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The Occupation of Mexico

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The Mexican War (1846-1848) was the US. Army's first experience
waging an extended conflict in a foreign land. This brief war is often
overlooked by casual students of history since it occurred so close to the
American Civil War and is overshadowed by the latter's sheer size and
scope. Yet, the Mexican War was instrumental in shaping the geographical
boundaries of the United States. At the conclusion of this conflict, the US.
had added some one million square miles ofterritory, including what today
are the states of Texas, Arizona, New Mexico, and California, as well as
portions of Colorado, Wyoming, Utah, and Nevada. This newly acquired
land also became a battleground between advocates for the expansion of
slavery and those who fought to prevent its spread. These sectional and
political differences ripped the fabric of the union of states and eventually
contributed to the start of the American Civil War, just thirteen years later.
In addition, the Mexican War was a proving ground for a generation of US.
Army leaders who as junior officers in Mexico learned the trade of war and
latter applied those lessons to the Civil War.
The Mexican War lasted some twenty-six months from its first
engagement through the withdrawal of American troops. Fighting took place
over thousands of miles, from northern Mexico to Mexico City, and across
New Mexico and California. During the conflict, the US. Army won a series
of decisive conventional battles, all of which highlighted the value of US.
Military Academy graduates who time and again paved the way for American
victories. The Mexican War still has much to teach us about projecting force,
conducting operations in hostile territory with a small force that is dwarfed
by the local population, urban combat, the difficulties of occupation, and the
courage and perseverance of individual soldiers. The following essay is one
of eight planned in this series to provide an accessible and readable account
of the US. Army's role and achievements in the conflict.
This brochure was prepared in the US. Army Center of Military History
by Stephen A. Carney. I hope that this absorbing account, with its list of
further readings, will stimulate further study and reflection. A complete list
of the Center of Military History'S available works is included on the Center's
online catalog:
Chief of Military History
The Occupation of Mexico
May 1846-July 1848
The Mexican War altered the United States and its history. During
eighteen months of fighting, the US. Army won a series of decisive
battles, captured nearly half of Mexico's territory, and nearly doubled
the territories of the United States. Initially, three US. Army forces,
operating independently, accomplished remarkable feats during the
conflict. One force- under Brig. Gen. Zachary Taylor- repelled initial
Mexican attacks at Palo Alto and Resaca de la Palma, north of the Rio
Grande. Subsequently, Taylor's force crossed the river and advanced into
northern Mexico, successfully assaulted the fortified town of Monterrey,
and- although heavily outnumbered---defeated Mexico's Army of the
North at Buena Vista.
Concurrently, Col. (later Brig. Gen.) Stephen W Kearny led a
hardened force of dragoons on an epic march of some 1,000 miles
from Fort Leavenworth, Kansas, across mountains and deserts to the
California coast. Along the way, Kearny captured Santa Fe in what is
now New Mexico and, with the help of the US. Navy and rebellious
American immigrants, secured major portions of California.
Maj. Gen. Winfield Scott directed the third and decisive campaign
of the war. Scott's army made a successful amphibious landing from
the Gulf of Mexico at the port of Veracruz, which was captured after
a twenty-day siege. Scott then led his army into the interior of Mexico
with victories at Cerro Gordo, Contreras, Churubusco, Molino del Rey,
and Chapultepec, ending the campaign and ultimately the war with the
seizure of Mexico City.
The conflict added approximately one million square miles of
land to the United States, including the important deep-water ports of
coastal California, and it gave the Regular Army invaluable experience
in conventional operations. Yet, the Mexican War consisted of more
than a series of conventional engagements, and no formal armistice was
reached until long after the capture of Mexico City. Rather, the Army
had to conduct a "rolling occupation," thereby serving as administrators
over the captured territory as the Army's frontline units continued to
pursue conventional Mexican forces.
Incidentally, by definition, "Territory is considered occupied when it
is actually placed under the authority of the hostile army. The occupation
extends only to the territory where such authority has been established
and can be exercised" (as defined in US. Army Field Manual 27-10 and
based on Article 42 of the Hague Convention of 1907). Thus, the Army
found itself facing the more difficult mission of occupying a foreign
country with a small force while battling capable and highly motivated
The U.S. Army designated small bodies of armed Mexicans who
fought an irregular war against the Americans as "guerrillas." Guerrilla,
a term based on the Spanish word for small war, was initially used during
Napoleon's Peninsula War, 1808- 14, to describe Spanish irregulars
fighting the French. Army commanders also used the Mexican term
rancheros to describe guerrillas. In the current study, the terms guerrillas
and irregulars are used interchangeably.
Both the occupation and the insurgency reflected existing
sociopolitical realities of Mexico. Indeed, the country's deep and often
violent racial, ethnic, and social divisions further complicated the task of
the occupying forces. Regional variations between northern and central
Mexico, differences between the composition of Zachary Taylor and
Winfield Scott's armies and the threats they faced, and- not least- the
great difference in policies pursued by the two commanders meant that
the U.S. Army conducted not one but two very different occupations in
Mexico during 1846-48.
Strategic Setting
Numerous factors affect the nature and structure of occupation as
a military mission. The strategic and long-term goals of any occupier
will shape the occupation policy. This policy should work toward an
anticipated end state, which can run the spectrum from annexation to
the restoration of independence.
An occupying force faces several essential duties and the possibility
of collateral missions. Primary responsibilities include enforcing the
terms of the instrument ending conventional hostilities, protecting
occupation forces, and providing law and order for the local population.
Collateral missions may include external defense, humanitarian relief
and-in some cases- nation-building, which can be the creation of an
entirely new political and economic framework. Economic conditions,
demographics, culture, and political developments all come into play
and affect occupation policy.
Mexico s Political and Social Situation at the Onset of Hostilities
Race and ethnicity greatly affected the history and development
of Mexico. The descendants of native American Indians, who had
inhabited the region before the arrival of the Spanish in 1519, greatly
outnumbered those of European ancestry. Even before Mexico achieved
its independence in 1821, Spaniards and the criollos, or Mexican-born
Spaniards, made up only 20 percent of Mexico 's population but controlled
the country's government and economy. The remainder comprised
Indians and mestizos, the latter group being of mixed European and
Indian heritage. Criollo control continued after independence.
Although the Mexican population was divided along cultural,
economic, and racial lines, the criollos themselves were split between
conservative and liberal factions. Conservatives advocated installing
a strong centralized government, having Catholicism as the official
state religion, and limiting voting rights to the privileged few. Liberals
proposed granting additional powers to Mexico's states, defended
religious toleration, and supported the expansion of voting rights. To
complicate the political scene, the liberals further subdivided themselves
into purist and moderate factions, each with different agendas. As a
result, the government in Mexico City remained in a seemingly constant
state of disarray that contributed to economic stagnation and an ever-
growing national debt.
At the onset of the conflict with the United States, the Mexican
government was, in theory, a representative democracy. The Constitution
of 1824 had created a federal system modeled on the U.S. Constitution.
The Mexican federal government was composed of three branches:
an executive branch with a president and vice president; a legislative
branch, or general congress, comprising two houses- a senate and
house of representatives; and a judicial branch with a supreme court
and local circuit courts.
In theory, the executive and legislative officials were elected
through popular vote, but, in reality, only a small fraction of Mexico's
population actually had the right to vote. In 1846, for example, less than
I percent of Mexico City's population of some 200,000 met the property
requirement necessary to vote. Even smaller portions of the population
in outlying regions were able to vote. The ruling elite refused to extend
suffrage to the remainder of the population and cautiously guarded
its power and land holdings, which further alienated the Indians and
mestizos. As a result, rebellions were common in Mexico. In 1844,
for example, a revolt against the central government led by Gen. Juan
Alvarez soon turned into an Indian insurrection that spread a swath of
destruction across 60,000 square miles of southwestern Mexico centered
on Acapulco. Although the Mexican Army mercilessly repressed such
outbreaks, underlying tensions seethed close to the surface as the war
flared along the Rio Grande in May 1846.
o Los Angeles
Engagement. Date Indicated
U.S. Advance, Date Indicated
Disputed Territory
Buena Vista
/' 22-23 Feb 1847
San Luis Potosi
13 S
Molino del Rey
B Sep 1847
- - - - -
, en
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Austi n ~ H o u s t ~
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~ San Jaci nto
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Mexico itself comprised more than twenty
separate states, although that number fluctuated
over time. State and local governments were
organized in the same manner as the federal
government. In fact, the eriol/os dominated
Mexico at the state (provincial) and territorial
level just as they did in the national capital.
The provincial governments paid homage to the
federal authority in Mexico City, but political
instability and the distance between the capital
and many of the states enabled the provincial
governments to enjoy a wide degree of autonomy.
As a result, U.S. forces conducted much of their
negotiations with state and local governments
early in the war and had no real opportunity to deal
with the central government until Scott launched
his campaign against Mexico City. In sum, the
country's governing bodies were unprepared to
deal with either internal or external crises.
American Objectives
In 1845, Mexico's borders included more than
one-third of the North American continent, with
a population of slightly more than seven million
people. North of the Rio Grande, Mexico's
holdings extended from the western borders of
Texas and the Arkansas River in the east to the
Pacific Ocean in the west (Map 1). The holdings
included more than one million square miles
of land in what today are the states of Arizona,
California, Colorado, Nevada, New Mexico,
Utah, and Wyoming. The geography of this
sparsely populated territory included portions of
the jagged Rocky Mountains and Sierra Nevada,
20 Aug 1847
\...,.- the craggy Intermountain region, and the rugged
Coast Range. In addition, stretches of largely
uninhabited desert contrasted with potentially
valuable agricultural assets such as California's
Central Valley.
