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Bahasa Inggris - UM




Bahasa Inggris

Selasa, 29 Maret 2022

Pukul 08.00 – 10.00 WITA

UM Tahun 2021-2022

Choose the right answer in one of A, B, C, or D and then write it in an answer sheet !
Questions for 1 to 2

Dear Bianca Jodie,

Time counted so fast
Let’s celebrate new year’s eve together
Sunday , December 31st
9 p.m until drop
At Dragonfly Bar
Jln Gatot Subroto
1. What is the purpose of the invitation text above ?
A. To make a new relation B. To spend time together C. To have conversation with D To celebrate the new
old friend year’s eve
2. From the invitation text above, we can say that ?
A. Bianca and Hannah have not B. Bianca Jody invites C. The party ended at D The Dragonfly Bar is not
good relationship Hannah to celebrate new midnight at jln. Gatot Subroto
year’s eve
Question for 3 to 4

Glad if you can attend and laugh with us in Graduation Party

In respect of our Daughter’s perseverance and persistence
Isyana Sarasvati has graduated from an MSI(Master of Science from Bandung Institute Technology)
Accompany with us on Sunday, Mei 30, 2019 at 8 p.m
The Suite Room, Hermitage Hotel.
Afgan and MellyGoeslaw
RSVP 65412397

3. Who is graduated from Bandung Institut Technology?
A. Afgan B. Melly Goeslow C. Isyana Larasati D Afgan and Melly Goeslow
4. Based on the invitation text above, we can conclude that…
A. Melly Goeslaw is Isyana’s B. The party will be held in C. The party ended at 8 p.m D The party is to celebrate
Daughter Hermitage Hotel Isyana’s Brithday
Question for 5 to 7
To : All students of SMP 1 Bengkulu
To celebrate the National Education Day, Students body willhold some interesting programs such as English Speech Contest, Debate,
Photography competition, and Class Wall Magazine Competition.
When : May2,2019 10 am until 3 p.m
Where : Scholl hall
Hope all students will be participated

5. The text is mainly about ?

A. A National Education Day B. English Speech Contest C. A National Day Celebration D Wall Magazine
ceremony Competition
6. There are some interesting program will be contested, except….
A. English Speech Contest B. Debate C. Dancing contest. D Photography Competition

7. Based on the announcement above, we know that…

A. The program is interesting B. The program will be held C. The program will be held in D There are one
on June the school hall competition will be held
Question number 8 to 10
The lift is out of action due to electrical damage.
Please use stairs beside the lift.
we apologize for this inconvenient?
8. What is the writer’s intention to write the notice?
A. To ask people to use stairs B. To show the stairs location C. To apologies for the likt’s D To inform people about
condition electrical do demage
9. The word damage has the same meaning us….
A. Destroyed B. Dandy C. Unite D Successful
10. The prohibition means…….
A. We have to be in the elevator B. We are not allowed to use C. We fix the broken elevator D We have to look at the
that’s broken the lift and have to use the elevato’s broken area
stairs to get out
Question number 11 to 13
Gloves and masks should Be
worn when warking in this area.

Bahasa Inggris - UM

11. What is the purpose of the warning?

A. Inviters readers to use masks B. Help readers to wear C. Ask reader to wear masks D Excepct the masks to
and glover masks and gloves and gloves always be on to bottom
12. The word “worn” in the sentence.
The underlined word is similar is meaning to.
A. Release B. Comfortable C. Destroy D Exceed
13. What can does the text mean?
A. We have to throw away the B. We must use masks and C. We can make gloves and D We must not use masks
gloves when working gloves when working masks while working when working
14 When you meet your friend in the school what would you say?
A. Good morning B. Good night C. Good afternoon D Good evening
15 Abi: Ali, ............. Adi. He is my classmate. Adi, this is Ali. He is my brother
Ali: Hi, Adi
Adi: Hi, Ali
A. He is my friend B. How are you C. Its nice to meet you D This is
The following text is for questions number 16-17
Dear Bram,
Congrats on taking home the best art award tonight. It makes me so happy to see you thrive in art class. I have every bit of faith in you that you
will only continue to excel in the years to come,

