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Feedwater Heater: Performance Test Protocol GP-FWH-001

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January 2001

Approved/Reviewed by:

___________________________ _____________

___________________________ _____________

___________________________ _____________

25 Northpointe Parkway ■ Suite 100

Amherst, New York USA 14228
Performance Test Protocol Feedwater Heater

1.1 Purpose and Scope............................................................................................................... 1-3
1.2 Technical Discussion............................................................................................................. 1-3
1.3 Methodology.......................................................................................................................... 1-3
1.4 Documentation and Reporting............................................................................................... 1-3
1.5 Test Engineer........................................................................................................................ 1-3

2 DEFINITIONS.............................................................................................................................. 2-3

3.1 General................................................................................................................................. 3-3
3.2 Pre-Test Activities................................................................................................................. 3-3
3.3 Test Conditions..................................................................................................................... 3-3
3.4 Deviation from Test Conditions.............................................................................................3-3
3.5 Instruments and Data Collection...........................................................................................3-3
3.6 Sample Locations and Measurements..................................................................................3-3
3.7 Test Personnel Requirements............................................................................................... 3-3

4.1 Operating Conditions............................................................................................................. 4-3
4.2 Test Duration......................................................................................................................... 4-3
4.3 Data Collection...................................................................................................................... 4-3
4.4 Test Log................................................................................................................................ 4-3
4.5 Restoration............................................................................................................................ 4-3

5.1 Data Reduction and Validation.............................................................................................. 5-3
5.2 Terminal Temperature Difference......................................................................................... 5-3
5.3 Drain Cooler Approach.......................................................................................................... 5-3
5.4 Feedwater Temperature Rise................................................................................................ 5-3
5.5 Feedwater Pressure Drop..................................................................................................... 5-3
5.6 Feedwater Heater Design Data............................................................................................. 5-3
5.7 Requirement for Further Testing........................................................................................... 5-3


6.1 Temperature Rise................................................................................................................. 6-3
6.2 Terminal Temperature Difference......................................................................................... 6-3
6.3 Drain Cooler Approach.......................................................................................................... 6-3
6.4 Pressure Drop....................................................................................................................... 6-3
6.5 Feedwater Heater Problems................................................................................................. 6-3

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7.1 Content.................................................................................................................................. 7-3
7.2 Format................................................................................................................................... 7-3
7.3 Distribution............................................................................................................................ 7-3

8 REFERENCES......................................................................................................... 8-3

A DATA SHEETS...................................................................................................................... A-1
Manual Feedwater Heater FW-1 (Every 5 Minutes)
Manual Feedwater Heater FW-2 (Every 5 Minutes)
B DATA POINT LISTS.............................................................................................................. B-1
Manual Recording Data Points
Automatic Recording Data Points
C FEEDWATER HEATER DESIGN PERFORMANCE DATA.....................................................C-1
D HEAT BALANCE................................................................................................................... D-1

5-1 Feedwater Heater Design Performance................................................................................5-3

1-1 Typical Feedwater Heater Temperature Profiles...................................................................1-3

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Performance Test Protocol Feedwater Heater

1.1 Purpose and Scope
Each high-pressure feedwater heater (FW-1 and FW-2) should be individually tested on
a routine basis to determine its current performance level. The important feedwater-
heater performance indices are terminal temperature difference, drain cooler approach,
feedwater temperature rise, and corrected pressure drop across the heater.
This test protocol provides a method for measuring feedwater heater performance on a
repeatable basis. These measurements allow you to reliably detect changes in
equipment condition. Where applicable, test results are compared to design and
previous test results. The protocol follows the ASME Performance Test Code 12.1,
Closed Feedwater Heaters, as a guide. Strict adherence to the PTC is not feasible or
desirable for practical routine performance testing of feedwater heaters.

