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M5E BRT MA System

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COURSE : Fire Basic Recruit Course (FBRC)

MODULE : V - Basic Rope Rescue Training (BRRT)

SUBJECT : Mechanical Advantage System

METHODOLOGY : Lecture/Discussion-Demonstration

NUMBER OF HOURS : Twenty (20) Hrs

LEARNING OBJECTIVES : At the end of the lesson, the trainees should be able to:
1. identify the 3 categories in mechanical advantage system
2. apply the things to consider in constructing Mechanical
Advantage System correctly;
3. discuss the rules in constructing Mechanical Advantage
system correctly
4. enumerate the functions of Prussik cord in mechanical
advantage system accurately

LEARNING AIDS: Multi-Media Projector / Screen, Laptop, white board and white
board marker, ropes, carabiners, pulleys, prussik cord

REFERENCES: NFPA, IFSTA, Malaysia Handbook for Rope Rescue Technician

and Osaka rope rescue handbook


Preparatory Activities

• Opening Prayer
• Introduction of Instructor
• Checking of attendance
• Presentation of the lesson
• Clarification of personal learning

Developmental Activities:

• Slides of pictures (Crane Equipment in building construction, simple machines like

pulley. Students will able to know the importance of mechanical advantage in hauling,
raising and pulley system.

II. PRESENTATION (Lesson Proper)

• Introduce and discuss the following specific subject areas, given examples to make
point clear when necessary.
• Categories in Mechanical Advantage System
• Things to consider in constructing Mechanical Advantage System
• Rules for Mechanical Advantage System
• Functions of Prussik cord in Mechanical System

• Emphasize the following Key Points:

• As small as possible
o Based on the size of the haul team, try to build an MA system as small as
possible for more pulleys create more friction resulting to efficiency loss.

• Maximizes the amount of ground area the haul team can operate.
o This will also minimize the number of re- sets of the haul system. MA
should be clean, not twisted to avoid unwanted friction.

• When the prusik slips, do not add an additional prusik.

o Correct the problem.

• Summarize the Lesson/Important Points Discussed

• Internalize the mechanical advantage system theory and its application in rope rescue


 Students/Trainees will be grouped into five (5) teams per company.

 Group practice of the three (3) categories of mechanical advantage system

 Prepare 10 problems per category

Simple System Compound System Complex System

2:1 SS z-rig BW (1:1 x z-rig) z-rig BW complex(1:1 x z-rig)
2:1 SS 6:1 BW (2:1 x z-rig) 6:1 BW complex (2:1 x z-rig)
3:1 SS 9:1 BW (3:1 x z-rig) 9:1 BW complex (3:1 x z-rig)
3:1 SS 10:1 BW (2:1 x 5:1) 10:1 BW complex (2:1 x 5:1)
z-rig SS 12:1 BW (4:1 x z-rig) 12:1 BW complex (4:1 x z-rig)
z-rig SS 4:1 PB (2:1 x 2:1) 4:1 PB complex (2:1 x 2:1)
4:1 SS 9:1 PB (3:1 x 3:1) 9:1 PB complex (3:1 x 3:1)
4:1 SS 6:1 GO (2:1 x z-rig) 6:1 GO complex (2:1 x z-rig)
5:1 SS 10:1 GO (2:1 x 5:1) 10:1 GO complex (2:1 x 5:1)
5:1 SS 12:1 GO (4:1 x z-rig) 12:1 GO complex (4:1 x z-rig)

 Each trainee will pick 1 item per category

 Students/trainees will be given 10 mins to perform all the problems
 Closing Prayer

MODULE : V - Basic Rope Rescue Training (BRRT)

SUBJECT : Mechanical Advantage System

METHODOLOGY : Lecture-Discussion and Demonstration

DURATION : Twenty (20)

 Four (4) Lectures
 Sixteen (16) Practical Demonstrations
Day 1 Introduction NFPA, IFSTA,
10 mins - Opening Prayer Malaysia
- Introduction of Handbook,
Instructor Osaka rope
- Checking of attendance rescue and
- Presentation of the handbook
- Clarification of personal
5 mins Slides of pictures Multi-media
1 hr & 30 Introduce and discuss the Lecture – NFPA, IFSTA, Oral Recitation
mins following topics: Discussion Malaysia
-Categories in Mechanical Demonstration Handbook,
Advantage System Osaka rope
- Things to consider in rescue and
constructing Mechanical handbook,
Advantage System Ropes, pulleys
and carabiners

15 mins Break
2 hrs Rules for Mechanical NFPA, IFSTA, Oral Recitation
Advantage System Lecture – Malaysia
Discussion Handbook,
Functions of Prussik cord Demonstration Osaka rope
in Mechanical System rescue and
Ropes, pulleys
and carabiners
1 hr Lunch Break
2 hrs Return Demo Demonstration Ropes, pulleys
and carabiners
15 mins Break
1 hr & 45 Practice by team Demonstration Ropes, pulleys
mins and carabiners


