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Floating Houses: A design for flood resilience innovations in Bangladesh

Conference Paper · July 2017

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: A d ign d resil

Division of Industrialized and Sustainable Construction, Luleå University of Technology,
Luleå, Sweden,
2Centre for Environmental Change and Human Resilience (CECHR), University of Dundee,

Dundee, UK,

People living in the coastal regions of Bangladesh suffer extremely due to floods. Every year 20% of
the land mass (~27,000 km 2) and 30 million inhabitants are exposed to flooding that triggers casualties,
infrastructural damage, and deprived access to basic needs. Many policies and strategies already exist for
managing flood-related disasters. Flood-shelters save lives but rarely equipped with sufficient food, clean water,
sanitation, and electricity. New strategies are required to provide resilience in flood prone areas. This conceptual
paper presents an innovative and integrated approach for up-scaling and enhancement of resilience in the flood
prone regions of Bangladesh. The paper shows a conceptual design for a floating house with six innovation
techniques for self-sufficiency and durability. The techniques include wind and flood tolerant structure, vertical
gardening, rainwater harvesting, poultry and bio-digester unit, cage fishing, and renewable energy
implementation. The techniques are low-tech and cost-efficient. Use of locally available materials enhances the
resilience before and after flood. The design presents equality, balance and immense opportunities for the
inhabitants. The 3R strategy (reduce, reuse and recycle) is one of the fundamental concepts of this floating house
design. The design explores the possibilities of food security, waste management and energy challenge.

: Flood, resilience, up-scaling, environmental, water

Hydrological occurrence like flood is a common phenomenon in Bangladesh as it is situated

on the Ganges Delta and having distributaries that flows into the Bay of Bengal (Islam et al.,
2010). The country is affected by flood almost every year and causing damage to
lives, crops, infrastructure and economy. One of the prominent reason behind such hazards is
abrupt changes in climate that contributes in sea level rising and therefore results in flood
occurrences (Mimura, 2013). Numerous initiatives were taken into consideration to manage
flood related disasters in Bangladesh which includes structural engineering projects such as
embankments, raised platform and other temporary shelters (e.g. National Water Policy,
National Strategy for Disaster Management, Bangladesh Climate Change Strategy and Action
Plan). As a matter of fact this initiatives often results in water logging and restrict sediment
flow, reducing agricultural productivity and also generates social vulnerability. The objectives
of such projects are deprived of a systematic and integrated approach and are not optimized
for long term considerations. The systematic and complex nature of resilience and the
interdependence between environmental hazards and social, economic and welfare need of
people is often ignored while managing the flood related disasters. This lead to a devastated
ng pre and post phase of flood.
Climate change is enhancing intensity, frequency of floods which then exacerbate many
other challenges, including livelihoods, poverty and gender relations in interrelated ways
(Tanner, et al., 2007). The interrelated ways of flood impact is elaborated in Table 1.

Therefore, the study creates an urge to take a sustainable, integrated and longer-term
approach that simultaneously enhances generalized resilience (e.g. livelihood and poverty
related challenges) while also enhancing resilience specific to flooding. This study emphasizes
on developing a conceptual model of designing a floating house integrating six innovation
techniques for flood prone areas in Bangladesh. It conceptualizes the idea of floating houses
functioning both on land and water. Similar examples on amphibious houses were found in
Europe and in the USA situated in two different climate zones (English, 2009). Another study
showed a similar design consideration for the urban poor during the crisis of flood (Prosun,
2011) . Moreover, implementation of flood resilient house practices and inclusion of the new
guidelines for buildings situated in the flood prone areas in Bangladesh is necessary.
Figure 1 shows the inundated areas during flood events in 1974, 1988 and 1998. It can
be seen that the percentage of total area inundated was approximately 35% in 1974, which
increased to around 49% by 1998.
Figure 1. Flood affected areas in the map of Bangladesh (Agrawala et al., 2003)

The aim of this study is to develop an innovative and sustainable floating house design which
is environment friendly and can be built using locally available materials. The concept is to
design a house to cope with flood and corresponding water related disasters. The floating
house is conceptualized on that can be adapted and optimized
towards local climate condition. The above context provides necessary ground for a
permanent static elevation in the form of residential structures to avoid forced displacement
of human population during flood. The target is to evaluate energy-efficient innovation
strategies to enhance the resilience of households and communities to before, during and
after flooding. Specific objectives are given below:
1. Mitigation of climate change induced loss and damage.
2. Implementation of reduce, reuse and recyclable potential in the floating house design.
3. Self-economic hub for livelihood support and income generation through food production.
4. Exploration of critical resilience dimensions and ensure safety and security of the flood
affected people.
5. Replacement of non-renewable sources by renewable sources for energy production.
6. Energy-efficient design aspects and passive strategies to reduce the environmental burden
and GHG emission.

Approach and methods

A conceptual floating house model
The goal of this study is to test the floating house concept in a real environment. Therefore,
monsoon flood-prone areas of Southern Bangladesh were selected. The locations are Char
Bhaga, Sakhipur, and Tarabunia in the Bhedarganj upazilla at the Shariatpur District. The
locations were chosen based on the following considerations: (a) are highly exposed to
monsoonal flooding; (b) are readily accessible; (c) face complex issues relating to vulnerability.
The idea of a floating house has been conceptualized to address the climate change issues.
The design is a self-sufficient floating house which emerge as a source of basic needs during
the crisis period as shown in Figure 2
the concept of a tree. The physiological and psychological attributes of a tree has been
considered thoroughly while conceptualizing the idea of a floating house. It is considered to
be a self-sufficient house with the ability to producing food through vertical vegetation even
in the period of flood. This floating house can serve as a potential shelter for the victims of
flood prioritized to improve their condition through safety, security and income generated

