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Discrete Particle Swarm Optimization and Differential Evolution Algorithms For Flow Shop Scheduling Problems

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Mehmet Seyyid ÖZTEKİN

August 2009


Mehmet Seyyid ÖZTEKİN

A thesis submitted to

The Graduate Institute of Sciences and Engineering


Fatih University

in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of

Master of Science


Industrial Engineering

August 2009
Istanbul, Turkey

I certify that this thesis satisfies all the requirements as a thesis for the degree of
Master of Science.

Assist. Prof. Mehmet Şevkli
Head of Department

This is to certify that I have read this thesis and that in my opinion it is fully
adequate, in scope and quality, as a thesis for the degree of Master of Science.

Assist. Prof. Mehmet Şevkli
Examining Committee Members

Assist. Prof. Mehmet Şevkli _____________________

Assist. Prof. Özgür Uysal _____________________

Assist. Prof. İhsan Ömür Bucak _____________________

It is approved that this thesis has been written in compliance with the formatting
rules laid down by the Graduate Institute of Sciences and Engineering.

Assoc. Prof. Nurullah ARSLAN
August 2009


Mehmet Seyyid Öztekin

M. S. Thesis - Industrial Engineering

August 2009

Supervisor: Assist. Prof. Mehmet Şevkli


In this study, I tried to minimize the makespan of jobs in flow shops. The
makespan criterion is a measure for total completion time of all jobs. Particle Swarm
Optimization and Differential Evolution algorithms are heuristic methods used for
solving combinatorial optimization problems like flow shop scheduling problems.
These two different methods are proposed for the flow shop scheduling problem with
minimizing makespan criterion. The algorithms are implemented using the processing
time of Taillard benchmark data sets. The computational results are obtained to evaluate
the fitness and cpu time for each algorithm. The performances of both algorithms to find
optimal processing sequence for the jobs through m machines are compared. It is
concluded from the experiments that SPPSO and DDE algorithms performed better
results to compare PSO and DPSO algorithms.

Keywords: Scheduling, Flow shop, Discrete Particle Swarm Optimization, Discrete

Differential Evolution Algorithm, Minimizing Makespan


Mehmet Seyyid Öztekin

Yüksek Lisans Tezi – Endüstri Mühendisliği

Ağustos 2009

Supervisor: Yard. Doç. Mehmet Şevkli


Bu çalışmada akış tipi atölyelerdeki işlerin toplam tamamlanma sürelerini

minimize etmeye çalıştım. Toplam tamamlanma süresi işlerin bitiş zamanını gösteren
performans kriteridir. Sürü parçacık optimizasyonu ve ayırtedici evrimsel algoritması
akış tipi atölyelerdeki gibi kombinatoryel optimization problemlerini çözmek için
kullanılan sezgisel yöntemlerdir. Bu iki farklı yöntem, akış tipi çizelgeleme problemleri
için toplam tamamlanma süresini minimize etme kriteri altında önerildi. Algoritmalarda
Taillard veri setinin işlem süreleri kullanıldı. Her bir algoritmanın işlemci süreleri ve
performans değerleri hesapları elde edildi. Her iki algoritmanın m makinadaki en
optimal iş sıralamasındaki performansları karşılaştırıldı. Yapılan deneylerde SPPSO ve
DDE algoritmaları, PSO ve DPSO algoritmalarına karşın daha iyi sonuçlar vermiştir.

Anahtar Kelimeler: Çizelgeleme, Akış Tipi Atölyeler, Kesikli Sürü Parçacık

Optimizasyonu, Ayırtedici Evrimsel Algoritması, Toplam Tamamlanma Süresini
Minimize etme

To my family


I would like to thank my thesis supervisor Assist. Prof. Mehmet ŞEVKLİ for his
guidance throughout the research and invaluable help during the implementation phase
of the thesis.

I express my thanks and appreciation to my family for their love, encouragement,

understanding, and patience and I also thank my friends for their motivation.

I am greatful to my jury members, Assist. Prof. Özgür UYSAL and Assist. Prof.
İhsan Ömür BUCAK for their valuable suggestions and comments.

I express my thanks and appreciation to TUBITAK (The Scientific and

Technological Research Council of Turkey) R&D Human Resources Development for
their support, during my master education with MSc fellowship.

And I would like to thank all my friends and colleagues at Fatih University, for
their friendship and collaboration and companionship throughout this journey in
graduate school life.


APPROVAL PAGE ......................................................................................................... iii

ABSTRACT..................................................................................................................... iv
ÖZ ..................................................................................................................................... v
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT .............................................................................................. vii
TABLE OF CONTENTS............................................................................................... viii
LIST OF TABLES ............................................................................................................ x
LIST OF FIGURES ......................................................................................................... xi
LIST OF SYSMBOLS AND ABBREVIATIONS ......................................................... xii
CHAPTER 1 ..................................................................................................................... 1
INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................ 1
OVERVIEW ................................................................................................................. 1
CHAPTER 2 ..................................................................................................................... 3
FLOW SHOP SCHEDULING ......................................................................................... 3
2.1 INTRODUCTION.............................................................................................. 3
2.2 COMPLEXITYS OF Fm || Cmax PROBLEMS ................................................ 4
2.3 PERFORMANCE MEASURE .......................................................................... 4
2.4 LITERATURE REVIEW................................................................................... 5
2.4.1 Johnson’s Algorithm ................................................................................... 7
2.4.2 Branch and Bound Algorithm ..................................................................... 8
2.4.3 Mixed Integer Programming ....................................................................... 8
2.4.4 Heuristics and Metaheuristic Approach ...................................................... 9
2.5 ASSUMPTIONS .............................................................................................. 10
CHAPTER 3 ................................................................................................................... 11
PARTICLE SWARM OPTIMIZATION........................................................................ 11
3.1 OVERVIEW .................................................................................................... 11
3.2 LITERATURE REVIEW................................................................................. 12
3.2.1 Continuous Particle Swarm Optimization for FSSP ................................. 15 The Pseudocode of The CPSO SPV Algorithm .................................... 20
3.2.2 Discrete Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm for FSSP .................... 20 The Pseudocode of The DPSO Algorithm ............................................ 22
3.2.3 Stochastically Perturbed PSO Algorithm for FSSP .................................. 22 The Pseudocode of The SPPSO Algorithm .......................................... 24
3.3 NEIGHBOURHOOD STRUCTURES ............................................................ 25
3.3.1 Interchange Operator ................................................................................ 25
3.3.2 Insert Operator .......................................................................................... 25
3.3.3 Swap Operator .......................................................................................... 26
CHAPTER 4 ................................................................................................................... 27
DIFFERENTIAL EVOLUTION ALGORITHM ........................................................... 27
4.1 LITERATURE REWIEV................................................................................. 27
4.2.1 The Standard Pseudocode of DE Algorithm ............................................. 31

4.3.1 The Pseudocode Of Proposed DDE Algorithm ........................................ 33
4.4 CROSSOVER .................................................................................................. 33
4.4.1 One Cut ..................................................................................................... 34
4.4.2 Two cut ..................................................................................................... 34
CHAPTER 5 ................................................................................................................... 35
EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS ....................................................................................... 35
5.1 INTRODUCTION............................................................................................ 35
5.2 RESULTS ........................................................................................................ 36
5.2.1 PSOSPV Results ......................................................................................... 37
5.2.2 DPSO Results ........................................................................................... 37
5.2.3 SPPSO Results .......................................................................................... 38
5.2.4 DDE Results ............................................................................................. 39
5.2.5 Graphical Representation of The Results ................................................. 39
5.3 STATISTICALLY TESTING ......................................................................... 43
5.3.1 Hypothesis Testing ................................................................................... 46
5.3.2 T-test Results for The Algorithms ............................................................ 46
CHAPTER 6 ................................................................................................................... 48
CONCLUSION ............................................................................................................... 48
REFERENCES ............................................................................................................... 50
APPENDIX A ................................................................................................................. 55
RESULTS OF THE ALGORITHMS ............................................................................. 55
APPENDIX B ................................................................................................................. 67
CPU TIMES OF THE ALGORITHMS.......................................................................... 67
APPENDIX C ................................................................................................................. 79
UPPER BOUND OF THE PROBLEMS ........................................................................ 79
APPENDIX D ................................................................................................................. 81
EXAMPLE OF A RUN’S EXPORTED DATA............................................................. 81


Table 2.1 Gantt Chart of The Example ………………………….…..………………..6

Table 3.1 Solution Representation of a Particle ……………….………………….…19

Table 5.1 Results of PSOSPV ………………………………………………………...37

Table 5.2 Results of DPSO ……………………………………………………….....38

Table 5.3 Results of SPPSP ………………………………………………………....38

Table 5.4 Results of DDE ………………………………….……………………......39

Table 5.5 Results of The Algorithms ………………………………………………..42

Table 5.6 Overall Fitness Results ……………………………..………………….....44

Table 5.7 Average Percent Deviation Fitness Results ……………………………....45

Table 5.8 T-test Values for The Algorithms …………………………………….......45

Table 5.9 T-test Critical Values for ………………………………………...46

Table 5.10 T-test Results for The Algorithms ……………………………………....47

Table A.1 Detailed Results of PSOSPV ……………………………………………... 55

Table A.2 Detailed Results of DPSO ………………………………………………..58

Table A.3 Detailed Results of SPPSO ………………………………………………61

Table A.4 Detailed Results of DDE …………………………………………………64

Table B.1 CPU Times of PSOSPV …………………………………….……………...67

Table B.1 CPU Times of DPSO ………………………..…………………………...70

Table B.1 CPU Times of SPPSO ……………………….…………………………...73

Table B.1 CPU Times of DDE ……………………………………………………...76


Figure 2.1 Processing Times of The Example …………………..……………………7

Figure 3.1 The Pseudocode of PSOSPV ………………………….…………………..20

Figure 3.2 The Pseudocode of DPSO ……………………………..………………...22

Figure 3.3 Pseudo code of the proposed SPPSO algorithm ………………………....24

Figure 3.4 Interchange Operator ……………………………………..………….…..25

Figure 3.5 Insert Operator ……………………………………………………….…..25

Figure 3.6 Swap Operator ……………………………………………………….…..26

Figure 4.1 The Standard Pseudocode of DE Algorithm ……………………………..31

Figure 4.2 The Pseudocode Of Proposed DDE Algorithm ………………..….……..33

Figure 4.3 One Cut Operator …………………………………………...…………....34

Figure 4.4 Two Cut Operator …………………………………………...….………..34

Figure 5.1 The deviation of the best makespan ……………………....….…..40

Figure 5.2 The deviation of the average makespan …………………………..40

Figure 5.3 The deviation of the worst makespan …………………..………...41

Figure 5.4 The average standard deviation of makespan …………...………...41



pj : Processing time for Job j

Cmax : Completion time of all jobs in the flow shop

FSSP : Flow Shop Sequencing Problem

Fm || Cmax : Flowshop Sequencing Problem with Criterion of Makespan

PSO : Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm

DPSO : Discrete Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm

DDEA : Discrete Differential Evolution Algorithm

SSPSO : The Perturbed Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm

SPV : Smallest Position Value Heuristic Rule

CPU : Central Processing Unit

NxM : n Number of Jobs through m Number of Machines




Scheduling problems exist almost everywhere in real-world situations (Gen &

Cheng, 1997), most of all in the industrial engineering world. Scheduling is a kind of
decision making that plays importance role in both manufacturing and service
industries. Moreover, effective scheduling increases productivity, utilization of
resources and can yield cost saving.

Flow shop scheduling is one of the most popular problems in this area. The flow
shop scheduling problem was first studied by Johnson (1954) for sequencing jobs on
single or two machines with the objective of minimizing makespan. Various exact,
heuristic and metaheuristic methods have been proposed after the Johnson’s study and
different objective criteria are used for evaluating the best sequence for all jobs on the
set of machines.

More scheduling problems are very difficult and complex to solve by traditional
methods. Many heuristic methods are developed to solve these difficult problems. We
applied two metaheuristic algorithms to the Fm || Cmax problem. Discrete particle swarm
optimization algorithm and discrete differential evolution algorithm are our proposed
algorithms to be used in the study. DPSO is used different problem types and applied to
scheduling problems. DDE algorithm is a new form for scheduling problem. We will
compare the fitness values and CPU times to see performance of each algorithm to
solve the problems with the objectives of minimizing makespan and maximum lateness.

The organization of my thesis is as follows. Chapter 2 gives an overview of flow

shop scheduling problems with classification, complexity and literature review about it.

An simple illustrated example is also given and some methods are introduced in this
chapter. This chapter also includes some notations and assumptions.

In chapter 3, history of particle swarm optimization is mentioned. Discrete version

of PSO and our proposed perturbed particle swarm optimization algorithm are
explained. Like PSO, same procedure is followed for differential evolution algorithm in
chapter 4. Literature review and the methodology of these methods are given. In chapter
5, these four methods’ experimental results are presented and computational results of
the study are summarized. Finally, chapter 6 discusses results and makes the




There are many exact, heuristic and meta-heuristic solution techniques developed
for machine scheduling problems. These problems are a decision making process with
the goal of optimizing one or more objective.

The flow shop scheduling problem is a production planning problem. A flow

shop can be described as n jobs which have to go in the same order on m different
machines. There are many kinds of flow shops, such as no-wait flow shop, multi-
objective flow shop, blocking flow shop, and so on. The sequence of the problem varies
due to the objective of the problem. These objectives can be minimizing makespan,
minimizing number of tardy jobs or tardiness, minimizing maximum lateness,
minimizing flow time.

Given the processing times for job j on machine k, and a job permutation
where n jobs ( j = 1, 2,…, n) will be sequenced through m
machines ( k = 1, 2,…,3) using the same permutation. Given the job permutation
, the calculation of completion time for n-job m-machine problem
is given as follows:


Many scheduling problems from manufacturing industries are quite complex in

nature and very difficult to solve by conventional optimization techniques. They belong
the class of NP-hard problems. There exists no polynomial time algorithm for the
integer programming. Fm || Cmax problems are strongly NP-hard (Pinedo, 1995).


The objective is to find a suitable allocation of jobs to machines, and a sequence

for each machine which would optimize a performance measure. There are many
performance measures for scheduling problems. (French, 1982)’s classification of
performance measures:

 Completion time based performance measures:

Minimize the maximum flow time,

Minimize the maximum completion time (makespan),

Minimize mean flow time or total flow time,

Minimize mean completion time or total completion time,

Minimize weighted flow time,

Minimize weighted completion time,

 Due Date based performance measures:

Minimize maximum lateness,

Minimize maximum tardiness,

Minimize mean lateness or total lateness,

Minimize mean tardiness or total tardiness,

Minimize weighted lateness,

Minimize weighted tardiness,

 Utilization based performance measures:

Minimize idle time
Maximize utilization of manpower
Maximize machine utilization
In this study, we aim to determine a sequence that will minimize the maximum
completion time (makespan) .


Flow shop scheduling problems are first introduced by Johnson (1954). A two and
three machine problem is also discussed and solved for a restricted case.

Branch and bound (BB) technique have been used by Giglio and Wagner (1964)
for three machine scheduling with objective of minimizing makespan, Dudek and
Thuton (1964) used BB technique for scheduling n jobs through m with same
performance criteria. Edward Ignall and Linus Schrage developed this method.

For the computational complexity of the PFSP with makespan and maximum
lateness minimization, Rinnooy Kan (1976) proves that the makespan minimization is
NP-complete, and Lenstra et al. (1977) prove that the two-machine flowshop with
maximum lateness is NP-Complete, hence the PFSP is much more difficult to solve.
Therefore, efforts have been devoted to finding high-quality solutions in a reasonable
computational time by heuristic optimization techniques. Heuristics for the makespan
minimization problem have been proposed by Taillard (1990), Framinan et al. (2002)
and Framinan & Leisten (2003).

To achieve a better solution quality, modern meta-heuristics have been presented

for the PFSP with makespan minimization such as Simulated Annealing by Osman &
Potts (1989), Ogbu & Smith (1990), Tabu Search by Revees (1993), Nowicki &
Smutnicki (1996), Grabowski & Wodecki (2004), and Watson et al. (2002), Genetic
Algorithms by Revees (1995), Revees & Yamada (1998), and Ruiz et al. (2006), Ant
Colony Optimization by Stützle (1998b), Rajendran & Ziegler (2004), Particle Swarm
Optimization by Tasgetiren et al. (2004, 2007), Iterated Greedy Algorithm by Ruiz &
Stutzle (2007), and Iterated Local Search by Stützle (1998a). An excellent review of
flowshop heuristics and metaheuristics can be found in Ruiz & Maroto (2005).

Regarding the maximum lateness minimization, there exists a little research in the
literature. However, the need to focus on the customer satisfaction made evident that
due-date based objectives are very critical factors for management to be accomplished.
On the other hand, the scheduling problem becomes more difficult when due-dates are
concerned. This might be the reason why there exists fewer papers dealing with due-
date based performance measure in flow shop scheduling.

Townsend (1977), Grabowski et al. (1983), and Kim (1995) used branch and
bound methods to find optimal solutions. Kim (1995) dealt with the performance
measure of total tardiness in two-machine flow shop whereas Grabowski et al. (1983)
employed the performance measure of maximum lateness, and Townsend (1977) dealt
with the minimization of maximum lateness in m-machine flow shop. In addition, some
heuristic methods were presented by Rajendran & Chaudhuri (1991) and Kim (1993)
for minimizing the maximum lateness and mean/total tardiness, respectively.

An example of a permutation flowshop problem schedule is shown in the below

figure. The processing time for each job through four machine is generated. The table
represent the processing time job on machine.

Table 2.1 Processing Times of The Example

4 6 2 4

2 5 3 7

3 5 3 6

2 2 3 4

To calculate total completion time, we use the gant chart. Gant chart show start
and finish time of each job. We can easily see the waiting time (idle time) of each

From the graph: the makespan is 29 and total idle time is 55. Finish time of
, , and is 25, 29, 13 and 23. As a result, our aim is minimize the total
completion time which is 29.

Figure 2.1 Gantt Chart of The Example

2.4.1 Johnson’s Algorithm

A heuristic algorithm by S.M. Johnson can be used to solve the case of a 2

machine N job problem when all jobs are to be processed in the same order.The steps of
algorithm are as follows:

Step 1: Set k=1 and m=1

Step 2: Set current list of unscheduled jobs
Step 3: Find and
Step 4: If the smallest time is for on then
Schedule in the position of the processing sequence
Delete from the current list of unscheduled jobs
Increment k to k+1,
Go to Step 6
Step 5: If the smallest time is for on then;
Schedule in the position of the processing sequence
Delete from the current list of unscheduled jobs
Reduce m to m-1,
Go to Step 6
Step 6: If , then stop and build the optimal schedule,
Otherwise go to Step 3
If the smallest takes place more than one job in Step 3, then pick arbitrarily.