Day 2 Team Practice Demonstration Ropes, pulleys
2 hrs and carabiners
15 mins Break
1 hr & 45 Team Practice Demonstration Ropes, pulleys
mins and carabiners
1 hr Lunch Break
2 hrs Team Practice Demonstration Ropes, pulleys
and carabiners
15 mins Break
2 hrs Team Practice Demonstration Ropes, pulleys
and carabiners
15 mins Break
1 hr & 45 Practice by team Demonstration Ropes, pulleys
mins and carabiners
Day 3 Evaluation Ropes, pulleys Graded Return
2 hrs and carabiners Demonstration


Mechanical Advantage System is synonymous with…

raising system

pulley system

and hauling system

M.A. amplifies the pulling force of the haul team.

Not all hauling systems are mechanical advantage systems. If the required force equals to the
load force there is no mechanical advantage present.

For example, in a simple system where the haul line is attached to

the load and passes through one overhead pulley, it is classified
as a 1:1 system.

Mechanical Advantage Systems

A force created through mechanical means including, but not

limited to, a system of levers, gearing, or ropes and pulleys usually
creating an output force greater than the input force and expressed in terms of a ratio of output
force to input force.

Things to consider in construction an MA

1. Length of available rope

2. Distance of rescuers to the victim

3. Number of haulers

Simple systems - consists of a pulley system that has a single haul connection between
the load and the haul team.

Compound Systems – are those in which one simple system pulling on the haul line of
another simple system.

Complex Systems – the only way to determine its mechanical advantage is by calculating
the tension units. There are usually two or more haul prusiks pulling from opposite

Rules for Simple and Compound Mechanical Advantage Systems

1. To determine the MA of a Simple System, count the ropes between the anchor and the load or

count the number of pulley/s plus 1.


2. If the rope used is tied to the anchor, the MA is EVEN.

3. . If the rope used is tied to the load, the MA is ODD

4. . To determine the MA of a Compound System, multiply the

two simple systems.
To determine Complex Systems, there are usually two or more haul
prussiks pulling from opposite directions.

5. If the pulley closest to the haulers is on the anchor, the pulley is only considered a change
of direction (CD).
Functions of Prussik Cord in MA


braking prussik

Definition of terms


- if its build with one rope that is connected to the

load it is an integral system (simple, compound or


Piggyback - is a compound MA that is made up of two or more identical

simple MA’s (example 4:1 - 2:1 x 2:1)

Ganged on – is a compound MA attached by a haul, grabbed

to a second main rope for the purpose of lifting or lowering a load.

Batwing – is a compound MA that separates two MA

Change of direction (CD) – is a pulley on the anchor closest to the haulers

Directional (D) – is a pulley or pulleys between the pulley

system and the load to be raised.
A quality M.A. should be:

As small as possible.

Based on the size of the haul team, try to build an MA system as small as possible for
more pulleys create more friction resulting to efficiency loss.

Maximizes the amount of ground area the haul team can operate.

This will also minimize the number of re-sets of the haul system. MA should be
clean, not twisted to avoid unwanted friction.

When the prusik slips, do not add an additional prusik. Correct the problem.

4. To determine the MA of a Compound System, multiply the two simple systems.

Methods and Techniques

Low Angle. Refers to an environment in which the load is predominately supported

by itself and not the rope rescue system (e.g., flat land or mild sloping surface).

Below grade. most often in some sort of confined space

High Angle. An environment in which the load is

predominately supported by the rope rescue system.

Tag line offset – offer a means of offsetting the mainline and belay line

by the use of a hand line that is operated below the rescue package.

Should be used only when minor obstacles need to be overcome, or minor adjustments
need to be made in the fall line.
Guiding line offset:

An offset used to change the mainline and belay line by the use of an
adjustable rope that runs through a pulley and tether attached to the
rescue package at the yoke.

Guiding line is controlled at the bottom.

Deflected offset – is useful in adjusting the main line

and the belay line from above rescue package, or in
some cases, from across a gap or chasm.

It may be imparted at any time deemed necessary during

the rescue operation. This type of offset is best suited for
smaller gaps, the wider the gap, the more potential

Tracking line can offset the main line and belay line by the use of
adjustable rope that runs through a pulley attached to the rescue
package at the yoke.

The tracking line may be positioned and operated separately from

the main portion of th rescue operation.

It receives medium tension because of this, it must be anchored at

both ends, it can not be hand held.
Highline System. A system of using rope suspended between two points for movement of
persons or equipment, including systems capable of movement between points of equal or
unequal height.

Victim Under Rescue

System Safety Check.

