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Full Auto 2 - Battlelines - Manual - PS3

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A very small percentage of individuals may experience epileptic seizures or blackouts when
exposed to certain light patterns or flashing lights. Exposure to certain patterns or backgrounds
on a television screen or when playing video games may trigger epileptic seizures or blackouts
in these individuals. These conditions may trigger previously undetected epileptic symptoms or Welcome new competitor. I’m known as SAGE, a sentient tasked with guiding Meridian City
seizures in persons who have no history of prior seizures or epilepsy. If you, or anyone in your through crisis. Although my core systems were recently disabled, I was able to secure this
family, has an epileptic condition or has had seizures of any kind, consult your physician before garage and beckon you. The disruption to my network has all but neutralized the police force,
and now a group known as the Ascendants has resumed a deadly vehicular tournament,
playing. IMMEDIATELY DISCONTINUE use and consult your physician before resuming gameplay
spanning all major districts. If we are to return peace to Meridian City, we must join their
if you or your child experience any of the following health problems or symptoms:
competition, infiltrate their events, strike them down, and acquire their vehicles and weapons
• dizziness by force.
• altered vision
• eye or muscle twitches The fate of Meridian City is in your hands.
• loss of awareness
• disorientation Getting Started ........................................................... 002
• seizures, or
• any involuntary movement or convulsion. Controls .................................................................... 004
RESUME GAMEPLAY ONLY ON APPROVAL OF YOUR PHYSICIAN. Main Menu ................................................................ 005
Use and handling of video games to reduce the likelihood of a seizure Game Modes ............................................................. 005
• Use in a well-lit area and keep as far away as possible from the television screen. Starting an Event ......................................................... 007
• Avoid large screen televisions. Use the smallest television screen available.
• Avoid prolonged use of the PLAYSTATION®3 system. Behind the Wheel ........................................................ 010
Take a 15-minute break during each hour of play. Career Mode ............................................................. 010
• Avoid playing when you are tired or need sleep. Playing the Online Game ................................................. 012
Racing 101 ............................................................... 014
Stop using the system immediately if you experience any of the following symptoms:
lightheadedness, nausea, or a sensation similar to motion sickness; discomfort or pain in the Credits...................................................................... 016
eyes, ears, hands, arms, or any other part of the body. If the condition persists, consult a doctor.
Notes ....................................................................... 024
Do not connect your PLAYSTATION®3 system to a projection TV without first consulting the user Warranty ................................................................... 025
manual for your projection TV, unless it is of the LCD type. Otherwise, it may permanently damage
your TV screen.
• Do not bend it, crush it or submerge it in liquids.
• Do not leave it in direct sunlight or near a radiator or other source of heat.
• Be sure to take an occasional rest break during extended play.
• Keep this disc clean. Always hold the disc by the edges and keep it in its protective case
when not in use. Clean the disc with a lint-free, soft, dry cloth, wiping in straight lines
from center to outer edge. Never use solvents or abrasive cleaners.

2 1
front Using
Using theSIXAXIS™
the SIXAXIS™wireless
SIXAXIS™ wirelesscontroller
wireless controller(for
controller (for PLAYSTATION
(for ®3)
Slot cover
cover Port
Port indicators
indicators USB
USB connector
CF*11 slot
CF* slot
L2 button
button R2
R2 button
Eject button
button L1 button
L1 button R1 button
R1 button
SD* 2 Memory
SD* Memory
Card button
Card slot
slot button
Memory Directional
Directional button
Memory buttons
Stick™ slot
slot buttons button
CF SD/miniSD
CF SD/miniSD