2.4.2 Branch and Bound Algorithm

As a matter of fact Hariri & Potts’s B&B algorithm is useful when the number of
machines and jobs are less. If we attempt to solve complex problems with exact
methods, even we are sure that we will get the optimal results at last, our lives may not
allow completing the runs; since enumerating the problem takes very long times.

Branch and bound algorithm is well known algorithm. This algorithm tries all
possibilities of the jobs sequences through m machines. All fitness values are calculated
and the best of them are taken.

2.4.3 Mixed Integer Programming

In order to formulate the problem as a Mixed Integer Programming a number of

variables have to be defined: The decision variable equals 1 if job j is the job in
the sequence and 0 otherwise. The auxiliary variable denotes the idle time on
machine i between the processing of the jobs in the position and position
and the auxiliary variable denotes the waiting time of the job in the position in
between machines i and i+1. There exists a strong relationship between the variables
and the variables . For example, if , then has to be zero.
Formally, this relationship can be established by considering the difference between the
time the job in the position starts on machine i + 1 and the time the job in the
position completes its processing on machine i.

Define the following decision variables;

Note that minimizing the makespan is equivalent to minimizing the total idle time
on the last machine, machine m. The following mathematical formulation of the
permutation flow shop scheduling can be derived

Subject to

The first set of constraints specifies that exactly one job has to be assigned to
position k for any k. The second set of constraints specifies that job j has to be assigned
to exactly one position. The third set of constraints relate the decision variables to
the physical constraints. These physical constraints enforce the necessary relationships
between the idle time variables and the waiting time variables. Thus, the problem of
minimizing the makespan in an m machine permutation flow shop is formulated as a
MIP. The only integer variables are the binary (0−1) decision variables . The idle
time and waiting time variables are nonnegative continuous variables.

2.4.4 Heuristics and Metaheuristic Approach

Heuristics reveal invaluable solutions. Known heuristic methods start with a

single solution and try to develop better solutions in the next generations from the
solution currently at hand. Worse solutions are not accepted. Therefore, the execution
terminates at the first local minimum being trapped.

Recently metaheuristics are of the greatest interest; since they give the optimal or
near-optimal solutions in a shorter time than exact algorithms do. Mostly used
metaheuristics are the Simulated Annealing, Tabu Search, Genetic Algorithms, Particle
Swarm Optimization, Ant Colony Optimization etc.

In Simulated Annealing and Tabu Search, solutions are obtained from an initially
formed solution; whereas in Genetic Algorithms, Particle Swarm Optimization or Ant

Colony Optimization methods, the solutions are obtained from an initially constructed
population. The general usage of metaheuristics for flow shop problems consists of
minimizing the makespan or maximum tardiness/earliness of jobs.

(Tasgetiren et al., 2004d) applied PSO to single machine problems to minimize

the total weighted tardiness. The algorithm is modified for permutation flowshop
sequencing problems with the makespan or tardiness criterion in (Tasgetiren et al., 2004
a, b, c).

The solutions obtained from the metaheuristic methods can be improved by

hybridizing the algorithm with local search. The algorithm starts with a complete
solution and tries to find a better solution by using the neighborhood of the current
solution. We call the solutions as neighbors if the latter solution can be obtained by
modifying the current one. Metaheuristics are able to solve difficult problems in few
minutes. Since in metaheuristics, worse solutions are given an opportunity, being
trapped at local optima is prevented. Therefore, the solution quality will be increased if
metaheuristic methods are used.


For the flow shop sequencing problem the following assumptions are made:

Every job has to be processed at most once on machine 1 to m.

Each machine processes only one job at a time
Each job is processed at most on one machine at a time
Preemption is not allowed.
The set-up times of the operations are included in the processing time and do not
depend on the sequence.
The operating sequences of the jobs are the same on every machine and the
common sequence has to be determined.
All tasks release at work center at time zero.




Exact methods are able to solve only small sized problems. As a matter of fact
exact algorithms are useful when the number of sites and customers are less. If we
attempt to solve complex problems with exact methods, even we are sure that we will
get the optimal results at last, our lives may not allow completing the runs; since
enumerating the problem takes very long times.

Heuristics reveal invaluable solutions. Known heuristic methods start with a

single solution and try to develop better solutions in the next generations from the
solution currently at hand. Worse solutions are not accepted. Therefore, the execution
terminates at the first local minimum being trapped.

Particle swarm optimization is a stochastic optimization technique was first

introduced to optimize various continuous nonlinear functions by Dr. Eberhart and Dr.
Kennedy in 1995. PSO is based on the social behavior and interaction of animals such
as fish shoaling and bird flocking.

In PSO, the system is initialized with a population of random solutions. In that;

each potential solution is also assigned a randomized velocity, and the potential
solutions, called particles, are then “flown” through the problem space.

Each particle keeps track of its coordinates in the problem space which are
associated with the best solution (fitness) it has achieved so far. (The fitness value is
also stored.) This value is called pbest. Another “best” value that is tracked by the
global version of the particle swarm optimizer is the overall best value, and its location,
obtained so far by any particle in the population. This location is called gbest.

The particle swarm optimization concept consists of, at each time step, changing
the velocity (accelerating) each particle toward its pbest and gbest locations (global
version of PSO). Acceleration is weighted by a random term, with separate random
numbers being generated for acceleration toward pbest and gbest locations.

There is also a local version of PSO in which, in addition to pbest, each particle
keeps track of the best solution, called lbest, attained within a local topological
neighborhood of particles.

Originally PSO is distinctly different from other evolutionary-type methods in a

way that it does not use the filtering operation such as crossover or mutation, and the
members of the entire population are maintained through the search procedure so that
information is socially shared among individuals to direct the search towards the best
position in the search space. Compared with the other methods, all the particles tend to
converge to the best solution quickly even in the local version in most cases.

There are four PSO models defined by Kennedy. The complete velocity update
formula is named as the Full Model. If the cognition component, is omitted, it is
defined as the Social-Only Model and if social component, is omitted, then the model
is called the Cognition-Only Model. And the fourth model is the Selfless Model which is
a kind of Social-Only Model. In this model, it selects its global best only from its


The particle swarm concept originated as a simulation of a simplified social

system. The original intent was to graphically simulate the graceful but unpredictable
choreography of a bird flock. Initial simulations were modified to incorporate
nearestneighbor velocity matching, eliminate ancillary variables, and incorporate
multidimensional search and acceleration by distance (Kennedy and Eberhart, 1995,
Eberhart and Kennedy, 1995). At some point in the evolution of the algorithm, it was
realized that the conceptual model was, in fact, an optimizer. Through a process of trial
and error, a number of parameters extraneous to optimization were eliminated from the
algorithm, resulting in the very simple original implementation (Eberhart et al., 1996).

In the work of Eberhart, Simpson & Dobbins, it was realized that some of the
parameters were redundant, and they removed from the original algorithm (Eberhart,
1996). The mathematical equations of the original version of PSO is as,

: cognition learning rate

: social learning rate
and : random constant numbers

Trelea (2003), gives some insights about parameter selection in PSO. According
to the article, some parameters can be discarded; since they add no value to the
algorithm. Trelea analyzes the deterministic PSO algorithm for its dynamic behavior
and convergence property.

The velocities of particles’ on each dimension ( ) are restricted to . A larger

Vmax facilitates global exploration, while smaller facilitates local exploitation.
Shi and Eberhart (1998 a and b) added the inertia weight as a constant to the velocity in
order to control the exploration and exploitation. The use of inertia weight improved the
performance of the algorithm in many applications.

: inertia weight

Clerc (1999), introduced the constriction factor ( ) to PSO. It controls, constrains

velocities and thus insures convergence. The constriction factor negated the need
for . Both the constriction factor, K, and the inertia weight, w, are used to control
the velocities of particles. Therefore, they both prevent the particles from explosion.
Since they have some computational differences, they correspond to different PSO

Eberhart and Shi (2001b), demonstrated that although previous evolutionary
paradigms can generally solve static problems, PSO can successfully optimize dynamic
systems. It can not be known when a larger or a smaller inertia weight is needed.
Therefore, that value is set to a dynamic value which starts from 0.9 and descends
linearly till 0.4. When it reaches to 0.4 it is increased again to 0.9.

Six years after the introduction of PSO Eberhart and Shi reviewed the
development, applications and the written books and articles (Eberhart and Shi, 2001).

In past several years, PSO has been successfully applied in many research and
application areas. It is demonstrated that PSO gets better results in a faster, cheaper way
compared with other methods.

PSO has been successfully applied to a wide range of applications such as power
and voltage control (Abido 2002), neural network training (Van den Bergh &
Engelbecht 2000), mass-spring system (Brandstatter & Baumgartner 2002), task
assignment (Salman et al. 2003), supplier selection and ordering problem (Yeh, 2003),
permutation flowshop sequencing problems (Tasgetiren et al. 2004, 2007, Lio et al.
2005), lot sizing problem (Tasgetiren & Liang 2003), single machine total weighted
tardiness problems (Tasgetiren et al. 2006a), Assembly scheduling (Allahverdi & Anzi
2006), and automated drilling (Onwubolu & Clerc 2004). PSO was compared with other
computational intelligence methods in finding the Nash equilibrium in game theory
(Pavlidis et al., 2004).

Voss and Howland introduce a new method called social programming, which is a
logical extension of PSO, the Group Method of Data Handling and Cartesian
Programming. They used the method for predicting closing stock prices. PSO was
combined with genetic algorithm concepts and evaluated if it was competitive on
function optimization (Løbjerg et al., 2001). They employed the concepts of breeding

and subpopulation for velocity and position updates. The method was heavy
computationally due to the additional burden of breeding and subpopulation.

A new hybrid particle swarm optimizer with passive congregation was presented
(He et al., 2004). Passive congregation is a biological term. It insures the integrity in the
swarm by social forces. By means of passive congregation, information can be shared
between particles and this will help avoiding being trapped at local optima.

The major obstacle of successfully applying a PSO algorithm to combinatorial

problems is due to their continuous nature. To remedy this drawback, the Smallest
Position Value (SPV) rule borrowed from the random key representation of Bean
(1994) is presented for the PSO algorithm to convert the continuous position values to a
discrete job permutation in Tasgetiren et al. (2007). The SPV rule has been effectively
applied to the single machine total weighted tardiness problem and the permutation
flowshop sequencing problem.

Deroussi et al., (2004) showed the Discrete Particle Swarm Optimizer (DPSO) to
solve the combinatorial optimization problems. He combines local search and path
relinking to DPSO and applies it to the well-known Traveling Salesman Problem. The
proposed algorithm competes with the best iterated local search methods.

Yin (2004) proposed a discrete PSO algorithm for optimal polygonal

approximation of digital curves. Liao et al.(2004). presented another discrete algorithm
for flowshop scheduling problems and lastly Pan et al.(2007) proposed another for
solving the no-wait flowshop scheduling problems.

3.2.1 Continuous Particle Swarm Optimization for FSSP

In the PSO algorithm, each solution is called a “particle”. All the particles have
the position, velocity, and fitness values. The particles fly through the n-dimensional
space by learning from the historical information from the swarm population. For this
reason, the particles are inclined to fly towards better search area over the course of
evolution. Let NP denote the swarm population size represented as
. Then each particle in the swarm population has the following
attributes: A current position represented as , a current velocity
represented as , a personal best position represented as

, and a global best position represented as .
Assuming that the function f is to be minimized, the current velocity of the
dimension of the particle is updated as follows;

Step 1: Initialization: Set t=0, m=twice the number of dimensions. Generate m particles
and and initial velocity of particles
randomly. Apply the a heuristic rule like SPV and find
the sequence of particle . Evaluate each particle i in the
swarm using objective function . For each particle i in the swarm, set ,
where along with its best fitness value. Find the
best fitness value with its corresponding position . Finally, set global
best to where with its fitness value

The initial continuous position and velocity vectors are generated randomly using
the following formula:

where , , , and which are consistent

with the literature (Shi and Eberhart, 1998). and are uniform random numbers
between .

Step 2: Updating iteration counter,

Step 3: Updating inertia weight,

During each PSO iteration, particle adjusts its velocity and position vector
through each dimension by referring to, with random multipliers, the personal best

vector ( ) and the swarm’s best vector ( , if the global version is adopted) using
equations (3.1.b) and (3.2.a).

The inertia weight controls the effect of previous velocity of the particle to its
current velocity as seen in the formula is as;

When suitably set, the inertia weight helps to balance the local and global
exploration, thus the optimal value can be obtained in a few iterations. High values
encourage global exploration, while low values facilitate local exploitation.

Step 4: Updating velocity,

where is the inertia weight which is a parameter to control the impact of previous
velocities on the current velocity; and are acceleration coefficients and and
are uniform random numbers between (0,1).

is the velocity of particle i at iteration t. It can be defined as;

where is the velocity of particle at iteration with respect to the dimension.

The particle’s velocity on each dimension is set restricted by a maximum velocity

, which controls the maximum travel speed during each iteration to avoid this
particle flying past good solutions. If a velocity on a dimension of a particle exceeds
, then it is limited to . controls the exploration and exploitation ability of
a particle. It helps to search the regions between the current position and the target

Fine-tuning is so important that a large value of facilitates global

exploration, while a smaller encourages local exploitation. If is set too high
or too small, the particles can’t explore the search space sufficiently and they could
stuck at local optima.

Step 5: Updating position,

The current position of the dimension of the particle is updated using the
previous position and current velocity of the particle i as follows:

is the position of particle i at iteration t. It can be defined as;

where is the position of particle at iteration with respect to the dimension.

The particle’s position on each dimension is set restricted by a maximum

position , which controls the maximum travel distance during each iteration to
avoid this particle flying past good solutions. If a position on a dimension of a particle
exceeds , then it is limited to . controls the exploration and exploitation
ability of a particle. It helps to search the regions between the current position and the
target position. It is usually set to 4 or 5 times of .

Step 6: Find the permutation,

Apply a heuristic rule to find the sequence .

The position values of particles are in fact continuous. To discretize the positions,
we use the SPV rule and we determine the sequence of jobs in the flow shop. SPV rule
is a kind of heuristic rule. The smallest position value of each vectors assigned to first
dimension of the permutation. In other words, dimension are sorted based on the SPV
rule. The table below illustrate the solution represention of a particle for PSO algorithm.

Table 3.1 Solution Representation of a Particle

j 1 2 3 4 5

1.60 3.03 -1.01 -2.15 0.83

-0.13 3.14 2.73 1.42 -2.11

4 3 5 1 2

According to the SPV rule, the smallest position value is = -2.15, so the
dimension j=4 is aasigned to be the first job = 4 in the permutation , the second
smallest position value is = -1.01 so the dimension j=2 is assigned to be the second
job = 3 in the permutation , and so on.

Step 7: Update the personal best,

The personal best position of each particle is updated using

represents the best position of the particle i with the best fitness until iteration
t, so the best position associated with the best fitness value of the particle i obtained so
far is called the personal best.

For each particle, the personal best is defined as;

where is the position of particle personal best with respectto the dimension.

Step 8: Update the global best,

And the global best position found so far in the swarm population is obtained as

denotes the best position of the globally best particle achieved so far in the
whole swarm. The global best is then defined as

where is the position of particle global best with respectto the dimension.

Step 9: Stopping Criterion

If the number of iteration exceeds the maximum number of iteration, or maximum CPU
time, then stop, otherwise go to next iteration. The Pseudocode of The CPSO SPV Algorithm

Initialize parameters
Initialize population
Find permutation
Do {
Find the personal best
Find the global best
Update velocity
Update position
Find permutation
Apply local search or mutation (optional)
} While (Termination) }

Figure 3.1 The Pseudocode of PSOSPV

3.2.2 Discrete Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm for FSSP

Pan, Tasgetiren and Liang (2008) applied DPSO algorithm to both 110
benchmark instances of Taillard [Benchmarks] for no wait flow shop scheduling
problem. We coded this algorithm and we applied this algorithm to the flow shop
scheduling problems.

In DPSO, Pan et al.(2008) proposed a new position update method for particles
based on discrete job permutations. Since the behavior of a particle is a compromise
among three possible choices: to follow its own position ( ), to go towards its personal
best position ( ) and to go towards the best position of the particle in the whole swarm
population ( ), the position of the particle at iteration t can be updated as follows:

Note that permutation corresponds to the particle . The update equation

consists of three components: the first component is , which
represents the velocity of the particle. In the component ,
represents the mutation operator with the probability of w. In other words, a uniform
random number r is generated between 0 and 1. If r is less than w then the mutation
operator is applied to generate a perturbed permutation of the particle by
otherwise current permutation is kept as .

The second component is which is the “cognition” part

of the particle representing the private thinking of the particle itself. In the component
, represents the crossover operator with the probability of
. Note that and will be the first and second parents for the crossover operator,
respectively. It results either in or in depending on the
choice of a uniform random number.

The third component is , which is the “social” part of the

particle representing the collaboration among particles. In the component
, represents the crossover operator with the probability of . Note that
and will be the first and second parents for the crossover operator,
respectively. It results either in or in depending on the
choice of a uniform random number.

To be employed in the position update equation, a new crossover operator, called

PTL crossover, is proposed. The PTL crossover is able to produce a pair of different
permutations even from two identical parents. An illustration of the two-cut PTL

crossover and the traditional one-cut crossover operator is shown in Figure 3.8.4 and

In the PTL crossover, a block of jobs from the first parent is determined by two-
cut points randomly. This block is either moved to the right or left corner of the
permutation. Then the offspring permutation is filled out with the remaining jobs from
the second parent. This procedure will always produce two distinctive offspring even
from the same two parents as shown in Figure 3.8.4 and 3.8.5. In this study, one of these
two unique offspring is chosen randomly with an equal probability. The Pseudocode of The DPSO Algorithm

Initialize parameters
Initialize population
Find the personal best ( )
Find the global best ( )
Update position ( )
Evaluate population
Apply local search (optional)
}While (Not Termination)}

Figure 3.2 The Pseudocode of DPSO

3.2.3 Stochastically Perturbed PSO Algorithm for FSSP

In this algorithm, a stochastically perturbed particle swarm optimization algorithm

(SPPSO) is proposed for the flow shop scheduling problems.

In proposed stochastically perturbed Particle Swarm Optimization algorithm

(SPPSO), the initial population is generated randomly. Initially, each individual with its
position, and fitness value is assigned to its personal best (i.e., the best value of each
individual found so far). The best individual in the whole swarm with its position and
fitness value, on the other hand, is assigned to the global best (i.e., the best particle in

the whole swarm). Then, the position of each particle is updated based on the personal
best and the global best. These operations in SPPSO are similar to classical PSO
algorithm. However, the search strategy of SPPSO is different. That is, each particle in
the swarm moves based on the following equations.

