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Ingles II - Contenido Programatico - UAN Distancia

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Program: Services - Faculty of Subject: inglés II (Distance
Education Learning)

Códe: 27603018 Study Plan: 1029

Credits: 2 Updated: 2021-July


This subject is proposed in support to The National Program of Bilingualism led

by the National Ministry of Education and Standards of the Common European
Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR). Therefore, the faculty of
education of the university and the program of services provide the necessary
tools to strengthen the domain of a foreign language in our society with the
purpose of making it part of global dynamics related to academic, cultural,
economic, and other subject matters according to the parameters suggested in
the CEFR in each of the levels (A1, A2, A2 +, B1, B1 +, B2, B2 +, C1, C2); thus
contributing to the professional profile throughout the academic training.

The above-mentioned introduction, justifies the main purpose of this subject

which is to lead UAN students to develop their English skills in a didactic and
ludic way to achieve the level A2. For this level, students will be able to use the
set of knowledge and skills learned during the previous courses to perform in
new contexts making use of the following linguistic skills: understanding
(listening comprehension and reading comprehension); speaking (oral
interaction and oral expression) and writing (written expression).

General goal

Students develop, apply and interpret basic and effective listening, speaking,
reading and writing skills by presenting and understanding authentic
conversations, creating and developing research-based activities related to the

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topic, using different kinds of learning tools that enhance their learning and help
them achieve their course and personal goals.

Specific goals



-I always eat -Explore and use -Read, observe -Contribute to

breakfast the different and do activities the development
tenses in order to related to the of the class.
keep topics seen in
-What sports do conversations class.
you like? about familiar -Design and
and unfamiliar present projects
topics. proposed in class.
-I am going to
have a party

-How do you -Learn and -Apply and show -Recognize and

feel? understand the the learned evaluate the
different structures in different learned
vocabulary activities proposed structures and
-How do I get related to the in the classroom. put them into
there? topics seen in practice in
class. -Design and everyday
present the situations.
-I had a good
projects proposed
in class.

-Where were you -Explore ways to - Apply and show - Recognize and
born? use the learned the learned evaluate the
vocabulary and structures in different learned
structures to activities proposed structures and
-Can I take a properly show in the classroom. put them into
message? command of -Design and practice in
them. present the everyday

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projects proposed
in class.

Unit Topic GUIDE Activities
Programmatic Presentation of the programmatic
Content content
Class rules
Class criteria
Placement test
I always eat Count and 1
breakfast noncount ● Students will work on new
nouns; some vocabulary and expressions related
and any; to the unit
adverbs of ● The students will do activities
frequency: on the digital platforms
always, ● Talking about food likes and
any; adverbs dislikes; giving opinions about
of frequency: healthy and giving opinions about
always, and unhealthy foods; talking about
usually, often, foods you have and need; describing
sometimes, eating.
hardly ever,
usually, often,
hardly ever,
What sports Simple present 2 ● The students will prepare and
do you like? Wh-questions; present a speech (show and tell)
can for ability; using all tenses seen in class.
yes/ no and ● Students will work on some
Wh-questions handouts related to the unit
with can ● Students will play Stop to
practice vocabulary.
● Students will work on the
learning guide 2.

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● Asking about free-time
activities;asking for and giving
information about abilities and talents

I am going to The future 3 ● Asking about birthdays; talking

have a party with be going about plans for the evening,
to; yes/no and weekend, other occasions
with be going
to;future time
4 Describing health problems; talking
Describing about common medications; giving
How do you health advice for health problems
feel? problems;
talking about ● The students will create a
common situational role play that will be
medications assigned in class.
giving advice
for health

How do I get 5 (1st

there? Prepositions of term) ● Students will have a “I am”
You can’t place: on, on contest in order to practice different
miss it the corner phonetic and phonological
of,across phenomena.
from,nexto to ● Talking about stores and other
between giving places; asking for and giving
directions with directions

I had a good Simple past 6 ● Students will have a forum in

time statements the class about the reading
Did you with ● The students will have a quiz
have fun? regular and about the unit.

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verbs; simple ● Asking for and giving
past yes/no information about weekend and
questions and vacation activities.
short answers

7 (2nd ● The students will write and talk

Statements term) about different anecdotes using the
Where were and questions collocations learned in class.
you born? with the past
Where did of be; Wh- ● Asking for and giving
you grow questions with information about date and place of
up? did, birth; describing school experiences
was, and were. and memories
Can I take a Prepositional 8 (3rd ● Students will work on learning
message? phrases; term) guide
Can she call subject
you later? and object ● Describing people’s locations;
pronouns; making, accepting, and declining
invitations with invitations; making excuses.
Do you want
to ….? and
Would you like
to…?,verb +to
Final test 9


Institutional Units of competence


Research Investigate and do research about the different

skills applications in class.

Critical Interpret and apply the different vocabulary words and

thinking structures learned.

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English Understand and use the English language as a means of
communicatio communication in their products and in their classes.

Modern Understand and Use the Mother tongue when necessary.


Mathematical Interpret the different graphs and charts of the statistics

Thinking related to ESL and EFL education.