Those territories attracted the intense
interest of many Americans, including President
President James K. Polk (Library of Congress)
James K. Polk and his administration, which had several clearly defined
goals at the onset of the Mexican War. Polk wanted to settle the disputed
southern boundary between Texas and Mexico. Ever since winning
independence from Mexico in 1836, the Republic of Texas had insisted
that the Rio Grande constituted the border separating it from Mexico.
Mexico, however, set the line some 150 miles north at the highlands
between the Nueces River and the Rio Grande. When the United
States accepted Texas's application for statehood in December 1845, it
inherited the Texan claim.
The United States also coveted Mexico's lands north of the Rio
Grande to support its rapidly growing population of approximately
eleven million by 1840. Looking westward to expand, the nation justified
its demand for land with the concept of Manifest Destiny, a belief that
God willed it to control the entire North American land mass. More
than the perceived will of God, however, was involved. Economics also
played a central role in the concept. American explorers in California
had reported deep-water ports along the west coast, valuable departure
points when the United States sought to open trade between its own
growing industries and lucrative markets in Asia. In an attempt to settle
Texas border questions and to secure California, the U.S. government
had offered several times between 1842 and 1845 to purchase both
regions from Mexico. Mexico City refused all overtures because
Mexican popular opinion insisted that the government preserve all of
the territory that the nation had wrested from Spain.
When the war officially began on 8 May 1846, President Polk had
a clear set of objectives for the U.S. Army. Secretary of War William L.
Marcy, writing for the president, ordered General Taylor's force of some
4,000 Regulars-or just under half of the entire U.S. Army- to seize as
much territory in northeastern Mexico as possible. Meanwhile, Marcy
sent Kearny's force through New Mexico and into California with
instructions to cut those regions off from the central government in far-
off Mexico City. Polk and Marcy believed that the Mexican government
would not resist an offer to purchase the territory ifU.S. military forces
already controlled it.
Us. Army Organization
Organized along European lines, the standing U.S. Army, designated
the Regular Army, contained specialized corps of infantry, cavalry,
artillery, and engineers. At the outbreak of the conflict, it numbered only
7,365 soldiers. In compliance with its missions of guarding the frontier
and defending the nation's coastline, the Army had scattered its units in
small posts manned by units of company size or less across the eastern
seaboard and through the interior frontier. Because entire regiments
rarely assembled, the force seldom practiced large-unit tactics.
The core of the Army consisted of its eight infantry regiments, which
consisted of ten companies each. On paper, each company possessed
fifty-five men, but at the onset of the war most averaged only thirty-
five. Brigades consisted of an ad hoc collection of multiple regiments,
and divisions contained several brigades. Those larger formations were
temporary wartime organizations.
Infantrymen in the American Army enlisted for five years and
received an average pay of $7 per month. Offering low wages and harsh
discipline, the service attracted the poorly educated and those with few
opportunities in civilian life. In 1845, 42 percent of the Army consisted
of foreign nationals; 50 percent were Irish and the rest were from other
European nations.
The cavalry ofthe U.S. Regular Army consisted oftwo light regiments
trained and designated as dragoons, both organized into five squadrons
of two companies each. Trained to fight mounted or dismounted,
dragoons were always scarce and difficult to expand in a timely fashion.
Their training and equipment were deemed too expensive in terms of
time and money to justify increasing the numbers. The Army's lack of
such highly mobile troops was evident throughout the conflict.
The Army's artillery arm was more robust. It contained a mixture of
6-pound field artillery, as well as 12-, 18-, and 24-pound coastal defense
weapons. Howitzers firing shells of 12-,24-, and 32-pound weight added
to the Army's arsenal. In Mexico, the Army would use primarily light
artillery against guerrilla forces. At full strength, American light field
artillery companies had three two-gun sections and came with a large
number of horses to transport the guns, ammunition, and most of their
crew. Some "flying" companies had all of their troops mounted.
The U.S. Army also fielded a small number of highly trained
engineers who served in either the Corps of Engineers or the Corps
of Topographical Engineers. Members of the former specialized in
bridge and fortification construction. The latter created maps, surveyed
battlefield terrain, and built civil engineering projects such as roads and
Soldiers from the Ordnance, Subsistence, and Quartermaster
Departments provided logistical support. The Ordnance Department
supplied firearms and ammunition, while the Subsistence Department
secured bulk food items, such as barrels of flour, salt pork, and cured
beef. Both operated in the rear along the Army's lines of communication.
The Quartermasters had the greatest responsibility. They supplied
troops with all equipment other than weapons, such as uniforms, horses,
saddles, and tents; they also arranged transportation and oversaw
construction projects; and, during the Mexican War, they created and
ran a series of advanced supply depots close to field operating forces
that ensured a steady flow of provisions and equipment to the troops.
Although its long supply trains and depots sometimes became targets
for Mexican irregulars and bandits, the Quartermaster Department
provided the Army with one of the most advanced logistical support
operations in the world.
In times of emergency, the United States called for volunteers to enlist
in state-raised regiments to augment its small professional force. The use
of volunteers was first established in the 1792 Militia Act. Volunteers
were compelled to serve wherever the War Department required them.
State militia, however, could not be forced to travel beyond their home
state's borders. The practice stemmed from the country's colonial history
and its ideological aversion to standing armies as a threat to republican
liberties, a prejudice bequeathed by European colonists and the
Revolutionary War generation. When necessary, Congress gave the War
Department permission to request a specific number of regiments from
each state. State governors then issued calls for volunteers and named a
time and place for the volunteers to gather. Once raised, the men were
organized into companies, battalions, and regiments. Regiments elected
their own officers, although governors sometimes selected field and
staff grade officers. The president appointed all volunteer generals, who
were then confirmed by Congress. After the regiments were organized,
they "mustered" into federal service and came under War Department's
control. They were not, however, governed by the 1806 Articles of War,
the basis for the American military justice system, a situation that gave
them much more autonomy than the Regular Army enjoyed. During the
Mexican War, some 73,260 volunteers enlisted, although fewer than
30,000 actually served in Mexico.
The U.S. forces' reliance on volunteer soldiers complicated matters.
Because volunteers were taken directly from civilian life and quickly
thrown into a rigid hierarchal system, many responded poorly to the
regimentation of military life. At their worst, they resented superiors,
disobeyed orders, balked against the undemocratic nature of military
life, and proved difficult to control. They rarely understood and generally
ignored basic camp sanitation, and they were generally unaccustomed
to the harsh life faced by soldiers in the field. Not surprisingly, they
experienced much higher death rates from disease and exposure than
the Regulars. The officers of those regiments often held their rank
by virtue of political appointment or through election by those who
became their subordinates. This system offered no assurance that those
who initially commanded possessed the ability or the training to lead.
One senior Army officer concluded: "The whole volunteer system
is wholly indebted for all its reputation to the regular army without
which the [illegible] body of volunteers in Mexico would have been
an undisciplined mob, incapable of acting in concert, while they would
have incensed the people of Mexico by their depredations upon persons
of property."
Swept by "war fever," the men who initially rushed to join Taylor's
army in northern Mexico exemplified the worst characteristics of the
lot. As a group, the early volunteers were vehement racists, vocal
exponents of Manifest Destiny, and eager to fight and kill Mexicans-
any Mexicans. They had little patience with the hardships of camp
life, strict codes of discipline, hot Mexican sun, prohibitive rations,
or boredom of garrison duty. Drunkenness flourished because alcohol
provided an easy escape for men who found the normal day-to-day
routine of soldiering far removed from their dreams of adventure and
military glory. Brawls fueled by gambling, regional rivalries, and general
boredom were common. Violent confrontations between the ill-trained
American soldiers and Mexicans were also frequent.
Volunteers who arrived later in the war knew better what to expect
and proved less unruly. In addition, commanders gradually found ways
to control and occupy their new soldiers, which lessened their onerous
effect on the Mexican citizenry. During the final months of the conflict,
most of the volunteer troops conducted themselves with greater self-
restraint in camp and proved quite effective on the battlefield.
Throughout the war, both Taylor and Scott also relied heavily on
special companies of mounted volunteers: the Texas Rangers, who acted
as the eyes and ears of the Army by conducting crucial reconnaissance,
collecting intelligence, and carrying messages through Mexican lines.
They also launched raids against specific targets, especially guerrilla
encampments. Technically state militia and not mustered into federal
service, the Texans voluntarily agreed to serve in Mexico. Their
depredations on the Mexican citizenry were often excessive, however,
and their behavior, along with that of other volunteers, did much to
spark local Mexican resistance.
us. Army Counterinsurgency Doctrine
The U.S. Army had no official doctrine covering occupation or
counterinsurgency operations in 1846. In the absence of formalized
manuals, its professional soldiers instead passed on informal doctrine
that was based on traditions and experiences from one generation of
officers to the next through personal writings and conversations. Little
of it applied directly to the situation the troops encountered during the
Mexican War. For example, American forces had no experience in the
control of foreign territory other than a winter's occupation of portions
of Quebec Province during the American Revolution and some brief
forays into Canada during the War of 1812. In 1813 during a three-day
sojourn in York, the Canadian capital, American troops had looted and
then set fire to large portions of the town and its harbor. This unhappy
precedent, the product of poor discipline and heavy losses, possessed
more relevance in 1846 than some American commanders chose to
The volunteers' actions during the various Indian Wars also
bequeathed a mixed heritage. The Second Seminole War (1835-42),
Texas Ranger (Library of Congress)
which pitted the Army against some 1,500 Seminole and African-
American warriors in the Florida Everglades provided a particularly
relevant example. The Seminoles used their knowledge of the nearly
impenetrable Florida swamps to conduct ambushes whenever possible.