1.2 Technical Discussion

Feedwater heaters transfer heat from extraction steam to the feedwater that flows to the
boiler to increase boiler efficiency, decrease turbine cycle heat rate, and improve
overall plant efficiency. Changes in performance greatly influence boiler and turbine
cycle efficiencies. The effect of colder feedwater temperature on boiler efficiency
depends on the size of the economizer. Colder feedwater temperature typically
decreases the efficiency of older boilers whose small economizers cannot take full
advantage of the hotter economizer gas inlet temperature that results from firing
additional fuel. Boilers designed within the last 25 years typically incorporate large
economizers that can adequately make up for low feedwater temperature. In this latter
case, boiler efficiency is virtually unchanged or increases slightly because of a lower
exit gas temperature.
Turbine cycle heat rate is more directly impacted by feedwater heater performance.
Poor heat transfer within the heater results in less extraction-steam feedwater heating.
This causes an increase in the electrical output of the steam turbine-generator. The
steam that would have been extracted instead passes through the entire turbine
producing the additional output but also rejects the majority of its heat to the condenser
cooling water. This same heat would have been transferred to the feedwater and
retained in the turbine cycle if it were used for extraction-steam feedwater heating.
This protocol covers shell and tube-type high-pressure feedwater heaters. Feedwater
passes through U-tubes, while superheated extraction steam is admitted to the shell side.
The extraction steam is desuperheated, condensed, and subcooled in three distinct zones
of the heater. The energy given up by the extraction steam during desuperheating,
condensing, and subcooling is transferred to the feedwater. This results in an increase to
its outlet temperature. Heat transfer is most effective in the condensing zone of the
feedwater heater where overall heat transfer coefficients range from 500-900
Btu/hr·ft2·°F. Heat transfer rates in the desuperheating section (80-140 Btu/hr·ft 2·°F) and
the drain cooling section (300 to 500 Btu/hr·ft 2·°F) are considerably less.
Four parameters define the performance of feedwater heaters:
 Terminal Temperature Difference, TTD—The performance of a feedwater
heater is determined by how well it transfers heat. The feedwater heater’s TTD is
an indicator of heater transfer effectiveness. TTD is defined as the difference

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Performance Test Protocol Feedwater Heater

between the saturation temperature of the steam condensing in the heater and the
feedwater temperature leaving the heater. As TTD increases from design, heat
transfer is less effective. Design TTDs typically range from –5°F to +5°F.
Superheated steam is required to achieve a negative TTD (see Figure 1-1).

Figure 1-1
Typical Feedwater

 Drain Cooler Approach, DCA sometimes called degree of approach, is used

for feedwater heaters equipped with a drain cooling section where the condensed
steam is subcooled by the incoming feedwater. DCA is the temperature difference
between the draining condensate and the incoming feedwater and typically ranges
from +10°F to +15°F. A high DCA indicates less effective heat transfer in the drain
cooler section of the feedwater heater.
 Temperature Rise, TR, from the inlet to the outlet of the heater, is the most
direct indicator of feedwater heater performance. Feedwater heaters are used to
simply heat feedwater. Each heater is designed to increase the feedwater
temperature by a given amount. A temperature rise of 50- 80°F is typical.
Temperature rise less than design may indicate insufficient extraction steam flow,
fouled tubes, improper heater level, or bypassing of the partition plate that
separates the inlet and outlet feedwater flows.
 Pressure Drop, ΔP—Each heater is designed for a minimal water-side
pressure drop, typically about 10-30 psid. A high-pressure drop indicates tube-side
plugging, whereas a decreased pressure drop may be a symptom of flow bypassing
the partition plate or the entire heater.

1.3 Methodology
Both feedwater heaters are tested at full load to obtain test results that may be compared
to previous full load tests. Feedwater heater testing can be done concurrently with
turbine or turbine cycle testing. Full load is established by bringing the turbine to valves
wide open with normal steam conditions at the turbine valves. Testing at lower loads is
not necessary unless knowledge of specific performance at low loads is desirable. Data
from both feedwater heaters are taken simultaneously. Calculations, including
numerical averages from multiple readings, are kept separate for each feedwater heater.
The following data is taken and recorded in the manner described:
 Terminal Temperature Difference is determined for each feedwater heater
by calculating the difference between the saturation temperature corresponding to
measured shell pressure and the feedwater outlet temperature.
 Drain Cooler Approach is determined by calculating the difference in drain
temperature and the feedwater inlet temperature.

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Performance Test Protocol Feedwater Heater

 Temperature Rise is determined by calculating the difference in feedwater

outlet and inlet temperatures.
 Water-Side Pressure Drop is determined by calculating the difference in
feedwater inlet and outlet pressures corrected for the difference from design
feedwater flow.
 Manual Data Recording—Some data is manually recorded on the data sheets
provided in Appendix A.
 Automatic Data Logging—The majority of data readings are automatically
recorded by the GP EtaPRO™ System or a similar data acquisition system. Data is
recorded on magnetic media to allow direct import into a PC spreadsheet. A list of
data points is included in Appendix B.

