU 2 iğ-paİ LIB|R.RA.ME old quiveıs.

6 4 MtlL.MEğ'e .i4! İuq-dn-ni 6 4 star-shaped ornaments of the ...s of 2

7 ja 2 BANjIEğ KALAG.IIES laıge bows, 19 shekels of gold in weight;
8 t9 ciN KUG.GI KI.LAL

blank space of three lines

9 lxx x x llu-bu-si e [..... of cl]othing, [......] of gold in
10 [.T İ .r J], KUG|.GI| KI.LAL weight.

11 lxxxxxlu-blu-sil ıı 1...... of cloth]inq' l...... in weig]ht.

lxxxxrKI-LIAL (Break)
rest broken away
m'1 9 clN 6-su a-na lx x xl üi19 116 shekels, for [...], stones of
2 NAa.ıvIEs ğa! KI,R. i-z[a/|-/a] lzlallal,
3 2 516 a-na bat-qf' xlx xl : 2 5/6 (shekels) for the repair of...[...] a
4 a-bu-bi a-rn s bu-lx. xl Deluge-monster, for 3 [...];
5 2 3-su a-nq KUN lx x] 5 2 1/3 (shekels) for the tail [...] of a falcon
6 .ia Ğün.ıluĞeN!.oü ı[ı ı.r] t... t;
7 PAB 5 GlN a-na bat-qf' xlx x] 7 total, 5 shekels for repair of ...[...]
8 İa-ka-|x' x x x] jeweUleryJ;
9 ı ı-su |a-na bat]1-fx x] 9 1 1/3 sheke1 for refıair for the bath |...],
10 a-na rim-ki lx x xl of the dagger
11 ğaG1|Rxxx]
t2 11 12 GiN KUG!.IJD! dı-r\aı |x xl 12 || ll2 shekels of silver, for [...] .İa
13 ğE4a-ah|x[x x] bahl...l;
14 26-su a-na 24 xfx x x7 Ia 2 1/6 shekels for24...1...1:
15 PAB l3t 3 4*.NIFS a-nn xlx x xl ı5 total, 13 3/4 shekels foı fthe repairl of
16 İaz İd4a-ah-[x x x] 3 İa bah|'..];
I7 ki-i İ6 ba-ah-x[x x x] t? when they brought the ğa bah|... frlom
18 [0] TA*! sA 6.GAL ,?4 -ş[u-ni-ni?l the palace [...], we did not go neqr İhem.
t9 lo inql ucu la ni-iq-rli? -ibl (Break)
')n [(r) J ğd?--cIL.IEğ .x[.ü J İ]
2l |xxxx]lıcx1 |xx x]
rest broken away

63 Photo Pl. III. Two joining fragments from üe uppeI part of a large tabler wiü 3 or 4 columns. The surviving
-coll.of üe Ieverse has suffired eiteniively fro- orei. iii.] Coll. frömphoto (sP). sign after Dar-qi like ([A; see
iii6 coll. from phoro (sP). ni8 P6ssibly .{a-&r"[& "iewellery." iiil3 Cf. iii.16-17; the final signis Fobably
,[i or (JNP), according to sP(co||. fmm photoi s|a, z|ior E[a' iiiis t3!overerasure. iii.18 Coll. flom photo (sP).


I' upper part broken
1' k+]3 MA ı3
|x x xf
..i [x+]3 minas 13 1/2 [shekels]
blank space of about 5 lines
2' lx+J2gMA[(x x)l
z [x+]28 minas 9 sheke[s ...]
3' 9 c[iN.x x]
blark space of about 6 lines
4' PAB ğ dN[D.I?J J .ü] a Total the temple of [DN].
Ir upper part broken (Break)
l' lxxxxf txxl
blank space of about 4 lines
2' [(').ü] MA 3 Gb.I 3 4*.}Eğ
ii2 [x] minas 3 3/4 shekels.
blank space of about 5 lines to base of (Rest destroyed or uninscribed)
III' trare of one line on]y at base

64. Record of Precious Items

82-3-23,8 + K 12966 (ADD 1047) ADD 938+

| 1 l ğeı-ıu| tu-di KUG.IID UGU sU[HU]s i 1 1 bow-case ... of silveı, on a base,
2 M[JL.I!Gğ IGI.2 MUSEN (with) star-shaped ornaments and bird's eyes:
3 pj-4iı fuSü_ru*ı_ııı entlusted to Marduk_ğarru-uşur.

4 1 KUS.BAN.DA ğFüİ-ğd ha-pi a 1 necklace, its 'kettle' broken, its ...

5 rMG!J-J, lı0-Pi M,As K[UG.G]I broken, (with) a seltilı8 of glo|ld;
6 [0]
r1r Gü!.GABA-ilı-ıırr!sEN-ğd|
|ha-pİ] 6 | pectordl, its'kettle' [broken];
7 | tinı-me Zt MAğ K|JIğ.G|II 7 | cqryatid of ivory, (with) a Seııing of
8 TE.IvEs sEN-.ğd lı.a-Pi 0! MAğ K[UG.GI?] 8 ...s, its 'kettle' broken, (with) a setting
ot gfoldl:
9 ı ki-is'su7 z(ı o 1 ... of ivory:_
10 rr,1-4ü rcAsAN! sa -me-DINGI&.-a-a 10 entrusted 10 Sarlat-samme-ila'i.

11 1 KUs.BAN.DA gi-ı?ı ir|-ri ı1 1 complete necklace, of silver falçon

t2 jd SAG.DU ğaR.MUSEN KUG.UD head(s);
\3 | ğıi_|G|.DUI şu-u-pu| r3 1 polished /ens.

14 1 E--SAG.DU [o] KUG.UD |a 1 money-boı of s|lver1,

15 4 MUL.MES ["r "r.r r] ls 4 star-shaped omaments [...];
16 I Gtt,cABA-ilnt-nu x )c x xf 16 1 pecıorfal, ...l
17 KUS.lxxxxt(xxxl (Break)
18 x,lxxxxxxl
remainder broken away
tr ı |x x] lx1 |xx x x] ii ı 1 [......].
2 20 UR?.A.Affi[ğ? -r _ü.r .ül 2 20 lionls ...Ji
3 4Ttcl.2fxxxxxl 3 47 eyecstones) [. .. ];
4 49 GUD.MEğ İk r I] a 49 oxen [...]
5 l(x)xlxkut-xlxxxxxl (Break)
6 lxxlpalxxxx.xl
64 Photo Pl. I. Top left-ha[d comer of large tablet with 3 or probably 4 columns. The extemal chaIacter of üe
tablet does not indicate itearty which face is rhe obvelse, but the text slightly favouIs üe order here adopted'
j5 seecoll.
Connection wiü ıruü(m ) "a paü" heIe aDd in no. 72 is understandably quesrioned in AHw l393b.
given as 8ı(ı)8ıpizıı iı AHw 298b. Note the syllabic spelling
L6 Taken as a pseudo-logographic wIiting ofthe ıı,oıd'.18'
g]u-gu-pi-ni :I,/,ND 2374:6 (sP). i.7.9 see cornment on no. 62 r.ii.8, 11. i9 FoI ğıis-Jü (see coll. fol üe foIm of
Jı) cf. perhaps CAD K s.v. ,tizrr. B? ii.2 LR? in |acl looks lile TUK (coll. sP).


two lines bıoken away

9 ı gur|-fxıcxxxxx]
10 i-fxxxxxxxl
11 21 fxxxxxxxl
12 txlxxxxxxxl
rest broken away
I' beginning broken away ı
l' cuDfxxxJexJcxl an ox [......] i
2' sxlxxxxxxxf 6... [...... ];
3' ğıi|--,[cl.Du8 |x x x x x]
1| 1 lens [... ];
4' 64tifrn-mexxxxxl 64 cqryaltidsli
5' ı pi-in-di x|x ıc x x x] 1,... [...];
6' 8-me-341 lxxxxxf 834 [.. ]; .

7' ı döp|'pa-as-ni ııE. lnaıo (ıxı)] 1 cover of red wolol....]

8' 3-me-82 takt-kit-fsat x xl )c 382 tubles...];
I t.
9' 4^me32bu-llu!-xxxxl ^1t
10' 4 sIG].LU.KıJR GAı-nu xfx x x x] l0 4......[...];
lI' tr-me1 t&k-ku-setlxxxxl 100 tubes [...];
tr' beginning broken away (Break)
I Total, 10[+x ...]
1' nıı ıo|+xxxxxxxx) ..ii
2' at-nat xlx x x x x x xl '3 to [...... ]
3' ina|C'|^|GAsAN| sal-ı7ı€!_DD{[GR]-IaI-a al üe disposal o[ Sarrat-samme-|i Ila'i:
4' 4 GlN LALl-e| İd ru|-x|:c x] a 4 shekels, deficit of the ...[...], ıecon-
5' a-na 5! MAt39 cb{ KUG.GI [o] verted into 5 minas 39 shekels of good gold:
6' sIG5 cuR o!
7' q-na 1 KUS.BAN.DA gıll-ldl oI 7 they have fashioned it into t necklace of
8' e-tqp-ğdı! o| ...i
9' 6 MA.NA 33! ciN KUG.ct BABBAR-, e 6 minas 33 shekels of white gold: they
|0' 4-fi4 1KUS.BAN.DA ğa su|-'e 0! have fashioned it inlo l necklace oİ doves'
1|' e-tap-ğu

sign after 6 resembles j oI a[d. r.i.Lo see no. 66 r.i.z'i haİd]y pikJa-ra, as a plulal fom of pikallulu (AHşı
863a)aor do we have LDU Kı R "mountain sheep_o r'ii'2 Coll. trom phoıo (sP).

Ftc.20. Polishcd lens o[rock crystal found by Layard

ih Nineveh. Ac.ording ro J. Thorwald, Macht und
Geheimnis der frühen Artzte p.157' it may haııe
served' as a readiıg glass.


12' PAB 12 MA.NA 27 GiN KUc.cI t2 Total, IZ minas 2'7 shekels of gold; the
|3' lit-ku ina 6 2'e ld| hi!-|ı Sampıe il the domestic quarter was not
14' 4 MA.NA KUG'uD ba-ıat| TE.hGs KU]s. la 4 minas of silver, excluding the ...[Ş]
BAN.DA (and\ necklaces:
|5' nq-mur-trt^miı-ki-l5| 15 the audience-gift of Milki-Issar of the
16' .ğa! ği-şir -NUMUN-ıJ-rg cohort of Zaruti,

65. Record of Precious Items

K 13155 ADD 940

beginning broken away (Beginning destroyed)
1', [x xlrmdl bitKudn.lxxxxl
z', [pı-qi]t!-tıi ^ğd
Ix x] i 2 [entlu]sted to ğa-Nabi-ğ0 [...].

3' k KUIS!.BAN.DA Kuc.ct gi-nu-lul 3 [1] ordinary necklace of gold1,

4' I l m|e|-şlir| ruc.Gl ZA.G[b{? (J r) a [a ba]nd of gold and lapis lazlulil;
5' Ix tak|-ku-Saı pi-i |me-Şifl1 s lx l\bles ... bandi
6' fx slat:u-rat tx1 lx xl 6 lx blracelets ...1...1
7' |x x]x'uırA gi-|nuT -x|x] z [...] regulaı [...]s;
8' fu xlx GfD.DAtx x1 lxxl ı ... length [...]
9' lxxxfulxxxxxl , [.. ]

rest broken away (Rest destroyed)
tr illegible
Rev. broken away

66. Record of Recious Items

K 4272 + K 8135 (ADD 1109) ADD 935+

I 1 sur fx x xl r,
... [...]:
2 l KUS.BAN.DA krrl 2 l necklace [...], woık for the king on the
3 dul-ıi MAN ğa |x x x] part of [...],
4 me-sir KUGt.cI fx x xl a a golden baıd [...]' 5 braceleıs |...l' 59
5 5 sa)u-rdt lx x xf thresholds 1...1, I pectoral,6 1...1,
6 59! TUR.LU.NGS r]
[-r -r
Gü.GABA-in-nu 6|x x xf
8 12 NA..KIğIB.[ıımğ ıı .x] s 12 cylinder seals [of ...], 8 ditto of
9 st :. si-lx xx xl . t...1,
10 ro.ımS sii [ilx x ı] r0 r 'l
11 | tc(J.G.ABA]-lin-nu x (x x)l t1 l pectorlql, ...l
remainder of Obv. broken away (Break)
Rev. unknoııvn number of columıs broken away
I' at least 5 lines broken at top
l' ı dıip-paJasll-ttı |x x x x] ..i 1 1 cover [of...],4 ...... t...1,
2' 4 SIG.LU.KI,R| cıı-|nu1 x x1 |.x (x)]
3' |]ne-36 tak-ku|-s|aı x x] 3 136 tubles ...1,
4' |-me-36 bu-İ|u-x xx) 4 t36 ...1...1,
5' 4-me-4 t&k-ku-sat xlx (x)l 5 404 tubes [...]

65 Fmgment flom lefı-hand side of a large tablet; similaİ damage to üe revelse of the two pieces strongly suggests
that no, 65 comes f'om columns i aıd ii of no. 68.
i8 see coll.; possib|y tak-kü'slat aLD.DA.MFA?
66 ADD 935 is the top left-hand comeı of ADD 1109, a large, veItical tablet of 3 oI4 columns, one face of which
is totalli destroyed except on ADD 935. The sharpness of ihe script and the headline (i.1) indicate that this is the
obverse. No. 70 may come from thiş tablet. il
The sign is clear. i6 hesumably TUR.LU = KUNa or (UN5. i.lo
Trace aftel Jı see coll. Cf.ıo.64r.i'10. Instead of lrr] Poşsibly tim (cİ' timma ="colwü].''?).


6', İa dı1p-pa-a|s-ti x x] 6 of the covelr ...],

7', A-me tqk-h..-sat xfx x xl ? 400 tubes [...],
8', ı-me bu-ç|u-x x x] 8 400...[...],
9', 11 MA.NA 13 lü2 GIN |x x x] e ll minas 13 1/2 shekels [...],
10' GiN KUG.UD ,ğ4? k , İ] l0 l l shekels o[ silveı/or [...l.
1 1
1l' I qutJut Kuct .Gr! fx x xl 1 ctasp of gold [... ], work of [...], which
12' dul-lu Mlul x xx xl from [...],
13', |
İa11 İA* x|x x x x xf
14', [ıı ı]nSo!.vİ!.aN[Sr|-x ı ıı] ta 1... cofwrie shell [...]
t5' lx x xfu.wrA xfx x x] (Too broken for translation)
r6' |xıcxxfxx|xxxx]
t7' lxxxxlt.xlxxxxl ı8 [... tlubes [...]
18', |x x x tak]-hü-Sat [x x x xl
t9' 19 |... lelıter |-..l
lx x x el -glif -te fx x x x]
20' lxxxxxlxlxxxxxJ (Break)

rt' rest (about 20

1 [.I -I -I .I
liıes) bloken away
beginning (at least 6 lines) broken away
İ] KAI-AG.MEğ tt ı 1 [...] big [...]
2', lx x KURI ni!-tq-L-te t......t...;
tı4!1 ltakll-k'ıı-Sat 14 [...] tubes;
3', |x x x]
4', 6[+, J] ia BÜR 6+[x...]
5', [' ,.ü] ir?-şi-şi| KUG.I,D [... ]... of
6', 1 [(ü) İ-I] 12 GUD!.I/Gğ KUG.GI I t...1,12 oxen, of gold;
7', [r Tl r,R.LU.I\,ES KArAG!!.ImS lx) thresholds, big:
8', |x xfx rıın| ni-tıı-a-te t...1 ......;
[İ "T "T H]6.I\mD GI6 GUD.MEğ [] wool, black, oxen
10' |xxxxx|-İ(ı-uıe l0
t... ...l
11', fx x x x x|x-dn! -İi-i (Rest destroyed or too broken foı transla-
1z', [ı ı _r * x "rl Nuı! l(ı)l tion)
space for about 12 lines broken away;
lower part uninscribed

67. Record of Precious Items

K 2185 ADD 934

I one or 2 lines broken away; then a blant (Beginning destroyed)
1 ti-ra-ni z necklace of gold in coils,
3' ı me-şir ı<uc.cı za-ki-u 1 band of pure gold,
4' MUL.MES me-şir
15I 15 stars, (formed into a) band;
5' 5 sa)u-rat ti-ra-ni 5 coi].ed brqceıets
6' 43 aAL.[MFj] :. 43 ditto, small;
7' ıNıo.ıreİme-|xxxx] 41.. ...t...t,
8' Nıo.ı,mĞ "r|ı x.r ı]
+ 41..
rest broken away
tr beginning broken away
|' ıısfxxxxxx] iiı total [......]
rest broken away (Break)
I' begiruıing broken away
ı 14 [......l.
|' ıql |xxxxx] r'i
2' ıc(ı|xxxx| , ltalent [......].
r.ii.2 For the signs (UR ni-ta-a'te cf' l'i\.8' below. r'ii'4 ;d BüR are clear; cf. no. 69 i.3'. r'ii'7 KALAG|| wİitten sAH,
so an emendati;n to QAL "little" woüld be equaily plausible. r.ii.8 For trace befole KUR see coll. r'ii'l1 P.esumably
the end of a PN.
67 Fragment from ]eft side of a large tablet with probably at least 3 columns on each face. Ruling on left edge
tcf. on no. 87). r.ii.l cf. no. 66 i.3. -




3' xlxxxxxl
4 tzlxxxxxl 4 121......1
Il' begiıning broken away; ıhen 2 blank lines (Break)
I' lx dlultJi LUIcN-tl ,.ii 1... wo]ık for the ki[ng].

rest uninscribed

68. Record of Precious Items

K 9185 ADD 1079

I' beginning broken away (Beginning destroyed)
1' |xxxxxx]ıc ir r l

thıee blank lines

z', [.L .r] sU?.DA.Iı,ağ , [...]...
3', [.r., J] PAB KUG.GI KUG.UD 3 [...] total, gold and silver.

4', [1 KUs.BAN].DA PFj4.I\d.ANSE.MEğ a [1. necklacel of cowries;

5', lx x xlx KUG.UD ni-ih-r, KUG.GI
5 [...] of silver, a gold inlay;
6'. fx x x-nlal su-sa-ni 6 [... ] sısana-vessels,
7', kJ .I .r].r.N(Eğ KUG.UD 7 [... ] s of silver

r rest broken away (Break)

beginning broken away
1', ı|lqu1-fluxxx| ii | 1 couıar ...], gol[d ...],
z', KUG.GU.ü -r -r r]
3', 28 MU[L|.MEğ x "T.ü] 3 28 stlars ...]
A', 1s&Jlfxxxxl (Too fragmentary for translation)
5', ııı-xfx x x x]
6', c1J--xlx x x xl

rest (about 4 lines) uninscribed (Break)

I broken away
tr beginning broken away
l'. fx tlqkt-kut-satt 6t xlx xl
..ii ı 1..'] 1ubes,6 [...J'
r:x ir-şişi ru[c.ıro?] 2 1...1,3 sillverl ...s,
z', [ı.r]
İa ku-um quJ|il x x x] 3 [...] which, instead ofthe fastening-band
3', fx x]
4' |x x] lucı!-hf -İd qar-ru-b|u? x x x] t.. .1
xxl a f...l presented in ad'd'iıion ıo it |......l
5' lxxltxxxl fx
rest brcken away (Rest destroyed)

69. Record of Precious Items

K 13220 ADD 1063

I' beginning broken away (Beginning destroyed or too broken for
1.' fxxxxxxxfu transiation)
2' fxxxxxxN]ılıf
3' fxxxxxi]aı(ıı|
4' lxxxxxlKUG.uD i a [.. . ... ] silver

68 Fragment from centrc of a large tablet; the face designated obverse is less convex than the reverse. Exaemal
chaİacteİist]cs suggest obv. i' and ii' were in fact columns iii aıd iv of a foul column tablet. Resembles no. 65. ı2
Pelhaps to be eme;ded to (Uğ.(BiN.)DA.MES; üe 6ign before MEğ is cenainly not BiN (coll.) \i.5 Possibly a'mlur'tü
(cf. no. 64I.ii.15'). Lii.2 FoI ir-şj-sj cf. no. 66 r.ii.s'.
69 Small fragmena from centre of a multi-column tablet, possibly no. 66 or 90. i3 Cf. no. 66 r.ii.4'.


5' |xx x x x-fi!-İıl (Break)

6 lxxxxxx-plu1
rest broken away
If'L' beginning broken away
ii I Total, of [...] in addition [...]
PAB |İa\ fx x x x
2' inqucu-hi fx )c x
3' PAB nq-mur-İfıi x x 3 Total, audience-gif[t(s) ... ]

4' LruS.lx x x xl a I nelcklacel

rest broken away (Rest destroyed)

70. Record of Precious Items

82-3-23,tO5 ADD 967

I' beginning broken away (Beginning destroyed)
l' lx x xfulx x (x)l
2' lx xlx bir-mlel ol i, [......] multicolourled ...1
3' |xx]xıvıil E.cır 3 [... ... ] the queen
4' [r] IE?I-DINGr İıi DIB!-u!-ni a 1... ofl the lte)mp le, which were taken.
5' kllİ.MEğ KUG.GI s [... ] s of gold;
6' |ki1-Şlir| ^ağ-ğur Dl-man 6 |coho|rt of A\İur-5allimanni;
7' kJ] Mi!.DINGIR.MES APINl!-eğ 7 [... ofl the womaı llani-ereİ;
8' lx x xl rMn-6.cAL 8 [......] the queen.
9' lxx xx i1dI-ku-ni e 1...... jelwelery
10' lxxxxxlx-u-ni ıo [which] he/she [......]d.

11' |xxxxıcx]x-u (Break)

rest broken away
Ir begiıuıiıg broken away
1' PAB to k.rr.rl it ı Total, 10 [...];
2' ıcİN[xxxx] , 1 shekel [. ..,].

blaık space of about 2 lines

3' an-ni-u! lxxxxl ı This is [. .. ].
4' 1 KUğ.BAN.DA [İ ,'.ü]
a I necklace f ...1
5' me-şir |x x x x| s a band [. .. ];
6' |ıo|1fxxxxx| 6 10 [...]
rest brcken away (Rest destroyed)

71. Record of Silver

K 13064 ADD 687

1 KUG.UD pa-hur-tuİn iI Silver, collection.
blaıık space of one liıe
2 4 k/Lp-pı KUG.uD 3 |x x x] z 4 borvls of silver, 3 [...], 5 shekels: the
3 5 GİN UD-28-K[iM .t r] 28th d[ay ...], fıom before the ki[ng ...]:
4 TA IGI LU[GAL! ., r]
5 t2 rl2lı,.A lx x x xJ s 12 1/2 minas 1...1.

70 Fragment from centre of a multi-column tablet. i3 Ml over elasure, irtrcertain. ı4 Pefiaps dğ-ğıi_DINGIR-
j.i. i7 For APIN see coll.; BA! cannot be excluded' i9 Tte trace of a single horizontal wedge before İl' does not
İaİo,Jr ğa- ol ğd-klr-tü.
71 Top left-hand comer of a slim tablet, with 1 or a maximum of2 columns.


6 [x] ıı[ı? .r.r ı ı]

6 lxl minlas ...1
rest brcken away (Rest destroyed)
Rev. broken away except for uninsçribed bot-
tom left-hand comer

72.Inventory of Precious Items

K 1938 + K 11914 + 82-3-23,7 0 (ADD 939) ADD 933+

1 |x x xf tdk-ku-Saı KUG-GI I [...] tubes of gold;
2 [İ.ü .r.r .r KUG.G]I|
, [...... of gol]d;
3 lxxxxxxxxl 3 [......];
4 lxxxxxxxxl a [......];
5 [.r.r "T J UGU?]-lıi NAa.MEğ
5 [...l... stones;
break of about 8 lines (Break)
t4' liı x xl
15', 7 ğa_IGLDU| tak-ku|-Ja, :. [KUG!.GI!r ı5 lens (şıith) tubes ditto of gold;
t6' 2 ğ0_IGI.DUs :.
t6z lenses, dillo;.
t7' 1 BAN.DA gül-/a, KALAGl.wğ :. t7! necklace of abig --., diıto;
18', ı :. :. QAr.MnS :.
ı8 1 dirto ditro, (with) small (tubes), dltto,
T9' 1 ,ğ0!--cABA KUG.GI ı mu-dıık|-ki-u :. ı9 1 breqstpiece of gold, 1 ..., ditto;
20' l BAN.DA 7u-um)e-e 1| .ğ(fuABA 20 I necklace of ...,1 breastpiecet its | ...
2t' l ma-d'ük-ki-ğd KUG'GI of gold;
22', 1 :. sr-'e :. I BAN.DA tim!-met :. 22 1 ditlo (of) doves ditto, 1 necklace of
pillars ditto;
23' 1 :.:. QAL.MES 1 :. Sü-'e-e QAL ,3 1 ditto (of) small dittos, 1 ditto (o0
24' 1 qü-li IGI!.2!.I\,fiğ KUG.GI small doves;
25' [x x] N&.wğ [.ı ı]| 24 1 collar of eyes of gold;
26' |(x) x tulk-pi|-qİ KUG.GI [r.x J]|
25 I ..1 stones [. .. ];
27' lx x x x x x xlx:.f:c x xl
..1 of kidney-shaped gems and gold;
rest (2-3 lines) broken away
I .....I ditto [...]
Rev. begiııning (2-3 lines) b,roken away (Break)
1' k,
k] tB.4N.Dc (İ J)] ı [x] necklace [... ];
2' 1 qu-ıu| K|JG|.GI| x|x (x x)] 1 collar of gold 1...1;
3' 1 BAN.DA PEğ4.ANğE.
ı\4Eğl [0] I necklace of cowries;
4' 2 quJi |x (x) M|J|ğ.cfu. 2 collars of [... of ser]pentine,
5' 2 BiN.IDAr.xrrr] 2 neckUaces ...1:
6' zqIuJixxxıluJğ.ciı 2 colllars ...... of serlpentinel
7' ı|xxxxxxx] 1 t......1;
8' ı|xxxxxıcxfx 1 [......];
9' | |x xrBANı.DA
x x x xKuğ.G]||inq ğ^-bı 1 [...... of go]ld therein;
10' h] cıS rak-fku-s]u ni-ih-sa 10
[1.l necklace (with) wooden aıt|ach-
KUG..GIT mlent and in].ay of goldt
1 1' I qu-lu GIS rak-kut-su:. :.
1| 1. coıI(ır (w\lh) wooden attachment ditto
t2 I necklace of pomegranates, ditto;
|2' 1 BAN.DA NU.üR.MA :.
|3 l neckıace of cowries, silver and gold;
|3' 1 BAN.DA PEğ4.ANSE! KUG.Uo rUG.Gı
ta I necklace of ... (with) wooden attach-
14' I B}\İİ'DA iı|-d.a-aı Glğ rak-ku!-Su SAG.DU
un.[.l,!].ıvırS :.
ment (and) heads o[ [i]ons. ditto;
15' 3 BAN.DA.rrfiS gildil KUG.GI
|5 3 necklaceş of braids of gold;
16' 1 BAN.DA sü-'e-e :.
16 I necklqce of doves, ditto;
ti 1 polished necklace, with a band, ditto;
17' l B}\N.DA Şu-up!-ıü me-Şir I

72 Photo Pl. IV. Narow veltical tablet without columns. ADD 939 supplies lines l-5 and I.9'-20'. r'ıa The
signs da and ad are clear, but , is not entircly certain (see coll.). At end ofline cf. no. 64 ii.2 for uR.A = re-.{, in our
te;ts: the fface after uR does not favour ru or vAH (which is too long a sign); probably it is A over an erased MIAEI;
see coll.


18', t quJi lu-di KUc.uD |8 | collar oİ... of silver:

blank space of one line
t9' PAB 34 BAN.DA.MBğ 15 qüJi ıg In all'34 necklaces 15 collars' 4lenses
20' ,ğa IGI.DUs.IVES
rest uninscribed

73. Precious Gifts to1?) Officials

K 916 ADD 931

I |-te İlAR rit-te KIJc-Gl 1 t hand-ring of gold, 1 mina less 4 she-
2 1 MA 4 GİN LA!! kels; 1 aım-ring of gold, l/3-mina 1ess 1/3
3 1 HAR d,.-ro-,i KUG.GI shekel, a necklace, 3 shekels: Summa-ili, co-
4 3-Jıl MA| 3-sü| GIN LA ku-i-ıat|3 GiN hort commander.
5 m.ğırm-lı?4_DINGIR GAL-riş,r
6 1 HAR dır-r4-'i KUG.GI 6 1 arm-ring of gold, 15 1/3 shekels; 1
7 15 3-brıı GiN I HAP. rit-te hand-ring,32 1/3 shekels: Ahu-duri, son of
8 312lB1 rciNır .PAB BADA| .Iİl krl INNI
9 [ı]-re HA[R] rr-re K[UG.GI] s [1] hand-ring of g[old] 30 1/2 lshelkels
10 30 f12l [Gİ]N! KI.[LAL] in we[ighı]; 1 [a]rm-Ii[ng of goldl, [x] 3/4
11 1-re HIAR d]r,-ra-'i [KUG.GI] (shekels): [Ağ]ğur-bani.
ı2 ı[x] Iall +*!}m[S (x)]
13 |o^a'ğl-ğur baJnı
T4 Lt-tel HAR rit-te KrJc.ct Ia Ii] hand-dng of gold, [x+]2 1/4 shekels
15 |x+]2 a* -tüi GIN [(x x)| |in weiqhı]i [1] arm-ring, [x] 1/3 shekels:
e.16 Ul HAR du-ra-I'i (x)l Sin-Ğarru-uşur'
17 krlmd3o,MAN,PAlB
t3!r-rr, Gn'{
r.1 lol I

2 [1] IüAR rir-re KU[G.GI] r'2 [1] hand-dng of go[d], 31 shekels

3 3r rp ciN L[A! o] lelss] half a shekel; 1 arm-ring, 1/3 (mina)
4 l HAF. du-rüi Io] Uess al shelkell; Ubıu-Adad.
5 31-r& cl[N LC]
6 'sUHUğ-dM
7 |-te HAR rit-ıe 7 i hand-ring, 112 mina 1 1/2 shekels; 1
8 ı/2 MA| 1 12 GiN arm-ring, 1/3 (mina) less 1 shekel: Arzizi. .

9 I HA!. du-raüi
10 3-J., I GiN LA
11 ^er-zi-zi

|2 l-te IJAR iı-te 12 MAl 1| 12 GiN|LA ı2 1 hand-ring 1/2 mina less 1 1/2 shekels:
13 ^ur-du Urdu.

14 1-ıe HARrit-te ra t hand-ring, l14minal12 shekel: Hasu-

15 44'-tüMA1l2GlN mu.
|6 ^ha-sul7-mu|!

73 Photo Pl. IV. Vertical tablet with rounded ends; for the items listed compare no. 58. Many erasures. 2 Entire
iine w tten over eIasures (LAL over aı eIased GiN). The use of I-AL in this text is extremely difficult to determine
"minus" (which seems easiest in line 2 "1 mina less 4 shekels ) is hardlv oossible in r.3. Nor are there sufficient
grounds [or Iaking-iı as an abbreviarion torxI.LAL' 4'. i Possibly rarher p|ABl ,2. l2 En|ire]ine
ovef eüsules' r.J An-arm-ring musr have weighed one-thiId ofa miıa (as in r.t0), not ofa shekel. r.t6 ırr{] seems
pIefeİable to NUMUN (although only 3 winkelhaken are visible).


, lt,,

I1e l-te IIAP. rit-ıe ı? 1 hand-dng, 1l2 mina 4 1/2 shekels:

18e V2 MA4 GiN ı2 GİN Bel-Harıan-ğamı-uşur, son of Akkadayu.

74. Fragment of Precious Metal Record

K 2120 ADD 688

1 3 MA.NA 1/3! MA I[_r İ I 3 minas, 1/3 mina [...], with a star-
2 ııwvr| al-xfx x shaped omament ...;
3 1 ?3 MA.NA .Ik r z 12/3 minas [...], with two star-shaped
4 TA 2 MULr u.sAG! [.r J omaments for a headband [...];
5 3 MA.NA z3 MA J[r J 5 3 minas, 213 mina [...], with 4 breast-
6 '|A'4 ğ64ABA.M[ES? pieces ...
7 |xxx]lxİ Ix ıc '' (Rest destroyed)
rest brcken

75. Record of Precious Metals

K4742 +K 4298 (ADD 1105) ADD 823+

r MA.NA KUG.GI [4-İıa İ.r.r] ı 1 mina of gold [... ];
2 4 112 MA a-nq lx x x xf , 4 1/2 minas, for [...];
3 1.l2 MA..NA a-nüı Ix x x xf
3 1l2 miıa for [..']i
4 3 4*,MEA a-nq lx x x xl
a 3/4 (mina) foı [...];
5 3 ı,ıı.şA a|-n|a| x x x x]
s 3 minas for [...];
6 2uıNıa|-|naxxxx] 0 2 minas foı [...];
7 4-tı1d-fın xx x x] z 1/4 (of a mina) flor ...1:
8 PAB 12 MA.N[A -r r -r r] 8 Total, 12 minas [...]; utensils [...]
9 a|-nu|-tü||xxxxx| (Bıeak)
10 tx x xxl f:cxxxxf
rwo lines broken away
13 tl 1I MA.NA a-ı?[4 .T .r J J] 13 11 minas for [...];
14 30? MA..NA a-rut fx x x xf
1a 30 minas for [...];
15 5! MA a-na lx x x xl
15 5 minas for [...];
t6 lMAfxxxxxl 16 1 mina [.
.. ];
t7 18 MA 3-s[ü|İI.r] 18 U3 minas [...] for [...];
18 a-ım|xxxx]
19 z ılı
a-na fx x x xf ı9 2 minas for [...]:
blank line
20 PAB I G(r.UN 30 IMA.NA -r.r] 20 Total, 1 talent 30 lminas x shekels] for
21 a-ın dul-li fx x x] the work [. .. ],
22 inaıcıx|xxxxxf zz at the disposal of ...[...].

23 2 c(J ina KN-AG-İe |x x xf 23 2 lalenİs of the heavy sofi [...];

24 1 c(J inal<1J-Ac.,e lx tc xf 24 1 talent of the heavy sort [...] for 2 [... ]:
25 a-ruı2fxxxxxf
26 plg! : cü.u[N!ıı ırl x6 Total,3 talents [. ..1,
27 inqlctxfxxxxxl 2? at the disposal of ...[...].

r.1 1Gü.UNKUG.UD 1[r'r] '1 1talent of silvel, 1[.'....] for [...'..];

2 a-nalxxxxl
74 small fraqment from top lefl-hand comer of a large, well_wlitten tablet; natüe of contents uncertain'
7j ietı-haıd_side of a sinile column uerıicat tabıeı._ADD l l05 supplies
_'2 lines l3-27 and r.l-l6i identificarion
of obveıse and reverse not ceıtfin. 9 oİ a'nu'u. |. ]a oI20| MA.NA. After lcı peıhaps 6 [. 2' The sigı after
Icr begins wiü a single horizontal.


3 8 MA 2 Mcr.N[A!.reGS] 3 8 minas, 2 incense-burn[ ers...l;

4 6MA 2 kept-lpi x x] a 6 minas, 2 bo[wls ...] foı the bowls
5 (1-rrr kap-pi lf&1 x xxl t......t;
6 f MA.NA a-na 4l+x x x xf 6 9 minas for 4[+-r ...];
7 lniI,.A-NA a-na zl+x x x xl 7 |/2 mina İor 2[+x .. .l;
8 |2MA-NA a-nı 1 xfx x x| 8 12 minas foı 1 ...[...];
9 3 MA.NA 2| jd!ju.2!.ı,ı[nS x x] 9 3 minas foı 2 basins for washing hands
I. .. t;
10 4 MA.NA? deJi lx )c xl ro 4 minas, 2 bucklets ...1i
11 L2MANA | ğa x|x x x] tt llz mjJ].a, 1 ... t. . .1,
t2 12 MA.NA2 itt-fx x xl t2 12 mir,as,z ... [...]:
13 PAB 1 Gü.UN 58? MA.[NA J "r]
ı3 Total, 1 talent 58 [minas.]

I4 PAB 12 MA KUG.GI İ[.r x İ] A Total, .1.2

minas of gold ..[...], for the
15 a-na dul-li xfx x x xl work [...] the crownpriıce rece|ivedl [... ...|.
16 DUMU MAN ıir[rLJJJ]
17 [x x. x)x.lx x. x. x]
slight blank space

18 29 ct ina KN-Act 2n MAr. [NA r r r] 18 29 talents of the heavy sort, 20 minas

19 I,RU.SA_URU 'I[, .ü, İ]
.ğ4 [...] ofthe Inner City, NlNl, the temple scribe
20 Lü*|.A.BA 6-Dtr IGIR [İ-L"T] [... ], and Kapar, [...];
21 ü^ka-par xfx x x x x]
22 dul|-lu|-İrt| gam!-mur |x x x x] 22 his work is complete; he is doing [...]:
23 e-pq-öğ inaIGf| x x x )( x] at the disposal of [NN].

24 4 Gü.UN 30 MA.NA [-r "r.r .T.r] 2a 4 talents, 30 mina[s

'..'..] for lhe ceııd
25 a-nq qt-me|nifx xx xxf lof DNI of Nineveh;
26 ğ4 URU.MNAI jl-|a x x x] zu Hunnl and [......].
27 ^hu-ni-i ü| |x x x x xf
28 rfl-fxxxxf

76. Note of Amounts of Metal

K 7485 ADD 689

1 9 MA.NA .ğa .ğa?_ınu-ğe-Zib-te! |o]
I 9 minas for lhe shielded archers;
2 18 MA.NA .ğa 2 ğa! r_tl (x.ı) 2 18 minas for 2 [... ];
3 r1?l Gü 3| MA| J4 ıı! ğa| da?-|x1 lx] 3 I
talent 3 minas for 11 ...;
4 [İ+]2| MA.NA Jd 4 cIs|.mu|-gi!r|-ra-te?l a [x+]2 minas for 4 charioıs'
rest broken away (Rest destroyed)

77. Note of Gold Blades

Sm 1341 ADD 764

1 2 EIVB.I/Dğ KUG.GI 1 2 blades ofgold, belonging to Nabi-etir,
2 .ğ4 dPA KAR -ir L|3* .tur-t&n the commander-in-chief ;
3 1 E},,,E KUG.GI [ İa] ^ab-da-a' ı 1 blade ofgold [belonging 1o] Abda, the
4 Lü*.EN.NAMıJR|J.r&-Şap-pa governor of Raşappa.

'.ll76Nol Top
GlABA. IcL r.lJ or 5ö|. r.I6 ot i-hi-|!u-ni1?
half of
horizontal tableq surface poorly p'öserved. There is no way of knowing if üe text tists silveI
or, pe-rhap^s more likely_, a less I'Iecious metal. 'r rhi ieconcl ja resembles j.i; wiih 2 clear ve;tical wedges it cannot
be-cls. ] PeIhaps Taüer ): Gül forend ot line see coll. 4 Probabty [ı.l2 MA.NA'
77 Top halt of a single coltt'nn !erıical ıable


blank space of about 4 lines; traces only of (Rest destroyed or uninscribed)

one line; rest broken away
Rev. upper half broken away, lower half unin-

78. Record of Storage of Precious Items

79-7 -8,265 ADD 932

1 1x|sa"n-1ol o6.UN izd l G1ğ.UM-[r?ır?i]
ı |x| hundred 10 talents in one wooden

2 5|-ıne|-25| Gt o| iıı4 | Glğ.uM-ni-ni 2 525 talents in one wooden chest;

blaık space of 2 lines

3 lJim kap-pi KUG.UD ina l Gls.UM-rrıi-ı?il 3 7,000 silver bowls in one wooden chest;
blank space of 2 lines

4 1-ıne-8 SlcA.MBs KUG.UD a 108 silver bricks;

5't-me-2o kep-piKUG.UD 5 720 silver bowls;
6 69 SAG.KUL NM.MA KUG.U[D] t 69 bolıs of silve[ı];
7 8 q-ri-tliKuc.uD u 8 shields of silver;
8 4 yoke finials of silver; the scraps of
8 4 ğa xclFni-ri KUG.UD
9 hu-ğe-e KUG.UD ,s-se-ıxi,İ silver are together (with it):
10 PAB inq 1G|ğ.UM-ni-ni 10 all, in one wooden chest.

78 Photo Pl. IV. Narrow vertical tablet. I Coll. from photo (SP). 1_3 The sign is clearly uM_, and not


F].G.2|. Finial from a yoke pole (Assurbanipal of ıatef)'

BM 124825


I1 4- me -5o ıi- d e - e K|U G|.UD]

tr 450 vessels of si[ver], be[onging to]
t2 [ğl4? L[ü?.GA]L?-KAS!.LULI [0] ıhe |chie|f cııpbearer, in one wooden ches[t].
r.1 Iıı4 1 GIğ.UM-İıi/, [i]

blank space for more üan half reverse

2 [(ü) İ KUG.G]I ina 1A:bI
., [... of go]ld therein;
3 [-rü S]AG.DU ,n4 ğA-öi 3 [.. . ca]pital üerein.
blank space of 2-3 lines
4 lxxxxlx 4 [...... ]...
rest broken away (Rest destroyed)

79. Record of Gold Items, Reign of Sargon

K 351 ADD 676

1 [KUG.G]I.I\GS ğa TA* U[GU "T J (İ.İ)]
l' I [The gol]d, from the [...] of the orna-
2 |ğla ğu-kLüt-te ğa rMLLll.MEğ ments ofthe gods, which A55uı-bani, the gov-
3 İa ^ağ - ğur_ba- ni tt*.EN.NAM URU./..iır, ernor of Calü, brought down.
4 ıi-İe -f id-da-ni lTI.Gl]D I]D-15-KAM 5 Month of Iyyar (II), 15th day, eponym
5 lim-mufrMAğ-.DU1Gl year of Inurta-alik-pani (7i 1 B.C.).

6 4?l MA.NA KUG .GI TA* UGU ü-maJma|l -ni 6 47 minas of gold, from the (statues of
7 1?l MA.NA sdt-ru l inı s|^?-bı (x x)] the) beasts;
8 30 MA.NA 2-i ı x|x x x x xf z 17 minas of refined (gold), one of them
9 N ılı.uı ina sa t|e? xx(xx)] I ... ... t,
10 PAB 16131 12 MA.NA [İ .I .ü -I ü -I] s 30 minas of second quality ...[...];
1 1 [İ İ M]A.N[A İ.r J -I .ü] s 26 112 minas in l. ..1.
rcst (about halo broken away ro In all 63 1/2 minas [...];
Rev. beginning (about halfl broken away ıı 1... ] mina(s)
l' lxxxxxfanlxxxxf (Break)
z' ıh-ti-at x|x x (x)] .1 ......; [...] has weighed out [...]. Month
3' m.NE UD-I,2-IKAM x x1 of Ab (V), 12th day [...].
4' PAB 1 GÜ .ğ4 KALAG-ıe xfx (x x)l a In all, 1 talent of üe heavy solt [...],
5' .ğ4 Lü.EN.NAM tr4l-haLt.|GN'1_xbc x x] which the govemor of Calah (and) the chief
6' i-hi-tu-ni a-na^ke-ni-i ild-din-u-nil [...] weighed out and gc[ve] to Kenl.
7', 3 GÜ .ğ4 KALAG-,e 5 MA.NA As [0] 7 3 talents of the heavy sort, 5 minas ...
8' .ğ4 LÜ.IGI.DUB il-nu-ni [o] [... ], rvhich üe treasurer gave.
blank space of 2 lines
9' PAB 4 Gü Jd KAIAG'a 57 MA.NAAğ p In all, 4 talents of the heavy sort, 57
l0' [0] KUC.CI Jat-rrı ğa Iü rclN-i minas ... refined gold at the disposal of Keni.
11' [0] 3! MA BABBAR.DIL \i-Zu-tü ina ğA.-md ı1 3 minas of agaİe, '.. includ'ed in it.

80. Record of GoId Rings(?)

K 13206 ADD 1065

beginning broken away (Beginning destroyed)
1, tTv 6t AD?j -lx x x x xl 1 2, N[N];
2' d ^:.lx xxxl , 2, N[N];

79 Photo Pı. IV. Upper part of a wide, single column, vertical lablet. 10 The total should be 73 12, üe sum of 47
+ 26 l/2i\ll. 6 aıJdgi fuote that the entJies t7 and 30 in 11. 7 and 8 refeI to diffeIent qua,ities of gold and give üe total
of4, inl.6; note' howeveI, üat üe "missing" 10IDınaş may be accounted fol in l. 1l, etc. .6 Coll from Photo (sP).
17'9 As_possibly for l/4? l'l I lf UD'AS is-correctly undeistooil as p appardillu' oie mııst ptesume that 6ome oi th"
golo_and--som€ sem!_pIe.ious stones hadbeen attached and weighed togelher.Fol gizzatu,,.c|ippings,'' cf. CTN 2 145.
80 small fragmenı from lefı edge of a lablet. Lnceİıain wiich fa;e is obverie.


3' 2^ala-Ix x xl 3 2, Atal...l;

r 2, ...Iu[...]:
4' 2^xJu-xlx xl
s in a|l 18 gold rings |...lİor |...l;
5' PAB 18? HAR? G|ı? x x x x]
6' a!-ndlxxxxxl ı
7' z|ııen|fxxxxx] 2 rings [... ...].
8' xlxxxxxxl (Rest destroyed)
rest bmken away
Rev. traces of beginnings of lines

81 . Precious Items for the Gods

T11 1905-4-9,395 lraq32 25

I kap-pi duq-di Kuc.uD I 1bowl of almond wood (and) silver;
2 kap-pı KUc.uD şu-up-pu , 1polished bowl of silver;
3 hı-di-ıt-ti| KUG.GI 8|u1|-bi-bı l<uG.Gl ke- : 1 golden dress pin; a golden ..., a ditto
su-su : (= golden) falcon on it; a [...] of obsidian,
4 illı ucu-hi [.rl NA4. ZÜ ZA.GIN GUG lapis lazuli and camelian;
5 GIS.BÜR NA"ı.zÜ zA.GiN DUMU.ı\d_M 5 a "tree of absolution" of obsidian and tamJıı | lapis lazuli; a "daughter of the wind" of gold
6 NU.üR.MA GUG ind ğA-bi inlaid ıvith ditto, a carnelian pomegranate in
its midst;
7 1 N&.KISIB MUğ.GIR MAs KUG.GI ? 1 cylinder seal of serpentine, its setting
of gold;
8 1 : BABBAR.DIL MAğ : 7 NA4.MEğ 9 N&.r_d 8 1 ditto of agate, its setting ditto; 7 stones,
ina bı-rit 9 ...-stones between (them);
9 2 qu-da-si KUG.GI e 2 gold earings;
e. 10 I sa-bu-bu nap-hu 1' ... oİ gold, blown'
r.1 ı rlt-si A.2 NA4.LBs KUc.Gı QAL.MES
'o 1 armband of smail gold beads, a small
2 ni-ip-hi KuG.c| qdl-lu ina bi-riı disk of gold between (them);
3 1 KAIAG-,' NU MAğ
IGI.2 BABBAR.DIL J l "eye-stone'' of agate. large. no seıting:
4 2 AB KuG.G|27'Ac uP-ııi KUG.GI a 2 cows of gold, 2 prayer bowls of gold:
5 2 AB KUG-UD 2 :. KUG.UD s 2 coırs of silveı, 2 ditto of silver.
6 PAB .ğ4 UN.MEğ E.GAL a-na dııdr|Arll 6 Total, of the palace personnel, for the
gods Nabü and Ta[Ğmetu].
7 nı.ziz lim-mu rıı-sa-gib z Month of Shebat (XI), eponym year of

82. Record of Amulets(?) on Fumiture

K t462 ADD 1043

I B1 lxxxxxxltdtll5l (Beginning too fragmentary for transla-
2 ttt fx x Jc x x+]4t 3ot 20 to tion)

3 Slxxxxlxantl! nal
4 ıq| an-[x x x x]x-fu rvFj
5 77! |xxxxxlx-İu!
6 ttt lxxx)cxlx2
7 [rr -r.ü .I K]I!.NA! [0] ? [...... b]ed;

81 Holizontal tablet. see Postgate, Iraq 32 (1970) 156-58. 8 PIobably 9 NA4.Gü "9 neck-stones.''
82 Small vertical tablet. I Instead of 3, perhaps 16r.


8 lxx.xxxxxku{D.zlul 8 [...... ] sorcere[r];

9 |x' x' x x' x' x xf lı51 (Bıeak)

tıaces of 3 lines; rcst (about 4-5 ünes)
broken away
1 l(x) x glit-na!-a 6fxx x x xl ,.2 their [...], 3 (stones against) "coarh
2 |(x) x-İ|ü|-na s nö|-mı-di fha-a-a-at-te| [of panic]";

3 [' IGI?] NIGnı 10 NAM.RIM ? .Tk I] 3 fxJ, İo turn lthe facel: 10, the oath; 7
t.. .l.

4 |(x) x x]-ıi te-qi'i 8 HU[LI İ] a [...] for daubing; 8, the evlil of...];
5 kH]UL! MUğEN BAR-' s [x, the ev]il of a strange bird.
6 [r TAR Gi]R!.2! HUL-tim? r4t G(J AM3o 6 [x, to keep] evil off; 14 amulets

7 [(l) -ü] ERIM str-tr\4 10 Uslr!.zu 3 üs.MEğ [0] 7 |x], ıo heal [..']; 10, sorcerers; 3, pes-

8 18] Gü.ia GIs.rı ğ-med Luc1J' |o] ı 18 amulets of the couch of the king.
rest uninscribed

83. Record of Precious Stone Items

K 7559 ADD 1108

I beginning broken away, lines 1'-4'final (Beginning destroyed)
traces only
5', lx x e-laPlJum s |.'. oİ e lal)lu-stone;
6', [.t x ı ıı?'|.zArı 6 [...... ]...
7', [(ı) ı x] kxl.ıımj ? [...... ]...
8', l(x) x xl tx1 pa rit i 8 [......]...
9' |(x) x] aİ'-pü|-u e [... ] jasper
10' [(r) ,] dTLAMA 10 f.. -l rose jasper
t1' klr cuc!.cAZr!.s[AR?] tt [...] beetlike carnelian
t2' [P]AB! ir-rcr-KuR r, [t]otal, the palace superintendent.
13', [(x) *+]+! nnıı,ı ı3 [...x+]4 men
14', Ix kf1-şir-ırt ta l.-. enfvelope
lıc x xl (Bıeak)
1s', |(x) x] fx x x]
rcst broken away
tr lxxxxxltxl
2 lxxxxxxxl-kul
3 |x ğla? _sa-la!|-'iı 3 |\] Sprinkıersi
4 111?ı DI1R.ıff.NA ı 11 (pieces of) breçcia [...];
5 12 :r BAN.DA s 12 (pieces of) "small" breccia;
6 2 GIs.NUll.[GAL (.r İ)] o 2, of alabast[er ...];
7 4 |İi? rf1
x] |x 7 4 ...1...1
break of fouı lines (Break)
t2 2xnxxxx.xxl
l3 ı|xxx'x'x'xxf

i2 lor restoration CAD N/2 157a. r.6 CoII. from photo (Sp).
- 83coreUpp€
I _paft
of tablet.
of vertical tablet with two naırow 6o1umns on each face; surface disintegrating anal separating
some tines nor.oni..l in ADD al.e patially decipherable. i.7 see coll. 'i 8 Fo-r the sigiı befor;
pa see coll.; tdil or tsapl'l


14 2xlxxxxxxxl
15 42fxxt(xxxf
L6 PIABxxxxxxxxl
four lines broken away
I beginning (a1least 8 lines) bıoken away
1' rtr c[iR rr] ,.tt 1d.a[gger...1i
2' pıo ğd |xxxxl z all of [...... ],
3' mlxxx xl : month of [... ... ].

4' t7.A[xxxxl 4 1 [...] of [......];

5' ğa x'|x x x xx xl
6' 2KA..fx)(xxx\ 6 2 of oblsidian...l, the chief of [...].
7' Lt*.cN--lxxxxxl
8' t2xlxxxxxl 8 1,2 [......]
9', PAB 3![[]l e total, 3.
l0' 2KUR-nu xLx xl 10 2 of hamatite [...];
1|' 1 Z[A|.GI]N? [(jİ)] 11 1, lakıis lqz\uli:
12' 1| MUğ.GfR!
12 1, serpenıinei
ı3 total, the 28th day.
13/ PAB| uD!-28?
edge broken; not known if inscribed (Rest broken oı uninscribed)
tr beginning, space of about 5 lines, broken
away; ıemainder uniıscıibed

84. Fragment of Precious Stone Record

K 1t471 ADD 1086

beginning broken away (Beginning destroyed)
1' [x] |BABBAR.[DILİIX] 1 |xl agaı|e .. 'l
2' ı[+ül A I BABBAR.DıL.D0- |("rü)'| 2 |xf paPParnLİnu-stone [...]
3' tr] I Nin aS [x.r xl [7] chalcedony [...l
4' lx] Mı ı[x .x "r] a [x] chalcedony 1...1
5' lxl cucfx x x xl 5 [x] carnelian [...]
6' tx] GUG GAIZ|.SAR İ -T] 6 [x] beet-like camelian [...]
7' lx] ||xıcx1fxxx] (Rest destroyed)
rest broken away
Rev. only undecipherable haces of5lines

85. Record of Items of Precious Stone and Metal

8t-2-4,146 ADD 937

beginning (at least five lines) destroyed (Beginning destroyed)
I, I hi-tint_x1_fx x xl il 1...[...] of papparminu-Stoıe |...|
2' BABBAR!.DIL.Dtr-(r"r)l 3 .1. armband of [...]-stone;
3' 1 DtM!d!-l,i NAo.[.r (r)l a 2 ... stone [...];
4' 2şi |(x x)] 5 4(+) strings of (amulet) stones for par-
5' [.ü+]a ıür_ri NA..uıS İim|-mat| alysis;

l.i.8 The broken siqn beejns wiü 3 horizonıals, e.g. m[a.

84 Fragment irom ĞIı side of a thick. coaIsel! written. tableı. wiü aJI undetermined number of columns. on üe
obverse üe-numerals (allb@ken away except in I. 2) were wrinen on the teft edge in a subsidiary column defined by
a vertical ruling. Cf. on no. 87.
85 Photo ğl. IV. Lowel half of a veIhcal tablet with 2 colulDns on each face' Reveıse badly fıactuIed. il In
place of lii a ditto sign, in ptace of rinr, ILUGALT are possible readings. i a Uncertain whether 2 or 1.


6' Ix] NA .G(J 8! ıur-ri 6 [x] neck-stones,8 strings;

7' [N]A4|.KISB! BABBAR.D[-7 fuk-Pi|-a-ıe| ? a seal of agate; 7 kidney-shaped gems of
8' [(İ) NAJ.BABBAR.DIL agatei
9' [NAJ'].KIğBıBABBAR.DIL.DIL o a seal of papparminu-Sİonei
10' [(x) x ı].rııBğl Nin to [x ...]s of chalcedony;
11' [.r x N]d.dr,ave 11 fxf of rose jdsperi
12' lx x xl(r't tab?1 pi-is-si 12 I...1...',
|3' |x x xfu lşa1-pi-ıi 13 f ..,1 coloured;
II beginning broken away (Break)
1' zxlxxxxxl ii I 3 ...[...] of silver [...];
2' KUG.UD xlx x xl
3' 1-re GIS.TUKUL.MA.NU KUG.TIJDT ı 'l' magic wand of silveri
4' ı Nı|-şu| zı.c\N 4 4 ... stones of lapis lazuli;
5' 1 :. DüR.MI.NA.BAN.DA 5 1 ditto of "small" breccia;
6' ı :. z,l.sıııı| 6 1 ditto of jılbr-stone;
7' 1 SAG.DU ıi-si ZA.GiN 7 1 goose head of lapis lazuli;
8' 2 DIM| DAG.cAZ-si 8 2 bars of stone blocks
one blank line (Bıeak)
I uninscribed
tr beginıing bıoken away
L' lxxxxx-plil-ni
2' |xxxxx.u]rİ
3' |x x x]x-hu-u-ri ı0 MA 2b| t/2 CiN KI.LAL ,.ii 3 [......]... 10 minas 26 1/2 shekels in
4' |x x tlaı] J di|l -tü ina!UGU-lıi PAB 12 MA.NA a [...] an addition to it; inall 12 minas 1176
[[26 12]l ciN KI.[-AL 1/2ll shekels in weight.
5' |x' x' x|x-rı KUG'GI 5 [... ] of gold;
6' |xx x x]-ri-ni |ğıi1--qqbT-li 6 |...J... of a ıoıncloth.'
7' |xx x x] İd_xl-pi? -ni
l 7 [...]...;
8' |x x x x] INAtl.Iffiğ I' 8 mixed slones;
9' |x x x x] ı| İu-|x] lx xl'ııaS , [... ]
[... ] 4 [...];
10' [ıxı].ı;["rx"r] rıı,tc!.ıreĞ ıo 1...] large [. .. J;
11' |xxxx| ıeo.ı.tıS IKALAG:|.NEs ıl [...] large stones;
|2' kJİ, K]UR QAr.I\,fiğ 1, [...]..., small;
13' |x x x| lıi1-re-e z!-te t3 1...1 hq.ndles, second(-size)
14' [ıı ı.r] Ixı.ıarn ta [...] weight
rest broken away (Rest destroyed)

86. Record of hecious Stone Items

K7469 +K 9183 + K 19195 K7469+
IGI.2 I 1 big agate eye-stone;
2 ttol 2-a-ti , 10 second(-size);
3 |x-ru]e-||[G|.2.MEğNA.4.BABBAR.DL 3 U l11 agate eye-stones;
4 k+] 10 IGI.2.ı',Eğ NA4.MUğ.GIR
a 10(+) serpentine eye-stones;
5 [İ+]8 NA4.MEğ .ğ4 N&.GUG 5 8(+) camelian stones;
6 |x x1
|x] rik-sa-ni ü-baı-ıu-qu o 1...I will cut off the bindings.
7 [.rx x x]..tı ğEM.Bl.Zl.|DA,| 7 [... ] of antimony;
8 lx x x xIMUL-te K1J-AG-,ti
8 [... ] big srar.
9 [[.r.r ı.r]] (erasure)

1 0 fx x x x]x-tü ğa NAA.BABBAR.DIL 10 [1 ... ] of agate;

i.l2 |nP\aceofabad aı].d 1n p|ace oİ pi asal aİe possible .eadiıgs. ii.4 Cf. i.4'. i.n.3 seecolı. r.ii.s_? seecoll.'
possibly a 8[n--I]-pi_ıı j.
86 K 7469+9183 rccently joined to K 19195; copy p. 256. probably rhe upper pafi of a verticat tabter.



ll Jxİü x N|&.BABBAR.DIL QAL.L{ES ı1 [x ...]s of agate, small;

12 kİüxxM]Uğ.rGiRQAI.MESI ız [x ...]s of serpentine, smalli
rest broken away (Break)
Rev. beginning broken away
t' lxxxxxxxlx
z', lxxxxxxlx-u
J lxxxxxxx]x
4', [-r.r.TrJJNAr'].cuc "4 [......] caıne1ian;
5'. I:c xxxxxfsBM.Bl.Zl.DA antimony;
6', [ı xxxxx.D]İ z-te second(-size)
7', [ı xxxxxx]-tiı
8', lx r r r rr'lclN-i Keni-

9' lxxx x xxl l SAG.DU L'R.MAH , [......], 1 lion's head (rhyton),

10' |xxxxxx].ıJo1 t0 [......].
Iest broken away but p€rhaps not inscribed

87. Record of Items of Gold and Copper

K 4297 ADD 963

I begiıning (about6lines) broken away (Beginıing destroyed)
|' |l] NA4'ki-ğüi-du rKUGl .Gu] i ı [1] amulet of gold;
2' 4 e-sqJq-d-te TJF.IJDIJ z 4 asallu-vessels of copper;
3' 20lnüL.Ncs URLDU KAI-AG.MEğ 3 20 large cooking pots of copper, of two
4' ğa 2 ANğE.,-a homers (capacity) each;
5' 3 du-ıi-dıURuDu 5 3 kettles of copper;
6' 3 tap-hd-a-nı uRUDu o 3 cauldrons of copper, of 7 seüs (140
7' ğaısAN-a-a litres) each;
8' tB a-ga-na-a-te URUDU ı 18 amphoras of copper;
9' m daJa-a-niıJRUDU e 20 buckets of copper;
10' 20 ı\ıq-Zi-a-ni UP.UDU l0 20 lureens of coppeı;
1 ' 1 [-t _ü l]-a_r?i URUDU tı [x ...]s of coPper;
rest brcken away (Break)
tr broken away, save some numerals begin-
ning entries
Y completely broken away
If beginning broken away
I' PAB| ir,4! U[RU!.ü r] .ı Total, in the ci[ty ...];
I DUMU.ü,/fis LÜ*.FJ] x the SonS of the [......]; Dadi and Bi's[İ
J 6dat _di't _Iil are thleir names.
4', ^bi-i'-slf-il
5', uu.IıIES-.ğl-lzıı o?l
rest uninscribed

!:1" , J.'Pl

i;i;i|;ii.ş il Y;ji'ü' F;i,;i(. Kii ('*ğ!rH5iü*ü

.8 Perhaps üe same gendeman as in no. 79I.6', l0.

87 Fi&gment from left edge of a large tablet of at least 2 columns. with roünded pIofiles and a lighl vertical
ling down the outşide (left) edge it externally lesembles nos. 67 and 84.


flG.22. Broııze cauıdfonfrom Nimrud (ca.750 Bc).

BM 91155.

88. Record of Copper Items

K 1403 ADD 964

1 1 fapllı URUDU 1ANSE
! 1 1 cauldıon of copper, 1 homer (c. 200
litre s);
2 1 ,. URUDU 5BAN l4 SUHUğ , 1 ditto of copper, 5 seahs (c. 1001.), no base;
3 1 :. .ğa 2BAN 3 1 ditto, of 2 seahs;
4 ı:. ğa ısAN-a-a 4 3 ditto, of 1 seah each;
5 l ha-ri-e ğa21İ-ığB 5 1 vat of 2 homers (c. 400 l.);
6 l ,. .ğa osAw 6 1 ditto of 6 seahs;
7 s sa-ap-lu Qiı.ı'lr , 5 small vases;
8 l I h(l-pı URUDU| 8 1 ditto, broken, of copper;
9 2 ko]ı-lat f||--IUs e 2 pails for the bathroom;
10 2 ma-zi-i URıJDU ı0 2 tuleens of copper;
11 5 qa-zAce TUs ı1 5 cups fol the bathIoom;
r.1 5 gqI me ı'| 2| qa .I 5 ... of 2 'litres';
2 2 a-Sa-al-ıu |JRuDu 2 2 asallu-vessels of copper;
3 l kı-t-ri ğa6B^N 3 | pithos of 6 seahs (c. 120 l.);
4 ı :. J4 3BAN a 1 ditto of 3 seahs;
5 z ur(rı.ı,ıss ısAN-a-a 5 2 cooking pots. 3 seahs each:
6 I I IBAN 4 | ka-sultJpatl 6 1 ditto, 1 seah; 4 ditto, chipped;
7 l d:ıı-duUR|JDU dqn-nu ? 1 large kettle of copper;
8 | :. kas-su-pi;.1 8 1 ditto, chipped, ditto;
9 :. qa-lu!
'ı, e 1 ditto, small;
10 l ı./-Zi-tüURuDu 5 qd 10 1 feımenting vat of copper, 5 'litres' (in
11 2 .ğQ_ğU.2'I!ES URUDU ıI 2 basins for washing hands, of copper;
12 11 NIG.NA URıjDU 1 KI.NE! IJRIJDU ı2 11 censels of copper; 1 bıazier of copper;
13 lo na| - Ş a - bat GI(.|G.MBş| 13 l0 handles for doors;
14 2 rrr,?l -4, KASKAı.2! URUDU 14 2 ketlles
İor travel, of copper;
15 I bu-şi-ni URUDU ı5 1 lamp of copper.

88 PhotoPl.IV. Small vertical tablet. Many erasures (not separately noted). I Coll ftomphoto (SP). 9 Tablet
has sAE fol ğ (i.e. 3 not 4 veIticals). .l Not understood. The final two signs look certain; üe two s|anting wedges
at the eıd of ga couıd go with the fotlowing wedges' givingp; in place of me, but makiıg the identity of the first sign
tpil (cf.t.B).



89. Record of Work on Copper Items

Rm 45 + Rm 79 (ABL 1077) ADD l05l+

1 üs.i[ğ-pa]-q-te ı Wooden q[ui]vers;
2 6 [İ-(J)].^,ffiğ AN.BAR 2 a case for [...]s of iron;
3 kan tx xl UFJJDU 3 ...s of copper;
4 |4 rı-ta-a-te UP.UDU a 14 handles of copper;
5 kip-pa-at-te URUDU s loops of coppe1,
6 SAG.DU A.2!.IGğ 6 üe top part of inside aıms, of copper;
7 E-a-ni-a-te URUDU
8 SAG.DUIn-ğad-da-a-te 8 the top part of the draught-poles of ...
9 KıJğ.|x1-zu leather, with 5 star-shaped objects.
10 a-di s kık-ka-pa-a-te|
11 f. ku.ta-hu AN-BAP. 1l A case foı spears, of iron;
12 ruS.ıap-,İl-e.wS| ı2 covedngs of leather, including their
13 a-dıNA4.I/Eğ-ğıi-nu precious stones, firmly fixed.
14 ğar^ğu-du
15 sAG.Kr crSr.Kr.KAL 15 The
İront of the base-board, nailed.
16 rd-pi-qi
r.1 2 kur-htr-ru! URUDU .r 2 containers of copper, speckled;
2 bar-ru-mu
3 2 /4 Kr.MrN 1 not ditto;
4 PAB an-ni-e all this - completed work.
5 dul-lu ga-martl
6 si-da-d-te UF.UDU 6 Copper ...s, to be polished;
1 İa kı-pa-a-ri
8 cü.E IrRUDU Q[AL?]-ı, 8 copper armour, llighlt, to be polished;
9 İa kı-pa-a-ri

E9 Photo Pl. IV. Vertical tablet restorcd ftom ADD t05t @m a5) + ABL 1077 (Rm 79). Collations by W.G.
Lamberr circd by Landsber9el, Dale Paım,32f. 2 PeIhaps f_[sAG'DU].MEs? (cf' no.64i.l4) 3 seecoll. 4 The
figule ı4 is wrioen on left edge. 9, ı8 see coll.

Frc,B. Washing equipment, from Assurbanipal's

garden scene (cf. nos. 87-91).
BM 124920 (detail).


FlG.24. Metaı tripod sıandİol coaldron (ca.750 Bc )'


10 6 rı-ta-a-ıe ı0 6 fumiture feet of..., to be polished;

11 ğa ta'mır-zi
12 İa ka-pa-aJri|
13 6 kqk-ka-pa-a-te |3 6 star-shaped objects,lo tıe hammered;
14 İa kab-bu-su
15e ku-ub-te URUDU 15 lumps of coppeı, to be polished.
16e İa ka-pa-a-ri

90. Fragment of Record of Metal Items

K 10317 ADD 945

t' begiııııing bıoken away (Beginning destroyed)
x xf rı.rıı i 1 [... ...] in weight;
1', |x. x' x'
z', lxxxxxlx^me [...... ];
3', lxxxxxlre-he 3 [...... ] is left.

rI' rest broken away

beginning broken away
iir rf l.
slight blank space
z', 2 Gü.[U]N? |4 2Bl lx x xl , 2 talle_n]ts 14 2/3 [minas]
3' PAB -dUTU--Gtr.I_J[, T J] ı total, Samağ-mukin- [...].

4' 15 na-ş(ır!-pqt |x x xf a 15 crucibles 1...l',

5' [, Glü.IrN 2 MA. [NA J ,] 5 [x ta]lents 2 mi[nas ...]
ıest broken away (Rest destroyed)

90.- Small surface fragmena from centre of a large, multi-columtr, tablet, now heavily vitrified. i2 Trace before
,r€ like U]D.



91 . Record of Wooden and Copper Items

81-2-4,t65 ADD 1059

beginning broken away (Beginning destroyed or too broken for
\' |ıcxxfuxfxxxx| translation)
2' |x x]x cığ.x|x x xl

J 1 rGIğ!.KIr.DüR_ri sAB p[a| -ni-ü1l 1 wooden wine-jar stool ı[sed];

4', r IcrS|ı.:. ,. şı-p[a|
o] 1 wooden ditto ditto, polished;
5', | |Glğ| ,mah|\-ru-şu sAB pa|-ni|-ru||ı 1 ııooderı jaı rack, used;
6', | |cls|l ,toğ-ku-u Şu-pu 1 wooden tripod, polished;
7', I 1 wooden incense holder:
8' PAB 5 in all, 5.

9' l c|ğ.h-4t.^.wğ şu-pu e 1 wooden cupboard, polished:

10' [[PAB 6?]l ıo in all 6.

11' 2 Gls.İu-na-n&-ıi |1 2 woodeı traysi

12' 1 GIğ KAR-lıi ı2 1 wooden ...;
|3' r4?rGIğ..ğ4_NMl.}"fis ıı 4 wooden fly-whisks.

r,1 PAB-iııa 24 a|-nu|-ut| c|s.MBs .1 Grand total: 24 implements of wood.

blank space of several lines

2 1 lmu|-kdr|1-ri|-sı| ıııUoU 2 1 copper oil dish;
3 3t tkaptl_pi! Ii.UDU 3 3 bowls of copper;
4 1! [o] u(ra rJRrrDU a 1 cooking pot of copper;
5 [PAB]
l5|1 a|-nu|-ut iJRüD|J s [in all] 5 copper items.
6 flf-ttet att-rut-ur-l,i AN.BAR! 6 [1 set] of iron ,oııgs
rest brcken away (Rest destroyed)

92. Fragment of Record of Precious Items(?)

K 17023 K t7023
I upper part broken away (Beginning destroyed)
|' |x x x x|x.wı$ :. i ı [...] ...s, ditto;
2' [.r.ü SAG.D]U UR.A , [...] lion's head (rhyton);
3' |x x 'x.m]rİ mmJİt zt 3 [...]s, inlaid with ivory;
4' lxxxxxxlx (Break)
5' lxxxxxxlx
rest of column broken
tr beginning broken away
1' PAB4 | rxlxxxl ii ı total 4, of NlNl,
2' L(J*.cAL--'fr.Jd.lx x xl 2 the chief t...t;
3' ı' da|h-x x x] 1 2 1...1
4' Kt^lx x x xl a wüi [NN];
5' 6xlxxxxl 5 6 [...];
6' ıx|xxxx] 6 3 [...];
rest brcken away (Rest destloyed)
Rev. bıoken away

91 LoweI half of a vertical tablet. 5 Last sign is rrrr according to coll. I.L. Finkel. l0 This line Iatlıer
squashed, wdtten aş aı afteİthought orpeİhaps erased. ..6 FoI arur,iri see now Dellel and Finkel, zA 74 (1984) 82-3.
92 surface lıake from centre oftablet; palts of2 columns su ive (though tro vefiical ruling is visible). Copy p.
256. i3 For the prob|em of zt (ğifln or şurfr?) see on no. 62 f.ii.8.


&ı ı
9. Textiles

nG. 2s. Military dress of a cavalryman.

BM t24717.

93. Textile Label, Reign of Assurbanipal

8Z-5-22,40 ADD 702

1 zr(ıçİ bale z\c I 2 house go'Jvns, the frontred, ofthe port,
2 sAs KAR
one stamp-seal impression (seal impression)
3 TA'|Gl^i.-bı-ia 3 from Ibbiya, in the domestic quafiers,
4 ina f.-a-ni
r.1 sU^ağ-ğur kil-ıa-nı "ı cale of Ağğur-killanni.
2 rrr.GUD UD-2-KAM 2 Month of lyyar (ll), 2nd day. eponym
blaık space of 3-4 lines year of Sa-Nabü-Ğü (658 B.C.).
3 lim-ıne^ğd_dpı-ğıi-u

94. Textile Label, Reign of Esarhaddon

K 348 + Ki 1904-10-9,246 (haq32 20) ADD 635+

1 7 TüG.KI.TA.Iffiğ BABBAR.IIEğ I T lower gaxments, white;
z t2T(JGI .gul-rcr.2 2 2 cloaks;
3 IToG.qır-mu 3 1 overcoat;
one stamp-seal impıession a t house gown, the front red;
4 I Ttc.ınür-q&-ti bö|-te z,AG SA5 s 1 urnutu-garment, the front (red), of the
5 t rrJc.ur-nat zAG tKURn l(x x)J country,
r.1 ITI.GAN Ii,n-me PA PAB-KAM-eJ "ı Month of Kislev (IX), eponym year of
one stamp-seal impression Nabi-ahhe-ereğ (68 1 B.C.).

95. Textile Label

83- 1- 18,346 ADD 684

three stamp-seal impressions (seal impressi.ons)
1 lxl rrJc.nn-qa bir zAc cI6 lol ı [x] gowns, felted, the front black;
2 lxTtlc.m0-qq bir z-\c sA.s [o] 2 [x] gowns, felted, the front red;
3 lx "f1c1.ur-tnt t zAc | [o]
3 fxl urnutu-gatments, ditto, the front
4 |x.f,ıcl.ur-ınt :. :. fx (x)| ditto;
5 lx T,lcJ.ur-nat | | lx (x)l a fxl urnutu-garments, ditto, ditto [...];
6 |xr(ı| :. :. k @)1
s lx.l urnutu-garments, ditto, ditto [...];
7 3Ttc.qar-P| xlx 6 [x] gowns, ditto, ditto [...];
8 2rtSc.lxlxl 7 3 bedspreads 1......1',
remainder broken away 8 2 [...] garments [......]
ReV. blaı]k, except for trace of one numeral (Rest destroyed or uninscribed)

93 Phoro Pl. v. Complete ffiangular label, with one stamp-seal impression on obv. writing ns, unusüally,
palallel with long axis, flom base to tip of triangle. string holes at üe two comers.
94 Complete label inscIibed iike no. 93 parallel to long axis, tapering somewhat towafds Iigh1€nd. stdng holes
at the uppeİ and lower left-hand corners. Rev. and top left hand coIner of obv' aIe fIom K 348 ('oin: s' Helborda).
One staop-seal impression at centre of each face. Copy p. 256. 5 There j6 an erased line on the bottom edge of rhe
label after this line.
95 Photo Pl. V. Upper left-hand part of a triangular sealed label. ? For final sign see coll.


96. Textile Label

R.m462 ADD 957

beginning broken away (Beginning destroyed)
1.' t qar-IPA. x xl | L bedspfread, ...1;
2' r'ttc.glull -tct.2 x xl , 1clloak, ... ];
3' 4"ruc.ddp-pa-lsd-te (x x)l sl^s1 (x x)l 3 4 blanlkets], rled, ..-l;
4' 45| Tuc-gfuı!-|Gı.z ı (ı)] sas! [(ı ı)] a 45 clloaks. ...], red, [...];
5' 2'rtc'guı-Icl.2 zAG rsA5! KURI 30 :. SUMUN s 2 cloaks, thefrontrcd' ofıhe country;3o
xlxl dltİo, old ..-;
6' z rad:di-di 2 c,(J .rA su-pu [(x x)l a 2 veilş| 2 vıraps, embroidered|
7' 2 muk-laı bir zAG sA5 NA{.[MEs (')] 1 2 shawls, İelted, the front rcd, (with)
8', 2 U.SAG 3 şrP-r4' sA5 KAR
8 2 mitres; 3 scaxyes, rcd, of the Porıi
9' 4 q&r-PA Si-gi| 2!-İıi İı1-hır-rat sı'| c|ı? (x)l
g 4 bedspreads oİ tuft,2 pa\rs of leggings,
red, ...;
10' + sr.ı-uH rı6.r'mo! ı0 4 ...-garments of red woo1;
11', 1 lıd-şd-öo, bir MGnI sAs KAR || 1 Sıraight gdrment, fertad' the edging
blank space of two lines red, of the port.

96 PhotoPl. V. Lowerhalfofa large triangular label. No seal impression survives. 5 For final prese edsign
seecoll. 9 sign after Jj is not MAğ (coll. from photo): the sign afteI sA5 is like the first part of G[I; see coll.

F|G, 26. Rordı bedspread, from Assurbanipal' s garden scene.

BM 124920.


İ-1 l'İt3.W]-8a-bat bir ZAG| sA. KAR t.l I Straight gqrment, İelted5 the front red'
2 zT1c.ur-nat bir NI1IN :. t:.11" of the porı;
2 2 urnut u -garments. felted. the edging
3 3^İJG'ur-nü't G1\DA Şip-Pi [o] dirto, ditto:
4 9'İ(JG.ğd-Gn'zAc! ["r.r (ıı)] ı 3 urnuıu-garments, of linen, ...;
5 ıı| ı|-paı xfx xf a 9...-garments, the
blank space of 4 lines s 11 towels, [...]: İront |
6 PAı| ı-me|-lf+xxx xxx] 6 Total: 101[+x ...]
blank space of one line (Rest destroyed)
rest broken away

97. Textile Label

81-2-4,2s9 ADD 956

begiruıing broken aıray (Beginning destroyed)
l', |+1'ıı3c'|xıcxxxx) ı 4 ] -galments [......];
z', 2| TüG!.s[II.LUH r,ü r] ı 2 [...
...[...]-garments [...];
3Ttc.ur-lnatxxxxxl 3 3 urfnutu7-gaİments [...];
blaık space of 3 lines
4' 2|.ıIJG.KI hal-paı bi|r]-|ğeT |x x] a 2 reinforced lower garmeıts, fefltled,
[... ];
s', 3'Iuc.K|-hal-pat I lx xl s 3 reinforced lower garments ditto [...];
6', z ı - şa-bat :' |x x x] 6 3 Straight qarmeırJ, ditto, [...];
7', 3 TtJc.qir-me! zAc sA.5 fx xl 7 3 overcoqts, the front red. [...];
8', tr3c.[qarJ-PA si? xfx x x] I I lbedspread of ...1i
g', 6lıJG 'dfip-pq-Saİ Ğlğ.u[A ı ı] e 6 blankets for a bed [...];
10' s| r(:c.ur-nat blr-ğe zAc sA5 KAR k t0 5 urnuta-garments, felted,
(.ü)] the front rcd,
oİ the Port ['..Ji
1t' 4TÜG.ı14-ş4_b4ı:. MGiN :. [o] 11 4 streight garments' ditto' İhe edging
IZ' 5|TüG.ur-nat :. :. :. sa-a x|x] ditto;
1.3' || ku-zip-pı NA4.MB[ğ (x)] r2 5 urnutu-garments, ditto, ditto, ditto, ...;
lower edge uniıscribed t3 1 cloak studded ,irft stones;
r.1 |ı1 '[ CADA ZAC tsA.:l KAR| .| 4 gowns of |iıen' the front red, of the
c[ü? (x) port,...[...1i
2 4 T(Jc.ur-nat t. | | fx xf 2 4 urnutu-garments, ditto, ditto, ditto
J 3 TI3G
'ma-qq-tİ | ZAG s[ar| (ı x) 3 3 gowns diİlo' the front rfed.
4 3'İUc.ha-ri-rfqt x x x xf a 3 ...-garmen[ts ...];
5ıi I cİJN| fx x x] s 2 gowns dilto, multicoloured [...];
6 I T(JG.ur-naı | :. fx x x] 6 1 urnutu-garmeıt, ditto, ditto [......];
7 l.ItG.K|-hal-Up-ıiı fx x x] u 1 reinforced lorver garment [...];
8 ır(ı şi|-[x x x] 8 1 ...-garment, ditto, ...
9 l'Iuc,ur-nqt t. gl -xxxf s l urnuıu-galmenı, ditto,[...];
10 3'İUc.ur-nat |. |x x x] to 3 urnutu-garments, ditto [...];
11 3 Ttc.knr-ntt.IMES x xl 3 capls ...1; x x xl
12 12 2 towel[s ... ];
1,3 2' su-Pfqı x x )cJ 13 2 towel[s ... ]
blank space of 2 liıes; ıest broken away (Rest destroyed)

97 Photo Pt. V. LoweI left_hand comer of large t'iangular label. Poşsibly pat of no. l03 oI no. 106. 8 This
reading preferable to T(Je.[&ipl-pa-si xlx (cf. no. 96:9'). ız The ditto mari<j are all ovel erasurcs. r.ll Tab]et

I l0

98. Textile Label

K 1483 ADD 682

up,per part broken away (Beginning destroyed)
|' |(x) x x]
lx xl
fıc x x xf
,' [...]... [...];
2' |(x\ x]x
rzAG sA{l KU[R .I ., ü r] İed, of the counftryl;
[...] ..., the front
3' I@) x]xBl|zAa| sAr! ı[x x.r ı] 3 [...]..., front red,1...1.,
4' fx ma-q]q? bır| ZAG G|6[x x x x]
a |...l gowns, felıed', the front b|ack' |---l;
5' lxT(Jc.ulrt-nat bir zAG sA.s )dx x x xl 5 |..-l urnutu'gatmenİs, İeııed' the İront
red, ... [... ];
6' r 6 [... ] ditto, ditto, İrontred, oİ the porti
l@) xl:. :. zAG sA5 KAR 4? [r x .r] ,he
4 I ... ...1,
7' fx+13 | | zAG SAs KLIR 30 k .x J .;l 7 [x+]3 ditto, dilto, the İront red' oİ the
country:30 1......1;
8' |x+]ı| rı3c'gul-Icl zAG sAs [.x ., J J] t [x+] 1 cloaks, ıhe fronı red |.-.l',
9' 9 fr.+l| oyercoaİS' the İront red, of the
|x+]ı| rÜc.qir-me ZAG sA5 K[AR .ü -T -T]
pfort, ...1;
10' [ırÜ]c.:. z.Lc se' rr-ın [x.rıı] 10 []ments ditlo' the front red' of ıhe
1t' |x]x rad|-di-di (sealimpression) [ı ı ı.r]
1ı [...] Vei].s (seal impression) [...];
1z', [.rrüc].gıl-ıcl.z (seal impression) [ıııı] 12 [...] cloaks (seal impression) [...];
|x"ruc].hu-zu-nu (seal impression) [.ıı ı ı]
t3' |3 |''.] huzunu-gaİments (seal impression)
t. .. t;
I4' 14 [...
] . .. [...]
lxxxx]tx1 lxx:cxxx]
remainder broken aıray (Rest destroyed)

99. Textile Label

K 108 16 ADD 707

["r+] 1 ,] I [x+]1robe, multicoloured, ... ... t...1;
2 |x] ıuc.mı-qa-ıi bö-[ıe s]e'? [xı"r.x]
2 f...1 house-gown(s), red 1...1;
J |x ıl6c.ur-nat :. :. fx x x x]
3 1...1 urnutu-garments, ditto, ditro, [...]
4 I...l urnutu-garmeüs' felt[ed --.]'
4 |x'ıtc].ur-nıt bifr x ıc x]
5 I. . .f urnutu-garments 1...7
5 lxl rtc.ur-nfatt x x x xl
at least 2 seal impressions (seal impressions)
remainder broken away (Rest destroyed)

100. Textile Label

83-1-18,764 ADD 685

upper part broken away (Beginning destroyed or too fragmentary
1' ([seal im]pression) 'TUR?r ı[xxxı] for tIans1ation)
Z' I I z*lfxxxxl
3'I l birNufxxxx] 3 |'...'.] feked' floİ |'..]i
4' ([seat im]pression) NU b.r Jl "r
(too fragmentary for translation)

9E Photo Pl. V. Fügment from obv. ofa large label, with stamp seal impression at cenüdcf.l1. 1l'f0. FIom 1l.
at leas'i half of each line, with iuıüer iıdividual entries, has been lost. 3 PeIhaps ([AR.
5 FoI
6f it is clem that
final lrace see ll rad- sup.ras.
Photo Pl. v. Fragment fiom upper lefıhand cmner of a triangulaI label with striıg impIessions wiüin, and
remnaııts of 2 stamp seal impIessions aftel 1. 5.
100 Fragment irom a laige label wiü lemnants of2 stamp seal impressions. No_ sffing impressions on su ivijlg
piece. 1 'Iİe broken sign co-uld also be AD or sUM. 2.5 Theiign3* is composed of3 successive horizonıal wedges,
possibly in place of a ditto sign cf. on no. 125.