In response, the Army shunned conventional tactics, such as trying to
coordinate several converging columns over virtually impassible terrain,
and adopted an unconventional approach. Commanders established a
series of heavily garrisoned posts to protect white settlements and to
limit the Seminoles' ability to move with impunity. They also began
active patrolling from those posts to find and destroy Indian villages and
crops, as well as Indian war parties whenever possible. The tactics were
both brutal and effective. Generals Taylor and Scott would apply similar
measures during the occupation of Mexico.
Mexico s Guerrilla Tradition and Composition
of Irregular Forces
In 1846, most Americans knew little about Mexican society, culture,
or history. They did not realize that guerrilla warfare formed a central
part of Mexico's military tradition throughout the nineteenth century.
During Mexico's War for Independence, the poorly equipped rebels
often resorted to hit-and-run tactics by mounting small-unit attacks on
Spanish military detachments and the long supply trains that equipped
Expert horsemen, Mexican guerrillas usually fought while mounted.
Heavily armed with rifles, pistols, lances, sabers, and daggers, they
showed particular skill with lassos and preferred to rope their victims
and drag them to death when possible. They mastered the local terrain
and had the ability to use complex networks of paths, trails, and
roads to strike the unwary and then to disappear into the countryside.
Fortunately for the Americans, many guerrillas doubled as thieves who
failed to differentiate among their victims and often attacked their
own countrymen for personal gain. Although the general population
sometimes supported them, many Mexicans tired of their attacks and
occasionally worked with the Americans to stop them.
The Mexicans also employed irregular cavalry units, often raised
from local ranchers and commanded by regular troops. In modern
military terms, those forces would be designated as partisan fighters .
"Partisan" describes organized guerrilla bands fighting under Mexican
regular officers or officially sanctioned by the Mexican government.
The term "partisan" did not enter the U.S. Army lexicon until 1863 in
General Order No. 100, which differentiated between armed prowlers,
guerrillas, and partisans. The term is appropriate in the current study,
however, because there was considerable partisan activity during the
conflict, especially in central Mexico.
Although not officially part of the Mexican Army, the partisan
cavalry often operated under close supervision of the regular army.
Although Generals Antonio Canales and Jose Urrea were the best-
known partisan leaders in northern Mexico, the Mexican government
devoted considerable attention to raising partisan forces to harass the
U.S. Army on its march toward the capital. Aware that Scott's long
supply line and the attitude of the civilians along this route were key
to the success or failure of the American campaign, the leadership in
Mexico City decided to disrupt convoys carrying ammunition and other
supplies and to otherwise harass American forces. On 28 April 1847,
just ten days after the Mexican defeat at Cerro Gordo, a newly installed
Mexican guerrilla (Colecci6n Banco Nacional de Mexico)
president of Mexico and adviser to Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna-
the enigmatic Mexican strongman- Pedro Maria Anaya, ordered the
creation of a series of volunteer Light Corps to attack Scott's line of
communications. Seventy-two Mexicans, most wealthy and twenty-one
of them military officers on active service, received permission to raise
the units. Brig. Gen. Jose Mariano Salas, a close friend of Santa Anna,
played a prominent role in the effort. Terming the units "Guerrillas of
Vengeance," Salas recruited volunteers by vowing that he would "attack
and destroy the invaders in every manner imaginable," under the slogan
"war without pity, unto death."
The units in the corps were designed to target supply and
replacement convoys, small parties of American troops, and stragglers.
They used a variety of tactics. The larger forces operated as cavalry
units, which sought to engage quickly, to inflict maximum casualties,
and then to disappear rapidly. The smaller units made extensive use of
sharpshooters who concealed themselves in the trees and chaparral that
lined the Mexican National Highway, which Scott's forces would use
extensively. Imposing terrain features along most of the route's length
worked to the advantage of the partisans.
Because of Mexico's immense size and population, the US. Army
in reality occupied only a small area that encompassed key population
centers along Mexico's lines of communication. This arrangement was
necessitated by the fact that the US. Army never maintained more than
30,000 troops in Mexico during the entire war. The Polk administration
expected this handful of soldiers- less than 0.4 percent of the total
population of Mexico-to pacify some 7 million Mexicans. During
the Mexican War, the United States occupied two regions of Mexico
proper. Taylor and Scott occupied more than a thousand square miles
of northern and central Mexico, respectively. Brig. Gen. Stephen W
Kearny's troops did occupy a third area north of the Rio Grande- what
today is New Mexico and California- but large numbers of Americans
had already filtered into those regions and the United States did not
intend to return either one to Mexican control. In addition, the areas of
Mexico occupied by Kearny's troops contained only 90,465 inhabitants
as of the 1842 census. Of those, a significant number were US. settlers.
Such a small number of civilians possessed far less potential for
troubling a US force than did the millions of their countrymen who lived
to the south. In addition, the area was already closely tied to the United
States economically through well-established trade routes. The situation
in those areas, therefore, was markedly dissimilar to what confronted
Taylor and Scott in Mexico proper, which had little indigenous support
for annexation. Because there were no significant guerrilla actions
against Kearny, and he quickly integrated New Mexico and California
into the United States, this study will not explore his occupation.
Unique circumstances and personalities produced wildly different
types of occupation in Mexico. Zachary Taylor, known to his troops as
"Old Rough and Ready" for his casual demeanor and willingness to
share his soldiers' hardships, often neglected troop discipline. Winfield
Scott, nicknamed "Old Fuss and Feathers" for his attention to detail and
fondness for pompous uniforms, insisted on strict adherence to rules
and regulations.
Taylor s Occupation of Northern Mexico
Zachary Taylor's occupation of northern Mexico began on 12 May
1846 when his troops crossed the Rio Grande and took the town of
Matamoros unopposed. As the war progressed, Taylor extended his
holdings. First, he gained control of Camargo, some eighty miles
upstream from Matamoros, and then he went southward to Monterrey
and eventually to Saltillo, approximately 140 miles southwest of
Camargo (Map 2). The Saltillo to Camargo line became one of the most
important supply and communications routes in the north. By war's end,
Taylor's forces controlled a region extending as far as Victoria to the
southeast and Parras to the west.
Taylor quickly achieved the purely military objectives that the Polk
administration assigned him. Within four months, he won decisive
battles at Palo Alto, Resaca de la Palma, and Monterrey, thereby forcing
Mexico's Army of the North to withdraw some 400 miles south from
the Rio Grande to San Luis Potosi. Taylor's occupation of northern
Mexico, however, did not compel Mexico's government to sell any of
the territories sought by the United States as President Polk had hoped.
In fact, the situation in northern Mexico deteriorated rapidly in response
to the local depredations of the volunteer troops.
Until June 1846, Taylor's army consisted of Regular Army troops who
enjoyed some popularity with the citizenry. Matamoros's citizens held the
American force in higher esteem than they did the Mexican Army, which
had abandoned all of its wounded when it retreated from the town. The
U.S. Army had immediately set up hospitals to minister to the sick and
wounded and had provided for the basic needs of the townspeople.
The dynamic changed when volunteers moved into the area and
immediately began raiding the local farms. As the boredom of garrison
duty began to set in, plundering, personal assaults, rape, and other
crimes against Mexicans quickly multiplied. During the first month
after the volunteers arrived, some twenty murders occurred.
Initially, Taylor seemed uninterested in devising diversions to
occupy his men and failed to stop the attacks. As thefts, assaults, rapes,
murders, and other crimes perpetrated by the volunteers mounted
and Taylor failed to discipline his men, ordinary Mexican citizens
began to have serious reservations about the American invasion.
Taylor's lackadaisical approach to discipline produced an effect utterly
unanticipated by the Polk administration, many of whose members,
particularly pro-expansionists such as Secretary of the Treasury Robert
1. Walker, believed that Mexicans would welcome the Americans
as liberators. Instead, public opinion turned against the Americans
June1846-February 1847
X Engagement. Date Indicated
........- Taylor's Movement
~ - Quitman's Movement
1000 2000 3000 and Above
20 40 60 80 100
Monterrey /",o .
20-23 Sap 46 V Mann
o '
and began to create a climate for guerrilla bands to form in the area.
Mexicans from all social backgrounds took up arms. Some of them
were trained soldiers; others were average citizens bent upon retaliating
against the Americans because of attacks against family members or
Zachary Tay lor (Library of Congress)
friends. Criminals joined in, and bandits and highwaymen began to
flourish, looking for easy prey.
As Taylor's force moved up the Rio Grande and its lines of
communications extended, irregulars began to capture and kill
stragglers, the sick, and the wounded who fell behind on long marches.
The local populace increasingly appeared more than willing to support
and shield the guerrillas. The volunteers' racism, anti-Catholicism,
and violence provided all the motive that locals needed to oppose the
American advance. Guerrilla attacks grew more frequent after the battle
for Monterrey, when Brig. Gen. William 1. Worth, the new military
governor of the city, discontinued military patrols in the town for a short
time, allowing a bloodletting to occur.
Taylor appointed officers to serve as military governors of all major
towns that he occupied. Each military governor had authority to make
whatever rules he wished. There was no official military governing
policy at the time. Observers estimated that volunteer troops killed
some 100 civilians, including many who had been killed by Col. John
C. Hays' 1st Texas Mounted Volunteers. A few weeks later, apparently
in retaliation, Mexicans killed a lone soldier from a Texas regiment
just outside Monterrey. Rangers under Capt. Mabry B. "Mustang"
Gray responded by killing some twenty-four unarmed Mexican men.
The event galvanized much of the population against Taylor's Army of
The boredom of occupation duty led to additional waves of
violence. During November 1846, for example, a detachment from the
1 st Kentucky regiment shot a young Mexican boy, apparently for sport,
and Taylor again failed to bring any of the guilty soldiers to justice.