1.4 Documentation and Reporting

 All recorded test data are assembled and submitted to the Test Engineer.
 A Test Log is kept by the Test Engineer in accordance with section 4.4.
 Test calculations are performed by the Test Engineer in accordance with
section 5.
 A Test Report is prepared by the Test Engineer in accordance with section 7.

1.5 Test Engineer

A Test Engineer is appointed to coordinate the feedwater heater performance tests. The
Test Engineer ensures that the test conditions are met, and approves any deviations from
standard procedure. In addition, the Test Engineer records any necessary observations
made during the test in the Test Log (see Section 4.4) and issues the Test Report (see
section 5).

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Performance Test Protocol Feedwater Heater

The definitions and description of terms used in this protocol are found in section 2.0 of
ASME PTC 12.1-1978 (R1987).

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Performance Test Protocol Feedwater Heater

3.1 General
Feedwater heaters are tested with the steam turbine-generator at full load under design
steam conditions. Test conditions are described in section 3.3. Before scheduling a test,
the feedwater heaters should be considered in suitable condition for testing. This
requires that the heater shell is properly and continuously drained of condensate and all
heater levels maintained at their design values. The steam- and water-sides should be
vented of non-condensible gases. Any external sources of non-condensible gases, such
as vents from other apparatus, should be diverted during the test run.

3.2 Pre-Test Activities

 Notify System Operations—The Systems Operating Department and unit-
operating personnel should be given at least than 72 hours notification of the date
and time of a scheduled test. The Test Engineer should confirm the test schedule by
1 p.m. on the day prior to the test.
 Notify Instrument and Controls Supervisor—The Test Engineer should
notify the Plant Instrument and Controls Supervisor one month in advance of the
date and time of a scheduled test so that calibration and installation of test
instruments and equipment can take place in a timely manner.
 Computer Log—Notify the EtaPRO System Administrator to set the historical
data archive interval on the EtaPRO System to one minute. If required, verify
availability of the data acquisition system. The data acquisition system should be
set up and its logs initiated. Data storage should allow direct import into a PC
 Test Instruments—Set up test equipment and instruments.
 Examine all the special test instruments and apparatus to verify that
everything is in good working order. Installation of temporary instruments and
equipment should be made during the week prior to the test.
 Set up gas sampling stations.
 Take a set of test data to verify proper installation of the test
 Make a dry test run using all test instruments, equipment, and logs to
verify that everything is operating properly and to allow test personnel to
become familiar with their responsibilities.
 Ensure that there is an adequate supply of fresh chemicals for the
Orsat analyzers. The Orsat analyzers should be set up at least one hour before
the start of the air heater test. Orsat operators should obtain a minimum of four
readings before starting the test. Of these readings, at least three of four
readings must be valid measurements based on a reasonable level of expected
or anticipated air heater leakage. The test should not be started until all four
Orsat operators have met these minimum requirements.
 Instrument Calibration—Measurement instrumentation used for engineering
calculations should be calibrated before the test.

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Performance Test Protocol Feedwater Heater

3.3 Test Conditions

 Test Load—Full load achieved with all turbine valves wide-open under rated
conditions at the turbine stop valves.
 Test Duration—30 minutes.
 Steam Conditions—At the turbine stop valves:
Main Steam Temperature: 1000F, ±10F
Main Steam Pressure: 2400 psig, ±50 psig
Reheat Steam Temperature: 1000F, ±10F
 Feedwater Heaters—The following conditions must be met:
 All feedwater heaters are in service with proper venting to ensure that
non-condensible gases do not accumulate and effect heat transfer. All start-up
event valves are closed. All normal vent valves are fully open.
 All emergency drain and safety valves are closed and not leaking to
ensure that heater performance is not adversely effected by loss of heating
steam or drains from a higher pressure heater.
 Condensate levels in each heater are maintained within normal
operating limits.
 Steady-State Operation—Must be achieved before the start of the test as
determined by the Test Engineer. These conditions are generally reached within
one hour of reaching valves wide-open.

3.4 Deviation from Test Conditions

It may not always be possible to meet all of the desired conditions because of
equipment outages or other factors. The Test Engineer may elect to waive certain
conditions, if in his or her judgment, they cannot be met reasonably and the test results
will not be meaningful. The Test Engineer must document any deviations in the Test
Log (see section 4.4) and must include an explanation of how the test was performed.
Conditions may arise that are not described in this protocol and that would have a
significant influence on the conduct and results of the test. Such occurrences are to be
treated as deviations as described above.

