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Sample Market Study

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Our business name is Breads and Rides because basically our target markets are those
people who always travel; wherein our bread will be sufficient enough to replenish and
supply the energy they needed for their daily routines.

Our business logo is an icon of a cycler which signifies riders and the wheels of the
icon were doughnut that symbolizes our bread products.

A. The Business

Our proposed business which is Breads and Rides is a bakery with simple outdoor
lounge that sells healthy and satisfying breads that is not common in the market. Our products
will be French and Italian inspired. All of our breads will contain special herbs that will make
its taste and each bite special. It is called bread and rides because we intend to distribute the
products via bicycle from house to house in the morning from 5a.m. to 7a.m. and afternoon
from 5p.m. to 6p.m. We also intend to do special deliveries depending on the demand of


Cinnamon Artisan Bread is crusty on the outside, tender and fluffy on the
inside and packed with sweet cinnamon on flavor and juicy and raisins.
Rosemary Olive Oil Bread yields a very soft bread on the inside with golden
crunchy crust Lastly.
Roasted Garlic and Four-Cheese bread is made with garlic and four
different types of cheeses with crusty outside and cheesy blend inside.

B. The Location

The location of our proposed business will be in Dulagan along the road in front of M
and G gasoline station, second floor of PIT STOP where by the Pit Stop sells motor parts and
accessories. this location site is for the riders and citizen. For the riders easily access the site
is they can have their snacks while refiling fuel and repairing their vehicles.

The second floor will be renovating and befitting for the propose business.

List of Market Areas and size of Market

Area Size Population Sector

Lagawe large All sector
Población Medium All sector


The plant layout is designed to follow a procedure of the proposed business

(Breads and Rides). The displayed area is a place where all finished products that are ready to
sell are being displayed. There would be a business office area which will cater to business
related transactions. The bakery/store will be the place for the customer to purchase the
finished products. The baking area/pantry will be the area where the breads will make by the

C. Demand
Based on the conducted survey, It is found out that more than 65% eat bread everyday
with an average of 1-5 pieces per person. So given the high population of Lagawe, we

are certain that the proposed business will thrive (Please see appendices), even with
the presence of numerous bakeshops in town.

D. Target Market Share

Lagawe has numerous bakeshop with visible and invisible shops, nevertheless,
the proponent through a survey can have a reasonable share in the market
which is enough to make the business going or continue operating thus the
chart below shows that the proposed business can have atleast 15 percent share
of the market.

Target Market Share

visible bakeshops invisible bakeshops bread substitute proposed business

E. Projected sales
 Selling Price/unit Price

Cinnamon Artisan Bread Php.10.00
Rosemary Olive Oil Bread Php 15.00
Roasted Garlic and Four-Cheese bread Php. 25.00

 Quantity of Sales/ Sales Volume
We are predicting to increase sales modestly over the next year which is the
respectable growth rate. The growth forecast is assumed this is a new product
for the area using new channels of availability.
We are predicting an average of 300 kind of breads sold each day from
Monday to Sunday.
Operating cost of our business is raw material, direct labor and overhead cost.

Products (Daily Sales) QTY SP Total Sales

Cinnamon Artisan Bread 500 10 5,000.00
Rosemary Olive Oil Bread 500 15 7,500.00
Roasted Garlic and Four-Cheese 500 25 12,500.00
TOTAL 25,000.00
Monthly Sales x 30 days 750,000.00

F. Proposed Marketing Strategy

 Product Strategy
Cum n` Eat will sell different street foods snacks, lunch meals, soft
drinks on the day. At night from 6pm to 8pm, it will sell lomi, liquors and
snacks provided as an accompaniment to alcoholic drinks. It is a restaurant
wherein an individual normally go, pick what to order then eat. Cum n` Eat
focuses mainly on three products namely; sayote egg balls, sisig and inlagim.
Sayote egg balls where a number of sayote is grated with unique ingredients
and is formed like ball, covered by eggs, and bread crumbs then fried. Chicken
sisig where grilled chopped chicken breast with its ingredients, surrounded on
top by okra and sili at the center of it. Inlagim

 Distribution Strategy

The products will be displayed in our mini restaurant which is open

from 7am to 8pm ,Monday to Saturday. True to its name products, will be

distributed via walk-in customers . Nevertheless, in some cases will be
distributed through delivery but with delivery fee.

 Promotion Strategy
For our customer easily consume our breads, we will advertise our
business product through;
 Opening sale
 social media ‘Facebook’
 Tarpaulined and flyers
 promotional gimmicks like buy-one take-one.
 Pricing Strategy
Pricing depends on how the economic factor affects the demand for
consumers goods for our main ingredients. But we still give our
product in an affordable price.
 Marketing Budget

Description Qty Cost

Flyers 100 pcs. 500.00
Tarpaulin 2 pcs. 1000.00
Total 1,500.00


A. Survey Questionnaire

Breads and Rides

In order for us to know your bread preferences, please take a few minutes to answer a
few survey questions. We very much appreciate your input and feedback.

