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Lesson 1

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Lesson 1

Aa [ ei]

bake bane name fate mate

make date fame male latea

lane pave lake tale Kate

dave take gate gave game

rake rate hate haze hake

table trade plate frame blade

Lesson 2

Aa [ ei ]

hade wave brake Jane Jake

grape flake maple cradle cape

shame shape shake shade shame

place lace face space race

cage page rage stage wage

Lesson 3

Ee [i:]

been beet bee deed keen

seem seek seed deep feet

peel feed jeep need reel

reek weed week tree heel

he she sheep sheet sweep

me we needle sweet sleep

Lesson 4

Ee [i:]

he heel sheep street green

beetle cheek cheese speech leech

sheep sheet creep Greece geese

greet wheel street needle screen

Name, tree, page, cage, feet, brake, Greece, race, shape, cheese, wave, snake, street, wheel,
cake, table, cheek, beef.

Lesson 5

Ii [ai]

I bike like kite nine

pile fine line Nile side

mile wife size five pine

site tide mile mice pie

die lie ice mice slice

smile rice rise wide hike

Pale, shame, rise, bee, sleep, ripe, ice, street, crane, wave, while, white, fleet, deep, cake,
cave, drive, hike, shine, brave.

Lesson 6

Ii [ai:]

bike ripe glide tie ice

cry sky spy fry sly

shy why try rye type

die dye try tie my

hi vi Clyde cycle pride

tribe prize price white while

Time, shine, fly, cry, die, fame, blame, cheek, cheese, sheep,tree, Dave, brave, Mike, hike,
hate, shame, shine, needle.
Lesson 7

Oo [ou]

no go note bone rose

stone role smoke tone coke

sole spoke zone hope woke

roe foe toe Joe hoe

joke broke stole rope nose

Rome globe prose drove cone

Size, like, make, shape, rose, nose, stone, week, breed, Greece, we, he, cry, my, die, note,
spoke, prose, globe.

Lesson 8

Uu [ju:]

dune duke cube fuse mule

unit due use music pupil

tulip fume tune mute tube

Uu [u:]

blue clue glue true rude

rule June Bruce prune prude

Plate, June, blue, cheek, geese, frame, came, bride, kite, rose, stone, tune, music, sheep, broke,
state, nine, game, tulip, pupil.

Lesson 9

Aa [ӕ]

dad bad bag hat cap

sat man sad lap pan

mad jam nap bat map

Sam tap fat fan van

flag stand hand camp lamp

back pack sack lack fact

dash stamp saddle cattle hash

[ei:] – [ӕ]

cape - cap tape - tap hate - hat

mate - mat mane - man lake - lack

bake - back rate - rat pane - pan

fate - fat made - mad bane - ban

Lesson 10

Ee [e]

bed fell hen men tell

pen hell shell shed pet

set bet web wet sell

smell fresh bless bench best

pencil lesson neck peck deck

fence pence Welsh west jet

Lesson 11

[i:] - [e] [ӕ] - [e]

Pete – pet hell – heel bad – bed

meet – met beet - bet sand - send

cheek – check reef - rest tan - ten

jeep - jet sell - see land - lend

Lesson 11

Ii [i]

is it big bill sit

ship chick bin dig hit

miss dish fiddle fist kill

pill will twin wind fish

lick kick pick mist risk

quick quiz rich crisp bridge

[ai] - [i] [i:] - [i]

pile - pill life - lift mile - mill peel - pill

shine – ship pine – pin rise - risk heel - hill

ripe - rip rice - rich shy - ship seek - sick

like - lick ride - rid style - still wheel - will

Lesson 12

Oo [ ᴐ]

dog hot hop god got

rod drop stop jog loss

clock box fox soft lot

shop chop lock sock cock

frost fog cotton bottle cost

John flock blond shock bronze

[ou] - [ᴐ]

rose - rock hope - hop coke - cock

robe - rob smoke - smog stone - stop

note - not slope - slop tone - top

It is a rose. It is a red rose. It is a frog. It is a green frog.

It is a shop. It is a big shop. It is a pond. It is a blue pond.

It is a fox. It is a red fox. It is a dog. It is a black dog

Lesson 13

Uu [ᴧ]

bus hut nut cut cup

gun dull rub sun sum

duck much Mum luck gulf

uncle trust drug bump chuck

plug uncle plum brush rush

struggle must plump junk dust

Uu [ju:] - [ᴧ]

cube - cub huge - hug use - us

duke - duck due - dull tube - tub

fuse - fuss mute - mud hue - hut

Huge, blue, bus, button, place, space, beef, cheese, broke, no, still, stick, pick, cry, fry, tie,
style, tube, page, cage, huge, duck.

It is a duck. It is a big duck. It is a rug. It is a green rug.

I can jump. He can run. She can swim. We can write. We can skate.

