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City of Angels School

Independent Study – Los Angeles Unified School District

INSTRUCTIONAL GUIDE – English 6A – Course ID # 230101
This course is the first semester of English 6, the required 6t h grade English Language Arts course. This required
sixth grade English Language Arts course covers both literary and informational reading, writing, speaking and
listening, and grammar. Reading Genres include: novel, short stories, personal essays, memoirs, poems,
autobiographies, and historical writings. Writing types include narrative, summary, informative, literary analysis, and
research. Listening and speaking exercises include delivery and evaluation of narrative, descriptive, research, and
response to literature presentations. Grammar exercises are included in most assignments.

Beers, Hougan, Jago, McBride, Palmer, Stack, California Collections Grade 6, Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, 2017
Beers, Hougan, Jago, McBride, Palmer, Stack, Close Reader Collections Grade 6, Houghton Mifflin Harcourt,
Textbook companion site:

Grade Distribution: Weekly Assignments =70%; Weekly Assessments = 10%; Mid-Term & Final Projects = 20%

Work Expectations
In order to successfully complete this course, students are expected to be working a total of 10 hours per week or
2 hours per day.
Material covered in this instructional guide aligns with the Common Core State Standards (CCSS). The English
Language Arts CCSS consist of Career and College Ready (CCR) anchor standards and grade-specific content

Anchor Standards (This set applies to all secondary grade levels)

 Career and College Ready Anchor Standards for Reading
 Career and College Ready Anchor Standards for Writing
 Career and College Ready Anchor Standards for Speaking and Listening
 Career and College Ready Anchor Standards for Language
Content Standards (This set applies to Grade 8 only)
 Reading
o Literature
o Informational Texts
 Writing
 Speaking and Listening
 Language
To view each of the standards for the categories listed above in detail, download the California Common Core State
Standards for English Language Arts from Both sets of standards cover each of the
main aspects of the English language: reading, writing, speaking and listening, and language conventions (grammar).
The CCS anchor standards provide a broad foundation of language development across grades 6-12. The content
standards provide additional specificity for each individual grade level. Together they define the skills and
understandings that all students must demonstrate.

Career and College Readiness Anchor Standards for Reading (Grades 6-12)
Key Ideas and Details:
 Read closely to determine what the text says explicitly and to make logical inferences from it; cite specific
textual evidence when writing or speaking to support conclusions drawn from the text.
 Determine central ideas or themes of a text and analyze their development; summarize the key supporting
details and ideas.
 Analyze how and why individuals, events, or ideas develop and interact over the course of a text.
ENGLISH 6A INSTRUCTIONAL PACING GUIDE (CCSS Beta Version) - City of Angels School - LAUSD Independent
Craft and Structure:
 Interpret words and phrases as they are used in a text, including determining technical, connotative, and
figurative meanings, and analyze how specific word choices shape meaning or tone.
 Analyze the structure of texts, including how specific sentences, paragraphs, and larger portions of the text
(e.g., a section, chapter, scene, or stanza) relate to each other and the whole.
 Assess how point of view or purpose shapes the content and style of a text.
Integration of Knowledge and Ideas:

Integrate and evaluate content presented in diverse media and formats, including visually and quantitatively,
as well as in words.1

Delineate and evaluate the argument and specific claims in a text, including the validity of the reasoning as
well as the relevance and sufficiency of the evidence.

Analyze how two or more texts address similar themes or topics in order to build knowledge or to compare
the approaches the authors take.
Range of Reading and Level of Text Complexity:
 Read and comprehend complex literary and informational texts independently and proficiently.

Career and College Readiness Anchor Standards for Writing (Grades 6-12)
Text Types and Purposes:
 Write arguments to support claims in an analysis of substantive topics or texts using valid reasoning and
relevant and sufficient evidence.
 Write informative/explanatory texts to examine and convey complex ideas and information clearly and
accurately through the effective selection, organization, and analysis of content.
 Write narratives to develop real or imagined experiences or events using effective technique, well-chosen
details and well-structured event sequences.
Production and Distribution of Writing:
 Produce clear and coherent writing in which the development, organization, and style are appropriate to task,
purpose, and audience.
 Develop and strengthen writing as needed by planning, revising, editing, rewriting, or trying a new approach.
 Use technology, including the Internet, to produce and publish writing and to interact and collaborate with
Research to Build and Present Knowledge:
 Conduct short as well as more sustained research projects based on focused questions, demonstrating
understanding of the subject under investigation.
 Gather relevant information from multiple print and digital sources, assess the credibility and accuracy of
each source, and integrate the information while avoiding plagiarism.
 Draw evidence from literary or informational texts to support analysis, reflection, and research.
Range of Writing:
 Write routinely over extended time frames (time for research, reflection, and revision) and shorter time
frames (a single sitting or a day or two) for a range of tasks, purposes, and audiences.

