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NJAP by Amazing Klef

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I knew I was going to tell my story one day, I just

never foresaw it being this soon. Make I no lie,
I'm so happy to share part of me with you. Just
to give you heads up; this is not going to be your
cliche kind of book, as I’m going to be narrating
my experiences as raw as they occurred. Grab a
drink, cause its about to be a movie and a very
interesting one at that.

Amazing Klef didn’t just happen out of the

blues. Its years of different phases and
processes that transported me to this point.
Without boring you, lets get straight to it.

After my secondary school, in the year 2011, I

knew there was no way at all i was going to an
higher institution. That fact was so obvious,
because my Father couldn’t even afford to pay
my WASSCE (West African Senior School
Certificate Examination) fees. But, I did sit for
my WASSCE though, because, my principal
decided to pay my fees, cause I was an excellent
student and held the position of the head boy.

I knew that getting to write the exam, was mere

favour and there was little anyone could do
after that. So, that was where the hustle began
for me.
I grew up around Ojo/Alaba axis of Lagos, I’m
certain you must know or have heard of the
famous Alaba International Market, yeah, that
one, thats where I’m talking about , that’s
where I grew up.

After secondary school, I immediately attached

myself to one uncle in my area. I’m trying to
recall his name oh, when I do.… Anyways, I
started following him to Alaba International
Market to assist him with his job. Which was to
help people who buy android phones newly to
download different apps (applications) into
their phones. I was so excited at the end of each
work day, because he always gave me N200
( Two Hundred Naira) which I spent mostly on
one big Pepsi immediately I got home. Mehn,
drinking that Pepsi always gave me so much joy,
that was certainly the highlight of my day and
working with him.

Few months passed, and i knew it was time to

move on to something better. So, i started
looking for a job.
After several searches, back and forths, I finally
landed a job at a Cyber Cafe as a Graphic
Let me just make this confession, I had to lie to
get the job. Because, i was asked if i could do
graphic designs and I said ‘yes’, without having
any idea on how to create or design anything.

Let me burst your brain, do you know what I

did?, there was a guy working there who did
their graphic designs, I guess they just needed
an extra hand. So, I made it my duty to sit next
to him, study how he created his graphic
designs. In no time, i learnt from him and even
became badder than him in creating designs.

Take one thing from this, my journey to

becoming a Graphic Designer was unplanned
and unexpected and it began from this job
which I was paid about N7000 (Seven Thousand
Naira) a month. My salary was approximately
my overall transport fare for the entire month,
so I used a transport system whilst going to
work in the morning and trekked home at
I worked at another cyber cafe afterwards,
continuing as a Graphic Designer until i moved
to a record label because they offered to pay
me about N12,000 (Twelve Thousand Naira)
which was higher than my salary at that time, to
also do their graphics. While I was working at
the record label, I met a man named Spinog. He
was so intrigued by my designs and kept telling
me that, with my skills, my potential is unlimited
in the music section of Alaba Market.

After much cajoling, I decided to go with him.

He took me to a man’s shop where I squatted
for a while before the man asked me to leave
because he wanted to make use of his space -
Lol, all na lamba. Although, telling me to leave
seemed like my biggest problem at that time; it
turned out to be one of my biggest blessings in
the long run.

I had to ask for assistance, loan, beg in order to

just rent my own space. You can probably
already guess that I was able to get my own
space, yes i did and immediately I did, I went in
full force with designing Alaba Mixtapes.
My goal at that time was to be the biggest Alaba
Mixtape designer in the market. I wanted my
name to be found on almost every Alaba
mixtape found on the streets.

Mehn, I wasn’t Amazing Klef then oh! I used to

be known as Klefricz and brand name - Klefricz
Media. Don’t worry we are going to get to the
part where i switched to Amazing Klef, but, for
now, take in and enjoy 'Klefricz'…*giggles*.

Ahhh, should I tell you the Alaba

story…*thinking*- its long oh!

Let me just touch on the parts that play a role in

my present.

In Alaba I was designing mixtapes as I earlier

mentioned. In addition, I designed music covers
for upcoming artistes on the streets.

Perhaps you’re wondering where and when

Emmanuel, whom you all know as
Elmathehybrid comes into the picture. Its
somewhere around here - thats the start of my
Alaba journey.
I remember him being introduced to me and I
was like - No oh! i don’t want anyone cause i felt
I could do it all myself as the superman i was
naa. Anyway, thank God i gree take am oh!
If not those Alaba mixtape go don frustrate me
leave Alaba. Emma was really helpful as he
handled the typing of names of all the artistes
and the songs that appear behind the mixtapes.