Lesson 14

th [Ө] th [?]

thin thick this that

three pith with the

moth month bathe then

cloth thrill these those

think thank them than

This, these, those, that, cloth, with, then, them, the, bathe, three, thick, the, thus, moth, than,
pith, these, those, the. This is a little stone. This is a little green frog. This is a black beetle.
That is a green fly. That is a white sheep.
Lesson 15

ar [ɑ:]

are car bar tar far

art arm park lark dark

farm harm hard mark jar

part card star scar charm

large barge March scarf chart

artist garden carpet market argue

This is a garden. These are gardens. That is a park. Those are parks. This is a black car. These
are blue cars. That is a green carpet. Those are yellow carpets.

Lesson 16

or [ᴐ:]

or ore nor fork pork

born corn short sport norm

port sort storm more torn

shore force stork torch thorn

North, normal, scarf, dark, duck, park, plum, shame, little, kettle, chicken, children, meet, seem,
black, flag, bone.

I see a green tree. The tree is big and nice. We can run and jump. She is short and plump but
she can swim well.

Lesson 17

er [ә:], ir [ә:], ur [ә:]

her herd verb term nerve

germ German serve person perch

bird first skirt girl firm

shirt circus circle birch fir-tree

burn hurt nurse surf fur

burst church purse turtle hurdle

Car, corn, nurse, bird, perch, turtle, garden, button, cap, cup, sport, spoke, bench, cattle, little,
geese, pick, table.

This is a little bird. This isn’t a big bird. That is a short skirt.

That isn’t a long dress. These are blue shirts. Those are white shirts.

Lesson 18

ai [ei], ay [ei], ey [ei]

aim rain sail gain main

raise maid hail tail wait

jail brain nail paid rail

train chain paint laid faint

way day bay jay stay

pay play may May hay

prey grey they trey they

They can paint a train. They can sail. They can play chess. They can sail. They can stay for a

Lesson 19

oi [ᴐi], oy [oi]

spoil boil join spoil coin

point voice boy joy Floy

toy poison noise choice soil

oo [u:] [u]

boot spoon school book look

fool cool noon cook good

soon goose groom hook wood

moon room tooth rook food

root roof pool brook foot

I like to go to school. He likes to go to school too. We like to read books. They like to read
books too. She likes to play in the garden. We like to swim in the lake.

Lesson 20

ea [i:]

beat east eat tea sea

beach clean heat dream lead

mean feat neat read peak

meal stream please flea leaf

speak jeans weak leave Zealand

er[ә], or [ә], ar [ә]

Teacher, doctor, silver, corner, tailor, butter, suffer, summer, winter, better, actor,

pepper, supper, letter, turner, player.

My sister is a teacher. She isn’t a doctor. She works at school. She teaches Maths. She doesn’t
teach English. She likes to work on the computer. She is clever. I love my sister very much.

Lesson 21

all [ᴐ:], ald [ᴐ:], alt [ᴐ:]

all ball call stall salt

tall fall small hall wall

false bald halt mall malt

Lesson 22

old [ould], olt [oult], oa [ou]

Old, cold, hold, gold, told, volt, boat, toad, loan, goat, soak, soap, coat, oak, raincoat,

ou [au]

noun round cloud sound loud

mouse mount blouse hound house

ow [au]

brown owl howl now how

cow clown fowl towel crown

flower shower tower powder growl

ow [ou]

low row crow snow yellow

throw show grow slow window

There is a little house. There is a mouse in the house. There are three windows in the house.
There are flowers around the house.

Lesson 23

au [ᴐ:]

Paul pause cause fault because

August haunt launch Austria Australia

aw [ᴐ:]

saw law paw haw hawk

lawn draw dawn jaw prawn

uagh + t [ ᴐ:t ]

caught naught daughter fraught slaughter

igh + t [ ait ]

might light sight bright right

night flight fight fright Dwight

eight, weight, straight, night, bright, right, naught, daughter, caught, draw, paw, pause, cause,
house, mouse, cloud, down.

Lesson 24

ng [ŋ]

[i] [ᴐ] [ᴧ] [ӕ]

sing song sung sang

ring wrong rung rang

wing long lung hang

king Kong swung gang

Reading, playing, eating, driving, drawing, drinking, catching.

I like reading books. He likes playing football. She likes drawing.

I don’t like playing the piano. He doesn’t like drawing.

Lesson 26

w [w], wh [w]

week will wake wide woke

which white while wheel why

when where sweet swim Swiss

qu [ kw ]

queen quake quiz quick quote

quest quite queen quod quake

o [ᴧ]

glove love dove come above

month mother brother other colour

some nothing worry wonder son

Sometimes, someone, somebody, something, nothing, another.

What colour are the gloves? They are brown. What colour is the monkey? It’s brown. I love
monkeys. They are funny.

Lesson 27

-tion [ʃn]

Station dictation tradition emotion

Invention mention attention notion

-kn [n]

Know knock knight knife

Knew knee knot knob

-tain [tin] -tain [tin]

mountain curtain

fountain certain

captain Britain

-ear [ɪә] -[ԑә]

near bear

hear pear

beard wear

clear swear

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