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Water Distribution Network Design by Partial Enumeration

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The document discusses water distribution network design and optimization techniques to find optimal solutions.

The thesis deals with using an optimization technique called partial enumeration to help designers find optimal solutions for water distribution network design.

The method used is the partial enumeration technique developed by Gessler, which is applied using commercial software called WADISO SA.










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Prof. Dr. Canan ZGEN Director I certify that this thesis satisfies all the requirements as a thesis for the degree of Master of Science

Prof. Dr. Erdal OKCA Head of Department This is to certify that we have read this thesis and that in our opinion it is fully adequate, in scope and quality, as a thesis for the degree of Master of Science

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nuri Merzi Supervisor Examining Committee Members Prof. Dr. Doan ALTINBLEK Prof. Dr. Uygur ENDL Prof. Dr. Melih YANMAZ Assoc. Prof.Dr. Nuri MERZ Metin MISIRDALI, MSc. (METU, CE) (METU, CE) (METU, CE) (METU, CE) (YOLSU,CE)

I hereby declare that all information in this document has been obtained and presented in accordance with academic rules and ethical conduct. I also declare that, as required by these rules and conduct, I have fully cited and referenced all material and results that are not original to this work. Name, Last name: KELE, GLTEKN Signature :


WATER DISTRIBUTION NETWORK DESIGN BY PARTIAL ENUMERATION KELE, Gltekin M.S., Department of Civil Engineering Supervisor: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nuri MERZ December 2005, 114 pages Water distribution networks are being designed by traditional methods based on rules-of-thumb and personal experience of the designer. However, since there is no unique solution to any network design, namely there are various combinations of pipes, pumps, tanks all of which satisfy the same pressure and velocity restrictions, it is most probable that the design performed by traditional techniques is not the optimum one. This study deals how an optimization technique can be a useful tool for a designer during the design to find a solution. The method used within the study is the partial enumeration technique developed by Gessler. The technique is applied by a commercially available software, i.e. WADISO SA. The study is focused on discrepancies between a network designed by traditional techniques and the same network designed by partial enumeration method. Attention is given to steps of enumeration, which are basically grouping of pipes, candidate pipe size and price function assignments, to demonstrate that the designers can control all the phases of optimization process. In this respect, special attention is given to price functions to show the effect of them on the result. The study also revealed that the cost of fitting materials cannot be included in the price function although it may have significant effect in a system composed of closely located junctions. iv

The results obtained from this study are useful to show that although optimization methods do not provide a definite solution; partial enumeration method can assist designers to select the optimum system combination. Keywords: Water Distribution Networks, Optimization, Partial Enumeration Method, WADISO, Price Function.

KISM SAYIM LE SU DAITIM EBEKELER TASARIMI KELE, Gltekin Yksek Lisans, naat Mhendislii Blm Tez Yneticisi: Do. Dr. Nuri MERZ Aralk 2005, 114 sayfa Su datm ebekeleri belli ilkeler ve tasarmcnn kiisel deneyimine dayanan geleneksel metotlarla tasarlanmaktadr. Ancak, su datm ebekesi tasarmnda tek bir zm olmamasndan dolay, ayn basn ve hz limitlerini salayan bir ok boru, pompa, depo ve benzeri kombinasyon varlndan dolay, geleneksel yntemlerle yaplan tasarm byk bir ihtimalle optimum sonu olmayacaktr. Bu alma, bir optimizasyon tekniinin, sonuca ulamak isteyen tasarmc iin nasl kullanl bir alet olduunu irdelemitir. almada kullanlan metot, Gessler tarafndan gelitirilmi ksmi saym tekniidir. Bu teknik, ticari olarak mevcut bir bilgisayar program, WADISO SA, ile uygulanmtr. alma, geleneksel tekniklerle tasarlanm bir sistem tasarm ile ayn sistemin ksmi saym metodu ile yaplan tasarm arasndaki farklar zerine eilmitir. zellikle ksmi saym metodunun temel olarak boru gruplandrma, aday boru aplar ve fiyat fonksiyonu olan kademelerine eilinerek tasarmcsnn optimizasyon srecinin her aamasn kontrol edebilecei gsterilmitir. Bu balamda, fiyat fonksiyonu ile zel olarak ilgilenerek sonu zerindeki etkileri gsterilmitir. alma sonucunda, fiyat fonksiyonuna dahil edilemeyen boru balant elemanlarnn youn balantlara sahip bir sistemde toplam fiyat zerinde nemli bir etkiye sahip olabilecekleri de elde edilmitir.


Bu almadan elde edilen sonular, optimizasyon tekniklerinin kesin sonu salamamalarna ramen, ksmi saym metodunun optimum sistem kombinasyonunu belirlemede tasarmc iin etkili bir yardmc olduunu gstermektedir. Anahtar Kelimeler: Su Datm ebekeleri, Optimizasyon, Ksmi Saym Metodu, WADISO, Fiyat Fonksiyonu.


To My Parents


I would like to thank to my supervisor Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nuri MERZ for his guidance, advice, criticism and encouragements throughout the research. It was a pleasure to me to conduct this thesis under his supervision. I thank WADISO S.A. for allowing me to conduct my thesis using their software package and Dr. Alex Sinske for his kind assistance. I extend my sincere thanks to my employers Mr. Blent KUYUMCU and Mr. .alan KUYUMCU together with all the managers of my company for their patience and understanding during my research. With this opportunity, I would like to express my deepest love and gratitude to my family Kadriye and Muammer Kele, Nurgl and Aykut KABAYEL. I wish I could write better sentences to show that I owe all I have and who I am to them. I am so thankful for their endless support, encourage and deep faith in me. Last but not least, thank you my little niece Sena just for your sweet smile.


PLAGIARISM...............................................................................................iii ABSTRACT........................................................................................................iv ACKNOWLEGMENTS............................................................................................ix LIST OF TABLES....................................................................................................xii LIST OF FIGURES.................................................................................................xiii LIST OF SYMBOLS................................................................................................xv

1. INTRODUCTION.................................................................................................. 1 2. OPTIMIZATION OF WATER DISTRIBUTION NETWORKS ..................... 3 2.1 DEFINITION................................................................................................... 3 2.2 OPTIMIZATION METHODS....................................................................... 3 2.2.1. Traditional (Trial-and-Error) Approach ...................................................... 4 2.2.2 Linear Programming Methods...................................................................... 5 2.2.3 Nonlinear Programming Methods ................................................................ 5 2.2.4 Genetic Algorithms ...................................................................................... 5 2.2.5 Partial Enumeration Technique .................................................................... 6 2.3 ADVANTAGES AND DISADVANTAGES OF OPTIMIZATION ........... 6 2.4 GRADUAL (STAGED) EXPANSION OF NETWORKS ........................... 8 3. PARTIAL ENUMARATION USING WADISO .............................................. 10 3.1 HISTORY....................................................................................................... 10 3.2 REASONS FOR AN ENUMARATION ALGORITHM ........................... 11 3.3 ALGORITHM USED IN WADISO ............................................................ 11 3.4. HYDRAULIC NETWORK ANALYSIS.................................................... 15 3.4.1 Loop Method .............................................................................................. 17 3.4.2 Node Method .............................................................................................. 18 3.4.3 Comparison of Loop and Node Methods ................................................... 18 3.4.4 Node Method Used in WADISO................................................................ 18

3.5 STEPS OF PARTIAL ENUMARATION WITH WADISO ..................... 20 3.5.1 Pipe Grouping............................................................................................. 20 3.5.2 Pipe Size Assignment ................................................................................. 24 3.5.3 Price Functions ........................................................................................... 27 Price Functions for the Case Study ........................................................ 45 3.5.4 Loading Patterns and Pressure Constraints ................................................ 59 3.5.5 Pump and Tank Inclusion........................................................................... 61 3.5.6 Pareto Optimal Solutions............................................................................ 62 4. CASE STUDY ...................................................................................................... 64 4.1 AIM OF THE STUDY .................................................................................. 64 4.2 WATER DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM OF ANKARA................................. 64 4.3 STUDY AREA ............................................................................................... 66 4.3.1 N8 Pressure Zone ....................................................................................... 66 4.4. HYDRAULIC MODEL ............................................................................... 71 4.4.1. Layout of the Pipes in N8 Pressure Zone .................................................. 71 4.4.2. Nodal Demands ......................................................................................... 71 4.4.3. Analysis of Existing System...................................................................... 71 4.4.4. Optimization of the Existing System......................................................... 74 Grouping of the Pipes Considering Whole System............................... 74 Skeletonization of the Existing System ................................................. 74 Grouping of Pipes for the Skeletonized Network .................................. 79 Candidate Pipe Sizes ............................................................................. 82 Price Functions...................................................................................... 82 Optimization Results With August Demands ....................................... 85 Optimization Results with Demands Including Pipe Leakages and Year 2020.................................................................................................................... 87 5. CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS ............................................... 99 REFERENCES....................................................................................................... 102 APPENDICES A - Pressure values of Optimum System with various price functions and under three loadings (Peak, Fire and Night Demands of Year 2020) 106


Table 3.1: Candidate pipe sizes for first run .............................................................. 25 Table 3.2: Revised Candidate Pipe Sizes for Second Run......................................... 26 Table 3.3: Final Candidate Diameters and Optimum Sizes ....................................... 26 Table 3.4: Advantageous properties of GRP pipes .................................................... 29 Table 3.5: Comparison of ductile iron (ANSI/AWWA C150/A21.50 and ANSI/AWWA C151/A21.51) and PE pipe (ANSI/AWWA C906) standards .. 37 Table 3.6: The total cost of the system (fitting with unequal tee).............................. 43 Table 3.7: Activities / materials for HDPE Price Function........................................ 44 Table 3.8 Activities / materials for Steel or Ductile Price Function .......................... 45 Table 3.9: Trench dimensions and excavation, bedding and fill volumes for HDPE Pipes ................................................................................................................... 48 Table 3.10: Price Function for HDPE Pipes .............................................................. 49 Table 3.11: Price Function for HDPE Pipes according to market data...................... 50 Table 3.12: Material unit prices for steel ................................................................... 51 Table 3.13: Unit prices for steel pipes ....................................................................... 53 Table 3.14: Trench dimensions and excavation, bedding and fill volumes for Steel 55 Table 3.15: Price Function for Ductile Iron Pipes ..................................................... 56 Table 3.16: Price Functions given by EPA (Transformed from US Dollar/ ft into YTL/m) .............................................................................................................. 57 Table 4.1: Nodes with pressure values below 30m.................................................... 72 Table 4.2: Pipe Groups of Skeletonized Network...................................................... 81 Table 4.3: Candidate Pipe Sizes to determine if the system is over-designed or underdesigned. ............................................................................................................ 83 Table 4.4: Candidate Pipe Sizes for the final run....................................................... 84 Table 4.5: Price Function given by Goulter and Coals .............................................. 85 Table 4.6: Nodes of Optimized System with pressure values less than 30m............. 88 Table 4.7: Optimum Diameters with August Demands ............................................. 89 Table 4.8: Pressure Constraints for Optimization ...................................................... 92 Table 4.9: Total System Cost Optimized With Various Price Functions .................. 93 Table 4.10: Optimum pipe diameters depending on price functions ......................... 94


Figure 3.1: Schematic Flowchart for Partial Enumeration Technique....................... 13 Figure 3.2: A simple looped network......................................................................... 17 Figure 3.3: Grouping of main lines ............................................................................ 21 Figure 3.4: Grouping of main tributaries ................................................................... 22 Figure 3.5: Grouping of parallel pipes ....................................................................... 22 Figure 3.6: Sample Network For Pipe Grouping ....................................................... 24 Figure 3.7 Connection of GRP Pipes ......................................................................... 30 Figure 3.8 GRP Water Transmission Line................................................................. 31 Figure 3.9 Electrofusion coupling of PE Pipes .......................................................... 33 Figure 3.10 Pipe jointing methods for PE Pipes ........................................................ 34 Figure 3.11 Ductile Iron production in the past for all sectors .................................. 35 Figure 3.12 Ductile and Cast Iron under microscope ................................................ 36 Figure 3.13: Flanges................................................................................................... 39 Figure 3.14: Bends (90)............................................................................................ 39 Figure 3.15: Bends (45)............................................................................................ 40 Figure 3.16: Equal Tee............................................................................................... 40 Figure 3.17: Unequal tee ............................................................................................ 41 Figure 3.18: Reducer.................................................................................................. 41 Figure 3.19: Example Fitting Layout (with unequal tee)........................................... 42 Figure 3.20: The total cost of the system (fitting with unequal tee) .......................... 43 Figure 3.21: Typical trench cross-section for HDPE Pipes ....................................... 47 Figure 3.22: Material unit prices for steel.................................................................. 52 Figure 3.23: Typical trench cross-section for steel pipes (units in cm) ..................... 54 Figure 3.24: Price Functions for various materials .................................................... 58 Figure 4.1: Water Distribution System of Ankara ..................................................... 67 Figure 4.2: Ankara Subpressure Zones in North........................................................ 68 Figure 4.3: N8 Pressure Zone .................................................................................... 70 Figure 4.4: Pressure Distribution in Existing System ................................................ 73 Figure 4.5: Pipes with diameter equal or greater than 150mm. ................................. 76 Figure 4.6: Skeletonized Layout of N8 Pressure Zone .............................................. 77 Figure 4.7: Demand Transfer of a Dead End Node .................................................. 78 Figure 4.8: Demand Transfer of a Node That is NOT ON THE PATH .................... 78 Figure 4.9: Demand Transfer of a Node That is ON THE PATH ............................ 79 Figure 4.10: Pipe Groups of Skeletonized Network .................................................. 80 Figure 4.11: Graphical Interpretation of Price Function............................................ 86 Figure 4.12: Daily Demand Curve of N8 Including Leakages .................................. 90 Figure 4.13: Existing System With Peak Loading .................................................95 Figure 4.14: Existing System With Fire Loading ..................................................95 Figure 4.15: Existing System With Night Loading....................................................95 Figure 4.16: System with Ductile (or Steel) Pipes Under Peak Loading ..............96 Figure 4.17: System with HDPE Pipes (DSI Prices) Under Peak Loading ..............96 Figure 4.18: System with HDPE Pipes (Market Prices) Under Peak Loading ..........96 Figure 4.19: System with Ductile (or Steel) Pipes Under Fire Loading.....................97 Figure 4.20: System with HDPE Pipes (DSI Prices) Under Fire Loading ............97 xiii

Figure 4.21: System with HDPE Pipes (Market Prices) Under Fire Loading .......97 Figure 4.22: System with Ductile (or Steel) Pipes Under Night Loading..................98 Figure 4.23: System with HDPE Pipes (DSI Prices) Under Night Loading ........ 98 Figure 4.24: System with HDPE Pipes (Market Prices) Under Night Loading ........98


p n r Q ci Qi L D Qi0 Qi q Qdi A Hri g Q H Fi k : pipes (links) : nodes : reservoirs : flow rate correction : characteristic pipe coefficient for pipe i : discharge in pipe i. : length of pipe i. : diameter of pipe i
: estimated

flow rate in pipe i

: the updated flow rate in pipe i : difference between updated and estimated flow rate. : the amount of water withdrawn at node , : a very large number, for instance 105
: required

head at node i

: mass density of liquid : gravitational acceleration : pumping flow rate : Pump head : Pump efficiency : Population at year i : a coefficient


A water distribution network is a collection of elements such as pipes, valves, pumps, reservoir, tanks (buried, elevated, etc.) whose aim is to provide adequate amount of potable water with sufficient pressure at nodes where consumer demands (residential, industrial, commercial etc.) are extracted. A water distribution system should be designed in such a way that it should be able to meet consumer demands at all times at a certain level, even during very extreme events, throughout its lifetime. There is no unique design for any water distribution system; even two completely different designs may provide the same required demands under the same pressure constraints but may vary dramatically in cost. New York City water supply tunnels may serve as an example to illustrate how essential optimization may be (Gessler, 1985). The work of Lai and Schaak (1969) led to a system with total cost 73,3 million dollars, where the study of Quindry, Brill and Liebman (1981) reduced this figure (using the same demands and minimum pressure requirements) to 63,6 million dollars. However, Gessler (1982) designed another technically feasible solution with total cost 41,2 million dollars. According to Environmental Protection Agency USA, total infrastructure investment need of United States for the next following twenty years in order to supply safe water to consumers is about 150,9 billion US Dollars, of which 83,2 billion US Dollars is required for transmission and distribution investment (raw water transmission, clean water transmission, distribution mains, service lines, flushing hydrants, valves, water meters etc.) (EPA, 2001).Similarly, for the capital city of Turkey, Ankara Municipality has reserved 55,000,000.-YTL (appr. 42,000,000.-$) for construction and maintenance of total of 641,181 meters of main supply lines and water distribution lines for Year 2006. These figures clearly demonstrates that water distribution system design should be handled very carefully 1

since huge amount of money has been invested until now and also going to be invested in the future. Despite these facts, the designs performed by professionals for real world water distribution systems do not take optimization techniques into account. Almost all of the designs are being performed by using traditional techniques based on rules of thumb and engineering experience disregarding any optimization technique. On the other hand, most of the optimization techniques do not permit designers interference during the design. The aim of this study is to demonstrate design of a water distribution network by using an optimization technique, which allows designer to control whole process. The optimization technique used within the study is partial enumeration method developed by Gessler (1985). In this regard, a case study is conducted on North-8 (N8) pressure zone of Ankara Municipal water supply system. In Chapter 2, a brief information on widely known optimization techniques and fundamentals of optimization process is presented. In Chapter 3, detailed information on partial enumeration method and guidelines on essential steps that are followed during optimization with partial enumeration method are introduced. In Chapter 4, the case study itself is given. Conclusions and recommendations are presented in Chapter 5.


2.1 DEFINITION To find the most economical solution to the water distribution systems has always been the ultimate goal of many designers and planners. Many studies have been conducted on this subject in the past (since Babbit and Doland (1931)) and many thesis studies performed in this subject (Selmanpakolu (1973), Soleyman (1976), Adgzel (1976), Tokalak (1976), nz (1977), Aygn (1978), zer (1988)) in Water Resources Laboratory of Middle East Technical University with supervision of Prof. Dr. Doan Altnbilek and Prof. Dr. Sha Sevk in addition to their published books (Sevk and Altnbilek (1976,1977)). The most recent thesis study belongs to Akdoan (2005). Consequently, many techniques have been developed to assist designers. Since the optimization of water distribution systems is a multi-purpose aim (optimization of pipe diameters, tank sizing, pump selection and working time, etc.), there is not a single solution that can be gathered by using these techniques. Namely, there is always another optimum solution. The goal is to find the optimum that satisfies the requirements. 2.2 OPTIMIZATION METHODS Within the optimization methods, many mathematical formulations and many problem solving techniques are utilized such as linear programming, dynamic programming, heuristic algorithms, gradient search methods, enumeration methods, genetic algorithms, simulated annealing etc. The term optimization methods often refers to mathematical techniques used to automatically adjust the details of the system in such a way as to achieve the best possible system performance or, 3

alternatively, the least-cost design that achieves a specified performance level. (Walski, et al., 2003) Using these said techniques, wide range of optimization methods are developed. Since the partial enumeration technique is the one that is used in this thesis study, special emphasize will be given to it in Chapter 3. However, in this chapter, brief description of partial enumeration technique and some other widely known and accepted techniques will be given. 2.2.1. Traditional (Trial-and-Error) Approach In fact, traditional (trial-and-error) approach is not a systematic optimization method, but the method that has been widely used during system planning by designers. In this method, experienced engineers adopt some rules-of-thumb together with their past experience to design the system, then adjust the details after running series of hydraulic analysis. Some of the rules-of-thumb are as follows (Walski, 1985): 1. Velocities less than 8 ft/sec (~2,4 m/s) at peak flow 2. Velocities on the order of 2 ft/sec (~0,61m/s) at average flow 3. Pressures between 60 and 80 psi (4 and 5,4 atm) under normal conditions 4. Pressure at least 20 psi (~1,4 atm) during fire condition 5. Diameters at least 6 in (~150mm) for systems providing fire protection 6. Diameters at least 2 in. (~50mm) for systems without fire protection. 7. Adequate pumps such that design flow can be delivered with one pump out of service, 8. No dead end mains Thus, designer needs not to try every possible solution, but only select the optimum from a few feasible solutions. Because this approach fully depends on the capabilities and experience of the designers; it may produce severely uneconomical solutions. Even if the designer is a unique engineer that has extensive knowledge on water distribution system design, some factors may also limit the possibility to find the optimum solution (Walski et al., 2003):

Available time and financial resources would possibly limit the number of trials, that may lead to missing a more economical solution Due to nonlinear characteristics of the distribution networks, it is very hard to manually relate the influence of a particular change at one location on the other parts.