To view the Career and College Readiness Standards for Language, Speaking and Listening, as well as
grade-specific content standards, go to

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ASSIGNMENTS OR WEEK #1: Collection 1: Facing Fear

Due: ___/___/___ Rec’d: ___/___/___ Evaluation: ___________ Comments: _______________________________
Before you go home: Take the Program Assessment Beginning of the Year. Watch Stream to Start video
and discuss with your teacher two things you hope to learn about experiencing fear and how fear affects

Reading 1: Prior to Reading: “The Ravine” [pages 3-12] (CCSS: RL6.1, RL6.2, RL6.3, and RL6.4)
1. Copy the Setting a Purpose prompt on page 3 and look for the answers as you read the story.
2. Copy and study the Academic Vocabulary words, definitions, and related forms on page 2. Add words
to myWordList folder in myNotebook.
3. Copy and study the Critical Vocabulary words on page 15. Add words to myWordList folder in
4. Read information about the author on p. 3. Think about how his experiences may have contributed to
this story.
5. Watch Close Read Screencast: Modeled Discussion, Close Read Application PDF.

Reading 1: “The Ravine” [pages 3 - 12] (CCSS: RL6.1, RL6.3):

1. As you read the selection: Either annotate the text in MyNotebook or use a story map graphic
organizer to keep track of important details and events.
Comprehension, Vocabulary, and Grammar: (CCSS: RL6.1, RL6.3).
1. Either re-read the selection or listen the selection’s audio on eBook Audio.
2. Complete Analyzing the Text questions, page 14. Write out questions and restate the questions in
your answers. Support your responses with evidence from the story.
3. Complete Critical Vocabulary and Vocabulary Strategy: Context Clues, Practice and Apply, page
4. Complete Language Conventions Practice and Apply questions, page 16.

Writing: (CCSS: RL6.2a-f, W6.9a)

1. View Level Up Tutorial, Character Traits.
2. Complete Performance Task, Informative Essay on page 14. Follow the guidelines and write a
comparison and contrast of character traits. Use your annotated text or story map to help you with
your comparison and contrast. Include an outline, draft and final. Final draft must be typed.
Prepare for Your Weekly Assessment: (CCSS RL6.2, W6.2)
1. Review your notes for your story.
2. At your weekly meeting share your writing with your teacher and Take the Access It Online!
Selection Test.
Supplementary Assignment for Relearning and Differentiation: Complete Reteach Describe Stories:
Character Development (TE page 16a). Students view Level Up Tutorials, Character Motivation; Making
Inferences About Characters. Identify character motivations of Joy-Boy and Vinny and make inferences
about Joe-Boy and Vinny’s friendship.

Reading 2: “from The Jumping Tree” [In Close Reader, pages 3-8] (CCSS: RL6.1)
1. Read the Setting a Purpose prompt (TE page 16b). Do the narrator’s actions make sense based on
their prior knowledge?
2. Copy vocabulary words in bold throughout the story and write their definitions. Write original
sentences for these vocabulary words and underline the vocabulary words. Add words to
myWordList folder in myNotebook.
3. As you read the selection:
a. Jot down comments or questions about the text in your Close Read notes.
b. Follow the directions for Read/Reread/Discuss questions 1 to 6.
4. After you read the selection, complete a paragraph for the Short Response on page 8.
5. Answer the Setting a Purpose question.

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ASSIGNMENTS FOR WEEK #2: Collection 1: Facing Fear

Due: ___/___/___ Rec’d: ___/___/___ Evaluation: ___________ Comments: _______________________________