The most concerted and organized irregular campaign in northern
Mexico began in February 1847, during the initial phase of the battle
for Buena Vista, and it lasted nearly a month. As Taylor repositioned
his troops around Saltillo to contest Santa Anna's advance, the Mexican
commander sent a detachment of partisan cavalry under General Urrea
to sever the Monterrey- Camargo road, Taylor's line of communication
to the Gulf coast. Urrea's cavalry joined forces with General Canales'
force of partisan irregulars, which had been active in the region since
the onset of hostilities the previous spring. Urrea was determined to
strike isolated garrisons and Taylor's lightly defended supply trains.
As Taylor's lines of communications had lengthened and become more
difficult to defend, his supply convoys had become attractive targets for
guerrillas, a vulnerability that he failed to recognize.
On 22 February, Urrea's mounted guerrillas attacked a wagon train
containing some 110 wagons and 300 pack mules just five miles outside
the undefended hamlet of Ramos, which was some seventy-five miles
northeast of Monterrey. While a portion of the attackers surrounded the
train's guards posted at the front of the column, others went directly
for the wagoneers. During the short skirmish, Urrea's men killed
approximately fifty teamsters, drove off the survivors, forced the guards
to surrender, and captured most of the supplies.
The partisan commander next gathered up the undamaged wagons
and mules and moved on to attack the American garrison at Marin,
arriving late that evening. Two companies from the 2d Ohio under the
command of Lt. Col. William Irvin- some 100 men-defended the
town. They held the irregular cavalry at bay until 25 February when
a small relief column finally arrived. Low on supplies, the troops
abandoned Marin and moved back toward Monterrey. Unknown to Irvin
and his rescuers, the rest ofthe 2d Ohio, commanded by Col. George W
Morgan, was marching south toward Marin from Cerralvo. Along the
way, they picked up some twenty-five survivors of the initial "Ramos
Massacre." Arriving in Marin soon after Irvin left, Morgan ordered his
men to continue south after midnight on the morning of 26 February,
when a number of Urrea's lancers attacked them just outside the town.
When Morgan sent a messenger to Monterrey for reinforcements, his
courier came upon Irvin's colwnn marching southward. In response,
Irvin and 150 of his men turned back to join forces with Morgan, and
the reinforced column reached Monterrey without further incident. In
the end, Morgan and Irvin estimated they had killed some fifty partisans
while suffering five wounded and one killed. Urrea's force, however,
effectively closed the route between the Rio Grande and Monterrey.
Defense of supply convoy (Library of Congress)
Finally recognizing the seriousness of the guerrilla threat, Taylor
organized a column of mixed arms under Maj. Luther Giddings to
run the gauntlet to Camargo. It consisted of about 250 infantrymen, a
section of field artillery, and approximately 150 wagons. Giddings left
Monterrey on 5 March and by midafternoon on the 7th had come within
one mile of Cerra1vo, a small town fifty miles southwest of Camargo.
When local citizens warned him of an impending attack, he quickly
parked the train and organized his men into a defensive perimeter.
The initial guerrilla assault failed to break through Giddings's line
but succeeded in destroying about forty wagons and killing seventeen
American civilian teamsters and soldiers. Strengthened by a relief
column from Camargo the following day, the Giddings column reached
Camargo without further incident.
Next, Taylor sent Col. Humphrey Marshall's 1st Kentucky cavalry
regiment northward from Monterrey to locate the guerrilla force.
Marshall soon reported that Urrea was again near Marin. In response,
Taylor organized a brigade of dragoons, Capt. Braxton Bragg's battery,
and Col. Jefferson Davis's 1st Mississippi Rifles and personally led it
to Marin. Joining Marshall early on the morning of 16 March 1847,
Taylor sent a portion of the force to guard a supply train moving out
of Camargo while the rest of the force pursued Urrea. Although the
Americans failed to engage the guerrilla leader, their presence in such
large numbers made further organized partisan operations against
U.S. supply routes in the region impossible. Subsequently, Urrea
retired southward toward San Luis Potosi, allowing Taylor to reopen
his supply lines to the Rio Grande. To prevent similar situations from
recurring, Taylor continued to send mixed armed groups with each
convoy. He also positioned additional units at various garrisons along
his lines of communication and sent "Mustang" Gray's Texas Rangers
to operate in the area. The Rangers hoped either to find and eliminate
the guerrillas or to terrorize the local people to such an extent that
they would stop supporting the irregulars. Such measures were only
partially successful.
On 4 April 1847, General Canales called on all Mexicans to take
up arms against the Americans and threatened to execute as traitors any
who refused. Guerrilla attacks increased through the summer and into
the fall of 1847. A large partisan force raided the supply depot at Mier,
some 180 miles northwest of Matamoros, on 7 September, carrying
off some $26,000 worth of supplies. A hastily organized party of
dragoons and civilian teamsters caught the irregulars, who were slowed
considerably by their plunder, allowing the Americans to reclaim their
supplies after killing some fifteen of the enemy.
By early November 1847, the guerrillas changed their tactics. The
strong American presence in convoys and at various garrisons made
attacking those targets less attractive. Instead, the guerrillas focused on
ambushing small detachments patrolling the countryside. Outside Marin,
for example, a large force of guerrillas under Marco "Mucho" Martinez
engaged a detachment of dragoons commanded by 1 st Lt. Reuben
Campbell. This time, the dragoons fought their way through the enemy
line and killed Martinez, whom Taylor had labeled "the most active of
the guerrilla chiefs on this line."
A few days after Martinez's death, Texas cavalrymen found and
raided a guerrilla camp near Ramos, about fifty miles to the north and
west of Camargo, killing two more irregulars and capturing a large
number of horses and mules, as well as arms and other equipment. Those
two victories helped curb the violence that had been common along the
Rio Grande since the previous May.
American commanders finally supplemented tactical measures with
more enlightened policies to reduce violence against civilians. Bvt.
Maj. Gen. John E. Wool, the military governor of Saltillo, instituted
strict curfews, moved garrisons out of city centers, set up road blocks
to keep soldiers away from populated areas, and threatened to discharge
any unit whose members indiscriminately slaughtered Mexican livestock
or plundered from the locals. Although conditions improved somewhat,
violent crimes against Mexican citizens continued. In fact, Taylor himself
announced that he would hold local governments responsible for U. S. Army
goods destroyed in their jurisdiction and would lay "heavy contributions
.. . upon the inhabitants," a punitive policy that was effective.
Taylor and Wool also decided to organize Mexican police forces into
a lightly armed constabulary that was responsible for particular regions.
Raised from local citizens, the units were to "ferret out and bring to
the nearest American military post for punishment ... " any guerrillas or
their supporters. Although the units' actions against Comanche Indian
raiders along the Rio Grande enhanced their local popularity, the units
had little effect on guerrilla operations.
Frustrated in September 1847, Taylor granted General Wool the
authority to try any Mexicans "who commit murder and other grave
offences on the persons or property ... " of the American Army of
Occupation. Based on a similar order that General Scott had issued
in central Mexico, the measure governed military tribunals in the area
under the general's jurisdiction and essentially placed the region under
military law.
In December, Secretary of War Marcy reinforced the harsh measures
by directing that local authorities turn guerrillas over to the Americans.
John E. Wool (National Portrait Gallery, Smithsonian Institution)
If they failed, then the Army had the authority to hold entire towns
responsible for any violence that took place in surrounding areas. Any
Mexicans who provided material support to guerrillas would not only
pay fines but also forfeit all personal possessions. The measures worked.
Within a few months, Wool collected more than $8,000 in fines, as well
as livestock and other personal property. By the end of 1847, attacks in
northern Mexico had dropped off considerably.
Wool took command of Taylor's army on 26 November 1847 when
the latter returned to the United States. Shortly thereafter, Wool issued a
scathing proclamation in which he stated that the war had been conducted
"with great forbearance and moderation." Even so, he said, "Our
civilians and soldiers have been murdered and their bodies mutilated
in cold blood." As a result, anyone who "pays tribute to Canales or to
any other person in command of bandits, or guerrilla parties ... will be
punished with utmost severity."
Wool's final report in 1848 credited the decrease in guerrilla attacks
to three basic policies. First, holding local leaders personally responsible
for guerrilla activity in their jurisdictions curbed high-level support for
the irregulars. Second, making localities financially accountable for
U.S. government property lost in attacks made local citizens hesitant
to harbor attackers. Finally, Wool contended, the use of native police
forces helped forge bonds between the Army of Occupation and the
local populace and allowed the Americans to collect intelligence that
they would never have found otherwise. Others, however, place more
emphasis on the large number of troops on security duty, their offensive
operations against the partisans, and the measures taken to at least
separate the volunteer troops from the civilian population.
Scott s Occupation of Central Mexico
While Taylor struggled with Mexican resistance in the north after
the battle at Buena Vista, Scott launched his central Mexico campaign
(Map 3). In February 1847, leading elements of his invasion force
seized the Gulfport town of Tampico for use as a staging point. Scott's
occupation effort began at that point and ended with the American
withdrawal in July 1848. By then, Scott's area of control extended
some 280 miles from the port of Veracruz to Mexico City and straddled
Mexico's National Highway- roughly the same route that the Spanish
conquistadores had followed on their march to the Aztec capital in 1519.
One of the few paved routes in Mexico, the road allowed heavy wagons
to move up and down its length with ease.
From the initial planning stage in October 1846, Scott's campaign
had objectives far different from those of Taylor's northern mission.