3.5 Instruments and Data Collection

Test measurements are made with a combination of temporary test instruments and
permanently installed plant instrumentation. Copies of calibration records for all
permanently installed and special test instruments used during the test are assembled
and become part of the test record. The bulk of the data is recorded automatically by
the EtaPRO System or by the data acquisition system. Any manual data recording is
entered on the data sheets provided in Appendix A. A list of all data points, as well as
the means of recording them, is given in section 3.6.
Special test instruments and equipment include
 Data Acquisition System

3.6 Sample Locations and Measurements

The following data is collected during the test at the frequencies indicated. See
Appendix B for a list of all data points.

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Performance Test Protocol Feedwater Heater

Manual Data Collection

 FWH #1 Water-In Temperature is monitored and recorded once every 5
minutes using local gauge ______.
 FWH #1 Water-Out Temperature is monitored and recorded once every 5
minutes using local gauge ______.
 FWH #1 Water-In Pressure is monitored and recorded once every 5 minutes
using local gauge ______.
 FWH #1 Water-Out Pressure is monitored and recorded once every 5
minutes using local gauge ______.
 FWH #1 Shell (Flange) Pressure is monitored and recorded once every 5
minutes using local gauge ______.
 FWH #1 Drain Temperature is monitored and recorded once every 5 minutes
using local gauge ______.
 FWH #1 Steam Inlet Temperature is monitored and recorded once every 5
minutes using local gauge ______.
 FWH #2 Water-In Temperature is monitored and recorded once every 5
minutes using local gauge ______.
 FWH #2 Water-Out Temperature is monitored and recorded once every 5
minutes using local gauge ______.
 FWH #2 Water-In Pressure is monitored and recorded once every 5 minutes
using local gauge ______.
 FWH #2 Water-Out Pressure is monitored and recorded once every 5
minutes using local gauge ______.
 FWH #2 Shell (Flange) Pressure is monitored and recorded once every 5
minutes using local gauge ______.
 FWH #2 Drain Temperature is monitored and recorded once every 5 minutes
using local gauge ______.
 FWH #2 Steam Inlet Temperature is monitored and recorded once every 5
minutes using local gauge ______.
Automatic Data Collection
 FWH #1 Water-In Temperature is measured and recorded once each minute
using the DCS Tag Point No. ______.
 FWH #1 Water-Out Temperature is measured and recorded once each
minute using the DCS Tag Point No. ______.
 FWH #1 Water-Out Pressure is measured and recorded once each minute
using the DCS Tag Point No. ______.
 FWH #1 Shell (Flange) Pressure is measured and recorded once each minute
using the DCS Tag Point No. ______.
 FWH #1 Drain Temperature is measured and recorded once each minute
using the DCS Tag Point No. ______.
 FWH #1 Steam Inlet Temperature is measured and recorded once each
minute using the DCS Tag Point No. ______.
 FWH #2 Water-In Temperature is measured and recorded once each minute
using the DCS Tag Point No. ______.
 FWH #2 -Water-In Pressure is measured and recorded once each minute
using the DCS Tag Point No. ______.
 FWH #2 Shell (Flange) Pressure is measured and recorded once each minute
using the DCS Tag Point No. ______.

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Performance Test Protocol Feedwater Heater

 FWH #2 Drain Temperature is measured and recorded once each minute

using the DCS Tag Point No. ______.
 FWH #2 Steam Inlet Temperature is measured and recorded once each
minute using the DCS Tag Point No. ______.
 No. 2 Extraction Steam (Flange) Pressure is measured and recorded once
each minute using the DCS Tag Point No. ______.
 Feedwater Flow is measured and recorded once each minute using the DCS
Tag Point No. ______.
The following data, although not used directly for feedwater heater performance
calculations, is recorded during the test at the frequencies indicated.
 Throttle Pressure, North is measured and recorded at least once every 5
minutes using DCS Tag Point No. ______.
 Throttle Pressure, South is measured and recorded at least once every 5
minutes using DCS Tag Point No. ______.
 Throttle Temperature, North is measured and recorded at least once every
5 minutes using DCS Tag Point No. ______.
 Throttle Temperature, South is measured and recorded at least once every
5 minutes using DCS Tag Point No. ______.
 Cold Reheat Pressure, North is measured and recorded at least once every
5 minutes using DCS Tag Point No. ______.
 Cold Reheat Pressure, South is measured and recorded at least once every
5 minutes using DCS Tag Point No. ______.
 Cold Reheat Temperature, North is measured and recorded at least once
minutes using DCS Tag Point No. ______.
 Cold Reheat Temperature, South is measured and recorded at least once
5 minutes using DCS Tag Point No. ______.
 Hot Reheat Pressure, North is measured and recorded at least once every
5 minutes using DCS Tag Point No. ______.
 Hot Reheat Pressure, South is measured and recorded at least once every
5 minutes using DCS Tag Point No. ______.
 Hot Reheat Temperature, North is measured and recorded at least once
5 minutes using DCS Tag Point No. ______.
 Hot Reheat Temperature, South is measured and recorded at least once every