Reading 1: Prior to Reading: “Fine?” [pages 17 to 32] (CCSS: RL6.1, R 6.3, RL 6.4, RL6.5 )
1. Copy the Setting a Purpose prompt on page 17 and look for the answers as you read the story.
2. Copy and study the Critical Vocabulary words on page 35. Add words to myWordList folder in
3. Read the information about the author on p. 17. Think about what Haddix might be writing about in
this story.
4. Read Analyzing Text: Cite Text Evidence on page 34. Copy the words and definitions for citing Text
evidence. Look for the answer as you read the story.
5. Research MRI on the web. Write a paragraph on: what is it, who uses it and why do we need it?
Reading 1: “Fine?” [pages 17 to 32](CCSS: RL 6.1, RL6.3, RL6.5)
As you read the selection: Either annotate the text in MyNotebook or make an outline to keep track of
important details and events.
Comprehension, Vocabulary, and Grammar: (CCSS: RL6.1, RL6.3, RL6.5, RL6.5)
1. Either re-read the selection or listen the selection’s audio on eBook Audio.
2. Read the Setting a Purpose section on page 17. Remember to write down questions as you read.
3. Complete. Analyzing the Text questions on page 34. Write out questions and restate the questions in
your answers. Support your responses with evidence from the story.
4. Complete Vocabulary Strategy: Greek Roots, Practice and Apply, page 35.
5. Complete Language Conventions: Commas and Dashes, Practice and Apply questions on page 36.
Writing: “Fine” [page 34] (CCSS W6.3a-e)
Complete Performance Task, Narrative on page 34. Follow the guidelines and include pre-write, draft and
final. Final draft must be typed.
Prepare for Your Weekly Assessment: (CCSS RL6.2, W6.2)
1. Review your notes for your stories.
2. At your weekly meeting share your writing with your teacher and Take the Access It Online!
Selection Tests.
Supplementary Assignment for Relearning and Differentiation: Complete Reteach Describe Stories:
Plot (TE page 36a). View Level Up Tutorials: Plot Stages; Plot: Sequence of Events; Conflict. Share your
ideas about plot stages with your teacher or another student.

Reading 2: Prior to Reading: “Life Doesn’t Frighten Me” [pages 37 to 38] (CCSS: RL6.1, RL 6.4, RL6.5 ):
1. Read the Setting a Purpose section on page 37 and think about the images and ideas that the poem brings
to your mind.
2. Read information about the author on p. 37.
3. Research Maya Angelou online and write a paragraph about a few interesting facts you learned about the
4. Read Analyze Structure on page 39. Copy all words in bold with their definitions. Copy the questions at
the bottom of Analyze Structure box and look for the answers as you read the story.
Reading 2: Life Doesn’t Frighten Me [pages 37 to 38]: (CCSS: RL6.1, RL 6.4, RL6.5):
As you read the selection: Either annotate the text in MyNotebook or make an outline to keep track of
important details and events.
Comprehension, Vocabulary, and Grammar: “ (CCSS: W8.7, W8.8)
1. Either re-read the selection or listen the selection’s audio on eBook Audio.
2. Answer the Setting a Purpose question on page 37.
3. Compete Analyzing the Text: Cite Text Evidence questions on page 40. Be sure to restate the questions
in your answers.
4. Cite Text Evidence: Reread lines 1-12. Who do you think the speaker is and why? Identify examples of

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rhyme ad repetition. Explain their effect in the poem.
5. Identify the repetition in lines 41-44 and explain how the repetition contributes to the poem’s tone.

Writing: (CCSS: SL 6.4, SL 6.6)

Complete Performance Task, Speaking Activity on page 40. Follow the guidelines and practice reading the
poem. Keep the meaning of the poem in mind. Use your voice effectively. Use gestures and facial expressions
to emphasize rhythm and feeling.
Prepare for Weekly Assessment
1. Review your notes for your story.
2. At your weekly meeting read the poem to your teacher and Take the Access It Online! Selection Test.
Supplementary Assignment for Relearning and Differentiation: Complete Reteach Analyze Structure: Lyric
Poetry (TE page 40a). Students go online and research elements of a poem. Be able to explain: stanza, repetition,
rhyme scheme, couplet and speaker.

ASSIGNMENTS FOR WEEK #3: Collection 1 Facing Fear

Due: ___/___/___ Rec’d: ___/___/___ Evaluation: ___________ Comments: _______________________________

Reading 1 Prior to Reading: “Fears and Phobias”[pages 41-46] (CCSS: RL6.1, RL 6.4, RL 6.5 )
1. Copy the Setting a Purpose prompt on page 41 and look for the answers as you read the story.
2. Copy and study the Critical Vocabulary words and their definitions on page 49. Use the words in
sentences and underline the vocabulary word. Add words to myWordList folder in myNotebook.
3. Complete Critical Vocabulary, Practice and Apply on page 49. Be sure to write out the original
questions and restate the questions in your answers.
4. Read the Background information on p. 41. Think about fears that you have and how you might
conquer these fears.
5. 5. Read Analyzing Text: Cite Text Evidence on page 48. Copy the words and definitions for citing
Text evidence. Look for the answer as you read the story.
6. View the video Fear in your ebook.
7. Watch Close Read Screencast: Modeled Discussion, Close Read Application PDF.
Reading 1: “Fears and Phobias” [pages 41-46](CCSS: RL 6.1, RL6.3, RL6.3, RL6.4)
As you read the selection: Either annotate the text in MyNotebook or make an outline to keep track of
important details and events.
Comprehension, Vocabulary, and Grammar: (CCSS: RL6.4a,b,d, RL6.1a)
1. Either re-read the selection or listen the selection’s audio on eBook Audio.
2. Read the Setting a Purpose section on page 41. Remember to write down questions as you read.
3. Complete. Analyzing the Text questions on page 48. Write out questions and restate the questions in
your answers. Support your responses with evidence from the story.
4. Complete Critical Vocabulary, Practice and Apply on page 49. Be sure to write out the original
questions and restate the questions in your answers.
5. Complete Vocabulary Strategy: Prefixes, Practice and Apply, page 49.
6. Complete Language Conventions: Subjective and Objective Pronouns, Practice and Apply
questions on page 50.
Writing: “Fears and Phobias” [page 48] (CCSS W6.3a-e)
Complete Performance Task, Summary on page 48. Follow the guidelines and include pre-write, draft and
final. Final draft must be typed.
Prepare for Your Weekly Assessment: (CCSS RL6.2, W6.2)
1. Review your notes for your stories.
2. At your weekly meeting share your writing with your teacher and Take the Access It Online!
Selection Tests.
Supplementary Assignment for Relearning and Differentiation: Complete Reteach Cite Evidence (TE
page 50a). View Level Up Tutorials: Reading for Details. Apply these skills to a magazine article. Be sure