By the time Scott had outlined his plans for the invasion of central
Mexico, Taylor's presence in northern Mexico had clearly failed to
compel the Mexicans to cede California or any of the other territory
coveted by U.S. leaders. As a result, Scott intended to carry the war to
Tul .
to San Luis Potosi J
(225 Mil.s)
Pi edras Negras
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" \
" ., ... .... \ .. ..
.. :.
1 '.:' ,,1/ 111\ \' "
J 1/11/
7 March -14 Sept ember 1847
Engagement, Date Indicated
U,S, Army Movement
Mexican Withdrawal
Mi tes
the heart of Mexico, capturing the nation's capitaL This, he and the Polk
administration reasoned, would force Mexico to accept US, terms.
The strategy, although well conceived and necessary to bring the
war to a successful conclusion, was fraught with danger. Operating in
Mexico's most populated territories, Scott's army would rarely number
more than 10,000 troops at the leading edge of his advance during the
entire campaign. For much of the time, Santa Anna's army outnumbered
Scott's by nearly three to one. The Americans would be hard-pressed to
deal with the Mexican military, let alone any civil uprisings or partisan
attacks similar to those besetting Taylor. Scott understood from the
beginning that he would have to secure the loyalty and respect of the
local citizens or fail in his mission,
: ..... ,
<'I't t
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Scott owned an extensive personal library including works on
the history of Napoleon's occupation of Spain from 1808 to 1814. In
particular, Sir William Francis Patrick Napier's three-volume History of
the Peninsular War guided his planning for his future campaign. Mining
French experience for insights, he was struck by the rancorous conduct
of the French troops toward the Spanish population and the failure of
harsh French occupational measures to quash the growing uprising there.
As provocations multiplied on both sides, the fighting escalated out of
control. The French responded by setting fire to entire villages, shooting
civilians en masse, destroying churches, and even executing priests.
The locals retaliated in kind. Although the Spanish irregulars operated
without any centralized command and control structure, individual
bands of guerrillas managed to isolate various French commands and
wreaked havoc on their lines of communications. By the time an allied
force under Arthur Wellesley, the Duke of Wellington, compelled the
French to withdraw from Spain in 1813, Napoleon's force had seen
some 300,000 men killed and wounded, compared with Napoleon's
preoccupation estimate of approximately 12,000 casualties. In fact, Scott
saw Wellesley's stress on strict discipline- insisting his soldiers respect
personal property and meet the basic needs of Spanish civilians- as the
proper model for operating in a potentially hostile land.
In light of his studies, Scott wrote his General Order No. 20,
commonly known as the Martial Law Order, even before he left for
Mexico. Issued at Tampico on 19 February 1847, it made rape, murder,
assault, robbery, desecration of churches, disruption of religious services,
and destruction of private property court-martial offenses not only for all
Mexicans and all US. Army soldiers but also for all American civilians
in Mexico. Scott closed the gap by making everyone- whether soldier,
civilian, or Mexican citizen- subject to the US. Army's jurisprudence.
All accused offenders would be tried before a court made up of officers
appointed by the commanding general.
Scott administered his tribunals, or commissions, in much the same
way as modern courts-martial. He appointed one Regular Army officer
to preside over the proceedings as judge advocate of the court. Nine
other officers, usually from volunteer regiments, made up the jury.
Another officer prosecuted the case, while an officer from the accused's
unit served as a defender. A Regular officer defended civilians, both
American and Mexican. Commissions heard one case or multiple cases
over an extended period, sometimes lasting for weeks. The tribunals had
the authority to determine innocence or guilt and to levy punishment,
which included the lash, hard labor in ball and chain, imprisonment,
branding, and even death. The commanding general- and sometimes
the War Department-had to approve the most severe sentences.
The system was hardly foolproof. In one notorious case, a volunteer
from the 1st Pennsylvania Regiment stood trial for theft. The accused
solider had used the stolen goods, including a watch and a gold crucifix,
to ensure that his compatriots would support his alibi. He had also bribed
the defending officer to prevent him from exposing the deception. In the
end, the soldier went free.
Scott's order closed an obvious loophole that had existed in the
1806 Articles of War, which had previously prescribed the conduct of
US. soldiers in wartime. Because the authors of that code had never
imagined that the United States would fight a war in foreign territory,
they failed to extend its jurisdiction beyond America's borders or to
make provisions for crimes against civilians. The shortcoming had, for
all practical purposes, given American volunteers and civilians such as
teamsters and camp followers immunity from punishment under the
Articles. Under the 1806 Articles, they would be put on trial either in
local Mexican civil courts or in civilian courts in the United States.
Even the Regulars were exempt from the Articles while in foreign
territory, although they were still held to the U.S. Army's own strict
code of conduct.
In reality, Scott aimed General Order No. 20 at the volunteers.
Alarmed, both Secretary of War Marcy and Attorney General Nathan
Clifford argued against its harsh provisions, fearing that the volunteers
and their families might be enraged and turn to Congress for relief. In
the end, however, neither man forbade issuance of the proclamation.
As for the Regulars, both Scott and Taylor held them to strict standards
throughout the war. Even petty theft was punishable by thirty lashes
with rawhide. Indeed, many Regulars noted the injustice of volunteers
literally getting away with murder while they faced extremely harsh
punishments for comparatively minor crimes. This inequity contributed
to some of the tension and animosity that existed between volunteer and
Regular soldiers.
General Scott's policies underwent their first test immediately after
the surrender of Veracruz on 27 March 1847. At that time, Scott reissued
General Order 20, declared martial law, and arranged for the centralized
distribution offood to the city's population, which had suffered serious
privation during the siege. Another public proclamation stated that the
U.S. Army was a friend to the Mexican people and that it would do
away with the abuses that the Mexican government had inflicted on its
From this enlightened beginning, Scott's occupation campaign
differed markedly from Taylor's. By insisting on strict discipline, Scott
preempted many of Taylor's problems with volunteers. When a military
commission found two soldiers guilty of stealing from a local store,
for example, the Army imprisoned both in the town's dungeon. When
another commission found Isaac Kirk, a "free man of color" working
for the Army, guilty of rape and theft, the Army hanged him. Scott
quickly issued a proclamation on 11 April 1847 declaring that the
capital punishment proved the Army would protect the Mexican people.
Those examples and others like them had their effect. Scott reported a
few weeks later that after the imposition of these sentences, " ... such
offenses by American soldiers abated in central Mexico."
Scott also assured merchants that the Army would protect their
goods. As a result, local markets reopened for business quickly. In
addition, the general saw to the organization of indigenous work crews
to clear the streets of debris and accumulated garbage. The citizens not
only aided in removing visible signs of the war left from the siege but
also were paid a high salary, which was meant to improve the local
economy by infusing it with money. The program garnered considerable
popular support for the occupation.
Scott repeatedly made the case to civic leaders and to the general
population that if the Mexican people cooperated with his forces, the
war would end more quickly and with less devastation. Such policies
convinced Veracruz's inhabitants to accept American occupation with
little noticeable resistance. Life returned to normal in the town, and
Scott wrote Secretary of War Marcy that the people "are beginning to
be assured of protection, and to be cheerful."
Unlike the Polk administration, Scott understood and honored
local mores. When Marcy suggested that he raze San Juan de Ulua, the
culturally important castle in Veracruz, for example, Scott refused on
grounds that the destruction of such an important site would only sow
anger and resentment. Scott knew that successful guerrilla campaigns,
like those in Spain against the French, required an environment hostile
to the occupiers. He used discipline, good public relations, and an
understanding of the local culture to keep that from happening.
To win the war in the shortest possible time, Scott planned to abandon
many of his resources and to march boldly into Mexico's interior to seize
the country's capital in a single daring stroke. He also understood that he
could accomplish the task with fewer than 10,000 frontline troops only
if the Mexicans who lived along the Veracruz- Mexico City corridor
provided goods and food and declined to rise up en masse against his
forces . Consequently, Scott insisted that his officers pay in full and
at a premium price all provisions his army gathered from Mexicans.
He also ordered, "The people, moreover, must be conciliated, soothed,
or well treated by every officer and man of this army, and by all its
followers." Public opinion had to be favorable, or at least neutral, toward
the Americans. Thus, as in Veracruz, he maintained strict discipline
throughout the ensuing campaign to Mexico City and insisted on severe
punishments for transgressors. When a soldier in the 8th Infantry killed
a Mexican woman at Jalapa, a military tribunal ordered him hanged.
The military similarly executed two civilian teamsters in the town for
murdering a local boy.
Because of his astute observations and careful planning, Scott faced
a type of guerrilla different from the one that opposed Taylor. Rather
than facing an angry population such as the one supporting various
irregular forces in the north, U.S. forces in central Mexico were beset
by the Light Corps, highly trained and motivated volunteers fighting in
formal partisan military units with the explicit consent of the Mexican
After their official creation on 27 April 1847, Light Corps units
were operating in the Veracruz- Mexico City corridor by mid-May 1847.
They soon became such a menace that Maj. Gen. John A. Quitman, a
leading southern Democrat and a staunch supporter of President Polk,
required 1,500 men to escort him from Veracruz to his new command
with Scott's main force. Raising this force delayed Quitman'S departure
from the coast for several weeks.
The number of attacks on Americans climbed steadily during the
summer and fall of 1847. The first actions focused on small groups
of soldiers. In one instance on 2 May 1847, guerrillas rode down two
soldiers, "lassoed" them "around their necks and dragged on the ground,"
and then speared their battered bodies. Scott responded with Capt.
Samuel Walker's mounted Texas Rangers, ruthless fighters outfitted with
Colt six-shot revolvers. Walker's men engaged the guerrillas outside of
La Hoya and Las Vigas, two towns about seventy miles northwest of
Veracruz, killing some fifty Mexican irregulars.