5 minutes using DCS Tag Point No. ______.

3.7 Test Personnel Requirements

 Test Engineer is responsible for:
 Announcing the start and end of the test run.
 Monitoring plant operation to ensure stable, steady-state conditions
are maintained throughout the test.
 Keeping the Test Log as specified in section 4.4.
 Collecting all printouts and data sheets at the end of the test run.
 Preparing the Test Report as specified in section 7.

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Performance Test Protocol Feedwater Heater

 Data Taker is responsible for recording all manual field data.

 Control Room Operator is responsible for bringing the unit to the test

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Performance Test Protocol Feedwater Heater

4.1 Operating Conditions
Operating conditions are listed in section 3.3.

4.2 Test Duration

The feedwater heater performance test runs for a minimum of 30 minutes.

4.3 Data Collection

The type and frequency of data to be recorded are given in section 3.6.

4.4 Test Log

The Test Engineer maintains a Test Log where all events occurring during or between
test runs are recorded. Deviations made during a test run are noted, along with reasons
for such deviations.

4.5 Restoration
 Advise operating personnel when testing is complete.
 Remove test instrumentation.
 Reset the EtaPRO System’s historical archive interval to original 5-minute setting.

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Performance Test Protocol Feedwater Heater

Detailed instructions are included in this section for computation of all feedwater-heater
performance indices.

All thermodynamic properties are determined using the 1967 ASME Steam Tables. These properties are
available in hard copy directly from ASME, New York, New York. A useful and accurate software version,
GPSteam, is available from General Physics Corporation, Amherst, NY.

5.1 Data Reduction and Validation

Data from each test point is reduced by numerical average. The standard deviation for
each test point is calculated. At the discretion of the Test Engineer, readings more than
two standard deviations from the average may be discarded. However, no more than
10% of the data from any test point may be discarded. Temperature corrections are
applied to each thermocouple readings prior to performing calculations. Instrument
calibrations should be verified before making final performance calculations.
Some test points have automatically collected values as well as manually collected values.
In all cases, automatically recorded data is used for performing calculations. If more than
10% of the automatic data readings for particular test points are discarded during data
reduction, the manually collected readings are used for that data point. If the automatically
collected data is satisfactory, it may be compared to the manually collected data for

5.2 Terminal Temperature Difference

TTD is defined as the difference between the saturation temperature corresponding to
the steam inlet pressure and the feedwater outlet temperature.
TTD  Tsat  Tfo Equation 5.2-1
TTD Terminal temperature difference, °F
Tsat Saturation temperature corresponding to the steam inlet pressure, °F
Tfo Feedwater temperature leaving heater, °F

5.3 Drain Cooler Approach

DCA is defined as the temperature difference between the condensate leaving the
feedwater heater and the feedwater entering the heater
DCA  Tdo  Tfi Equation 5.3-2
DCA Drain cooler approach, °F
Tdo Drains temperature leaving heater, °F
Tfi Feedwater temperature entering heater, °F

5.4 Feedwater Temperature Rise

The feedwater temperature rise is defined as the temperature difference between the
feedwater leaving and entering the heater.