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to state conclusions and give opinions about the test and then cite evidence from the article to support your

Reading 2: Face Your Fears: Choking Under Pressure…[In Close Reader, pages 9-12] (CCSS: RL6.1)
1. Read Background information on p. 9. Think about ways that you handle fear and stress
2. Copy vocabulary words in bold throughout the story and write their definitions. Write original sentences for
these vocabulary words and underline the vocabulary words. Add words to myWordList folder in
3. As you read the selection: Jot down questions about the text in your Close Read notes.
4. Follow the directions for Read/Reread questions 1 to 6.
5. After you read the selection, complete a paragraph for the Short Response on page 12.

Choose either Performance Task A or Performance Task B and complete.

Performance Task A: Present a Response to Literature

1. Follow directions on p. 63 to 66. Plan, produce, revise and present a response to literature from one of the
selections in this collection.
2. Create an advertisement. Use your response to create an advertisement that encourages viewers to read their
literary text.
Performance Task B: Write an Informative Essay
1. Follow directions on p. 67 to 70. Plan, produce, revise and present an informative essay regarding a fear you want
to learn more about.
2. Conduct an interview. Interview someone who has personally experienced a fear or helped someone overcome a

ASSIGNMENTS FOR WEEK #4: Collection 2 Animal Intelligence

Due: ___/___/___ Rec’d: ___/___/___ Evaluation: ___________ Comments: _______________________________

Prior to Reading: The Mixer [pages 73-88] (CCSS: RL 6.1, RL 6.3, RL 6.6):
1. Copy the Setting a Purpose prompt on page 73 and look for the answers as you read the story.
2. Copy and study the Critical Vocabulary words on page 91. Use each word in a sentence and
underline the vocabulary word. Add words to myWordList folder in myNotebook.
3. Read Describe Characters’ Responses and Explain Point of View on page 89. 5.
4. Read Analyzing Text: Cite Text Evidence on page 90. Copy the words and definitions for citing
Text evidence. Look for the answer as you read the story.
5. View the video Modern Marvels: Dogs in your ebook.
6. Watch Close Read Screencast: Modeled Discussion 1 & 2, Application PDF.
Reading 1: The Mixer [pages 73-88] (CCSS: RL6.1, RL6.3, RL86.6, RL8.6):
As you read the selection: Either annotate the text in MyNotebook or make an outline to keep track
of important details and events
Comprehension, Vocabulary, Grammar: (CCSS: RL6.1, RL 6.3, RL 6.5L6.4, 6.4b, L 6.6):
1. Either re-read the selection or listen the selection’s audio on eBook Audio.
2. Read the Setting a Purpose section on page 73. Remember to write down questions as you read.
3. Complete. Analyzing the Text questions on page 90. Write out questions and restate the questions in
your answers. Support your responses with evidence from the story.
4. Complete Vocabulary Strategy: Greek Suffix -ize, Practice and Apply, page 91
5. Complete Language Conventions: Intensive Pronouns, Practice and Apply questions on page 92.
Writing: (CCSS: W6.2a-f):
Complete Performance Task Informative Essay on page 90. Follow the guidelines and include an
outline, draft and final. Final draft must be typed.
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Prepare for Weekly Assessment
1. Review your notes for your story.
2. At your weekly meeting share your writing with your teacher and Take the Access It Online!
Selection Test.
Supplementary Assignment for Relearning and Differentiation: Complete Reteach Explain Narrator
and Point of View (TE page 92a). View Level Up Tutorials, Point of View; First-Person Point of View;
Third-Person Point of View; Narrator and Speaker. Students apply the skill to another selection in
Collection 1 or 2.