5' t | ı*1 fxxxx]

6' [ ]zAcslAsxxxx] 6 [.-....l the fronı rc|d ...l
7' I tnilLxxxxf
f (Rest destroyed or too fragmentary for
remainder broken away translation)

101. Textile Label

K 1598 ADD 681

upper half broken away (Beginning destroyed)
stamp seal impression (royal seal) (seal impression)
|' ısrı3|c.xx x x x] 1 33 [...]-gar[ments ... ];
2' mTtğ.ufr!-ınt x x x x x] z 2o ufrnutuf-gaıments [...
3' xxxxl 3 77 [...]-galrmentsl;

4' ztt'tftc,xxxxxf a 2 [...] -gar[ments];

5' |ıd |xxxxxf 5 l0 [...]
Edge broken
Rev. space of about 3lines
1' PAB3-melxxxxxf .ıTotal: 300[+x...]
space of about 3 lines (Rest destroyed or too fragmentary for
lower half bıoken away translation)

102. Textile Label

83.1- 18,567 ADD 683

upper part broken away (Beginning destroyed)
stamp seal impression
1', |]-sa-bat NıciN [ı;ı x] I lx stlreight garments, the edging [...];
1 |x ufrnutu-gaIments, İelted, the edging
z' Ix Ttc.ulr-nat bir N|Gftİ |x x x x]
-t |x ı(lc'h|u-zu-|nu x x x x] 3 fL hluzulnu-gatments ...1i
4', k TüG.A]N.TA.MEğ ["T "r, -r] + [x u]pper garments [...];
5', lx rtJc.mulk-lal zAlc x x xJ 5 [x sh]awls, ıhe fro[nı
6', I xfu.f,ıc.rı| fx x x x| o [x] lower [garments]
Edge blank (Rest destroyed)
Rev. small blank space
rest broken away

103. Textile Label

8I-2-4,318 ADD 958

beginning broken away (Beginning destroyed or too fragmentary
t' xTÜGl.fji G[Ü!üx xl for translation)
z', .ü TÜ]G.AN. [TA? -r .ü -r _I]
3' xx|.ıtc|.|xxxxxx|
4' x x xl GADA lx x x x. xl
5' xxxxltxxl [xxxx]
Iest broken away

. 101 Fragmcnt from ]ower lefFhand part of label. süing impressions within, and lemnants ofone royal sramp_seal
impression on Obv, 4 2 js written over an erasure,
l02 Phoro Pl. v. Fragmenı oI clay label wiü remnanı of one İoyal s|anp-seal impfessjon.
lOJ Fragment from Ğnıre of a Iaıge label. No seal or saing im'Plessioni survivei The "Rev." is better written,
and is perhaps in fact the Obv.


Rev beginning broken away

t' x+1ı|'I(Jc.ur-n|at x x xl t.t l\+Jl urnutu-garmenlts ...];
2' x+]z'|a-çi x x x] z [x+]2 gown[s ... ];
3', .r+]ı rÜc.:. |.7-\c |x x x] 3 [x+] 1 ditto-garment, ditto, the İronı |--.l
blank space of 2 lines (Rest destroyed)
rest broken away

104. Textile Label

K 13179 ADD 974

beginning broken away
|, l2ox mal-q*-ıff x xx
2' $ llıı-qd-ıı bö-lte x )C

3' 4 mq-qa-ıı ZA|o x x x

4' 4 ma-q&-ıı x|x x x 4 gowns ... t...1;
5' 2! r'tic.K.r [A-r ff 2 loweı g[arments...];
6' m ga-mid |x ıc x x 20 ...-garments [... ... ];
7' 2qir-fmexxxx 2 overco[ats ...]
blaık space of 2 lines (Break)
Edge broken away; possibly uninscribed
Rev. beginning broken away
1' xl:cxxlrilxxx
2' xfx ufl-ndt 3ADA BABBART [x, t.2 ... furnultu-garments of linen, white,
3' |x x1
fx (x) x]x-Da cÜı ı ı 3 ... [...] ., multicoloured [...].
(blank) (Break)
3-4 lines broken, some perhaps blank
5, rpABr
fOlzt_me! lxxxxl
5 Total: 700[+x...]
rest broken away (Rest destroyed)

105. Textile Label

Rm 2,27 5 Rm 2,27 5
beginıing bıoken away (Beginning destıoyed)
I' lxxxxxlxlxxxxxxx]
2' |x x x]x 2 gul-IGI. [2 (')] lxİ|xxx]
Jc 2 cloaks, ... [...];
3' Ix x x x]x z ra-di-du.wĞ |ZAG KAR .I 1r 3 veils , the fr onı (red) , of t he port ,
ra:df-dlu (x x x)]
4' fx x x]x 1 qar-PA nak-ba-Si 19 döp-pa-sat 7 bedspreads of...; 19 blankets;
crs.NA [o]
5' |x x x x|x ı İi-tıi Ifi.IlGD r5l SI.LUH H6.IVED s 1......14 textiles ofred wool; 5 ...s ofred
sA5 [(x r)] wool, red;
6' |ıc x xf GüN GAL.ı,Eğ 7 .ğ.i_Iğ rGÜNı 6 [...] multicoloured,laryq.7 ..., multicol-
GAI.MEğ 10 BAR.DIB GÜN.MIES 0] oured, large; 10 ıobes, multicoloured;
7' k ü GÜN LU.MES 1 BAR.DIB sA5 KIIR 1 ? [...] ... multicoloured, dim; l robe, red,
ğd-*'],sAs [("T "I)] oİ the counıryi 1 ..., red;
8' [.ı ı *].Nısğ sA5 KAR 19 mukJaı.MBğ 7'AG 8 [......]s red, of the porti 19 shawls, the
sA5 KAR [o] front İed, of the porti

104 Ffigment from left side ofa label, nearbase. string impressions within and string_hole at üe bottom left_hand
comer. Reve;se bailty preserved. l Pelhaps just 22|! su!.ıai. a For fiace before briak see coll. 5 oI ratheI ü r.3 sign before _üı ends with two verticalwedges.
105 Pııoto pı. VI. Copy p. 257. Almost ceItainty a flagment from a very lalge triangulal label. No seal oI sffııg
impIessions sülvive, and no proper edge.


9', |x xK]|-hal-Pat.Mqs ğ4 NIGIN 1 AN.TA sAs o [x] reinforced IlowerI garments. willı
KTJR t muk-llal ol edging'. I upper garmenl. red. of ıhe country;
l shawlll:
10' |x x x ğa1 sA5 NA4 5 Kl.lü_frql-pat bir-İe 10 [...] ... ıed, (with) stones; 5 Ieinforced
NIGfiN [.r "r .r] lower garments, felted, edging 1...1;
l1 fıc x xx] lxl 12 U.SAG!!.MES BABBAR.^GS 2 1ı [......] 12 white mitres; 2 [...] mitres;!İ.[ım5 (ı ı)]
1,2' x ıc x] ııE.ın.oı |-te I iDJfx
|x' ıc x x] of red wool; 1 ditto . t. ..1
1,3', |xxxxx]io.ıreS[xxxxx] ... t......1
Edge uninscribed (Rest destroyed)
Rev. completely broken away

106. Textile Label

Rm 2,255 ADD 817

'1. lx x x x xx xl34*.MES MA.NA miıa;
|... ...] /4

lx x x. x. x x sfA5 KUN-trt [...... r]ed, rear pqrti

3 |x' x x' x' x]x'
|tü|ı ıl 28!MA.NA
l.. . .. .l 1 2/3 minar
4 x )c x x x]x sA5 Kul:İ-tü [...... ] red, redr pqrti
lxxxxxxxf.At 1/2 MA.NA 1......1... 1 12 mina;

|xxxxxx] 13-JılMA.NA [.. . ... ] 1 1/3 mina;

7 kİr_üJs]A5KAR [--. r]ed, oİ the port:
8 kJİJ"rs]A5 KAR 1... rled, of the porti
9 x x' x' x]x
[:c ıc zıc L.....1 the fronti
10 fx'x'x ıc xx]xUD |x1

11 |xxxxxs]ır|x(x)|
rest broken away or too fragmentary for
Rev. beginning broken away
l' [xxxxxx]ıuo! [x]
2' |x x x x x x]xııo| fx]
3' |xxxxxr]ın|x[x|
4' [xı ı.x xx s]Ar!rAn|
5' |xxxxxxxx]Nıo
6' fıcxxxxxxx]NAo
7' fxxxxxxxxlte
8' fxxxxxxxxltd
remainder, peıhaps one line, broken away

107. List of Textiles

K 1t872 ADD 97.5

beginning broken away (Beginning destroyed)
|' |xxxıcxxxx]x 2 I...| the İront (qnd) ıhe rear part;
2' Ix x x (x x) x]x ZAG KIrN-.rri!ı 3 [...] 1 1/3 mina;
3' x x (x x) x]x ı wez-si a [...] ditto, ditio, the İront dilto, l ll3
lx x x x (x x)l:. :. ZAG :. 1 MA 3-si [0] mrna;
5' |x x ıc (x x)] :. zAG |. l MA 4-ttı |o| 5 [...], ditto, the front ditto, ! l/4 mina;

1l SAGğU herc seems to be wlitten U+süR instead of the usualU+SAG. 12. l3 For,D in a texlile context, see CTN 2
106 Small fragment from triangular(?) label No seal impressioN survive. The ..Obv.,' is identified as such
because flatter than "Rev.," but without cefiainty. FIom itş phyiical featüres this could be the top right-hand cornel
of no. 97.
107 Fragment from fight side of tablet' No seal impressions survive. scribal hand aıd general appealance veIy
similar to nos. 108 and 109. Possibly from right side of no. 109. .-2 Perhaps plAB.



6', lx x :c (x x)1:. :. zAc KAR NU 1 MA 3-s[i] 6 [...] ditto' diİİo, the front (red)' of the
7', |x x (x x) x]x :. :.7'AG :. 1lı'A 4-tıi port, not, 1 U3 mina;
8', lx x x (x x)l | | zAG SA.s puJi 7 [...] ditro, difio, the front ditto, I 1/4
9', fx x x x (x x)]:. zAG sA5 KUR mina;
0' fx x x x (x x) z-\lct c[I6! .x (, -r)]
8 [...] ditto, ditto, the İront red' of lime-
rest broken away Ştonei
, [...], ditto, ıhe front İed, of the country;
Rev 10 L. ..
' 'l fronı blfatk
T' (Break)
z', ..2 l. .l 77 urnutu-garmetls l. -.1',
3', 3 [...] house-wrap(s) for women;
4', 4 [...]..., felted, dino, ditto;
5', 5 [...]..., ditto, the front İ|ed]i
6', 6 l...1 the front red, of the plortl:
7', 7 [...] the front red, of the countryi
8 [... cl]oak(s), the İronı rcd, of ıhe port;
g', [... gow]ns, noİ with fronıi
10' r0 [......]...;
11' ı1 [......] ...
rest broken away (Rest destroyed)

108. List of Textiles

82-5-22,513 ADD 1124

I' beginning broken away (Beginning destroyed)
1' |xxxxxxxx]lıı i I [......] mina;
2' |x x x x x x x G]ıĞ?.ur$ t. .....1 ...s;
3' lxxxxxxtlel I tl2MA t. .....1...1 !12mina',
4' lx x :c xl i. se-a-te 1 712 MA t. ..1 difio, knotted, 1 112 mina.
5' kllJ] KUN|-r|i KA GIğ?.MEğ t. ..1 lhe rear, the fringe, ...;
6' |x x x] Sa-a-a-ıe l lnMA t. ..1 knotted, 1 U2 mina;
7' l(x) xJ t. t.7.AG .. sa-a-a-te t. ..] ditto, ditto, the İront ditto, knoıtedi
8' g| ği!-ıü| ği sube sj cüu l ı2 ııe 3 ıexıiles ...' multicolouıed, l l/2 mina:,
9' 2 | t.zAc i. sa-a-a-Ie 1MA4-tli z ditto, ditto, the İront dilto, knotıed, l
1/4 mina;
10' 18 :. :. zAG :. 1 12 MA 10 18 ditto, ditto, the front ditto, | 1/2
11' 59ı :. :. ZAG :. 1 MA 3-Ji .ı1 59 ditto, ditto' the fronı diİto' L/3 I
12' 5\ :. :.zAG :. 1}dA4-İü ı2 5 ditto, ditto, the İront dilto'l1/4mina;
13, 35I :. :. ZAG KAR NU 1 MA 4.,Ii 13 35 ditto, dillo, the İront (red), of the
port, nol, I I/4 mina:
14' lx+ho I t.zAc SAs puJi
14 [x+] 10 ditto, ditto, the İront İed, of ıime-
15', zAG sA5 rKURr 15 [x+]10 ditto, ditto, ıhe front red, of the
[İ+] 10 :. :.

r rest broken away, perhaps uninscribed

beginıing broken away
ii 1 total [......].
2', ı-me|xxx:cxxx| , 100 [......];
3', m'..lxxxxxxx] 3 20 diuo [......];
4',] a 20 ditro dir10 [......]

108 Photo Pl. VI. Script and clay very similar to nos. 107, 109 and 119, to which i t may belong. Uncettain which
face is obv. and which Rev. i.2, 5 cıS? here has someıvhat sloping wedges and is possibly İatheI UD' i'3 For.İi_rri
cf' no. 105 :5'. For ahe sequence ,ij Jr, ,e see no' l09 i.6'. cüN is wiitten as sla, i'e. with upper i n stead of loweI ho rizontal


FIG. 27
' Deco|dted dress of king, PerhğPs '^'ith applique melal stafi (rcign of Assu-banipdl).
BM 124867 (detail).



blarık line
5' Yııı-mexfxxxxxx] 5 Total, 100 ...t......1;
6' ıur-natxfxxxxxf 6 -1'
urnuıu-garmeıt ...[...l' kno|tted '..l|
7' sa-a-fa-te xx x xf
8' 2:.:.fxxxxxxf 8 2 ditto ditto [......];
blank line
9', ı':.:.fx'xx'x'xx] e 1 ditto ditto [......];
lx xxxxxx xl
10' 16
10 16
11', 40 lx xxxxxx xl
1ı 40
1z', 30 Ix xaıxax x1 ı2 30
13 1 [...... ];
13', tl fxxxxxx,xx]
about 2 lines broken away (Break)
I' begiming broken away
1' ı.8|:cxxxxxxx] ..i ı 18 [......];
blank line
2' 34tlxxxxxxxxl 2 34 1......1;
3' z:.fxxxxxxxf 3 2 ditto [......];
4' 2lrIxxxxx)cxl 4 21 ditto [......];
5' ı8|xxxxxxxx| 5 18 [......];
6' PABlxxxxxxxl 6 total [......];
7' ııı|xxxxxxx] 7 total [......];
8' ı |x x:t x x:c x] 8 3 [......]
rest brcken away (Break)
r begiııııing broken away
1' [x]-nxe-42 S\G.MEğ ğab-bu-ğrt
ii [x+]142 collected textiles;
blaık line
2' 8-me-33 sic.NEs sic z [totai] 833 textiles of wool;
|x+]+ma-qa-çi GADA ZAG sA5 :[x+]4 gowns of linen, the front red1,
4' [x+]z ur-nat gu-ubJi
4 lx+72 urnutu-garmenls, of Byblosi
5' |x+]q K|-haı-Pat GN)A. ha-ri-ra-te 5 [x+]4 reinforced lower garments, of
6' |x x İlq1-41L| G|S.HUR.MEğ 0 [...] cloth for desigıs;
7' [İ.ü .I -r J.ME]ğ GADA 7 [... ] s oflinen:
blank line
8' ııııı].lreS 8 [...]s
rest broken away (Rest destroyed)

109. List of Textiles

Sm 360 ADD 973

I beginning broken away (Beginning destroyed)
l' lxx.xl t:.t1 fxxx x x xxl t, ditto [......];
2' [.xJİ J.:.:. NUı.[ÜR!.MAn [o] , [...[......]
... di]tto ditİo ditto, pomegranatesi
3' lx x xl :. :. :. KAtsdl -at-at tt r/2t MAI 3 [......] ditto ditto ditto, İhe fringe .'.
knotıed' 1 1'/2 mina:
4' lx x x] :. :. :. :. sa^a-a lt ll2t MA 4 [......] ditro ditto ditto ditto knotted, I
ll2 mina:,
5' f:c x xl | . I bqr hu I<AMA sd-a I l/2
5 [......] ditto ditto ditto ... ... the fringe
knotted, | 1/2 minas;
6' fx x x] :. :. :. :. ği-tıi| ği su be 6 [... ..1 ditto ditto ditto ditto, tex'tiıe, ..
7' [ol sq-a ltTJ tD knotted U] 1/2ı
8' |x x x x x:,] | i. Sa-a l MA| 4|-ıü 8 [.. . ..1 ditto ditto, knotted 1. Il4 mina:
9' |xxxxxxxxf lx1.nı.A e [.. .

l09 Phoıo Pl. VI. Piece f'om 3- oI4-colünn tablet; cf. no. 108. Uncertain which face is obv


& FIG. 28' cıay maquette of Assurbanipaı spearing a
lion' showin{ rosetıes on drcss.
BM 93011.

10' |xxxxxxxx]l4!-tıi|1 to 1......1 1l4i

rest broken away (Break)
tr beginıing broken away
t' IPAIB lx xx x x. x\ ii1 [tot]al [......];
z' 1 .lr-ı4, GI6| MGIN ZA[G r] 2 1 urnutu-galment, black' edging, ıhe
3', [LA] .
Iront 1...1. knotted. \with) a bull, ..., ...;
4', 2:. :. NIGIN:. KA IMA sdI -4 4 2 ditto ditto, edging difio, the fringe ...
5', 1 :. :. NIGIN!! MAS sa Jal suJnfl 5 1 ditto ditto, edging (with) a goat,
knotted, ...:
6' 16 :. :. NIGIN :. sd-.dr SA5 [0] 6 16 ditto difto' edginT diİto, knotted, fedi
7' 40 :. :. :. SA5r l(x) xl-a1-tet lol 7 40 ditto ditto ditto, red, lknotltedi
8', zz :.1 mldl biI lx xl 8 33 ditto t...1... t...1;
9', 4rlJ(.xx.x.xl e 4 ditto [......];
10' PABb(xxxxxl ro total [......].
rest broken away (Break)
u beginıing broken away
|xl ı
T' .İ[İ] k slcll [0] iii 1...] wool;
z'. I ma-qq-tı GADA! ZAG GII3|.LA] 2 1 gown of |iıen, (with) fronı, (arıd) a
J NA [o] wfrap foı| a bed'
4', 2 :. :. :. KA ı[(xı)] 4 2 ditto ditto ditto, the fringe [...]i
5', 4 txxxt lxxxxxl s 4 ...1...1
rest broken away (Break)
ry completely broken away
I completely broken away
tr'L' beginning broken away
PAB rol+xxxxxl ..ii ı Total 10[+x ...l
2' z ma-qa-tli x x xxl 3 gown[s ...... ];
3' tKr-hal-p[qtxxx] 1 reinforced lower gar[ment ... ];
4' ı ma-qa-ti:' |x x x] 3 gowns ditto ];
5' lrı hal-pat:.| fx x x]
[. ..
1 reinforced lower garment ditto [...];
6' ı ma-qa-çi x|x x x| 3 gowns [...];
7' $r..7-qlcxxl 53 ditto difio (with) frolnt ...l;
8' d [x xl :. :.lx x x] 41. dirto ditro [. .l
ıEst broken away

ii'3 or M,(s in place of cü. r.ii.6 FoI final trace see coll.; perhaps D[i


Itr beginning broken away

1' t25t1
lxxxxx] iii ı 25 [......].
2, 1 ..t t..t1 fxxxxxx] , 1 ditto ditto [......]
blaık space of one üne
3' PABxfxxxxxxl 3 total ...[......];
4' sot ur-nat xfx x xl a 50 urnutu- garments ... [......]
5' ror [[.rrr]l 5 10 tt...ll
6' PABlxxxxxxxf 6 total [......l;
7' 2 zAG KIA]R| NU
:. :. 1 2 ditlo diİto the front (ıed), of ıhe port'
8' sa-a not, knotıed;
9' 93 ur-rıqt bir z-^G KAR| e 93 urnutu-garments, felted, the front
(red)' oİ the port:
10' 22 i. :. :. KUR 10 22 drtto ditto ditto, of the country;
1t' A! :. :. :, GI6 ıı 14 ditto ditto ditto, black;
blarık space of two lines
1z', PAB |x x] lxl'ğrtI lz total [...] ... ...
blank space of one liıe
13', PIABIxxxxxl ı3 totIal
rest broken away (Break)
IV beginning broken away
blank space of 4 lines
r lxxl-bixxlxxxxl i'ı
, [...]...[......];
z', ["r] KUN'? GüN.A KUR? [...] the rear, multicoloured,, of the
[x rÜc] .cao.a. sa_a counıry:
4', [ı ı] z,ı. wrciN cııo! :. 3 |...liıeln, knoıted;
5', lx xf zAc t. tx1 pil a 1...1 ... edging, (with) abull, ditto:
6', |x.ruc\.ha-ri-rat cİıı 5 1...1 the front ditto, [...1i
blaık space of one line 6 [...] ...-garments, multicoloured.
7'. fxxxxxlqi,ı;l (Rest destroyed)
blank space of 3 lines
rest broken away

110. Record of Red and Black Wool

K 827 ADD 954

1 2 MA.NA sIc.Hr4. [MED] 1 2 minas of red wo[ol];
2 2 MA.NA SIc.c[6 o] 2 2 minas of bl[ack] wool;
3 PAB 4_ı24 TÜG.SIJ[ü (J)] t total. for the ...[...]-garmenı(s).
4 1 ı2 MA.NA siG.H[Ej'I\,ED] a 1 l/2 minas of r[ed] wool;
5 I l2 MA.NA Sic. [cr6 0] s 1 1/2 minas of lblackl wool;
6 PAB &-ıu] TtG.q(Lr-[P]İ 6 total, for the bedlsprlead(s);
7 2 1/2 MA.NA SİG.I$.MED| [0] 7 2 112 minas of red wool;
8 2 1,2 MA.NA SİG.GI6 [0] I 21.l2minas of black wool,
9 a-naTtc.qır-mu fo|l e for the overcoat(s);
10 20 MA SIG.HE.MED! Io 20 minas of red wool,
11 20 MA.NA lsic.Gk o] lt 20 minas of lblack wool],
12 q-na I fxJc x xl for one [. .. ];
e.13 x]x xfx ıc xl
i3 [...]...[...]
r.1 PAB % MA IS.[MED] .1 In all, 26 minas of red wool, 26 minas
2 26 MA GI6 Ol of black.
blank space of one line
J PAB 1 GÜ 22 MA.NA [o] 3 In all, 1 talent,22 minas.
rest uninscribed

r.iii-3 Perhaps 6 [ or,r[j .

r.iv.I See coll.
110 Photo Pl. VL small vertical tablet. 3 For fiace at end see coll.; not a[ü/ı. t2 Possibly just 4_ra T[üG. 13
Probably in fact not inscribed.


111. Record of Wool and Flax

K 1i468 ADD 955

1 2MA sic!.sA5| d -na.İUc.m&-qq-|a-ıe I 2 minas of red wool for the gowns of the
2 ğa r(ı* .na-si-ka-ni sheikhs.
3 ho?r MA sic.sAs 20 MA.NA rAE 3 10 minas of red wool, 20 minas of black
wool, from the house.
4 k MA s]İG.sA5 5 MA siG.GI6 TA sA E.GAL a [x minas ofl red wool, 5 minas of black
wool from ıvithin the Palace.
5 k MA sicl.sA5 25 MA.NA sic.cr6 s [x minas ofl red [wool],25 minas of
6 |xxxxxxxfuuıo| black wool [......]...;
7 lx x x x x xfx L0 MA.NA GADA ? [......], 10 minas offlax.
Edge broken away; space for 2 lines (if in- (Break)
Rev beginning (1 or 2 Iines) bıoken away
1', [rü J, ü] .ERIM-SIG5 r.t
[...] Şabu-damqu;
z', [' İ l r+]4 MA.NA GADA -ERIM_SIG5 2
[..., x+]4 minas of flax, Şabu_damqu;
3', [(.ü) r] Gü.[JN l0 MA.NA Mİ.tlsl_TtlK| rlın 3
[x] talenls, l0 minas, Issar-ri5i-remi;
4'. [ıın ı+]ıs] cü.uN ısl Me.u,q. cıo,q. 4 lln all, x+I18 talents, 18 minas of flax.

112. Memorandum re Clothing

K 440 ADD 680

upper half broken away (Beginning destroyed)
|' İaa-nax|xxxxxf I which to [... ...]
Z' tuPA--PAB-iIr x x (x x)l , Nabü-naş[ir ... ];
3' ı-nıe ka-zip-pu -raıpı (ı)J 3 N[N] will provide 400 cloaks;
4' e-dan ^dPA_ğ|e? -zib-(an- nİ)] a Nab0-ğ[ezibanııi], the official of [...]'
5' EN pi-qi-ti İa sfa-x (x)] lx x x1 gave upper garments (and) robes; he (and) his
6' TüG.AN.TA.MESTüG.BAR.DuB.M]Fj wife prepared banquets.
7' it-ti-din ğu-tı M(-ğü
8' qa-ri-i-a-ti
9' e1a-aP-ğe
|0'[-a-ti ğaT|1G.GADA |0 Gowns of linen. l ugnuıu-garmen|
e.11' |.İI3c.ur-nqı ğaUGu lq|-ni coveıing the (enıire) figure _ SamaS-iddin is
12' frımı-ığ nN ma-hq-ru the recipient.
r.1 |-lim-s|-meTı "r Udini will provide i,500 wraps of the
2 İa rıJn? .qu|-ra1-a-a Gurraeans.
3 'ıi-di-ni e-dan
4 loTtc.mukJdl ğa-la-ğu-te|| a Nabfi-ğezibanni will provide 70 third-
5 -dpı-ğe-zib-an-nie-dan rale shawls.
6 Lü.D[UM]U? su.2.I\,fis-ri 6 '[he adjutants whose background is
7 ğa ı1r||-ka-su-nu known
8 ü-ld.u|-u|-ni|1 (Bıeak)
loweı half bıoken away
s.1 PAB 11! Lü*.ERM.I!Gj ğa"rh x x x x] "ı Total: 11 men, who ran away wj[ılı NN],
2 Lü*I.GAL 50 ihJ|i-qu-u-ni o| the commander-of-fifty, [and camel to m[el.
3 ına UGU-i|d| il-li-ku-u-ni?)

ll1 Photo Pı. VI. Upper half of a holizontal tablet. 2 An eIased ğ.i at the begirming of line. 7 Plobably ,
c]ü lo MA.NA.
l12 Photo Pl. VI' Lower half of vertical tablet. ı Finalsign ra[q?; seecoll. 4...3,5 or e_İal"shall consume"?
cf. howeveI obv.7. 5 For üaces at end see co|l. ll ,ldIsup. ras. 115ii.18. 12 Erasures; coll.
Postgate indicates MAN for KUR. ı4 ,€!! is written like us, 16 lf not D[UM]U, üen either l ol (AN. r'7 .i,- ovel
eIasure' ".1 oI: TIA IcI "flom" " 2 Coll. JNP indicates ;lr-r@[a], but a pretelite subj. form is İequiIed.


113. Memorandum re Clothing

81 -2-4,463 ADD 1O9O

1 1TI3G.gLı|'|GII..2 x x x l 1 cloak [...], caıe of Ağğur-[...], the eu-
2 3v 'z ^aİ-İur_fx x x nuch [...];
3 Lü*!.SAG![xxxx
4 ı gul-lcı.2| fx ıc x x + 1 cloak, lcare of NNl,lamentation prliest
5 LÜ*.Us.K[U l'-rJ ... t;
6 PABIxfxxxxxx 6 total [......]
7 |İaT lu-fxxxx 7 of1......1;
txl (Rest destroyed)
8 lxxx.x
rest broken away

114. Record of Textiles

K L5121 baq32 30
upper paxt broken away (Too fragmentary for translation)
1' t21
z', 21tc.I
3' ı TüG.[
4' Tric.xlx
5' 2T tc.l
remainder broken away

I I 5. Account of Flax and Wool

K 1449 (Z R 53,2) ADD 953

I 1 sic.GADA a-kiLfi i 1 Linen fibre
- consumption.

2 10 cfi tflJP.UBaURU .ni-nu-a , 30 talents, Central City Nineveh;

3 2n ct KIIP.-ma-.(dr-ı e uP.Il., 3 20 talents, Review Palace of ditto;

4 ro ct :. ğışir GIBIL 4 10 talents, ditto of the New Corps;

5 20 Gü ğ M1_6.GAL 5 20 talents, the house of the queen;

6 5Gü Kr,R {rBrL uRu.frar-id 6 5 talents, New Palace of Calah;

7 stc(J KIIR -ma-İdr-te |' 7 5 talents, Review Palace of ditto;

8 10 Gü I]RU.EN-4ı? 8 10 talents, Adian;

9 [x] cüşib-nq 9 [x] talents, Naşibina;

10 [, Gü] uP.U.ali-hu ı0 [x talents], Alihu;

113 small piece from top left-hand corner of tablet. Uncerıain whether obv. oİ Rev. 7 or hd_ar; Johns saw
sU.2 -lü.
115 Photo Pl. VlI. Veıtical tablet. on obv. col. i is separated by a double veItical ruling from Col. ii, which
occupies only one-thild of the space; the quantities ale sepalated from üe lest of the entry by a subsidiaIy veltical
ruling. on Rev. the two columns are of equal widü' divided by a cenlral doubl€ vefiical ruling.


11 lxl |GÜ! a|1-na 6T(JG 'dip|-palsa, GADA ıı [x] talents for 6 blaıkets of linen;

t2 [, Gül tğl
ı, [x talents], the domestic quarters

t3 ["r cü] |E] rı3.kı-sir t3 [x talents], ıhe house of the tailor(s);

ı4 [x cü Lü.GI]ğ.GIGR.MEğ ı4 [x talents, lhe horse-trlainers:

15 ["r cü 6] Lü.IGI.UM 15 [x talents, the houşe ofl the treasurer;

t6 [ı cü ] GAL E.GAL MURUB4 ılRU !6 [x talents], the palace manager of the

Central City;

|7 [x cü I GN'!_6.GN-_|ma-ğar-te) l' [x talents], the manager of the fReview]


18 [, Gü] URU.SA-IURUI 18 [x talents], the Inner City;

t9 ["r cüı L.RU.DÜ-rzrr ı9 [x talents], Kilizi;

20 Gü] URU.E[N]-4n 20 [x talents], Adian;


21 cül 21 [x ta1ents], llübrıı-AğğuI

[ı ^|huJub1-tü!1 ağ-ğur

II I soclt xxxxxl ii ı 50 ta[lents ...].

2 to ct a-na mi-iq-ta-ni 2 10 talents for occasional needs (and) for

3 u -zd GIğ.MA_MEğ the boats.

4 PAB 2-me-l4 G(J.uN a In all,274 lalents of linen fibre con-

5 S(G.GADA a-kil-tü sumption.

6 G|ğ.HAB a-kiı-fii 6 Madder

- consumption.

7 30 Gü (ı-nn |K.^11 7 30 talents for the gate (and) the entrance.

8 a-ın nl-ri-bi

9 m ct a-nq 6-me m.&-qe-ti e 20 talents for 600 gowns (and) for 600
10 a-na6-meT(Jc.ur-rat urnutu-garmeris.

11 3 Ct3 ^e-pq-a
ıı 3 talents' Epa, for lhe gate-overseer(S).
l2 a-na ğı1 ıcı rA.yrrğ

t3 2 ctJ uF.tJ.aJi-hu 13 2 talents, the city Alihu, for the boats.

t4 a-na İd-ap| -pi-na|! -te

15 3 G(J a-narljc'iğ-hi i5 3 talents for the ...-textiles.

16 2 G|3 a-na hiJıT|3G.IB.LAL 16 2 talents for wrappings of sashes.

t7 8tcfi 10r'lA, a-na s-me ı7 8 talents 10 minas for 500 wraps of the
|"ıud. ıwI -ha|l - bat
18 8ıır -ri Gurraeans.

19 2c(J'at-natl k-rl,J? A-SIG Ie 2 talents for [...] of the chariot-fighters

20 a-na gut-zipt-pi rt.cIS!.BAN!.TAG! (and) for the cloak(s) of the archeıs.

j'l8 col|. from photo (sP). i.21 Boİh frhıı-ldu-ut1 4ğ-ğur a$d mhu-Iub-tü1_a.ğ-jır might be considercd.
süp.ras' İi.l8 Cf. no' ] 12 ,.If, ..i.] First MA ovel eIasure. ı.i.9 MA|j has 2 veltical wedges.



c.29. Hunting attendants, showing pıqin dress andfootwear (rcign oİ Assurbanip4l).

BM 124898.

2L 2 cI3 F. L(ı .ka-sir xI 2 taleflls, the house of the tailor(s).

22 2GümM 15 22 2 talellls, ğ ar-I ss ar

23e 5 G|3 q-nq ıi|-bu| GN)A

Reverse 23 5 talents for twine of linen,
I 1 2 Gü Lü.MAS!!.MAğ.MEğ ı.i ı 2 talents, the exorcists, of the whole
2 ia /..i/ MU.AN.NA year

3 m| cı3 ğıi_kur-ri-ğu 3 20 talents, the Ninevite hide-soakers.

4 ııJwıJ uRı

5 s cı3 İa rı3.sal-li-ğıi-nu 5 5 talents, the hide-dealers of the en-

6 ğa nö-ri-bi trance.

7 2 Gü Lü.Uğ.BAR-şip-rqt 7 2 talents, the weavers of scaryes

8 | Gt ğd-hal-ıu-up-ti-İü-nu 8 1 talent, the clothing-dealers.

blank space of half a line

9 PAB 1-nıe-9! Gü 10 MA!! s In all 109 talents, 10 minas.


10 [S1iG|.HE.MED! a-kil-tü 1o Red wool consumption.

11 7 GÜ ro MA UGU NU ıı 7 talents 10 minas, upon Sİaıuesi m]ulti-

12 22 c(J hu-ho-rat plied by three, 22 ta|enls of scarlet dye İot
13 ııf .yııo| a-ın z-ğü red wool.

14 15 Gü 10 MA Lü.2-ıl 14 15 talents 10 minas, the deputy

15 30 GÜ 20! (sup. ras.) M A' hu-ha-rat ı5 Multiplied by two, 30 talents 20 minas

16 I[E.MED! q-u12-ğıi of scarleı dye for red wool.

blarık space of one line

t7 PAB 22 Gü tfi.IvEDı l7 Total,22 talents of redııvool, (produced)
18 ina ğ^-bi $ 63 with 53 talents of scerlet dye for red wool.
t9 hu-ha-rat :dE.MEDI
one erased liıe
tr1 |x c]ı3 ka-a-a-man-niu ii t [x tal]ents, regular (consumption),
2 Ia-dJi mi-iq-ta-ni finclu]ding occ aşional ne eds.

3 |siG.c^D|A a-kil-t{ı 3 Linen fibre consumption:

4 [(x x) a-n]a maı!-di-di ğıi E-||sk a [for] the vejls of the temple of lğtar, [/or
5 [(r) J GIS.N]A.MES GIğ.GU.ZA.IGS belds and chairs [/or] the whole year.
6 |o ğa] ğal MU.AN.NA
7 [.r+]5 MA.NA| 6| rı3*.ka-Şir z [x+]5 minas, the house of the tailors;
8 ["T M]Af Lü*.KAğ.LUL 8 [x mi]nas, the house of the cupbearer;
9 lx.lıllA.EL(J*.2-e e [x mi]nas, the domestic quaxters;
r.ii.2 Not _İ]d. perhaps GI]s.? ..king,'? ı'ii'22f or.,(v,'he[) we Ieceive
'.ii.12 run? over eıasure; possibly İaüer MAN

Effi W@ ffi@
(some), we will give i[ out"?

WN %
,f.R N------l
vt -1

E w


Frc.30. Shoes, leggings and. belts.

B. HR)UDA' Kuıturgeşchichıe deŞ assrrischen Flachbildes (Boıı 1965)' Taf- 7:|3-24 and 8:3-7


l0 [ü M]A
jd lcl--c|ğ..f, CID.DA t0 [x mi]nas, the man in charge of the rick-
11 [X]M^ 3a hu-pq-ni-ğ{l II [xl minas. ıhe öaskeı_dealeı:
12 Ix+|ı| MA| KUR1
12 [x+] 1 minas, the sandals of the palace;
13 4ot MA tu-a-nut c1J)A qa-at-nu
13 40 minas, thin linen thread, 116 per one
14 6-su ın6l G1N shekel;
15 2 ct İı-bu G/J.A ı5 2 talents, twine of linen.
16 PAB (sup. ras.) 3 c(r 10 MA 6 clBIL 16 In all, 3 talents, 10 minas - the New
17 2 MA a-na qq-qa-ba-ni 1? 2 minas for the hind-parı of the ..._gar-
18 İa ga-me-da!-te
|9 1 Gü 1 talent, sar-Issar.
blank space of one line
20 PAB 30 Gü 21 MA.NA ,0 Total, 30 talents, 21 minas. We are not
2l TA* IGI LÜ*.GAr.MES receiving (it) from the magnates; we buy
22 Iq ni-mah-har (what) we give.
23 niı-16l-qf ni|-id!-rlnn|

116. Account of Wool and Madder

K276 ADD 951

beginning broken away (Beginning destroyed)
I' lxx I [......, Sam]aria;
2' lxx z

uRlu.kul-ni-a [... . .. ], Calneh;

3' 30Gü 3 30 talents, Aryad;

uRu .ar-pqd-da
4' t-me cu

2t ctJ IJR\J gqr- . ga-mis 4 100 talents, 2 talents, Carchemish;

1- 30 GII URU.qu) e-e 5 30 talents, Que;
6' ı5Gü 6 15 talents, Megiddo;
7' 7 [1]5 talents, Marrşuate;
tıl5 GÜşu-.Iü41e
8' cü

Ixl uR.U.Sı-|mir1-frld 8 [x] talents, Şimirra;

9' e [x t]alents, Hatarakka;

[İ G]Ü rIRu .ha-ta-rak-kq

l0' [İ Gü] vRu.Şu-puJtü|l 10 [x talents], Şuputu;
11' [ıcü l URIJ.lsla-qm-al-la [x talents], sam'al;
r, [x talents], the (province of)
12' [ı cü |L(J .tux| -ı(1n|-nu\ the com-
rest brokan away maıder-in-chief.
Rev. beginning broken (Break)
t' lxxxxx .x x xlx-hinla?l ..r [......]hina;
z', lxxxxx URU .tu|İ-ha-an , [. .. . .., Tuğ]han;
3', lxxxxx uRUl.a-me-du 3 [......], Amidi;
4', nxxx J G]ü H6.MED! 60 GIi a [x ta]lents ofred wool, 60 talents ofmad-
IGIğ.HAB .ü (.T)ı der ...;
5 [......] the deficit which is due from the
s', |xxıtxx ] r,AJ--e 'ğ4 IGI GAL.
MES magnates;
6', lx xxx xl uRU .di-mağ-qq' 6 [.. . . ..], Damascus;
7' lx xl rJRtJ .ar-pqd-da 7 [......], Arpad;
8' [ı xxx ı] uıu.gar-ga-mİs 8 [...... ], Carchemish;
, [...... ], Que;
9' lx xxx xJ URU.qu) e-e
10' tx1 lxxxxl uRU.h.o-ta-rak-ka 10 [.. ... ], Hatarakka;
ıı [......], Şuputu;

l1' l! lxx xxl uRU.Şu-pu-t\'

ı, [......], Şimiüa;
12' lx xxl ısıu .şi-mir-ra
1.3' lx xx xxl [-IRU.htl-ni-a 13 [x talents], Calneh;
14' [ı xxxx x x]-ma1 ln [......]...
rest bmken away (Rest destroyed)

116 Photo Pl. VII. Cenffal pmtion fiom a vertical tablet, ruled into 4 columns on Obv., presumably also on Rev
There are ho zontal rulings beiween each line. i4 the signs copied by Johns at the end of the line are no longer
clearly visible. The traces-do not favour ıeading URUDU (U at the end.

10. Miscellaneous Commodities

F'tG. 31, Listing boot, (reign of Assurbanipal or

BM t24596-

117. Memorandum re Temple Fumishings

K 1582 ADD 959

Obv. completely broken away (Beginning destıoyed)
r.l t kan-nu (bla*) dulutJlfl ,t I pot stand. for the ritual;
2 | Glğ.kiı-tur-ru GIs.KU,İ4! mu| -ğe| -l bi?1 2 1 wooden stool of boxwood, of the
3 r(ıc.dıip-pa- sat ı r(ıc.qir -mu ı 2 blankets, 1overcoat;
4 ıt3c 'gul-ıcı.z ı rtc .qar-Yı a 1 cloak, 1 bedspread;
5 T|3G.SL.LuH qn-nu-te j4 GIğ.NA 5 1 ... _- lhese pertaining ıo ıhe bed of the
6 ğa B dğe-ru-ü-a temple of Seru'a, we did noı pick up.
7 la ni-in-nı-ha

8 |xxl-bq|-te 15GL rGiDI.I'ms SUHUğ N'U.[(J')] 8 ..., 15 reed flutes, their base zo, [...];
9 nxxxxxxl-kifxxxll , t...1...[...]
rest brcken away (Break)
s.l lTüC.jl Cu-'Ctğ1|.H[t Rüİxİ] I 1 ...-cloth (with) designs 1...1

118. Record of Various Items,663-661 B.C.

K23 ADD 993
I 1 1NA{.KIğIB GAR.U.U i I 1 perforated cylinder seal for 4 gems of
2 4-n4 4 NA4.MEğ HAR a torc.
3 I3 r:.|1 duh-ği-e| : 1 (for) 3, ditto of
rock crystal.
4 I DAc.cAz IdI-AMAlrr a piece of rose jasper, half of it for one
5 me-ğil-ğıi| a.nd I NAa gem, half of it went back.
6 me-ğil-ğ{ı i-su-hur
7 1D}\G.cAZ qğ -pu|-u! ı 1 piece ofjasper for 3 gems.
8 Ia-lral 3 NA,a.Itfiğ
9 I tr1 a-na I NAa gi-dil KUG.GI e 1 ditto for one gem of a braid of gold.
10 I DAG .cAZ I AD-ağ-ınu1 ı0 1 piece of qb&ğınu-Stone İor one gem;
11 a-na 1 NA4 12 2 ditlo of glass for 2 gems of a braid of
t2 2 i.t me-kit a-na2NAa gi-dil gold.
T3 1 1l :' rEN?l gi-dil! Glğrııııen :. 13 1 (for) l ditİo ıncluding a braided date_
14 a-nn 3 palm of ditto, for 3;
i5 1 14|ı NA4 HAR :. 15 1 (for) 4 gems of a torc ditto;
16 1 NA4.KISIB Ağ.Gi.Gi a-M 4 gi-(d'iL) KuG.Gl t6 1 cylinder seal of a.fglti-stone, for 4
t7 I DAG.G Az Sag - giı| -mud| (gems) of a braid of gold.
18 1 TAx!sA 2'!-.ği 1? 1 piece of saggi lmud-sİone; 1 (gem) was
19 |re - e]h| - tıi| i- su- hur taken fiom it; the [re]st went back.
20 fxxxxx]-dı!a-naı ,o [x ...] for 1.
tr1 I\ct,cl.l fa-na t1f ii \ 1 igizaggfr'-ştone ffor 1l'

117 Top left-hand corner of tablet. s.l For the restoration cf. no. 108 r.ii.6'.
l18 Veftical tabıet with 2 columns on each face. It is not clear to what üe two columns of numbers iı col' i refer.
i4 Despite üe collation leported on CAD s 337b the text has AN and nor sj here; üe last sigİ is wIit0en like ler' i.ı0
See coll.



2 1 DAG.GAZ GUGI.GAIZ] 2 l piece of beet-like carnelian for 1.

J q-nq 1
4 1 NA.4.KIğIB :. 4-ı?4 ı a 1 cylinder seal of ditto for 1.
5 l zA.Sm qrı|a] l 5 1 .İubü-stone for 1.
6 r NA,4.KISIB GI.RIM!.HI.LI.BAI 6 1 cylinder seal of girimhilibA-stone,for l.
7 q-rut I
8 1 DAG.GAZ NA4.T6S 4-ıı4 1 8 1 piece of ballu-stone for 1.
9 2 NA,4.SAL!.LA e Z multas hiptu-stoflesi
10 5 NA4.PA ıo 5 cowrie shells;
11 I D)\c,cAZ su-u r1 1 piece of red sandstone; one (gem)was
12 ı Te*| ğA ııa!-.ğj taken from it, the remainder went back.
IJ re-eh-tıl is-su-hur
14 1 NA4.AN.ZAH d-ı4 l la 1 (piece oO frit for 1.
15 1 NA4.GUG| 4-ılı ı ıs 1 of carneliaı for 1.
16 1 DAG.GAZ I[M.MA],NA 16 1 piece of sand(stone);2 (gems) weıe
1'7 2TAJ. ğ}\ lna!-ği| -u|1 taken ftom it; the remainder went back.
18 re-eh-tü is-su-hur
sma.ll blaık space
19 PAB 32 te It all,32i
20 zA.ciN GUIG .r r rl 20 lapis lazuli, caıneli[an, ...]
I1 I NAa.z[Ü .,] I 1 (gem) of [...] obslidianl;
2 2 cluc r] 2 2 of car[nelian ...];
3 2 BABBARI.IDL J] 1 2 of agaltel:
4 I MU[ğ.GijR qa-n i I of serpentine ,,.i
5 I zA.rsuHlr 5 I of ğubtı-stoıe:
6 1 dirto, ...;
7 2 ba-ah-t retl -e 2 (pieces ofl coral;
8 2 N&.AG.GA 8 2 of "love"-stone;
9 2 aİ-pu-u 9 2 of iasper;
10 I NIR t0 I of chalcedonyl
11 2 NA4.ZALAG It 2 of zaıaqu-slonei
12 1 p i - ı n- d'u - u M Ağ! Ku G.cı t2 l of (ıed) pindi-sİone (wittı) gold settiıg.
13 PAB 15 uı-ru-te i.3 Total, l5 exıra,
14 inq bqt-te 14 (put) aside.
15 PAB 47 In all, 47 .
blarık space of 2 lines

16 13 KUR r Gh.!AMA üıd|-r?i-rıi ı6 13 horses, 1 mule _ initial amount; epo-

t7 lim-mu*I+{-l nym year of Bel-na'id (663 B.C.).
18 2 KUR ITI.DIJL r8 2 horses; month of Tishri (VII), eponym
T9 lim-ınu-Dğc r!l1o year of Jab-Ğar-Sin (662 B.C.).
20 2 KUR ITI.BARAG 20 2 horses, month of Nisan (I); 6 horses,
2t 6 KUR ITI.DIJL month of Tishri (V[); in all 8, eponym year
22 PAB 8 ıim-mu - qrbd- İl-a.(a) of Arbailayu (661 B.C.).
23 PAB 23 KIJR 1 GIR! 23 Total23 horses, 1mule, during the period.
iııa ğA uo.lı,ıeğ
25 t KIIR irut 20 lx (x)l 25 1 horse ın20 |daysl;
26e t K1JR ina t5 x[xJ 26 1 horse iı 15 |days];
27e 8 MAKUG.rJD in0 batJk!1 27 8 minas oI silver (put) aside.
28e sU.2 ,dPA PAB.MEğ-IDı 28 Care of NabO-ahhe- [Sallim].
29e PAB! k.rr [o] ,e Total ... [... ].
T1 k -rl tuPAr-PAB AS ..ii ı 1...] Nabi-ahu-iddin, scribe of the
2 [Lü] .
.BA DAM.GAR.MES merchants.
3 I i. ^q-z(1ra-iat-u qur-zAc 3 1 ditto, Azar-Ya'u, the bodyguard;
4 1 :, MdPA-ZALAG-/.a IGI A.BA 4 1 ditto, Nab0-nurka-lamur, scribe;
5 | :'^dı-nu-ni tx1 5 1 ditto, Danuni;

]i'l6 IM.IAN or MA].NA. ..i.1 see coll. r'i'22 The final _a, if w tten, clashes wiü obv. ii.4. r'ii's' 7' t8 se€ coll.


6 | |^man ki-MAİ|İ GIGIR! GAl-_mrr-gi 6 l diııo, Man-k i-ğarri, horse trainer of the
rab mugıi
7 ı :.^qur-di aİ-İırr rSA!l.unu|-a.(c) 1 ditto, QurdiAğğur, of the Inner City;
8 1 :' 'KAI-AG-4ıı_L1,IUG.KI! 8 l ditto, Da'an-Uruk:
9 1 :. 'rdUTUr--TI-Şr, 9 l ditto, SamaS-ballissu;
10 :. ııI.kab-n-a-a
'ı. l0 1 ditto, the woman Kabtaya;
11 2! :. ^ba-sa-a-a^e!-qa-a 11 2 ditto, Basaya, Eqa;
12 t :.^di-di-i ha-za-nu 1t 1 ditto, Didi, mayor;
13 ı:.^dğ(ı rğm-ni uğ| kib-si 13 l d itto, Marduk-remanni, ıracker.
14 PAB 13 A.BA KlrR 14 Togal 13 - the palace scribe.
15 1 -jı4r-,ğl-i A! -l0_EN-PAB 15 1, Sur5i, son of Adad-belu-uşur;
16 1.ğU.sI-J.i_I [o] 16 1, Ubanİa-na'id;
L7 ı ^ağ-ğur_ki-la-ni T7 l, Ağğur-kilIanni, the father o[...;
18 AD-ğliğı,^B/.RAd ZALAG-a
19 ı ı4j|.a-a ha-a ı9 1, the woman Aya-h6;
20 l flıli-li.l-1' ,o 1, Dilil-Issar, the toll-aollector of the
21 nıa-ki-su İqNl\N| qu-e province of Que.
22 PAB 5 -dPA_PAB.MEğ_DI 22 Tola| 5 Nab0-ahhe-ğal1im.
23 PAB t8 m.\-hi-ir zı In all, 18 received,7 days remaining.
24 ı uo.un( re-he |o]
25 ITT.DUL UD-25 25 Month of Tishri (VII), 25th day, epo-
26 lim-mu^arba-ll-a-a nym year of Arbailayu (661 B.c.).
27 rMcll.Sn epl-.İl 27 Accounts made.

119. Record of Various Items

80-7 -19,112 ADD 977

beginning broken away (Beginning destroyed)
illegible traces of 3 lines
4' |(x x) fla e-gtr-|a]ıe i 4 [... o]f tablets;
5', lx+lm cIS.qq-zAG tx x1 s 20 wooden cups ...;
6', |21
hu11 -hu-rat |x x1 .MEğ
7', ıs1 pi-|tğI x1 hu , 16 ......i
8', lxl ta? -nu-ki? tx x1 8 [x]......;
|x+]ı cı lap -pi -t e 9 7 wooden SPatuıeei
10' k] ğAB GEğTD{ ,'-r'l-Pi'? 10 of... wine;
[x] jars
tt' |x] :. :. |sa1-aı]-hu 11[x] ditto ditto, ...;
t2' [(r) r, ]
TGESTIN? /,a-r,l 12[x...] of vinegar;
t3' |x x Duc.ku-tla|-a-te \|.I/Eğ|1 13[x c]aıs of oil,
l4' [x_t x] 'xl ğıs İ.lGğ 1a[...] jar of oil;
15', lx x xl tx x] GESTIN.M[ES] 15[... ] of wine;
t6' lxxxxxxl-el (Break)
t7' |x Jü J( x|x GIM
18', x ı ı s]uo!.vıi 18 [...] empty [...]s;
1g', fh-ku-zipl-pu suo [1] empty [conıainer for clo]aks;
20' [-rı"rııS]ı.ıao.ıımS ,o [...] barley;
rest (probably only one line) broken away (Break)
tr beginning broken away
t' 2xlxxxxxf | 21......h
z', lMALxxxxxf 1 mina [... ];
3', 4MAlxxxxxf 4 minas [. .. ];
4', zo qa-zıc x|x x x' x] 30 cups [. .. ];
5', t ta-nu-ki lx x. x. x xf 1... [...];
6', 4 sAB rGEğTINII k _r -t] 4 jaıs of [...] wine;

119 Photo P1. V . Vertical tablet probably with 4 columns on each face, but at least 2 columns on Obv. and at
|east 3 columns on Rev. Unceltain whi;h face is obv. i.3-12 Restores mutuilıy ii.5'-8'.


7' 23 t.:. sa-q[f-hu] 23 ditto ditro ...;

8' 8 hq.Ji lol
:. 8 ditto of vinegar;
9' PAB 35! sAB GEğTN.IMES] total 35 bowls of wine.
10' 2 Duc.ku-ıd-a-te |.NIEğ 2 cans of oil;
1 1' 6 1p DUG.SAB i.MEs 6 1/2 bowls of oi1;
12' 9 Kuğ.cluh-ği-i| 9 dyed leathers;
13' 2 Ku+"-a|rq-ba-ri suD.MES 2 empty leather (bags of) dormouseskin;
14' I Glğ.E\-ku-zip-pi SuD 1 empty wooden container foı cloaks;
15' 30 ANSE SE.PAD.MES 30 homers of grain;
16' 8 G|ğ.muJap-pi-te 8 wooden spatulae;
Reverse (Break)
r upper part broken away
1' lxxxxxxlx ,.t z 7......1rubbed;
2' |xxxx)mir-ıu
3', |x x xf SA5 KuR ıu bur lx ..1red of the country ...,
4' |x x x] :. :. nıir-lu lx ..]s, ditto, ditİo, rubbed',
5', lx x xl :. GI6 . lx ..1 diuo, black, ditto;
6', |x xıt|c|.muk-Ial sA5 KAR NU lxl shavıls' red of the porı, not;.
7', |x xtıl]c.:. :. mir-çu lxl ditto garments, ditto, rubbed',
8', [.I "T T]ÜG.:. ZAG sAs Kl,R lxl ditto garments, ıhe İront red, of the
|x x] rı3c.:. mir-çu
:. :.
, [x] ditto garments, ditto, ditlo, rubbed;
10' J ğd|_Is zAG sA5 KAR NU ıo [x ] ... garments, ıhe front red, of the
port, noti
1t' lx x x xf :.! zıc cç
1ı [x ...] ditto, ıhe front black',
ı2 [x ] reinforced llower garments];
12' |ıt x x hlaltJu-pat
13', lx x İ s]Asl k (J r)
ı: 1... ] red [...J

r rest broken away (Break)

beginning broken away
I', |(x) x]x şu|-|x x x x|
z', |6l rüşa-balt t.ü2 6 strdight garments [...], felted, not
3', bir-ğe Nu |x x [...]; ,ı
4', 2T|ıi + 2 gowns [...];
5', 2TÜG.K[I 5 2 lower [garments ...];
6', 14TÜG-j"|x (Rest too bloken foı translation oI de-
7' I r(Jc.[x stroyed)
8', 1 TÜG.[,
9', xlx
10' 2Tl(JGr x
1T' llxxx
1z', tlxxx
13', rlx.xx
rest broken away

120. Record of Various Items

K8835+K10335 ADD 1039

|' ı. |xxxx]İd-har-raı , I le ggingsl
2 [x x ı x .r] ucl ıvruğ [... ] ..., snake;
3 krrtr,. sAs KAR 3 [... ] ditto, red, of the port;
4 lxx x xl:. SA5 KLIR 4 [...] ditto, red, of the country,
blaıık space of half a line
5 Ix x x x]:' BABBAR.MEğ 5 [... ] ditto, white;
blank space of half a line

120 Photo Pl. VIl Uppeü right-hand comeİ of a 3 oI 4 columned tablet.


6 Ix ı ı _x] 6! A.rvmS (too broken for translation)

7 lx j _L ü] KUR
8 lx x x xlx-a-nf -ai
9 [.r "I"Tİ]:.BABBAR.MEğ
t...l ditto, white;
10 [.r x "r].x ı<uS|!.o.l!.e. sin t0
t...1 shoes;
["r x "r "r ci]o?.oı t...1 long;
t2 lx ü .I _ı] :. sAs GI6 12
t...1 ditto, red (and) black;
t3 lx x x x]ıc mar-İd-ni \3
t...1 strapsi
t4 |x x x x'r(Jc.Şi-i|p1-ret t... sc]arves;
r 11 6-ra-[m]at-ki
rest broken away (Break)
^f,ıcpa-x|x x] ii ı 1 bathloom ...-cloth, of the qirsıı;
3 İd qi-ir-si
4 3'IaG.Sa-Su-paı a 3 house fowe|S, the front red' oİ İhe
5 []] baıe countryl
6 zAG S[A5]r KIJR
7 1 KUğ.DA.E.SIR z 1 Cimmerian shoe;
8 Sqır-a-a
9 8 e 8 leather ...s;
10 I mu-kar-ri-su URUDU ro 1 copper dish;
11 I za-rqt AN-e 1ı 1 open-ail tent;
T2 TUc.Şi-iP-rat 12 Sipirıu İextl|es for a chail with feet, red,
T3 Glğ'GU.ZA ğe'pa-te of the porı;
14 SA5 KAR
15 l TtG .hu-Zi-qu-tıi| 1s I huziqutu texlllei
16 ı TüG.[s]A? U.SAG.IEs ı6 1 ... head-cloths |...] red, of the counıry
17 I l.ü s]As? KUR (Break)
18 lxxxxxlhxl
rest broken away
Rev. beginning broken away
I 1' |(x) xlx |hu şu|1 fx xl r.i 1

2' ^|a-bu-tü |x]

, Abutu [...]
J iı-de-e 3 utensils
|x x1 a Maga5u [...]
blank space of several lines
5', PAB ,k.rl 5 Total, [.. .l
6', 'TAR-.r[.r (, İ)]
blaıık space of about 3 lines
tr as faı as preserved, urıinscribed

121 . Record of Various Items

Ki 1904- 10-9,156 Iraq 32 26

I upper part broken away (Beginning destroyed)
t' fNAM?l lf. ın-a-a11 -Iıa1 -nil i t lthe governor ofl Bet-naya[ani].

z', 2 GUD ı DARA.rMAS1 7 2 oxen, l "stag",

J 20 UDU.NITA 20 ğAB GESTIN ı 20 male sheep, 20 jars of wine,
4', 4T|3c.ğad-din 4 4 togas,
5', l T(JG.kar-^.MBğ 5 t head-cloth,
6', ı kan-dir-q-ğe 6 l kundirağğu,
II traces orüy prcserved (Break)

i8 sigı befole _a ends in 2 honzontals, e.g. -P]a. ilo Pelhaps ]-tı rri. i.I3 Possibly ] lT|Jc1.mar-İd-ni. ii.l For
trace afterpa- see coll,
121 Bottom left-hand corner of a well-written multl-columned tablet.


I' 1 1ANğE.KUR.RA r'i ı 1 holse,
2 10IIDU.MI.Ağ.QAR.Iffiğ 2 10 young she-goats,
3 r DUG.}r-r, GEğTtrI 3 1 can of wine,
4 50 SAG.DU UDU KUR-" a 50 mountain sheep head (rhytons),
5 Ir'? cliJ hu-ha-rdt HE.WD 5 u tal]ent of scdrleı dye for red wool
6 t:cxxxxxxl (Rest destroyed)
remaiıdeı broken away

122. Record of Various Items

Th 1929-10-12,64 (BM 121068) kaq32 27

upper part broken away (Beginning destıoyed)
L' t2o DUcl .lx x x 1 20 [...] vessels [of..
mDrJc.xfx x 2 20I...1vessels lof ..
J 30
Duc.ğd-a|z-mu-u x x ı 30 fllasks of ...],
a a [...] textile,
4'. 'ı(ıc.qi-|x x x
5', ıJim x|x x x 5 1, 000 [......],
6', mGltxxx 6 20 talents ...],
7', GIs.ğA..[KAL?.İ J z a wooden ...[...].

8', an-|x x ıc I Thlese.....-l

9' DulBxxrc , ... [...... ]

I0' x!:c x x (Rest destroyed)

ıemainder broken away

123. Record of Various Items

K 14263 Iraq32 29
I' traces of ends of lines only survive (Too fragmentary for tıanslation)
T' I uDfxxx
2 25lxxx
-l 1GU[Rlİİ
4 2 KU?lxxx
5 1 UDU [., J.ı
6 lxlxxx
7 xfx x ıc
remainder broken away

122 Fragment fİom left edge of a multi-column tablet. Uncertain if the face prese ed is obv. or Rev.
123 FIa;ment from centre;f upper(?) edge of multi-columtred tablet' Uncefain if üe face_preserved is obv. or
Rev. n.a If_ii.3 is a quandry ofgra (?) and ii5 a sheep, ıhen we should Perhaps undeIstand (U herc as Tfc, showing
that üis fragment comes from a list of mixed cornmodities.


124. Record of Various Items

K 13159 ADD 1O8O

upper part broken away
.1,' tst clSl.lxxxxx
2' sctğ.xfxxxx
3' a-nu-füxlx x x
4' a-nu-tü|xxxx
5' |lzKUğJ|x x x
6' zru(ıfx x x x 2 leatheı [... ],
7' ıroc.maJx\-lx x x 1[...] cloth.
8' |ın 'İı3c,za-nu-fx x x x I zanuf...] cloth,
9' Tü]G.KI.TA!_fr al!-pfa|-ıe x x [x] reinfo[ıced] Iower garments [...],
|xr(ıcl.şi-bir-[x x x x ıo [x] scar[ves],
|1' |xı(ıcl.İıi-har-ra-[ıe x x x ıı |x] leggin[gsl
12' |x x]
lx. İa|x1
|xxx (Rest destroyed)
rest broken away

125. Record of Pottery Vessels, etc.

83-1-18,351 ADD 1126

Le lx xxxxlx destroyed)
2 lx I DUG.qd-zAG.MBSr rrr
3 [x louc.a-şu-da-a-te
lx l]DUG.:.!
5 45l I Duc.hÜ-aŞ!-bi ||]]
6 ı-ı?ıe-ı3! DUG.:.|
'/ 18' sa-ga-tel 18 sashes,
||fJmev -58 Duc.ha|-aŞ!-bi in all [1]58 clay pots
rest broken away (Rest destroyed)
Rev. as faı as preserved, uninscribed

126. Record of Various Items

K 919 ADD 1O4O

1 tt-te ga-giKuc.ct tamJxl | 1 golden necklace, inlqid ıwilh agate kid.-
2 tukt-pi-iq-teNAa.BABBAR.DIL ney-stones
- Mannu-ki-Ağğur, the treasuler.
3 ^man-\a +i ağ_Jrr Lü*.IGI.DI,B
4 2Trc.Kr.TA-halt -lut -pat mu1 -us-ki a 2 Phrygian ıeinfolced lower garments _
5 ^hb-di_mil| -ki L{J* .GAL ka|-Sır Abdi-milki, the chief tailor.
.DUMU d15 6 2 horses Maı_Issar, the cohort com-
7 Lr3*.c1J, *i-sir mandeı.
8 ı cığ|. tı.rr-tı 1 wooden .'' oİ a chariot, (with) [...]s on
9 ["r] GIğ.GIGIR! [xı].mS ind|Ucu-[hil top _ Ağğur-[...], the priest [of Iğtar of the
10 ln|aİ.-ğur|l kl Lü*].SANGA Bitl Eqi.
1 1 E]-? -qi

124 Small fragment from left side of tablet. T The sign after ma- is not qa (see coll.).
l25 Photo Pl. V[. Upper paİ of a coa$ely made vertical tablet, ruled with a narİow left-haıd column fol üe
figures' a. 6 The diı|o signs are written as 3 consecutive hori/onıals.
126 small vertical tablet; şurface in pool condition. l Finaı sign appears to have a.rü idtial winkelhaken
followed by 3 venicals, but one should possibly emend.lo tamJıit|1. 8 see coll. l1 Foı IğtaI of üe Bit Eqi see
Menzel Tempel I73f arfino.62 ü.7'. la Or perhaps ulcu suHUS. i2 So Parpola.


1! .r[.r .r
', I
lEla]mite t...1 of [...] pqpparruinu-
t4 |1| mu11-xIx x] zü1 rslrHus|l KUG.I,D t4 l 1...1 of ivory, base of silyer,
15 tttxl-fxxxxl-hi ı5 t...t,
16 |||x1-|xxxx]x-tü ı6 1 t...t,
17 PABI 16| GIğ|1.[GAG.LD.T]AG!.GA.MES 17 in all 6 [arr]ows all [NN], the prelate
18 PABl '!"T[r, J]-d-a Lü*.ğA.TAM of Der
e.19 .ğa BAD.DINGR.KI
blank space of one line
1 1 GIğ.BAN .t 1 bow, 9 wooden water-vessels, 1 col/ar
2 9 G|s.|b]u|-kın-ni ofartificialstones allAĞ5ur-aplu-leöir,son
3 ı-en qu-lu N4.ıır5 ku-u-ri| of Issar-naid, the mayor.
4 PAB'4.ğ_.irrr_DUMU.Uğ--GIs
5 DIJ\ıI|J dls-| Lt* .hq-Z('-na

127. Various Gifts to Ura4ian Envoys

K 1.254 ADD 758

beginning broken away (Beginning destroyed)
l' lxltxitlxxxxx)
2' |l]ğüdlxxxxxl
3' |x+|ı rı_haLıı|n$| x x x| 3 [x+]1 reinforced lower [garments ...],
4' |zT -İıi İd-har-rfat x x] a 2 pairs of leggilngs ...1,
5' 12ı-JrKUS.DA!.E.s[iR] 5 2 pairs of sandals of dyed leather,
6' duh-ği-e
7' 2-J, HAR KUG.UD UD. rMEsl .ğ.i 1 2 SetS of silvğ tolcs, for lhe days (they
were present),
8', 2 AN.TA.MEğ GI6 8 2 black upper garments,
9' 2 ğd_Iğ zKt_hal|.MBğ| G|6 e 2 ... garments,2 black reinforced lower
r0' 2 şiP-rqt garments, 2 scarves,
11' a-na Lü.MAH.iVIEğ lt to the emissaries of Urarçu.
t2' .ğ4 KUR.URII| 0]

127 Phoro Pl. VII. Lo\rer half of small veftical tablet. 12 Sign uRi deciphercd by A.R. George.

FlG.32. Decorated saııdaıS (rcıgıı of Assurbanipaı).

BM t3z93t.


1 m'ZiZUD-||5|1-K1\\ıl ..1 Month of Shebat (xI), 15th day.

2 ro kap-pi Kuc.uo ma-da-ai 2 10 silYer tribute bowls;
3 I HAR KUG.UD r MA.NA-d : 1 silver toıc at 1 mina.
blank space of about four lines, üen (Rest destroyed)
bıoken away

128. Miscellaneous Contributions from(?) Officials

Rm 70 ADD 992
1 ı 2 horses
İafuDlNGlR_tqk-Iak Parsua;
- of Ilu_taklak, goveınoı of
3 Lü.NaM KuR.nar-sz_a
4 |"Itc-kar-zI GİD^ n 1 linen head-çloth of Nabü-ahhe-eriba,
5 ja fuPA_PAB.ü\,Eğ sU the delegate of Tyre.
6 r(ı.q€-e-pu İa ıınu.şuı|-ri

129. Record of Various Precious Items

K9211 K 9217
begiııııing broken away (Beginning destroyed or too fragmentary
1' |xıcx'x]lxxxl |(x x)] for translation)
blank space of half a line
2' fx x x x] ü-ğe-rib-buJx1 xlxl
3' fx x x uıo].zıj zı.GiN GU[G] ...J of obs dian, lapis lazuli and carne-
4' [x ı ı]a?rURIı-r,
-rcıS.KAI KUG.GI /, k (-ü)] 4 Ix scefpters of ebony and gold [...];
5' |xx x' x] sırHus KUG.GI 5 |x] Urarçian [...], (with) a base of gold;
6' lx x xlrpql-ni GADA
x. 6 [x] linen [...]s;
7' |x x x x] ıın ||]] up-ni ı fx --. prayer| bowls;
8' |xxxxx]nİ-qi-İina I [......] their sacrifice;
9' fxxxxx]x9.ıı e [... . .. ] Pleiades;
10' x x xl-nu cADAzTt]c.karrztl.ltfrSl ı0 [x] linen [...]; 2 head_cloths;
ll' fxxxxlxlxxxxxxl
(Rest destroyed)
rest brcken away
Rev. beginning broken away then indecipher-
able remnants of two lines

128 small veİtical tablet.

129 Fragment from righr side of tablet; the other face is also inscribed but indecipherabte. Copy p. 257 6or
-d]i-lli. e'g' İİom ğaddanı.

Accounts of Food and Drink
11. Food Contributions from Officials

PlG.3. Gilı brın?ing tfu! to banquet (reign of

Assüİbhnıpaı) .

BM 135118.

130. Various Foods from Officials to the Lady of the House

K 1988 ADD 1104

l |ıl salu pu-çu-ri |x x, xl I Ul basket of tuffles [...] of the gov-
2 ,la |LIi|ı.NAM| KlJR|.b(r[rlJhaT -|Z|i ernor of Barhalzi;
3 1UDU.NmA ğ4 mEN-PAB-ir 3 1 male sheep _ of Bel-naşir, the gov-
4 Lü.NAM LRU./dl-lı, ernor of Calah.
blaık line
5 Lıl UDU.MTA .ğ4 ^dP^ ku-şur-a-ni s [ 1 ] male sheep _ of Nab0_kuşuranni' the
6 I-IiI.NAMIIRıı.dr-zu-hi-na governor of Arzuhina;
7 |l tCır-m]a-Zi-ıi.MUğEN [[]] 1 fl tarmlazilu bird - [of ...]-eriba, eu-
8 [Jd frI] sU Lü*.SAG_MAN nuch of the king;
9 |xx x x] ouc.kıı-du| GIğ.GEğTIN e [...] vessel of wine,
10 v rt-ğd-mul-te.MuğBN lo fl uİamu]tu-bjJd,
i 1 || tü-gq-nu-rt] [NU!.üR|.MAIr.M[Eğ!] 1t fl spray ofl pomegranates
rest broken away (Break)
Rev. beginning broken away
1' [x x x x] tLt3t1.ha-zat-tnit1 lıl .1 [...], mayor;
2' [1 UD]U.NITA ı UDU.NIM , [1] male sheep, 1 lamb _ of Nabü-deni-
3' İa fuYı-dr" -ni--e-pu-uİ epuğ, the chief shepherd;
4' Lü.GAr-strA.MEğ
5' l UDIJ.| kab|1-Su 20 MUSEN.MEğ 4r-li| 5 1 lamb, 20 collaredbiıds,
6' I tıi-ga-nu-ü NU!.üR.MA.LGS 6 1 spray ofpomegranates
- of Milki-nuri.
7' ğa ^rnil-ki z^L(c
blank line
8' a-za GAğAN_6 8 To the Lady of the House.

131. Various Foods from Officials

83- 1-18,144 ADD 693

upper pa.rt broken (Beginning deslroyed)
1' lxxxltxxxxxl
2' |1 tü-gla-nu-u GIğJ.lvIEA z |l sp]ray of [...]-fruit, || ditıo] of
3' [ı:.?] GIS.KN.GESTT.I! grapes' [1 diıtol of oliYes
- |ofl J,{abi-zaqip-
4' lt:.?l cğ.si-ir-di keni, the village-manager of Samağ-metu-
5' |o ğa -^]dP^ za-|qliPaN! Lü.GAL- uballit.
6' ğ4 rcIS.NU_(UG5).GA-TI.IA
[1? MUğEN?].T'[IR r' MUSEN.TU.}Gs
7' 1| 1 U du]ck' x doves, 1 kuPiıu bild
- of
MUğEN .ku-pi-tıi Nabi-duru-uşur, the palace manager of Mağ-
8' [0 .il4! 'dPA BAD PAB
[Lün.GAL?ı-KUR! kala.
e.9' |o1 URu.rı4ğ-ka-la-a-a
space of 2 lines blank

130 Halfofaveltical tablet; uncertain wluch face is obv. l 2 These 2 lines look like an afterüought, as though
(PKTA Pl. 32:21; van Dliel p. 81 r.i.14) all referring to some containel oI (natural) unit iı which fruit is served.
131 Bottom right-hand comel of a single_column vertical table!. l.2 seecoll. 2 FoI tü-ga-nu-useecofiment
on no. 130 r.6.


r.1 [o .ü M]USEN.MES GIğ.qr.Ji

,.| |xf colıared birds |ofl the palace
2 [0 .ğ4? L]ü.ENGAR-IKUR1 URul .kal-ha farmer of Calah.
Space of ca. 7 lineş blalık (Rest destroyed)
rest broken away

132. Fruit and Driık for the Queen

8r-2-4,339 ADD 1060

I 1 IGI.LAL ödr!| i 1 Inspected Miffing
23 sa-li zq-marl 23
baskets o[ fruit
331 bowls of lıabbır (wine)

ğın hab|-bur
4 PAB Lü.NU.GIs.SAR NINA.KI a Total the Nineveh gardener.

5 ı| [ | 7x) lclS'ıA za-rıar| s I[ | lltraysoffruir

6 (x) I \x) | slAB habt-lburl 6 [x i b]owlsoflıa}|bu](wine)
7 IPAB Lü.NU.cIs.s]AR! [İ.x ü] 7 [Total
- the gar]dener [...].
rest broken away (Break)
11 | lxxxxxl
2 PAB [x x x] x.
3 uRU.[, r, r] ii 2 Total [- the ... of the] city [of...].

42 I lxxxxl 42 ]ı...l
5 2l Iiır"x]- 5 2 I I t...1
Iest broken away (Break)
I' enttely destroyed
tr begiruıing broken away
blaıü space of about 3 lines
1'' a-na ıı1-4,.oıt r'ii 1 To the queen. Month of Tishıi (V[),
2' lTl.DılLıID_[??r-K-AM 7th day.

132 Photo Pl. VII. Top left-hand cornel of a tablet with at least 2 colums on each fa€e. 2 columns of figures
ruled at left side of the 2 columns on üe obv. l'ii'2 The alay could be 5.

Frc.34, Sheep and supplies being brought to ceremony (reign of Assurbanipal).

BM 124916.


133. Various Foods from Officials

DT 228 ADD 1131

I [1 GUD.M]TA ıo IJDU.NnA.IüEJ ı [1 o]x, 10 male sheep, [x du]cks, 10 jars
2 k MUSEN?} GAL.İıfis
3 .ğ4
nDUMU.Us -4-4 LÜ.6oo E.GAr
0] of wine -
of Aplaya, the palace herald.

blank space of half a line

4 ı GUD.NrA 10 UDU.NITA.IIES I 1 ox, 10 male sheep, 10 jars of wine
5 10 ğAB GEsTtr{.LGs alll .. .1s.
Rev uninscribed

134. Various Contributions from(?) Officials

83- 1-18,2s6 ADD IO57

beginning broken away (Beginning destroyed)
I' ıfxxxxxx]
2' xfx.xxxxxl
3' I lsa? Su1 x1 nu| \,d|.GAı.!-tü| ufF.u!)-hn|-q|- 31 ... the govemess of Haurina;
4' t cuD to UDU par-su-q to GIS.PA.IGS " l ox. l0 Persian sheep. l0 sıa[[s of
GtSt.murt-rlat-nu7 murr|anu ıreel' l leather sırap the palace
5' I Kuğ.kur-Si-u L(J*.600__Kı,R herald;
6' 2 cuD ^DrNcR-tak-lak t 2 oxen Ilu-taklak;
7' l UDU.MTAT mdu.cuR DINGIR-a-I4] z 1 male -sheep Nergal-ila'i;
8' |x x' x]x ıcfx x x] (Rest destroyed)-
rest broken away
Rev. broken away

135. Various Foods from Officials(?)

8t-2-4,284 ADD 985

beginning broken away (Begirıning destroyğd or too broken for
1', xxxxxlx translation)
z', xxxxı|
4', xxx xk-ni
5', xxxlEGIBIL 5 [...] the New House;
6', xxxxx] 6 [......]
7' .ü l GI]s!.KIN.GEğTIN 7 [... g]rapes;
8', r-rrl-rt cESTn{ 8 [... ...] wine
rest of obverse, about 2-3 lines, broken (Break)
Edge bıoken away
r.1 lxxxf tx1 lxxx
2 |xxx -P]/\B_AS ı[ü?-ı.ıı r', [...-a]hu-iddina, the t...].
blank space of 6-8 lines
3 [p]AB rII.KIN uD-I4-KiM 3 [To]ral, month of Elul (VD, 14rh day.
blarık space of5-6lines, tlıen bıoken away

134 !ıper half_of a velıical tablet. similar size and format to no. 134, but not samğ tablet (coll.). 6 see coll.
Fragment from centre of vertical tablet. Cf. no. 133. 3 Eiüer ru oI (AD. 8 For traies sje coll.
Fragment from Rev. of a vefiicaltablet, with only the fina.l signs ofsome lines of Obv. surviving on the right



136. Various Foods from(?) Officials

K 6367 ADD 942

I' completeJ.y brokeıı away (Beginning destroyed)
tr beginning broken|5IUDU.NmA5
li, ı
|' |ıĞıl- si'sal-hul ıDUG|.sAB: |l sisalhu ox], 5 male sheep, 5 jars o/
txxxl ..., 2 wooden boxes with quinces, 3 boxes
2' l21 G|ğ!'kdk|-kul! IHASHUR|r.KUR.RA 3 r4l- with figs, 1 box with prunes ,2 poıs of dates;
rül GIğ.MA.lfiğ 14 trayi of fruiı - 1he governor of Qaınina.
3' rt crç.kak-kul crS.KrB 2 qa-bir z(J.LUM.MA
4' r14?l GIğ!.NA.MEğ Z(L-m'ar BN,NAM|JF.lJ.qar'

5' 11 cuD Si-sal-hr, 2 LDU.NnA 4 DUG.ğAB s I sisalhu ox, 2 male sheep, 4 jars -
6' ımu.ur-zu-hi-n'q Uızuhina.

7' || GUD Si-Sqı-hr,2 UDU.NTTA URU.KUR-Za - 7 1 sisalhu ox' 2 male sheep Mazamua'

8' [1?] GrD si-sal-hu z IJDU.NmA LRU.Jı'ı 8 |1] Sis&ıhu ox, 2 male sheep - Si'immö'

9' 9 |]l sısalhu ox [......]

1l1 16IJ9ı r'ı-rol|1-Ihu x x x x x' :ç x xJ
rest broken away (Break)
I beginning broken arvay
1' [0 a]ü.IE}{.NAM IJRU1.fx xx xxx x xf ..i 1 the governor of [......].

2' |l GIJDI si-Saı-hu 2 uDv .NITA fuxbc x x x] 2 lll sisalhu [ox], 2 male sheep NtNl
3' [0] LÜ.BN.NAM lJfuu.gar-ga'mis [o] the governor of Carchemish.

4', [|lGuD si-Shı-hu 3jDU.NTA'PAB_ıın -m e- 4|Il sisalhu ox,

3 sheep - Ahu-
Zioı imm6, the governor of Hindana'
5', I L]Ü.EN.NAMURU.hi-in-dın
6', It GUDI si-sal-hfu "'LUIGAL?-ZALAG EN. 6 [1] sisalhu foı] _ [Ğ]arru-nuri, the gov-
Nıııupu.ıuğ-ha-an ernoı of Tuğhan.

7', U GulD Si-Sr,ı-h|u^b]q1-a-a'te_DlNcIR

1 f1] [ox] _ [B]ayate-i1i, the gov-
8', [ ıü].ıN. rNıM unu|l.a-ırıi-di ernor of Amidi.

9', |l GuD S7isqı-hu 1 UDU.NIIA 'EN-i-s4-4-

|I silŞalhu [ox], 1 male sheep Bel-
usate, lthe govern]or of Sam'al.
10' I Lü.EN.NA]M URU.Jq-dın -4l

|1' Ix'xxxxxıcxxx] I-T

-Tl NU.ÜR.MA 11 [......] pomegranates
rest broken away (Rest destroyed)
II completely b,roken away
Itr completely boken away

lJ6 Piece from lhe righı side of a well-formed and well-written lab|eı. ceıtain|y 2. and probably aı least 3.
.oır*n". J*orgı, orıy lsirviveqoneach lace. I Portraces aıend seecoll' ''7 FirsısignofP\'seecoll'

12. Various Accounts of Food, Drink and Aromatics

F'lG. 35. coultiels disıributing dfink iıı lioı's head

rlıyta (r,iqn of Safgon II).
BoTTA AND FLANDIN Monument de Ninı'e l, 'l 6.

137. Account of Wine and Beer

83-1-18,715 + K 13581 (ADD 1048)

beginning broken away
1', xxxx I KAIğ.MEğ xxxxf
z'. xxıtxf rKAsl MF.ğ xxxxfu
J xxxl KAğ_MRğ ^lxxxxl
4', *-t u]üo!.ıı,reS DUG.SAB csğriN nr 11
-ffle? -bi- ğul -na' |of
5', xxl Lü!.GAL!-5oI.MEsl
7' xxl ] rlğ vnğ '.fAB lu-ux-ği
8', xxxl lx,cs.Mes 'dPA PAB.I!cs_ö4l-l[ir]
g', xxxx | ] xes.ı'ıes f,hı-ri-bq o|


ADD 848+
(Beginning destroyed)
t.. beler I ...1
t.. beer I ...1
t.. beer NtN]
restn jars of wine U|İe]biİuın
üe commarıdel-of_fi fty.
beer Nabü-kuzub-iiaıi
beer Ahu-lurği
beer Nabi-ühe-ball[i1]

138. Account of Wine and Beer

K 14123 ADD 1049

1 xxx] GESTN.MEğ KAs.MEğ İ|a|xxxx] ı [... ] wine beer

2 xxxl KAğ.MEs lxx xxl , [...] beer .....1

, [...]
3 xxxf KAS.MES fxxxxxf beer .....1
4 xxxf KAğ.ME[s xxxxxl o [...] beer .....1
5 xxxl KAğ.M[Eğ xxxxxl 5 [...] be[er ...,]
6 xxxl KAIS.MES xxxxxl 6 [...] b[eer ...,]
rest broken awav (Rest destıoyed)
Rev. completely broken awav

__137 Plıoto ?L VII.

Two joining surface flakes from centıe (ADD t048 = K 13581) and right side (ADD 848 =
8 3 - 1 1 a (pIobabty vertical) tablet. It is ruled into at leasr 4 columns but reads acIoss. No' 1 3 8 ioü]d belong
8,7 l 5 ) of_
tosametablet,butdoesnotjoinit.4ForBEseeperhapsno. 132:1, but here andinno. 139 one should probablt
consider BE = M(rD for aa-rrğ "(cedal-)biood" i.e. resin.
138 Fragment from upper edge of a tablet similar to no. 137.


139. Account of Whe and Beer

K 14124 ADD 1O5O
KAs j4|2 rUDı.I l frelsin wine
,ii;a I
l(x"r) M|ÜD

2 [tx x) ıtıj]o| cıSrnı ^dq-lx x (x x)l *i,,; |o.ı...r
3 ıll I r [...] |
| l

[tx xeS I ^fxxxxx) beerlN[N...]

rest broken away (Rest destroyed)
Rev. completely broken away

140. Record of Wine for Singers

K 9053 + K 1937 (ADD 1082) ADD 1058+

1 JCXX xl -tet 112 qa-a-a
1... ...1... l/2 'litre' each;
2 xxx ı].ı"ırĞ! ui!.Nen ı2 4a [......], female singer, l/2'litre'
3 xxx xl tt2 qa 1......1 1/2 'litre",
4 xxx x) tx x1 tl2 qa t......l ... 1/2 'litre':
5 xxx xJ tx x x1 lx x xl41-te t......1 ...t...1 1/41
6 xxx xlx-bu-si tl2 qa-a [......]busi, l/2'litre' each;
1 xxx xlx.MES ll2 tqal -a 1... ...)s ll2 'litre' each;
2 xxx xf 4-te t......1 1/4;
3 xxx x] tsaT-a-a-te 4-te t......1 .. I /4:
4 xxx x] l:x +* 4a ceSrıı.ıııS t......1 3/4 'litre' of wine;
5 xxx .r1, 15? MI.NAR.MES V2 qa-rar t. .. . ..1 ... 15 female singers 1/2 'litre'

6 xxx xl GEğTIN.M8ğ wine;

7e xxx xl 2tBANl d qa3 4* qa . ..1 2 seahs, 63/4'litras.'

141 . Record of Wine and Food

82-3 -23,140 ADD 1061a+b

beginıing broken away (Beginning destroyed)
1' |xıcxxx]xfxxx]
2' |x x x] ILÜ*?l .TUR! DUGJ[.ü , ,] 2 1...1 apprentice, [...]-pot
3' I@) x] sa-a G(ğ.MJ.üR.M[A? l -r] -ü
3 [... ] pomegranate(s) [...]
4' kJ D]UG.ğA3 GEsııq!.ıısğ iza |611 |xxx| a [...j]ars of wine in the house [...1
5' k]rn! UGU! GIs| ı|x x x x] 5 on a wooden [......1
6' fx]ıc-ri!-i! xfx xx x xf (Break)
7' fxxxlxx|xxıcxx]
break of about 2 lines
10' |a-ııa ğUl lxxxxxl 10 into the chaıge of [......]

