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Chemistry project

PROJECT: Analysis of Honey

Submitted by: Ronit S Vaskar


Submitted to: Ramaya maam

Subject: Chemistry

I would like to express my special thanks to our

school, who gave me the opportunity to do this
project on the topic ‘ANALYSIS OF HONEY’ , which
also helped me in doing a lot of research and I
came to know about so many new things.
Secondly, I would also like to thank my parents
and friends who helped me a lot in finishing this

1. Aim
2. Apparatus Required
3. Theory

4. Procedure
5. Observation
6. Chemical Reaction
7. Conclusion
8. Bibliography
Basic Aim of project

 To analyze the natural honey for the presence

of different minerals and carbohydrates.
Apparatus Required
1. Test tube 2. Test tube stand
3. Burner
4. (a)Water bath
(b) Chemicals
1. Ammonium Chloride Solution (NH4Cl)
2. Ammonium Hydroxide Solution (NH4OH)
3. Concentrated Nitric acid (conc. HNO3)
4. Ammonium Phosphate (NH4)2PO4
5. Potassium Sulphocyanide Solution (KSCN)
Honey is thick, sweet, super saturated sugar
solution manufactured by bees to feed their
larvae and for the subsistence during winter.
Bee honey is composed of fructose, glucose and
water, in varying proportions. It also contains
several enzymes and oils.
The color & flavor depends on the age of the
honey and the source of the nectar. The coloured
honeys are usually of higher quality than dark
colored honeys.
Another high grade honeys are made by bees
from orange blossoms, clover and alfalfa.

.Test for minerals

1. Test for Potassium
>2ml of honey is taken in a test tube and picric acid solution is added.
Yellow precipitate indicates the presence of k+

2. Test for calcium

>2ml of honey is taken in a test tube and NH4cl solution and NH4OH
solution are added to it. The solution is filtered and to the filtrate
2ml of ammonium oxalate solution is added. White ppt. or milkiness

indicates the presence of Ca2+ Ions .

3. Test for magnesium

>2ml of honey is taken in a test tube and NH4Cl solution is added to it and
then excess of ammonium phosphate solution is added. The side of the test
tube is scratched with a glass rod. White precipitate indicates the presence
of Mg2+ ion

Test for Carbohydrates

1. Fehling’s test:
2ml of honey is taken in a test tube and 1ml
each of Fehling’s solution A and Fehling’s
solution B are added to it and boiled. Red
precipitate indicates the presence of
reducing sugars.

2. Tollen’s test:
2-3 ml of aqueous solution of honey is taken
in a test tube. 2-3ml of tollen’s reagent is
added. The test tube is kept in a boiling water
bath for about ten minutes. A shining silver
mirror indicates the presence of reducing

Observation Table

Brand of honey taken:

1. Dabur Honey
2. Zandu honey

S.NO Test

1. Test for Yellow ppt is Potassium is present

Potassium :- Observed
Honey +
Picric acid solution

1. Dabur Honey

2. Test for White ppt is not observed Calcium is absent

Calcium :-
Honey +NH4Cl
Soln. +NH4OH
Soln. filtered+
oxalate soln.

3. Test for magnesium :- Honey + White ppt not observed Magnesium absent
+ Ammonium

4. Test for iron :- Honey + conc. HNO3 Red color is observed Iron is present
heated and cooled + KCNS soln.
2.Zandu honey
S.NO Test Observation Inference

1. Test for Pale Yellow ppt is Potassium is present

Potassium :- Honey + Picric acid observed

2. Test for calcium :- White ppt is not observed Calcium is absent

Honey +NH 4Cl Soln. +NH 4OH Soln.
oxalate soln.

3. Test for magnesium :- Milkiness is not observed Magnesium absent

Honey+NH 4OH
+ Ammonium Phosphate

4. Test for iron:- Honey + conc. light red color is Iron is present
HNO3 heated and cooled + KCNs observed
Chemical reaction

. Tollen’s test

.Fehling's test

 Calcium is absent.
 Potassium is present.
 Iron is present.
 Magnesium is absent.
Honey contains reducing sugar.
 Contains carbohydrates.

 Potassium is present.

 Iron is present.

 Calcium is absent.

 Magnesium is absent.

 Honey contains reducing sugar.

Contains carbohydrates
1. Help from the Internet

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