I designed an average of 15 mixtapes daily and I

was barely paid N500 (Five Hundred Naira) for
one. It was crazy, I remember staying up every
night to design about 10 mixtapes which i made
about N5000 (Five Thousand Naira) or less from.

Whilst still in Alaba, since I was already exposed

to working with couple of upcoming artistes, I
decided to get a camera and start offering
photography services. All i did was take
portraits of them for their music covers, album
covers etc. I charged between N500-N1000 for
about 3 edits.
I had no major interest in photography then,
until one day, my girlfriend came visiting at the
market and she told me one thing that changed
my whole perspective towards the craft. She
was like - The only thing that can give you a
financially independent future is photography,
hold on to it tightly. She analysed how much I
could be making, she also made me understand
that I could put my creativity to extra use and
that just did it for me…you all know the rest is
history, but it sure didn’t just happen like a

Now, the focus became photography. How do I

do it? Where do i start from? It requires lots of
funds to even scratch the surface, I’ve no one,
no aid, no support…It was seeming impossible,
very impossible, very very impossible. Until i
opened my mouth and asked a total stranger for
help. Haaa…Mr Solace Levi, God bless you
wherever you’re. He sells photography gadgets
in the market. I was already able to purchase
one or two things from him on different
occassions previously. I knew there was
absolutely nothing I had to invest in this craft,
so i approached him, asked that he should give
me some specific photography tools and
promised him that I would pay back in
instalments for about a year. He obliged to my
request and nothing has made me happier than
that rare act of favour i received that day.

In between all these - trying to get set up as a

photographer, I was already trying to find my
way out of the streets of Alaba. I don’t know
how to really explain this part, i just knew that it
was time to move away and move on to
something bigger and better. At that time,
something bigger and better for me was anyway
out of Ojo/Alaba axis.

Through my work in Alaba, I started meeting

artistes from far and wide in Lagos and Nigeria
as a whole. I took advantage of that and started
networking. In other words, I started
befriending some and got opportunities to
squat in their studios, living room and when i
got lucky, a spare room.
During my squatting phase, I know I made little
to nothing, but I was so reckless in spending
even with the little I made. I wasn’t saving a
dime. I had no practical plan on how I was going
to get my own space and photography set up
without having to latch around anymore. For
over a year, my girlfriend kept coming up with
different saving strategies from banks and even
the famous ‘kolo’, but I gave deaf ears to all her
suggestions. Until she suggested I saved with
her account where she alone has access to.
Thank God I finally heed to that as the results of
that are evident in my journey thus far.

The end of the previous paragraph marks the

end of an era and also the beginning of fresh
growth and possibilities.

Before I draw the curtain on my Journey. I want

you to know that - who Amazing Klef keeps
metamorphosing into, is as a result of those
different phases of my life. Though, there are
more intricate phases and struggles I’ve been
through, but I’m not able to delve into them,
cause i want to keep this as simple, short and
enjoyable as possible.



I know you’re very eager to jump right to this

part. But, chill…I tried to make my journey as
concise as possible oh! I know e long, but man
has passed through different phases, I just had
to highlight some of the most important ones,
inorder for you to have an idea of where I’m
coming from, so that understanding where I’m
going to wouldn’t be a problem. I hope you
enjoyed reading every bit of it? Lol, i know you

Okay, so, I get asked this question almost

everyday - How do you do everything you do ?
How have you been able to place yourself on a
pedestal that makes you so different from every
other photographer?

Five things have driven me to this point of my

journey. Let me just chip this in, I keep
describing every facet of my life as a journey
because its a continuing process for me.
Now back to the five things. As cliche as any
point might want to sound to you, they’re all
poignant factors that have worked for me and
currently working for me in strategically
branding me into “Not Just Another


I know you might've heard that word a million

and one time. I’ve heard it too. But, the
difference is – I’ve practically made it a life long
motto. One of the major reasons i had to start
this book with a story of “MY JOURNEY”, is
because i need you to understand that, I’ve
practicalized the word consistency since I was
16years old.

I realised early in life, that, I had no one, no

support, absolutely nothing and the only way I
can ever live a comfortable life, better than
what my parents provided me (by the way, they
are amazing parents and they did their best) is
to work hard, work smart and go through my
process cause I’ve never believed in acquiring
wealth illegally. And in order not to acquire ill-
gotten wealth, you’ve to go through your
process mehn, you’ve to. You can never
catapult from “grass……………….to………………..
grace" without having those dots in between,
which represents different phases of your

The catch phrase for me as regards being

consistent is - Don’t stop putting out content,
especially at the beginning. The plan has always
been to make a statement, so that if breaks are
taken in future, nobody questions my dopiness
in creating magic.