In this algorithm, a stochastically perturbed particle swarm optimization algorithm

(SPPSO) is proposed for the flow shop scheduling problems.

At each iteration, the position vector of each particle, its personal best and the
global best are considered. First of all, a random number of (0,1) is generated to
compare with the inertia weight to decide whether to apply Insert function ( ) to the
particle or not.

If the random number chosen is less than the inertia weight, the particle is
manipulated with this Insert function, and the resulting solution, say , is obtained.
Meanwhile, the inertia weight is discounted by a constant factor at each iteration, in
order to tighten the acceptability of the manipulated particle for the next generation, that
is, to diminish the impact of the randomly operated solutions on the swarm evolution.

The next step is to generate another random number of U(0,1) to be compared

with , cognitive parameter, to make a decision whether to apply Insert function to
personal best of the particle considered. If the random number is less than , then the
personal best of the particle undertaken is manipulated and the resulting solution is
spared as .

Likewise, a third random number of U(0,1) is generated for making a decision

whether to manipulate the global best with the Insert function. If the random number is
less than , social parameter, then Insert is applied to the global best to obtain a new
solution of .

Unlike the case of inertia weight, the values of and factors are not increased
or decreased iteratively, but are fixed at 0.5. That means the probability of applying
Insert function to the personal and global bests remains the same.

The new replacement solution is selected among , and , based on their

fitness values. This solution may not always be better than the current solution. This is
to keep the swarm diverse. The convergence is traced by checking the personal best of
each new particle and the global best.

As it is seen, proposed equations have all major characteristics of the classical

PSO equations. The following pseudo-code describes in detail the steps of the SPPSO
algorithm. The Pseudocode of The SPPSO Algorithm

Our proposed SPPSO algorithm are given below:

Initialize particles (population) randomly
For each particle
Calculate fitness value
Set to position vector and fitness value as personal best (Pit)
Select the best particle and its position vector as global best(Gt)
Update inertia weight
For each particle
Apply insert with the probability of inertia weight (s1)
Apply insert to (Pit) with the probability of c1 (s2)
Apply insert to (Gt) with the probability of c2 (s3)
Select the best one among the s1,s2 and s3
Update personal best (Pit)
Update global best (Gt)
}While (Maximum Iteration is not reached)

Figure 3.3 Pseudo code of the proposed SPPSO algorithm


The performance of the metaheuristic algorithm significantly depends on the

efficiency of the neighbourhood structure. The solutions are determined to move with
the neighbourhood structure. In this study, the following three neighbourhood structures
are employed.

3.3.1 Interchange Operator

Interchange function changes the place of two different randomly chosen jobs in
each other in the sequence. In order to apply interchange function, we also need to
derive two random numbers.

Figure 3.4 Interchange Operator

3.3.2 Insert Operator

Insert function ( ) implies the insertion of a randomly chosen job in front (or back
sometimes) of another randomly chosen job. In order to apply insert function, we also
need to derive two random numbers; one is for determining the job to change place and
the other is for the job in front of which the former job is to be inserted.

Figure 3.5 The Insert Operator

3.3.3 Swap Operator

Swap function changes the place of two neighbor randomly chosen jobs in each
other in the sequence. In order to apply swap function, we also need to derive two
random numbers. First random number determines the first job in the sequence, and
then, second random number determines the left or right neighbor of job will be change.

Figure 3.6 Swap Operator




Differential evolution (DE) is one of the latest evolutionary optimization methods

proposed by Storn & Price (1995). They applied this heuristic approach for minimizing
possibly nonlinear and non differentiable continuous space functions in 1995.

Differential Evolution(DE) is a parallel direct search method which utilizes NP D-

dimensional parameter vectors as a population for each generation G. NP does not
change during the minimization process. The initial vector population is chosen
randomly and should cover the entire parameter space.

Like other evolutionary-type algorithms, DE is a population-based and stochastic

global optimizer. In a DE algorithm, candidate solutions are represented by
chromosomes based on floating-point numbers. In the mutation process of a DE
algorithm, the weighted difference between two randomly selected population members
is added to a third member to generate a mutated solution. Then, a crossover operator
follows to combine the mutated solution with the target solution so as to generate a trial
solution. Thereafter, a selection operator is applied to compare the fitness function value
of both competing solutions, namely, target and trial solutions to determine who can
survive for the next generation.

It has been succusfully applied in a variety of applications. DE's applications

consist of aerodynamic design (Rogalsky et al. 2000), digital filter design (Storn, 1999),
earthquake relocation (Ruzek & Kvasnicka 2001), microprocessor synthesis (Rae &
Parameswaran 2001), neural network learning (Masters & Land 1997), permutation
flowshop sequencing problems (Tasgetiren et. al. 2004), single machine tardiness

problem (Tasgetiren et. al. 2006), sequencing and scheduling problems (Andreas and
Sotiris 2006).

To attain a better solution quality, modern metaheuristics have been recently

presented for the PFSP with makespan / total flowtime minimization (Andreas &
Omirou, 2006; Onwubolu & Davendra, 2006; Pan, Tasgetiren, & Liang, 2007;
Tasgetiren, Liang, Sevkli, & Gencyilmaz, 2004b; Tasgetiren, Pan, Liang, & Suganthan,
2007b; Tasgetiren, Pan, Suganthan, & Liang, 2007c). Recent review of flowshop
heuristics and metaheuristics can be found in Ruiz and Maroto (2005).

The applications of DE on combinatorial optimization problems are still

considered limited, but the advantages of DE include a simple structure, immediately
accessible for practical applications, ease of implementation, speed to acquire solutions,
and robustness as demonstrated in the literature. However, the major obstacle of
successfully applying a DE algorithm to solve combinatorial problems in the literature
is due to its continuous nature. To remedy this drawback, this research proposes a
discrete differential evolution (DDE) algorithm to solve the flowshop scheduling
problem with the objective of minimizing total flowtime.


DE algorithm, candidate solutions are represented by chromosomes based on

floating-point numbers. In the mutation process of a DE algorithm, the weighted
difference between two randomly selected population members is added to a third
member to generate a mutated solution. Then, a crossover operator follows to combine
the mutated solution with the target solution so as to generate a trial solution.
Thereafter, a selection operator is applied to compare the fitness function value of both
competing solutions, namely, target and trial solutions to determine who can survive for
the next generation. This process is repeated until a convergence occurs.

As with all evolutionary optimization algorithms, DE works with a population of

solutions, not with a single solution for the optimization problem. Population P of
generation G contains NP solution vectors called individuals of the population and each
vector represents potential solution for the optimization problem.

Step 1: Initialization: Firstly, The DE algorithm starts with initializing the initial target
population with the size of NP. Target population are consist of individual vectors
which are .

During each DE iteration, particle adjusts its velocity and position vector

Step 2: Updating generation counter,

Step 3: Generate mutant population,

DE mutates vectors from the target population by adding the weighted difference
between two randomly selected target population members to a third member at
iteration t as follows:

where a, b, and c are the three randomly chosen individuals from the target population
such that .

Step 4: Generate trial population,

Following the mutation phase, the crossover operator is applied to obtain the trial
individual such that:

In other words, the trial individual is made up with some parameters of mutant
individual, or at least one of the parameters randomly selected, and some other
parameters of the target individual.

Note that; F and CR are differential evolution control parameters. Both values
remain constant during the search process. Both values as well as the third control
parameter, NP (population size), remain constant during the search process.

F is a mutation scale factor in range that controls the amplification of

differential variations. F affects the differential variation between two individuals.

CR is a real-valued crossover factor in the range that controls the

probability that a trial vector will be selected form the randomly chosen. is a uniform
random number between 0 and 1. If generated random number is lower than CR, chose
trial individual; otherwise select the target individual.

Generally, both F and CR affect the convergence rate and robustness of the search
process. Their optimal values are dependent both on objective function characteristics
and on the population size, NP. Usually, suitable values for F, CR and NP can be found
by experimentation after a few tests using different values.

Step 5: Evaluate the trial population,

To decide whether or not the trial individual should be a member of the target
population for the next generation, it is compared to its counterpart target individual
at the previous generation.

Step 6: Do selection:

The selection is based on the survival of the fitness among the trial individual at the
current iteration t and target individual at the previous iteration t-1 such that:

each individual of the temporary or trial population is compared with its counterpart in
the current population. The one with the lower value of cost-function to be
minimized will propagate the population of the next generation.

Step 7: Stopping Criterion

If the number of iteration exceeds the maximum number of iteration, or maximum CPU
time, then stop, otherwise go to next iteration.

Very recently, Tasgetiren et al. (2007b, 2007c) and Pan et al. (2007) proposed a
simple and novel discrete DE (DDE) algorithm whose solutions are based on discrete
job permutations.

We proposed a new DDE algorithm for flow shop scheduling problems.

4.2.1 The Standard Pseudocode of DE Algorithm

Initialize parameters
Initialize target population
Evaluate target population

Do {

Obtain mutant population

Obtain trial population
Evaluate trial population
Make selection
Apply local search (optional)}
While (Not Termination)


Figure 4.1 The Standard Pseudocode of DE Algorithm


The proposed DDE algorithm, the basic idea is to take advantage of the best
solution obtained from the previous generation in the target population during the
search procedure. Unlike its continuous counterpart, the differential variation is
stochastically achieved through perturbation of the best solution from the previous
generation in the target population. Then a crossover operator is used to obtain the trial
individual to be compared to its counterpart individual in the target population.

In the DDE algorithm, the target population is constructed based on discrete flow
shop permutation by . For the mutant population the following
equation are used:

where a, b, and c are the three randomly chosen individuals from the target population
such that . The mutant population consist of three
components: the first component is , which represents the one cut
operator is applied to generate a pair of different permutations even from two different

The second component is , F represent the exchanged operator with

probability of . In other words, a uniform random number is generated between 0
and 1. If is less than F then the exchanged operator is applied to generate a
perturbed permutation of the particle by otherwise current permutation is
kept as .

The third component is , which represents the two cut operator is

applied to generate a pair og different permutations even from two different parents.

To be employed in the position update equation, a new crossover operator, called

is proposed. An illustration of the two-cut crossover and the traditional one-cut
crossover operator is shown in Figure 3.8.4 and 3.8.5.

The mutation phase, the crossover operators are applied to determine the trial
individual such that;

CR is a user defined crossover constant in the range , and is a

uniform random number between . If is less than CR then the insert
operator ( ) is applied to generate a perturbed permutation of the particle by ,
otherwise current permutation is kept as . Finally, the trial population is generated as

The other step same with the classical DE. The selection is based on the survival
of the fitness among the trial population and target population such that:

4.3.1 The Pseudocode Of Proposed DDE Algorithm

Our proposed discrete differential evolution algorithm are given below:

Initialize parameters
Initialize target population
Evaluate target population
Obtain mutant population
For each individual
Apply one cut to b and c individual target ( )
Apply exchanged to ( ) with the probability of ( )
Apply two cut to ( )
Obtain trial population
For each individual
Apply insert to ( ) with the probability of
Evaluate trial population
Make selection
Apply local search(optimal)
}While (Not Termination)

Figure 4.2 The Pseudocode Of Proposed DDE Algorithm


In crossover, two individuals, called parents combine to produce two more

individuals which are called the children. One chromosome exchanges its subpart with
the latter, which is a mimicking of a biological recombination.

The main objective of crossover is to transfer the good characteristics of previous

generation to the subsequent generation. Therefore, it matches generally good parents to
produce better solutions.

4.4.1 One Cut

First parent chromosome is cut from one point randomly. This block is either
moved to the right or left corner of the permutation. Then the offspring permutation is
filled out with the remaining jobs from the second parent. This procedure will always
produce two distinctive offspring even from the different two parents as shown below.

Figure 4.3 One Cut Operator

4.4.2 Two cut

First parent chromosome is cut from two different point randomly. This block is
either moved to the right or left corner of the permutation. Then the offspring
permutation is filled out with the remaining jobs from the second parent. This procedure
will always produce two distinctive offspring even from the different two parents as
shown below.

Figure 4.4 Two Cut Operator




The objective of my study is to determine a sequence of jobs which processed

through m machines in a permutation flow shop. The sequence should be arranged in
order to minimize makespan. The problem is denoted as Fm || Cmax in scheduling.

Since the problem is known to be NP-hard, it is computationally expensive to

solve the problem with exact algorithms such as branch & bound or mixed integer
programming algorithms. It is better to develop metaheuristic algorithms. The selection
of the search algorithm has an important impact on quality of results. We have chosen
the well-known particle swarm optimization and differential evolution algorithm.

The algorithms were coded in Borland C++ programming language and runs
were done on a Intel Core 2 Due Centrino 2.20 GHz computer with 2,00 GB memory.
In this section, a comparison study is carried out on the effectiveness of the proposed
SPPSO and DDE algorithm. SPPSO and DDE were exclusively tested in comparison
with two other recently introduced PSO algorithms which are PSOspv algorithm of
Tasgetiren et al. and DPSO algorithm of Pan et al. We coded these two algorithms.

For SPPSO, DPSO and PSOspv, the social and cognitive parameters were taken
as , initial inertia weight is set to 0.9 and never decreased below 0.40, and
the decrement factor is fixed at 0.99999. The algorithms were run for 1000 iterations
for each problem and 10 replications were carried out to collect the statistics for the
performance measures. Mutant constant and crossover rate were taken as
at DDE algorithm. In PSOspv, The SPV rule is used to convert a position vector to

a job permutation. The obtained personal best and the global best values are recorded in
the memory.

Taillard (1993) have provided an extensive set of randomly generated test

problems for minimizing makespan in flow shop. They have only provided 11 problem
instances for makespan criterion for the flow shop problems. Each instance include 10
different problem set. A variety of problem sizes ranging from 20 to 200 jobs with 5 and
20 machines. Thus, were run for 20x5, 20x10, 20x20, 50x5, 50x10, 50x20, 100x5,
100x10, 100x20, 200x10, and 200x20, problem sets, e.g., in 20x15 problem, 20
corresponds to the number of jobs and 10 corresponds to the number of machines.

In section 5.2, the performance of the algorihms were compared with respect to
the deviation of the best, worst and average makespan achieved from the best known
makespan and t-test result can be found in section 5.3.


The performance of the PSOspv, DPSO, SPPSO and DDE algorithms is evaluated
by using the benchmark suite of Taillard (1993). The solution quality is measured with
the mean percent relative increase in makespan ( ) with respect to the upper bounds
provided by Taillard (1993). To be more specific, is computed as follows:

Where denotes the value of the makespan that the PSOspv, DPSO, SPPSO and
DDE algorithms generated, whereas is the value of upper bounds for makespan
provided by Taillard (1993), and R is the total number of replications, i.e., R is equal to
the number of replications for each instance. For convenience, , , and
denote the deviation of the best, worst and average makespan achieved from the best
known makespan, represents the average standard deviation of makespan. For the
computational effort consideration, denotes the average CPU times over R runs in

We compared the cpu time and the fitness values that we collected from the
output files of the algorithms. The statistics of these two performance metrics such as
the average, standard deviation, minimum and the maximum values are calculated in
MS Excel file. The fitness statistics are given in Table 5.1, Table 5.2 Table 5.3 and
Table 5.4.

5.2.1 PSOSPV Results

We did not use any local search operator in the PSO algorithm The SPV rule is
used to convert a position vector to a job permutation. The algorithm found four
optimal solutions in the problem sets (Table A.1). The PSO produces slightly better
results if we compare with DPSO. The average CPU time for PSOSPV was better than
DPSO and DDE algorithm.

Table 5.1 Results of PSOSPV

Problem set
tai 20 X 5 0.93 2.73 4.99 16.40 7.25
tai 20 X 10 2.20 4.05 6.19 19.35 8.45
tai 20 X 20 1.55 3.33 5.52 26.96 8.49
tai 50 X 5 0.25 0.84 1.87 14.49 9.06
tai 50 X 10 3.67 4.93 6.29 25.16 9.40
tai 50 X 20 5.36 6.76 8.48 35.69 9.72
tai 100 X 5 0.21 0.45 0.92 12.38 14.13
tai 100 X 10 1.72 2.65 3.77 36.30 14.75
tai 100 X 20 6.31 7.43 9.15 54.95 15.87
tai 200 X 10 1.44 2.09 2.92 47.23 52.54
tai 200 X 20 5.87 7.05 8.90 102.27 56.92
AVRG 2.68 3.85 5.36 35.56 18.78

5.2.2 DPSO Results

One cut, two cut mutation operators and insert fuction were applied to the
algorithm. The algorithm found three optimal solutions in the problem sets (Table A.2).
The DPSO produces slightly worst results if we compare with the other entire
algorithm. Use of local search increased the CPU time for the PSOSPV algorithm from
18.78 to 76.87.

Table 5.2 Results of DPSO

Problem set
tai 20 X 5 0.59 1.72 3.49 10.94 72.43
tai 20 X 10 1.69 3.37 5.72 19.16 74.05
tai 20 X 20 1.67 3.03 5.06 24.47 73.85
tai 50 X 5 0.50 1.28 2.26 16.52 73.73
tai 50 X 10 4.78 6.05 7.95 29.78 74.03
tai 50 X 20 6.26 7.89 9.70 40.12 74.46
tai 100 X 5 0.29 0.70 1.18 15.18 77.54
tai 100 X 10 2.54 3.55 4.84 39.97 76.60
tai 100 X 20 7.16 8.58 10.07 55.84 81.84
tai 200 X 10 1.94 2.58 3.24 43.71 83.43
tai 200 X 20 7.29 8.25 9.22 65.69 83.57
AVRG 3.16 4.27 5.70 32.85 76.87

5.2.3 SPPSO Results

Insert operator was applied to the algorithm. The algorithm found twelve optimal
solutions in the problem sets (Table A.3). The SPPSO produces slightly better results if
we compare with the other entire algorithm. Use of local search did not increase the
CPU time. In addition the average CPU is the best time in contrast to the other

Table 5.3 Results of SPPSO

Problem set
tai 20 X 5 0.08 0.80 1.45 6.60 7.70
tai 20 X 10 0.60 1.95 3.41 13.77 9.65
tai 20 X 20 0.75 1.87 3.24 17.40 10.29
tai 50 X 5 0.14 0.38 0.90 7.17 9.38
tai 50 X 10 1.89 3.19 4.44 24.49 9.59
tai 50 X 20 3.44 4.52 5.71 29.08 9.77
tai 100 X 5 0.14 0.28 0.49 6.74 10.79
tai 100 X 10 0.82 1.37 2.03 22.03 10.15
tai 100 X 20 3.34 4.33 5.42 40.40 12.34
tai 200 X 10 0.70 0.97 1.51 28.77 14.82
tai 200 X 20 3.02 3.86 4.64 58.98 21.21
AVRG 1.36 2.14 3.02 23.22 11.43

5.2.4 DDE Results

Two cut and one cut mutation operators were applied to the algorithm. The
algorithm found fifteen optimal solutions in the problem sets (Table A.4). The DDE
beat the SPPSO algoritm in the deviation of the worst makespan achieved from the best
known makespan ( ). The algorithm produces better solution if we compare with
the PSOSPV and DPSO algorithm. Using of mutation operators highly increased the CPU
time. In addition the average CPU is the worst time in contrast to the other algorithms.