16. We are informed from the text that ...
A. Bram’s teacher awarded him B. Bram defeated everyone C. Bram’s success became D Bram’s mom saluted him
a medal in his art class the family’s pride on the art achievment
17. Why was the text above written to Bram?
A. Bram was the best student in B. Bram took home the art C. Bram got the best art D Bram already made his
his class award at night award in the art class mom proud of him
The following text is for questions number 18-19
My beloved sister,
You have grown to be a beautiful and smart girl.
Its your special day
Happy birthday!
May you achieve your desires.
18. Andra writes the text in order to ...
A. Thank B. Apologize C. Compliment D Congratulate
19. What does Andra expect to his sister?
A. She holds a party B. She becomes a smart girl C. She reaps succes D She celebrates her
Read the following text to answer questions number 20 to 22.
• Temporarily relives nasal congestion due to the common cold, hay fever or other upper respiratory allergies, or associated with sinusitis
• Temporarily relieves these symptoms due to hay fever (allergic rhinitis):
- runny nose
- sneezing
- itching of the nose or throat
- itchy, watery eyes
• Temporarily restores freer breathing through the nose
Do not take more than 4doses in any
24-hour period
Age Doses adult and 4tsp
Children over 12 years every 4 hours
Children 6 to under 12 years 2 tsp every 4 hours.
Children under 6 years ask a doctor
20. "Temporarily restores freer breathing through the nose" The underlined word has similar meaning with ....
A. Damage B. Recall C. Rehabilitate D Provide
21. Who must be consulted to the doctor before taking this medicine?
A. Adult B. Children under 6 years C. Children 12 years and over D Children 6 to under 12
22. From the label above we know that ….
A. This medicine is only for B. This medicine is in the C. Stomachache can be D Children under 12 cannot
adult form of syrup cured with this medicine take this medicine
Read the following text to answer questions number 23 to 25
Dear Catherine,
I’m sorry I can’t pick you up at the airport but luckily, my friend Steve can (He works at night, so he is free in the morning).
I just want to make sure about the information. Your plane arrives at 11 a.m. on June 25th and your flying on KLN Air #1327. Is that fight?.

I told Steve to look for a woman with two young girls but he wanted more information. Do you look the same? What about your daughters? You
shouldn’t have a problem finding Steve at the airport. He’s very tall and thin. He has curly brown hair, mustache, and a beard.
I can’t wait to see you!
UM Tahun 2021-2022

23. How many persons will Steve meet at the airport?

A. One B. Two C. Three D Four
24. “….but luckily my friend Steve can”.
What does the underlined word means?
A. Accidentally B. Actually C. Basically D Fortunately
25. Steve will pick Catherine with her daughters at the airport because ….
A. He is busy B. He is free in the morning C. He works at the airport D He wants more
The following text is for questions number 26-28
Homemade Candy
1 cup water
1 cup granulated sugar
1 cup light corn syrup
1/2 tsp. peppermint oil or other flavour
Sprinkle a thick coat of powdered sugar on a cookie sheet.
Combine the granulated sugar, light corn syrup and water in a heavy saucepan.
Cook over medium-high heat until the hard-crack stage. (When the candy caramel cracks, then dip into cold water).
Remove from heat.
Add the peppermint oil or other flavour. Stir well.
Pour onto the cookie sheet.
Sprinkle with more powdered sugar.
Cut with a knife as soon as cool enough to handle.
26. What should we do after candy caramel crack?
A. Combine the granulated B. Pour onto cookies sheet. C. Dip into cold water. D Remove from heat.
27. Which one is not the step of making candy?
A. Combine the granulated B. Cook over medium-high C. Sprinkle with less D Pour onto the cookie
sugar, light corn syrup and heat until the hard-crack powdered sugar. sheet.
water in a heavy saucepan. stage.

28. What is the writer want to make ?

A. Juice B. Candy C. Cake D Food
Questions for no.29-30
Alxander wsnborn in macedoni in 356 BC. His father, king philip II of macedonia, hired the famous greek philosopher aristotle to tutor young
alexander in the summer of 336 BC philip was murdered by one of his bodyguard.
29. Alexander then …….. king
A. Has become B. Becoming C. Becomes D Became
30. Many people inmacedonia plotted against the young king ……… alexander was shrewd.
A. Moreover B. Or C. But D And
31 Aldo left his favourite restaurant at 13. a clock. It was warm evening and decided to walk along the beach. Suddenly, your masked girls aged
about seventeen come up to …….and asked for the street.
A. Him B. Her C. You D Me
32. I …… the television while my mother ….. fried chicken.
A. Am watch; is eat B. Am watching ;are eating C. Are watch ;is eating D Am watching ;is eating
33. Dita dan anton palace ……. located in Surakarta
A. Was B. Is C. Are D Were
The following text is for questions number 34-36
Komodo Dragons
Komodo dragon is a member of the monitor family, varanidae. It is the world’s largest living lizards. It grows to be 10 feet (3 meters) long and
weighs up to 126 kg and belong to the most ancient group of lizards still alive
It is found mainly in the island of komodo and on other small islands, Rinca , padar, and flores. The natives call it the dragon onr land
The komodo dragon has a long heavy tail, short, strong legs, and rough skin. It is covered with small dull, colored scales, it can sprint at up
18 km per hours but only for short distances when it opens its wide red mouth, it shown row of teeth like the edge of a saw.
Komodo dragons are good swimmers and may swim the log distance from one island to another. Like other lizards, the swim by undulating
their tails, and their legs held against their body.
The komodo dragon is totally carnivorous. It hunts other animals during the day. It hunts deer, wild pigs,water buffaloes, and even horses
while smaller komodo have to be content with eggs, other lizards, snakes and rodents. Komodo dragons are cannibals. The adult will prey on
the young one as well as the old and sick dragons. Lizard digs a cave with its strong claws in the cave at night.