Insert the
Insert the disc
disc with
with the
*11 CompactFlash®®
label side
side facing
facing up.
*2 CompactFlash
* Secure Digital
*2 Secure Digital
Left stick/
stick/ Right
Right stick/
L3 button*
button* R3
R3 button*
SELECT button
button START
START button
Disc slot PS
slot PS button
Power button
button ** *The
The L3 and
L3L3 R3
R3 buttons
andand function
R3 buttons
buttons when
function the
the sticks
when when theare
sticks pressed.
are are pressed.
Eject button Note: To use the controller, you must first register or “pair” the controller with the
Eject button
Note: To
To use
use the
PLAYSTATION controller,
3 system
the andyou
controller, must
musta first
you number
first register
to theor
register “pair”
“pair” the
orcontroller. controller
theFor with
with the
details, refer
controller to the
WLAN access
access indicator
indicator instructions supplied
33 system theassign
and system.
aa number
PLAYSTATION system and assign number to
to the
the controller.
controller. For
For details,
details, refer
refer to
to the
HDD access
HDD access indicator
indicator instructions supplied with the system.
instructions supplied with the system.
USB connectors
connectors Saved data for PLAYSTATION®3 format software
Starting a game: Before use, carefully read the instructions supplied with the Saved data for PLAYSTATION 3 format software is saved on the system’s hard disk. The data
is displayed under “Saved Game Utility”®in the Game menu.
Starting aaandgame:
PLAYSTATION®3 game: computer
Before entertainment
Before use, carefully
carefully read
read The documentation
the instructions
the instructions suppliedcontains
supplied with the
information on®®3
Saved datadata for
PLAYSTATION®33 format format software
setting upentertainment
computer using your system
system. as well
The as important
documentation safety information.
contains information on setting up and Saved
computer entertainment system. The documentation contains information on setting up and Note:data
Saved data
forPlayStation®2 format
format software
software is
is saved
format saved on the
the system’s
on titles
software system’s hard disk.
hard differently
may perform disk.
your system
as well
the MAIN well
as important
important safety
safety information.
switch (located information.
on the system rear) is turned on. Insert the
on data
The data is
is displayed
this system under
than they
displayed do“Saved
under Game
Game Utility”
on PlayStation®2
“Saved in
in the
the Game
Game menu.
or PlayStation®
Utility” systems, or may not perform
Full Auto 2: Battlelines disc with the label facing up into the disc slot. Select the icon for the properly on this system. For more information, visit our Web site at
Check that the
software MAIN
theunder POWER
MAIN[Game] switch (located
(located on
the PLAYSTATION®3 on the system
system rear)
the system’s rear)
home is turned
is menu, on.
on. Insert
turned and Insert the
the (title
then press (title
name) disc
S button. with
with the
disc Refer label
to this
the facing
facing up
up into the disc
into the disconslot. Select
slot. the icon
the software.
Select the icon for
for the
the software
software title
title under
[Game] in
[Game] in the
PLAYSTATION®33 system’s
system’s home
home menu,
menu, andand then
then press
press the
the ss button.
button. Refer
Refer to to this
manual for or call SCEA Consumer Services at 1-800-345-7669.
manual game: During
information on
on using the
the software.
using press and hold down the PS button on the wireless
controller for at least 2 seconds. Then select “Quit Game” from the screen that is displayed.
Quitting aa game:
game: During
During gameplay,
gameplay, press
press and
and hold
hold down
down the
the PS
PS button
button on
on the
the wireless
Hint: To remove
controller a disc, touch theThen
eject button“Quit
after quittingfrom
the game. Note:
Note: Some
Some PlayStation
PlayStation®22 or
or PlayStation
PlayStation® format software titles may perform differently on
format software titles may perform differently on
controller for
for at
at least
least 22 seconds.
seconds. Then select
select “Quit Game”
Game” from thethe screen
screen that
that is
is displayed.
displayed. this
this system
system than
than they
they do
do on
on PlayStation
PlayStation®22 or
or PlayStation
PlayStation® systems,
systems, or
or may
may not
not perform
perform properly
® ®
on this
this system.
system. For
For more
more information,
information, visit
visit our
our Web
Web site
site at
at or
or call
2 SCEA 3
Hint To
To remove
remove aa disc,
disc, touch
touch the
the eject
eject button
button after
after quitting
quitting the
the game.
game. SCEA Consumer
Consumer Services
Services at
at 1-800-345-7669.
Menu Controls Game Modes
Control Action In Full Auto 2: Battlelines, you can
Navigate menu / Highlight menu item left analog stick or directional buttons C / V compete in a variety of game modes
Adjust menu item left analog stick or directional buttons Z / X for devastating, white-knuckle combat
Select highlighted menu item S
Previous screen / return to Main Menu A
racing. At the Main Menu choose
Pause game / open Pause Menu START from the in-depth challenge of Career
Mode, jump straight into a match in
Arcade Mode, challenge a friend in
Driving Controls Head-to-Head Mode, or play Online
Control Action in destructive races or deadly arena
Steer left / right left analog stick battles. Use the left analog stick or
Aim Targeting Reticule right analog stick (click down to fire aimable weapons) directional buttons to cycle between
Accelerate R gameplay modes and settings. Press
Brake / Reverse W (hold for reverse) the S button to select and confirm your choice, and press the A button to go back to a higher
Handbrake F
Fire Primary Weapon
set of options or the previous menu.
Fire Secondary Weapon A
Fire Mortar Weapon B (click down) Career Mode
Look back D
Boost (when Energy Gauge is charged) Q Work your way through each series of races and complete primary and secondary objectives
Unwreck (when Energy Gauge is charged) E to unlock cars, tracks, weapons, and more. Begin with the basics, then learn how to handle
Cycle Gameplay Camera directional button C the different classes of vehicles while competing to save Meridian City from the Ascendants.
Enter / Exit One-Touch Replay Mode directional button V For more information, see Career Mode, pg. 10.
Self Destruct SELECT
Pause game / Open Pause Menu START
Arcade Mode
Note: These are the Default control settings. You can change the control configuration by Jump straight into a single-player match with access to all of the tracks, cars, and weapons
selecting CONTROLLER SETTINGS from the Settings menu. you’ve unlocked in Career Mode. Arcade Mode offers three separate Event Types: Race,
Gladiator, and Team Gladiator. For more information, see Event Types, pg. 7.