Reading 2: The Pod [In Close Reader, pages 19-24] (CCSS: RL6.1)
1. Read Background paragraph on page 19. Do you or someone you know have a special connections
with animals or with nature in general? What characteristics do these people possess?
2. Copy vocabulary words in bold throughout the story and write their definitions. Write original
sentences for these vocabulary words and underline the vocabulary words.
3. As you read the selection:
a. Jot down comments or questions about the text in your Close Read notes.
b. Follow the directions for Read/Reread/Discuss questions 1 to 10.
4. After you read the selection, complete a paragraph for the Short Response on page 24.

ASSIGNMENTS FOR WEEK #5: Collection 2 Animal Intelligence

Due: ___/___/___ Rec’d: ___/___/___ Evaluation: ___________ Comments: _______________________________

Reading 1: Prior to Reading: “Tribute to the Dog”[93-94] (CCSS: RL 6.1, RL 6.2, RL 6.4, RL6.5):
1. Copy the Setting a Purpose prompt on page 93 and look for the answers as you read the story.
2. Copy and study the Critical Vocabulary words, definition, and related forms on page 97. Use each
word in a sentence and underline the vocabulary word.
3. Read Trace and Evaluate an Argument and Analyze the Meanings of Words and Phrases on page
4. Read Analyzing Text: Cite Text Evidence on page 96. Copy the words and definitions for citing
Text evidence. Look for the answer as you read the story.
Reading 1: “Tribute to the Dog” [pages 93-94] (CCSS: RL6.1, RL6.2, RL6.4, RL6.5):
As you read the selection: Either annotate the text in MyNotebook or make an outline to keep track
of important details and events.
Comprehension, Vocabulary, Grammar: (CCSS: RL6.1, RL 6.2, L6.4, 6.cb, L 6.6):
1. Either re-read the selection or listen the selection’s audio on eBook Audio.
2. Read the Setting a Purpose section on page 93. Remember to write down questions as you read.
3. Complete. Analyzing the Text questions on page 96. Write out questions and restate the questions in
your answers. Support your responses with evidence from the story.
4. Complete Critical Vocabulary Practice and Apply on page. 97
5. Complete Vocabulary Strategy: Using a Print or Digital Directory Practice and Apply, page 91
6. Complete Language Conventions: Relative Pronouns who and whom., Practice and Apply
questions on page 98.
Writing: (CCSS: SL6.1a, SL6.4):
Complete Performance Task Speaking Activity: Discussion on page 96. Follow the guidelines and
include an outline, draft and final. Final draft must be typed.
Prepare for Weekly Assessment
1. Review your notes for your story.
2. At your weekly meeting share your discussion response with your teacher and Take the Access It
Online! Selection Test.
Supplementary Assignment for Relearning and Differentiation: Complete Reteach Trace Elements of an

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Argument (TE page 98a). View Level Up Tutorials, Elements of an Argument; Analyzing Arguments;
Evidence; Persuasive Techniques.. Students apply the skill to a current editorial in an online newspaper.

Reading 2: Prior to Reading: Animal Wisdom/The Last Wolf [pages 99-102] (CCSS: RL6.1, RL 6.4,
RL6.5a ):
1. Read the Setting a Purpose section on page 99 and as you read think about each poet’s
understanding of wild animals.
2. Read information about the author on p. 99.
Reading 2: Animal Wisdom/The Last Wolf [pages 99-102]: (CCSS: RL6.1, RL 6.4, RL6.5a):
As you read the selection: Either annotate the text in MyNotebook or make an outline to keep track
of important details and events.
Comprehension, Vocabulary, and Grammar: “ (RL 6.1, RL6.4, L6.5a)
1. Either re-read the selection or listen the selection’s audio on eBook Audio.
2. Answer the Setting a Purpose question on page 99.
3. Compete Analyzing the Text: Cite Text Evidence questions on page 104. Be sure to restate the
questions in your answers.
4. Read Determine Meanings of Words and Phrases on page 103. Find 4 examples of imagery and
personification in the poems. Paraphrase 2 stanzas from each poem.
Writing: (CCSS: W6.2a-f, W6.4)
Complete Performance Task, Informative Essay on page 104. Follow the guidelines and write a
comparison and contrast on how the writer of each poem feels about wildlife.
Prepare for Weekly Assessment
1. Review your notes for your story.
2. At your weekly meeting share your essay with your teacher and Take the Access It Online!
Selection Test.
Supplementary Assignment for Relearning and Differentiation: Complete Reteach Determine
Meanings: Imagery (TE page104a). Apply the steps to both poems.