34. The main idea of paragraph 5 is ……….

A. Komodo dragons feed on B. Komodo dragons get their C. Komodo dragons are D Komodo dragons are
young dragons food by hunting carnivorous and also cannibal because they
cannibals hunt other animals
35. ‘’it hunts other animals during the day. ‘’the synonym of the underlined word is…….
A. Drop B. Miss C. Traces D recede
36. Komodo dragons are cannibals because……..
A. They hunt deer, wild pigs, B. They prey on young ones C. They feed on eggs, lizards, D They eat something they
water buffaloes and even as well as old and sick snakes, and rodents meet
horses dragon
The following text is for questions number 37-38

Bahasa Inggris - UM

Jl. Cempaka no. 02

We are the biggest and the cheapest laundry service near housing estates in town. We wash your dirty clothes : shirts, T- shirts, trousers, pants
and even jeans, the fastest and the cleanest.
Just callus 0n 0182149600979
We guarantee your satisfaction
37. Why does Dyra Laundry serve the fastest?
A. It is located in a strategic B. It has many washing C. It is near housing estates D The room is spacious
location machines
38. What is the advertisement about?
A. Washing service B. Delivery service. C. Repair service D A fashion shop
The following text is for questions number 39-41
I have favorite items from my favorite female volleyball player Cassanova. I received them after she and hear team beat their opponent. I
approached her and asked for her photograph. I showed her my collections about her and she was very happy. Unexpectedly, she gave me a
present, a pair of shoes. She put off her shoes and gave them to me. She then added her autograph on the shoes. I was so excited.
The shoes have soft soles, comfortable fabrics and strong cords. There are light green strip on the left and ride sides which make the shoes
look elegant. I never wear them. I keep them in my room and clean them regularly.

39. Which conclusion is suitable for the text ?

A. The shoes are comfortable B. The shoes have plastics C. The shoes have light blue D The writer often wears the
cords strips shoes
40. Why did cassanova give the writer her shoes ?
A. They were old B. They were torn out C. She didn’t like them D She was happy meeting
her fan
41. What is the text about ?
A. Cassanova’s character B. Cassanova’s best C. A pair of shoes from D Friendship between
achievements Cassanova Cassanova and the writer