Travel on the National Highway, nevertheless, became increasingly
dangerous. In June, Lt. Col. Ethan Allen Hitchcock, Winfield Scott's
inspector general and later his chief of intelligence, began using Mexican
criminals liberated from prisons as couriers to slip through the guerrilla-
infested corridor to the coast. His first messenger, a convicted highway
robber named Manuel Dominguez, assured him that other prisoners
hostile to Santa Anna and the government would eagerly support
such missions. Believing that such a group could provide valuable
intelligence services, Hitchcock proposed recruiting a "Spy Company"
made up entirely of Mexicans. Scott eagerly endorsed the plan, and
Hitchcock raised a 100-man force under Dominguez's command that
included many former prisoners.
The company gathered information, provided messengers, and
acted as guides and translators. Some of its most valuable intelligence
came from its members who infiltrated Mexico City as "market people
from Chalco .. . selling apples, onions, etc." From those missions, the
spies gave Hitchcock detailed reports about the situation in the city
and its defenses. Scott also instructed them to capture or kill guerrilla
leaders whenever possible. As a result, the company captured Mexican
Generals Antonio Gaona and Anastasio Torrejon during operations near
Puebla. Overall, the Spy Company performed effectively, easily slipping
undetected through Light Corps positions along the Veracruz- Mexico
City road. Concerned, Santa Anna himself offered all of the spies a
Samuel Walker (Library of Congress)
"pardon for all past crimes" and "a reward adequate to any service they
may render to the Republic."
Scott also had other sources of human intelligence. Records detail
that his command spent some $26,622-or more than $520,000 in
2004 dollars- in payments for information-gathering efforts. Of that,
Hitchcock paid $3,959 directly to the Spy Company as salaries. The rest
Ethan Allen Hitchcock (Library of Congress)
went to informants, deserters, Mexican officers, and even one of Santa
Anna's servants.
As the Americans rushed to create an intelligence apparatus, the
partisans made American supply trains a continual target. A convoy
under the command of Lt. Col. James S. McIntosh, for example, left
Veracruz on 4 June 1847 with nearly 700 infantrymen and approximately
128 wagons. During the next two weeks, the Light Corps attacked it
on three separate occasions. The first came on 6 June, as it approached
Cerro Gordo. McIntosh halted the convoy and called for reinforcements
after losing twenty-five men who were wounded and killed along with
twenty-four wagons that were destroyed. A relief column under Brig.
Gen. George Cadwalader with 500 men reached the besieged unit on
11 June. Reinforced, the Americans started to move forward again only
to find the Puente Nacional , or National Bridge, occupied by partisans.
Located some thirty-five miles northwest of Veracruz, the bridge
spanned a wide valley with imposing terrain on both its sides, creating a
perfect bottleneck for the convoy. Only after McIntosh and Cadwaladar
fought a series of fierce actions against Light Corps positions around
the bridge, losing thirty-two dead and wounded, was the convoy able
to continue. Pushing on, it next came under assault on 21 and 22 June
when an estimated 700 men attacked it at La Hoya. Again, Cadwalader
and McIntosh's troops eventually battled their way through. The
Mexican Spy Company later located additional guerrillas preparing to
ambush the column yet again, but Captain Walker's Rangers rushed out
of their garrison at Perote, a nearby town, and managed to disperse the
irregulars. The column reached Scott's main force a few days later.
After the heavy resistance faced by McIntosh, Scott decided
to use larger and more heavily armed convoys. Brig. Gen. Franklin
Pierce, a future president of the United States, departed Veracruz in
early July 1847 with 2,500 troops, 100 wagons, and 700 mules. Some
1,400 Mexican irregulars met the supply train at the National Bridge,
however, and forced Pierce to retreat to Veracruz after losing thirty
men. Reinforced with artillery and additional forces, Pierce eventually
reached Scott's force at Puebla without further incident.
Another column carrying much-needed supplies departed Veracruz
on 6 August 1847, guarded by some 1,000 men under Maj. Folliott
T. Lally. Again, the irregulars attacked, and Lally lost 105 men as he
fought his way through the resistance. The commander at Veracruz
sent three companies to assist, but enemy action forced even that relief
column to return to Veracruz after it lost all but one supply wagon in
yet another fight at the National Bridge. In the end, Lally managed to
push through the enemy's positions and to reach Scott's army a few
days later.
The next supply train set out from Veracruz in September 1847.
Maj . William B. Taliaferro reported that his force faced daily attacks
and lost several men in each one. Even at night, Light Corps partisans
harassed the Americans with heavy fire, but, in the end, Taliaferro
broke through and reached Scott.
Because the Light Corps specialized in killing stragglers and other
men separated from their units and in assaulting small detachments on
foraging or reconnaissance missions, American commanders increasingly
sought to keep their forces concentrated. On 30 April 1847, warning
that "stragglers, on marches, will certainly be murdered or captured,"
Scott's orders required officers of every company on the march to call
roll at every halt and when in camp to take the roll at least three times
a day. While his force rested at Puebla to await reinforcements, Scott
also made it a punishable offense to enter the town alone. He instructed
soldiers to travel in groups of six or more, to be armed at all times, and
to leave camp only if accompanied by a noncommissioned officer.
Such orders reflected an additional threat. Men from the Light
Corps continually worked their way into American garrisons at night,
killing individual soldiers. In the seaport garrison at Villahermosa,
Commodore Matthew C. Perry, US. Navy, explained that "Mexican
troops infiltrated the town every night to pick off Americans; this was
the kind of fighting they liked and they were good at it." Attempts to
prevent the attacks proved unsuccessful because "dispersing Mexicans"
seemed "no more effective than chasing hungry deer out of a vegetable
garden. They always drifted back, to take pot shots at ' gringos.'" Col.
Thomas Claiborne, commander of the garrison housed in the fortress
Perote, reported that "the guerrillas were swarming everywhere under
vigorous leaders, so that for safety the drawbridge was drawn up every
Scott's capture of Mexico City on 14 September 1847 did not
end his woes. While the Mexican regulars fled, average citizens and
criminals who had been released from prisons as the Americans entered
the city began using stones, muskets, and whatever other weapons
were available to oppose the US. Army's advance. The irregular urban
combat quickly turned vicious. The US. Army responded with c1ose-
range artillery fire against any building that housed guerrillas. Although
such tactics ended widespread resistance, the partisans instead focused
their attacks on individual and small groups of soldiers.
Meanwhile, the Light Corps continued to restrict the flow of
supplies, mail, money, and reinforcements to Scott. Shortly after
pacifying Mexico City in mid-September, Scott turned his mind to the
problem posed by the increasingly bold partisans. First, he enlarged
the garrison at Puebla to some 2,200 men and constructed four new
posts along his line of communications at Perote, Puente Nacional, Rio
Frio, and San Juan. Completed by November, each post contained about
750 soldiers. Their commanders were required to send strong patrols
into the countryside to find and engage irregular forces. Finally, Scott
Scott entering Mexico City (Library of Congress)
decided that all convoys would travel with at least 1,300-man escorts.
Thus, by December, he had diverted more than 4,000 soldiers, or nearly
26 percent of the 24,500 American troops in central Mexico, to secure
his supply lines.
Scott also created a special antiguerrilla brigade and placed it under
the command of Brig. Gen. Joseph Lane, a veteran of the fighting at
Buena Vista. Lane's combined-arms force of 1,800 men included
Walker's Rangers, as well as additional mounted units and light
artillery, stressing mobility to better locate and engage Mexican Light
Corps units. The brigade patrolled the Mexican National Highway and
attempted to gather intelligence from the local population, either through
cooperation or intimidation. Although not numerous enough to secure
the entire length of the Veracruz- Mexico City corridor, the brigade did
succeed in carrying the war to the partisans and their supporters.
Lane's brigade was most successful in an engagement with a large
Light Corps unit led by Gen. Joaquin Rea on the evening of 18 October
1847 outside the town of Atlixco. Lane posted his available artillery on
a hill overlooking the town and initiated a 45-minute cannonade into the
irregular positions. After the bombardment, he ordered his force into
Atlixco. The operation destroyed a significant portion of the Light Corps
force with Mexican casualties totaling 219 wounded and 319 killed.
Although Rea escaped with some of his men and several artillery pieces,
his original unit was largely destroyed. Lane reported that he declared
Atlixco a guerrilla base and that "so much terror has been impressed
upon them, at thus having the war brought to their own homes, that I am
inclined to believe they will give us no more trouble." In the fight, Lane
used his mobility to find and engage the enemy and his combined-arms
team to inflict maximum damage on the Light Corps unit.
Unfortunately, Lane's unit became most infamous for a brief
engagement that followed an incident at Huamantla, a few miles from
the town of Puebla, on 9 October 1847. When Captain Walker of the
Texas Rangers fell mortally wounded in the skirmish, Lane ordered his
men to "avenge the death of the gallant Walker." Lt. William D. Wilkins
reported that, in response, the troops pillaged liquor stores and quickly
became drunk. "Old women and young girls were stripped of their
clothes- and many others suffered still greater outrages." Lane's troops
murdered dozens of Mexicans, raped scores of women, and burned many
homes. For the only time, Scott's troops lost all control. Lane escaped
punishment in part because news that Santa Anna had stepped down as
commander of the Mexican Army after the engagement at Huamantla
overshadowed the American rampage.