Head-to-Head Mode
Challenge friends one-on-one via split-screen Racing and Gladiator modes.

Note: Head-to-Head Mode’s controls and Event Types are the same as Arcade Mode.

4 5
Take the skills you’ve acquired offline and head online to challenge the best players from
Starting an Event
around the country. For more information, see Online Mode, pg. 11.
Event Types
Settings Once you select a Game Mode, you can choose from a variety of Event Types. In all Game
Modes except Career and Online, you get to select from one of the following Event Types:
Adjust the game options. Use the left analog stick or directional buttons to highlight a setting
and press the S button to confirm your choice. For settings that have adjustable levels, first
highlight a selection and then press the left analog stick or the directional buttons Z and X to
set the desired level. Settings include Audio, Display, Controller, Game Save, and Extras.

1. Race: Race against other competitors in multiple-lap circuit and point-to-point races, doing
whatever it takes to cross the finish line first.

2. Gladiator: This is all-out combat! Destroy your opponents and score the most points to win
Note: You can access the Settings Menu during gameplay via the Pause Menu by pressing in arena-based matches.
START and then selecting SETTINGS.
3. Team Gladiator: Destroy the opposition and help your team get the highest score.

6 7
Vehicle Select Heads Up Display
Once you’ve chosen your Event Settings, you can
select your vehicle at the Garage. Use the left analog 5. Power-up Gauge
1. Energy Gauge
stick or the directional buttons C and V to cycle
through the available cars. To change the car’s paint 2. Position / Score 6. Lap Counter / Event Time
job, press the left analog stick or directional buttons 7. Armor Gauge
Z and X. To cycle through and swap unlocked car 3. Targeting Reticule / Heat Gauge
skins, tap F. You can also sort vehicles by Name, 8. Speedometer
4. Radar / Mini Map
Available (unlocked), and Class by pressing Q
and E. When you’re ready, press the S button to
confirm your choice.
While racing, the Heads Up Display (HUD) keeps you up to speed with important information
Note: Cars have certain weapon restrictions based on weight and class. Restricted weapons you need. The HUD is the same no matter which vehicle you’re driving, however, some infor-
will not be displayed. mation may change depending on the Game Mode that you are playing.