After all, since the designer adopts the rules-of-thumb and uses hydraulic analysis software, the design will most probably satisfy the design criteria in terms of pressure, velocity restrictions, but unfortunately, it is unlikely to be the most economical. 2.2.2 Linear Programming Methods Linear programming approaches are used to reduce the complexity of the original nonlinear nature of the problem by solving a sequence of linear sub-problems (Alperovits and Shamir, 1977; Goulter and Morgan, 1985; Goulter and Coals (1986); and Fujiwara and Khang, 1990). 2.2.3 Nonlinear Programming Methods These methods use partial derivatives of the objective function with respect to decision variables by assuming pipe diameters as continuous variables. This, however, leads the method to get stuck in the local optima. 2.2.4 Genetic Algorithms The Genetic Algorithm uses a computer model of Darwinian evolution to evolve good designs or solutions to highly complex problems for which classical solution techniques are inadequate. The Genetic Algorithm incorporates ideas such as a population of solutions to a problem, survival of the fittest solutions within a population, birth, death, breeding, inheritance of genetic material (design parameters) by children from their parents, and occasional mutations of that material (thereby creating new design possibilities). (Walski, et al., 2003) 5

2.2.5 Partial Enumeration Technique Optimization by enumeration, with the simplest description, is the trial of all the possible combinations as per the input data, and then finding the most economical one that meets the design criteria. The technique works fine for smaller systems, but as the system size increases, possible number of combinations increases exponentially, which results in huge amount of computation time, in the order of years. Due to these limitations of exhaustive enumeration, some criteria have been put by Gessler (1985) in order to reduce the number of possible combinations. 2.3 ADVANTAGES AND DISADVANTAGES OF OPTIMIZATION The designers carry a huge responsibility towards public and decision-makers. The responsibility towards public is that people always want that when they open a tap, there will be adequate water with sufficient pressure. Fire fighters want that they will always have enough water when they attach their fire hoses to fire hydrants. Additionally, people want that in any case, for instance, during electrical shortage, main line breaks, huge fire in the town, to have water. In order to assure this, the designers have to give enough capacity to the system with enough redundancy and reliability. On the other hand, the decision makers and investors do not want to invest more than enough in the system. They oppose to unnecessary costs due to overdesign. To meet all these requirements, the designers should design such a system that the required hydraulic restrictions (pressure etc.) can be met with the most economical combination of pipes, tanks, pumps etc. The optimization techniques can be very handy in this search. Since every technique has a systematic way, a designer with a good knowledge of hydraulics can use optimization techniques as an assistant to find the best solution. However, if optimization techniques are considered as automatic searches that guarantee the best solution without any interference of the designer, they may be very dangerous in the hands of individuals who do not understand water distribution design, and blindly implement the poor decisions of optimization models without 6

awareness of the real issues. The users should be aware of the shortcomings resulted from cost minimization. The optimization techniques try to eliminate as many pipes as they can to reduce costs. They do also try to install diameters that can barely satisfy the requirements, which means reduction of system capacity and reliability. If optimization modelers were to ask water distribution operators, they would find that capacity in a water system is a good thing not an evil to be eliminated, especially since the marginal cost of adding capacity is relatively small due to the significant economic scale in pipe capacity (Walski, 1998). Operators prefer spending money on capacity in order to compensate the uncertainty in demands and to increase the reliability of the system. In addition to above, there are some aspects of water distribution network design, that are unfortunately cannot be included in the optimization techniques and should be performed and decided by the designers such as (Walski,1995) : No optimization models address the question of how to set pressure zone boundaries and optimal nominal heads. Optimization models do not include change of the route of a pipe in order to reduce the cost, for instance, they do not compare a main line with 500m long crossing a heavily loaded motorway with an alternative main line with 2000m long but laid in open land. Decisions about the location of tie-ins, i.e. connections of subdivisions to main lines, are generally not addressed by optimization models. If the required pressure at a node is insufficient, people adopt alternatives according to their needs such as fire flow with sprinkler systems, internal booster pumps and storage tanks, nonaqeous fire-suppression systems, fire walls etc. No optimization methods take these into consideration. As the result of these, optimization techniques should be regarded as a powerful tool for designers that help to make decisions; but at the same time a tool that should not be left alone and every step of which should be pursued and interacted carefully.

2.4 GRADUAL (STAGED) EXPANSION OF NETWORKS During system design of a new water distribution network or rehabilitation / expansion of an existing network, future demands are predicted by means of some statistical methods. The demands that are going to be used within design process are those that will occur at the end of service life. For instance, if a system is going to be designed in year 2000 considering 20 years of operating period, the design demands are the demands of year 2020. Then, according to these demands, design is finished and construction activities are done. However, because the present demands are much lower than year 2020 demands, there will occur problems within the system. As a result of this, gradual expansion of networks is a phenomenon that should be considered during design stage. In the design phase, designer should assign the crucial elements that are required during whole service life. These can be the storage tanks, main lines etc. Then, the elements that are of secondary importance and can be installed later when the system capacity is not sufficient should be determined. These can be parallel main lines, branches to newly developed areas etc. By the aid of this concept, the initial cost of the system is reduced and distributed over the service life. In addition to reduction of initial cost, gradual expansion of networks is also required due to uncertainty of future demands. The main problem of water distribution system design is predicting future demands. Optimization models have treated demands as a given, provided by some outside source, and known with certainty (Walski, 2001). Unfortunately, this is not true in real world. Distribution systems evolve over many decades in response to demands that the original system designers may or may not have anticipated (Walski, et al., 2003). Especially for smaller systems, change of demands may have very significant effect on the network. For example, if a large factory within a small network is closed down after 5 years of network design, the demands will fall far below design demands, and the optimum solution gathered in design process will not be valid.

In the design stage, designer may try to overcome uncertainty in demands by applying conservative design with large pipes. However, this will result in high capital costs as well as low quality water due to low velocity in large pipes. On the other hand, if the demands exceed the design demands, namely if the design happens to be under-design, there will be low pressure problems, inadequate fire flows and requirement to immediate system expansion which was not considered by the decision makers beforehand. In addition, unexpected events may occur during the service life of the water distribution system, such as closure of a factory that affect the demands of pipes, which is unfortunately not considered during the design stage. It is assumed that the demands will occur as predicted regardless of the system capacity. In reality, on the contrary to this, demands are affected by the constructed pipe sizes, which is actually a form of self-fulfilling prophecy. More simply stated, If you build it, they will come (within reason). (Walski, 2001). Consider a developing town in which large pipes are constructed in the southern part and relatively small pipes are in the northern part. Due to available capacity in the southern part, development will be much rapidly. Investors will select locations where distribution capacity is available. Thus, demands in the southern part will rapidly exceed the design demands due to new / unexpected developments. To overcome the aforementioned issues, gradual expansion of networks can be a useful tool for designers.



3.1 HISTORY WADISO (Water Distribution Simulation and Optimization) is a software which dates back to 1980s. In early 1980s, Thomas Walski was an engineer who has recognized the value of a user-friendly program to optimally select pipe sizes and decided that the most convenient approach for optimization is the algorithm developed by Gessler in 1985. With cooperation of Gessler and Walski and additions by Sjostrom, first edition of WADISO was produced in 1980s. This first edition was applied to a number of water systems worldwide and presented to public with a manual. This first edition of WADISO was user-friendly for 1980s~1990s; it was working on DOS environment in the computers; it was old-fashioned as compared to todays hydraulic software having Graphical User Interfaces (GUI), working with databases in connection with Geographical Information Systems (GIS). In 1990s, a commercial version of WADISO was developed by GLS Software, South Africa in which the WADISO is revised in terms of user-friendly applications. Since then, several new versions of WADISO have been developed by GLS, the most recent one being WADISO 5. WADISO 5 is equipped with a Graphical User Interface, has connection to Geographical Information Systems and many more user-friendly applications, the algorithm is the same with the original WADISO. The network solver is based on node method, and basics of partial enumeration given in Section 3.3 remain unchanged in all versions of WADISO.


3.2 REASONS FOR AN ENUMARATION ALGORITHM The optimization process for water networks is very hard due to discrete characteristics of pipe diameters. Some optimization techniques assume variables as continuous. However, the discrete cost function can be quite irregular and difficult to approximate by a continuous function. Additionally, most of the optimization procedures proposed so far are essentially gradient search techniques, some in a continuous variable space, some in a discrete space. Such algorithms can only guarantee local minima. Finally, a solution developed in a continuous space requires an additional space after the execution of the optimization algorithm, in which pipe sizes are rounded to nearest commercially available pipe sizes. Indeed, it is possible that the globally optimal discrete solution may not even be in the neighborhood of the globally optimal solution using continuous pipe sizes, but could be associated with a local minimum. Due to this, it is quite logical to perform optimization in the discrete space from the beginning. Optimization by enumeration of all possible pipe size combinations with some user specified constraints will diminish all the said shortcomings of other optimization techniques and will guarantee that the solution is the global minimum of the discrete space. Additionally, generation of a queue of Pareto Optimal solutions can also be available, which is very handy for decision makers. 3.3 ALGORITHM USED IN WADISO The most significant shortcoming of the enumeration technique is that it may require huge amount of processing time, some may even in the order of tens of years. To overcome this, the candidate pipe size combinations have to be reduced. The first thing to do before running the software is the data input. Data input stage contains identification of the following:


Pipes that are going to be optimized: The user defines which pipes are going to be included in the optimization process. In some cases, the user may not need all of the pipes be optimized.

Assignment of groups: Each of the pipes to be sized must be assigned to a group. All pipes in the same group will be assigned the same diameter A detailed discussion is given in Section 3.5.1 regarding grouping of pipes. In brief, since it is not desirable to have pipe sizes change at every block in a network, the user groups pipes that are to be assigned same diameter. This reduces the number of combinations considerably.

Assignment of candidate pipe sizes: For each of the groups, a list of candidate pipe sizes needs to be specified. This list may include elimination of the group as an alternative and/or cleaning of the old pipes which run parallel to the new pipes.

Assignment of cost functions: For every group, which cost function should be used by the software is assigned. The cost functions represents various conditions related to the construction and installation of pipes. The pipes within a group can be assigned to different cost functions.

Assignment of demands and pressure constraints at the nodes: The required output at all nodes and the pressure, which needs to be maintained, are specified.

After data input stage, WADISO follows the schematic flowchart of the procedure, which is given in Figure 3.1. First, WADISO selects a pipe size combination that meets the design criteria, i.e. pressure constraints, regardless of its cost. This is Best Solution. For the next size combination, it first computes the total cost of the combination. If the total cost of this new combination is more than that of Best Solution, it is omitted and another size combination is selected. If it passes, following tests are applied to the new combination:


Generation of Size Combination Computation of Cost


Cost Test Pass Compare with Non-functional Combinations


Size Test Pass Compute Pressure Distribution

Enter into File


Feasible Yes Save Solution

Figure 3.1: Schematic Flowchart for Partial Enumeration Technique


Test on Size Range: The number of pipe size combinations to be tested is equal to the product of the number of candidate sizes in each group. To reduce the number of pipe combinations, it is required to test whether the candidate pipe sizes assigned for groups are appropriate or some can be eliminated. To verify this, a combination consisting of the smallest size in a group combined with the largest sizes in all other groups is built and checked if the pressure requirement is fulfilled. If not, tested smallest pipe size is eliminated which in turn eliminates many infeasible pipe combinations reducing the computation time. Cost Test: After a size combination has been found that meets all pressure requirements, there is no need to test any other size combination that is more expensive than this functional solution (Gessler, 1985). This cost test is most effective in eliminating candidate solutions if it is possible to find a relatively inexpensive functional inexpensive solution early on. Only the combinations within Pareto optimal specifications are allowed to pass cost test. For each pipe size combination, the program will first calculate the total cost (excluding pump cost). If the construction cost is already more than the total cost of a previously found and functional solution, the program will disregard this combination and proceed with the next one. Size Test: If a certain pipe size combination does not meet the pressure requirement, no pipe size combination with all pipes equal or smaller than the ones of this combination can meet the pressure requirement (Gessler, 1985). In order to perform the size test, WADISO maintains a queue of nonfunctional combinations. This queue is not allowed to grow too long. Otherwise, the testing of a particular size combination against all entries in the queue requires more computation time than evaluation of pressure distribution. During the enumeration process, the program maintains a file of pipe size combinations that failed to meet the pressure requirements. In brief, it will not be necessary to calculate the pressure distribution for a combination in which all sizes are equal or less than the sizes of the corresponding pipes in a combination stored in this file, because it could not meet pressure requirements either. 14

If a combination passes these tests, the pressure distribution within the network is calculated as per the given loading patterns. According to the results of this computation, a combination is either non-functional or new best solution Non-functional Solution: During pressure distribution computations, if it is encountered that pressure requirement at a node cannot be satisfied, computations are terminated, then, the combination is entered into the file of non-functional combinations and the program proceeds with the next size combination. New Best Solution: If the pressure requirement is met at all nodes, the algorithm has found a solution better than an other one previously encountered. Then, it is stored as the new best solution and the program proceeds with the next size combination. If there are pumps, present worth of pumping cost is added to construction cost. The procedure continues until all combinations have been enumerated. By the help of this algorithm, the best solution will always be the global minimum in the cost function. Effectiveness of Tests: The effectiveness of these tests is illustrated by the following numbers (Gessler, 1982). The percentage of combinations passing the cost test may be around 20% for a relatively small number of combinations and may drop to around 10% when the number of combinations reaches 100,000. The percentage of combinations for which the pressure distribution needs to be evaluated may be as high as 10% for small number of combinations and drops to less than 1% for large numbers. Obviously, these numbers will vary from network to network. They are provided here as a guideline only. 3.4. HYDRAULIC NETWORK ANALYSIS In the optimization algorithm of WADISO, the hydraulic constraints are defined as the minimum pressures that should be satisfied at every node. After size and cost tests, the software calculates the pressure distribution within the network. For network analysis, two methods are available suggested by Hardy Cross (1936): loop 15

and node methods. In WADISO, node method is applied. The terminology that will be used hereafter is as follows: Links : Pipes, pumps, pressure reducing valves Nodes : Junctions between links In a system with p links and n nodes, among which are r reservoirs, the problem has the following unknowns: p n-r links (flow rates) heads

Total of p+n-r unknowns. To find these unknowns, following equations are built: The energy equation between any two directly connected nodes (friction loss equation for pipes, or characteristics curve of pumps) The continuity equation at all nodes, excluding the constant head nodes.

Therefore, the total number of available equations is p+n-r. The uniqueness of the solution will not be discussed in detail herein, but simply, a network that consists of only pipes and nodes has a single solution. In case of pumps and valve inclusion, as long as the first derivative of the characteristic pump curve is negative for all discharges, the uniqueness is also guaranteed.


3.4.1 Loop Method

Figure 3.2: A simple looped network In the loop method, procedure is initiated by assuming flow rates and directions for each pipe so that the continuity is satisfied at all nodes, i.e. inflow into the nodes are equal to the outflows, as given in Figure 3.2. Then, for every loop, friction loss is calculated in the selected direction, clockwise in Figure 3.2. For the first trial, it is most likely that the total headloss calculated will not be equal to zero. The key concept in loop method is to superimpose a flowrate correction Q in all pipes of a loop either with the sense of the loop or against it. In other words, for pipes with a positive friction loss the flow correction is added to the discharge, and in pipes with a negative friction loss the flow correction is subtracted, or vice versa. After application of flow rate correction to the estimated flow rates, the continuity equations at all nodes still will be met. Hardy Cross (1936) solved these equations for Q one at a time using a Taylor expansion of hydraulic loss equation, keeping the first two terms only. However, convergence is very slow and gets worse with the increasing system size with this application.


3.4.2 Node Method The node method requires solving as many equations as there are nodes with unknown heads. In the node method, the heads at the nodes are estimated, and flow rate in each link is calculated based on these estimates. Then, the continuity at the nodes is checked. Nevertheless, based on the head estimates, the sum will be a residual flow rate. Cross then proceeded by assuming the heads at adjacent nodes to be correct. One can then adjust the head at the node under consideration such that the flow rates will balance. The resulting non-linear equations are solved by linearization. 3.4.3 Comparison of Loop and Node Methods The node method has a simpler topology. This may be of particular importance when it is necessary to temporarily eliminate a link. This may be required if the status of a valve is changed from open to closed. In loop method, this requires re-establishing of loops. In the node method, one directly solves the equations for the unknown pressures. In the loop method, pressures are calculated at the end of whole processes with extra calculations. Inclusion of pumps, pressure reducing or check valves are much easier in node method since the devices are pressure controlled. The status of these devices can be checked after each iteration. 3.4.4 Node Method Used in WADISO WADISO uses the Hazen Williams friction loss equation to calculate the losses in the pipes (Walski et al, 1990).

hi = ci * Qi ci =


(3.1) (3.2)

10.68 * Li Ci * Di


where hi is the friction loss in pipe i in m. Ci is the characteristic pipe coefficient for pipe i Qi is discharge in pipe i in m3/s. L is the length of pipe i in m. D is the diameter of pipe i in m Equation 3.1 can be linearized in regard to correction on the discharge to read H j H k = ci (Qi 0

+ 1.85Qi 0




where Hj and Hk are total heads at the beginning and ending node of pipe i with Hj>Hi Qi0 = estimated flow rate in pipe i And Qi=Qi0+q where Qi is the updated flow rate in pipe i q is the difference between updated and estimated flow rate. Combining equations 3.3 and 3.4 to eliminate q,
Qi = 0.46Qi 0 + 0.54 H j Hk ci Qi 0


( 3.5)

Then the continuity equation is written, e.g. for node 2 in Figure 3.2,
H1 H 2 c1Q1o

0.46Q1o 0.54

+ 0.46Q2 o + 0.54

H2 H3 c 2 Q2 o

+ 0.46Q5o + 0.54

H2 H5 c5 Q5o

+ Qd 2 = 0


where Qd2 is the amount of water withdrawn at node 2. If the estimated flow rates are close to the correct flow rates then


0.46Q1o + 0.46Q2o + 0.46Q5o + Qd 2 0


which allows us to simplify Equation 3.7 as

1 c1Q1o

H1 + (

1 c1Q1o

1 c 2Q2o

1 c5 Q5o

)H 2

1 c 2Q2o


1 c5 Q5o

H 5 = Qd 2


This is the linearized continuity equation, i.e. an equation with exponents of 1 on unknown heads H, in terms of the unknown heads at the adjacent nodes and at node 2, as well as in terms of estimated flow rates leading to node 2. For the nodes with constant heads, e.g. for node 1, the equation is revised as:
1 c1Q1o

A * H1


1 c 4 Q4 o

H 4 = A * H r1


where A is a very large number, for instance 105 Hr1= required head at node 1. When all continuity equations are formulated and the proper equations at the constant head nodes are inserted, the resulting coefficient matrix is always symmetrical and for large networks extremely sparse. Gessler (1985) showed that the symmetry is also preserved when pump and/or Pressure Reducing Valves are present. The algorithm of WADISO takes advantage of both the symmetry and sparseness when solving the continuity equations simultaneously.

Pipe grouping is the most useful and at the same time most critical step of the system setup with WADISO. It is useful because by the aid of pipe grouping concept, amount of candidate pipe combinations are reduced which in turn reduces the computation time significantly. It is critical at the same time, because if the groups 20

are built in hands of people that have little knowledge on hydraulics, it may lead to very unrealistic optimum solutions. Generally, optimization of every pipe within a system is not required; on the contrary, it is sometimes not desirable. For example, it is not desirable to have a main line whose diameter changes at every junction. Similarly, a designer would not prefer a loop with one legs diameter is 200mm while the parallel leg is optimized as 80mm. Consequently, designers have some common rules such as the mains and tributaries are easily observed, having same diameters in the parallel legs of loops in order to increase reliability of the system, etc. Thus, some pipes should have the same diameters. With pipe grouping concept in WADISO, this can be achieved. By this way, not only the above concepts are fulfilled, but also the computation time is reduced. In WADISO, grouping of pipes is accomplished by the user before the optimization procedure starts. The user specifies which pipes should have the same diameter. For this purpose, following concepts are useful: The main lines feeding whole system, i.e. taking water directly from tank, reservoir, pump and end at another source, are grouped individually (Figure 3.3).




Figure 3.3: Grouping of main lines


Main tributaries feeding sub-zones form individual groups (Figure 3.4).



Figure 3.4: Grouping of main tributaries

Parallel legs of a loop form one group (Figure 3.5).

Figure 3.5: Grouping of parallel pipes


The groups may include any number of pipes, even if a single pipe can form a group if it is desired to be optimized. However, number of groups within WADISO is limited to 15, i.e. maximum number of groups that can be formed is equal to 15. This is again to reduce computation time. Due to this limitation, pipe groups should be selected very carefully, only those pipes that have significant effect on the global cost of the system should be included in groups. In other words, the smaller branches need not be included in the procedure. The change of a pipes diameter from 125mm to 100mm will not be very significant on the global cost. However, the reduction of a 3000m-long main lines diameter from 1000mm to 800mm will produce great cost savings. Pipe grouping concept reduces computation time and provides a clear conveyance layout to the system. However, pipe grouping should be handled carefully with hydraulic principles kept in mind. As stated before, all the pipes in a group will have the same diameter at the end of optimization. As an example, Figure 3.6 is given. Region 1 is an industrial zone where demands are higher requiring larger diameters. On the other hand, Region 3 is a commercial zone with moderate demands and Region 2 is composed of residential dwellings, which requires relatively low demands as compared to Region 1, which results in smaller diameters. If all the pipes in the three main lines are assigned to the same group, they will have the same diameter at the end of optimization. Since the demands are higher at Region 1, larger diameter main line will be assigned by WADISO due to pressure requirements. Although the demands are smaller for Region 2 and 3, because they are in the same group with Main Line 1, they will be assigned the same diameter of main line 1. In this case, the diameter of Main Line 1 will be governing one; main lines 2 and 3 will be unnecessarily assigned larger diameters. However, if all main lines are assigned to individual groups, they will have different diameters as per demands of the corresponding regions, Main Line 1 having the largest diameter where Main Line 2 has the smallest.