In Washington, however, many would have applauded such an
incident. Angered by the Mexican partisans' successes, the Polk
administration ordered Scott to destroy the Light Corps' "haunts and
places of rendezvous," a directive that eventually led the U.S. forces
into a scorched-earth policy. Although Scott had his doubts about such
tactics, he realized the necessity of denying the guerrillas sanctuary and
thus applied "the torch" as historian Justin Smith commented "with
much liberality, on suspicion, and sometimes on general principles, to
huts and villages; and in the end a black swath of destruction, leagues
in width, marked the route" from Veracruz to Mexico City. When such
extreme measures failed to stop the Light Corps' attacks, Scott issued
a forceful proclamation on 12 December 1847, declaring that "No
quarters will be given to known murderers or robbers whether called
guerillos or rancheros & whether serving under Mexican commission
or not. They are equally pests to unguarded Mexicans, foreigners, and
small parties of Americans, and ought to be exterminated."
Once again, such measures failed to diminish the Light Corps'
effect on Scott's line of supply. On 4 January 1848, a force of some
400 irregulars attacked a supply convoy near Santa Fe, in the state of
Veracruz, and carried away 250 pack mules and goods. On 5 January,
the irregulars attacked another convoy at Paso de Ovejas. Col. Dixon
Miles, the convoy commander, requested reinforcements of at least 400
infantrymen plus artillery. Eventually, his column ran the gauntlet and
reached Mexico City.
Scott's efforts to secure his rear line of communication enjoyed
mixed results. In general, his work to calm and pacify the general
population generally succeeded. Millions of Mexican civilians living in
the Veracruz- Mexico City corridor went ahead with their lives as usual ,
and there was little of the spontaneous resistance to the US. occupation
that had characterized events in northern Mexico. Nevertheless, the
successes of the mounted Light Corps partisans cannot be denied and
had a deleterious effect on the US. Army's freedom of action.
Scott s Stabilization Campaign
Scott's success against the regular Mexican Army had unexpected
consequences. Its demise eliminated one of the primary elements
holding Mexican society together. Without fear of reprisal, peasants
across the country rose up in revolt. Between 1846 and 1848, some
thirty-five separate outbreaks occurred across Mexico. In each case, the
rebels targeted wealthy, landed elites and symbols of the nation's federal
authority. A large revolt on the Yucatan peninsula in early 1848 pitted
some 30,000 Indians against wealthy white landowners and merchants
living in the region. The governor of the state issued an urgent plea
for help, saying that the peasants were waging a "war of extermination
against the white race." Here and elsewhere, the unrest took a high toll
in both human and economic terms.
The state of unrest caused the US. Army two problems. First, the
revolts steadily grew in size, frequency, and violence, thereby threatening
to engulf US. forces. If the peasant revolts that swept through Veracruz
targeted Scott's army, as well as the upper-class Mexicans, all could be
lost. Second, without a strong central government in place, no peace
treaty with Mexico would be possible and thus no legal guarantee for
the territorial acquisition that the United States desired. As President
Polk explained about Mexico, "Both politically and commercially, we
have the deepest interest in her [Mexico's] regeneration and prosperity.
Indeed, it is impossible that, with any just regard to our own safety, we
can ever become indifferent to her fate."
The Mexican elites recognized the necessity of reaching some sort
of peace accord before they could rebuild their army, the prerequisite
ensuring their hold on power. The central government, in exile since
Scott occupied the capital, thus faced a conundrum. It confronted
a two-front war, one with the United States and the other with the
rebellion, the former gradually appearing as the lesser of two evils. The
northern aggressor desired territory, whjle the ruling elite feared that
the Mexican people wanted nothing less than a race war that would lead
to the destruction of the elite or elimination of its power and privilege.
In the end, although the rebellion caused the Americans concern, it and
some twenty-two months of warfare and occupation persuaded Mexico's
political leaders to end their resistance and to pursue peace.
As a result, the two sides agreed to terms on 2 February 1848 in
the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo. Although it took several months for
both governments to ratify, the accord met most American demands.
Mexico recognized US. sovereignty in Texas, with its southern border
resting on the Rio Grande, and agreed to cede Upper California and
New Mexico, the region that eventually became the states of Arizona,
California, Nevada, New Mexico, and Utah, as well as portions of
Colorado, Nebraska, Oklahoma, and Wyomillg. In return, the United
States promised to pay Merico $15 million in gold and to assume
responsibility for all outstanding claims that American citizens had
against Mexico. In short, the war with Mexico and the Treaty of
Guadalupe Hidalgo largely defined the current western borders of the
United States, making a country that stretched from coast to coast.
While the two nations carried out their respective ratification
processes, they concluded a truce on 6 March 1848. Tills often-
overlooked document not only confirmed that all hostilities had
ceased but also included a stabilization plan to rebuild the Mexican
government. One important part of the agreement read, "If any body of
armed men be assembled in any part of the Mexican Republic with a
view of committing hostilities not authorized by either government, it
shall be the duty of either or both of the contracting parties to oppose
and disperse such body; without considering those who compose it."
In effect, the Umted States prorillsed to support the existing Mexican
government against any internal rebellions, while Mexico agreed to
disband any guerrillas still operating against US. forces.
The measure benefited the American Army more than the Mexican
government, as Light Corps ullits raised and directed by the federal
government almost immediately ceased troubling Scott's forces. The
agreement accomplished what the American military could not do by
force of arms alone-end guerrilla attacks in the Veracruz- Mexico
City corridor. Elsewhere, Mexican rebels of all stripes simply avoided
the US. rilliitary and concentrated their efforts in areas outside of US.
The stabilization plan also provided that the Umted States would
supply modern weapons to the Mexican government to aid in the
reconstitution ofthe federal army. In the first delivery alone, the Mexicans
received 5, 125 muskets, 762,400 cartridges, 208 carbines, and 30,000
carbine cartridges from local American supply depots. The US. Army
sold the munitions at a greatly reduced price, less than half of their
market value. More important than the sheer numbers was the quality
of the equipment. The American weapons were of the latest pattern and
much more accurate than those that the Mexican Army had previously
possessed. At the battle of Palo Alto, for example, a large number of
the Mexican small arms had been outdated and unserviceable British
Brown Bess muskets.
Finally, in an effort to stabilize the Mexican economy, the
Americans allowed Mexican merchants to join their convoys between
Veracruz and Mexico City and to sell their wares to the Army. That
corridor had long served as a key commercial route, and thus the US.
presence expanded trade and provided a great, albeit temporary, boost
to the region's economy. The US. Army also escorted Mexican traders
who carried precious metals from the mining regions in northern Mexico
to the Rio Grande and eventually to the Gulf coast.
The Us. Army and the Problems a/Occupation
Although US. forces won every conventional battle, a multitude
of issues arose to threaten the occupation once it began. Logistical
difficulties in particular proved a major factor. The simple movement
of the materiel deep into Mexico over rough roads took significant
planning. Army Quartermasters partially alleviated their difficulties
by creating a series of forward supply depots in the southern United
States along the Gulf coast and up the Rio Grande. Those depots
permitted the Quartermasters to pre-position equipment and supplies
and to forward them far more quickly to critical points in the theater
of operations. However, a general shortage of transport- whether
steamships to move supplies up the Rio Grande, wagons to traverse
level areas with established roads, or pack mules to caravan through
mountainous regions- prevented many goods from reaching the troops
in a timely manner. As a result, American forces had to acquire much of
their supplies directly from local Mexican sources, often by purchasing
them at premium prices.
As supply lines lengthened, the effort to guard those routes became
difficult and required increased numbers of troops. Early in the conflict,
Taylor had paid little attention to convoy security. Because of that,
Mexican guerrillas scored several impressive victories against lightly
armed supply trains and managed to carry away tons of supplies,
money, and mail. In the end, both Taylor and Scott were forced to
divert a significant number of frontline units to accompany convoys
and garrison their lines of communication. Rather than adopt a district
form of organization with command elements in specific regions, both
Taylor and Scott simply positioned troops at individual posts. Scott
assigned particular brigades or divisions to patrol specific portions of
his line of supply or to conduct convoy escort duty. Taylor, as usual far
more disorganized, committed regiments to garrison and escort duty in
an ad hoc manner. In both cases, the increased escorts and garrisons
eventually decreased the amount of materiel lost, but their presence
never prevented the guerrillas from attacking.
Individual couriers who moved alone to carry messages and
important orders to far-flung units often fared worse. Mexican guerrillas
and bandits consistently targeted them. In one famous incident,
guerrillas ambushed and killed a messenger carrying a note to Taylor
detailing the amphibious assault on Veracruz and the shift of American
military forces to central Mexico. The guerrillas promptly conveyed the
letter to Santa Anna, who responded immediately by attacking Taylor's
reduced army at Buena Vista after which he planned to rapidly turn
south and defend Veracruz against Scott. Fortunately for the Americans,
Taylor's force held the field against Santa Anna at Buena Vista, inflicting
heavy casualties, although the Mexican general managed to escape and
organize an army to face Scott during the Mexico City campaign.
Religion also played a crucial role in the occupation. The concept
that America had a God-given Manifest Destiny served as a powerful
justification for the conflict. Yet, the idea itself contained strong anti-
Catholic views that undisciplined volunteers easily acted out in Mexico,
sometimes making the Catholic Church and its property their targets.
Although the enlisted ranks of the Regular Army itself included many
Catholics, Protestants made up the bulk of the volunteers. In fact, many
officials in the Polk administration and the Army feared that such conduct
would lead to an all-out religious war. For example, when volunteers
stabled their horses inside the Shrine of San Francisco in Monterrey,
the local population was incensed. Concerned, Polk approached several
Catholic bishops in the United States, requesting that they attach
chaplains to the Army in Mexico to allay fears that the Americans
intended to destroy the Catholic Church. Two priests accompanied
Taylor's force through mid-1847, although bandits murdered one and
the second left because of ill health.