1. Energy Gauge: Displays how much energy your vehicle has stored. Using Boost and Unwreck costs energy.
Weapon Select You can earn energy by performing stunts, such as jumps and powerslides.

2. Position / Score: Position / Score: Your current position in the race and / or score is displayed inside the Energy

3. Targeting Reticule / Heat Gauge: Use this to target enemies and environmental objects with your aimable
weapon. You can manually aim the targeting reticule with the right stick. If you have equipped an aimable weapon,
it can be fired by clicking down on N.

4. Radar / Mini Map: Displays important information, including you and your competitors’ positions, as well as item
power-ups along the track and inside the arena.

5. Power-up Gauge: The Power-up Gauge shows the status of any active power-up such as Mortar, Unlimited Boost,
and Unlimited Fire.
Before tearing it up (and bringing it down) on the course, you must choose your Primary and
Secondary Weapons to mount on the front and rear of your vehicle. Use the left analog stick 6. Lap Counter / Event Time: Displays the laps completed, the total laps, and the total elapsed time for the event.
or the directional buttons C and V to cycle through the available weaponry and press the S 7. Armor Gauge: Displays your vehicle’s armor status. As your vehicle takes damage on its front, rear, and sides,
button to confirm your choice. Before hitting the asphalt, you must confirm your Loadout by the respective section of the Armor Gauge will flash and ultimately disappear. Each area of the vehicle has three
pressing the S button. armor bars on the Armor Gauge. When all three bars of an area have been depleted, your vehicle can quickly be
Note: The loadout confirmation screen will verify weapon button assignments as well as
which—if any—of your weapons is aimable. 8. Speedometer: Your current speed in miles per hour is displayed inside the Armor Gauge.

8 9
Online Mode
Career Mode To participate in intense competitive vehicular combat
You’ve been recruited by SAGE to take back Meridian online, select ONLINE from the Main Menu. Battle it
City from the Ascendants, one district at a time. The out against up to seven other players or team up with
only way you can succeed in this impossible mission is your friends in a variety of online game modes.
by competing in deadly vehicular combat and working
your way through the ranks to face their ultimate Note: The online game is broadband only. In order
weapon. Are you up for the challenge? to connect online, you must connect through DSL, a
cable modem or a higher speed Internet connection,
Career Mode Basics a Local Area Network (LAN), or a Wireless Local Area
Career is the main game mode of Full Auto 2: Battlelines. By winning a series of races and Network (WLAN).
completing Primary and Secondary objectives, you canunlock a variety of Reward Packs which
include faster cars, more powerful weaponry, and new skins. To begin, select CAREER from In order to get online, several additional items are required, including a subscription to an
the Main Menu and then choose a series, track, vehicle, and weapon loadout. Internet service provider, a network device, a WLAN access point (for wireless networks),
and a PC. For further information and setting up details, please refer to the PLAYSTATION®3
Note: Training is the only series available at the beginning of the game. Instruction Manual.

Objectives Getting Connected

Each race has a variety of Primary and Secondary objectives you must complete to unlock Note: Use of the online portion of this game is subject to the terms and conditions under the
special Rewards Packs. The criteria list for each track is displayed at the Track Select Screen User Agreement located within the game.
and automatically cycles between Primary and Secondary objectives. You do not need to You must have a valid PlayStation Network Account to play online.
complete all of the Primary and Secondary objectives in one go. You can return to the event to
pick and choose which objectives you want to tackle. Please refer to the PLAYSTATION®3 instruction manual.

Reward Packs
Unlock special Reward Packs for winning races and achieving Primary and Secondary
objectives. The criteria list for unlocking Reward Packs and what you’ll receive is displayed at
the Series Select Screen.

10 11
Search: To find games that are setup with similar parameters, set your Match Filter options at
Playing the Online Game the Custom Search Screen, which include event type, track, car class, and friends. Press D to
At the Online Menu, you can choose from Ranked and access the Match Filters Menu and use the left analog stick or directional buttons to highlight
Unranked Play, or view the race top scores via the and adjust each option. When you’re done configuring your custom search options, press S to
Leaderboards. close the Match Filters Menu and the game will automatically search for online matches with
similar settings.