Figure 3.6: Sample Network For Pipe Grouping 3.5.2 Pipe Size Assignment

In the pipe size assignment step, the candidate pipe sizes for each group are listed. Although it is possible, the list for a group does not need to include all commercially available pipe sizes, since having too many candidate pipe sizes for groups will increase computation time. Thus, the candidate pipe sizes should be reasonable. To find the reasonable candidate pipe sizes, following procedure can be followed: Using rules-of-thumb and experience and trial-and-error method, assign preliminary pipe sizes for every pipe in the system. This is also a prerequisite for WADISO. Before running optimization module, program tries to balance the system, thus in the very beginning, preliminary diameters of all pipes should be assigned.


Assign one lower and one upper commercially available pipe diameter together with the preliminary diameter for every group and run the first optimization trial (Table 3.1). This will last for 4~12 hours depending on the system size and number of groups.

Table 3.1: Candidate pipe sizes for first run PRELIMINARY DIAMETERS
200,00 110,00 500,00 250,00 200,00



90,00 110,00 125,00

450,00 500,00 560,00

225,00 250,00 280,00

180,00 200,00 225,00

200,00 225,00







Check the results of the optimization. Identify the groups in which program assigns the lowest available candidate size. This may mean that if there were lower diameters, the program may assign it (lower) to the group. To ensure the results and to give relaxation for the program, assign two more lower diameters. Similarly, if the program assigns the upper diameter for a group, assign two more upper diameters. (Table 3.2.)


Table 3.2: Revised Candidate Pipe Sizes for Second Run




GROUP3 355,00 400,00 450,00 500,00



GROUP1 GROUP2 CANDIDATE DIAMETERS (mm) 140,00 160,00 180,00 200,00 OPTIMUM DIAMETERS (mm) 160,00 110,00 90,00 110,00 125,00

GROUP4 GROUP5 180,00 200,00 225,00 250,00 250,00 140,00 160,00 180,00 200,00 160,00


Perform the optimization and repeat the previous step until the program assigns diameters to group that are neither the available upper nor the lower ones (Table 3.3).

Table 3.3: Final Candidate Diameters and Optimum Sizes

PREVIOUS OPTIMUM DIAMETERS (mm) 160,00 110,00 400,00 250,00 160,00 GROUP1 GROUP2 GROUP3 GROUP4 GROUP5 CANDIDATE DIAMETERS (mm) 140,00 160,00 180,00 90,00 110,00 125,00 355,00 400,00 450,00 180,00 200,00 225,00 250,00 280,00 140,00 160,00 180,00







As can be seen from Table 3.1, for the first run, due to available candidate pipe sizes, WADISO assigned 180mm for Group 1 and 225mm for Group 4, which are the main lines of the system. Then in the second run program assigns 160mm for Group 1 and 250mm for Group 4 since there are more available diameters. Finally, to check if more changes would have occurred when 280mm were in the candidate sizes, it is included in the candidate sizes list. At the same time, to reduce computation time, 26

candidate sizes from Groups 3 and 5 are reduced to three, and according the results, WADISO assigned all the diameters for the groups that were neither the lowest nor the highest available ones. As discussed previously, cleaning / rehabilitation is also an alternative for new pipe installation. One can assign this option during optimization with WADISO. In this case, the preliminary diameters should be the real world diameter of the group. Then, assumed Hazen Williams coefficient of pipes after cleaning is given to program together with its associated price function. In this option, WADISO determines if it will be more economical when the constructed system is cleaned and rehabilitated or the existing pipes should be replaced by new ones. One of the drawbacks of optimization methods is to reduce the reliability of the system to save costs. If the designer decides that, some groups formed in the previous steps can be eliminated, then this option can also be introduced into WADISO. Then, the program will test all the combinations including elimination of the said groups. As the result, it may produce results including elimination provided that the specified pressure restraints at nodes are all satisfied. However, it should be kept in mind that these pressure constraints are satisfied with the given steady state loading pattern(s). The reliability of the system should be checked with Extended Period Simulation Analysis and with other critical Steady State Loading Patterns.
3.5.3 Price Functions

Within the optimization process with enumeration, number of combinations of pipes are built, and then compared with each other to find the most economical combination that meets the restrictions. Within this process, pipes are valued by multiplication of their lengths times the assigned price function, - price function of a pipe is the cost per meter of the pipe - and finally all the costs of pipes are added resulting in the cost of the whole system. Thus, the only cost related part of optimization with WADISO is the price function. This obviously requires that the price functions should not only be considered as the pipe material costs, but should also include construction costs (excavation, fill, bedding transportation etc.), special 27

crossing costs (crossing under a heavily loaded motorway, river etc.), pipe fittings costs (elbows, collars, branching fittings, dead-end fittings etc.) and all the other costs specific to the projects. In the past, various attempts have been made to find the price functions of the pipes to assist planners and developers such as Clark, et al. (2002), or the outcome of the survey performed by American Environmental Protection Agency (2001). Although all these gives rough estimates that can be used for master planning stage, detailed cost analysis should be performed for each project considering the latest market conditions (e.g. rise of steel prices, advances in pipe material chemistry, new construction technologies etc.). In the recent years, there have been advances in pipe chemistry that enables designers to use different kinds of pipes within their designs, such as GRP (glass fiber reinforced polyester), HDPE (high density polyethylene), ductile iron etc. All of these pipe materials have advantages depending on the point of view. One material may have very well hydraulic properties (such as low friction loss), but another one may have dramatically low prices. Thus, there is not a universal law that rules the use of material in water distribution networks. In addition to cost perspective, other factors limit the use of a material in every aspect of design. For example, GRP pipes can be very well applied in water transmission lines. However, due to their brittle characteristics, they are not advised for distribution lines. In short, there are factors that cannot be represented in mathematical cost functions but which dictates the use of a material. All pipe materials have different material characteristics and they do also have different construction methodologies, fittings installation etc. A brief summary for three basic types of pipe materials is as follows:


GRP (Glass fiber reinforced polyester):

Commercially available GRP pipes are produced within range of 300mm~2400mm. GRP Pipes and Fittings are designed to be used in underground and above ground piping systems to transport sewage, sea water, aggressive chemicals, and potable water under pressure and gravity flow. GRP pipes are used in the following fields: Main pipes and branch lines for potable water systems Pipes for sewage systems. Main and subsidiary sewage collectors to pressure and gravity flow Pipes for waste water systems Pipes for cooling systems of power stations (also sea water) Pipes for submarine systems Pipes for systems in chemical plants The followings are the advantageous properties GRP pipes that are given by the manufacturers (Table 3.4).
Table 3.4: Advantageous properties of GRP pipes (
Non-metalic material, inert chemically resistant No need for cathodic protection systems. No need for internal and external coatings. Particularly low maintenance costs. Smooth inner surface provides good hydraulic properties, unchanged throughout its working life. Couplings are chemically resistant Easy to assemble, saves time. and watertight Effective sealing under pressure and vacuum. Coupling enabling angular deflection, allowing change of direction without requiring additional fittings. Long effective service life.


Table 3.4 Continued Low weight (about 1/10 of a concrete pipe, 1/4 of steel pipe) Long pipe sections Excellent inner smoothness Quick and easy installation. There is no need for heavy equipment to transport pipes. Cheap transportation. Few connections, very fast installation. High Hazen-Williams factor, significant energy savings. The energy savings in time may be equivalent to the purchase cost of the pipe.

Figure 3.7 Connection of GRP Pipes (


Figure 3.8 GRP Water Transmission Line ( HDPE (High density polyethylene pipes): HDPE pipe diameters vary between

75mm up to 1600mm depending on the pressure class. HDPE pipes are applied in the following fields:

Surface and Underground Drinking Water Networks Natural Gas Systems and Networks Irrigation Systems Drainage and Sewerage Systems Sea Discharging Systems Waste Water Systems Solid Waste Drainage Systems Fire Water and Cooling Water Systems Geothermal Systems Pharmaceutical and Chemical Industry / Sanitary Appliances Aggressive Fluid Systems


Basic properties of HDPE pipes, which make them advantageous among others, given by manufacturers are as follows (

50 years of service life guarantee Perfect corrosion resistance High resistance to chemical agents Good flexibility Light weight, easy transport, loading, unloading and installation Various jointing methods Capability of assembling in and/or out of channel during installation High elasticity (18-20 times of its diameter) , minimum fittings usage Perfect adaptation to the field conditions, suitable for seismic area Perfect welding and leak-proof characteristic Resistance to UV rays and low temperature conductivity High resistance to cracking and impact Production of all pressure classes between 2,5 bars and 32 bars , and also optional production according to the clients requirements Resistant to the sudden pressure increases known as Water Hammer Low operating cost Easy repairs by strangle technique Mobile production facility for huge projects

HDPE pipes are classified according to pressure class as SDR value. SDR value stands for the "Standard Diameter Ratio" which is the outside diameter divided by the wall thickness. A 2" SDR 7 product would have the outside diameter of 2.375" and a wall thickness of 0.339" (2.375/0.339 = 7). Pipe jointing methods used for HDPE pipes are butt-welding method, electrofusion welding, electrofusion coupling, edge welding and flanged (Figure 3.10). Butt-welding can be performed for PE Pipes with wall thickness greater than 4mm. The two pipes that are going to be welded should have the same wall thickness. 32

Welding can be performed inside or outside the trench. However, considering the width of welding machine, trench should be excavated larger than required to perform welding inside. General application is giving a reasonable radius (approximately 18 x pipe diameter) to the PE pipe inside of the trench to take the edge out of the trench, and then perform welding outside of the trench. No extra fittings are required for butt-welding. Electrofusion welding can be used for pipes up to 110mm for pipes having different wall thickness. When butt-welding cannot be carried out, the electrofusion-coupler is the ideal for big diameters and long pipe lengths. The electrofusion coupler is a joint with an incorporated heating element that (connected to the automatic welding machine) absorbs the necessary heat for welding (Figure 3.9). Inside the coupler, there are notches for the insertion of the pieces to be welded, which will join up in the middle to make the surface more sliding. (These notches can be removed by a knife) The welding pressure is given by the coupler which shrinks because of the temperature. During welding, in order to avoid the softening of material that causes contractions on the pipe, the external and central areas of the coupler do not melt. The contraction is uniformly distributed during welding.

Figure 3.9 Electrofusion coupling of PE Pipes (

Edge welding and flanged jointing are applied for gravity pipelines.


Figure 3.10 Pipe jointing methods for PE Pipes (


Ductile Iron Pipes: Since its first introduction into the market in 1955, ductile iron

has been extensively used in wide range of sectors including water and waste water systems (Figure 3.11).


Figure 3.11 Ductile Iron production in the past for all sectors (

Ductile Iron not only retains all of Cast Iron's attractive qualities, such as machinability and corrosion resistance, but also provides additional strength, toughness, and ductility. It is lighter, stronger, more durable and more cost effective than Cast Iron. Although its chemical properties are similar to those of Cast Iron, Ductile Iron incorporates significant casting refinements, additional metallurgical processes, and superior quality control. Ductile Iron's improved qualities are derived from an improved manufacturing process that changes the character of the graphite content of the iron. Ductile Iron's graphite form is spheroidal, or nodular, instead of the flake form found in Cast Iron (Figure 3.12). This change in graphite form is accomplished by adding an inoculant, usually magnesium, to molten iron of appropriate composition during manufacture.


Figure 3.12 Ductile and Cast Iron under microscope (

Due to its spheroidal graphite form, Ductile Iron has approximately twice the strength of Cast Iron as determined by tensile, beam, ring bending, and bursting tests. Its impact strength and elongation are many times greater than Cast Iron's. Ductile's high degree of dependability is primarily due to its high strength, durability, and impact and corrosion resistance. The first cast iron water lines were installed without lining. However, in time it was observed that inner side of pipe could be affected by the water. Thus, researches were conducted on inner lining of cast irons and linings such as cement-mortar lining have been developed. Cement-mortar-lined Ductile Iron pipe provides a HazenWilliams flow coefficient, or C value, of 140 a realistic value that is maintained over the life of the pipe. This standard lining, which is furnished in accordance with ANSI/AWWA C104/A21.4, continues its tradition of dependable, trouble-free service (BONDS, 1989). Comparison of ductile iron (ANSI/AWWA C150/A21.50 and
ANSI/AWWA C151/A21.51) and PE pipe (ANSI/AWWA C906) standards is as follows

(Bonds, 2000):


Table 3.5: Comparison of ductile iron (ANSI/AWWA C150/A21.50 and ANSI/AWWA C151/A21.51) and PE pipe (ANSI/AWWA C906) standards
TOPIC Ductile Iron Pipe ANSI/AWWA C150/A21.50 ANSI/AWWA C151/A21.51 3-64 18, 20 HDPE Pipe ANSI/AWWA C906 4-63 40

Sizes Laying Lengths Pressure Class / Ratings

Dependent on material code: 40 to 198 psi Rated up to 350 psi. Pressure Class 150, 200, 250, 300, for PE 2406 or PE 3406; 51 to 254 psi for PE 3408.Rated up to 254 psi for 20-inch & 350. diameter and smaller. Due to manufacturers Higher pressures may be limited extrusion capabilities for wall designed. thicknesses >3-inches, ratings may be progressively reduced with increasing sizes greater than 20-inches in diameter. Flexible material; internal pressure design Method of Designed as a flexible conduit. Separate design for internal only. Design pressure (hoop stress equation) External load design is not covered by a and external load (bending stress standard. and deflection). Casting tolerance and service allowance added to net thickness. Pressure Class: stress due to Pressure Rating: Stress due to working Internal pressure cannot exceed the Hydrostatic Pressure working pressure plus surge pressure cannot exceed the Design Basis (1,600 psi) 2.0 safety factor Design minimum yield strength of 42,000 (Hydrostatic Design Stress = 800 psi) for psi 2.0 safety factor. PE 3408. Any surge pressure compromises the safety factor. Nominal surge allowance is 100 psi Surge Allowance (based on an instantaneous velocity change of approximately 2 fps), however, actual anticipated surge pressures should be used. External Load Design Not Included. Surge pressures are allowed to compromise the design factor which results in a reduction in the safety factor below 2.0.

Live Load

None discussed in standard. Prism load + truck load. Ring bending stress limited to 48,000 psi, which is 1/2 the minimum ultimate bending strength. Deflection is limited to 3% of the outside diameter of the pipe, which is 1/2 of the deflection that might damage the cement-mortar lining. The larger of these two thicknesses governs and is taken as the net thickness. AASHTO H20, assuming a single None discussed in standard. 16,000 lb. concentrated wheel load. Impact factor is 1.5 for all depths.


Table 3.5 Continued Factor of Safety Pressure Design: 2.0 (including surge) based on minimum tensile yield strength of 42,000 psi. A Design Factor is used in the internal pressure design formula. This factor is simply the inverse of the more common Safety Factor. This Design Factor, in reality, is not a constant number. The design formula for hdpe pipe ignores surge pressures by merely increasing the Design Factor, thereby, reducing the Safety Factor, to compensate for them. Ignoring surge pressures, the Design Factor is 0.5 (Safety Factor is 2.0). Acknowledging surge pressures, the Design Factor is >0.5 (Safety Factor is < 2.0).

External Load Design: 2.0 for bending based on minimum ultimate ring bending strength of 96,000 psi, or 1.5 for bending based on minimum ring yield bending strength of 72,000 psi. 2.0 for deflection for cement-mortarlined pipe. Note: Actual safety factors are greater than the nominal safety factors due to the addition of the service allowance and casting tolerance in the design procedure. Specified Five specified laying conditions (Types 1-5). Trench Conditions Conservative E and soil strength parameters listed. Type 1 (flat bottom trench, loose backfill) or Type 2 (flat bottom trench, backfill lightly consolidated to centerline of pipe) are adequate for most applications. Hydrostatic Each pipe tested to a minimum of 500 psi for at least 10 seconds at Testing full pressure.


Only one pipe size from three size ranges (4- to 12-, 14- to 20-, and 24-inch) are subjected to an elevated temperature sustained pressure test semiannually. Also, only one pipe per production run may be subject to a quick burst test. A ring tensile test or a five-second pressure test can be substituted for this test. Bend-back or elongation-at-break; once per production run. Ring tensile, quick burst, or fivesecond pressure test; once per production run.Melt flow index; once per day. Density; once per day. Carbon black content; once per production run.

Factory Tests

At least one sample during each casting period of approximately 3 hours shall be tested for tensile strength; must show minimum yield of 42,000 psi, minimum ultimate of 60,000 psi and a minimum elongation of 10%. At least one Charpy impact sample shall be taken per hour (minimum 7 ft-lb.), with an additional low-temperature impact test (minimum 3 ft-lb.) made from at least 10% of the sample coupons taken for the normal Charpy impact test.


Pipe Fittings: In the most simplest form, pipe fittings are the materials that are used

to join pipes or used to provide junctions for branching pipes. There are numerous kinds of pipe fittings, the common ones being ( Flanges (Figure 3.13)

Figure 3.13: Flanges

Bends (45, 90), to provide deflection from alignment (Figures 3.14, 3.15)

Figure 3.14: Bends (90)


Figure 3.15: Bends (45)

Tees, to provide 90 junction (Figures 3.16, 3.17)

Figure 3.16: Equal Tee


Figure 3.17: Unequal tee

Reducers, to connect a larger diameter with a smaller one in series (Figure3.18)

Figure 3.18: Reducer

Depending on the need, there are also other fittings such as: Flange Tees Blind Flanges Saddle service tees Hydrant Connections 41


The prices of fittings depends on the following: Material types of connecting pipes Required pressure strength Diameters of connecting pipes Methodology to connect pipes and fittings (e.g. for HDPE pipes connection with electrofusion or welding) As an example, a simple junction is given in Figure 3.19.
25m 25m


Figure 3.19: Example Fitting Layout (with unequal tee)

According to Unit Prices announced by Bank of Provinces (ller Bankas) and State Hydraulic Works (DS) for year 2004, the total cost of the system with various diameters are given in Table 3.6 and Figure 3.20


Table 3.6: The total cost of the system (fitting with unequal tee)
D1 110 125 140 160 180 200 225 250 280 315 D2 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 COST OF PIPES COST WITH TEE 414.35 YTL 484.57 YTL 494.20 YTL 579.33 YTL 588.08 YTL 708.45 YTL 713.23 YTL 863.48 YTL 864.33 YTL 1,055.44 YTL 1,015.43 YTL 1,272.45 YTL 1,248.43 YTL 1,578.78 YTL 1,481.45 YTL 1,922.06 YTL 1,837.70 YTL 2,429.93 YTL 2,253.38 YTL 2,910.81 YTL

Cost of Pipes 3,500.00 YTL 3,000.00 YTL 2,500.00 YTL 2,000.00 YTL 1,500.00 YTL 1,000.00 YTL 500.00 YTL 0.00 YTL
0 0 0 0 0 0

Cost incl. Tee

0 0/ 9 31

0/ 9

5/ 9

0/ 9

0/ 9

0/ 9

0/ 9

5/ 9

0/ 9









Figure 3.20: The total cost of the system (fitting with unequal tee)

As it is observed from Figure 3.20, the total cost may increase up to 30% with inclusion of the cost of tee. In order to include the effect of fittings in the optimization procedure with any software below steps has to followed: Every fitting has to be selected as per the pressure class individually; there should be no over-design such as installing a SDR 7,4 and PN25 atm fitting



5/ 9

for PE pipes where SDR 17 and PN10 atm is sufficient. Similarly, no underdesign should be allowed to prevent damages. While selecting pipe sizes for the system, price of fittings should also be considered. In WADISO, the price functions are input to the software as the price per length. However, as given above, the price of fittings are dependent on pressure classes and the diameters of pipes connected to them. This creates a vicious circle: in order to include the price of fitting, diameters have to be known, but the optimization, i.e. inclusion of fitting prices in price function, is performed to determine the diameters. As the result, since there is no mathematical relationship between the fittings and the pipes, it is almost impossible to consider effect of fittings during optimization with WADISO. As the conclusion, in order to have a reasonable optimum solution with WADISO, designer should have a good knowledge on available pipe materials, their conformity to his project area, recent market prices, construction and installation technologies and their corresponding prices. For a general design of a water distribution system with WADISO, the following items can be included in price functions for the design of a system:
Table 3.7: Activities / materials for HDPE Price Function EXCAVATION WORKS

Trench excavation (without explosives) Fill Bedding & Compaction


Pressure Test Before Laying Connection of HDPE Pipes with Butt Welding Laying of HDPE Pipes HDPE Pipe material 44

Table 3.8 Activities / materials for Steel or Ductile Price Function EXCAVATION WORKS

Trench excavation (with/without explosives) Fill Bedding & Compaction


Pressure Test Before Laying Welding Inner insulation of welded ends Outer insulation of welded ends Laying Price of pipe material Cathodic protection (~2% of pipe price) However, it should be kept in mind that the effects that cannot be included in price functions should be checked by the designer manually. Price Functions for the Case Study

To use in the Case Study presented in Chapter 4, three types of materials are selected as suitable for the network and their corresponding price functions are built. HDPE (High density polyethylene) Steel Pipe Ductile Iron Pipe

To calculate the price function of each material in YTL/m, unit prices announced by Devlet Su leri (DS-State Hydraulic Works) and ller Bankas (Bank of Provinces) are used. Additionally, a market search has been performed including major pipe manufacturers and approximate market prices of pipe materials are gathered. Further to above, unit prices given by United States Environmental Agency as the result of a broad survey performed within USA are also used. 45

HDPE Pipes Price Function: Standard diameters available for HDPE Pipes vary

between 16mm up to 1600mm depending on the pressure class. Because the pressures are less than 100m, pipes with PN10 - SDR11 are selected for the study. Price analyses are performed for pipe diameters 90, 110,125, 140, 160, 180, 200, 225, 250, 280, 315, 355, 400, 450, 500, 560 and 630mm. According to information gathered from hydraulic designers, typical trench crosssection for HDPE Pipes is given in Figure 3.21. From Figure 3.21, calculated excavation, bedding and fill volumes are given in Table 3.9, for the mentioned diameters. To calculate the corresponding construction related works, unit prices of State Hydraulic Works are used for the following items: Trench excavation (without explosives) Fill Bedding & Compaction

Regarding pipe related works, the following items are taken from both State Hydraulic Works and Bank of Provinces Unit Price Books: Pressure Test before Laying Connection of HDPE Pipes with Butt Welding Laying of HDPE Pipes HDPE Pipe resistant to 10 atm

As discussed in Section 3.5.3, there are various methods for joining pipes. In this study, because all the pipes are of the same material and assuming that all pipes have the same wall thickness, jointing method is assumed as butt welding. Unfortunately, due to reasons g iven in the same section, price of fittings and jointing costs at fittings cannot be included in the optimization.