Table 5.4 Results of DDE

Problem set
tai 20 X 5 0.34 1.02 1.58 5.59 9.39
tai 20 X 10 0.66 1.84 3.28 12.78 12.02
tai 20 X 20 0.50 1.65 3.27 18.75 14.38
tai 50 X 5 0.20 0.45 0.79 5.92 42.71
tai 50 X 10 2.06 3.01 4.02 18.80 56.16
tai 50 X 20 3.37 4.32 5.60 26.68 91.06
tai 100 X 5 0.05 0.29 0.52 8.06 311.66
tai 100 X 10 0.93 1.49 2.12 21.36 436.40
tai 100 X 20 3.48 4.23 5.05 31.22 631.40
tai 200 X 10 0.76 1.02 1.42 24.25 3136.35
tai 200 X 20 3.01 3.69 4.64 60.14 4213.96
AVRG 1.40 2.09 2.94 21.23 814.14

5.2.5 Graphical Representation of The Results

The proposed algorithms which are SPPSO and DDE slightly better than PSOSPV
and DPSO which are the Tasgetiren’s and Pan’s algorithms and have been coded by me.
First three graph shows the deviation of the best, average and worst makespan achieved
from the best known makespan and the last graph shows the average standard deviation
of makespan. It can summarized from the graphs, SPPSO is the best algorithm. SPPSO
work faster and more accurate than the other algorithms. On the other hand, in some
problem instances, DDE reveal good performce than SPPSO. But, DDE have a
disadvantage compared with SPPSO in CPU time. DDE becomes clumsy if problem
size will increase. The graphical representation of results were given below.




Figure 5.1 The deviation of the best makespan




Figure 5.2 The deviation of the average makespan




Figure 5.3 The deviation of the worst makespan




Figure 5.4 The average standard deviation of makespan

Table 5.5 Results of The Algorithms


tai 20 X 5 0,59 1,72 3,49 10,94 72,43 0,93 2,73 4,99 16,40 7,25 0,08 0,80 1,45 6,60 7,70 0,34 1,02 1,58 5,59 9,39
tai 20 X 10 1,69 3,37 5,72 19,16 74,05 2,20 4,05 6,19 19,35 8,45 0,60 1,95 3,41 13,77 9,65 0,66 1,84 3,28 12,78 12,02
tai 20 X 20 1,67 3,03 5,06 24,47 73,85 1,55 3,33 5,52 26,96 8,49 0,75 1,87 3,24 17,40 10,29 0,50 1,65 3,27 18,75 14,38
tai 50 X 5 0,50 1,28 2,26 16,52 73,73 0,25 0,84 1,87 14,49 9,06 0,14 0,38 0,90 7,17 9,38 0,20 0,45 0,79 5,92 42,71
tai 50 X 10 4,78 6,05 7,95 29,78 74,03 3,67 4,93 6,29 25,16 9,40 1,89 3,19 4,44 24,49 9,59 2,06 3,01 4,02 18,80 56,16
tai 50 X 20 6,26 7,89 9,70 40,12 74,46 5,36 6,76 8,48 35,69 9,72 3,44 4,52 5,71 29,08 9,77 3,37 4,32 5,60 26,68 91,06
tai 100 X 5 0,29 0,70 1,18 15,18 77,54 0,21 0,45 0,92 12,38 14,13 0,14 0,28 0,49 6,74 10,79 0,05 0,29 0,52 8,06 311,66
tai 100 X 10 2,54 3,55 4,84 39,97 76,60 1,72 2,65 3,77 36,30 14,75 0,82 1,37 2,03 22,03 10,15 0,93 1,49 2,12 21,36 436,40
tai 100 X 20 7,16 8,58 10,07 55,84 81,84 6,31 7,43 9,15 54,95 15,87 3,34 4,33 5,42 40,40 12,34 3,48 4,23 5,05 31,22 631,40
tai 200 X 10 1,94 2,58 3,24 43,71 83,43 1,44 2,09 2,92 47,23 52,54 0,70 0,97 1,51 28,77 14,82 0,76 1,02 1,42 24,25 3136,35
tai 200 X 20 7,29 8,25 9,22 65,69 83,57 5,87 7,05 8,90 102,27 56,92 3,02 3,86 4,64 58,98 21,21 3,01 3,69 4,64 60,14 4213,96
AVRG 3,16 4,27 5,70 32,85 76,87 2,68 3,85 5,36 35,56 18,78 1,36 2,14 3,02 23,22 11,43 1,40 2,09 2,94 21,23 814,14


On the other hand, It is difficult to evaluate the performances only looking to

these results. I performed statistical T-tests, to find out if one of the algorithms
performed significantly better for a certain instance. Confidence intervals of 90%, 95%
and 99.5% were used. I did the t-test when we want to compare two different
independent observations. All of the algorithms were compared with each other by one

We established our hypothesis as;

and represent two different algorithms. Each algorithm was compared with the
other algorithm by one by. The t-critical and t-observed values are evaluated and
compared. If t-observed is greater than t-critical, we reject the null hypothesis. It means
that there is a significant difference between the algorithms.

To test hypotheses about when data is paired, the differences

are formed and a one-sample t-test on the differences is carried out.

where and are the sample mean and the sample standard deviation, respectively.
where and are the confidence level and the degrees of
freedom respectively (n is 10 in our cases).

Table 5.6 Overall Fitness Results


PSO Better 82 PSO Better 0 PSO Better 0 DPSO Better 0 DDE Better 0 SPPSO Better 53
DPSO Better 28 SPPSO Better 110 DDE Better 110 SPPSO Better 110 SPPSO Better 110 DDE Better 56
Best PSO -2,41 Best PSO 0,01 Best PSO 0,00 Best DPSO 0,21 Best DPSO 0,13 Best SPPSO -0,70
Best DPSO 2,91 Best SPPSO 4,06 Best DDE 3,82 Best SPPSO 4,79 Best DDE 4,88 Best DDE 0,86
Average -0,39 Average 1,66 Average 1,71 Average 2,07 Average 2,12 Average 0,04

For the algorithms, as seen in this table, SPPSO and DDE outperform PSOSPV and DPSO for each problem instances. The worst algorithm
is DPSO. On the other hand there is no big difference between SPPSO and DDE.

Table 5.7 Average Percent Deviation Fitness Results


20X05 0,994 1,913 1,690 0,909 0,688 -0,219
20X10 0,659 2,058 2,163 1,391 1,495 0,104
20X20 0,287 1,427 1,649 1,138 1,359 0,219
50X05 -0,429 0,460 0,389 0,894 0,822 -0,071
50X10 -1,052 1,681 1,857 2,765 2,942 0,174
50X20 -1,044 2,152 2,345 3,234 3,429 0,190
100X05 -0,247 0,173 0,162 0,422 0,410 -0,011
100X10 -0,872 1,263 1,138 2,155 2,028 -0,123
100X20 -1,053 2,979 3,075 4,075 4,173 0,094
200X10 -0,478 1,108 1,054 1,595 1,541 -0,054
200X20 -1,107 3,072 3,240 4,226 2,198 0,163

For the PSO and DPSO comparison, it should be noted here that, a minus(-) sign
in a table means that PSO performs better otherwise DPSO performs better for that
occasion and for the other comparison it follows same procedures.

Table 5.8 T-test Values for The Algorithms


20X05 3,779 6,001 5,382 6,443 5,849 -4,786
20X10 3,913 11,060 12,848 9,484 18,080 0,896
20X20 2,489 11,256 14,449 8,315 12,541 2,297
50X05 -4,848 9,480 5,735 7,800 7,978 -1,527
50X10 -6,210 15,470 18,510 13,364 21,348 1,316
50X20 -4,818 17,581 16,298 14,734 15,241 2,048
100X05 -5,025 5,058 4,937 8,067 6,980 -0,385
100X10 -8,422 10,412 11,233 11,719 12,959 -3,145
100X20 -17,786 22,840 27,621 39,528 41,593 0,932
200X10 -4,057 11,420 8,880 7,684 7,037 -1,090
200X20 -12,811 34,158 27,081 69,463 48,248 2,564

You can see the t-values calculated for different problem sets and generation
numbers. As known, t values are calculated as:

where and are the sample mean and the sample standard deviation, respectively.

5.3.1 Hypothesis Testing

The paired t-test determines whether they differ from each other in a significant
way under the assumptions that the paired differences are independent and identically
normally distributed. From the problem context, I identified the parameters of interest.
The null hypothesis and alternative hypothesis were stated. Three different significance
level were chosen. The hypothesis is as follows;

Table 5.9 T-test Critical Values for

0.1 0.05 0.005

(90%) (95%) (99.5%)
1,3830 1,8330 3,2500

In this table t-test critical values were given. Each observed t values were
compared with these three different rejection criteria.

5.3.2 T-test Results for The Algorithms

Results are investigated with 90%, 95%, 99.5% levels of confidence. The SPPSO
and DDE produced significantly better fitness results than PSOSPV and DPSO for all
problems for 90%, 95%, 99.5% level of confidence. If we compare the SPPSO with
DDE, the algorithms are not significantly different.

Table 5.10 T-test Results for The Algorithms


Sets 90% 95% 99,5% 90% 95% 99,5% 90% 95% 99,5% 90% 95% 99,5% 90% 95% 99,5% 90% 95% 99,5%

In this table, you can see the results of the hypothesis testing, that is if one algorithm performs significantly better or not. First row shows
algorithms which are compared with each other. For example, PSO-DPSO column reveal that, t-observed values were computed and compared
with t-critical values in three different confidence levels for these two algorithms and best algorithm for each problem instances were chosen.

NS: The algorithms are not significantly different



In this study, a stochastically perturbed particle swarm optimization algorithm

(SPPSO) and a discrete differential evolution algotihm (DDE) are proposed for flow
shop scheduling problems (FSSP) and PSOSPV and DPSO algorithms which developed
by Tasgetiren and Pan et al. are coded. These four heuristic algorithms compared with
each other. Taillard benchmark was used and the algorithms were applied flow shop
scheduling problems to minimize the makespan of the jobs.

The SPPSO has all major characteristics of the classical PSO. However, the
search strategy of SPPSO is different. The algorithm is applied to (FSSP) problem and
compared with two recent PSO algorithms. It also should be noted that, since PSOspv
considers each particle based on three key vectors; position ( ), velocity ( ), and
permutation ( ), it consumes more memory than SPPSO. In addition, since DPSO uses
one and two cut crossover operators in every iteration, implementation of DPSO to
combinatorial optimization problems is rather cumbersome. In DDE algorithm, the
differential variation is stochastically achieved through perturbation of the best solution
from the previous generation in the target population. The two cut and one cur crossover
operators are used to obtain trial individual. The proposed algorithm can be applied to
other combinatorial optimization problems such as flow shop scheduling, job shop
scheduling etc. as future work.

It is concluded that SPPSO produced better results than DPSO and PSOspv in
terms of number of optimum solutions obtained. In terms of the deviation of the best,
worst and average makespan achieved from the best known makespan, SPPSO is
slightly better than DPSO and PSOspv. However, PSOspv is better than DPSO.

The proposed DDE algorithm was produced better results than DPSO and PSOSPV
in term of the deviation of the best, worst and average makespan achieved from the best
known makespan and in terms of number of optimum solutions obtained, on the other
hand, the algorithm very cumbersome.

DDE algorithm presents better solution than SPPSO in terms of number of

optimum solutions obtained and the deviation of the worst makespan achieved from the
best known makespan. But SPPSO produces better results than DDE in term of the
deviation of the best makespan achieved from the best known makespan. SPPSO is the
fastest algorithm.

In statistically, Results are investigated with 90%, 95%, 99.5% levels of

confidence. I prove the significant difference between the proposed algorithms (SPPSO,
DDE) and the coded algorithms (PSOSPV, DPSO). The SPPSO and DDE produced
significantly better fitness results than PSOSPV and DPSO for all problems for 90%,
95%, 99.5% level of confidence.

If we compare the SPPSO with DDE, the algorithms are not significantly
different. Only, SPPSO algorithm beat DDE algorithm on 20X05 problem set for 90%,
95%, 99.5% level of confidence. In addition, DDE algorithms decelerates, if problem
size increases, on the other hand, SPPSO progresses almost same. The cpu results of
SPPSO is superior to DDE for data sets of 50x5, 50x10, 50x20, 100x5, 100x10, 100x20,
200x10, and 200x20.


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Table A.1 Detailed Results of PSOSPV

R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 R6 R7 R8 R9 R10
1297 1297 1297 1324 1315 1339 1297 1278 1297 1339
1366 1368 1373 1368 1366 1366 1383 1377 1373 1373
1132 1132 1143 1132 1102 1120 1162 1098 1140 1163
1309 1331 1315 1359 1315 1331 1315 1357 1309 1316
1244 1250 1250 1244 1283 1250 1250 1265 1244 1291
tai 20 X 5
1210 1272 1217 1219 1272 1258 1233 1258 1224 1224
1257 1276 1277 1276 1259 1251 1276 1251 1282 1256
1254 1251 1268 1217 1231 1249 1283 1268 1253 1251
1257 1255 1255 1247 1255 1287 1261 1263 1255 1253
1127 1127 1153 1151 1127 1131 1112 1131 1138 1161
1653 1627 1671 1646 1628 1644 1633 1637 1625 1619
1701 1733 1709 1740 1704 1745 1737 1750 1761 1745
1542 1536 1557 1569 1536 1577 1545 1528 1547 1556
1492 1414 1491 1481 1423 1470 1418 1435 1445 1415
1477 1474 1513 1498 1526 1489 1534 1504 1483 1429
tai 20 X 10
1429 1431 1443 1475 1436 1433 1450 1434 1443 1435
1502 1549 1566 1558 1540 1531 1554 1529 1536 1520
1596 1590 1606 1627 1580 1582 1607 1604 1613 1581
1648 1676 1653 1654 1639 1638 1660 1654 1644 1652
1650 1642 1657 1672 1687 1631 1689 1650 1646 1637
2403 2422 2384 2405 2403 2475 2389 2370 2335 2329
2154 2129 2160 2152 2165 2180 2169 2175 2165 2210
2359 2388 2353 2378 2390 2372 2446 2413 2394 2411
2275 2251 2312 2307 2252 2272 2262 2297 2264 2306
tai 20X 20 2376 2364 2382 2372 2367 2371 2401 2367 2348 2413
2278 2280 2346 2330 2327 2270 2271 2308 2262 2280
2329 2354 2390 2337 2361 2372 2330 2378 2364 2352
2249 2257 2264 2291 2291 2279 2290 2301 2268 2241
2292 2310 2379 2326 2291 2293 2304 2319 2269 2352
2259 2245 2314 2186 2266 2218 2254 2267 2263 2247

R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 R6 R7 R8 R9 R10
2729 2729 2752 2735 2735 2752 2724 2745 2752 2748
2898 2882 2882 2838 2882 2882 2863 2882 2853 2882
2637 2648 2624 2653 2634 2626 2631 2696 2622 2665
2777 2843 2777 2782 2777 2777 2782 2770 2784 2770
2864 2864 2891 2864 2864 2891 2891 2900 2891 2897
tai 50 X 5
2856 2852 2835 2835 2835 2849 2832 2832 2857 2832
2776 2746 2743 2745 2743 2736 2735 2736 2746 2766
2707 2707 2704 2713 2710 2704 2707 2705 2700 2705
2606 2571 2584 2583 2564 2583 2565 2578 2579 2588
2796 2792 2791 2792 2818 2832 2784 2782 2783 2783
3189 3143 3135 3181 3163 3150 3131 3165 3161 3155
3020 2983 3003 2994 3049 3012 3024 2998 3047 3013
3038 3006 3014 2971 2986 3003 2987 2994 3014 2986
3208 3143 3170 3169 3218 3177 3170 3149 3131 3179
3155 3156 3143 3143 3102 3141 3172 3143 3105 3083
tai 50 X 10
3152 3115 3180 3200 3160 3130 3135 3155 3138 3169
3227 3251 3276 3192 3217 3254 3271 3231 3268 3217
3165 3200 3164 3179 3166 3115 3170 3127 3107 3131
3077 3021 3093 3079 3042 3024 3032 3032 3025 3057
3245 3210 3209 3234 3217 3255 3191 3273 3202 3254
4093 4066 4027 4101 4108 4056 4103 4089 4152 4080
3934 3992 3945 3954 3974 3893 3940 3933 3921 3973
3899 3971 3910 3901 3888 3883 3875 3919 3962 3904
3974 3956 3889 3957 4014 3958 3997 3984 3945 3956
3886 3836 3897 3861 3940 3876 3933 3859 3827 3897
tai 50 X 20
3889 3886 3893 3987 3905 3957 3973 3895 3953 3930
3971 3954 3948 3892 4039 3959 3914 3936 3935 3918
4025 3923 3962 4003 3947 3913 4082 3971 3971 3938
3979 4018 3948 4016 3978 4060 4009 3980 4050 3969
4012 3941 3947 3998 3967 4001 4000 3953 3959 3982
5495 5495 5495 5503 5495 5527 5505 5505 5495 5495
5284 5290 5290 5290 5283 5289 5284 5290 5290 5296
5213 5216 5219 5193 5219 5213 5219 5221 5213 5213
5035 5044 5044 5035 5027 5023 5044 5023 5035 5032
5275 5268 5255 5255 5255 5253 5265 5311 5255 5255
tai 100 X 5
5187 5150 5135 5146 5152 5135 5139 5146 5146 5139
5305 5276 5262 5260 5261 5305 5264 5305 5305 5264
5184 5137 5127 5108 5106 5122 5106 5105 5124 5105
5504 5473 5484 5489 5472 5484 5467 5473 5504 5484
5346 5346 5346 5346 5342 5342 5346 5346 5346 5342