ASSIGNMENTS FOR WEEK #6: Collection 2 Animal Intelligence

Due: ___/___/___ Rec’d: ___/___/___ Evaluation: ___________ Comments:

Reading 1: Prior to Reading: “How Smart are Animals?” [pages 105-112] (CCSS: RL6.1, R 6.2, RL 6.6)
1. Copy the Setting a Purpose prompt on page 105 and look for the answers as you read the story.
2. Copy and study the Critical Vocabulary words, definitions, and related forms on page 35. Add words
to myWordList folder in myNotebook.
3. Complete Critical Vocabulary, Practice and Apply on page 115. Be sure to write out the original
questions and restate the questions in your answers.
4. Read Analyzing Text: Cite Text Evidence on page 114. Copy the words and definitions for citing Text
evidence. Look for the answer as you read the story.
5. Watch Close Read Screencasts: Modeled Discussion 1 & 2, Application PDF.
Reading 1: How Smart are Animals [pages 105-112](CCSS: RL 6.1, RL6.2, RL6.6)
As you read the selection: Either annotate the text in MyNotebook or make an outline to keep track of
important details and events.
Comprehension, Vocabulary, and Grammar: (CCSS: L6.4a, c, d, L6.6)
1. Either re-read the selection or listen the selection’s audio on eBook Audio.
2. Read the Setting a Purpose section on page 105. Remember to write down questions as you read.
3. Complete. Analyzing the Text questions on page 114. Write out questions and restate the questions in

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your answers. Support your responses with evidence from the story.
4. Complete Critical Vocabulary and Vocabulary Strategy: Verify Word Meanings, Practice and
Apply, page 115.
5. Complete Language Conventions: Pronoun Number, Practice and Apply questions on page 116.
Writing: How Smart Animals [page 114] (CCSS W6.2, W6.9)
Complete Performance Task, Informative Essay on page 114. Follow the guidelines and include pre-write,
draft and final. Final draft must be typed.
Prepare for Your Weekly Assessment: (CCSS RL6.2, W6.2)
3. Review your notes for your stories.
4. At your weekly meeting share your writing with your teacher and Take the Access It Online!
Selection Tests.
Supplementary Assignment for Relearning and Differentiation: Complete Reteach Summarize Text (TE
page 116a). View Level Up Tutorial: Summarizing. Apply summarizing skills to another selection in
collection 2.

Reading 2: Can Animals Feel and Think? [In Close Reader, pages 25-28] (CCSS: RL6.1)
1. View the video “Modern Marvels: Dogs” in your eBook.
2. Setting a Purpose question (TE page 116b). At what point did you discover the central idea?
3. Copy vocabulary words in bold throughout the story and write their definitions. Write original
sentences for these vocabulary words and underline the vocabulary words.
4. As you read the selection:
a. Jot down comments or questions about the text in your Close Read notes.
b. Follow the directions for Read/Reread/Discuss questions 1 to 5.
5. After you read the selection, complete a paragraph for the Short Response on page 28.
6. Answer the Setting a Purpose question.

Choose either Performance Task A or Performance Task B and complete.

Performance Task A: Write a Literary Analysis

1. Follow directions on p. 129 to 132. Plan, produce, revise and present literary analysis of the dog from “The
2. Create an advertisement. Use your response to create an advertisement that encourages viewers to read “The
Performance Task B: Give an Informative Presentation.
1. Follow directions on p. 133 to 136. Plan, produce, revise and present an informative presentation on how animals
exhibit intelligence.
2. Compile and curate a list of links to online resources on animal behavior and intelligence.

ASSIGNMENTS FOR WEEK #7: Collection 3: Dealing With Disaster

Due: ___/___/___ Rec’d: ___/___/___ Evaluation: ___________ Comments: _______________________________

Before you go home: Watch Stream to Start video and discuss with your teacher common responses to
catastrophic events.
Reading 1: Prior to Reading: Mammoth Shakes and Monster Waves… [pages 139-152] (CCSS: RL6.1,
RL6.4, RL6.5)
1. Copy the Setting a Purpose question on page 139 and look for the answers as you read the story.
2. Copy and study the Critical Vocabulary words, definitions, and related forms on page 155. Add words
to myWordList folder in myNotebook.
3. Read information about the author on p. 139.
4. Watch The Science of Tsunamis video in your eBook.
5. Watch Close Read Screencasts: Modeled Discussion 1 & 2, Application PDF.