Figure 3.21: Typical trench cross-section for HDPE Pipes

Table 3.9: Trench dimensions and excavation, bedding and fill volumes for HDPE Pipes

Diameter cm cm cm cm m3 m3



VOLUME (for 1 meter length) EXCAVATION BEDDING






90 110 125 140 160 180 200 225 250 280 315 355 400 450 500 560 630

39 41 43 44 46 48 50 53 55 58 62 66 70 75 80 86 103

100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100

20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20

7 9 10 12 14 15 17 19 21 24 27 30 34 38 42 48 54

2 2 3 2 2 3 3 4 4 4 5 6 6 7 8 8 9

11 12 12 12 12 13 13 13 14 14 15 15 16 17 18 18 19

0,54 0,58 0,61 0,63 0,67 0,71 0,75 0,81 0,85 0,92 1,00 1,09 1,19 1,31 1,44 1,60 1,99

0,04 0,05 0,05 0,05 0,06 0,06 0,07 0,07 0,08 0,08 0,09 0,10 0,11 0,13 0,14 0,15 0,20

0,49 0,52 0,55 0,57 0,60 0,62 0,65 0,70 0,73 0,77 0,83 0,89 0,95 1,03 1,10 1,20 1,48

As a summary, HDPE pipe price functions for diameters between 90~630mm are calculated as given in Table 3.10. These prices include the cost of pipe material, laying, excavation, bedding, fill and connection of pipes. Hazen-Williams C coefficient for friction loss calculation is taken as 150.
Table 3.10: Price Function for HDPE Pipes (according to State Institutes Unit Price Books)

Diameter (mm) 90 110 125 140 160 180 200 225 250 280 315 355 400 450 500 560 630

Price (YTL/m) 11,64 14,76 18,26 22,51 28,12 34,48 40,88 51,08 61,19 76,08 94,01 118,75 146,52 185,84 223,27 281,31 351,83

As an alternative to unit prices announced by State Institutes, price functions are recalculated considering data gathered from manufacturers. However, it should be noted that the used material prices are listing prices, which means that they may further decrease depending on the extent of the project, transportation distance etc. Although the material prices are taken from the market, no price analysis could be done for either for construction or other pipe related items. The cost of each item changes from project to project depending on many factors such as geological formations encountered, traffic and public density, available time scope, available machinery of the contractor etc. Thus, remaining unit prices, i.e. unit prices except the pipe material price, are kept unchanged. Price functions calculated according to


market data are given in Table 3.11. It is observed that these unit prices are lower than the ones obtained from state unit price books.

Table 3.11: Price Function for HDPE Pipes according to market data
Dia mm 90 110 125 140 160 180 200 225 250 280 315 355 400 450 500 560 630 Price YTL/m 9,87 12,75 15,27 18,08 22,47 26,98 32,08 39,63 47,53 61,40 76,54 95,27 118,41 148,12 179,26 222,33 282,06

Steel Pipes Price Function: An alternative to HDPE pipes given in the

aforementioned unit price books is steel pipes. However, there were two difficulties: available unit prices for steel pipes in State Hydraulic Works unit price book starts from pipes with diameter equal to 500mm. and secondly the minimum pressure class is 16atm. To find the unit prices for the diameters used in the previous optimizations, a polyline is fitted to available data and extrapolation is done for lower diameters. The pressure class is kept as 16atm since there is no data available regarding the relationship of 10atm pressure class and 16atm pressure class prices of same diameters. Material unit prices obtained by this method are given in Table 3.12 and Figure 3.22.


Table 3.12: Material unit prices for steel Dia mm 80 100 125 150 200 225 250 300 350 400 450 500 600 650 700 750 800 850 900 1000 Price YTL/m 8,52 11,05 14,4375 18,075 26,1 30,4875 35,125 45,15 56,175 68,2 81,225 95,25 126,3 143,325 161,35 180,375 200,4 221,425 243,45 290,5









0 0 200 400 600

Diameter (mm)




Available Data

Fitted and Extrapolated Data

Figure 3.22: Material unit prices for steel


Similar to HDPE, pipes, typical trench cross-section for steel pipes is gathered from professions and given in Figure 3.23. From Figure 3.23 calculated excavation, bedding and fill volumes are given in Table 3.14 for diameters between 100~600mm. Construction related works for steel pipes are taken same as those for HDPE pipe, but pipe related items are changed / added as follows: Pressure Test Before Laying Welding Inner insulation of welded ends Outer insulation of welded ends Laying Steel Pipe resistant to 16 Atm Cathodic protection (~2% of pipe price)

Unit price of inner and outer insulation items are calculated by extrapolation similar to material pipe prices. Cathodic protection item is taken as app. ~2% of pipe price after discussions with experienced engineers. No fitting or collar cost is included in the price functions. Hazen-Williams C coefficient for friction loss calculation is taken as 130. Resulting unit prices are given in Table 3.13.
Table 3.13: Unit prices for steel pipes
Diameter mm 100 125 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 600 Price YTL/m 15,84 20,10 24,82 34,56 45,29 57,34 70,59 82,57 98,27 114,54 151,39





Figure 3.23: Typical trench cross-section for steel pipes (units in cm)

Table 3.14: Trench dimensions and excavation, bedding and fill volumes for Steel

Diameter cm 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 30 30 30 45 50 60 30 40 30 35 30 30 25 25 25 25 25 25 30 25 25 30 22,5 25 30 20 25 30 15 25 1,28 1,40 1,46 1,53 1,67 1,81 1,95 2,10 2,26 2,58 30 12,5 25 1,21 30 10 25 1,16 30 8 25 1,11 cm cm cm m3 m3 0,43 0,45 0,49 0,52 0,59 0,63 0,66 0,74 0,82 0,91 1,00 1,09 1,29


VOLUME (for 1 meter length) EXCAVATION BEDDING

FILL m3 0,68 0,70 0,73 0,75 0,80 0,83 0,85 0,90 0,95 1,00 1,05 1,10 1,20






























Price Functions for Ductile Iron Pipes: Ductile iron pipes has always been a

primary choice of designers for water distribution networks. To perform the optimization with ductile iron pipes, price function analysis are performed using same items with the steel pipes. Unfortunately, no material unit price for ductile iron pipes is announced by either State Hydraulic Works or Bank of Provinces. Thus, a market search is conducted and material unit prices are gathered. For the pipes, using the same price items given for steel pipes, price functions for ductile iron pipes are obtained as given in Table 3.15. The unit prices include internal lining of cement (ISO4179) by centrifugal process and external coating by metallic Zinc (ISO8179), and then coverage by bituminous (asphalt) paint (BS 3416). Similar to steel pipes, Hazen-Williams C coefficient for friction loss calculation is taken as 130 also for ductile iron pipes. No fitting or collar cost is included in the price functions.
Table 3.15: Price Function for Ductile Iron Pipes
Dia mm 100 125 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 600 Price YTL/m 16,19 17,51 19,04 24,98 31,43 37,86 45,96 51,78 65,88 71,27 93,57

Price Functions of EPA (Environmental Protection Agency USA): In 1999, the

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) conducted the second Drinking Water Infrastructure Needs Survey. The purpose of the survey is to estimate the documented 20-year capital investment needs of public water systems. The survey used questionnaires to collect infrastructure needs from medium and large water systems. EPA mailed questionnaires to all 1,111 of the nations largest water systems serving more than 40,000 people, and to a random sample of 2,556 of the 7,759 medium systems serving over 3,300 people. As part of the survey, EPA developed 56

cost models to assign costs to projects for which systems lacked adequate cost documentation. The data used to develop the cost models generally include materials, construction, design, administrative and legal fees, and contingencies. In addition, it was important to obtain cost data for systems of all sizes in order to minimize the extent to which costs had to be extrapolated beyond the range of the data points. (EPA, 2001). As the result of this, price functions are gathered as given in Table 3.16.
Table 3.16: Price Functions given by EPA (Transformed from US Dollar/ ft into YTL/m)
Diameter mm 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 600 FROST YTL/m 159,43 156,80 170,25 183,73 233,46 283,16 316,30 349,46 355,74 NON-FROST YTL/m 101,80 107,45 123,59 139,76 177,49 215,25 252,74 290,26 331,62

Comparison of Price Functions: The resultant price functions based on various

materials are given in Figure 3.24. As observed from Figure 3.24, for small diameters, price functions are very close to each other. However, as diameter increases, steel and ductile iron pipes are more advantageous to HDPE pipes. Thus, in this range, i.e. for diameters larger than ~250mm, the designers has to make a choice: they can install HDPE pipes with higher prices to get benefit from its advantageous properties such as low friction loss, easy installation due to low weight etc, or they can prefer ductile iron pipes which is both cheaper and has other advantages as given in Section 3.5.3. The price function announced by EPA includes transportation, contingencies, design, administrative and legal fees and many other costs that are not directly dependent on pipe diameter, but indirectly affect the project cost. These should also be included in the price function analyses performed within the context of this study, however, because very few detail information is available, it was not possible. 57




Price Funtion (YTL/M)




0.00 0 100 200 300

Diameter (mm)




Steel Goulter and Coals

HDPE Ductile


Figure 3.24: Price Functions for various materials


Thus, only items that directly affect the cost of pipe laying are included and price function of EPA is not used in optimization studies.
3.5.4 Loading Patterns and Pressure Constraints

A set of flow outputs or inputs at the nodes is defined as the loading pattern. The loading pattern that should govern the design of a water distribution system is not a definite phenomenon. Whether the system should be designed considering the most critical instant which occurs rarely during its service time or it should be designed considering average day conditions which frequently occurs is questionable. The system can be designed considering the peak hour demands. Alternatively, it can be designed considering a huge fire within the network. A system designed with these loadings will have large diameters. However, normal day demands of a system are much lower than these loadings. Having lower demands in large pipes will cause reduction of velocity, which in turns results in low quality water. As the velocity decreases, the microscopic particles within the water tend to settle and ruin the quality of water. On the other hand, if a system is designed considering average day demands, the system capacity will not be sufficient against extreme events such as fires. No one can take the responsibility of human loss due to insufficient pressures at fire hydrants during a huge fire. Consequently, a system should be designed in such a way that it should be capable of meeting all of the above criteria. A guideline for this problem has been given by Walski (1995). He suggested using the following demand patterns in accordance with the aim of design:
Master Planning: Master planning is done to determine the size and installation date

of major capital projects for a water distribution system. In this type, pipe sizing is almost completely controlled by the magnitude and location of future municipal and industrial water use. Because the sizes of larger pipes (>400mm) are generally controlled by daily demands, not fireflows, sizing has to be checked against peakhour or peak day usage. The minimum pressure that must be met needs to be set


higher than 140 kpa (20psi). The sizes selected in master planning shall not be regarded as final decisions, but rather as rough estimates of the best size if all of the assumptions made in the master planning prove to be true.
Preliminary Engineering for Transmission Mains: During master planning, routes

are approximate, which should be studied in detail during preliminary design. Laying pipe in cleared land is much less expensive than in congested urban centers with many buried utilities. Piping decisions are often based on such cost differences. Additionally, during master planning, the area corresponding to a model node can be fairly large. In preliminary design, this changes because the location of water users can be refined further. More importantly, the locations of connections between large transmission lines and smaller neighborhood distribution pipes must now be precisely determined. For small distribution components, the probability of an outage occurring concurrently with the design fire demand is very low, so the system can be modeled as if all the pipes are in service. In case of large transmission mains, the probability of the peak demand occurring concurrently with the outage of a system component is much larger, and the effect of such an outage must be considered in pipe sizing.
Subdivision development: When land is subdivided for residential development,

industrial parks, shopping malls, the problem is significantly different from master planning and preliminary design. The sizing is almost completely controlled by fire flow requirements and most pipes will be of minimum diameter. In WADISO, the system design is performed considering steady state analysis. The designer can assign up to five different loading patterns. Different loading patterns can include variations in 1. Outputs at one or more nodes 2. Minimum pressure requirements at one or more nodes 3. Different specifications for pump operation, including efficiency and the percentage of time it may run under certain loading patterns. 60

Among the specified patterns, one may be the peak flow expected during a normal day, while another may represent the necessary flows necessary to fight a fire at specific node(s). The program will consider all specified loading patterns and will determine the pipe sizes that are capable of handling flows and minimum pressures for all patterns. In addition to flow outputs, different minimum pressure patterns can be specified for different loading patterns. Pressure constraints are the minimum pressures defined by the designer to be met or exceeded in the final solution at as many nodes as desired, for each of the loading patterns under investigation. Pressure constraints are dependant on the aim of the loading pattern. For example, minimum pressure of 25~30m head at all nodes, which corresponds to feeding approximately to a 3-storey building without extra pumping, is the general design criteria for peak hour and maximum day demand while 30m is required at a specific node at which fire fighting takes place and only 10m head is sufficient at the remaining nodes.
3.5.5 Pump and Tank Inclusion

Optimization algorithm within WADISO allows designer to include pumping costs. As the result of the pressure distribution, the flow rates through the pump and the pump head are obtained. This permits the computation of pumping cost if the percentage of time the pump is running at this operation point is specified. As discussed, it is possible to specify several loading patterns, each with its own percentage of time. The program will then calculate and accumulate the present value of the pumping cost and add it to the pipe cost. The pumping cost is calculated from the following equations:

Power (kW ) =



where = mass density of liquid g=gravitational acceleration (9,81m/s2) 61

Q= pumping flow rate (m3/s) H= Pump head (m) = Pump efficiency The user defines the cost per kW and the program calculates the overall pumping cost considering the percentage time of running in the design life. In the optimization routine of employed by WADISO, the cost of water storage (i.e. tanks and reservoirs) can be included in the optimization, in addition to pipe cost and energy cost. Similar to pumping cost, there exists a trade-off between pipe cost and storage cost. In general, smaller, less expensive pipe size combinations will require larger, more expensive storage tanks for balancing peaks in the water demand whereas larger diameters will increase the pipe cost and also results in low quality water. To calculate tank cost, similar to pipe price function, user defines price function that describes the cost per unit storage with up to 25 volumes sizes. The program enumerates all of the possible combinations of tank sizes in connection with pipe combinations.
3.5.6 Pareto Optimal Solutions

The optimal solution proposed by any algorithm may be unfeasible for a number of reasons, due to political decisions, reduced reliability etc. In addition, non-optimal (but near-optimal) solutions may display attributes that make these solutions attractive. For instance, a solution may display a slightly higher than optimal cost, but it may provide significantly better pressure characteristics than the optimal solution, though both solutions meet the pressure requirement. Another solution may violate the pressure requirement by a small amount, yet it may provide for substantial cost savings. It may then be of interest to invest in a slightly more expensive solution or sacrifice somewhat on the required pressure (Walski et al., 1990)


WADISO uses partial enumeration technique, namely it tries all of the possible combinations under certain restrictions explained above. During these trials, user can give such parameters to the program that it can keep some more combinations that are not optimum, but near optimum. With the aid of this, WADISO allows one to generate such a set of alternative non-inferior solutions that have the property of being Pareto Optimal. A Pareto optimal solution is one in which one of the measures of optimality cannot be improved without making another measure worse. For the problem of pipe network optimization specifically, there are two cases: 1. For solutions that meet pressure constraints and are within the cost tolerance, a solution is Pareto optimal (non-inferior) if there is no other solution that can give equal or greater pressure at lower cost. 2. For solutions that do not meet the pressure constraints but are within the pressure tolerance, a solution is Pareto optimal (non-inferior) if there is no other solution that can give equal or greater pressure at lower cost. There can be many Pareto optimal solutions for a specific network problem.




The aim of this study is to illustrate use of an optimization technique, i.e. WADISO, on an already constructed real world network and show the discrepancies between the traditional network design and design using an optimization software. The case study area is North 8 (N8) pressure zone of Ankara Municipality Water Distribution System (Merzi et al. 1998a, 1998b). Optimization software is WADISO (Water Distribution Network Analysis), which uses partial enumeration technique developed by Gessler (1985).

Ankara being the capital and second largest city of Turkey has a population of 3.203.362 according to year 2000 census (DE State Statistical Institute). Considering that its population was 2.583.963 in year 1990, there has been 21,48 % increase in the last 10 years. This great development indicates that there is a migration from rural areas to Ankara city center and in the future, this will continue. According to ASK (Ankara Water and Sewage Management), water consumption per capita is approximately 250 lt/day/capita as per year 2000 data. As water supply is one of the primary missions of the state institutions, Ankara has a relatively large water supply and distribution system.


Ankara water supply and distribution system is taking raw water from the following dams: Kurtboaz Dam amldere Dam Akyar Dam Erekkaya Dam Bayndr Dam (via pumping) ubuk-2 Dam

The main Water Treatment Plant is located in vedik, which is composed of four units each having a capacity of 564.000 m3/day. With this capacity, vedik treatment plant is within the top ten treatment plants among European countries. Pre-stressed concrete main lines with diameters equal to 2000mm coming from Kurtboaz Dam and amldere Dam are carrying raw water to this plant. Two other treatment plants are Bayndr Treatment Plant for Bayndr main line with 30.000-m3/day capacity and Pursaklar Treatment Plant for ubuk main line with 75.000 m3/day. Water distribution system of Ankara is divided into five main pressure zones: Central and Western Supply Zone (e.g. Sincan, Etimesgut, Eryaman) Northern Supply Zone (e.g. Keiren) Eastern and Southeastern Supply Zone (e.g.Mamak) Southern Supply Zone (e.g. ankaya) Southwestern Supply Zone (e.g. ayyolu, mitky)

Each main pressure zone is composed of several pressure zones by approximately 40-50m elevation intervals. Central and Western Zone is divided into two pressure zones as C2 and W2. Northern Supply Zone is divided into eight pressure zones named N3-N10. Eastern and Southeastern Zone has seven pressure zones at east named E3-E9 and four at southeast named SE3-SE7. Southern Supply Zone has ten


pressure zones named S3-S12 and South Western Supply Zone has four zones named SW3-SW6 (Figure 4.1) (YILDIZ, 2002). The Northern Zone, the study area is located, takes water from P1 Main Pumping Station. P1 is the main pumping station that takes water directly from vedik Treatment Station and distributes to other sub-zones. Water from P1 main station is carried to P2, which is the main pumping station of Northern Zone. (Figure 4.2, 4.3).
4.3 STUDY AREA 4.3.1 N8 Pressure Zone

The study area, N8 Pressure Zone (Figure 4.3) is located at the end of north line of Ankara Municipal Water Supply System. In administrative terms, it is located in Yenimahalle and Keiren counties. There are four districts fed from N8 subpressure zone, which are Yayla, Sancaktepe, ehit Kubilay districts of Keiren and idemtepe district of Yenimahalle. There are approximately 25.000 people living in these districts. N8 pressure zone is selected for case study due to its simple network system as well as its relatively homogenous residents. The pressure zone is composed of one pumping station P23, one main line going from pump to tank, T53, and another main line feeding northern zone. This configuration is the ideal one for any research purposes. The water consumption within the zone is mostly residential type. There are almost no significant industrial or commercial activities located within the boundaries of N8. The socioeconomic level of the residents can be accepted as low income; they are distributed uniformly in the pressure zone (Eker, 1998). Additionally, with the aid of SCADA system installed in the pump station and the tank, real water consumption values are readily available. With the help of homogeneity of the system and the data from SCADA, it is possible to determine nodal demands with negligible error.