Citizen skill Work cooperatively in class and participate in the different

Science, Possess and Use basic technological knowledge taking into
technology, account the class needs.


In every class, students will be connected by remote or virtual access, the

session is cited by the teacher previously by Meet and the UAN’s platform. In
class, students will participate in the different exercises provided in two parts of
the class: first one which oriented towards theory, and other which is oriented
towards practice.

Pedagogical model: Comprehensive pedagogical model

Modality: Face-to-face modality (remote or virtual access)


Students will master their linguistic, metalinguistic, sociolinguistic, pragmatic

and intercultural skills; making a flexible and effective use of the language in
social, academic and professional contexts. Additionally, they will design
teaching strategies that provide pedagogical reflective processes in both, the
learning process of the language as well as in the school educational practice

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by adopting pedagogical approaches based on the knowledge and analysis of
the educational context.
Finally, students will develop characteristics of leadership, mediator, decision-
makers, team workers and facilitator in their exercise of experienced teachers
in training; establishing reflexive and assertive relationships conducive among
the communitive involved in the educational process.


In general terms, it is considered as institutional rules of evaluation all those

referred to the curriculum guidelines; the following are highlighted:

Percentage distribution by three terms: 35%, 35% and 30%, respectively.

-Unified testing for all subjects, in accordance with the institutional guidelines.
-Implementation self-evaluation (each student evaluates his/her actions and
his/her performance), peer-assessment (Mutual Evaluation who will make the
members of a group) and teacher’s evaluation (The teacher evaluates the
performance of the students unilaterally).
-Another issue which is important about the evaluation, is related to the 70% of
the final grade that is provided for the teacher who carried out the theoretical
process. Accordingly, the other 30% corresponds to the grade provided by the
teacher who conduct the practical part of the class.

Assessment tools

-Self-assessment: Self-evaluations will be made in the first and last term, for
which will be used a heading of evaluation with accurate criteria.
-Oral Presentations: Student will design and perform oral assignments
(workshops) based on different assigned thematic synthesis or consultations.
The evaluation of these presentations will be made by peer-evaluation.

-Implementation in school context. The theoretical and pragmatic contents

worked in the course will be put into practice through recorded classes in school
context which will be analyzed in the classroom.
-Two term tests and a final exam. In these assessments the teacher will verify
the theoretical knowledge and the application of it in different contexts or daily
-The use of rubrics as a tool for evaluating students’ performance in different

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classroom settings (presentations, reading activities, speaking and writing
assignments etc.
In each one of the evaluation mechanisms will be assessed objectively the
punctuality, attendance, compliance of academic works assigned, minimum
standards of respect, participation, extra class work, compliance with the
support material for the class, personal requirement to strengthen the various
communication skills, and domain of each of the topics covered.

Evaluation: Evaluation Knowledge and Through what is

(When is it strategy: (How objectives to it evaluated?
evaluated? to evaluate?) evaluate: (What is
) evaluated?)
First term Can understand Micro teaching
(35%) sentences expressions Presentations
(70% related to areas of
theory) most immediate
(30% relevance.
(60 %)
Can communicate in In class
Second term simple and routine discussions
(35%) tasks requiring a Forums
70% theory) simple and direct Debates
(30% exchange of
practice) information according
(10 %)
to different unit topics.
Can describe in simple Lesson planning
Third term terms aspects -There Whole class
(30%) was/there were- instruction
(70% Regular and irregular
theory) verbs-ED ending
(30 %)
(30% pronunciation
practice) -Giving suggestions


Textos Guía (Descargables para la metodología distancia)

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• Foley, M & Hall, D. (2007). New Total English. Elementary level. Student´s
and Workbook. Edinburgh: Pearson education limited.
• Moor, P & Cunningham, S (2001). Cutting edge. Student´s and workbook.
Edinburgh: Pearson education limited.
• Murray, D. E., & Christison, M. A.(2011). What English Language
Teachers Need to Know, Volume II. New York, NY: Routledge.
• Miller, S., T. (N.D). Australia. Retrieved from
• Herrera, S. and Murry, K. (2011) Mastering ESL and Bilingual Methods.
• Oxford. R. (1990) Language learning strategies. What every teacher
should know. New York : Newbury House Publishers.
• Ministerio de Educación Nacional (2006) Guía No. 22 Estándares Básicos
de Competencias en Lenguas Extranjeras: Inglés.
• Colombia
• Chard, D and Dickson, Sh.(1999). Phonological Awareness: Instructional
and Assessment Guidelines. Retrieved from
• Fromkin, V., Rodman, R. & Hyams. N. (2007). An introduction to
language. Boston, MA: Thomson Wadsworth.
• Murcia, M. G., Brinton, D.M., & Snow, M.A. (2013). Teaching English as
a Second or Foreign Language. Boston, MA, National geographic
• Torgesen, J. K. & Mathes, P. G. (1998). What every teacher should know
about phonological awareness. (pdf document). Retrieved from

Fecha Descripción del o los Persona y cargo de quien
cambios realiza el cambio



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Fecha: February 5TH 2021


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