R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 R6 R7 R8 R9 R10
5999 5905 5893 5931 5918 5866 5958 5923 5950 5920
5572 5440 5458 5465 5476 5506 5459 5505 5468 5552
5825 5787 5783 5781 5771 5719 5764 5840 5778 5757
6058 6008 5982 5955 5985 6020 6003 5982 5984 5942
5714 5715 5645 5630 5746 5645 5678 5644 5690 5675
tai 100 X 10
5427 5437 5432 5414 5415 5417 5394 5345 5438 5455
5788 5691 5696 5734 5687 5737 5720 5734 5733 5740
5838 5755 5778 5735 5761 5796 5836 5825 5793 5762
6024 5979 5977 6008 6000 5979 6024 5979 6029 6023
6059 5915 5965 6069 5903 5935 5931 5960 5983 5903
6727 6615 6691 6783 6659 6672 6677 6747 6602 6629
6802 6597 6691 6654 6696 6613 6652 6750 6718 6634
6703 6728 6727 6719 6794 6744 6698 6800 6743 6746
6700 6657 6728 6688 6700 6704 6682 6676 6623 6628
6858 6768 6775 6713 6695 6752 6765 6776 6707 6742
tai 100 X 20
6949 6716 6742 6850 6806 6901 6789 6782 6824 6811
6897 6739 6724 6853 6747 6827 6798 6717 6718 6757
7086 6881 6907 6826 6904 6847 6940 6932 6889 6870
6825 6704 6756 6681 6775 6732 6707 6720 6809 6722
6998 6844 6782 6829 6883 6798 6852 6915 6866 6861
11139 10992 11079 11027 11027 10999 11079 11041 11069 11054
10834 10867 10731 10771 10771 10835 10801 10751 10752 10692
11243 11132 11159 11112 11118 11123 11160 11137 11156 11131
11010 11057 10977 11005 11015 10999 10954 11057 10984 11005
10809 10735 10754 10771 10714 10720 10757 10679 10764 10787
tai 200 X 10
10671 10528 10561 10578 10501 10594 10602 10564 10470 10512
11090 11047 11110 11189 11025 11091 11084 11093 11060 11114
11118 10927 10943 10927 11039 10985 10886 10948 10972 11018
10737 10650 10584 10637 10708 10623 10676 10651 10689 10641
10975 10980 10958 10899 10906 10884 10839 10850 10938 10850
12123 11885 11886 11973 11942 11815 12031 11756 11766 11869
12231 12232 12007 12027 11910 12113 12112 12016 12040 11998
12333 12213 12082 11975 11983 12079 12081 12102 12081 12014
12210 12205 12105 12073 12018 12038 12112 11963 12075 12067
12121 11983 11924 11963 11940 11895 11899 11889 12172 12052
tai 200 X 20
12122 12020 11945 12036 11871 12020 12079 11820 12004 11967
12327 12160 12196 12152 12125 12100 12075 12144 12108 12167
12358 12061 12149 12116 12036 12063 12146 11978 12067 12071
12343 11948 11992 12093 12074 12147 12099 11897 12071 11992
12437 12052 11983 12074 12194 12200 12044 12021 12092 12125

Table A.2 Detailed Results of DPSO

R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 R6 R7 R8 R9 R10
1297 1297 1297 1297 1297 1297 1297 1297 1297 1297
1366 1360 1367 1373 1366 1365 1366 1365 1370 1366
1100 1098 1099 1098 1088 1098 1127 1098 1098 1100
1309 1309 1301 1315 1325 1301 1318 1345 1315 1340
1250 1248 1244 1250 1244 1250 1315 1243 1271 1252
tai 20 X 5
1219 1224 1210 1210 1226 1219 1233 1210 1210 1210
1251 1251 1266 1251 1257 1257 1251 1274 1242 1257
1239 1213 1211 1221 1227 1249 1224 1250 1206 1264
1253 1258 1255 1236 1258 1255 1247 1261 1258 1258
1124 1144 1127 1151 1145 1108 1127 1142 1136 1108
1627 1611 1619 1607 1637 1607 1669 1647 1650 1607
1737 1722 1710 1740 1759 1699 1689 1703 1715 1698
1533 1540 1535 1542 1530 1525 1534 1554 1574 1532
1424 1398 1430 1427 1447 1398 1427 1433 1420 1429
1478 1506 1504 1479 1439 1433 1480 1486 1482 1475
tai 20 X 10
1434 1450 1433 1451 1435 1457 1432 1440 1463 1444
1522 1507 1538 1494 1531 1554 1603 1512 1539 1538
1586 1601 1612 1608 1559 1568 1585 1609 1583 1653
1636 1664 1672 1639 1631 1636 1638 1669 1641 1636
1649 1654 1656 1633 1628 1645 1625 1630 1637 1639
2369 2347 2351 2347 2433 2410 2403 2381 2374 2344
2171 2168 2132 2130 2152 2147 2165 2128 2197 2180
2351 2444 2377 2425 2351 2413 2408 2400 2381 2410
2282 2277 2247 2297 2291 2303 2301 2253 2263 2288
2336 2355 2381 2381 2445 2354 2365 2339 2388 2389
tai 20X 20
2280 2285 2280 2259 2354 2269 2262 2265 2265 2306
2347 2329 2320 2347 2361 2367 2344 2335 2339 2318
2246 2242 2267 2275 2242 2249 2266 2257 2259 2263
2282 2348 2341 2317 2348 2304 2289 2311 2315 2298
2229 2242 2258 2316 2253 2280 2217 2234 2238 2243

R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 R6 R7 R8 R9 R10
2774 2729 2735 2735 2774 2745 2740 2735 2774 2745
2882 2863 2863 2882 2882 2863 2882 2853 2848 2871
2655 2647 2667 2687 2624 2655 2667 2646 2648 2671
2822 2782 2770 2788 2843 2850 2782 2801 2776 2782
2887 2922 2904 2894 2887 2891 2891 2887 2891 2908
tai 50 X 5
2874 2873 2832 2853 2843 2839 2855 2874 2839 2876
2767 2791 2761 2756 2758 2781 2812 2755 2758 2756
2707 2707 2723 2720 2707 2707 2733 2722 2725 2707
2565 2599 2606 2604 2605 2602 2580 2611 2604 2614
2818 2786 2783 2815 2802 2789 2830 2802 2792 2802
3187 3163 3208 3196 3172 3192 3197 3190 3207 3207
3054 3071 3117 3017 3035 3065 3045 3033 3070 3054
3037 3041 3083 3048 3135 3048 3033 3168 3101 3047
3192 3178 3216 3263 3203 3220 3238 3178 3199 3201
3125 3157 3133 3169 3177 3165 3141 3186 3169 3121
tai 50 X 10
3167 3177 3199 3181 3152 3177 3145 3150 3233 3170
3234 3289 3354 3271 3241 3253 3289 3289 3247 3239
3163 3177 3144 3187 3216 3165 3206 3209 3216 3154
3031 3051 3145 3025 3090 3065 3052 3051 3032 3060
3290 3260 3291 3244 3245 3273 3307 3221 3194 3249
4197 4147 4143 4044 4135 4095 4155 4119 4172 4106
3987 3977 3992 4063 3991 3976 3970 3997 4016 3943
3932 3923 3926 3894 3980 3907 3923 3905 3889 3907
3952 3973 4058 3949 3963 4045 4054 4008 4052 4007
3924 3914 4004 4032 3928 3909 3961 3896 3968 4021
tai 50 X 20
3998 3952 3977 4035 3931 3977 3969 3876 3972 3983
3989 4004 4090 4085 4015 3998 4033 4037 3987 3966
4018 3977 3963 3948 4031 4011 4099 3924 4011 4032
3958 3986 3955 3986 4045 4010 3974 4039 3975 4000
4014 4005 4083 4036 4103 4007 4071 4087 4080 3983
5529 5529 5527 5527 5504 5529 5538 5493 5495 5500
5284 5290 5302 5296 5316 5284 5316 5290 5327 5290
5219 5220 5219 5221 5221 5221 5219 5221 5219 5229
5029 5044 5044 5044 5030 5044 5035 5032 5044 5057
5267 5305 5294 5257 5312 5258 5270 5255 5267 5272
tai 100 X 5
5139 5146 5150 5161 5161 5150 5156 5146 5150 5146
5304 5305 5305 5262 5264 5305 5304 5316 5333 5263
5133 5134 5137 5148 5134 5108 5141 5141 5140 5137
5487 5492 5538 5498 5504 5510 5504 5492 5467 5504
5386 5346 5383 5383 5386 5411 5342 5374 5345 5422

R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 R6 R7 R8 R9 R10
6011 6001 5989 6002 6025 5972 5943 5992 5955 6036
5546 5498 5585 5526 5531 5506 5615 5626 5494 5554
5871 5811 5866 5923 5858 5855 5855 5868 5815 5859
6036 5987 6056 6053 6035 6005 6121 6048 5984 6004
5745 5773 5746 5758 5725 5793 5773 5670 5674 5766
tai 100 X 10
5372 5462 5574 5460 5421 5519 5456 5433 5474 5513
5734 5814 5781 5759 5772 5886 5810 5754 5741 5811
5868 5834 5812 5819 5846 5822 5894 5828 5831 5776
6055 6014 6038 5995 6068 6012 5979 5979 6022 6021
5983 5951 6069 5981 6068 5938 5997 5966 5981 5946
6736 6663 6712 6673 6749 6838 6826 6758 6704 6698
6635 6754 6682 6761 6771 6830 6742 6775 6739 6676
6798 6804 6815 6864 6771 6782 6683 6764 6879 6939
6724 6705 6776 6792 6819 6776 6848 6750 6795 6756
6807 6825 6896 6837 6848 6846 6754 6806 6831 6856
tai 100 X 20
6866 6871 6987 6751 6924 6923 6852 6860 6913 6969
6812 6835 6848 6846 6811 6886 6833 6947 6868 6835
6889 6955 6928 7035 6985 6988 7040 6912 7009 6984
6787 6853 6935 6746 6862 6762 6757 6816 6896 6900
6899 6835 6931 6900 6887 6912 7043 6932 7040 6912
11026 11075 11040 11086 11092 11027 11066 11077 11039 11037
10940 10839 10929 10832 10841 10816 10920 10901 10851 10869
11146 11168 11234 11182 11187 11171 11175 11126 11175 11172
10966 11010 11010 11010 11014 11035 11074 10999 11062 11005
10863 10836 10809 10818 10768 10833 10946 10897 10916 10946
tai 200 X 10
10655 10624 10658 10610 10678 10591 10585 10691 10613 10632
11077 11195 11112 11081 11043 11129 11164 11153 11057 11129
10906 11041 10998 11099 11056 11029 11036 11055 10992 11044
10708 10725 10721 10670 10783 10883 10771 10798 10720 10814
10984 10993 10874 10941 10939 10877 10896 10931 10967 10860
11930 12088 12076 12127 12025 12033 12056 12109 12212 12096
12185 12270 12353 12239 12236 12201 12324 12144 12188 12181
12177 12246 12253 12238 12309 12273 12144 12180 12230 12269
12105 12174 12271 12211 12196 12213 12247 12182 12185 12097
12184 12165 12031 12064 12098 12105 12274 12176 12135 12193
tai 200 X 20
12127 12178 12106 12130 12087 12085 12222 12180 12163 12174
12284 12161 12464 12350 12313 12321 12313 12328 12253 12282
12225 12306 12240 12095 12059 12279 12166 12169 12328 12252
12133 12112 12114 12242 12117 12048 12206 12135 12023 12190
12183 12171 12317 12248 12305 12176 12295 12345 12282 12254

Table A.3 Detailed Results of SPPSO

R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 R6 R7 R8 R9 R10
1297 1297 1278 1297 1297 1278 1297 1297 1278 1297
1362 1360 1366 1365 1366 1360 1365 1360 1360 1366
1098 1081 1087 1098 1088 1088 1081 1088 1085 1088
1315 1301 1308 1301 1300 1297 1309 1297 1299 1309
1250 1244 1235 1235 1235 1250 1235 1250 1243 1250
tai 20 X 5
1210 1210 1210 1195 1210 1210 1210 1210 1210 1195
1251 1251 1251 1251 1251 1251 1251 1251 1251 1239
1206 1211 1211 1214 1208 1217 1214 1220 1206 1217
1236 1230 1230 1230 1255 1255 1255 1261 1261 1255
1108 1120 1113 1127 1108 1111 1108 1108 1108 1112
1612 1617 1614 1619 1619 1586 1618 1605 1597 1607
1704 1695 1702 1694 1702 1709 1718 1691 1698 1705
1508 1506 1538 1532 1517 1510 1551 1547 1542 1532
1443 1396 1381 1397 1397 1405 1429 1389 1412 1414
1440 1423 1449 1440 1430 1468 1450 1434 1465 1465
tai 20 X 10
1408 1414 1400 1424 1407 1425 1411 1439 1426 1436
1515 1502 1499 1494 1504 1487 1494 1494 1509 1488
1592 1569 1609 1568 1557 1600 1575 1566 1555 1579
1630 1594 1624 1612 1636 1630 1636 1612 1648 1615
1624 1619 1640 1612 1606 1615 1636 1616 1637 1614
2367 2369 2336 2305 2358 2376 2351 2391 2343 2323
2120 2141 2149 2131 2135 2113 2129 2120 2155 2144
2359 2343 2370 2368 2372 2390 2401 2345 2374 2374
2276 2248 2248 2229 2252 2260 2305 2240 2252 2235
2352 2298 2318 2308 2323 2345 2319 2352 2351 2345
tai 20X 20
2263 2274 2264 2273 2261 2280 2293 2279 2257 2260
2309 2312 2298 2313 2316 2345 2306 2319 2305 2295
2245 2245 2228 2221 2250 2256 2214 2273 2246 2252
2260 2274 2263 2280 2286 2309 2262 2283 2264 2259
2252 2242 2248 2224 2210 2234 2217 2226 2205 2230

R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 R6 R7 R8 R9 R10
2724 2729 2729 2724 2752 2729 2724 2724 2724 2729
2863 2847 2848 2863 2863 2853 2882 2882 2863 2848
2624 2624 2641 2624 2644 2624 2624 2624 2630 2622
2762 2770 2782 2770 2782 2762 2762 2762 2762 2762
2864 2864 2864 2887 2864 2864 2864 2864 2864 2864
tai 50 X 5
2829 2832 2833 2839 2836 2835 2835 2835 2831 2831
2732 2732 2732 2725 2725 2732 2725 2725 2732 2732
2704 2704 2686 2704 2705 2694 2707 2707 2704 2707
2564 2561 2583 2564 2576 2564 2564 2561 2564 2568
2782 2782 2782 2782 2802 2782 2782 2782 2782 2782
3131 3108 3126 3062 3167 3144 3108 3122 3162 3083
2975 3012 2947 2975 2964 2963 2961 2948 2952 2914
2975 2984 2961 2932 2961 2984 2918 2884 2968 2953
3111 3129 3158 3130 3110 3136 3127 3112 3103 3103
3071 3099 3060 3067 3119 3135 3093 3051 3117 3050
tai 50 X 10
3114 3114 3115 3127 3083 3092 3078 3091 3114 3083
3148 3203 3196 3182 3165 3201 3184 3165 3191 3176
3062 3094 3061 3072 3058 3080 3084 3131 3088 3062
3032 3025 3025 3017 2965 3025 3017 2964 3005 3014
3204 3182 3172 3136 3143 3203 3148 3162 3155 3195
3965 4002 3980 4000 4053 4003 3993 3974 4009 3988
3903 3910 3901 3891 3814 3842 3929 3909 3931 3817
3761 3878 3779 3859 3819 3869 3830 3817 3768 3756
3902 3839 3890 3916 3893 3877 3834 3842 3882 3874
3819 3750 3771 3828 3806 3805 3794 3781 3764 3777
tai 50 X 20
3901 3817 3825 3837 3837 3850 3875 3830 3832 3825
3865 3866 3872 3828 3881 3868 3862 3844 3828 3825
3897 3846 3872 3899 3848 3834 3893 3869 3934 3943
3928 3903 3892 3904 3895 3919 3934 3920 3938 3909
3920 3900 3912 3899 3952 3945 3953 3892 3924 3952
5493 5493 5493 5495 5493 5493 5493 5495 5493 5493
5289 5284 5290 5290 5290 5284 5290 5290 5290 5284
5193 5179 5221 5193 5193 5193 5213 5193 5193 5193
5023 5023 5035 5023 5023 5023 5029 5023 5044 5044
5255 5255 5255 5255 5255 5255 5255 5255 5255 5255
tai 100 X 5
5139 5139 5139 5146 5139 5139 5139 5139 5139 5139
5284 5261 5263 5259 5259 5276 5259 5263 5263 5263
5106 5108 5137 5106 5106 5106 5106 5127 5106 5106
5454 5454 5484 5484 5484 5484 5454 5484 5454 5454
5346 5342 5346 5346 5346 5346 5342 5346 5342 5328

R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 R6 R7 R8 R9 R10
5857 5836 5836 5909 5827 5795 5817 5836 5836 5825
5400 5429 5453 5411 5403 5402 5421 5391 5424 5424
5745 5750 5691 5692 5691 5691 5759 5752 5752 5736
5926 5931 5935 5896 5875 5864 5965 5916 5905 5913
5595 5613 5560 5553 5531 5521 5557 5544 5605 5562
tai 100 X 10
5362 5371 5356 5346 5344 5335 5328 5328 5370 5366
5677 5655 5673 5726 5692 5649 5678 5653 5704 5704
5693 5695 5689 5709 5695 5741 5687 5695 5695 5695
5940 5979 5979 5960 5957 5957 5963 5928 5967 5940
5903 5903 5881 5903 5903 5903 5903 5903 5903 5903
6457 6496 6496 6444 6435 6469 6570 6542 6508 6474
6446 6413 6444 6411 6360 6412 6452 6404 6501 6442
6578 6612 6572 6496 6495 6515 6559 6473 6581 6515
6473 6567 6528 6573 6478 6485 6558 6493 6550 6493
6578 6586 6602 6613 6543 6555 6540 6629 6572 6568
tai 100 X 20
6627 6654 6584 6621 6603 6598 6570 6655 6708 6668
6644 6519 6550 6576 6526 6480 6584 6610 6567 6494
6727 6687 6713 6687 6678 6606 6757 6742 6699 6689
6561 6487 6651 6566 6576 6569 6519 6578 6575 6542
6667 6706 6732 6689 6644 6644 6672 6708 6710 6705
10980 11044 10952 10950 10952 10957 10948 10957 10993 10993
10625 10625 10639 10626 10613 10645 10605 10635 10583 10633
10995 11120 11017 11017 11045 11015 11045 11082 11017 11045
10950 10939 10974 10948 10939 10939 10939 10948 10948 10939
10760 10575 10575 10575 10574 10627 10625 10575 10575 10582
tai 200 X 10
10394 10412 10398 10375 10415 10425 10410 10428 10417 10419
10976 11069 10998 10962 10962 11069 10976 10966 10998 10998
10856 10828 10828 10828 10849 10856 10832 10856 10821 10865
10503 10529 10497 10497 10497 10536 10553 10515 10498 10566
10786 10794 10758 10758 10758 10758 10835 10758 10783 10850
11591 11570 11639 11604 11524 11693 11517 11649 11575 11519
11656 11801 11791 11729 11713 11665 11701 11835 11697 11805
11779 11759 11758 11702 11725 11737 11706 11737 11766 11682
11750 11682 11688 11655 11647 11733 11754 11670 11710 11738
11747 11666 11701 11629 11524 11729 11594 11661 11669 11637
tai 200 X 20
11671 11643 11651 11544 11596 11569 11629 11657 11648 11517
11819 11805 11782 11678 11683 11771 11937 11778 11817 11848
11893 11808 11690 11643 11669 11851 11748 11748 11850 11759
11671 11637 11575 11543 11495 11672 11716 11646 11697 11717
11735 11774 11832 11771 11709 11726 11680 11779 11761 11756