Figure 4.1: Water Distribution System of Ankara 67 67

Figure 4.2: Ankara Subpressure Zones in North



TANK (T53) PUMP (P23)


Figure 4.3: N8 Pressure Zone

4.4. HYDRAULIC MODEL 4.4.1. Layout of the Pipes in N8 Pressure Zone

The layout of the existing system of N8 Pressure Zone is gathered from ASK, including all characteristics of the pipes, nodes, tank and the pump such as diameters, elevations, tank dimensions, pump curves etc.
4.4.2. Nodal Demands

In order to determine nodal demands to assign at the nodes of the study area, namely N8 Pressure Zone, previous studies on this area are searched and nodal demands of
August 16, 2001, which is one of the critical months of the year due to high

temperature and consequently high water usage, are selected, and nodal demands are assigned. Design load is Qpeak=115,75 lt/s.
4.4.3. Analysis of Existing System

All the system data are entered into WATERCAD 6.0 and the existing system is analyzed. As seen from Table 4.1 and Figure 4.4, there are some nodes (25 out of 337) with pressure values below 30m, which is the minimum design criteria as stated in Chapter 2. However, because they are not too low, i.e. around 20, it can be concluded that in the design stage, these nodes might have been sacrificed for the good of the area from cost point of view and no further improvements to increase the pressure values at the said locations were taken. Further to above, it is observed that the main problem of existing system is not only the low pressure at specific locations, but also the low velocity in the pipes around almost the whole system. The minimum flow velocity in the pipes should not be less than 0,5 m/s to avoid poor water quality. Unfortunately, analysis revealed that the velocity in the pipes within N8 Zone is too low, where 0,07 m/s is the average velocity. 71

Table 4.1: Nodes with pressure values below 30m. Label Elevation (m) Base Flow (l/s) Pressure (m H2O) J-296 J-289 J-270 J-295 J-271 J-274 J-249 J-250 J-319 J-269 J-314 J-315 J-251 J-198 J-207 J-291 J-272 J-294 J-252 J-256 J-199 J-206 J-204 J-205 J-208 1,142.08 1,136.56 1,133.79 1,133.40 1,132.42 1,130.71 1,130.26 1,129.48 1,128.55 1,128.46 1,127.59 1,127.38 1,126.41 1,126.76 1,125.73 1,125.02 1,124.63 1,125.31 1,124.43 1,124.17 1,124.87 1,124.78 1,124.58 1,124.58 1,124.55 0.0699 0.174 0.5172 0.6408 0.3225 0.452 0.3675 0.2914 0.2259 0.3448 0.3537 0.3032 0.2925 0.2532 0.2155 0.0563 0.3963 0.0721 0.2913 0.1925 0.4785 0.2026 0.1991 0.1346 0.1274 12.339 17.131 19.842 21.001 21.199 22.915 23.357 24.13 25.082 25.164 26.018 26.244 27.192 27.559 28.645 28.687 28.969 29.075 29.166 29.425 29.488 29.586 29.781 29.783 29.829


Tank (T53)

Pump (P23)


Figure 4.4: Pressure Distribution in Existing System

4.4.4. Optimization of the Existing System Grouping of the Pipes Considering Whole System

The very first step of optimization of the system by use of WADISO is the grouping of pipes, namely, selecting similar pipes and assigning one pipe size to them. Considering the principals of grouping given in Chapter 3.5.1 (serial pipes, parallel pipes, pipes feeding same node etc), existing N8 pressure zone is analyzed. Obviously, the main line going from pump P23 to tank T53 forms Group 1 and while the other main line feeding northern area forms Group 2. Similarly, main lines within sub-pressure zones forms separate groups. After grouping of the main lines, branching lines are studied and pipes going in parallel in the same sub-pressure zone form separate groups. In short, 72 No. groups are obtained for use in the optimization. As stated in Chapter 2, the aim of grouping pipes is to reduce computation time. However, with the aid of researchers from WADISO S.A., it is concluded that if the system would be run with 72 groups with each having 3 or more candidate pipe sizes, it would take almost 1030 years, almost infinity, to finish the computations with todays desktop computers. Consequently, the system has to be skeletonized in order to decrease pipe groups. Skeletonization of the Existing System

To skeletonize a system, such as equivalent parallel pipes by changing the remaining diameters and/or friction coefficients will result in pipe diameters having values other than commercially available ones such as 113mm. Because the aim of the skeletonization in this thesis study is only to reduce number of pipe groups to allow further computations of optimization, starting computations with diameters 113mm will be not feasible. Then, the main lines of the existing system having diameter equal to or greater than 150mm are identified and kept in the system. The resulting layout is given in Figure 74

4.5, yellow pipes being the pipes that should be removed (i.e. not included in optimization). As seen from Figure 4.5, the system is not a looped network which threatens the results of optimization. In order to provide loops, some pipes with smaller diameters are also introduced (Green pipes in Figure 4.6) and finally the layout of skeletonized system is obtained as shown in Figure 4.6. After obtaining the layout of the skeletonized system, it is time to distribute nodal demands of collapsing pipes. To perform this operation following steps are applied: . Dead end pipes are identified and the nodal demands at the dead ends are carried to the other ends. (Figure 4.7) . If a node is not on a path that is directly branching from the skeletonized system, it is transferred into the in reverse proportion of the connecting pipes. (Figure 4.8) . If a node is on a path that is directly branching from the skeletonized system, it is transferred into the branching node. (Figure 4.9) Completing all these steps for the entire network, skeletonized system with transferred nodal demands at each node is obtained, by which the total demand of the main system is equal to that of skeletonized system.


Tank (T53)

Pump (P23)


Figure 4.5: Pipes with diameter equal or greater than 150mm.

Tank (T53) Pump (P23)


Figure 4.6: Skeletonized Layout of N8 Pressure Zone

Dead End Node

Figure 4.7: Demand Transfer of a Dead End Node

Skeletonized System

Collapsing Nodes

D to em th and is no is t de ran sfe rre d

Skeletonized System
sferred d is tran Deman de to this no

d ferre trans nd is ema node D is to th

Collapsing Nodes

Collapsing Node

Figure 4.8: Demand Transfer of a Node That is NOT ON THE PATH


Skeletonized System

Collapsing Nodes
D to ema t hi nd s n is od tra e ns f err ed

Collapsing Node

Dem to t and i his s nod transf e erre d

Skeletonized System Collapsing Nodes

Collapsing Node

Figure 4.9: Demand Transfer of a Node That is ON THE PATH Grouping of Pipes for the Skeletonized Network

The grouping of pipes within skeletonized network is initiated by grouping of the main lines forming individual groups. The result is seven groups. As discussed previously, in order to reduce computation time, number of pipe groups should not exceed 15, which is a constraint resulting from WADISO. Thus, remaining pipes, i.e. pipes with diameters equal to either 125mm or 100mm, are studied very carefully in order to find the most critical ones. After this, remaining eight Groups are formed and first step of optimization is completed (Figure 4.10, Table 4.2). As can be noted from Figure 4.10, there are some pipes that are not introduced in the optimization process (yellow ones, mostly with diameter equal to 125mm or 100mm); they are not contained in any group and their diameters remain unchanged. However, since those remaining pipes have already smaller diameters, this does not have a significant effect on the results.


Tank (T53)

Pump (P23)


Figure 4.10: Pipe Groups of Skeletonized Network

Table 4.2: Pipe Groups of Skeletonized Network



GROUP GROUP GROUP GROUP GROUP GROUP GROUP GROUP GROUP GROUP GROUP GROUP GROUP GROUP GROUP 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 2 12 1 251 348 377 379 301 111 102 237 201 192 462 442 3 15 125 272 349 382 384 302 149 103 240 202 193 463 443 4 17 126 273 354 391 424 303 152 104 249 212 194 464 453 10 30 127 274 358 435 431 304 153 105 263 215 195 465 454 11 31 128 279 367 436 432 305 154 137 266 216 196 466 460 42 158 299 368 439 433 306 156 166 261 205 470 461 43 172 318 371 440 438 307 157 262 206 46 174 321 372 441 159 265 50 177 326 376 160 55 291 457 387 161 56 292 467 388 162 59 308 469 392 171 61 309 396 173 65 412 399 66 480 416 74 481 418 75 998 419 82 420 88 427 92 428 93 Candidate Pipe Sizes

After grouping of pipes, it is time to assign candidate pipe sizes for every individual group. Similar to number of groups, number of candidate pipe size for a group has also significant effect on the computation time, the more the candidate sizes the more computation time. Thus, every group has to be studied very carefully and unnecessary candidate sizes should be eliminated at the beginning. For the first run, it is decided to give three candidate pipe sizes for each group, one being the existing diameter, one size higher and one size smaller. As an example, the main line going from pump to tank with existing diameter equal to 500mm that also forms Group No 3, is assigned candidate pipes sizes of 400mm, 500mm, and 600mm. The aim of this procedure is to determine whether the system is overdesigned or under-designed. After determination of this, more pipe sizes are assigned in order to find the optimum pipe size for each group (Refer to Section 3.5.2). Table 4.3 shows candidate pipe sizes for each group for the first run to determine if the system is over-designed or under-designed. Table 4.4 shows the candidate pipe sizes for the final run. Price Functions

The main objective of optimization is being to assign the most economical diameters for every pipe; one of the crucial points of the whole process is to assign correct price functions to each diameter. A small error on this step may ruin the whole result. As an example, if the price function of 200mm pipe is assigned very close to 100mm pipe, the software will assign 200mm. Then, the result will be most probably an over-designed system with pipes having 200mm diameter where 100mm would be sufficient. As a summary, the price functions should reflect the real world situation as much as possible.


Table 4.3: Candidate Pipe Sizes to determine if the system is over-designed or under-designed.

GR 1 GR 4 GR 5 GR 6 GR 7 GR 8 GR 9 GR 10 GR 11 GR 12

GR 2

GR 3

GR 13

GR 14 GR 15

































300 250 150 200 200 200 250 200 125 150 150 150



















Table 4.4: Candidate Pipe Sizes for the final run

GR 1

GR 2

GR 3

GR 4

GR 5

GR 6

GR 7

GR 8

GR 9

GR 10

GR 11

GR 12

GR 13

GR 14

GR 15

200 150 200 250 150 100 100 100 100 100 150 125 125 150 150 150 200 200 125












150 200 100

125 150 100

150 200 100










250 200 125 150 150 150 200









In this section of case study, price functions determined by Goulter and Coals (1986) has been used. The price functions that are not given are obtained by simple interpolation (Table 4.5 and Figure 4.11) Table 4.5: Price Function given by Goulter and Coals
Diameter (mm) Price Function ($/m) 11,44 14,30 15,60 16,90 24,10 43,20 69,20 98,60









Diameter (mm) Price





Function 139,00 185,96 240,39 371,66 ($/m) Optimization Results With August Demands Following the completion of the previous steps, optimization process by use of WADISO has been done. Minimum pressure constraint as 30m at every node are assigned with 1m tolerance to find pareto optimal results, except the nodes which are located significantly at higher elevations than the tank. The first run is made by using the demands of August given in Section 4.4.2, i.e. peak demand of day August 16, 2001 and the price function given by Goulter and Coals (1986). After getting the optimization results from WADISO for the skeletonized network, found diameters are assigned to the whole network and hydraulic analysis performed. As can be noted from previous tables, there are pipes that has diameters greater than 100mm in the system that are also not included in the optimization process, because they are dead or due to the 15 available group limitation. Thus, after having optimization results, the system is analyzed and those remaining pipes are assigned smaller diameters manually in order to complete the optimization process. After all, 85

Price Function Graph

Price Function by Goulter & Coals 400.00 Derived Functions



250.00 Price Fuction ($/m)





0.00 0 100 200 300 Diameter (mm) 400 500 600

Figure 4.11: Graphical Interpretation of Price Function


optimized system is obtained with the pressure values below 30m as tabulated in Table 4.6. As can be observed, there are some nodes that have pressure values above 30m in the existing system but have less than 30m in the optimized system. The reason for this is that, in order to obtain the most economical system, pressure constraint is relaxed for this small number of nodes. Nodes designated as N/A in Table 4.6 are the ones that are not included in optimization process. The results show that the system is over-designed with the demands of August. The cost of existing system is 939.630,13 YTL (with ductile price function) while the pressure constraints can be satisfied with a system having total cost of 542.297,52YTL (with price function given by Goulter and Coals). The diameters of main lines are reduced to almost half of the existing ones. Most of the diameters of pipes are assigned as 100mm, which is the smallest diameter pipe that is allowed by the Municipality. Optimum pipe diameters for every group is given is Table 4.7. Because the pipe diameters are decreased, some improvement on velocity also gained. The result found by optimization is not a surprise since the demands are very low due to the socio-economical nature of the pressure zone. Optimization Results with Demands Including Pipe Leakages and Year 2020 Todays N8 pressure zone design was completed and implemented in 1990s. However, in 1998, thesis study of lker EKER (1998) showed that there were leakages in N8 zone and further studies done with cooperation of METU and ASK revealed the leakage causes (Merzi et al 1998a, 1998b). Consequently, it was revealed that the real demands of N8 zone are lower than the ones used in the previous design stage. Daily demand curve of N8 before the said studies is given in Figure 4.12. Furthermore, as discussed in Chapter 2, the system designs are made considering future demands, normally considering 20~25 years later. Considering this situation, the demands are further increased according to forecasted total demand of year 2020. 87

Table 4.6: Nodes of Optimized System with pressure values less than 30m
Label Pressure Head (m) Assigned pressure J-296 J-289 J-270 J-295 J-271 J-274 J-249 J-250 J-319 J-269 J-314 J-315 J-251 J-198 J-207 J-291 J-272 J-294 J-252 J-256 J-199 J-206 J-204 J-205 J-208 J-318 J-275 J-197 J-211 J-209 J-317 J-276 J-273 J-313 12.339 17.131 19.842 21.001 21.199 22.915 23.357 24.13 25.082 25.164 26.018 26.244 27.192 27.559 28.645 28.687 28.969 29.075 29.166 29.425 29.488 29.586 29.781 29.783 29.829 30.157 30.445 30.913 30.926 31.329 31.432 32.051 32.452 32.727 11.791 14.806 17.097 20.454 18.424 20.143 20.581 21.333 22.468 22.437 23.208 23.599 24.378 26.703 28.086 28.322 26.179 28.527 26.342 26.602 28.897 29.009 29.193 29.199 29.29 27.56 27.842 30.329 30.376 30.799 28.865 29.506 29.662 29.9 N/A N/A 20 N/A N/A 20 20 20 N/A 20 25 25 25 N/A 30 N/A 25 N/A 25 25 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30

Existing System Optimized System minimum


Table 4.7: Optimum Diameters with August Demands

GR 1

GR 2

GR 3

GR 4

GR 5

GR 6

GR 7

GR 8

GR 9

GR 10

GR 11 GR 12 GR 13 GR 14

GR 15 200,00

EXISTING 300,00 200,00 500,00 250,00 200,00 125,00 150,00 DIAMETERS 200 250 300 400 250 200 150 100 100 100 100 150 125 125 150 150 150 200 200 100 125 100 100 125 125 125 150 150 100 125 150

150,00 150,00 200,00 200,00 150,00 200,00 150,00 150 200 100 125 150 100




150 200 100




300 200 125 100 100 100 100












Figure 4.12: Daily Demand Curve of N8 Including Leakages

From Figure 4.12, peak loading is read as Qpeak=330,4 m3/h (91,77 lt/s) and night loading as 64,6 m3/h (17,94 lt/s).
Demand Forecast for Year 2020

Demand projection for year 2020 is performed by use of the following formula (ller Bankas, 1998):
2020 Yearknown

F2020 = Fknow * 1 + k / 100


where F is the total demand, k is a coefficient. In this equation, maximum value of k can only be 3. In order to find the maximum available design in year 2020, it is decided to take k as maximum, i.e. k=3. Consequently for peak loading, Qpeak , F2020 = 91,77 * 1 + 3 / 100
2020 1997

=> Q peak = 181,13lt / s

Similarly for night loading, Qnight, F2020 = 17,94 * 1 + 3 / 100

2020 1997

=> Qnight = 35,417lt / s

For fire loading, , Qfire , 15lt/s fire flow need is assigned to two neighboring critical nodes, i.e. nodes with pressure values below 30m, during Qpeak. These nodes are selected as Node 270 and Node 271. Additionally, as discussed in Section 3.5.3, the price function can also be very significant. To demonstrate this in this section, the same system is optimized using various price functions with three loading cases of Year 2020, but keeping all the other variables unchanged, i.e. groups. At every optimization trial, Peak Loading (Qpeak), Fire Loading (Qfire) and Night Loading (Qnight) are assigned simultaneously to 91

the software so that it can decide the critical one. As pressure constraints, following are assigned for every loading case as given in Table 4.8.
Table 4.8: Pressure Constraints for Optimization Loading Peak loading Fire Loading Night Loading Pressure Constraint

30m minimum head at every node, except the ones located at significantly higher elevations than the tank 15m minimum head at every node 30m minimum head at every node, except the ones located at significantly higher elevations than the tank

Optimization With Various Price Functions: Using built price functions in Section and Hazen-Williams coefficient based on material type; series of optimization studies are performed for three loading cases (Peak, fire and night loading). Total cost of N8 pressure zone with the optimum diameters, which are found based on various price functions, are given in Table 4.9. As it is observed from Table 4.9, the cost of the same system varies based on the material used. As the result of these studies, optimum pipe diameters depending on price functions are tabulated in Table 4.10. However, on the contrary to expectations, there are no significant development in pressures regardless of the pipe material used and the cost of total system, namely, pressures almost remain same whatever material is used and the problematic nodes remain almost same with all the system configurations (Figures 4.13~4.27, APPENDIX A).


Table 4.9: Total System Cost Optimized With Various Price Functions



HDPE Price Function with DSI Prices


HDPE Price Function with Market Prices


Steel Price Function with DSI Prices


Ductile Price Function with Market Prices


COST OF EXISTING SYSTEM (with ductile price function)



Table 4.10: Optimum pipe diameters depending on price functions

OPTIMUM DIAMETERS (mm) GR 3 GR 4 GR 5 GR 6 GR 7 GR 8 GR 9 GR 10 GR 11

GR 1

GR 2

GR 12 GR 13 GR 14 GR 15

STEEL 400 400 400 250 160 90 110 90 90 250 160 90 110 90 90 90 90 300 200 100 125 100 100 100 100 90 90












100 100 90 90

100 100 90 90

100 100 125 125

100 100 180 180







500 250 200 125 150 150 150














Tank (T53)

Pump (P23)

Tank (T53)

Pump (P23)

Figure 4.13 Existing System With Peak Loading

Figure 4.14 Existing System With Fire Loading

Tank (T53)

Pump (P23)

Figure 4.15 Existing System With Night Loading




Tank (T53)

Pump (P23)

Tank (T53)

Pump (P23)

Figure 4.16: System with Ductile (or Steel) Pipes Under Peak Loading

Figure 4.17: System with HDPE Pipes (DSI Prices) Under Peak Loading

Tank (T53)

Pump (P23)

Figure 4.18: System with HDPE Pipes (Market Prices) Under Peak Loading




Tank (T53)

Pump (P23)

Tank (T53)

Pump (P23)

Figure 4.19: System with Ductile (or Steel) Pipes Under Fire Loading

Figure 4.20: System with HDPE Pipes (DSI Prices) Under Fire Loading

Tank (T53)

Pump (P23)

Figure 4.21: System with HDPE Pipes (Market Prices) Under Fire Loading




Tank (T53)

Pump (P23)

Tank (T53)

Pump (P23)

Figure 4.22: System with Ductile (or Steel) Pipes Under Night Loading

Figure 4.23: System with HDPE Pipes (DSI Prices) Under Night Loading

Tank (T53)

Pump (P23)

Figure 4.24: System with HDPE Pipes (Market Prices) Under Night Loading




The design of water distribution networks is generally being performed with traditional (trial-and-error) techniques. This is because most of the techniques are automatic techniques which do not allow designer to control the steps of process. However, partial enumeration technique developed by Gessler (1985) is a useful tool to the designers in which they can control all the steps of the process. In this study, in order to demonstrate this, a water distribution network is designed by using Gesslers (1985) partial enumeration technique with software, WADISO. As the result of this study, the following conclusions are drawn: Partial enumeration technique is a powerful tool that assists designers. With this technique, designers can select the pipes that should be optimized, the pipes that should have the same diameters, and the pipes that can be eliminated or should not be eliminated to secure reliability. Moreover, the technique provides pareto optimal solutions that offers a different design which is close to the optimal. The only disadvantage of it is the required computation time depending on the scale of the design. Since partial enumeration technique is based on trial of all possible combinations one by one considering some rules defined by user, it is guaranteed that the solution is close to the global minimum, if not itself. The price function is very significant in any of the optimization technique. Correct price functions have to be formed considering special characteristics of the subject area and the selected pipe materials. There are various pipe 99

materials that can be used in distribution networks such as ductile iron, HDPE or steel, each having different price functions. However, since each of these materials has advantageous properties over the others, not only the price function should be considered, but also factors other than price function should also be considered. It is shown that the cost of pipe fittings can have a significant effect on the global cost, especially if the system is composed of densely located junctions. However, no guideline is available to include the cost of pipe fittings in the price functions.