A method involving three components that evaluates the safe assembly of a rescue system—

* physical check / touch system

* load test
* audible or visual confirmation

COURSE : Fire Basic Recruit Course (FBRC)

MODULE : IV Basic Rope Rescue Training (BRRT)

SUBJECT : Course Introduction and Safety and Introduction in Rope Rescue

METHODOLOGY : Lecture/Discussion-Demonstration

NUMBER OF HOURS : Twenty (20)

 Four (4) Lectures
 Sixteen (16) Practical Demonstrations

LEARNING OBJECTIVES : At the end of the lesson, the trainees should be able to:
1. Discuss the course overview about Basic Rope Rescue
Training (BRRT)
2. Explain the safety rules in Basic Rope Rescue Training
(BRRT) appropriately
3. Enumerate the incidents that utilizes ropes briefly
4. Given four (4) kinds of ropes, the trainees should be able
to identify the ropes according to its construction, classify
the ropes used in the fire service and enumerate the
factors that lower rope strength correctly.
5. Perform different kinds of knots and improvised
harnesses used in rope rescue properly at a given
amount of time.
6. Given a number of rope rescue equipments, the trainees
should be able to categorize it into hardware or software
and determine its uses.
7. Appreciate the importance of standard safety factor in
rope rescue operations.

LEARNING AIDS: Multi-Media Projector / Screen, Laptop, white board and marker,
hardware (pulleys, carabiners, rescue 8-ring, ascender cam,
anchor plates, screw links, rappel rack), software (flat web,
kermantle rope, prussiks, manila rope, manufactured harnesses)

REFERENCES: NFPA, IFSTA, Malaysia Handbook for Rope Rescue Technician

and Osaka rope rescue handbook

Preparatory Activities

• Opening Prayer
• Introduction of Instructor
• Checking of attendance
• Presentation of the lesson
• Clarification of personal learning

Developmental Activities:

• Film Strips of rope rescue system (Rappelling, High Angle Rescue and Confined
Space Rescue

II. PRESENTATION (Lesson Proper)

• Introduce and discuss the following specific subject areas, given examples to make
point clear when necessary.
• Safety Rules
• Other rescue incidents involving ropes
• .Most common type of rope construction
• Classification of rope in the fire service
• Rope care and maintenance
• Common kinds of knots used in rope rescue
• Different hardware and software used in rope rescue
• Rope rescue standard safety factor

• Emphasize the following Key Points:

• Goal of rescue: 3S’s (Safety, Sureness, Simplicity)

• Maximum working load:
o 1 person life safety rope – 300 lbs (136 Kg)
o 2 person life safety rope – 600 lbs (272 Kg)
• Standard Safety Factor ( 15: 1)
• Rule of thumb:
o If an alloy hardware was dropped from waist height onto a hard surface, it
should not be used in a life safety application until it has been lab tested.
• General Rule:
o One pulley per carabiner

• Summarize the Lesson/Important Points Discussed

 Importance of safety in Basic Rope Rescue Training (BRRT)

MODULE : IV Basic Rope Rescue Training (BRRT)

SUBJECT : Course Introduction and Safety and Introduction in Rope Rescue

METHODOLOGY : Lecture/Discussion-Demonstration

DURATION : Twenty (20)

 Four (4) Lectures
 Sixteen (16) Practical Demonstrations


Day 1 Introduction NFPA, IFSTA,
10 mins - Opening Prayer Malaysia
- Introduction of Handbook,
Instructor Osaka rope
- Checking of attendance rescue and
- Presentation of the handbook
- Clarification of personal
5 mins Film Strips of rope rescue Multi-media
system Laptop
1 hr & 30 Introduce and discuss the Lecture – NFPA, IFSTA, Oral Recitation
mins following topics: Discussion Malaysia
-Safety Rules Handbook,
-Other rescue incidents Osaka rope
involving ropes rescue and
-Most common type of handbook
rope construction
-Classification of rope in
the fire service

15 mins Break
2 hrs Cont… Lecture – NFPA, IFSTA, Oral Recitation
- Rope care and Discussion Malaysia
maintenance Handbook,
-Common kinds of knots Osaka rope
used in rope rescue rescue and
-Different hardware and handbook
software used in rope
-Rope rescue standard
safety factor
1 hr Lunch Break
2 hrs Knot Tying Demonstration Utility rope,
10 mins Break
1 hr & 50 Cont… Demonstration Utility rope,
mins Knot Tying Gloves


Day 2 Team Practice (Knot Demonstration Ropes and
2 hrs Tying) gloves
15 mins Break
1 hr & 45 Team Practice (Knot Demonstration Ropes and
mins Tying) gloves
1 hr Lunch Break
2 hrs Team Practice (Knot Demonstration Ropes and
Tying) gloves
15 mins Break
2 hrs Team Practice (Knot Demonstration Ropes and
Tying) gloves
15 mins Break
1 hr & 45 Team Practice (Knot Demonstration Ropes and
mins Tying) gloves
Day 3 Evaluation (Knot Tying) Ropes and Graded Return
4 hrs gloves Demonstration &
Written Exam

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