Table A.4 Detailed Results of DDE

R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 R6 R7 R8 R9 R10
1297 1297 1278 1297 1297 1297 1278 1297 1297 1297
1366 1366 1365 1360 1359 1366 1366 1366 1366 1366
1099 1081 1087 1099 1098 1098 1089 1081 1088 1087
1309 1309 1309 1309 1309 1305 1293 1309 1301 1306
1244 1244 1250 1250 1258 1244 1239 1250 1244 1250
tai 20 X 5
1210 1210 1210 1210 1210 1210 1210 1210 1213 1210
1251 1251 1251 1251 1251 1251 1256 1256 1251 1251
1214 1214 1211 1214 1214 1214 1211 1224 1214 1214
1240 1230 1230 1255 1253 1230 1261 1253 1261 1253
1120 1108 1127 1108 1120 1127 1127 1120 1108 1120
1597 1596 1620 1619 1624 1613 1619 1586 1598 1599
1715 1667 1693 1680 1692 1688 1686 1688 1701 1684
1511 1511 1513 1518 1536 1533 1516 1517 1519 1509
1388 1398 1424 1400 1392 1391 1397 1439 1399 1406
1438 1474 1430 1457 1487 1427 1436 1497 1440 1436
tai 20 X 10
1424 1407 1433 1422 1401 1431 1424 1430 1424 1424
1493 1514 1526 1486 1508 1499 1492 1493 1500 1520
1566 1572 1578 1590 1570 1573 1577 1570 1548 1566
1636 1612 1632 1636 1627 1632 1636 1617 1612 1624
1613 1629 1612 1626 1624 1618 1613 1626 1627 1632
2364 2367 2344 2343 2307 2326 2364 2351 2362 2363
2121 2134 2140 2116 2138 2130 2122 2115 2112 2119
2354 2420 2368 2344 2354 2362 2337 2384 2356 2350
2244 2238 2248 2286 2233 2248 2270 2265 2252 2276
2325 2316 2328 2322 2299 2329 2320 2372 2313 2326
tai 20X 20
2261 2272 2248 2264 2247 2244 2246 2267 2299 2243
2318 2329 2305 2287 2355 2303 2299 2303 2302 2319
2232 2248 2234 2238 2268 2239 2229 2211 2220 2225
2264 2287 2324 2288 2263 2285 2281 2248 2272 2310
2196 2201 2213 2219 2214 2242 2253 2189 2185 2232

R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 R6 R7 R8 R9 R10
2735 2735 2735 2729 2735 2735 2735 2735 2729 2735
2838 2848 2882 2838 2882 2848 2848 2848 2882 2839
2638 2624 2621 2624 2639 2644 2624 2624 2634 2621
2770 2768 2770 2770 2777 2782 2777 2782 2762 2770
2864 2864 2864 2864 2864 2864 2864 2864 2864 2864
tai 50 X 5
2838 2832 2835 2835 2832 2836 2832 2835 2829 2832
2736 2736 2732 2732 2732 2725 2732 2736 2725 2732
2705 2707 2707 2707 2707 2705 2707 2705 2707 2704
2577 2577 2587 2564 2577 2568 2588 2568 2568 2565
2802 2782 2783 2783 2784 2783 2784 2783 2791 2784
3101 3076 3126 3126 3102 3077 3126 3126 3126 3126
2979 2971 2974 2924 2956 2969 2972 2940 2970 2983
2956 2915 2977 2960 2970 2960 2926 2988 2928 2960
3120 3136 3167 3074 3098 3116 3102 3120 3141 3140
3065 3068 3064 3052 3102 3062 3049 3082 3058 3115
tai 50 X 10
3115 3075 3104 3083 3093 3100 3083 3098 3100 3103
3156 3156 3165 3165 3172 3165 3165 3189 3176 3165
3114 3132 3082 3085 3094 3105 3119 3081 3111 3087
2980 2970 2987 2970 2992 3005 2970 2975 3025 2957
3190 3141 3166 3152 3190 3154 3161 3156 3152 3140
3964 4009 3949 3973 3965 3997 3974 4007 4056 3950
3833 3897 3833 3928 3879 3930 3874 3894 3856 3881
3822 3792 3805 3785 3803 3798 3783 3802 3796 3831
3848 3872 3873 3884 3879 3850 3876 3839 3913 3848
3798 3766 3800 3791 3785 3776 3794 3740 3800 3729
tai 50 X 20
3843 3854 3857 3912 3855 3874 3901 3829 3834 3851
3866 3854 3863 3860 3827 3836 3897 3850 3855 3866
3858 3851 3839 3877 3837 3938 3817 3895 3845 3870
3875 3956 3924 3890 3874 3892 3882 3939 3949 3876
3910 3899 3936 3877 3902 3872 3949 3915 3899 3899
5495 5495 5493 5493 5495 5495 5493 5495 5495 5493
5290 5285 5275 5284 5286 5284 5284 5289 5284 5290
5193 5179 5205 5221 5193 5221 5221 5193 5179 5205
5023 5023 5029 5021 5023 5021 5023 5023 5023 5023
5255 5253 5266 5255 5265 5255 5255 5255 5267 5255
tai 100 X 5
5146 5146 5139 5135 5139 5150 5136 5146 5146 5146
5262 5262 5264 5246 5255 5262 5263 5255 5255 5304
5108 5123 5134 5137 5108 5108 5134 5133 5133 5094
5475 5467 5467 5479 5473 5473 5466 5465 5448 5467
5342 5328 5330 5346 5336 5346 5334 5346 5342 5342

R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 R6 R7 R8 R9 R10
5868 5818 5837 5863 5863 5856 5821 5897 5860 5821
5396 5411 5408 5412 5458 5412 5400 5456 5400 5415
5752 5752 5731 5736 5712 5778 5745 5734 5702 5762
5937 5905 5939 5912 5933 5935 5890 5905 6001 5897
5594 5562 5580 5535 5583 5612 5604 5569 5570 5579
tai 100 X 10
5344 5370 5342 5328 5386 5372 5332 5356 5352 5334
5706 5684 5711 5706 5659 5692 5670 5691 5675 5643
5721 5704 5713 5721 5695 5722 5742 5733 5705 5674
5951 5979 5940 5979 5940 5979 5930 5969 5940 5960
5903 5903 5903 5881 5903 5903 5904 5881 5903 5903
6487 6487 6425 6498 6470 6484 6451 6471 6455 6452
6396 6434 6433 6390 6490 6462 6492 6447 6408 6438
6488 6619 6482 6659 6552 6543 6526 6595 6571 6531
6495 6448 6513 6478 6479 6533 6498 6453 6469 6531
6598 6577 6566 6569 6568 6605 6618 6600 6619 6662
tai 100 X 20
6596 6613 6602 6605 6583 6673 6609 6618 6580 6638
6574 6516 6580 6571 6605 6498 6552 6594 6509 6548
6704 6638 6721 6761 6713 6723 6738 6704 6716 6718
6556 6569 6552 6558 6529 6520 6511 6509 6539 6582
6644 6646 6673 6674 6679 6651 6642 6619 6646 6652
10950 10992 10957 10938 10992 10957 10957 10957 10993 11027
10571 10609 10634 10598 10595 10586 10630 10627 10648 10570
11045 11049 11079 11079 11070 11133 11049 11070 11049 11133
10939 10993 10984 11010 10995 10948 10939 10939 10961 10973
10637 10625 10604 10582 10610 10647 10604 10652 10640 10650
tai 200 X 10
10440 10427 10411 10429 10427 10426 10409 10416 10458 10409
10958 10998 10985 10979 11011 10990 11022 10992 10998 10962
10866 10821 10819 10858 10849 10856 10832 10856 10821 10861
10497 10497 10497 10497 10497 10536 10553 10526 10526 10566
10767 10786 10768 10758 10758 10760 10835 10758 10758 10758
11565 11633 11553 11665 11586 11577 11527 11599 11523 11608
11741 11668 11782 11762 11705 11701 11691 11652 11668 11660
11756 11736 11735 11679 11702 11714 11683 11714 11743 11659
11825 11772 11696 11685 11627 11627 11627 11627 11648 11648
11857 11766 11710 11680 11669 11629 11724 11652 11629 11629
tai 200 X 20
11566 11566 11670 11628 11630 11600 11566 11538 11520 11520
11742 11745 11937 11778 11683 11771 11937 11688 11713 11686
11871 11782 11668 11631 11647 11729 11756 11726 11728 11737
11691 11622 11563 11443 11585 11659 11616 11686 11711 11711
11785 11728 11736 11736 11709 11656 11710 11685 11661 11736



Table B.1 CPU Times of PSOSPV

R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 R6 R7 R8 R9 R10
6.178 6.521 6.146 6.302 6.084 6.178 6.318 1.311 6.505 6.396
6.271 6.287 6.224 6.256 6.302 6.35 6.38 6.365 6.396 6.521
6.568 6.598 6.63 6.677 6.708 6.724 7.051 6.895 6.833 6.895
6.88 6.849 6.91 6.88 7.005 6.942 7.02 7.035 7.051 7.083
7.036 7.082 7.02 7.098 7.036 7.098 7.254 7.27 7.254 7.207
tai 20 X 5
7.145 7.831 8.096 8.066 7.924 7.566 7.239 7.332 7.332 7.41
7.441 7.676 7.519 7.737 7.598 7.566 7.566 7.519 7.519 7.629
7.597 7.691 7.769 7.878 7.94 7.878 7.91 7.971 7.909 7.972
8.159 7.987 8.034 8.065 8.113 8.049 8.128 8.19 8.174 8.206
8.221 8.331 8.33 8.424 8.393 8.315 8.346 8.518 8.595 8.409
8.393 8.377 8.361 8.378 9.048 8.689 8.611 8.331 8.346 8.455
8.393 8.642 8.471 8.362 8.486 8.378 8.455 8.486 8.456 8.33
8.362 8.533 8.564 8.565 8.471 8.439 8.362 8.346 8.533 8.565
8.564 8.455 8.721 8.377 8.409 8.361 8.471 8.393 8.377 8.284
8.299 8.284 8.268 8.346 8.486 8.565 8.283 8.315 8.393 8.362
tai 20 X 10
8.517 8.425 8.704 8.284 8.315 8.284 8.595 8.518 8.346 8.346
8.705 8.471 8.408 8.487 8.47 8.393 8.549 8.393 8.299 8.44
8.268 8.471 8.533 8.533 8.892 9.111 8.471 8.486 8.533 8.518
8.362 8.315 8.33 8.486 8.674 8.377 8.331 8.44 8.642 8.408
8.393 8.362 8.424 8.627 8.517 8.487 8.299 8.268 8.362 8.377
8.362 8.471 8.595 8.378 8.377 8.424 8.611 8.955 8.58 8.392
8.44 8.377 8.331 8.346 8.471 8.393 8.548 8.503 8.299 8.471
8.33 8.362 8.471 8.408 8.362 8.705 8.611 8.611 8.549 8.315
8.439 8.534 8.517 8.471 8.799 8.673 8.284 8.44 8.517 8.658
8.362 8.502 8.58 8.533 8.549 8.424 9.033 8.377 8.408 8.487
tai 20X 20
8.315 8.361 8.456 8.564 8.549 8.471 8.486 8.393 8.362 8.861
8.626 8.534 8.455 8.44 8.439 8.409 8.361 8.378 8.424 8.502
8.502 8.517 8.815 8.377 8.408 8.455 8.471 8.549 8.721 8.689
8.627 8.58 8.502 8.533 8.502 8.455 8.346 8.581 8.72 8.518
8.517 8.253 8.408 8.299 8.378 8.439 8.58 8.502 8.378 8.283

R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 R6 R7 R8 R9 R10
9.08 9.313 9.282 9.36 9.282 9.173 1.108 9.11 9.251 9.688
9.235 9.438 9.235 9.126 9.111 9.36 9.547 9.391 9.251 9.126
9.298 9.297 9.454 9.579 9.063 9.048 9.064 9.11 9.033 9.048
9.173 9.126 9.329 9.204 9.329 9.297 9.064 9.22 9.172 9.111
9.298 9.313 9.173 9.063 9.095 9.064 9.095 9.173 9.235 9.079
tai 50 X 5
9.189 9.001 9.079 9.079 9.204 9.251 9.236 9.36 9.36 8.97
9.017 9.547 9.313 9.282 9.095 9.173 9.095 9.297 9.173 9.22
9.079 9.064 9.063 9.064 9.048 9.079 9.345 9.266 9.329 9.173
9.189 9.765 9.157 9.111 9.188 9.423 9.344 9.267 9.235 9.204
8.97 9.173 9.204 9.454 9.266 9.126 9.251 1.622 9.033 9.235
9.485 9.345 9.422 9.438 9.703 9.282 9.173 9.407 9.563 9.594
9.672 9.469 9.657 10.06 9.703 9.407 9.391 9.579 9.344 9.501
9.516 9.547 9.266 9.376 9.282 9.282 9.298 9.282 9.376 9.438
9.562 9.47 9.219 9.36 9.657 9.407 9.344 9.329 9.407 9.282
9.329 9.251 9.422 9.579 9.266 9.469 9.813 9.36 9.157 9.267
tai 50 X 10
9.406 9.938 9.438 9.453 9.345 9.266 9.126 9.439 9.36 9.36
9.375 9.173 9.329 9.485 9.578 9.36 9.423 9.344 9.126 9.204
9.407 9.345 9.375 9.314 9.251 9.219 9.36 9.61 9.485 9.329
9.235 9.313 9.22 9.219 9.47 9.297 9.236 9.25 9.283 9.64
9.376 9.454 9.453 9.345 9.235 9.469 9.423 9.391 9.516 9.376
9.734 9.548 9.547 9.687 9.735 9.641 9.516 9.532 9.609 9.719
10.22 10.19 9.859 9.61 9.937 9.922 9.75 9.625 9.703 9.61
9.781 9.938 9.765 9.766 9.641 9.578 9.61 9.688 9.703 9.609
9.626 9.609 9.672 9.626 9.547 9.719 10.03 9.531 9.516 9.61
9.657 9.609 9.563 9.594 9.594 9.657 9.578 9.844 9.937 9.75
tai 50 X 20
9.75 9.953 9.734 9.547 9.735 9.641 9.609 9.516 9.75 9.829
9.937 10.12 9.594 9.735 9.625 9.61 9.75 9.781 9.719 9.703
10.05 10.51 9.906 9.641 9.781 9.657 9.531 9.501 9.485 9.672
9.797 9.875 9.812 9.578 9.782 9.687 9.657 9.766 9.796 9.844
9.828 9.657 9.609 9.516 9.735 9.719 9.718 9.844 9.969 9.796
14.13 14.23 14.15 14.57 14.12 14.74 13.98 13.96 14.12 14.13
13.71 13.99 13.81 13.56 13.73 14.31 13.88 14.34 13.74 14.4
14.17 14.07 13.99 14.38 15.26 14.55 14.06 14.76 14.43 14.31
13.95 14.35 14.45 14.54 14.26 14.27 14.48 14.12 14.6 14.12
14.34 14.87 13.9 14.12 14.17 14.06 14.06 14.48 14.29 14.2
tai 100 X 5
14.07 14.93 10.51 14.35 14.15 5.35 14.07 14.24 14.24 14.35
14.37 14.31 14.21 14.23 14.38 14.46 14.79 14.21 14.52 14.35
14.15 14.4 14.23 14.95 14.23 14.23 14.34 14.1 14.21 14.46
14.09 14.13 14.15 14.18 14.18 14.26 14.03 14.07 13.98 14.02
14.13 14.23 14.31 14.15 14.46 14.2 14.27 14.68 14.15 14.42

R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 R6 R7 R8 R9 R10
14.8 14.57 14.88 14.87 14.7 14.54 15.02 14.68 14.82 14.74
15.15 14.51 14.87 14.7 14.6 14.74 14.62 14.8 14.43 14.98
14.77 14.79 15.04 14.62 14.87 14.68 14.56 14.7 15.02 15.13
14.63 15.16 14.56 14.43 14.4 14.62 14.62 14.51 14.85 14.68
14.65 14.54 15.21 14.9 14.6 14.79 14.77 14.87 14.91 14.84
tai 100 X 10
14.48 14.62 14.68 14.46 14.71 14.62 14.73 14.76 14.76 14.77
14.73 14.96 14.55 14.48 14.81 14.71 14.49 14.6 15.18 14.82
14.56 14.63 14.9 14.73 14.65 14.76 14.63 15.3 14.48 14.68
14.71 14.74 14.7 14.7 14.54 14.9 14.7 14.74 14.73 15.32
14.9 14.51 14.77 14.65 15.27 15.02 14.62 14.9 14.76 14.65
15.82 15.74 16.55 15.85 15.6 15.59 16.33 15.76 15.9 15.62
16.3 16.13 15.91 15.87 15.69 15.74 15.87 15.76 15.66 16.19
15.91 15.85 15.91 15.82 15.66 15.52 16.08 16.3 16.04 15.93
15.91 16.02 15.9 15.83 15.79 15.98 15.69 15.76 15.85 16.22
15.91 16.1 15.94 15.66 15.8 15.66 15.82 15.79 16.01 15.57
tai 100 X 20
15.8 15.88 15.91 15.88 15.91 15.59 15.83 15.94 15.86 15.44
15.76 15.74 15.9 15.85 15.73 16.01 15.87 15.99 15.96 15.71
15.8 16.01 15.55 15.76 15.85 15.99 15.98 15.55 15.71 15.9
15.87 15.87 15.71 16.08 15.94 15.98 16.1 16.04 15.83 15.9
15.8 16.18 15.96 15.87 15.71 15.91 16.16 15.96 15.86 15.79
53.14 52.74 53.01 52.34 54.01 52.18 51.56 52.95 53.71 53.93
52.51 52.45 53.8 52.4 51.29 51.7 53.2 53.1 52.14 51.96
53.24 53.46 52.74 53.71 52.2 52.98 53.29 51.96 53.82 52.93
51.81 52.73 52.35 52.67 51.67 53.34 52.96 52.17 52.99 51.51
52.79 54.12 53.15 52.79 51.03 53.17 52.82 51.71 52.23 52.48
tai 200 X 10
52.68 52.09 51.82 52.45 53.2 52.04 51.78 52.26 52.21 52.06
52.84 53.04 52.14 53.43 52.29 52.48 52.64 53.96 53.7 52.45
53.01 52.89 52.7 53.2 51.59 51.03 51.79 51.61 51.95 52.9
52.62 51.17 52.04 52.09 52.82 53.38 52.09 51.19 52.81 52.81
52.46 52.45 52.09 53.27 51.44 51.67 51.5 52.85 52.06 52.28
56.96 57.03 56.33 57.5 57.95 58.06 56.24 57.13 57.6 56.77
56.64 57.05 55.43 57.2 55.04 56.52 55.71 56.69 55.38 56.94
56.99 57.77 56.54 58.19 58.3 56.88 56.96 56.71 58.1 56.61
56.6 57.16 55.6 56.71 56.61 56.04 55.57 55.5 55.97 55.44
56.58 55.99 56.44 56.13 54.88 56.93 56.33 55.3 57.86 56.5
tai 200 X 20
56.74 58.14 69.92 58.13 58.15 58.98 58.89 59.4 63.88 56.65
56.83 55.33 58.14 57.15 57.25 57.85 57.42 58.17 55.91 55.24
57.06 55.3 55.4 56.47 57.41 55.49 57.11 58.06 56.16 57.11
56.47 56.04 55.15 57.24 55.16 55.91 56.5 56.27 56.93 57.24
56.71 56.65 55.43 55.49 57.42 57.11 57.1 56.16 56.25 55.38