Water distribution network of N8 pressure zone is over-designed. Either smaller diameter pipes should have been installed or staged development should have been planned.

Velocities within N8 zone is far below desired values. Because low velocities in the pipes cause low quality water, aging of pipes occur. In order to satisfy water quality objective, periodical flushing (extracting water from pipe hydrants to increase velocities and clean the pipes) should be performed. Another solution for increasing water quality is to divide N8 pressure zone further sub-pressure zones.

Furthermore, during the study, conventional pipe laying techniques are considered. More detailed study can be performed considering other construction techniques such as pipe jacking, trenchless construction etc. Although the network designed by use of partial enumeration technique satisfies the minimum pressure constraints, there is no possibility to control maximum pressures. Thus, pipe material has to be selected considering pressures. Additionally, there is no way to satisfy both velocity constraints and pressure constraints with WADISO. The software does not take velocities into consideration. Future studies on these subjects 100

will definitely improve the capacities of the technique. Finally, with the advances in the computer technology and development of much more rapid processors in the future, there will not be any need to follow the steps, which are explained in this study to reduce computation time, and the software will be capable of enumerating all possible combinations resulting in the global minimum.


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Pressure values of Optimum System with various price functions and under three loadings (Peak, Fire and Night Demands of Year 2020)


Table A - Pressure values of Optimum System with various price functions and under three loadings (Peak, Fire and Night Demands of Year 2020) DUCTILE / STEEL
Qfire Base Pressure Flow (m) (l/s) Qnight Base Flow Pressure (l/s) (m) Qpeak Pressure (m) Qfire Pressure (m) Qnight Pressure (m) Qpeak Pressure (m H2O) Qfire Pressure (m H2O) Qnight Pressure (m H2O) Qpeak Pressure (m H2O) Qfire Pressure (m H2O)



Qnight Pressure (m H2O)

Qpeak Label Elevation Base Pressure (m) Flow (m H2O) (l/s)


J-1 J-2 J-3 J-4 J-5 J-6 J-7 J-8 J-9 J-10 J-11 J-12 J-13 J-14 J-15 J-16 J-17 J-18 J-19 J-20 J-21 J-22 J-23 J-24 J-25 J-26 J-27 J-28 J-29 J-30 J-31 J-32 J-33 J-34 J-35 J-36 J-37 J-38 J-39 J-40 J-41

1.061,750 1.051,770 1.061,250 1.076,440 1.076,650 1.090,980 1.090,590 1.078,420 1.085,450 1.087,530 1.086,610 1.086,120 1.077,120 1.093,900 1.086,610 1.094,240 1.093,570 1.090,200 1.086,180 1.067,720 1.086,710 1.069,860 1.068,020 1.102,870 1.109,490 1.108,300 1.104,580 1.101,650 1.089,790 1.084,780 1.081,740 1.097,530 1.088,550 1.096,820 1.102,950 1.106,980 1.107,610 1.112,350 1.112,630 1.109,620 1.075,320

1,173 0,970 0,560 1,560 1,571 0,483 0,286 0,142 0,100 0,298 0,316 0,133 0,133 1,776 0,618 0,612 1,457 0,557 0,540 0,205 0,869 0,388 0,141 0,598 0,607 0,485 0,410 0,542 0,416 0,498 0,448 0,425 0,435 0,528 0,498 0,338 0,168 0,098 0,367 0,746 0,088

91,218 99,590 89,267 73,623 70,993 56,359 56,701 68,846 64,398 62,323 63,168 63,255 72,236 54,342 61,589 53,821 53,774 57,050 61,035 79,457 60,506 77,312 79,148 44,393 37,847 39,050 42,727 45,615 57,444 62,441 65,478 49,727 58,682 50,450 44,354 40,376 39,747 35,013 34,733 37,738 71,949

1,173 0,970 0,560 1,560 1,571 0,483 0,286 0,142 0,100 0,298 0,316 0,133 0,133 1,776 0,618 0,612 1,457 0,557 0,540 0,205 0,869 0,388 0,141 0,598 0,607 0,485 0,410 0,542 0,416 0,498 0,448 0,425 0,435 0,528 0,498 0,338 0,168 0,098 0,367 0,746 0,088

90,513 98,885 88,562 72,918 70,289 55,654 55,996 68,141 63,694 61,618 62,463 62,550 71,531 53,637 60,884 53,117 53,069 56,345 60,330 78,752 59,801 76,608 78,443 43,688 37,142 38,346 42,022 44,910 56,740 61,736 64,773 49,022 57,977 49,746 43,649 39,671 39,042 34,308 34,029 37,033 71,244

0,116 0,096 0,055 0,155 0,156 0,048 0,028 0,014 0,010 0,029 0,031 0,013 0,013 0,176 0,061 0,061 0,144 0,055 0,053 0,020 0,086 0,038 0,014 0,059 0,060 0,048 0,041 0,054 0,041 0,049 0,044 0,042 0,043 0,052 0,049 0,034 0,017 0,010 0,036 0,074 0,009

93,614 103,552 94,079 78,913 78,670 64,364 64,753 76,898 69,918 67,842 68,759 69,243 78,225 61,463 68,738 61,121 61,780 65,142 69,153 87,576 68,624 85,440 87,276 52,497 45,891 47,079 50,791 53,715 65,551 70,550 73,584 57,826 66,788 58,535 52,418 48,396 47,768 43,037 42,758 45,762 79,992

93,392 103,302 93,814 78,639 78,403 64,098 64,487 76,633 69,640 67,564 68,480 68,966 77,948 61,191 68,468 60,851 61,514 64,876 68,888 87,310 68,359 85,175 87,011 52,231 45,625 46,813 50,525 53,449 65,285 70,285 73,319 57,561 66,523 58,269 52,152 48,130 47,502 42,771 42,492 45,496 79,727

90,994 97,341 85,919 69,658 66,962 52,360 52,711 64,856 60,116 58,041 58,786 58,982 67,963 50,150 57,626 49,744 49,775 53,072 57,061 75,482 56,532 73,336 75,172 40,425 33,870 35,067 38,758 41,658 53,484 58,478 61,517 45,771 54,722 46,489 40,386 36,405 35,775 31,041 30,758 33,762 67,993

93,408 103,318 93,830 78,655 78,411 64,106 64,495 76,640 69,656 67,580 68,496 68,981 77,963 61,202 68,480 60,861 61,521 64,883 68,895 87,318 68,366 85,182 87,018 52,239 45,633 46,821 50,533 53,457 65,293 70,293 73,326 57,568 66,530 58,277 52,160 48,138 47,510 42,779 42,500 45,504 79,734

91,524 97,870 86,449 70,187 67,492 52,890 53,241 65,386 60,646 58,570 59,316 59,511 68,493 50,680 58,156 50,274 50,305 53,602 57,591 76,012 57,062 73,866 75,702 40,954 34,400 35,597 39,288 42,188 54,014 59,008 62,047 46,300 55,251 47,019 40,915 36,934 36,305 31,571 31,288 34,292 68,523

90,990 97,336 85,915 69,653 66,958 52,356 52,707 64,852 60,112 58,036 58,782 58,977 67,959 50,146 57,622 49,740 49,771 53,068 57,057 75,478 56,528 73,332 75,167 40,420 33,866 35,063 38,754 41,654 53,480 58,474 61,513 45,766 54,717 46,485 40,381 36,400 35,771 31,037 30,754 33,758 67,989

93,408 103,318 93,830 78,656 78,412 64,106 64,495 76,641 69,656 67,580 68,496 68,981 77,963 61,202 68,480 60,862 61,522 64,884 68,896 87,318 68,367 85,182 87,019 52,239 45,634 46,821 50,533 53,457 65,293 70,293 73,327 57,569 66,531 58,278 52,160 48,139 47,510 42,780 42,500 45,504 79,735

92,160 101,900 92,319 77,093 76,639 62,328 62,716 74,861 68,063 65,987 66,893 67,371 76,352 59,592 66,847 59,209 59,745 63,105 67,113 85,534 66,584 83,391 85,227 50,468 43,880 45,058 48,779 51,701 63,525 68,520 71,557 55,813 64,762 56,524 50,407 46,393 45,764 41,034 40,743 43,747 77,992

91,955 101,694 92,114 76,887 76,434 62,123 62,510 74,655 67,857 65,782 66,688 67,165 76,146 59,386 66,641 59,003 59,539 62,899 66,907 85,329 66,378 83,185 85,021 50,262 43,674 44,852 48,573 51,495 63,320 68,315 71,352 55,608 64,557 56,318 50,202 46,187 45,558 40,828 40,538 43,541 77,786

92,937 102,894 93,431 78,271 78,058 63,757 64,146 76,291 69,278 67,203 68,121 68,609 77,591 60,845 68,120 60,505 61,172 64,535 68,547 86,970 68,018 84,834 86,670 51,891 45,284 46,472 50,184 53,108 64,944 69,944 72,978 57,220 66,182 57,929 51,811 47,789 47,161 42,430 42,151 45,154 79,386


Qfire Base Pressure Flow (m) (l/s) Qnight Base Flow Pressure (l/s) (m) Qpeak Pressure (m) Qfire Pressure (m) Qnight Pressure (m) Qpeak Pressure (m H2O) Qfire Pressure (m H2O) Qnight Pressure (m H2O) Qpeak Pressure (m H2O) Qfire Pressure (m H2O)



Qnight Pressure (m H2O)

Qpeak Label Elevation Base Pressure (m) Flow (m H2O) (l/s)


J-42 J-43 J-44 J-45 J-46 J-47 J-48 J-49 J-50 J-51 J-52 J-53 J-54 J-55 J-56 J-57 J-58 J-59 J-60 J-61 J-62 J-63 J-64 J-65 J-66 J-67 J-68 J-69 J-70 J-71 J-72 J-73 J-74 J-75 J-76 J-77 J-78 J-79 J-80 J-81 J-82 J-83 J-84 J-85 J-86

1.078,880 1.082,460 1.084,300 1.079,860 1.072,560 1.080,210 1.078,590 1.091,650 1.094,280 1.088,450 1.094,740 1.094,770 1.089,880 1.100,700 1.103,280 1.104,590 1.104,850 1.106,220 1.112,160 1.110,990 1.114,310 1.072,950 1.080,260 1.080,630 1.059,650 1.086,770 1.080,940 1.078,200 1.082,900 1.081,360 1.079,270 1.075,610 1.076,980 1.087,400 1.094,340 1.099,170 1.103,630 1.117,260 1.115,520 1.101,100 1.084,980 1.088,610 1.078,120 1.112,010 1.117,910

0,564 0,294 0,526 0,465 0,181 0,561 0,676 0,378 0,341 0,604 0,697 0,567 0,753 0,410 0,519 0,473 0,492 0,547 0,628 0,874 0,195 0,092 0,421 0,261 0,517 1,305 0,492 0,100 0,484 0,517 0,593 0,546 0,810 0,330 0,609 0,790 0,912 0,405 0,370 0,196 0,778 0,796 0,125 0,179 0,522

68,396 64,815 62,956 67,362 74,647 67,236 68,806 55,777 53,185 59,287 52,874 52,744 57,494 47,021 44,352 42,938 42,870 41,186 35,208 36,522 33,056 77,691 70,396 70,024 91,046 63,999 69,841 72,575 67,964 69,525 71,935 76,014 74,949 63,275 56,367 51,558 47,161 34,028 35,756 50,146 65,681 62,061 72,529 39,362 33,475

0,564 0,294 0,526 0,465 0,181 0,561 0,676 0,378 0,341 0,604 0,697 0,567 0,753 0,410 0,519 0,473 0,492 0,547 0,628 0,874 0,195 0,092 0,421 0,261 0,517 1,305 0,492 0,100 0,484 0,517 0,593 0,546 0,810 0,330 0,609 0,790 0,912 0,405 0,370 0,196 0,778 0,796 0,125 0,179 0,522

67,691 64,110 62,251 66,658 73,942 66,531 68,101 55,073 52,480 58,582 52,169 52,039 56,789 46,316 43,647 42,233 42,165 40,481 34,504 35,817 32,351 76,982 69,686 69,315 90,338 63,291 69,133 71,867 67,256 68,817 71,227 75,306 74,242 62,566 55,658 50,849 46,452 33,320 35,048 49,438 64,971 61,351 71,820 38,654 32,767

0,056 0,029 0,052 0,046 0,018 0,056 0,067 0,037 0,034 0,060 0,069 0,056 0,075 0,041 0,051 0,047 0,049 0,054 0,062 0,087 0,019 0,009 0,042 0,026 0,051 0,129 0,049 0,010 0,048 0,051 0,059 0,054 0,080 0,033 0,060 0,078 0,090 0,040 0,037 0,019 0,077 0,079 0,012 0,018 0,052

76,440 72,867 71,030 75,461 82,746 75,115 76,731 63,697 61,073 66,895 60,616 60,584 65,463 54,669 52,093 50,784 50,527 49,156 43,227 44,397 41,081 81,998 74,702 74,333 95,274 68,209 74,028 76,762 72,073 73,611 75,701 79,355 77,987 67,577 60,651 55,831 51,382 37,799 39,533 53,924 69,991 66,367 76,836 43,045 37,157

76,174 72,601 70,764 75,195 82,480 74,848 76,464 63,431 60,806 66,627 60,348 60,317 65,196 54,401 51,826 50,517 50,259 48,889 42,961 44,130 40,815 81,879 74,584 74,214 95,154 68,089 73,908 76,642 71,953 73,490 75,580 79,235 77,868 67,458 60,533 55,713 51,263 37,677 39,411 53,802 69,872 66,249 76,717 42,921 37,033

64,440 60,856 59,003 63,404 70,688 63,290 64,851 51,817 49,221 55,353 48,875 48,763 53,525 43,022 40,354 38,953 38,840 37,213 31,240 32,560 29,080 76,853 69,558 69,186 90,233 63,192 69,040 71,774 67,186 68,753 71,255 75,456 74,477 62,439 55,536 50,731 46,348 33,350 35,076 49,465 64,842 61,222 71,691 38,710 32,823

76,182 72,609 70,772 75,203 82,488 74,857 76,473 63,439 60,815 66,637 60,357 60,326 65,205 54,411 51,834 50,526 50,268 48,898 42,969 44,139 40,823 81,873 74,578 74,209 95,150 68,085 73,903 76,638 71,949 73,486 75,578 79,233 77,866 67,453 60,527 55,707 51,258 37,673 39,408 53,799 69,867 66,244 76,713 42,919 37,031

64,970 61,386 59,533 63,934 71,218 63,820 65,380 52,347 49,751 55,882 49,404 49,293 54,055 43,551 40,884 39,483 39,369 37,743 31,769 33,090 29,610 77,389 70,094 69,722 90,768 63,726 69,575 72,309 67,720 69,288 71,789 75,989 75,009 62,975 56,072 51,267 46,884 33,883 35,609 49,999 65,378 61,759 72,227 39,244 33,357

64,436 60,852 58,999 63,399 70,683 63,286 64,846 51,813 49,217 55,348 48,870 48,759 53,521 43,017 40,350 38,949 38,835 37,209 31,235 32,555 29,076 76,849 69,554 69,181 90,229 63,187 69,036 71,770 67,181 68,749 71,251 75,451 74,473 62,435 55,531 50,726 46,344 33,345 35,071 49,461 64,837 61,218 71,686 38,706 32,819

76,182 72,609 70,773 75,203 82,489 74,857 76,473 63,440 60,815 66,638 60,358 60,327 65,205 54,411 51,835 50,526 50,269 48,898 42,969 44,139 40,824 81,874 74,579 74,209 95,150 68,085 73,904 76,638 71,949 73,487 75,578 79,234 77,867 67,453 60,528 55,708 51,259 37,674 39,409 53,799 69,867 66,244 76,713 42,919 37,031

74,439 70,864 69,025 73,435 80,720 73,144 74,751 61,712 59,092 64,957 58,650 58,607 63,469 52,724 50,130 48,804 48,572 47,159 41,226 42,425 39,065 80,499 73,204 72,832 93,903 66,856 72,730 75,465 70,779 72,318 74,442 78,122 76,775 66,080 59,158 54,342 49,908 36,511 38,248 52,637 68,491 64,882 75,351 41,760 35,873

74,234 70,658 68,819 73,230 80,515 72,939 74,545 61,507 58,886 64,752 58,444 58,401 63,263 52,519 49,924 48,599 48,366 46,953 41,020 42,220 38,860 80,286 72,991 72,619 93,695 66,648 72,523 75,258 70,572 72,111 74,235 77,915 76,569 65,867 58,946 54,130 49,696 36,304 38,040 52,430 68,279 64,669 75,138 41,553 35,666

75,833 72,260 70,424 74,854 82,140 74,506 76,122 63,089 60,464 66,283 60,005 59,975 64,855 54,058 51,482 50,175 49,916 48,548 42,620 43,788 40,474 81,604 74,309 73,939 94,877 67,812 73,631 76,366 71,675 73,212 75,298 78,950 77,583 67,183 60,257 55,437 50,987 37,393 39,129 53,520 69,598 65,976 76,445 42,635 36,747


Qfire Base Pressure Flow (m) (l/s) Qnight Base Flow Pressure (l/s) (m) Qpeak Pressure (m) Qfire Pressure (m) Qnight Pressure (m) Qpeak Pressure (m H2O) Qfire Pressure (m H2O) Qnight Pressure (m H2O) Qpeak Pressure (m H2O) Qfire Pressure (m H2O)



Qnight Pressure (m H2O)

Qpeak Label Elevation Base Pressure (m) Flow (m H2O) (l/s)


J-87 J-88 J-89 J-90 J-91 J-92 J-93 J-95 J-96 J-97 J-98 J-99 J-100 J-101 J-102 J-103 J-104 J-105 J-106 J-107 J-108 J-109 J-110 J-111 J-112 J-113 J-114 J-115 J-116 J-117 J-118 J-119 J-120 J-121 J-122 J-123 J-124 J-125 J-126 J-127 J-128

1.115,340 1.107,460 1.097,260 1.108,720 1.089,160 1.097,020 1.108,000 1.115,220 1.100,980 1.073,410 1.093,760 1.087,420 1.087,670 1.086,910 1.086,560 1.086,720 1.100,900 1.103,510 1.103,880 1.111,190 1.106,090 1.100,850 1.101,010 1.111,630 1.099,930 1.099,080 1.096,820 1.096,280 1.096,320 1.073,570 1.112,820 1.102,150 1.101,000 1.097,380 1.096,900 1.114,450 1.073,370 1.090,820 1.093,380 1.102,460 1.106,700

0,630 0,587 0,908 0,508 0,532 0,221 0,300 0,467 0,608 0,544 0,915 0,668 0,064 0,306 0,530 0,534 0,625 0,401 0,405 0,414 0,412 0,690 0,306 0,507 0,632 0,494 0,127 0,408 0,561 0,444 0,778 0,680 0,401 0,166 0,255 0,732 0,189 0,538 0,243 0,517 0,489

37,017 43,296 53,443 42,042 63,811 55,956 44,983 37,758 51,152 77,307 56,997 63,406 63,184 63,992 64,497 64,446 50,271 47,698 47,372 40,070 45,123 50,830 51,136 41,327 52,671 53,753 56,009 56,454 56,412 79,104 39,840 50,322 51,932 55,545 56,025 36,607 77,185 59,771 57,216 48,167 43,929

0,630 0,587 0,908 0,508 0,532 0,221 0,300 0,467 0,608 0,544 0,915 0,668 0,064 0,306 0,530 0,534 0,625 0,401 0,405 0,414 0,412 0,690 0,306 0,507 0,632 0,494 0,127 0,408 0,561 0,444 0,778 0,680 0,401 0,166 0,255 0,732 0,189 0,538 0,243 0,517 0,489

36,311 42,586 52,733 41,332 63,106 55,250 44,278 37,052 50,445 76,598 56,289 62,697 62,475 63,284 63,789 63,739 49,563 46,990 46,664 39,362 44,415 50,123 50,429 40,621 51,964 53,047 55,302 55,748 55,705 78,397 39,133 49,614 51,226 54,839 55,319 35,897 76,474 59,060 56,505 47,456 43,218