Name: (Optional) __________________________________

Age: ___ Gender: ____ M ____ F

1. Do you eat bread?

 Yes
 No

2. How many pieces of bread are you eating in a day?

 1-5 pcs.
 6-10 pcs.
 Over 10 pcs.

3. What time of day would you most likely buy at the bakery?

 Morning
 Mid-day
 Afternoon
 Evening

4. How many times do you buy bread in a week?

 2 -3 times
 4-5 times

5. How many varieties of bread do you usually buy for? (Ex. Pandesal and Spanish bread)

 One
 Two
 Three
 More than 4
6. Do you prefer to stop by to eat your bread?
 Yes
 No
7. What kind of bread do you prefer?

 Plain Bread
 Stuffed Bread
 Spiced Bread

Others ______________________

8. In your house, how many of you are eating bread?

 1-3 persons
 Over 5 persons

Below are the tables with the results of the population study. It shows the present finding on
our study.

Table2. Frequency Distribution of Gender

Gender Frequency Total

Male 35 58%
Female 25 42%
Total 60 100%

The table shows that 25 or 42% of the total respondents are female and 35 or 58% are male.

Table3. Frequency Distribution of Age Distribution of the Respondents

Age Frequency Percentage

17-19 21 35%
20-22 11 18.33%
23-25 11 18.33%
26-28 8 13.33%
29 above 9 15 %
Total 60 100%

The table shows that most of the respondents are from ages 17-19 with 35% of the total
respondents. Followed by ages 20-22 and 23-25 that contributes 18.33% of the respondents.
29 above is 15% and 26-28 is 13.33% succeeding.

Table4. Frequency Distribution of the Respondents

Respondent Frequency Percentage

Student 30 50%
Commuter 20 33%
Driver 10 17%
Total 60 100%

The table shows that larger portion of respondents are students which is 50% of the
total respondents followed by Commuter that is 33% and Driver that is 17% of the total

C. Survey Result Analysis

The following tables show the demographic profile and the customer’s preference as
reflected results in the conducted survey. Our respondents are citizens near the proposed
location and riders that pass by within the area.

Table5. Frequency Distribution of Respondents who are eating bread

Category Frequency Percentage

Yes 60 100%
No 0 0%
Total 60 100%

The table shows that all of the respondents are eating bread. In this survey question we
determine how many persons are eating bread in a day.

Table6. Frequency Distribution of Number of breads that

Respondents are eating in a day

Category Frequency Percentage

1-5 pcs. 30 50%
6-10 pcs. 27 45%
Over 10 pcs. 3 5%
Total 60 100%

The table shows that 50% or half of the respondents are clearly consuming 1-5pcs of
bread per day. 27 respondents or 45% are eating 6-10pcs. However, there are only 3
respondents who consumes over 10pcs bread per day which is only 5% of them.

Table7. Frequency Distribution of Times when respondents usually buy at the Bakery

Category Frequency Percentage

Morning 24 40%

Midday 14 23%
Afternoon 16 27%
Evening 6 10%
Total 60 100%

The table shows that 40% of respondents consume bread at morning, 27% consumes at
afternoon, 23% consumes at Midday, and 10% at Evening.

Table8. Frequency Distribution of Times when buying bread in a week

Category Frequency Percentage

2-3 times 24 40%
4-5 times 36 60%
No Response 0 0%
Total 60 100%

The table shows that 60% of the respondents are consumers 2-3 times a week and the other
40% are consumers 4-5 times a week. With the help of this question we determine how many
times consumers buy bread in a week.

Table9. Frequency Distribution of Respondents

Who are buying different types of bread?

Category Frequency Percentage

One 35 58.33%
Two 18 30%
Three 5 8.33%
More than 4 2 3.33%
Total 60 100%

The figure shows that 58.33% of respondents are buying one (1) different varieties of
breads, 30% are buying two (2), 8.33% are buying three (3), and only 3.33% are buying more
than four (4) variety of breads. With the help of this question, we had determined the number
breads we are going to produce.

Table10. Frequency Distribution of Respondents who wants

To stop by the garage lounge

Category Frequency Percentage

Yes 48 80%
No 12 20%

Total 60 100%

The figure shows that 80% of the respondents wants to stop by the garage lounge and
the remaining 20% is not. With the help of this question we determine that having garage
lounge is an advantage to acquire greater customers.

Table11. Frequency Distribution of flavored breads respondents prefer

Category Frequency Percentage

Plain Bread 27 45%
Stuffed Bread 25 42%
Spiced Bread 8 13%
Total 60 100%

The table shows that 45% of respondents would choose to buy stuffed bread such as
cinnamon, rosemary and roasted garlic. While 42% choose to buy spiced bread. This are
breads with different herbs and spices mixed. Only 13% of the respondents are willing to buy
plain bread. We determine what type of bread we will produce the most.

Table12. Frequency Distribution of Number of Family Members eating bread

Family Members Frequency Percentage

1-3 persons 28 46.7%
Over 5 persons 32 53.3%
Total 60 100%

The figure shows that 53.3 %are the families who are eating bread over five (5)
persons and the remaining 46.7% are the family who are eating bread of only 1-3 persons.


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