11' ıs|cı3.|xxxx-T] ıı 75 wooden [......],

Iz' ||İ ğö^x|x x x x] 1, 1 [...] of N[N],
t3' MUN| tu1-fx Jc x x xf 13 Şaıt l... . ..l'

139 Fragment from upper edge of a tablet similar to, but not from the same tablel as, no. 137.
140 Right half of a coarsely wdtten horizontal tablet. 4 For traces see coll. 6, r.1, 5 The scribe's omission of
the second a is by no means Unique, and cleally delibela[e. 6 2 veItical wedges surviv€; ,]r- is possible, but hardly
favoured by the context;alz is not possible. .7 Over erasures.
141 Two fIagments (ADD 1061a+b) fıom üe upper and lower palts of a vertical tablet' not themselves joining
but reconsüucted into one piece with plasrer. Determination of the obv. is clear both f'om physical chaIacteİistics
and from the content of the lexI. 2 kau- or Jr[lı are possibilities. 12 Could be NINDA.i,fi[s; the Feceding sigü
resembles ri but is damagod. t3 ,[i also possible.


14' a-nalxxxxxxl 'a for [......];

15' 2I ANğE 5BAN GE[ğrnı ı.r x] ı5 2 homels,5 seahs of ı.ı[jze ...]
16' |x]x' x[x' x x ıc x] (Bıeak)
Rev. beginning bıoken away
1 ' lıAN! s! qa ınııa.I\,Dğ QAL.I,ES [(l -I)] "ı 1 seah 5 'litres' of small bread-loaves
t... t;
2' DUG.SABGES[TD{r.\fiS] , a jar of wi[ne ...];
3' 2BAN NINDA QAı.wğ [(xı ı)] : 2 seüs of small breadJoaves [...];
4' DUG.ğABGE[ğT[{!(.İJ)] + a jar of wifne...]:
5' PAB an-|niıt xxx] s all thlis . ..1.

6', fxl-me tx x1
lx x xl 6 [x] hundreds ... [...]
heak of about 3 lines (Break)
10' lxlx hit txt lx x x x xl ıı [...]s wine of [......l
t1' [(l) İ]'MBs GBSTIN|.ıııIS! Ja [ı.x]
12', |ina ı]cıI fr|'ü|-bi|-i|-t|e1 (x x)] 1, [at the disp]osal of the woman Ubit[e ...]

13', [x.r] I'

[0] 4| 44 NtrIDA.I!Eğ [0] 13 [... ] ... 4 .litres' of bread
1A', lx x x ufzu.KUN fx. x x. xl lı 1...| oxtail [...l
rcst broken away (Rest destroyed)

142. Bread and Beer to Various Personnel

K 1145 ADD 757

1 |x x x x1x ğa x|x xl ı [...]...
2 l(x) x. ol , [... N]inevelhl
3 2BAN 5 4a }üü.IDA.MFJ lBAN KA[ğ.MFj] 3 2 seahs 5 'litres' of bread, I seah of
4 fi Lt .qa-tin.\rtsğ K|u|l be[er] - 60 tillers, consumption.
5 1BAN MI\DAı.I\.Gğ 5 4a KAğ.M[ES] 5 1 seah of bread 5 'litres' of beer the
6 Lü.Us.KU|.I\,fiğ Lü.NAR. rMEğl chanters. singers and female singers,
7 Mi.NAR.l,cs Kü! consuImption].
8 3 4a MNDA.i/ES s 4a rıS.[ı.,GĞ] t 3 'litles' of bread 5 'litres' of be[eı]
9 DUMU!_KA.Dİ.{GIR.KILü.SI[PA?.MEğ] the Babylonians (and) the shfepherd.s].
t0 2 {4 NINDA.I\4ES Jd Lü.lEh-h|i-n 10 2 'litres' of bread of the stewa[rd];
l 1 2 44 NINDA.MES |ro.İa11 |x x x] rI 2 'litres' of bread, the [...] (and) the
|2 tı].İa| |xxxxx] t... t.
13 2rla!-xxxxxxl (Rest destroyed or too broken for transla-
rest broken away tion)
.1.' beginning broken away
2' İa rx1
rest (about 10 lines) uninscribed

143. Daıly Record of Bread Received

83-t-18,432 ADD rt27

I' beginning broken aıray (Beginning destıoyed)
1' |x x' ıcuo-x|-rAM i 1 [... the x]th [d'y];
2' |x x':cuo-x|-ı<AM 2 [... the x]th [day];
3' lxxxxxlx (Break)

142 Fmgment ftom upper palt of a vertical tablet. ı0 Could also read ERiM.H[I.A.
143 Photo PL VI. Piece from right side of a thick ]ır'ell-wdtten tablet of several naIrow columns, perhaps as many
as 5 on each face.


rest broken away

r begirıning broken away
1' [ü.T]-Tr-rD-10|[+J-KAM]
, [...] the 10[+xth] day;
2' ful rst (UDI23-K[.4M]
4a [...] 8 '.litres,' the 23rd (day);
3' 3BAN 8 PABI 3! ANISE! ("r BAN) r] qa 3 3 seahs 8 ('litres'): in all, 3 homfers (x
4' e-tar-ba seahs) xl 'litres' arrived.

5' m.sIG4 LD-2-KAM s Month of Sivan (Y),2nd day

6' 3BAN 3 44 UD-3-K-AM u 3 seahs 3 'litres,; th;3rd dai;
7' [3]BAN 3 qa uD-4KdM 7 [3] seahs 3 'litres,'the 4th day;
8' II]BAN 644 uD-rsr-K.AM IBAN! 8 [1] seah 6 'litres,' the 5th day; 1 seah,
9' [UD-6-KAMrrr] Ithe 6th ddyl,
rest bmken away (Break)
IIf beginning broken away
i' [UD]-27-[K-4M JBAN] üi t the 27th [day; x seahs], the 28th day;
2' uD-28-KAMr 2BAN ruD-29 r-KAMrr 2 seahs, the 29th day1,
3' 2BAN UD-30-KAM 4BAN| r qdl 3 2 seahs, the 30th day; 4 seahs 1 'litre,'
4' fiI_ğU rrD-l-K.AM a month of Tammuz (IV), 1st day;
5' 2BAN uD-r3r-KAM 2BAN LD-4-KAM 5 2 seahs, the 3rd day; 2 seahs, the4thdayr
6' 2BAN IID-5-KAM 4 qd UD-6-KAM 2BAN 6 2 seahs, the 5th day; 4'litres'the 6th
7' UD-s-KAM g qa ziD!.DAt r[t] ruD?r-[x]- day; 2 seahs, the 8th day; 9 'litres' of flour
rKAM!r |xıh] day''
8' lxxxxxxxx] . ...1,
9' 7x111r 1n 44! ruDrr-16r-r(r{M .l 1 'liffe,'the 16th day;
10' lxx x xxxl IuDr-lgr-KAM .. . ..1, the 19th day;
rest broken away (Break)
I beginıing broken away
l', lBAN UD-ı6-KAM l.i ı 1 seahl the 16th day;
2' 1BAN UD-ıg-Kr{M 2 seah, the 19th day;
2BAN UD-21-K(M 3 seahs, the 21st day;
A', 2BAN I qa UD-2}-KAM seahs 8 'litres,' the 22ıd day;'
5', 2BlN 6 qa uD-23-KAM 5 seahs 6 'litres,' the 23rd day.
6' 2B/N 6 qa UD-z,-KAM 6 seahs 6 'litres,' the 24th dayi
2BAN 6 44 UD-25-KAM 7 seahs 6 'litres,' üe 25th day;
8', 2Blo{ 6 qa \JD-}7-KAM 8 seahs 6 'litres,' the 27th dayi
9' 1BAN UD-28.KAM 9 seah, the 28th day;
10' 1B-4N [ID-29-KAM 10 seah, the 29th day;
1l', 3B,4N I,D-3o-KAM l1 seahs, the 30th day;
t2' 3BAN 8!! qa 12
seahs 8 'litres,' month of Kislev (IX),
13', ITI.GAN UD.1 K-AM 1st day
rest broken away (Break)
l beginıing destroyed
\', krrr UD-3-KAIM iit [..., the 3ıd da]y;
2', fxxxxuofsql]-r(ıtl [..., the] 4rh day;
fx x x] qa uo-s|-ri*ı [...] 'litres,'the 5th day;
A'. fx x x7 n11 qa uD-'7'l<^1 [...] 7 'litres,' the 7th day;
5', 8qq 8'litres':
6', PAB 12 ANSE IBAN! (sup.üs.) in all, 12 homers I seah.
7' ? ANğE TA*] [s]i Out of this, 7 homers arrived.
8', e-tar-bq

9' iiiJ-p.l N'lNDA.Iffiğ 9 offering oİ bıead

10' Mi.hat-td-a.(a)-te ro o/ the Hittite \tomen.
1l', [m]I|.
rKn I?ı L,D-15-KAM rl Month of Elul (Yl),l1th day
rest broken away (Break)

r.iı2 HeIe, anal elsewhele on the tablet' the 5th and 6th wedges of the numelal 8 are vifiually invisible, but i[ is cefiain
that 8 is meant because of üe emphasis given to the final 2 wedges.


Itr begiıning destroyed

I' [ü J .t UD-.I]-K{M ,' I [....... the x]rh [day]
z', Ix J, UD-.T]-KAM , [......, the x]rh [day];
[x "r, UD-rl-KiM 3 [......, the x]th [day];
4' [.r "ü .T UD-.I]-K,4M a [......, the x]th [day];
s', [.r İ -ü UD-'I-KAM 5 [....... the x]th [day];
6', lx İ l IJD-.I-K]AM 6 [... .... rhe x]th [day]
rest br0ken away (Rest destroyed)

1214. Similar to No. 143

Ki 1904- 10-9,146 kaq 32 28
I' upper part broken away (Beginning destroyed)
t' r1BAN 2i
[+,ü 4a UD-İ-K_A.M] 'ı, l seah 2 |'Iitres.' ıhe x1h day]:
2' 1BAN 3 q[4 I,D-x-KAM] I seah 3 'li[tres.' the xth day];
3', }BAN 2 tqa uD-26-t<AL4 3 2 seahs 2 'litres,' the 26th day;
4' 28.4N m.sIG4 UD-2-K-AM a 2 seüs. month of sivan (III), üe 2nd day:
5' 2BAN UD-3-K/j!l 6 tn qa s 2 seahs, the 3rd day; 61,12'litres,'
6'. m.ğU UD-s-KAM t month of Tammuz (IV), the 5th day;
7', 1BAN 3 4a UD-9-KAM 7 1 seah,3 'litres,' the 9th day;
8', 4BAN 5 qd uD-ro-KAM 8 4 seüs 5 'litres,' the 10th day;
9', kBANI 3 Aa uD- r23r -K-6.M ı [ııl seah 3 'Iiıres.' ıhe 23rd day:
10' b.BANl 4a rrD-z-K.AM
a ıo 11 seah] 4 'litres,' Lhe 24th dayl'
11', I"rBAN r]
rqdr UD-26-KAM rr [x seah xl 'litre.'the 26th day:
t2' |x.x x x uı|:29-|<7M1 ız [x seah (x 'litre')], the 29th [day];
r rest broken away
all but a feıv numerals broken away
unkno'ın number of columns broken away

Rev. uıknown number of columns bıoken away

r upper part broken away
1' ı[ıAı .ı ı "r x] r'i i 3 [seahs,...],
2' aBl\N 9 [qa uD-x-I<AM x x x) 2 4 seahs 9 ['litres,'the xth day; ...],
J ITI.SIG4 k.x r "r]
: month of Siyan (III), [the xth day],
4', aBAN 8 4a U[D-İ-KiM] a 4 seahs 8 'litres,' [the xth day];
5', fxl tx xl fx. xxl (Rest destroyed)
remaindeı off aııd almost all ofII'broken

145. Record of Various Commodities

8 3- 1- 18,515 ADD 969

I' I ao tal-li suMUN.rtEJ i 1 40 bowls of old (dishes):
2 40 BUR GIN z 40, regular meal;
3 qo ba-a-a-du ı 40, yigil:
4 40 q-lu-naı a 40 crabsi
5 40UTüL.TLRI.MES 5 40 small cooking pots;
6 n sali ga-bu-di o 40 baskets of...;
7 n mut|-qi-ini a{-İur-i-ıi 7 40 Assyrian sweets;
8 ıo :. ar-mİ-i-t/ı a 40 Aramean ditto;
9 lxl rx s [...] hinhinu-seed.s;

144 Fragment from cenffe of tablet very similar to no. 143. Uncefiain which face is Obv.
145 Photo Pt. VIII small ftagment from upper right-hand corner of a thiı tablet with moİe ihan 2 columıs;
noticeably small script. i.e See coll


10 |ıcxıcxxx|-ni 10 [......]
rest broken away (Break)
I' beginıing broken away
1' |x x x| ıç41'ı fn [ı ı] I.i ı [. ..1
major-domo 1...1
rest broken away (Rest destIoyed)

146. Record of Aromatics

Rm 559 ADD 1074

1 12 Ghr ERIN ı 1/2 shekel of cedar;
z I cf}.r ğLR.MiN 2 1 shekel of cypress;
J r3!l 4+.ItEğ dı1p-ra-nu 3 3/4 (shekels) of dapranu-jıınipeı;
4 ı GiN ğEM.GfR a 1 shekel of myrtle;
5 ı GiN ğEM.sAL 5 1 shekel of boxwood;
6 ı GiN sEM.dMAğ 6 1 shekel of nikiptu-gıım;
7 1 GiN sBM.kur-dıJru'l\ ? 1 shekel of kurdinnu-aromatic;
8 2 GiN kur-ka-nu-u 8 2 shekels of turmeric:
9 1 CiN bu-uç-ın-nu 9 1 shekel oİ the terebinth-like-p|ant;
'o 1/2 shekel ofofthyme;
10 I12|ı GiN ha-ğd-nu
11 [.İ G]iN SEM.BAL Ir [x shek]els styraxi
t2 [.I ciN] GI-DÜG.GA ız 1; shekels] of sweet cane;
1,3 [.x ciN] ol ı3 [x shekels ofl buröİu-jııniper.
Rev. one or two (Break)
1' ..t [x]..ths (of shekel) of [...]-aıomatic;
lxl-hiSFtr'i.lxxxx] ,
z' 8-İü ldul71-fx x x x] 1/8 of...[...];
blank space of half a line
3' vıırcfxxxxxfx 3 in all 16 lshekels ...1
4' İa s |x x x-t]i|
4 0f 5 [...]....

147. Record of Aromatic Ointrnents

83- 1- 18,402 ADD 1089

beginning broken away
l', fxl qutJPAl lx. x x x .. ...t;
z', tt5t1 qut-PAlxxxx t... t;
3', 't qut-P\ xlx x x 7 fumigants [...];
4' 2o-lııa a-hi |x x x x 20 . .. 1.. . ...1;
5' 7 qut -PA. G(J nürp -|ğ qı - ıü xxx 7 flmigafiş İor nec& sal[ves ......];
6' 51 rüap-ğal-ıü x|x x x x 51 salves...[...];
7', ı ınp-İal-el' xfx x x 3 salves...[...];
8', ant-nuJtumtl lxxxxx these [......];
|(x) x]x dğ x|x' x x x t...1...t...1;
10' x] lxl fxxxx
|ıc ıt ıt
ı0 t... ... t
rest brcken away (Rest destroyed)

146 Vertical tablet with rounded profiles.

147 Fragment from left side of a vertical(?) tablet.

13. Accounts of Banquets

Frc.36: Attendonts bringing rabbits and birds (reign

of Assurbanipal).
BM 124889.

148. Accounts from Ceremonial Banquet

K 2023 ADD 1083

I begiııing broken away
|' |x x x x' x].ırr:S
2' [.ü .ü -I .ü] MUsEN cAL-e!
3' [.IJİJd KUR.rGI|r
4' |xxxxx|IKıJR|xx1
5' lxxxxxltxxl
6' lxxxxxxlxtxl
7' krrrrl N[.{A?.Kr Nineveh;
8' |xxxxxx]x.ıızS
9' lxxxxxxxfu
i0' lxxxxxxxfu ı0 [...... ]
rest bmken away (Break)
tr beginning broken aıvay itl [...] Akkullanu;
|' |x x ftll q| ^kuı| -h| ni!1 - 2 |.. - o]fthe major-domo of İhe crownpıince;
2' [(r) , ,i]ar cAr? 6? A!-MAN 3 [...] loins ...;
3' [.f İ ,İ] üR ER]N! a [...] shoulder (portions) o/ fat (oxen);
4, |x x x] 7AG.MEğ kab-bur 5 10 big |ıh|igh kuts ofsheep);
5' 10 [ü]R.Iffiğ] KALAG!-r.II UDU! o 10 oven(baked) ffıslı];
6' 10 [KU6?].ıfiğ| ,i!-nr-ri z Total 6 oxlen, m]eat of the meal;
7' PAB 6! G[uD! u]zu BUR 8 6 (cuts o0 [...] meat, salted;
8' 6! uzu [o] MrNl e 8 (cuts o0 meat, the [...]-House;
9' 8t uzrJt bt-tx x1-il ro l breast, ...;
1O' 1 GABA IJD.HIA]L tI 3 (whole) oxen,-in the inner precinct;
1l' 3 cuD ina6-a-ni ı, 4 ditto, care of SarruJu-dafi;
1z' 4 | ğU.2^MAN_lu da-i ı3 1 ditto, the Central City;
13' I :. MURUBa-LRU 14 9 (cuts oO meat, the Review Palace;
14' g lv:LI €.GAL| ma-İoİ-te t5 1 ox, the ditto of the New Corps;
15' 1GUD:. rışir GIBtr- '6 9
(cuts o0 meat, üe New Pa1ace;
16' 9uzu6 crBrLl ı7 6 ditto, the Succession Palace;
|7' 6 |E_Us-u-ıe ı8 6 ditto, the Neır Palace of the Central
18' 6 :. 6 -clBtr- MIJRIIB4-URU City;
19' 5|f fu-taı re 5 ditto, the Rear Palace;
20' r cuD! kr"rl ,o 1 ox [... ]
III beginning broken away
I [ivers,
1' BIR!.Iı{Eğ|[SA.I!Eğ] hearts];
z' |o KUF..GI b|a| -a-a-dı] 10 geese, (o0 the v[tgil];
3' |o i' .şar|-hu|-te|-ğIi|1 10 ditto, served hot;
4, t0 MUSEN__CAL_rsrr [0?] r..!r 10 ducks, ditto;
5' to I lhel-leml 10 dilto, |halıqmli
6' lo I bq-|a-a-dıl 10 diuo, vl[gil];
7' lo tdııı-ğıı.[MUsEN bq-I-a-du] 10 wood pigeons, Ivigll];
8' 1_ılı9 TU!.[GU& Sar-hu-te-ğıi] 100 turtledolves, semed hotli

148 Photo Pl. V I. Large fragment fiom centre of tablet with at lea-st 4 columns. Text A in Mattila, SAAB 4,
whose lines indicated in the appa_rafus ciiti€us here and in IIos. 149-154. obv. iv and Rev. i arc close to the
right-hand edge ofthetablet, tojudge from its shape, and should be consecutive. il ı0 = Mattila 18-27. i.3 Coll.
flom phoro (sP). ii.1_20 =Mattila65-85. ii2 Possibly IaüeI IcI.DçrB A MAN. ii.6 For restoration cf. vs 19 29:13.
ii.9 Not2_j, oI qi_qi_i. iii.I4 Coll. from photo (sP). iii.ü_2t = Mattila 115_136. iii.2 Not KUR.GI.MUISEN.


9', ı-me :. |hal-lam] , 100 ditto, [hallaml:

10' ı-me |ba-a-a]-du
:. ı0 100 ditto, [vjgi]/;
11', 3-ıne sEs.MUsEN :. t\ 300 marrutu-birds ditto;
t2' It)-me kok-kab-nat TA"t ki-ru-ttet1 12 [1100 gray partridges from the kirrutu-
13' t5or :. TA* BUR| [GA] meal;
14', so tak!1-lbirl 13 50 ditto from the meal ......:
15', 10 K[A? ü Br-]R] ıa 50 jer[boas];
16', z-me l:. ki-ru-nil 15 10 [... of the meal];
17', 10 UDU.MIES! rr] 16 200
lditto, kirruıu-meal|;
18', l-melxxxxl u 10 sheep [... ];
19' zJim[xxxx] ı8 100 [.. . ];
20' ı-me |x x' x x| ı, 2,000 [. .. ];
21', 1-fmexxxxl ,0 100 [.. ]; .

22', xfxxxxxx] xr t[00 ...J

rest broken away (Break)
ry begiruring broken away
T' tx1
z', I sA[c?r -r r] r
1, [......];
J Pl\B7Ix.xxl "3 total
7 [.. ]; .

ı |İdT
|x x]
5', i: İıiI1 -ri-ib1 -u|-nlfl
6' I lx x xf tx )cl (Break)
rest broken away
beginning broken away
1', xlfxxxxxxxf ..i r 1[.
2', PAB 8t nxxxxxxf 2 total,
3', 3lxxxxxxxl l ır
4', PAB lx. x x. x. x. xl a total, [......];
5', llxxxxxxxl 5 1[......].
rest broken away (Break)
tr beginning bıoken arvay
\' lxxxxxx-melrN
2' x|xxxxx]ıN
3' rıl SAG.IIEğ Dh{4.Lffis .ii3 1,.eunuchs, trainees, prefects of the
4' [0] cAR-nU.rdEs .ğ4 A_MAN crown pnnce;
5' [0] ı Jd_IGI--S[-A 5 1, overseer(s) oflhe streets;
6' [ı GAr_50].}4Eğ! .İ4 3-,ğıi Gh..2 6 [1, commanders-of-50] of the 'third
7' IPAB 1 iM EIN.NUN-i.i-r?, men' (of the) İa İepi guaıd:.
8' lxxxxxxxxlx ı |in all1 in] their guards;
rest broken away (Rest destroyed)
m completely b(oken away
ry completely broken away

149. Accounts from Ceremonial Banquet

82-5-22,548 ADD 1125

I' begiruıing broken away (Beginning destroyed)
1' |xuou sapJiğ-hlu| i l |x sapliİh]u sheep;
2' |LUD|J e-qu-ıe GllBIL| 2 [x ... sheep, bur]nt offering;

"jerboa"' iii'(5
see coll.; K[U6 expected on the basis of 149 ii.10 and 156:3'. iii'ı6 RestoIed flom no. 149 ii'll.
=Mattila 166-ı76. iv.s FoItfaces see coll. r.i'1-5 Noı placed in composite text. ,-ii-1-9 =Matti|a216-284.
r.ii.6 Number restored from no. 149 r.ii.8. r.ii.7 For restoratiori see no. 150 iii.4'. r-ii.8 For haces see coll.
149 Photo Plate VII. Fügment fIom right-haıd centre of3 oI4 column tablet. Text B inMattila, SAAB 4. i.ı_8
Coll from photo (SP); not placed in composite text; cf. no. 154 ii.3'ff.


lx xxxxxx]-ğ 1 t.. . ... t;

4', Ix UDu xLıM kab-b]ur| [x fa]t [sheep and spıing laınbs];
5', ["r|JDu şqr-hu/]e-ğiı lx sheep, servled hot;
6', lx lİlM Sar-hu-tJe!-ğü lx spring lambs, servled hot:
7', lx vıu tak]-bar| lx fatltened [sheep];
8', lx :. si-saP -hli? sisallhu fdittoli
rest broken away
tr beginning broken away
1', fxl .1. b(r! -at -a!t -dluIf ii ı
[x] ditto, (of) the yiriıi
2' ı| :' ina F,-a-ni , ditto, in the inner precinct;
z mm|-ğil| ba-a-a-du : 2 wood pigeons, vigİl;
4' 20 TU. lct&l şar| -hu-t e- İ ıi
a 20 turtledoves, served hot;
5', l0 :' hal|-Iım s 10 ditto, hallaru:
6', lo I inqf,-a-ni 6 10 ditto, in the inner precinct;
7', 5 klık-kab-naİ BUR| 7 5 gray partridger, of the meal;
8', 25 :. TA* BUR cA 8 25 ditto, from the meal ......;
9', m ak-bir o 20 jerboas;
10' 10 KU6.MEğ BI]R 10 10 fish of the meal;
1t' 50| :. ki-ru-tıi| ı1 50 ditto, kir rutu-mea.|i
12', txxxxl lxxl (Break)
rest broken away
Itr' beginning broken away
1' llxxxxxl
z', ı 'dP[A_;.ü İ] , L Nabli_...1;
J rr.LA! 2, Samağ-metu-uballit (and)
4' m30 MAN PAB.MEğ-İri Sin-ğar-ahheğu;
5', 1 GAL| ki-sır.\Eğ! qur|-zf|lc| 1, cohort commanders of the bodyguard;
6l ı mu-ğdr-kis.ıısğ 1, recruitment-officers;
7'. I ha-za-nu"|EN-KAR-ir 1, mayor Bel-e!ir;
8' 2! DIB_PA.L,Eğ URU.NINA-o!.N4Eğ 2, Ninevite chariot drivers;
g', Lü*.3-,İr.MEs :.
2 2, ditto 'third men';
10' 1
3_ğr.MEs NT\4.MA-d-q 1, Elamite 'third men';
1t' lx xlxlx x-hla? ı1 [...].
rest broken away (Break)
I' beginıing broken away
|' ıo (ur| x1 [x x x x] ..iı 10 ... [...],
z' 23 ü-rqJte!1 2 23, teams.
small space
3' PAB 1-me-60 BANSUR!.NGğ 3 In all 160 tables, consumption.
4' a-kil-tü
blank space of one line!
5/ 3 rDUG!.ğABI.I!E5 rKAsx s 3 jars of beer,
rest brcken away (Break)
r beginıing bıoken away
1' fxxxltxxl
2' tt1l fzl-u!-te umt-manl t.ji 2 I0' fdePluıies, scholars, divineıs;
3' IüAL!.lfrğ
4' 2 KUR!.Ağ GAR-nu.IlGğ sAD-Haı a 2, Assyrian, prefects of the cavalry, eu-
5' SAG|.\trjğıar|-bi|-a-ni nuchs. ırainees. prefects of ıhe crown prince:
7' l KURI.AS .ğd-IGI_str-A 7 L, Assyrian, overseer(s) ofthe streets;
8' ı| KUR|.ASI GAL|_50!.MBğ! 8 1, Assyrian, commanders-of-5O of the
9' ğa 3-ğ .IMFİ1 'third men';
10' 1 KLE'!.AğGA[L!_XİJ] 10 1, Assrriqn, chief [... . .. ]
rest broken away (Rest destroyed)
m' uninscribed
ii-1 Coll ftom photo (sP). ii.1-12 = Mattila tl8-131. ii.12 see coll. for üaces. i]i'ı-l0 Mattila 180-189. r.i.l-5
= Matliı^ 2|9-224. Lii.l'll = Matti|a 27'7-282. I'ii.ı see coll. fof traces.


150. Accounts from Ceremonial Banquet

K 13198 + K 7702 (ADD 837) + K 13029 ADD 834+

(ADD 849) + K 137 52 (ADD 903)
I except for ends of two lines, completely (Beginning destroyed)
II upper part broken
1' rGAL-r'1-Jri ıKABI ii cohort commander of the left;
[1] DIB-PA.MES s_ğl.LIEğ :.
, Ul,u],chariot driver(s), 'third men' ditto,
3' SAG|.US!.MEğ permanent;
4' tr1 2 qur-zAc Gin.z ouu.wS a 1, 2 bodygualds of lhe ğ0 ğopi guald, of
the open-chaxiotry;
5' lI I DıB_ PA A ]\4AN ja: Kı-ji 5 /. chariot driver of the crown prince.
(aıd) hi s c o l l e a g u e (s) ;
6' [1]
rBANsUR?l 2-ü A_MAN ö L/l, second üqble ol lhe crown prince:
7' [, GAL-ri]-şir.IvEğ :. 7 [... coho]rt commanders, ditto;
8 2, chariot-hoıse-trainer of the clown
8' [0.] 2| cıCrR| A_MAN DU8.MES :'
prince, of open chariots ditto;
g, rlrlrll drt_SUM_MU
q 1, Naöf-nadin-ğumi;
l0 1, commanders-of-50 ofthe charioıry;

10' [0]1GAL so.[MEğ GIğ?].IGIGIRII .MEs

11' [o] dğÜ-[ı x x]ı Marduk_[...];
12' [o] 6 NAR.MES 12 6 singers;
13' [o] cAL-rsAGrr 13 chief eunuch;
14' l' NAM,Lmğ ırİ-nill sAc|.trffis t4 [... ], govemors, 1...1, eunuchs;
l5' [0] ] CAR-llıl.MEs j4 BAD-HAL ts 1, prefects of the cavalry;
16' rsAG|l.ü',Dğ DIü.MEs ı6 [...] eunuchs, tlainees;
17' [r] GAR_ııı..MEğ A MAN r7 1... I prefects of the crown prince;
18' [r]. i rcl-str-A 18 [x], overseer(s) of the streets;
19' GAL!-50| 3-Jü.MEğ ı9 [x], commanders-of-S0 of the 'third
[.r ]
slight space men';
20' lxxxltxxxlfxxxl (Break)
rest broken away
m up,per paıt broken
tıaces of two illegible lines
3' [ı x -tlı.Iıırğl .ia 3-Ji.MEs IGİR.2!] iii 3 [...]s of the 'thild men' of the ja ğ@i
4' [PAB]
r7l i1a! rENl.NUN!l-Jüi-r2, guard;
5' (line erased or eroded) + [|n all] 7' in theiı guards.
6' |111 2-u-ıe um-man 6 1, deputies, scholars, diviners;
7' Lü.HAL.MEğ
8' rt?r
'3o MAN-PAB 8 1, Sin-ğarru-usur;
9' kl 'drNINr.GAL-AS , [...] Nikkal,iddin;
10' ||d1
fub-Şd-(a)]-te qqb-Sq-te
10 10, the central |Sıqblesli
1l' |1?l umJman1 [ğ]U.2 MAN 1ı [1], ScholaJs in the service of the king;
12' [r'] SA rrRu-c-a ı, u], (ditto) from Assur;
13' rı?l DUMU. ,GS NtrIA.KI 13 1, (ditto) from Nineveh;
14' I4?l DUMU.I!mğ URU.drbo'Y t4 4 , (dillo) from Arbela;
15' [PA]B ? TÜR PAB 1l[']
ı5 lTot]al 7, üe yard; total 1, [...];
t6' IPA]B 22indElxl
r6 LTorlal 22. in the [...] house:
I7' [PA]B 8s sc-{, rl
ı? [Tot]al 85, [...];

150 PhotoPl. V I. Fourjoining fragments from the cenffe of a4 column tablet (ADD 903 =K 13752 joined by
T. Kwasman). Text C in Mattila. The oIael of columns, deduced by compaIison with the oüel texts, indicateş that
üe surviving face ofüis piece is its obv. ii-I,'2o =MütIIa256-281. ii'tf NumbeIs Iestored flom no. 154l.ii'18f'
ii.ı Cf. no. 154 r.ii.18', which has only KAB. ii.4f Inthese $/o lines, and laterinüetext, üeIealerwosets ofnumbe$,
aligned wiü a vefiical ruling, and üe o iı ii'8' and latel lines replesents a blank space. ii6 There may have.been a
lin; added heIe latel, in minire script, but it coincides wiü 1he join between ADD 837 and ADD 834 and its existence
is uncetain. ii.8, ıo Coll. ftom phoıo (sP)' ii-9 t4 'Ihe ADD copy hes omitted hatching in the mjddle of these ]in€s.
iii'llf ResıoIations from no. ı53i.ii'1f' iii.i_21 = Mattila 339_36?. iii.3 4 Coll. from photo (sP). iii.l5 Last sign
not G[IS.PA] (coll. from photo).


18', [.r] sne?.ııımİ [xxx] ıı |x], shepherds |...l;

t9' , .,] ...[...];
["T+]7 SI[PA?] .M[Eğ .İ
cıS-t["rı ı ı] ', [x]+7,
[x+]+l [x]+4, .. . [... ];
2t' 32!lxxxxxl 21 32 [......J
two fragmentary lines (Break)
remainder broken away (Col. iv too damaged for translation)
IV upper part broken (Rest destroyed)
ffaces of two lines
1' tfxxxxxxl
2' zlxxxxxxl
3' ı-meI |xxxxxx]
4' PAB4fxxxxxx)
5' ıxfxxxxxx]
remainder broken a.way

151. Accounts from Ceremonial Banquet

83- 1- 18,4s4 ADD 981

r1 (Beginning destroyed)
almost completely destroyed
2 GUD UN.MEJ [6] ii 1 2 oxen, people [of üe palace];
2 2? cuD SUHUS.MIES?] 1 2 oıer! guest|S ...)i
rGEğTtrIx 3 [...) wine
3 k-I] k .r] 1...1
several ünes destroyed (Break)
10 I0fxxxxl 10 10 [......]
11 |o | |lo NIM Şar-hb-te-ği] ır 10 ditto, [10 spring lambs, semed, hotl;
|2 ıo :. |nk-bar] r, 10 ditto, [fat];
13 t0 . sfi-sal-htl 13 |0 diilo, Slisaıhu]i
14 ro. gab-lbu-bul ü4 10 ditto, r[oasted];
15 |ıo1]:. hal-flam] ls UOl ditto, haluaml:
16 [10?] UTüLTIIR.I8ğ [0] rc fl0l, small cooking-pots;
17 IXUDU kli-ru-hi? tx1 17 [x sheep, klirrutu-meal;
18 IPAB "r uD]u? BUR [r r] ı8 lTotal, x slıe]ep of the meal [...l
ıest broken awav (Bıeak)
r beginning bıoken away
t' lxxxlrxl fxxxl
2' Lxxl E.GAIL x x x] 2 [...] palace [...]
k.d3lo? MAN-PAB [o] 3 [1, S]in-Ğamı-uşur;
4', |o] um-man ma-a'-du-ıe a many scholars;
5', 1 'E4-lq-Jü Lü*.SANGA s 1, Balassu, pdest of Harran;
7' 1 LÜ*.IGI.DLts Jd URU.KASKAI ? 1, the treasurer of Harran;
8', l0 ub-sq-q-te qab-Şat 8 10, central stables;
k],r 2-rr-re A.BA.MEğ e [x], deputies and scribes [o]f governors;
10' ğd NAM.MEğ
Ix uJm-mqn ğ[U.2 MA|N 1t [x], scholars in the se[rvice ofüe ki]ng;
1Z' [, ğA_URU]-4-a rz [x, (ditto)], from [Assur];
t3' [İ] DI,MU?. [IGs LRU.NINA].KI ı: [x], from [Nineveh];
t4' [x] UIRU .kı]-ha]-a-a la |x], fıom |Calah];
1s', ["r]orııru. [ıvmS unu.arba]-ıY 15 [x], from lArblela;
16', [']İ KASKAL. [KI-q-a] t6 [x], lfrom] Harran
t7' |x+]s|x'xıcxxxx] (Rest destroyed)
18', lxxl [x.xxxx]
bottom edge uninscribed
T entirely destroyed



152. Accounts from Ceremonial Banquet

Sm 287 ADD 971

I' traces of 8 lines (Beginning destıoyed)
ıest broken away
I' beginning broken away
1' k] 3|-Jı7.IEğ NIM. [MA-4-a] '.i [x], Blamitlel 'third men,
2' GAL_&'-şir. [I!{Eğ] 2 cohort commanderIsl;
3' ı GIGn (elasule) [0] 3 1, chariot-(horse-trainers);
4' 3 qur|ZAG Gfu'.2 GIsı.G[IGIR!] a 3, bodyguard(s) oİ İbe ğa ğepi guard, of
the cha[riotıy];
5' 1! DUs.IıGS 5 1, of the open chariotry;
6' PAB 81GIS.PA 6 Total, 8. I staff-bearer.
? 1 chariot dıiver, 'third man' ofthe crown
7' ı Dts_PA 3-Jl j4,q MAN '|da:-zi!-i!
prince, Daıi;
8', r BANğIJR 2-L A MAN 8 I. second table of the crown prince:
9', r2!r sAc.Uğ|.ürffis :. e 2, regular troops (of) ditto;
10' I2!l GAL_tışir.IrEs :.
ro 2. cohort commanders (of) ditto;
11' GIGIR A MAN ı1 [x], chadot-holse-trainel(s) of the croıvn
.I!Eğ A_MAN 12 [x], open-chariofty ofthe crown prince;
1z', kJ D]U8|
13 [x, ch]ariot driverls, ditto];
t3' lxxxxxltxllxl
rest brcken away (Break)
v beginning broken away
,.ii ı
l(x x) x xl
1' tx ika [x, ...J
2' J) J].İ sü sAL I-ID! TAR [x], ...
[(.I 'z
J |(x x) x]x ğarı|-ğü [x], his colleague(s)
[(-r .T) SA]NGA? 'ğ4 d|EN! a [x, pri]est of Bel;
D]IB.PA.MFJ Kl-'ği 5 [x, ch]ariot driver accompanying him;
5', [(.ü .ü) .ğd
6' NAM| KUR|.idr_I,l 6 [x, ...] govemol oİ Kal|...l:
[, .ü]
7 [x], schol[ar];
7', |x x] uın|-ma|n|l
8', lx xl
tx x (x)1
fx x xl
8 [x]. ......
rest broken away (Rest destroyed)

153. Accounts from Ceremonial Banquet

K 11955 ADD 1046

I .1,, beginning broken away (Beginning destroyed)
tx x1
2' [PA]B!2 cuD [uzu BUR] In all,2 oxen, [meaı (from) the meau;
3' [o] 2 uzu [MUN] 2 (cuts oO [salted] meat,
4' [0] ı GABA UD?.[HAL 0] 1 breast, [.. ], .

5' Iol I cuD inaE-tat1-Inil 1 ox in the inner precinlct],

151 Flagmen1ftom top edge of multi-column tableq the cufvature suggests that it is close to the fight ed€e'-and
that thecolĞns preserveri are-iii and iv of üe obv. and i and ii of the Rev. Text D in Mattila, SAAB 4. _ii't_18 _=
üuttiıu ıs-ıoe. 'ii.2 sUEUs perhaps for ,lörı or similal, "visitors'? ii'rll8 Restolations from |54 |i.7-|3. ii'17
For traces see coll.; cf. Mattila's line 109 which follows directly on the equivalent of ii.18 here in no. 154 ii.l4'.
r.i.ı'ı7 Mattila 342-360.
photo Pl. VIII. Fragment from right siale of multi-column tablet. Text E in Mattila, SAAB 4. Surface rubbed.
i.1-7 Last column of Obv.; not placed in Mattila's composite text.
i.i.ı 13 = Mattila 255-270. .i^J The PN is at the endbf üis line, not in a sübseqüent line of its own. I'ii'l_8 Not
placed in composite text. r.ii.2 Inplace ofJi{ perhaps li; üe sign befoIe it ends with 3 or more verticals, perhaps 6.
;.ii'4 The wedaes of sANoA aIe ratber widelv spaced, and epigraphically the sigrr ma' raüer be NlGl\.
r5J Bonim left-hand coıner of a multi-c6luon ıablet. Tixt F fu Mattila, SAAB 4. i'|7 = Matti|a 77-'7'7. j"4
Nothiıg missitrgiudgiııg flom no. 148 i.10. i5 Coll. flom photo (sP).


6' |0] | Uzu İa lTI .i4 Mr 6.G[Arl 6 1 (cut o0 meat for the month, of the
7' k] GUD sU.2 -MAN-lu_d.d-rı que[en],
II completely broken awav 7 lx I ox(en), care of Sarrulu-dari.
Reverse (Break)
I' 1 2ni nilxxxl .ii I 1, treasurer of Harran,
2 t BE-x[x x x] 2 1, scholars in the seruice of the king,
3 ı|xxxxx] 3 1, the Assudtes,
rest broken awav + 2, (scholars) of Nineveh,
If 1 ı ıcı.ous tlRu.üsKAı s l, (scholars) of Arbela (and) Calah,
2 ı um-manğu.zuııl 6 1. the Harranite(s),
3 ı URU.ğA_URU-d-a
4 2DUMU ni-nu-a (Rest destroyed)
5 l DUMU arba-ıl kal.ha-a-a
6 1 rrRU.KAsKAr--a-a [o]
7 [ı un]u?.ıı?_u! :. ı[?]
rest broken away

154. Accounts from Ceremonial Banquet

K 9119 + K 11420 (ADD 1138) ADD 970+

I beginning broken away except for trarcs (Beginning destroyed)
t' [.r r]r DUMU LUGAL i ı
[...], üe croyvn prince;
2' |)c M(,dlğ e| - ru- u- a KA'R-q.t , [... the lady] Seru'a-elerar;
['-AN.SA]R|--GIN BAI--ü 3 [. .. AğğuI]-mukin-pale'a;
[,.AN.SAR_AN KI]_TI.LA.BI '5 [... $55ur-Sam€-erşeli|-muballissu;
[.r'dcrs.Nutl-ucs.c]A TI.LA lol [.. . Samağ-me]tu-ubaltit
rest broken away (Break)
Ir beginning broken away
t' |xx1
fıcxxx] ii ı [... ]
2', PABmxfxxxf z in all, 20 l...1
blank space
., 2 |JDU sapJiğ.J hi|1 ı2 sheep, sap liİhu-offering;
4', 26 UDU e-qu-te ctBlL! + 26 ... sheep, burnt offering;
5', 1? UDU EN KÜ.MES 5 l7 sheep. including the eaıen oneS;
6', 10 UDU 10 NIM ğdb-bılr t 10 sheep. 10 spring lambs, fat;
7', l0 UDu 10 NM Şarhu|-te-ğrt 7 10 sheep, 10 spring lambs, served hot;
8', 5 UDU tak-bar 8 5 sheep, fatlened;
9', 5 :. sit-sal!-hil s 5 ditto, of the sisqıhu-lype.,
10' 5 :. gab-bu-bu 10 5 ditlo, roastedi
tt' 5 :. halJlam!1 |1 5 diİlo, hallam|
12' 5 UTüL.TUR.}"GĞ t2 5, small cooking-pots;
14', I
x1 fufDu.\,Bğ ki - r u- t (ı|
'r in all. 65 sheep, (from) the meal;
ı+ [x] sheep, kirrutu-meal.
15' |x]:. um-mın| ıi-ra-si ts [x] ditto, masters of the brick-masons;
t6' |ı. flalf' u\-uıe t6 [...] of the Succession Palace;
17' IPAB? rl UDU.MES o-til-rlrr] r7 [total x] sheep. consumption.
18', lxxxxxltxxl (Break)
rest broken away

'ı]._3 = Mattila 306_308. r'i'2 For trace afte. BE see coll. (.ii'l-?
= Mattila 350-360. .iiı FoI finaltwo signs see
PholoPl'V l.Fra8menıftomcenreofmu]li-columnlablet;col.ivonobv.andcols.iandivofR€v.enlirelv
'l54 l exl C in_Maı|i|a, SAAB 4 (join: T. K wasman ). Rev. badly cracked. i.l s
= MartiIa48-52' Before i.ı-tn!
Itnal Lraces ol anolnea ) llnes are discemible -seeco|I.Ioi.0'.i.e,ıhelinebeIorei.I'.|heıraceswouldclearlvDermiı
reading Vıl - [F.GAIr. \phich may be consider€d tikely by compalison wiıı, .". ljjı-J. j'i', ı;ih;;;;.-;"f.i.'Jiili;
Is pernapsa dltto slgn. Il'' l3 '
=Mal|ila93_Il3. ii.2 6IUDisapos(iblerestora|ion;ceeco]]. lLı4 Pirsı sipn ürclear
(pernaps PAB over an erasuTel')l aı end oI line lrj Taıher Ihan -ae. ii: ı 4
These ]inea. of wfuch onlv üe iniri"al fisurii
are prese ed, are not placed in the composite text, buı may \i/ell fall in tlıe gap arouno ııaıtiıa


I' almost all broken away
If tnes 1'-2'illegible
Iiıes 3L5' possibly blank
lines 6'-13' eıoded & illegible
14' |x' x' x| h İarı-İü ı4 [...]... (arıd) his colleague(s);
15' Ix x|.l\İE1 d4 |x1 ğa KI-ğlü ı5 [...]... (and) his colleague(s);
t6' lx x|-dq-Bu ğa K|-ğü ı6 [...]... (and) his colleague(s);
17' [(ü) İ].MEs LUGAL ,ğd KUR.Sa1-laı t7 lx, troopsl of the king, of the land of
18' r1l GAL /.i-şir KAB ,ğd KI-'ği t8 1, cohort-commander of the 'left' (and)
his colleague(s);
19' l DIB PA.MEğ 3-.ii.MEs s[AG.U]ğ?.Imj te 1, ahariot-ddver, re[gular] 'third men'
20' ğaKr-ğü-nu (and) their colleague(s);
21' lxqur]J766ı ğooiF..2 Lü.GIGIR DU8.M[ES] ,t [x, body]guard of the .ia İepi g,Jald of
22' [ı oıı ıa] .ım5 ,İa "r["r ı .ı ı x] the open chariotry;
23' fxxxxxlxfxxxxxl (Rest destroyed)

155. Account of Banquet(?)

K 8822 ADD 898

I 21-te7 BuR| r.ğ4! 6İ.[GAL?] 1 Second meal of the paflacel:
2 ı Mi E?.IGAL'?] , 1, the qu[een];
3 [1] DrMU-LUGIAL] 3 [1], the crown pdnce;
4 lxl L(J*.çUKKN- dan-[nu] a [x], the gra[nd] vizier;
5 k] Lü*.SUKKAı 2-[ü] 5 [x, the d]eputy vizier;
6 k]iLü*r.N[IM[JN?_[MAN] 6 lx, the king'sl seedl
7 [.I]
.Lü*r .DIB?-PA. [MEğ] ? [x, the] chariot driver(s);
8 [rLü*.G]AL? Itiİ-s[ir!] 8 Ix., the colhort commander(s)i
rest broken away (Rest destroyed)
Rev. completely broken away except for unin-
scribed part at base

156. Account of Banquet(?)

80-7 -19,347 ADD 844

beginning broken a'ıay (Beginning destroyed)
1' k ndsÜ rKAL-i/ ı 1...... ] birds, Marduk-esı,
-ü .ü

z' [x xx]']İ.MUğBN.MBS
BuR ZA.GuR4.MBğ ^man-nu ki-ni- [...] ...... s, Mannu-ki-Ninua,
3' |x x x x x xf ru6 '4.İ-.ğ,r-LUGAL_PAB 3 [......] fish, AĞĞgr_5arnı-uşur,
4' |x x x İ]a| duq-di^ğuİn-mq-dPA
+ [... o]f almond, Summa-Nabü,
5' lx x x dalnl ni in 'd3o-MAN PAB
5 [......] .... Sig-öarru-uşur,
6' |x x x x x]x KAğ 'Dl-nırü-k ,]
6 1......1 beer, Sulmu-[...,],

= Mattila 239-264. t.n.M JNP coll. has I ii in place of I t,, (Mattila 251).
t.].t-23 r.ii.17 Perhaps .estorc [(x)
EFlMl.i.GS LUGAL? r.n.tgr This text has sAc.uS.MES at the end of l9', beforc .la irs,,fr.rrr; in no. 150 i.2f the order is
pİobably Ieversed, with üe ditto sign at the end ofi.2' standing for ju jsJrjünr. This means that Mattila's lines 258-260
are in reality only two lines. ..ii21f Number rcstored from no. 150 i.4f.
155 Top left-haIıd corner of tablet, probably a sma.ll, siıgle colurm vertical tablet. t PerhaPs 6. [GAL] , but thele
are other possibilitieş. Instead of2 the figuremaybe ı. 6 For sign aftel Llr see coll.; not TI, possibly NUMUN oIEAL?
7 DrB expected, but the text has (U,
156 Fragmetrt from cenffal rjghl side o[ an unusua]]y ıhin ıabletl each face wac probably divided inıo lwo hal!es.
each half into two süb-columns ljsting a commodiıy oD the lelt and a PN on the right. ı For Eace before V( ğEN see
coll. 2 FoI rj_rü-a see coll. 5 The two signs before the PN seem beyond doubt; they are preceded by a or a sign
ending üat way, like da]r.


7', lxxxxxlx^fxxx.xxl (Break)

rest broken away
Rev beginning broken away
1'. |xxxx'x]lkı lx x]
blank space of 4 lines
2', -2-1i frURU.qrba-ıı-a-a
lx x x şar1s7yıı '2 f...f, served hor, Arbailayu,
-) [-r 'NU-MAN E
J J r]-ar-re 3 [......]s, Salam-5arri-iqbi,
A', lx)(xxxl^t3on E a [......] Siz-iqbi.

157. Account of Food and Drink Distribution

K 4672 + K 9751 (ADD 946) + K 14261 ADD 838+

(unpub.) (Beginning destroyed)
I beginıing broken away
T' [-x GiN I i ^q]ğ-ğur!_rzuıı
i i [x shekels, A]BĞurJe'l.
blaıü space of three lines

z', [x ciN] mGIs.NUrl*UG5.cA TI.LA , [x shekels], SamaĞ-metu-uballiç;

3', [x] cirı -slfifilğ-qo 3 lxl shekels, Ubru-Sin:
4', 5 GiN -dsü-HAL-d-4i a 5 shekels, Marduk-iömeanni;
5', r5!r GfI{ -ağ-ğur ğd-kin-'zu s 5 shekels, Ağğur-ğakin-1e'rri:
6', .duru NUNUZ--PAB 6 [... ] shekels. Samağ-per'u-usur:
7', ı [... ] shekels, A5Sur-da"inanni;
8', 8 [... ] shekels, Sin-[da]n;
g', Sotlxxxxl e ltotall,80 lshekelsl

10' r1ül GiN| xxxıcx| ı0 1 shekel, [NN];

11' ı! GIN| [ xxxxx] l1 1 shekel, [NN];
12' rr cfN! [ xxxxxl t2 1 shekel, [NN];
13' rrclNr I xxxxx]
t41 xlxxxxxl
l3 1 shekel, [NN];
14' PABI total, 4 [shekelsl.

15', sr ciN ^tnal -xfx x x xl ts 5 shekels, Na[...];

16' ro ciN! nttx x x1
[x X xl ıo 10 shekels; N[N];
17' s ciN f,|lam'ü -lx
xxxxl ız 5 shekels, laız[...];
18, PAB lxxxl Ix xıcxf ıı total, [20 shekels|.

tr beginning broken away

1' 3 [cIN lxxxxxx] iii 3 [shekels, NN];
2' PAB I xxxxxxxl , total, [.. ]. .

3', r5r
[ciN i xxxxxxl 3 5 [shekelş, NN];
4', 15ı
1ciN l xxxxxxf a 5 lshekels, NN];
s', ı0ciı.ı [ | ]xxıxıx] s 10 shekels,[NN];
blaık space of one line
6' PAB Ilxxxxxxxl 6 total, 120 shekelsl.

.2 See coll.
..4 Traces in fact rcsemble Nlu MAN-E as in the previous line.
157 Photo Pl. IX. Two pjeces (oin: T. Kwasman) from low;r left-hand pafi of tablet with at least 2 columns on
each face. on üe obv. Col. i and pIobab]y Col. ii futher divided vertically into 2 subsidiaıy colufims, one with
quantities and olle with PN's. on the Rev. only üe second (left-hand) column survives, which is similarly subdivided
as far down as line 12, btıt thereaJter is inscIibed in continuous lines across its fult width (lines 13-17). i.8 For final
sigr see coll.; r'rl imprcbable.


7' s ciN x xxxxx xl

8' ı0 x xxxxx "rl
7 5 shekels, [NNl;
i0 (shekels), [NNl;
x xxxxx xl 5 Ghekels), [...];
PAB x xxxxxxxf 10 İola|,
|20 Shekelsl
Iines 11' (Break)
14' IPAR?r
xxxxxıcx] la tutu|,1...1
rest (Break)
tr l2
2 2
: ?, ?, the cohort commander[s];
: ?' !' t\. chariot-horse-traineı[i];-
j ?. ?. ,'t. prefects of ıhe cauJairyj:
2 a 2, 1. Sep-Issar, Ahu-[...];
5 [ı] 5 [x]. |. ıhe oycrseer\S)
6 [x GAL-50.MES 3-.lri.MElS rl |if ıhe sıreeıs];
ö ix|. z, the Commanders-of-50,
.r .I
the .third
7 [x x+ft r'rEN-I[GI.L]AIL4n!-
[ııil ı [x, x+] 1, Bel_elmulıanıi:
8 [x J+lr lx xf x x1 lu xlx xl
tx 8 [x. x+] l, t......1;
9 Ix ı+] ı k -r.ü.M]Es GIM? ]UR [' , [x, x+] 1, [......];
10 [x x ı ı x;.r].rc.w[Ğ] 1o [......]s;
11 lx x -ı ı.r ı ı] x{!.oıNcrn.nı.xr ı1 [......] Babyton;
12 [x -r+]Iıı t^Tfx x x x]-ra-rat -nil r., [x+] l, [...lrarani.
blank space of 2 lines
13 |P|^B, zi sANst R.I\,cğ |5ı:ll+J] sA3.MEs 2
IT"llgı 74'tables' 5l jars'2 missing:
t4 [o] za-f'lut-u-zu
15 [(x) x.ııı]S? jza
E ı[x xfx e-ta-ak!-lu l] TI. t... ı. ate in the |... |-house;
16 .-|6 fİhe renqinderJ of the iables were dis_
[/.e_eil-ıi BA\sUR.\4Es a-r?d UN.MEs E! frıbuted to the domesıic sıaff of the palace
17 |xİ x x x] A za)u-ü-z[u?]
rest broken away
(Rest destroyed)

ji,Ji:1dŞitii#i"jia-o-il". "".x.,,
;I; J,T"1xijilil';::l'^T'"'';*o' ''' ':z
""" "o11.;
üe sign




xx ax ıı K
X ı

KX x
& ı
ı ı
14. Miscellaneous Temple Offerings

Flo. 3'7. Raın' S head rhyton.

MALLoWAN' ıy'imrrd and ıts Remains 1,Fig. l24.

158. Record of Food Offerings

K 4797 ADD 1073

beginıing (about 5 lines) broken away destroyed)
t' |(x x) x]
lİa|l |x x x x x]
[...] of .l
z', |(x x)] ğa Uzu.[x x x] ..1 of meat t .. t;
dls ta-a-a-ru |8?1.c[ııj (x
3', |(x x) x]x x)] '.l lğlal, reyenue
4' |uzu .İu]-bö-e İa pa-an dlfs (x x)] [ro]ast meat
5', |k) X U|vJ.c^B^ğa w-an daj-jı/ TIAR? (ü,r.) l
6', IVaJ.G^B]A| İa pa-dlı dNnJ.[L -] befoıe
7', |x x x x uz)u| ıcı
d[ı ıı] brleast (offered) before [... ]
8', lxxxxxxlxfluxxxl destroyed)
rest (about three lines) broken away
Rev. as faı as preserved, uninscribed

159. Record of Food Offerings from Officials

K 1s48 + 83-1-t8,592 (ADD 1038) ADD 995+

I 1 t cuD2rnu i.t 1 ox,2 (cuts o0 meat;
2 2 UDU 2 UDU.Mııı| kab-bur 2 2 sheep,2 spring lambs, fat;
3 1UDU ı UDU.NM' ı WöEN, Gor,-r, 3 1 sheep, 1 spıing lamb, 1 duck, 10 tur-
4 10 TU.GU&.MUğjFN hal-lam tIedoves. in ha l l o m-ıype pTepaIation;
5 }UDU Si-Sal-hı s 2 sheep. sisalhu;
6 zuou gab-bu-bu 6 2 sheep, roasted.
7 z İu-na-ni gi-ri-şa-ıe ı 2 trays of cakes,
8 [o] t60ı gı-i-Şa-ıe I 60 cakes;
9 12 0| NINDAI.MEğ| QAL| e 2 small bread-loaves;
10 ro BANST.TR.MES 10 10 tables;
11 10 ziq-pi 1ı 10 Shoots (of sesame);
12 1 MUğEN GAL-ıı! 12 I duck;
13 l t -ğE-mt-ıü.MUğEN |1 | uğamutu-bird:
|4 1 ,aı7ı -.iil.MUsEN ıa 1 wood pigeon;
15 15!TU.GU&.MUĞEN ıs 15 turtledoves;
16 z ak-blirll ıo 2 jerb [oas];
17 r Duc.a-gq-nu lx (x)l 11 1 amphora
lof ...1;
18 ı :. bu-fle-el l8 I diııo of öıd[ ?-confectionl;
II I ı ouc.a-gfa|-nu x x] ı1 amplhora of ...);
2 ıosa-lfixxxxx] 10 balskets... ];
3 to Dulc.x x x x xl 10 [... ]-vessels;
4 to DUcJlx x x xf 10 [...]-vessels;
5 ı salu|xxxxx] 1 basket [.. ]:
6 PABxfxxxxxxl

total [...].

l59 lJaem9ıt lor.ı-İight cenüe of a single-column vertical tab]et. No seal impression (pace ADD).
Photo Pt. Ix. About half of a wel]-formed and wel]-wfiıten vertical tablet with 2 coiiımns on eich face. i8
Enough space for [ı_me]-f60r, unlikely in view ofl' |.9 Probably an erased ditto sign afteI r2r. n.6 For tıaci after
PAB'see coll.j ,.m or dlö? ii/ The ruling before ühiç line is noı ieftain: it cou]d alü be an iDdenled tine oI wrilirjg
beginning with ,ra [. ,.i.2 SP collatjon indicares 60!.


7 2\JZ\J Ix x Jc JC xl 7 2 (cuts o0 meat [...];

8 2uDU a-fx x )c x xl 8 2 sheep, ... [...];
9 ttl uDU l! It(xxxx P l sheep, 1[...]
rest broken away (Break)
I beginning broken away
1', }UIDU? x x xf ı 2sh[eep...].
z', 50 g|f -riŞa-ıe] z 50 c[qkes];
3', I Duc,at -[ga-nu x xf 3 1 amfuhora of ...1;
4' ı :' bu-d|e!-e o] a I ditto of budla-confection];
5', | :' :? n'ı|a-x x x] s I difio ditto [...11
6' s sali xfıc x x x| 6 5 baskets of [...];
7' 5| DUG.ğAB GF,ğ [TnI|.(LüEğ)] o 5 jars of wi[ne]:
PAB UN.MEğ 6 [0] 7 total, the palace personnel.
ii ı 7 (cuts o0 meat;
tr 7t uzu.lx (x)l
2 ı0 BANSUR. [ü'cğ] , 10 tabielsl;
J t0 ziq-plil 3 10 shootls] (of sesame);
4 PAB zak-k Jutl 4 total, the exempted (officials).
blarü space of about 5 lines
5 PAB UDU.SISKL'R.MEğ 5 Total, the offerings of the chief eunuch;
6 .i4 GAL_SAG the 15th day.
7 UD-1s-Ki.M
rest uninscribed

160. Record of Mixed Food Offerings

K 976t ADD 1078

I beginning (about6lines) broken away destroyed)
1' [r] ıııuğrNr caı-rr'ı
2' 2 tdm-ğiı.}IJJğEN wood pigeons;
3' 2 kak-k1b-ncıt.MuğEN 2 gray partridges;
4' 20 TU.GU&.MUğEN 20 turtledoves;
5' 2 ak-bir 2 jerboas;
6' 14 Zi-ıq-pi 14 shoots (of sesame)
7' o! 1 cuR I\'I 1 ...;
8' 40 hu-hu-rat 40 huhurrutu-lype bread loaves
9' 2BAN NINDA.IDğ QAL.ü'Eğ 2 seahs of small bread loaves;
10' 2BAN NINDA ü-öıo-r[e] 2 seahs of thick bread;
|1' 1o BANğUR.MEğ 10 tables;
|2' 10 ğAB.Iiffis [0] 10
tr broken away
beginning (about 3 lines) broken away
l', klJİ]
2BAN ..i ı 2 seahs of [...].
z', 2lxxxxl
3', tqlaxxxxl
4' PAB [,JJ r]
5' tlxxxxl
6' lxxxxxJc]
7' lolxx)cxxx]
8', lxxxxx:cxl
9' lxxxxxxxf ıo total [...]
0' PABlxxxxxxJ

160 Photo Pl. IX. I-ower left-hand comer of a well-formed 2-column tablet. il Traces ofone line before this
one' i7 Before üe figure 1 is a shallow horizontal check mark, ("As"), a latel addition.


resl broken awav (Break)

tr blank space of 7 ünes
1 PAB UDU.SISKI,R.MEğ tur|-tqn ii I Total, ıhe offerinss of the commander-
2 Jd UD-13-KAM in-chief. of the 13th da!.
blank space of about 8 liıes, üen broken

161 . Record of Food Offerings from Officials

K 108 (+) K 1579 ADD 960+

I I 8 GIS.NA ga-rira-re 8 trays of cakes;
2 t2 clS.NA ib-bi-q-te 12 trays of thick bread loaves;
J 10 sa-li KURt -i- sa- q- te 10 baskets of le€tJ;
4 10 soJi ü.sUM.sAR 10 baskets of gartic;
5 [ıo] saJi ü.sUM.slKtr- [10] baskets of shallots;
6 [r] UDU.MES lxl sheep;
7 xtx DUc.ku-ta-tel KAS [x cans ofl beeı;
break of about 3 lines (Break)
11 [ıaı]l r.ç'oı NAIMI URU.BAD-Is 1t [totau of the administrative di[strict] of

t2 2 Gls .NA 84_rısa-le trays of cakes:

t3 3 G|ğ.NA ib-hi-a-te ı3 3 trays of thick bread loaves;
14 3 sa-li KtJR-i-s&-q-te 143 baskets of leets;
15 3 s4Ji ü.sUM.sAR 153 baskets of garlic;
16 3 sd-li Ü.sUM. rs (tr-r 163 baskets of shallots;
17 5 UDU.MBS i7 5 sheep;
18 5 DUG.ku-ıa-ıe KAs ıı 5 cans of beeı;
19 2ANğE SB.SA.A re 2 homers of roasted srain.
z0 PAB ğ4 NAM LRU.ö0-ı4, ,o ToıaI of the adminiltrative district of
II l 2 G|ğ'NA ga-ri-Şd-te ii | 2 trays of cakesi
2 3 crS.NA ib-bi-aie , 3 trays of thick bread loaves;
3 3 Sa-ıi KUR-i-Sa-a-te 3 3 baskets of /e€rJ;
4 3 sa-li ü.sUM.sAR a 3 baskets of garlic;
5 3 sa-li ü.sUM.sIKtr- 5 3 baskets of shallots;
6 s uDU.MEs 6 5 sheep;
7 |x' Duc .l<l'ı-ta-ı]e KAğ ı [x cans o]f beer;
8 fu ANSE SE.sAl.A ı [x homers of roasted gr]ain;
break of about 6 lines (Break)
15 lx s(tJi KtJR-i,sa-af-tel 15 [x baskets of leleks;
16 15!ı
[saJi ü.sUM].sAR ı6 5 lbaskels of gar]lic;
17 6 [s4-li ü.sUM].slKtr- 17 6 [baskets of shal]lots;
18 10 [UDU|r.MEğ! 18 10 sheep;
19 to Duc!,kut-tat-tet KAS! 19 10 cans of beeı;
20 2 ANSE SE.SA.A 20 2 home-rs of roasted grain.
2| PABnDI-mu F,N_ıa-ınur ,' Total, Su lmu-beli-lamur, of the admin-
22 .ğ4 NAM URU..id_A MAN istrative distdct of the town of the crown

Photo Pl'. lx. The upper and lower parls. noı jojning. ota we||-Iormed 2-column table|. The |op of üe obv.
and base of Rev. is K 108. lhe base ot obv. and ıop ol Rev. is K l579. see Posıga|e. BsA 3 ( ]o87). 98l]
KUR-(i_)Ja-d_ae = KUR_MI.MEs irl no. 162 see Postgate. ibid.. ard PaIpo]a, sAAB-2 ( ı988), 7a.



I 1 1 GIğ.NA ga-rişa'€ ,.l ı 1tray of cakes;
2 t a$.NA ib-bi-q-te 1 tray of thick bread loaves;
3 2 sali t<UR-i-sa-a-te 2 baskets of /eets;
4 2 saJi ü.sUM.sAR 2 baskets of garlic;
5 2 sdJi ü.suM.str<tr- 2 baskets of shallots:
6 2 UDU.I\Eğ 2 sheep;
7 2Duc.ku-ta-ıe KAğ cans of beer:
8 1 ANSB ğE.SA.A t homer of roasted grain;
9 PAB ^Se-e, m-hı-i |o] Total Se'-rahi, of the administrative dis-
10 NAM IJRU.KAR-Io? lol tİict of Kar-Adad.

11 ı cıS!.NA! galrl|-salı[e] ıl 1 lray of cakes;

t2 1! GIğ.NAI iö!-bilo!-r[€] 1, tray of thick bread loaves;
13 fzl l
sq| -ıi|1 ü!.sU[M|.sAR] t3 [2] baskets of gar[ic];
bıeak of at least fouı lines (Break)
18 k sd-li ü.sIrM] . rs (Lr 18 [x baskets of shal]lots;
19 5 l.'DU.MEğ ie 5 sheep;
20 8 Duğ.k:ıü-to-te KAğ 20 8 cans of beer;
21 5 ANSE SB.SA.A 21 5 homers of roasted grain.
22 PAB -rı,_ri-i GAL LRU.LGğ 22 Total Tuti, village manager.

tr 1 PAB 3ı!GIS.NA ga-rı-şa-te ii I Total, 31 trays of cakes; 46 ditto of

2 46 t.ib-bi-a-te thick bread loaves;
3 4| sa-ıi kur-Sa-a-te 3 4l baskets of /eets;
4 40 :. ri-srrM.sAR a 40 ditto of garlic;
5 40 :' ü.sUM.slKIL 5 40 ditto of shallots;
6 ?4 UDU.I\,fiğ 6 74 sheep;
7 77 Duc.hLtd-te KAğ ? 77 cans of beer;
8 25| ANSE ğE.SA.A 8 25 homers of roasted grain.
blank space of one line
9 [P]AB rcr.LAL , All (this), inspected.

10 |x cıl'NA gla!-ri-şaıe| ı0 [x trays of clakes

break of several lines (Break)
1' r.ğUIID-2ı I Month of Tammuz (IV), 28th day.
rest blank

162. Record of Food Offerings from Officials

80-7-19,104 ADD 961

beginning broken away (Beginning destroyed)
1' [ü s4]Ji [ü.sUMl [x ba]skets of [garlic];
2' [x' sa]Ji tsırM|r.[slKtr-] ,' [x ba]skets of shal[ots];
3' k ANSE ğE.S]A.A 0 3 [x homeıs of roast]ed gıain;
4' |x' ku-ıa-a-t]e| rıS.*nS a [x can]s of beer.
5' [PAB.dr_TI]-sü!_E GAr URU.MEs-r?i s Total, [..._balas]su_iqbi, village maıager.

6' [2 UDU].NITL.ı,Eğ 6 [2] male [sheep];

7' .21 Gı(.NA.MEğ ib-bi-q-te 7 2 trays of thick bread loaves;
8' || G|ğ.NA hu-hu-raı ı 1lray oİ huhurrrrı.-type blead loaves;
9' z sa_ü rı'n-Nrİ.ı.rsğ e 2 baskets of leeks;

r.i-lo or(AR I[5] <Kar-Iğtar." r.ii.3 sic! (no _ı).

162 Photo Pl. lX. Lower half of a single-colunm verticat rablet. See postgare, BSA 3 (198?), 99. 9, ..8 For
(UR-MI.MES see note on no. 161.


10' 2 s&Ji ü.sUM 10 2 baskets of garlic;

11' 2 s4Ji suM.str<tr ı1 2 baskets of shal1ots;
12' l aNğı ğ ı2 1 homeı of roasted glain;
13' 2 ku-ta-a-te KAs.[l'Bğ] 13 2 cans of bee[ı].
14' PAB maJ-.ğrrr-KlrR rA-,rı GAL URU. ıl Total, Ağğur-matu-taqqin, village man-
M[Eğ-zi] ag[er].

15', rıı UDU.NIITA.ır,Es] 15 1 male [sheep];

16', r2l GIğ.NA.
[I\Gs iö-öi-a-re] t6 2 trays of [thick bread loaves];
17' r2r sdJi
[KUR-Mi.r\ffiS ] t7 2 baskets oİ [leeks];
r.1 lrl ra-l[i suM.srKn-] .' [x] basklets of shallotsl;
2 k ANğE] sE.rsc.[A] z [x homers] of roasted grain;
3 [1] DUG.rr|-ni [KAğ.I/FJ] 3 [1] can oJ [beerJ.
4 [PAB]
.Jd dpA--GUB -az
fx x x] a [Total], Sa-Nabü-tazzaz, [.. . ].

blaık space
5 PAB ro UDU.NITA. TLGST 5 Total, 10 male sheep;
6 10 GIğ.NA.İıGğ ib-bi-a-te o 10 trays of thick bread loaves;
7 8:. hu-hu-rat 7 8 djlto of huhurrr,'ı,-type blead loaves;
8 to JqJi KUR-Mi.r\aS ı 10 baskets of leets;
9 r8r :. zi-in-zi-me e 8 ditto of red onion;
10 t8l :. ü.sUM 1o 8 ditto of garlic;
11 10! :. STJM.SIKIL 1ı 10 ditto of shallots;
|2 ['] ANSE 5BAN!ğE.SA.A I2 [x] homers 5 seahs of roasted grain:
|3 [' DUG].ğr-r4-4-f[e KAğ.I[ES] 13 [x c]ans o[f beer]
rest broken away (Rest destroyed)

163. Record of Mixed Food Offerings

K9984+K10191 ADD 962

I 1 4ANSE lGESTD,I.MES i 1 4 homers of wine;
2 ]BAN İ_MF_ğ z 3 seahs of oil;
3 :nAN suM.sAR 3 3 seahs of garlic;
4 [x] suM.sIKIL.sAR a [x] of shallots;
5 [x] ra-qu-u!-q'-ıe lx1 5 [x] of spices;
6 [ı] ] rsEl.Gü.TUR 6 lxl of lentils:
7 l* uı | GÜ|.|GALr.GAL||
ı [x of ch]ick peas;
rest broken away (Break)
tr 1 [8]BAN lsiuM?.sARl ii t [8] seahs of gar[ic];
2 5BAN I s[uM.srK[-.sAR] 2 5 seahs of shal[ots];
3 5BAN 2 rp oa SE.[sA.Al 3 5 seahs 2 L12'litres' of [roasled] grain;
4 sB/iN ırruır |x x xxx| a 5 seüs of salt [...];
5 +sAN si-xfxxxxxl s 4 seüs of [...];
6 ssAN lkar-[xxxxxl 6 5 seüs of
7 5BAN? lxfxxxxxxl ı 5 seahs of [...];
[... ]
rest broken away (Break)
Rev. beginning broken away
I 1' İa x'|x' x' x] of [...... ].
2' İa x|x x x]
of [......];
blank space to base of tablet

rI It is uncerlain which commodiıv should be reslored in üis line.

_ t63 Upper pan of a 2-co]ümn_vertica1 tablet, each column being fuIther divided by a verticat ruling delimiting
the quantity fİom the corynoqily. şee Postggle, BsA 3, 99f. i5 Trace afteı ıe: see coll. Possibly s[A]R?- ii.s TIa;
a.ftel Jı: see coll. r'i.l Possibly l.a E [.
.'i.2 FoI Eaces see coll.


II beginning broken away, üen blaık space (Break)

of about 5 lines
1' PAB 2 ANğE 7BAN 2 12 4a ii 1 Total 2 homels 7 seahs 2 ll2'liİıes' of
2' ra-qu-a-te re-e!-hal spices are left over.

164. Account of Sheep Offerings

K 1534 ADD 997

1 4 UDU.IES tir7ı-rq-ni ğa |m-]oJ<'6M 1 4 l<imru-sheep, of the 10th day;
2 ı9 UDU.MES UD_1l-KAM
.ğ4 , 19 sheep of the 1 lth day:
3 pıs zg uDu.NIgS um-mu 3 tolal 23 sheep, original amount.

4 3uDu3tJZu iwf dlxl a 3 sheep, 3 (cuts of) meat in the temple

lof DNI;
5 [xx x]UzU kır-ru-hl inaUGU |xx| 5 [x] (cuts o0 meat, kirruıu-meal \pon
6 [x x kn]b1-bur ı ıszu x|x x x] 6 [xflqt 1...1,4 (cuts of) meat [...];
7 lx ;c x' x xf .]ılz1 z ıız|u x x x] ? [......]s; 2 (cuts ofl me[at ...]
rest broken away (Break)
Rev. beginning broken away
1' fx x x ql|rnqıı ma-as-şafr|-tfl l.ı [... /]or the gua[rd].
blank space of about 3 lines
2' PAB23 a-kiı-hi 2 Total23, consumption, the 11th day
3' UD-Iı-KAM

165. Record of Miscellaneous Items

K 13067 ADD 1081

I 1 5l NAa.HAR.ü'Gğ 0! ir 5 grindstones,
2 [x] lx' x1-pi-aıi [x .. .l ...,
3 lx (x) xlx-pa-ni
3 [x ...] ...,
4 [x.;cx x] gabt-bu + all [... ]
5 kll-İ KUR].URI! 5 [... Uralrtu
rest broken away (Break)
tr 1 10 GUD.MES! 1-ııı e! UDU!.M[ES] iiI 10 oxen, 100 sheep,
2 ı-r9 GJS.NA GIğ.ib-|x xl [o] z L tray of ...,
3 ı-re GIğ.NA sr.|-hJ (J)] 3 1 tray of [...],
4 z cıĞ.ııNSun? [.x .r.r.r] a 2 tables fof ...1,
5 10 GIğ.sAr-[' lJ.IJ] 5 10...[...],
6 tzn oı1.|xx x xx] 6' f 'l

rest broken away (Break)

I 'L' beginniıg broken away
iıw1 fxxxxxx| ı.i ı in [... .. ],
2, pAB tll fx xx xf ,

in all, 1 [...].

3' 5! DUMU!.I\d! k* : 5 daughters [...],

_164 Phoro Pl.IX, Top of a vefücal tabler, well-written on Obv., but on Rev. scdpt shallow (presumably because
of dIying clay) alıd çIittetr over elasures. J-For ummu as an aıcounting term cf. TCAE p. 37E_.
165 Upper or loweı part of a 2-column tablet, boü faces Iather enciırsted. Since the order of obv. and Rev. is
rmceItain, so is the order of columns on each face. ADD'8 order is here retained, although the oüel seems likeliel
since I:ii.?'is an implobable final line. i2 Possibly C)a]İ-pıa-il; cetainly not r]ı*_ oi -r],t-. ii2 For ftaces at
end see coll.i Ior Gıs_ir- one might also read Jar-. but üere aIe no ob!ious palallels lor eiüer. r.ı_? This pan of
the tablet has been cleaned recenrly reveaiing several more sigrs.


4' PAB 10! Lü|.ERIı.r!.ıaıSl [ıx ("r x)] a in all 10 men [...] together with
5, a|-du! a!-nu|-luı|1 f6-ğıi-nu] domesticl fumiture
6' GIğ!.APIN|.I4ES! tal!Ju\|(ahel s (and) ploughs, fified-[out].
7' ı_eıl [(ı) aN]ĞE? KUN!"rk (r)] a I ldo]nkey ...l..l
rest broken away ' (Break)
II beginning broken away
1' lxxxxxxxfo
2' lx x x x-mfa2-at-tel
3' |x' x. x x 1ç|-rfı -7i
4' [(-ü) .r , URU]DU| 1 UT-L'L URUDU .ii ı [. .. of cop]per 1 copper cooking-pot,
5' kr rl-rxu 0! URUDU 5 [x] copper [...],
6' Ix a-ruf-ut|-hi |'Iİ.BAR| 6 [x] iron [ro]ngs,
7' 2 [GİR?.MEı TUR.ü'GS AN.BAR z 2 iron kıives.

166. Subsistence Consignment of Various Items

81-2-4,54 ADD 979

L ğa|-az-bu-su ı A consignment of goı'r?s;
2 ğa.İtc!.Mn-da-ba-si
3 1? G[Iğ?.BANSUR].ıIBS nl|Jul| 3 1 [table]s, equipped;
4 + ıNSB ssAN! NT,[oı sad-ra! + 4 homers 5 seahs oİ ordinary bread'1.
5 2 ANğE NtrIDA QAL!.MES s 2 homers of small bread loaves;
6 1! ANğB .NINDAI.ib-bi-q'-te 6 t homer of thick bread loaves;
7 5! ANğE KAğ.IIGS z 5 homers of beer;
8 z aNğr cEğTIN.MES t 2 homers of wine;
9 20 UDU.LBğ 1 GUD.NnA e 20 sheep; 1 ox;
1 0 15 MA SİG.MEğ 10 15 minas of wool;
11 rlBdN?l NINDA Q^L! ğıi sB|.hq,ğ-ld?-te? ıı -ı seah of small bread loaves from
UDU!.SISKURI crushed grain; a sacrificial sheep;
12 [(J) NINDA! KA? I[.ü (.I)] L [...] ...-bread [...];
e.13 '] an-ni-u ğı1[o]
|P]AB| ı3 [a]ll this of the Assyrian(s).
14 ağ-ğur-a-a
r.1 2 40 Eğ BARAG!| kül .ı 2 'lilres' of refined oil ...;
2 GrS!.r\GS or 2 wood.
rest blank

167. Subsistence Consignment of Various Items

K 9s44 ADD 968

1 İd-az-bu-su İa| |x x x] I Consignment of [... ]:

2 sakJiı[xxx] z 5 loaves, 1 [...];

3 DuG.nıQ-Si-hi KA[ğ?.\ffis 0] 3 a flagon of be[er];
4 ouc.ha-aş-bu fx x x] a a haşbu-poı of |. ' .l;
5 znAN le.hnİJaı a!-|x x] 5 2 seahs of crushed grain
6 10 MA.NA siG.I!E[ğ "TJ] 6 10 minas of woofl ... ];
7 |L qa1 İ!.cıS| /[ı!-"r-rl 7 1'litre'ofoil ... [...];
8 l(x)xlxxfxxxxx] (Rest destroyed)
rest broken away
Rev. uninscribed as faı as preserved

166smaıl vefiical tableı, shallow script, badly wom. r.l For signs at end see coll.
167 Top letl-hand cornerot tinely wriIten ıablet; impossible ıo determine wheüera single or mu]ıi-colUmn ıableı.
Ci no. 16(,


168. Record of Food Offerings from Officials

K 5570 ADD 1056

beginning broken away (Beginning destroyed)
1' [İ.IJd.MEs![0]
2' |xxxxx] DUG.SAB.[M]E[ğ| (J)] z'[......]s;
1......] jaı[s of...J;
3' lx x x xlx 2 sa-li s[rrM?.sAR?] 3 [......] 2 baskets of garllicl;
4' |x x x x-k]il-li ba-dğ-luJte1 a |...l boiled |ıeeklsi
5' lxx x xJlut z'ruc.dip-pa-sqt [o] s 1......12 blankets;
6' |x x x x x]xPABaıı-nır' LÜ*.GAR.[KUR?] e 1......1 all this, of the Prefect of the
7' |x x x x x]x na-aŞ-Şfu1 -u-niI z [... ] bıought (it).

fxxxxxfxuzu.Tlİ|axx] 8 [......] rib o[f...];

9', lxxxxxxl Io IJDU [o] [.. . ... ] 10 sheep;
ıo 1...... ] bird di1to [...]
10' [ı ı ı ı].ı,ıuĞıN| :. ["t ı]
.t .x
1t' lxxxxxxdlut:.fxxxl 11 [...... ] ditro [...];
1z', |xxxxxx| rdıl5?l kJr] ız 1......] I.iıar [... J
rest broken away (Break)
Rev beginning broken away
T' lxxl,xxl nxxxxxl ., [...]...[...];
2', |x x]-l il'| a| -a it-l ıaı11 -[ku-u-n , [... ]eans ca[me].
3' [, -ük cEsfiN [(.ü -I)]
3 [...] wine [...]
rest uninsğibed

169. Record of Miscellaneous Items

K 13091 ADD 1068

1 1 GIs|.tİJr k.t İ-r ı 1 wooden [..
z I Glğ.fnlı-hi-x|x x xx 2 1 wooden.,.
3 ^ARAD-dna-fno-a 3 Urad-Nan[6...];
4 İa|u2 -x x x a of the woman Gag[u ...]
5 a-natLUfcAL? xxx 5 to the kling .-.1,
6 (x) ı] Isa GIğl krç.r 6 [...] wooden [...]
rest broken away (Break)
Rev. begiııııing broken away
|' |x] lcıl| bu\ İu İaI |x x x "ı [...] ... of [......].
blaıık space of one line
2' 5 GIğ.NA Ntr\DA.MEs kİİ 2 5 trays of [...] bread;
3' ı, cıS.rıA za|-mafr x x x : 1 tray offrui[t...];
4' lo Duc.ku-ta-te lx x x a 10 cans lof beerl:
5' lort sixlxxx)( 5 10 ... [...... ]
rest broken away (Rest destroyed)

168 Fragment from left side ofa single-column vefücal tablet. 3 Firstsignrl,.otrli? a Pethaps supalurS\illi
"quinces" oija'nalfiilli. .2 Possibly /'t-rrjr-[. .3 This line in smaıl script (G1ossenschdft).
169 smalt fİagment ftom left side of tableı; numbeI of columns uncefiain. '5 For taces see coll'


170. Record of Food Offerings(?)

K 13057 ADD IO55

1 o 4a m*oı.ıms 3 q4 KAğ.SAG 1 6'litres' of bread, 3'liftes' of first-class
2 1 q4 GEğTIN! UZU.üR ğa UDU.NITA 2 l'litre' of wine: thigh of a male sheep;
1 l[,r ("r)] .ğ4 -LUGAL-GI.NA 3 1...[...] which Sargorı
4 [(x x x) x]xlx xl 4 [...]...[. .. ...1

rest broken away excepl for useless taces (Rest destroyed)

Rev. broken away excepl for useless lraces

171. Record of Wine for the Gods

K 1464 K 1,464
beginning broken away
1' [xı x ı] foI[x
z', |x x' ıc x] lq İfala]
3', lx x.x xl tdal be xlx xl
dMA]S dgz-Ual
4', [r? [.1, Ninur]ta, the goddess Gullal;
5' I dna-(M)-a-a lol 1, the goddess Nanı?;
6' ı ddili-baı 1. the goddess Dilbat;
7', ı dU.GUR d1d-aş dıjıı m dİu-kur-g|al-lu] l. Nergal. Las. Iğum, Sukurg[allul
8', I DINGIR.}/IEs-r?i gdE-öü 1, all the gods.

9' PAB 20 DUG.SAB.I4Eğ e Total, 20 jars.

e.10' a-ıuı ıo To (blank)

Rev. uninscribed

172. Record of Various Items from(?) Officials

Rm 66 ADD 1O2O
1 1 IrDU.NrrA 2 DUG.ü-de-e hab-bur
. , ! Tul. sheep. 2 storage-vessels of İaD-
Dıı r-(wrne);
2 1 GIs.&or-fu l-l& NU.üR.I\,ffi ğ , I wooden box of pomegranates;
-) I cIS r.KrNr.cESTn{.MES
:. r 1 ditto of grapes;
4 5 kak- kal b a! - natT.MU ğBN o 5 gray
Pqflridges. of Mannu-kli-Asğurl,
5 ğa ^rnan-nu_k[i oğ -jı.r] Lü.IGI.DUB the treasurer.
6 I uDU.Nn{ iI4 ittr.MFj [01 o I male sheep o[f NN]. rhe governor of
7 Lt.NA}'l KvR |zq-ın]u-a IMazamlua.
8 ı UDU.rNIMn rk (l)] uou.Nıı.l uzla-c e I spring lamb 1...1. .1 spring lamb ..., of
9 ,İ4 '30__k-J]-LUGAL? .T[-I J'] Sin-[...]-ğarri [...l.
10 I2?l KUR.MES .ia drx [İ J xl l0 2 horses of NIN]. ıhe governor of
11 Lü+ .EN.NAM KLIR. [İ ü .; "xl ' (Break)
several lines broken awav
r.1 ı ı,r,lĞ.oA! [x ı "r x _r] .l 1 gazelle [of NN], the goveınor of [...]

l70 Pho|o PL x. Top fragmenı ofa neaıly wrillen Verüical table|.