General Scott reacted differently. Instead of assigning priests to
his columns, he ordered that the troops respect all Catholic priests and
church property. When one drunken soldier beat a church worker, a
military tribunal sentenced him to twelve lashes and hard labor in a ball
and chain for the duration of the war. The message quickly spread to
the rank and file, Regular and volunteer alike. Scott himself regularly
attended Catholic mass whenever possible. To further his image as a
friend to the Mexican Catholics, Scott took one final step by promising
that the U.S. Army would protect all church property. In contrast, Santa
Anna and Mexican President Valentin Gomez Farias attempted to fund
the resistance effort by confiscating and selling church assets, a practice
that outraged religious Mexicans. After occupying the capital, Scott
curried favor with conservative criollos by strictly prohibiting the sale
of any church property without his consent, allaying many fears that the
Americans intended the church's destruction. Although Scott's conduct
calmed the Mexicans, many American volunteers, nevertheless, resented
his favoritism toward the church, a policy that may have damaged his
postwar popularity at home.
Two distinct zones of occupation were led by two different
commanders during the conflict. One was in northern Mexico under
Zachary Taylor, and the other was in central Mexico and was led by
Winfield Scott. In both regions, the Army's occupation policies had
successes and failures. Many shortcomings could be traced to the use
of poorly disciplined volunteers serving under bad officers. In addition,
the Army also discovered that its force structure, although well suited
to fighting conventional battles, was often inappropriate for conducting
counterinsurgency missions.
Taylor's occupation in northern Mexico began easily enough.
However, he failed to institute any formal policies to keep his own troops
or Mexicans who opposed the occupation in check until the last few
months of the conflict. In the interim, his loose control over everyone in
his zone of influence led to disorganization and violence, which could
not be overcome solely by harsh, oppressive measures. Indeed, often
such responses were counterproductive, fueling continued dissent.
Scott, however, insisted on strict discipline and a code of conduct
before his troops ever set foot in Mexico and enforced such procedures
throughout the campaign. His military tribunals, which held all of his
troops- whether Regulars or volunteers- to the same code of conduct,
limited senseless violence against Mexicans and created an environment
in which the local population felt secure with the American presence.
Clearly, the behavior of the American volunteers sparked local
Mexican guerrillas. Both Regulars and volunteers themselves pointed
to the senseless violence perpetrated by America's volunteer troops.
Some were criminals in civilian life who continued their lawless ways in
Mexico; others, particularly the Texans, had a long history of violence
in their relations with Mexicans. Many were racist and anti-Catholic,
reflecting the society from which they were drawn, and almost all were
simply overcome with the unfamiliar rigors of military life and the
boredom of garrison duty. Their collective actions played a significant
role in creating guerrilla fighters and an atmosphere that encouraged
the average Mexican to support the irregulars, especially in northern
Because of the differences between Taylor and Scott in their
occupation policies, the Mexican guerrillas in the two regions
differed in many ways. In northern Mexico, highway robbers, bandits,
and persons bent on revenge perpetrated many of the assaults on
individual and small groups of American soldiers. Taylor's inability or
unwillingness to control his volunteers fueled those types of attacks.
Not until relatively late in the occupation did he and Wool rein in their
unruly troops. Belatedly, they created tribunals to try both soldiers and
Mexican citizens and took steps to impose various punitive measures
aimed at destroying popular support for guerrilla fighters.
During the Buena Vista campaign, the Americans in northern
Mexico also faced structured and organized partisans. Those irregulars
focused their attacks on supply trains and small garrisons. Initially,
Taylor did little to make convoy security a priority, but after guerrillas
closed the Camargo-Monterrey supply corridor, he began to divert
more and more of his frontline troops to guard duty. Eventually, the
presence of so many American troops guarding the supply lines made
it too dangerous for large groups of guerrillas to operate in the region.
The mission, however, limited the ability of Taylor's forces to pursue
any further offensive operations.
Scott's case differed. Individual guerrillas certainly took the
opportunity to prey on lone American soldiers in central Mexico, but
the general's close control of his volunteers allayed many problems
in the region. For the most part, his forces faced highly organized
partisans fighting under the commanders of various Light Corps units.
The semiconventional forces focused on disrupting Scott's lines of
,. communication. Responding quickly, Scott provided escorts for all
American wagons moving along the Veracruz-Mexico City corridor,
organized special brigades to hunt down irregulars, created a series
of garrisons at key points along the Mexican National Highway, and
endorsed the creation of the Mexican Spy Company. Again, the drain on
the Army's troop resources was considerable. Even with those measures,
however, he found it impossible to stop all the attacks.
The Americans found that their force structure, while well adapted
to winning the conventional war in Mexico, fell short of meeting the
demands of the irregular conflict that raged in occupied areas of the
country. Specifically, the lack of mounted units prevented American
commanders from actively seeking out and engaging guerrillas. Lack
of mobility forced the US. Army to take a defensive role and to react to
irregular attacks whenever they occurred. Even then, lack of mobility
prevented its troops from responding in time. American columns had
to remain on the roads, unable to decisively engage the fast-moving
guerrillas, who blended with the local population. Time and again, large .
American forces arrived too late to catch the elusive, mounted guerrillas.
Even the few mounted US. Army regiments available enjoyed only
sporadic success. Out of frustration, some soldiers in those units often
attacked innocent Mexicans.
Mexican responses to the occupation varied in effectiveness. In
the north, individual guerrillas often carried out attacks to avenge
American atrocities without any sense of planning or strategic purpose.
Although the attacks created a bloody war of retribution in areas where
they occurred, they did little to challenge American authority. When
Generals Taylor and Wool brought their troops under discipline and
provided the Mexicans with a sense of security, the violence diminished
and the number of attacks decreased significantly. The northern
resistance did score a significant success, however, when it used large
groups of partisans fighting under trained military leaders during the
battle of Buena Vista. Those organized forces cut Taylor's access to his
vital supply line on the Rio Grande. Not until the Americans committed
thousands of troops to the Camargo-Monterrey corridor were they able
to compel the Mexicans to retreat.
In the south, Light Corps units proved extremely successful in
disrupting Scott's otherwise nearly flawless thrust toward Mexico City.
The officially sanctioned, well-led, and well-trained forces endangered
all American attempts to move along the National Highway and scored
a number oflirnited victories. Even as Scott devoted more attention and
troops to defeating the Light Corps, his lack of cavalry and his inability
to force the irregulars into a decisive engagement frustrated his plan.
Yet, even with all of their successes, the Light Corps did not alter the
outcome of the war.
Lessons learned in the occupation of Mexico also had long-lasting
effects on America's military establishment. It most certainly provided
valuable experience for junior US. Army officers and enlisted men-
experience they would find invaluable thirteen years later when the
American Civil War began. For example, young officers such as Ulysses
S. Grant came to realize how crucial a robust intelligence collection
network was to Scott's success in the Mexico City campaign. Grant
used this lesson to good effect throughout the Civil War, particularly
during the Vicksburg campaign. In addition, Scott's General Order No.
20 has influenced generations of military thinkers. In the American
Civil War, War Department General Order No. 100, dated 24 April
1863, was based in large part on Scott's order. That document, in turn,
would provide the basic framework for the first Geneva Convention in
1864, as well as later conventions.
Although the numbers of killed and wounded in the major battles
are relatively certain, it is much more difficult to calculate absolute
numbers of men serving, or who died of other causes, because record-
keeping in the mid-1800s was imprecise at best. The statistics in the
1846-47 reports by the Secretary of War, however, make it possible
to approximate the figures. During the conflict, 78,718 American
servicemen served in the theater. From the start of the conflict through
January 1848, 1,556 soldiers were killed and another 4,152 were
wounded during the conflict's major battles. Also, from January 1848
until the final withdrawal of American personnel, the Army also lost
approximately 4,500 additional men from a variety of causes, including
combat, disease, and desertions. The available statistics cannot account
for the fate of some 2,800 men. This evidence strongly suggests that
guerrillas and other irregular forces were responsible for many of those
losses. Any concrete proof, however, will be impossible to locate.
Extant primary sources written by American officers tend to minimize
or even completely ignore irregular forces. Estimating the number
of civilians, primarily wagon teamsters, killed during the conflict is
completely outside the realm of possibility because no agency kept track
of their presence. But we do know that guerrillas killed large numbers
of civilians during specific time periods. In late February 1847 alone,
partisans operating on the Carmargo- Monterrey corridor killed some
65 civilian teamsters. In the end, though, disease and accidental death
proved far more deadly, killing approximately 11,550 troops.
Neither American victories in the field, nor Taylor's mismanaged
efforts in the north, nor Scott's well-organized occupation in the heart
of the country was the lone compelling reason that Mexico made peace.
Internal Mexican political and social discontent and fear of widespread
peasant uprisings helped convince members of the nation's political
elite that further resistance threatened their survival. A combination
of twenty-two months of conflict, occupation, and civil strife finally
allowed the Polk administration to achieve all of its war aims.
Further Readings
---. Bauer, K. Jack. The Mexican War, 1846- 1848. New York:
Macmillan, 1974.
---. Foos, Paul. A Short, Offhand, Killing Affair: Soldiers and
Social Conflict During the Mexican-American War. Chapel Hill,
NC: University of North Carolina Press, 2002.
--- . Levinson, Irving. Wars within Wars: Mexican Guerrillas,
Domestic Elites, and the United States of America, 1846-1848. Fort
Worth, TX: Texas Christian University Press, 2005.
---. Smith, Justin H. The War with Mexico. New York: Macmillan,
- --. Winders, Richard B. Mr. Polk's Army: The American Military
Experience in the Mexican War. College Station, TX: Texas A&M
University Press, 1997.
Taking a Salteador Stronghold
(West Point Museum Art Collection, U.S. Military Academy)
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