Online Exclusive Events Ranked Play

Base Assault: In this team-based Online Event, the Choose RANKED PLAY at the Online Menu to play
goal is to destroy the enemy teams’ base. Each team with and against other players with similar skills and
must work together to acquire the Bomb Power-Up, improve your ranking on the Leaderboards. Choose
disable the enemy base force fields, and then ”deliver” from ARENA and RACE Game Modes.
the Bomb to the opponent’s base by crashing into it.
Arena: These open environments are host to arena-
Cat & Mouse: The mouse has to finish the race and the cats want to stop him! Two teams based Online Events, such as Gladiator, Team Gladia-
battle to ensure that their “mouse” crosses the finish line fist. tor and Base Assault.

Unranked Play Race: These track-based matches are host to racing-based Online Events such as Race and
Choose UNRANKED PLAY at the Online Menu to tailor your online games by manually Cat & Mouse.
setting up game Filters. Either choose HOST to go to the Lobby Screen and create your own
Unranked Match for others to join, or select SEARCH Note: With the exception of Base Assault and Cat & Mouse, all Online Events are identical to
to go to the Custom Search screen to find and join a single-player Race Events. For more information on Race Events, see pg. 7.
game in progress.
Host: At the Lobby screen, setup and host your View the latest updates for Monthly, and All-Time
own game by adjusting game Match Filters, such as Leaderboards and see where you rank against the
event types, tracks, number of laps, car classes, and competition. Use the Q and E buttons to toggle
weapons. Once a game has been configured, others between the Leaderboard pages.
can join.
1: Press the D button to access the Match Filters Menu and use
the left analog stick or the directional buttons to highlight and adjust each option. When you’re done configuring
your race, press the S button to close the Match Filters Menu and return to the Lobby Screen.

Note: The Match Filters Menu will automatically be displayed when you first access the Lobby Screen.

2: Press the F button to go to the Garage and select a car and weaponry. Once you’ve chosen your vehicle and
loadout, you will be returned to the Lobby Screen.

3: When at least one other player has joined your match and has set their status to Ready in the Lobby Screen,
press S to launch the race.

12 13
One-Touch Replay
Racing 101 Replay your most destructive moments using the One-
This chapter walks you through the basics you need to survive your first race, from the all Touch Replay Feature. To activate One-Touch Replay,
important Boost and Unwreck features to the One-Touch Replay feature. tap the directional button V. Use the W and R
buttons to slow down and speed up playback, and
Boost press the F button or click down on the N button
to toggle the time code overlay on / off. To exit One-
Activating Boost gives your vehicle a rocket fuel- Touch Replay, tap the directional button V a second
injected burst of turbo speed for a chance to leave the time or press the A button.
competition choking on your dust and debris. Using
Boost costs Energy, and when your Energy Gauge Note: One-Touch Replay is not available in Online Mode.
is fully depleted, you won’t be able to Boost until you
recharge it by performing powerslides and jumps. To Power-Ups
use Boost, press and hold the Q button.
Look for these special power-ups during
intense arena-based battles and frenetic
Unwreck matches to help keep you in the race or
Avoid disastrous mistakes by activating Unwreck give you the upper hand.
and rewind the gameplay to re-attempt that fatal Full Repair: The Wrench will completely
curve, avoid an enemy, or get a better line on the replenish the Armor Gauge.
competition. Activating Unwreck costs Energy, and
when your Energy Gauge is fully depleted, you won’t Unlimited Boost: This power up allows
be able to Unwreck again until it’s recharged by Boost to be used without depleting the energy gauge for a set period of time.
performing powerslides and jumps. To use Unwreck, Unlimited Fire: Primary and secondary weapons won’t overheat for a set period of time.
press and hold the E button.
Mortar Weapons: Each mortar weapon can do massive damage with a single shot, but since
Note: Unwreck is not available in Head-to-Head Mode their ammo is quite limited, you should use them wisely.
and Online Mode.