0,062 0,058 0,090 0,050 0,053 0,022 0,030 0,046 0,060 0,054 0,091 0,066 0,006 0,030 0,052 0,053 0,062 0,040 0,040 0,041 0,041 0,068 0,030 0,050 0,063 0,049 0,013 0,040 0,056 0,044 0,077 0,067 0,040 0,016 0,025 0,073 0,019 0,053 0,024 0,051 0,048

39,783 47,555 57,734 46,297 66,109 58,232 47,231 39,965 54,055 81,542 61,233 67,562 67,312 68,072 68,424 68,266 54,116 51,511 51,144 43,849 48,938 54,172 54,025 43,479 55,104 55,921 58,161 58,701 58,661 81,365 42,270 52,859 54,007 57,589 58,053 40,586 81,565 64,150 61,596 52,534 48,300

39,644 47,436 57,616 46,179 65,922 58,052 47,061 39,809 53,933 81,422 61,113 67,441 67,192 67,951 68,304 68,145 53,994 51,390 51,022 43,727 48,816 54,050 53,903 43,339 54,983 55,800 58,043 58,583 58,543 81,247 42,135 52,737 53,885 57,474 57,941 40,466 81,449 64,035 61,480 52,418 48,184

36,642 42,470 52,609 41,218 63,599 55,746 44,777 37,557 50,723 76,492 56,182 62,614 62,399 63,222 63,771 63,752 49,569 47,006 46,692 39,388 44,431 50,274 50,712 41,129 52,378 53,529 55,784 56,203 56,160 78,848 39,556 49,990 51,735 55,348 55,827 35,863 76,320 58,906 56,351 47,306 43,065

39,650 47,432 57,611 46,174 65,937 58,068 47,077 39,825 53,933 81,417 61,108 67,437 67,188 67,948 68,301 68,143 53,992 51,388 51,020 43,725 48,814 54,049 53,903 43,354 54,984 55,811 58,054 58,593 58,553 81,257 42,147 52,749 53,898 57,487 57,954 40,464 81,444 64,030 61,475 52,413 48,180

37,174 43,007 53,145 41,755 64,129 56,277 45,308 38,087 51,255 77,027 56,717 63,148 62,934 63,757 64,306 64,286 50,103 47,539 47,225 39,922 44,965 50,806 51,244 41,659 52,909 54,059 56,315 56,734 56,690 79,379 40,088 50,523 52,265 55,878 56,358 36,399 76,858 59,445 56,889 47,844 43,604

36,638 42,466 52,604 41,213 63,595 55,742 44,773 37,552 50,719 76,487 56,178 62,609 62,395 63,218 63,767 63,747 49,565 47,001 46,687 39,384 44,427 50,269 50,708 41,124 52,374 53,524 55,780 56,199 56,155 78,844 39,552 49,985 51,730 55,343 55,823 35,858 76,315 58,902 56,346 47,301 43,061

39,651 47,432 57,612 46,175 65,938 58,068 47,077 39,826 53,933 81,418 61,109 67,438 67,189 67,948 68,301 68,143 53,992 51,388 51,021 43,726 48,814 54,050 53,903 43,355 54,984 55,812 58,055 58,594 58,554 81,258 42,148 52,749 53,898 57,487 57,954 40,464 81,445 64,030 61,475 52,414 48,180

38,564 46,084 56,253 44,828 64,788 56,940 45,978 38,766 52,840 80,141 59,827 66,238 65,996 66,769 67,131 66,988 52,831 50,233 49,866 42,569 47,652 52,932 52,812 42,342 53,934 54,836 57,090 57,597 57,556 80,249 41,047 51,738 52,947 56,560 57,039 39,163 80,049 62,635 60,080 51,031 46,800

38,358 45,871 56,040 44,615 64,582 56,735 45,772 38,560 52,634 79,932 59,619 66,031 65,789 66,562 66,924 66,781 52,624 50,026 49,659 42,362 47,445 52,725 52,606 42,137 53,728 54,630 56,885 57,391 57,350 80,043 40,839 51,531 52,741 56,354 56,833 38,950 79,833 62,420 59,864 50,815 46,584

39,338 47,164 57,343 45,907 65,531 57,676 46,703 39,477 53,637 81,145 60,836 67,164 66,915 67,673 68,025 67,865 53,716 51,111 50,742 43,448 48,537 53,766 53,607 43,037 54,685 55,531 57,782 58,321 58,281 80,985 41,827 52,469 53,617 57,220 57,697 40,190 81,181 63,766 61,211 52,150 47,918


Qfire Base Pressure Flow (m) (l/s) Qnight Base Flow Pressure (l/s) (m) Qpeak Pressure (m) Qfire Pressure (m) Qnight Pressure (m) Qpeak Pressure (m H2O) Qfire Pressure (m H2O) Qnight Pressure (m H2O) Qpeak Pressure (m H2O) Qfire Pressure (m H2O)



Qnight Pressure (m H2O)

Qpeak Label Elevation Base Pressure (m) Flow (m H2O) (l/s)


J-129 J-130 J-131 J-132 J-133 J-134 J-135 J-136 J-137 J-138 J-139 J-140 J-141 J-142 J-143 J-144 J-145 J-146 J-147 J-148 J-149 J-150 J-151 J-152 J-153 J-154 J-155 J-156 J-157 J-158 J-159 J-160 J-161 J-162 J-163 J-164 J-165 J-166 J-167 J-168 J-169 J-170 J-171 J-172 J-173

1.115,620 1.114,720 1.111,170 1.113,610 1.115,470 1.120,580 1.120,180 1.118,950 1.119,360 1.115,750 1.118,850 1.117,830 1.119,170 1.118,980 1.116,090 1.116,450 1.107,260 1.108,680 1.107,610 1.108,110 1.107,650 1.114,450 1.080,520 1.090,050 1.090,060 1.078,720 1.079,490 1.090,580 1.081,490 1.090,650 1.071,850 1.083,880 1.086,410 1.090,490 1.098,160 1.099,830 1.113,510 1.107,070 1.103,830 1.095,100 1.096,400 1.096,120 1.102,340 1.109,480 1.101,790

0,372 0,343 0,428 0,166 0,282 0,535 0,308 0,446 0,602 0,605 0,654 0,549 0,631 0,305 0,893 0,612 1,254 0,894 0,227 0,437 0,485 0,144 0,182 0,613 0,623 0,481 0,357 0,364 0,415 0,753 0,371 0,606 0,588 0,919 0,337 0,701 0,658 0,444 0,440 0,609 0,454 0,090 0,392 0,630 0,466

35,027 35,963 39,520 37,079 35,313 30,216 30,637 31,727 31,252 34,856 31,930 32,778 31,327 31,515 34,377 34,001 43,106 41,690 42,757 42,280 42,786 35,999 69,727 60,217 60,210 71,525 70,757 59,691 68,763 59,624 78,386 66,392 63,867 59,863 52,208 50,541 37,799 44,237 47,534 56,278 56,328 56,743 49,854 41,189 48,768

0,372 0,343 0,428 0,166 0,282 0,535 0,308 0,446 0,602 0,605 0,654 0,549 0,631 0,305 0,893 0,612 1,254 0,894 0,227 0,437 0,485 0,144 0,182 0,613 0,623 0,481 0,357 0,364 0,415 0,753 0,371 0,606 0,588 0,919 0,337 0,701 0,658 0,444 0,440 0,609 0,454 0,090 0,392 0,630 0,466

34,316 35,252 38,810 36,369 34,601 29,505 29,926 31,016 30,541 34,145 31,219 32,066 30,615 30,803 33,665 33,290 42,394 40,979 42,045 41,568 42,074 35,287 69,015 59,505 59,498 70,813 70,045 58,979 68,051 58,912 77,674 65,680 63,155 59,151 51,496 49,829 37,086 43,525 46,821 55,564 55,600 55,994 49,145 40,477 48,056

0,037 0,034 0,042 0,016 0,028 0,053 0,031 0,044 0,060 0,060 0,065 0,054 0,063 0,030 0,089 0,061 0,124 0,089 0,022 0,043 0,048 0,014 0,018 0,061 0,062 0,048 0,035 0,036 0,041 0,075 0,037 0,060 0,058 0,091 0,033 0,069 0,065 0,044 0,044 0,060 0,045 0,009 0,039 0,062 0,046

39,396 40,296 43,844 41,407 39,544 34,444 34,842 36,068 35,659 39,263 36,175 37,182 35,844 36,033 38,917 38,557 47,727 46,309 47,377 46,878 47,337 40,551 74,411 64,901 64,891 76,208 75,439 64,372 73,443 64,302 83,064 71,058 68,533 64,462 56,808 55,141 41,499 47,926 51,159 59,864 58,560 58,825 52,664 45,515 53,186

39,281 40,181 43,728 41,291 39,429 34,329 34,727 35,952 35,543 39,147 36,059 37,066 35,728 35,918 38,801 38,442 47,611 46,194 47,262 46,763 47,222 40,436 74,296 64,785 64,775 76,093 75,324 64,257 73,328 64,187 82,949 70,943 68,418 64,347 56,692 55,026 41,383 47,810 51,043 59,750 58,445 58,711 52,543 45,399 53,071

34,164 35,111 38,673 36,230 34,487 29,391 29,818 30,869 30,376 33,980 31,102 31,900 30,417 30,605 33,460 33,080 42,165 40,751 41,817 41,346 41,864 35,078 68,769 59,259 59,253 70,567 69,799 58,734 67,805 58,667 77,429 65,439 62,914 58,928 51,273 49,606 37,120 43,561 46,874 55,624 56,018 56,423 49,440 40,332 47,884

39,277 40,177 43,723 41,287 39,427 34,327 34,726 35,951 35,541 39,144 36,056 37,065 35,726 35,916 38,799 38,440 47,609 46,192 47,260 46,761 47,220 40,434 74,294 64,783 64,773 76,090 75,322 64,254 73,326 64,184 82,946 70,941 68,416 64,345 56,690 55,024 41,384 47,811 51,044 59,752 58,454 58,724 52,553 45,398 53,070

34,702 35,649 39,211 36,768 35,026 29,931 30,358 31,409 30,916 34,520 31,640 32,441 30,957 31,145 34,000 33,620 42,706 41,291 42,357 41,886 42,405 35,618 69,309 59,800 59,793 71,108 70,340 59,274 68,346 59,208 77,970 65,979 63,455 59,469 51,814 50,147 37,661 44,103 47,417 56,169 56,588 57,024 49,975 40,873 48,426

34,159 35,106 38,668 36,225 34,482 29,387 29,814 30,865 30,372 33,976 31,097 31,896 30,412 30,600 33,456 33,076 42,161 40,746 41,812 41,341 41,860 35,073 68,764 59,254 59,248 70,562 69,794 58,729 67,801 58,663 77,425 65,434 62,909 58,923 51,269 49,601 37,115 43,556 46,870 55,619 56,013 56,417 49,435 40,328 47,880

39,278 40,177 43,724 41,287 39,427 34,327 34,726 35,951 35,542 39,145 36,056 37,065 35,727 35,916 38,800 38,440 47,610 46,192 47,260 46,761 47,221 40,434 74,294 64,783 64,773 76,091 75,322 64,255 73,326 64,185 82,947 70,941 68,416 64,345 56,691 55,024 41,385 47,811 51,045 59,753 58,455 58,725 52,553 45,399 53,070

37,902 38,805 42,362 39,917 38,060 32,960 33,359 34,583 34,170 37,772 34,689 35,699 34,354 34,544 37,428 37,068 46,233 44,817 45,884 45,397 45,864 39,077 72,891 63,381 63,373 74,690 73,923 62,857 71,933 62,791 81,583 69,579 67,047 62,995 55,332 53,663 40,110 46,545 49,789 58,528 57,369 57,716 51,476 44,055 51,733

37,686 38,589 42,148 39,702 37,843 32,744 33,143 34,366 33,953 37,556 34,474 35,482 34,138 34,328 37,211 36,851 46,016 44,599 45,667 45,179 45,646 38,859 72,673 63,164 63,156 74,472 73,705 62,639 71,716 62,574 81,365 69,361 66,829 62,777 55,114 53,445 39,892 46,327 49,571 58,307 57,144 57,451 51,267 43,837 51,515

39,016 39,914 43,459 41,023 39,165 34,066 34,465 35,692 35,283 38,886 35,793 36,809 35,472 35,662 38,546 38,187 47,358 45,940 47,008 46,509 46,968 40,182 74,043 64,532 64,522 75,839 75,071 64,003 73,075 63,933 82,696 70,690 68,165 64,094 56,439 54,772 41,121 47,549 50,782 59,493 58,196 58,469 52,277 45,142 52,817


Qfire Base Pressure Flow (m) (l/s) Qnight Base Flow Pressure (l/s) (m) Qpeak Pressure (m) Qfire Pressure (m) Qnight Pressure (m) Qpeak Pressure (m H2O) Qfire Pressure (m H2O) Qnight Pressure (m H2O) Qpeak Pressure (m H2O) Qfire Pressure (m H2O)



Qnight Pressure (m H2O)

Qpeak Label Elevation Base Pressure (m) Flow (m H2O) (l/s)


J-174 J-175 J-176 J-177 J-178 J-179 J-180 J-181 J-182 J-183 J-184 J-185 J-186 J-187 J-188 J-189 J-190 J-191 J-192 J-193 J-194 J-195 J-196 J-197 J-198 J-199 J-200 J-201 J-202 J-203 J-204 J-205 J-206 J-207 J-208 J-209 J-210 J-211 J-212 J-213 J-214 J-215 J-216 J-217 J-218

1.098,800 1.097,230 1.057,800 1.092,830 1.065,460 1.083,150 1.095,870 1.095,420 1.091,820 1.079,680 1.091,730 1.084,050 1.094,050 1.063,990 1.084,180 1.100,050 1.105,870 1.115,120 1.120,730 1.112,840 1.102,770 1.113,310 1.099,750 1.123,470 1.126,760 1.124,870 1.105,050 1.104,960 1.105,000 1.093,440 1.124,580 1.124,580 1.124,780 1.125,730 1.124,550 1.123,050 1.119,120 1.123,460 1.117,100 1.114,900 1.116,370 1.114,550 1.089,730 1.090,590 1.089,530

0,401 0,764 1,025 1,421 0,505 0,809 0,257 1,023 0,576 0,145 0,374 0,132 0,677 0,916 1,878 0,669 0,481 0,126 0,678 0,126 0,243 0,246 0,804 1,129 0,396 0,749 0,299 0,167 0,909 0,444 0,311 0,211 0,317 0,337 0,199 0,225 1,010 1,025 1,455 1,346 0,561 0,276 1,377 2,183 0,153

51,754 53,356 94,717 59,889 87,125 69,488 56,986 57,416 59,908 71,876 59,851 68,587 58,607 87,569 67,514 51,710 45,923 36,771 31,231 39,046 49,015 38,562 53,201 29,737 25,681 28,270 47,658 47,747 47,705 59,197 28,598 28,621 28,462 27,603 28,867 30,404 34,464 29,900 36,492 37,671 36,327 38,477 62,656 61,960 62,851

0,401 0,764 1,025 1,421 0,505 0,809 0,257 1,023 0,576 0,145 0,374 0,132 0,677 0,916 1,878 0,669 0,481 0,126 0,678 0,126 0,243 0,246 0,804 1,129 0,396 0,749 0,299 0,167 0,909 0,444 0,311 0,211 0,317 0,337 0,199 0,225 1,010 1,025 1,455 1,346 0,561 0,276 1,377 2,183 0,153

51,042 52,643 93,965 59,136 86,372 68,735 56,233 56,646 59,138 71,106 59,081 67,631 57,651 86,988 66,934 51,129 45,343 36,191 30,651 38,466 48,434 37,981 52,506 29,147 25,100 27,690 46,748 46,836 46,795 58,221 28,044 28,079 27,939 27,114 28,407 29,955 34,054 29,380 36,083 36,640 35,368 37,724 61,476 60,893 61,661

0,040 0,076 0,102 0,141 0,050 0,080 0,025 0,101 0,057 0,014 0,037 0,013 0,067 0,091 0,186 0,066 0,048 0,012 0,067 0,012 0,024 0,024 0,080 0,112 0,039 0,074 0,030 0,017 0,090 0,044 0,031 0,021 0,031 0,033 0,020 0,022 0,100 0,102 0,144 0,133 0,056 0,027 0,136 0,216 0,015

56,170 57,737 97,064 62,106 89,420 71,766 59,074 59,520 63,097 75,211 63,185 70,832 60,852 90,723 70,575 54,737 48,929 39,699 34,101 41,974 52,023 41,505 55,195 31,393 28,090 29,986 49,806 49,896 49,856 61,457 30,234 30,218 29,998 29,018 30,174 31,662 35,560 31,335 37,576 39,920 38,410 40,175 65,058 64,289 65,264

56,055 57,622 96,950 61,992 89,306 71,651 58,959 59,404 62,985 75,099 63,073 70,699 60,720 90,645 70,497 54,659 48,851 39,621 34,023 41,896 51,945 41,427 55,086 31,307 28,010 29,904 49,698 49,788 49,748 61,323 30,158 30,144 29,927 28,953 30,113 31,603 35,505 31,261 37,521 39,803 38,308 40,095 64,929 64,149 65,131

50,871 52,482 94,310 59,519 86,733 69,100 56,653 57,036 59,218 71,145 59,120 67,737 57,758 86,967 66,939 51,144 45,364 36,234 30,710 38,509 48,455 38,020 53,007 29,569 25,291 28,079 46,833 46,920 46,879 58,296 28,409 28,434 28,280 27,433 28,711 30,254 34,339 29,750 36,370 36,396 35,143 37,653 61,089 60,836 61,272

56,054 57,621 96,961 62,004 89,318 71,663 58,973 59,418 62,991 75,104 63,078 70,721 60,741 90,639 70,491 54,654 48,846 39,616 34,018 41,892 51,940 41,422 55,098 31,315 28,009 29,908 49,712 49,802 49,762 61,345 30,161 30,148 29,931 28,956 30,116 31,606 35,508 31,267 37,524 39,823 38,325 40,107 64,952 64,174 65,156

51,412 53,023 94,920 60,129 87,342 69,710 57,263 57,675 59,858 71,784 59,759 68,697 58,717 87,405 67,377 51,582 45,802 36,672 31,149 38,947 48,893 38,458 53,530 30,016 25,730 28,518 47,755 47,842 47,800 59,291 28,830 28,847 28,680 27,808 29,065 30,599 34,655 30,146 36,684 37,603 36,273 38,504 62,522 61,987 62,716

50,866 52,477 94,304 59,513 86,726 69,094 56,647 57,029 59,211 71,138 59,113 67,722 57,743 86,964 66,937 51,142 45,361 36,232 30,708 38,507 48,452 38,018 53,002 29,567 25,289 28,077 46,826 46,914 46,872 58,280 28,407 28,432 28,279 27,432 28,711 30,254 34,340 29,749 36,370 36,428 35,187 37,703 61,119 60,815 61,298

56,054 57,621 96,962 62,005 89,318 71,664 58,973 59,418 62,992 75,105 63,079 70,722 60,742 90,639 70,492 54,654 48,846 39,616 34,019 41,892 51,940 41,422 55,099 31,315 28,009 29,908 49,712 49,802 49,762 61,346 30,161 30,148 29,931 28,956 30,115 31,606 35,508 31,267 37,524 39,821 38,321 40,102 64,951 64,176 65,155

54,729 56,310 95,912 60,971 88,207 70,570 57,955 58,372 60,864 72,832 60,807 69,452 59,473 89,521 69,467 53,718 47,915 38,700 33,112 40,975 51,007 40,503 54,200 30,584 27,159 29,143 48,494 48,584 48,543 60,053 29,451 29,461 29,276 28,357 29,560 31,068 35,027 30,635 37,048 38,571 37,191 39,225 63,566 62,778 63,747

54,511 56,091 95,640 60,699 87,934 70,297 57,683 58,073 60,566 72,534 60,509 68,880 58,901 89,350 69,296 53,547 47,744 38,528 32,941 40,803 50,835 40,332 53,997 30,405 26,988 28,972 47,940 48,029 47,988 59,451 29,286 29,298 29,118 28,205 29,414 30,924 34,890 30,473 36,913 37,924 36,603 38,797 62,786 62,042 62,941

55,801 57,367 96,710 61,751 89,065 71,411 58,717 59,163 62,741 74,854 62,829 70,474 60,495 90,459 70,311 54,474 48,666 39,435 33,836 41,710 51,760 41,241 54,847 31,122 27,820 29,707 49,497 49,587 49,547 61,099 29,985 29,980 29,774 28,817 29,987 31,482 35,396 31,105 37,412 39,621 38,145 39,957 64,740 63,931 64,941


Qfire Base Pressure Flow (m) (l/s) Qnight Base Flow Pressure (l/s) (m) Qpeak Pressure (m) Qfire Pressure (m) Qnight Pressure (m) Qpeak Pressure (m H2O) Qfire Pressure (m H2O) Qnight Pressure (m H2O) Qpeak Pressure (m H2O) Qfire Pressure (m H2O)



Qnight Pressure (m H2O)

Qpeak Label Elevation Base Pressure (m) Flow (m H2O) (l/s)