Table B.2 CPU Times of DPSO

R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 R6 R7 R8 R9 R10
72.49 73.5 78.27 75.42 77.69 75.34 73.19 72.38 73.14 74.22
72.03 72.22 74.05 74.08 73.05 76.09 74.27 72.24 75.05 71.22
76.19 75.08 71.06 74.98 73.25 77.11 70.11 72.06 74.11 73.28
72 72.77 72.83 73.75 75.88 70.84 75.77 71.69 69.92 70.64
71.83 73.73 75.78 75.86 72.73 74.91 72.8 72.69 75.89 69.7
tai 20 X 5
72.83 72.73 77 77.19 74.91 69.88 71.97 69.72 70.69 73.73
72.72 73.78 72.66 72.66 69.61 73.78 73.69 71.73 70.63 70.72
76.77 70.75 74.77 70.7 73.98 76.67 71.73 73.55 45.55 70.72
72.94 71.94 71.78 72.73 74.83 71.64 73.7 72.75 72.8 70.77
70.72 72.77 75.77 74.88 74.63 64.38 75.83 72.86 71.74 41.59
69.59 71.78 70.88 74.78 77.89 71.64 72.7 77.97 71.77 71.74
75.7 74.73 69.74 72.83 69.64 74.94 73.7 75.64 72.92 73.77
74.69 71.03 77.19 73.06 74.1 72.23 73.02 75.08 74.17 74.2
79.16 74.16 72.09 72.16 77.06 98.08 73.13 74.73 75.75 71.83
80.5 72.77 73.61 74.75 71.61 71.78 75.73 73.61 72.74 74.69
tai 20 X 10
75.77 74.05 77.52 71.77 70.66 74.74 78.86 71.83 72.8 70.83
80.81 72.94 71.84 72.75 73.94 71.92 70.75 69.95 73.63 73.7
72.75 71.72 75.95 71.81 77.7 73.77 74.8 74.81 72.83 73.89
74 73.88 74.8 74.89 72.3 72.8 78.95 75.83 74.7 75.22
71.83 72.86 74.77 72.89 72.86 71.56 72.61 74.81 73.99 74.67
72.81 81.17 69.98 71.83 73.88 72.86 70.92 75.94 70.92 71.03
78.22 72.36 77.33 77.11 72.23 73.17 73.19 70.08 76.16 73.08
72.3 73.28 74.2 75.06 75.02 73 73.88 70.89 74.81 73.83
73.69 71.72 73.81 71.81 75.09 72.63 73.59 73.73 73.89 74.91
70.8 74.7 71.85 73.97 76.84 72.28 71.05 76.19 75.27 72.13
tai 20X 20
76.81 74.14 71.31 71.13 72.05 72.2 74.31 72.23 75.13 75.06
72.86 73.76 75.66 71.89 72.8 72.92 70.88 71.84 75.83 74.81
74.81 73.83 75.09 76.13 72.47 72.2 72.96 74.17 73.99 75.16
75.16 77.22 75.22 76.14 71.14 78.03 72.03 73.28 72.06 77.11
75.11 75.19 74.2 73.08 72.19 72.16 76.19 72.23 77.39 72.94

R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 R6 R7 R8 R9 R10
70.78 74.83 79.06 71.88 73.02 73.98 73.98 71.86 74.89 74.95
75.03 74.8 72.84 72.97 73.97 72.95 76.89 71.81 74.96 69.89
73.88 70.95 72.22 74.2 75.28 73.08 74.11 76.4 73.23 70.31
73.27 73.28 76.45 73.2 76.17 73.19 74.31 77.16 72 76.92
71.98 73 76.84 73.06 70.89 72.99 72.02 75.19 75.06 77.66
tai 50 X 5
73.27 72.25 75.28 75.31 75.34 71.17 72.36 73.22 76.25 75.28
74.17 74.14 71.27 77.08 74.11 72.22 77 75.08 76.2 74.16
76.41 74.16 77.22 73.25 70.97 70.81 73.83 75.08 75.22 73.99
72.25 71.28 73.14 73.17 74.13 73.16 75.47 74.2 75.22 72.28
72.31 71.21 71.42 74.17 70.95 72.06 78.19 74.84 71.86 74.08
71.02 74.78 73.13 72.91 73 69.98 75.88 71.84 72.91 72
71 70.91 71.77 71.02 71.92 74.88 76.92 80 73.92 74.89
72.8 74 76.03 73 76 73.81 76.17 76.11 79.03 72.16
74.02 70.89 73.86 71.97 73.02 76.97 73.05 75.31 76.3 74.44
74.22 72.17 72.44 77.3 74.33 77.8 74.17 73.19 72.48 75.17
tai 50 X 10
72.33 74.33 74.14 74.09 72.91 71.84 72.77 73.05 71.97 74.95
73.94 70.93 80.02 72.91 72.89 72.02 72.95 73.97 75.1 73.92
73.61 74.61 73.38 78.52 72.28 74.42 72.44 75.27 74.3 74.53
71.33 76.31 71.43 74.36 74.5 72.36 77.31 74.28 72.38 72.28
74.34 73.34 76.3 76.8 73.48 72.34 74.36 74.06 70.97 73.95
72.3 72.17 73.33 76.2 74.11 73.41 77.13 72.02 79.05 73.25
71.97 72.09 73.09 74.08 71.13 74.33 73.3 75.34 75.45 73.38
71.64 72.52 71.36 74.3 76.45 72.36 77.23 73.33 75.3 76.52
72.48 72.5 73.34 80.38 76.33 71.11 73.19 75.25 72.31 75.55
77.47 72.66 81.03 74.31 73.63 75.69 82.66 74.55 72.44 73.56
tai 50 X 20
75.59 73.42 73.41 73.41 72.38 73.39 75.44 74.39 74.38 73.53
75.52 73.59 72.47 75.39 70.58 75.56 71.52 76.66 72.66 74.52
74.42 70.56 72.45 76.67 72.53 77.31 72.56 74.36 73.42 74.38
77.58 76.63 71.5 74.44 73.13 76.06 72.17 98.78 72.47 73.16
75.81 77.41 72.13 76.3 80.28 77.1 74.42 74.27 71.02 72.23
79.47 73.67 73.52 75.78 72.81 74.53 76.84 63.7 74.86 72.09
75.59 73.31 75.92 85.13 85.2 80.38 74.49 77.08 74.52 75.58
80.99 74.86 74.47 77.88 72.55 72.88 78.17 74.89 80.7 74.53
76.91 77.28 74.34 77.95 71.39 78.66 77.5 72.48 76.5 78.33
78.45 77 81.59 79.78 78.73 76.45 75.08 74.36 78.63 80.75
tai 100 X 5
78.11 75.72 79.41 78.13 80.91 78.08 77.97 75.58 77.53 77.99
77.72 78.88 74.8 73.74 74.47 77.55 78.74 74.69 73.58 74.64
75.81 74.95 72.61 80.14 75.11 77.58 81.78 77.09 81.03 76.99
105.3 77.91 74.7 76.78 75.8 74.47 76.59 75.25 75.11 86.67
87.47 77.84 76.52 103.7 76.88 77.66 78.69 75.63 73.67 74.78

R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 R6 R7 R8 R9 R10
79.34 74.13 75.86 74.86 76.99 76.92 75.06 74.09 75.13 77.53
80.16 75.08 79.17 78 79.08 78.56 73.42 76.89 74.22 78.47
74.56 76.34 78.13 81.75 74.13 73.8 76.36 79.8 79.47 73.11
80.98 75.66 79.75 75.7 75.78 105 77.81 76 74.92 75.75
72.33 73.02 75.97 74.78 76.25 81.45 74.89 76.86 77.02 77.78
tai 100 X 10
77.81 98.33 84.92 72.64 74.64 77.75 80.3 74.59 74.8 74.72
80.16 71.72 73.88 73.67 74.67 73.88 78.75 73.8 75.89 70.94
82.52 76.86 82.02 74.81 77.08 83.25 80.89 75.13 75.8 71.75
73.8 79.02 75.73 72.13 73.81 74.75 74.42 72.45 76.41 77.63
75.66 72.34 73.41 74.47 73.42 72.5 72.5 70.47 75.39 74.45
77.28 74.92 77.05 76.83 74.89 75.85 76.89 76.94 73.08 75.22
75.14 73.92 73.94 71 75 73.91 78.92 76.42 74.36 77.02
74.13 78.88 73.99 76.94 77.03 74.92 76.05 73.91 73.88 73.06
72.31 78.14 73.89 74.92 76.06 71.84 75.06 74.91 77.02 72.98
73.14 72.92 72.94 77.2 73.95 75.02 75.94 77.16 76.49 82.28
tai 100 X 20
75.78 77.02 75.91 79.8 83.89 99.91 117.1 83.59 119.6 101.4
101.8 115.8 82.03 73.92 75.98 85.75 98.9 80.19 80.23 75.06
78.77 88.88 78.09 78.62 79.88 73.38 73.08 75.47 77.33 79.3
75.25 71.77 79.25 77.28 91.96 98.75 87.7 90.7 77.53 80.58
88.41 90.72 77.8 73.69 74.75 80.97 95 97.77 88.84 99.37
107.1 107.2 88.64 80.53 78.66 101 91.64 88.44 81.81 88.13
105.3 97.06 91.03 98.5 98.25 89.55 78.7 97.44 89.36 96.64
82.55 77.42 75.61 81.83 81.61 78.5 78.67 82.8 87.22 102.3
94.44 84.56 88.03 86.17 78.65 83.45 86.28 107.4 90.31 93.16
79.83 90.09 77.92 76.67 79.41 77.53 84.28 80.53 74.42 80.39
tai 200 X 10
77.75 78.77 83.52 74.44 79.51 80.45 84.25 82.36 75.38 77.44
82.78 74.44 77.45 78.64 82.42 76.11 77.05 79.13 76.97 79.33
81.06 80.55 81.84 109.1 85.47 91.95 81.22 84.52 77.64 85.62
78 78.55 75.42 77.49 82.36 78.39 78.36 77.42 80.34 77.56
77.23 84.25 83.91 75.67 84.8 83.81 89.33 77.03 77.66 78.64
86.11 89.22 85.95 83.74 85.7 82.63 81.8 85.59 81.97 82.56
83.72 82.94 79.86 84.86 81.59 84 83.99 79.81 85.63 80.92
81.52 84.22 89.05 82.94 97.09 81.25 87.11 78.86 81 80.84
81.64 79.83 83.69 85.78 82.81 81.53 108.8 87.67 85.72 78.63
83.75 83.02 81.83 84.97 80.91 82.63 82.38 84.34 81.39 80.28
tai 200 X 20
80.14 84.48 81.41 83.55 82.39 80.59 82.34 81.33 84.16 97.5
81.09 84.2 85.53 80.64 86.2 83.44 82.36 82.33 86.17 85.44
83.22 87.7 82.72 86.02 82.78 79.55 85.39 89.16 82.19 82.58
85.3 87.31 84.2 81.98 78.73 85.86 83.56 83.95 82.83 83.91
81.52 83.83 84.77 80.99 80.03 81.7 81.88 82.39 81.73 86.34

Table B.3 CPU Times of SPPSO

R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 R6 R7 R8 R9 R10
8.829 7.816 3.214 7.971 10.59 4.383 9.033 7.02 7.113 8.456
10.92 7.363 8.003 7.488 7.628 7.894 6.926 7.176 7.66 8.471
7.488 0.749 7.566 9.703 8.58 7.223 4.399 7.551 7.878 7.488
9.235 8.533 8.097 9.453 7.457 8.066 8.517 9.126 8.627 9.173
8.767 8.097 4.789 7.597 7.519 7.676 3.775 9.126 7.55 8.112
tai 20 X 5
8.253 9.282 10.23 0.733 10.56 8.315 7.956 9.734 9.267 3.229
8.284 8.814 9.391 9.235 8.097 8.143 7.753 8.877 7.737 9.376
3.276 7.941 8.08 9.017 9.017 9.204 9.781 9.283 1.388 8.299
9.641 0.998 2.949 4.773 9.189 9.532 10.34 9.844 8.923 9.672
1.264 9.859 9.875 9.033 7.737 9.407 4.103 8.876 3.526 10.16
9.204 9.953 9.765 9.423 12.06 9.719 8.876 14.77 9.142 10.86
9.734 8.643 8.892 9.578 10.23 10.44 9.672 10.61 12.01 9.08
11.14 9.922 10.94 9.345 9.454 9.172 10.53 9.517 10.05 10.27
9.313 12.36 10.11 9.75 8.892 8.799 8.705 8.939 8.704 11.2
9.251 9.984 9.875 9.126 9.095 8.908 9.204 9.001 8.767 9.079
tai 20 X 10
9.283 8.798 8.97 9.251 9.204 9.376 9.391 9.656 9.095 9.033
9.251 9.36 9.204 9.641 9.204 9.578 9.235 9.111 8.767 9.594
11.84 11.01 10.59 10.61 11.7 10.17 8.627 8.549 8.939 11.17
10.62 9.313 9.282 9.126 8.986 9.048 9.235 9.095 9.376 10.44
9.797 8.783 8.721 8.829 8.908 9.329 8.907 8.861 8.923 8.799
8.798 8.924 9.126 8.736 8.767 8.845 8.814 9.017 9.251 8.861
8.908 8.751 8.705 9.36 11.22 8.517 8.596 17.53 8.721 8.767
8.268 8.253 8.221 8.237 11.67 16.21 13.74 9.906 17.44 16.54
11.81 14.98 9.688 10.66 9.563 10.44 10.44 9.5 10.14 9.532
9.937 9.89 9.392 9.188 9.719 14.56 9.469 8.877 10.06 9.5
tai 20X 20
9.937 8.955 8.72 8.783 8.471 8.767 9.064 9.017 8.954 15.34
10.48 10.02 9.875 9.016 8.705 9.048 8.612 8.829 8.908 8.876
9.485 9.189 8.939 9.344 8.923 8.752 8.486 9.173 9.735 9.625
9.376 13.82 10.61 9.158 19.09 16.82 15.27 10.51 10.03 10.81
15.34 8.876 8.814 9.033 9.032 8.955 8.751 16.86 15.43 8.393

R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 R6 R7 R8 R9 R10
2.59 9.079 9.984 11.31 12.9 10.19 3.432 1.202 7.191 15.77
14.18 14.32 18.63 16.94 15.8 16.27 17.4 17.78 15.71 17.94
16.91 17.69 16.05 19.27 15.58 8.97 8.721 8.595 8.892 9.064
8.861 9.859 9.797 9.672 9.423 9.672 8.985 9.189 8.814 9.001
9.033 9.484 9.002 8.611 8.502 8.986 8.892 9.251 8.892 9.141
tai 50 X 5
5.523 9.11 8.58 9.095 8.643 8.954 9.61 9.953 10.53 10.37
9.048 9.297 8.861 5.32 1.591 9.033 5.522 0.203 8.642 8.939
8.736 8.627 9.407 9.656 9.158 9.625 8.986 8.673 8.877 10.67
9.657 9.75 10.12 8.877 8.751 9.079 9.017 9.173 9.547 10.16
1.81 1.31 2.699 5.507 9.079 2.808 8.736 0.156 0.702 0.328
9.734 9.22 8.939 9.095 10.03 9.516 10.36 14.74 10.08 14.79
9.828 9.204 9.235 9.142 9.094 9.205 9.048 9.672 12.03 9.314
9.453 9.563 9.282 9.251 9.079 9.251 9.329 9.095 9.095 9.188
8.845 9.142 9.345 9.578 9.251 8.83 8.736 8.892 9.937 8.83
9.157 8.892 8.83 8.673 8.767 8.908 9.079 10.45 9.626 9.5
tai 50 X 10
9.625 9.205 9.625 9.188 9.142 9.017 8.97 10.45 8.986 9.016
9.813 9.11 9.08 8.845 18.35 8.97 8.892 8.767 8.783 8.783
8.923 8.97 10.97 8.72 8.674 8.705 9.001 8.705 8.658 8.658
8.736 8.721 8.658 8.845 8.673 10.81 10.72 11.51 11.55 11.54
11.09 14.42 11.89 8.752 8.751 8.892 8.799 8.954 8.658 8.736
9.563 9.485 9.423 9.095 9.032 9.095 9.407 9.422 9.36 9.594
9.501 9.687 10.25 9.625 9.797 9.173 9.016 9.501 9.313 9.688
9.734 9.75 9.423 9.89 10.05 10.55 10.53 10.11 9.61 9.563
9.454 10.44 10.53 10.94 9.453 10.98 10.17 10.08 9.968 10.31
10.27 10.17 10.19 10.23 9.999 10.23 14.41 11.59 9.688 9.859
tai 50 X 20
9.719 9.657 9.406 9.407 9.298 9.204 9.485 9.282 9.204 9.391
9.782 9.594 9.126 9.328 9.236 9.391 9.61 9.375 9.501 9.5
9.423 9.765 9.626 9.344 9.579 9.859 9.656 9.563 9.516 9.516
9.672 9.906 10.13 9.422 9.454 10.06 9.766 9.391 9.5 11.3
9.719 10.19 10.12 9.454 9.656 9.672 9.423 9.531 9.563 9.906
3.37 6.396 4.945 9.781 0.11 0.608 2.403 9.984 3.541 2.075
10.02 9.766 11.58 13.84 13.82 11.81 12.28 12.9 11.29 15.41
9.766 9.843 9.828 9.22 9.251 10.17 9.969 9.999 9.782 9.079
9.547 10.06 12.09 10.17 10.28 9.859 9.376 15.77 15.88 11.9
9.641 9.844 9.329 9.173 9.157 12.18 15.52 9.11 9.095 9.22
tai 100 X 5
9.36 9.266 9.173 9.188 9.236 9.141 9.158 9.235 9.11 9.111
12.17 17.53 9.407 9.158 9.11 9.188 9.282 9.329 9.267 9.251
9.235 12.65 16.8 14.49 11.05 9.251 9.407 9.22 12.54 19.33
19.39 18.42 18.46 18.86 17.61 17.19 17.86 12.37 10.92 20.67
14.26 10.91 10.78 10.7 10.89 10.81 11.23 9.391 9.298 9.313