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Reading 1: Mammoth Shakes and Monster Waves… [pages 139-152] (CCSS: RL6.1, RL6.4, RL6.5):
1. As you read the selection: Either annotate the text in MyNotebook or use a story map graphic
organizer to keep track of important details and events.
Comprehension, Vocabulary, and Grammar: (CCSS: RL6.1, RL6.2, L 6.4a, b, L6.6)
1. Either re-read the selection or listen the selection’s audio on eBook Audio.
2. Complete Analyzing the Text questions, page 154. Write out questions and restate the questions in
your answers. Support your responses with evidence from the story.
3. Complete Critical Vocabulary and Vocabulary Strategy: Greek Affixes, Practice and Apply, page
4. Complete Language Conventions Practice and Apply questions, page 156.
Writing/Speaking: (CCSS: RL612a-d, SL6.5)
Complete Performance Task, Discussion on page 14. Follow the guidelines and create a chart that
shows the cause-and effect relationships. Show how one event led to another and had multiple effects. .
Prepare for Your Weekly Assessment: (CCSS RL6.2, W6.2) Review your reading notes for Mammoth
Shakes and Monster Waves.
1. Review your notes for your story.
2. At your weekly meeting share your cause-and-effect chart with your teacher and Take the Access It
Online! Selection Test.
Supplementary Assignment for Relearning and Differentiation: Complete Reteach Analyze Structure:
Cause ad Effect (TE page 156a). Students view Level Up Tutorial, Cause-and-effect Organization.. Then
apply these skills to another selection in Collection 2

Reading 2: Moby Duck In Close Reader, pages 37-42] (CCSS: RL6.1)

1. Read Setting a Purpose prompt (TE page 156b). Pay attention to how cause-and-effect
relationships underlie much of the book review.
2. Copy vocabulary words in bold throughout the story and write their definitions. Write original
sentences for these vocabulary words and underline the vocabulary words.
3. As you read the selection:
a. Jot down comments or questions about the text in your Close Read notes.
b. Follow the directions for Read/Reread/Discuss questions 1 to 8.
4. After you read the selection, complete a paragraph for the Short Response on page 42.
5. Answer the Setting a Purpose question.

ASSIGNMENTS FOR WEEK #8: Collection 3: Dealing With Disaster

Due: ___/___/___ Rec’d: ___/___/___ Evaluation: ___________ Comments:

Reading 1: Prior to Reading: from After the Hurricane/Watcher [pages 157-167] (CCSS: RL6.1, RL 6.4,
RL6.5, RL6.6):
1. Read the Setting a Purpose section on page 157 and as you read write down any questions you have.
2. Read Background information on p. 157
Reading 1: from After the Hurricane/Watcher [pages 157-167]: (CCSS: RL6.1, RL 6.4, RL6.5, RL6.6):
As you read the selection: Either annotate the text in MyNotebook or make an outline to keep track
of important details and events.
Comprehension, Vocabulary, and Grammar: “ (RL 6.4, RL6.5)
1. Either re-read the selection or listen the selection’s audio on eBook Audio.
2. Answer the Setting a Purpose question on page 157.
3. Compete Analyzing the Text: Cite Text Evidence questions on page 165 and 168. Be sure to restate
the questions in your answers.
4. Read Determine Meanings of Words and Phrases on page 169. Look for 2 examples of

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ENGLISH 6A INSTRUCTIONAL PACING GUIDE (CCSS Beta Version) - City of Angels School - LAUSD Independent
alliteration and its effect on tone as you analyze the 2 poems.
Writing: (CCSS: W6.3d)
Complete Performance Task, Poem on page 170. Follow the guidelines and write a poem about a disaster
you have read about.
Prepare for Weekly Assessment
1. Review your notes for your poem.
2. At your weekly meeting share your poem with your teacher and Take the Access It Online!
Selection Test.
Supplementary Assignment for Relearning and Differentiation: Complete Reteach Compare Poetic
Forms (TE page170a). Apply the steps to 2 poems from collection 2.
Reading 2: Prior to Reading: The Banana Tree [pages 171 to 180] (CCSS: RL6.1, RL6.4, RL6.5a)
1. Copy the Setting a Purpose question on page 171 and look for the answers as you read the story.
2. Copy and study the Critical Vocabulary words, definitions, and related forms on page 183. Add words
to myWordList folder in myNotebook.
3. Read information about the author on p. 171.
Reading 2: The Banana Tree[pages 171-180] (CCSS: RL6.1, RL6.4, RL6.5a):
As you read the selection: Either annotate the text in MyNotebook or use a story map graphic
organizer to keep track of important details and events.
Comprehension, Vocabulary, and Grammar: (CCSS: RL6.1, RL6.2, L 6.4, b, L6.4, a, L6.6)
1. Either re-read the selection or listen the selection’s audio on eBook Audio.
2. Complete Analyzing the Text questions, page 182. Write out questions and restate the questions in
your answers. Support your responses with evidence from the story.
3. Complete Critical Vocabulary and Vocabulary Strategy: Use Context Clues, Practice and Apply,
page 183.
4. Complete Language Conventions Practice and Apply questions, page 184.
Writing/Speaking: (CCSS: W6.3d)
Complete Performance Task, Narrative on page 182. Follow the guidelines and write a description of
a bad storm that you have experienced.
Prepare for Your Weekly Assessment: (CCSS RL6.2, W6.2)
1. Review your reading notes for The Banana Tree.
2. Review your notes for your story.
3. At your weekly meeting share your narrative with your teacher and Take the Access It Online!
Selection Test.
Supplementary Assignment for Relearning and Differentiation: Complete Reteach Figurative Language
(TE page 184a). Students view Level Up Tutorial, Figurative Language.. Then apply these skills and
identify 5 examples of personification from this story or in other selections from Collections 1 or 2.