171 Lower pafi ofwerr-wiirten verticartabler. copy p.2si. 3 For trace after BE see coll. 5 na is writtetr onry
once. 7 For final sisn see .oll
surface badly wom. o Probab]y a PN: sign before MPs resembLes l /'r or 8 There arc Ja.
_-_l-_7.?_ _u":1iı1] |+bl;t. ]
erasures alıer tJ]e llr5l l]DL: lhe srgn Tesembles a ğB inscribed wiıhin cıs. haIdly *ifi; see coiı. ,.d Or za-za-zu|-ıe?


3 10 DUG!.rğAB| KağI [x (ı) 10 jars of 1...J beer

4 ıouc|.|xxxxxxx] 1j[ar......1,
5 ı|xx1 |xxx] 1.. t. . .1,
6 ı| |'(ıd .x x (x)1 a! [.x ı (ı)] 4 .. -clothes [... ], of...-ayu [. .. ].
7 İa^|x (x)1-a-a x|x x]
8 l-teTtc|.ğe! |sI.MEs| [(') DlA? 8 1 ...-garment I ... t,
9 2"frG.2&-zq-ba-te 9 2...-garments of E5rayu, weaveı.
10 .ia 'uD-20-KAM-a-d US.BAR tr 3 tarmazilu-birdsi
1 1 3 tqr-ma-Zi-ıi.MUğF,N |2 I uğqmetu-bird',
L2 l li-ğd-me|-tü.WJğFN |3 t kupitu-bird of Balaçka-amurri.
13 1 /ğı _pi-ri.MUsEN
14e ğa *n-ka a-ınur-ri

173. Record of Various Items

K 11559 ADD 1032

Obv, completely broken away except for figures (Beginning destroyed)
beginning first 7 lines
Rev. upper paxt broken away
I' 2rBAN NINDA.MEğ ;r [.L J] . r2
seahs of [...] bread;
z' 6 UZU.r,Es DUG.S[AB? r r d , 6 (cuts o0 meat' a jfaı ofwinel.
3', zBAN NtrIDA.MEs 5? 44 NINDA.MEğ QAL. 3 2 seahs of bread, 5 'liftes' of small bread
MIFJI loav[es];
4' 9 UzU.MEs DUG.SAB GE[STIN ü İ] a 9 (cuts ofl meat, a jar of [...] wi[ne].
space of 1 line
5' 2 44 NI}.{DA.MEğ QAL.I\,ES 4! i-bi-|a-te] 5 2 'litres' of small bread loaves, 4 thick
bread l[oaves].

ı73 Top teft-hand corrıer only. 2 TheIE nüy have been aling beneath üis line, suggesting that lines 1-2 of lhe obv.
formed an troductory headhg' l.r Traces aftğ MEğ Iesğnble rM]; s€e coll. ı2 or Duc.2BiN [.
t.5 cf. ıo. 774|12'.

FlG.38. Assyriaıı {ldpe vine (reign of Assurbanipal).

BM 118914.

t'7 5

174. Record of Various Items (for the Temple)

K 1291 ADD 1023

beginning broken away (Beginning destroyed)
2', I fx x x'
x x x x].MİA| 8|
x. rl [......'1...;
1 [......]s, tha house ...i
3' DtJfcJ x )c x x xl-ku! KURt tx1 3 [...]-yessel [... . . .l ...;
4', 2 r(-r) xr.HI.A! SEM r/ a 2 piıhoi of mixed, spices, .. .-spice,...-
SEM IOI sPrce;
5', 'ıı3G,s a - s u- up - p u!'ra G. kan| - dir! - ğe| 5 a towel, a kandirİu-earmenı:
6' ni -ip -İü s(ırsı| knp| _pı! .ic i|.GIS|-DüG! 6 a tuft of red wooi: a"bowl of' oil;
7', |0 Duc.a-ga-na.ıın5 ğa ki-sa-a-ni ı |O amphoras of...s before ..scented
8', a-na pa-an qe-e ol
9', 1-me-20 BANSI,R!.MEs tal-lul-aLıe e 120 equipped tables, for each table 3
10' .{a l-en BANğUR| 3 qa NINDA sq-d| -ru 'litıes' of ıegular bread,
l1' ı qa ri-pi-aü l ka|-me-ğü ı hab-ru|-u '1 1 'litre' of ripıtu-brcad,,1 ..., 1 ...;
12', 1 44 NINDA.\4Eğ QAL.IGğ ı NINDA ıbil-rri ı2 1 'litre'ofsmall loaves ofbread: 1 thick
loaf of bread;
13' I qa hu-hu-rat ı3 l 'litre' of huhurrutu-bread\
14', 1 ANSE NtrIDA.I\Gs QAL.ı,ES 2BAN| iE- ra I homer of small loaves of bread: 2
ö'.i,cğ seahs of ıhick loaves of bread;
r.1 o ouc.ğas.h,Gs a- lGI e-ri-bi ,| 6 jars before ıhe ([emple) enıerer and
2 a-na pa-on tıj 'SıNcA.MES j4 2 t D.MES the priests foı 2 davs.
3 l ANğE NINDA sad-ru zsAN NINDA.MES 3 l homer of rögular bread, 2 seahs of
eAL.MBS o-ru ulRrl.KU DTNGTR.MES small bread |oaves for the doJ8](s) of ıhe
4 4 ANSE KAS I ANSE GESTIN a-rxa lri-a-qi homers of beer, t homer of wine for
.+ .4

175. Animal Offerings of rhe eueen

K 1450 ADD 1035

l t IGUD Ji-sa/-lıi iıı4 lGI dENl ı 1 |sisalhu ox, before Bell;
2 l2uDu I NrM tl MUSEN--c;L z [2 sheep, l spring lamb, 1] duck;
3 fxxxxxxxxa]n 3 [......];
4 [1 IJDU iıı4 IGI] d|PA a [1 sheep before] Nabü.
5 u MI.AMAR 1 uDU irıa IGl] ld|'|
si-ki-ıe s I female calf. I sheep before] (Li)sikuru
6 [İ.x GIBIL fJ4 A MAN ... of] the crown prince.
7 |l IJTJU ina IGI dcaSaı]_sa-ıze - lnew
7 ll sheep before ğarratl-samme.
8 [pAB I cw si-sql-hi r Mi.AMAR] 6 uDU 8
- [Total, 1 sisalhu ox, 1 female calf], 6
MUğEN--CAL sheep. ı ducki
9 [m.ğu uo-,;r+l ı-r-4rı.r e [month of Tammuz (IV), 3]rd
10 ı GUD si-J4/-fri iı24 IGI d]EN 10 sisalhu ox, beforel Bel;
11 2 UDU 1 NIM 1] MUğEN-GAL ıl U
[2 sheep. l spring lamb, l Iduck;
t2 rxxxxxxfuan r, [......l...;
t3 l UDU rd]ıPA 13 [1 sheep before] Nabi;
14 ı MI.AMAR 1 |JDU inaIcldlsi-ki-te
'/|,4IGI] ı+ |1 female calf, ! sheep before] Sikutu _
15 r l GIBIL ğ4 A]-MAN [new ... ofl the crown [pıince].
16 l UDU ilıa IGI dcAğA\l_sa-me ı6 |I sheep before Sarral]-samme.
t7 rAB I cuD si-sal-ri 1 MI.AMA]R! 6 UDU I ı? [Total, 1 şisalhu ox, 1 female cal]f' 6
sheep, 1 duck;
174 Photo Pl. X. Medium-sized vertical tablet,lower halfonly. 4 For ffaces betbre
Hr.A see coll. 14 Collation
confirms 2B,4N iö ratheI than sAB in this tine.
.be 1 or 2-PhotoPl.x Medium-sized vertical tablet, wefi-formed and well-written. i2 The haces before AN
veIticals; no obvious restolation whi"ı' seem to
."ithilr"liaces aiüe miaaıe of ılne zl.

18 lru.ğU I,D]4-KAM 18 [month of Tammuz (IV)], 4th [day]

19 [1 GtlD si-sol-ri ,r?a IGII dEN \9 f\ Sisaıhu ox, before] Bel;

20 12 L'DU] 1 NIM [1 MUğEN GAL] ,o [2 sheep], 1 spring lamb, [1 duck];
2l lx x xl inal xlx xl tt I .I
22 [1 UDU] iı24 IGI [d|l
[PA] ,, [1 sheep] before [Nabü];
r.1 [1MI.AMAR] l|JDu iın lGI ds|i|-ki-tef .'ı [| female calfl, 1 sheep befole Silkutu]
2 ["r .ü].ü GIBIL ,ğ4 A_[MAN]
- new 1... I oI the Icrownl prince.
3 [1I,DU] irıd IGI qcAğAN_sd-m[el] 3 [1 sheep] before Sarrat-sam[me].
4 [PAB ı GU]D si_sol-iıi ı Mi.AMAR 6 UDU 1| a [Total, 1] sisalhu olxl, 1 female calf, 6
MU[sENı CAL] sheep, 1 d[uck];
[rIı.ğU ı,D-5-K-AM s [month] of Tammuz (IV), 5th day.

6 [ı] cUD 2 UDU 1 MM 1 MUğEN CAL e [1] ox,Z sheep, 1 spring lamb, 1 duck,
7 iı?, IGI sN before Bel;
8 1 UDU i,14 IGI dPA 8 1 sheep before Nabü.
9 9 female calf,
1 ı\d.AMAR 1 UDU ind IGIdsi-ki-ıe 1 1 şheep before Sikutu.
10 1 t DU i/4d IGI dGAğAN_sq-me 10 1 sheep before Sarrat-samme.
11 PAB l GIJD [ı]| MI.AMAR 6 UDU 1 MUğEN_ ıı Total, 1 ox, [1] female calf, 6 sheep, 1
GAL duck;
12 IT.ğU UD_6-KAM ı2 month of Tammuz (IV), 6th day.

13 PAB l GIJD.M'IA 3 GUD si_sal-ri.MBğ ı: Total 1 ox, 3 sisalhu-oxen, 4 fema|e

14 4 Mi.AMAR.}'Gğ z UDU 4 MUğEN €AL calves, 24 sheep, 4 ducks, ... offerings of ıhe
15 S|SKUR.MEğ qi n-na - a- a - t e queen.
16 .ğ4 Mİ 6.GAL
Iest blalık

176. Record of Miscellaneous offeıings

8t-7 -27 ,150 81-7-27,150
2 lines broken away (Beginning destroyed)
3 lx xlxlx x. x. x. x. 3 [...]...t...1;
4 |oucl.rqol -'i-ni rıS xfx x a [a fl]agon of beer [...];
5 k] sE D[U -r.ü İ 5 ... [. ..1.

6 r8l
4d NIi{DA.MEğ 1 4[a .ü 6 8 'litres'ofbread, 1 'li[tre' of...];
7 [DU]G.roılü .ğ4 MUN k 7 [a] bowl of salt [...];
8 |x q]a rAr.wİ
ı qa |x 8 [x 'lit]res' of honey, 1 'litre' [...];
9 |x D]UG.Za-ıe Glğ.|x o [x] ...-ves[sels], wood[en ...];
10 [İ x].IMEsı KIJR?-ru a|-|x x to 1..1... ..._drink...; t......l
11 [xxxxx]xlxxxl (Break)
rest broken away
Rev beginning broken away
1', |x x x1sıüı 1.*u3 ,r'' ,, ..ı 1...] of oil [...... J;
z', [0] SİG.HE.ME.DA qrJi'* .ü[, 2 ıed wool, ... [. .. ];
3' lDulc .ğ.1-az-mu-u GEğTIN x|)c 3 a flask of wine [...];
4' fxl sa7 -si ha-a-bu-rlu 4 1...J ... habbur-wine [...].
5' [k]i - ma T t G. kı - ın - da -|b a - si 5 After they had brought the kindalbassul
6', fuls-se-ri-bu xlx garments in [...]
7', [UDU].SISKUR in4 IGI rdı[' 7 offerings before the god [...].
rest uninscribed

ı2 sigıı beforc clBü- e[ds in a veltical. r.4 ij ovel erasure.

176 Top left-hand corner of veldcal tablet. Copyp.258. l0 For (UR-İrl cf. no. 179 i.7' .3 Tfaces affeİ GEİTN
undeciphered see copy.


1 77. Miscellaneous Offerings(?)

K 18201 K 18201
beginning broken away (Beginning destroyed)
|' ı! fx 1x) x|x^x[x x 1 1 [...] N[N]
2' İa ıd.da-da-a |x x 2 of the woman Dadö [...]
3' T( lx x 3 towel [...]
4' 2 DUG.SAB.MIES? r a 2 jar[s of ... ]
is||-sa-|hi-iİ xx 5 togetLher ...1...t...1
6' mal-lx x (Rest destroyed)
Rev. broken away

178. Food Offerings(?)

K 17758 K 7758
I xxxxfula:u t... ...l la'u-fwinel;
2 xxxxxxlx
3 .r x ıl 6_dııeS _r
t.. . .. .1
. . ...1 the temple of Ninurta;
4 .I.t GBğTn{.M]BS
"r t.
ha-bu-ru t... ...1 habbur-|wiı]e;
5 xxxxxı]A1 t... ...l
6 .rl-ü rJ] Lü.GIğ.GIGIR t...... t chariot-horse-trainer;
7 xxxxxğuq-di [...... al]monds;
8 xxxxxf rırDU.NfIAr male sheep
rest broken awav (Break)
Rev. utrçıer part brokJn
blank space of about 4 lines
1' x,xxxxx\-bu .' [......]
2' x. x x x x--I<Ar,fAG1-an , [......_da,]an
ıpst blaık (Rest blank)

179. Food and Drink Offerings(?)

K 18s54 K 18554
I' upper paxt broken (Too fragmentary for translation)
1' kJ "r.T KUğ.S]AL
2' lxxxxxxlx
3' [xxxxxxl-pi
4' fxxxxx]-Su-İe
5' lxxxxk)al hi [b]u1
6' |x x x x]-lgıirT-u-ni-ni
7' x x xl.wA run-ru
-ı UD]U?.I\,Dğ ı KUs.sAL
["r -ü
rest broken awav
tr upper part broken away
l' t KUs.s[AL? x x ü
2' ı ıufx x x
3' inq rctKufFj xxx

.I77 Botrom lefFhaıd coIneIofa single-columı tablet. Copy p.258. 3 TüGrcsembles Lü' probably a spliıreed.
l?E Fragment_ frcm top righ[_ha.ıd corner, probably single-column tabtet. Copy p. 258. I The sign before la is
not GESTTN; possibly GESr4N-ME.
179 Flagment flom centre of lalge multi-columıed tablet. Copy p. 258.


4' l GN--k[i-Şiı] xxx

5' z.İ -|x x x
rest broken away

180. Wine Offerings(?)

K 18018 K 18018
1 xxxxx]x-İu (Too fragmentary for translation)
2 xxxxx]ıJD-İu
x x x xk (4{i\ ANğE GIS.GEğTD.,I /a-e
4 xxxx]qu-quJa-tuİn

5 xxx x] ği
6 xxx xlx-nu-BE
7 x ıt x. x xf-bu

xxxx xl-ni
xxxx xl-a
rest broken away
Rev. broken away except for üace of one li[e on
top edge

181. Animal Offerings from the Palace

82-5-22,39 ADD 1014

1 GUD 10 IJDU 1 MUğEN--CAr ı<A suk-ki ı 1 ox, 10 sheep, 1duck_gateof the big
dan-nu shrine;
2 1 GIJD 10 IJDU 1 MUğEN CAL r:'A suk-ki , 1 ox, 10 sheep, 1 duck gate ofthe small
qdl-li shrine;
J 2GUD I 3}UDU 2 MUSEN cAL IGI : 2 oxen, 1 sisalhu ox,30 sheep, 2 ducks
dı5 6_DnIGR _ before Iğtar (ofl ıhe ıemple:
4 PAB 4 GtD ı si-sal-hu 50 IJDU.MES 4 a in all 4 oxen, 1 sisalhu ox, 50 sheep, 4
MUSEN cAL ducks, offerings of the month of Ab (V), 1 lth
5 sIsKriR.MES rrr.NE uD-rr-KAM day.
6 UzU GUD.Lffiğ UDU.Nrgğ ri-jt-sı 6 Meat (o0 oxen, sheep obligatory..
e-7 1 UZU 1 IJDU Mİ_ğ.GAL 7 1 (cut o0 meat, 1 sheep- the queen;
'1 1 (cut o0 meat, 1 sheep - the crown
2 t uzu I I,DU GAL-SAG , 1 (cut of) meat, 1 sheep the chief eu-
3 PAB 3 UZU 3 UDU Kü.MEğ : in all,3 (cuts of) meat,3 sheep, con-
4 4 GUD 4| uZU 44 l']DU.MEs 4 MUğEN-CAI a 4 oxen, 4 (cuts of) meaq 44 sheep, 4
5 lri-ik1lrsul E.c1g, drJcks
- Iobıigq]tion of lhe palace.

l80 ToP İight-hand comeI of well formed, well writton tablel Prcbably single-colulnn. Copy p. 259.
l81 HoIizontal rablet. The second half of this text Iefers to the şame items the first' butiheie are no intemal
crite a to decide if they are going ro or ftom the palace and the dignitaries. .5 See coll.

15. offerings for the Ağğur Temple

F|G. 39. offering tabıe ıoaded wıth food and drink,

from Assurbanipal's Lion Hunt scene.
BM 124886.

182. A5Ğur Temple offerings, Day 5

K 796 ADD 1OO2

1 6 GUD 5 UZU 15 UDU.I,GS I 6 oxen, 5 (cuts of) meat, 15 sheep;
2 8 Duc.ıBAN hi-in-hı-ni , 8 2-seah jars of hinhinu-seeds;
a q ıuc ,zsl\Nbu-de-e 3 4 2-seah jars of bud€-coıfection;
4 ro DUG.2BAN GA a 10 2-seah jars of mitk;
5 30 suJu-kqn ğu-'e s 30 öags of chick-peas;
e.6 30 suJu-kan ğE'GIğ.\ e 30 öags of sesame;
r.1 6 DUG.SAB GEğTIN ıne!-zi .t 6 jars of mazu-wine.
blank space of 2 ünes
2 UD-s-KAM sU.2 -/ü_J.i -kin |(x) xlx ,The 5th day, care of Lu-5akin [...],
3 sU.2 .U.U_DINGR-a -a ııi-[x (x)] ıcare of Dadi-ila'i (and) the woman [...];
4 1u.z -q-mur oINGIR-tu dağ-ğur LIIJI- a care of Amur-ilutu-Ağğur, the c[o]nfec-
rsırMi .NtrIDA tioner.

l83. AĞöur Temple offerings to Mullissu, Day 17

K 707 ADD 998

1 Du c.2B AN K Ağ. hq - mur -
t 1 A 2-seah jar of lı dnxmurıu-beer:
2 ıuc.zıAN rı.Ğ.a-zz-ıze [o] z a 2-seah jaı of amumu-beefi
J DUG.2BAN KAğ./d-pa-l,[i] : a 2-seah jaı of bittersweet beer;
4 DUG.2BAN KAs.hağJqJtı + a 2-seah jaı of beeı of bruised grain.
5 İa lqur-İe1 dNIN.ILfL] 5 Of the wedding night of Mullis[su] of
e.6 ic rMfl 6.cAL the queen. -
r.1 rrD-r7-KiM .r The I7ıh day, care of Sakilia- the
2 ğU.2^ğd-kil-iq [o1 brewer.

184. Aö5ur Temple offerings to Mullissu, Day 18

K 708 ADD 999

1 DUG.SAB KuR.i-zal-li I A jar of Izalla (wine);
2 oucjısrun.hul!-bu-nu , a jar of Helbon (wine);
3 DUG.2BANKAS.ha-mur-ti ı a Z-seah jar of hqmmurtu-bee\
4 ouc.zs}N rı1.a-mu-me ı a 2-seah jar of anxumu-beeri
5 DUG.2BANKAs.ld-pa-ni s a 2-seah jar of bittersweet beer;
e .6 DUG.2BAN KAs lı4,ğJ4, 6 jar of beer of bruised grain.
a 2-seah
r.1 dııı.ı-lı
.ia qzr-,ie
ğa \d_E.cN-
"ı of the wedding night of Mutlissu
the queen. The 18th day. - of
3 UD-18-KAM

182 Phoro Pl. x' Horizontal tablet. Van Driel no. 3. 4 hinhinu a:.,d budc are otheIwişe followed bv lrrlrlj and
lEJ Horizonıaltab|el. Van Drie] no. L. .l BAPiüR actuailv -wr'iıığn sıu"ı
l84 Phoüo Pl. x. Horizonıal lablet' vanD el no- 2.


185. A5öur Temple offerings to Mullissu, Day 19

Sm 1039 ADD 1OO1

1 [DUG.s]AB KUR.ızaı-li ı [A jah of (wine from) Izalla;

2 DU G.2BAN KAğ. hı - mur - İı z i Z|seah jiı ot ham^irtu-b.Lr;
3 ouc.zsAN KAS.a-mu-me 3 a Z-seah jat of amumu-beeı;
4 IDUIG.2BAN KAS.l4-pa-n i a a 2-seah iar of bittersweet beer;
5 DUG.2BAN KAs i4,ğJ4, 5 a 2-seah jaı of beer of bruised grain.
.la qır-.{e dm.ı.ı-iı- o Of the wedding night of Mullissu
r.1 ,ğ4 DUMU MAN the crown pdnce.
- of
2 uD-19-KAM .., The 19th day.

186. AJSur Temple Offerings to Mullissu, Day 21


DUG.ğAB KLR.i-zal-/i A jar of (wine from) Izalla;
x' a 2-seah iaı of hamrrıurıu-beeri
2 DuG.2B iN |<Ağ.ha-ruur-ti
3 oıJG.2sAN KAğ.a-mu-me z a Z-seah jaı of amİjmu-beer;
4 DUG.2BAN KAS.ld-po-ni l a 2-seah jaı of bittelsweet beer;
5 DUG.2BAN KAğ l,oJJa, 5 a 2-seah jar of beeı of bruised gıain.
İa qur^İe dvnı .r1r 6 Of the wedding night of Mullissu
r.1 .ğ4 Lü.IGI.DUB GAL-e the chief treasurer.
- of
blank spac.e of 1 line
UD-21-KAM '., The 2lst day.
remainder uninscribed

187. A55ur Temple Offerings, Day 20

K 1006 ADD 1025

begiruıing broken away (Beginning desııoyed)
1,' ı6! DUG.2BAN lıiillı !-lıı'?i 0l t 16 2-seah jars of hi[nhinu-seedsl;
z', 4 Ziq-Pi s|E.G|ğ.l| 2 4 shoots of se[same];
ı-me r,ııNoı.ak-|li dan-nfl 3 400 [big] loalves];
4', 4-me NINDA.q a-lduiiı ol a 4OO spi[ced loavesli
5', ıe| İıi pa-|x x x ıc x x] 5 16 ... [. .. ].
.6', ,ğ4 UD-2GK[AM|] 6 0f the 20t[h] day.
Rev- uninscribed

l88. AĞĞur Temple offerings, Day 2

K 880a ADD 1006

I uzu.tJRuzu.zAc ı A thigh, a shoulder, outer cuts''
2 Uzu.D|ğ-hn-ni |ol
3 2 nis-hi ZAG.\Bğ [o] I 2 cuts of shoulders. Of one ox: the sto-
4 ğa 1 GUD rtar-,ğll lun .üğ] mach, fthe liver], the kidneys, the heart.
185 Horizontal tablet. Van Driel no. 18.
186 Photo Pl. x. Horizonıal tablet. Van Driel no. 4.
187 Hoıizontal tablet. Not included by van DIiel, aıd admittedly rathel differcnt. ] For the determinative
NINDA before 4*-ri see no . l9'7 r '8' . a NlNDA.qal,,rı are often listed aftel 'big loaves,' although normally sepalated
by 'offeIings brcad' and measuled raüer üan counted. 5 The figule 16 is celtain (collaıed). 6 The faintes[ of
Eaces after 20 certainly rule out 3[0].
1E8 Phoro Pl. XI. Vertical tablet. Van Diel no. 7.


5 BIR.MEğ rsAİ [ı ımu İal-mu| s [One whole sheep];

6 1 UDU r,İ4l [E_DnIGIR] o 1 sheep of [the temple]:
7 3 UzU!.[SAG.DU GABA.MEğ] 7 3 [heads; the breasts] of 4 [roast sheep].
8 ğo |41 IUDU ğu-M-e]
9 1 KIrR.GE.MUSEN ı MUSEN--GAL] e 1 go[ose, 1 duck], 10 turtledoves.
e.10 10IU.GU&!.MUğEN [0]
r.1 A'MBğ_|ÜZU] .1 a tureen of lbouillon];
2 DU c.7ın - z i - u |a- ku- s il 2 a tureen of [soup].
., 18,4N I qa NtrIDA.I\,IEJ g[ilzl-e] 3 1 seah 1 'litre' of regutar of[fering]
4 lB{\N l qa[u-tü] loaves;
blank space of 1 line a 1 seah 1 'litre' of spicedbread,.
5 r,,D-2-KAM : The 2nd day. C[are ofl Nabi-5amı-uşur.
6 ğ[U.2 -]dPA_MAN PAB
remainder uninscribed

189. A55ur Temple Offerings, Day 4

K 836 ADD 1OO5

1 (JR ZAc Dlğ-h(l-(ni) 2 nıs-hi zAG 1 A thigh, a shoulder, outer cutsl2 c]uts of
z TA* sA GUD.NITA .ğ4 6-AD shoulders, of one ox of the temple oİ Dagan;
3 2 üR 2 ZAG TA* sA.ğ.i sIsKUR].MEs ı 2 üighs, 2 shoulders from the (oxen) of
4 ğa 6 GUD fu]r-ğd'ni uR'üs BR sA.i\.cğ the pilgrims Of 6 oxen: the stomachs, the
liver(s.1. the kidney(S). üe healıs.
5 ğql-mu-te 1r'DU Jr6 DINGIR s 5 whole sheep; 1 sheep of the temple;
6 ı uot tak-bar-ru
'UDU l KUR:.CI! l MUse\ 6 1 fattened sheep. 1 goose, I duck, 10
(GAL) ı0 TU.GU&! turtledoves.
7 ğa A.MEğ--]JZ\J 7 A tureen of bouillon;
8 DUc,m.q-zi-u 0 a-ku-si 8 a tureen of soup;
9 ı akJi |dn]n-Ini) e 7 big loaves;
10 1BAN 1 44 NINDA.MEş |gi-nö-e] |0 l seah l 'liıre' of [ıegular offering'|
loave s;
l1 ıBl,N 1 4al N1ND^.|qa-du-ü] 11 1 seah 1 'litre'of lspicedl loaves-
12 |DUlc .2B^N KAğ 'ha-naur-t|i] t, A 2-seah jar of hammurtu-beeri
13 [ -t ü r
Ia1 -fpa-nil ı3 a flagon of bitte[rsweet] beer;
T4 [DUG].:. KAs lıa[jJa'] ra a ditto of beer of
[bruisedl grain.
e.15 |z|1 su-lu-kan
fİu:ef ıs 2 bags of [chick-peas]l
16 z| suJu-k|an 5e.cı5'i] t6 2 bags of [sesame];
r.1 8 suJuJ kanl I kul-la-nil .t 8 bags of lmixed kemelsl.
2^G KA|s|.İı -i |ı7 z A cup of ffig-bleer;
3 DUG.:. an-|dah-ğel 3 a ditto of small on[ions];
4 DUG.:. s[ut-pur- g tl] a a ditto of qulinces];
5 DUG.:. sirt-d[t] s a ditto of oliv[es];
6 Glğ.sa-al-lu zq-am-ri 6 a baskel of (mixed) fruit.
7 3 UZU!'lip-ğat lo ban-dıl.l,/TEs 7 3 scrotums, 10 bellies, whiçh Bel-ahhe-
8 Jd -EN_PAB.MES su e-ba-ğü-u-ni eriba made.
9 1 UDU 7 Uru 3 4d ND.IDA.ınĞ gi-nö-e e 1 sheep, 7 (cuts of) meat, 3 'litres' of
regular offering loaves;
10 2 qa me-dir 2 qa qa-du-tdı t0 2 'litres' of midru-bıead';2 'litIes' of
11 gi-nu-ü clBfl' spiced bread - rıew regular offerings.
12 P1\B an-ni-u ğa lGI ağ'ğur t, All this from before Ağğur.
13 1 tak-Pu İa lcl dBN 13 1 basketload fİom befoıe Bel.
l4e uD4 SU.2ntu-ri-i t4 The 4th day. Care of Turi.

189 Photo Pl. XI. Vertical tablet. Van Driel no. 5. 2 AD (sic) must be a logogram for Dagan (cf. nos. 209:2,
&a7iE "blesser, devotee, pilgİim" (suggestion SP). r.z-ı 11r" u[usual natule of these pieces of meat, and theiI
position in the list away fIom meat offerings probably mean rhat the note about Bel-;hhe-nba in I.8 refers jırst
to them; epai, here Fobably has a technical meaning.


190. AĞSur Temple offerings, Day 6

8 3- 1- 18,80 ADD 1021

1 [UZU.ü]R|uzvl.zfAc|l 1 [A thi]gh, a sh[oulder, outer cutls, 2
2 |D|ğ-hq-n]i| 12ı nillı^fhiZAG] cu[ts of shoulders; of x oxen: the sto]mach[s,
3 lğa x GIJD ka]r-rjd]ı-ır[i rrR5.Üs] the liversl, kidneys, hear[ts].
4 BR.\,ffiğ sA.[MEs]
5 ı! E tDıNGRr [0] 5 1 sheep of the temple.
6 3UZU|.SAG.DU GA3A.ür,fiĞ 6 3 heads, the breasts of 4 roast sheep.
'7 ğd aUDU ğu-bö-e
8 1 8 1 goose,
9 ı MUsEN cAL-ıl e 1 duck,
10 10 ]U.GU&.MUğEN ı0 10 turtledoves'
ı.1 DUG.ıın-zi-u ğa rAl.bffis-Izu] "1 A tureen of bo[uillon],
2 DUG.. ğa a-ku-si 2 a ditto of soup;
3 1BAN t qq NINDA.MES gi-nA-e 3 1 seah 1 'litre' of regular offering loaves;
4 lBAN l qa NIİİDA.'qa-du-tü a 1 seah, 1 'litre' of spiced.brcad.
blank space of two lines
5 re-ha-a-ti s The leftovers from before Ağğur. Care of
6 |İa1 pa-aıı daİ-İur Nabü-5aıru-uşur, the 6ü day.
7 ğU.2'dPA_MAN_PAB
8 ruDr-6r-KAMlr

19l. AĞSur Temple offerings, Day 10

81-2-4,99 ADD 1012

1 2zAc x)l cuD 2 shoulde[rs o/1] ox.
sUDu ğal-mu-a-te ,'5 whole sheep;
3 1! UDU .ğd 6-DnIGIR 3 1 sheep of the temple.
4 DUG .na-zi-u A.MEğ UZU a A tureen of bouillon;
5 Duc.ftn-zi-u a-ku-si 5 a tureen of soup;
6 ı| akJi dan-ni 6 7 big loaves;
7 IB.AN 1 q4 Ntr,ID ı.wğ gi-|n6-e1 7 1 seah 1 'litre' of re[gular] offering
8 lBAN 1 qq NINDA.I qa1-Idu-ırt] ı 1 seah 1 'litre' of spic[ed] loaves.
9 DUG.2BANK[A3.ha-mur-ti] s A 2-seah jaı of hımmurıaf-beeri
10 io a flago[n of bittersweet beer]
rest broken away (Break)
Rev. beginning broken away
1' .ğ4 'EN-PAB.MES SUj "l which Bel_ahhe_eıiba made.
2' e-ba-İu-u-ni
3' t uDu i uzu! 3 1 sheep, 7 (cuts o0 meat,
4' 3 qa NIİİDA'MEğ gi-nğ-e 4 3 'litres' of regular offering loaves;
5' 2 qa ND{DA.qe-du-tü 5 2'litres' of spiced bread;
6' 2 qa NIJ'{DA..met-di-i e 2 'liİıes' of ınidru-bread.
7' gi-nu-ü GLBIL 7 The new regular offerings.
8' re-hg-ti ğa lcl ağ-ğur 8 The leftovers fıom before Ağğur.
9' uD-lo-KAMğU.2^İu-ri-i s The 10ü day. Care of Turi.

190 Photo Pl. XL Veraical tabler. Van Driel no. 29.

191 Vertical tablet. Van Driel no. 25.


192. AĞSur Temple offerings, Day 14

Rm 57 ADD 1019
1 fxx'ıcxxxxxxx] (Beginning destroyed)
2 fxxıcstxxxxx'xf
3 fxxxxxXxfğax|xGUDI ı of x [oxen]:
4 [rar_ğ.i-ı,i tRs.üs BR.I,ıaS] rğA.I\,mğl ' [ıhe stomachs. livers. kidneys|, hearts.
5 lxxxxx:cxxxx] (Break)
6 fxx.x.xx,xxxxx]
7 lx.xx.x,x,xxxxxf
8 |ıcıcxx'xxxxxxf
9 [1 KUR.GT 1 MUSEN- 6AL-,, t0] TU.clJR4 e [1 goose, 1 duck, 10] turtledoves.
10 D|U c.ın-Z i - u ğa A].IvEs_UzU ı0 [A tureen of blouillon;
11 Du c.|ma-Zi-u ğa] a-ku- si rr a [tureenlolsoup.
t2 ı |akJi dan-nf ıB,(N 1 44 NDIDA.MEğ 8i_ ') 7 big loavesl I seah I 'litre' o[ regular
ne-e offering loaves;
13 lB'in1 l qa NINDA.qq-du-tü 13 1 seah 1 'litre' of spicedbıead.
14 Du c.2B AN KAs. h4 - mu r - t ı ıa A 2-seü jar of hammurtu-beer;
e.15 Duc.2Bl\N Kp'ş.al-mu-me ıs a 2-seah jar of afmümu-beeı;
16ıiıa-pa-ni 16 a
flagon of bittersweet beer;
|7 DUG ünq-Si-hi KAs| haİ-lürı| i7 a flagon of beer of bruised grain.
r.1 3DUG.2BAN hj-ın-hi-ni .t 3 2-seah jars of hinhinu-seeds;
2 ı ziq-pu 3Y.cı5.İ 2 1 shoot of sesame;
3 3 su-lu-kan ğu:e ı 3 öags of chick-peas;
4 ı su-lu-kan ğF.'cığ.İ a 3 öags of sesame;
5 g suJu-kın kul-la-ni 5 9 bags of (mixed) kernels.
6ıc ıİ-i-İi DUG'|' qn-dah-ğe 6 A cup of/İg-beer; a ditto of small onions;
7 fo]uc.:'su-pur-gılDuc.|.| Sir-di 7 [a] ditto of quinces; a ditto of olives;
8 fcı]|riı 8 a lba]sket of (mixed) fruit.
9 |i1a pa-an daİ-İur 9 From before Ağğur.
10 [ı] I,DU (7) UzU ı0 [1] sheep, (7 cuts o0 meat;
11 [3] 44 NINDIA.IüE]S gi_,xı' ı1 [3] 'litles' of regular offering [loav]es;
12 fz] qa nnıoı.me|-dir-ri ı, [2j 'litres' of midru-brcad;
13 2t qa T' 13 2'Lifies' of spicedbread.
14 gi-nu-üi cBn-| ta The new regular offeıings.
15 rUD|-l4?]-KAM! ğU.2^tu-ri-i t5 The I4th day. Care of Turi.

193. A55ur Temple Offerings, Day 23

K83 7 ADD 1092

I [UZU].üR 1 [A th]igh,
2 lz,\cl Drğ-hat-ni 2 [a shoulder], outer cuİS'
3 UAJ.nıS-hi ZAG 3 cuts of shoulders.
4 ğa 2 GUD kar-ğd-ni a Of 2 oxen: the stomachs, the livers, kid-
5 UR5.üs.IGğ BIR.IFJ ğA.ımğ neys, hearts.
6 l UDU rim-hü s I ablution sheep.
7 3 Duc.2BAN hi-in-hini 7 3 2-seah jars of hinhinu-seed;
8 ı rzıqll-pı Ğı.cı5.İ 8 1 slıoof of sesame.
9 .(4 IDUMU]_rMANİ e (All) of the crown [prince].
r.1 [rrD]-T-K,4M ..I The 23rd [day].
2 ina 2 cIS.cIGrR -MF.S ı In 2 chaıiots, caıe of Ağğur-ahhe-eriba.
3 sU.2 fu
aJ- Jrrr_PAB.MEğ-SU

192 Veıticai tablet. Van Driel no. 21. 3 For Eaces atend see coll.
193 Photo Pl. XL Vefiical tablet. Van Driel no.6. 6 rtm-ku is wrltten as two distinct signs.


194. A55ur Temple Offerings

K 928 ADD 1OO8

1 IUZU.TRI UzU,zAG l A thigh, a shoulder,
z |Dlğ-h&-a-ni] 2 nlŞ-hi zAG.I,Es 2 louıer cutsli 2 cuts of shoulders.
J [ğ4 1]
lGrrDr.MT;. tor-.İ, URs.üs 3 [From one] ox: the stomach, the liver,
4 IBIR.MES ğA_brl is1 ı ıJDıJ ğal-mu a [üe kidneys, üe heart]. 1 whole sheep;
5 h sAG.DUl GABA.MES 5 [x head(s)] (and) the breasts lof 4] roast
6 |ğq a UDU .NnA] ğu-bö-e Isheep].
7 A.tltBç--xz,u
IDU - zi -ul
7 [A tureen ofl bouillon;
8 a-ku-si 8 [a tureen ofl soup.
9 [ı KIjR.GI.MUğEN ı] MUğEN GAL-,' e [1 goose, 1] duck, [10 turtledoves].
10 lro,R4 ?] Nri.{DAr daz-ni 10 [7] big loaves;
i1 [lBdN ı 44 NINDA] gılıl-e ıı [1 seah 1 'litr]e' of regular offering
12 |IBAN l qa N|NDA].qq-du1ü Ioaves];
Rev. onıy ffaces of a few signs in 7 lines ız [1 seah 1 'litre'ofl spiced [loaves].
remainder uninscribed (Rest destroyed)

1 95. AĞSur Temple offerings

K 1863 ADD 1OO9

upper part broken away (Beginning destroyed)
1 ' t2 qa Ntr IDA.IVDğı
k .ü] ı 2'|itres' of loaves [...].
z', Duc.2B/j"{ bu-lde-el z A 2-seah iaı oİ br[d?]-confection;
3', Duc.2B AN KA(.lha-mur -til : a 2-seah jar of hammurtu]-beel

4', Duc.2Bl\N KA1.a-mlu-mel a a 2-seah jar of afmalmuf-beeri

5', ı'.i-||il s a cup of/i[g]-beer;
e.6' DUG.:| an-dah-İ|e] 0 a ditto of small oiıio[ns];
7' Glğ. s d - a l - ıu m - am - r|ı] 7 a basket of (mixed) fru[it].
r.1 .ğa IGI d15 UD-['-K,4M] ..1 (All) before Iğtar, the [xth] day.
2 ina ğU.2 ^ıu-r|ı-ı 2 Care of Tur[i].
3 uzu.tR ulztJ.z\cl 3 A thigh, a shoul[der],
4 [ı UDU.N]MLtü x] a [1 spring la]mb [...].
5 lxxxltxxl '['-ü
lx xxl (Rest deslroyed)
rest broken away

1 96. Ağğur Temple offerings

Bu 91-5-9,158 ADD 1Oi5

beginning broken away (Beginning destroyed)
1' |s uou İal-mu-re l UDU ğa 6] DNGIR
I [5 whole sheep, one sheep ofl the temple;
2' [ı UDU] lıak|l-bfar|-(ru) | KUR.G]I 1MUğEN , [1 f]attened shfeep. 1 go]ose, 1 dact,
3' [ıo TU].GU& Duc.lnü|-Zi-u A.l\4Bğ--].JzU 3 [10 turtledo]ves, A tureen of bouillon;
4' [Duc.nıa]-Zi-u ğa a-ku-si a [a tu]reen of soup.
5' '7 qkJi d6n-ni |B,(N 1
4a NIü.{DA.I8S gızğ-e
5 7 big loaves; 1 seah 1 'litre' of
offering loaves;
6', IBAN l qa Nft-ı[ü|l 6 1 seah 1 'litre' of spicedbread.
7', DU G.zBAN KAğ. ha - mur - ti z A 2-seah jar of lıammurtu-beari
8' la-pa-ni 8 a flagon of bittersweet beer;
9' DuG.: KAğ haİ-lat e a ditto of beer of bruised grain.

194 Vetical lablet. van Driel no. 9; fol Iestma ons see no, 206. 4 Collated wiüout success.
195 Bottom left-hand corner of vefiical tablet. Van Driel no. 14.
196 Vefücaltablet. Van Driel no. 34.


t0' DUc.2B1\N hi-in-hi-ni ıo A 2-seah jar of hinhinu-seed,s;

e.1I', 3 Su-lu-kan ğuüe tl 3 bags of chick-peas;
r.1 : : ğB.cığ.i
2 7 : kul-la-ni
"ı 3 ditto of sesame;
, 7 ditıo of (mixed) kernels.
3 tı-i-ti 3 A cup of/ig-beer;
4 DUc.| an-d'ah-ğe a a ditto of small onions;
5 DUG.:. su-pur-gil s a ditto of quinces;
6 DIJG.|. SirJdı o a ditto of olives;
7 cIğ. \a-al-lu r Zq -am- r ı 7 a basket of (mixed) fıuit.
8 1 UDU 7 IzU 3 4a NINDA.MEğ gi-nö-e 8 1 sheep; 7 (cuts o0 meat; 3 'litres, of
ıegular offering loaves;
9 1BAN T qq me|-dir LBAN ı qa qa-du-ü 9 1 seü 1 'litre' of midru-bread: 1 seah l
'litre' of spiced (loaves).
10 gi-nu-iı GIB1' r0 The new regular offerings from before
11 ğa|1G||d|ağ-ğur! Ağğur.
t2 |ı1 ıak-pu İa pa-an ız 1 basketload from befoIe Bel of the
13 [dE]N|
rğa! MIrRIrBall İk J] Central [...] -
upper edge broken ' (Rest destroyed)

l97. A5Ğur Temple offerings in the Mausoleum

80-7 -19,29 (+) K7sz4 (ADD 1028) ADD 1016+

1 2 TR3 ZAG l2thighs,3shoulders;
2 vZIJ.Dlğ-hü]-ni z nis-hi ZAG 2 outer cuts:2 cuts of shoulderş.
3 ğq l GUD k&r-ğüU*.rrs BIR.ı-Gğ ğA 3 Of 1ox: the stomach,liver, kidneys, heart.
4 5| |JDU ğaı-mu-te t UDU.MM-,ıı a 5 whole sheep. I female spring lamb;
5 2UzU ğa l UDU ğ|u-blö-e dıİ-ri-i 5 2 (cuts on meat of I consıant r[oa]sı
6 ı MLğEN <AL-/ı DUG.2BAN! [xxx.r] 6 I duck. A 2-seah jar of [...];
7 lxxxxxxxl 7 a 2-seah jar of
break of 2 or moıe lines (Break)
ttol lxxxxxxl
'o l0 [......J:
11' ztLxxxxxxl it 2 t......1;
12' 2 UZ]J ğfa? l UDU ğu-bö-e| t2 2 (cuts ofl meat olf roast sheep].
13'. I MUsEN_cAL-r. D[UG.2BAN xİ] l3 1 duck. A [2-seah jar of ...];
14' a-ku-sif I4 a turee[n of soup];
15', 6 ak!J[i! dan-ni] t5 6 [big] lo[aves ...];
e.16' t NIİİDA|.ka-fma- nq,- tef l6 2 kalmAnu-cakesl:
t7' 7 qd N[INDA? Jr d 11
7 'litres' of ıeg[ular offering loa]ves
r.1 İa g[i-nö-e] ..t.
2 DUG.2BAN KAs. [, .İ "t -T -ü] r.2 A 2-seah jar of [...]-beer; [a dittol of
3 İa bu-d|eI-e7 xxxx| budfö-conİectioı];
4 DU G.2B 1\Iİ K,\ğ. h[a! - mur - ti] ı a 2-seah jar of hfammurtu)-beer:,
5 DUc.qq-zAG [ti-i-ti] s a cup of ffig-beerl;
6 DUG: an-[dülh-ğe o] 6 a ditto of small on[ions].
break of one or more lines (Break)
8', t NIND A.t q, kl J [i dan- niJ 8 1[big] loalf ...l;
9', DUc.qq-ZfAG x. x. x xf e a cu[p of ...l;
10' DuG.q a-ZAG |KAğ!1.hq- mur- ti ıo a cıp of hammurtu-beer.
space of half a line
t1' an-ni-ü imf. KI'M?Jı-hi 11 This in the mausoleum, for the Inner
1Z', 4-r2a URU.ğA-IJRU City.
i 13.^Cf. no. l8sr-.l3.ThesignafterMURLJB,beginswirhahorilontal wealge. so perhapq u[RU.
I97_ vertjca] lable|. The uppeİ halfis suppl;ed byADD tol6. Froıi exteinal simitariıv ADD 1028 is aimost
cenarnlythelowerleticomer.butdoesnoıjoin.andthesjzeorthegapi5nolcerıain. rl Re(ıored lfom obv.5f.
l /j'.l Probably \NDA.MEa
İa s|i-nı e]: ror üe ja see on no. 205 r.J.


FIc.40. Attendants br{'nging trals oİ grupes, pomeglLnates and cakes.

wAA t24799.

198. A5İur Temple offeriıgs

83-1-18,595 ADD 1026
l |Dlğ-ha-nil2 n|is-hi ZAG.|\Bğ1
1 IOuter cutsf,2 cu[ts of shoulder].
2 [Of x] oxen: the stolmachs, liversl, kid-
2 [,ğ4I] GUD.INn{|1 knlr|-ğa-ni]
3 [UR5.üğ] BR.MES s[A|.ü"fiğ] neys, heIarts];
4 lx x x UIDU 'NnA ğaı-Imu]
4 [x] whollel male sheep,
s [x hea]d(s) (and) brelasts ofl 4 roaslt]
5 [.İ UZU.SAG] .DU GABA! . [I!Es]
6 [,İd] 4ıUDU.MT,. ğu-lbö|1-[el sheep.

7 lDuc.mla-zi! -u A. l],fiS-uzul
[A t]ureen of bou[illon];
ı [a ture]en of sou[p].
9 [1 K(IR.GI].MUSEN ı MUğEN [GAL-,,] [1 go]ose, 1 du[ck],
10 [10TU.GU]&|.MUğEN! 5[+J.ü İ] 10 [10 turtledo]ves. 5[+x .

rest broken away (Rest destroyed)

Rev. orıly uninscribed space of 4 lines suwives

199. AĞĞur Temple offerings

K7341 ADD 1027

beginning broken away (Beginning destroyed or too broken for
1' [ı.rıı].rcİ ı (x)ır"r tIarıslation)
2' lxxxxxxxxlxfxxl
3' fx.:cx.xxxxxxl
4' fx,xxxxxxxxl
198 Ffasmenı IIom centre ofvenica] tablet. Van Driel no' ]3.
199 Ce;rral pan of vertical tab|eü. Van Driel no. l6.


5' [1KUR.GT 1 MU]SEN!-[GAL-,, t0] 5 [1 goose, i d]uc[k, 10 turtledoves].

6' |Duc.n7.a-zı-u] A.\,ffis tuzul fDuc-nn-Zı-u 6 [A tureen] of bouillon; [a tureen of
a-ku-sil soupl.
7' [ı akJi dın]-ni ııİ.j.i 1 4a tNtrIDc.[MEs 7 [7 big lo]aves; 1 seah 1 'litre'
gi-nö-el offeringl loaves.
8' IDUC.2BAN K^S.ha-murJ-kt DUG.2BAN 8 [A 2-seah jar of hammu]rıu-beer; a 2-
|Kı -fmu-me] Seah jar of a|muınul-beer:
9'] KAğ.la-pa-ni 9 [a flagon ofl bittersweeı beer;
10' |Dü]-tü KAs h4ğ-|ıqt1 ıo [a flag]on of beeı of bruised grain.
1|' 13 SuJu-kan] l ğu-'e1 tr [3 bags] of chick-peas;
12' [3 JrrJa-raıı ğE.GIğ]. T t1 13 bags of sesalme;
rest broken away (Break)
Rev. beginning broken away
|' |]tı-U-ti] I [A cup ofl f [g-beer];
2' lDuc.qalzlAcl a-mu-me?l [... .l;
. .
[DUG].qq-zIAG an-dah]-ğe ((cığ.\))
4'ıc su7-pur-g|il]
5' DUG.qq-lzAc sirlrdf,
6' |cı]|al-lu za-am-ri]
7' an-n|i-tı İapa-andaİ-İurl
rest broken away

200. A55ur Temple Offerings

83-r-18,252 83-I-18,252
beginning (two lines) broken away (Beginning destroyed)
1' |kar-ğd-ni u]Rs.üS.ıırsS l ["rxx.t] I [stomachs], livers, 1 [...],
2' IBIR.IES S]A.I\4Eğ 5 UD|U ğqı-mu-teJ , [kidneys, he]arts; 5 [whole] sheep,
3' [1 UDU .ğd] lEl_DnIGR 1 UDIU kım-ru] 3 [1 sheep ofl the temple, I lkimru]-sheep.
4' [1KUR.GI] 4 MUSEN cAt-rr?r [10 ru.GU&] a [1 goose],4 ducks, [10 turtledoves];
5' |DUG.71'a-Z]il ul A.MEğ"-UZU 5 [a tu]reen of bouillon, [a tureen of soup];
6'. [ı akJ]i |dan-ni IBAN ıl [4a NINDA.MEğ o [7] big [oa]ves, 1 seah 1 ['litre'ofregu-
gi-ne-ö] lar offering loavesl,
7' hBAN 1 qla N|ND A.' q[q- du-tü DUG.2BAN ı [1 seah 1 'li]tre' of spiced floaveş, a
KAğ.h(ı-mur-ti] 2-seah jar of hammurtu-beer),
8' []i-tıi |rı(.la-pa-ni ouc'mı-s]i- 8 [a fla]gon of [bittersweet beer, a fla]gon
ıü |KAs hağ -laİ of bruised grain beer,
9' [DUG.2B]AN hi-i|n-hi-ni ı| lziq-pf ı [a 2]-seah jar of hinfhinu-seeds' |l shoot
ğE.[G]Is.i of sesame,
10' [2 SuJJu-kan |ğuüe 2 su-flu-kan Sr..cı(.İ t0 12 balgs of [chick-peas, 2 ba]gs of se-
1l', |6 suJu-kan k]ul-l[a-l,i IB]AN a&Ji i.IrEğ l\ 16 bq7s of keınels, 1] seah of oil_bread;
t2' |DU G' qa] - 7Ac1 İ i - i - |
ı 12 [a c]up oİ
13', [Du G. q q-z AG a]n - dnh - ğ e 13 [a cup ofl small onions,
e.14', IDU G. q a-zA|G s u- pur - 8 i ı ta [a cu]p of quinces;
15', [DUG.q4-ZA.]G sir-di ıs [a cu]p of olives,
t6' |cı3. s a - a]l - l u z a - am - r i 16 bas]ket of fruit,
r.1 |sa-an-b]u-ku | ğa1 SaJu-Pi .ı [a[a clus]ter of dates.
2 [1 tDU 7 Uz]U 3 44 Nü\DA.MBğ gi-nğ-e , [1 sheep, 7 (cuts] o0 meat, 3 'litres' of
regulaı offering loaves,
3 |2 qa NtrİDA.me1 -dir z qa qa-duıü 3 2 'litres' of midru-tııead, 2 'litres' of
spiced bread.

200 Badly damaged verrical tablet. Copy p.259 (burthe damaged space at the centIe of Obv. is widerthan shown
on thecopy). lUl ResIoTaüon from no' 202:If.


4 l gi-nu-ü1 GLBLL an-ni-u ğa lcl aİ-ğur a The new regular offering; this from be-
5 4 KIJR.GI.MUSEN.MES fore Ağğur'
6 2a1u[zul.bu-urJ ki) 5 4 geese,
7 rjal 14 GUD.rMEğ J J.MEğI d 24 loin-(cuıs) of 14 oxen ...;
8 r-d.MEğ ğa IKUR.NIM.KIı 8 the ... of Elam.
rest broken away (Rest destroyed)

201. A55ur Temple Offerings

83-1-18,327 ADD 1O3O

1 luzu.(rkI.JztJ.zAcl r [A thigh. a shoulder];
2 |uz|J -Dlğf-ha-ni 2 nis-[nı ZAG.[MEğ] '|oulıer cuıs,2 cu|üs'| ofshouldel.
., ğ(ı l GIJD kar-ğü üR5.Üğ. [MEğ] 3 Of 1 (ox): the stomach, liver, kidneys,
4 BIR.MF-ğ s-A.0| 1 UDU .ği 6_DINGR and heart: 1 sheep of the temple.
5 3 SAG.DU GABA.MES 5 3 heads (and) the breasts of4 roast sheep.
6 İa 4 UDU ğu-bö-e
7 1 KUR.GI 1 MUSEN 10 TU.GU& 7 1 goose, 1 duck, 10 tutledoves.
8 A tureen of bouillon;
8 DUG.fia - zi - u ğd| A'MEğ ]JLU zi-u ğE| a- hı- Sı
e a tureen of soup.
10 lBAN 1 4d NINDA.MEğ gırll-[e]
lo 1 seü 1 'litre' of regular offering
1i IBAN t qa Nr,{DA.qq-Idu-h4l l11 seah 1 'litre'of |şpicled breadi
DUa.ZBAN hd-mur-ltil 12a z-seah iaİ oİ hammurftul-beeli
r.1 Duc.lıı4-Si-vrt] .1 a flaglon] of bitterswe€t beer;
z rığ.la'pq-ni [o]
3 DIJG -mq- Si-tı KAğ h^İ-|ıat] I a flagon of beer of bruisled grainl.
4 re-hq-ti ğq IGl ağ-ğur a The ierı.overs from before Ağğur.
5 1 IJDU 7! UZU
s 1 sheep,7 (cuts of) meat.
6 ı akJi dan-ni 6 7 big loaves;
7 3 4a MNDA.MEğ 8ııığ-e
7 3 'litıes' of regular offering loaves;
8 2| qdN|NDA.qq.-du-ttı
8 2 'litres' of spiced bread;
g 2 'liıres' of midru-btead.
9 2 qa Nft'
10 gi-nu-u cIBn ı0 New regular offerings,
l1 fuPA_MAN PAB t1 [the xth da]y, care of Nabü-Ğaıru-uşur.
[UD_-I-K,4.]M! ğU.2

202. A55ur Temple Offerings

K 1163 ADD 1031

beginning broken away destroyed)
1' z sfuJu-kan ğE 'cığ '\] 2 of sesame];
2' e suJ|u-kın kul-la-nil 6ba of (mixed) kernelsl
3' lBAN Ntr\DA.^,Eğ [ı.I,Eğ] of [oi1l-bread.
4' |KAğ.İı-i-ti] A cup of ffig-beeı];
5' DUG'qa'ZAG|an-dah-ğel a cup of [small onions];
e.6' slu-pur-gill a cup of q[uinces];
7' DUG4az-Ac sir-dlil a cup of oliv[es];
r.1 Gls.Sq-aı-ıuza-am-ri a basket of (mixed) fruit;
2 sa-an-bu-hı İa sa-lu-{1ıil 2
a cluster of dat[es].
3 ıuzı-lio-İat ıo ban-dil| 3 3 scrotums, 10 bellies, ftom an ox which
4 r.l*| SA'cuo ğa ina pa-an I0] was befole Be1-ühe-eriba.
ı6 The same wold in no.202İ.8. t.7 FoI üe traces aftel cUD see copy.
201 Vertical tablet. Van Driel no. 32.
202 Lower half of vertical tablet. Not included by Van Driel, r'3 Cf. no. 189 r.7.


6 an-ni-u ğaıcıdağ-İur 6 This from befoıe Ağğuı.

7 [a?] KLR.GI.MUğEN t [4] geese;
I 1247 Uzu.bul-ur-ki lx x x1 8 [24] loin(-curs) [...]
9 lx.xxxlxfxxxx]' (Rest destroyed)
rest broken away

203. AĞöur Temple offerings

81,-2-4,t60 ADD 1034

1 tpzıc uzı -oığJ ha|1-nlill 1 A thigh, a shoulder, ouıer cufısf,
2 2 ,1[s-ri Znc.}vfis j4 [ü GU]D 2 2 cuts of shoulders. Of
rqr-.i,i-ru UR5.üs BlR [sA.MlEs
[x o]ien: the
sl.omachs. Iiver. kid neyls ). [heart]s.
4 ı ıJoıJ ğa|-mu| T! |uDU tak-bar-r]u!
5 4 SAIG.DU GABA Jd xUDU.NİIA İy|-lğğ-gı :5 4I he[a_ds
wqole sheep: I lfattened shelep.
(and) b_reasls ofx] roast [sheep].
6 1 KUR.[GI.MUSEN I MUSBN 10 TU.GUR.. o I goo[se, 1duck, 10 turtledove]s,
MUJSEN ? 1[......]
7 lfxxxxxxxxxl (Rest destroyed)
ıest broken awav
Rev. broken away

204. A55ur Temple Offerings

Sm 1613 ADD 1037

beginıing broken away (Beginning destroyed)
|' l31 su|-lu!-ka|1!
|İu-)el I 3 bags [of chick-peasl;
2' 3 suJu-kan [SE.ctS.ll z 3 bags [of sesame];
3' t811
su-lu-kan kul-la-nfil 3 8 öags of (mixed) kerne[ls].
4' | KAğ.|i-i-t|i] a A cup oflig-beer;
5' !'AGan-da'h-ğe s a cup of small onions;
6' |cıĞ].sa-al-lu za-am-r|Il 6 [a] basket of (mixed) frui[t].
7' |l wU 7| IUZU:I J 4a Ntr{DA.MıS g|i|-n/-e] z [1 sheep; 7] (curs oO meat. 3 .litres' of
8' |2 qa]|-tül reg[ular offering] loaves;
9' [z qa NıNolı!.me-|di-ri] 8 [2 'lirres'] of spicedbread;
rest broken away e [2 'litres' olf mifdru-bread, ...l
(Rest desfoyed)

205. Aö5ur Temple offerings

Ki 1904-to-9,222 BM 99190
beginning broken away (Beginning destroyed)
1' fx x x x x xf Ix xı fx x i] r
2' [1BAN 1 qalİxİ,uJtrt1 : [......]...[......];
l seah l 'liıre'ofspiced loaves;
3' rDUGı.2BANKAğ.ha-ınur-İi 3 a two-seah jar of hqmmurıu-beer;
e.4' | ı la-DaJni] a a flagon of bittersweet beer:
5, ı5g6ı., 143 r2.ş-fi1ı s a ditto of beer of bruised srain.
r.1 3 DUc.2Bl\N thi-in-hi-nf, .ı 3 two-seah.iaTs of hinhiiu-seeds
r.7r For rcstoratiorN cf. no. 200 r.5f.
l9i Fraem.nt
204 9pp.. p"n oı oor. of a venical ıabl€t.
of veIlicai tablet. Van Driel no. ıs. ,
V^.Dİielflo.27. 5 For ihe traces at the end ofthe line see coll.
üe text cf. [o. t92 ı.10 and no. 196 r.8.
Foi ii," ."sio*iior?;;,-. f* ;;; j";;;;l,
205 Fmgment ofvertical tablet. Van Driel no. 35. 'aiı;i


2 2 DUG.2BAN |ıuci\ .ma-si-tıi 2 2 two-seahjars; a flagon of budA-confec'

3 (blank) lğa1 bu-de-e tion.
rest bruken away (Rest destroyed)

206. A55ur Temple Offerings

K 1387 ADD 760

1 IUAJ.OR1UAJ.7-AG l A thigh, a shoulder,
2 Dlğ-ha-a-ni2 nıS|-hi| ZAG.NIEç 2 ouıer cuıS;2 cuts of shoulders.
a Of 1ox: the stomach, liver, kidneys,
3 ,(a 1 GL'D.NmA iar-.ff rn .ÜĞ
4 BIR.MES ği-brJ l|JDu ğdl-m|u] heart. 1 whole sheep;
5 4 SAG.DU GABAoI 5 4 heads (and) the breasts of4 roast sheep.
6 ğa AuDU.N|TA ğu-bö-e
7 A tureen of bouillon;
7 Duc.rno-zi-uA,.MEğ_UZ[U]
8 a tureen of [sou]p
o l goose, 1du[ck],
9 ı KI,R.GI.MUğEN 1MUğE[N]
ı0 10 turtledov€S. 7 bliel loaves;
10 ı0 TU.GU& 7 NINDA d4[r-zi]
11 1 seah 1 'litue' of regular offering
11 1BAN 1 44 NINDA 8ıııl-[ğ]
12 IBAN l qa N|İ.ID''qa'd -vrt] 12 1 seah 1 'litre' of spicedbread.
13 KAğ 'ıdp-p|a-n t3
A flagon of bittersw[eet] beer;
14 Duc.lıı0-Si-hi KAs hqğJaı a flagon of beer of bruised grain.
r.1 l uDu 1 (UzU) 3 qa NıNDA.'me|-dır ,.ı l shğep. 7 (cuts oI meal). J 'litres' of
2 z 4a Nnıo.l.ıımğ (gi-na-e) 2 qa NINDA-qa- midru-bread:
z 2'litres' of (regulaı offering) loaves; 2
3 an-ni-urı* ğA gi-nö-e eİ-|İil ' |itres' of spiced bıead.
3 This is from the new regular offerings.
blarık space of two lines
4 re-ho-teğalcLdqğ-ğur a The leftovers from before Ağğur.

207. A55ur Temple Offerings, Day 19

K 936 + K 16509 (unpub.) ADD 1003+

1 3 aR 3 ı7p.6l 1j1l-ha-nfl
1 3 thighs; 3 shoulders; fouter cutsl,
2 2 nis-hi 7AG ğq'7 G|UD kar-ğ,i-nil 2 cuts of shoulders. Of 7 ox[en: the sto-
3 ı,n..üğ.ıııığ sR.MEğ SA.M[Eğ] machsl, livers, kidneys, heartIs].
I 5 whole sheep; 1 sheep of the ltemple].
4 5 iDu ğql-ruu-te 1 UDU .ğd [6 DtrIGIR]
5 1 goose, 1 duck, 10 [turtledoves].
5 1 KUR.GI 1 MUğEN cAL-]I 10 [TU.GU&]
6 Duc.tlo-zi-u A.MES ruzul
ğö 6 A tureen of bouillon;
7 ğd a-ku-Si 7 akJi dq|n-ni] 7 a tureen of soup. 7 big loaves.
8 l seah 1'litre' of regularoffering loaves;
8 ıBAN l 4d MNDA.MES gi-ni-e lBl..]"{ l qa
lİı|i 1 seah 1'litıe' of spjced loaves.
9 DUG.2BAN o| ha-mux-tiü lq- 9 A 2-seah jar of ü anxmurtu-beer;
a İ|agon
pa-ni of bittersweet beer;
10|<As.hağ-laı 3 Su-ıu-kdn ğu)e ı0 a flagon of beel of bıuised grain. 3 bags
of chick-peas;
1I stlslu-lu-kan şE.ct1.i 8 t. kul-la-ni
1| 3 bags of sesame; 8 ditto of keınels.
12 |ıuK\ğ.tı-i-İi 12 A cup oflig-beer;
ıı a cup of small oni[ons];

.2 The sigı given as rDUG?r is difficult to read, and could also b€ GA ("milk,'' for which cf. no. 182:4), but thi€ would
leave mas;İrl"without its usual deteminative.. r.3 Asinno. 197 L 1 the üıusual .ğ4 at ttıIs point is presumably inserted
to connect the word to ıhe previous line.
206 Verticat tablel Also pubtished as ADD 1004. Van Driel no. 13.
2(, Vertical tablet. Van briel no. l0, with üe fIagment K 16509 (,oin K. Dellel) pIoviding üe beginning of
obv. l1-13andRev.218'. 17 Thereisatotalof3oI4lineşlostonrheEdgeandüetopoftheRev.beforel.1'.


14 [Duc].qq-bu-ıuSu-|pur-{ln ra [a] cup of qui[nces];

15 lDuc.qolJbul-ıu sir-|di| 15 [a c]up of oliv[es];
16 fcıS'sa-allJu| za-|am-ri| ı6 [a basklet of (mixed) fr[uiı
|re-ha-ıi İa| lpa|-qn: d|1lağ-ğurl ,7 [The leftovers fromJ before
broken (Break)
Rev. one or two lines broken awav
|' JDLC.2BAN bu|-de-rpı kİ-İur-a-a] .ı [a2_seü jar of Assyriaı öığ?-confection;
2' tDUGl.fmqf-si-ni. bu-deJ
el lgar-gi-misl
.z a [flfagon of [Carchemish] bud?-confec-
3', DUG.| ma1 - Si-tü huJfu! - fif 3 a flagon of yofghurtl;
4' DLc -m a - [ Sl i - ı ü mqr- m e - na Du|c.a- Ş u-du] a fl|a|gon o[ marmena-yoghurl: alı|owl]
5', har-İe |z]a-am-ri + so-rpuı -ul-iıi oI-aharğu (and mixed) fruit.4 ...;
6', IBAr \INDA.MES ii- ri-att tt suJu-kqnSu:e ö l seah of...-|oaves, l bag of ch ic k-peas:
7', l SuJu-kın ğE.G[ğ.İ 6 :. kul-la-ni ı l öcg of sesame; 6 diııo kernels.'
8', İi-i-ti an-dah-ğe ı A cup offg-beer; acup ofof small onions;
DUc,qo -Z-^G Su- pur-gil Şi r| -di I | e a cup of quinces: a cup of olives;
10' Glğ.sa-al-lu za-am-ii ıo a basket of (mixed) fruit.
.ıı A flask of mEzz-wine; a fl[ask of /]a,z-
11', D|JG.ğE-za|-mu-u| me-zi! |DIJG|I .| ğa -lza-
mU-U q-t'Ut1-Ul
12' İa qur-İe dNw.r|ir İa x x] r2 Of the wedding nighr ol Mullis[su
of -
t3' l U:Dv 7 uzu 3 qa [ım,ıoe.mi gizl-e] ıJ l sheep. 7 (cuıs o[) meat, 3 .li[res' of
[regular offering loavesl;
1,4', 2 qa NIND| -cıir |21
[qa NIND A.q a4u1ü) A 2'Iiftes' of midru-bread;2 l,litres, of
spiced. breadl.
15' gi-nu-ü [6ıBII-o] rs The [new] regular offerings.
16' UD-I9-K-AM [Su.z^x x x] 16 The 19th day.
[Care of NNl.

208. A55ur Temple Offerings, Day 21

K 881 ADD 1024

1 ||nU.ÜR |ZU.z^c| LIZ|J.Dls |-| hq| -ni ı [A thigh, a shoulder, ou]ıer cuts,
2 [2nis-hi ZAG ğa x GuD karl-İıi-ni 2 [2 cuts of shoulder; ofxoxen: st]omachs,
3 [URs.üs.ı,fi s BIR.lGs SA.ME]ğ 3 [liveıs, kidneys, heart]s;
4 |5 |JDU ğaı-mu-te 1 UDU .ğ4 E DINIGR' a [5 whole she_ep. I sheep of the temlplel
5 [1 KUR.GI1MUsm{ cAL-ı, 10 TU.GU]& 5 II goose. l duck. l0turtledloves.
6 lDUc.m.o-zi-u A-MES -uzu d- 6 fA tureen oİ boullloı; a tureen of sou]p.
[ı.ak-li dın-ni 1BAN
-i ? ıişloalves;
7 1 q4 }.[NDA.MEğ 8rl- loaves; 1 seah 1 'litre, of regular
ru-ı offering
[]BAx 1 4a NN|ıü DUG.2BI{N s I seah t 'lirre' of splced bread; 2-seah
KAs.hal-mur-İi jar of hamfmurtu-beerl
9 |ü 9 [a flagon of bitıerswe]et
I0 [|tıi KAğ haİ-lat ı su-lu-kan İu|:e _
ı0 [a flagon ofbeer ofbruised grain: 3 ba8s
of chickl-peas:
|ı su-lu-kan Sn'cıS.\ı suJu-knn k]ul-la-ni
- 13 bags of sesame; 8 bags of lmixed)
11 tt_
12 I;,UıG KAs. t i- i - ı i DU c. q q,-Z AG a)n| - kerlnels;
İ:q-zAc Cup of fig-beer: a cup of
.ı, [a
13 [,C su-pur- gtl DuC.qo-zAc si lrt -di ri [a cup of quinces; a cup of ollives.
t4 lcls.sq - a l - I u za - a m- rli 14
[A basket of (mixed) frulit.
15 [3 Uzu.liP-ğqt 10 ba]n|-dıl! ı5 [3 sclotums, 10 be]llies;
1,6 lxxxxxxxfu

20E Photo Pl. xI. veltical tablet. Van Driel no. 8. ıs The fina] wedges are complessed, on the ght edge;
collation permits but does not require öa]r_dil.Mps (cf. no. ı89;.0. ;l sii'nJt]'Jn no. ısz:+.



break of 1 or 2 lines
ı.|' [1MUSEN-GAL-ü] DUc'zslN hi-in:hf -lni]
.' ı [ 1 duck] . A 2-s eah
jar of hinhinu-seeds;
2' |DUG.2B^N bu]-de-e ağ-ğur-a-a
, [a 2-seah jar of Assyriaıı bı]d?-confection;
3' |DUG.m|q-Si-ıibu-de-e gar-ga-mis 3 [a fl]agon of Carchemish ö'da-confection;
4' Duc.t. huJu-ti Ducj. mar-me-ANl a a dilto of yoghurr; a ditto oİ marınena-
5' DıJc.a-su-d'u har-ğe za-aın- ri , a bowl of harğu (and mir(ed) fruil.
6', ı sa-pz-ıl-lıi ııAN NrNoA.I\aEğ .ği-ria, 0 3 ...; 1 seü of...-loaves;
7', I Su-ıu-kdn ğu-'e 1 süJr-ftaıı sB.GIğ.l u 1 bag of chick-peas; I bag of sesame;
8', t suJu-kan kal-la-ni DUc.qd-ZAc tl-i-!i 8 6 bags of (mixed) kemels. A cup of/ıg-
g', an-dah-ğe DUG.qq-zAG Su- beer;
pur-gıl e a cup of small onions; a cup of quinces;
10' DUc'qd -ZAG S ir-di clğ.sa- l u za-am-ri to a cup of olives; a basket of (mixed) fruit.
t1' Dı G. ğE - Za - mu - u GBğTft{ rne - Zi ıı A flask of mezu-w|ıe;
12', D|JG.ğd- zq-mu-u GBğTnI /a)rr-r, ı2 a flask of la'ıl-wine.
blank space of half a line
dıını.ı,lı 13 of the weddiıg night of Mullissu those
of the estate of the chief treasurer gave- (it).
13', .ia 4ıı r-.fe
14', j4 f Lü*.IGLDUB GAL-e
15', i-ta-nu tJD-2lt-KAM 15 The 21st day. Care of Nabü-samı-uşur.
16', Su.2.dPA-MAN-PAB

209. A5Ğur Temple offerings, Day 22

8t-2-4,90 ADD 1O1O

1 UR 17.AG Dls-ha-ni |2 nıSl-Ihi zAc 'MEğl 1 A thigh, a shoulder' ouıer cuts, 2 çlItS of
ja cl-ID İ4 E_dda|-gan [j4 GAL|-KAğ.LLı- shoulderl of an ox, of the temple of Dagan
2 -
[of ıhe chiefl cupbearer.
2 I3F. 2 ZAG'İA*| sA| SISKUR.ü'Gğ 3 2 thighs,2 shoulders, from the (oxen o0
ıhe pilgrims.
4 ğa 5 GUD kar-ğıi-ni uRs.üğ| BR sA.i\4Eğ
a Of 5 oxen: the stomachs, livers, kid-
nev(s). hearts.
5 5| uDU ğ&l-üıu-te ı rjDU .ğd! [6ı_DNGIR 1 i 5 *hoıe sheep; l sheep of the ıemple: I
tJDrJ tak-bqr-ru fattened sheep;
6 I IJDU kım-rum I uDU rınx-ku .ğa! cAı- 6 1 kimru-sheepi l Sheep İor abıution
- of
KAS!.LUL! the chief cupbearer.
7 12 Duc.sih-h'a-rat sapJiİ|-hi 1 KIJR.GI. 7 12 platters of sapliİhu. 1 goose'
8 I MUSEN 10 TtJ.cuR Duc,rn-ziJul A- I 1, duck, LO tartledoves. A tureen of bouil-
I\,ES rrzu 1on;
9 a-ku-si 'ı |akJf dan-ni e a tureen of soup. 7 big loaves;
10 1BAN l 4d NINDA.MEği gı-lıı-e |IBAN I qa\ 10 1 seah 1 'litre' of regular offering
qa-du-tıi loaves; 1 seah 1 qa of spiced (bread);
11 KAğ.ho-mur-ti DU|G.m]a-Si-tiı il a 2-seah jar of hammurtu-beeıi a
'UG.2BAN [fl]agon of bittersweet beer;
12ı KAğ.hqİ-lat 3 DUG.2B.AN lıi- t2 a flagon of beer of bruised grain. 3 2-
hi-ni seah iars of ijzlıiııa-seeds:
t3 ı ziq-pu Se.cıS .\ ı su-lu-kan ğu: e t3 ashod ofsesame: J bags ofchick-peasl
t4 3 SuJu-kdn ğE.G[ğ.l9 : kul-la-ni t4 3 bags of sesame; 9 ditto of (mixed)
15 DUG.2BAN KAğ.a-ın, -ııu tı-i-ıi 15 A 2_seah jar of amumu-beeı; a cup of
16 ,D|JG -qq-zAc1 an'dah-İe ouc.:! su-pur-gil i6 a cup of small onions; a ditto ofquinces;
1? [a cup ofl olives; a basket of (mixed)
17 | Si]r| -di cı| -al-lu m-|am]'ri
blarık space of half a line frluilt.

209 Vertical tablet. VaII Driel no. z. 2 The signs .{a GAL are given in ADD, and indeed the tablet is İecent]y
damaged at üis point.


F'IG' 41. offeling ceremony in the Bit Nathi ıemple at Nineveh (White obelisk, ca. ]040 Bc).
BM 1r8807.

18 [an]-ni-ü İ|a ıcıdaİ-İur] t8 (All) this from bef[ore Aööur].

e.19 [unJ.ZAG nis-hi 7.^G ğa GuD] ıı [A shoulder; a cut of shoulder of an ox].
20 l UIDU ğ(rı-mu 1 KUR.GI 1 MUğEN] ,o 1 [whole] sh[eep. I goose, l duck].
I'1 DUG.2BAN hi-|hi|-n DUG-|ıııa-si-ıü? buT-
ı A- 2-seah jar of hinhinu-seeds:, a f|agon
Ide-el of bu[da|confectioı|
2ü :! gar-ga-mis z a flagon of Carchemish ditto;
3 DUG.:I hu-lu-|/DUG.|| ı\wr-me-n|aJ
' a diıto ot yoghufl; a ditto of marmena-
4 DUG.q-Şu-du har-|İel za-am-ri a a boli/.,l of har|ğu] (and mixed) fruit.
5 +sa-pu-ul-hiııAN l 4a NüNDA.VEs ji:-rj:-4r: s 4 ...; I seah 1'litre' of ...-loaves;
6 ı su-lu-kan İu-,e l Su-lu-krtn sE.cls.| 61 öog of chick-peas; 1 öag of sesame;
'7 6! kul-Ia-ni tı-i-ti 16 ditto of (mixed) kernels. A cup offg-
8 Ducqq-zAc an-dah-İe ouc-: su-pur-gll 8a cup of sma|l onions: a diıüo of qu inces;
9 DUG.:| sıidi GlS-sa-al-lu za-am-ii 9A diııo of olives: a basket of (mixed)
l0 Duc.İd-z(1-mu-u GEİi^üN me-zi to A flask of mezu-wine;
11 Du3,ğıi-Za-mu-u cEğTft] la)u-u 1ı a flask of la'u-wine.
12 Ja qır-İe dunı.r-iı- Ja Lü*.GAR.KUR i2 of üe wedding night of Mullissu of
the Prefect of the Land.
13 I UDU 7 rJZU 3 44 NrNDA.unS gi-ni-l 13 1 sheep, 7 (cuts of) meat. 3 'litres, of
regular offering loaves;
14 zqa me-dir z qa qa-d,u-|t]ü M Z 'Litres' of midru-bread,;2 ,litres, of
spiced. bread..
15 qi-nu-ıiclBn' 15 The new regular offeıings.
L6 UD-22!-KAM Su.2 rdpA-t4rAN-pAB 16 The zznd day. Care of Nabü-5aıru_uşur.

rr _li leems Io be correcı. alıhough unique in

üis wo'd. buı an erased DI is c]eafly visib]e beneaü üe HI sisn.
2l0 verüica] ıablel. Noı colTa|ed' ' Cf. nos' isb,i.'il ı,s['iı iqf,
' .'l?i,,al" "İ.iij lİlj;'',
wrilten iike Us.
Possibly a ralher üıan 5. L7 The copy alm".i ,*^i t" ı,"i. üi.]? i zi:ii-ii: n-iİ!,, '.
bul ınls may be decepllve' r ı) Cop} has a clear l at the beginning ot üe line. ^"i'iii:rr'x


210. AİĞur Temple offerings, Day 22

private collection RA 69 183

1 UzU .(JR uzu .7AG Uzu .D(ğ-ha-ni ı A thigh, a shouldeı, outer cutsi
2 2 nİS|-hi| z,?ıC TA* sA-bi CUD.I.rrrA 2 2 cuts of sho[ulder] from an ox, of the
3 İa E_dcla-gan İa GAL_KAğ.LUL temple of Dagan - of the chief cupbearer.
4 zrIR 27'AG TA* sA.ğli_sIsKUR!|_MEğ a 2 thighs, 2 shoulders, from the (oxen) of
the pilgrims.
5 ğd 5| GUD kar-ğd-zi U&.üs BR.MFj sA.MEs 5 Of 5 oxen: the stomachs, livers, kid-
ney(s), hearts.
6 5UDU ğaı-rnu-te l IJDU.ğd 6-DINGIR 1 UDU 0 5 whole sheep; 1 sheep of the temple; I
kim-ru kimru sheep;
7 luDU tak'bar-rul2D|Jc.sıh-ha-rdt SapJiğ-hi 7 1 fattened sheep; 12 dishes of scpli.ilıı;
8 l UDu rım-ku ğd Lü*.GAr KAğ.LUL ı l sheep for ablution - of the chief cup_
9 lKUR.GI 1 MUğEN--GAL 10 TU.GI]R4 DUG. e 1 goose, 1 duck, 10 turtledoves. A tureen
ma-Zi-u A.\/IEğ_|JZU of bouillon;
10 Dı a-ku-si 7 qkJu dan-ni 1o a tureen of soup. 7 big loaves,
11 1BAN 1 q4 NINDA.MBS gi-ng-e |B1İİ l qa 11 1 seah 1 'litre' of regular offeringı loaves; 1 seü 1 'litre' spjced loaves.
tz 3 DUG.2Bl\N hi-hi-ni ı zğ-pu ğe.cıS.i ız 3 2-seah jars of hınhina-seedsi a Shoot
of sesame;
13 DUG.2BANKAs.lıd-ılı ur-tiDUG'2BAN a-mu]ne 13 a z-seah :aİ oİ hamrrıurta-beeri a z-Seah
jaİ of qmunıu-beeIi
t4 Du - Si- hi l<Ağ. l a -p a - ni ıa a flagon of bittersweet beer;
15 Du -Si- ırt KAs. h.a ğ J at lJ a flagon of beer of bruised gıain.
L6 3 Su-lu-kan ğu: e 3 SuJu-kın ğE 'cığ.\ 16 3 öags of chick-peas; 3 bags ofsesame;
T7 s suJu-kün kuı-l'q-ni 17 8 bags of (mixed) kernels.
18 DU c. qq - b u - ıli KAs.İı - i - İi 18 A cup of/ig-beer;
19 DU G. qa - bu- tü an- dah - ğe 1e a cup of small onions;
e.20ı Su-pur- gıl 20 a cup of quinces;
21ı]i Sır-di 2t a cup of olives;
22 G|ğ'Sa-al-ıu m-am-ri zz a basket of (mixed) fruit.
r.1 İa pa-an daİ-İur .l From before Ağğur.
2 UAJ .zAG nıS-hi zAG ğq GUD z A shoulder; a cut of shoulder, of an ox.
3 l \JD|J ğal-mu r KUR.GI 1 MUsEN cAL-r, 3 1 whole sheep. 1 goose, 1 duck.
4 DU c.2B AN hi- hi - nı Du G.2B l\N bu' de - e + A 2-seah jar of hinhinu-seeds; a 2-seah
jar oİ buda|confect\on;
5ıi-t[ıbu-de-e gar-ga-mıs 5 a flagon of Carchemish brdğ-confection;
6 DUG.: huJu-çi ouc,: mcır-me-no 6 a diııo ot yoghurr; a ditto of marnena-
7 oıJG.: hqr-ğe za-am-ri ı sa-pu-ul-hi 1 a ditto oİ harğu and (mixed) fruit. 4 ...;
8 1BAN NtrIDA.LGğ ği-ri-qt I su-lu-kan ğu:e ı 1 seah of ...-loaves; 1 ba8 of chick-peas;
9 ı su-lu-kan ğz.GIğ.l6 | kul-lq-ni e 1 bag of sesame; 6 ditto of (mixed) kemels;
10 DUG.qaZAG İi-i-ıi Ducj an-d'q'h-ğe 10 a cuP ofİ8-beer; a cup of small onions;
11 DUG; Su-pur-gııDUc.| Sir-dı ıl a ditto of quinces; a ditto ofolives;
12 Glğ.Sa-alJu zd-am-ri DIJGjd-zd-nxu-u 12 a basket of (mixed) fruit. A flask of
13 GEğTtr,I r?ıe-zi DUG.ğd -za-mu-(u) lq)uJu1 mczu-wine: a flask of ld'z-wine.
14 .ia 4zr-,İe NıN.ıfi, ,İa Lü*.GAR.KUR 1a Of the wedding night of Mullissu
- of
the Prefect of the Land.
15 l| uD\J 7 UZU 3 qq NLIİDA.MEğ gi-na-e 15 1 sheep, 7 (cuts of) meat, 3 'litres' of
regular offering loaves;
16 2 qa me-dir 2 qa NllİDA.qq-du-tli ı0 2 'litles' of midru-|oaves;2 'litres' of
17 gi-nu-i GrBlL ı7 The new regular offerings.
18 uD-22-KAI$ ğu .2 ^tu-i-i ı8 The 22nd day. Care of Turi.