The following text is for questions number 42-44

Once upon a time, there lived a strange bird with two heads: one facing the left and the other facing the right. The two heads were used to fight
and argue with each other, even for very simple reasons. Though they shared the same body, the two heads behaved like rivals!
The strange bird lived in a big bayan tree, along the bank of a river.
One day , while flying over the river, the left head of the bird saw a beautiful tree that had a bright red fruit. The left head of the bird wanted
to eat the fruit and the bird flew down to pick the fruit from the tree.
The bird plucked the sweet smelling fruit ,sat by the bank of the river and started eating it. The fruit was eaten by the left head. While it was
eating , the right head asked, “ Can you give me a piece to taste? “.
The left head said, “ See, we have only one stomach. So even if I eat in my mouth, it will go only into our stomach.”
“ I want to taste the fruit, so you should give me. “
The left head replied in anger, “I saw the fruit and hence , I have the right to eat it without sharing with anyone.”
The right head felt sad and became silent.
A few day later, while the bird was flying over the river again, the right head saw a beautiful pink frruit on a tree. The bird flew down near the
tree and tried to pick the fruit and eat it.
The other birds living on the tree said “Don’t eat it. It is a poisonous fruit. It will kill you.”
The left head shouted “ don’t eat it.”
However the right head did not listen to the left head. The right head said” I will eat it, because I saw it. You have no right to stop me .”
The left head shouted. “ please don’t eat it. We will all die “
The right head said” Since I saw it, I have the right to eat it.” Clearly , the right head was trying to take revenge on the left head for not
sharing the red fruit with it earlier.
Finally ,the pink fruit was eaten by the right head, and in a few minutes the strange bird with the two heads dropped down dead!
42. What is the writer’s intention to write the text ?....................
A. To describe a strange bird B. To show how to look after C. To amuse the readers D To relate his / her
a strange bird experience when seeing a
strange bird
43. The word” poisonous “ in the sentence ; “ don’t eat it. It is a poisonous fruit. It will kill you”. The underlined word is similar in meaning
A. Famous B. Venomous C. numerous D humorous
44. What can we learn from the story?...................................
A. We should be generous B. We should work together C. Two heads mean two D A bad habit brings to an
similar ways accident
Arranging the sentences to form sequential paragraph
1. During our journey we enjoyed beautiful scenery.
2. We enjoyed splashing water and we got wet
3. We could see to plantations stretching on the hill and valleys
4. Last month my friends and I went to a hot spring
5. After a three- hour- trip, we arrived at the site and instantly walked to the spring
6. On arrival, we saw a clear water with vapor above it.
7. We went there early in the morning by car.
8. We had to walk about one kilometer to reach the spring
45 The correct arrangement of the sentences is.................
A. 4-7-1- 3-5-8-6-2 B. 4-8-5-3-1-7-6-2 C. 4-7-3-6-1-8-5-2 D 4-8-1-5-7-3-6-2
arrange the sentences to form sequential paragraph
1. Many city in the UK are developing their MRT systems
2. It is under construction and will be finished in 2021
UM Tahun 2021-2022

3. What about our country ? Jakarta, the capital city, will have MRT
4. These can range from a painted bus line to extensive underground train networks
5. MRT, Mass Rapid Transit ,is a more generic term used to describe modern urban public transport systems
6. Other cities , for example Bristol and Southampton, have well- advanced proposals and construction is underway in Leeds
7. MRT systems are seen as “carrots” designed to encourage motorist to leave car at home and use public transport
8. The need for these new rapid transit systems has arisen from the need to reduce traffic congestion in urban areas
9. A growing number also have light rail systems, for example London, Nottingham, Newcastle, Sheffield, Croydon, Manchester and
West Midlands
46. The correct arrangement of the sentences is.................
A. 1-9-3-6-8-4-2-5-7 B. 9-1-4-2-5-7-3-6-8 C. 7-5-1-4-9-2-8-3-6 D 5-4-8-7-1-9-6-3-2
arrange the sentences to form sequential paragraph
1. My cousin lives in a suburb area
2. I know that he is happy with his life
3. He is tall and thin ,with short dark hair and suntan skin
4. He never feels ashamed to wash dishes and help his mother cook
5. Let me introduce my cousin from Bawean island, his name is Badrus
6. His father is farmer and he always helps his family do house chores
7. He is also strong and healthy because he always jogs and swims
47. The correct arrangement of the sentences is.................
A. 2-1-5-6-3-7-4 B. 2-1-3-7-4-6-5 C. 5-3-7-1-6-4-2 D 5-3-2-1-7-4-6
The following text is for questions number 48-50
Recount text
Rasuna said born 14th September 1910,was an Indonesian independence fighter and National heroine. Just like Kartini, she also fought for
emancipation,the same right between men and women.

She was known for her sharp critics towerd the Dutch in her essays. In 1935 ,she became chief editor of a radical magazine, Raya.This
magazine was known as the fighting stake in West Sumatra. The Dutch secret police restricted her movements, so she moved to Medan, North
In Medan,she founded a women's school. To spread her thoughts,she establish eda weekly magazine called Menara Poeteri.This magazine
often talked about women,but the main target was to insert anticolonialism movements among bwomen.
After Indonesian independence, she was active inIindonesian Information Committee and indonesian National Committee
e .She was appointed as a member of Representative Assembly to represent West Sumatra.She was appointed as a member of Supreme
Consultative Council from 5th July 1959 until her death on 2nd November 1965
48 What proved that Rasuna said fought for women's right?
A. She improved women's B. She became the editor of C. She wrote poems about D She gave sharp criticts
education. a radical magazine women's emancipation about gender inequality
49. What positive value can we learn from Rasuna said ?
A. She was fond of liberalism B. She sacrificed herself for C. She worked hard to reach D She used written media to
her country her dream fight against
50. The Dutch secret police restricted her movements…..(paragrapg2)
What is the similar meaning of the underlined word ?
A. Limited B. Banned C. Allowed D Reduced

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