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Performance Test Protocol Feedwater Heater

Equation 5.4-3
TR Feedwater temperature rise, °F
Tfo Feedwater temperature leaving heater, °F
Tfi Feedwater temperature entering heater, °F

5.5 Feedwater Pressure Drop

The feedwater pressure drop is defined as the pressure difference between the feedwater
entering and leaving the heater.
Ptest  Pfi  Pfo Equation 5.5-4
Ptest Test feedwater pressure drop, psid
Pfi Feedwater pressure entering heater, psig
Pfo Feedwater pressure leaving heater, psig
The pressure drop is corrected to design feedwater flow as follows:
F 
ΔPcorr  ΔPtest  d  Equation 5.5-5
 Ft 
Pcorr Corrected feedwater pressure drop, psid
Ptest Test feedwater pressure drop, psid
Fd Design feedwater flow, 2,245,804 lb/hr
Ft Test feedwater flow, lb/hr

5.6 Feedwater Heater Design Data

Feedwater heater design data is generally found in the feedwater heater instruction
book. Important performance indices, TTD, DCA, and TR, are incorporated into heat
balances prepared by the steam turbine-generator manufacturer. The manufacturer’s
design data sheet is provided in Appendix C, and the Heat Balance is provided in
Appendix D. Table 5-1 summarizes the sample design performance data for two typical
feedwater heaters.
Table 5-1
Feedwater Heater Design Performance
FW-1 FW-2
TTD, °F -3 0
DCA, °F 10 10
Temperature Rise, °F 88.7 61
Pressure Drop, psid 12.8 11

5.7 Requirement for Further Testing

If the feedwater heater test results indicate an abnormality, either due to equipment
performance or due to suspect test data, a re-test should be conducted.

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Performance Test Protocol Feedwater Heater


The four feedwater-heater performance indices are calculated from the test data and are
compared to their corresponding design values as well as previous test values.
Historical plots are especially useful for detecting trends in feedwater heater
performance. The following sections describe changes in important performance indices
that can be used to diagnose the cause of feedwater heater problems.

6.1 Temperature Rise

Low temperature rise is generally an indication of a heater problem. Although it could
be the result of low (lower than design) main and reheat steam temperatures or
blockage of the extraction steam flow; i.e., NRV not fully open. Poor heat transfer can
be the result of any combination of conditions, such as poor shell-side venting, fouled
tubes, steam-side baffle failure, feedwater bypassing the pass partition plate, or a high
condensate level.
A temperature rise higher than design can be an indication of other unit equipment
problems; i.e., low HP turbine efficiency. A high temperature rise can also occur if the
inlet water temperature is colder than normal. In both cases, additional steam extracted
by the heater can cause such undesirable consequences as tube vibration and failure at
the steam inlet section.

FW--1 heater water outlet temperature is measured at two locations: at the heater (Point 1), and downstream
of the feedwater flow nozzle and the high-pressure heater bypass tie-in (Point 2). If the temperature Point 2 is
lower than Point 1, the motor-operated bypass valve may be leaking by.

6.2 Terminal Temperature Difference

An increase in terminal temperature difference is an indication of poor heat transfer
effectiveness. TTD may increase because of any combination of conditions, such as
tube scale, tube sheet plugging, insufficient steam supply temperature and/or pressure,
steam-side baffle failure, feedwater bypassing the partition plate, shell-side venting, or
high condensate level.
TTD can also be too low. Although desirable from a turbine cycle performance
viewpoint, low TTD results in more extraction steam entering the heater, which may
compromise heater reliability. Steam consumption consistently above design may result
in high steam velocities and tube vibration at the desuperheating section inlet, causing
premature tube failure.

6.3 Drain Cooler Approach

The drain cooling section is supposed to satisfactorily cool the condensate below
saturation to avoid flashing across the heater-level control valve immediately
downstream from the heater outlet. The drain cooler should be completely full of water
with the drain seal maintained by an adequate condensate level in the condensing
section. If the heater level is low, DCA increases considerably. The heater-level control
valve may also continuously “hunt” as the drains flash across it because of the pressure
drop. This is normally audible and sounds like gravel passing through the valve body.
The condensate level at which the drain seal is lost may be determined by starting with a
high level and observing DCA. Then lower the heater level in small increments until the

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Performance Test Protocol Feedwater Heater

DCA increases rapidly.

6.4 Pressure Drop

Water-side pressure drop is a function of water velocity. The corrected pressure drop
should remain constant between tests. High-pressure drop can result from plugged tubes
or tube sheet plugging. Tube scaling can also cause increased pressure drop across the
Decreasing pressure drop is unusual but can be caused by significant bypassing of flow
through the partition plate because of leaks or complete failure. A lower temperature
rise would also be observed. In addition, a lower pressure drop can result from some of
the flow bypassing the entire heater through the heater bypass valves.