211. AĞ5ur Temple offerings, Day 24

K 1131 + K 3039 + K7328 (ADD 1072) ADD 1007+

1 Uzu.|3 |R] vzu.ZAc UAJ.D|ğ - h4 - n i ı A thigh, a shoulder, outer cuts:
2 2 nıS-hi zAG ğa GUD z 2 cuts of shoulder, of an ox of the temple
3 İa 6-dcJı-gan İa of Dagan _ of the treasurer of the Ağğur
4 L(J .|GL.DuB ğa E!_qğ-ğur temple.
5 [2 ü]R 2 ZAG TA ğ[i-D]i s [2 th]ighs, 2 shouldeıs, fr[om the (oxen)
6 .ğ[lr SISKU]R.I.FJ Jd 6 GU[D 0] of the pilglrims. Of 6 oxen: the stom[achs],
7 kar- ğ[d-nil uR5.I1s.MEğ BIR.IVD[ğ ğA.LG]ğ the livers, the kidney[s, the hearts].
8 5 UDU |ğaıl-fmu-te I UDU] rjaı E-rDü{GIRI a 5 wh[ole] sheep: I sheepl o[ rhe remple:
9 tt uDu tak-bar I vDU kim-ru o ! fanened sheepl I 1 liızra-sheep:
10 13 DuG -Sı h-hq-rht Sqp Jiİ. - hi 10 13 platters of sapliİhu;
l uDıJ rim|-ku ğa L(]*I.ıGI!.DUB 6_-aJ-.ğır! rr 1 sheep for ablution
of the Ağğur temple.
- of the treasurer
12 I KUR.GI I MUSEN--cAr-rr to ru.GU&. ı2 1 goose, 1 duck, 10 turtledoves.
13 ğa A.ME$_\JZ|J!1 13 2 tureens of bouillon;
T4 DUG.m-a- zi- u ğa a-ku- si ta a tureen of soup.
15 ı| ak-li dın-ni ı5 7 big loaves;
16 lBAN 1 44 NINDA.ü\,fEğ 8,-/xıi ı6 1 seah 1 'litre' of regular offering loaves;
e.\7 lBlnİ l qq |-tli ı7 1 seah 1 '|itre' of spiced bread'.
t8 Duc.2B fN KAs.hq-murt til ıı A 2-seah jar of h(rmmurtu-beeri
.l a 2-seah jar of amumu-ttee\

r,1 ıuG,zsAN |<Ağ.a-mu-me

2 3i - İı, la-pa- ni 2 a flagon of bittersweet beer;
3 DU - Ş i- fii l<Ağ. hcığ J a t 3 a flagon of beer of bruised grain.
4 3 DuG.2B^N ğq hi-in-hi-ni I 3 2-seah jars of hinhinu-seed.s;
5 l Ziq-pu ğB'G(ğ.| 5 1 siool of sesame;
6 2 su-lu-kan ğu: e 2 su-lu-kan 6 2 bags of chick-peas;2 bags of sesame;
7 ğE.GIğ'I 6 ğa kul-la-ni 6 (öags) of (mixed) kernels.
8 DUG.qazAc tı-i| -ti DUG.:| an-dah- ğe ı A cup oflig-beer; a ditto of small onions;
9 DUG.I sa-Pur-gil sir-d.i e a ditto of quinces; a ditto ofolives;
10 cı5. s a- al - |lu z a - a m- r if 10 a basklet of (mixed) fruitl.
11 İa pa-a[n daİ-İuı] tr From before [A55ur].
12 Su.2 -dlPlA MAN-PAB uD-2[4-KdM] ız Care of [Na]bü-ğanu-usur. The 2[4ü day].
13 7 UZIU] rJ4ı GUDI flağ] ldda1-ga[n] 13 7 (cuts of) mea[t] of an ox, o[f the
t4 ı\ı.ıur-ta-ni templel of Daga[n]
- of the commander-in-
15 ğaUD-u-K^M 15 of the 24th day. Care of ğamağ-ibni.
16e iıı4 ğU.2'dIrrU_Dü

212. AĞĞur Temple offerings, Day 25

82-s-22,t70 ADD 1013

1 uzu.tR Z[^G Dlğ-hn-ni] 1 A thigh, a should[er, ouıer cutsli
2 2 LA..nis-hi zAG ITA* ğA GIJD.(NIlA)] x 2 c\ts of shoulder [of an ox] of the
3 İa E4a-go|n İa Iü*.IGI.DUB GAI'] temple of Daga[n - of the chief treasurer];
4 2 UZU.üR 3 UZU!.rzAcll T[A sA] a 2 thighs,3 shoulders fr[om] rhe (oxen) of
5 .ğ4-sIsKUR.I\4Es j4 7 cuD.MFğ kar-ğd-nLi] the pilgrims. Of 7 oxen: the stomachls], the
6 UR5.üs.MFj Bn.MEğ sA.MEs livers, the kidneys, üe hearts.
7 5 UDU ğal-mu-te 1 IJDU .ğa 6_DINGIR z 5 'ıvhole sheep; 1 sheep of the temple;

.211 Verric-al tablet. Van Driel no. 12;joined ro ADD 1072, van Drielno. 15, andK 3039 (apparenrly unpublished),
which supp|y lhe beginning and end of ü; lexı.
212 Photo Pl. XI. Vertical tablet. Van Driel no. 28. 3 For resloration see line 9 anal cf. no . 2ll:4 and, ll.



8 r uDu tak-bar I uDu kim-ru l uDU rtm-ku 8 1 fattened sheep;l kimru-sheep, 1 sheep
9 ğ4Lü+.IGI.DUB GAL|2! DuG.Sih-hq-rat Sqp- for abıution _ of lhe chief treasurer.
lığ-h[i|l 9 12 platters oİ sapliİhu.
10 I KIJR.GT.MUSEN 1 MUSEN cAL-, l0 TU. 10 1 goose, 1 duck, 10 turtledoves.
1|^iA.MEğ_JJZV 1r A tureen of bouillon;
12ı a-ku-Si ı2 a turegn of soup;
13 ı| akJi |daıf-ni 1BAN 1 4d NINDA.NEğ| 8iL 13 7 big loaves; 1 seah 1 'litre' of regular
offering loaves;
1,4 lBdN 1 44 NIİİDA'qa-du-tü DUG.2BAN lı4_ ta 1 seah 1 '|iİre' of spicedbread. A 2-seah
rrıur-te jaı of hammur tu-beer''
15 DU G.2B }N l<AS. a-nxu - me ıs a 2-seah jar of amumu-beeri
16 DU G'md - S ı - ı li KAğ. l &-p a - ni r6 a flagon of bitterswee( beer:
t7 DUG 'mq-Si-tli KAs ğE.hağJat r7 a flagon o[ beer of bruised grain.
18 3 DuG.2Bİİİ hı-in-hi-ni ı ziq-pu Sn.oı(.l ı8 3 2-seah jars of hinhinu-seeds; I shoot
of sesame;
t9 3 su-lu-kan-nu ğE.ğu) e ls 3 öogs of chick-peas;
20 z s u- lu-kan- nu ğE.cığ.| 20 3 bogs of sesame;
21 st su-lu-kan-nu kul-Lı-ni 2t 8 öags of (mixed) kernels.
r.1 DuG.qq-zAG tıJ[-|ıi] A cup oflig-beer;
2 D\ an-dah-ğe 2 a cup of small onions;
J DU G. q a-Z AG S u-p ar- ı
g l-ı ı 3 a cup of quinces;
4 s i r-di cıS. s(r-o| - lu z(|-am-ri a cup of olives; a basket of (mixed) fruit.
5 lBAN 1 q4 NINDA.I\,ffis 'ğ4 GIğ.KnI.GESTIN 5 'litre' of bread with raisins.
1 seah 1
6 l |m|J '7| uz|J 3| qa NIü{DA.MEğ gınğ-e 6 1 sheep, 7 (cuts oo meat, 3 'litıes' of
regular offering loaves;
7 2! qa İ'iiND{4a-du-ıüi 2| qq Nft{DA..mid-ri 7 2 'lilres' of spiced bread; 2 'litres' of
8 gi-nu-rt GIB[- ğaIGl ağ-ğur 8 The new regular offerings from before
9 ğa l kgr-ğüuRs.Üs BR.IGğ sA_bı,
GUD e Of one ox: the stomach, the liver, the
10 1 1 MUSBN CAL
KUR.GI.MUSEN 2 kidneys, the heart.
NtNDA.akJi dan-ni ı0 goose, 1 duck. 2 big loaves;
11 2BAN NINDA.LES 4 qaı Il 2 seahs of loaves; 4 'litres' oİ spiced
DUG.2BAN KAs.IvEğ bread; a 2-seah jaı of beer;
T2 5 qa A3-LUM.MATA* ğA-bi sAc.lfiğ 12 5 'litres' ofdates. From üe offerings of
13 ja UCU KLR_LjRI.KI LUCAL |ıl-ki-nu-u-ni first-fruils, which the king imposed on
14 ilo GIğ.GIGR.IVEğ Su.z^|:c x x (x)1
5 la In 5 chariots. Care of [NN]. The 25[th]
15 uD-2s-[KAM] day.

213. A55ur Temple Offerings, Day 2(?)

83- 1- 18,161 ADD 1033

1' 3 'I3R
3 7Ac u|zu .D|ğ-hd-a-nı] ü 3 thighs, 3 shoulders, o|uter cutsl:,
2 2 nıS-hi 7-\G ğa ü IG|JD kır-ğö-nıJ , 2 cuts of shoulder. Of 60 loxen: the sto-
3 un .üĞ.ıınS Jc 60 GUID BR SA.MEğ] 3 the livers; of 60 olxen the kidneys, the
4 5 uDu.ğaı-mu-te I,DU .l[d DINGn]
1 6 a 5 whole sheep, 1 sheep of [the temple];
5 |uDu.tak-bar-rr, 1 KIJR.GI [l MUğEN 6AL] 5 1 fattened sheep. 1 goose, [i duck],

9 The nüneral is 12 nol2' cİ. no.2o9i6' 2|0|7 2ll||0 a^d 2l4:l'. r.l4 The tlaces of üe PN caİnot definiıely be
Ieconciled ırith any of the names found in this contexı elsewhele in üis gloup; see coll.
213 Left halfof a veItical tablet. Van Drielrıo.31. By extemalcliteria possibly paIt of same tablet as no. 214 oI no.
215. 2f The numbel of sacrlficed oxen is abnormally high, but the figue 60 is cteaİ in both tines (Coll. LL. Fir*et).


6 [10 TU.GU& DU]G.,?[ q-zi-u A.\Bğ-UzUl o [10 turtledoves. A r]ur[een of bouillon]

rest broken away (Break)
Rev beginning broken away
1' rUD_2?ı-KIAM? ..\ The 2nd d[ayl.
rest uninscribed

214. A55ur Temple Offerings

begirırring broken away
ADD 1011
(Beginning destroyed)
t' I
I31 DuG.|sıh-h[ı-rat Sap -ıiğ-hi]
I uDU rlm-ku İa |rıjl '|x x x x]
ı 13 platltels of sapliİhu];
z 1 sheep for ablutiorı
-ofthe [...]_official.
3' 3 2 tureens of bouillon;

2 ğa A.|\'Ğğ-U|ZU]
4 I tureen of soup.

4' l İa a-ku-Si I

5', 1 KUR.GI I MUSEN_GAL-,. TO TU.GU& 5 I goose, l duck, l0 tulıledoveŞ.

6', 6 akJi dqn-ni lBlJ{] 4a NINDA. \.{Es gi-nıi _ i 6 9ie loaves; 1 seah 1 'litre' ıegular of- I

fering loaves;
7', IB4\N l qd NlfİD|.qa-du-ırt z 1 seah 1 '|itre' spicedbıead,.
8', DUc.2B lİ:1 KAğ.hq-mur- ti ı A 2-seah jar of &ammurtu-beer;
9', DrJ C.2B /\N l<AS. &- mu - me o a 2-seah jar of &mImu-beeri
.10' DU, - S i- t ü l a-P a- ni ı0 a flagon of bittersweet beer;
11' Duc.ıru- Si-ıli KAş hağ lat - ıı a flagon of beer of bruised grain.
r.1 3 DUG.2BAN1 hi- in- hi- ni "r 3 2-seah jars of hinhinu-seeds.
2 t ziq-pu SE.G(S.\ 2 1 J&oo, of sesame.
J z su-lu-kan ğu:e : 2 öogs of chick-peas;
4 2 suJu-kan ğE.G|ğ.\ ı 2 bags of sesame;
5 a suJu-kın kul-la-ni 5 6 bags of (mixed) keınels.
6 Du c.q a :Z AG K Ağ. |ı - i -o! - İ i e A cup of/ig-beer;
7 DUc.:| an-dah-İe DUC -qo-ZAC Su -pur- |il 7 a ditto of small onions; a cup ofquinces;
8. DUG.: sAdi 0r Gls.sq-al-lu 8 a ditto of olives; a basket of (mixed)
9 za-am-ri {a? xxxxxf fruit. [......]
10 tll fxxxxxxxxxxf (Rest destroyed)
Iest broken away

215. A55ur Temple Offerings

K 1114 ADD 1017

beginıing broken away (Beginning destroyed)
' tl
]BAN qa| INI\DA.MES 8l-lıl-e ]BliI\ı t q4 ı 1 seah 1 'litre' [of regular offering
|ıi] -loaves; 1 seah 1'lilre' of spiced lıread].

2'ıi la! J pa| - ni| Duc-ma-Şi-tlil<Ağ
_ 2 A flagon of bittersweet beer; a flagon of
ha{ Jfat] beeı of bruised grain.
3' g suJu-kan ğu-'e2 SuJu-kan sB.G|ğ.\ .ı 3 bags of chick-peas; 2 bags of sesame;
4' 8:t kul-la-ni !i-i-li
_ 4 8 ditto of (mixed) kernels. A cup of/ig-
5' qn-dqh-ğe DLc.Lqa-z^|c su- beer;
pur-gll s a cup of small onions; a [cu]p ofquinces;
6' DUG4a-ZAG Sir-di cığ.sa-al-lu za-am-ri 6 a cup of olives; a basket of (mixed) fruit,
7' cığ.sa-al-luza-am-ri z a basket of (mixed) fruit.
8' re-hıı-ti ğaıcıdağ-ğur ı The leftovers from before Ağğur.
g', UZu.zAG nıs-hizAc ğa GUD q A shoulder, a
cut of shoulder of an ox.
10' 1uDU ğal-mu 1KIJR.GI 1MUğEN ı0 1 ıvhole sheep. 1 goose, 1 d&cğ.

214 Vertical tablet. Van Driel no. 23.

21s Lower ha.lf of vertical tablet. Van Driel no. 11. 7 This phrase appa.rently wrongly repeated.


e.1l' DUG.2B'İİİ hı-in-hi- ni |l A 2-seü jar of /ı inhinu-seeds: ffi-.h

1z', DUG.2Bİİİ bu-d'e-e j :;;'J}Jit"#f#*i",}1İİ}lİh.",,."Ww
r.1 si-tüi bu-de - e I01 ]

2 Si-tıi huJ|u-İil 2 a flagon oİ yogfhurı|;

|DuG ,mql -Şi-tıi mar-me-|na] 3 a flagon of mqrme|nal-yoghlüİİi
4 du har- İe zq- am-ri
DIUG.(1 - Ş\u- a a [bo]wl oİ harİu (and mired) fluit;
5 r4ıı |5q-pu-ul-hi lRA]N NDJDA|.MEs Iji-riorr 5 4 [...; t se]ah of ...-loaves;
ı |su-lu-kan İu:e| l' sıJa-tcı
ğe.clğ.i 61 of chick-peasl; 1 bag of sesame;
ı 6 [bag
7 e s[u|Ju-kın kul-la-ni] !ı-|i-İ ba|gs of (mixed) kerne1s]; a cup of
8|c an]Jdah-ğe|l DUG'qa-ZAG fig-beer1,
su-pur-gıl 8 cu[p of small on]ions; a cup of quinces;
o^G Sir-d i clğ.sa-a l-l u za-am-ri
o cup of olives: a baskeı o[ (m ixed) fruiı.
10 DU G. ğ d - z a- mu u GF:AT|N m e - z i ı0 A flask of mazu-wine:
ll a -llask of 1a'ı-wine.

11 DIJ G. ğd - Z a- nxu u GE1T Iİ'İ ıa) e - e

ı, [o]f the weddling night of Mullissu

|flaı rqur|ı-|İe dNIN.Lfu ğ4? IDUMU?

off İhe crown prince.
rest broken away (Rest destroyed)

216. AöĞur Temple offerings

Rm 52 ADD 1018
1 luzu .tR uzu .7Acl tDtşl -hq-ni 1 [A thigh; a shoulder; ofuter cutsi
2 |2 nıs-hi zAG ğa] l||1 GUD 2 [2 cuts of shoulder. Of x+]1 oxen: [the
3 |kar-ğd-ni URs.tğ B]R.MEs sA.i,Eğ stomach, the liver, the klidneys, the hearts.
4 |'UDU ğaı-mu-te 1uDu] .ğa 6 DNGR a [5 whole sheep; 1 sheepl of the temple.
5 [1 KLR.GI 1MUSEN CAL]-,j l0 TU.GU& 5 [1 goose, 1 duc]k, 10 turtledoves.
6 |ou o. ma - z i - u İ]a| ı.MEs UzU
6 [A tureen] of bouillon;
7 |]J u|l ğ& a-ku-Si
7 [a turee]n of soup.
8 fı akJ]i! dın-ni ıBAN 1 4a NINDA.MES 8ı 8 [7 b]ig loaves; 1 seah 1 'litre' of regulaı
ni-i offering loaves,
[1B,4N 1 4a] Nllİ DUG.2BAN
e [1 seah 1 'litr]e' of spiced bread. A2-
KAS.h.o-mur-ti seah jaı of hammurtu-beeı;
fDu G]. ma- S itıi KAğ. l4 -p d - ni
10 10 a [f1]agon of bittersweet beer;
11 fDUfG. ma- S i - tli KAğ hağ J at
ıı [a fl]agon of beer of bruised grain;
TZ 2 su-lu-kan İu-'e z su-lu-kan ğg.cığ.\ t2 2 bags of chick-peas; 2 bogs of sesame;
13 ı su-lu-kan kulJa-ni t3 7 bags of (mixed) kernels.
14 DU G. qa -z AG K Ağ.|i - i - ıi ra A cup of/ig-beer;
15 qn-dqh-ğe 15 a cup of small onions;
16 o| Şu-Pur- gıl 16 a cup of quinces;
e.17 sir-di ı7 a Aup of o1ives;
18 sa al - lu| za - am- r i t8 a basket of (mixed) fruit.
|cı3]. -

19 fre-ha-tiI İa ıc]ı
daİ-İur ıe [The leftovers from befo]re A55ur.
r.1 üz|J .zAG nıs-hi ZAc | ğa| GUD|1 "1 A shoulder; a cut of şhoulder of an ox.
FJDUJ ğ(ıl-ınu 1 2 1 whole [sheep]. 1 goose,
3 1 MUğEN CAL-,, DUc'zs4\N h|i-in-h]i-ni
3 1 duck. A 2-seah jar of h[inh]inu-seeds;
4 DuG.LBI\N bu- de- e ağ - ğur-a- q a a Z-seah jar oİ Assyrian bad?-confection;
5 DuG.rıo-Sı-tıi bu-de-e gar- ga-mis 5 a flagon of Carchemish budö-confectioı;
6 |ıü hu-lu-İi DIJG fıu]r-me-na 6 a [fl]agon of yoghurı; a dilto of marme'
7 |Dulc.q-Şu-du har-| İe za1-qm-ri
1 a bovıl of harğu (and mixed) fruit.
8 |x]x sa-pu-ul-hi lBAN [NNDA.ME-S.ğır]ıa,
8 Lxl ...; I seah lof...-lolavesl
9 |ı slu|Ju-kan İu:|e ı suJu-kan Sı].cıl.i 9 |I bfqg of chick-pe[as; 1 öag of ses]ame;
10 16 sfutJu-kan xlx x x x x x xl
ro 16 blags of (mixed) [kernels ...].

t.l2 End of line restored after no. 185 r.1.

216 Veltical tablet. van DIielno.20. .l seecoll.folffaces. r.10 Aftel üe thiId sı-rı.ı-kanİıeeapecİ küIldni,
but the fiIst sign of this wold begins quite cleally with 3 hoizontal wedges, e.g. ıı[a-.

!n. i_'J. 201

:jİ:ij;ı.'ı i' ii,,],:i. :a :i}Inlı4]:ğğı

11 IDU G. q a-z A]G |f. - i| -

[|i DU G. I an - dah - ğel rr lA culp of lg-beer: [a dirro of small
12 lDUG.t su-plur- g[tl DUc.t sir-di] onionsl;
13 |ouc.İö-za-mu-u me-zi ouc.ğE-za-mu-u 1, [A ditto of qu]in[ces; a ditto of olives];
Ia)a-ul 13 [A flask oİ mğzu-wine: a flask of la'u-
14 [Jc qar_Je] İ*[nı?.ıI]ı winel.
15 [ .ğ4] Dr,MU-MAN ıa lof the wedding night] of Mu[llissu _
T6 [Su.2
,]dPA-MAN PAB of] the crown pıince. [Care of] Nabfi-5arru-
17 IUD-İ]-In1na uşur.
ı7 [The x]th [day].

217. A55ur Temple Offerings

8l-2-4,r1t ADD IO22

beginning broken away (Beginning destroyed)
|ıaAı ı 4a N,IND^].|qq-du| -IıIi DUG.2BAN 1 [1 seah 1 'litre' ofl spiced fbread; a2-
rı3.ha-mur-ti] seah jar of hammurtu-beeıl.
z', [DUG.flıa]-Si-tü la-Pa-ni Duc.|nn-si-tü , [A flag]on of bittersweet beeı; a [flagon
KAğ hağ-lat| of beer of bruised grainl.
3', t3 su]Ju-kan ğu)e 3 suJu-ka|n| 5e.cı3.|] : [3 ö]ags of chick-peas; 3 bag[s of sesame];
4' |x' :.\ kul-la-ni ıuc.qe-zAc tı-Li-|i] 4 [x ditto] of (mixed) kemels. A cup of
5', []AG| :| an-dah-ğe DUc.|qq-zAG I
s [a c]up ditto of small onions; a lcup ditto
su-pur-gill of quincesl;
6', |DU G.q qz"\c'J ! sir- (]i G[3|. sa-al - lu za- oın- ri] 6 [a cup] ditto of olives; a b[asket of
(mixed) fruitl.
7', B uz]u| .W-ğqt flo bqn-dıl'les] 7 [3] scrotums, [10 bellies],
8', [(x)xx]ı|u|xxxxxx] 8 [which Bel-ahhe-eriba madel.
e.g', IUZU 'ZAG nis-hi 7"^G .ğ4 GUDI 0 [A shoulder; a cut of shoulder of an ox].
10' L| UDU ğal-mu 1] KUR!.[GI0] ıo 1A. whole sheep; a] go[ose],
1I', [r MUSEN]- cAL! 1ı [a duc]k.
r.l Du c.2B lN hi - in - hi - nlil "ı A 2-seah jar of hinhinu-seeds;
2 D\J G.2B AN bu- dc - le a İ - İ ur - a - a] 2 a 2-seah jar of lAssyrian] budfö-confec-
3 Si-tı'. bu- de-e g ar- gfa| -misl ı a flagon ofCarche[mish] bzd6-confection;
4 DUG.| hu-lu-ıi DUG.:| mar-me-|na] a a diİto oİ yoghurti a ditto of ınarmena-
5 DuG.a- şu-d.u h.qr- ğe za- am-r|i] s abowlof harğu (and mixed) fruit;
6 Ix] Sa-pu-ıi-hi |BAN l 4aNINDA.MES.ği-n'-[ar] u [x] ...; i seah 1 'litıe' of...-loaves,
7 |l sfuJu-kan ğu-'e ı sıJı_toz S[el.cıS.i] 7 [1 balg oİ chick-peas; 1 öag ofse[same];
8 |6| | kul-la-nı DUG.|qa-Z^c {ı-i-til 8 [6] ditto of (mixed) kernels. A c[up of
9 qn-dah-İe o|uc|.: su-pur-gifl o a cup of small onions; a lditto ofquinces];
10 DıJG.:! sir-di |ovc|1 .fİı7-za-mu-u me-zi) r0 a ditto of olives i a f-llask of mozi-winel;
11 |ouc.İ]d -za7 -mu| -[u GEğTTN /d-,,r-ıı] ıı 1a flJlask [of la'ı-wine]
rest broken away (Rest destroyed)

217 Lowel paİt of veltical tablet. Van Driet no.26. Cf. nos. 189 r.7f, 191 I'1,and203I.4f.



2l8. AĞöur Temple offerings

83- 1- 18,145 ADD 1029

beginning broken away (Beginning destroyed)
I' |1uDu ğal-mu 1 KUR.G]I r1r MIUğEN] 1 [1 whole sheep; 1 goos]e, 1 d[uck].
2' LDUG.2i.AN hi-iln-hi-ni
2 |a 2-seah jar oİ hilnhinu-seeds;
3' IDUG.2BAN örJ-d]e-e aİ-İur-a-a
3 [a 2-seahjar ofl Assyrian [öıd]?-confec_
4' |ı -tli buJde1 -e gar| -ga| -Imis|1 l a flagon of Caıchemish özd?-confection;
e.5'ühuJu-İi 5A flagon of yoghurt:
6''q-si-tümar-me-ıa 6A f\lalgon of marme nq-y oghurt;
7' |Duc|.a-şu-du har-ğe za-am-ri 7A bowl of harğu (and mixed) fruit;
r.1 |xxxxxxx]1! su-Iu-knn ğu)e .1 [... ...]; 1 bag of chick-peas;
2 || SuJu-kan ğE.G|ğ|.i 6 ğ& kul-ıq-ni 2 [1 bag of sesa]me; 6 of (mixed) kernels;
3 l&fu! hT.IDA.NGS i.MEğ]Duc.qazAG ıi-i-|i 3 | seah lof oil bread]; a cııp of fig-beer;
4 DuG|.|| an-dah-ğ|e DUG 'qa-ZAG Su-pur-gil a a [ditto of small onio]ns; a cup ofquinces;
5 DUG.lqa|-ZAGll |sir-ği cıl.salu za-am|-i| 5 a cup of oliv[es]; a basket of (mixed)
6 Duc.3d-zd-mu-u Imc1-Zi D|JG.İd-Za-|nxu -u 6 a flask of ınezu-winei a f'lafsk of la'u-
la)u-ul winel.
7 |ğa qur-ğe dN|]N.riı|İıi|1 |x x x x] z [Of the wedding night of Mulllissu of
rest brcken away ..l.
(Rest destroyed)

219. A55ur Temple Offerings

K 1857 K 1857
beginning broken away (Beginning destroyed)
|' 2 nıS-hi 7AG ğ|a x GuD] I 2 cuts of shoulder. O[f x oxen]:
2' k&r-ğE-ni URs.tğ [BIR.I8S ğA.IGS] 2 the stomaahs, livers, [kidneys, hearts].
3' 5 uDu ğal-mu-ıs [ı UDU.Jd 6 DtrIGIR] 3 5 whole sheep; [1 sheep of the temple];
4' |İaT
fxxxx] 4 [...... ]
rest broken away (Rest destroyed)
Rev. broken away

21E Lower pa.rt of vertical tablet. Van Driel no. 30. .2 This line was mistatenly copied twice in ADD.
Restored after no. 202:3'.
219 Fragmeot from left side of finely w tten vertical tablet. Copy p. 259.

' 1. tf .t .'l r l


Logograms and Their Readings

jarri,' A.MEğ 'ın6; I_SIG'
A - m'r'u; A.RA - ıupğatu; A.BA KUR - gupİar ekalli;A-MAN _ mar
mar damqi: ı.5A - eqiu: A UZu ' me İırij i.zu 'asr.' AB.SE.GE.DA ' mlgcıru:. AB .' lill'" AD
abaİmu, abu: Aj-AM.Dh4 , alandimmü: 6M - flmu: AMA , ummu: AMA vA\ umml saffl: AN - sa,nİ;
, "'
ış'sii'- pirrıııu; AN.TA -
eıİtu, ıN.zAıı - anzahhu: ANSE.KUR, ANSB.KUR.RA ' sissi.; ARAD' urdu; _ aİkiqü; A, A.2 - ahu;
,ourop _ pai5i; BABBAR.DIL - pappardaliu; BABBAR.DIL.DIL - popp^rmİnu; RAD '-pati'; BAD_HAL J
pctiiıir; gı6.i1icıa.g _ )611ı; "ı:iN r qdJs,/,.BAN.D]L - bandlllu; BANğUR _ pağğüru; BAN.- 'ütu;
iii.iı'- ğerğerrutu; BA. - ahıu; seı.oli _ a6Lı,,. BARAG - h^ıaşu; BE - ğumma; BR' - /ral'rr; BUR
lıoDtunu: s(JR' - oağaru:
- ;;;K:ftr""]
ıf*Tiıi - Illia; dDUMU 6 ' Mar biti; uEN ' Bz]; dGAsAN _ ğarraL Beıet;
,crs.ctı"laes - Gitgameİ; '"" orcl,Du - Pdıiı; dLl'L - Tağmctu; ıLAMA" - aban lamdssi; dMAğ - Inurta;
_ Niğtal; iNnı.ı-ii - Mulıissu; dPA - Nabf; dsUL.PA.i.A 1Sulpaea; dTAR BAI- _ Pdrisdt paıa;
uu.iun _ Nergar; 9.R| - Sebetti; dı5.6 _ ftJdr bet kıdmtıri; d6o - Ea; 66ıyJ - Anunnakki;
DA.B.IIR - DAG.GAZ, DAG.GAZ - ,4ğğ4ssr,' DAM.G,AR ' ıdnıkdlu; DARA.MAğ ' .'iuıu; DlB'
DIB.BA - Şabdıu; DIB PA - mukal appati; DlM - rifur; DIMa ' talbıu; DIİc|k
) ilu; DuB ) ıu-pp-I!-;
iuc1ın ıoppiti; DUG.2BAN - kapt'ikkuj ıtsc.cı ' !ıabu; DUMU ' nnr'r,' DUMU_ğ.GAL ' mar ekalli;
DUMU_KA.DII.|jIR.KI - Bdbili; DUfU-LSGAL, DUMU_MAN - mar İarri; DUMU.M1 - mar'utu; DUMIJ. _
Mİ_IM - flıaPat ğ47i; DUMU.Mi_MAN - maf'at ğd-rri; DÜR.MI.NA ' tufminfr; DüR'MI'NA'B'\N'DA
turminab1ndfr; DUs ) ğa-paftiti;
- ııiii"; iN - bilu; EN.Lfi-.KI - Nipp'lI,'EN.NAM - pahutu; EN.NIIN - nıaşş@/rr; EN_URU- - ,z,
ar';-ıııu _ şaar; sRtr{ - jrenu; İlğ,cİp '' iğkaru; f' bet,'bctu; E AD'bct abı; h D|NGIr.'bet ili;
i,.cır - eıai maİarti, ek^ılu; b'Glr,n" batu eİğu;6 KAR ' bat İumaıi,' 6.KI.MAH ' kimahhu; E'KU,.'
iiiiru; ı_iıc.iı ''bct kaq'qidj; 6.ğAR.RA - Eğarra; E-TU. ' bct ramdki; E_Uğ' bğt rcditi; E2-u '
bğtu ğaniu;
iizibu; GABA - irtu; GABA,Gü - gugguPiıınu; GADA ' kiti; cAL ' rabi; GAL_A.B^ - fab
co||ııır.c^R' - rab tamkdfi; Gıtiğl iab bğti; GAL 6.GAL - rab ekalli; cır r^s.LUL - fab
i7*, c"ı-_ıııc* , rab ndlsafi; cAL sAG ' rab ğL-l4si: CAL_LRU.MLS ' rab dldni: cAL Lğ ,- /4b
hdai kibsi;GAR 'İakdnu; , İakin moti:61.r..|1.|] ' palliİu: GASAN - sarr'r; GASAN_E baaı
bcıi; G^A.SAR - kasiu; GBMtr - 47r1ru,' GEğTIN '; Gl ' hurdşu,4aııi; GI.A}'[BAR ' appqlu;
oıjt - qdnı labu; GI.G1D - mal ıu; GI.RIM.HI'LI.BA '_ g-irim'hilibö; cmL' eğİu;-cıslr ' maqlütu;
cio,oı- oran;'cİı.z cıĞıx - muEirru; ctr' - ğ*-paraki; crı'a tİ; cıN - kudnu; GIN - ğiqıu; Gik - p'dtrıı;
clp - kıdunu; -,ğe?ıicığ - jşı,.crğ.,rrıN - epinnu; cığ,sıN _ 4aJJr; Gls.BANsUı -' pa\İuru';
GIğ.BüR _ 3i.iöırrı,' cığ.6xıN - erenu; cls.E_Go.Z' bct kdsdti; GIS.GAG.UD.TAG.GA ' siııahu; cls'
iisrış - ıiranu; Giğ.ğ _ apr,.GIğ.GIGlR - mugıffu; GIğ.GU.7A _ t Jsir,' GIs,HAB - hürutu; G|3.1gU1. -
iiiii, als.ıc - aossu: G|s.| - İamnu; GIğ.KAL : ,,.ğıi,. GIS.KI .D(JR - kiıturf u; Glğ.KI.KAL - s4Js'',' GIğ.KIB
- Jaüıırı,' crs.xıN.cEs;lIN - iİhunnutu; Gls-Ku ' ıaskarinııu; GIS.MA - ,'rri GIğ.M A' eıe-ppu; GLy'NA '
,..ğr; clğ.Nu.ün.ıle - nurmü; GIğ.NUII.GAL ' giİnugallu; G|S.PA' ha||u, huldlu: .cIİ;'sAP.' ' kiriu:
GIğ.ğA.KAL - ğakkullu; GIğ.ğUR.MiN - ğü]rmanu; GIS.TUKUL.MA.NU 'e'fu; GIs,Zu ' Ie',,'GISIMMAR -
giİimmaru; G|6 - go1u^r' GUD, GUD.NITA _ aıpu; 'cuc ' sd-mtu; Gu.c.GAZ|' GUG'GAZI'SAR ''kasan'tu;
öüN, ctıN.e - b;ıziı ; GUt ) tudru; cu - libani; ct.E ' nahıaptu; cÜ 'GABA ' guggupinnu; Gü3.GAL'GAL
- ğu'u; ct.LA - hulldnu; G|j.uN - biıtu:
ii'- aira, barütu; iıı - ğabıru, Wla; HA5HUR - .i.i,İ'r',. HAğHUR.GIğ.GI - hağhı7r-'pi; L.Ağ1SUç'


KU,R.RA - supurqillu..HE.ME.DA' HE,MED ) tabfibu; HUL - lemuttu, ıumn

ID - ınru: lG| - panu; lcl.DUB ) mqsennu; IGI.LAL - amant; ıcı.zı; - igızagga; lGI.2 - znu; IM
* : i!nııY:a!<k!a: 1Tl. .' urhu: fİl.AB ' kanunu: ITI.A8.BA.ğ " ' ıio"n""uj'iı.siiic ',

nısanhu: ITLDUL - İajr1ı.. ITI.CAN - li.'/lmu] ITI.GLD . aralü.. ITı.RIN , e/ıı1a: nı o
IT].N.E _ azı.. l-u.Slca - simi u; m.sE - adddru; ırı.su -_iiioiru;
- tamizu; ni.zn - ıabaıu; l -İiirr; ı:itıö.ci
- ğamnu ldbu: İ.eığ - İamnu:
KA' appu; -K^."|A.DUGa.G^ - kataduqqü; KAB - ğuıncıu; KN'AG - dandnu;KASKAL, KASKAL,2 ,rrr,'.
KAıK4L-.KI ' Harrdnu; xağ.ı-uı - .fa4'i; KAğ.'AG - ğiknu; rA _ ajIr; -
xl.oııih.n;. ü;fi;üR;;;
B,d]'i!i; KJ -
:ğapal. İupdlnu: KISIB
ğupdlİİu, issi; rı.rel-, KI.LAI.BI 9 ıuquuui iI.Nı -''i)ıaıu; rr.ı,rE _ 7';r;;'_
- kunukk ; KUG.GI - hurasu; *;o.yj -'iaiu; iiuş -'rııi,i|";
KUR'GI. KUR.GI.MUSEN ' kulkü; KUR_GIBIL - ekallu eİİu; ruı.ıli
- Elamtu; KUR_URI - L/ıarız: rııt URI.KI - mat ıiıaiı;;i3 ''tıı;şşı; "rii:"'ihi,"iiin;
*';;ıi;; nui;;;tr';];;;;;;;;;]
KUğ.DA.E.siR, xUğ -'ioğ'"nru; KUğ.sAL - ,iiii;-'i|'ı':
j'ıaiııru; ) nunu;
LAL - muta: LAL - - maİi; rınıı..nı "ı"ıii "lJ6
rucır'- ğirru; ti'-
lupğarru; L(].A sIGs -
difu)u: I-^
mdt aanqı; rt.i.iv -'iiiii -
amelu; Lü.A.BA
ira]ri Lü.BAI,PR - si.._,ii,. Lü.BUR.GUL _
purkullu; Lt.DAM.cAp' - tamkaru; ,ı.oır_xuJrı,'rl.,JİJ-i?;*_;;:
pahhqru: Lt.DLu1U.slJ.2 - mor aüi'i..-Lü.EN-C|s.cIG[t iii .ueiri: }i)ııi ippatı; |iı'iuZa;;;;
itt474r Lü.EN.AR KuR ' ikka; ckatti: L1.ERIM ' şaıu: ' ,ı.u*."o, . pdhulu: L0.E\;AR --
ti.Z"ıi -}ZLiu; rts.cqt_t - rab beıi: tü'
GAL--oAL -- rab rabie; LI3.GAL-GEs-flN - rab karanii r(s.cır_ırı.i _ ,ii aira; ii.cıt_r"i - iiİi'ıiİı,
ja4iJU.cAL-KUR- - rab e]alli; ıü.cıı-_ıı,(.ı
raD nu.ırl; LU.GAL_NIG.SID - rab nikkassi; Lü.GAL SAG - rab İa-reİi;
I_rö- - fab maıldhi; Lü.GAL_NAR
rtı.cır_sıiı ---r"ı ii;i)
Lü.GAL-SUM.NINDA - rab karkadinni.; ru,cıl rüc.uı - ,"a .1nııi lü,cı- - unu ,oı
rab kala; L1.GAR - İaklu: rt.cırt.ruı - ıoın
- patıiğu; Lü.GIGIR'i'._
DLs , .'fua, sa-patıilıi: Lü.Gls.BAN. rü.cıs.aaN.iac
: mahişu: ı-ıı.öis.ili"_l ]i].rr;
LU'o,S'GICTR -Dus 'sustin sa-poııili: l ı-'HAL ' bdrü: LL.lCI.DLB' Lu.ıcl.urlı i
masennu: t0'l.ouu aii'; '
'kapİ'rru:L0.KA'.LUL.'İaqiu:LU.MAH,rırr;ı-r'.i'lii.Joi ,dİipu:L|J.\l|
iyIil:lR ' naRPafu: Lü.NAM , D.'hulu: L(J-.NAR ,nuaru: rui)ıi^ii':
LU.NAGAR ti'ıep'.aıt ,nirgallu: ru.luJis.]eı",
nukaribbu: Lü.NUML\- MAı\ ' n:r,İarri;
:-y::\ : c.Cl
LÜ.sıMUc -AN'BAR - nappah parzilli.: Lü.sIMUC.Kı ia-:!ui;ri:-;;;;;'_, ı-."s"ı' li.*"on' ."';riı,
- sarrapu: Lü.ŞlMLC -URUDU , nappdh eri;
LU.s.PA ' ra'iu: LU.sUKKAL ' sukka|Iu; Lü.sUM.Nl\DA - *ir*aitninu: t0.sı.ıı"
Lü.ğIMXA -,' Lü.TüG.KA.K4ğ - hasiru; .u,run
si,o^ii[,i ri.sıi'
Lü.ö00 E.GAL. LrI.60o_KLR ,nd|ir Pkaılj:
- ""ıir;-ir,.us.'si, - iİparu;' L|j,U|.KU - kaliı;
MA, MA.NA ' manfı: MAH 9 s,rr; MAN - ja.rr,. MAS.DA -
şabür'. MAs.MAğ - d'ğipa; MAğ - Şibıu:
MAş.TLL^ - mağtılfı; M;..DU
_ ut.ı.ii -'iri};;;;; fi;^;k : ıunu; pır_i..cİr'--irri Ji}ifi',
n*i.cAR ' İakinıu: M1.GAR.L.U "iaııiıu;
' nollissu; w|.ıcı.oui: ;;;;;;";;;;;i.*^ ,-s,i?,,r, Mi.r;:";;;
' kur*arruıu: ı''rı.ıln ' zıarıı.' V,.NAR.CAL ' nargalluıu;,ı-lr.ııı.ol'_ nrıır; n|sı,iuc -'iğp}iı):
Nd'sU 'l ' gattabıu: ııu " nuhaıjmmu. İattu. sumu;;".;i._"^
kakkubu; Mw.sAG.Mıı - kakkab rzı ıatıı l"ı,JN -
- ;;r; MLD , ctamu: MUl . kakkablu,
ıaiıi; iii*,"]"iiü"*; MURUB._IIRU - qdbsi dlı;
MıJğ'Şerru; MUs.GiR - rrlı.iia7r.r] MUSEN - ,şşrLr,.MUSEN G-ıt J işşıru rarir; MUSEN.TU - Jr,,ü,.
VLSEN.TUR . paspusu;
--.\!-: \y"r,dru; NAGAR - naggdtu; NAM - paıhutu; NAM.BüR.BI - namburbi; NAM.RIM ) mdmİıu;
NAM.ZI.TAR.RA - Namziıarra: NAR - nuaru; ^NA.-. şaıatu; NA4 - a'n . N,ln,Ac.cA - oıoi_ riii';
NA'4.AN.ZAH - anzahhu; NA4.BABBAR.DIL - pappard.aliu; Nı'.ıı,ııin.or,ır,, )
papparmına; N&.GUG _
samtu; NAa.Gt - kiİddıı; NAa.HAR - arİ;-ıao.ilsıı - tu|*ıİi; rıi,-yu7.cj
NA.4's {L'LA ' muhashipıu; |AA.TES ' aba ,'tIl.' \A4.ZA.GII,,J 'iqni: - .iı|ir"; ii.pi'.]'ii'orn;
- . - iı".zıtAc
'ıı , zaıaiu: ı|'ii" -
şırı.'] iüCIN soiarı; ı.ılciıı \iG.DiM.DfM , nigdimdiiifi: nidnakİul lıc_-i; _
aiiaa's ] NtM ' huraou: Nl,,.uı , 'arr..
E1a'r,r,' NINA.Kı ' xı^iZ, i^ii -" n'ap,i'İıN,i.ğo'''','
Nig ' hıIalu: NU "'la, salmu; ıu.cıs.saıi :' ,,üriiıi,'İi_uİİ - 'iıu. iİııu,
nurmü; lıuı , rubrt: Ç'ıu^ ,orr,, NU.L]R, NU.UR.MA _
.- haılu. ,hu|dru: PAB - ahu' gıılırri PEğa.ANSE, PEs4.Mi.ANsE - bi(ş'l.r aüni; PI' P|.2 ) uznu;
Qr'J' - qaıaıu;
SA..GIG - \akiqqfr; sAG - rğğa ,
..u.ii.l.. -
SAG.DU kaqqudu; SAC.K] ) SAG.KUL - sikkfrru:
sAc.MF.GAR ' Sagmegar: sAc'us , kaiamaniu; s,ılce. . jaagİ: r* ,soü-ir.:''o,'"; ;;;-r';;:;;':
Sidu: sıc - dam.dgu'- qaıanu; slc İapfu: sic.ceol- , l,ııiJıi.ii"
.' - sipıi iıı^ır'ı.ii."ro,
İl9-T.l9r-. ' labrIbu: slsKUR - saipıu sanıu: sIG mihŞu: slc, ," Iibiıİu': sıc, ' a"."qii\iıi"-
-Si:.SA5 ı niqiu: sLD . rİaqu: '
::,:::::r.| suuıJs 'iİdu, ubru: suxrar , suııiııu; {ıılı
.aa4nrl.' sUM.sAR - jİnı r.. SUM.SIK]L. SUM.SIKIL.SAR - İamaİkillu; SUMUN /ab,rr,.
- '
''.:!!p!:r:.s} libbu: ğ.^.T^M , sA URU -
Libbi-ali: sE je,ı; - SE.GIS..I ,
i.3'|]]ir!:.2|'-or:TuR ' ,a'bğu: ğE.PAD --çaüammu:
kurumnulu.. sE.sA.A - qaldıu; sevı riqii:
D.ılluRl\u: sEM.Rl-Zl.DA ' quhlu; sEM.GiR - 4-İr..sEM.Ll 6ırajı; ğeıa.ier , sim:aın: sts'l.srs ,''iurru:'

sufmenu: SUR.D\ . sUR.VUSEN, süR.MUSEN.Dü _ ,(4srl4;

.TA 'issi/u:.TAR 'parasu: TU.cLRr, TU.GUR..\4USei , sukanninu; TU.RA,KjLiB.BA - nanhar mursi:
TüG.AN.TA , ?/,7,.'T(,C.BAR.DIB ,]tıl,,ı,'. TüG.ADA - *ıı: iic.'i'.lır":-;;;""7;;;?".;;:i;Z:."::;;'"''
ğupalıtu; ı(ı.csl, TüG.SI.LUH - situh; ıIJR - wha,"|aluii '
-'.is;r;;;i"; mi.":';";;;;;'
u.SAG - kubğu; IJD ) ıarpa, ümu; IJo_ıN_ız - Enuma Anu ııııi|ii.un,oı )
matim.ı: UD.sü.UD.DA


- umu fu.ıu; ,UDU : iınmeru; UDU.MI.AS.QAR ' unıqu: IJDU.NINI ' hufdptu, harapu; uDU.Nl'lA ' iabilu;
ıau.i,siuii niqiu; 1JcU 'muhhu: UMB}'! 'şxprr.; UN ' lllJı.'UR.A ''lP.lıl.'UR.KL ' kalbu: ÜR.'M^H
- nEğu; UPJ_ - İ]rarİu; u11U - dlu; URU.BAD_MAN 4IN - Duf-Sarrukan: URU.BA}_15 - D fJssar;
ıııuıei.şu Bırır; i;iu.rar-ı o - Kar-Adad; URU.KASKAL, URU.KA5KAL.A - _Harrdnü; URU.KA.DD,üGIR.
YJ - Bdbiti; URU.NINA, URU.NINA .K| - NInuo, URU.ğA URU - aiöEıdri,' rrRUDU eri; (JR - pamu-; U-k5'I3ğ
- teituj u3 - fddiui Uğ.B^R _ iğpdıri US.KU _ tarıi; Uğ',.B(IR.DA - uğburrudü; us,.zu - kağİdpu;
I3ğ.MEil - m .tanu; u.ftL - d'iqafi; UTüL.TLR - lummu; UZu - ğ,ru; UZU.0ARA _ irrr,' UZU.KUN -
iıiaun; uzi.sia.i>u - kaqqudİı; iZu.T| ) Şcıu; UAJ.fp.' pcmu; IJZU.ZAo ) imıttu; t.SuM' Ü'sUM'sAR
_ .i'ı7ı r,' ü.SUM.SIKIL - ğamağkillu;
Z|i.crş : ıqiı; zı.suıı - ğubd; zAG - imittu, ptıtu; z| - napğutu; üD.DA ' qcmu; z(s ' İinnu;
-'f-iiicn, -iisetii
Zü.LUM.MA suluppu;
- ıanıu, ğinığu;3'ğalİu, ğalussu, ğuıİdia' taİlaİu; 4'rabuttu;ı' ğadussu; ı'
samuntu; 20 - e'İrd,' 600_KUR ' no'gir ekdlıi;
rB;.N, 2BAN, 3BiN, 4BAN, 5BAN, 6B;.N, 7BAN, 8BiN - strr;


aban balti (a stone): N&.Tğs l l8 ii 8, a-lı-si l89:8. t90 r.
aban lamassi (a srone): dLAVA 8l i 10. Ilg i 4, _akussu "food. soup": 2,
l9l:5. 192:l l. 194:8. '196:4. 2O :9. 20i :i , 2O9:9,
NIA4.dLAMA 85 i 11, 210:10. 2ll:14. 212i12, 214:4. 2!6:7. a-ku-si|
- ıban rami (a charm, lit. "love stone,,): NAa. | 9'7':1 4. 99 i6. 20o:5. a- ku-|si I l 98:8. a-l[ı-sİj
Ac.cA 118 r. i 8, 206:8, a-klu-si 2O8:6,la-ku-sil 188 r.2,
abarıkkv şee mdŞennu, alaku "to go, çome''.. iıJdk-Ika 58 iii 13' il-ıİk-
- abağmu
lt8 i t0
(a greenish precious slone)i AD-aİ-mu an-fni 58 i1 17 , il-Uik-an-nil 58 r. ü tZ, ilJi-ku-u-
nil l lz s.3. iı-lal-|ku-u-ni| 168 l. 2,|ıat-t'i]-ku-ü-ni
"stone: glass. gem": NA4 62 r. ii 7. t05: 10, 60i4.
106 r.5.6. l18 i5.9.
. t2. 15. NA".MEIS 97:tj,
-alandimmü (physiognomic omen selies): ALAM.
NAa.Mİğ 63 iii 2,67 i'7,8,72:5,25, 81:8,i. 1, 85 i DiM-mu-u 52:.10. 49 r. i 6, ALAM.
5,-r.ii8, 1l, 86:5, 118i2,8, 126I.3,NAa.iMEğ DI\r lnu-ul50 j 10. ^LAM.DfM-nıı-lrJ
ALAM.DiIM-mu-u 5Oi I,
96:7, NAa.MEğ-.lr_ır, 89: l3' alqppltru -bifiersweetbeer": Ia-pa-ni lg2 e. 16,
abğn "lentil": sE.G(l.TUR 163 i 6^ 196:8. .205 e. 4. 207:9,209:11- 2t i, r. 2,2t4 e. 10,
abu "father": 24:17 , 1 l8 ;. ii 18, 2 l5:2. 217 :2, la-pa-ni I l9l: t0. ta-lpa-nil j89il 3,
ebu (Ab. name^D-ğ'i
o[the 5ıh monıb); ]Tl.\E 79 r.3, K AS.lap - pla nl l 2O6: 13. x aS.l a-pa ni I 84:5, I 85:

4. 186:4, 199t9. 201 r. 2. 2tO:14. 2t2:16. 2t6:tO,

abıbu "detuge": a-D u-bi 63 iii 4' - pa-nli.l I 8J:3.
abıssu "stolehouse'': ub-sa-a-ıe 15l r. i 8, |ub-
li 208:9. [KAs.
^ 200:8,
sa-(a)l"te 150 üi 10, alluttu "clab": a-ıu-ndt 145 i 4'
aderu "to be dalk": a-dbİ(ı 62 ii 15, iv 8'
(Adax, name of the 12th month); rTr.SE . alpu "ox ': GUD 44i4,45i8,64 t. it.lO9 ii J, r.
iv 4. l2li2.l34:4.6. IJ6 ii,'9,
_ _addaru
5l r. ii l, 148 n 11, 15,20, 151 ü 1,2, 153 i 2,5,7, 159 i 1,
"until, togeüeı with'': a-di 28 i 5'3o r. ii25, 175:8, 10, 17, 19, r. 6,11,13, t}t:t, Z,3, 4. t. 4.
52:l.l-,53:4.59 ii 3. 89:10. tt5 r.ü2, 182:1. 188:4. 189:4. 190:J. tgt:1. 193:4, lgii3,
[o-di] 53:6. a-du 165 ı. i 5. 201:3,202 r. 4. ZO8:2.20912- 4- 2t1t5. r.2.,21It2,
(a ]arge meıal orc]ay wine_vessel, r. l3-212 r.9- 215:9.216:2. r. t, cuDl tJ6 r. i 2,
phora(?)"): a-8a-na-.ı-ıe 87 i 8. nuc.a_3a-za.ıars 6. 192:3,209 e. 19. 2t7 e.9.2tgtl, culo 2l t:6,
174:'7, Duc.d-ga-rıu 159 i I7, Duc.a-g|a-nu l59 ii 116 r. i 7. 175 r. 4. 203:2, cluD 148 ii 7,
l, Duc.a-[go-nu 159 r. i 3, -c!lD
2o7:2,213:3, JcUD l75:t.2l3:2, CUö.\aEs 45 r.2,
aheiğ ''each other'': ;-'-Ja-lr/-i.f l77 e. 5' 64 ii 4- 66 t. ü 6- 9.165 ii I . l8 t :6. 200 r. 7, 2 t 2:5,
ahiu "strange. uncanonic;1": BAR-' 82 r. 5, BAR. GUD.NITA 133:4, 16619, 175 r. 13, 189:2, 1,94:3,
MES 52:11,53:5, 198-:2. 206: 3. 21 O:2. cuD.NtlrA t j3: t, cuD.(NrrA)l
ahu A "blothe/': PAB-.ğı1 30 I. iii 4. PAB.MES_,ğ, 11'.r.4
57 iii 8, i 3, 115 i 16, ulRU 49
alu "city, town": URU 49
. ahu B "arm": a-hi 85 i 3. t4it4- A.MES t2O i 6, I. ii
16, URU.MEğ 28 I. iii 3.
A.z 81r. 1, A.2.MES 89:6, amaru "to see, behold'': IGI'LAL 132 i 1. 161 ı.
aiartu "shell": NAa.pA 1t8 ii 10, ii 9,
A ( lyyar, name of ıhe 2nd monı-]rJ: ITI.GUD amclu "man'': Lü 58 i 7, iii 24,
iii 5,79:4' 93 ı.2, amtu "maid, slave-gill'': GEM[ğ 24:3, GBME.MEs
aiaru B "rosetrc": a-a-ri 60 i 5, 24:18, ı.'7, GEM6.MES-.ğ; 24 I. 9' GBMh.MEğ-ği-na
aiulu "stag": DARA.MAS 121 i 2. 24:16,
"to eat'': e la- ak- tu 757 ı . ii 15 , KI3 142:7 , amümu (a kind ofbeer): a-mu-me 2|0:13' a-mu-
K[ü] 142:4, Kü.MES 154 ii 5, 181 I. 3, mll !99 l.2, ı<ığ.a-mu-me 1'83|2, 1844, 185|3,
. -akbu.u 'Jerboa": ak-bir !49 \i 9, 160 i 5, ak- L86:3 2o9:|5 211' ı. I , 2|2:15 , 214:9 , KAğ .a-ıhlu'
blitl159 i 16, ak-lbir\148 iii 14. mcl ' '
195:4. KAğ.a-|mu-me] l99|8, KL^ğ.af-mu-mc
. -akiltu a-kİl-ıü l l5 i l. ii 5. 6, r. 192 e. 15,
i l0. ii 3. 149r. i4. 164 l.2. a-kil-ı|ü] 154 ii l7, Lna "to"i ana 53|.3, a-na 4 r, \i 7 , 12,26:'7 ,28 i
'b1eağ 'loaf': ak-li l67:2.'l89:9, ı9l:6, 4.,41:5. 45 e. 16. r. 4. 47 i 4. 48:4.9, r. 1 . s. t, 54
l92tl2. 196:5.
- ^1ı<|q
199:7. 200:t.t, 2Ot L 6: 2\jtj, i 9.56 i 5' 57 iii 7.8.58 jii 4, ll,e. i9''.i ı'iiz'
2O8.:.7..209:9- 21 1 :l 5, 212:13.21 4:6, ak- tli 197 :1 5, f0,iii 26.60ii It. t4, l7.63iii t.3,4.5.7,9,10,
ak-lli 200:6, 216:8, ak-lu 210:t0, \ 212 12. 14, 15.64 r. ü 2.5.7. 1O.75t2,3.4. t4. 15. tS;
I. l0,[i l97 r. 8, NINDA.a,t-[ıi l87:3, 19, 2\, 25, r. 2, 5, 6, 7, 8, 15, 25, 79 t. 6, 80:6, 8l


r.6. I l0:3.6.9, 12, t I l: I, I l2:1. ti5 i ll. ii 2' J. atmunu "sanctum, shiıe": at-me-ni 75 t.25,
7.8.9. 10. 12, 14, 15,16, l'7,19.2O.223.r.iI3- atü "gate-guard'': LÜ.i.DUs 5 ii 24, r. j' 22' 28' 9
ı6. ii 7. l l8 i 2' 5' 8,9, ll, lz. 14' ]6. 20. ii 3. 4. i l'7 ' l. Ii 4' L i 6, L]ü.i.DUs 5 r. i 3, 6,
7.8. 14. 15, 127:ll, t30 r. 8, 132 r. ii l. l4t:10, 'o dooIway": rj. 1l5 ii 7' 18l:1, 2, see

babıı "gate,
l51 İ.ii 16, l69:5. 17l e. l0. l74:8, r. l.2.3. a|so İo-Ddıı-bdbi'
'4.l9'7 r. 12, a-nla 58 r. i J4, 75:5. 13, a-nlal 118
4. bahriı (a stone. perhaps "coral"): ba-ah-re-e
|.5. a-nld 58t-ill16,115 r. i\ 4, a-lna 48 r.3,75:.6, 118 ı. i 7,
1 , a-lnlo 58 t. . 15. dl-na 164 r. I, la'na 58 ü 13. baiedu "noctumal ceıemorıy, vigil" : ba-a-a-du
r. ii 30, 75:1, 178 ü 1,la-nla 44 r.6. 145 i 3. 149 ii 3, ba'a-a-dul 148 üi'7, ba-a-a-dlul
andahğu "small onioı'': an'dah-ğe l92 t.6' 196 I49 | l, ba-la-a-dul148 üi 6, bla-a-a-dul148 i\i
r. 4- 2o4:5.20'7 r. 8. 208 ı. 9, 209: I6, r. 8. 2l0: l9. 2,lba-a-al-du 148 iii 10,
r. ıb, 2 ı ı r. 8, 2l2 İ. 2, 2l4 r. 't. 2|5:5. 216:15, balat "without": baJaı 64I. i|14'
2l7:3' ı. 9, an-dah-ğel2|6 ı. |1', an-d'ah-İ|el I95 ballukku (an alomatic plant): ğEM,BAL 146:11'
e.6. an-dah-ğle 2l8 ı.4, an-dah]-ğe 199 t.3, balt[ see aban baıti ,
an-dLah-ğe| 2o7:1.3 ' an-|dah-İe 197 ı.6, an-|dah' bandillu "betly": ban-dil2O2 r. 3- baln-dil 208:.
ğel 189 r. 3, an]-dah-İe 2l5 t.8, a|n-dah-ğe 2o0:. 15' bın-dil.MEs l89 L7, ban-diı.MEs| 2l7i7 -
L3 , 2o8:I2, |an-dah-İel 2o2:5 , baremu "to seal": bar-ru-mu 89 r. 2,
anniu "this'': ar-ri-e 89 r,4, Lan-ni'(t)iı] 60 i 1' barü "haruspex, diviner'': HAL 49 ii 14' 50 i 18,
an-ni-u'7o ii3' l66 e. l3, 168:6, l89ı.12'2ooı- ii 5, HAL.MEğ f ii 6, 149I. ii 3, LÜ.HAL.MES 150 iii
4- 2O2 t.6.2O6 r.3, an-ni-lu 3814,45il0, an-lni'u 7
' see ^|şo fab bdfc,'': H AL-u-ı\ı 5| i 9' ii2' e. i |5'
l41 r. 5- an-ni-ü l97 r. l]. an-n|i-ü l99 r.7, barttu "extispicy
|an]-ni-ıi 2og|18, an-nu-te |l7 İ. 5, an-nu'ti 43'.4, H^L-u-t1ü 49 l. iii 6' H^L]-u-ıü 49 i 11.
.ın'nu-tum 147:8, an-nu-ti 60 ij, |' baĞalu "ıo cook. boil": ba-öS-lu-ıe |68|.4'
anütu see unutu, bağlu see b@.ğarr'
anzahhu "fril": ANl.Z;.H 83 i 6, NA4.AN.ZAH 118 bağü "to exist": i-ba-dİ-ğ|i 60 ii3'
ii 14, bat5qu cut off. parce1out''|. i-baı't u-q u 86|.6,
apitu _female baker": Mi.NINDA.MEüs) 26:J, batqu -deficir. damage": bat 132 i l.
157 r. ii
aDoeru "reed": GIT.AMBAR 62 i 9, 13' ba1-qİ 63 iii3,7,bat-qu 60 ii 6, see alşo raD
a'p'pu "tip. fringet?)": KA 108 i 5. 109 i 3. 5. ii 4. haıai.
iii 4^ biııu _side": bht-ıe l18 r. i 14' 2'7 '
aptu "window": ap-ti 8 t.2-9 t. ü 3. bğl eli "city lord": EN-URU.MEğ 58 I. iii 17,
ailqabu (mng. uncerı.. perhaps "hind part''): a4- bel mugirri "chariot ownerfighter'': Lü.EN_
qa-ba- i 115 t. i l7, Gığ.GIGIR 9 i 1l, Lü.EN CIğ].GIGIR 8 I. 1, Lü.EN
areku *to be [ong": clo.oe 65 i 8. cilD.DA 120 GIS.GıGIR 5 i 27, ii 12,23,l. i35,3'7 ' 40, 43,'7 I. |i
i 11, 9' 9 i 27, ii 2l, t. i 20, Lü.EN_GIIğ.GIGIR] 9 ii 8, I.
aribu "ıaven, clow": a-ri-bu 1o i2' i 9, Lü.E[N]-GIS.[GIGtR 9 \22'
aritu "shield": a-rit 3O r, | 6, 77, a-lrit 30 r. ü, hğl pdhiti see pdhlltu,
3, a-ri-tü 78:7 b€l piqitti "official''I EN_pi-qi1i 1|2|5'
arkatu "background"i Ar-ka's -nu 112 r. 7, bE|a't 6ati "lady ofthe household": GAğAN 621
ırk\ see ardku, r. 3' 22 r. 4,23:|3, l30 I. 8, GAğAN-[6] 4 f. ii 12,
ıf marı\v see sup ur 8iı ıu' bElu "lord": EN 112 e. 12, 118 i 13, 148 r. ii l,
ırrabıı see mağak arrabi, 2' 154 ii 5, EN-ğil-nu 49 İ. iii 15, LIi.EN [j l2:5,
arü "millstone": NA".HAR.MES 165 i 1, Lü.E[N_'] 6 ii 3'
aruthu (a domestic implemeot, probably bet abi "father's house": 6 AD 189:2,
"lones'\'- a-ru-uı-hi9| l,6,a:ru|-uü-hi l65 r. ii6' bet ili "temple": E-DINGIR 70 i 4, 75 r. 20, 181:3,
as-allu (a cooking vessel of metal): a-so-a1-1r.. 88 189:5. 190:5, 191:3, 2O0:3, 2O1t4, 209t5, 21Ot6,
r.2' a-sa-la-a-te 8'7 'ı2' 211t8,21.2i'7 , 216:4, 6-DNGIRI 213:4, 219:3, E-
asarru (a kind of tablet ol 1,€ıİ)| a-sar-ri 49 l. ii'ı ' DnrlGrR 208:4,61 DINGIR 196:1, [6-DNGIR] 188:
askupputu "thrcshold": TUR.LU.MBS 66 i 6, 6,2O7:4,
T]UR.LU.MEğ 66 I. ii 7, bEa cqi see 8e, eqi.
asu "mvrde": ğBM.ciR 146:4, bEt kaqqidi (mng. uncert., perhaps "money-
asü "p1iysician": [A.Z]U 50 iii 15, A.Z[U].MEğ 1 box"):6-sAG.DU 64 i 14,
ii 16, Lt.^.ZU.MEs 2 İ.3' bğt kesati "conlaineİ for cups'': C ls.6--C Ü, ZI. V Eğ

asüdu (a bowl for lruit and dough): DUG.a-şı.l- 91,19,

da-a-ıe 125:3 ' oı]c.a'şu -d u 208 r. 5 . 2o9 r. 4. 2l1 bct kutalli "Rear Palıce" i f'-ku-tal 148 ü, 19,
l. 5, DUIG.a-Şu-du| 207 L 4, D|Uc.a'ş|u-du 2l5 '7l. bCt kuzippi "container for cloaks": lE ku-zipl-
4' |DUG|.a-Şu-du 2l8 e. 7. IDu]c.a-şıl -du 216 l. . pu l19 i 19, cıS.E_ku-zip-pi l19ii'l4.
_exorcisı": L(I.MAs.VAs.MEs 2:3, ll5 r, i bğ ramaki "bath rcom'''. E ra'|mla-ki 12o ii2.
l, M;S.vAS 4q ii l6.iii4.VAS.MAS.MES lil8. 6 rus 88:9, 11,
ağiDiıtu "maP'ic, exorcism'': a-İi-pu-ıü 49 ii Il. bĞt redüti "Succession Palace'': E_uS-a-ıe 148
r.iii 9.5l ii 6. MAls.MAs-/ı.i 50 ii 2, MAS.MA|ğ-l, \i t7,154 ü 16,
50 i 2, MAğ.MAs-ri 50 i 14, iii 4, 13' MAğ.MAğ-r-rı, betaniu "irıner": E-a-ni-L-te 89i7 '
50 r. iii 1, bEtanu "hterior, inside": E-a-ni 93:4, 148 ü 17,
ağkioü (a precious stone): As.Gi.Gl ll8 i I6. 149 i\ 2, 6, E-a-lnil 153 i 5,
aĞpfr"'jasp'er": aİ-pu-u 62 ii 2l. l18 i 7. r. i 9. betu "house; (in stat. cstr.) wheİe'\ bı-te 93i\'
dğ-pli-u83i9' 94:4' 107 r.3, l2o ii 5, be-|ıe 99|2, |04:2' E 4 ı- ii


l2. ı0 ii i
30 an-drıe 4.7 i 8. ii 8,
3..2_l-r..J. 22 ı. 4. 23:l3. 27:2. 28 l8.
l; ii 2. 4. iii 25-
4.89:]t. ll]:J. l15i5, l3.ii 2l,r.ii't.8.9. ll,7
3l i 5. 4o|3. 44 İ. 2. 48 T. l. 63 r.
danou seijonanu,
ı..-6.. !2p'i.6. IJ5:5. l4l:4, l5b iii l6. l57r. ii
Jr[pr"iri.-j. uı", kel,,i dıhp-pa-a|s-ı i 66 r. i 6.
aap-Ştr:i-ııif'.iı,eer.i l dıip-pa-saı lo5.4.
8.17,4.:2.'208r..14.E] l]5il5.tE] irft.71ıvpi:"ii ö:ı,,i.'iij'ı'ii.' iiii.T
rJl ll l. IE_.'r,-ıır.I ltf I. ı 5. F_x ]48 ii_9. E_lİl ı0c.ddp-pa-|sa-ıe 96.3' iğğ;j.
58_ı. ij 34. see a|so rab baıİ' İd-beı-. İa-beıi-.' aapr"#u ıiii'ri of jiniper1: ddp-ra-nu 146:3.

betu eğğu "New Pa]ace": E -GIBıL l 15 r. ii 16. dal.iu -;eg;;;heei iiİriie.,2i:,t:i ı'g1",ğ.'
t48ii 16. 18. ar.i, _lı."#i'c:ıs.'c; +g;ıı.-cis.ii."jsidi-j+.
batu ğaııiu "domesljc o,aner\"' E_2-c 64 r. " ii sı iz. ıt r. ıl.iıs.lo."rı
13. ] t5 i 12. see also İa-beıi-İanie,
___'' so'. iiis". to,ğ.,6."isi
"talent; fuibute,,: Gü.UN 27 r.' 14, 3o ii 8,
5le.i14, .]uagmenı,:
^biltu |i l.75:20.r. acnu d e-ni 47 i 2'
l.l].24.78:l.liı r.:.+.
l15 ii 4. GI.U[N 75:26. cü.[Ul\ 90 ii 2. CüI.UN so ıs.
d;;..i;;":'i;;;..r l"| di-ha-a-ni 56i 8,di-ni,h
ı-Jd_iİ7 dn-denaııi,
38.::. GIÜ.UN 90 ji 5. '*
.birmu "multi-coloured textile,,: bit-mle jO i 2, ,.'iıjö,
i?, iritü.i"ri Sz i :, St i. i
cüN 97 r.5,99:l.1o4 r.3. 105:6.7. ü0ıi is. iod _iir"j'ıi.lı-.üei
r. iv 6-. cÜN.\4[Es l05:6. CUN.A l09 r. iv 2.
dr,iu ra rou,id-borıomed cooking poı): dr-dr 88
birğu (a coarse c]otfı'i bir gsil,2'96i7 l1.L |.
2. 98:4. 5. l0o.3. 102:2, l07 t. 4. 1o9 ı- iii ' 9. bi|r '.i- ii)ilin}-;1
orı,sıu "t-n"jı"uı.t er": duh-|i-e l18 ı3. l27.6.İe97:l0. t05:l0...tt9r.iiJ.rj1,1-sisi,i. *ri.Ji,7:sı-li'iöii ii,
ırlrti "belween, ıhrough": birİ 8l:8. r.2. ittııa:ı": dul-li 66 i3.75:2l. ı. 15.
bişşur atani ta she|J.-iırobably "cowrie"ı: PEsa. aıirjiZı i."ı|i\'.'iiii"'{s i..'i iİ,ğd',.'i'a|iı!i"|İi
AI\SE 72 r. l3. ,.
AN|ğE66r. j 14. PES4.Mı.ANSE.MES 68 i.ı.'
iz vje{,ii.
- - 1{i."ii.'iii"' ıiiiiv ,. ı'
4. duq-aia2iii l8,8I:|, ]56:4.
DltU see
ııs,i,;; a;;ı.;;,-
fruit confection oI sweet sauce): ör-d_e-e ,"1ı 1ı e.'iijfli-ra. ı ız:ıı
- ^bu_d6
182:3. 2o5 3, 207 ı.2. 2o8 r. 3. 21o r' 4. 5. 2l5 .:.igl" i'ia., '
cıi.rixuıışu ıs ii 3,
e. 12'r. l.216r.4.5.2l7 l.3.2lR:4,bu-de.[e2l7 eranu:i3 "i", ue iıre. iz'
ı.^2''bu-d|e-e-159.r. i 4. ]97 l. ı. ü-ag-ci ıie i
'nni"g", ":i-ıi-;"'6o'ii
1.8. bu-^trte-e 2t8i3, bu-lde-el 195:2.2O9 r. t.
de-c 20'7 r. l.208r.2, bul_ .""
jukinnu "tİough. water-vessel..: GIs. "nt,i "aijir,aocument.ie_glir_a_teSOi5,Ss
egirtu -leflei.
Jb]r-tlıi-İi iz.Z-ii, ii eis r. i1g' nBı-o-ıİ is ı s.
' 49 r. ii 6. e-gir-a-|ıe] 55 i 3- c-|İr-|a]-ı; "-nii-;,;ı
1lg i.4''
. -bullu "remedy. cu re": bul-1i 49 i 21 . r. iii lo. 5o
e- gı1r-a-k1 İi i 7 .'e-i gir-a-ıe] cö ıi \r;,
i l.6.-bul-l|i 49 L ii 9. bul-Ili 50 l. iii 6, but-|$|
r.ii2. 4s
:o"iil0. ii-ii sii ii ı' ss'ii.2'-ni-|,)
"-isır "-iı,-roı
burd3u'Juniper": l3,
|sEMl.Lll 146: , e-gIi-ııi 50 ii

burku "lap. loin": bu|r-ki 62 l. ii 3. u ,e" iji-gga
ki 202 r.8. U|zu|.bu-ur-ki 2oo f. 6.
eİal fi?ğarti .gneu'iew' pı ace..i E.;AL- ma-sar-
.-. ıııi.ıu,rn ,"lZİ'ii
"fully glow', cow' heifer calf': iT'?i").-ğar-te23i3,4,Ku.-,,a-İatıe
' -burtul4'-t;-4,9, 1l, Mi.AMAR]
1'75:5' 175:8, ı. l, ı.rI. ııji:, i, l"l"ıso_", b ekal ırıaİarti,
AMA]R 175:17, Mi.AMAR.MES t75 r. 14,
buşinnu "lamp": öı-şi_ıi88r. 15, 9ı.9iiu"'p"ıa"";'i i.c^j is l ii;j'iii ıs, sl .. o,
"fine linen. byssus": Er-şi 6ir.iii 3. bu-şu r]ö^ll
l8i r.5. E.GAJL lsı ,. i'j, r.c[ru-isi',j,
a,buşu isjil. .Ji' uiro )*iııi.''ra )*iiii,
İa-pdn-ekalli, ^i,
. bufiıenu (a galden herb, lit. "terebinth-like"), .furiı"
bu--a|-na-nu 146'.9,
i ..New Palace.,: KUR-_CIBIL 1l5 i 6.
ekurru "si ğ.K;i 44,3:-
da'e.Nr şee danonu, elallu (a kind of tim esıone1: )Jal|-tum 83 i 5.
degil issüri "augur'': da-gil MUSEN tr.itl. ;i;pp; r.;;;ii';i;."l.^rri iıi'ıi'j.'']J lii"
daltu see dasJa.
dalu _bucket": da-ta-o-ni 87 i g, dal i 7 5 l. 10. -'-!iil, -i'pp".
pu..enı.,: AI.TA l 05:9, AN.TA.M Es
daınaqu''tobegood":slG,64İ.ii-6.sllC,57ii^l l. ı2i8. Tüii.;N:Ir;'ıo:,z. rüc.eN.r,c.vE; ii),Z,
damu "blood. resin": Mü|D ı39:2. MlıD l39:I. irc. i0),+.
M]ÜD.MEğ 137:4, go up,.: e-te-ıi-a 47 i4'
dananu "Io be strong": dan-ni l9l.6, lg2il2. i#.'"rıhe 5th month;: üTI.KlN l35
l94:_l0. l96:5. 200:6.2ol t. 6.2o87.209:9. 2i0: ,. j.
"iıır-ieİrl. ii ıı,
lii ll"oini'i+]'..
10. 2lr:t5. 2t2it3. r. to.2l4i6- 2168, dan_nil üari'i* i_u,',)
la l3' l.97|15.l.8.dan|ni 1,99:7. da[n-ni| 2o6':10. €nu..eye(-stone)ii: lc!.264i2, ii
z!!:|,l!i!na\i|.1899. 88 r. 7. t8ü:i. losll:.iii.,,';iğ'7zii,aeis'i"' 3,8lr.3.86:I.
lar-LluJ |::+ dan-nu-te 4'7 i 4' KALAG 75 I. 18, Enama Anu IııiI (a;tıolo;icaı omen selies):
KALAc-ıe 75:23, 24, 79 İ. 4, 7, 9, KALAG-Iıi 86i|' un-ıNjıs 49 .. i_i, jiiiğ,
8'KA-LAG-ı,8l r.],KALAG-.(l48ii 5.-KALAG-. M8s iz,a.uJ, "T_^*:"i-r"ı lo .. ii
6Jij7.6ör.iil,7.72:17.85r. ii l0' tl.87i..3. 'lN_"EN.LL t6.r. iiij.UiD_;N"
- "'jii+g ii )b, U,i 52:l, UD_AN dUTU
dannalti (mng. uncerl.. torce"): da- +s i. ii d. ULl"ı.ı. -uu ı i s. so l s,



epğğu "to do, make, peİform": ep-[,ğr] 60 ii 15, 92 6, 101 I. l, 104 r. 5, l08 ii 1, 5, ı. i 6,
ii 1,96 r'
ep-İıj l 18l. ii 27, e-ba-İu-u-ni 19l r.2,e-ba-3ü-u- 7, 109 ii 10, r. ii l, iü 3,6, 12, ll0t3,6,t-1,3,
ii ı 89 r. 8, e-pa-ıiİ 75 l. 23. e-ıap-İu 64 r. ii l l . 112 s. 1, 113:6, 115 ii 4, r. i 9, 17, ii 16, 20, 118 ii
e-ıap-İü 64 l, ii 8, e-ıo-ap-İe 112|.9, e-ıa-pa-6fl 60 19,r. i 13, 15,22,23,29,ii'14,22,23, ll9 i\9,
ii 10, eaa-[]'a-öİl 60 İ. j 14. 1.2Or. i 5, 125:8,126:17 , 18, r- 4,132 i 4,li'Z, 1'41
epinnu "plough": GIS.APIN.MEğ l65 L i 6, r.5, 143 ii 3, r. i16,146r.3'148ii']'iı3'ı. j,2'
eqtu "field": A.ğA 28 I. iii 9, 4, 149ı.i3' 150iii 15,iv4, l52l.i6,l54i]'2'
eqııtu (an offering): g-qu-te |49 i2,l54 ii 4, see 13,157 i14,l8, ii 2,6, 10, 1'4,159|6,r.i'8,ii4,
also bet cqi, s, 160 r. i 4, 10, ii 1, 161 i ZO, i121, t. i 9,22, ii t,
erabu "to enteI'': e-tAr-b1 l43 ii 4 ı. ii 8' e-ta- 162t1.4,t.5,163 r. ii 1, 164:3, r.2, 1'65 r. i 2, 4,
rab 4'7 ii 5, |u]s-se-ri-bu 1'76 İ.6, '
ü'ğe'rıb-bu-J. 168:6, I7 L:9, 175 t. ll, 13, 1'81':4, r. 3, 189 r. 12,
129|2, ü-ğe-r|ibu]-u-ni 59 ii 6' pABl 9 i 16, plAB 30 r. iii 2, 62 Ii7 ,83 | 16, 1O9
ercnu "cedar": ERIN l46tf,1'48 i\3, r. iii 13, 133:6, PIAB 27 t. 14,IP^R I i 8, r. ii 6, 9
€ribıı "enteler": e-ri-bı 1'74 İ. 1, ı. i |9, li 3' 5, 1o i'7, r. i 1' l2:.l, 5' 18 i 3' 27 r- 4'
erğu "bed": GIğ.NA 105:4, 11'7 I.5' l32 i 5' 161 50 i 3, ii 4, iii L4, r. i l,5l ii 9, 58 ii 9, 60 r. ii 14,
i l,2,lz,13, ] 1,2, t. i 1,2,11,12, | 1,lO, 1'62: L5, 62 1it l'1 , 1l I t. 4, 132 i'l , 148 r. ii 7, 151 ii 18,
8' 165 ii2'3' 169 I. 2, 3, G$.N[A 97:9, GIğ.NA.MES L54 ] L'1, 162t5, I'75:8, 17, t. 4, IPABI 4 t. 1 12,
136 ii 4' 162:'7, ı. 6, GIğ.N.4.[MEğ 162: l6, GIğ.N]A. 13:7 28 r. iii l l 91 ı. 5, 150 iii 4, 161 i |1' 162 ı.
' '
Mğğ l 15 f. ii 5' NA l09 iii 3, ,IPAfB z'7 f.l1,49 ı. ii 8, 109 ii 1, 150 iii 15, 16,
erü "copper": URUDU 62 i 10' 87 i 2' 3' 5' 6' 8' 17, L53 i2, l5'7 i 9,IplAB 25 ii 4, 58 ii 3, r. iii 25,
9. l0' 1l,88:l,2,8, L0, İ.2,7,10' 11' lz' |4, |5' 83 i 12' l35 r.3' 157 ı. ii 13, 16l r. ii 9' 166 e. 13,
89:3, 4, 5"7, ı. 1, 6, 8, 15, 91 r.2,3' 4' 5' lzo 1i [[PAB 91:10, PAB-ırıa 4'7 ı-i2'60ii1'9|ı.1''
10, 165 r. ii 4,5, URUIDU 165 r. ii 4, gine "constantly": gli-na-a 82 r. I,
eğrd "twenty": 2o-ma |4'l i4' ğiıisi (a leatheI item)| Kuğ.gı-ni-se-e 12o ii9'
eğğu"new": eğ-Iği] 2o6 ı. 3' eİ-İu-t|e 6o ii 10, ginü "ordinaly; Iegular offering": gi-ne-fl 2o0,.
eİ-ğu-fi 6o r. i 14, GIBtr- 3 i 6,4 i8,23:4' 1l5 i4' 6, gı-nö-e 189 r. 9, 190 r.3, 791' I. 4' l92|l2'
135:5, 148 ii 15, 175:6, 15, r. 2, 189 r. 11, 191 r. 194:ll' |96:5 ı. 8, 200 r. 2' 20I ı-'7 ' 206 r. 3'
l92 r. 14, 196 r. 10, 200 r. 4' 2o| ı. 1o' 209 r. 207|8,2o9|1o' ' 210:1l, r. l5, 272:13, ı.6'2I5:I'
1'5, 21o r. l7 , 212 ı. 8, IGIBtr- 207 I. 15, Pi-rlğ-c| 199|1,207 İ. lJ,8i-al-Ie l 20I : !0' 206: ] l.
ezül"İo be angİy'':- i-te-zt-iz 56 i 6, ii-|n!-el lgı:ı . e|i-ni-e| l88 3' l97 t. l.2o4:7 .
Eıbhı "a|l" i gab-bu 1'65 i 4, |'71|8, ga|b-b|u 5'7 (gin6-e) 2o6 r. 2, |gi-nö-e| 189|10' gi-nı-ı I92 İ.
it 4, 11, 2O9 r. 13, 211:16,214:6, 216:8, gil-ni'i 208:7,
gabbubu "roast-sheep"i gdb-bu-bu 154 ii 10, gi-nu-u 201 l. 1'o, gi-nu-|u| 65 i3' gi'nu-f 1'89 ı-
159 i6, Bab-lbu-bul l5l ii 14. L1,19l ı.7,l92 ı. 14'196ı. 10'20or.4'2o'7 l.
gabudu ü reading and mng' unknown)| ga-bu'di 15,2O9 r.15,21O r. 17,212 t.8,
145 i 6, girim.hiliba (a semi-plecious stone): GI.Rnü.HI.
gğgu "necklace": 8a-8i 126:1, L|.BA I l8 ii 6,
sallebıu "[ema]e barber'': Mi.ğU.I 24 r.6, giğburru (a magic objecl. liı. "ıree of absolu-
ğamaru "ıo finish" i 7am-ınur 75 r.22' ga-mar tion"): cls.BÜR 8l:5,
89 r. 5, giğimmaru "date Palm": GIğIMMAR 118 i 13,
gammidu (a kind o[ garmenr): ga-me-da'ıe ll5 ğiğnugallu "alabaster'': GIğ.NUll.[GA]- 83 ii 6,
r. ii 18, ga-nid 104i6.' 97 r.8- gizzutu "yieldj clippings'': gi-zu-tü 79 l, 11'
garaştu (a cake or loaf ofbfead)i ga-ri-Şa-ıe 16| ğubibu (reading and mng. obscure): g[u]-bı-bi
'l f 12' ii l,I. i 1, ii l,
' Ea-i-Şa-t|el 161 r. i ll, 8l:3,
gla-ri-şa-te 161 ı. ii
l0, qi-ri-şa-te 159 j' 7' 8' guggupinnu "pectoral(?)": GABA.Gü 59 i 8, GÜ.
g|i-ri-şa-ıel |59 r. i 2' c ABA.-in-nu 64 i 6 , 66 i'7 ' co .c nu 64 i 16
- gidlu "braid": 8ıdil62 iv 2- 63 i ].72r. l5. ll8 ct.c 66 i,11,, ^B ^-ı|ı-
i 9, 12, t3, Ri-(dit) r I8 i 16. sli-dil 63 i 9. guhlıı
"antimony'': ğEM.BI.zI.DA 86 r. 5, ğEM.BI.
gimirtu _iotality. €nli:,ery" i gi-m|irai-İü- nu] 28 zt. IDAI 86i7 ,
i 4. Pi-mırtü 64 i |l, gulĞDu "cloak": qul-|cl.|2 lo5i2. 8ul-1cl.2 l | 3:
qi-mru "ıora]": PAB I i 18, ii 6. lö. r. i 7. ] l. ii 2. 4, guJl-lGL2 l07 r. 8. ] 0G.8ıl-Icl 98:8. TÜc]. 8rl-
2:5, r. 3' 4 ı. ii 6,'7 , 9 i 20, 28' ii 5' 9' |9' 24' 26, rcr.z 98t lZ,'t(Jc. gul-rcr.2 94i2,96i5, 117 t.4,'t(Jc.
34, r. i 4' 12, 15,24, \o ii 1, 3, 1|:'7 , r. 4, 13 ı. 5' ,qı1-lG I l.2 l l 3il,'lLG.E|ul-lcl.z 96|.2, 4.
- gullutu '(an omamenl in the shape ofl) column
14:5, ı.3''t |5:'7 12, |6 ii l, \7 i\ 4' |8 i 1l'23 e.
' '
14, ı. 9 24:16, 17, e. 2'7 ı- 6' 7 I0' 25 ii 3' z'7:'7, base'\ 8 ı-lat 64 İ. ii'l ,'72:17 '
' ' '
28 i 16,3O ] 8,34:'7,35 i 3, 38:4, 41'7 , 43:.2, 3, 6, gum)u (an ornament)i gu-um)e-e '12|20,
'7 44 I. 1' 45:.10, 47 i 6, 1l, ii 10, I. i 1', 48 ı.2' 49 gursu see qrrsr,
i 22' ii 5, 13,'ıii 3, ı. i 2, ii 4' 16, 19' fi3, 50 i \'7 '
' habdlu "to borow, be indebted": ih-bi-lu-na-
ii l0, iii 5,I. iii 2, 51i6'9'13'ii2'3,ı.i1,57iii İ|i-ni 45:13'
5.9, 15, r. ii 6, 58i3,i\6,2'7,28,|i7,21,46,e. habbııru (a qualificaliol of wine), hdb-bur 13z
i 10. r. i 2. 6, 19,30, 35, ] 4, 13, 59 ii 1, 60 r. i 3, i3,l'1211, hab:[burJ 132 i 6, ha-a-bu-r[u 776 r.4,
6l r. | 4,62 i 6, ü2,'7,16, \i l,4,13, iv 9, 15, r. i ha-bu-ru 1'78|4,
5' i, L4,1ii 6,63 i\ 4, i\i 7 ' 15'ı. i 4' 64 ı. ij' |' 12' habrü (a kind of food)| hdb-ra-u |'74il|'
67 ii 1, 68 i 3, 69 ii 1,3,7O I 1,'72 r. 19,75:8,2O, habulıu "debt'': ha-bul 3o ii 9 ' 35 i 3 ' |ha-bull
26, r. 13, 1.4,78:10,'7 9:10, r. 4, 9, 80:5, 8l r. 6, 83 34:3, ha-buJLi 34:8,
r. i 2, 9, 13, 85 r. ii 4, 87 r. ii l, 89 r. 4, 90 ii 3, 91:8, haiattu "panic, teffor"i fha-d-d-at-tel 82 t. 2,