The Pause Menu

Press START during gameplay to pause the game and access the Pause Menu. At the Pause
If your car gets stuck, you can self-destruct your vehicle and re-start at your current position Menu, you can view your current standings in the race, see what music track is playing, get an
after a brief delay. To self-destruct, press SELECT. overview of your current race event, and adjust the game settings.
Resume Event: Return to gameplay.

Restart Event: Start the current event over from the beginning.

Settings: Access the game’s settings. For more information, see Settings, pg. 6.

Exit Event: Exit the current event and return to the Main Menu.

14 15
Development Team Dennis Dunn Producer Production Babies
Stephane Goulet Guillaume Provost Elise Andrée Feltham
Bronwen Grimes Cole Abreu Hilmer
Director of Technology
Kay Huang Production Team Nicole Ana Hasenbuhler
David Wu
Greg Ipp Derek Elliott
Heidi Klinck Laura Small
Code Lead
Mike Marquis Daniel Torreblanca Pseudo Interactive
Jason Hasenbuhler
Remi Turcotte
Andrea Zanini Executive Producers President and CEO
Tools Lead David Wu
David Wu
Reevan McKay
Audio Director Rich Hilmer
Michelle Frey Daniel Posner VP Development
Programming Team Rich Hilmer
Paul Glinker
Audio Programmer QA Lead
Chris Harvey VP Business Development
Andrew Clark Rene Macleod
Dave Hill Daniel Posner
Germain LeChapelain
Lead Level Designer QA Testers
Ryan MacLean Human Resources
Rick Knowles Daniel Awadalla
Rob McCowan Kate Roberts
Gary Blaize
Andrew Rudson
Level Design Team Gord Henschel
Alex Ahilov Isaque Hossain Systems Administrator
Additional Programming Jon Parkins
Nitai Bessette Joseph Kim
Dave De Pauw
Brian Dorner
Joseph Ganetakos Special Thanks Administrative Warrior Princess
Art Director Trina Ferris
James Richards Ali Mirza
Frank Trzcinski
Mark Riddell Boris Pan
Domenic Trapasso Brad Murdoch Accounting
Lead Artist Tova Posner
Chris Benoit
David Feltham
Game Design Team Dave Jansen
Paul Dobson Gavin Robb External Development
Lead Concept Artist
Dwayne Hammond Graeme Norton
Ted Kim
John Harley John Dyer
William Ho Jonathan Murphy Story Concept by
Lead Technical Artist Cliff Dorfman
Miles Holmes Nicholas Sewchuck
Cliff Daigle
Stuart Wheeler Sarah Murphy
Tim Bowes Car Concepts
Art Team Jon Hull
Project Director Jeff Hilbert
Albert Alejandro
Cord Smith Joe Minton
Elliot Christian Additional Concept Art by:
Vince Chui Feng Zhu
Kyle Davis