6.5 Feedwater Heater Problems

Factors that effect feedwater heater performance and reliability include:
 Venting—Non-condensible gases in the extraction steam must be continuously
vented from the heater shell to prevent blanketing of tubes. Such blanketing or
binding prevents the tubes from contacting the extraction steam and reduces heat
transfer. It is important that the vent be opened enough to prevent this
accumulation, while not opened so far that heat is wasted. The vent lines of most
heaters have orifices so that the correct amount of steam is vented by simply
opening the vent valve wide open. Start-up vents should be closed during normal
 Heater Condensate Level—A potential problem for efficient feedwater heater
operation is the control of the condensate level within the heater. If the level is too
low, there is a possibility that extraction steam “blows through” the heater without
fully condensing. This can result in erosion of the drain cooler section because of
the flashing steam and result in tube failures. The tubes in this section must be
covered to properly subcool the condensate. In this case, the DCA will be very
If the level is too high, the condensate covers the tubes that normally condense
steam. This is inefficient because much more heat is given up by steam that is
condensing as opposed to subcooling (heat transfer is approximately 2-3 times more
effective in the condensing section than in the drain cooler section). A high heater
level can also cause an operational problem since it may result in turbine water
induction. In this case, TTD will increase with high condensate level, whereas DCA
will be slightly decreased or unaffected.
Feedwater level indicators are designed so that steam condenses in the sight glass
and recirculates back to the heater shell. A clear path that allows continuous flow is
required for accurate level indication. Debris can collect in the bottom of the loop,
causing restricted flow and erroneous level indication.
Emergency drain valves are provided to avoid high level in the heaters. Normally,
a control valve maintains the proper level in the heater and directs the heater drains
to the next lower pressure heater where more of its heat can be transferred to the
feedwater. If the level in the heater rises above safe limits, an alternate emergency
valve opens to prevent the level from rising further. Emergency drain valves
typically direct the drain flow to the condenser. This is inefficient because it
prevents the drains from being used in the next lower pressure heater for heating
and it increases the heat load on the condenser. Performance of the FW-2 heater
may be affected if it fails to receive the FW-1 heater drains since additional

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Performance Test Protocol Feedwater Heater

extraction steam will be required to heat the feedwater.

 Steam Supply Conditions—Low temperature extraction steam results in less
energy available to the feedwater heater, causing a decrease in temperature rise and
increased TTD. Throttle and reheat temperatures affect extraction temperatures.
High extraction temperature caused by high throttle and reheat temperatures or
from poor turbine section efficiency also result in changed heater performance.
Low shell pressure can be caused by a restriction in the extraction line, too much
steam consumption, or a turbine problem. Turbine stage pressure is a function of
flow to the following stage. If additional steam is consumed by the heater, less
steam flows to the stages following the heater extraction, and the shell pressure
decreases. In this case, the feedwater temperature rise increases and TTD will likely
decrease. The pressure drop from the turbine flange to the heater shell should be
consistent from test to test. A sudden increase or decrease is cause for concern. If the
pressure drop increases, the extraction line should be checked for a restriction,
possibly a sticking NRV or isolation valve not being fully open. In this case, the
feedwater temperature rise decreases, while the TTD increases. There may be a
problem in the turbine if the shell pressure is low, the pressure drop is normal, but
the feedwater temperature rise is low and TTD is high. Mechanical damage
upstream of the extraction point may cause closure of the steam path and lower
pressures downstream. Blade deposits have similar effects.
 Tube Fouling and Feedwater Flow Bypassing—If the feedwater heater level,
shell pressure, steam supply temperature, and venting are all normal, then tube
fouling or flow bypassing is suspected. In the case of tube fouling, all heat transfer
sections in the heater (desuperheating, condensing, drain cooling) are affected,
resulting in both TTD and DCA being higher than normal. In the case of flow
bypassing, TTD would be high, but you would expect DCA to be normal.

January 2001 Page 3 of 3
Performance Test Protocol Feedwater Heater

7.1 Content
The test report should contain the following information.
 Data sheets
 Calibration records
 Results of efficiency calculations
 Comparison of test results to design parameters and previous test results
 Assessment of the feedwater heater condition

7.2 Format
The test report should include the following sections.
 Executive Summary
 Introduction
 Unit Description
 Test Program Description
 Test Results
 Conclusions
 Discussion of test results and a summary of the condition of the feedwater
heater as it compares to design

7.3 Distribution
The preliminary test report is sent to the Plant Engineer for review and comment. The
final test report is distributed to the appropriate plant personnel.