halaqu "to disappear; (D) to cause to be lost": r. i 10,

İh-l|i-qu-u-ni l12 s. 2. uh-lal-ıi-qu 60 l. i 1, hu[anu "cloak, wrap": Gü.LA 96:6, Gü.ILAI 109
halğsu "ıo refine (oil)": BARAd l66 İ. 1 , ii 3' Gü].LA l07I. 3, GIü.LA] 109 iii 2,
hallam (a qualification of meat): hal-lam 149 l hülu "road. wav": KAsxAr 60 r. i 5, KASKAL.2 88
5, 154 ii 11, 159 i 4, hal-flaml 15! li 15, lhat-laml t 14
148 iii 5, 9, huiufu(a milk prod]ucl?)i hu-ıu-ti 208 r. 4,2lo
hallılptu see İ a- hal lupı [İ u, t. 6' 216 r. 6' 2|7 ı. 4,2|8 e. 5, huJ|u-ıi) 2o7 r.3'
halşu see halaşu, 215 r.2, huJu-ıı 209 f. 3,
haltu "pregnancy: a kind of slone": hal-ıü 49 i humbebaritu "Humbaba-figuıine(?)" : hum- ba -
2,r.i5, bar-i-ti 62 t- |9,
hğlu "vinega/': haJi 119 i 12' ii 8, h\pp|l see ğ d hupp dnİğ u,

hammurtu kind of beer): ha-mur-te 212;74,

(a huraplu "female spring lamb": uDU.NIM-lll 197:
ha-mur-ti 2o1:9, ha-muf-[ti) 201 e. 12, KAğ.h.ı- 4, uDu.Nltr\r-a, 195 r.4.
ınurhe 199:8' K^3.ha-mur-ti 183il' 184:3, 185,2' hurepu "male spling lamb'': }üM l4g | 4,6, 15l
186|2' 192:|4, 196|7, 197 205:3' 209 ll' ı. lo, ii 1 l, 154 ii 6,'7 , L75:2, ll, 20, r. 6, NtrM 69 i 2.
2lo:l3. 2l I e. l8, 2l4:8. 216|9. K\s.ha-nur-tı] uDU.NrM lJ0 r. 2, 159 i 2.3, 172:8,
2oo:7. 2l7 :1, KAs.hd-mur-t[ı! l 89: l2. xaS.lıa]i huraşu "gold": GI 58 i 4' ii |2, l 6, 2'l, iii l 8, 22'
mur-ti 208i8' K^s.hfa-mur-tı7 797 l. 4, KAğ.[ha- B 3, r. i 7, ü 20, 31, \I 1,20,22, Gtl 58 ii 10, r. ii
mur -til 195 t3, Kl^S-ha-mur-til t9 I t9, 6, ctr 58 üi 8, 80:5, Glr 58 r. ii 1,25, 57 r.
hapüi _ıo bIeak. desroy": ha-pi 64 i 4.5.8'88:8, iii 2,5,60 i 6, ii 5,8, r. ii 1, 10, 12,14,62i7,12.
lha-pil64 i 6, 15, ii 3, 8, 17 iii 2o, iv 2, 4, l0, İ. i 6, 12, ii 1,'t
hari.u (a kind of garm ent or textlle): ha-ri-ru-!p 63 i 5,1i 4,8, '10, 64 r. ü 5,9, 12, 65 i 3,4,66 i 4,'
]08 r. ii 5. TLC ].ra-ri-raı l09 l. i9 6.T0c.ha-rir|aİ t. i 11, ]6,6'7 i 2,3,68 i3,5,70i5,i2:1,15, 19,
97 r.4, 21' 24' 26' ı. 2, 10, 13, 15,'l3:l, 3, 6, 14,75:1, t-
hariu (a large storage jar for wine, beer and 14,7711,3,79:6, r. 10,8l:3, 5,7 ,9, e. 1O, r. l,2,
water, "vat"): ha-ri-e 88|.5, 4, 85 r. ii 5, ll8 i 9, 12, 16, r. i 12, 126:1, 1294,
harrana see hılu, 5, KUG.GI] 60 ii
14, KUG.GII 57 ı. ii 1' 68 ii 2'
haröu culinary dishl.. har-İe 207 r.5' 2o8 r.
1a Kuc.clrl 60 r. ii 8, 87 i 1, KUG.clr 72:2, t. 9, j8 r.
5. 210 r. 7. 215 r. 4, 216 r. 7 . 2t'7 t. 5, 2t8 e. i, 2, KU[G.GI] 64 i 7 , '73 ı. 2, K[UG.Gı 64 i 8' 73|9,
har-|ğe72o9l.4, K[uG.G]r 64 i 5, [KUG.Gr] 62 r. I, 15,73:tt, i
hartribu "Egyptiaı'' har-ıi-bi l r-li2' IKUG.G]I.MBğ 79:1,
_ haşbu (a containel ofearthenwale' "pot"): DUG. hülutu "maddel, Rubia tinctorum": GIğ,HAB t 15
ha-LŞ-bi 125i5, 8' Duc.ha-aŞ-bu 167 :4: ü6,116r.4,
haödnu "üyme'': ha-İıi-nu 146: !0' huğö "(metal) scraps''.. hu-ğe-e'78:9
hağhür.api "malsh apple": HASHUR GIS.Cı 62 i hu(aru "staff": GTS.pA.MES 134:4, see' also ,alr,,,
8, ğa- hutari,
hağIati "gIoats": l,ağJat 184 e.6, l85:5, l86:5, huzlqutu (a kind of ıextile or 8armenl): TüG.rr-
192 e. 17, 196:9, t99:10, 200:8, 205 e. 5, 20614, Li-qu-tü 12o ii 15,
208 : l 0. 2 l 4 e. l l. 2l6i l l. haİ - l aıl 2 l 7 i2. ha| - t|d ! ] huziınu (a piece of clothing): ıta|,hu-zu-nu 98
215:2' haİ-|lal| 20l l. 3, ho|İ-Iaü| l89:l4, KAs. 13 İoG.hlu-zu-|nu |02i3,
ha ğ - laı 2o'7 : |o, 2o9 :12, 2l0 | 5, 21 l f . 3, K^3. ha İ- '
: "ram": UDU.N]IIA I2t i3,13O:3,5,1347,
la-üi l83|4. sE.haİ-taı t67i5. 212i11,si.haİJa-IP 136]1,5,7,8,r.i2,4,9, 170:2, l72t 1,6, I78l
166: I l, 8, 198:6, 203:5,206:6, uDU.NrrAl 194:6, uDUl.
hattu "sceptle'': GIS.PA l52 I. i 6, P]A l29i4' Şee Nnl. 52:5, UD]U.NIT,( 52:4, l30 ı.2, u]ou. NırA
a|so huğru, 198:4, UDU.NrTA.MES 133:1,4, 162 r. 5, utu. Nr[rj(.
hazannu "mayoı; inspeclor": ha-za-nu l18 ı. ii MESI 162:15, uDUl.Nrri.MES 162:6.
12. l49 iiı 7. t(l.ha-za-ii 28 i 15. l3o l. 1, Lt !.hd- ibbitu "thick (loaO'': ib-bı-a-te 16l i2,13, ii2,
za-nu 30 |2, Lt3.ha-za-nu 6 ü 12, 126 t. 5, Lltj.ha- İ. i 2' ii 2' 162:7, ı. 6, ib-bi-a-ıel 162:|6, ib-bi-a-
za-nu 29 i lZ, t|e] 160 i 10 161 l. i 12, ib-bı.MBğ I7 4:14, i-bi-|a-
hep see hapü, '
tel|73I.5' i-bi-tli 17 4i1,2, NINDA.ib -bi-a-ıe 166i6,
hiequ "to mix, blend"t hi-d-qi 7741. 4, idıı see ahu B,
igizaggü (a semi-plecious stone): IGI.ZAG.GA
i-hi-tu- i79r 6 118 ii 1,
hibiıtu -debt';: ,i-ö' -la-|(a)-tel 45:l, ikkğr ekalli "palace famel": L]ü.ENGAR-KUR
hillu "cover, wrapping": hi-li 115 ü 16, |31 ı.2'
hiıhinu (a cercal preparation): hi-hi-ni 209 12' ikkaru "falmel": Lü.ENGAR 30 I. iii 9, 22,
r. 1,210i12,t.4, hi-in-hi-ni 182i2, 192 r. I, 193:7, ilku "stare service. duıy": il-ki-in-n| 45il5,
l96:l0.205 ı. l.2llı.4.2l2:l8.214 r. l, 2l5 e. ilu "god": Dt\crR 45 r. 12, 49 i 3, D|NGTR.MES
1l. hi-in-hi-n|i| 2l7 t. |, hi-in-hİ-|ni] 208 ı. l, 174 r. 3, DTNGTR.MIES 60 i 2, DNGTR.MES-ı,, l7l:8,
hi- iln-hi-ni 187 | ! . ZOOtı. hi-iln- hi-ni2l'8t2. hli- i,1- imeru "donkey": ANISE 3l ii 3, J6 ii l. 143 ii j,
hli-ni 216 r- 3' ğE.hi-in-hi-ni |45 i 9' AN]ğE 165 r. i 7. A\sE 30 ii
l1. 45:9. 46:4, r. 2,
huhhurdti (a dye): lıu-ha-r^t l15 l. i 12, 75,19, 88:1,5, 119 ii
l4l:15, 143r.ü6,7,161i19,
121 r, i 5, hu-hu-ro.t 119 i 6, ii 8, 20, r. i 8, 21, ii 8, 162:.3,12, r. 12,163 i, I,L
huhhurtu (a kind oI bfead): hu-hu-raı 160 i 8' i 1' 166|4' 5,6,7,8,l74:14, ı.3, 4, 180:3,ANSE]
162:8,r.7,174113, 162 r. 2, [ANSE 46:7, ANSE-4-a 87 i 4,
hulalu "chalcedony(?)": NIR 84:3, 4, 85 i 10, 1 l8 imittu "shoulder": uzu.zLG l88i l, 194t1, 206:1,


kişir'tu "case, envelope'\ ki|-Şır-tı 83 i 14' ı.1' 13' |42:3' 5' 8' l0, l1, 143 r. ii 9, l59 i 9, l60
kişru "cohort, corps": [ışir 3 ]' 6,23:4' 64 ı. ii i 9' 169 I.2, |7o|l' l73 İ. l,3,5, l'7 4il2, |4' I. 3'
16, 115 i 4, 148 ii 15, i']-ş,/ 4 i 8 ' |ki-ş]ir 70 i 6' 176:6, 188 ı. 3, 189:l0, ı. 9, 190 ı. 3' 19l:'7 ı. 4'
kiğadu "neck-stone, amlr|eİ''|İ,i-du 87 i 192|12, L95|1, 196:5'ı.8,2oo:.6, t.2'2ol:lo' ı.7
l, NAa.Gü 85 i 6, NA".Gü.KUG.ME[S] 54 ii 6, 2O2:3, 204:'1, 206 t. 2, 207:8, r. 6, 2O8t'7, t. 6,'
kitturru "stool": crğ.kit-tur-ru 17'7 t. 2, c*. 2o9:1o' ı. 5, 13' 21o:ll' t. a' 15' 2|l:16' 2l2:l3'
KI.DüR-ıi 91:3, r. 5, 6, 11,214:6,215 r. 5, 216:8, 217 r. 6, NINDA.
kitü "flax, lineı": c ADA 62 i1ı 8,96 l.3, 97 l. |' [MEğ l99:7, NINDIA.ME]ğ l92 l. 1|' ININDA.MES
I03:4. 104 r. 2, 1O8 r. | 3, 5, 7, 1,O9 ü\ 2, |1I:'7, r. 207 ı- \3,215:l' 216 r. 8,218 ı.3,
2, 4, 115 i 11,223, t. \ 13, 15, lz8t4, 1296, lO, kusltu "Iobe": BAR.DIB 105:6, 7, TÜG.BAR.DIB
slc.GADA 115 i 1, ii 5, [sic.cAD]A 115 r. ii 3, 99:1, TüG.BAR.D[IB.M]Bs l 12:6,
TüG].GADA 109 r. iv 3, TüG.GADA 112:l0, kussiu "throne, seat": GIS,GU.ZA l20 ii 13, GIğ.
kuenu "to be firm, hue''i ıı-ki-nu-u-ni 2l2İ- |3' GU.ZA.MEğ 115 r. ii 5,
crN 145 i 2, kutdhu "lance": k 1a-hu 89i11,
kubĞu "cap, mitle'': U.SAG 74:4,96:8, U.SAG. kütu (a vessel for wiıe, beer and oil, "can"):
MES 105: I l, 120 ii 16, u.sAG.IMES 105:11, see also ku-ta - a-t e 162:13, ku -td - a- tle 162i4, DU cl.ku- t d - a -
ğ4-kubğığu, t|e 162 l . 13 , DUG.ku-ta-a- te 119 ii 10 DuG .ku- ıld-
kubtu "block, lump"t ku-ub-te 89 t.75, a-te 119 i 13 , Duc-ku-taJe 1,61 i 78, ii, 1,9, r. i'7 , 20,
küdunu "mule", GİR 118 I. i 16,23, see also I'7, 169 t.4, DUG.ku-ta-tel 16l i'7, Duc.ku-td-tle
ğa-bğt-k'dini' 16l ii7 , DUG.kıı-tu lz7 l. i 3, DUG.ku!ü 162 1.3,
kullu "nut, kemel": kul-la-ni l92 ı. 5' |96 r.2, kuzippu (a garment, "cloak"): gu-zip-pi 1,1,5 ü
207 :|1, ı.'7, 2o8 t. 8' 209|l4, l.'7,210i1'7' İ. 9' 2ll 2O, ku-zip-pi 97:13, ku-zip-pu ll2:3,
r. 7,212:21, 214 İ. 5,215|4,216||3' 217|4,I. 8, le"ıoİ'\ ıa 43|5' 44 t- 3' 46 s. |' 63 iii 19' 64 l.
2l8 l. 2, kuı-la-nil 202:2, 2l5 ı- 7, kul-la-n|i| ii 13, 88:2, 89 r. 3, 115ı. ii22' 117 I.'7,I|a58i|i
204i3, k'|uı-ıo'-ni 2o8:ll' klul-l[a-ni 2o0:l1' Ikul- 12'75 ı.5' l'|a 27 ı.9, Ua 56 i 5, Nü l00:3' 4, l07:6,
la-nil189 t.1, r. 9, 108 i 13, 109 r. iii 7, 119 r. i 6, 10, ii 3,
kumaru "shoulder": ku-ma-ri 6O li 13, la'u (a qualification of wine): la:e-e 215 r. 11,
kümu "instead'': ku 27:2' 4, ku-un 68 t. 1i 3' ı4:u 178||, la)u-u zo8 r. 12' 209 ı. |1' 21o ı. L3'
kundirağe see tazdir.ğı, la)u-u] 216 ı. |3' 21'7 ı. 11' 2l8 t. 6, lla)ü-u 2o7
küıukku "seal": NA.4.(IğIB 49 r. i 5, 8l:7, 1l8 i r. 11, Ia-e 180:3,
l, 16, ii 4, 6, NA4.KIğ||B] 49 i2' [NA4].KISIB 85 i 9, labiru "old": la-bir-a-te 3o i\ 1o' Ia-bi-ru-tü 6o
[N]A4.KISIB 85 i 7' NA..KIğIB.LMEğ 66 i 8, iig' la-bı-lu-u-ti 60 I. i 1l, LIBIR.RA.ME 63 ii 5,
kupitu (a bird)| ku-pi-tlı.Mu3BN 7'72 l. 13' SUMUN 96:5, SUMUN.MEğ 145 i 1,
MUğBN -ku -p i -t1ı |3 1'i7' labff "to encircle'': NIGiN 82 I. 3,96:|7, ı.2,
kurdinnu (aı aromatic p|ant): 3zu.kur-di-nu 97: I l, I02: l. 2, 105:9, 10, I09 r. iv 4,
1,46t'7 , Iahhinu "temple steward": r(s.lah-hi-ni 9 ü,24,
kurgarrııtıı "female Corybant'':
Mf.KUR.GAR. Ui.ı 6h- h|i- nıl | 42,10'
R[A.MEğ] 24:24, M]i.KUR.cAR.RIA.MEs] 24: 1 1' lahhinutu "temple stewaldess"I Ml.ıöh- hi-nat
kurinnu (an omament, peIhaps for neck): /ü-.i- 24 r. I,
at58üi79,'73i4, |amassıı see aban lamasşi,
kurissu "leek'': KUR-i-sa-a-te 161 i,3' l4' ii 3'ı. lanu "body, figure'': ld-ııi |1'2 e- |1'
i3, KuR-i-sa-af-te 16l ii 15, KuR-ra-a-te 161, L ii, lappan\ see aıappdnu,
3, KUR.Mi.MES 762:9, t.8, [KUR.Mi.MES] 162:17, laqü "to take, buy": niJa-qi ll5 ı. i1' 23'
kuriu see tarıi, l€'u "writing-board": GIğ.ZU 50 I. iii 5, GIS.ZU]
kurkdnü (arı aIomatic plant, peıhaps "tuı- 49 i 18, GIS.ZU.MEğ 49 i 22' 50 i'7 5I i 6,55 j' 1''
meic" : kur - ka- nu- u \46 :8, GIğ.ZU.MES] 51 i 13, GIğ.ZU.M[ES] 49' İ. ii 4' 51 ii 1'
kurkü "goose": KUR.GI 148 i 3, |ıı 2' lemııttu "evil, misfortune": HUL-tim 82 l. 6'
192:9, 199 :5, 2O1 :7, 207 t5, 2O8 t5, 209 e. 20, 21o, HulLJim 54 i 7 , HluLJim 54 i,8,
9, r. 3, 211,:12, 213:5, 214:5, 215 : 10, 216:5, KUR. lib5nu "neck": cü 28 i7,10' 14' 21' I. ill lo'29
Grl 200:4, KUR.clr 196:2, 218:1, KUR.[cr217 e.lO, ii 5, 30 iii 4, 5' 7 ' \l' 47 i 5, İ. i 2' 59 ii'] ' 1I' 6'7
KUR.GI].MUğBN 198:9, KUR.GI.MUğEN 190:8, l94:9, r. i 2,7 5:23,24, r. 1,8,76:3,'18:2,79 r. 4,'7 ,9,82
2o2 r. '7 2o6:9' 2o9:'7, 2lZ:|0, ı. 10, 216 ı. 2' r. 6, 8, 1 l0 r. 3, 115 i 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 1,1, 1,4,
KUR.GII.MUSEN 188:9, KUR.IGI.MUSEN 203:6, KUR. 15, 16, 17, 1 2,',!, 9, 1 1, 13, 15, 16, 1',7, 19, 21, 22,
GI.MUğEN.MES 200 I. 5, 223, İ. i l'3,5,'7 8,9, |1' 12' 14,15, 17, 18, ii 15,
kurkurru (a metal coııai,neı): kur-kur-ru 89 r, 1, |6' 19,20' 116:.3'' 4' 5' 6,'7 ' 8, 1'I' |2' ı. 4' 14'7:5'
kurru "kor'': gu|r-ruın 52',3, Gü] 1l5 i 10, 1'2' 13, |8, |9,20'2l' l16:10, G[I' 97
kursiu (a leather item, perhaps "strap"): KUS. r. 1, 103:1, 115ü1,122i6,cl(r 115 r. ii 1, 116:9,
kur-si-u 134:5, ı. 4' 121' r' i 5'
küru "kiln": ku-u-ri 126 r.3' libbu "heart": [ğ]A 143 r. ii7'ğ^4'7 i 10' 48:3,
kurummutu "baıley (ıation)": SE,PAD 39 i 6, 57 i\i 4' 63iii 18, l1l:4, 118 i |8, iı |2' 17'İ. i24'
s7E.PAD-ut-tu 27 l. 4, ğE.PAD.MES 32 t. ij' 1'2,37'.1', 188:5, 189:2, 3' 19'7:3' 201:4' 202 ı- 4' 2o6 t. 3'
119 ii 15, SE.PAD.IMEğ 38:1, SE.P]AD.MES 32 r. ii 209:3 210:4 SA] 212:4, ğ]i.58 r. ii 18, sA-r'
78 ı.2,3' 8i:6' 115I. i |8'21o:z'
l0, S]E.PAD.MEğ 119 i 20' S]E.PAD.[MEğ 37:7, 60 Ii 4' 72 İ.9'
kusepu "bread": Ntr{DA 141 r. 3, 160 i 10, 166:4, 2L2 ı. |2' S|L-bi 79:7' ğ[n-ö], 2l l:5, ğ]A-ü' 54 i 5,
5, 11, lZ, l'74t10, 12, r. 3, 194:10, 2O6tlO, 11, s]n-E[, 57 i 15,1A.-bu |94:4 2o6:4,212 t.9, ğ}'-ma
NINDA] 194:1l, NID{DA 197 e. 17, NINDA.MEğ l4l 79 I. 11, [ğA.MEğ] 148 iii 1, [ğA.M]Eğ 203:3, ğA.


marğu "leatheI srap'': mar-ğd-ni l2o i 13' T-me-4o 24tI'7, I'ne-44 57 ü 7, l-me-45 23 r. 9,
mdru see mor'u, |-nxe-so 45 l. I, 1-me-56 24l. |0' |1\-ıne-58 l25i8'
maruĞtu "pain": mar-sa-a-ti 56 i 4' |-me-6o |49 l ' i 3,l-me-as 49 iii 3, l-ıne-88 50 i 17 '
masappu "baskel": ma-sap-plul60 i 18. |-me-94 24 t. 7 , 2-me 2! ı. 2' 22 ı. 3, 4, 3o iı 6' 9
masentru "tTeasııTer": lcl.DuB ]53 r. ii I, LU.ıGl. l 48 1li | 6' z- meI 2ı İ. 3' 2-me -5 34'.'7, 2- me -1 6 57 |i
DUB 3 i 2,4 i 6, 15' 5 i35,9 i6'5'7 i8'79ı.8, 6, z-me-zo 2|:9,22:5, 2-me3l 57 r. iii 4, z-me'ıq
126:3, 151 r. i 7 , 172:5, 186 r. 1,2O8 r. 14,211:4, I15 I 4, l3-mel 21t5,3-me 21.:'1 , 8, 22:1, 3, 57 ü
ll , 212t3, 9, L(J -rct.uM 115 i 15, 11, 101 r. l, 148 \ü ll,3-me-42 49 L ü 19,3-me-82
maŞennulu "Iemale reasufeI": Mf.ICI.DLB.MEs 64 r. i8' a-me 2l|10,22:4 ' ı. l,2,66 t. j'7 '8' 112:3,
26:5, 1,87 i3,4, a-ınLe 21 L l, 4-me-4 66 İ. \ 5,4-me42 64
massitu (a jar for liquids, "flagon"): DUG.m@-ri- r.i9,a-me-35 49 | 5,4"rne-so'78'.77, 5-me 22i2,175
tıi L67 |3, L92 e. L6,17 1968,2ol ı.3' 2o5 e. 4, r. l l'7 , 5-me-2o ZL:6, s-me-2s 78i2, s-me-94 28 t. 1i
2' 206|13, |4, 207|9,' 7o, ı. 3' 209:12, r. l' 2' 5' 6-me L15 ii 9, 10, ı-me 1o4 I. 5' 7-me-2o 78|5,
210|1.4 15, İ. 5, z1'| ı.2,3 212:16' 1'7 ,214 e. 1'0, 8-Ime2It.4,a-me-t[28r, iii6, s-ne-33 108 r. ii
' '
1l 215:2, r. l, z' 3, 216 l. 5' 217 İ. 3' 218:4' e. 5, z' s-me-34 64 İ. i 6,
' mekku "(raw) glass": me-ki 178 i 12,
6,|tli l91:.Io,[tü| 2o1 İ. 1,
DUG.fua-sfi-tü 200|8'ı 20'7 I. 4, DUG. mEşu (a stone): NAa.rlı e-Şi 85 i 4, N 85 il4'
|ma-sitli z17.2, DUG.[ına|-si-tüJ 2o7 İ. 2, DU[G, l89 r. l0, 196
midru (a kind oİ bread)'. me-d'ir^A-rne-Şu
m)a's i tü 209 :1 l, IDuG|.ma- si J ıı 1'7 6:4, 189 : 13' r. 9,2o9 ı. 14, 21o ı. 16' şıNoı-me-dir 20o ı' 3,
21 6i 10, - si - ıü 208|9, 10' | s i - tü\ 2o6 r. 1.' 2o'7 İ. 1'4, l92 r. 1'2'
|99 i9, fDu G.m4 - si] -tü 199 |1o, IDU - Şli - tiı 200 i l91 I. 6, 201 I. 9, NIND]A./r?-[dıri]
8, |Duc.mL|-sı-ıü 2|7i2' |Duc.ın]a-si-tli 2o8 l- 3' 204i9, NtND^.mid-ri 212 r.7 ,
|DU|G.lnd-silü 2|6,1l, |'qi 2|6 İ. 6, miqtu "occasional rced(?)'\ mi-iq-t.ı'ni l15 ii
maşşarıu "waıch, gu ard"| na-aş-'a|r-li] 164f.1. 2, r. ii.2,
6N.NUN-j,i-rıu 150 iii 4, E]N.Nt N-J,i -nu l48 r. ii'7 ' mirtu (mng. unceIt.)i mir-ıu 779 l. i 2' 4"7 ' 9'
mağaddu "yoke pole'\ ma-İad-d'a-a-te 89|8, mişru "(decorative) band''|. me-şir 65 i 5- 66 i 4.
mağak arrabi "(bag oo dolmouse skin": KUs 6'7 i 3' 4' 7o ii 5,72 r. 17 . m|e-ş|ir 65 i 4.
a-ra-ba-ni 119 ü 13- miğlu "half': me-ğİI-ğıi l18 i 5' 6, 1|2 31 Ii 5'
mağenl,J.| see masenku, 4l:2,3, 4, 5, 1.0, 42:6,8, 43:3,7,44:.5, 48:3, 58 i\
mağ)eınu (reading uncert.) "shoe, sole": ruğ. 4,'t' |o, f. iii 15, 63 iii 12, İ. i 1, 66 I- i9,7||5'
DA.E.siR 120 i 10, ii 7, KUs.DA.B.s[iR] 127:5, KUğ. 73:10'ı.3,8, L2, |5,18,75:.2,3,r.7 ' 11',79:.9 ' |o'
D.A..E.slR I 15 r. ii 12, 85 r. ii 3, 106:5, 108 i 3,4, 6,8, 10, 109 i 3,4,5,
mağku "skin": KU[s 48 r. l l, 7. 110:4,5,7 ,8, 119 ii 11, 124:5,14O:1,2,3, 4,6,
mağtilü (a magical text): M].4ğ.TI.LA 51 ii 8, ı. 1,5, |44 i 5' 146:1' |o, 163 ii 3, r. ii 1' ı:z]] 85
maEhu "to lift, pick |ıp,\rse'':. nı-rnJu-ha 17'7 r.7, r. |,4,
matima "whenever": U]D.ME.DA 56 i 3, mizu (a kind of wine)'. me-zi |82 r. 1'' 207 ı. 1l
mğtu "land, counffy''| KUk l5i'7 ,62 i 10, 66 I. ii 208 t. Ll,2o9 ı. 10,2lo ı. 13' 2l5 ı. 1'o,216 ı. 13 '
94|5 96'.5 , 98:7, l0, 105:7,9, |07:9, ı.7 2|8 ı.6, me-zil2l'7 ı' 1,o'
' 82|4,
l08 i 15, 109 ' ı. iii 10, iv 2, 115 r. ii |2' ||8 l. i 16'' mudakkiu (paIt of an omament): mu-dak-ki-İE
18,20,21,23,25,26, 119 r. i 3, 8, 12O i 4,7, ü 6, 72:27, mu-d.ak- ki- u '72:19,
1'7,148 i 4, 174:3, KUR] 66r. 1 2, KUIB 98:2, 1'79 mugirru "chaliot": G Iğ.mu- gi[l-ra-tel7 6i4, GIğ.
ii 3. KluR 85 r. ii 12, GIGıR l26:9, GIğ.GIGIR.MEs 193 l. 2' 2I2 l. 14, see
matü "to be defective, lacking": LA 42|2' 5' a|so naggdr mugırfı, narkabtu,
52:9' 63 i 6,'73:2, 4, ı. lo, 12, rA] 73 l. 5' L|^ 73 muhhu "top, on": UcU 47 \2' 60 il&' 13, ı. i l0,
İ. 3 Ll^ 63 ]''7 , 62 I 12, Ii 10, 16, iv 6, r. i 10, 63 1 5, i\i 19, 64
maziu (a dish for serving soup, "tuleen''): ılı4- i l, 79| 6, |I2 e' l i, 115 ı. i 1l,l4l|5' 164|5'2l2
zi-a-ni 87 \ 10, ma-zr-i 88t10, 211:13, r. 13, ulGU 79:1, [uc]u 62 'tü 19, ucu-hi 69 \i 2,
2l2tLl, 12,21.413, 188 r. 1,2, 189:7, 81:4. 85 ı. ii 4, Ucu_[l,'l I26i9' UGUl-hı 72i5,
8, 190 r. 1, 19L:4, 5,196:3,2OI:8,9,2O6:7,8, UGU-hi-id 47 ii 6, UGU-hi-ğ a 68 l. ii 4 Ucu-i|,i ll2
207 t6, 7, 208:6, 209t8, 9, 210:9, 1O, 211:14, 214:4, s. 3, see also ğa-muhhi', -lu l9'1'.14, Duc.tma-zi-u 192,.11, Dulc. mukallimtu "commentary": mu-kal - lim'|tıi] 49
m|a' zi- ıı 2|3|6' DtU G,m a- z i- u I92:7o, z i- u ii 4' mu-k|al-lim-tı1] 49 r. ii l8, mlu-kal-lim'tiı
199t6, 200:5 , 208t6,216i6, 194i7 , 8, 52:6,
199:6, 198:8, 216:7, mukarrisu (a coppo dish foI oil.), mu-kar-ri-Şu
2O0t5, 196t4, lDUG.mla- zi- u 198:7, 91 1.2, 120 ü 1,0,
m0 ğiri "meat stock, bouillon'': A.MEğ_UZU 189: mukil appati "chariot ddver": DIB-PA 150 ii 5,
7, 19l:4 , 19 4:'7 , 196:3 , 199:6, 2O0:5 , 2Ol:.8 ,ZOi :6, 152 I. i 7, bIB PA.MBğ30r.ii24,149iii 8, 150ii
208:6, 209:8, 210:9, 211l.13, 212:11, 216:6, 2, L54 İ. ii 19, DIB_PA].MEs 154l. ii22'DJIB.PA.
A.MES_UZU] 2l3i6, A.MEğ uzlu] 206:7, A.MES_ MEğ 152 I. '|i 5, Lt.mıı-kiı_|KUğ].PA.MEğ 15:13,
U[ZU] 214:3, A.MEğ-[UZU] 188 r. l, A.IMEs_UZU] ILü.DIB KU]S.PA.MES 18 i 5, LÜ.DIB_PA.MELğ] 6 ii
190 r. l, 198:7, AI.MES-uzu 192i10, l1, Lü.DIB-PA.MES 5 r. i 39, ii 1' 3, 5, 10' 6 i 7, ii
meat "hundıed": |ll-me 148 iii |2, l-me 38|3' |4,'7 i I,ı. ii 5 9 i 18, 26, Lü.DıB-PA.[MEs] l55:7'
' 5I. i l9, LÜ.DI[B_PA.M]Eğ 9 ii l2,
45:6, 64 r. i 11, 108 ii 2, 5, 116:4, 148 iii 8, 9, 10, Lü.DIB P]A.MEğ
18, 20, 150 iv 3, 165 ii l, t-mfe 25 | 4, t-lme 148 Lü.DI]B_PA.MEğ 5 i 20, L]ü.DIB PA.MEğ 9 i 9, LLÜ].
iij' 2L , l-me -8'l8|4, l-me-g ll5 İ- i 9 , |l-ınel-l2 5z:9 , DIB PA.MES 9 i2,
t-ne-B 125'.6, 1-me-2o L74i9, r-me46 66 L i3,4, muklal see maklulu,


mulappitu (a wooden implement, perhaps "spa- 24:2O,

t\ıla")i Gls.muJap-pi-te 119 i9, ii |6, narkabtu "chariot": GIS.GIGIR 49 i 5, see also
multashiptu (a semi-pıecious stone): NA4.SAL. mugirfu,
LA 118 ii 9, neru "river": rD.MES 105:13,
muraqqitu "female peıfume makel''i ndtıı see nudru'
raq-qiıü 24 ı- 8, nasiku "sheikh": ,,a-sik 58 ı. ii34'
murrenu (a ki[d of tlee, possibly "ash"): oıS. nillli2, Llü.na.-sil-ku 58 r. ü 5,
mur-rla-nul 134l.4, naşbutu (1. a garment; 2. a metal object, peIhaps
muğarkisu "rccruitment officeI'': mu-İıir-kis. "handle"): na-Şa-baı 88 ı- |3,96|.1|' T(JG.nd-Şa-
MEs l49 iii 6' Lü].ıııu-ğdr-kis 9 i8' bat 96 l. 1, 97:6, |1' ı(ışa-bd|t 71'9 l. ii 2,
muğ€zibtu see ğa-muğezıbtı, ı]-şa-bat |o2:|'
muögarru şee muğğaru, naşraptu "crucible; dyeing vat": na-şar-pat 90
muĞSaru "seıpentine": MU[ğ.Gi]R 118 l. i 4, ii,4,
MU]ğ.GiR 72 I. 4, 6, MUğ.Gh 8|:7' 83 ı. i 12' nağff "to lift, ca[y, take' bring'l. i]İ-İu-u-ni 60
M]Uğ.GiR 86:12, NA4.MUs.GiR 86:4, ı. ii |6' iİ-İu-ü-|ni 60l. ii3' it-ıi^ği 47 i 9' 60 i 10'
müğübu "dwelling": mu-İ|ab |o t- i l' m -ğldb na-aş-ş[u-u-ni| \68ı7 na-Şa-ni 58 ı. ii3' na-şu-ni-
mu-|İab 1o ii 7, mu]-İab 12:|, m]u- İab 1'o
9 r. i.i.5' zi 58 r. ii 19, na-ş|u-ni'ni}
' 63 ii\ 78, na-şlu-ni-ni
i7 l2:5, mu-ğe-bi 9 i 16,20,28, ii 5,9' 19 58 ı. iij, 19, na-ği l l8 i l8, ii 12, nt-ği-ü |18 ii 1''7 ,
l. i' 4' 12' 15' 19' 24' ij' 3' 717 r. 2' mu-İe-fbi
9 ii nazzilu see ndıxzItu,
34' |1t. 4,Im -ğe-bıl1li7, ncbuhu "belt, sash": TüG.IB.LAL l15 ii 16,
mütanu "pestilence": üs.MEs 82 r. 7, nĞmudu "couch": nö-me-di 82 ı.2, Gl$.na-med
mutqitu "candy, sweet cake": mut-qi-i-tıh 745 i7 82 r. 8,
mute "deficit, (with numbers) less": LAL-e 64 t.' n€rubu "entlance": na-i-bi ||5 ii 8, r. i 6,
ii 4, 116 r. 5, rar. [e] 60 ii 1, nEğu "lion": UR.A 92 i 2, UR.A.ME[S 64 ii 2,
nabü "to call": im-ba-a 5z|5, UR.[A].MEğ 72I. 14, UR.MAH 62 i 13, 86 r. 9,
nada'iu see tadanu, nidnakku "censeI": NiG.NA 88 r. 12, NiG.NA.MEğ
naggar mugirri "canwrighü": NACAR_n r-sir 60 r. i 10, Nlc.NlA.MESl 75 r. 3,
39i7, nigdimdimmü (physiognomic omen series):
naggeru "caİpenteI": Lü.NAGAR.MEğ 20 I. i 4, NfG.DlM.DlM-/rr-, 52:1 l,
negir ekalli "palace helald'': Lü.600 6.GAL133: nignakku see nidnakku,
3, Iü.600_6.GA[L] 4 i 3, Lü.600-KUR |34i5,60o nihşu "inlay": ni-ih'su 68 i 5'72 ı. Io,
KUR 23 r. J, trikiptu (a gum-yielding medicinal plant): Sıv.
nahhaptu (a garment, probably a variant of dMAS 146:6,
na h laptu) : ı hd - b at 1 | 5 ii 78,' ha -p a -
- nikkassu "accounts": NIG.ğID l18 İ- 1i z'7 ' see
a-te 112 t. 1, also rab nikkassi,
nahlaptu "armouI; \'rap'': Gü.ğ 89 I. 8, see also niphu "sun disk, boss"t ni-ip-hi 81t.2, ni-ip-hlt
nahhaptu, 62 i 12,
nakbasu (a qualification of bedspıeads): ıa,t- nipğu "tuft of wool'' ni-ip-İü 174:6'
ba-si 105t4, niqiu "offeıing, sacfi fi ce": ni-qi-İi-na 1'29 :8,
nekisu "butcher": 5 ii,46, SISKUR.MBS 175 r. 15, 181:5, 209:3, UDU.SISKUR
nakkamtu "heasule''l. na-|kılmlıi 59 ıi 5' l66:l l, [LDUl.sısKLR t76 f. 7, UDU.slsKUR.MEs
namburbi "apotropaic Titual'': NA]M,BüR.BI 52:7, 159 ı. ii 5, 160 r. ii l, see also .ğa-}a7iö;,
nemurtu "audience Eifl',: na-mur-te 45 İ.4, na- n|ru see İ4- muhhi -nIri,
mur-t[u 60 ii 16' na-murıiı 6l ı. ij' 4, 64 r. ii |5' nişannu (Nişan, name of the lst month): ITI.
na-muttfıi 69 ii' 3, BARAG 118 I. i 20, rrI.MAğ.[DA.Kü 56 i 10,
namzitu "brcwingvat,masht]ub''i ııa-zı-tdı 88 İ. l0, nişhu "portio[' cut (ofmeat)": ,,iJ-l,i l88:3, l89:
nap5hıı "to blow, ignite''i nap-hu 8| e. 10, 1, l94tz, I9'7 t2,2O3tZ,2O6t2,207 t2,208:2,2O9 e.
naphar murşi (a medical text, lit, "all dis_ 19, 210:2, r. 2' 2|l :2' 213:2, 215 :9' 216:.2' ı. 1' 2I7
eases"): rU.RA.[K]LİB.8A. VEğl 54 ii7, e. 9, 219:1, nis-fhi \90:2, 209:1, nis-fhil 201:2,
naphv Şee napahu, nfls-hi 198:1' oığ-ha-a-ni 206i2, [Dlğ-ha'a-nil
ıiapiğtÜ See napğutu, 194i2' Dls-hz-nı 193|2' 209|l' 2|6:l, ııS-ha-nil
napp5h er6 "coppel-smith": Lü].SıMUG URUDU 212|l Dlğ-ha-(ni) 189 |l |Dls-h,-ni'l 198:1 20'7 :l
' ' ' '
19:5, ID|ğ-hd-n|i l90iz, UZu.nıs-hi 193|3' 212:2, U|ZU.
nappeh parzilli "ironsmith'': Lü.SIMUG_AIN. Dlğ-ha-a-ni\ 213|7, uzu.Dlğ-ha-ni l88i2, l9'7 i2,
BARI 14:5, 2lo:l' 2l1:I, UzU 'Dl,ğ-ha-nLif 203:1' U[zU. DIs]-
nappahtu "female smith":Mi.SIMUG.MEğ 24I. 5, ha-ni 2o8:1', [uZU.Dlğl- ha- hi z01:z,
napğaltu "ointment, salıe'':. nap-İal-tü l47:6,7 , niği "people'': UN.MES 46 s. 2, 81 ı. 6, l51 ii l,
nLp-|ğaIJiı 147|5' 157 r. ii
16, 159 r. i 8,
napğutü "life; pe$on": Z 30I. iii 3, 48:8, z.MEs nittu precious item, reading uncertain): i i-ra-
30 ı. iı 2, 5, a-te 66 r. \l2,8,
naptunu "meal": BUR 145 i 2, 148 \j, 7, üi 13, nuartu "female singer, musician": MI.NAR 140:
149ii,7,8,10, ii 18,
151 154 \ 13, l55tr, 156t2, 2, MI.NAR.MES 26:7, 140 r.5, 142:7, Mi. NAIR.MES]
BURI 148 iii 15,153 i2, 24 e. 27,
nargallu "chief singer": Lü.NAR.GAL 9 ii 26, see nueru "singel, musician": L]ü.NAR 20 I. i 7'
a|so rab nuaıri, Lü.NAR.MEğ 142:6, NAR.MEğ 150 ii 12,
nargallutu "chief female singer": Mi.NAR.GAL nuhatimmu "cook": Lü.MU 5 ii 36, 8:3, 9I. i 30,


40:3, Lü.M]U 5 ii 40, L]ü.MU 5 I. i 5, LÜ.MU.MES GIğ.BANğUR 165 ii 4, GIIğ.BANğUR].MEs 166:3,

21:10, Lü.M[U].MEğ 22 I. 1, patru "sword": cilR 63 iii 11, cliR 83 r. i 1,
nukaribbu "gaıdener": Lü.NU.GIS.SAR l32 i 4, GiR.ME 165 r. ii 7,
Lü.NU.GIğ.s]AR l32 i 7, Lü.NU.GIğ.ğIAR.MES] 20 r. patttlt\l see İ a - p a t t İ i'
i l, NU.[GIğ.SAR.MES] 28l. ii| 4' pemu "thigh": üR 148 ii 3' |89:1' 3' l97:l'
nünu "fish": KU6 156:3, KU6.MES 57 ii 5, l49 ii 203:l, 20'l:1, 209t1, 3, 2l0t4, 213 l, (rJF. 21It5,
l0, [KU6].MEğ 148 ii 6, [ü]R.MES 148 ii 5, UZU.üR l70:2, 188:1, l94:l' 195
nurmü "pomegnnate": GIğ.NU.ÜR.M[A 14l:3, ı. 3 ,206:1 ,210:l 212|| ' 4, UzU.t|R| 21'1i| |UZUI-
NU.üR.MA 72 ı. 12, 81:6, l09 i 2, 136 ı. i 11' üR 193:1, IUZU.üR ' 201:1' 208:1' 216:1, '
NU.üR.MA.MES 130 I. 6, NU.ÜR.MA.M[Eğ] l30:11, 190:1, see also sı7ıı,
NU.üR.MES l72:2, p6thallu "cavalry": BAD.HAL 149 r. ii 4, 150 ii
pahheru "potter": L(r.DUG.Q[A.B]uR 14 r. 7, 15, BAD.IHAL] l57 İ. ii3' see also ğa-pathalli,
pahhurtu "coılectiofl , assembIa9e'' I p a- hur - tum pindü (a mottled type oİ 1imestorıe)i pi-in-di 64
71,i1, r. i 5' pi-in-du-u l18 ı. i l2,
pehutu "province; governor": EN.NAM 3 i 5, 7, pınir 1an ornamenıal butron or knob): pıı4ı..62
8, 9, ii 1, 136 ii 4,I. i6, Lü.EN NIAM 11:8, Lü]. iv 1,
EN.NAM l36 r. i 8, LÜ.EN.NAM 3 i 3' 12' ii 3' 4 i7 piqittu "charge; office, appoinfnent": pi-qit 64
' i 3, 10, pi-qit-ta-te 32 t. 11, 11, pil-qit-tuae 3l i 3,
5 ii 49, 9 i 3,28' 28 i 13,'7'7:4,'79i3, İ. 5' 136 ı. i
3, 172: t l, LI,.EN.NA]M i36 r. i 10, Lü.EN.N[AM] 3 i Ipı-qi|t-ılı 65 j'2'
10, 14, Lü.EN].NAM 32 r. ii 9, Lü.[EN.NA]M 32 i 4' pirku "injustice": pir-ku 44 r,3,
L]ü.EN.NAM L36 r. i 1,5, Lü.EN.NAM.MEğ 15:12, pişşu (mng. unknoıın): p'-'ş-şi 85 i 12,
Lü].NAM 33 i 8, Lü.NAM 4 i 9, 10, 1l, 12, 13, 18 r. pitqu "metal casting(?)"t pi-tiq 119 i7,
ii 1, 30 r. iv 3, 39 i 3, 49 L üi 16, 128t3, 13Ot2,4, pü "mouth'': pıi 65 i 5,
6. |'72i'1' I.2, Lü.NA|M 4 i 14, Lü.INAM 18 I. ii 2, pühu "exchange, Ioaı'': plu-hi 6o i l0'
NAM 35 i 5. 1l8 ı. ii21' 152 ı. ii 6' 1'6| i2o' ii22' pülu "limestone": pr-li l07:8, l08 i l4, see also
r. i 10,NAlMl 161 i il, [NAM] 121 i I, NAM.MES 150 sa-pultsu,
ii 14, 151r. i 10, purkulh "stone calveI": LÜ.B]UR.GUL 19:3,
pallissu "female stone dIilleI'': Mi.GAR.U.U.MEğ püt upni (a cultic object, possibly "pıayer
ttr \ bowl")i zAc-up-ni 62 i 3, 16, 18, 1t 4, 6, 9, 18, 20,
palliğu "stone &illel": GAR.U.U l l8 i 1, LÜ.GAR]. 'ıı 5, 1'1, 13, r. i 4' 7, 9, |3' 81 r - 4, zıc u|1ı- ni 62
U.U.MEğ 19:2, I. i 2, ZA|G up-ni 62 iii 3' ZA|G up-nli 62 iiı9'
pdniu "previous, foIllıeı''|. pa-ni-u 9l:.5, pla-nİ- zl^cf-up-ni 62 | 11 , zlAG-up-ni 62 |i 15 , zAlc
fl91:3, up-nu 59 i,7,
penu ''[ace, presence": pa-an 158:.4,5.6, 17 4:8- pütu "front, opposite'': SAG.KI 89: l5, zAG 57 i 4,
r.2, l90r.6, l92 r.9, 196r. 12,199r.'7.2O2r.4, 93:1,94:4' 5'95:1' 2,3,96:5,7,ı.1' 4'9'7 |7 , 10, İ.
2o7:1'7 ,21'0 ı. 1, pa-a|n 2|1 l- \l,IGI27 l. 12' 28 1,3,98t2,3,4,5,6,'7,8,9, 10, 100:6, 103 r.3,
i 6, 30 r. ii 6, 19,22,24, |i 4,7, 1O,21,23,24, iv l05:3, 8, 106:9' lo7:2, 4, 5' 6,'7 ' 8' 9, ı. 5, 6' 7, 8,
2,31 i 3,32 r. ii I l, 48 r. 10, 56 i 4, 58 r. i 18, 64 9 , 108 \ 7 , 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, r. ii 3, l09 iii 2,

r. 1 3,71:4,75:22,2'7,'79 r. 1O,93:3, ll5 r. ii' 21, r. iii 7, 9, iv 5, 119 r. i 8, 10, 11, 120 ii 6, zAlc 102:5,
l l6 ı. 5, l58:7, 174 ı. |' l75:7,7 10, 14' 16' zz' |04:3, l09 ii 2, ı. ii'1, zA]c 107 |l0' Z|^c 62 i |'
ı. l,3,'7,8,9,l0, l'76 t.7 ' 1'79 ii ' 3' 18l:3, l89 r. puturu "fungus, mushIoom, İlıffle''l. pu-gu-ri
|2,13 191t.8, 195 ı. 1, 196r.l1',200l.4'2o1İ. 130:1,
' i
4, 2o2 ı. 6' 206 t. 4, 209:18' zI2 İ. 8' 2l5i8' l0ll qabassiu "middle, centİal'':. qab'Şat 15l r. 8,
3o r. 11 27 , 82 t. 3, 175i4, 5, 13, 19, r3[r75 1.23, qab-sa-te I5O l\ 10, qab-si-ti 62 i\i,19, qa-ba-sa-
IG]I 216 e. 19, I]GI l4l l. |2, See a|so ğa-pan-, te 9 i76,
pappardaliu (a precious slone. perhaps qabassu "middle (part), center": MURUBT 115 i
_ağaıe"): eaeeaı.oıL 79 r. ll.8l:8. r. 3.85 i 7. 2' 1'6. 196 ı. 13'
BABBAR.IDIL 84:1, 118 r. i 3, N&].BABBAR.DIL 85 i qabiİU see qapıru,
8, NA4.BABBAR.DIL 86:1, 3, 10, 72612, NlLa. qalılıı sen İa'qabli,
BABBAR.DIL 86:11, qabsi 6li "city center": MURUBI URU 2312, 148
papparminu (a pİecious stone): BABBAR.DIL. ii 13, 18,
DIL 84:2,85 i 2,9, NA4.BABBAR.DTL.DIL 126:I3, qabsu see qabdssu,
paqddu "to appoint, efillrsl''i pa-q.ı'd'i 53i3, qabü "to say, tell": i-qa|b-bi-u] 60 ii2'
parasrab "five sixths": s/6 63 ii 3, iii 3, qabü1u "cup": qa-ZAG 62I. iii2' 88:11, 119 ii
pardsu "to separate, decide": TAR 82 r. 6, 152 r. 4, Duc.qd'bu-tu 207:12, 13, 207:.
ii 2, rlAR 158:5, 14, IDU(j.qaf-bu-tu 20'7 tls, 2l0t18,
parzillu "iron": AN.BAR 89:2, 1l,91 r.6, 165 ı. L9, e.20,21., 189 t.2, 192 r. 6,195:5,
| 6,'7, 196 t. 3, 19'7 r. 5, lO, 202:4, 5, e. 6,7 , 204:4, 5,
paspusu "duck'': MUğEN].TUR 13 1 :7, 2o7 r.8'9,2o8:l2,13,r.8,9, 10,2o9ıl5' 16' ı-7 '
paşiu see paşıi, 8,2ro İ. l0,21| r. 8,2!2 r. 1' 2,3,4,214 t. 6'7 '
paşfr "lo be whjrc": BABBAR 104 r. 2.8ABBAR-|I 215:4' 5, 6' ı-7 8' 9' 216|14' |5, |6' e. L'7
ı.9, 218 r.3' 4,' 5,|G 2l5 l. 8''
64 r. ii 9. BABBAR.MES 94: I , 105: I I, 120 it 5,9,
pağaru "to solve": BüR 66 I. i'' 4' 69 i 3' Z|^G |9'7 İ. 9,|zıc 1'99 l. 4' 5'DUG.|qa-
pağğüru "table": BANğUR 150 ii 6' 152 ı. i 8, z^c 217i5, t.8, DuG.lqa-zAlc 215t5, lDucl-qa-
l74:10, BANğUR.MEğ 149 r. i 3, 157 ı. ii 13, 16' l59 zl^c 199 t.3, 200:13,2O8:12, 13,
i l0, 160 i lr, 174|9' BANğUR.IMES] 1'59 ı. ii 2, 209:17,^cl 199 r. 1, 21'716,


zAlc 2N e- 14, 15, 216 r. ll, lDuc.qq.-zl^c 217 t5 , 3' 5,7 8'9, 10, l l, r. i 4, 163 ii 3' ı. ii 1,166 ı- 1'
lDuo.qal-zAc 200i12, IDUc.qal-z[^G 199 L 2,
167t7, 170:1,2, 173 r.3,5, 174:.10, 11,12, 13,
DUG.ç4-ZAG.MEğ l25i2' Glğ-qa-Z^c 119 i 5, 176:6, 8, 188r. 3, 4, 189t10, 11,r. 9, 10, 190r. 3,
qadütu (a kind of wheat bread): q.]-du4ü 189 İ- 4' 19l|7 8' r. 4' 5' 6, 192:1'2' 13' İ. rl' 12' 13'
lo, 196 ı. 9 , 2o0 ı. 3 2o9 |lo, qa-dıı-Itl\i zo9 r. 14, |94|1|' '12' 195:1, 196:5, 6, ı. 8, 9, 19'7 e- 17,
NINDA].qa-da-ıü 194i|2' ' N|NDAf .qa'-d'u-|tli 2|7 i|' L99:7 2o0 ı. 2' 3' 20l.:1o' 11' ı-'7,8' 9' 204:7 9'
NIND^.qa-du-tü l9o I. 4, 191 r. 5 192 13 r . 13, 2oI 2O5:2,' 2O6:11, 12, r. 1, 2,2O'7:8, r- 13, 14,2O8t7, '
r. 8, 205:2, 206 t- 2, 207:8,2O8:8, ' 210:ll,
r- 16, 8, 209:10, r. 5, 13, 14,21Ot1I, r.1,5,16,21,1:16, e.
21,1 e. l"l , 212i14, r .'7 , 11, 214:.7 , 216t9 , NıND 17 212|13' 14' ı. 5' 6''7 , |l' 12, 214|6' 7 2I5|l'
duai] 207 ı. |4,215:1', NlND^.qa-du-t[1r| |96:6, '
216:8,217:1, '
t- 6, qdl 204i8, 216:9, qla 144 i 2,
NlND^.qd-du-|tıi] 206:.12'|u-tli] |88 İ. 160 r. i 3' 176:6' qla 176|8,2oo:7 fqa 144 ı. i 2,
4, 204:8, NINDA.4a_[du-tli l87 :4' N|ND^.qa-Id'u'tıil 2o0:6,2o7 ı. 14, qd-a 74oi6' İ- |' 5,' qa-a-a 740:1,
191:8, 201:11, NINDA -qld-du-tti 2OO:7 , Nt'rD^.Iqa- qü B (mng. uncelt. , p erhaps "rope"): qe -e 17 4:8
d'u-tül la9|1'l qııdesu "earring''; qu-da-si 58:4' 8|:9, '
qalalu "to be ' small": q,i:l-li 181:2, qd.l-luBl r.2, qullu "clasp, collar": GIS.qrJi 131 r. 1, quJi
qLJu 88l.9, Q^L'72.23, |09 ı. iv 7 ,159 i9,166:11, 7zi24' I. 4' l8, l9' l30 r. 5' |7 6 r. 2' quJ|i 68 ı. ii
o[AL]-r, 89 r. 8, QAL.ME 88:7, QAL.MEğ'72:.78,23, 3' q|u- li 72 r.6, qu-lu 66 ı. i 1|"72 ı.2' 11, 126 t.
81 r. l, 85 r. ii 12, 86:11, 12,141r. 1,3, 160 i 9, 3, qu-llu 68 |,1,
166:5' |73 ı.5' l'74:l2' 14, I. 3, QiL.M[Eğ] 173 I. quqqullu (mng. unİno\,İn)i qu-qu-ıa-tııfh l80i4,
3, aAL.IMES] 67 i 6, qurbtu see q^raıbu'
qalati "foasted barley": ğE.SA.A l61 i 19,ii20,ı. q\rhintrü see ğ a- q ur b üti'
i8,21,ü8,162:.12,r.12, SE.SA.[A] 162 r. 2, SE.sAl.A qurğU "wedding nighı": çır-je l83:5. l84 r. l.
161 ii 8, sE.s]A.A 162:3, ğE.[sA.A] l63 ii 3, l85 e. 6. 186 e. 6.207 r. \2,ZOB t. 13,209 t. 12,
qallu see qaıdıu, 2lo ı. 14' 2|8 t. 7 qur-İel216 r. 14' qut|İe 275
qalu "to heed": ı-qüıl 56 i 5' r. 12, '
qannu (mng. lncefi.)| qa-ni 118 r. | 4, qut5ru "fumigant": quı-PA l47 il' 2' 3, 5,
qanü "ıeed, pipe'': c[l 96:9, re'iu "shepheld": Lü.sI[PA.MES] l42:9, SIPA.MEs
qanü ıebu "sweet reed": GI_DüG.GA l46:12, 150 iii 18, sI[pA].MIES 150 iii 19, see also raD ra,i
qapiru (a container ol measuıe for fish and rab alani "village manager": GAL URU.MEğ 16l
d,atesL qa-bir 136 | 3, r. i 22, GAL URU.MIEğ 28 ii 3, GAL UR[U].MBğ 28
qaqqadu see la4qıdu, ber kaqqidi' i 17, GAL_URU.MEğ-ni 35 i 3' 162:5, GAL_URU.
qarebu "to approach, anive; (D) to present": ı.i- M|Bğ-ni] 162||4, L(I.GAL URU.MBS l3l:5, Lü.
iq-r|ı-ıb| 63 i|i 19, qar-ru-b|u 68 t. ii 4, qur-bu 5 GAL_URU.IMEğ-,i] 4I. ii ll,
iı 28 , q|ur- bul 9 r. i |o, aq-çar-ri-|bu-u-nil 60 ii 18, rab aşappi "commandeI of pack-animals":
qaritu "banqüet": q4-ri-ı-a-ti 112:.8, GA]L_q-Şqq 58 r. ii 27 , GAL_L-Şap-pi 5'7 r. ii 5,
qarrdru "bedspıead"i qar-PA 96:.9' |05:4, qat rab ağIeki "chief fuller'': Lü,GAL-TüG.UD 4 r. ii
IPA 96il, ToG.q'r-PA 95i7 , |I'7 İ. 4, ToG.qar-IPl^ 9, L(I.GAL TüG.[UD] l2:3,
71Oi6,'t(JG .Iqarl-P 97 tB , rab bar6 "chief haruşpex": Lü.GAL_HAL 7I. ii 7,
qassu "bow": BAN.MEğ
^ 63 ii 7, GIğ.BAN 30 r. ii rab batqi "chief of leplacements'': Lü,GAL ü4r-
19,21' |26 ı- l, see also ,io-4assi, qi 4l. ii3,L(J.GAL baı-qi 41 ii13'
qağtu see 44sJr, rab bĞti "majol-domo''I G^L f'35i2,|45l.l'
qataDu "lo be üin, fine, small": qa-arnu ll5 r. 148 ü 2, Lrl.GAL-E 4 t. ü 10,
ii lJ. src 58 i4.8. ii 12. t.i7,ii 6:25,31,1i20, rab daieli "chief scout": Lt.GAL-da-d-aJi 9 t.
22, S(G 58:3, suc] 58 l. iij l, şee a|so qatatıa, i 31,
qatattu "thin, lıne galmefi''i Toc.qat-d-t]r 62 ii rab danibati "chief victualleı": LÜ.GAL da-ni-
15, iv 8, ba-te 5 ü 50,
qatitrnu "tiller'': Lı,qa-tin-n|u 20 l. i 5, Lt ,qa- rab ekal meğarti "manager of Review Palace":
tin-MEğ |42i4' GlJ' 6'.GAL |ma-ğ^rıe| 1|5 i |7,
qafu "hand": ğU 93 I. l, 141:10, ğ]U 27 r.9, [sU.2 rab ekalli "palace manager": GAL-E.GAL 115 i
2o7 r. 16'216ı.16, [ğ]U.2 t50iii |l'ğu-227il5, 16, Lo.GAL-KUR 131:8,
113:2' ll8 İ. i 28, 148 ii 12'l53i'7'r.ii2' |82r- rab hanğ6 "commander-of-fifty": GAL 50 l50ii
2,3' 4' 1'83ı.2' 189ı.14' l9oİ.7'19|I.9,l92 l9, GAL_50.MES l49 r. ii 8, 157 ı. ii 6, GAL_50.[MEs
ı. l5, 193 ı. 3' 195 L z' 2o1 l. 1l' 208 l. |6, 2o9 |. l50 ii 10, GAL_50].MES 148I. ii 6, Lü.GAL 50 l12
16, 2l0 r. l8,217r.12,16'212r.14,ğ[U.2 15l r. s.2, Lü.GAL 50,MEğ 137:5,
i 11, l88 r. 6, see also mdf qalı, İa-qdti, rab kal€ "chief chanter": Lü.GAL-Uğ.[KU.MEs]
q€mu "floul": zİD.D^ 143 iii 7 57 Ii 12,
qepü "(royal) delegate'':. r(ı-qö-e-pu 128:6' rab kallepi "commander of outriders(?)": GAL-
qinnitu (a type of offering): qin-na-a-a-te 775 kal-lap 5O r. üi 4,
r. 15, rab kareni "wine master": Lü.GAl,--cBsTtrI 5 ii 43 ,
qirmu (a garment, perhaps "overcoat''): çir_[me rab keri "chiefoftrade": Lü.GAL_KAR 9I. i 28,
104:7, 't(Jc.qir-me 97t7, 9819, rtc.qir-mu 94t3, rab karkadinıi "chief confectioneI'': Lü].GAL
110:9, 117 r. 3, rtc-qi-lx 122 i 4, SUM.NINDA 5 I. i 44, Lü.GAL_SUM.NINDA 4 I. ii 4,
qirsu "secluded place'\ qi-ir-si l2O |3, 6i8,
qü A "life": qa 88 r. |' |0' l4o:2, 3' 4, r. 4,'l , rab kaşili "chief tailor'\ Lt.GN-_ka-Şir l26i5'
141 r. I,13, 142t3, 5,8, 10, ll, 143 1 2,3,6,7,8, rab kisŞiti "fodder masteı": Lt.cA)L kis-Şı-te
|i 3, 6,'7 ,9, r- 4, 5, 6,'1, 8, 12, ü 3, 4, 5, 144 i 1, 29 t ro,


rab kişri "cohort commandel": GAL,ti-şil 30 r. riimlI see aban rdmi,

ili23,'73:5,150 ii l, t54 ı. ii 18, GAL_t']-şir 33 i rapaqu "to fix, nail'\ ru-pi-qi 89i16,
1' GAL_t[ısir l79 i\ 4, cN''ki-şir.MEs 149 iii 5, ralqıtu "perfume, s p\ce'\ ru-qu-t-t e |63 L ii 2 '
152 r. i l0, GAL_tışil.[MEğ] |52 İ. \ 2, G^L_ki|- ta-au-u-a-te 163 i 5.
Jir.l'4Es I50 ij 7, LÜ].CAL l/-şir 5 r. i l. LÜ.CAL r6htu -resı. ıemainder": re-ha-a-ıi l90 r. 5. re-
ki-sir 5 i 44. 48. ii l0. 2 t, 5l , r. i 23, 38, ii 4,1,9- ha-te 2O6 r. 4, re-ha-ti l9l r. 8, 2O1 r. 4,215:8,
lı:6 i6.7 i2'9 i7 'l. i2l, l0 i5,8, ]0 ii 7, r. iii lre-ha-lı 20'til'|,216 e. 19, |re-eh]-ti l57 r. ii l6'
27'29, |26: '7 , L|3.G^L_ki-şi|l| 12:.2, L|j.GAL_ki- re-eh-ıü l18 ii l3, l8, |/e-e]İ-ıii ll8 i 19,
[şi.] 9I. i 6, Lü.GAL_ti]-şiı 7 i 6, LÜ.G]Ar_tış[ir] rEhlx see riahu,
i55:8, Lü.[GAL_ğış]ir 5 ii 7, L[Ü.GAL]_/.i-ş'r 5 ii rağeti "fiIst fruits'': SAG.MEğ 148 I. ii 3, 149 r. ii
30, L]ü.GAL_tışil 30I. iv 6, [LÜ.G]AL ,tışir 5 ii 5, 150 ii 14, 16'2|zİ. |2'
tışiL[MEğ] 157 L ii l, rEöu "head, top, beginning": sA[G l48 iv 2, [s]AG
rab malıahi "chief boah[an": LÜ.GAL M-A.DU. 5I. i 13, see also .ğ@-/e'li,
DU.MES 28 i 8, 16'ü see ra'ir,,
rab miıgi (a high military official): car ııı-gi riehu "to be left": 19-e-ha 163 İ. ii2' re-e-he z'7
118 r. ii 6, ı. 12' re-e^|he| 2'I l.'1, re-he 90 i3,118 ı. ii24,
rab naggari "chief carpenter": GAL-NAGAR. riaqu "to be;mpty": suD 119 i 19, ii 14, suD.MES
tMEğ] 28 i 9,
_ 119 ii 13, sluD.MES 119 i 18,
rab nikkasşi "chief of accounts": Lü.GAL_NiG. riksu "binding, band, lint; covenanted offer-
ğp4r.ii5,5l.i47, inT(|)'' i rik-sL-ni 86:6, rit-si 81 ı. |, ri-ik-su 18I:6'
rab n[ari "chief singeı": Lü.GAL_NAR 30 ii 5' lri-ikl'su 181 r. 5, DrM 85 i 3, ii 8,
see also narlallu, rimku "bath, ablution": rjıı-ii
63 i]' 10' rim-ku
rab pilkeD-i "chief of public works": LÜ l.cAL_ 193:6, 2O9:6, 21O:8, 211:11, 212:8, 214:2,
rimu "wild bull": AM82 İ.6' 179 iiz'
'pil-ka-ni 4O:8,
rab ra'i "chief shepheTd": LÜ.GAL slPA.MEğ5r. ripitu kind of brcadl:. li-pi-ıü l74:l l.
i 36' l3o ı. 4' riqiu "arcmatic": SEM 174:4.
rab rabie (ıeading uncerı.) "high-ranking of- ritiu "forearm, wist; handle": rit-te'7311, 7, I'
ficel": Lü.GAL-GAL.}lEğ 4l. ii 6,2|i6' 22|2' 14. r.2,'7,12,14,1'1, ri-ta-a-te 89:4, r. 10,
rab rEdi kibsi "chief hackeI": GAL_[U]ğ iir-Ji ruqqu "kettle, cauldron": ru-qi 62 ü 12, |\ lO,
5 r. i29, 16, iv 6, ı.i 1o, ru-qi 88 ı. 14, ğEN-'ğz 64 i 4, 6, 8,
rab ğeq6 "chieI cupbearef'': CAL_KA[s.LULl 23 sa'uru (an orname[t, perhaps "bracelet"): sa-'r-
f. l. GAL_KAS.LUL 209:6, 2l0:3. CAL| _KAğ.LLL rat 66 i 5.6'7 i 5, sla:u-rat 65 i6,
2og2' Lo,cAL ı(As.LL'L 2l0:8. LIa.cA IL_KAğ.LUL sabbubu (a prccious object): sa-bi'bi 60 ı. i1' |3 '
'78:72, sa-bu-bu 8l e. 10,
rab ğa-r€ği "chief eunuch": GAL sAG 5 i 48, ii sabiru see 'ğ4Dir.
'7. lO. Z7, r. i 1,9 r. i7,29 i 7,50 iii 6. 150 ii 13. sadru " ordinary, norm al": sad.-ru 166l.4, 17 4:lO,
159r. ii6. l8l r.2.cAL sAlcl 5r.ii 11,35i2, r . 3 , see also saddru ,
L(II.GAL sAG 21İ. 'Lt.cAL sAG 4 i 4, 16, 5 ii sedu (an alloy of gold): sa-da-ni 60 i' 5,
25.30 r. üi 25, u3.cAL-slAGl 9 r. ii 5, 22 r. 5, saggilmııd (a precious stone)i sag-giı-mud |18
rab tamkari "chief melchaıt": GAL_DAM.[GAR] i 17,
9 ii,20, sigu "sash": sa- ga-te 125|.7,
rab tilli "chief ofequipment": Lü.GAL_rir-ri 4 f. saharu "to return": is-hur 49 i 6, ils-hur 52i13,
il,2, is-hur-an-lni 48 r. 14, is-su-hur 118 ii 13, 18,
rab ıupğarri "chief scribe'': GAL A.8A 5 i 50. lis-slu-uh-r.t 62 t. 1 6, i-su-hur I l8 i 6, 19, NIGIN
rab urhti "team com mander": tÜ.cı:,_ü'raı l0 tog |2,4, 5,6,
i 4. 31 i 5' Lü.GAL-ü-|rat| 5 r. ii 1'5' seiu (a qualification of teıtiles, peIhaps
rabiu "magnate": ıü.CAL.MES l0i7. ll5 r.ii2l. "knotted'')i sa-a 97'.l2,lo9 i 5,'7 ' 8' ii3' 4' 5, 6, İ.
Llü.cAL.MEs 9 r. ii 2l. see also labi, iii 8, iv 3, l4l:3, sa- a-te lO8 i 4, sa-4-4 109 i 3,4,
rabi "to be great, grow": cAL 212i9, GALI sa-a-a-te |o8 i 6,1'9, 140 İ.3, sL-a-|a'te lo8 ii7 '
2|2i3' cAL-e 186 ı. l, 208 I. 14, GAL.MEğ 105:6, sak5ru "to lefine": sak-ru'7917. ı. |o'
l16r.5, sakiqqü (diagnostic omen şeIies): sA,GI[G.MEs]
rabuttu "(one) fourth' q1Jaİİeİ''i 4-te 140:1, 5, r. 50 i lt,
z'3,4-tü 27 i| ' 42|3,5,73:15, t. |5,'75:7 ' 1o'7:5"7 ' sale'u şee .İa-J@/d'i,
1o8 i 9' 12, 13, 109 i 8, 10, a.ME[ğ 73i12, a.MEs şallu "basket": sa-Ii I32 i 2,145 i 6' |59 ı. i 6,
116:l, 42:4, 58 i 7 , r. ü 29, 63 |i 15, r. ü 2,75:4, 161 i 3, 14, 15, 16, ü 3, 4, s, ts, L i3,4, 5,13,
1463, a-La-al 58 i\i 22, 4.LMEğ 2'7 |1'0' 1:4 32 i 3 ' 18, 162t9, 10, 11, 17, r. 8, 168:3, ra-r[t 68 ii
| 3,
raddidu (a textile or garment, perhaps "veil"): 4 l59 \i 2, 1.62 ı . l sa]Ji 162:1 , 2, |sa-ıi 16l ii 1'6
' ' '
rad'didi 96:6, 98,1l, ra'di-dlu 105:3, ra-di'du. |'7 sa-tu |3o:1, l59 ii 5, cığ.sa-alJu 189 I. 6, l95
ı,ınğ l05:3 ' e. 7 , 1,96 r. 7 , 2O2 r. 1, 2O7 r.1O,2O9:17,r.9,21O
redi kibsi "facker": us-trir-si 118 r. ii 13, e. 22, r. 12,2l4 ı' 8,215:6, r.9, cı'al-|lu 21l
rad,iı "to lead, rule; (D) to add İo''| ııl-tL-ad'di r. 1o' c|ığ.sa-al-lu 2l7i6' |Gl]'aı-ıu l92 t.8'
60 ü 10, ut'td-ad-dlil 60 r. i 13, |cl|s .sa-[al-lu I99 r . 6 , |ı-ıu 2o4:6, 216 e.
raggimu "prophet": Ll.rag-gi-mu I t. i 23, 18, lcrğ.sa-alJı 208 i14 215i'7 ' |G|ğ.sa-aıfJu 2o7 i
rakasu -to bind, attach''l. rak-ku-su 72 r. I l. 14. 16' |GIs.s4-d]ıJu20o e. '16, GIğ.Ja-lr 208 r. 10,218
rak-|ku-s|u 72 ı. lo' ı. 5' cıS-sa-oJu 2I2 ı' 4,
raksu "recruit, mercenary(?)": Lt.rak-su35 i2, saluppu see Jılrr,pPıl,


semtu "camelian": GUG 81:4, 6,84:5, CUIG 118 sisŞü "hoIse": ANğ[E.KUR].MES 58I. ii l7, ANSE.
ii 20, cu[c] 129:3, GluG 118 r. i 2, NA4I.GUG 86 r. KUR.RA 121 r. i l, 126:6, ANSE.KUR.RA.MBS 45 r. 3,
4, NA4.GUG 86:5, 118 ii 15, l28:l, KUR.MEğ 172: l0,
semu see Jrhnxr, s0 "rcd sandstone": sı-ı 118 ii 11,
semu see Jiar'rıl, su"u "dove": sa-'e 64 r. | 10,'72i22, su)e-e
şamuntu "one eighth''i 8-a1e 57 l. iii 2' 811i 146 72:23, r. 16, MUSBN.TU,MES 131:7,
İ.2' sukanninu "turdedove": TU.cuRa 149 ii 4, 189:
Şanbuku "cluster, bUIch''i 8a-an-bu-ku 2o2 r.2, 6, 19219 , 194:10, 201:7 , 206:lO, 2O9:8 , 2lO:9 , 213:
lsa-an-blu-ku 2O0 t. 1. 6' 214:5,2|6:5, ıu.GUR1] 199:5,200:4, TU. GU]Ra
sangü "priest": Lü],SANGA 126:10, Lü.SANGA 32 208:5, ru.lcuRa 148 iii 8, ru].cuR4 196:3, [ru.
i 8, 50 r. i 3, 151 r. i 5, Lü.SANGA.MBğ 60 ii 2, 174 GU&] 207:5, TU.GUR4.MU]ğEN 203:6, TU.GUR{.
r. 2, SAINGA 152 r. ü 4, MUğEN l59 i 4, 15,160 i 4,188 e. 10, 190: l0, 21l:
sapliğhu (a meat prepaİation)i sapJiğ-hi l54 ii 12, 212:10,'ru.culR4.MUSEN 198: 10,
3 209 |7 zl0|7 2l1:1o sapJiİ-hi] 214:7 , Sap Jiğ - sukkallu "vizier": Lri,suKKAL 5 i 28, 155t4, 5,
149 i1'
' ' sapJiİ-h]u
' '
h|i| 212:9, L]ü.SUKKAL 57 i 3, SUKKAL 30I. ii 22,
saplu (a small metal vase for aromatics): Ja-ap- sukku "shrine": suk-ki 181l.1,2,
lu 88:'7, sulukannu (a contaiıeI fol dly food, peIhaps
sapperu "mountain goat"t sa-bar-u 62 i7, "bag"): su-lu-kan 182:5, e. 6, 189 e. 15, r. 1, l9Z
sapulhu (a culinary dish\: sa-pu-ul-hi 2O7 r. 5, ı. 3, 4' 5' 196 e. l1', l99:l2, 20o:11' 204:1, 2,3,
z08 t. 6' 2o9 t. 5' 2|o ı.'7' 216 t. 8, 217 ı. 6, 207 |l0' l.6'7 208:1o, 1l, ı.7,8,209:13,14, r. 6,
[sL-pu-uı-hi 2l5 r. 5, 2lo:16, |7, r.8' 9' 2ll ı. 6,214 r.3, 4,5,215:.3, r.
sarhu (a qualifiÇation of wine): sd-a\hu l19 i 6' 216|12' 13' t.9,217 ı.7 ,2l8 I. l,2, su-Iu-kan]
11, sa-alr-hul119 ü7, 199:11, suJu-kaln 217:3, suJu-klai 189 e. 16,
sartu "crime; fine": Şqf-tu 44 r.4, su-l|u-kan 202i2, suJlıı-kın 2o0:.Io, su]-Iu-kan
sassu "base-boaıd (of a chaiot)''i Şa-Şi l76 f. 4, 217 :3 , slu- lu- kan 2O2:7 , s'luJu-kan 216 r .
215 r. 7 ,
cIS.KI.KAL 89:15, 9' |o, 217 İ- '7, |suJu-kan 215 ı. 6, |s|uJu-knn
sasuppu "napkin, towel": 96 t. 5, 2o7 : 17 su- lu-kan- nu 2l2ıl9 , 20 2l
IZO | 4,Ttc-sa-su-pLat 97 t. 12,13,' ' pu "date": ' '
sulup sa - ıu-pi zoo l . 1 , saJu-|1ıi] 202
pu 174:5,I77:3, l. 2' Z(J.LUM.MA 136 ii 3, 2l2 ı. |2,
şegallü see i.Jsi eral'i, sunu "lap (of garment)''| su-ııi l09 ii 5, see also
şidmu "to be Ied": sA562l. ii2,93|2,94:4,95|2' pcmu,
96|4'5''7,8,9, 1l, r. l,97:'7, |o, ı.1,98|2,3,5' supurgillu "qııiıce''l. su-par-gilJi 212 r. 3, su-
6,7 8' 9, |o' |05|5' 7 8,9, lo,1o6:4, |o7:8,9, ı' pur-gıl l92 r. 7' 196 ı. 5, 200 e. 14,2o7 I. 9,
6' 7'' 8, 108i14, 15, ı. ' ii 3, 1'o9\i6,'7,l1'9r.i3, 2o8:l3' ı. 9' 2o9 :16' r. 8, 2|0 e. 20' l. ll' 2l1 l. 9,
6, 8, 10, 120 i 3, 4, 12, ii A, sl^,96:3, 97 r. 3, 2l4 r. 7 215:5' ı- 8, 216:76, 2l8 r. 4, su-pur-gil]
100:6, 107 r. 5, s[As] l20ii6,slA,99:2,106:2,7, 2|7:5, ı.9,' su-plur-gfil 2|6 I. lz, su-ftıur-gİIl
8, 1l, ı. 4, ll9 r. i 13' l2o ii |7 , 207:14' sul-pur-g|İll l99 t- 4' s|u-put-gil] 789 ı.
sibkarü (a piece oftemple fumiture): siiö-lr[a]- 4,202 e. 6, HASHUR.KUR.RA 136 ii 2,
ru-u 6O i 77, sI|q! see ğa-pdn-süqİ,
sideti (a metal obiec|)i si-da-a-ıe 89 l. 6, Şüsan ğa-pattffti "horse tıainer of open cha-
sidu (a co|lection of proverbs): sI.Dü 49 i 7, iotry": Lü.GIGIR_DUs.M[Eğ] l54 r. ii 21, Lü.GIğ.
siggu "tuft of wool" i si-gi 96:9, GIGIR_DUs.MEs 5 ı. ii 2, Lü.GIğ.GIGIR-IDU8.M]Eğ 9
sIc.LU.Kl R (an objecı. reading and mng. un- ii 13, Lü.GIğ.GIGI]R DUı.MES 2l:2' [Lü].GIS.GIGIR-
known): src.r L.KUR 64 r. i 10,66 r. i2, DUs.MEğ5r.i24,
sihharu (a şhallow bowl for honey, fruits, and süsenu "(chariot_)ho$e tlainel": GIGIR l 18 I. ii
sauceŞ, "plattel"): Duc.sıh-ha-lat 209:7, 210:'7, 6, l50 ii 8, |52 ı. i3, 1l, GIğ.GIIGIR] I52 r. i 4,
2|l :10' 212:9' DUG.[Şth-ha-rat 214,1, GIğ].GIGIR.MES 150 ii 10, GIğ.GIGIR.[MEğ] 157 r. ii
sikküru "lock'': sAG.KUL 78:6, 2, Lü.GIS.GIGIR 18 i 1l, 178:6, LIü.GIğ.GIGI]R 5 ii
siluh (a textile, reading obscure): SLLUH 96:10, 3l, Lü.GI]ğ.GIGIR.MEğ 1l5 i 14'
105:5, TüG.SI.LUH l l7 I. 5, TüG.SII.LUH 97:2, sussu (a vessel): su-sa-ni 68 i6,
simenu (Sivan, name of the 3rd month): rTr.srca sussullu "box": su'sulJu 6O i 16,
57 iii 9' 13, l43 ii 5,l44 i 4, ı. i 3, sütu "seah": IIBAN 194:ll' 12' 200:.'7,208|8,
sirağü "bIewel": Lü.BAPPIR l83 I.3, Lü.ğIMX 21619, Zl'7 tl, [1]BAN 143 ii 8, rB,1N 88 r. 6, 14l r.
[(r)] 9 ii 5, Lü.ğIMXA.[MEğ] 20 r. i 2, l,142:3,5,143 ii 8, r. l,2,9,10,ü.6,144i1,2,
siıdu "olive'': sir_di l92 r'7 , |96 r.6,2o0 e. 15, 7, 166:11, 188 r. 3, 4, 189:10, 11, 190 r.3,4,191t7 ,
2o'7 r. 9' 2o8 r. I0' 2o9 t. 9, 2lo e. 2l, İ. |1, 21 l f . 8' |92:12' 13' l96:5, 6, ı. 9, 199:.7,200:6,20||10'
9 212 r. 4, 2|4l. 8' 2|5i6, İ.9, 216 e. l'l , 2|7:6, 11 , 2O2:3 , 2O5:2, 206:11, 12, 207 :8 , r. 6 , 208:.'7 , r.
ı.' |o, sir-dif 216 r. |2, sir-d|i] 189 r. 5, 2o2 e. 7 , 6' zo9 |lo' İ. 5' 2|0:11, r. 8, 21 l : 16, e. |7, 2|2: 13,
sir-ldi) 2O7:15, sir)-di 199 r. 5, si'lr-di 2O8:L3, 14,ı- 5'2146"7 215:7'2|6i8,l.8,2l7 ı. 6,2|8 r.
2o9:17. |sir-d]i 218 t. 5,ır-di 13li4' 3, 1BAIN 215 r. '5, IB]AN 200:11, lBAN-a-a 88:4,
sisaıhu (a qualification of sheep and oxen): si- 2BAN 88:3, l4o r.7,14| ı.3,142:3,l43 iii 2,3,5,
sal-hi l54 ii 9, |59 i 5, l75:1,8, 10, 17, 19' ı. 4' 6, r.3, 4, 5,6,7,8,144 i 3, 4, 5, 160 i 9, 10, r. i 1,
sı-s4ı-h1i l49 i8' S|i-sal-hil l51 ii |3, si-Jal-r,i.MEğ 167:5,173 r. l,3, 174:14, t. 3, 212 r. 11, [3]BAN
175 ı. 13' si-sal-hu 136 ii 5' 7 , 8, t. i 2, 4, 181:3, 143 ii 7, 3BAN 88 r. 4,143 ü3,6, r- ll,12,163 i 2,
4, si-sal-hal 136 ü 1, si-sal-hlu 136 r. i 6,'7, 3, 3[B;N 144 r. i 1. 3BAN-4-d 88 r. 5. aBAN 143 iii
si-sal-[hu |36 ii9' s|i-sal-hu |36ı.i9' 3' l44 i8'ı. i2,4' 163 ii 5, 5BAN 88:2, |41:15' 162