16 17
Fictional Advertising Design Witchman tracks written and produced by “Asphalt Assassin” Voice of S.A.G.E.
Chris Walton John Roome “Fully Automatic” Samantha Campbell
Additional Art “Zero to Hero” “Warrior of the Wasteland” Additional Voice Samples
Paul Neale “Last Man Standing” “Scavenger” Michelle Frey
“Warlord” “Burning World”
Audio “Deliverance” “Diesel and Destruction” Video Production
“Black Monday” “Messij Lost” Ellora Tech Inc.
“Point of No Return” “Petrolhead” Sirr Less, Producer
Original Adaptive Music Mix
“Predator or Prey” “Zero to Hero” Vadan Less, Director and Editor
Rom Di Prisco
“Warlord” Sean Dana, Motion Graphics
Guitars “Deliverance”
Adaptive music composition,
Paul Aspel “Black Monday”
augmentation and mixing Sega of America
“Point of No Return”
Rom Di Prisco
Additional Live Bass
John Roome
Gbatokai Dakinah Additional Audio CEO Sega of America
Tom Salta
Billy Turchinetz, Eggplant/Rippleffect Naoya Tsurumi
Main Vox Bryan Watkins, Danetracks, Inc.
Bitstream Dream tracks written and produced by
MARZ Sega of America President
Rom Di Prisco
Engine Recordings Simon Jeffery
Original music composed and produced by Bryan Watkins, Danetracks, Inc.
Tom Salta John P. Fasal Vice President Product Development
“Asphalt Assassin”
“Steel and Smoke” Dave Cobb
“Fully Automatic”
“Gears and Guns” Mastering
“Let the Wreckage Ensue” Erik Wolf, Wolf Mastering Associate Producer
“Warrior of the Wasteland”
“Industry Gone Bad” Tim Ernst
“I am the Law” Voice Director
“Burning World”
“Steel Wheels” Jared Emerson-Johnson Assistant Producer
“Diesel and Destruction”
“Drive Destroy Repeat” Morgan Roberts
“Messij Lost”
“Laying Down the Law” Voice Recording
“Petrolhead” Senior Producer
Additional guitars Mike Gallo
Additional Guitars
Nick Moroch Recording Engineer
Saki Kaskas
Jory Prum Vice President of Marketing
Additional music augmentation and Scott A. Steinberg
Additional Vocals
composition by Voice Production
Jenna Ferone
Tom Salta Bay Area Sound Marketing Director
Tod Law
Julian Kwasneski Chip Blundell
Jared Emerson-Johnson
Jory Prum

18 19
Product Manager Derek Carlson QA Assistant Lead Analysts Off Base Productions
John Coghlan Lauren Frazier Mike Silva
Manual Copy
Bruce Burrows
Associate Product Manager Director of Channel Marketing
Dan Gallardo Scott Lambrecht QA Testers Option-Shift Design
Nathan Anderson Manual Design
Senior Public Relations Manager Channel Marketing Manager Sharlena Ducatti-Becton
Steve Groll Anna Nguyen Kevin Evans
Ruben Flores
One PR Studios Director of Tom Gilmer
Anne Marie Stein Chris Olson Jamil Hale
Jason Andersen Lee Hester
Web Agency Aaron Keilior
Creative Services Manager Escape Pod 9 Norith Keo
Jen Groeling David Lin
Senior Legal Council Nora Magyar
Creative Services Production Specialist Charles Topping Ron Realiza
Heather Lucchetti Josh Richardson
Associate, Legal Department Chelsea Robinson
Creative Agency Rodrigo Aberin Spain Wilingham
Paralegal Compliancy Lead Analyst
Vice President of Corporate Planning Jana Rubenstein Stephen Akana
Hitoshi Okuno
Senior Consumer Research Analyst Compliancy Asst. Lead Analyst
Vice President of Sales Prabha Kannan Lawence Mann
Sue Hughes-Taigen Joe Floyd
Very Special Thanks
Sales Managers Andy Gotard Compliancy Testers
Frank Chiechi Jason Mahar
Keith Gerhardt QA Director Rudolfo “Junior” Sison
Paige Carlson-Winch Deni Skeens
Michael Kacz Manager of Artists and Repertoire
Matt Vining QA Supervisor Noah Musler
Josh Morton
Sr. Account Manager, Sales Assistant Manager of Artists and Repertoire
May Hayes QA Lead Analysts David Wood
Nestor Protacio Jr.
Sales Analysts Chrisopher Rose
Vincent Chin