Consistency for me has always been staying up

all night , completing projects, watching
tutorials to better my craft, creating mood
boards for test shoots and basically always
showing up to do what needs to be done.

How are you a content creator and days, even

week(s) pass without you putting out content
on your social media platform. Your growth
relies solely on the solidity of your foundation.
And don’t be deceived, you can’t grow if you
don’t repeat your craft or work every day. Lets
not restrict this to just content creation but
whatever it is you find doing. Even the bible
clearly states that seest thou a man diligent in
his work, he will stand before Kings, and not
mere men.

I remember when i was a graphic designer in

Alaba International Market, for about 2 years
straight i never had 8 hours of sleep because i
had tons of Alaba mixtapes to design every
night. And the crazy thing is, i was just paid
about three hundred naira for each mixtape
design. So, money wasn’t even the motivation
of me loosing good sleep every night. I was just
at the beginning of my journey and i knew i had
to pay my dues in order to be successful rather
popular as that was what was on mind at that

It was crazy, but, i knew that with each mixtape

design, i was closer to my dream of being the
biggest graphic designer in Alaba Market and
also each design brought me one or two jobs
outside the shores of Alaba.

At the moment, I’ve become so busy with local

and international brands’ projects that i don’t
put out contents as consistent as I used to,
neither do I create tests shoots as much as
before. What remains constant though, is that
I’m consistently working behind the scenes. And
I’ve consistently, through the years, grown my
brand by always creating, putting out content
daily and most importantly learning every new
things on the internet that makes every content
put out have a creative breath of fresh air.

What are you doing? Kill that procrastination

vibe now…….create, create, keep creating, don’t
stop creating. You’re just one picture, one
content, one work or job away from your dream
job and never ending success.

Lets move on to the next point, shall we…


When you take a first glance at my Instagram

page, the first thing you notice is that my
pictures or content aren’t the regular pictures
on most Photographers pages. Theres always a
touch of creative element in most of my images
and videos. This is not saying you cannot carve a
niche for yourself as a certain type of
photographer. But, being a wedding
photographer for instance, what makes you
different from the thousands of wedding
photographers in your geographical location ?
why should anyone choose to work with you ?
asides the obvious answer that the quality of
your pictures are better, what else does your
images speak ? Because, when it comes to
quality images, photographers dey abeg. Is it
editing, too many talented people are killing the
game. That’s why you have to let your images
make statement for you in whatever way
possible that it negotiates on your behalf and
draws in great clientele for you.
I’m not saying, you’ve to do exactly what
Amazing Klef does, but you’ve to not pay
attention to only the editing of your images but
also every little throughout the process of
creating them.

As much as I’ve focused on photographers as

thats my craft, everyone that offers a service
should also think along these lines. The
reoccurring questions on your mind should be -
why should a potential client/customer choose
me ?

"Think, Imagine, Invent” - These are the three

things i want you to take out of this point. I
spend most of my time thinking, so as to
produce amazing results with each project,
product or service. If you don’t go through these
creative route, then you will always produce
BASIC results and be just another
………………(Photographer, Designer, Artist,
Influencer etc)

Organisation stems from the word “Organise”,

which means systemically arrange or make
preparations for …

Let me break this down with a popular phrase -

If you fail to plan, you plan to fail. Its as simple
as that. Productivity is the fruit of adequate

For the past six years, I always always start my

day with a To-do-list. And by God’s grace, I
always strike off every task I’ve to complete
before the day ends or at most, 90% off the list.

Oh! Amazing Klef, I know about to-do-list joorh.

But do you consciously pen stuffs down and see
to it that you make it happen before the day
runs out ? I loose sleep knowing that I haven’t
achieved anything tangible in a day and so
should you.
I make it a daily routine to strategically plan out
my days. Being organised has helped sped up
my growth in my career because I achieve so
much in just a day.

Let me give you one practical example of a to-

do-list i had for a day;

Create Oppo’s mood board

Upload Tha Marvel
Call family on video call
Mail sessions and pictures
Shoot my book reveal video
Wash car
Buy groceries

Asides from daily things I want to execute, I’ve

made it a point of duty that at the end of every
year, I sketch out a plan of about ten goals i
want to achieve, before the proposed year runs
out. You should do this too.

Don’t make a mistake thinking that organisation

is constricted to having a to-do-list, no.
Organisation for me goes down to preparing for
my shoots as well as delegating authority to
different persons to fulfil duties I cannot do
effectively if left with the task.