ğaddinu "toga": İad' 59 ii lo, Tlic.ğad-din 149 L ü2,2-u-te 150iii6, 151r. i 9

62 r. iii3' 121| 4' TtG-ğaId.-din 45i4, ğaniu B "şecond' otııei, differJ'r: 2-a-ti 86,2,
ğadü "mountain; east": KUR-e l2l r. i 4. 2-i 4'7 i 6,11, ti l0, z-te 85 r. ii 13, 86 r. 6, 155:1,
ğadussu "one_sixth"'. o-su 27:7. l2. 63 i 6, ii 4, 2-u 15o il6' l52 l. i 8' 2-ı179:8, z-|u\ 155:5,
iii 1, 14, I 15 r. ii 14, ğanü "(D) to Iepeat": ğıi-nu:i 62 iv 3,
ğahartu (a garment, perhaps "leggings"): .iıi- ğapal "under": ja-Pa l8 L 2, İd-pal 47 ii 3, Kl.l\
har-rat 96:9, |z0 i l' İı1-har-l|4t l2'7 |4, 'l(]c].İd- 9 r ii l
har-ra-[te 124i77, ğaparu "lo send": a-sa-par 62 r. ii 8. is-sap-ra
ğakenu "to place, set": is-sa-ak-nu 58 iii 2o, 4'7 ii 7
i-İak-k|u-nul58 iii 15, GAR 63 i 2, cAF.-nu 64 I. i öapınutu "boat": ğd-ap-pi-na-te l15 ii 14, see
lo' 66 ı. i 2' also eleppu,
ğakin meti "govemoI of the land": GAR,KUR 30 ğapperlJ see sapparu.
1. ii
24, Lü.GAR.KUR 2o9l. 12,210l.14, Lü.GAR. ğappu "bowl": .İap-pe-e 60 i ll,
[KUR] 168:6, see alşo .ğa,tıı, ğapputu (a large wine jar, "jug''): DUG.SAB 119
Sakintu "(haıem) govemess": MI.G^R-ıü l34i3' ii 11, 136 ii I, 5, 137 i4, 141 r.2, 4, 159 t. i 7 , 1'72
[Mi.GAR.MEğ] 23 e. 14, MI.GAR.MEğ 23:1, r. 3' 173 r. 4, 182 r. 1' 184:1, 2, 186:l, DUG.ğIAB
ğakkullu (a tlee, pelhaps "willow"): GIğ.s,{.IKAL 173 r. 2, D]UG.ğAB l41:4, [DUG.ğ]AB 185:l, DUG.
122 i',7, sAB.MEs 149 r. i 5' 1'l |:9' 174 r. 1, DUG.ğAB.MIES
ğakıu "govemoı; pIefect": GAi_ri 28 i l0, 30I. 177:4, DUG.ğAB.[M]E[S 168:2, ğAB 26:2, 91:3, 5,
ii19, GAR-,,.MEğ 1'48 r. iı 4, 149 r. ii 4' 6, 15o ii ||9 i 1o' 14' ii 6' 9, 12| i 3' 132 i 3' l33:2, 5, ğ]AB
|5' |7, Lt]-cAR.-nu 7 ii l, Lü.GAR_/,ı 5 i 18, 29, 132 i 6, SAB.MES l5'7 L ü 13,160 i 12,
33,39, ] 4, 11,20,34,38, '. r. i 4, 11,31,6 i 5,9,7 ğeptu "wool": sfc 108 r. ii 2, l09 iii l, siG.ME[s
i 3, r. ii 8, I i 19,2I, r. i 25, ü. l, l1 r. 3, 30 r. iii l67:6, slG.MEğ 166: l0,
8, Lü.GAR-[rru] 9 I. i ll, Lü.GAR]-ru 5 i 25, L(J. ğaptu sentu "red wool'': sic.sA5 1l l:1, 3, sic].
G]AR-,, 9 i l0, Lü,GAR-rr.MEs 157 I. ii 3, Lü.GAR_ sAs ll1:5, slic.sAs 111:4,
,ı.[Mtğ 43:ö. Lü.GAR-ı?J4,\4Es 43..4, L\ .c]^R-nu. ğeptu şalimtıı "black wool": slG.GI6 l10:8' l11:
\4Es 2l:3. see a]so İakin mdli. sa-beı-sak iüi, 3, 4, 5, sic.c[r6 110:2, sic.[Gr6 I t0:5, [sic.cr6 I l0:
ğalemu "to be complete, whole; (D) to pay in 11,
fuIl'' : nu- İıi- li-ın|u-u-ni 46 t. 5 , ğal- mu |9 4|4 2o3 | ğ5qitu "female cupbeare/': MiKAS.LUL.MEğ 26:2,
4, 2O9 e. 20, 21,0 t. 3, 215 10, 216 r. 2, 217 e. '
tO, Ğaqiu "cupbeareı": KAğ.LUL 44:5, Lü.KAğ.LUL 9
218:1, İal'mu| 188:5, İal-m[u] 2o6:4, İal-|mu! i 25 ii 3 21|9, z2|5, 1l5 ı. ii 8,
|98:4, İal-mu-te l89:5, 196:1, |97 |4,2o7 |4' 2o8| ' ' (mng.
ğardbu obscüe)| ı-ğE-rı-ib-u-n|i1 l48 iv 5,
4' 2095' 210|6' 212:7, 213:4, 216:4, 219:3, ğal- ğarqütu "theft'': .ğ4ı-qu-t{ı 44l. 4,
mu-te| 2oo:2, ğal-|mu-te 2|7|8, ğdl-mu-u-te 49 i Ğarru "king": LUGAL 49 r. iii 17, 56 i 5, 82 r. 8,
23, 19l|2, şIL|M9Z İ.7 l54 ı. ii 1'7 ,212 ı . 13, LU|G AL 7 l|4 l 69 :5 , LU [cAL]
' ' 18 i 11, 2l r.
öallüru "prune": GIS.KIB 136 ii 3, 67 r. ii 1, LUIGIAIL] 62 r. üi 5, MAN
ğalmu see ğaldı?ııı, 7, 50 ii 8, 60 ü 17, 66 i 3, 150 iii 11, 1s3 t. ü 2,
ğalğiğu "üree times'':.3-ğü Il5 l. i |3' MAIN 151 r. i 11,32 73:8, 118 ii 19, 150 iii 21,
ğalğu "third": ,ia-la-ğu-ıe 1lzr' 4' Saröudu "firmly fixed(?)'': İar-İu-du 89 14,
ğaltu "bow-case": ğaı-ıu 64 i 1, ğasfı "to shout, cry"I il-si 52:.5,
Ğalussu "(one_)third''.. z-si lo7:3,4, l08 i 11, ğatammu (a high-ranking cleIgyman. "prel-
3-s['] 107:6, ı-su 27:3, 42:2' 7, 9, 10, 58 ı. ii 14, aıe"): LÜ.sA.TAM l26: l8. Lü.SA.T[AM] 57 iii 7, sA.
63 iii5'9'73ı4'7, e.l7 , İ. 5,lo,106|6,3-s|u 7 5:L7 , rAM 58 r. iii 28, SlA.rAM 58 r. iii 24,
3-sr.MES 58 ii 15, r. ii 1, 1:3 73:8,'74:7, ğattu "yeal": MU 45 e. 16, MU.AN.NA 115 r. i 2,
ğamağkillu (a kind of onion, probably "shal- ii 6, MU.IAN.NIA.MES 59 ii 4.
lot"): suM.srKrl l62i1l, r. 71, suM.srKrl-l 162 r. 1, ğaıeru "to write'': is-sa-ıaf 47 i l0, sAR 62 i 14,
suM.lsrKrl] 162:2, suM.srKrL.sAR 163 i 4, sluM. ğazamü "ıvine flask''i |DUG.ğ|a-zd-mu-|u zl7 İ.
SIKIL.SAR] 163 ii 2, ü.SUM.SIKIL 16l i 5, 16, ii 5, r. ll, ouc.İd-a|z-mu-u l22 i 3, |oulc.İd-az-mu-u
i 5, ii 5, ri.suMl.srKtr- 161 ii 17, r. i 18, 1'76 I. 3' Duc-İ6-za-nu-u 207 ı- 1|' 208 ı' 1l, 12,
ğamağğammi "şesame": [ğE.GIs.i] 2o4:2' 3r|, 209 İ. 10' ll' 2|0 ı. 12, 2l5 l. l0, 11, 2L6 l. 13'
GIğ.i 216 I. 9, sB.GIğ.i l82 e. 6, l92l. 2,4' |93:8' 2l8 I. 6' DUG.ğa-za-mu-(u) 210 İ. 73, DuG.ğd-za-
196 ı. l,2oo:l0' 2o]:|1,ı.'7 ,208:|1, r.7 209:13 |mu-u 2l8 İ. 6' DUG.İd-Iza-ınu-u 20'7 İ. 1l' DUG.
14' İ. 6, 21oi|2, 16' r. 9, 2|1 t. 5,7 , 212||8' 20,' |İıl-za-mu-u 2l7 ı. |o, |DUG.İa-za-mu-u 216 |. 13,
2l4 r.2,4,275:3, r.6, 216:12, sE.GIğ.i] l89 e. 16, ğazbussu " shipment coısignmeııl'': İa-az-bu-su
202:l'2|7:3' ğE.GIğ].i l99:l2, 218 I. 2, ğE.[G]IS.ı 166:.1, ğ ıi-az-bu- su |6'7' :l,
200:9, s[B.GIğ.ı] 217 I. 7, ğ[E.cIğ.i] 187:2' ğa-bah[...] (aı object): İd ba-ah-|x 63 iii' |6,
ğamö "heaven": ıN_e 120 ii L|, İı1_ba-ah-ı|ı 63 iii 13' 11 ,
ğamnu "oil'': i.MEs |19 i 13, 14' ii l0, 1l, 163 i ğa.beti.ğaıie "lackey'': ı-ü..ia_E_z-e zl:'7, LIt,
2' |66l.1, l76 I. 1, 200: l t, ı.MEğ] 2l8 r. 3, ti.MEğ] ğE|_E_2-e 2z3'
202:3 l-GIğ 167 :7 ğa-bct-küdini "mule stable attendant": Lü.,ğa_
' '
ğamnu t!ıbu "sweet oil": I_DüG.GA 62 r. iii 2' E-ciR 21t5 , Lt .$A-E-clFl 22tl ,
l.GIS_DüG 174:6, ğa-bĞt-ğaknüti "(employee) of the house of the
öangü see sazgİ, plefects": Lü..İa_6_GAR-ı'll.MEğ 5 ii 8,
ğaniu A "deputy": Lü.z-e 32 i 5,1|5 f. ii9,Lo.2-[ ğa-b€t-ğumEli "(employee) of the Left House/
28 i 16,45:11, L(r.2-u 5 i 50, r. i 29, ii 14, 8:4, l0 Palace'': ı-ü.jo_6_rAB 5 I. i 34, Lü..İa_ğ-KAB 5 ii
i3' 30ii7, l15l. i14' Lt.z-li 9 i24' l. | 2a7 I27-u-ıe
6' Lo.ğö E_l'Iol6 i 11,

ğa-eDeri (a ıexl ile. reading ncerı. j4_ls l 05:7. 6, l50 ii 4' iii 3, l52r.i4'|54ı.ii21, LÜ.ğa_GİR.2
j l0,

ts j05:6, l27|9' ğ|ö_ls ll9 r. rüC.ja 5 ii 26, ı . i 32, [Lü..İ4]--ciR.2 5 i 23 ' Lt .İd_GlR.z'7
Iğ.MEğ l72 L 8, l. ii 4,8|1' 9 1i23' İ. ]' 26' 33 i 2'
ğa.halluptiğu "clothing-dealer": İd'hal-Iu-up- ğa.tamarti "looking (glass), lenŞ(?)": .ğa_IGI.
ti-ğ 'nu I15 r. i 8' Du B 7 2| 1 5, 1 6, .ğ@-lGI.DUs.MEs 72 l. 20' ğ d |0I.DU s

ğa-huppeniğü "dealeI in baskets(?)": .ia_r',/-pa- 64j'1'3'ı.j'3,

ni-İü 1|5 ı' ii 11' ğa-zumb€ "fly whiŞk": GIğ..ğ4-NIM.MEğ 91:l3,
(a.hutari "sıaff-beaIer": LU.PA 30 r. iii 26' t(. ğe'u "cofn": sE 42|2'85 i 12, l'16:5'
pA.MEs i8 i I I, 30 r. jji 8, L(r.PlA.vEs 30 r. iii 28, ğelappeiu "alchitecr(.!)'' i Lo.İ]e Jap - a' q 19 |6'
LIü.PA.MEğ 30 r. iii 30' LtJ, ğeJap-p'-a-a 13 i'7,
Ğa-irti (a bıe ası orn ameflt)'. ğa-<:AB A.12:I9 , İd'
ğErilo see
G AB A't 2|20, ğ d-4 ABA.M[Es 74:6, ğĞDitu "fooı (of fu rn iıure)": İe-pa-ıe 120 ii l 3 '
ğa.k5ribi "votive offering": .ia slsKUR.MEğ ğEiıu "foot'': Gi]R.2 82 r. 6. se€ also .(a-.fepi.
2l2:5, .i.i_sISKUR.MEğ |a9|3, 210|4' İ|E_SISKU]R. ğeiĞerrutu (reading uncen.) "chain' neck]ace":
MEğ 21l:6, SISKUR.MEğ 209:3, BAN.DA 72:17. 2O,22, r. 1,3, 10. 12. 13. 14. 16.
ğa-karni (reading obscure, aı implement): 17, BAN.IDA 72 r. 5, Bi.N.DA.MES 72 t- 15, 19,
GIğ KAR-ıı i 9l:12, KU]ğ.BAN.bA 64I. ii 14, 65 i 3, KUğ.BAN.DA 64 i 4,
ğa-kurriğu "dealeı in İanrıiılg fll]id'' :' ğd'kur-ri' 11,I. ii 7, l0, 66 i 2,67 iz' 70 ii 4, KUğ.BAN].DA
ğı 115 r. i 3, 68i4,
ğa-muhhi-niri "yoke finial'': İa UcU nı-fi ğibirıu "Irasmenl ": İi-bil-ıi 60 İ. ii 12'
78:8, ğihlu "seco;d-best, replacement(? )'': jıir-L 24:
ğa-muğ€zibtı "protective shield carriel": .ğa- 4' İi-ih-|lu 24:l3'
mu-ğe-zi'b-te 76||' ğikeru "beeI": KAs 139:1, 3,149 İ- i 5' 156|6'
ğa-pen-bebi "gate supervisol": .ğd_IGI-KA.MES 161 i'7, 18, 1 7,19, t. i 7,20, l'7, \'72t.3, 174
115 ü 12, r. 4, 176'. 4, lA4 e. 6,185:5, 186:5, 189:14, 192
ğa.patr-ekalli "palace supervisor'': j,i_lcl KUR e. 17, 196:9, 199:10, 200:8, 2Ol r.3,205 e. 5,
83 i j2, L(I.j,i_lal ğ.GALL 20 i l. LÜ.j.i IGI_E. 206t14 , 2O8tI0 , 21211'7 , 2!4 e. ll , 215:2, 216:.11',
GA[L] 20 i |, .LÜ.ğö IGI KUR 5 i 36, 217:2, KAIğ.MEs l38:6, 167:3, KA[s.MEs] l42:3,
ğa-pan-şüqi "suPervisoI of üe sfueets": .ğ(i ıcI- KA]ğ.MEs 137:1, KAğ.MEIğ l38:4, (AS.MEğ 137:2,
SILA 148 I. ii 5, 149 r. ii 7, 150 ii 18, LÜ..ğa_IGI 3, 6,'7, 8,9' 138:L,2,3, 162:,4, 1667 212 ı. 1'l'
KAS.MEğ] 162 I. 13, KAğ.MIES 138:5, KAS.M[Eğ]
lsrl-A 157 r. ij 5, _(otficial) in charge of ıhe
ğa.parn-ğa-ğadadi 142:5, KAğ.[MEs] 26:2, 1'42:8, 162:13, [KAS.MEğ]
ricks6aw": j,i_ıGl cls.j.i ciD.DA l ]5 r. ii l0, 162 f. 3, KAğ.SAG l70:l,
ğa-pariki (reading uncerl.. a textile or piece of ğiltdhu "arrow": GIs.IGAG.UD.T]AG.GA.MEğ 126:
cloüing): f]a_cıL ]08 r. ii 6. TüG.j,i GlL 96 r.4, t'7,
117 s. 1. TüC.Jll-ctr-.MEğ 63 iji 20. ğimmuau "oaralvsis"'. İim-maı 85 j 5'
ğa.pattüti "open chaliotry": DUs.MEğ l50 ii 4' 8, ğimğalıi taıi aroıiıaric tree): sEv.sAL -l46:5,
152 I. i 5, D]Us.MBs |52 İ. ]' |2' ğinip "two üiIds": 2/: 38 r. 3, 58 r. ii 20, 60 ii 6,
ğa-p€thalli "cava1ryman": ,ğl BAD.HAL 30 r. ii 11, ı. ii 7 ,74:3' 5' 90 ii Z, lo613
21, Lü.'Ia_BAD.HAL 30 ı. iii |I' 24' ğiniğu "twice, (befolepl. nouns) two'': 2-'iıi 96:9,
ğa-püliğu "limestone peddler": Lı.ğa_puJi- ği 115 r. i 16, 127:4,5,'7,
4'7 ri 2, ğinnu "tooth, ivory'': z(ı 62 i9't. ii8' |I' 64 i'7
ğa-qabli "loincloth(2)'' İE'qab-li 85 ı. ii 6, 9,92 i3,126t14,
ğa-oassi 'bowman": LÜ.Gls.BAN 30 İ. iii 6, siDati see ja7aıl.
sa-dati -bowl lor washing hands": ra -Su.2.\4Es ğiölu -shekei": cIN 27:t. l0. tl.
88 I. l l, ğa-ğU.2.M[Eğ 75 L 9, 12, ;. 2, 4, 10, ll, 42t14, 43t2, 5,8, r. l, 44:6,7,
ğa-qurbtrıi 'royal bodyguaıd":qır-zac l18 r. ii 8,9,48:5,'7,9,t.9,1I, s. 1,60 ii 8, 14, 16, r. ii
3. l50 ii4, | 52 t. i 4, q ur-zl^lc 149 iü 5. qu t I -z^c 14' 63 I\ 3, 4' 8, iii I, 7' 12' ı. ii 2, 64 ı. ii 4' 5' 9'
154 t. Ii 2L, Ltl.qur-zAc 9 r. | 8, 20, L(J.qw-z^G 1,2, 66 t. i 9, lO, 7O ü 2,'l lt3, 73:2, 4, 7, 8, 15, e.
5 i t9,31, 37 , 42, | 1,5,9, 1',7 , 19,22, 44, 47, r. i 17 ı.3' 8, 10, 12' 15 18, 85 ı. ii 3, 4, 115 ı. ii 14,
' '
8,21,30,42, 6i\'7,9,'7 i5,r.ii3,6, 9ii6, 18' 146:1,2, 4, 5, 6,7 ,8,9, 10, 157 i 1, 3, 4, 5, 6,7,
25.r.i8,22, l0 i9,47 ii 6,Lu.qut-z^lc5ii4l. 8. 10, 11, 12, 13, 15, 16, 17,I5,7, cfNl 146:12,
LL.qur-zl^c 6 i 2. Li.qurlzAlc 5 ü 3- ti.qulr- 13, 157 i 2, GiNll 48 r. 4, GilN 73 r. 5, cllN 27 r.'7 ,
z^cl lO |'7,L0.qlutl-2,\c 9 ii 4, Llil.qurzAc 5 ii ctiN 60 ii 19,63 r. i 3, cliN 146:11, [ciN 38 r.4,
-qur-Z^|Ğ 5 ii 32. L|t.q|ul-z^G 5 ii 29' 157 ü l,3,4, [cI]N 60 r. ii 9, 73:10, clN.MES 46:5,
ğiritu (a qualification of bread,
L|0.qur-ZAG 5 r. i 2, L]ı.quFZ^|G] 2l |l . possibly
ğa]rEği "eunuch": ıü.s'C 4 r' ii 8, 5 i 32' 38' 46- "mearv"): ii-ri:a, 201 t. 6,2O8 r. 6, 209 r. 5. 2lO
ii 48, ı. i 9' 46' 7 ı. ii 2, 9 i 4, ii 22, 32 İ. ii 6' 33 \ r. 8. 2i5 ı. 5. sİ-ri'la|| 2l'7 l.6, İi-r]li-aı 216 f.8.
6' 41 i l, ii 4, l l3:3, L[Ü.S]AG 5 ii 16' [LÜ].sAG 5 i ğirır "ftesh, (cut oo meat": UZU 148 ii 8, 9' 14'
22. Lü.sAc \4A.{ l30:8. see also rab ğa-reİi. 1,6,1,53 i3,6, 159 i 1, ü7 ,164:.4,5,6,181:6, e.'7 ,
İa-sala'i "sprinkLing can. spIinkler": j4 saJa-'i t.1,,2,3, 4,182:1,189 r. 9, l9l r. 3, 192 t.10, 196
60 i 14' ğ|a_sa-la: i 83 i\ 3' r.8' |97:5,12,2o1 ı.5,2o4:'7 ' 2o'7 r. |3,2o9 ı. 13'
ğa-şatliğu "dealel in leather hides": lÜ.şcl-li-.İl- 210 ı. 15. 2l2 L 6' UZ|U 164|'l, uz|Ul 21'1 l. |3'
nu 115 r- i 5, UZ|u 2oo l. 2, U|zU l48 iI 7, (UzU) 206 İ. l, |uzu
öa.öadddi see .ia-pa-z - ğ a - ğ adddı' 153 i 2, UZU.MES 1'73 r.2' 4, see also ızl 'ğri,
Ğa-öepi "(kiıg's) peısonal guaId": GiR.2 148 r. ii ğitu (a textile oI similaI): .ğırıi 105:5, l08 i 8,


109 i 6, a-a-ru 158l.3,

ğİı "he" : İu-ıh ||Z:7 , takbaru "fattened sheep''i ıak-bar 154 ii 8,2l1i
ğu'u "chick-pea": ğu)e 182:.5 |92 t. 3, 196 e. 9' 212:8, takl-bar 149 i 1, |ıak-bar| 15I ii 12'
||' l99:1l' 20'7i|0, r. 6, 208 ı.' 7, 209:13' ı. 6, tak-bLf-rü l89:6,209:5,21o:7, tak-bar -r|u 2o3:4
2lo:16, r.8' 2I1 ı- 6,2l4 r. 3, 215:3, 216:|2, tok-blar -(ru) 196i2, uDu.tak-bar-ru 213..5, '
217:3, r.7 el2|5 t. 6' ğü|e 216I.9,
'2|8 t. l, ğu:2oDilo, takkasşu "(uıfinished) piece": ta-ak-ka-si 60 i
İuJ:e 2o''ro, fğFe [jr-,e] l89 e. 15, 12, DAG.GAZ-s' 85 ii 8, D,\c.cAZ 118 i 4,7,1O,17,
204:1, Gü].GAL.GAL 163 i7,lq.İuüe 212|L9' ii 2, 8, 11, 16,
ğub6 "Ioast meat": ğu-bö-e 1907,194:6' 2o6:6' takkusŞu "tube": tak-ku-sıt 64l. i1l,66r.i5,
İu-bö-el 188:8,197:|2 İı-bö-|el198:6, 20l:6, ğ']- '1
,]3,72i1,15, tak-ku-slat 66I. i3, tak-ku-lsat 64
bö-e 203:5' İ[u-blö-e 197i5, |uZU. İuf-bö-e 158:4, T. i 8, takl-ku-Sat 65 i 5, 66 ı. i 18, ılak-ku-sat 68
öubü (a semi-pıecious stone, pelhaps "agate"): r. ii l,
zA.sUH 85 ii 6, l 18 ii 5, ı. i 5, takpu (a basket): tak-pu 189 t.13,196 t. 12,
ğukuttu'Jewellely": İEl-ku-tıi 59 i 9, 62 ı. ii 7' tallulu "equipped, fitİed o\ıt".' tal-ıul 166i3, tal-
fld-ku-tiı 7o i 9' ğu-kut-te 79:2, lul-a-te 174:9, tal-luu-(a.)ael f65 r. i 6,
ğulğaia "three each": 3-a-4 49 f. i 4, ii 2, tamarzu (rrıng. unkıowı): ta-mar-zi 89 r. ll,
ğum€lu "Ieft, south'': KAB 57 i 5, l50 ii l, l54I. temartu see ğa-taİnaf ti,
ii 18, see also ğa-bcı-İumaıi' hmkaru "merchant": DAM.GAR.MES 118 r. ii 2,
ğumma "ir'i ğıim-ma 58 iii 12, BE 52|4, 5, 54 i 9 Lü.DAM.GiR 32 i 10, 39 i 5, Lü.DAM.G[,\R 30 iii 10,
Summa elu (terrestrial omen series): unu iza-' Lü.DA[M.GAR] 9 r. i 5, Lü.DA]M.G.i.R 39 i 9, see alşo
sUKUD_e GAR 52:9, URU_,ııa-SUKUD_GAR 49 r. rab tdmkdxi,
iii 7,50 i
9, URU ir.a-suKUD-[GAR] 55 i 6, uRU- tamliıu "inlay": fumJiı62i 8.8l:5.92 i3,
i'ıa*SUK[UIFGAR] 50 I. ii 2, URU_'[n4_SUKUD İamğılu (a bird. probably "wood pigeon"): ıam-
cAS.l 50 ii 11, u[Ru-ina SUKUD-GARI
49 r. ii 17, ğiı 149 ij' 3, lar'-.fir.MusEN l59 i 14' 160 i z' tam-
Summa izbu (teratological omen series): BE-iz- Jil.IMUSEN 148 iii 7, see also tarmazillu,
bu 52:2,8, lamüzu (Tammuz, name of the 4th month): ITI.
Ğumu "name; line (of text)": MU.ME]ğ 53:5, MU. ğU 143 iii 4, ITI.SU 144 i 6, 16l ı. ii |, L75 l. 12,
ı,ıBğ-.İl-[zı 87 r. ii 5. [lTl].ğU 175..5, IıTI.SU 175:9, 18.
ğümu "gaİlic": sUM.sAR 163 i 3, s[UM.sAR] 163 laniku (an object. mng. unknown.): /d-rır-İi l l9
ii 1. l68:3. ü.sUM t62:I0. r. l0. [ü.sUMl l62:l, i8,ii5,
o.sUMl.sAR 16l ii l6. ü.st \a.sAR l6| i4. I5, ii 4, taphu (a laIge kettle, "cauldIon"): ıap-hL-a-nı
I. i 4, ii 4, ü.sU[M.sAR] 16l I. i 13, 87 i 6, ı.1p-hu 88i7,
Ğunannu (a kind of tİay).. ğu-na-ni l59 i 7, GIğ. tapĞü "cover": KUs,rap-jıe.MEs 89: 12,
İu-na-na-ti 91:.ll, tarbeşu "courtyald": TüR l50 iii 15,
ğupelitu "lower garment": TüG.KI.TA.MEğ 94:1, tarbiu "tlainee, apprcrİice'\ taf-bi-a-ni l49 r,ii
ğupelitu halluptu "reinforced lower galment'': 5, DrM4.MEğ l48 r. ii 3, l50 ii 16,
Kr hal-pat 1O8 t. ii 5, 109 r. ü 5, Kr hal-plat 109 tarditu "addition": tfal-di-ıü 85 İ. ii 4'
l. ii3, K|l_haı-pat.MEğ 105:9, KI haı.MBs lz7:9' tarmazillu (an edib|e bild): tar-ma-ziJi.MUğBN
Kl_rı4l.MIEs [27:3. Kı.TA haı-pd! 105il0. tic. l72 ı. |l, ıar-m]a-zi-ri.MUğEN 130:7.
K| hal-paı 97 i4.5' T0c.K]_h4'l-up- i 97 l.7,"İ0C. tarşu (an object): tar-şu 6o r, ii 7o'
KI_[x ]02:6. Tüc.Kl,T6_halJu-paı l26:4, TüC.KL taşkarinnu "boxwood": GIs.KU l17 I. 2,
T^ h]aı!-llı-paı ll9 r. i 12, "ltG.K|l.TA-haıJu- tağkü "tripod": Gls-tdğ -ku-u 91..6,
pat] 1l9 l - ii 5 , TI3|G.KI.T A-haI -p|d-ıe |24|9 .l(Jc. tağliğu (readi[g uncelt.) "thiId man'': Lü].3-j,i 9
KI.r[A-, 104:5, r. ii 10, Lt3-ğli 5 i 45' 4'l, ii 2, |3, ı. ii 8, 6 ii 8,
Ğuqdu ümng. uncert. )i İuq-da-ni 63 ii 6, see also 8:2' 9 ı- i 1'0, 29, 10 ii 5' |Lth-ğı 5 i 40, l. i 7
duqdu, Lü.3-Ji.MBs 149 iii 9, 3-ğü 40|4,115 r. i l3, 148 r.'
ğuqultu "weight'': KI.LAL 57 i |3, iiz,7
'63Ii 12, i3' ii 6' 152 ı. i 7, 3-j'i.ME[ğ l57 I. ii 6. 3_jr.MEğ 149
ii 3, 8, 10, 85 r. ii 3, 4, 14, 90 i 1, Kr.Ll^L 63 iii 10, 150 ii 2' 19' iii 3, 1'5z I. i 1' 154 ı. ii 19,
KI.[LAL] 59 ii 9 73ilo, KI.L^L-ğ(ı 60 i 7, K[I.L]AL- 3-jr.[MEğ] l49 ı. ii 9'
ğü-|nu] 60 l. ii 5, KI.LAL.BI 60 I. ii 9, l1,[K][.LAL.BI tağritu: ITI.DUL 61 ı. ii 6, 118 ı. i18,2|,ii25'
60r.ii7 L32 r. ü2,
SurmEnu "cypress": SLR.MiN I46:2, TE (an object, ıeading and mng. unknown): TE.
ğütu "he": ğu-tıi-a-ni 60 i9, MEs 64 i 8, 66 i 10, TE.IMEğ 64I. ii 14,
tabribu "rcd wool": HE.MED 96:10, 105:5, lt5 taqttu "oinffient. da\Jbing''i lP-qi-ıi 82 l.4,
r. i 13, |6' 17 19' |16 ı. 4,12| l. i 5, HE.|MED 64 t6rtu "oİacle. liver (omen)": un5.üS I89:4, l92:
r. i 7, HE.[MED]' ll0 r. l, HI6.MED 66 r. ii 9, HE.ME. 4, 194:3, 197 :3, 2O3i3, 206t3, 2O9i4, 21Oi5, 212 r.
DA 105:12, SiG.H6.MED l10:7, 10, 174:6, siG.Hı6. 9' 216:3' 219:2, UR5.üs] l90:3, [URs.üs] 188:4,
[MED] ll0:1. sic.HlE.\4EDl tl0:4, [s]iG.HE.MED l98:3, UR5.üs.MEs 193:5, 2o'7 :3, 21|:7, 212:6, 2l3:
115 r. i 10, slG.H6.ME.DA 116 t. 2, 3, UR5. üğ.[MEğ] 201:3, U]R5.üğ.MES 200:1, [UR5.
taddnu "to give": e- 112:,4, r.3,5, ild-din-u- üğ.MEs 208:3,
nil 79 r. 6, Iıd-din-u-ni] 43|5, id-n -ni'79 l.8, tikku "neck-piece(?)'': tı-kdt 62 iı 2,
it-ti-din 47 l 12,60 | 5, 112:7, i-ta-nu 208 r. 15, timmu "coiumn. pillar. caryatid(?)': tim-me 64
ni-id-dan l15 r. ii 23, ni-id^dan-|u-nıl 45 e. 17, i 7. 72:22. ıi|m-ne 64 r. i 4. D|M 85 i J, ii 8,
lni\-it-t[i-dinl 45 t. 6, ta-din 27 t. 5, 8, suv-ni 2j tiniru "oven": ti-nu-ri 148 ü 6,
r.9, tirğni "coilŞ": ,i-r4-a-ni 5l i8, ti-ra-ııi 67 i z,5'
taiaIu (rıng. unknown, peıhaps "Ievenue"): ,a- tirimtu (a libation vessel).' tirı-ma-te 60 i 13'


tiıtu "lig": Cls.MA.MEs l36 ii 2. see also l'rıl' ummenu "scholar": um-man l49 İ- ii 2, l50 iii
tuiıru ''ıo lurn": GUR 64 r. ii 6, l60 i 7' CıJ[R l23 6, 1l, 151 ı. i 4,153 İ. ii2' 154 ii 15' um-ma|nl
ii 3, 152 r. i\7, ulm-man 151t. i Il,
tudiltu"dTess pin": ıu-di-il-ıü 8li3. ummi ğarri "queen mother": AMA_MAN 5 i 32,
tuqani (a conlainer or unil for serving ftujl. 35'42,ii16,30'32,ı.i7'42'45,46, ii 5, l0, 6 i
perh'ps "spray"): ıli-?|a-nu-u |3li2. ııj- ga-nu-ü 8' 9 i 6,25, ı. i 22' 28, ii 19, AMA_[MAN 48:2,
l30 ı 6, tü-ga-nu-ü] I3o:ll. AMA_[MAN] 12:7, AM[A MAN] 12:4, AM]A MAN 5
tukpitu "kidney-shaped gem" i tulk-pi-at'72i26, r.i 18. 9 ii 11, AIMA-MANI 5 i 46,
tuk-pi-a-te 85 i7, ıuk-pi-ıa-te 126|2, ümmu "motheı; oigin; initial amounl"i um-ına
tupninnu "chest, coffer'': GIs.UM-rıııi 78:2, 3, 164|3' AMA 118 ı. i 16'
10, GIğ.UM-zır['] 78 r. l, cls.UM-[ıııl,i] 78:1, ümu "day": UD-me 44i1, uD'mu 49 i 3, UD-.i,
turminabandü (a semi-precious stone, lil. l80:2, UD.-ü.KAM] 144 i I,2' ı. i 2, UD.'.K]AM 143
"small breccia"): nüR.MI.NA.B-i.N.DA 85 ii 5, : BAN. r. iii 6, uDrl.KAM 143 i 1, 2, t. i\i 1,2,3,4, 5,
DA 83 ii 5, uD.[r.KAMl 57 ili 13,195 r. 1, uD.[t].KAM 143 iii
turminü "bIeccia": DüR.MI.NA 83 ii 4, 7, U[D.I.KAM] |44 r. i 4, [UD.-ü.K;.]M 20l r. 1l,
turtenu "commander -ifu-çhieİ'' i tul-ıdn 160 l. ii luD.rl.K-{.M 216 r. 17, uD.r+l1.KAM 175:9, uD.t+14.
|'L(J.tur -tan 7 7'.2, L]ıı 5'1 i 4, 5, L(J.tW - tan- KAM 5 r. ii 19, uD.MElS 50 ii 12, UD.MES 50 iii 8,
nu 11,6,12, L'i ,tut - td-ni 211 t . 14, L(t .tur-tla-nul 4 1l8 t. i 24, ü 24, 127 :7, 17 4 r. 2, uD.[MES] 139:1,
i.2, UD.I.KAM 49 I. iii 14, UD.l.K.4M |43 i\j' 4' ı. 13'
(ğbtu "salt": MUN 141:13, 148 ii 8, 163 ii 4, uD.2.KiM 93 r. 2, 1.43 ] 5, 144 i 4, i88 r. 5,
176:7, [MUN] 153 i 3, uD.2.KlAM 213 r. 1, uD.3.KAM 143 I 6, üi 5, 144 i
tdbü see tidbu' 5, uD.3.KAlM 143 r. ii l, uD.a 189 r. 14, uD.a.K-{.M
fabu "to be good": DüG.GA.MES 50 iii 8, DÜG. 143 ii 7, iii 5, uDl.4.KAM 143 r. ii 2, 175:18, uD.s.
GA.MEğ] 50 ii 12, K;M 143 ii 8, iii 6, r. ii 3, 144 i 6, l'7 5 r. 5, 182 r.
libu "twine, thread": gi-bu 115 ii23' çİ^bu l|5 ı. 2, uD.6.KAM 143 iii 6, 175 r. 12, 190 r. 8, [UD.6.K;.M
ii 15, 143 ii 9, [uDl.7 61 r. ii 6, UD.7.KAM 1'32 r- l2, 143
titu (a type of beeI) | |i-i-|ıi| 212 l. l' |i-i-!i |92 r. ii 4, uD.s.KAM 143 üi '7, uD.e.KAM 144 \ 7,
r. 6, 196 r. 3,2oo:l2,207 ı.8,208 ı. 8,209:15, r. UD.g.K[AM] 57 iii 9, UD.ıo[+r.KiM] 143 ii 1' UD.10.
'7,21o I. |o,2l1 r. 8, 215:4' ı.7 218 l. 3' ti-ı'İil KAM 144 i 8, 164:1, 191 r. 9, uD.11.K^M 164i2,t.3,
2|7 l.8' tİ-i-|ti 216l.1l ıi'i-|İi| 195|5 (ı-u-!il 199 l8l:5, UD.ı2.[K;.M 79 r. 3, UD.13.KAM 16o ı. ii 2'
r. |,21'7:4, |ri-i-|i] 19'l 'r. 5, KA[s.ri-ıai] 189 I. 2, UD.14.Kj.M l35 l. 3, |92 İ. 15, UD.15.K^M'7 9|4, |2'7
K^ğ.rt-i-ti 207 |lz, 2o8:L2, 2lol8, 2|6:14, KAğ.r/- r. l, 143 r. ii 11, 159 r. ii 7, uD.I6.KAM3 t. l2, 143
i-|Iı| 204|4, [KAs.r'-'-r'] 202|4, KAğ.tı-i-0-ıi 2I4l. iii 9, r. 1, UD.ı7.KiM 1 I. ii 8, l83 I. 1, UD.l8.KAM
6, see also ,irtr, 184 I. 3, UD.ı9.KAM 143 iii 10,l.2' 185 ı.2,2o'7 r'
tuaıu "thlead":1u-a-nu 7I5 t. i1' |3' 16, uD.2o.KlAMl 187 e. 6, uD.zr.KAM 143 r.3, 186
tüdu (mng. unknown): tu-dr 64 i 1''7z I. 18' İ. 2, 208 L 15 uD .22.K^M 143 İ. 4, 209 l. 76 21'o r .
' '
tuppu "tableı": DUB 49 ii l5. iii 6. 50 iii 2, DL[B 18, uD.23.K;.M 143 r.5,144 i9, (uD).23.K[AM] 143
122 i 9, DILB 50 ii 9, DLB.\4ELsl 49 iii J. DUB.MEIS ii 2, [uD].23.KLM 193 r. 1, UD.2[4.KAM]2ll t. 12,
49 r. iii 3, DUB.MES 49 ii 13, r. ii 5, 50 i 12,5l ü9, UD.24.KAM 143 ı. 6,144 i 10' 211 r. 15, UD.25 l l8
55 i 3, 5, 7, DUB.[MEğ] 49 ii l8, 50 r. i 1, D[UB.MEğ] I. ii 25, UD.25.K;.M 143 İ-'7 UD.25.IKA}{] 272l. 15,
50 r. iii 7, IDUB.MES] 49 ii 5, r. ii 19, uD.26.KAM144i3,11, uD.27.Ki.M 143 r. 8, [uD].27.
tupğar ekalli "palace scIibe'': A.BA_KUR 1l8 f. IKAM 143 iii 1, uD.zs 83 r. i 13, 161 r. ii l, uD.
I 14, 28.KAM L43 üi2,r.9, uD.2s.KliM 71:3, uD.2e 57 iii
tupğarru "scribe, secretary": A.8A 28 i t4. 50 i 5, UD.29.KAM 51 r. ii l, UD.2g.KAM 143 iij'2'ı.1o'
J. ii 8. r. iii 3. 118 r. ii 4, A.BAI I i 8, A.[BA] 50 iii UD].29.KAM 144 i 12, UD.30.d.M 143 iii'3'ı' 11'
5, A.BA.MEğ l I. ii 6, 15l I. i 9 L(JI.A'.BA 31' j,z' 32 umu ruqu "distant day": UD.S[Ü.UD.DA] 56 i 3,
' uniqu''young she-goat": UDU.Mi.AS.QAR.MEğ
I. ii l1, Lü.A.BA 5 ii 39,18 i 14,27 ı. 13,29 i9' 30
ii 3, 7 5 I. 20, Lt.^.[B^] 28 İ. iii']' [LÜ].A.BA 1 18 r. 121 t. i. Z,
ii 2, Lü.A.BA.MEğ 13 I. 5' Lü.A.B[A.M]ES 22 İ.3' unqu "signet dng": SU.GUR 60 r. ii 8,
[LI]].A.BA.MEğ 2l l.2, IL]t.A.B^.MEğ 9 i 20, see unütu "utensils, implements": a'nu-tdı 60 i 1,
olso rab |upğdrli, '75:9' L24'.3, 4, a-nu-üt9l İ- l, 5, 165 l. j' 5'
tupğarrutu "female scdbe'': Mi,A,BA.MEğ 24I. 2, upnu "fist'': up-ni 129i7, ulp-ni 62 i l,
tuiru"string (of amulet stones)": ,rr-ıi 85 i 5, 6, uqnu şee i4ıırl,
ıı "aıd'': u 44 r.3, 4, n 58 iii 3' \2' 16,'7 5 r.21', uradu "ıo descend; (s) Io bring down": ıi- lP-l"i/-
27 , lnl 58 r. |i, l7 , da-ni 79:4,
ubru "guest": SUHUğ.MIBğ] 15l ii 2, see also uresu "blick mason(?)"ı rt-ra-si I54 ii 15'
iğdül' urdu "servant, subject'': ARAD.MEğ-.ğ, 58 e. i 9,
ubsed see aDılJsr, ARAD.MEğ-.i['' 58 iii 11, AR[AD.MBs-.i,i] 58 iii 4, A
UD.HAL (reading and mng. unknown): UD.H[A]L 3, AR]AD.MBS-.ğ, 58 ii 13, Lü.ARAD 28 ]' 12, Lt.
148 ii 10, UD.IHAL 153 i 4, ARAD.MES-.ğI 57 iii 3,
udati (mng. unknown)| ü-da-at'72l. 14' ur€ (mng. unknown\: ü-re-e 85 ı. i1' 13'
udo "utensils": ü-de-e '78|.1l' 1zo İ. i 3, DUc.dı- urhu ''month": üTı 83 r. i 3, I5J j 6,
de-e 1'72:1, urki "aftel": ur-ki 46 ı.4'
udina "yet'': ü-di-na 43|.5, urnutu (a garment' perhaps "tunic"): W-naı \08
udü "to'know": ü-du-u-ni l12l.8' ii 6, İ. ii 4, 1'09 ii 2, İ. iii 4' 9' urf-nat l04 ı. 2,
umamu "beast": ü-ma^ma-ni'7 9 ı6' uf-nat.MEğ 1o'7 f. 2, Ttcl.ııl-ııat 95|3' 4' 5,99|4'


'ruc .ur- nat 94:5 ,96 r. 2, 3 ,97 :10, 12, r. 2, 6, 9 , 10, zamrÜ"ffliİ"| za-am-ri 189 r. 6, 192 ı.8' 196 ı.
112 e. 1,1, 11,5 ii, 10, r\3c.ur-ntat 99i5, 103 r. l, 7'2oo e.16'2o2ı. 1'207 t- 1'o'208l- 5' 10' 2o9
TtG,ur-|nat 97 i3, 'İoc.u|r-ndt |0|i2' 'l(JG-ulf-kat f. 4' 9' 2lo e.22' İ.'7 12' 212 ı. 4'2l4 ı.9,215:6'
98tS , 102t2, 'tl(Jc .ur -nat 99 i3 , '
f. 4'9' 216 e. 18' r.7,218 e- 7 r. 5, za-aın-fi] 799
Urra (a lexical series): HAR-ra 51 ii 7, '
t. 6, 211 t. I0, 215t7, 2I7:6, za-am-rli) 195 e. 7,
urü "team (of animals)'': i-fa-te 149l.i2, ANğB. 204:6' 2I'7 ı. 5' za-am-r|i 208:1'4' za-|am-ri} 2o7:
u-r|at 58 iii,s, ANsE.r-, 57 ı. iii l' see also raü 1'6, zt-|am|-ri zo9|l7, |zla-am-ri 207 ı. 5' za-mar
urdıi 132 i 2, 5, 136 ü 4, za-mafr 169 r.3,
usıl' "goose": ü-si 85 ii'7 zakiqu "phantom, dıeam''|. za-ki-qu 49 iii 2, 5o
uşü emelge": /ı-Şü-ni-|ıııl
"to 58 t. ]' 5, i 15, ii 3, iii 10,
uşurtu "design, dlawing": GıS.H[UR l17 s, 1, zaqiqa see zakiqu,
GIğ.HUR.MES 108 r. ii 6, zeİı-rtv"tent'':. za-raı 120 ii ll'
uğemutu (an edible biıd): -ğd-me-tıh,MusBN zetu (a vessel, reading uncertain): Dluc,za-te
172 l. 12' ü-ğd-mu|Je.MUğEN |30:10' ıi-ğ6-mu- 176i9,
,'.MUğEN 159 i 13, zazabtu (a gaİment or textile): T|ic-za-zo,ba-te
uğburrudü "antiwitchcraft magic": uS,r.aür<. l'72 r.9,
DA.MES 50 ii 6, zer ğarri "Ioyal line": Lü.NUMUN_IMAN] 155:6,
uĞü "ebony": GIs.KAL 129:4, zibbutu "tail": KUN 63 iii 5' l09 I. iv 2,1'65 r. ı
utaru "to exceed": uı-ruJe l18 r. i 13' 7, KUN-tli l06t2,4, l0'7:2, lO8 i 5, ulzu.KUN 141
ütrl, see utd'ru' ı.74'
uznu "ear, unde$tanding": pI 49 ii 15,pr-z 52t4, zinzimmu "Ied onioı'': zi-in-zi-me 162 ı. 9'
za'uzzu "distributioı": za:u-uz-zu 57 iii 6' za- ziqpu "shoot, bıısh'': ziq-pi I59 i \l' 187:2'
|'|u-u-zu 157 r. ii |4' za)u-ü-zllıl l5'7 ı- ij' 17 2O0:9, ziq-plil 159 r. ii 3, ziq-pu 192 r.2, 793:8,
ZA.GUR4 (Ieading aııd mng. ünknown): ZA.GU& 2O9 tl3 , 2l0tl2, 211 r. 5 , 272t78 , 214 r. 2, zi-i.q-pi.
148 iii 13, 149 ii 8, ZA.GURa.MEğ l56:2, 160 i 6,
z&kiuseezak, ziqqu "wineskin'': KUs.sAL l79 i 8, KUğ.SIAL
zakkü "exempted (offic'a].)'':' zak-ku-u l59 r. ii4' 179 ii 1, KUS.SIAL 179 i 1,
zakü "to be clean, pııre''|. za-ki-u 6'7 i3' zizibu "milk": cA 149 ii 8, 182:4, [cA] 148 iii 13,
zalaqu (a Şemiprecious stone): N&.zALAc l 18 zlrlıblJ see ğa-zumbe'
ı. i 11,


Index of Names

Personal Names

Abde (govemoI 3, goveınoı of Raşappa 4): Akkulldnu: 'Ja-kuı-ıa-ni 148 ].i 1,

^alb-da-a 4 | 1o, ^ab-do-a' 3 i lO, 7'7 13, Amat-emüni: ui.a-mat_e-mu-ni 24ı19,
AbdiJimıı (cohort commaıdet 5): ^ab -di_li -mu Ambattu (chaiot ownel 9): -am-bat-tü9 ii 21,
5 i,44, Amur-ilütu-Ağğür (confectioıeı |82): ^a-mur-
Abdi-milki (chieftai|ol 126, ^ab-di-miı-kı l26i5 DINGIR-I, da.l-.ğrr l82 I. 4,
Abdi-Samsi (Tyrian 40):'ab-d.i-sa-am-si 4O:5,' Apladad-si'a (brother of PN 30): ^'a-a
Abieğtamba: -a-rı eğ-ta-am-ba 57 l. ],],3' 30 r. iii 4,
Abılğğir:.AD GIs 5 r. ii l8, Apladad-[...]: 7 t. i 4,
Abi-qem: .AD qa-mu |6 ı. ii 3, Aplaia (exorcist 49, palace herald 4, 133): -l-a-
-a-buJü l20 İ, ],2' a 49 ii |6, ftDUMU.Uğ-4-a 133:3' .DUMU.US-a]_@ 4
^butu| (chafiot ddver 9): 'dIM PAB, 13,
MBS srlrM 9 ii 12, Aqaraia (divineı): ^a-qar-a-a l ii l'
Adad-bani (piest 32): .dIM Dü 32 i 8, Aramiİ-iqbi (chief of public works 40): 'da-ra-
Adad.b€lu.uşur: -IG_EN_PAB 1l8 r. ii 15, me\-iq-bi 4O:7 ,
Adad-hutni: .d10 l'u-ut-ni 3o ı. ii 18, Arbaileiu (royal bodyguard 5, [...] ofthe kitchen
Adad.ku[...]: ^to-klu-xl l7 ij, 10, 40, eponym 1l8): ^arba-İl-a-a 16 r. ii 6, l18 r. ii
Adad.l€'i (plefect 6,9): -qM ZU 6 i 10'91'21' 26' -arba-İl-a.(a) l1'8 l. i 22, 'arba-ıı-a-|a 5 iı 41,
Adad-[...]: .dIM [' 5I. i 2' l0 ii 8' -dı[M_.{ 5 ii 20, *uRU.drba-ıı-a-a 156 r. 2, -u]pu,arba-İl-a-a 4oiz,
Adallal (adjutant 6, 9, adjutart of chief eunuch Arbeiu (governor 5): ^ar-ba-a-a 5 ü 49,
5\| -a'da-Ial9 l. i l, -a-d[a- ılal 6 i 4, [^la-dq-l[du Arihi: 'a-ıj-lıi 30l. iii l0,
5 i,i,25, Arrabu (exorcist 49\ ^ar-ra-bu 49 tl|4,
Adda-abı (ironsmith): ^|0'a- bi 14i2' ArzET,tt ^ar-zi-zi 73 t. 71,
Adda-idri ( onsmith), ^t\-id-ri 74i3, Asqıdu (physician l\ -as-qu-du 1 ii 1L'
Adda_rahi[...]: -ıo ra-hi-[).l 16 ii3' AşHr-gaddi (chief singeı 30): ^as-ıar_gaıI'di
Ahabü (chariot ownel5)i -PA'R-bu-u 5l.i41,29 30 ii 5,
t 14, Aöipİ (chief confecti oıeı 5): ^a-İi-|pa-a 5 r. i 44,
Ahhc-riba: ^hi ri-ba 73'119, Ağğür.ahhE-ballit (hoIse trainer of king's cha-
AhhE.ğallim (foyal bodyguard 9): 'PAB.MEs_ rioıry l8): .dj-.frr PA8.MEğ_ral_/i1 l 8 i t0'
ğalJim 9 ii 4' Ağğür.ahhc-riba: "a.ğ-jır paa.veğ SU l9Jr.J,
Ahıa[...]: -PAB-a-[' 6 I. i 2, Aöİur-alik-peni (goveınor 3, goveınor of Baı-
Ahı-imm6 (governoı of HindanLl 4)'. ^PAB_in- ha|zi 4)| ^aİ-ğur_DU_IcI3 i 12' 4 i 11'
me-e 4 i, 14, 136 r. i,4, Ağğür-apluJcğir (son of PN 126): -aİ-İur_
Ahı-sapa (of comma gefue 47)i -P AB_sq-pa 47 i3, DUMU.Uğ GIğ 126 r. 4,
Ahu-duri (chief victualler 5, cohort commaıdel AĞöür-baıi (eponym 34, govemol of Calah 79):
of cıorvn pıince 5' son of PN 73, of Left House 5): ^ağ-ğW ba-ni 79:3' -aİ-İur_ba-|ni| 34|6, ^a -
.pAB BAD 5 ii 50,51,21 r.5,73:8,.P[A]B-BAD 5 İur ba-ni 73:13'
İ.i34' Ağğtrr.bani.ahh€ (architect 1): -a,ğ_'ğrI Dü
Ahu.ila'i (governor 3): .pAB DTNGIR-a-4 3 i 3, PAB.MEğ 13:1,
Ahu-kĞnu; -pıs ke-nu 42:6' Ağğüf.da"inanni: -aİ.ğur_da-in-(an)^ni l57 i
Ahu-lamıır: ^PAR_ıa-mur 29 i 1, *P^B_lla- 7, ^ldİ-ğul_KALAG-in-Ian-nı| 3l. i 14,
mur'l l0 ü 6, Ağğür-gimilli.tğre (tleasulel 3, 4)i *aİ-ğur
Ahu-l€ğir (chaliot ownel 9): 'PAB CIğ 9 i 27, S]U_GUR 4 i 6,.a,ğ_.i]rr sU cUR 3 i 2,
AhuJidi (ftom Yasubu): ['p]AB-rt-d[t 58 r. iii 2, Ağğiır-iddina (royal bodyguaıd 9): .aj-Jır eĞ
Ahu-lurği: -PAB-/u-ur-ği l3'7l.7 916,
Ahu-[..J: .pAB-[(r) 5 i 35, -plAB-r
41:3, -PAB Ağğür-ile'i (holse fuaiıel of king's chariotry):
|ı l51 r. i.i. 4, -a 18 i 8,
Aia-her Mi.d-a-hd-a 118 r. ii 19, Ağğur-kiuanni: -aİ-ğur kil-la'ni 93 I. 1' ^ağ-
Aia-iababa (prefect of staff-bearers 30): 'da-a- ğur_ki-la-ni 1l8 T. ii 17,
ia-ba-ba 30 r. i\i '7 , Ağğür.lE'i: ^1ğ-ğur-Zlul 16 ii 4, ^alğ-ğur_zu
Aia-ramt ^da-a-rla-mel 76 r , il, I , 15',1 i I,


Ağğür-matu.taqqin (village manageI l62): -a'i- Bğl-[...]; .EN 36 ii 2' [.B]N_r[' 5 i 28,
ğur KUF. LAL-in 162il4' '[' 87I. ii 4,
Bi'sı: -ö'-i'-J[ıi]
Ağğür.mukin-pala'a (prinÇe): .AN.ğA]R_-GIN_ Biriame (thariot dıiveı of queen mother 5):
B^L-id l54 i 3' ^aİ-ğur_mu-kİn-BAL-ı6 51 l. i 1' -bir-ia-ma-a 5t.ü5,
Ağğür.nadin.ahhc (chaİiot owner 9): .4.{-jrl_ R\bfr: ^bu-bu-u 44 r- 5,
SUM PAB.MES 9 ii 8, BudA (horse trainer ofking's chariotry 18): .br-
Ağğnr.ra'im.ğarri (cohort commaıdel 30):.4.ğ- da-|.1| 16 \l2'-b|u-ğa-a |8 i'7
LG MAN 30I. iii 23, '
.ğr,. Bulu-zakru (eunuch 5): ^bu-lu-zak-ru 5 ü 48,
Ağğür-ğakinJe'üti: *dğ-ğur ğı1-kın ZU l57 i 5' Biıneia (astologel |)i ^Dü-na-a-a 1 i 4,
Ağğür-ğallimanni: -ağ -İul_Dl-ınan '7 o i6' Dadeiat Ml.da-da-a l7'7 t2,
Ağğür-ğarru-Uşur (horse lIa iner ofcrown prince Dddi (horse trainer of open charioffy 5, mayor
5): .aj-.ğrl LUGAL_PAB 156:3, .]ağ-.ğrr-MAN |l8)| -da-di-|il 87 ı. ii 3, ^di-di-i 1l8 l. ii 12'
PAB 57 i 6, -4.ğ-.irr MAN PAB 5 ii 31' 42:7 5'7 iii [*ul.u-i 5 r. i24,
2, -d,İ-'ir,._MAN_P]AB 57 ii 9, '
.[a.i_ğ]rr MAN_PAB Dedi-ile'i:.u.u DTNGTR-a-a 182 r. 3,
57 \\ 6, Dddi-iqbi (eunuch 5)i ^U.u ıq-bi 5 i22,
Ağğür-ğar-ğam6-erşeti"muballissu (pıince): Dani (scibe 5): .da-ni-i 5 ii 39' l52 ı. i7'
.AN.ğAR AN-Kı TI.LA.BI l54 i 4, Dannu-Nergal (king's personal guard 5): -dan-
Ağğür-ğumu-iddina (scıibe l3): -d.i_,irl_Mu_ ,,_U.GUR 5 i 23,
Ağ 13I.3, Danüni' -da-nu-ni l18 I. ii 5,
AsĞür-zaqip (prefect 6)i ^aİ-ğur za-qip 6 i9, Dan-Uruk: nKALLG-an uNUG.Kr 118 r. ii 8,
Ağğur.[...]: ^aİ-İur |x 5 i 17, |13:2' |26:10, Deri-ğarru (deputy of cohoIt commander 30,
^aİ-İur_xfx 5 i 32' eııııch 47): ^dd-ri rUGAL 3 r. i 13, ^dd.-ri_M^N 4
Atıraia| ^a-tar-a-a 4 i 72' see also ltr,a ı. ii 1,30 ii 6' 47 j' l'7' |z,.dd-rı [MAN48r.6,
Atkalanni: ^at- kaJa-an- ııi 15 :l0' DEtru-amur: ^dle-nu a-mur 2l t. 6,
Azari-Ia'u: -a-zara-ia-u l18 ı. ii 3, Did|' see Dalİ.
Ba'il-[...] (fıom Arqa 58)| -ba-il b.58 ii 5' Dilil-Issar (chadot owner 9, toll-collector 118):
Babilaiu (royal bodyguard .K-d.DrNlcrRl-4-a
5): ndi-ıiı_d|s 9 i23' 6dı-lıI 15|l8l-ii20,
5 i 3',7 , Ehil...I -e - bi xLx 34t4,
Baidte-ilr -bla-a-a-re-DrNcrR 136 r. i 7, Epet -e-pa-a 115 ü 71,
Balassu (astrologer 1, priest 151): ^baJa-su I i Eqdı .e-qa-a l18 L ii l1'
3; 151 r. i 5, Eğraiu (weavel 172)| -uD.2o.KAM-a-a 7'72 L l0'
Baldtka.emurri (reading uncert.): .TI-İa_a- Eİa[,,,li -e - ta'Iİ. 5 L i 22'
mur-ri l72 ı. 14, Etelpu (astrologer l): |^|eıel-pu l i 6'
Beri (diviner 1): ^ba-ni-i 1ü2, Etiru (pIelate ofGarınanati 58): .e-1c-rı 58 r. iii 28,
Banini (architect 13)i ^ba-ni-ni 13i4, Gabbu-amur (chief confectioner 4): -gab-bu-
B^sdiai *ba-sa-a-a 118 r. ii 11, a-mur4r.ü4,
Bazazu (pottğ l4): ^ba-za-z[u 14:,. 5, Gade (royal bodyguard 5' king's peısonal guaıd
Bclğunu (eponym 51)i ^EN-ğı-nu 51l. i|2, 9): -ga-da-a 9 ı. i 26, ^ga-da-a' 5 ii 33, 1l I.5,
Bcl.abu-uşur (thiId man 5): .EN_AD--PAB 5 i 45, Gadia (king's personal guard 8): |^ga|-dı-a 8i|,
BĞl-ahhğğu (thid man of queen mother 5): Ga, Mi. I a- glu -x 169 t4,
[.E]N PAB.MEğ-J|, 5 r. i 7, Gıruş\i - ga-ru- şu 27 :8,
Bcl.ahh€.riba: fEN PAB.MEğ sU 189 I.8, 19l GiJJrü ^giJu-u-a 60 r. ii2' 15'
r' 1'202ı.5, Gir-Şapünu: ^gıl-Şa-pu-nu |8 i 12,
B€l.ahu-[...]: .dtEN P^B IQ 5 \27' Gulusu (prefect 5, 9): -guJu-su 9 r. i25, l^lgu-
B€l"bani: .E]N ba-ni 29 i 8, lu-su 5 ] 1,1,,
B€l-dnri (king's peısoııal guaıd 9): .EN-BAD 9 Hadidu (royal bodygııard 5): ^ha-di-du 5 ıi 47 ,
1 23, Hammeağti (emissaIy 58): ^h4-am-me-ağ-ti-i
Bel-Emuranni: -EN-rlcr.LlAL- an-lnil 157 r. |7, 58 ı. ii 2l,
Bel-apuğ (exoIcist 2, hoıse tıaineı of open cha- Hammu-rapi: ha-am-mlu-ra-bi 56 i 8,
riofy 5): -EN_Dü-,ğ 2i2, [^E|N DiJ-uğ5l.i27, Handa-asiri (governol of ll.abl|uİi 32)i |-ha-
BĞl-6tir (astrologel 1): .EN-KAR-'r 149 iii 7, anl-da-a-si-ri 32 r. ü 8,
[.E]N KAR-;/1i7, Hani ([...] of the governoI of HauIiıa 32, of
B€l-Harran-ğarru.uşur (son of PN 73): -EN Haıxina 33): ^ha-ni-i 32 i3' ^h|a-nı-i 33 i3'
KASKAL MAN PAB 73 s. l, Hanişiku (third man of clown prince 5): .l'a-ri-
BEl.ibni (plelate 57): .EN ;ö_n[i] 60 ii 4,.EN si-tı 5 r. ii 8,
Dü 57 iii 7,.E[N-Dü] 57 iii 8, Haıİüi -ha-an-tu 2'7 r.3'
Bel.iddina (governoı of Kulimmeri 3): .EN_Ağ Hanüıu (cohort commander 5)ı |-|ha-nu'nu
3i9, 5 ii 10,
Bel.kabti-ahhcğu: .EN-IDtr\a_S[Es.MEğ_j,i] 45:12, IJarltuii ^
ha-r i - me - i 42i8,
BĞl_nai'd (eponym l18): -EN-I 118 I. i 17, HarĞeĞu (ırefect 9): ^har-ğe-ğu 9 l- ii 1'
Bcl-nesir (govemor ol'Calah 130): "EN-pAB-ir Hg]s|!m\i -ha-su-ü-ınu 73 ı. |6'
130:3, Hubtu-Ağğür: -hu-ub-t1l_aİ-ğur 115 i 2|'
Bcl.ğarru-usur: mEN MAN PAB 5r.ij'1'7,27:9' HumatAti: ı{i. hu - ma t a -a - t e 26i6, -

43:4,,EN-MAN [pA]B 27:6,.BN-MAN-[' 30 ii 13, Hllıİlİ|

^hu-ni-i 75 I.27
Bğl-usati: ^EN ü-sa-a-te 136 r. i9, Hüru (Egyptian scxlbe)| '-hu-lı-fu l l. ii3,
Bcl.uğğzib (exorcist l): .EN u-ğe-zib l i 76' Huruaşu (EgyPtian s cııbe): phulr-u-a-şu l r.l| 5,


Iatia (reading uncert., Arab queen): Ml.ia-ltli-a LE'ü-pağir: -Zu-pa-ğir 16l. ii 5'
58 r. ii 16, Lü-ğakin: ^ıu_ğ6-kın 78z f.2'
lbiı| -i-biid 93|3' Lü-tcrik-ğarrüssu: .lu ıe -r ik MAN- s[ul 17 i:l 2'
Ibnutu (reading uncert.): *rB-rr-uD 49 i 5, Ma'a-il (ironsmith): -ına) a'a-DINGlk 14i1'
Iddin-[...]: .suu-z[a-ı 30 ı. ii 5, ['.agağü ^ma-qa-İa |zo I. i 4,
Ihniatka[...]: ^ih-ni-at- k[a-rl 15 i8, Mania: ^ma-ni-a 58 üi23,
Ilani-Ğreğ: Mi.DINGIR.MEğ_APIN-ğ,İ 70 i 7, Maniıi| -ma-nı-ni 2'7 |2,
Iıe"nasaka (Arab sheikh 58): -]DINGIR-a_ı,a-"ahh€ (prefect 5): -maı-nu_lk]i
sa-ka 58 r, ü 4, PAB.MEğ 5 ii 34,
Ilö"riim (sheikh of Bit-[...l 58): -DINGIR-@_ra- Mannu-ki.Ağğür (treasulel 126, |72' chaiot
me 58 ı. ii 33' dıiveı 5, 9, Ioyal bodyguald 6y ^man-nu-ki-ağ-
Iltadaia (chariot driver of queen mother 5): 'ir- İur 5 İ. i 39, 6 \\ l0,9 i26' 126|3''man-nu_k|i
ta-da-a-a5r.ülO, ağ-ğur| |'72.5'
Ilu-ba'di: .DINGIR-,@-@-k 58 r. iii 4, Mannu-ki-IssarJğ'i (king's personal guard 5):
IluJiphur: -DINGIR lip-hur 14:4, ^man-nu_ki_15 ZU 5 İ.1'33-
Ilu-muğezib (holse tlainel of open charioffy 9): Mannu-ki-Ninua:'m an- nu-ki-ni - ku - a 1 56 12,
.DINGIR-7ı 9 ii l3,şabi (meıcenaıy of the major-domo
Ilü-taklak: *DıNGIR_takJak 128:2' 134:6' of the chief eunuch 35)|'man-nu-ki BruM 35 i 1,
Il-dala (horse trainer of open chariotry 5, deputyğarri (chaIiot driver 5, plefect 9):
of Hauıina 32): -DINGIR dal-4 32 i 5, 'IDI]NGIR -mdn-nu-ki-LucAL 5 t. ü 1, ^tudn-nu-ki-MAN 9
daJa-a 5 r. i26, t. i2, 11,,
Il.idri (melcha[t 32): -DINcIR_id-ıi 32 i 10, Mannu-ki-[...]: -man-nu ki-i Ix28 i7,'man-
Il-qal[...]: .DTNGIR-4a/-ılr 30 iii 3, nu ki-|x 1ll.2' 'man-nu- lli ı l6 ii 6.
Il.zabadda (scribe 28):.DINcIR zab-bad-da 28 Man-ki.Harren (major-domo 4). ^man-ki
t 14, URU.KASKAI 4 r. ii 10,
Inurta"elik.peni (eponym 79): ddMAS DU-IGI Man-ki.ğarri (ho$e tIainer ol rub mügi I|8)|
79:5, [-]dMAS-DU IGI 6 ii l, ^man-ki-MlN 118 r. ii 6,
Inurta.ballissıı (physiciaı l, z)| -dM^ğ baı- liı- Mardi (cohort commandeı of cıown prince 5):
r,.1ii 10, .dMAS-TIN-rr, 2:4, *mar-di-i 5 ı. ii 13'
Inurta-ila'i (bodyguaıd of queen mother 5): Marduk (lamentation pieslI)i -ınar-duk 1 l, l6,
-dMAğ DINGI[R-a-4] 5 I. i 42, Mardık.eriba (goveınoı of Upumu 3, cohoIt
Issaraıı-cpuğ: .AN.GAL-Dü-r.ğ 9 r. i 3' commander 5, 9, prefect 28, scribe 18):'dAMAR.
Issar.dürı: .d15_BAD 50 i 19, uru su 5 r. ii 11, [-]dAMAR.uru su 9 r. i 6,
Is6ar-na'id (fiayol |26, ıoyal bodyguard 5): -dMEs-sU 28 i l0'.dğü sU 3 i 8, 18 i 14'
^dls t 126 t.5,
.ls-I 5i43,r. i,21,9ü32, Marduk-etir: .dğ(ı_KAR-ir 156: l,
Issğr-nedin-ahhe: .15 SUM-PAB.MEs 6 ii 3, Marduk-iğmeanni: ^dğ(J H^L-a-ııı l5'7 l4'
Issar.riği-remu: Mi.ls_TUK rğm ll1 ı.3' Marduk-remanni (tIackeI l18): ^dğ(ı röm-ni
Issf,r-ğıımu-Ereğ (astrologel 1):'15_MU- 118 r. ii 13,
lAPrlN-eJ 1 i l, Marduk-ğallim (rcyal bodyguaId 6): 'dAMAR.
Issar-ğumu.iddina: -dı5 MU Ağ 9 ii 10, UTU ğı]I-lim 6 ii'7,
IĞtakiparri (commander of pack-arfmals 57): Marduk-ğerru-uşür (divineı 1, eunuch of
^iğaa-ki-par-li 5'l l. i\ 4' crown prince 4, ditto of crown pdnce 5): *[d]MEs-
Itl (chariot driver 15): -l-rt-t 15:13, MAN_PAB 5 ii 45,.dğü MAN PAs l ii 4' 4 ı. ii 8,
Itria (governor 3), ^lit-ri-ia 3 i 14, see also 64 i 3, -dsrl MAN PIABI 17 ii 8,
Ataraia Marduk-ğumu-uşur (chief harusper( 7): ['dA_
Iüsiq-il (son of PN 58): [']ir-i-,sıiq DINGR 58 MAR],UTU_MU PAB 7I. ii 7,,32, Marduk-[...]: .dMEs_rfu 5 i 25, dĞü-[ı l50 ii 11'
Izbt i ^liz-bu 37 i4, Marduk[: ^mar-duk-b. 5 r. 143,
Izbüti (augur 1): -iz-bu-te I l. i9'^iz-buJi ll|5' Mar-Issar (scıibe 13, 50): .DUMU-d15 126:6'
Izzia (Kummean 31): ^iz-zi-a 31 i 7, .DUMU_d[ü5] 50 r. iii 3, .DUMU 15 13 I.4,
Kableiat Ml-kab'!a-a-a i l8 r. ii I0, Menahimu: -me-na-hi-mful39 i I,
Kabtıilu (third man 5)| |-|kab-ti DINGIR 5 ii 14, Miıki-Isser: ^nil-ki 15 64I. i]' 15'
Kalbu (architect): ^kal-bu 13|.3, Milki.nüri: -mıı-ki_Z,\LAG 73o t.7
[,l3 İ. ]'8,^mıı-ki_ıIx9 ii3l,
KıpaI: -ka-pat 75l.27' MiIkı[...]: -tı
K€nanni-Issar (cohort commander of cıown 'r-i'of Arbe|a 3' 4): ^lmi-i-su 4 i 9,
Misu (goveınor
prince 5): .Gtrr-a-ri 15 5 r. i 38, -mi-i-su 3 i'7 ,
KEnit -ke_ni_i j9 t.6, .lcrN_i 86 r. 8, .GrN_i 79 Muqallil.kabti: -tı]u-qal ıi_lDI\I - 33 l 5'
r. 10, Mııqıırl -mu-qur l7 i\ 6,
Kişir-Issğr (limesto[e peddler 47):'ti-şir_dı5 Muğeğir-Adad (alchitect): -sı.sA_dIM l3:5,
47 ü1, Muğczib-Ağğür (chariot dıiver 5, Ioyal body-
Kişir-Nabi (astologeI 1): [.i]ış'r-dPA 1 i 5, guaId 9, eunuch 5' 9\: 'mu-3e-zib-aj-,ğıı 9 ii 18,
Kubebu-satar (village manageı 28)| ^kü-K^ 22' ^mu-ğe-zib_ağ-ğu|r 5 i 20' ^mu-ğe-fzib dİ-
sla-tar 28 1 2, ğır 5 i 38,
Kuro (palace official 3l): ^ku-re-e 3l i,6, MuĞ€zib.ilu (rvoodcutteI5, depüty 5): '[ın ],,-.{e-
Küseiu (chaliot dliv er 30)| ^ku-sa-a-a30 l.:|i24, zi, DTNGTR 5 |
46, 7^^1q-1"-TTUDINGIR 5 r. i 29,
Le-qopu (Ioyal body g)ad 5)i ^|ıa'l_qe- pu 5 ii 44 , MuĞ€zib.Nabü (son of PN 50): ^mu-ğe-zib dPA


.dPA.TüG-MAN_PAB 9 i 24, ['dPA.T]üG MAN_PAB sin.ndşir (kallapu 5): -d3O_PAB-ir 5 ii 28,

I2:3, sin.ğarru-usur (physician l, servant 28): 'd30
Padi (village manager 28, chief carpenıer 28): MAN-PAB 2 t. 1,28 i 12, 156:5, 'd30-MAN-PA[B]
28 i9, 17, 73 r. l,.d3l0 MAN pAB 151 r. i 3,'30-MAN-PAB
(Irom Bit-Ammon 58li I | 12, 4219, l5O ü\8,
DTNGTR 58 i 5, sin-ğar-ahheğu: -30-MAN PAB,MEğ-.ğ,i l49 iii 4,
Palhu-uğazib: .paı hu_ü-ğe-zib 5 r. ii 6' sin-ğar-ilani: 'd30_MAN DıNGIR.MEğ 5 ii 37'
Pafl.bğnıahhğ (augur 1): 'dIGI.DU DÜ_PAB. sin.[...]-ğarru: .30_|İ-x| LUG |'7 2|9,
MEğ1I.i8, Suali: .s,r-a-li-i l5:11, ^L
PAn-[...]: -IGI-[' 5 ii 16, sukkeia (horse tIainel of king's chaıiotıy 18,
Pilanza7'u| ^pı-la-qn-zo-zu 5 i 24, son of PN 27)t ^suk-ka-a-a 18 i 9,27 r. 3, -suk-
Puglıı (physician l'z):^pu-ugJu | |i14'2r.2' [ka7-a-a 27,11,
Ptrlu (horse fiainer of open chaİiotIy 9): ?ıl-r,- Şabu-damqu: .ERIM_SIG5 1l1I. 1,2,
lu9ü15, Şalam-ğarri-iqbi:'şa-Ua]nı_MAN ıq'bi 5 ii15'
Pttit ^pu-ti-i 5'7 1ü 11, -NU-MAN-E 156 r. 3,
Putiğere (Egyptian 5)i -pu-(i-ğ|i-ri 5 l. izo' Şalmü -şal-mu 42i5,
Qalqataiu (AIab emissary 58): [']KUR.4a-ar-44- Şihü (Egyptian scholal l): -şırr-, 1 I. ii l,
la-a-lal 58 r- \35, Şihurru (physician 1,2)| *şi-h -ru 1 ii 15, 'şi-
Qarhdz ^qar - ha-a 3O r . üi 21 , i-hur-ru 2:5,
Qııqı (pIophet 9): -4u-qi-i 9 l. i23, 2'
Şilldia (governor of |..-l3)| 'Şi-la-a-a 3 ij'j]3'
Qurdi-Arbail (physician 7): -qutd.i-arbaJl I Şil-Ağğür (chief l...] 9): 'şi1 aj-jrl9r.
ü7, S'hıılıı:ıı-lz 5 ı. i 6_
(aki|ia| ^ğd-kiı-ia |83 L i,
Qurdi-Ağğiır (prefect ofcrown prince 5, 6, from
the Innel city 1l8): ^qur-d'i aİ-İur6i5'9ii29' ğamağ-ballissu: 'dUTU_TI-.', 118 r. ii 9,
118 ı. ii 7' |^qur|-di aİ-İur 5ı.\37' Ğamaİ.eriba 1haruspex 49):'dLTı -sU 49 ii l4.
Qurdi-Issiır (chief of acco\rrfis 4)i ^qur-di 15 4 SamaĞ-ibni: .dtJTU Dü 2l1I. l6.
r. ii 5, $amas.iddina ırecipienl l t2):'dLTU .As ll2e. l2.
Ra'si (Egyptiaı scholal 1): 'r4-a'-.'i-i l f. ], |3, Samağ-kenu-[...]: "UTL ClN x[,r 90 ii 3,
Raga|...]| ^ra'gd-|İl 39 l 4, samağ-meıu-uballiç (prince):'dGls.Nı l _UG5.

RemannıAdad (chariot driver bodyguard 5, royal G]A TLLA l54 i 5, -GIğ.NU1, UGs.GA_TLLA 157 i
9)', ^röm-a-na_dlM 9 |i 25, ^röm-a-ni_|o 5 i 21' 2. lcrS.NU (uG5).cA- rt.LA l3l:6. 149 iii 3.
Rcmanni-ilıı: ^röm-La-ni_DI]NGlR 5 i 34, samağ-pir'u-uşur (prince): ^dL1 U_NUNUz_PAB
RemannıIssaf (chariot owner 5,9)i ^rğm-a- 157 i 6.
n4_l5 9 İ. i9' |^|röm-a-ni_l5 5 ii 12, ğamağ.ğallim (deputy 5): "U'll' İal-|im 9 r. i
R6muttu (exolcist 1)ı [^rölm-u-tü 1 i' 15' l4,'[dU]TU İ|aı-ı|ın l.'|i |4, 5
Riba-ahhğ: .SU_PAB.MEğ l 1 :4, samağ.ğarru-uşur (chief eunuch of crown
sa'ıru (thiId mao 5)1^|q:[i|-ru 5 i 4o, pri_nce 4):.duru MAN-PAB 4 i 16.
Sagab (eponym 59)i ^luD-g.tb 59 ü2, samağ.uballit: .dL'l U - ıi- ball - I i ! 4 1 |8,
saggil-dırbbib (prelate of Der 58): [-]sag-gll Samağ-I...l: -dsd-mas_|.K 3 r. i 6, "dUTU_İk 5 i
d'u-ub-bi-ib 58 r. i].ı 23' 26, -ou'tu-lx 47i6,
Sakkuku (horse trainer of open chariofy 9): Samulu (son ol PN 27): ^İa-mu'Iu 21i13.
^sa-ku-ku 9 | 74, sarrat-samme-ila'i:'GAğA\ -.san-ınP DI\[cIR-
salamenu (cohort commander of queen moüer a-a\ 28 ı 6, -6AğAN_.'4-ıI e DING|R-a-a 64 i lo,
5)|' 5 l],30, mcASA\ .ra-me-DrNlctRl-a-a 64 t. ii 3.
Salti-il: .ral-@I-TFDINGIR 30 ii 1, Sarru-emuranıi 1third man ol crown prince 6 ):
sĞ'.ma'adi: -se-?' ma)a-di 42''7. mVAN lG l].LAL-4ri-ııj 57 i ll.'\4AN_lGI.l AL-a-ri
s€'-qam (royal bodyEıard 5)'. ^se-Ie'_qa-m|u 5 6ii8.
|22, şarru-ken (king): .LUCAL cl..,rA l70:J,
Se'-rahi (govemor of Kar-Adad 161)i ^se-e' Sarru-kettu-irem (eunuch 32): 'LUGAL-zF Ac
ra-hi-i 16| ı. j'9' 32 İ. ii 5.
silim-Ağğür (vizieı 30): -si-lim_ağ-ğur 3o r. i\ ğarr,r-ıo-da"i (chariot dliver 5, son of PN 30):
22, tii,5, ^MAN lu dd-ri5t.13,29 i 13,30r. iii 10, 148
silim-ılı (ditto of clowo prince 5): ^si-Iim ii 12, 153 i 7.
DINGIR 5 i 49, sarru-liı-[...]: 'MAN_/[Il İ 43:3,
Silim-taqumu (chief of equipment 4): -SILIM- Sarru-ıürı (chariot o\,!ner 5. governor of
dta-qu-mu 4 r. ü2, Tuğhan 3, 136)'. .1-\]6* ,r''i 5 I. i 40, 11:6,
10 ii 4, 30 iii 4, .LUCAL ZALAG J ii I..LUIGAL_7AI AC I36 T. i6.
silim-[...]: 'si-lim'|ı
sime-ilö (depury 28): -Jınıe_DINGIR'a' 28 i l6, sarru-ğu mı!-ka''in: mMA\ VU x|x 30 iii 5.
sin.ahhğ-riba (king 3,4): 'd30 PAB.MBğ_SU 3 i Sarru.[...]:.LUGAL [İ 17 ii 4'
6, B0 PAB.MEğ_SU 4 i 8, sar.Issar:.ıM 15 l15 ii 22. r. ii l9,
Sin.balassu-iqbi (lamentation priest 1): -30-TI- Saği (chief of replacements 4)| 'iZ-Ji-l 4 r. ii 3.
sr-Elr.i3, SaJa-mağ6 (cohort commander 5. prelect 5. of
sin.b€l.ğumeti (of Left House 5, 6): L']'30_EN_ the estate of the chief eğ 30)| ^ğE-la_ma|fl'e
MU.MEğ 6 i 11, [.]30 EN MU.MES 5 ii 6, 5 i 39' 1-16-11o maİ-e 5 'ch
ii7, ^İ6'la_ma'İe-e 30
sin-daı: .d30-[KALAcl-an 757 j,8, t. iii 24,
Sin-iqbi: .30-E 156 r. 4, Sa-Nab0-izzaz: 'jl_dPA Gı B-4z 162l.4'

ğa-Nabü-ğü (eponym 93): -.ğl_dP 65 i2, U.GUR 5 i 48,

93.r. J..ljl_dPA_jı-, J3 i l0."jr| .P^- İu-ıj4i5.
^_İtl-u Ubru-sebetti (meIchant 9): -SUHUğ d7.BI 32 r,
şep-Adad (ıhird man 5): [,]GiR.2_ı0 5 ii l3. ii 13, -suH[u]S-d7.Br 9 r. i 5,
Şcp-Ağğnr: "GiR.l2 -4fl-.ğ,iİ 9 ii 30. Ubru-sinl .SUHUğ d305 \i 35' l5'7 i3'
sĞp-lssar (cook 5): .GiR.2 _ı5 l57 r. ii 4. "ClR..2_ Ubru.[...]: .suHlus-q'] 49 t. ü2I,
r[5"5 r. i 5, Ubur-ia[...]: ^u-bur ia-ıe 15l.6,
.GiR.2_[r 5 i 16, -Gi[R.2_' 5 ii 18, Udinit ^I1-di-ni 112 t.3,
sğrü'a.etirat (princess): M(-dlğe^r -u-a KAP'-at Ulflaiu: .ITLKIN-a-a 42:3,
rs! i2, Upaqa.[...]: ^ü-pa-qa Ix 5l. i 4,
şcr.nuri (chaliot owüet 9)i ^dİör Z^LAG 9 i 22, Urad-Adad: -ARAD ro 6 ii 2,
Mİ.ği -ti-tab- ni 24:|8,
şiti_tabni: Urad-ahh€ğu (rhird man 9): -ARAD PAB.MEğ_.i.i
Şulmanu-ağarcd: -dDl-ma-nu MAğ 42i2- 9r.i 10.
sulmu.b€li (deputy 9, king's pelsonal guaId 5): Urad-Ea (lamentation est 5): .ARArFdğ,A 5
^Dr,-mu BN 5 r. i 32, 9 t, i 2'7, i 51,
Sulmu.bEli-lamur (of the to\rn of the crown Urad-Isser (scıibe 32, third man 40): -]ARAD_
pri;ıce 161): *D|-hu BN_ıa-nur 161ij,2l, d15 27 r. 1'.ARAD_dı5 32I. ii l0,.ARAD 15 40:4,
sulmu-bElılağme (cook 5, 8, 9): .DI-nı, EN Urad-Nabü (cohorl commander ofcrown prince
la- ılİ-me 5 ii 36 |'"DI-mu_BN]-Ia- ağ-me 8:3 |^D|- 5): .ARlADl-dPA 5 r. ii 7,
' 9 İ. 1 30. '
m|u-EN la-dğ-ıhe Urad-Nanaia (royal bodyguard 5): .ARAD-drd-
sulmu-ğarri (royal bodyguard 47. eunuch of fna-a 169:3, ^AF.^D-dnla-na-a 27:10, [.]ARAD
Cu'sh 47): .Dı-ırı, MAN 47 ii 3,5. l1. dna-na-a 5 ü9,
şulmu-[...l: -Dl-mu_Lx I56i6. ^Dl-n|u_x l4i6' Urdu (aIchitect 13)i -ur- du |3:6,
32 İ. |i 12 '7
summa-ilu (cohort commander 73l: ^İum-ma_ ı. 13,
DINCIR 73:5. Uğebiğuna (commandel-of-fifty 137)| -ı'}-[İle-
ğumma-Nabi: ^ğum-ma dPA 156i4, bi-ğu-na 73'7:4'
Summa-ussczib (horse trainer of open charioffy Zabbenu (of Harran 32)i ^zab-ba-a-nu 32 i7,
g):"^İıim-ma ü^se'zib 9 ij,16' zabüo|'| -za-bı-|nul |7 ij' 7
Suröi (soı ofPN 1l8): -.i,,r-.iıi l18 r. ii 15, zekiru (lamentation pflesl'' *za-kİ-ru l l. i,z,
Tabaleiu (royal bodyguard 6, 9): -ta-bal-a-a 6 zarüti (cohofi commander 30): .NUMUN-r-re 64
ii,9,9 i\'7 , -ta-bal-la-a 9 ü33, r. ii 16, ,NUMUN- -ri30İ.i|]'27'
Tabni (scribe 50): 50 iii 5. .ıaö-ıii zcrıı-ibni: -NUMUN_Dü 57 i'7 '
Taklak.ana.BEl (eponym 34): ^tdk-lldk ana Zizi (diyiıel 1, gate-guald 5)| -zi-zi'i l ii 3,
ENI 34:2, -zi-zli-i5r.i3,
Tarhundapi (prefect 5, 9)i ^tar- hu-un-da-pi-i Zuarz.l,lafza (cohoIt commaıder 10): |^z|u-ar-
5 ii
38, ^tü-ha-un-dd-pli-il || I. z, |*t|atfhlu- zu-ar-za 7o ı 6,
un-da pi-i 9 i,19, broken or uncertain: dr-suM-MU 150 ii 9,
Tcr.ila,i (Arab 58): [.]dre-el-DrNGrR-a-[a] 58 r. ui.|x l82 t. 3, M[i.x 26|l, *a-ta-Ix 80i3, ^arclİ 30
ü26, iii 2, -ba-x|x 58 r. iii 5, -da-|ı 58 iıı 9, |39:2'
Tuqünu-ereğ: .r,l-4u-nu_KA]!l-e|İ| 6 |i 6, -d[a-x 5 i 15 32 j,2 ^d,. l72|l0, ^d|İ 5 j' 30
Turl: .rr-i.ıi l89 r. 14, 19l ı.9' |92r. 15'2|o 3|' ii |7, 42,'^da-x[x
6 i' 1, ı. i l, ii 4, 7 l. i 2,3,2'7 l. |o'
' '
l-1'8, ^tu-rli-ı| 795 l. 2' 30 iii 1l, 32 i 1, 50 ii 10, 1|2:3, ^dı|ı 3 r. i |' 43:
Tuti (village managel4, l6l): ^tlı-ti-ı 4 t. ii 1l, 8,136t. i2, [^dx1 a-lik pa-ni 12:6,1-a, 4o,-^r-
16l t. i22, iq 5 t. i 10, ^ldr xh. BE 49 r. iii 4, [-dr] LUGAL
Tab.ğe.-Nabi (chaIiot dliveI 6): .DüG IM_dPA PAB 15:14' [-dİ_MA]N PAB 7 I. ii 6, [-d']_MAN_
6 i'7, pAB 7 r. ii 8, 9 i 4, t0 i 8, -dr Mlu [r 50 iii l,
Teb-ğer-sin (eponym 1l8): .DüG_IM_30 l l8 I. .d[']_MU_GIğ 50 I. iii 2, -d']_PAB.MBs--cI 29 i 2,
i,1,9, -drl-su 130:8, [-dr] su 9 i 5, -dDUMU.r[r 43:7,
Teb-ğer"[...]: -DüG.GA_I[M_' 43 I. l, ^Igla-divc 11'|3 ^ha- am-Ixb.- su 5 Ii 23 , .İn-)cLx 17
Tab.[...]: .DüG.GA |x x |6 ii7, 9,'lam-fx -Ia-ar-ı-|ılx[ı 27:5 ^Iip-[ı
157' i
İ. |i z, ^na-x|J. 157 i 15, .şıı['
i1' |7
' '
Uarbis (potto |4): ^u-a-d[r-bi-isl 1'4 ı- 6, 14 İ. 4, -na-İ 5'7
Uazaru (bodyguard of queen mother 9): .l-a- 3o t. ii26, 'sı-ı[ı 50 iii 15, -ş'r-k 5 ii 19'.za-Ij.
za-r 9 t, i22, 6 i 2, ^Ixl,c 5 ü 24, f*xlx 1l:1, .r]r.MES 172:6,
Ubanğa-na'dat (reading uncelt.): -ğU.sI-.{l I In(x)r. ila-ta-a' 8|2, ^xhc ta-Kr-ni 42tl0, ^lxht
I 18 r. ii 16, AD-u-a 5 l. i 25, [-']' MU_GIN-in 5 ı. i28'-xl-a-
Ubbuku (cohoft commandeı ofcrown prince 5): na 33 i,9, [^xl-a-a 13:8,1^r-6"1o-o-o U l, 12, 7-r1-
^ub-bu-ku 5 ı. ii, 12, bi-i9 i6, ^ıl-bu-nu 29 i |3' |-ı-b]u-u' 1 i 12'
ubite| Mi.ü- bi -ı-t[e 141 I. 72, ^x-qıir-ği-i 1 ı. i 12' [^x-k]u-su 13:9' -x-lu-xlx
Ubru-Adad: .SUHUğ-dIM 73 I. 6, 8014, l^xl-ma-nu 9 t i29, I^xl-na-a-a 7 i 13,
Ubru.ahhc (cohofi commander 5): .[sU]HUğ_ |'ı-rfu-su 5 r. i 30, ^x-ılx-ra-du 29 i l|' ^x-ıl-a
PAB.MEğ 5 ii 27, 29 l 9, I,,.-j.l ağ- ğur 7 l. ii 5, ^x-).l se-e' 29 i 3'
Ubru-Issar (augü 1, man of the hoüse of the [.']-İ_DINGIR 9 ı. i 16, ^xf_İe-zib-an-ni 42:17,
plefects 5): .sUHUğ_d15 l I. i 10, [-SU]HUğ-15 5 ii 8, 'AD [l80:1, ,BARAGI ZALAG-a 118I. ii 18,.Dü_
Ubru.Nabff: osUHUğ dPA 44:2, x|İ 5 i 33, ^KAD-|x 43:2' .KAR-' 17 ii 1, .TAR-'[.ü
Ubru-Nergal (coholt commander 5): -SUHUğ l2O t. i 6,


Place Names

Adian (or Adi-il, town in central Assyda): uRU. a-a-te 24 r. 4,

EN-d/, i 8, URU.E[N]-aıı 115 i 20,
1 15 Dur-Issar (ıown in Assyria): LRı .8AD l5 l6lill,
Aggenu: 30 t. ü 25, Diır-ğarrııkcn (cjty in Assyria. now K}ıorsabad.r:
Ahaabama[...] (reading uncert.): UR.U.AH-da- URU.BLAD_MAN-GINI 45 İ. 5, URU.BAD-MAN_
at-sa-ma-x 30 r. |i22, GlrNl 57 iii 10, URU.BIAD--MANI-GIN 57 iii 1,
Akkad (ci|y in Babyloniaü: uRL.ak-kad 60 i 2. Elamtu (Elam): KUR.NIM.MA.KIII 60 ii 17, KUR.
Alihu: URU.a-li-lı' 115 i l0. ii 13, N'M.MA.Kr 60 i 9, KlUR.NIM.MA.KI60 i 3, KUR.MM.
Alu ğa mer ğarri "Town of üe Cıown Pıince": Kl62 f. ilj, 5 2oo İ.8, NIM.MA 78:6, NIM.MA-a-a 5
uRU.iJ-A MAN 161 ii 22, r. i I l, 149 iii' 10, NIM.[MA-4-a] 152 r. i 1, NIMI.MA-
Amidi (capital of Bit-Zamani, mod. Diyaıbakir): a-a 126 12,
uıul.a-me-du LL6 l. 3, uru.a-mı-d' 136 İ. i 8, Gannaniti (town on Diyala, E ofJebel Hamrin):
Mlan'daf-ı-ti 24 f.3. URU.Ra-Lnlo-na-ti 58 t. l129.
^nd^İiai (city in Philistia, Bibl. Ekron): ar- Gargamis (Carchemish, mod, Kargamis/Jarab-
qarlru-nla-a-a 58 i 3. lıs): gar-ga-mis 208 ı' 3,209 r.2,2Io ı.5' 21'6 r.
Arbag . 35 i 4, 5,218'.4, sar-gla-misl 211 r. 3. lgar-ga-misl 2O7
Arbail (Arbela, mod. Erbil): arra-ii 58 r. iii 18, r. 2, uau.iar-ga-mis I l6:4. r. 8. I 36 r. i 3.
l53 ı. ii 5, Ur.U.afba-İı 3 i'7 ' 4 ]' 9' 150 iii 14, Gimir (Bibl. GomeI, Cimmerians): KuR.gı-mir-
Ur.U.arbt]-İı l51 r. i 15, U[R]U.arEa-,'[, 58 iii 6, a-a 120 ii,8,
uRU.alr-b@-lll 58 r. ii 18, Gubla (class. Byblos, mod. Iııbayil): gu-ubJi
Arpadda (city N of Aleppo): dr-pad-d|a'a-aıel 108 r. ii 4,
24',12 URU .ar-pad-da 176|.3 ı . '7 ' Gurru (Aram. tribe)'. gur-ri ll5 ü 18, gufr-rli 5
Arqa ' (town
in Phoenicia): ' alr-qla-a-a 58 ü 6, i\ 20, Kuk.qu-ra-a-a llz 1.2,
Ariapha (city in Assy.ia, now Kerkuk): arrdp- Habrüri (pIeviously rcad- Kirrrıli' mod. Herir
ha 23 r. 6, URL).artap-ha 51 i9, plain NE ol Erbil.): uR..hab-ru-ri 32 t. ii 9.
' Ha|lat (Aram. tribe)'. haı-n-a-o 5 ii 38. h|al-ıa-
Arubu (Arabja): ar-ba-a-a 58 t. ü 5- a-ti-bi 58
t. ,.i 28, [K]uk.a-ru-bz 58 r. ii 36, a-a] ll ı' 3, ıt.hal-ta-a-a 9l. |i2,
Arumu (Aram): rr-ma-a-a-ftel 24iI, ar-mİ'i "tıi' Hamüna; URU.l,@-mu-na 3o r. iii 28'
l45 \ 8' llıi.dr-ma-a-a'te z4|2I, Harrenu (Caffhae, mod. Haran): KASKAL.IKI-
Arzrzrj alr-zi-za-a-a 58 t. 1\ 13, Kur..Ar -zli -zu\ a-a| l51 ı' i l6, URU.KASKAL 33 i 8' 15I r. ı 6'7 '
34i9, 153 ı. ii 1, URU.KASKAL-a-a 153 I. ii 6, URU.
Arzühina (city s of Lowel Zab, mod. Gok KASKAL.A 32 i 7,
T epe'|)i ur 23 ı. 4 , ısF.u .dr-zu-hi'na 13o|.6 Hatarikka (city near Damascus, Bibl. Hadrach):
' uRU.ho'-ta-rak-ka 1l6:9, ı. 10,
uRu.ur-zu-hi-na 136 I 6,
AŞdüdu (Bibl. Ashdod' mod. Esdud):[ı- Hatti (UppeI Syİia)'. ha-at-t4-a'a-te 24il5, Mi.
di-tiıJ 24|14, hat-ta-a-a-te 24i2z' Mi.haı'ta-d.(a)-te 143 I. ii l0,
Ağğür see ma, A.ğğ'r. Haurina (tow[ in Haran district): u[RU].r4-4-
AĞĞürİiu "Assyrian'''' aİ-İw-a-a 62 i 14, |66 e. ur ı-n|4| 734'.3 , uRul.ha-ıh-ri-na 33 i 4 ' uxu .ha- ü-
14, 208 ı. 2, 276 ı. 4,218:3' oİ-İur-a-a| 27'7 İ. 2, ri-na 32 i 6, uRu.ha-u-ri-na 32 i 4,
4ğ'ğW-|a-a 48l.5, |aİ-ğura-al zo7 l. 1, aİ- ğur-a-a- Hindanu (city on the Euphrates): KUR.&ıi'?-dar?
te 24i3, ağ-ğul-i-ti l45 i 7 49 ı. iii 16. KuR.hi-in-dan] 4 i |4' UF.u.hi-in-dan
Babili (Babylon): DUMU-K;..DINGrR.KI 142:9, 136 r. i 5,
KA.DTNGTR.RA 50 ii 8, K;..DINGIR.RA.KI 157 r.111, Hubuğkia (counfy N of MuŞaşir): hu'bu-u[s-
KA.DINGIR.R]A.KI 59 i 3, KA.DIN]GıR.RA.KI 57 i l2, ka-a-al58lli2l,
URU.KA.DINLGIR.KT] 34:5, IJııhımııı hu-h|al-ma-a-a 9 ii 19 '
BalaF (town in N. Assyıia): uıu.Öa-la1 161 i 20, Hulbütru (Bibl. Mt. Helbon): KUR.hul-bu-nu
Barhalzi (province of Assyria W of Nineveh): 184:2,
KuR.bdr-hal-'a 4 \ 11' Ku(-baLr7-ha-|z1ı 1'30|2' Iaman (Ionia): K]UR.i a-maıı- a-a 48|.6,
uku-bar-hdl-za 3 i 13, Iasübu (tribe to E of Babylonia): ia-su-b|a-a-al
Bet-Abi-ila'i: E-AD DINGIR-@-a 37:3, 58 ı. iii 3'
Bet-Adad-la'i: uRU.h-^to zu 23i7 , Itu,u (AIam. tİibe)'. i-tu)u 5 i 30, ii 1l,
BĞt-Ammen (Laıd Ammon' E of R. Joıdaı): 6 Izalla (class. Izala mons, part of Tw Abdin):
(/m-man-a-a 58 i 6, KuR.E-am-man-a-a 58 e. t 10, KUk.ı-zIalJLl 63 iii 2, KuR.İ-zal-li l84:l, 185:l,
Bat-naialani: E-na-a-a-lla-nil 127 i' I, 186:1,
Birati (city on the Eupfual'es)| bi-rara-o' 58 l , iiız| Kahat (towo on Habrır, now Tell Bafi): URU.ta-
Birtu (town in Habhu): URU.HAL.[ŞU 9 ii 28, ' hat 23.10,
Bit-Ibaia (locality in Babylonia): b-'i- bla-al Kalhu (Calah' mod. Nimıud): kal-ha'l9 ı. 5'
5l ii 3, kal-ha-a-a 153 r. ii 5, uı.u.kd.l-ha '79:3, 115 \ 6,
Bıt- see re-r-, |3o|4, URU.kaı-ha 13ı l. 2, ulF.u.kal'hal-a-a 15I
DĞru (Deı, city in Babylonia, now Tell AqaI): I. ]' 74. uRu.kaı-hli 46|2'
de-e-ri 58 r. üi 24, BiD.DINGIR.KI 126 e. 19, Kapar alani: URU.ğE URU.MEğ 30 r. iii 26,
Dimaİqa (Damascus): uıu.di-maİ-qa 57 i 10' Kapar Hanö "ViIlage of Harıe" I uF.u.ğE_hd-ııö-
116 r. 6, e 30 r. ii 2l, URU.ğB_ha-|x 28 ı2,
Dü'ru (Bibl. DoI, city in Phoeı\cia): l,i.du-ra- Kapar Saqame!u "Village ofSaqamanu": uRU.