R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 R6 R7 R8 R9 R10
10.16 9.937 10.23 10.31 10.27 10.02 10.52 9.968 9.953 10.22
10.25 9.796 10.08 9.828 9.953 9.859 9.875 9.641 9.766 9.828
10.14 9.968 10.06 10.17 10.08 10.05 10.59 10 9.922 9.843
10.13 10.08 9.828 9.984 9.875 9.984 10.14 10.19 10.2 9.906
10.2 10.13 9.906 10.67 10.44 10.05 9.953 9.937 10.36 9.812
tai 100 X 10
10.28 9.843 9.938 9.937 9.844 9.968 9.719 9.781 10.17 9.891
10.06 9.922 9.968 9.844 9.859 10.17 10.2 10.06 10.23 10.06
10.22 10.25 10.16 10.36 10.47 10.59 10.3 10.27 10.31 10.33
10.53 10.42 10.14 10.2 10.19 10.14 10.09 10.25 10.67 10.41
10.8 10.27 10.36 11.47 11.19 10.44 10.08 10.69 10.27 10.27
11.84 11.37 11.3 11.53 11.69 12.67 12.42 11.97 12.42 12.57
12.45 11.7 13 12.73 11.98 11.78 11.81 12.25 11.97 12.87
12.85 12.39 11.64 11.62 12.67 14.01 14.15 14.1 14.24 13.48
13.49 11.51 11.31 11.42 14.46 13.98 11.4 11.33 11.43 13.42
12.28 11.76 11.73 12.67 13.14 13.45 12.03 11.86 12.01 12.11
tai 100 X 20
12.03 11.67 11.56 11.93 12.15 11.51 11.84 11.59 11.44 11.42
11.92 11.51 12.26 11.51 11.4 11.36 11.47 11.34 11.42 11.33
11.86 11.65 12.35 11.61 12.31 11.78 11.67 15.71 16.6 15.51
14.02 14.7 15.46 11.9 11.62 11.64 11.89 12.71 16.86 11.98
12.18 12.12 12.53 12 11.61 11.7 11.67 11.2 11.25 11.48
15.54 15.12 14.76 14.77 14.87 14.73 15.13 14.51 14.42 14.57
15.07 14.07 13.96 14.04 13.98 14.1 13.99 14.06 14.01 14.18
15.66 14.7 14.55 14.62 14.84 15.37 15.4 15.41 16.65 15.62
18.27 21.79 18.36 19.42 15.01 14.24 14.37 14.4 14.32 14.27
14.85 14.29 14.26 14.01 13.99 14.13 14.1 13.99 14.01 14.32
tai 200 X 10
14.84 14.24 14.12 14.1 14.21 14.12 14.9 16.22 19.73 17.6
14.74 14.03 14.1 14.01 13.99 14.04 13.9 13.88 14.03 14.01
14.99 14.15 14.46 14.54 14.27 14.18 14.31 14.26 15.1 19.05
17.66 13.84 13.84 14.2 13.9 13.99 13.92 13.84 13.9 13.85
15.29 14.27 14.26 14.27 16.18 14.18 14.35 14.23 14.37 14.57
21.89 20.39 23.32 25.77 20.17 20.06 20.27 20.2 20.39 21.06
21.75 19.86 19.91 19.59 19.52 19.77 19.81 20.27 20.11 20.17
26.16 21.5 25.68 25.33 29.58 23.87 24.59 20.36 19.72 19.77
21.03 19.48 19.66 19.55 23.77 28.39 28.22 28.36 26.47 20.16
21.92 20.26 20.33 20.36 20.03 20.36 20.31 20.62 20.47 20.47
tai 200 X 20
21.73 20.11 20.22 20.14 19.98 20.8 20.47 20.45 20.67 20.22
22.57 20.56 20.25 21.14 20.16 20.97 19.98 20.05 20.31 20.55
22.34 20.34 20.97 20.12 20.65 20.37 20.9 20.36 20.39 20.41
21.56 20.41 20.69 20.2 20.06 20.64 20.67 20.72 20.73 20.17
21.81 20.03 20.34 20.3 20.39 21.09 20.59 20.4 20.84 20.45

Table B.4 CPU Times of DDE

R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 R6 R7 R8 R9 R10
10 11.19 0.998 9.938 10.11 9.376 4.618 9.656 10.06 9.626
9.796 9.953 9.782 9.531 2.761 9.158 9.516 9.563 9.5 9.438
9.641 6.505 10.09 9.673 9.828 9.594 9.547 7.254 9.438 9.641
9.625 9.516 9.563 9.454 9.531 9.641 3.463 9.47 10.17 9.532
9.656 9.594 9.719 9.641 9.656 9.828 9.922 9.828 9.75 9.891
tai 20 X 5
10.17 9.703 9.703 9.797 9.844 9.859 9.828 9.938 9.89 9.906
9.859 10.02 10.55 9.922 9.844 9.921 9.906 9.891 9.937 12.26
9.968 10.06 10.06 10.02 10.61 10.31 10.16 10.17 10.19 10.2
10.2 8.455 8.627 10.27 10.37 2.418 10.27 10.84 10.3 10.39
10.48 2.683 10.58 3.916 10.64 10.58 10.7 10.67 10.22 10.83
11.43 11.55 11.43 12.43 11.54 11.65 11.69 11.62 11.62 11.75
11.59 11.53 11.59 11.67 11.65 11.67 11.67 11.72 11.73 13.28
11.84 11.95 11.9 11.95 11.97 11.98 11.89 12.15 12.01 11.98
12.01 12.37 12.15 12.37 12.17 11.92 11.9 12.51 12.56 12.5
12.54 12.4 12.32 11.93 12 11.83 11.9 12.2 11.81 11.79
tai 20 X 10
11.89 11.93 11.84 11.87 12.08 11.98 11.73 12.03 11.97 11.81
12 12.4 12.5 12.06 11.89 12.06 12.62 12.31 11.94 12.03
12.14 12.23 11.68 11.78 11.97 12.09 12.54 12.42 12.54 12.15
12.42 12.37 12.36 12.32 11.97 11.73 11.67 12.09 12.31 11.87
12.08 12.14 11.93 11.92 12.08 12.12 12.15 11.92 12 12.31
14.71 14.43 14.8 14.71 14.34 14.74 14.68 14.49 14.2 14.23
14.32 14.23 14.29 14.21 14.09 13.82 14.01 14.63 14.07 13.9
14.51 14.1 14.07 14.6 14.34 14.2 14.52 14.6 14.63 14.85
14.32 14.29 14.67 14.45 14.12 14.18 14.04 13.81 13.81 14.27
13.95 14.07 14.6 14.34 14.31 14.32 14.43 14.98 14.68 14.79
tai 20X 20
14.38 14.32 14.43 14.37 14.18 14.7 14.38 14.27 14.29 14.35
14.17 14.15 14.18 14.09 14.23 14.26 14.1 14.63 14.74 14.77
14.63 14.81 14.49 15.46 14.37 14.42 14.46 14.42 14.34 14.45
14.49 14.48 14.27 14.21 14.09 14.1 14.46 14.09 14.51 14.48
14.57 14.35 14.26 14.15 14.32 14.18 14.21 14.73 14.51 14.49

R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 R6 R7 R8 R9 R10
46.8 46.57 46.5 46.96 46.88 46.54 46.47 46.16 45.96 46.16
44.54 44.46 44.84 44.93 44.57 45.15 44.68 44.51 44.96 44.38
44.23 43.99 19.81 44.02 43.96 44.57 45.05 45.01 45.02 27.94
45.38 45.6 45.55 43.46 42.5 42.74 42.59 42.76 42.89 42.51
44.04 44.2 43.98 44.18 44.13 44.07 44.24 44.04 43.91 44.2
tai 50 X 5
42.7 42.39 42.11 42.09 42.42 42.36 42.64 42.31 25.8 42.01
43.49 44.09 43.68 43.57 44.12 34.88 43.95 44.1 22.57 43.84
43.2 42.89 43.18 43.07 43.46 43.2 42.76 43.1 43.1 43.26
43.37 43.24 43.54 43.4 43.63 43.38 43.26 43.37 43.4 43.51
42 17.55 42.04 42.34 42.62 42.1 42.14 42.25 42.51 42.06
56.36 54.49 54.94 54.73 55.47 55.55 55.27 55.62 54.93 56.38
56.85 56.58 55.9 57.02 55.99 56.11 57.27 57.33 56.71 56.68
54.3 54.87 55.26 54.8 54.19 54.04 54.9 55.23 54.9 54.65
55.82 54.85 55.18 55.24 55.35 55.8 55.71 55.58 55.76 56.19
55.19 56.19 54.01 55.19 54.94 55.85 54.77 55.16 55.47 54.34
tai 50 X 10
55.04 57.47 56.21 56.55 56.77 56.02 56.83 57.58 56.68 55.57
57.58 56.94 57.63 58.3 57.28 58.22 57.81 57.69 57.27 57.33
56.61 55.99 56.89 56.69 55.52 56.8 56.79 56.3 57.61 56.11
56.41 55.63 55.79 56.24 56.65 56.88 55.97 55.97 57.1 56.39
56.71 57.28 57.11 56.91 56.53 57.72 58.06 57.58 57.94 57.66
97.94 93.4 92.49 93.6 92.68 92.48 91.25 92.28 89.15 89.11
89.54 89.67 92.04 89.95 88.61 88.25 87.91 87.58 89.47 86.16
86.92 88.34 89.45 89.53 90.39 86.25 85.49 86.8 86.83 85.5
86.25 86.41 84.07 83.96 85.02 87.1 85.91 85.15 87.03 86.58
86.38 85.6 85.71 88.76 86.66 85.41 87.38 88.39 89.72 92.12
tai 50 X 20
87.28 87.99 91.01 90.56 87.89 88.67 87.86 85.83 90.65 86.67
89.76 89.9 89.03 90.86 93.18 92.17 92.45 93.16 92.43 92.79
90.54 95.24 93.45 93.38 94.91 97.44 96.8 92.45 92.98 92.59
92.56 93.9 97.13 100.3 95.65 96.32 94.35 94.96 93.13 94.63
93.37 95.22 94.93 99.42 103.1 103.4 103.9 96.02 98.48 102.1
339.4 325.5 174.2 158.1 320.3 322.7 140.4 324.1 328.5 183
306.9 307.8 288.2 288.1 286.1 287.4 318.6 320 314.5 291.8
324.3 334.9 329.3 322.5 323.5 315 314 312.7 313.9 322.4
317.6 315.2 314.5 328 331.4 321.4 324.7 322.6 314.5 317.3
311.4 314.2 312.6 318 313.1 325.5 324.8 318.2 316.9 317.9
tai 100 X 5
318.4 316.2 317.7 193.8 320.5 325.8 317.6 317.5 315.3 318.8
321.5 323.7 330.7 313.4 329.4 303.2 303.3 303.7 302 303.5
341.1 333 340.9 339.3 330 326.8 323.9 342 314.8 221.6
326.3 318.3 315 318.6 326.3 328.9 333 335.4 310.5 327
325.7 331.8 332.4 330.5 339.1 331.2 318.9 325.6 346 318.7

R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 R6 R7 R8 R9 R10
491.6 475.3 489.3 492.8 432.6 429.8 440.9 501 473.9 437.4
434 434.1 429 439.8 436.9 431.5 425.1 423.9 435.4 446.6
430.6 437.1 423.9 427.4 430.4 430.6 423.1 423.3 432.7 439.3
409.3 407 488.6 448.6 408.5 421.3 435.9 408.8 405.6 443.5
466.2 473.3 420.5 438.1 415.9 417.7 425.3 427.5 416.2 412.7
tai 100 X 10
404.5 425.1 419.7 415.7 434.2 426.3 427.9 420.1 414.1 413.1
439.2 432.8 426.9 417.8 411.4 416.8 418.9 423.3 414.6 445.9
417.9 414 415 410.3 417.5 408.7 405.7 438.5 441.6 491.1
475.3 491.3 481.5 477 465.2 439.4 437.2 437.6 436.1 448.2
435.5 447.6 440.2 460.4 444.5 436.8 448.5 450.6 448.5 440.2
653.8 665.1 663.1 684 652.4 655.7 656.3 666.2 653.3 665.2
635.7 654.3 624.3 628.3 647.1 640.5 649.3 656.3 661.3 660.6
680.9 671.1 661.4 652.7 660.2 659.7 676.5 668.1 671.3 657.1
633.6 634.5 627.8 644.1 637.4 640.9 643.9 635 640.1 640.2
675.8 687.5 672.1 687.5 678.6 655.1 673.4 684.2 671.4 659.8
tai 100 X 20
653.6 660.8 639.3 649.8 578.8 593.3 598.8 590.8 595.4 587.7
582.6 585.9 582 584 590.2 579.9 581.3 582.4 597.7 583.3
612.6 607 611 600.7 604.8 596.7 593.8 595.7 585 600.9
595.7 592.3 585.9 601.7 593.8 597.6 600.9 597.1 600.2 593.3
628.6 636.6 634.6 618.9 625.4 630.5 642.7 630.5 642.7 630.7
3266 3264 3146 3154 3145 3151 3164 3151 3164 3158
3071 3071 3080 3079 3063 3075 3081 3075 3081 3084
3162 3158 3164 3170 3160 3184 3161 3168 3166 3167
3701 3669 3669 3164 3158 3625 3630 642.7 3151 3071
3071 3071 3158 3081 3084 3145 3151 3164 3075 3158
tai 200 X 10
3162 3158 4669 3166 3167 3063 3075 3081 3184 4669
4701 4669 3079 3087 3071 3145 3151 3071 3125 3158
3215 3101 3170 3160 3184 3063 3075 3162 3166 4669
3164 3158 625.4 630.5 642.7 3160 3184 3001 3151 3071
3158 3166 3167 3063 3075 3081 3184 3269 3075 3167
4233 4197 4199 4239 4248 4223 4234 4238 4235 4256
4135 4223 4183 4208 4178 4290 4236 4251 4217 4338
4333 4197 4199 4119 4148 4111 4114 4338 4335 4356
4135 4334 4181 4118 4208 4178 4290 4236 4251 4217
4348 4333 4114 4118 4223 4181 4208 4135 4112 4183
tai 200 X 20
4208 4178 4290 4216 4251 4217 4118 4335 4356 4256
4133 4197 4199 4119 4148 4111 4114 4138 4135 4156
4135 4112 4181 4108 4178 4190 4116 4151 4117 4338
4333 4197 4199 4339 4348 4333 4334 4338 4335 4356
4135 4334 4183 4338 4108 4178 4190 4136 4151 4117



Prob. Upper Prob. Upper
Benchmark N M Benchmark N M
Set Bound Set Bound
tai001 20 5 1278 tai031 50 5 2724
tai002 20 5 1290 tai032 50 5 2834
tai003 20 5 1081 tai033 50 5 2621
tai004 20 5 1293 tai034 50 5 2751
tai005 20 5 1236 tai035 50 5 2863
tai 20 X 5 tai 50 X 5
tai006 20 5 1195 tai036 50 5 2829
tai007 20 5 1239 tai037 50 5 2725
tai008 20 5 1206 tai038 50 5 2683
tai009 20 5 1230 tai039 50 5 2552
tai010 20 5 1108 tai040 50 5 2782
tai011 20 10 1582 tai041 50 10 2991
tai012 20 10 1659 tai042 50 10 2867
tai013 20 10 1496 tai043 50 10 2839
tai014 20 10 1378 tai044 50 10 3063
tai015 20 10 1419 tai045 50 10 2976
tai 20 X 10 tai 50 X 10
tai016 20 10 1397 tai046 50 10 3006
tai017 20 10 1484 tai047 50 10 3093
tai018 20 10 1538 tai048 50 10 3037
tai019 20 10 1593 tai049 50 10 2897
tai020 20 10 1591 tai050 50 10 3065
tai021 20 20 2297 tai051 50 20 3850
tai022 20 20 2099 tai052 50 20 3704
tai023 20 20 2326 tai053 50 20 3641
tai024 20 20 2223 tai054 50 20 3723
tai025 20 20 2291 tai055 50 20 3611
tai 20X 20 tai 50 X 20
tai026 20 20 2226 tai056 50 20 3681
tai027 20 20 2273 tai057 50 20 3705
tai028 20 20 2200 tai058 50 20 3691
tai029 20 20 2237 tai059 50 20 3743
tai030 20 20 2178 tai060 50 20 3756

Prob. Upper Prob. Upper
Benchmark N M Benchmark N M
Set Bound Set Bound
tai061 100 5 5493 tai086 100 20 6364
tai062 100 5 5268 tai087 100 20 6268
tai 100 X 20
tai063 100 5 5175 tai088 100 20 6401
tai064 100 5 5014 tai089 100 20 6275
tai065 100 5 5250 tai090 100 20 6434
tai 100 X 5
tai066 100 5 5135 tai091 200 10 10862
tai067 100 5 5246 tai092 200 10 10480
tai068 100 5 5094 tai093 200 10 10922
tai069 100 5 5448 tai094 200 10 10889
tai070 100 5 5322 tai095 200 10 10524
tai 200 X 10
tai071 100 10 5770 tai096 200 10 10329
tai072 100 10 5349 tai097 200 10 10854
tai073 100 10 5676 tai098 200 10 10730
tai074 100 10 5781 tai099 200 10 10438
tai075 100 10 5467 tai100 200 10 10675
tai 100 X 10
tai076 100 10 5303 tai101 200 20 11195
tai077 100 10 5595 tai102 200 20 11203
tai078 100 10 5617 tai103 200 20 11331
tai079 100 10 5871 tai104 200 20 11294
tai080 100 10 5845 tai105 200 20 11259
tai 200 X 20
tai081 100 20 6202 tai106 200 20 11176
tai082 100 20 6186 tai107 200 20 11368
tai 100 X 20 tai083 100 20 6252 tai108 200 20 11334
tai084 100 20 6269 tai109 200 20 11192
tai085 100 20 6314 tai110 200 20 11284




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