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5010 Unit 8 Portfolio

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Unit 8 Portfolio

This course has been very challenging and interesting for me. I have really learned a lot in this

course like the different pedagogy styles, Historical foundations, philosophy, and sociology of

education as well as the impact of education on society and also society’s impact on education.

In fact, every unit has had a great impact on my teaching philosophy. The unit or topic which has

affected me most during this course is unit 3: philosophical foundations of education. This topic

has helped me to be more open-minded about my teaching practice.

The objective of his unit was for students to examine various educational philosophies and their

impact on classroom practice and how educational theory can be applied to classroom practice

and instruction models. The educational philosophy that was in line with my philosophy was

progressivism which focuses on positive changes and problem-solving approach that people with

various education credentials can provide their students. (Lynch, 2016). As someone who

throughout my life as student and teacher, I was familiar with the traditional approach of

teaching where the teacher is the center of education. That is an approach whereby the teacher is

the only person with the knowledge and tries to impart what he knows on the student, and an

approach where the students has no say. Through the study of this course, I have come to realize

that for a proper teaching and learning to take place, the teacher must apply a student-centered

approach where the teacher is just a facilitator of educational process.

Through this course, I have come to realize that progressivism which a student-centered

approach in educational process gives students the freedom to develop naturally. (Park, n.d.).

This means that as a teacher, I need to provide rich and sound classroom environment which has

students’ interest materials for free use, and full opportunity for self-expression. Thus, I have to

provide a democratic environment for my students. This is supported by Genly (2019) who said
Unit 8 Portfolio

progressivism values the scientific method of teaching, gives freedom to the students to have

their beliefs and also promotes interaction among students as valuable to the learning process.

The quote or thought that best epitomizes my reason for teaching is what my teaching practice

supervisor told me in Ghana when I was doing my final teaching practice to complete teacher

training college. She quoted from Johann Wolfgang von Goethe who said “treat people as if they

were what they ought to be and you help them become what they are capable of becoming”.

After that she added that “as a teacher, you always have to give your students the taste to love

your class”. These two quotations have always be my inspiration as a teacher. The two quotes, I

believe are in support of the progressivism philosophy which says the classroom environment

must be rich and welcoming for the students to be self-mastery, problem thinkers and problem

solver for them benefit of society.

Incorporating these quotes from my superior into my classroom practice, one example that I will

give is that before the Covid-19, I used to stand at the door of my classroom to give my students

“Hi-Five” as they enter the class. I was doing that because it makes the student feel confident,

welcomed and have the joy of coming to my class. By treating them that way I was providing

them the taste to love my class.

In conclusion, this course is an eye-opener for me. Apart from improving my teaching practice, it

has also helped me know about the foundations of education in other parts of the world like

Brazil and Kenya which are similar to that of my country Ghana. I have also come to know some

political and socio-economic problems affecting education globally.

Unit 8 Portfolio


Ganly, S. (2019, September 4). Educational philosophies in the classroom: The categories of

various teaching philosophies. Retrieved August 11, 2021



Lynch, M., (2016), Philosophies of education: 3 types of student-centered philosophies.

Retrieved August 10, 2021 from


Park (n.d.). The principles of progressive education. Retrieved August 10, 2021 from

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