January 2001 Page 1 of 1
Performance Test Protocol Feedwater Heater

ASME PTC 12.1-1978, Closed Feedwater Heaters, American Society of Mechanical
Engineers, New York, 1990.

January 2001 Page 1 of 1
Performance Test Protocol Feedwater Heater Data Sheets


Manual Feedwater Heater FW-1 (Every 5 Minutes)
Manual Feedwater Heater FW-2 (Every 5 Minutes)

January 2001 PageA-1 of 4
Performance Test Protocol Feedwater Heater Data Sheets

Feedwater Heater FW-11

(Every 5 Minutes)

Time Feedwater Feedwater Feedwater Feedwater Heater Shell Heater Drain Fwh #1
Inlet Outlet Inlet Outlet Pres, psig Temp, °F Steam Inlet
Temp, °F Temp, °F Pres, psig Pres, psig PG0406 TG2106 Temp, °F
TG0553 TG0556 PG0557 PG0555 TG0405

Use additional sheets, if necessary.

Signature:____________________________________________________________ Date: ___________________ Run: __________

Performance Test Protocol Feedwater Heater Data Sheets

Feedwater Heater FW-22

(Every 5 Minutes)

Time Feedwater Feedwater Feedwater Feedwater Heater Shell Heater Drain FWH #1
Inlet Outlet Inlet Outlet Pres, psig Temp, °F Steam Inlet
Temp, °F Temp, °F Pres, psig Pres, psig PG0406 TG2106 Temp, °F
TG0553 TG0556 PG0557 PG0555 TG0405

Use additional sheets, if necessary.

Signature:____________________________________________________________ Date: ___________________ Run: __________

Performance Test Protocol Feedwater Heater Data Point Lists


Manual Recording Data Points
Automatic Recording Data Points

January 2001 Page B-1 of 4
Performance Test Protocol Feedater Heater Data Point LIsts

Manual Recording Data Points

DP No. Parameter Tag Name

1 FWH #1 Water In Temperature TG0553

2 FWH #1 Water Out Temperature TG0556
3 FWH #1 Water In Pressure PG0557
4 FWH #1 Water Out Pressure PG0555
5 FWH #1 Shell Pressure PG0406
6 FWH #1 Drain Temperature TG2106
7 FWH #1 Steam Inlet Temperature TG0405
8 FWH #2 Water In Temperature TG0549
9 FWH #2 Water Out Temperature TG0551
10 FWH #2 Water In Pressure PG0548
11 FWH #2 Water Out Pressure PG0552
12 FWH #2 Shell Pressure PG0416
13 FWH #2 Drain Temperature TG2116
14 FWH #2 Steam Inlet Temperature TG0415

Automatic Recording Data Points

DP No. Data Point DCS Tag Point ID

1 FWH #1 Water In Temperature T0554

2 FWH #1 Water Out Temperature T0559
3 FWH #1 Water Out Pressure P0563
4 FWH #1 Shell Pressure P0417
5 FWH #1 Drain Temperature T2108
6 FWH #1 Steam Inlet Temperature T0403
7 FWH #2 Water In Temperature T0550
8 FWH #2 Water Out Temperature N/A
9 FWH #2 Water In Pressure P0546
10 FWH #2 Shell Pressure P0407
11 FWH #2 Drain Temperature T2118
12 FWH #2 Steam Inlet Temperature T0413
13 No. 2 Extraction Steam Pressure P0409
14 Feedwater Flow F0559
15 Throttle Pressure, N P0114B
16 Throttle Pressure, S P0114A
17 Throttle Temperature, N T0115
18 Throttle Temperature, S T0116
19 Cold Reheat Pressure, N P0259

January 2001 Page B-3 of 4
Performance Test Protocol Feedater Heater Data Point LIsts

Automatic Recording Data Points

DP No. Data Point DCS Tag Point ID

20 Cold Reheat Pressure, S P0260
21 Cold Reheat Temperature, N T0251
22 Cold Reheat Temperature, S T0252
23 Hot Reheat Pressure, N P0219
24 Hot Reheat Pressure, S P0220
25 Hot Reheat Temperature, N T0221
26 Hot Reheat Temperature, S T0222

January 2001 Page B-4 of 4
Performance Test Protocol Feedwater Heater Design Performance Data



January 2001 Page C-1 of 1
Performance Test Protocol Heat Balance


January 2001 Page D-1 of 1

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