Sn_sa-qa-ma-nu 30 ı. ii,i 9, Pimı see Upımu'

Kapar Şil-[...] "Village of sil-[...]": URU.SE_ Qaninu: -u-nu 3'7'.5,
^Siı-v 28 i3' Qappat (town in the plovince ofNaşibina): URU.
Kapar x: unu.öı 4ı-[r 28 i 1, URU.ğE-'[İ g ii g. qa-pa-|ıo-a-a| 45l.2.
Kıpri- see Kapar, Qarnitra (Bibl. Kamaim, now Sheikh Sacd):
Kar-Adad (city in Media): URU.KAR ro 161 r. i 10, uRU,qar-ni-na 136 tt 4,
Kğr.Ağğür (city E of Tigds' on the bordeI of Que (Cilicianplain, Blbl.Coa)i qu-e 118 t. ü21,
EI^m\ kor_ağ-ğul 23 r.7, uktJ.qu)e-e 116:5, r. 9,
Kağğeiu "Kassite'': Mi|. lı1İ' İ ıi -|a -a - tel 24 ı6' uI. Raşappa (Bibl. Rezeph, class. Risafe, mod.
k6İ-İıi-|a-a-tef 24 e. 26, Rişaİa?): ra-şap-p|a] 23 ı.2' ra-şa-pa 47 ıi l0,
Kilizi (city in cenftal Assyria, now Qasr Shama- KuR.fd-şap-pa 4 i 1o, uru.ra-şap-pa 47 i 6' 7'7|4'
mok): URU.Dü-zü ll5 il9, URU.rL-şa-pa 3 | 11,
KuIimmeri (ciüy in subria. Byzant. Khlomafon): Sallat (city in N Babytonia, near Sippar): KUR.
rJRu.kul-me-ra 3 i 9, URu.kurJ-m|e|-ri |8 İ. ii2, sa-ıdt 154l. il77,
Kullania (provincial capital in NW Syria, Bib- Sam'alla (provincial capital in sE Turkey, ıow
lical Calneh): URU.trı-ni-a 1|6 İ. 13, UR]U.kul- ııi-d Zeıciiıli): uı |36 l. i l0, URU.[J]a-am-
1,76i2, al-la 116:ll,
Kumme (city N of Assyria): Kur,ku-um-mu 3l sğmirina (samaria) :' uı|a| l 16:.l,
i7, Si'imm6 (Assyıian plovincial capital): URU.Ji_
Kummuhi (class. Commagene).. KuR.ku-muh-a 'i-me-e28t. iii 11, 136 ii 8,
47 i3, sun6: URU.Jır-nıe 23:1 l,
Küsu (Cush, Nubia)i ku-sa-a 47 i 2' ku-sa-a-a- sid.ınu (sidon): URu.Şi-du-na-a-a 9 L ii 9, URU.
tle 24i2, KuR.ku-sa-a-a 47 1 4, ş]i-du-na-a-a 9 r. ii 6,
LahiIu (provincial capiıal belween Lowe. z\b Şimirra (city in Phoenicia, clasŞ. simyla): ş]ı
aıd Diyala): la-hi-ri 4'l i ll. la-hi-ru 23 r. 8, mir-a-a 58 ii 9, Uı.u.Şi'mir-rL 116 r. 12'
unu .lla-lhli-ri 35 i 5 , mıf-Irla l16i8'
Libbi e[ ("Inner City," an appellative ofAssur): Şüpat (city in the Beqaa valley, Bibl. zobah):
URU.ğA URU75L19, ll5i18, l97I. 12, U]RU.ğAı-tü l16:10, ı. 1l,
URU 6 ii 13, URU.ğA_URU-a-d l53 I. ii 3, ğA_URU- surru (TyIe, now Şıı): ui.şur-ra-[a-a-te] 24..5,
a-a |5o iii 12, ğA_URU]-a-d l5l I. i 12, ğA.URU- 23 o uıuf .şur-ra-a-a 40:6, URU.şılr-ri 128:6,
.1.(a) ll8 t.li7, Sadikatrni (city on the Habur, now Tell Ajajah):
Ma'ab (Moab): Lü.ma:a-ba-a-a 57 iii 4, di-Sa-nia-a 9 r. i24,
Magidü ( Megiddo): l l6..6, Sibaniba (provincial capital in NE Assyia, now
Manşudti (provincial capiıal in N syria): URU. Teu Billa): UP.u.ğı-ba-ni-ba 23i6'
man-nu-şu-u-a-te 116:'7' şiddi.t...|: URU.jid-dı .İ|.r 60 r. i 5.
Mağkala: URU.rra.ğ- kaJa-a-a |3l e.9, Sudu (ciry in Habur region): 23i8,
Mat Akkadı (Babylonia): KUR_URI.KI 212 r. l3, Tabal (Anaıolian land. SE pan ofClassical Cap-
Mat Ağğür (Assyria): KUR.AS l49 r. ii 4, 7' 8, l0, padoaia)i ta-bal-a-a 58 ii 11, 28,
Mazamua (pıovince of Assyria, mod. Sulaima- Tidu (city in Habul rcgioı)| Uku-te-e'-di 23:.9,
fliya)i ma-za-mu-a 23 r. 5, KUR lza-mlu-a 112..7, Tilüıi (city in Commagarrc): UF.U.ti-lu-fıi |0 ii 2,
uku.KUR-za- mu- u 136 h 7, Til-Adad (ıeading uncert.): UR]U.BE U l53 I. ii 7,
Musku (Bibl, Mishech, Phrygia): zıı-zs-ti Til.rahawa: URU.Du-ra-ha-ı-a 30 I. iii 6,
12614, Tuğhaı (pIovincial capital S of Diyaıbakir):
Musru (Egypt): |m|u-Şut-a-a l ı. ii 7 , ro,mlu- uRU.tup-h.r-an 23:12' Ur.U,tuİ-ha-an 136 ı. i 6,
şur-a-a 5 t. i2o, URU.tu|ğ - h4- an 1 16 l. 2, uF.U.ıIuğ- ha- dnl 3 ii |,
NaŞibina (class. Nisibin/s, mod. Nuşaybin): Tuaiabi: URU.,, -a - a -bi 3o ı. iii 3 ,
uP' 23i5, 115 i9, Upİ (city in Babylonia, class. opis):ı-i
Ninua (Nineveh): ni -nu-a 23'.2, l53 İ, ii 4 NIN
Kt23t3,30 12,132i4,148 i'7 ,15O ü i 13, NINA.[Kr] ^. Uptmu (capital of ğubria, Byzant. Aphumon,
39 i, 3 , URU -ni-na-la 41i9 , uRtJ .ni-nu-a ll5 i 2, r . i mod. Fum): KUR.P,r-ü-me |8 t. iiI,uıu,pu-mu 3 i8'
4, ukul,ni-nu-u-Ia 142:2, URU.NTNA 4 i 7,28 i 15, Urartu (Bibl. Aıarat, Armenia): KUR].URI 165 i
75 I.26, URU.NINA.0.MEğ 149 iii 8, URU.NINA].KI 5, KUR.UR[r l2'7 tl2, KUF..uF.r-a 73 s. 1, KU]R.uRr.
151 r. i 13, URU.NTNA -Kr 3 i 4, 5, MES 59 i 10, uRr-ri 129:5,
Nippur (Babylonian city. mod. Nuffar): EN. broken: IDJ[, 1o5:1z, KUB..kaı-x |52 ı. ii 6,
[[L]lfL.llKllr-a-449 iii 5, E\.LL.Kt-a-a49 ii t7, i
KUR.[, 172:11, KUR.[[' 4 lZ, Ili.sAH-Ix. 24.25,
Parsua (country in Media): par-su-a 134:4, URU..'ıı@-k 28 ii 1, URU., l16 I. l, URU.I, 30 iii
KuP..par-su-a 128i3, 12, 132 ü 3, 136 r. i 1, uRu.[k]l 4 i 13, uRlu.r 3l
Pillat (region on Elam/Babylonia bordels): Lü. ii 4,57 iii 14, u[RU.r 30 r. 1, 3,58 iii 7, r. i 19,87
KUR.pil-la-ta-a-lal60 t. i 6, ı. ii 1' l72 r.2, URU.:. l15 i 3,


God, Star and Temple Names

Anuınakki (designation of the infemal gods): Mar'at ğefi (a deity, lit. "daughter of the
d6oo 53:3, wind''): DUMU.Mİ_IM 81:5,
Ağğtrr (oational god of Asşyia): ağ-ğur 189 r. Marduk (god of Babylon): dAMAR.uru 62 ii 16,
|2' l91 ı. 8,2oo ı. 4,201 l.4,212 İ. 8' dağ-ğur 62 Mullisşu (consoIt of AğğuI): dNIN.LiL 62 iv 9' l84
i 6, 158:5, l9o l. 6, l92 r. 9, 196 r. ll' 2o2 ı. 6' r. l, 185 e. 6, 186 e. 6, 208 ı.13,2o9 t. l2'2lo ı.
2o6 r. 4,2|0 ı. 1' 215|8' 2|6 e. 79, daİ-İurl 199 r. 14,zl5l. 12, dNIN.L[iL 207 I. 12' dND.ı.[LiL] 158:6,
'7' 2o9:18' 2|1 l. 11,' d|aİ-İurl 2o7:l7'E aİ-İur l83:5, dNıN.LiL 218I.7, dN[IN.Li]L 2l6 I. 14,
48:4,211:4, 11, Nabü (Nebo, son ofMaıduk): dıı 81r.6, 175:4,
Bel ("Lord," an appellative of Marduk): dlEN I, dlp1.'l t'7 5122,
13, t.
175:10, dEN 152 r. \i 4,I'15:19, r.'7, 189 r. 13, dENl Nanaia (goddesş oİ |o!e)i dna-|nal-a 60 i\ 9'
175:1, [dE]N 196 r. 13, dn@-(na)-a-a 1'71i5,
Bctet Akkad ("Lady of Akkad." Iğıar of Akkad): Nergat (lord ofhell, god ofdestructive force and
dcAsA\ URU.aİ-lad 60 i 6, ii 7, dGAsA\_URU.a[t- animal instincts): du.crJR 53..'7 , l'71t7 ,
klad 60 r. i 12, dcASAN [uRu.4l-kad\60 | 12, Nikkal (consort of Sin): dNIN,GAL 32 i 9,
Bclet bala$ ("Lady ofLlfe'), d'lbeJet rr62|1'7, Ninurta see //rr,rra,
Dagğn (Canaanite god):6 d'q-ga|n 212:3' b'dda- Palil (Mesopotamiaı war god): dIGI.DU 60I. i 8,
gan 209tz,2l't3, 211t3, El dda-ga[n] 211 r. 13, Pdrisat pala (goddess woıshipped in the IğtaI
Dilibat (Venus): rdili-bat \'7 1:6, temple of Nineveh): drAR-BAL-e 62 r. i 11,
B€t €qi (a temple oflğtaİ\ E e-qi 62 ii7 Qurbu"neĞmiöa: d4ur-bu ni-iğ-mu-ğö 62 r- i 5'
'E|_e-qi Sagmegar (Jupiter, reading uncert.): SAG.ME.
Eğarra (main shrine of AğğuI): 6.S;.[R.RA] GAR 49 r. i 3,
53:10, Sebetti (PIeiades): d7 .Bt 129i9,
Gilgem€ğ (sumerian helo): dcls.GiN.MAs 49 i 8, Sikutu see risiti rr,
Gula (goddess oİ hed,ing): gu-flal
171':4 sala (consorı ofAdad): dj[a-ta] l7l:2.
dMA]ğ 171:4, Sarrat samme (a goddess): dcASAN-sa-me I75
Inurta (Ninulta, god of victory):
dMAğ 62 iii 13, dM[As] 53:8, E_dMAs 178:3, I. l0, dcAsAN-.'a-lr|el 175 t.3, dGAğAN] Ja-fuıe
Issar (IğtaI, goddess of love, beaury and wal): 175:'1- 16-
6-15 115 r. ii 4, ğcri'a (morning sıar. daughter of Ağğur): "J?-/r.-
IssEr Bct Kidmüri (Iİtar woıshipped in Calah): ü-d ll7 I.6'
o15_E_kid-mu-rı 62 ii z' Sukurgallu üa deiıy worshipped in Assur): djr-
Iğtar see fuJar, kua-g|al-ıul 17 |i'7 .
Iğum (god of war and fircli dı-ğum 17l'.1 . Sulpaea 1a name ofJupirer): osUL.PJA.ğ.A|49 r.
L5ş (consorı o[ Nergal): dla-aŞ l7li'7. i3,
Lisikutu (a deity)i dfsi-kı-te l75|l4, 6si-ki-te TağmĞtu (consort of Nabo): dLIAL] 81 r. 6,
1'75:.5,l.9, ds|i-ki'ıef |75 I. 1' broken: d' 62 T. 11i 6, d|ı 62 \ii 4' iv 15, 158:7,
Mar biti (god of Eğ[unna equated with Nabt): 17|:1' l'16 r. 7, d[ı] 50 r. i 3, dNbr.[' 62 l. i |4'
dDUMU 6 60 ii 15, dNltrI..ı 63 I. i 4' İi d|ı] |64:4'


Subject Index
ablution 193 209 210 211 212 214 aİtachment'72
absolution 81 audience 45 60
accountant 5 audience-gift 64
accounts 4 118 audience-gifts 61 69
Adar 5l augurs I
adjutaDt 5 6 9 auspicious 50
adjutantş 1l2 Babylon 50 57 59 157
adminisffative 161 Babylonian 34
agate 79 81 84 85 86 ll8 126 Babylonianş l42
Akkad 60 212 backgıound 112
Atkadian 59 bag Z0'7 208 209 210 215 216 Zl7 218
alabaster 83 bags ll9 182 189 192 196 199 ZOO 2O2204
alloy 60 207 ZO8 209 210 21r 2rZ 2r4 215 216 21',7
almond 62 81 156 baker 24
almonds 178 bakers 26
İmount 118 164 baltu-stone 118
amphora 159 band 65 66 67 70 7Z
amphoıas 87 l74 banquets 112
arnulet 85 87 barbeı 24
amulets 82 barley Z'1 32 37 38 39 119
amumu-beer 183 184 185 186 192 195 199 ZO9 baıs 85
zto 211 212 214 base 62 63 64 88 l1'7 126 lZ9
angry 56 başe-board 89
anomaly 52 başins 75 88
aIıtimony 86 basket 60 130 159 189 192 195 196 199 2OO 202
aıti-witchclaft 50 204 20'.7 208 209 210 2rl 212 214 215 216 217 2r8
apotropaion 52 basketload 189 196
appointments 31 32 baskets 132 145 159 161 162168
apprcntice l4l basket-dealer 115
Aıab 58 bath 63
Arabs 58 bathroom 88 120
Aıamean 24145 beads 81
Arbela 3 4 58 150 151 153 beakeı 62
archers 76115 bearers 30
architect 19 beasts 79
architects 13 bed 9'7 109 l1'7
aımband 81 85 beds 82115
armour 89 bedspread 96 97 117
arms 89 bedspreads 95 96 105 110
aım-ring 73 beer 26 l3'7 138 139 142 149 156 161 162166
arrows 126 167 169 r70 r7Z 1'74 176183 184 185 186 189
afüflcial 726 191 192 1,96 t99 200 201 ZO5 206 207 208 209
asallu-vessels 87 88 zto 211 212 214 215 216 21',7
Aşhdod 24 beetlike 83 84 118
assigned 4 bellies 189 202 217
associate 58 bindings 86
associates 58 bird 64 82 130 l3l 168
Assuı 150 151 birds 130 131 156
Assuıites l53 bittersweet 183 184 185 186 189 191 192196199
Assytiar 24 48 62 145 149 2O7 208 216 217 218 200 zo1 205 206 207 208 209 21,O Ztt 2tZ 214
Assyıians l66 215 216 217
aŞtrologels l black 66 95 98 107 109 I l0 l1l 119 120 lz'l
ate 157 blade 77


blades '77 capacity 87 88

blankets 96 97 105 115 117 168 capiral 4'7 78
block 60 caps 9'7
blocks 85 Caıchemish 116 136 207 zo8 209 2lo 215 2|6
blo,ın 8l 21',7 218
boatmen 5 caınelian 81 83 84 86 118 129
boats ı 15 carpenters 20 28
bodygüaİd 5 67 9lo 47 l18 149 l54 caryatid 64
bodyguards 21150 152 caryatids 64
boiled 168 case 4'7 89
bolts 78 cauldron 62 88
borrowed 60 cauldrons 87
bouillon 188 189 190 191 192194196198 199 cavalry 30 149 150 157
200 201 206 207 208 ZO9 210 211 21,2 213 21.4 cavalıymen 30
216 cedar 146
boıv 126 cella 75
bowl 26 59 60 62 8I 17 4 17 6 207 208 2O9 215 censers 88
216 217 218 central 9 150 151
bowls 57 59 62 71 75 78 81 91 119 127 129 City
Certral 23 115 148 196
132 13'7 145 chaiı l2o
bowmen 30 chairs 115
boıvs 63 chalcedony 84 85 118
bow-case 64 chanters 142
box 136l'72 chariot 5 6 7 8 9 15 18 21 30 126 149 150 152
boxes 60 136 155
boıwood 1l7 |46 Chariot 49
boy 4'7 chariotuy 5 9 2l l5O 152 154
bracelets 65 66 67 chariots 18 76 l5O 193 212
braid 62 63 118 chariot-builder 39
bıaided l l8 chadot-diver 154
braids '72 chariot-fiehters 115
brazieı 88 charioı-hörse-trainer 5 150 l78
bread l4l l4Z 143 160 161 162166 169 170 chariot-horse-traine.,s 152157
174176188 189 190 191 tgz 196200201
1',73 chest '78
204 206 207 208 209 210 21r 212 214 Zr5 216 chick-peas 163 182 I8q l92196l992OO 204 2O'7
2l'l 2L8 208 209 2tO ztt 2t2 214 215 216 217 218
bıead-loaves 14l l59 chief 345 67 91012212223 2428293032
breast 148 153 158 35 40 4',7 50 5'7 58'78',79 83 92 126 r30 149 150
breastpiece 72 159 181 i86 208 209 210 21,2
breasıi 188 l90 l94 l98 20I 203 206 chipped 88
brcast-pieces 74 Cimmerian 120
brcccia 83 85 city L0 28 46 50 52 55 57 58 87 r32
brewer 183 City God 49
brewers 9 20 clasp 66
bıicks 78 clay 125
brick-masons 154 cloak 96 9'7 113 1l7
brcther 30 cloaks 94 96 98 105 lO7 rlz ll5 1'19
bıothers 57 cloü l08 |24
bruised i83 184 185 186 189 192 196199 ZOO clothing 63
20r 205 206 207 208 209 2r0 211 212 214 215 clothing-dealers 115
216 21'7 cluster 200 202
buckets '75 87 cohort 64149 152 155 157
bull 109 cohort-commander 5 67 910 123031 335773
bumt 149 154 126 150 154
butcher 5 coiled 6'7
button 62 coils 67
buy 115 collar 68'72 126
Byblos 58 108 coltared 130 13l
byssus 62 collars '72
cakes 159 161 colleague l8
Calah 46 79115 130131 151 153 colleagues l5O 152154
calf 175 collected 108
Calneh 116 collection 71
calves 175 coloured 85
cane t46 commanders 149 15O 152155 157
cans 119 121 161 t6Z t69 commander-in-chief 4 57 77 116 1602ll


commander-of-fifty 1 l2 137 daughters 25 165

commentaries 49 debt 34 35
commentary 52 debts 30 34 45
complete 49 64 75 debü-note 47
compositions 49 debt-notes 57
confectioner 4s68182 deficit 64 116
confectioners 2t 22 delegate 128
consign 53 Deluge-monster 63
consignment 166 167 deportees 48
constant 197 deputies 149 150 151
consumption 115 142149 154 164 deputy 5 8 9 l0 28 3032 45 47 115 155
container 119 designs 108 117
containeıs 89 diagrams 49
contingent 23 dim 105
convolutions 5l dish 91 IZO
cook 589 dishes 145 210
cooking 87 88 91 145 151 154 disk 62 8l
cooking-pot 165 distributed 157
cookŞ 2122 distuibution 157
copper 62 87 88 89 91 120 165 district 161
coppeısmith 19 ditto-garment 103
coıal 1l8 diviner 7 49 50
coınlaıd 28 diviners I 149 150
corps 34115 148 document 46
corpus 49 documents 30
corral 21 dogs l'74
coral-men 30 domestic 64 93 115 157 165
Corybantes 24 domestics 21 22
couch 82 donkey 165
country 34 58 62 94 96 98 105 107 108 109 119 doors 88
120 Dor 24
cover 64 66 doımouse-skin l19
covedng 112 double 62
coverings 89 dough-borvls 125
cow 62 doves 64'72 131
cow e 66 118 dıaught-poles 89
cowries 68 72 Dream series 49 50
cows 62 8l dress 81
crabs 145 drinking-cups 60
ğies 52 dıiver 5 6 7 9 15 18 30 150 i52
cdme 44 ddvers 149 150 152 155
crownprince 4 5 67 9 2430 50 57 59 75 148 149 duck 131 159 175 181 188 189 190 192 194
1s0 152154155 161 175 181 185 193 215 216 20r 203 206 20',7 208 209
1,96 t9'7 198 199 ZtI
crucibles 90 ztt
212 2r3 214 215 216 21'7 2r8
clyştal 1l8 duckş 133 148 160 l75 181 200
cup 189 192 195 196 197 199 ZO0 202 2O4 dye 115 116I2l
20'7 208 ZO9 210 211 212 214 215 2L6 2t7 218 dyed ll9 127
cupbearer 9 23 44 78 115 2O9 210 eat 52
cıpbeareıs 2122 26 eanings 58 8l
cupboaıd 91 eat 9
cups 88 119 125 ebony 129
cur 86 153 181 210 215 216 21'7 edging 96 97 102 105 109
cuts 148 153 159 164 173 181 182 188 189 Egyptian 15
190 r9t 192 r93 194 196 197 198 200 201 203 Egyptian scholars I
204 206 ZO7 208 209 210 2rt 212 213 216 219 eighüs 5',7
cyliıder 66 81 1l8 Ekıon 58
cypress 146 elaılu_stone 83
daggeı 63 83 Blam 60 62 2O0
damaged 150 Elamite 126l49 152
Damascus 57 116 Elamites 5
dapıanu-junipeı l46 Elul 135 143
dark 62 embıoideıed 96
datepalm 118 emetgency 47
dates 136 200 ZO2 212 emissaries 58 127
daubing 82 emissary 58
daughter 48 8l empty 119


engraver 19 218
enterer 174 fulleİ 412
entire 112 fumigarıts 147
entrance 115 funerarv 50
envelooe 83 fumituie 89 1 65
epony; 30 J4 J6 49 51 59 61 79 8ı 93 94 l t8 gardener 132
equipment 4124 gardeners 20 28
equipped 166 174 gaxdens 28
esoteic 49 sarlic 161 162 163 168
estate 28 30 2O8 larmenı 62 96 97 l05 l09
eunuch 4 5 ',l 9 21 22 29 30 32 33 35 47 50 113 larmenıs 94 95 g'7 98 lo2 l04 l05 t08 l 12 l19
130 150 159 181 124 126 127 r',76
eunuchs 148 149 150 gate 115 l8l
evil 8z sate-puard 5 9 20
excludi[g 64 ğate-iverseers l
exorcist 49 sazelle l'72
exorcists I 2 49 50 51 115 ğ""." \48 2oo 2o2
explanations 53 gem 118
extispicy 49 51 gems 72 85 118
extra 118 cift 45 60
eye-stone 81 86 glass 118
eye-stones 64 86 goat 62109
falcon 63 64 8l god 60 62 l'76
farmğ 30 l31 soddess 62171
farmeıs 30 ğods 30 60 79 81 17i 174
"sold 57 58 60 62 63
fashioned 64 64 65 66 67 68'70 72 73
fastening-band 68 7s7'7 7879 80 81 85 87 118 129
fat 148 149 151 154 159 164 golden 62 66 81 126
father 2411,8 soldsmith 19
fattened 149 154 189 196 203 2O9 210 211 zl2 ioo." 188 189 190192 194196 198 199 200
' 20t 20335206
213 20'7 208 209 2lO 2t t 212 213 21 4
favouıable 49 215 216 Zl7 218
feet 89 120 govemess 134
felted 959697 98 99 100 102 105 107 109 119 sovernesses 23
female 24 26 140 142 5 l9'7 1'7 ğovernor 3 4 5 9 18 28 30 32 33 39 49'7'7'79
fermenting 88 128 130 136 152 172
fibre 115 governors 911 1215150 l5l
fighters 21 sown 94 109
figs 136 ğo*ns 93 95 97 98 tOJ l04 l07 l08 l09 lll
figure ll2 112 115 r 19 166
fipıırine 62 srain
- ll9 161 162163 166 167 183 184 185
fii-beer 189 lq2 195 lq6 97 199 2OO2o22O4 201 205 206 207 208
186 189 192 196 199 200
"ıoı zoa zog 21o 2II 2| 2 214 2|5 216 2l1 2l8 209 zt0 211 212 214 215 216 2l'l
finger-ring 60 grain-purveyor 5
finials 78 grand 2425 47 91 1,55
firmly 89 gmpes 131 i35 172
fi$t-class 170 grates 60
fi$t-fruits 212 gİAy |48 l49 160 |72
fish 5'1 148 149 156 grindstones 165
fitted-out 165 suard 5 7 89 I48 150 152 I54 164
Ilason 167 176 ı89 lql l92 196 l99 2o0 2ol ğuards 148 150
İos zoo zoı zo8 2o9 21o 2|| 212 2l4 2l5 216 suardsman 5
2t'7 218 ğuaıdsmen 33
flask 1'76 2O'1 208 2O9 210 215 216 2l'7 218 suests 151
flasks 122 İabbur-wine 132 t72 I'76 178
flax 111 hammered 89
floıu 143 Hammuıabi 56
flutes ll7 halnmurtu-beer 183 184 185 186 189 191 192195
196 191 199 200 201 ZO5 ZO1 208 209 2lO 211
fly-whisks 91
fodder 29 21,2 Zt4 216 21"1
foıce 4'7 handles 85 88 89
fragments 60 hand-dng 73
fıinge 108 109 harem 23
fıit 118 HAR-İa 5l
head 85 86 92 l2l
fruit 132 136 169 189 192 195 196 199 20O 202
204 20',1 208 209 210 2t1 2r2 214 215 216 2t'7 headband 74


heads 64'72 188 l9O 194 198 201 203 206 191 192 195 196 197 199 200 201 205 207 208
head-cloth 121 128 zo9 zto 211 ztz 214 215 216 21't 21.8
head-cloths 120 129 jars 60119 121 133 136l4l 149 157 159 160
heal 82 161 162 168 r'71 172 1'74 177 182 r87 192 193
heart 188 194 197 201206 212 205 209 210 211 212 214
hearts 148 189 190 192 193 1982O0 203 2O7 jaspeı 62 83 85 118
208 209 210 211 2t2 213 216 2r9 jerboas 148 149 159 160
heavy 75 79 jewellery 59 62 63 7O
hectares 3l justice 56
heed 56 kamanu-cakes 197
Helbon 184 Kanun l3
hamaüte 83 Kassite 24
herald 423 133 134 kemels 189 192 196 2OO 202 204 207 2O8 209
hide-dealeıs ll5 zto ztt zt2 214 215 Zt6 21',7 218
hide-soakers ll5 kettle 64 88
high 2122 kettles 87 88
higher-ranking 4 kidneys 188 189 190 192 193 194 197 198 20O
hill 49 50 52 55 201 203 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 2r3 216
hind-part 115 219
hinhinu-seeds 145 182 187 192 193 196 2O0 205 kidney-shaped 72 85
208 209 210 2r1 212 214 Zt5 216 2r7 218 kidney-stones t26
Hiİİite 24 743 kimru-sheep 164 200 209 2t0 211 212
holder 9l kings 155
Holy Neckstones 54 kiüutu-meal l48 1.49 tst 154 164
homeı 88 |61 162 '16617 4 Kislev 94143
home.s 30 32 36 39 46 8'7 88 119 141 143 161 kitchen 40
162 163 166 174 knives 165
horey 176 knotted 108 109
horse 5 9 18 21 58 118 121 kupitu-biİd 172
horses 45 5811,8 126128 172 kurdinnu-aromatic 146
horse-trainerc I l5 Kushite 24 47
hot 148 149 151 154 156 lady 421222358 60 130 154
house 5 1027 31 44 4893 94 lll 115 12o 141 lamb 130159 1'72175 195 l9'7
150 4 1'7 lambs 149 151 154159
House 4 5 6212223 13O 135 lamentation-pdeşt 15 57 l13
household 4 2122 23 lamentations 49
house-gowns 99 104 lamp 88
house-wıaps l07 Land 15
huhurrutu-bread 160 162 17 4 lap 62
Humbaba 62 lapis lazuli 62 65 81 83 75 118 129
hundıeds 14l la'u-ıvine 178 207 zo8 zo9 21o 2l5 216 217 218
huzunu-garments toz Laws of Hammurabi 56
ilku-service 45 leather 48 89 119 120124 127 134
implements 91 leathers I 19
impression 93 98 101 leaves 49 50 51
impressions 95 99 leeks 161 162168
incense 91 leftovers 190 l9l 201 206 207 zts 216
incense-bumers 60 75 leggings 96 120 124 r27
iniquity 44 lens 64 72
initial I 18 lenses '72
injustice 44 lentils 163
inlaid 62 81 92126 letteİ 66
inlay 68 72 light 89
inner 148 149 153 limestoıe l07 108
Inner City 675115 118 l9'7 limestone-provider 47
inscription 62 linen 62 96 9'7 1O4 108 109 112 115 128 129
inspected 132 161 lion 62 86 92
inspector 4 lions 64 72
intestines 5l litre 14O14314416'7 l7O1'14176188 189 190
Ioniaı 48 191, r92 194 196 199 200 20r 206 20'7 208 ZO9
iıon 89 91 165 210 ztr zt2 214 2r5 Zt6 21',t
ironsmiths 14 liİes 87 88 l40 14l l42143 l44 163 166 1'7o
items 9l 173 174 176 189 tgr 192195 196 197 201 204
ivory 62 64 92126 206 207 209 2r0 212
lyyar 57 79 93 liver 188 190 194 l9'7 2Ol2O3 206212216
iaı 91 |19 |41 1721,73 l83 t84 185 186 189 liveıs l48 189 192 l93 198 200 zo1 2o8 2o9



21O 2ll DZ 28 219 musician 30

loaf 17419'7 musicians 24
loaves 160 1,61 162166 16'7 173 174 187 188 myrtle 146
189 190 191 192 194 195 196 l9'1 199 zO0 201 nailed 89
204 205 206 2O1 2OB 209 210 2L1 212 214 215 names 8'7
216 neck 147
loincloth 85 necklace 64 65 66 6'7 68 69'70 7273 126
loins 148 neck_pieceş 58 62
loin-cuts 200 202 neck-stones 85
loops 89 needs 115
lo16 49 50 5l new 3 4 60 135 175 189 l9l 192196200201
love-stone 118 206 207 2O9 21O 2L2
lower 94g7 lO21O41'O5 108109 119 lZ4 126 New Palace 23 115 148
127 New Year Star 50
lumps 89 nikiPtu-gum 146
maafer 115 116 Ninaveh I423 28 303941'751\51321421'48
masic 85 150 l5l l5J
mağnaıes 4 9 l0 l]5 l16 Ninevite l15 I49
maihs 24 Nisan 118
maior-domo 4 35 145 148 oath 82
maie 121 130 l13 134 136 162 17O 112 178 objects 60 89
198 obligation 181
manager 528 35 115 131 161 162 obligatory 181
marmena-yoghurt 2O7 208 2O9 21O 2I5 216 2l'7 obsidian 81 83 18 129
218 occasional 115
marrutu-birds 148 offeıed 158
marsh 62 offedng 50 143 I49 154 188 189 190 191 192
maısh-apple 62 194 196 197 199 200 201 204 206 20',7 208 209
maste$ 154 210 21t 212 214 215 216
mausoleum 197 offerinss 50 159 160 175 176 l8l 189 l9l 192
mavor 6 28 29 30 118 126 l3O 149 rs6 ior 206 207 209 210 212
mefu 145 Aa Ag 151 153 154 155 officer 9
measures 28 official 15 31 112
mear 148 153 158 159 164 1',73 181 182 189 off\cials 2122159
19r tgT 196 19',7 200 20]ü 204 206 20'7 209 210 oil 6291 1|9 rü |6616'7 l'741'762|8
211 212 oil-bıead 20o 2o2
medical 49 50 olives l3l L89 192 196 199 20O 2O2 20'7 2OB
Megiddo I 16 209 210 211 212 214 2L5 216 21'.7 Zr8
mercenaıy 35 omen 52
meıchant 9 30 32 39 omens 49 50 52 53
merchants 118 onion 162
mezu-wine 182207 208 209 21O 215 216 217 218 onions 189 192 195 196 191 199 2OO 202 2O4
midru-bıead l89 191 19z 196 200 2012o4 206 20'7 208 209 2lO Zlt 212 214 215 216 21',7 218
20'7 ZO9 210 212 open-air 120
milk 182 open-chaİiotry l50
mina 2'7 28 31 42 43 44 46 48 58 60 63 73 74 Opis 60
'1510610',7 108 109 119 127 ordinary 65 166
minas 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 36 38 39 40 41 original 164
42 43 44 45 46 47 48 5',7 59 60 63 64 66 71
',74 oflrament 74
75 '76 '79 8s 90 i09 110 111 115 I 18 119 166 ornaments 60 63 64'7479
167 oven-baked 148
mitres 96 105 overcoat 94 117
mixed 85 1'14 189 192 t95 196 199 ZO2 204 overcoats 97 98 104 liO
20'7 208 209 2r0 211 212 214 215 216 21',7 218 overseer 4 20
mixing 174 overseers 148 149 I50 I57
Moabites 57 owner 5'7 89
monev-box 64 oxen 44 45 64 66 12ı 134 148 151 l53 165
montli 1 3 5 49 51 56 57 61'79 8183 93 94 118 181 182 189 190 192 r93 198 200 203 20'.7 208
tz'| 132135 143 144153161 175 181 209 ZtO 211 212 Zl3 216 219
mother 5691248 oxtail 141
mountain 62 121 pack-animals 57 58
mule 118 paid 43 46
mule-house-men 21 22 pails 88
multashiptu-stones 118 pa1ls 96 12',7
multicoloured '70 97 99 1O4105 108 109 palace 4 5 18 20 31 63 81 83 ll1 118 131 133
multiplied 115 134 15l 155 157 158 159 18r


panic 82 quays 9
papparminu-stone 84 85 126 queen 5 69 12 48'7O 115 132 153 155 175 181
paralysis 85 183 184
partddges 148 149 160 172 quinces 136 189 192 196 199 ZO0 202 2O7 208
peas 163 209 210 211 Zt2 214 215 216 2r7 218
pectoral 64 66 quivers 63 89
pedestal 60 rack 91
people 46 151 raisins Zl2
perforated 118 Rear Palace 148
period 118 received 4'7 75 11,8
permanent 150 receiving 115
Peısian sheep 134 recipes 49 50
personal 5 9 rccipient l12
personnel 81 159 reconverted 64
persons 30 recruitment 9
pertainiDg 117 İecruitment-office$ 149
pestilence red 62 64 66 93 94 95 96 9'7 98 99 100 105
Phrygian 126 106 107 108 109 ll0 111 115 116 ll8 119 120
physician 50 tzt 162 1'74 t76
physicians 12 refined 79 166
physiognomic 49 50 52 regular 56 65 ll5 145 l5Z 154 174 188 189 190
pick 11,7 191 192 r94 196 197 199 200 20r ZO4 206 207
piece 118 2o8 2o9 2ı0 2l1 212 2l4 2I5 216
pieces 83 118 reinforced 97 105 108 1O9 ll9 124 126127
pigeon 159 repair 60 63
pigeons 148 149 160 rcp|acemeıt 24
pilgrims 189 209 Z1,O 211212 rcplaçements 4 24 4'7
pillars 72 Iesideıce 9 l0 12 117
pin 81 residences 8 9 1l
pithoi 174 resin 13'7 139
piJhos 88 restituted 44
platters 209 2tI 212 214 revenue 59 158
Pleiades r29 Revieıı Palace 23 ll5 l48
ploughş 165 rhyton 86 92
plums 136 rhytons 121
polished 64 72 81 89 9l rib 168
polyptych 49 50 5l rickshaw 115
polyptychs 49 50 5i 55 rings 57 58 60 63 80
pomegranate 8l ripitu-bread 174
pomegranates 721O9 l3O 136141 1'72 rites 56
port 93969'198105 106 107 108 109 119 120 ritual ll7 183 184 185 186 207 208 209 2lO
portions 148 215 216 218
pot 91, 117 road 60
pots 87 88 125 136 145 l5l 154 roast 158 188 190 194197 198 2012O3 206
potters 14 roasted 151 154 159 161 162163
prayer 59 62 81 129 robes 99 lO5 112
precinct 148 149 153 rcck I 18
pıecious 89 Rope of Heaven 51
Lard 301682O9210
Prefect of the rose 83 85 118
prefect 5679112830 rosettes 60
prefects 5 21 43 148 149l5O 15'7 royal 5679102147 62
prelate 57 58 126 rubbed I i9
prepaıaüon 159 rulers 58
pıepared 112 sacıifice l29
prcsent 127 sacrificial 166
prcsented 60 68 saggilmud-stone 118
priest 32 50 5'7 113 126151 152 sailo$ 28
priests 160 174 salt 141 163 1'76
produced 115 salted 148 153
prophet 9 salves 14'7
province 35 116 118 Samaria 116
public 40 sample 64
pure 60 67 sandals ll5 l2'7
quality 79 sandstone 118
qüalter 58 64 Sargon 170
quarters 93 I l5 sashes 115 125


scarlet 1,15 12L Sidonians 9

scarves 96 115 120 lZ4 127 silver 27 28 29 30 32 34 35 36 39 41 42 43 44
scented 174 45 46 4'7 48 s7 58 59 60 62 63 64 66 68 69'71
scepters 129 '72 75 78 81 85 118 126 127
scholar 152 singer 920 140
scholars 149 150 15l 153 singers 26 140 1,42150
scouts 9 Sivan 5'7 143 144
scraps 78 smithş 24
scdbe 5 18 27 28 29 30 31 32 50'7 5 118 snake 12O
scribes 19 1,3 212224 151 son 2'7 30 49 50 58'73 ll8 126
scrotums 189 202 217 sons 8'7
seah 88141 I42143 I44166188 189 190 191 sorcerer 82
192 194 196 199 200 201, 202 205 206 207 208 sorcelers 82
zo9 210 211 212 214 215 216 217 218 soup 188 189 190 l9l 1,92 194 196 197 198
seahs 87 88 140 141 142143144160 162163 199 200 201, 206 201 208 209 210 21r ztL 2\4
166 167 1'73 174 212 21.6
seal 81 85 93 95 98 99 101 118 spatulae 119
Seal 49 spears 89
seals 66 speckled 89
second-size 85 86 spiced 187 188 189 l9O 191 192 1,94 196 20O
seed 155 201 204 205 206 207 208 209 2rO 2tt 2t2 214
Sennacherib 3 4 215 216 21'7
seıies 49 50 51' 52 54 spices 163 1'74
serpentine 72 81 83 86 118 spice-bıead 24
seNants 57 58 spray 130 131
şerved l48 l49'l5l
151 154 156 spıing 149 151 154 r59 1'7z 175 195 19'7
service 47 150 153 sprinkleı 60
sesame 159 160 182 187 189 192193 196199 spıinklers 83
200 zo2 204 20'7 208 209 210 211 Zt2 2t4 215 stables 150 151
216 217 218 staff 157
setting 62 64 81 118 staffs 134
shallots 161 162 163 staff-bearer 30 152
shawl 105 staff-bearers 28 30
shawls 96 102lO5 112ll9 stag 121
Shebat 49 81 \2'7 star 86
sheep 30 44 45 52 121, 130 133 134 136 148 staİs 67 68
149 151 154 159 161 162164165 166168 170 star-shaped 60 63 64 74 89
172 r75 1'78181 182 r88 189 r90191 192 r93 statüe 62
194 196 197 198 200 201 203 204 206 207 208 statues 62 79 L15
zo9 210 211 ztz Zt3 214 21,5 216 21'7 Zt8 219 steward 9 142
she-goats 121 stewardesses 24
sheikh 58 stomach 188 194 l9'1 201206212 216
sheikhs 111 stomachs 189 l9O 192 193 198 20O 203 207 2O8
shekel 27 58 63 7O73 1,15 146 15'7 209 210 211 212 213 219
shekels 2'7 38 42 43 44 46 48 60 63 64 667173 stone 49 62 85
'75 85 146 r57 stones 63'72 81 82 85 86 89 97 105 126
shell 66 stone-borers 19 24
shells 118 stone-carver 19
shepherd 130 stool 9l l1'7
shepheıds 5 l42 150 storage-vessels 172
shield 30 straight 96 97 102 119
shieldbeareıs 30 strange 82
shielded 76 strap 134
shields 78 straps 120
shoe 120 streets 148149 150 15'7
shoes 12O strings 85
shoot 192 193 2O0 209 2lO 211212 214 studded 97
shoots 159 160 187 styrax 146
short 52 Successiol Palace 148 154
shouldeı 60 148 188 189 19o |93 194 195 198 superintendent 5 83
201 203 206 208 209 21,O 211212 2r3 Zr5 21,6 şupplies 29
21'7 219 susanu-vessels 68
shouldeıs l88 189 190 19l 1'93 194 |97 2o3206 sweet 62146
20'7 209 2tO 211212 213 sweetcaİes 27
shıine 18l sweets 145
Sidonian 9 symptoms 50

table l5O 1,52I74 tueer 188 189 190 191 192 194196 l9'7 198
tables 149 157 r59 160 165 166 174 r99 200 201 206 207 208 209 zto 211 212 213
tablet 49 50 5l 214 216
tablets 49 50 51 55 119 tureens 87 88 2tl2t4
tail 63 turmeric 146
tailor 20 126 turtledoves 148 149 159 160188 189 r9O 192194
tailors 2122 ll5 196 198 199 ZO0 201, 203 206 207 208 209 210
talent 282930434'7 6'775'76'79 110 115 121 ztr 212 213 2t4 216
talents 27 28 30 38 47 59 75'78 79 90 lll ll5 twine 115
It6 t22 Tyre 128
Tammuz 143 144161 l'75 Tyıian 24 40
ta.mazilu-birdŞ l72 uncanonical 52 53
team 5 l0 31 umutu-garment 94 97 108 lO9 1l2
teams 57 58149 urnutu-garments 95969'79899101 102 103 104
temple 2444486370'15 1,15 117 164 178 181 107 108 109 115
188 189 190 r91 t96 200 20120',7 208 209 2tO rtensils 75 120
z1I 212 213 216 219 vases 88
tent 12O vat 88
terebinthlike-plant 146 veil 105
textile l1g 120122 veils 96 98 105 115
textiles 105 108 120 vessel 121 13O 162
rheft 44 vessels 78 119 122 161 1621,69
thick loaves 160 161 1621661'73 1'74 vigil 145 148 149
thigh 148 170 188 189 190 193 194 195 2O1 village 4 9 28 30 35 161 162
203 206 208 209 21,O 211 212 216 village-ma[ager 28 l3l
thighs 189 l9'7 ZO7 2O9 ZIO 21,1 212 21,3 vinegaı l 19
thin 115 ıizieı 5 30 57 l55
third-rate I l2 wand 85
thread 115 washing 75 88
üresholds 66 waler-vessels 126
thyme 146 weaver 1,72 '15
tiller 20 weavers 23 I
tillerş l42 wedding night 183 184185 186207 208 2O9 2lO
Tishri 61 118 132 215 216 218
toga 62 weighed, 64 79
togas 45 59 1,2L weight 57 59 60 63 73 85 90
toll-collector 118 white 6494 1O41OS l2O
tongs 91 165 wife 112
top 89 126 wind 81
torc 118 lZ7 windo'ıı 8 9
torcs 12'7 wine 5 30 60 119 121 130 l3Z 133 135 1.37
towel 174 177 138 139 140 141 l5l 159 163 1661,68 170 1',73
towelş 96 97 1zo r74 176 184 185 186
towr 28 303137 45 60161 wine-jar 91
tracker 5 118 woman 24 26 '70 11,8 1,41 769 177 182
trainees 148 149 150 women 24 25 lO'7 143
trainer 5 9 ll8 wood 81 91 148 149 159 160 166
trainers 18 2l wooden '72 78 89 91 lr'7 ll9 IZZ 124 126 136
travel 88 t4t 169 172 r76
Eay 16l 162 165 169 wool 64 66 96 1O5 108 109 110 111 115 I 16
trays 91 132136 1,59 161 1621.69 tzt 166 16'1 174 1'76
teasurer 3 4 5 9 57 79 115 126 l5l 153 172 186 work 66 67 '75 89
zo8 211 2L2 works 40
reasurers 26 work-materials 59
feasury 59 wrap 109
tIee 81 134 wrappings l15
tribııte 58 59 62 12'7 wraps 96112115
tripod 91 yard 150
foops 152 154 year 303436 45 49 5159 61 79 8l 93 94 I 15 118
Troubles 56 years 59
tuffles 130 yoghurt 207 208 209 2lO 215 216 21'7 218
tubes 64 65 66 68 72 yoke 78
tuft 96l'74 young 1Zl


List of Text Headings

l. List of Experts at Court 54. Fragment of Tablet Invertory
2. List of Experts 55. Fıagment of Tablet Inventory
3. List of Governors and Other High Officials 56. Fragment of Tablet Inventory
4. List of Governors and other High Officials 57. Account of Pıecious Items, Reign of Sargon
5. List of Officials at Court 58. Precious Items Issued to Visiting Delegations
6. List of Officials at Court 59. Six Years'Receipts ofPrccious Items in the
7. List of Officials at Court Reign of Assurbanipal
8. List of Lodgingş foI officials 60. List of Temple Treasures Sent to Elam
9. List of Lodgings foı officials 61. Record of Pıecious Items, Reign of AssuI-
10. List of Lodgings foı officials banipal
11. List of Lodgings for Officials 62. Pıecious Items foı(?) the Gods
1Z. List of Lodgings for Officials 63. Record of Precious Items
13. List of "Architectş" and scribes 64. Record of Precious Items
14. List of Vadous Craftsmen 65. Record of Precious Items
15. Note of Foreign Govemors(?) and Others 66. Record of Precious Items
16. Lişt of People 67. Record of Precious Items
1',7 . List of People and Theiı Superioıs 68. Record of Precious Items
18. List ol" PeopLe ot Various Professions 69. Record of Precious Items
19. List of Various Craftsmen 70. Record of Pıecious Items
20. List of Vaıious Pıofessions 7l. Recoıd of Silveı
zt. Survey of Palace Officials 72. Inventory of Precious ltems
22. Partial duplicate of No. 21 73. Precious Gifts to(?) Officials
23. Survey of Harem Govemesses and Weavers 74. Fragment ofPrecious Metal Record
24. Survey of Female Singers, etc. 75. Record of Precious Metals
25. Survey of Female Personnel 76. Note of Amounts of Metal
Survey of Female Personnel 77. Note of Gold Blades
2',7 . List of Miscellaneous Debts 78. Recoİd of storage of Plecious Items
28. List of Debts in Si'imme Province 79. Record of Gold Items, Reign of Sargon
29. List of Debts 80. Record of Gold Rings(?)
30. List of Various Debts 81. Precious Items for the Gods
31. Probable List of Debts 82. Record ofAmulets(?) on Fumiture
32. Probable List of Debts 83. Recoıd of Precious stone Items
33. Probable List of Debts 84. Fİagment ofPrecious stone Recoİd
34. List of Debts from the Reign of Sargon 85. Record of Items of Precious Stone and Metal
35. List of Debts 86. Record of Precious Stone Items
36. Possible List of Debts 87. Record of Items of Gold and Copper
37. Possible List of Debts 88. Record of Copper Items
38. Possible List of Debts 89. Record of Work on Copper Items
39. Possible List of Debts 90. Fragment of Record of Metal Items
40. Possible List of Debts 91. Record of Wooden and Copper Items
41. Note of Silver Amounts 92. Fragme[t of Recold of Pıecious Items(?)
Note of Silver Amou[ts 93. Textile Label, Reign of Assurbanipal
43. Memorandum re Pıefects' silveI Payments 94. Textile Label, Reign of Esarhaddon
44. Memorandum re Peculations in the Temple 95. Textile Label
45. Memorandum re Qappata's Debts 96. Textile Label
46. Memorandum re Payments 97. Textile Label
47. Memorandum re Activities of a Eunuch, etc. 98. Textile Label
48. Silver Payments to do with the Queen Mother 99. Textile Label
49. Inventoıy of Tablets and ftiting Boaıds 100. Textile Label
50. Inventory of Tablets and Writing Boards 101. Textile Label
51. Inventory of Tablets and Writing Boaıds 102. Textile Label
52. Fragment of Tablet Iıventory 103. Textile Label
53. Fragment of Tablet Inventory 104. Textile Label


105. Textile Label 162. Record of Food Offerings from Officials

106. Textile Label 163. Recold of Mixed Food offeıings
1,07 . List of Textiles 164. Account of Sheep Offedngs
108. List of Textiles 165. Recoıd of Miscellaneous Items
109. List of Textiıes 166. Subsistence Consignment of Various Items
110. Recoıd of Red and Black wool 167. Subsistence Consignment of Various Items
111. Record of Wool and Flaı 168. Record ofFood Offerings from Officials
1tz. Memoıandum re Clothing 169. Record of Miscellaneous Items
1 13. Memorandum re Clothing 170. Recoıd of Food offerings(?)
114. Record of Textiles 171. Record of Wine for the Gods
1 15. Account of Flax and Wool l72. Recoıd of Vaıious Items fIom(?) officials
116. Account of wool aıd MaddeI 173. Record of Various Items
1,17 . Memoıandum re Temple Fümishings 174. Recoıd of Vaıious Items (for the Temple)
1 18. Record of Various Items, 663-661 B.C. 175. Animal Offerings of the Queen
1r9. Recoıd of Vaıious Items l76. Recoıd of Miscellaneous offerings
120. Record of Various Items 177. Miscellaneous Offerings(?)
121. Recoıd of Vaıibus Items l78. Food offeıings(?)
122. Record of Various Items 179. Food and Drink Offerings(?)
123. Record of Various Items 180. Wine Offerings(?)
124. Rrcord of Various Items 181, Animal Offerings from the Palace
125. Record of Pottery Vessels, etc. l82. AğğuI Temple offerings, Day 5
126. Recold of Various Items l83. Ağğur Temple offerings to Mullissu, Day l7
IZ7. Various Gifts to Urar.tian Envoys l84. Ağğur Temple offerings to Mullissu, Day l8
128. Miscellaneous Contributions from(?) Officials 185. Ağğü Temple offerings to Mullissu, Day l9
Record of Various Precious Items 186. Ağğur Temple offerings to Mullissu, Day 21
130. Vadous Foods from Officials to the Lady of 187. ABSuı Temple offeIings, Day 20
the House 188. Ağğur Temple offerings, Day 2
131 . Various Foods fıom officials 189. AİSuı Temple offerings, Day 4
r32. Fruit and Drink for the Queen 190. ASöuı Temple offerings, Day 6
133. Various Foods fiom Officials 19l. AĞSur Temple offeıings, Day l0
134. Various Contributions from(?) Officials 192. AİSuı Temple offerings, Day 14
135. Various Foods from Officials(?) 193. AğğuI Temple offeıings, Day 23
136. Various Foods from(?) Officials 194. AĞSur Temple offeıings
137 . Account of Wine and Beer 195. AğğuI Temple offelings
13 8. Account of Wine and Beer 196. Aİ5ur Temple offeıings
139. Account of Wine and Beer 197. Ağğur Temple offerings in the Mausoleum
140. Recoıd of Wiıe fol Singeıs 198. AğğuI Temple offelings
14L Recoıd of Wine and Food 199. AİSur Temple offerings
142. Bread and Beer to Vaious Personnel 200. AğğüI Temple offerings
1,43. Daily Record of Bread Received 20l. Aİİur Temple offeıings
144. Similar to No. 143 202. Aö5ur Temple offeıings
1,45. Record of Various Commodities 203. ASİur Temple offeıings
1,46. Recoıd of Aromatics 204. Aöİur Temple offeıings
147 . Record of Arcmatic Ointments 205. Ağğur Temple offelings
1,48. Accounts frcm Ceremonial Banquet 206. AĞİur Temple offerings
149. Accounts ftom Ceremonial Banquet 207. Ağğur Temple offeıings, Day 19
150. Accounts frcm Ceremonial Banquet 208. Ağğü Temple offerings, Day 21
15 i. Accounts frcm Ceremonial Banquet 209. Aöİur Temple offçİingı' D^y 22
152. Accoünts frcm Ceıemonial Banquet 2l0. AsğuI Temple offeıngs, Day 22
153. Accounts frcm Ceremonial Banquet 211. ASöuı Temple offeıings, Day 24
154. Accounts from Ceremonial Banquet 212. A5İur Temple offelingŞ, Day 25
155. Account of Banquet(?) 2l3. AğğuI Temple offeıings' Day 2(?)
156. Account of Banquet(?) 2l4. ASİuı Temple offeıings
157. Account of Food and Dink Disffibution 2l5. Ağğur Temple offerings
158. Record of Food offeıings 216. ASSur Temple Offerings
159. Record of Food offerings fıom officials 2l7. Ağğur Temple offerings
160. Record of Mixed Food offeıings 2l8. AğğuI Temple offerings
l6l. Record of Food Offerings from Officials 219. Ağğur Temple offerings


Index of Texts

By Publication Number

ABL 1077+ 89 ADD 850 10 ADD 960+ l6l ADD 1023 1,74
ADD 635+ 94 ADD 851 I ADD 96I 162 ADD 1024 208
ADD 676 79 ADD 853 3 ADD 962 163 ADD 1025 187
ADD 680 112 ADD 854 L ADD 963 87 ADD 1026 198
ADD 68I 101 ADD 857 5 ADD 964 88 ADD 1027 199
ADD 682 98 ADD 858r 6 ADD 966+ ADD 1029 2t8
ADD 683 1,O2 ADD 860 9 ADD 967 '70 ADD 1028+ 197
ADD 684 95 ADD 866 t2 ADD 968 167 ADD 1030 201
ADD 685 100 ADD 867 l5 ADD 969 r45 ADD 1031 202
ADD 686 43 ADD 868 t9 ADD 970+ 154 ADD 1032 1',73
ADD 687 71 ADD 869+ 50 ADD 971 152 ADD 1033 213
ADD 688 74 ADD 879 t7 ADD 973 109 ADD 1034 203
ADD 689 '76 ADD 898 155 ADD 974 104 ADD 1035 1',75
ADD 693 131 ADD 900+ 30 ADD 975 1.O',7 ADD 1037 204
ADIJ 702 93 ADD 9OI 25 ADD 977 tt9 ADD 1038+ 159
ADD 707 oo ADD 914+ 24 ADD 979 166 ADD 1039 120
ADD 757 142 ADD 922 32 ADD 980+ 50 ADD 1040 1,26
ADD 758 t2'7 ADD 923 35 ADD 98I l5l ADD 1043 82
ADD 760 206 ADD 924+ 29 ADD 985 135 ADD 1044 38
ADD 764 7'7 ADD 925+ 27 ADD 986+ 30 ADD 1046 1.53
ADD 769 13 ADD 926 34 ADD 987r 29 ADD 1047+ 64
ADD 770 t4 ADD 927 59 ADD 992 r28 ADD 1048+ 137
ADD 8I3 42 ADD 928 57 ADD 993 118 ADD 1049 138
ADD 814 28 ADD 929+ 27 ADD 995+ r59 ADD 1050 139
ADD 815r 30 ADD 930 60 ADD 997 164 ADD 1051+ 89
ADD 816 3l ADD 931 '73 ADD 998 183 ADD 1053 51
ADD 8I7 106 ADD 932 '78 ADD 999 184 ADD I055 1',70
ADD 8I8 6l ADD 933+ 72 ADD 1OOO 186 ADD 1056 168
ADD 819+ 63 ADD 934 67 ADD IOO1 185 ADD 1057 134
ADD 820+ 63 ADD 935+ 66 ADD IOO2 182 ADD 1058+ 140
ADD 82I 36 ADD 935+ 62 ADD 1003+ 207 ADD 1059 9t
ADD 822 39 ADD 937 85 ADD IOO5 189 ADD 1060 132
ADD 823+ 75 ADD 938+ 64 ADD 1006 188 ADD 1061a+b 141
ADD 827+ z4 ADD 939+ 72 ADD 1007+ ztL ADD 1062 46
ADD 828 26 ADD 940 65 ADD IOOS 194 ADD 1063 69
ADD 832 18 ADD 942 136 ADD 1OO9 1,95 ADD 1065 80
ADD 833 7 ADD 943+ 49 ADD 1O1O 209 ADD 1068 169
ADD 834+ 150 ADD 944+ 49 ADD 1O1I 214 ADD 1069 44
ADD 835 ZT ADD 945 90 ADD 1012 191 ADD 1072+ 211
ADD 836 22 ADD 946+ 1,57 ADD 1013 ADD 1073 158
ADD 837+ 150 ADD 950 23 ADD 1014 181 ADD 1074 1,46
ADD 838+ t5'7 ADD 95I 116 ADD 1015 196 ADD 1075 48
ADD 839 8 ADD 953 115 ADD 1016+ t9'7 ADD 1076 47
ADD 840+ 6 ADD 954 110 ADD 1017 21,5 ADD t078 160
ADD 841 11 ADD 955 111 ADD 1018 2r6 ADD 1079 68
ADD 844 156 ADD 956 97 ADD 1OI9 192 ADD 1080 124
ADD 845 16 ADD 957 96 ADD 1O2O 172 ADD 1081 165
ADD 848+ 13'7 ADD 958 103 ADD 1O2I 190 ADD 10821 140
ADD 849+ 150 ADD 959 117 ADD iO22 217 ADD 1083 148


ADD 1086 84 ADD 1110r 58 ADD 11351 24 Ilaq 32 30 114

ADD 1089 t4'7 ADD 1112+ 58 ADD 1138+ 154 JNES 42 17 50
ADD IO9O ll3 ADD 1114+ 58 ADD 11391 45 JNES 42 17 55
ADD IO92 193 ADD 1115+ 58 Cat. IV 1416 2 JNES 42 24 52
ADD 1104 130 ADD 1123 33 Iraq3z24 20 JNES 42 26 53
ADD 1105+ 75 ADD 11,24 108 haq3z25 81 M6l.Fin.98 56
ADD I106 4t ADD 1125 149 Iraq3226 121 RA 69 183 210
ADD 1IO7 54 ADD 1126 125 Irıq3227 12z zA'73 6 40
ADD 1IO8 83 ADD 112',7 1,43 Iraq3228 144
ADD 1 109+ 66 ADD 1 131 133 Iraq3229 123

By Musewn Number

K23 118 K 1857 zt9 (K 877 4+) 30

K 108+ 161 K 1863 1,95 K 8787+ 58
K276 116 (K 1937+) 140 K 8822 r55
K 348+ 94 K 1938+ 72 K 8835+ t20
K 351 79 K 7944a+ K 9053+ 140
K 440 112 K 1965 l9 (K 9060+) 58
K',?0',7 183 K 1988 130 K 9119+ 154
K 708 184 K 2023 148 (K 9183+) 86
K796 182 K 2120 74 K 9185 68
K 79'7 186 K 2185 6'7 K gztt r29
K 82'7 110 (K 3039+) ztl K9544 167
K 829 (K 3'182+) 2',7 K 9669 32
K 836 189 K 4212+ 66 (K 9751+) t5'7
K 83'7 193 K 4295 A'' K 9761 160
K 880a 188 K 4297 8',7 K 9921
K 881 208 (K 4298+) 75 K 9984+ 163
K 916 73 K 46'72+ 1,5'7 K 10182+ 56
K 919 L26 K 4742+ 75 (K l0l9 i+) 163
K 928 194 K 4750+ K 10317 90
K 936+ 207 K 47 53+ 50 (K 10329+) 58
K9',75 13 K 4',161 28 (K 10335+) tz0
K 1006 r87 K 4'7'71 41. (K 10447 +) 24
K ll14 215 K 4'7'73 59 (K 10451+) 5',7
K I131+ 211 K 4',783+ 5',7 K 10816 99
K 1145 142 K 4',797 158 (K 11420+) r54
K 1163 202 K 5184 54 K 11468 111
K 1254 r2'7 K 5570 168 K 1147t 84
K 1276 1 (K 5711+) 50 K 11559 173
K r29r 174 K 5823 35 K 11872 to'?
K 1359+ 5 K 636'1 136 (K 11914+) 72
K 1387 206 K 6962 53 (K 11941+)
K 1403 88 (K'7328+) 211, K 11955 153
K 1450 175 K 734r 199 K 12',722 55
K 1462 82 K 7385 46 (K 12843+) 6
K 1464 171 K'7387+ 6 (K 12966+) 64
K 14',73+ 24 K 7 469+ 86 K 12977+ t7
K 1483 98 K 7485 76 (K 12980+) 1',7
K 1493 48 K 7 524+ 19',7 (K 12983+) 58
K 1531 l5 K 7559 83 K 12985+ 45
K 1534 1,64 (K7702+) 150 K 12988+ 58
K i548+ 159 K3103+ 30 (K 13029+) 150
K 157'7 47 (K 8135+) 66 K 13033 31
K 1579 161 K 8143+ 9 K 13057 170
K 1582 tt7 K 8247+ 60 K 13064 71
K 1598 101 K 8358+ 63 K 13067 r65


K 13086 t4 DT 228 82-3-23,L40 141

K 13091 169 Rm 45+ 89 82-5-22,39 181
K 13155 65 Rm 52 2r6 82-5-22,40 93
K 13159 124 Rm 57 192 82-5-22,112 2l
K t31'19 104 Rm 66 l'72 82-5-22,1,70 21,2
(K 13182+) 60 Rm 70 128 82-5-22,513 108
(K 13197+) 5 Rm 79+) 89 82-5-22,533 5l
K 13198+ 150 Rm 462 96 82-5-22,548 1,49
(K 13200+) 58 Rm 559 146 83- - l8,80 190
K 13206 80 Rm 2,255 106 83- -18,144 131
(K 13209+) 30 Rm 2,2'7 5 105 83- -18,145 218
(K 13214+) 58 Rm 959 43 83- - 18,161 213
(K 13216+) 58 '19-7 -8,265 '78 83- -1,8,252 200
K 13218 25 80-7 -19,29+ t9'1 83- 1,8,256 134
K 13220 69 80-'7-19,tO4 r62 83- 18,32'7 201
K 13223+ 58 ( 80-7-19,105+) 83- 18,346 95
K 13280+ 52 80-'7 -19 ,r\2 119 83- 18,347 4
(K 13581+) 1,37 8O-7 -1,9 ,144 + 49 83- 18,351 r25
( K 13818+) 52 80-'7 -19 ,262 49 83- 18,399 22
K 14123 138 80-7 -19,347 156 83- l - 18,402 147
K 1,41,24 139 8r-2-4,54 166 83-r-18,432 1,43
K 1423',7 39 81,-2-4,'t 1 214 83- 1-r 8,454 151
K 1424'7 36 8t-z-4,90 209 83- 1-18,515 1,45
(K 14261,+) 157 81,-2-4,99 191 83- 1-r 8,567 102
K 14263 r23 81-2-4,1.11 21'7 ( 83- 1-18,592+) 159
(K 14286+) 45 81,-Z-4,146 85 83-1-18,593+ 29
(K 14305+) 58 81-2-4,160 203 83-1-18,594 10
K 15121 tt4 81-Z-4,165 9l 83-i-18,595 198
(K 16509+) 207 81-2-4,259 97 83-1-18,596 7
K t'7023 92 (81-2-4,268+) 50 ( 83-1-18,597+) 62
K 17758 178 8r-2-4,284 135 83-l-18,715i 137
K 18018 180 8t-2-4,31,8 r03 83-t-t8;t64 100
K 18201 17',l 8t-2-4,339 132 Bı
89-4-26,124 18
K 18554 179 (8r -2-4,403+) 29 (Bu 91-5-9,35+) 62
K 18983+ 58 8t-2-4,45'7 8 Bu 91-5-9,158 196
K 19090+ 58 81-2-4,463 113 Ki 1904- l0-9,146 144
(K 19195+) 86 8I-2-4,490 t2 Ki 1904-10-9,156 t2t
(K 19757+) 56 81-Z-4,50r 1l Ki 1,904-10-9,222 205
(K20414r) 58 81-7-2',7 ,150 1,7 6 (Ki i904-10-9,246+) 94
Sm 287 152 82-3-23,8+ 64 Ki 1904-10-9,259 40
Sm 360 109 82-3-23,9 Th 1905-4-9,395 81
Sm 469 61 82-3-23,13 31 Th 1929-1O-12,64+ 122
Sm 471+ 2 82-3-23,63 44 "th 1929-rO-12,90+ 20
Sm 736 34 (82-3-23 ,7 0+) 72 BM 99190 205
Sm 1039 185 82-3-23,73 33 BM 121068 1,22
Sm 1341 77 (82-3-23 ,99+) 6 BM 121094 20
Sm 1613 204 82-3-23,tO5 70
D"f 2I'7 + z7 82-3-23,136 16

ğffiğffiıYAT F';iK . K j.iİishağğgl


P rev io us ly U npublis hed Texts

K 1,464 171 14261+ 157 K 19195+ 86

K L579+ 1,61 14286+ 45 K 2041,4+ 58
K 1857 219 14305+ 58 Rm 2,27 5 r05
K 3039+ 2tt 16509+ 20'1 Sm 471 2
K 7 469+ 86 1'7023 92 81,-2-4,268+ 50
K 9060+ 58 1'77 58 i78 81-7-27,150 176
K 9183+ 86 18018 180 83-t-18,252 200
K92rr 1,29 18201 17',7 Ki 1904-ro-9,zz2 205
K 12843+ 6 18554 179 BM 99190 205
K 13033 3'7 18983+ 58
K 13200+ 58 19090+ 58

List of Joins

K 108 (ADD 960) (+) K 1579 (unpub.) 161

K 348 (ADD 635) f Ki 1904-10-9,246 (kaq 32 20) 94
K 936 (ADD 1003) + K 16509 (unpub.) 207
K 1131 (ADD 1007) + K 3039 + K7328 (ADD 1072) 211
K 1473 (ADD 827) + K 10447 (ADD 914) (r) K 1944a (ADD 1135) 24
K 1548 (ADD 995) + 83-1-18,592 (ADD 1038) 159
K 1938 (ADD 933) + K I l9l4 + 82-3-23,70 (ADD 939) '72
K 4272 (ADD 935) r K 8135 (ADD 1 109) 66
K 4672 (ADD 838) r K 9751 (ADD 946) + K 14261 157
K 4'742 (ADD 823) + K 4298 (ADD 1105) '75
K 4750 (ADD 936) + 83-1-18,597 (ADD 966) r Bu 91-5-9,35 (ADD 1129) (+) 83-1-18,562
(ADD 96s) 62
K 4753 (ADD 869) + K 5711 (ADD 980) + 81-2-4,268 (JNES 43 17) 50
K 7387 (ADD 840) + K 12843 + 82-3-23,99 (ADD 858) 6
K 7469 + K 9183 + K 19195 (all unpub.) 86
K 8103 (ADD 815) + K 8774 (ADD 986) + K 13209 (ADD 900) 30
K 8358 (ADD 819) + K 11941 (ADD 820) OJ
K 8787 (ADD I 110) + K 9060 (unpub.) + K 10329 (ADD I 1 l5) + K 12983 (ADD I 1 I 1) + K 12988
(ADD I 1 10) + K 13200 + K 13214 (ADD 1 I 12) + K 13216 (ADD I 1 l3) + K 13223 (ADD Ir14)
+ K 14305 (unpub.) t K 20414 (urpub.) (+) K 18983 (unpub.) (+) K 19090 (unpub.) 58
K 9053 (ADD 1058) + K 1937 (ADD 1082) 140
K 9119 (ADD 970) + K i1420 (ADD 1138) 154
K 12985 (ADD 1139) + K 14286 (unpub.) 45
K 13198 (ADD 834) +K7702 (ADD 837) +K 13029 (ADD 849) + K 137 52 (ADD 903) 150
DT 217 (ADD 925) + K3782 (ADD 929) 27
Rm 45 (ADD 1051) + Rm 79 (ABL 1077) 89
80-7-19,29 (ADD 1016) (+)K7524 (ADD 1028) t9'7
80-'7 -19,r44 (ADD 944) (+) 8O-7-19,262+ (ADD 943) 49
82-3-23,8 (ADD 938) + K 12966 (ADD 1047) 64
83-1-18,593 (ADD 924) + 81-2-4,403 (ADD 987) 29
83-1-18,715 (ADD 848) + K 13581 (ADD 1048) 137


List of Illustrations

BM 10904 7 BM 132931, 32
BM 91155 22 BM r35118 33
BM 93011 z8 British Museum N 4467 24
BM 118807 Frontispiece Bdtish Museum Photograph 20
BM 118807 4t Botta and Flandin I, 37 l8
BM 118914 38 Botta and Flandin I, 66 5
BM 124596 3l Botta and Flalıdin I, 76 35
BM 124',7',7',7 25 Botta and Flandin II, 27 9
BM 124825 2l Hıouda' Flachbild Taf. 7 and 8 30
BM 1,24862 4 Iraq Museum Cover
BM \2486',7 16, 27 Layaİd, Nineveh and Babylon p. 66 3
BM 124886 39 Malloııaı, Nimrud ald its Remo'ins I,Fig.93 15
BM 124889 36 Mallowaı, Nimrud and ıts Reııains I'P|.47 ||
BM 124898 29 MalTovat\, Nimrud and its Remains I,FiE.9O 14
BM 1,24916 34 Maxwell-Hyslop, "Iewellery p. 236 12
BM 124920 8,23,26 Maxwell-Hyslop,,I?welleryp.237 l0
BM 1,24928 13 ND 3557 14
BM 124955 2,6 ND 7845
'vt AA 124799
BM 128821 19 40
BM 132698 \7



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No. 180


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No. 200


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K 1276 (= No. 1)

K 1359+ (= No. 5)

Sm 471+ (= No. 2)

K 7387+ (= No. 6)

K 975 (= No. 13)

K 8143+ (= No. 9)

K 13086 (= No. 14)

K 1473+ (= No. 24)

83-l-18,594 (= No. 10)

K 4750r (= No. 62)

K 4783+ (= No. 57)

: x ı

K 8358+ (= No. 63)

K 8787+ (= No. 58)


82-3-23,8+ (= No.

K 916 (= No. 73) K 1938+ (= No. 72)


K 8247+ (= No. 60)

79-7-8,265 (= No. 78)

K 351 (= No. 79)

Rm 45+ (= No. 89)

81'2-4,146 (= No. 85)

K 1403 (= No. 88)

83-l-18,346 (= No. 95)
82-5-22,40 (= No. 93)

Rm 462 (= No. 96) 8l-2-4,259 (= No. 97)

K 1483 (= No. 98) 83-1-18,567 (= No. 102)


K 10816 (= No. 99)


Rm 2,275 (= No. 105)

82-5-22,513 (= No. 108)

Sm 360 (= No. 109)

K 827 (= No. 110)

K 11468 (= No. l1l)

K 440 (= No.

E re enE
E ı

K 1449+ (= No. 115) 8O-7-l9,rr2 (= No. 119)


K 8835+ (= No. 120)

83-l-18,351 (= No. 125)

K 13581+ (= No. 137)

K 276 (= ş6. 116.1

81-2-4,339 (= No. 132)

K 1254 (= No. 127) 83-1-18,432 (= No. 143)

K 2023 (= No. 148)

83-1-18,515 (= No. 145)

K 7702+ (= No. 150)

82-5-22,548 (= No. 149)

K 9ll9+ (= No. 154)

Sm 287 (= No. 152)

K 4672+ (= No. 157)

K 108+ (= No. 16l)

80-7-19,104 (= No. 162)

K 9761 (= No. 160)

ğ K 1534 (= No. 164)

K 1548+ (= No. 159)

ı r

K 1450 (= No. 175)

K 13057 (= No. 170)

K 1291 (= No. 174)

K 796 (= No. 1ız)


K 708 (= No. 184) K 797 (= No. 186)

K 880a (= No. 188)
83-l-18,80 (= No. 190)
K 836 (= ş9. 1391


K 837 (= No. 193) K 88l (= ş9. 263; 82-5-22,170 (= No. 212)



Letİers from Assyria and the West
Edited by Simo parpola

Edited by Simo Parpola and Kazuko Watanabe

Edited by Alasdair Livingstone

Divination and Politics in Sargonid Assyria
Edited by Ivan Starr

Letters from İhe Northern and Northeastern Proyinces
Edited by Giovanni B. Lanfranchi and Simo Parpola

Tiglath-Pileser III through Esarhaddon
Edited by Theodore Kwasman and Simo parpola

Palace and Temple Admini stration
Edited by F. M. Fales and J. N. Posrgate

Sranr Ancrılv'E,S or AIŞSYRIA


g1ffiffifiu ıffiilı
ffiffiffiı ilıı ru
ryf ru


lsBN 951-570"111-2

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