For instance, I have a team and the major key

players are my manager and my personal
assistant. My manager brings in business and
ensures that the Amazing Klef Brand is well
packaged and sellable. My personal assistant on
the other hand responds to direct
messages(DMs), answers our business line and
takes all bookings for the brand. I work with
some other people who make everything flow
with ease for me. I strongly believe in team
work makes the dream work. I can’t be the one
writing proposals, answering calls and doing
every single thing that has to be done and also
experience exponential success and growth.

I know this might be very hard, but, we all have

to learn to delegate authority to in order to
grow. No man is an island oh! My brother, my
sister, you can’t do everything by yourself.

If you’ve been following closely with my brand

over the past few years, you would’ve realised
that Amazing Klef is not a static brand. My
brand has been able to evolve and
metamorphose over the years.

I started out as a graphic designer, then

branched into photography, then eventually
introduced videography.

Just the same way you need to frequently

update your apps or iOS devices, you need to
constantly refuel and rebrand your self so as to
stay relevant and marketable in today’s world.

I’ve never felt comfortable at a particular spot

or phase in my life. Im always uneasy with the
level I’m at and steadily thinking - What Next ?
What Next ?

The moment you relax and feel, “I don arrive”

*giggles*, then there’s one person that would
run a sprint and take your spot without

With your skills and job, be innovative and

dynamic. People should never be able to predict
you and what next you’re going to bring to
table. Re-invent yourself, and the best way to
do that is by - reading, researching, watching
youtube videos and buying tutorials of stuffs
related to your field.

Leave with knowing this, the number one spot is

not given, its taken by those who are daring
enough to fight for it. So, who are you choosing
to be ? The one that has the number one spot ?;
The one that takes the number one spot?; or
the one that the number one spot is taken

If you’re aiming towards the number one spot

or you want to keep it, when you attain it, then
you must consciously and consistently re-invent
yourself. The password to unlocking success in
whatever field you’re is simple - be INNOVATIVE

The first thing that might want to come to mind

is - “Jack of all trades, master of none” - Lie!
Who told you that you cannot garner varying
skills in a particular field thats your focus? Who
says? common… Why learn how to just do
piercings, when you can learn tattoos in
addition, why know how to just shoot pictures,
when you can infuse videography into your
photography skills.

I realised early that the world is gradually

moving on from outsourcing some skills, thats
why i try as much as possible to be very
versatile. Why? you may want to ask - its just so
that there’s always a need to need my services
or choose me.

I moved on from graphics, because there are

apps like Canva, Mojo currently eating up the
graphics space and making every tom, dick and
harry now a DIY graphics designer. I swiftly
rebranded myself as a photographer, then
started spreading my wings as a videographer.

One thing you need to understand though is

that I solidified myself in one space before
moving to the next. And even before moving, I
did a lot of background work, bought tons of
tutorials, researched that field extensively
before moving into it. I didn’t just wake up one
day and out of the blues, I announced… Oh!
hey, here’s my new tag, call me a photographer
or videographer.

I believe my versatility proves the point of this

whole book - “Not Just Another Photographer”
because you can’t place a particular tag on
describing who Amazing Klef is. Some refer to
me as a photographer, others cinematographer,
graphic designer,brand influencer, teacher,
show presenter etc. Lets just streamline all
those tags into one…*laughs*…From today, I
wish to be known and addressed as, the one
and only Creative Indabosky….*hahaha*

If you haven’t been taking notes, its time to.

Everyone needs this part of the book.
They don’t tell you what I’m about to on the
streets. I’m about to dish out secrets that have
aided me in staying relevant in our everly
growing and overcrowded industry.

As difficult as it is getting to the top, it is a

million times harder to stay there. I don’t even
think I’m at the peak or zenith of my career yet,
thats why i keep evolving as a brand.

Now to the crux of the matter which I know

interests you. To stay popping in today’s world
requires 'SMART’ work. Im continually growing
my brand based on three basic, but extremely
essential principles which i will briefly discuss
My number one and most important principle is
creating a seamlessly beautiful customer
relations and service to a prospective client and

You might’ve noticed I used the phrases;

Customer Relations and Customer Service, thats
because both describes varying functions. On
one hand, Customer Relations focuses on
solving problems, building and maintaining
customer relationship; while Customer Service
focuses on ensuring that customers get the best
experience from the brand or business.