ASSIGNMENTS FOR WEEK #9: Collection 3: Dealing With Disaster

Due: ___/___/___ Rec’d: ___/___/___ Evaluation: ___________ Comments: _______________________________

Reading 1: There Will Come Soft Rains In Close Reader, pages 43 to 52] (CCSS: RL6.1)
1. Read Setting a Purpose prompt (TE page 184b). Pay attention the way the author uses
personification and other figurative language to deliver a strong message about world peace.
2. Copy vocabulary words in bold throughout the story and write their definitions. Write original
sentences for these vocabulary words and underline the vocabulary words.
3. As you read the selection:
a. Jot down comments or questions about the text in your Close Read notes.
b. Follow the directions for Read/Reread/Discuss questions 1 to 14.
4. After you read the selection, complete a paragraph for the Short Response on page 52.
5. Respond the Setting a Purpose prompt.

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ENGLISH 6A INSTRUCTIONAL PACING GUIDE (CCSS Beta Version) - City of Angels School - LAUSD Independent
Reading 2: Prior to Reading: from A Night to Remember [pages 185-192] (CCSS: RL6.1, RL6.3, RL6.4)
1. Copy the Setting a Purpose prompt on page 185 and look for the answers as you read the story.
2. Copy and study the Critical Vocabulary words, definitions, and related forms on page 195. Add words
to myWordList folder in myNotebook.
3. Read information about the author on p. 185.
4. Watch Close Read Screencasts: Modeled Discussion, Application PDF.
Reading 2: from A Night to Remember[pages 185-192] (CCSS: RL6.1, RL6.3, RL6.4):
As you read the selection: Either annotate the text in MyNotebook or use a story map graphic
organizer to keep track of important details and events.
Comprehension, Vocabulary, and Grammar: (CCSS: RL6.1, RL6.3, L 6.4a,c,d L6.6)
1. Either re-read the selection or listen the selection’s audio on eBook Audio.
2. Complete Analyzing the Text questions, page 194. Write out questions and restate the questions in
your answers. Support your responses with evidence from the story.
3. Complete Critical Vocabulary and Vocabulary Strategy: Use Context Clues, Practice and Apply,
page 195.
4. Complete Language Conventions Practice and Apply questions, page 196.
Writing/Speaking: (CCSS: W6.7)
Complete Performance Task, Research on page 194. Follow the guidelines and conduct research to
find out what happened to the Titanic after it struck the iceberg.
Prepare for Your Weekly Assessment: (CCSS RL6.2, W6.2)
1. Review your reading notes for from A Night to Remember.
2. Review your notes for your research.
3. At your weekly meeting share your research with your teacher and Take the Access It Online!
Selection Test.
Supplementary Assignment for Relearning and Differentiation: Complete Reteach Analyze Meaning:
Style (TE page 196a). Students view Level Up Tutorials, Author’s Style; Tone; Imagery. Then apply these
skills to another selection from Collections 3.

Choose either Performance Task A or Performance Task B and complete.

Performance Task A: Create a Multimedia Presentation

1. Follow directions on p. 201-204. Plan, produce, revise and present a multimedia presentation on how to prepare
for a natural disaster.
Performance Task B: Write Narrative Nonfiction
1. Follow directions on p. 205-208. Plan, produce, revise and present narrative nonfiction account of the evets that
happened after the ship hit the iceberg.


Due: ___/___/___ Rec’d: ___/___/___ Evaluation: ___________ Comments: _______________________________
1. Complete Book Report for the novel you have been reading. Use form given to you from your
2. Create a book jacket.
A. Look at some examples of book jackets by googling: book jackets and look at the images.
B. Go to:
book_jackets.pdf Use this information to know what to include on your book jacket.

Complete Periodic Assessment at your next appointment.

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