J-219 J-220 J-221 J-222 J-223 J-224 J-225 J-226 J-227 J-228 J-229 J-230 J-231 J-232 J-233 J-234 J-235 J-236 J-237 J-238 J-239 J-240 J-241 J-242 J-243 J-244 J-245 J-246 J-247 J-248 J-249 J-250 J-251 J-252 J-253 J-254 J-255 J-256 J-257 J-258 J-259 J-260 J-261 J-262 J-263

1.089,680 1.075,920 1.076,610 1.090,220 1.078,770 1.081,570 1.071,280 1.071,310 1.071,510 1.069,740 1.101,750 1.081,590 1.081,580 1.074,610 1.068,160 1.078,690 1.088,620 1.087,700 1.078,660 1.081,420 1.074,000 1.078,840 1.091,840 1.084,050 1.099,070 1.105,610 1.106,860 1.101,650 1.097,750 1.116,170 1.130,260 1.129,480 1.126,410 1.124,430 1.112,890 1.112,470 1.112,650 1.124,170 1.113,560 1.112,810 1.108,820 1.099,680 1.110,450 1.096,150 1.098,740

1,057 1,516 1,662 0,592 0,336 0,537 0,219 1,633 0,871 0,267 0,484 0,120 0,076 0,468 0,613 0,206 0,482 0,706 0,742 0,387 0,070 0,411 0,491 0,766 0,122 0,268 0,519 0,995 0,746 0,192 0,575 0,456 0,458 0,456 0,825 0,485 0,971 0,301 0,972 0,268 0,514 0,159 0,708 0,719 0,472

61,696 74,750 75,613 62,186 73,577 70,753 80,782 78,291 79,058 80,821 50,835 70,710 70,720 77,550 81,400 70,890 60,176 61,109 70,126 67,363 74,786 69,956 57,013 64,770 49,938 43,412 42,168 47,363 51,203 32,933 18,872 19,636 22,687 24,657 36,168 36,590 36,421 24,916 35,487 36,222 40,201 49,322 38,576 52,859 50,268

1,057 1,516 1,662 0,592 0,336 0,537 0,219 1,633 0,871 0,267 0,484 0,120 0,076 0,468 0,613 0,206 0,482 0,706 0,742 0,387 0,070 0,411 0,491 0,766 0,122 0,268 0,519 0,995 0,746 0,192 0,575 0,456 0,458 0,456 0,825 0,485 0,971 0,301 0,972 0,268 0,514 0,159 0,708 0,719 0,472

60,926 73,980 74,175 61,039 72,409 69,561 79,138 72,981 78,288 80,051 49,820 69,496 69,506 76,207 76,091 65,581 53,554 54,488 63,505 60,743 68,168 63,338 50,390 58,154 43,290 36,750 35,505 40,708 44,547 26,233 12,172 12,942 15,997 17,969 29,486 29,907 29,743 18,228 28,817 29,554 33,535 42,656 31,911 46,263 43,628

0,105 0,150 0,165 0,059 0,033 0,053 0,022 0,162 0,086 0,026 0,048 0,012 0,008 0,046 0,061 0,020 0,048 0,070 0,074 0,038 0,007 0,041 0,049 0,076 0,012 0,027 0,051 0,099 0,074 0,019 0,057 0,045 0,045 0,045 0,082 0,048 0,096 0,030 0,096 0,027 0,051 0,016 0,070 0,071 0,047

65,228 78,951 78,194 64,531 75,954 73,156 83,498 83,305 83,351 85,118 52,976 73,137 73,147 80,113 86,449 75,940 65,972 66,891 75,912 73,158 80,563 75,733 62,759 70,534 55,545 49,017 47,769 52,969 56,861 38,476 24,414 25,193 28,257 30,233 41,749 42,169 41,988 30,493 41,082 41,831 45,814 54,935 44,190 58,462 55,875

65,117 78,842 78,037 64,416 75,840 73,042 83,333 83,199 83,242 85,008 52,883 73,022 73,032 79,991 86,342 75,834 65,872 66,790 75,812 73,057 80,463 75,632 62,659 70,433 55,444 48,916 47,669 52,869 56,760 38,377 24,316 25,094 28,158 30,134 41,650 42,070 41,890 30,393 40,982 41,731 45,714 54,835 44,089 58,361 55,774

60,908 73,771 73,632 60,628 71,911 68,965 78,327 70,446 78,053 79,815 49,403 68,860 68,870 75,344 73,546 63,035 49,973 50,911 59,928 57,163 64,594 59,764 46,822 54,585 39,749 33,208 31,964 37,166 40,990 22,705 8,645 9,411 12,460 14,429 25,947 26,371 26,224 14,689 25,277 26,031 30,018 39,139 28,465 42,757 40,091

65,121 78,841 78,068 64,438 75,863 73,066 83,367 83,190 83,240 85,007 52,901 73,047 73,057 80,021 86,333 75,825 65,858 66,776 75,798 73,043 80,449 75,618 62,645 70,419 55,431 48,904 47,656 52,856 56,747 38,365 24,303 25,081 28,145 30,121 41,638 42,057 41,877 30,381 40,970 41,719 45,701 54,822 44,076 58,348 55,761

61,548 74,411 75,401 62,049 73,415 70,567 80,445 77,236 78,692 80,455 50,721 70,512 70,522 77,287 80,336 69,825 58,869 59,806 68,822 66,057 73,485 68,655 55,721 63,473 48,684 42,160 40,916 46,110 49,935 31,696 17,636 18,395 21,443 23,412 34,920 35,343 35,177 23,670 34,236 34,967 38,946 48,067 37,322 51,608 49,015

60,901 73,764 73,588 60,686 72,014 69,121 78,262 70,392 78,046 79,809 49,533 69,032 69,042 75,605 73,491 62,981 50,342 51,279 60,296 57,531 64,963 60,132 47,191 54,953 40,123 33,579 32,335 37,539 41,363 23,068 9,008 9,776 12,828 14,799 26,315 26,738 26,577 15,058 25,647 26,381 30,361 39,482 28,739 43,114 40,464

65,121 78,842 78,071 64,432 75,855 73,057 83,371 83,191 83,241 85,007 52,891 73,037 73,047 80,008 86,334 75,825 65,864 66,782 75,804 73,049 80,454 75,624 62,651 70,425 55,437 48,909 47,662 52,862 56,753 38,370 24,308 25,087 28,151 30,127 41,643 42,062 41,882 30,386 40,975 41,724 45,706 54,828 44,081 58,353 55,767

62,652 75,706 76,304 63,126 74,527 71,656 81,370 81,314 80,014 81,777 51,719 71,567 71,577 78,135 84,424 73,914 63,527 64,461 73,478 70,721 78,133 73,303 60,363 68,109 53,153 46,630 45,385 50,579 54,419 36,143 22,083 22,850 25,909 27,879 39,391 39,814 39,649 28,139 38,706 39,442 43,423 52,544 41,798 56,073 53,483

62,354 75,408 75,027 62,393 73,764 70,790 79,741 79,646 79,716 81,479 51,045 70,618 70,628 76,699 82,756 72,246 61,001 61,935 70,955 68,198 75,612 70,782 57,829 65,590 50,618 44,084 42,840 48,040 51,879 33,561 19,500 20,273 23,334 25,306 36,824 37,248 37,113 25,565 36,153 36,901 40,884 50,005 39,282 53,570 50,952

64,872 78,595 77,835 64,243 75,668 72,870 83,134 83,103 82,995 84,761 52,730 72,849 72,859 79,811 86,246 75,737 65,797 66,716 75,737 72,983 80,388 75,558 62,584 70,358 55,369 48,842 47,594 52,794 56,685 38,303 24,241 25,020 28,083 30,059 41,576 41,995 41,815 30,319 40,908 41,656 45,638 54,760 44,013 58,284 55,698


Qfire Base Pressure Flow (m) (l/s) Qnight Base Flow Pressure (l/s) (m) Qpeak Pressure (m) Qfire Pressure (m) Qnight Pressure (m) Qpeak Pressure (m H2O) Qfire Pressure (m H2O) Qnight Pressure (m H2O) Qpeak Pressure (m H2O) Qfire Pressure (m H2O)



Qnight Pressure (m H2O)

Qpeak Label Elevation Base Pressure (m) Flow (m H2O) (l/s)


J-264 J-265 J-266 J-267 J-268 J-269 J-270 J-271 J-272 J-273 J-274 J-275 J-276 J-277 J-278 J-279 J-280 J-281 J-282 J-283 J-284 J-285 J-286 J-287 J-288 J-289 J-290 J-291 J-292 J-294 J-295 J-296 J-297 J-298 J-299 J-300 J-301 J-302 J-303 J-304 J-305 J-306 J-307 J-308 J-309

1.086,580 1.066,910 1.081,040 1.096,150 1.113,280 1.128,460 1.133,790 1.132,420 1.124,630 1.121,140 1.130,710 1.123,190 1.121,590 1.116,020 1.118,470 1.118,980 1.118,770 1.119,130 1.117,720 1.117,770 1.119,350 1.118,880 1.117,000 1.118,300 1.111,160 1.136,560 1.120,610 1.125,020 1.121,110 1.125,310 1.133,400 1.142,080 1.095,650 1.090,150 1.082,720 1.083,920 1.087,060 1.101,960 1.090,490 1.099,510 1.094,010 1.086,880 1.083,260 1.086,450 1.096,680

0,791 0,197 0,296 1,066 1,158 0,540 0,809 0,505 0,620 0,603 0,707 0,568 0,438 0,799 0,079 0,027 0,231 0,047 0,914 0,234 0,403 0,027 0,129 0,367 0,088 0,272 0,290 0,088 1,273 0,113 1,003 0,109 0,233 0,762 1,230 0,890 0,447 0,893 0,184 0,676 0,835 0,146 0,796 0,212 0,774

62,298 81,924 67,823 52,868 35,755 20,700 15,355 16,703 24,463 27,942 18,405 26,016 27,657 33,179 30,835 30,326 30,535 30,141 31,609 31,479 29,909 30,425 32,240 30,943 38,069 12,731 32,033 27,632 32,994 28,148 20,075 11,412 53,371 58,983 66,455 65,183 62,019 47,049 58,495 49,496 54,986 62,101 66,062 62,653 52,445

0,791 0,197 0,296 1,066 1,158 0,540 15,809 15,505 0,620 0,603 0,707 0,568 0,438 0,799 0,079 0,027 0,231 0,047 0,914 0,234 0,403 0,027 0,129 0,367 0,088 0,272 0,290 0,088 1,273 0,113 1,003 0,109 0,233 0,762 1,230 0,890 0,447 0,893 0,184 0,676 0,835 0,146 0,796 0,212 0,774

55,716 75,342 61,241 46,318 29,078 14,019 8,292 9,499 17,485 21,142 11,611 19,497 21,187 26,760 24,485 23,976 24,185 23,799 25,306 25,137 23,567 24,076 25,899 24,602 31,727 6,389 30,010 25,609 32,811 27,737 19,664 11,001 46,831 52,879 60,351 58,911 55,675 40,437 51,883 42,839 48,341 55,456 60,229 56,373 46,165

0,078 0,020 0,029 0,106 0,115 0,053 0,080 0,050 0,061 0,060 0,070 0,056 0,043 0,079 0,008 0,003 0,023 0,005 0,091 0,023 0,040 0,003 0,013 0,036 0,009 0,027 0,029 0,009 0,126 0,011 0,099 0,011 0,023 0,076 0,122 0,088 0,044 0,088 0,018 0,067 0,083 0,015 0,079 0,021 0,077

68,012 87,642 73,540 58,464 41,366 26,210 20,893 22,260 30,034 33,521 23,971 31,471 33,065 38,622 36,177 35,668 35,878 35,518 36,925 36,875 35,298 35,768 37,643 36,346 43,472 18,123 33,945 29,544 33,407 29,381 21,307 12,645 58,964 64,470 71,886 70,681 67,545 52,665 64,112 55,110 60,599 67,715 71,358 68,157 57,948

67,910 87,541 73,439 58,362 41,267 26,112 20,794 22,161 29,935 33,424 23,875 31,373 32,967 38,525 36,080 35,571 35,780 35,421 36,828 36,778 35,201 35,671 37,546 36,249 43,374 18,026 33,903 29,502 33,387 29,326 21,253 12,590 58,862 64,364 71,780 70,576 67,440 52,564 64,011 55,010 60,500 67,615 71,252 68,050 57,841

52,180 71,805 57,705 42,833 25,685 10,531 4,765 5,909 13,974 17,844 8,399 16,070 17,940 23,628 21,448 20,939 21,148 20,783 22,353 22,115 20,548 21,038 22,875 21,578 28,703 3,368 29,197 24,796 32,929 27,984 19,911 11,248 43,353 49,641 57,128 55,572 52,297 37,025 48,471 39,473 44,976 52,091 57,232 52,792 42,585

67,897 87,527 73,426 58,350 41,254 26,099 20,782 22,148 29,923 33,410 23,861 31,360 32,955 38,513 36,068 35,559 35,769 35,409 36,816 36,766 35,189 35,659 37,534 36,237 43,363 18,014 33,899 29,498 33,387 29,328 21,255 12,592 58,849 64,353 71,769 70,565 67,429 52,552 63,998 54,997 60,486 67,602 71,242 68,035 57,826

61,016 80,640 66,540 51,620 34,500 19,472 14,119 15,463 23,219 26,696 17,162 24,803 26,455 31,967 29,650 29,141 29,350 28,946 30,431 30,279 28,711 29,240 31,038 29,741 36,867 11,532 31,725 27,324 33,071 28,299 20,226 11,563 52,124 57,776 65,264 63,969 60,796 45,794 57,240 48,241 53,731 60,846 64,916 61,432 51,225

52,540 72,164 58,064 43,185 25,902 10,870 4,991 6,171 14,225 17,935 8,409 16,400 18,123 23,701 21,472 20,963 21,173 20,779 22,314 22,112 20,544 21,063 22,871 21,574 28,700 3,365 29,186 24,784 32,929 27,984 19,911 11,248 43,702 49,914 57,401 55,891 52,626 37,282 48,727 39,671 45,179 52,294 57,401 53,334 43,127

67,903 87,533 73,431 58,355 41,257 26,104 20,786 22,153 29,927 33,413 23,863 31,365 32,960 38,518 36,073 35,564 35,774 35,414 36,822 36,771 35,195 35,664 37,540 36,242 43,368 18,019 33,901 29,500 33,387 29,328 21,254 12,592 58,855 64,358 71,774 70,571 67,434 52,556 64,003 55,001 60,490 67,606 71,245 68,046 57,837

65,595 85,224 71,123 56,079 38,984 23,903 18,578 19,922 27,684 31,168 21,649 29,214 30,834 36,410 34,017 33,508 33,718 33,354 34,794 34,692 33,122 33,608 35,453 34,156 41,282 15,944 31,956 27,555 33,211 28,830 20,756 12,093 56,581 62,169 69,603 68,355 65,202 50,270 61,716 52,727 58,216 65,331 69,168 65,847 55,637

63,097 82,726 68,625 53,601 36,473 21,330 15,854 17,008 25,029 28,615 19,112 26,787 28,432 34,098 31,741 31,233 31,442 31,101 32,568 32,439 30,869 31,332 33,201 31,904 39,029 13,691 29,786 25,385 33,149 28,693 20,620 11,957 54,109 59,978 67,412 66,057 62,857 47,780 59,225 50,225 55,715 62,831 67,155 63,435 53,226

67,835 87,465 73,363 58,285 41,189 26,038 20,719 22,086 29,860 33,344 23,794 31,297 32,894 38,452 36,007 35,498 35,707 35,348 36,755 36,705 35,128 35,598 37,473 36,176 43,302 17,953 33,870 29,469 33,351 29,218 21,145 12,482 58,784 64,282 71,697 70,496 67,361 52,486 63,933 54,931 60,420 67,536 71,165 67,967 57,758


Qfire Base Pressure Flow (m) (l/s) Qnight Base Flow Pressure (l/s) (m) Qpeak Pressure (m) Qfire Pressure (m) Qnight Pressure (m) Qpeak Pressure (m H2O) Qfire Pressure (m H2O) Qnight Pressure (m H2O) Qpeak Pressure (m H2O) Qfire Pressure (m H2O)



Qnight Pressure (m H2O)

Qpeak Label Elevation Base Pressure (m) Flow (m H2O) (l/s)


J-310 J-311 J-312 J-313 J-314 J-315 J-316 J-317 J-318 J-319 J-320 J-321 J-322 J-323 J-324 J-325 J-326 J-327 J-328 J-329 J-330 J-331 J-332 J-333 J-334 J-335 J-336 J-337

1.118,850 1.117,360 1.104,330 1.120,860 1.127,590 1.127,380 1.120,890 1.122,190 1.123,470 1.128,550 1.107,800 1.117,680 1.091,420 1.107,720 1.105,680 1.074,290 1.093,360 1.102,470 1.079,210 1.083,600 1.089,590 1.095,680 1.079,910 1.111,980 1.110,540 1.104,440 1.108,230 1.108,860

0,670 0,550 0,836 0,775 0,553 0,474 0,323 0,531 0,434 0,353 0,860 0,453 1,080 0,603 0,475 0,684 0,436 0,399 0,277 0,315 0,302 0,615 0,877 0,719 0,772 0,238 0,221 0,305

30,213 31,696 44,687 28,204 21,498 21,800 28,338 27,041 25,735 20,650 41,503 31,574 58,185 41,607 43,570 75,298 55,982 46,773 72,949 68,562 62,583 56,505 69,679 40,237 41,690 48,057 44,168 43,483

0,670 0,550 0,836 0,775 0,553 0,474 0,323 0,531 0,434 0,353 0,860 0,453 1,080 0,603 0,475 0,684 0,436 0,399 0,277 0,315 0,302 0,615 0,877 0,719 0,772 0,238 0,221 0,305

23,513 25,000 38,013 21,464 14,745 15,294 22,058 20,761 19,284 14,179 35,532 25,424 52,817 35,672 37,509 69,961 50,163 40,712 71,616 67,238 61,269 55,206 64,325 38,940 40,413 46,986 43,028 42,302

0,066 0,055 0,083 0,077 0,055 0,047 0,032 0,053 0,043 0,035 0,085 0,045 0,107 0,060 0,047 0,068 0,043 0,040 0,027 0,031 0,030 0,061 0,087 0,071 0,076 0,024 0,022 0,030

35,808 37,295 50,299 33,801 27,085 27,300 33,785 32,488 31,202 26,133 46,862 36,994 63,233 46,943 48,974 80,330 61,279 52,178 75,513 71,123 65,135 59,050 74,721 42,781 44,217 50,294 46,514 45,887

35,710 37,197 50,200 33,703 26,988 27,199 33,678 32,380 31,100 26,030 46,750 36,882 63,123 46,832 48,859 80,222 61,166 52,062 75,397 71,012 65,030 58,949 74,612 42,681 44,118 50,199 46,418 45,791

20,186 21,665 34,660 18,134 11,471 11,802 18,358 17,101 15,783 10,680 31,939 21,589 50,144 32,220 33,607 67,353 46,696 36,814 70,755 66,380 60,415 54,352 61,680 38,087 39,590 46,481 42,413 41,624

35,696 37,183 50,186 33,689 26,974 27,185 33,663 32,366 31,086 26,016 46,736 36,867 63,116 46,819 48,844 80,214 61,153 52,047 75,426 71,040 65,058 58,977 74,604 42,709 44,144 50,219 46,440 45,813

28,963 30,445 43,432 26,953 20,250 20,577 27,133 25,836 24,522 19,432 40,326 30,378 57,099 40,437 42,380 74,228 54,828 45,583 72,686 68,300 62,322 56,245 68,600 39,977 41,437 47,910 43,981 43,275

20,336 21,822 34,838 18,272 11,551 12,190 19,032 17,735 16,204 11,089 32,617 22,442 50,147 32,771 34,559 67,331 47,315 37,762 71,015 66,641 60,682 54,631 61,673 38,367 39,857 46,639 42,607 41,840

35,699 37,187 50,190 33,693 26,976 27,191 33,675 32,377 31,093 26,023 46,749 36,883 63,118 46,830 48,862 80,215 61,166 52,065 75,411 71,023 65,038 58,956 74,606 42,687 44,124 50,207 46,426 45,798

33,445 34,930 47,919 31,437 24,737 24,985 31,475 30,185 28,912 23,830 44,582 34,680 61,144 44,687 46,658 78,293 59,041 49,862 73,544 69,163 63,186 57,111 72,657 40,844 42,317 48,887 44,929 44,204

30,928 32,413 45,414 28,908 22,210 22,499 29,036 27,757 26,482 21,379 42,270 32,251 59,282 42,429 44,248 76,539 56,848 47,452 72,114 67,741 61,776 55,711 70,848 39,447 40,979 48,076 43,946 43,118

35,630 37,117 50,121 33,624 26,908 27,118 33,595 32,298 31,019 25,950 46,663 36,799 63,025 46,745 48,776 80,125 61,078 51,979 75,221 70,840 64,862 58,784 74,514 42,517 43,954 50,045 46,261 45,632

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