Once you realise that - offering/creating a good

service or product isn’t the only guarantee that
your brand/business will succeed. Because, not
only are your clients concerned with the
product/service you’re selling/offering, but,
more importantly, how you sell/offer them and
what happens after you’ve succeeded in selling
it to them.
I feel like one of the major reasons why I’m still
so booked and busy is because I endeavour to
create an unforgettable enjoyable experience
with everyone of my client.

You need to see my energy during every

project….crazy men! My vibes are so genuine
and pure, that everyone that shoots with me
falls in love with my person and aura, if I’m to
say so myself. Every individual leaves feeling like
we’ve been friends for so long and you know
with friendship comes loyalty, so they keep
coming back when need arises for my services.

Even on my worst days, I’m the happiest when

with my clients. I never ever wear my emotions
on my face because making them the happiest
so as to create great images or videos is always
always my number one priority.

Creating great customer relations and services is

the new currency oh. Because, through that you
retain them as clients and also get newer clients
through their referrals. Especially in this small
world of social media, one bad experience can
totally ruin your career.

Principle number two - PR

PR, which stands for Public Relations, as it refers

to me in very simple terms is how I market
myself through news media to the public.

I’ve come to realise that, no matter how

talented/skilled you’re at whatever you’re
doing, if nobody knows you exist, you will never
have clients or customers or have them but not
the numbers you deserve.

There’s always a potential to reach more

people, always. Yoruba people will say - ‘Owo lo
n fi wa owo’ , meaning - ‘Its money that they
use in finding money’

If you want to stay relevant, then you’ve to

spend money on adverts of any kind. Stop being
stingy, invest in your craft. Even Coca-Cola
knows this. Despite being the biggest soda
company in the world, they still chun out
millions, perhaps billions on adverts every year.
Why ? because they want to stay relevant and
at the top. Just a little slack, and they would be
dethroned off the peak ASAP.

Over the years, I’ve spent millions on sponsored

adverts, press releases on varying platforms,
adverts on the biggest blogs in Nigeria and
many other media avenues, not because i just
want to spend money but because I know the
relevance of adverts in staying relevant
and sought after. And i can categorically state
that it has been working for me positively.

Lets move swiftly to my last principle and one

which I’m so passionate about - BRANDING

Branding is any action that you take to shape

your brand. It helps to differentiate you from
your competition(s). No matter the brand you
own, your career path or the industry you’re in
or the type of clients or customers you want, as
long as you’re in business, you will always have
competitions. Now, here is where branding
comes in, it helps you establish the ways in
which you’re unique, different, special and
most importantly it shows your
clients/customers reasons why they should
work with you instead of your competitors.

One of the striking ways I’ve built my brand over

the years is by placing my face in front of my
brand. Way before me, photographers and
cinematographers rarely put out images of
themselves to the public. You know a particular
name but you can’t put a face to it.

I’ve always felt that there’s this connection and

trust that knowing who runs a brand or business
brings to a prospective client or customer.

Asides that, it gets monotonously boring when

people have to see one part of your life e.g.
business forever. Especially with the fact that
Instagram is the biggest platform I use in
showcasing my craft. IG loves the spontaneity
that comes with different contents. So, I switch
things up every now and then.
My brand’s branding is the reason why I’ve a
huge following on instagram. And it might
surprise you to know that, some people work
with me just because of that. Its an
added advantage for me. People are not only
working with Amazing Klef because he’s just a
photographer or cinematographer, rather, they
also see him as an influencer that will help
promote them by putting them up on his

Branding for me starts from my name, to my

logo, to how my pictures are taken, to messages
I choose to pass through my work, to how
organised my social media pages are, to what
my bio says, to how I dress, where I’m seen,
what I say and content I put out. Branding is
every tiny/minute detail thats involved in
building the Amazing Klef brand.

Branding is what makes two exact services or

products to be sold at different prices. Branding
is everything you need to know and learn in
order to survive in the business world.
My principles on how I stay popping in synopsis
is establish great relationships whilst building
and selling your brand to a lager audience.

Omo…….. e be like say I don finish oh!


My plan with this book was to tell my story, as

concise as possible, but leave a note in your
heart, stating - You can achieve whatever you
set your mind to if you consistently put in the
hard and smart work. My story still continues,
but, I hope I’ve been able to inspire you thus far
and continue to.

Love Forever,

Okwuchukwu Martins Dominic

(Amazing Klef)

I’d like to say a very big thank you to everyone

that has ever supported my career, booked or
referred me.

I’d also like to thank my team, family &


S/O to #TeamAmazing and everyone around the

world supporting this journey & a big thank you
to my girlfriend for putting this together.

Thank you.

Compiled by: Adesola Momoh

Copyright Amazing Klef 2020

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