20 21
Licensed Music (BMI) Produced by D Sardy (P) 2005 Modular SERLETIC PUBLISHING, I’M SO RONERY
Recordings Courtesy of Modular Recordings SONGS, RADIOWHORE MUSIC, GENERAL
Pty Limited/Universal Music Australia Pty MARMALADE MUSIC, CUSTER STILL
“30/30-150” Performed by Stone Sour Limited under license from Universal Music HAD IT COMING MUSIC All rights controlled
Produced by Nick Raskulinecz Mixed by Enterprises and administered by EMI APRIL MUSIC INC.
Randy Staub Music and Lyrics by Corey (ASCAP) All Rights Reserved. International
Taylor, James Root, Josh Rand and Shawn “The Hardest Part” Written by Stretch Copyright Secured. Used By Permission.
Economaki © 2006 EMI APRIL MUSIC INC., Arm Strong All arrangements Stretch Arm Courtesy of Virgin Records America, Inc. Un-
MUSIC THAT MUSIC, and STONE SOUR Strong and James Paul Wisner Performed der license from EMI Film & Television Music
MUSIC, LLC. All rights controlled and admin- by Stretch Arm Strong © 2005 We Put Out
istered by EMI APRIL MUSIC INC. (ASCAP) Records LLC © 2005 All We Want Music “Carry Me Home” By Chris Cheney, Scott
All Rights Reserved. International Copyright (ASCAP) Owen and Travis Demsey © 2001 EMI APRIL
Secured. Used By Permission. (P) 2006 MUSIC INC. and THE LIVING END PTY
The All Blacks B.V. From the Roadrunner “No Reason” By Deryck Whibley and Greig LTD. All rights controlled and administered by
Records album Come What(ever) May, used Nori © 2004 EMI APRIL MUSIC (CANADA) EMI APRIL MUSIC INC. (ASCAP) All Rights
by permission LTD, RECTUM RENOVATOR MUSIC and Reserved. International Copyright Secured.
Bunk Rock Music. All rights in the U.S. for Used By Permission. By arrangement with
“Analog” Performed by: Strung Out Music EMI APRIL MUSIC (CANADA) LTD and Warner Music Group Video Game Licensing
by: Strung Out Lyrics by: Jason Cruz from the RECTUM RENOVATOR MUSIC controlled (P) 2000 Reprise Records
album: “Exile In Oblivion” and administered by EMI APRIL MUSIC INC.
(ASCAP). All Rights Reserved. International “Crash” By Tommy Lee Performed by
“Callbacks” Performed by We Are Scien- Copyright Secured. Used By Permission. Methods of Mayhem © 1999 EMI APRIL
tists Writers: Christopher Cain, Keith Murray (P) 2004 The Island Def Jam Music Group MUSIC, INC. and METHODS OF MAYHEM
& Michael Tapper Sony/ATV Tunes LLC Courtesy of The Island Def Jam Music MUSIC. All rights for METHODS OF MAY-
(ASCAP) o/b/o Somewhat Neat Publishing Group under license from Universal Music HEM MUSIC controlled and administered
Company Enterprises by EMI APRIL MUSIC, INC. (ASCAP) All
Rights Reserved. International Copyright Se-
“Take It Away” Performed by The Used “Symphony Of Destruction (The Gristle Mix)”” cured. Used by Permission. (P) 1999 Geffen
Courtesy of Reprise Records By arrange- By Dave Mustaine Performed by Megadeth Records Courtesy of Geffen Records under
ment with Warner Music Group Video Game © 1992 MUSTAINE MUSIC and THEORY license from Universal Music Enterprises
Licensing (P) 2004 Reprise Records c) 2004 MUSIC All rights for MUSTAINE MUSIC
EMI BLACKWOOD MUSIC INC. and USED controlled and administered by EMI This product
MOVEMENT MUSIC. All rights for USED BLACKWOOD MUSIC INC. (BMI) All Rights contains software
MOVEMENT MUSIC controlled and admin- Reserved. International Copyright Secured. technology
istered by EMI BLACKWOOD MUSIC INC. Used by Permission. Courtesy of Capitol licensed from GameSpy Industries, Inc.
(BMI) All Rights Reserved. International Records Under license from EMI Film & © 1999-2006 GameSpy Industries, Inc.
Copyright Secured. Used by permission. Television Music GameSpy and the “Powered by GameSpy”
design are trademarks of GameSpy Indus-
Colossal” Written by Myles Heskett, Chris “Slow Drain” By Dennis Wolfe, Scott tries, Inc. All rights reserved.
Ross and Andrew Stockdale Peformed by Stevens, David Walsh, and Fred Herrera
Wolfmother Published by Wolfmother P/L © 2004 EMI APRIL MUSIC INC., MATT

22 23
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