Figure 2. The conceptual 3D floating house model before and during flood
The project is highly innovative for three reasons. First, the idea of a floating resilient house
that integrates multiple other innovations (Figure 2, Table 2) to provide renewable energy;
income generation; food production before, during and after floods; and security is entirely
new. Second, a participatory approach can be included so that it can it provide learning
methods and developmental evaluation to encourage innovation of community members in
the project. Third, the design of the up-scaling strategy is also highly innovative in the way it
draws on extensive local insights gained through collaborative learning approaches that will
help understand both the effectiveness of the resilience innovations and of the participatory
process used to develop and implement them.
The study will also add significant new knowledge about resilience, including about: (1)
the systemic nature of resilience, including relationship between diverse challenges facing
local people; (2) integrated approaches and innovations to enhance resilience; (3) designing

resilience through inclusive and participatory approaches, including the challenges and
opportunities of doing so.
Innovation in the floating house concept
The aim of this floating house is to with-stand the current and future climate change impact
and simultaneously contribute to reduction in GHG emission through environment friendly
technological interventions. Due to the adverse impact of climate change it is therefore
evident to build houses sustainably. Passive strategies such as implementation of renewable
technology have been introduced to address the climate change issues. A few innovation
techniques have been integrated with the floating house concept which is described below
precisely (Nayar, et al., 1989) (Brugere, et al., 2001) in Table 2.
The figure below (Figure 3) shows the floating house model integrated with the
six innovation techniques summarized in Table 2.

Figure 3. A conceptual diagram illustrating the floating house model integrated with six innovation techniques
the ground level. The water level scenario during pre and post flood condition is shown in
figure 4.

Figure 4. Water level scenario before and during flood

Addressing Objective 1: Mitigation of climate change induced loss and damage

Addressing objective 2: Implementation of reduce, reuse and recyclable potential in the

floating house design.
The 3R strategy is a sustainable way of managing the waste and the resource value of materials
can be fully utilized in the process.

the organic wastes are being reused and recycled in
Addressing objective 3: Self-economic hub for livelihood support and income generation
through food production.
The floating house concept has been developed to improve the wellbeing of the inhabitants.
As already mentioned that hazards like flood has a disastrous and detrimental impact on
economical, physical and psychological condition of the affected people. Supporting the
livelihood were prioritized during the formulation of the concept. The house is a source of
self-economic hub. Food security can be ensured through production of vertical vegetation,
poultry and fish (see figure 3). Moreover, the surplus vegetables, fish and poultry can be sold
in the local market and thus serve as a purpose of income generation activity for the
Addressing objective 4: Exploration of critical resilience dimensions and ensure safety and
security of the flood affected people
The temporary shelter often fails to provide the basic facilities and services to the affected
people. Report shows that such temporary shelter cannot provide proper safety and security
towards women and children (Brouwer, et al., 2007). Therefore, instead of a temporary
shelter a permanent solution like floating house can alleviate their pains and sorrows.
Addressing objective 5: Replacement of non renewable sources by renewable sources for
energy production
Bangladesh is fully dependent on fossil fuels to generate electricity which are being depleted
at an alarming rate. People suffer from electricity shortage extremely which is considered as
one of the biggest crisis at present. However, approximately 30% of the total populations are
connected to the national electricity grid of Bangladesh (Taheruzzaman et al., 2016). People
living in the village areas has access to the rural electrification grid which has very poor
performance and frequently suffers from shutting down of electricity. The country has
immense opportunities for implementing solar energy (Islam et al., 2014). As being situated
in semi tropical region of south Asia, Bangladesh receives abundant sunlight year round.
Scientists with support from s, rural electrification board and the infrastructure
development company have initiated the solar panel implantation plan in the rural areas of
Bangladesh (Ahammed &Taufiq, 2008). Using daylight the solar panels installed on the roof
can produce electricity and meet the needs of local people (Prasad & Snow, 2014). Apart from
solar panels the use of wind turbines have also been considered to generate electricity when
there is no sunlight available (Nayar, et al., 1989). The extra electricity produced can be sold
to the local electrification board as well. Successful implementation of these passive energy
sources can encourage other rural areas to adopt this technology and thus contribute in
reducing the environmental burden.
Addressing objective 6: Energy-efficient design aspects and passive strategies to reduce the
environmental burden and GHG emission
The floating house is naturally ventilated. It is considered as one of the main techniques for
keeping moderate temperatures in buildings specially situated in the hot dry and tropical
climates. The natural ventilation can help to improve the indoor air quality through fresh air
flow. Integrating the vertical vegetation is another strategy incorporated in this concept to
improve the indoor and outdoor environment. Addition of vegetation on the facades will
generate lower temperature during warm summer months comparatively than the
conventional façades. Both of the above mentioned strategies can reduce the energy
consumption and greenhouse gas emission simultaneously.
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The approach and collaborative nature of this concept are highly amenable to scaling up
and longer term sustainability that would reach around 20,000 households and 1 million
people. This concept describes an innovative approach towards adaptation compared to the
traditional flood resilient infrastructure. The resilience initiatives have been chosen because
of their direct relevance to local needs, affordability, and ability to address multiple
challenges facing households. The study also specifically seeks to enhance potential scalability
through learning about the effectiveness of innovations, how they can be implemented and
by designing scaling approaches. It also includes approaches to implementation that are
community led rather than imposed by engineers, planners or researchers. Overall, the
combination of attention to appropriate innovations, the process of engagement and
inclusivity, designing scalability, and consideration of wider governance and policy issues
greatly enhance the potential for sustainability and wider impact.

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